THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. DECEMKEIt 8. 1003. i ' I. : ' ! I CARTERS , I PUIS, GUI RE lea Heariarhe tnd rellera til the trouble liiek deot to billon n'te of the a j-atem. tnch aa Dla S'neas, Nanee, Drowilneaa, Diatreaa after eating. Fain In tbe Side, e. While their moat reraeia bit mcceaa haa beea shows in curing SICK Beadaehe.jet Carter'aLlttle LlrnPlllaeresnnelle valuable in Conatipatlon, enrlnf end preventing thia annoying complaint, while iber alao correct II dlenrriere of to atomarh, atimulate th lirer aa regulate the bowels. Even if thiy only cures Ache ttiey would bealrunut pr;elea to tnose whe suffer from ibis diatreeeing complaint ; bat fortu nately their g oodneaa doea not end here, and tboae who once try them will find three little nilla valn. anle in ao many ways that they will rot he willing ta do without them. Bat after ail Bird head -ACHE ft the bane of ao many Urea that here 1a where we make our great boaat. Our lua cor it While others do not. .. . Carter's Little Liver Pills are Tery small an very eaay to take. One or two pill make a doae. They are strictly vegetable d I''P Barf bnt by their senile action pleaae all whj tieethsm. InvielaatSSecnta; tie fortl. Bole by iniggiata everywhere, or eent by ma.U CARTER MEDICINE CO., Hew York Clt "Follow the Flag" HALF RATES CHICAGO CANADIAN POINTS .. SOLD DECEMAER I 7 Til TO 20TH Special rates on sale dally to all Winter Kesorts. The shortest, quickest nnd best line to St. LouIh, the South and Southeast. The only line panting the World's Fair ground a giving full view of all IJulldiiige. 11 lmformatlon at City Ticket Office, 1601 farnam Street Harry OR ADDRESS E. Moores, TMVV A sktn of beauty U a joy forevtr. kLT. FELIX GOUKAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OK MAGICAL BEAUTiPIEl - n Eli s f -w -H B moras Taa, rtmplae, Pracklae. Moth Patckoa. Haah aua Skin bia- 1 eaae. ana Mar t.t F, blamlak on kiutr. 7-" ana eauea dateouon. M It haa atood tka Uat or amr-Bre yeara. aad ia aa aarmlaae wa taau it ta aura U la pro parly ataaa. Acnpt aouaurfall t aimt- lar name. Dr. A. aajrra aaM ta a lady of tka taa (a patient) I will CRCAM" akia praparatlona. aa taaak ha tka la for aala ks fvaaauuad "OOUkAt7D"t Banatvl af all taa akla ni kU araaatau and faaay (owda daalara la taa baHad piaeea aaa Buropa. fEBS. T. HOPKIlft, Paaa tt triad Jaaat M. T St. REGULAR SESSION IS OPEN i ConpTo'f Glides Into It Without a Ripple of Excitement SENATE SITS HALF HOUR BEFORE Dtroiea l.aat Thlrtr Mfnatea of Extra Kvaaloa te Coaaldera tlow of ExeeallTC Baal- WABHINOTON. Dec. "The flmt regular oesalon of the Fifty-eighth congresa began at ryxn today, but the senate met half an hour previous to that time. In accordance with the adjournment of Saturday last, for the purpose of permitting an orderly termination of the called session. The fact that there- had been an extra session had the effect of robbing the first day of the regular session of many of the features which usually characterise a first day, but there were still some of the usual Indications, the principal one of which wan the attendance of the public. The gal leries were by no means crowded, but there wss a larger attendance than usual, and there was an air of expectancy which Is noticeable only on unusual occasions. The major portion of the half hour sit ting of the extra session waa devoted to executive business. Before the doors were closed the senate passed a bill amending the law relative to congressional franks. The motion for an executive session was made by Mr. Allison, who stated that there was some business necessary to be trans acted behind closed doors before the termi nation of the called session. The motion prevailed and at 11:40 the executive session began. After the IJoore Were Opened. After the doors were opened Senator Piatt (Conn.) presided over the senate dur ing the favorable consideration of a resolu tion of thanks to Senator Frye "for the courteous manner In which he has presided over the senate." The resolution was of fered by Mr. Gorman. Mr. Kean made a favorable report from the committee on the contingent expenses on the resolution of Mr. Penrose requesting the transmission to the senate by the post master general of the papers relating to the postofflce Investigation. Mr. Gorman objected to the present consideration of the resolution and It went to the calendar. A was made by Mr. Bur ton from the committee on forest reserves and the protection of game, for a bill creat ing "the national Appalachian forest re serve." Mr. Frye then took the chair at 12 o'clock and announced that the hour pro vided by law for the meeting of the first regular session of the Fifty-eighth con gress having arrived, "I declare the ex traordinary session adjourned without Prayer was offered by Rev. F. J. Pretty man. The roll was called and sixty-seven senators having responded, Mr. Frye an nounced that a quorum was present. Sana Keaolatloaa. Resolutions were offered and agreed to as follows: By Mr. Piatt (Conn.) fixing the dally meeting hour at 12 o'clock; Mr. Power, for a committee to Inform the houser a quorum of the senate was present; by Mr. Halo, that a committee of three be appointed to Join a like committee from the house to notify the president that a quorum of the senate had aasembled. As bills and petitions were being pre sented, Mr. Hoar suggested that It was not customary for the senate to transact business pending the notification of the president, and on hta recommendation, a lecess was taken for an hour. Upon convening the senate Mr. Hale re ported for the committee that the president had been advised and would shortly com municate a message. Mr. Barnes, assistant secretary of the president, then presented the message, which was read at once. THE SPEAKER'S GAVEL FALLS Rational House Begins the Grind the Fifty-Eighth Regular f eaalon. f Inaarts Pare, Soft, White Stria aid a Bttatiful Cetopleslea, enrae lexeme aad Tatter, so il aoiBMiy and rarmaoantly 1 MnMM Klaa, rimnlae, Kadnaaa. oon- epota aad Taa. Deed with ; Paraaa-Kc-rala Soap far iao aaia ia luanraa. tela by Orvegltta. t ay he arderad direct. Pes ateyio. fl per bottle, express pld. aVaaramawaaeyaae Mean, M eeata, by bmUI. tat aaae fNMdbage. CLes, eaareea Ml 4. THE DERMA-ROY ALB CO.. Cincinnati, a SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, i Kth and Chicago Streets, omana. In Wyoming, during which a sheriff wat killed and several Indians were laid low. Steps will be taken to prevent any future Incursions of Sioux Into Wyoming or con tiguous states. Representative Klnkald today Introduced bills for the purchase of sites and the erec tion of pub Ic buildings at Kearney and North Platte, Neb. Mr. Klnkald seeks an appropriation of tlX.OOO for Kearney and $110,000 for North Platte. Kotea front the Capital 1 D. Richards and son of Fremont, Neb., are In the city. Representative lot Thomas has returned to Washington from his home at Storm Lake, la. The part of the Iowa delegation Interested In the selecting of a successor to Judge II. 8hlras of the northern district of that state will get together Wednesday at JO o'clock and make an earnest effort to agree upon a candidate. Postmasters appointed: Iowa Melrose, Monroe county, William W. O'Bryan, vice H. Currier, resigned; Preparation, Mon ona county, David M. Evans, vice is. Daniels, resigned Wyoming Fossil Uin tah county, Wesley A. Bomers, vice Ida V. Clark, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska- Byron, regular, Henry 8 wart i; substitute, Justin C. Swarts. Pool Siding, regular. Wesley Neskern; substitute. Mary Nesk- ern. Manilla, regular, L,uke Keea; substi tute, Charles Bufflngton. American Sailors Killed. Admiral Evens has transmitted to the Navy department an account of the mur der of sailors on the American ship Ben jamin Eewall, as told by a Japanese sur vivor. According to the story the chief officer's boat, containing a number of sail ors, the third mate and hla. wife, was boarded jDy natives of the Island, of Botel Toboga, four miles from land. The sav ages ran alongside the boat and aa many as could clambered on board and stripped the occupants to the skins, not even spar ing the women. They stripped all the brasswork, took out the boat plug and cap sized the boat. All but the Japanese sail ors drowned, the survivors swimming ashore and hiding in the hills. Montana Keeps the Case. The supreme court of the United States today denied the petition of the Johnston Mining company for a writ of certiorari to bring the case of the Boston & Butte com pany, In whloh the company seeks through n order from the Montana federal tourts. to inspect the Michael Davitt mine through the works of the Johnstown company. The JohnBtown company Is not a party to the Boston & Butte case and sought to have the case removed to the supreme court In advance of action by the local court. Wants Kerr Uir Against Fraud. The annual report of the attorney general of the United States calls attention to the naturalization frauds disclosed during the last year In every section of the country and says that every honest citizen la deeply concerned in repelling and preventing dis honest claims to that high right. He therefore recommends for the consideration of congress the enactment of a drastic law. Delaary Coanael of Sew York. Mayor-elect McClellan today announced the appointment of John J. Delaney as corporation counsel of New York.". Psneral of Congressman Springer. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-The funeral of former representative William M. Springer, was held at the Metropolitan church today. There was a large attendance. Including many members of congress. rCDRUNICARDS VWrllTa DOVK CUttC never .'alia ludeairor crar. Ins for atrunc nrtnk, nia apTwtlta for wuleti cauuuf extaa after ualnf lb a remrdv. Glvea tn tnr Haul wun or wiibuiu aoarMaaoi paueau uauioeaial etiel after uai Sherman McConnall Drug Co.. Omaha. CIGARETTES, 0H POWDER ESPICS. A a? gf AV WT WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Speaker Cannon brought down the gavel at noon, convening the house for the first day of the regular session of the Fifty-eighth congreirs. The roll was called by states to develop that a quorum was present. Mr. Plnckney (Tex.) was sworn In. The speakerSinnounced the presence of a quorum, 303 members having responded to the roll call. The speaker appointed a com mlttee, consisting of Messrs. Hepburn (Ia.), Hemenway (Ind.) and Williams (Miss.), to Join a committee from the senate to. wait upon the president and notify him that quorum of the wo houses was present and roady to receive any communication from him. A resolution waa adopted providing that the clerk notify the senate of the presence of a quorum In the house. ' une uat or contests having been an nounced to the house by the clerk were read and are as follows: ' California. Fourth district; Illinois, Sixth district; Massachusetts, Ninth district; Mis souri, Kleventh and Twelfth districts; Pennsylvania, Tenth district; Oklahoma, delugate-at-large; South Carolina, First and Seventh districts; Tennessee. Eighth dl trlct; Colorado, First district. At 1:49 Mr. Barnes, assistant secretary to the president, bearing the president'a mes sage to congress, was announced to thi house. The message was read to tha house, The reading of the president's message was concluded amid applause on the re publican sld). The message was referred to the committee of the whole house on the state of the union and ordered printed. Another mesMage from the president transmitting rules and regulations pre scribed in connection with the public lands In the Philippines was received by the house. The speaker appointed a committee to at tend the funeral of the late Henry Burk of Pennsylvania, and as a further mark of re spect the house adjourned until tomorrow Tear in a out" I om rood for 10 cents" Take Plso'a Cure for Consumption. It will cure your cough. On market 40 years. All druggists. BANK AT SCHUYLER WINS (Continued from First Page.) impoislbllity to enter the battle at that time. In view of the discrepancy aa to the time the department baa recommended that no time be specified on the monument which the Iowa regiments purpose erecting on the field of Bhlloh. This, however, is not satisfactory .and Governor Cummins has notified the department that he will argue tha question before them publicly the last of this week. As he Is due la Boston to morrow and Wednesday he will In all prob ability come to Washington after termlnat. Ing hla engagements there. It Is expected that the governor will spend a week more In the national capital and will dls cusa the Iowa Idea with prudenoe. Talk Aboat Indiana. Major Brennan, agent at Pine Ridge, la In Washington with his wife. He today had conference with the secretary of the In terlur and the commissioner of Indian af fairs relative to various matters and most particularly the recent conflict between sheriff's poase and a band of Sioux Indiana . Subcommittee Samed. , WASHINGTON, Dec 7. The appropri ations committee of. the house today or ganized Into the following, subcommittees: Sundry Civil Hemenway, Glllett. Gard ner, Benton, Pierce. I-eKlxlatlve Binahanm. LJttauer. Olllett Livingstone. Taylor. Ulstrict of Columbia McCarthy. Bur. kett, Gardner, Pierce, Benton. Pension Van Voorhls. Brownlow. March. Underwood. Brundlge. Fortifications Liltauer. Marsh. Smith. Taylor, Brundlge. Denclenctea Jlcmenwav. Vnnvoorhls. Burkett, Livingstone, Underwood. Permanent Appropriations Brownlow. Smith, Bingham, Brundlge, Taylor. A ara Hater Barns After Porter's Antlseptlo Healing Oil la ap plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at the aame time. For man or beast. Price, Sc. A. B. Hubermann, oldest and absolutely reliable Jeweler in Omaha. Goods marked In plain, figures and lowest prices guaran teed. 8. E. corner Thirteenth and Douglaa. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Promise of Fair la Iowa aad Ne braska Taeaday aad Wedaes day. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7.-Forecast: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Tues day, colder In western portion; Wednes day, fair. For Iowa Fair Tuesday and Wednes day. For Illinois Snow In northeast, fair and colder In western and southern portions Tuesday; Wednesday, fair, fresh north to northeast winds. For Wyoming, Colorado arid Montana Generally fair Tuesday and Wednesday. For North Dakota and South Dakota- Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. For Missouri Fair and colder Tuesday; w ednesday, fair. ' Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER RTIRICATT. l . , At,. y, u. , . . - ujnirA, w, i. uiih'ihi record or tern perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1903. 1902. 1901. 1900 Maximum temperature.... 40 16 36 41 Minimum temperature.... 19 1 at SO Mean temperature 34 S 32 36 Precipitation 00 .00 T T Record of temperature and precipitation at umana lor mis aay since aiarcn l. Normal temperature 28 Excess for the day Total excess since March I SI Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the day 04 inch Total rainfall aince March 1 81. 09 Inches Excess since Marco 1 2.62 inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1902... 1.29 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1901... 6.89 Inches Heport from Statleas at T P. M. CONDITION Or THB W&ATHZxt. Omaha, cloudy Valentine, cloudy North Platte, cloudy ..... Cheyenne, partly cloudy Salt Lake City, clear Rapid City, cloudy Huron, cloudy Wtlllston, snowing Chicago, cloudy St. louis, clear St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy ........ Kansas City, clear Havre, clear Helena, clear Htsmarck. snowing , Galveston, clear 'III i : S B : : I i : - e i? i 88 40 . 00 30 4i .00 84 42 11 2 34 T 82 34 . 00 i 40 .00 22 ; T 201 36 .01 28 80 T 4 4 .00 20 ' 24 T s 30 .00 42 46 .00 32 3 .00 88 40 .00 16 tH .06 66 tO .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. WGUUi L. A. Forecaster. To Care m tela ta Uaa Day Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlas Tablets. Alt druggists refund the money If It fall ta core. E. W. Grvve'a signature U oa, each box. 8m. FICnilNC TO GET ZIEGLER Miiionri Attorneys at Albany Argue for His Extradition. GOVERNOR 0DELL HAS TO HESITATE Does Sot Give Coaseat Wlthoat Uolagr Felly Into the Merits of the Charge of Attempted Boodllag. ALBANT, N. Y., Dec. 7.-The requisition of Governor Dockery . of Missouri upon Governor Odell for the extradition to that etate of William Zlegler of New York: City upon an. Indictment In Cole county, Mis souri, on the charge of furnishing funds for the bribery of Missouri legislators In connection with baking powder legislation was the subject of a hearing before the governor today.. The Missouri authorities were represented by Attorney General Crow and Judge L. B. Harvey of Missouri and Sheriff Smith of Cole county. Mr. Zlegler was present In person, accompanied by his counsel, John M. Bowers, Delancey Nlcoll, Edward Lau terbach, William J. Underwood and John D. Lindsay. Mr. Bowers first demanded to know upon what dates the Missouri authorities alleged Mr. Zlegler was in the state of Missouri and committed the alleged crime. 'Upon blank dates in March, 1901." re- plied Attorney General Crow. Here followed a spicy wrangle between Mr. Bowers and General Crow, which Gov ernor Odell Interrupted,' saying: "Come, now, gentlemen, let tis come down to the meat of the matter. It seems to me now that the papers in this case are not regular In that they do not allege the date when the defendant was in the state of Missouri, c .nmlttlng this crime. I think that If T!ie defendant was not In the state of Missouri at the time of the committing of this crime, then It Is my duty to defend him. A very bad precedent might be established by permitting a citizen to be taken from this state on an insufficient basis of fact. Crow's Contention. Mr. Crow maintained that If the acts and contentions of the state of Missouri were not to be given full faith, but were to be disputed, the burden of proof was upon those attacking them. He said, that the dates concerned covered considerable period of time, "In early January, about March 19. and from April 1 to 3, 1901, covering substantially the en tire period of the session of our general assembly In that year." Mr. Bowers said the attack was not upon the entire administration of jus tice In the present gubernatorial race" In Missouri, nor upon the sufficiency of the charge, but upon this indictment. He then turned upon Judge Harvey and demanded to know whom he represented. 'I am a practicing attorney of the city of St. Louis," replied Judge Harvey. "I appear here to assist General Crow, with his consent. I am here also in the Interest of citizens of the state of Missouri, whose business has been practically destroyed by the leglsltaion whose repeal this bribery prevented." "We could not improve upon that," re marked Mr. Lauterbach. Where Criminality Lies. "It appears to me,". said Governor Odell. "that if any crime was committed. K was In the preventing- bv bribery the passage of this legislation." .'.'1 "Certainly,"" cried -MW.I Bowers, "and that shuts them UP to the. date of March 19." Mr. Bowers then read an affidavit of Dis trict Attorney Brown of Cole county, as serting that Mr. Zlegler was m that county on blank date In March, 1901. 'We propose to show," said Mr. Bowers, "that Mr. Zlegler never waa in that county In his life, and the swearing out of this warrant was an atrocous crime against the liberty of a citizen, an attempt to use the sovereign power of two states to bring this man Into the state of Missouri; where they can try him on any charge they please." Attorney General Crow then arose and repelled Indignantly what he called an In sult to a sovereign etate, Its chief execu tive and Its prott curing officers. "I do not know the gentlemen who made this charge," he said, "but I deem It my duty to my state and to myself to declare his statement aa false as" "Are you ready to try out the date of the lth of March?" retorted Mr. Bowers. ZelaTler Denies Allegatleaa, Judge Harvey reviewed the history of the baking powder legislation, In Missouri at the legislative session of 1901, and es pecially with reference to the attempt to repeal the antt-alum law. It waa in the obtaining of the defeat of thla repeal that the bribery la alleged to have taken place. A long legal wrangle then took place aa to whether It was necessary to Missouri to allege the exact date. Mr. Bowers quoted decisions of the court of appeals and of the United States supreme court In sup port of his contention that exact dates must be shown. This waa disputed by At torney General Crow. "It seems from this decision which has been read," said Governor Odeli, "that I once did what you ask and that the court of appeals sat down on me. Bo now I will confine you to dates In March." Incidentally It appears as though an en try of Mr. Zelgier'e name on the register or the Southern hotel In St. Louis figures the cases. Mr. Bowers declared that they would thow proofs of forgery. ' Mr. Lauterbach read a- long formal an. ewer from Mr. Zelgler, In which he de Clares that the proceedings against him were Inspired In a considerable measure by personal enmity and by opposition to his efforts to prevent the use of alum In baking powder. Omega Oil for Weak Backs, gore Mai. clea, stiff Joints. Instant relief. Bottle 10c. f ASTHMA Medical authorities now concede that under the ayalem of treatment introduced by Dr. frank Whetzel of Chicago, ASTHMA CAN BE CURED. Dr. L . D Kiott, Lebanon. Kyj Dr. P. E. Brown. PrtragharMowai Dr. J. C. Curryer. fu "?H"' . L. Cr.ffey. 6t Lonla. Mo. Dr. C. F. Beard, So. Pramlng m Maaa., bear witness to the efficacy ot his treatment and tbe permanency ol the cure in their own caaaa. Dr. Whetsel's new ma bod is a radical departure front tbe old iathioned smoke powders, spray. ei which relieve but do not core. TREE TEST TREATMENT prepared for any one giving a short dee criptioa of the case, and Bending namea of two other asthmatic auSarera. Aak for booklet of experiences of those cored. FRANK Uiurrin aa r Pep, m amarloaa tapraas Wda. Chieafle. .vV talWIJf VsslUla .vV' m IB hi liaedaheaUkaye elMMt IM WOiiMBfBj MAWVTL W Kir Una oorav ueaae ol. eav-Maal Ooimoteuk HlSttL. Kan u 4 puia. but aand ataai p fir II- HfKaa sat luairaud but roll ertieura and dlrecc-iiA bv luu m waia. ntai ii re. Kal Tkaaaa aJ4aV Mr J, For sale only by f RUM I tf "h d Douglas. McCLyUR MAGAZINE FOR special articles on burn ing questions, good stories, beautiful pictures, and novels by famous writers, McCLURE'S is the best of all magazines and the cheapest. The CHRISTMAS McCLURE'S v. 403,000 Copies is now for sale on all news stands. McClure's 10 cents a copy $1.00 a year "At any price the best" SPE.CIAL OFFER Subscribe now for 1904 $1.00 and get the November and , December numbers of 1903 free 14 months for 8)1.00. Tha 8, a McClure Co., 147 Eaat 25th Street, New York City. ft I i Beginning Monday, Dec. 7 Another Quotation Contest Ending Sunday, Dec. 13 During the week beginning Monday, December 7th, and ending Sunday, De cember p3tb, The Bee will publish each day, well known quotations twenty-five in ail which will be printed from day to day at the top of its Want Ad Page; the names of the authors will not be printed. Prizes as given below will be awarded to the winners of the Quotation Contest, on the following conditions: At the top of a sheet of paper, write your name and address. Then write out the quotation, as it appears in the paper and give the author, or source of the quotation. Then look through the Want Ads and cut out any advertisements ap pearing in these columns on that day, from which words may be taken to make up the quotation; paste them underneath the quotation in regular order and under line the words constituting the words of the quotation. Do the same with the sec ond quotation, and so on, until you have completed, the twenty-five quotations, the last of which will appear in Tlie Bee of Sunday, December 13th. Each . correct quotation made up from words appearing in Want Ads, in the way described above, will be connted as two, and each correct name of the author as one, on the score of the contestants. The person having the highest score will receive the first prize, the one hav ing the next highest score the second prize, and so on. In case of a "tie," the person sending in the answer first, as shown by the postmark on the envelope, will be given preference. All answers must be sent by mail. ' No one connected with The Bee Publishing Company will be allowed to c6m pete for a prize. . Do not send In your quotations until the end of the week. Prizes WortK Winning rnizE. VALUE. 1st One Man'a or Woman's Tailor Made Suit r $50.00 2ndl Dinner Set '. 10.00 3rd 1 Dinner Set 10.00 Jthl Intprnntlnnnl Kncvcloimedic Dictionary. Worth 8.00 6th 1 Bet "Life of Napoleon "three volumes t;th 1 Set "Life or Napoleon." three, volumes Tth 1 Year's HubacrlDtlon to The Metropolitan Magazine 1 Kth 1 Year's Subscription to Tbe Metropolitan Magazine J l)th 1 Year's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine J inth 1 Year's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magazine nth 1 "Life of John Sherman." worth 1 vthi T.iftt of John Sherman." worth iarh1 Cnnv "Mother Goose's Palut Book" : 14th 1 CenV "Mother Goose's Paint Book" 1. - . . ...... k. , ' n-lnfr Dswtr' 1 8.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50- 1.50 1.50 1.25 25 lOLQ 1 UOpy uuiurr yjiwnr- m i ami .... w ltlth to 25th New Books and Novels, worth $1.25 12.50 20th to 35th Mr. Bunny, Ills Book, worth $1.25 12.50 . . -... . ....... ir.... . .. k ci iu 1 An SUtu TO OUIU oiuie oii nun" e.w ........ 61st to 200th Art Pictures, worth 50c 75.00 200 prizes ...... ...$217.75 1 Study the Bee Want Ad Pages Today ' and Every Day This Week. ADDRESS: BEE WANT DEPARTMENT. OMAHA. Read The Bee the Best Newspaper. t iv,