Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    the omatia daily bee; titukrday, pecembeh 10. 1003.
It..",,' "'jajBaaur.,,,M.,.i,":::.',.m at v,,-niTf'7x:m:MSixwas i in in ik
"I Like to Trade at Bennett's"
So thousands say and you've heard them
say it; perhaps you say it oftenest yourself.
You'll like BENNETT'S better it you do your
Christmas shopping between now and the 15th.
Double Green Trading Stamps up to that
date Tuesday nexton the second floor.
. Stamps with all purchases every time.
A new location making our fruit
A Hew Department.
The Biggest Display of Fresh Fruits In Omaha!
Tho Finest Fruit Storo in tho West! There!
Large, Roomy, Conspicuous trading Space.
Florida Oranges, 17 l-2c a doz.
Juicy, thin-skinned, luscious.
Oaintry Life in America 1'iuei a Enperblj
v Illustrated Christmas Number.
The Jaaaary Dellaeater Coatalaa Lit
erary aad Art Featares of Eicej
tioaal Vaiae and Reliable
' Fashloa laforraatloa.
Aran and It will prove instructive and very
entertaining. As there are blrthstones for
escti month, so there In a tree fop each
month, and Mary T. Robinson has given Us
the trees for each month with a little sing,
rhlch she has composed for each, and
which Josephine Robinson has set to rauslo,
little poem and an Interesting biography
for. each tree as well as a little picture.
The tree for December Is the .''Christmas
trea" and the children will all Join her In
saying- of this tree, "I love thee the best of
'them all." The book Is bound In an attrac
tive co'ored over. The Bobbs-MerrlH com
pany are the publishers.
The mammoth purchase of women's Cloaks and Suits. -and children's and
r misses' Jackets and Cloaks from the Chicago Novelty Cloak Co. has piled
up our stork so high that we must continue the sample sale right up to
Thursday evening. This Is a great chance to get winter clothing before Xmas
as low as If you bought them In February. There are nearly three hundred
women's suits divided Into three lota and marked at less than the tailors pay,
$8.50, $11.90 ajid $14.90
REAL. SEAL COAT FOR S9S.00 Alutlan seal Is fully
nearly as durable as Alaska seal, we are selling
a I1G0.W Aiutia
A8TRACHAN CAPES-A S25.00 quality,
BELGIAN CONEY CAPES A tlfi.00 quality,
at.. .
as handflome and
.bio as Alaska seal, we are selling $98 00
Every known style of ladles handkerxMefs from the serviceable
Stitched cambrlo at 1 for 6o to the elegant .ileal Duchess Lace at flO.CO.
and see this display.
Handkerchiefs for a Penny Thursday at 9 a. m.
.We will put on sale one hundred doien o? hemstitched f Dammv
cambrlo handkerchiefs, at, each 1 wisaej
HOLIDAY BARGAIN TABLES In the Dry Goods section. 1flr? r-J.Rn
' Every lady should visit them lUWOW'tOU
(00 extra pretty all wool and silk and wool waist patterns, an endless variety
to make your selections from. Values from H 4 -i T
ilk to 13.00 ail go, per rn I ,
..... ...
In stripes, polka dots, metalllo designs, and Persians, - a nice
assortment worth up to 1128 per yard, all go at
per yard J ,
it-Inch English brllllantlne, the S&o quality, only
per ya.'d... .......
U-lnoh extra fine English Blclallans, the 11.00 grade, at
' per yard
48-Inch fine mohair granites, a nice heavy cloth, very cheap at 7Rn
11.14 yard. Special, per yard , iow
COO remnants at black and colored dress goods In lengths from 1 yard up
to yards, long enough for children's dresses, waists and full suits. Must
be sold. We will put them on sate OnO"Half PrlCO
V! iv Vv.c- if-v1' si " : si
Rich American Cut Glass Water Battles,
f $6 value, each ....................... .$2. 88
Cut Glass Salts, Ind. each .'. 5c
J, Pouyat's White China Steins,
each.... 28c
25 Per Cent Discount Qn All Decorated Toilet Sets
v . Over $5. Largest Line to Select From
V - . Evsr Shown In Omaha.
White Semi porcelain Covered Chambers, each f JJ9C
No. 1 or No. 2 Heavy Brass Burners, each 2c
Lantern Globes or Lantern Burners, euch ,', 5c
Headquarters for Groceries, teas, coffees
and butter. Only the most reliable goods sold
here, and those at lowest possible prices.
Columbian Cream, per can
Grape-Nut., pkg....
.Baking Boda, pkg.
Peas, t lb oan .......
Castile Soap, cake ., JHo
Rolled Omtm, 1 lb pkg luo
Wheat. I lb pkg Wo
Oo.d.n Byrup, very superior, I lb
can UHa
Maple Cream, cake be
Pancake Flour, t-lb. pkg lOo
Lemon Extract, bottle 60
German Mustard, ,...lta
Catsup, bottle , Ho
Olives, bottle.. ........ ......... ....... .So
Roasted CoaTee, Always Freeh. '
Santos Coffee, fine, per lb 120
Bennett's Capitol Coffee, beat ever,
per lb go
A Fall llae of Fare Spiers. ,
Batters from the Best Dairies
Fresh country butter, per lb. lo
WIsconHln Cream Cheuae UUo
Hand Ctieene, each ......Ktya
Meufchatel Cneeee, eaoti 4o
Caady Departaaeat.
Hundreds of novelties at low prices.
Buy early.
A most wonderful Christmas Annual, of
fering practical suggestions for evory
preparation one would make to enjoy an
Ideal Christmas. Is Country Life In
America for December, the largest maga
sine with the most beautiful photographs
snd pages and supplements In color to rival
the great annuals of England. It Is dif
ferent, however, in being really American,
breathing everything of the outdoor world,
from the snowy woods, skeelng, lce-boat-lng,
the animals, birds and flowers to
southern plantations and house parties.
The beautiful magaslne alms to cover all
the work and pleasure that goes on under
the open sky. ,
Among the really notable features the
"Annual" contains, are "Christmas In ths
Pine Woods," by 8. E. White, the "biased
trail" author; "Skeelng" as a popular
sport In America, with remarkable Jump
ing pictures; and the beautiful section of
the magazine Illustrating Christmas greens
and floral decorations In natural colors.
Including the many new southern vari
eties, which, togother with the large sup
plement, three feet long, entitled "A Par
son's Christmas," by Stetson Crawford,
and other foatures, make an exqulalte run
cf color. Also A. Radelyffe Dugmore's
series of photographic studies of wild ani
mal tracks In the -enow; the Illustrated
story of "Tho Amphlblou Scooter," a hew
kind of ice-boat that not only sails on
the Ice but In water as well, and slides
from one element to the other without a
Jar; and Mrs. Burton Klngsland's com
plete article, with color decorations, In
yule tide preparations, Including games,
stories, receipts, and a hundred nugges-
tlons, are entitled to foremost mention;
while "Winter Flowers" that bloom out
doors December to March, Christmas In
the south In the old regime and the new,
by Grace King, and "The Home of the
Naturalist," being Ernest Thompson Be-
ton s unique country seat and wild ani
mal preserve In the Connecticut hills, are
Illustrated In the charming manner char
acteristic, of this large magaslne. A hun
dred other suggestions In many brief arti
cles have to do with nature, home build
ing, wonderful snow-men, how to make a
living out of doors, selecting presents from
a classified list of 300, flower-growing.
animal-rearing, and so on. Altogether it
Is the largest number this superbly illus
trated magaslne has published.
Charles P. Chlpman, author of two new
books, "Two Boys and a Dog" and
"Through an Unknown Isle," brought out
this year by the Saalfleld Publishing com
pany. Is now a member of the class of 1906
of Colby college, Waterville, Mo. He wrote
his flmt story about four years ago in col
laboration with his father, a Baptist min
ister. "Two Boys and a Dog" was written
for the amusement of his younger brother
and his chum, who are the two lads who
figure in the story, and the tale pleased
them so, much that It was later prepared
for publication. 'Through an Unknown
Isle" touches a new field In juvenile fiction
and is the result of much careful reading.
Though the adventures, are mainly fictitious.
the characters are real lads, as he saysi
"I nave endeavored, to make my. heroes In
all cases real, live boys, not fanciful, youth
ful prodigies,"
The sales of "Marjle of the Lower Ranch'
in Montana, Wyoming and Arliona, are re
ported by the C. M. Clark Publishing com
pany, who Issued Miss Frances Parker's
novel of life In Montana, to be the largest
ever attained In the West by any one of
their publications. This proves that In
one case, at least, an author (who Is vlr
tually to be classed more or less with a
prophet) is not without honor in her own
The green. Ivory and Wack of the Cen
tury's new cover, make an effective back
ground for the special design marking the
Christmas issue. The coronation of Charle
magne by Pope Leo III In the basilica of
St Peter's, Christmas day, 800 A. D., Is
the subject) and the rich browns, reds and
blues of the figures and robes are bright
ened by a liberal use of gold. The whole
cover gives the artlstlo effect of a multi-
toned picture framed in Ivory and black
against a soft green ground.
The January Delineator contains literary
and art features of exceptional value and
reliable fashion Information, Including a
tetter from Mrs. Osborn, the foremost
modiste In America. The pictorial present
uon of the season's styles Is very good.
A number of pages are given to a de
scription or "Parsifal," Wagner's great
muslo drama, and an Interpretation of the
theme by W. J. Henderson, with personal
reminiscences of the first performance of
the opera at Bayreuth, by Oustav Kobbe.
The illustrations are from the only pho
tographs ever made of the opera, and are
how published for the first time. Mr.
Kobbe also contributes an Interesting paper
describing the life bf Mme. Sohumann
Helnk at Villa Tlnl. her home near Dres
den, Germany. There are stories by Jack
London, whose book, "The Call of the
Wild," Is one of the most popular of the
year, and Kathryn Jarboe, and the fourth
Installment of "The Evolution of a Club
Woin," by Agnes Burbrldge. The first
pa; of "Ths Fountain of Youth" Intro
due. , a series of undoubted benefit to
women who are In search of, or deslrlous
Of retaining, good looks. In addition
there is an appealing paper by Lillle Ham
ilton French, and much matter of Interest
to the children, including serials by Albert
Blgelow Paine and Gabrlelle E. Jackson.
There la also helpful information for every
u.imrinioni 01 me nome.
One of the earliest applications for the
limited large paper edition of Richard
Henry Stoddard's "Recollections," which
has Just been brought out by A. 8. Barnes
A Co., was from, a brother poet who of re
cent years has written more state papers
than poems Secretary of State John Hay.
The novelette in Alnslce's for January Is
entlt'ed "The Siege of Ear," whose author.
Francis Prevost, had "The Measure 'of a
Man" In October. In tone and setting It Is
slightly different from what we have come
to look for in an Alnslee novelette, but the
mngaslne has certainly lost nothing, for
the story Is equal to the best of the good
tl.Lngs it has been giving Its readers.
The above books are for sale by the Me-
geath Stationery company, 1301 Farnam.
A.hbarnham, Ontario, Testifies to the
Good Qualities, of Chamber
lain's t'oush Remedy,
ASHBURNHAM, Ont, April 18, 1908. I
think It Is only rlgM that I should tell you
what a wonderful effect Chamberlain's
Cough Rfmedy has produced. The day be
fore Easter I was so distressed with a cold
and cough that I did not think to be able
to take any duties the next day, as my
voice was almost choked by the cough.
The same day I received an order, from
you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy.
I at once procured a sample bottle, and
took about three doses of tho medicine.
To my great relief the cough and coHl had
completely disappeared and I was able to
preach three times on Easter Day. ITtnow
that this rapid and effective cure was due
to your Cough Remedy. I make this testl
monltil -without solkita'.lnn, being thankful
to have found such a Gsd-ssnt remedy.
Respectfully yours,
Rector of St. Luke's Church,
Building Inspector Wlthnell Will
I'rsre Advisory Board to Have
Balldlnsr Condemned.
Building Inspector Wlthnell declares
that the Coliseum shall not be used an
other year by the Ak-Sar-Ben or any other
organisation or Individual who would
bring large crowds Into It. Through the
evening papers last night he learned that
the knights were considering leasing the
big building for another year, with a poa.
sibllity of purchase. The inspector im
mediately dictated a letter to the advisory
board, recommending the condemnation of
the structure and declaring It unfit for use.
The board will meet today and likely take
the matter up. . r
"All the repairs that a resonable amount
of money would put on the shell would not
make It safe," , said Inspector Wlthnell.
"An entire new. t foundation is needed.
the sills and studding are rotten and the
floor badly decayed The general condition
of the Coliseum 4,., bad and it will take
thousands of dollars)' to- reduce the- dan
ger that exists, unsos the strain of large
crowds. I shall" spare7' no effort to have
the building condemned and do not think
much . difficulty will be ' encountered In
securing this judgment from the board."
Second Charter' Election In Deaver
teems to Be Victory for the
DENVER, Doc. t Returns from the
election far the choice of delegates to the
second charter convention up to t o'clock
Indicate that the ticket nominated by the
democrats and the antl-Wolcott wing of
tho republican party. Is elected' by about
6,000 majority over the "civto" ticket, which
was also supported by the straight repub
licans. The "civic" tepubllcan ticket was
supported' by three or four dally news
papers of the tity and was pledged to favor
municipal control and ownership of public
At 10 o'clock the returns from 100 out of
the SOI precincts In the city and county of
Denver give the democrats .and antl-Wolcott
republicans t.SS, republicans and civics
4,627. The former claim to have carried the
election by 10,000 majority,, and the antl-
Wolcott republicans claim 1,600 more votes
than the regular wing of the party.
The Fatal Germ aad Its Ilemedy Row
Facts of Science.
It la the rarest thing in the world for a
man to be necessarily bald. Mo man whose
hair is not dead at the roots need be bald
If he will use Newbro's Herplclde, the new
scalp antiseptic. Herplode destroys the
germ that cuts the hair off at the root, and
cleans the scalp of dandruff and leaves It
In a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Man
nett, in the Maryland block, Butte, Mont.
was entirely bald. In less than a month
Herplclde had removed the enemies of hair
growth, and nature did Its work by cov
ering his' head with thick hair an Inch
long, and In six weeks he had a normal
suit of hair. Bold by leading druggists.
Send lOo In stamps for sample to The Herpl
clde Co., Detroit, Mich, Sherman & Mc
Connell Drug Co., special agents.
the renowned fashion
authority, has become a
regular contributor to The
Delineator. Three pages
of the January number
(and of future issues will
be devoted to her letter
with accompanying illus
trations. This is our latest
achievement in the inter
est of those who subscribe
to The Delineator, pri
marily for its fashion in
formation. Hereatter
the magazine will contain not only the latest ideas covering
'an immense range of styles of our own corps of designers,
artists, and writers,, with illustrations by the most skilful fashion
artists, but it will also present the views of the present and
the prophecies for the future of this justly famous . modiste.
The Fountain of Youth Arh119 Personal Beauty
How to Attaia1 and Preserve it. By Dr. Grace Peckham Murray. Finely fflustrateA Thi 1 erics of twelve)
monthly articles will be a tnost practical help to The Delineator reader.
kt 1
1 -
P A DQTF A T . Oper Wm Written, by W. J. Henderson t Reiruniencei of the First Pw
rAlOlrL : formanctt by Gustav Kobbe Illustrated from the only photographs of the opera ever
taken, and now nublished for the first time. A unique treat for the music lover. Just as interesting and aft
Water Color Photos, Platinums.
Photo Calendars
with Christmas orders. Stonecypher,
ISIS Faraaaa St., V
Talaahaaa Ull.
S i
;n m Kin km
Ikl 'J- llira,ll
; B,m. i aiMli.rM.lBaMiat.uoue.
twMKi VI trrtbtiloM M ttlaartlluae
natMSCMM)! Gt (.nt r polM.oaa.
- nnciniun.0 r i sMtfannau,
V hi, . srat is Uta enrvfS
J 1 fcr u sr.M. UA
mm-, j-A if M. or bMil. al ?K.
n as tumni.t tut. a naeaaV
write iar a ua.i. lopy.
aSeet AaMeaiieral WeeaJy.
The Orange Judd company has published
a "Manual on Corn Judging," by Archibald
Dixon Phamel of the United States Depart
ment of Agrloulture. Ths book Is nrofusnlv
Illustrated with cuts, showing types of corn
in the rar and kernel. The soore cards of
several of the western stites la lven
Rules are laid down so that even from this
book a perron who had the corn eould tell
how It would score. Prof. Bhamel has eon.
forred a favor on the corn raisers In clae-
Ing this Information at their disposal, and
wiinout aouor this book will have a large
sale among corn growers.
a revisea edition of "Barn Plans and
Other Outbuildings" Is fresh from the press
of the Orange Judd Publishing company.
i nis dook or s pages eoatslns plans and
elevations for all kinds of farm outbuild
ings, general purpose barns, horse barns,
urua, uairy nams ana calf pens.
Bheds tor cattle, hogs and sheep are Illus
trated of different materials from straw to
atone. It is certainly a valuable work and I
tboae who are contemplating building barns
or other outbuildings will certainly get
more than a doiara worth of good out of
It. There are several plans for hog house
and also for poultry houses and runs.
Omeara Oil for Kheamattsna. Price lOe,
, Costs so little you can afford to try It
Entertains Messenger Boys.
There Is not much sunshine enters the
lives of the messenger boys, who respond
to calls at all times of the day or nlo-ht.
hot or cold, rain or snow, but there was
one bright streak" marked up last night.
Manager Carl Relter of the Orpheum In
vited the entire A. D. T. force to partake
or nis nospnamy ana me ooys cheerfully
ecceptea, occupying me rront three rows
of the house instead of the customary
perch In the gallery. To celebrate the oc
casion the "force" dressed Itself up In Its
nn. a I, wnicn in inia pariicuiar instance
was new and trimmed In gold braid. With
out looking everyone lit the audience and
on the stage Knew mere was a new el.
ment present, 'mere was a warmth in the
applause from the front seats, which was
Inspiring to the performers and Infecttpua
with the remaining portion of. the audi
vit in.
Robert Wlchlund has secured a permit
for a fl.tttt frame dwelling at HM Burt
The case of Foster et al against Car.
michael et al la still on trial in the United
states clrouit court
Sheriff Power has departed for Lincoln
having in custody r. B. Urosaman an
til M. Flint, who are Insane. - U. 8am
Rogers accompanied 8 her Iff Powers as
In a petition for dlvoree Caroline Larson
au.ges mat ner nuaoana, Alfred tl. ur.
son, has failed to support her fur two
rears ann that nis treatment of her ha
Dim cruel. ,
John m. Btouffer of Kearney. Neb., en
gaged In the real estate business, has filed
In the United Biatcs district court his vol
the United Biatcs district court his vo
The Bongs of the Trees" is another of I untary petition In bankruptcy. His ached
.. .m I 01 uawuuoe w ou us aa
the very p.el.,g holiday books tut ehil-
another vein is SCHUMANN-HEINJC AT HOME.
THE GOLDEN POPPY-A Story by Jack London
For practical fashion information of value; for the care of your person, the beautJying of your home, the welfare
of children; for every kind of needlework, and for good literature attractively iUustrated'Just Get The Delineator."
Of your otwkJc.W or any Buttcrick agent, or of the publiihert, at 15 Cents s copy. $ for aa entire year.
THE BUTTER1CK PUBLISHING COMPANY, Lid, 7 to 17 We TKirtosnth Street, New York
, FREE Anyone addressing the publisher will be nulled free Mrs. Osborn letter with Sustratioaf
Mrs. Nina Rob'rron Avows Ear Faith in
Frank Ford's Ionccsrice.
Devoted Woman 'Will Ask Rich Uncle
for Money to Save Hamorous
Burglar from PeaU
A demure looking woman, dressed In gray
nd wearing a handsome fur scarf, ap
peared at the police station yesterday
and asked to see Frank Ford, the "humor
ous burglar" whose real name is Frank
"My name Is Nina E. Robinson," the
woman said, "and I am Frank Hender-
son'.s sister. We were motherless almost
from childhood and a stepmother drove us
away from home before we .were really
able to take care of ourselves. Frank left
home at the age of 8 and' I have seen little
of film since.
I do not believe him guilty," and there
waa a preceptlble tremor In the voice of
the little woman. "1 am on my way to
Arlington, where my uncle lives," she con
tinued. "He Is B. F. Mitchell, and ha owns
ranch and has money. I will see what
he thinks is best to do, I shall not desert
Frank and will come back here and employ
attorneys to take care of his caae. ' He
never was a bad boy and I don't believe
him guilty of these crimes."
Another charge was filed against Ford
by Joseph A. Sralnard and he was ar
ralgned and pleaded, not guilty while his
sister waited for him In the office of Ber
geant Dempsey downstairs. Ford waa
Identified by both Mr. and Mrs. Drainord,
who live at 1511 Park avenue and who al
lege he entered their borne November U
and stole $3 In cash.
Brother and Sister Meet.
The meeting of the brother and sister was
affecting. Ford threw.hls arms about her
neck and held her close, while she, who
had appeared so brave and determined be.
fore, gave way to her pent-up feelings and
cried bitterly.
Mrs. Robinson said that she had lived In
Argentine for several years, but had re
cently sold her property there and was
now prepared to move away.
'If they find Frank guilty he will be
sent to the penitentiary at Lincoln," she
said, "and I will move there. I shall not
desert him."
Mrs. Robinson left for Arlington last
evening, but will return to this city In
few days to arrange for her brother's de
Card at Thaaka.
Being unable to thank each one
personally. I desire in this way to extend
my heartfelt thanks to the many friends
and neighbors, who kindly offered their
assistance and kind words of sympathy in
the death and burial of my beloved
vhusband, William M. Burmester, especially
do I wish to thank the city officials, mem.
bers of Omaha Fire department anil
Knights and ladles of Maccabees, also for
many beautiful floral offerings.
Heart Disease
may be cured by strengthening the
heart nerves, enriching the blood and
Improving the circulation with Dr.
Mile Heart Cure. Safe and ore.
Bold on guarantee. Bend postal far free
book on Sieaaaes of the heart and. urrw
t'ft. MILE?; MEDICAL CO., g'iha jaj
Another Uomoseekers'
The Rock Island Byutem will run another home-.
seekers' excursion to the Southwest, Tuesday, De
cember 15," on which date the following low round
trip rates will be in effect:
Ft. Worth, Tex.....?21.20
Galveston, Tex.. . . .$30.10
Dallas, Tex. $21.20
Vernon, Tex. . $20.50
Brady, Tex $26.92
Quanah, Tex .$20.95
Shamrock, Tex. . . 1 . $19.85
Carlzozo, N. M .$30.90
Alamogordo, N. M.. $33.20
More than 10,000 Northerners have gone to Okla
homa, Indian Territory and Texas within the last
sixty days. Land values are Increasing rapidly
Business openings are being filled, GO NOW if
you intend going at all. .
Literature, time tables and full
Information at this office.
Oklahoma City, 0.T.$1C.25
El Reno, O. T $1625
Mangum, O. T.. ... .$19.05
Enid, O. T. .$14.41
Chickasha, I. T $17.24
Shawnee, O. T $14.25
Lawton, I. T $18.70
Tucumcari, N. M... $23.35
Santa Rosa, N. M.. .$25.75
Sates 10 Per Cent U Cas Bills
f The Kern Burner
Special bath room and hall .
lights. Consumes only one
foot of gas per hour. All
other slses and globes
"Outllftrti All Other Uftits."
Kern Incandescent Gas Light Co,
D. W. DUDGEON, Afent,
Phone I96f 2910 Farnam St
Par Exooliono. -
CA Win Cordial J
V, Th best spccioc remedy io II
,Malarlal and Typhoid
x Fevers,
XColda, Influenia, Ao. jr
rr4 co jms Jr
f"l H7T A m
! uw
8 '
8 -
Dellfhtfnl SS
H.althral at a
For aele at the lead
ing bare, cefee aad
drag store.
Usui Otj, Mi.
A l7TDr.Pr.T TT 4?T
164 Parea of Text S3 In Color
-a 00 lUuktrattonaia Short Storica
Ait nwa-aTAiDa. rsicx is casts