Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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On Conflicting Repjrti Whett Market
8how Emtio MoTement
Oat and Provision Higher De
rroa of Vlalbla Banal- I '
Former Commodity, Light
Receipt of Il1r.
CHICAGO. ' Dec. 7. Conflicting report
from Argentina in regard to th weather
conditions In that country caused an er
ratic whut market today. Prices were alao
Influenced by the action of the leader of
tha bull cllaue. Active buying by that In-
tereat late In the day reunited in a strong
rloae. May being up WSVfcc. may corn
closed Vac lower. May oata were up He
while January provisions closed from 2ViO
to 12Ho hlaher.
The opening In wheat waa a trifle easier
u-i iu mrsv w ill iu m mui'mmim nu niwr.
rabies. May waa uncnangea to M lower,
at 82f82Mic. There was considerable selling
at the start, owinc to the bearish news and
St. Louis houses led In the selling. The
Julv deliver waa firm on continued drv
weather In the winter wheat aeetlon; and
the strength of tha distant futures exerted
a supporting Influence on tne other montn.
Toward the end of the first hour a good de
mand developed on reports of heavy rains
in Argentine, wmcn resulted in tne mar
ket becoming strong with May tfp to 82'He,
Jitter In the day rumors of a probable big
increase In the visible supply together with
later reports from Argentine contradict
ing tne earner advices ami claiming ravor
able hsrvestlng weather there, brought out
an abundance of selling orders and prices
sgsin declined. May going down to sissc.
Much of the selling was due to rumors to
the effect that the big holder was unloading
through commission houses. There wss
an urgent demand during the day by brok
ers, wno were creaitea witn nuying ror ine
hull leader, and with only small offering
another rally occurred, and tha close was
strong with prices near the ton. May cine
ing at 82fGSc. Clearances of wheat and
flour were equal to RRfi.800 bushels. Primary
receipts were 1.4R0.70O bushels, aaalnst prac
t trail y tha same amount last year. The
amount on passage Increased 1,69ft, 000 bush-
em, wnue me visima supply snowea an in
crease of 1.902.000 bushels. Minneapolis
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of
1.075 cars, against 1.041 cars last week, and
1,710 cars a year ago.
Corn, ruled easier and trading was less
active. A weak cssh market with larger
country acceptances and more liberal re
ceipts, than expected with lower cables all
combined- to create a bearish sentiment.
Provision Interests and locnl traders were
the principal sellers, while tha demand came
largely from shorts. After opening
lower at 42ru 43o, May sold between 4:V
and .ravtse. closing at 4Zo. Local re
ceipts wer .183 cars with t of contract
Oata ruled easier earlier In tha session
slong with other grains. There waa sell
ing of May by local longs and December
was weak an heavy deliveries on December
contracts and larger receipts than exnected.
Tha nig decrease In the visible simply and
the late strength. In wheat started shorts
to cover near the close and the enrly loss
was regained and- the steady tone pre
vailed at the end. May opened Vai&y.C lower
st 8fV, to 36c. and after ranging between
HfiHeOSc, closed at 85c. Receipts were 268
Provisions ruled firm, a'thotigh trading
waa quiet. Hog receipts were muct lighter
than expected and this canned a better tone
In -the market at The yards, and this Im
provement In sentiment wss reflected In
provisions. Packers were the principal "ell
em. while the demand came malnlv from
commission houses. The demand wss
steady at a small advance. January pork
being tip 12Hr. at tH.IO. Jennsrr lsd and
ribs were each nn IV", at $f40 and 90.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
140 cers: corn. 3C5 cars; oats, 770 cars;
hows. , 80,ono head. .
The leading futures ranged a follows;
Articles. Open. High. I Low. I Close.! Sfy.
Wheat I
a Dee. I H RU!
July mGA TBVi!
Corn I I I
Deo. I4144T4! 41T4V
May 43ifWSI43'-WlifK4f
July I 424 42T4!42.4TVI
CWe , J . I I I
1 1W,I J"T
f aoia!
S144I gS'
. Mar
10 11 00
1115 11
' M I 40
47H B0
8 7UI f
06 6 1ZH
I 10 mtt n oo
i 11 SHI 11 85
( 46
41441 4frU
424 I 'Vi
to fCU
steady; western chickens. 11 He; fowls, HHc.
turkeys, ivaiic
Condition atf Trad aad Qaotattaa on
Staple aad fnney Prod ace.
EGGS Fresh stock, 2c
L1VK POULTRY Hens. 7c; spring chick
ens, Htc; rooster, according to Bge, 441
&c; turkeys, 12cj ducks, r!Vct geese, t
to Sc.
DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, l.ttl5c;
ducks, Hljloc; gees, rfloc; chickens, "WW,
bens, ?4j8'c.
UTTtt Packing stock, llc; cnoico xo
fancy dairy. In tubs. Italic; separator, 2ic.
FRESH FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel, 7o;
pike, 9c; percu, c; buffalo, 71tc; blue
fish, 16c; whiteflsh, c; salmon, 11c; had
dock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, lie;
lobsters, bolld, per lb.. 30c; lobsteis. green,
per lb., 28c; bullheads, tic; catfish, 14c;
black bass, 2w2bc; halibut. c; crapples,
12c; herring, u; whit bass, Uo; bluaUna,
OTBTEB8 New York counts, per can,
43c, per gal., f.'.OO; extra selects, per can,
S6c, per gal., $1.76; standard, per can 27c;
per gal., $1.36.
KHAN Per ton $14.50.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Dealers' aasociation: Choice No. 1 up
land. 17 No. 2. 17.00: medltrm. $8 60:
coarse, $6.00. Ry straw, $7.0. Thse prtceg
are lor nay oi gooa.coior ana quant?. f
mnnd fair and receipts light.
CORN 44c.
RYB No. 2. 60c.
CHRIHTMA8 TREES Four to flv fet,
per dozen, $1.76; five to seven feet, per dos
en, $2,6u; eight to nine feet, per dozen, $3.63;
nine to ten feet, per dozen. $4.60; large
school and church purposes, twelv to
fourteen feet, each $11.60; extra large, fif
teen In twenty foot eufh I IKrflM.OO.
twenty yards, per coll, K0c4$1.00.
WREATHS Magnolia and galas, wreaths,
per dozen, W; evergreen wreaths,
ner doxen. tl 60-. hollv wreaths, per
dozen, $1.26(81.60. These designs are twelvti
lnchea in diameter.
HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of tx2x4
feet, about fifty pounds, $4.O0-; Pr
barrel 11 fA
LONG NEEDLE PINES-Per dozen, $2.00
MISTI.KTOKTtranchea. rjer five-pound
box, $1.26; per pound. 30c. Mistletoe orders
will be filled about December 20 and ship
ped by express only.
POTATOES Colorado, tec; Dakota, par
bn 7(1,71;. nilli- AT.fftTOn
SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bbl.,
NAVT HKiK'flP.f bu.. I2.S5.
CELERY-Hmalt. tier doz.. 2663Ec; large
California. 4675c.
UNIONS-New horn grown, ary, per iu.,
c: BDBnlsh. ner crate. Sl.&o: coiorauo yi
low and red. I'Ac.
rinninp u'i,nnau Uniland. Zc.
TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, pr lb.,
Vic; whire, per bu., 60c.
CARROTS Per bu., 60e.
rAKKNihs-m bu., wo.
HKET8 Per hn . 60c.
CAULIFLOWER California. Dr crat.
TOMATOES - California, per 4Vaskt
crate. $2.6002.75.
CUCUMUER8 Per doz.. $i.TO.
APPLES California -Rellflowera. per box.
$1 o; New York Orsenlngn, $3.60; Baldwins,
1S.26: rmlnir varieties 13 HL
ORAPES Pony Cfeiawbas, 22c; Imported
Malagas, per Keg, M.VUUH.aO.
CRANBRRlfc-i-Jtpv. rer bbl.. $1.00:
per box, 12.76; Wisconsin Bell Bugle, $8.60.
WUinLiia t anrornla, per pox,
ORANGES Fiorina briahts and russets.
II sizes. $3.60; navels, large size. S3.OtXij3.60;
smaller sizes, $3.76-4. 00.
i Ji-Murst? t' rancy, zoo t i
ises, $1.60; choice ii o 270 sizes, $4.0tMS4 26.
r iua jsiiiornia, per 10-iD. cartons, toe;
mpoited Hmvrna. 2-crown. 14c: fi-crown.
16c; 7crown, 18.
uoLUANUTB-fir sack, ii.uu; per aos.,
DATES Persian, ner box of SO cackaKes.
$3.00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental
atuffea datek, per bsz, $2.40.
nAiA.A-i er me lum ttzeu Duncn, z.uo
C2.60; Jumbo, $2.763.26.
CHEESE W Isconxlii ikiih full cream.
12Vkc; Wisconcln Voung Americas, W6c;
block EwUk, ISc; Wisconsin brick, Uvac;
Wisconsin limberger, 2c.
i riieDiaska, per zt irames, 43.00;
Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.50.
wAri.t, BLUAn uiiio. per id., iuc.
C1UEW Per bbl., $5.76; per tt-ulil.. $3.25.
POPCORN Per lb., Jw, shaued, 8t'3c
HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 uoz..
packed, 80c. 1
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft-shell, ner lb.,
16c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 weft -shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 iiard-sheil, per lb., 12c;
8 40
I Tf
gTV,i 8 no 1
06 I 8 12HI
8 8-H
8 06
lour. bbla.
Wheat, bu.
Corn. bu....
data, bu..
J v a. hill
Barley, bu.
No. t Jew. " - 'u -
Cash nuotstlana were ss follows:
FLOUR 8tsady: winter patents, $4.009
A. II 9IV.M ID- .nrln- tint r, Iu
ti.d-Q-i.M; straights, $2.6u29.7S; bakera, $2,40
WHEAt-No. I. 7$xS3c; No. I red, 84H91
CORN-No. . 41Hc; No. t yellow. 444c.
OATS-No. 2, &ii3&c; No. t white, 35Va
RYE No. 1 EllOtnUe.
BARLEY Good fc-dlng, 364S7Hc; fair to
choice malting, .atac.
SEED No. 1 flax, le; No. 1 northwest
ern, 7Hc; prime timothy, $2.85; clover, con
trnct srrade. 111.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. tll.12Vi
CiU.26. Iard. per 100 lbs , $8.37Ve-40. Short
rib sides (loose), $.00i.26; 1 abort clear
sides iboxedl. $S.12V&.26.
EGGS Steady at mark, cases Included,
CHEESE Steady. lOtilOHc.
Following wr the receipt and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Receipt. Shipments.
30,400 17.600
102,700 90. UK)
S10.4O0 137.600
210.210 $
11.6110 . t.2o
118.800 . 12.800
On tha Produce exchana today the but
ter market waa steady; qreantsrlea, 160
26c; dalrlM, lQilo. . .
(isietatloas s tk Day oa Varteas
NEW YORK. Dec T. FLOUR Receipts
$0,1W bbls.; eji porta, 11)1.131 bbls. The luur-
ket was quiet, out nrm; winter patents,
U.0Cifl4.36: winter strslghts, $4 00i4.10; 61 In
nesota patents, $4 661i4.76; winter extras,
IS 00411.36: Minnesota bakera. 33.7041 3.75
winter low aradao. $2.80413.16. Ry flour,
steadier; fair to good, $3.20Q3.40; choir
to fancy, $8.46(13.60. Buckwheat Hour,-firm,
t2.30fn2.S5. .:
CORN MEAL Easy;. yellow western,
$102: city. $1.00; kiln dried. $80063 06.
RTE Steady; No. 2 western, Wi,o I. O. b.
afloat: standard Jersey, M4uMc. . .
BARLEY Quiet ; feedlivt, SSc c. 1. t. But
falo: maltlna. 4MiOa c I. f. Buffalo,
WHEAT-Jtocalpta. l.l$ bu.; eiporta,
T1.187 bu. The market for spot waa firm:
No. 2 red, Sle, elevator; No. I red. VJSo
f. o. b. afWt; No. 1 northern Duluth,
V4n f. a. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba.
nominal f o. b. afloat. Optlona acted
firmer early In the day cm bullish crop
newe, local covering, reports of heavy
ralna In Argentine, and big clearancea.
Later they twavd off undrr active west
ern preaaur and a big visibla supply In
crease, but recovered on 41 scar emoni
shorts snd closed Vr net' higher. May
to'tsfettt 6-ISe, closed t WVic; July. 6JStl
Mo. closed at 83c; lXwetnlMM-, 80QiilAc,
clnaed at 9lie.
CORN Receipts. O.860 bu ; ex porta, 200
bu. The market for spot wtis steady;-No
2. nominal, elevator ind IMo f. o. b
afloat; No.. 1 yellow, Irlc; No. S white,
toc. ine option market was ami an
barelv ateady under flnt westhar weat an
easier cables. A final lat rally wfth whea
left the close net unchanged May, .4eVf
O 1-18C, closed at 4V.
OATS Receipts, 2U6.00) bu. Th msrket
for spot was dull; No. 2. l4c; standard
white, 4?c; No. 8. 40c; No. 3 white. lc
track white, 41iptfc: Na 2 whit. 42Uc
HAY Pull: ahlpping. 6&Stc; good to
cnnice. gf,rj lr.'ic.
, HOPS Steady; stste. common to choir,
mm32c; l!'2. liHiiVkc: oliln. imiILV. Pa
cifc coast. 18o3. l&aac; 1J0I, 21 6 36Vc ; olds
11IPFS Steadv! Oelventon In B His
llr, Cnl fnrnlii. 21 to 26 Iba., lo; Texas dry
in .i ins . jssc.
LKATH KR Steadv: acid. 23ffH.
PROVISIONS-Hef. steady; family, rooo
ru no: mesa. 88 CCXrrs.OO: beef hams, rx 6uu'i.
rerlcet 89 004110 00; city extra India mesa.
nawtnii.i cut meats. asy; pickled bel
Ilea. 88 i6 6o; rl kled shoulders. $rt
ricaiea name. iojll. ijird, dull; wester
rtestned. h0; refined, culet; contlnen
r: 'R: South America. $7.; compound
4.io4T7 26. Pork, stendv: fanUly, $16.6oO
la. id; snorv clear, !is.' flu.
RICE Firm; domestic, (air to extra, 8V
tic: Jrao, nominal.
TAl.ljw-nrm; city, 4c; country, 4i
m'TTKR-rteceipte, 4.49s pkga.; cream
fHr:i-.riis-Keceipts. t04 pkss.; dull: stst
run rrftrntry. large and small, colored an
wnue. i.-i". laie mane ice.
p.inis-nr-Hpn, iv pugs.; nrm; wee
ern .a ir
POL H KY-Allva, tvuwlcal; dressed,
Pret'dmt'i Me lag it BesiTed w th Catii-
faction on Wall Street.
Loags and Short eea to Hay t'loae
Active Arreastt tiat Week,
Leavlag Market Ogeo for
New Deals.
NRW YORK. Dtc. 7. -All the Interest In
today s stock market up to the last hour
was confined to th movements 01 a tew
specialties. These served to hold tha mar
ket firm. Immediately upon tne appear
ance of the president s message the mar
ket took on strength and animation, and
advanced comprehensively. The railroad
lota, which had lain Inert Up to that time,
came Into the upward movement, and the
prominent active leaders made gains of a
point or more. St. Paul and Missouri Pa
cific gained two points. Professional lead
ers, who did most of the uuylng of stocks,
gave as their motive their opinion of the
conservative tone of the president s mes
sage In the treatment of tha problem of
corporation regulation.
it was not until lata In the day that tne
extent of th engagements of gold In Ion
don for Import became known. The.-e
footed up over $1,400,000. For the greater
part of th day the active speculstlon In
Amslgamated Copper predominated the
whole market. Th buying of this stock
was professedly bssed upon the so-called
fair trial bill In Montana, but the person
ality of the brokers employed In the buying
also had strong effect upon sentiment,
being taken to show a revival of activity
on th part of the Interests long dormant
In that stock. The unremitting profit-taking
In Brooklyn Transit which went on
throughout the day was highly significant
In tho same relation. Besides the two
stocks, United States Steel preferred made
up the greater part of the remaining activ
ity, but It made little headway towards ad
vance until the final upward movement,
The speculative sentiment at the opening
was apprehensive of a reaction after the
action of the market at the end of last
week. The heavy tone of the London mar
ket helped to make the early dealings un
certain. The pressure of profit-taking In
the general list proved light, however, and
gave color to the supposition that the
heavy demand last week to cover shorts
had been pretty effectusUy taken advan
tage of to realize profits by the longs, thus
leaving speculative committments largely
reduced for both accounts and the market
comparatively free for a fresh Initiative
The confident ton of the annual report
of the controller of th currency as to the
safe passing of fall money crisis had a
cheering effect on sentiment. Call money
was appreciably easier In tone, the highest
rate beina per cent, with a later drop
to almost nominal rates. A reaction In the
cotton market was also regarded With
satisfaction. Heavy shipments of currency
to New Orleans on Saturday and today
were neutralized In their effect by renewed
force of gold import movement.
The reports to hand of railroad earnings
cannot be said to have fostered In tha ad
vance, the proportion of decreases both of
gross and net earnings showing an unmlx
tskftble growing tendency. Amalgamated'
final rise to 6 points over Saturday kept the
closing firm.
Bonds were dull and steadv. Total sales
par value were . $2,000,000. United States
bonds were unchanged on the last call
Following are the closing quotations on
th New xork biock exenange:
Sales. High. Low.CIose.
...28,00 fiRtt 74. 68-1
,,. 1.236
...16,(i0 7i
... 100 88
... 1,600 119
brazils, per lb., llimo; filberts, per lb.,
llloll'Ac; almonds, sou-shell. "per lb lie;
nara-sneii, per lb., isc; pecans, large, per
lb., lorn He; small, per lb., K'itolOc; peanuts,
per lb., 6Vbc; rousted peanuts, per lb., 7c;
Chill walnuts, 12iil3c; large hickory nuts.
rer ou., L.i6; sneu-oarks, per ou., si.ia'if
00: black walnuts, per du.. 81.26: eastern
chestnuts, per lb.. 14c
HI PES No. 1 green. 6c: No 2 green.
6c; No. 1 salted. To: No. 2 salted, 6c;
No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8Vfcc: No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry aaltad MJes. hit
12c; sheep pelts, i5jil-; horse hides, l,6vsui
1.50. .
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio
do pfd
Canadian Paclflo .
Central of N. J
Chesapeake & Ohio... 2,100 3?4
Chicago A Alton 2,450 - ti
do pfd 100 71
Chicago Ot. Western. 2.600 1614
do B pfd
Chicago & N. W 2.0O0 lfiSVj 167
Chicago Term, ft T... 1,000 8 8
do pfd 100 19 19
P.. 0. O. St. L.
Colo. Southern 1,400 144j
do 1st pM
An 1A nM 400 2214
Delaware & Hudson.. 1,800 158 16844 lf-9
81 W
77W 73,
88 87H
119 1189,
31 S4
3414 ii
71 7PH
16 14
14 1ft
22 22V4
drawn from th Bank of England for ship
ment to Kgypt and .31,oUu for snlpment
to Gibraltar.
PARIS. Dec. 7. Prices on- the botirse to
day opened llrm, but later French lenles
and Internstlonais were neavy. ine clos
ing was Irregular, industrial were in
Th private rate of discount was 2 13-18
er cent. Three per cent rentes 9M 4avc
or the account.
BERLIN. Dec. 7 Prices on the bourse
today were rather firm. K.xchange on In-
don 20m 4t4pfga. for checks. Discounts
rates: mion Dins ana inree-monins duis
I per cent.
Kow York Moifr Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7. MONEY On call,
steady, 4tfH per cent; ruling rata, 6 per
cent; Mist loan, 4 per cent; closing bid, 1
per cent, offered at 4 per cent. Time loans,
firm, 4 per cent; sixty dsys and ninety
davs, 6 per cent; six months, 6 per cent.
fnme mercsntue paper, wii per cent.
actual business in bankers' bill at $4 SZ7Kc(i
4.8082 for demand and at $4.79'.,6i4.79:i7 for
sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4.804fi 4.81 and
$4.S4(fi4.844j. commercial bills. $4.7V
SILVER Bar, osc; Mexican aoiiara,
42V4C. .
HOMj oovernmeni, steaay; rsjiroaas.
The closing quotations on Donas ar ma
follows: - rrf. is. rr(....IuSH L. N. Inl. 4s M44
So ceupon in ,-MannansD c. w..iui
4a Sm, rtf IMex. I'minl 4i If'i
do coupon lot I So lit tne !t
So saw 4a, ni M3VMlnn. t St. U. 4a.. 7
o coupon 1334a M.. K. A T. 4a K4
do old 4a. rz 10 I 4o la la
do coupon Ill) In. H. R. of M. r. 4a. 1tv4
V. 8. la. rag 101VN. T. C. fan. IVa... M
do coupon 1U1 N. i. C. f. 4a I3v
Atrhlaon n 4a loos Ho. Paclflo 4a 1!S
do adj. a M do. ! VUSi
Atlantic C. L 4a.... tl Norfolk A W. a. 4a.. 7
Bait. A Ohio 4a 1M O. I. L l 4 par... c
do IWa Hk Pann. conv. 141 K
Central ot Oa. 4s 103 finding -can. 4a '
do lat Ine St. L. A t. M. c. la, 111',
Chn. A Ohio 4a....lZVa 8t. L. S. T. f. 'a. b
Chlcaao A A. 74 ,8t. L. 8. W. la 93
C, B. A Q. n 4a.... It S aloarrt A. L. 4a.... mi
C, 14. A 8. P. f 4a.H0H So. ParlAc 4a
Beef Etfen About Steady, Oowa Stead to
Ten Lower and Feeder Steady,
Liberal Receipts of hep aad tonality
to en an o a aad Market Ruled Slow
aad a Little Lower oa All
hat the Choicest Grades.
Receipts wer: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday S,-11 6.D13 li,a
Sam day last week 4.821 8.4JS 1i'.;kU
Sam week before 7,7 6,6a 8.641
Sum threo weeks aao.. &.4H4 6.7.ftl 1D.,
Sam four weeks ago.... 7,414 t.Wi 24.6:i
Sum day last year 7,619 7,710 1J,;1
Th following table shows ice receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for
th year to dut and comparisons wl.h last
, 1903. . 1901 Inc. Dec.
Cattlg 1.020.066 944.W4 75.07$
H"gs -.2,069,199 2,076.635 17,536
Sheep '.U54.K66 l&2,4ol 132.564
AverSCS nrlrea ull t..w (inn mt Rnnth
Omaha for th last several days with com-
C. A N. W. r. 7...10H So. Ilailwar !..
C, H. I. A P. 4a.... 70S Taxaa A P. la
do col. la 71 T.. St. L. A W, 4a.
('.CO, A Bt. L. g. 4a 15 IVnloa Pacific 4a
Chicago Tar. 4a....... VI f do conv. 4a
Con. Tobacco 4a 7 tT. 8. steal id la....
Colo, a: So. 4a '41 Wabsah la
D. A R. O. 4a lno I do dab.. B
Erie prior lien 4a.... .' W. 4V L.V.. 4a
do. gan. 4a U Wli. rrntral 4a
Pt. W. A O. C. lat. .101 Colo. Fuel o. 6a
Mocking Val, 4tta...lrt . .
Offered. . -
I.oadoa Stock llarktt.
LONDON, Dec 7. Closing:
Conaola. monay x N. T. Central
do account 88 16-11, Norfolk A Westara.
do prfd
Baltlmora A Ohio
Canadian Paclflo .
Chca. A Ohio ....
Chicago Ot. Western. J
('.. M. A St. P 14
I'il do prfd.
IhW. Ontario 4V Weatara.
WTi Pannarlvanls
" Rand Mines ...
1224 Heading
Da Bears
1). A R. O....
do urfd
do lat prfd....
do 2d prfd
Illinois Central
Loula. A Naah.
M., K. A T
... 71
... 2H
... H'l
do lat pfd
no za pin
Southern Railway
do pfd
Southarn Paclflo .,
Vnlon Paclflo ,
do prfd ,
V. 8. Steal ,
do prfd
, 70
, HI
- 12
, II
, 21
, ?
Del.. Lack. &. West.
Denver & Rio Grande
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2.1 pfd. ....-a,
Ot. Northern pfa
Hocking Valley .
do pfd
Illinois Central .
Iowa Central ,
do pfd
K. C. Southern .
do pfd
, 3.469
70 .
21'4 .21
UH4 894
27VS 28
67 V,i
49 60
.... 100 I
74 74
.... 84
1H4j 130 1.10
21 Si Z
S4i t
lD ll
36 SO
800 74H
St. Loala Grain aad Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Deo. 7. WHEAT Hltrher:
No. 2 red cash elevator, nominal, tOHtilVtc;
December, isKikc: May. 8t4ac: July. 77vc: No.
2 hard, 787!)c.
corn Lower; no. 2 cash, 4lc; track,
$j'4.1c; December 41c; Msy, 41c. i
OATS steady. No. 2 cash. 36: track. 37
6-37Hc; December, Stsc; May, ilhc; No. 2
white, 3c.
FLOUR Steady: red winter patents. $4 25
64.36: extra fancy and straight. 83.9otv
4.20; clear. $S.40S.60.
SEED Timothy, nominal. IZ.25HZ.80: prim
BRAN firm; sacked east track. 75Tt78c.
HAY Steady: timothy. S7.60tin2.60: prairie.
$5.00a 60.
1KUN ItriTUN nta ll.UD.
PROVISIONS Pork. higher: lobbing.
$11.40. Lard, steady; boxed extra shorts,
$6 76; clear ribs. 1A 12; short clear, $s.37H-
FOULTHT-HSteady; chickens. 7c: sprlnas.
7c: turkeys, llVc; ducks, 10c; geese, 8c.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2iKij-2tV4c;
dairy, iidj'20e. .
tXiUS Steady; current receipts, 27 pkga.
Recelnta. ShlDments.
Flour, bbls. 8.000 11.000
Wheat, bu 173.000 6.1 0 "I
Corn, bu 69,0") 2C.gO0
Oats, bu. 77.000 iV.OoO
Kaasa City Grala aad Provlaloas.
cember. 66c; May, 7O470t4c; cash No. I
hard, 71 Vit' 7- ! No. 8, 7i0e; No. 4. lfa-8c;
relected. 6oi62c; No. 2 red. 844o: No. a. 80
CORN December, 3ic; May. S6"i36Vc:
rash no. i mixed. 3Mi&Hic: No. 2 white.
SSSc; No. 8. 3c.
oats no. 2 white, JWS7c; No. I mixed.
34fBi1f,C. .
H X Krio. 1. 470. , , .
HAY Choice timothy, I9 60; choice prai
rie. $8.00.
BU I TER Creamery, 21tJ2Ic; dairy,
fancy, 20c.
EtlOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas stock,
casea returned, 27c; new No. 2 whltewood
cases Included. 27 Vic.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 119.2O0 76.800
Corn,' bu 12,800 8.000
Oats, bu. 11,000 $,oo0
t I a aoa polls -Wheat, Floar aad Bran.
cember 80c; May 80Hc; July 82ViWi!Se; on
track, No. 1, hard ⁣ No. 1, northern,
r.'Sc; No. 2. northern 8oSc; No. $, northern
FLOUR First patents $4 4Sfi4 5K; first
Clear, $4 40HJ4.60; second clear, $2..p4j2.40.
B KAN In bulk $12.76.
Louisville ft Nashville 2.600 1074 106
Manhattan L 14,390 142Vt 141
Metropolitan St. Ry.. 4,600 1 21Vi 120Vi
Minn. A hi. Louis
Mtesourt Pacific 30,060 4;
A Tex.
.. 6.!li) 11' nil AJ3S
. 8,700 68 6714 58
..... 87
. S.5X 22 214 H
.65.000 118
'.' 1,800 ,'46T
. 100 ' 77H
,. 100 . 60
.21,660 264
1,800 03
"466 '46 .
... 900 834
..22,835 1434a
... 100 171'4
:.. 17.000 474
.. i.fM 21 H)
... 2.800 T8T4
... 8.400 20
... 100 214
... l.OtiO 85
,..89.540 V
... 628 88
,.. 1,800 aH
...8,300 74'
' '800 'W
... 6U0 38V
...10S do prfd
... las
BAR SILVER 26'd per ounce.
MONEY 1 per cent; the rate of discount
In the open (msrket for short bills Is 4
per cent; for three months' bills, 3 15-1G
4 per ceiit.
UOLD- Bur, 77s lld; American eagles, 76s
644. J
Boston Stock Qnotatloaa,
BOSTON, Dec' 7 -Call loans, 6Vi per
cent; time loans, 6fr per cent. Official
closing prices on stocks and bonds:
Atchlaon 4a tSS'Allouea
Mexican Central .... tin 'Amalgamated ...
Atrhlaon S Bingham
do pfd llS Cal. A Hecla ...
Boatoa A Albany ... 24S ( antrnnial
Boaton A Maine 18MS Copper Range ...
hoaton EUTatad 144 Dominion Coal .,
N. V., N. T. A H....IMS yrankllu
.i; ma Korala
. 7;l Mohawk
. SS Old Dominion ..
. .124 oaceoit
..120 iParrot
S nanta re copper
Fltchtvurg pfd
ITntnn Paclfln
I Mat. Central
Amvr. nuir .....
do Pfd
Amer. T. A T...
Dominion I. A 8.
Oaneral Electrlo .
Maas. EleoUic ...
do pfd
United Fruit
V. 8. Steel......
do pfd
Weatlng. common
Adventure ,
, 14
, 1S
. M
, 11
, 17
, 75
l ulled States ..
Daly West
. 4
. 40
. 2114
. 14
. 46
. 71
. 7
. 7
. 88
. 41
. 10
. I
. SO
. 4
. 1'4
. :
. i
. '
. 47
. u
Date. I 1903. U901.1901. 11800. 11898. 11898. 1$97.
Nov. 16...
Nov. 18...
Nov. 17...
Nov. 18...
Nov. 18...
Nov. 20...
Nov. il...
Nov. w...
Nov. 23...
Nov. L'4...
Nov. 26...
Nov. 26...
Nov. 27...
Nov. 8...
Nov. 28...
Nov. 80..
Deo. 1....
Dec. J..,.
Dec. 8. ,.
Dec. 4....
Dec. 6....
Dec. ....
Deo. 7....
4 81
4 204
4 20
4 24-
8 Sli $ 67 4 82 8 87 1 S6 $2
a i i
8 29 I $4
$ 36; $ 82
4 901
4 78
4 78
4 76i
1 84
I 86
$4 in;
44 h 29 1 6 63i
I 8W 211 6 64
4 44"?, 28 6 63
4 8 iXl 6 731
4 44V. 6 24 6 81'
6 Bbl 6 761
6 ao 4 76i
6 15 16 86
4 19Vk 6 03 5 76 I
o ial ft 10 4 311
6 731 4 76
8 02 i 4 71 I 73
6 091 6 85, 4 4i 8 61;
2 88
4 7l 8 89 $ II
4 ,lil A 80 1 il
a 0(1 1 I 44
8 -
3 77
4 33
4 34
4 31
4 40(4,
8 70!
6 US
4 434j 6 22
4 Z6
6 241 6 05
8 161 6 09
6 041
6 00 4 69 !
4 KJ
6 95
6 88,
5 9:
4 64
4 68
4 77
4 841
4 81
4 71
8 74
I 76
3 81
3 60'
8 81
$ 46
$ 38i
3 23
I 20
8 ll
3 21
3 26
3 29
8 37
3 36
S 18
1 14
3 29
3 27
$ 27
3 80
3 24
3 23
$ 30
3 27
3 S3
3 2
8 19.
8 25
3 23
Indicates Sunday. "Indicates holiday.
The official number of cars ot stock
brought in today bv each road waa:
cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horsas.
J.. M. & St. P... 6 37
Mo. Pac. Ry
V. V. System.... 43 11
C. A N. W 2 6
Y., E. A M. V.... 45 12
C. St. P. M. A O. 5
B. & M 60 4
C, B. A Q 1
K. C. A t. J
C, R. I. A P. e. J 4
C. R. 1. P. w. ., ' 1
Illinois Central.. 3 2
Tot. receipts.. 1D7 87
O'Connor Bros. Wyo.
24 cows 826 2 05 1 cow 870 2 05
1 steer 8"0 $ 05
La Ront L. S- Co. Wyo.
49 cows 803 2 00 18 steers. ...1125 3 40
Oeorgo Emery Wyo.
t feeder.. 840 2 to 24 feeders.. !75 S 15
7 cows 9P6 I 10 cows 972 t W
2 cows H5 8 1 feeder... 1000 i 16
W. Swlnbank Wyo.
7 cows 1165 2 AG 1 steer 1120 $
28 feeders.. 944 3 40 38 steers... .1084 806
22 feeder.. 8T8 8 15 1 bull 1210 2 00
2 feeders.. 8H6 I 00'
IHKSB There wss about an average run
of hogs on sale here this morning, but ad
vices from other points were unfavorable to
the selling Interests and prices eri1 off ft
little. Th ninrket wss about llko Satur
day's rlose or right around a nickel lower
than the earlv market on Baturday. Trad
ing wss slow from start to finish, ss sales
men did not like to take the prices offered.
The situation, thotiarh. did not Improve any
'as the day advanced and, In fact, th clos
wss slow snd weak. I fieri was a very
nsrrow range In the prlres paid loflsy, tha
long string going st $4.35 snd the bulk of all
the hogs sold from $4 36 to $4 40. with a
prime load ss high as $4 46. Butcher weights
ire still soiling 10 tne uesi aavaiiiain, vu
they did not command the premium today
that they did the latter part of last week.
Representative sales:
Me. av. sn. rr. ne. sr. ss. rr.
20 10 4 47... 171 .. 4 I'
17 104 ..4 11 II IN M 4 17
II ll ..,4 34 71 20 40 4 37
II Ill K 4 34 K 211 10 4 37
42 274 114 4 at 44 I'll 4" a (
It Ill W0 4 m 71 127 SO I li
1S7 171 M 4 41 2SI 40 Mit
72 ?l 200 4 15 44 215 " 4 n
14 241 246 4 31 71 4 3'K 4 37
10 10 120 4 : 40 211 110 4 40
44 21 124 4 31 71 Sl I
II 2(4 10 4 31 71 141 lit 4 40
12. i 1 10 4 16 71 2M SO 4 ail
M... 271 144 4 15 74 1IO 0
7 :0 .. 4 84 74 211 120 4 40
U Ill 10 4 13 77 221 100 4 40
41 311 K0 4 IS 71 HI 4 44
41 Ill 120 4 IS 71 2UI ll 4 ao
ft 2M 164 4 16 II 171 .. 4 40
40 161 110 4 16 . 44 ill 10 4 46
SHEliP There, was a liberal run of sheop
here this mornlnar for th time of year.
and the quality of the bulk of th offerings
was rather common. A few or tne more
desirable bunches sold without much
trouble at right around steady prices, but
the general run of the sheep and lambs
that were on sale were slow and If anything
a little lower. Packers did not seem to bo
at all an lone for half-fat stuff either in
the way of corn-feds or westerns, and tho
day was well advanced before anything Ilka
a clearance wua made,
The feeder market was not much dltterent
from tha close of last week. The demand
was fair for good stuff and receipts wer
not excessive, so that prices held generally
Quotations for corn-rea hook: unoice
western lambs, $o.00i.25; fair to gooo
Imnhs. 14 .604(6.00: aood to choice yearlings
a-l.lW.w; Illir IU suou irniuiiKB, j.wnii,ii,
choice wethers. fcilifilfiB: fair to good
wethers $3.26fti.3f: fair to good ewes, Vi.mtf
8.00; cliolce teeoer lumDS, aJou.u-t.iu; iuir iu
aood feeder lambs. i3.26u3.t0: baby lambs.
$2.0063.00; feeder yearling. $.t.2:(03.50; feeder
wethers,; reeoer ewes, '.uoi-.ou;
culls, $1.00(2.00. Representative sales:
A v. Pr.
106 1 86
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tha
number of head indicated:
, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.... 415 561 601
nwiit and company.. 86!) 640 2.77')
Cudahy Pack. Co 69 1,301 1 709
Armour & Co 824 1,084 1.422
Cudahy P. Co., K. J ... 1,495
Bank- 4 'tea rings.
. Mllwaafce Grala Market.
lower; No. 1 northern. 834hX4Vic; No. t
northern. &2frK3c; May. (tH4j-V'-
RYE Firm; No. 1, 67c.
BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 62c; sample, 320
OORN-Steady; No. 8, 47647Hc: May, 424
Firm. He higher; western creamery, 2Mc;
nearby prints. 27c. .
EGOS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby,
31c, loss off; western, Sue; southern, 2b'i29c.
CHEESE Inchsnged; New York full
creams, fancy, 114c; choice, lllyc; lair to
good, 10tillc.
Liverpool Grata aad Provisions.
straoy: ISO. i rea western winter, u
Futures steady, nominal; March, 4a Hd;
Mav. 4s 2d. -
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 4a
Sd- Futures quiet ; January ana jrebruary
3a UHd; March 8a lud.
- Uala'h Grain warhel.
DCLITH. Dec. 7-WHEAT-On track;
No. 1 northern. 4c: No. 2 northern. '.Tic;
iso. 8 spring, lac; jjscerooer, ,vc. May,
OATS Oo track and to arrive, 81c.
Wool' Market.
NEW TORK Dec. 7 WOOL-Firm; do.
Dies tic fleecs. 2" iKc.
ST. lOL"ia. Dec. 7 WOOL Dull, weak
but urn hanged Medium grades omlung
anil cluining i.'ai''. ngr.i rine, l.-.'-i 1
bcavy tius, LigH'-, tub aashsi, Svdlu.
130 10.14 10244
Mo., Kan
Uo ptd ,
N. R. R. of Mexpfd
N. Y: Central
Norfolk & Western..,
do pfd
Ontario A Western
P., C. C. St St, L...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Rock Island Co.,...
do pfd
St. L. A 8. F. 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. Louis S. W
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
Southern Paclllc .
Southern Railway
do pfd
Teiaa A Pacific..
T., St. L. A W....
do pfd
Union Paclflo
do pfd
do pfd
Wheellna A L. E.
Wisconsin Central ....
do pfd
Adams Express...!....
American Express....
1 8. Express
w.lla-Fnmo Express.
Amal. Copper ..15000 f
American Car A F... I,4o0 10
do pfd l."0 '
American Linseed Oil
Amertxajt' Locomotlv $-.136 15'
do pfd 3"
American Smelt. A BIO, 49
do Pfd i
American Sugar
. ! h . xiinlnar Co. 4.200 77
Brooklyn Rapid T....10.060 4K
Colo. Fuel anu irvii.
Columbus A H. Coal
Consolidated Oas ...
General Electric
International Paper.
do pfd ,"
International Pump..
do pfd
National Biscuit
National Iad
North American ....
Pacific Mall
People's Ms
Pressed Steel Car,...
do pd
Pullman Palace Car.
Republic Steel
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
Tenn. Coal and Iron.
V. B. Leather
do pfd
U. B. Rubber
do pro
TJ. S. Steel
do pfd
Western Vnlon
Northern Secum es. ...... . ...
Total sales tor iiw .
Maw York Mlalag, 4notallas.
NEW TORK. Dec. 7. -The following ar
th closing quotation on nuiuu auv
1224 1544
71 77
474 74
284 28
11 11
627 179H 119 17$
194 163 160 11
.. ioo
.. 1.700
.. 3.4 -6
,. 4ti0
.. 1610
.. 310
.. 100
.. o0
.. 200
.. ioo
Adams coa
Brunawlck Tea....
Comatoth Tunnel.
Ton. (el. A Vs...
Horn Silver
Iran Silver
taadvlila Coa ....
.. II
.. 14
.. I
.. I
.. 3
Little Chlat
Sierra Nevada
Small Uupea
8tandara ....
. 1
. 21
. 41
. II
. II
. t4
Foreign Ftaaaelal.
LONDON. Dee. 7. Tha demand for money
In th market today Increased, owing to the
Transvaal loan tail tomorrow and anticipa
tion of scarcity in connection with th slock
exchange settlement. Discounts were firm
ou th weak tendency of New York ex
change. Business on th stork exchange waa gn
erally dull. There was no disposition to
trad owing to the approach of th ael
tlernent and th public was apathetic. O n
sets wer steady, but closed esster at ()
for money and an1, for the account. Home
rnlla wer cheerless. Americans were Id .
They started below parity, hardened nom
inally, steel preferred being exceptionally
strong and at the close wer grnerully
essior. Canadians were lower. Argentine
rails were buoyant. There wss an advance
In th price of gold, in conseuuenc of ine
ormand for the metal from America. Bul
lion to Ui auiouut f ai0.ou0 waa wlilv-
OMAHA, Dec. t.-JBahk clearings for to
day, 81,58'1,302.43, n-"Im-rease of $261,426.33
over th corresponding day last year.
Cotton , Market,
market opened easy at a decline of 7ift13
points under realising and room selling on
the reaction theory, which was encouraged
by the lower Liverpool cables and tha out
look for continued large receipts. After a
little further loss on the call, however, the
market was rallied by a good demand from
various sources, with the local bull leader
and Interests representing, according to
popular belief. New England people good
buyers, the former taking large blocks of
January - around 12.36v412.37c. This buying
was enough to Impart a rteadler tone to
the market, as the bears had been ren
dered timid by the recent spectacular de
velopments, and before the session was
mora than half an hour old the decline had
been cut down to a matter of 4 or 5 points
on the active months.' At this point offer
ings became slightly heavier, and prices
advanced from the south Indicated that
spot people were buying up the lower grade
with the Intention of delivering on con
tract, while, as the estimates from receipts
at leading points tomorrow came tin they
showed the outlook for a heavy move
ment. This led to a renewal of the down
ward tendency, which continued during the
balance of the session with the market at
just about the lowest of the session. Tha
final tone was oareiv steaay, witn prices
at a net loss of 22m 21 points. Sales were
estimated at 500,000 bales.
Trading during the day was fair at times,
hut aenerallv SDeaklng was less than re
cently, reflecting apparently the disposi
tion to go conservatively pending some In
dication of the effect on consumers and the
growers of the recent crop. Southern spot
markets wer generally unchanged to He.
lower, and the New York spot market was
16 nolnts lower.
Quiet and steady; sales, 1.8W bales i, ordl
narv. !MSo: aood ordinary. 10Uc: low mid
dltng. 1174c: middling.-12Uc: good middling,
117.14c: mlddltna- fair. 18 13-16C. Receipts.
15.822 bales: stock. 274.198 bales. Futures
were harelv steadv :' December. 12.07ifl2.09c:
January. 12 lKtn12 19c; Fehrusry, 2 8.Ve;
March .47lZ.48c: April. K.834J.12.06C: May
12 MK312.60c; June, l!.63ra12.66c; July, 12, K.
BT. LOITI8. Dec. 7. COTTON Steadv;
mlrlflllnsr. 12'ie: sales. 86 bales; receipts,
400 bales; shipments, none; stock, 13,606
limited demand; prices 9 points lower;
American middling fair. 7d; good middling,
alUrl- mlrldlina. 8 74d : low middltnc tiJd:
good ordinary, e.68d; ordinary, t.iUd. The
sales of the day were 5,000 bales, of which
ofi ware for sneculatlon and export, and
Included 4.500 American. Recelpte. 12.000
bales, all American. Futures opened quiet
n.i atouriv. and closed weak and Irregular.
Ameriesn middling, g. o. c. Deceml er.
itU' December-January. CMd: January'niirv 47d: February-March, 6 46d:
March-April. 6.44(8.45d: Anrll-May, 8.4:'!f
8,44d- May-June, .42d'f(.43d ; June-July
8 41d: July-August, 6.39d; August-September,
CotTeo Market.
NEW TORK. Dec. 7. COFFEE Spot Rio
firm: No. 7 Invoice. c: mild. firm. The
market for futurei opened sternly at an ad
,,r K1A1& ndnts on more or less sen
eral buvlng. led apparently by southern
and EuroDean houses, which followed Arm
t'n.n, i,&hli and est'mates from Bra
slllan sources placing the current Santos
crop at 6,500.000 bags. There was consider
able liquidation on the advance, but ths
continued support of the Interests referred
to and some of the Wall street houses iden
tified with the upward movement Imparted
a firm ton to the market and during moxt
of th scsrlon prices were about 19 points
higher. In th af'ernoon realizing win
heavier and toward the close the market
lost psrt of the advance, being flnHllv
t.iilv fwftlft nolnts nta-her. Kales wer ea'l
mated at 192 500 bug. Including December
aan-- iimiirv 4Mfi 6.foe : February. 6 40"
March. 4.756$ 85c; April. 46c: July. 7 15$
l.juc; eepiemoer, i.asji.vA-, uciuuri, i.nt.
Metal Market.
tin advanced 1 la London to All Us, and
futures were 17 nigner at tuniriw,
Ixtcallv tin was uulet and nominally higher,
at $. UV4. Copper val rather Irregular In
Iondon, spot being unchanged at 56, while
future oecunva am io s.oa ui ou
Locally copper wsa quiet and without ma
t mvH 1 h ,i - M.lrV,v In prieaai or Feners.
trad conditions. Las Is held at $lJ0w4
11.27U: e lectro vt c. 1IW: castina. 812.(0
Lead, unchanged at 84.25 locally, and at
Jtlllssa in ixinaon. npeiter. quiet, un
chsnged. with spot nominally quoted
86.26 In New York and wss 2s 8d hlaher
London, closing at 2012sd. Iron close!
st 4a Cd In U arrow, ana at 4ISW in M d
dleslwrough. locally Iron wsa unchansed
No. 1 foundry northern was ouoted st 115 00
r14.00: No. 2 foundry northern $140o&i6ou
No. 1 foundry sou'herr- and No. 1 foundry
aootberw strt. izmxqiuo.
ST. DOl'ia. rw 7.- METAfS IaJ
steady, $4.u2', B;elter. dull, 3 id.
gtesdy to firm at from 2'iti64" for all
grsdes. Apricot are viuiet but stesdv.
Choice quoted at ny'tc; extra t hi.lce.
10c; fancy 10fil."o. Peaches, no rhsnte;
choice quoted st i'1?!-; extra choice 7 4ji
8c; fancy ('M'101,c.
OH and Roaln.
NEW TORK. Dec. T.-Ol l.S -Cot tonsefd,
pteady; prime crude, nominal: tiriiii yel
low, 34t4o. Petroleum, steady: refined. 19 25;
Philadelphia and Baltln ore. is 51. in bulk".
ROSIN Quiet: atralned common t good.
$2.Mfr2 55.
Tl RPKNTINE Flrmj 694jC.
SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dec. 7. Tl'RPEN-
TINE 56c.
ROSIN Firm; quote A . Tl., C. D., E-.
P., $2 36; O., $2 30; H., $2 85; I., 32.6": K ,
J 80; M.. $2.90: N.. $3.06: W. U.. $S.: W. W..
$8 50
OIL CITT. Pa Dec. 7.-OILS-Credit bal
ances, $1.87; certificate, no bid; shipments.
7:1,813 bbls.; average. 62 ?9 bbls.; riina. IV-
9L1 bbls.; sgerage. 77.130 bbls.; shlpmen'S,
Lima, bbls.; average ti4,i.M bbls ; Mint.
Lima, III.606 bbls.; avernge. $i"i8,1ii3 Mils.
Sugar Market.'
NEW TORK. Dee. 7.-8VUA R-Raw.
nominal: fair reflnlna. 8 3-lc: ceiitrlfuial.
96 test, 31 1-lHc; molasscn sugar, 2 15-lHc;
refined, quiet; No. 6, 6.46c: No. 7. 4.00c; No.
I. 8.95c; No. 9, 8.9oc; No. 10, 8860: No. 11.
3S0c; No. 11 S.75c: No IS. 3.70c: No. 14.
8 65c; confectioners A, 4 30c; mould A, 4 70c;
cut loaf. 0.06c; crushed, 8.05c; powdered,
4.f6o: granulated. 4 46e; cubes, 4 70c.
MOlASSKS Steadv; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice. S3ti38c.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. f.-Sl'flAR-Firm;
open kettle, 2c; centrifugal open kettle.
8 a-lSfi.'lHc; centrifugal whites. 8V(13 1S-lo;
yellows. 3r3 u-ioc; seconds, 2(f.i'o.
MOLASSES Steady; open kettle centri
fugal, 7023c; syrup strong, 2729e.
Armour A Co.. K.
Vansnnt A Co 90
Carey & Benton 42
Lohman A Co 18
W. I. Stephen 145
Huston A Co 29
Livingstone A Root... 96
1 F. Husi 28
Wolf & Murnan 225
Lee Rothschild 6
H. F. Hamilton....1... 197
Hagarty 117
Other buyers 219
Totals 4,106 8.093 13,392
CATTLE There was not an excessive
supply of cattle In sight this morning, but
reports from other points were rather bear
ish, and as a result, white prices were not
mucn uiiierem rrom inose paia last week.
stll there was not much life to the trade.
There was very little aood stuff in alarlit.
and that, of course, helped to make packers
ii'Uinereni anu Dfunsn.
There were very few cornfed ateera nn
rale and those that did arrlv were short
fed. The market could not be quoted any
iowor, but at tha same time it was cer-
tainly no higher, and trading waa slow, the
aame aa has been the case with the
warmed-up cattle all the fall. Packers
claimed they were anxious for good stuff,
but aa there were no well-finished cattle of
fered a test of values on that kind wa not
The cow market was also a little slow
and prices ranged steady to a dime lower.
Th Dig bulk of the receipts this mornlnar
was made up of cows, over seventy-five
csrs being on sale. That, of course, gave
buyers an excuse ror pounding the market.
Canners held generally steady, but the me
dium and good cow sold rather unevenly
and sales were noted that were all the
way from rteady to 10c lefwer than the
earn kinds brought at th close of last
There Is no change worthy of mention
in the prices paid for bulls, veal calvea and
Tiier were not many stockers and feed-
era on sale this morning, and as specu
lators carried over only a few cattle from
last week they took hold fairly well this
morning and paid generally steady price
for everything on sale. The better grade
were, of course, In the best demand, but
ill I even the common Jtinds sold at steady
1 ner were oniy a lew wrsiern grass oeei
steers on sale, but some of them were of
better quality than tha majority of th
steers that have been received of late.
Titer was no life to the market, but prices
held about steady. Range cows and stock
ers and feedera fluctuated aa noted above.
Representative salts:
No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr.
la 1093 I i 1 1357 4 10
74 142 I 70 U 1141 4 40
II 1104 4 46
COW 8.
1 , 110 1 40 8 1040 I 14
6.. 141 I 26 6 1044 I 00
1 1140 I 16 1 1140 I 00
II Ml I 14 II Kill I 10
4 tsl I 40 11 U44 8 14
1., 1244 8 40
1 1140 t It 1 8014 8 34
1 100 1 60 1 164 4 40
14 44 I 65 1 Its 6 0V
887 3 10
1015 1 75
m 1 95
l.wo 1 90
8o9 3 26
47 western ewes
47 western ewes loO
40 western ewes 101
1 western ewe 70
4 native ewes 150
228 western wether Ill
64 western wethers 103
8 western wethers 113
50 western lambs 77
53 western iambs .-v. 82
89 western ewei 9i
25 Wyoming yearlings 73
534 western ewes '. 82
1 western ewe 90
4K3 western feeder yearlings 76
4iH western feeder yearlings 43
87 western feeder yearlings 42
18 native ewes , W
258 western yearlings 82
62 Wyoming feeder yearlings.... 81
249 western wethers
83 wetern wethers' .
233 western wethers .,
157 western lambs .....
154 western lambs
40 western ewes
14 western yearlings
154 western lambs ....
... 80
... 72
... 69
.. 89
.. BS
.. M
2 85
8 00
2 00
3 26
8 65
$ 80
3 75
6 00
t 25
$ 25
2 75
2 75
8 00
$ 15
3 15
8 16
3 25
3 (6
3 40
$ 50
3 05
S 80
4 40
4 60
2 75
i 60
4 2k
T feeders.
2 cows....
9 cows....
3 bulls....
41 feeders.,
15 feeders.. 866 $ 25
1 cow 890 3 60
1 steer 740 1 95
24 cows 8.13 1 95
1 bull 1440 1 90
8 cows 976 2 15
2 cows..... 8b0 2 16
1 cow 840 1 90
7 steers. ...1094 3 65
1 bull. .....1820 2 70
T steers.... 791 3 10
1 steer 920 2 60
16 cows 1094 2 GO
36 feeders.. H 125
46 teeners.. 1011 1 zo
4 cows 806 2 00
22 feeders.. 620 8 25
39 heifers... 4W 1 70
2 cows 9.'i0 1 75
1 cow 1010 2 30
10 cows 1046 t 40
4 cows 8i5 2 25
19 feeders
i cows...
51 cows...
1 bull....
8 cows...
2 cows...
6 cows...
8 feedera
1 steer...
1 bull....
1 cow....
8 cows,
1 cow.,
1 cow..
2 cow.
1 cow..
2 cows.
1 bull..
4 cows.
1 bull..
1 cow..
10 feeders.
2 SO
1 96
1 96
1 96
2 75
2 '25
. 876
. 800
. m
. 809
. 9o0
.10M 2 25
... 770 1 96
.. 876 1 96
..1040 $ 40
.. 940 2 16
,..980 2 IS
..1240 2 15
..1020 2 75
..1400 2 70
.. 913 2 60
..1190 2 25
900 $ 00
900 $ 25
2 feeders.. 10c0 2 60
2 cows 1010 2 20
8 cows 1063 2 90
1 cow 1220 8 00
2 cows. ..'..1415 2 80
2 cows 966 1 75
1 odw 1210 2 40
1 cow..
1 cow..
24 oowa.
740 2 25
.. 900 : 10
..96 $ 10
764 3 20
753 2 10
t7 2 10
30 feeders.. 797 8 85 15 steers.. ..lft- $20
feeders.. 601) 60 16 steers... .1202 3 60
16 steers... .1108 3 25
50 feeders.. 641 1 45 12 cows..
A. Brown Neb.
1 feeder... 7M) 3 25 21 cows..
1 cow 1010 2 26 1 bull....
L. Sides Neb.
10 feeders.. 773 8 25 1 bull...
steer 7.0 2 00 3 cows
.. WO 2 30 2 cow....
.. K80 3 30
A. J. Abbott Neb.
.. 770 2 25 1 cow
.. 940 2 26 13 cows
.1210 1 90 1 steer....,
..ItiJO t 25 1 bull 1190 1 00
. H. H. Peteron-:ieh.
24 feeders.. IliO $ 30 2 feeders.. 1130 2 76
22 cows 1012 i 50 13 cows 848 3 00
1?46 3 26 2 steers... .1200 2 75
1000 3 00 1 row 1060 50
,976 2 50
R. W. Shaw Neb.
t cows.
6 cows.
1 cow..,
8 cows.
1 ccw..
1 bull..
4 steer.
1 cow...
2 cow..
758 3 20
HOD 2 70
10 2 76
1 75
2 15
2 30
.. KM
2 25
1 85
4 1 86
1 60
2 66
1 cow.
6 cows.
feedera.. Kxt 9 la
4 feeder.. 545 $ 26
180 4 7$
t oowa 12zS I 10
1 heifer.... 740 3 10
18 steers.... KM 8 25
1 row UuO 3 80
18 feeders., 812 $ 26 1 calf.
15 cows 840 t 30
I. Malcolm 8. D.
11 sters....hJrJ 3 40 1 steer.,
J. E hay ket 8. D.
1 bull .KM t 60 4 cows..
1 cow VuO 2 15 1 cow...
14 stM-ra... ir.14 8 75
Western Ranches S. D.
J cows l'o $ 40 4 cows 1005 I 00
1 cow JtfW t 60 U steers 1L4 $ 10
I sier..ll0 $10 $ steers Jott $10
N. Ixrenayn b. D.
23 steer luU I hi id Un UuS I 2t
Dry Good Market.
market Is 011 let snd buyers are not inclined
to speculation. The orders placed are sim
ply for current needs snd at asking prices.
A good many prices ar not quoted, goods
being held at .value, and no orders are re
ported without consultation with headquar
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO. Dec 7 WHISKY Steady on
basis cf $1 2T for finished Bonds.
ST. LOUIS. Dec 7. WHISKY Steady at
U-iiMi. . . .
PEORIA. Dec 7. WHISKY On basis Of
$1.77 for finished goods.
lers' finished goods, quiet, on basis of $1.27.
Toledo ed market.
TOLEDO. Dec. 7. SEEDS Clover, rash.
$6.86; December. $6.85: January. $.87H; Feb
ruary. $ 92'4; March, $6 97V. Prime tim-t
othy, $1.40. Prim nli-lke. W.50.
Urge Receipt of all Stock, with
' Hogs Higher.
PTTTCAGO. Dee. 7. CATTLE Receipts,
26.000 head. The market was slow but
siendvr erond ' to nrlme steers. $o.l6iGP6.00
poor to medium, $3.60flP4.76; stockers and
f aim n, cows. 81.6On4.00: heifers
82.00ia4.75: canners. $1.6uiff2.40; bulls, $2.(KrgP
4.50: calves. $2.tOj)6.76; Texas fed steers,
4j4 6oin!t7K: western steers. t3.O04H.2O.
HIHIR-Racelct today. 46.000 head; tomor
rnv an floft le.i I mn te,l 1. The market waa
K hlniior' mixed and hutchers. 44. 36(tM.60
good to cnoico neavy, naomt.oo; ii
heavy, $4.20414.40; light, $4.204.60; bulk of
ma lea 14 4M1 4 60.
SHEEP ANU iAMHH iteceipis, zv,"y
head Tha sheen market was slow and
lower.' for lambs, 10c lower; good to cholc
wethers, $3.75(84.26; fair to cholc mixed,
$3.0fK&3.75; western sheep, $3.00cff 4.26; native
lambs, $4.006.76; western lambs, $3.50.50.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
it a Kin A f4 rtTV. Dee.' 7. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 9.000 head, Including 700 head of
southerns. Th market was 'steady to
weak; export and dressed . Deer steers,
steady at $4.404t5.00; fair to good, weak at
$3.6(14.35; western fed steers, steady at
$3.40'ti3.75; stockers and feeders, steady to
10c higher at $2.6043.70: southern steers,
steadv at $2.00(53.15; southern cow, steady
at $1.60(2.30; native cows, Strong st $1.60$
3.60; native heifers, strong at $2.00Co3.80;
bulls, steady at 82.uou3.Vb; caives, ieaay
at $7.76f4l.0O.
HOGS Receipts. 7.000 head. Th market
was 6c higher; bulk of sales. $4.42&4.62;
heavy, $4.46'"4.50; packers, $4.464.47; plga,
ar-d lights, $4.404j4.60.
SHEEP AMI LiAHtu-neceipis i,ni
head. The market was strong: native
lumbs. $4.60tt6.10. western lamos, ii.imho.uu;
fed ewes. 83.0041 3.40; stockers ana teeuers.
' !4vr York Live Stork Market.
wr.w TDRK.' Dec. 7. BEEVES Re
el lpts, 4.20i head; market slow to 10c lower;
native SleT. J.DOfI.; tCH-arn, a.uvv in,
oxen. $2.6033.60: bulls. J2.b0g3.75; cows, $1.10
SJ, ..... u
t AL.V r-e ttceeipis, e.iw nc,.,, hibihi
quite demoralized: veuls, f4.0 4j4.Oi; tops,
$8.26; grassers and fed c lives, $2.W.iO;
western and In-llatia, ealve. $3.2M:(ft3.7.i;
city dresed veals 7iil2c per lb.; country
dressed, fttjllc per lb. .
HOi Receipts, lo.zio neao: maraei ski
$5c lower; state and Pennsylvania nogs.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1B.1S7
head: sheep was barely steady; lambs firm
to 15c higher iV, cars unsold; shep, $2.25
3 lb: export grade,; cuus. .; minus,
15.oo'6.i0; culls. $4.00fr4.75; Canada lambs,
$6." 6.
tio'ea, steaay, expuns iuiuoi i.,
tie, 1,247 sheep and 4,400 quarters of bef.
. Bt,. Lonl Live Stock Market.
bV' l.omS. Dec. 7. CATTLE Rcelp,
8 000 head, including $.500 head of Tela its;
m.rl.t iinailv! n.tlva ahlnnltltf snd x-
miri steers. 34.00.h5.40: dressed beef and
butcher's steers. $3.ou5.25; steer under I.OoO
pounds, $3.2f44 '5; stockers and reeaers, 4-' J
iiS.90; cows and hlfers. $i2;; with
fancy corn fed heifers, $4.50; canners. $!.7i
ii-l5: hulls. 82.2Mj3.60: calves. $:i.Ua6.M
Texas and Indian ateers. $J 204.25, the top
for choice fed: cows and heifers, $2.U;&3.00.
HOGS Receipts 600 head; slow but Arm
at close: pigs and lights, $4.1044.45: pack
ers. $40o&4.3o; butchers and best h-avy.
$4?oa4 50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 4.501
head; dull and slow: native muttons. $2.06
413.75: lambs. $4.0tKflf'3o: culls ami bucks,
$2.0tK8'4.00; stockers. $2.00713.00. ,
gt. Joseph Live Mtoek Market.
Receipts 2367 head. The market wua
ateady to 10c lower; natives, $S.40iff5.'26;
cows and heifers, $1.8r&4.35; stockers and
feeders. $2.5J'(4.15.
HOGS Receipts 5.203 head. Prices wr
10c lower; light, $4.4iti4.50; medium and
heavv. $4.40i4.DO.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 83 head.
The market was firm; lambs, $5.50; weth
ers, $40; ewes, $3.50.
a gloaa t'lty Live Block Market.
SIOl'X CITY, la.. Dec. 7. (Special Tele
grum.V CATTLE Receipts, 1,400 head;
stockers, ebout atesdy; killer, weak;
heve. $3.7ou4tO: cows, hull and mixed,
$.M0-iiJ.26. Blockers and ferfrs, li.V ji-1.25;
la'V" and year inga, 12 25 u 3 25.
HOGS Rec-lpt-. 4,'tO be-rt; mt'et weak,
se ling at $4.1&fr4.36; bulk. $4.2f &i it.
Block In Blghl.
P-orla Grain Market.
PEORIA. Dec. 7. CORN Lower; new
No. 3. 39c; new No. 4. 38c.
Announcements of the Theaters.
Probably the most successful of recent
book plays Is "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage
Patch." The success of the book has been
duplicated, and that Is saying a good deal,
for the ' story has been read by , almost
everybody. Madge Carr Cooke, who
created the character of Mrs. Wlggs, Is
one of the best known of American
actresses, and has acxred a great lilt In
the part. Other members of the crm.any
have been selected because of H eir ability,
and as each has a separate churtteter to
distinctly outline, the result Is cne cf con
stant delight to tha auditor. Tl-.e engage
ment begins at the Hiyd tonight, and In
cludes a maUnee and evening perfortrftrjc
With the big musical comedy, "Th Chap
erons," the Krug theater Is doing th
greatest business It has enjoyed sine tho
Ward A Vokcs engagement. The current at- .
traction Is r.ot only commendable for Its.
muclc, bt.C for Its comedy and beautiful
sotting as well. The big beauty chorus hag
made a splendid hit, together with tho
principals. "The Chaperons" will be given
at the Krug only three more times, tonight
and Wednesday afternoon and night. i
Bloax Kails Democrat After It.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Doc. 7. (Special.)
At a meeting of tha member of the Min
nehaha County. Democratlo club, in tht
city It wa determined to, present to t)fm
democratic state committee a request that
a state convention be held not later than ,
next March, for the selection of delegate,
to represent South Dakota In the next
democratic national convention. It was de-
olded also to urge the state central com
mittee to hold the state convention In Sioux
Gerajea Held for Trial.
STVRGIB, 8. D., Dec. 7. (Special. )-John
Gergen had his preliminary hearing her
today before Justice Subln. The charge
against him Is shooting with Intent to kill.
Gergen waived examination and was bounl
over to the next term of Meade county .
circuit court In the sum of $1,000.
DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur
nished by th Midland Guarantee nrd
Trust company, bonded abstractt i', 1614
Faruam street:
Mary Relchenberg and husband to Ell
H. Patterson, lot 4, block 7, Orchard
Hill add , $ 1000
William K. Potter, receiver, to Hugh
r). Thomas, lots 8 and h. block hi),
and lot 8, block 84, Florence
Samuel O. Gross and wlfo In Thomas
K. D. Bradley, lots 40. 41 nnd 42.
block 2, and lots 31 and 32, block 4.
Saunders A Hlmnhaugh's mid to
Walnut Hill
Maria Staak and husband to the Ben
son Lund company, lots 1 to 6 and 18
lo 20, block 1, Highland. View auhdiv
block 84. Benson .-.
Francis J. Collier and wife to Samuel
Msnctiso, lot 14, block 14, KounUe's
3d add
Coia R. Patterson und husband to Kd
Johnston, H lots U s-nd 12. block 1.
Patterson's 1st f.dd
South Omaha Iml company to John
Anderson, n 16 feet Jot 13, block 138,
South Omaha ,
Insurance Company of Nftrlh America
to Walter J. Colotn, lot 15, block 3,
Ifansiom Placu
t ..
,.1400 40
,1030 3E
.. 980 I 00
at th nix principal western cities yester
day: Cattle. lfo. Sheen.
Omaha 3 931 6 913 12 423
Chicago J6.O0O 46ii0 10 00
Kansas City - 0f0 7.0"0 1 501
St. 1-uls 6. CO two 4a
St. Joseph 4 J tV-itt l
Sioui City 1,4U 4.00Q
Total 48.688 67.916 38.881
Kvaoerated Apple and Drl-1 Frails.
APPLES Tbs market la sleody to firm on
th letter grade, while the lower qual ties
continue rather essy. Common quoted st
44Vc. niime, txtiSc, choice at IVbC'c,
fancy '?iic.
show somewhat better undertone ow'ng to 1
g raU r bur export luatuiry aud rat ,
- -
Mala 4J1I-4)
fUnhattan Bulldlot
Stocks, Grain, Provisions :
Bought and sold for cuah cr on reaso !
Members Important Kicbaagti,
Private Wires.
Writ for our daily market letter and pri
vate telegraph cipher mailed free.
Ship Your Grain to Us
OMAHA-10 be Bldg. 'Phone toli
SOUTH OMAHA-323 and 325 Bxrbtng
llldg 'Phone 72.
COUNCIL BLUFFS 4o5 and 400 BirP
Lltlg. Phnti $74.
W have over 150 office.
lUforenc; 17K Stat and Nat l Bar
Out of Twwn Busln Solicited.
OmahaBrsacsi lPsr 4H Tal.3447
TKOS. M. WADDICK. Correspondent.