( 11 THE OMAITA DAILY PEE: TUESDAY, . DECEMDEK .s. IIM13. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES AdttrlUrmrlli for these (olinaa will ee likra amtll 13 t. for the vealaa; edltloa and until HKHI p. fe saerBlac aad Seadar c4llaa. Rates, 1 I-lte a irord nrt lanertloa. I a word thereafter. Kaihlas talcca for leas thaa Hon for the lr( laser, tlaa. .These averllaenseats aaaat he raa rmrca(Ul, Advertisers, 8y requests a a am. bered cheek, east kari aaaevers ad dressed ta a aaaabarcd letter la car af The Bee. Aaswere aa addressed wilt be delivered aa prraeatatloa af the cttek oalr. MISCfcLt 4.NKOIS. WHERE Is tno best riat.e o Ancnd? Go to a school that shows what It la by what it haa done; one that has a good reputation In the community lor honest, conscientious work, i and whoae students' re Its beat advertisements. To get the beat results use the beat facllltlea. la education only the beat la good enough. BOYLES COLLEGK, Is recognised by business men aa the most popular and practical. Apply (or catalogue. Addreaa H. B. Boyjes, president. New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MORSES wintered. Black- 1122. 13d and Center. Tel. H H6 Dili PHOTOGRAPHS ixBiy:r:i price o per Ou. choice of 4 styles of (ft 2 mounting, special lor holiday only la toi-iP' PROCTOR, 616 boutn 16th bt. it at Cppri a! For a limited time we will 3 L,ValrL. nt you wuu a guaranteed fAin UC BrUClACL.! FOtt J.UV. Don i miss this chai.c-e. U. B. OPTICIANS, 208 N. 16TH BT. R M218 PERF1ELD8 Cut-Prlce Piano Co.. Bee Bldg., Koom 7. Tel. 7ul. Webtr, biory at Clark. Ltidwlg Schiller, ' R-MH EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all bualnes confidential. 1301 Douglaa. K 8J0 HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. We are mantiixciurera and sell you, direct 'laiking aaacnues of all kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph (to. 1621 ! arutuu ov., . uuia. uu rletalL EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. u im. ioio. lei. liVa. K 8il BTATUaRY direct from factory . special low prices until Xmas. Uonneila Bron., mi r arnara. Alutib HERB Is a chance to. get a pair of shoes which are unexcelled at any price, onl mod, 3.50 and 32.60. Regent Snoe Co., iu5 o. uia ou K u MONEY loaned on all valuables. U8 N. 10th rhirnnmu "lief; oorns removed. ur Koy, r 2-. 1606 Farnam. H.ii TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. It you don't, we both lose. Good work; jrtvuipb ativuuuu. ale atom, i el. aus. . R git TOO BUSY making clothes to close even ings, coma an time. Bulla, yJU to 3w, Trousers, t to 10. Dreaher, 1615 Farnam. tlMt D10 COLE-M'KAY COMPANY, UNDERTAK ERS. 1617 Capitol ave., tel. 454. R-37H Boles, 40c; with rubber heela 75e. 217 N. 16th. R-M2S7 DU AMERICAN, German Employment Bureau, 1d24 Dodge. , R 282 DU READ1 ( HAVE ROOT A PRINT IT. H EED1 Si IP.P.FFnt I A-. .- KOOTL Inc - v 414-16 S.UUi, 'Phone 1604 XV RrPJIfi ?tr'.otlJp Homemade; potato yesst. Dicau Delicatessen, 1806 Farnam Street R-7i 4- UNK THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of goods sold by one man the day before Chrlatmas, 1902. at our store.. This means that you can get anything you want of us In fine pipes, Humidors and clgara - for the holidays. Our line this year will eclipse anything of the kind in Omaha come and aee ua. o. D. Klniin.r. Cigar Store, 1223 Farnam st. R 68s 25 GOLD crowns from 33; fillings from 25e; set rfJf?ilhhP: ,,t,Vtr,act8d ,re- Union Dental Co., 1622 Douglas, room 4 . R 378 Henry He doesn't keen sta tinn.rv He sella It at 16U Farnam st. R 804 D12 ACCORDION pleating, quickest, Mrs. A. C. Douglas. Mark, lfth sntf v AU80 IF YOU WISH TO GET a Holiday Sweater Order it Early of BILlfi the Knitter m 8. 16th. R M812 DlS r Present this "ad" hefnr. UCllllbL Jan. 1st and get 1-3 off on R J 1 A , fi""f .?own and bridge Daiiey v?ork. 3d floor Paxton blk R-M473 D14 TninW AND BAGS AT REDUCTION I rUnK5 Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnam. R MJU UU COLUMBIA RECORDS. J , Ask H. W. Fredilckxon. CefltS tain ana t-apuoi ave., Omaha. R M322 DU P. MELCHOIR. machinist, lth ft Howard. it-rail THE GRAND PANTS CO.. A thoioughly tellable tailoring establ.ah ment carrying a lull line of pure woo.ena Makes, up any suit in the hojse for 417 n M6io U VEA ft SMITH. Plumhln and H-a,u. 118 N. 16th st. Tel. JtM. Prompt ktteni tiuu i.vtt wuu, epiriiiM a aie ctalty. R-iU Dl7 'STRONGEST In the World," the Equita ble Lite Assurance society, lu pulicles are sight drafts at maturity. 11 D Neely, manager. Merchants Natlonui UBI1S. UIU,., uiu, 1-.WU. it MbJ ytuitiRi bi rt-L,ia. uilery Co., 1611 nvwaiu. At. It lil HOLY SMOKE! Wa man's, 1607 Farnam. hlngton, 6c. Beck It a!620 OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 N. 16th at. ti J si FRANK, vudiuka at CO., tailors, have moved to S.l 8. 14th st.. In the New Krug Theater Bldg. Would be pleased to have all our old cuatomers rail, and also new ones, ana see our iaie arrivals of mld- In ter aultina-s. HIh-clHsa tailoring' dium prlcea. Don't forget the number. 321 8. 14tu at. Tul. 3182. H-ld, Jl 6IGN painting. 8. H. Coie, 1302 Douglas! H i73 ALL kinds of carpenter work and renalrln troraptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree autn ana iaxe bis. H t;o DEL PRADO WINE CO.'S Finest California Wines and Brandies. Purest and !sl for medicinal purpoaea CACK1.EY BROS., Hols Distributers. Sixteenth and Capitol Av. R-S19 Dm 31 NEW barber shop at Merchants -otl R-M Jl 1.000 POPULAR RECIPES." showing what to do In emergent'tre. Inc. Ask fur it. All dealers. R-M827 8x BO DURABLE) are the Onlmod shoe that the fact Is telua universally rwugntEed; 1 ; ao and H Ui. Resent fence Co.. 8. liU M. at U8l Ix MISCELLANEOUS. LITERARY SOCIETY Meets every Saturday nlaht at p. m. Progrsma ronalntlng of debates, recitations essays, oration, querlea, music, etc., are given. Ex-students and the public Invited. Omaha Commereial College tRohrbough Bros., Propa) (Tel. ia.) 17th and Douglas Sta. DON'T MISS A GOOD THING urt your meals and bualneas luncheon ai ino HAHbALH MMlunnn l, mim loTH. In price, service and cooking our meal are unexcelled. Board by week 36 In tloketa, la. JOSEPH S1RAUB. CHEF AND PROP. R 748 D20 WE HAVE solved one of the most difficult probleme In the retail tooacco oumnera and that la to suit all kinds of tastes In cigars We claim that our stock la the mint perfectly assorted both In quality and shaeea in the city. Another thing you can't possibly beat aur line of pipes and amcklng tobacco cigarettes, too. W. F. Stoecker. 104 Douglas. R S BREAD, pies, cakes, for, Xmas. 2914 Far nam. H-M641J3 A. Martin, Tailor, removed to 1304 nonglaa. THE Day I Met You, Sally,' song.. All dealers. tiew popular R M8M Ix BACK COPIES Of . THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE QUOTATIONS, v May be obtained at The Bee business office. XC'PER COPY. BR fil'RTC that vour eves are tested. HulMon. optician. H3 H. ltn St. Rf MS3S 8x WASHING by the day or taken home, by . R M767 IX HEFLIN, locksmith, 80 N. 16th. Tel i!74. R M456 WAKTKIW MALR HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of tnia being me tikuHT, largest and only reliable, moat practical bainer college in thie aeutlun of tne counny; write lor catalogue today. Western tiarbers' Insti tute, umalM, Neb. B 4oi GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., m B. 13th. B-4o8 WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied, un married men, between ages of 21 and &, citli-cna of United Slates, of good charac ter and temperat bablta, who can apeak, read and write English. For Information apply fo recruiting officer, 16th and Dodge sta, Omaha, and Lincoln, Neb. B M1S4 . WANTED, two agents at once; good sal ary; city work. C. F. Adams Co.. 16i Howard at. B 464 WANTED, first-class sausage maker and meat cutter. One-half interest in market for sale. C. W. Letchtord, 607 8. Mln St.. Council Bluffs, la. B-MGW WANTED Men to learn barber trade; short time completes by our method of constant practice and expert instructions; tools donated, diplomas granted, board provided, positions furnished. Call or write Moler Barber College, 13ul Douglas St. . - B M776 lix BOOK KEEPER wanted, one who has had practical experience; advise where laat ' employed, wny left and salary expected. Address X 43, Bee office. B M76 IF YOU are out of work a want ad in The Bee may become the avenue to a better future. Try a Bee want ad. B M836 8x PARTIES of upright character to repre sent us; salary 821, paid weekly; cash ad vanced, expenses. Colonial Co., Caxton, Chicago. B M939 14x WANTED ANY MAN. WOMAN OR child can make 810 per day selling the "Circus Performer.' Performs Just like live man on horliontal bar; sells it self; most attractive toy ever invented. Send 15c for sample and terms. Cowper Mfg. Co., 166 So. Clinton St., Chicago. B MiU6 8z WANTED, young man, 18 or 19 years old. who has had about two years experience in job printing. Apply 1112 Farnam St. V , B-M93S tx Salesmen The Hawks Nursery Co.. Wauwstosa, Wis. B M934 14 WAITED FEMALE HELP. I 100 girls. Call Canadian office, 16th ft Dodge. tj itis WANTED Girl for general housework at NO. 2lUl uoage st. . u HjU WANTED, men and women everywhere to do writing lor us . at home. I10.W a week made easily. Send stamped envel ope for particulars. American Advertis ing Co.. 921 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. C M646 8X WANTED Competent woman or married couple to take charge or dining room and kitchen and board lamlly; must be good cook. 2206 Fat nam. C 724 7x WANTED Young ladv assistant In office; must re graduate oi osteopainy or win ing to learn the profession; will pay good salary to rlht party; references required. Address X &. Bee. C 729 7 WANTED La Jles to learn halrdresslng; manicuring or facial maarage; short time completes; tools donated, diplomas ? ranted' positions furnished; call or write or particulars. Moler College, !Sft3 Doug las st. vJ Mm hi WANTED a good girl for general house work; small Harney st. laiiiti , ood waxes. 3347 C928 7x WANTED Girl for general housework. 8540 Harney. C928 9 WANTED A lady to dress a wound on lady s shoulder, dally. Address Xoo, Bee. C M948 8X FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. For Rent At a Bargain . The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only one ef its kind In Omaha. Present monthly rental. 3175. Will rent to Ingle tenant for 3133 per month. Or will remodel Into two stores and rent each store for 376. . Excellent location fcr men's furnishing store, shoe store, Jeweler, milliner, etc Every tenant of the immense Bee Build ing, City Hall. Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company. J 04-3 06 So 16th St FOR RENT building suitable for whole s; purposes at Via Faruana, 22x90, four stories and llrst-olass cemented basement, elevator, lire and burslar uroof vault, of- h counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire u. c noaewater, sec retary ties Building Co., room luu. Bee DUUJing. I MMM FOR RENT, storeroom snd bssement in good location, particularly aduDted for plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power lurnlshed If required. K. C. Peters ft Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee nuiiutng. i aim 3-STORY and baaement, T!xlO0- 10O5 Farnam bt. Inquire Sit Tat Nat l Bank Bldg. 1-j4 FOK RENT, three upper stories In four story building at Via Farnam St., two stones if preferred. Addreaa C. C Rose- water. b4rc., Koora lou. Bee bldg l-i6 New Quotation Contest 4 "And what Is so rare as a day In June'4 6 "I dare do all that may become a man 6 "Knowledge. is power." , . A $50 suit of clothes and 199 other prizes. For details see advertisement on page 4. FOR REKT FCRJtlSHED ROOMS. Room.at the Dellone Large, light and airy rooms, U.uO and up per montn; 7ao and up per day; steam heated, electrlo lighted, private and gen eral baths; flrst-c.ass service. 14th and Capitol ave. E-M719 ROYAL. HOTEL, European. 16th Chicago. K itgti FRONT room for two, modern, 218 N. 17th. E M3S7 DEWEY European hotel, 18th and Farnam. K ass NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17SS. E-3&4 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. . E 3S9 ELEGANT front roon; steam Vieat. 19U Capitol ave. & M.iil AT 821H N. 15th St. Nicely furnished room, steam htat, well lighted; nice, cosy place fcr winter for one or two gentlemen. E M611 8x AN ELEGANTLY furnished southeast cornel- front room, modern; a nice home. 623 N. 19th. E M81J Sx NICE south room, modern. Tel. A-lSit. 806 8. 26th. E M602 TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, only two bloc its from postofnee. 818 N. 15th. E M608 8x STATE HOTEL European. 1312 Douglas St. E M599 Jl DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam, 19th and Farnam Sts. E M395 8 NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping, llli S. 11th. E MOT FURNISHED room for rent. Gentlemen preferred. 608 N. 23d St. E-MT68 8 NICE, well heated room. 2203 Farnam. - E M746 8x FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable; no children. 104! 19 8. 20th. E-M765 12 NEATLY furnished rooms, with or without board, at the Scandinavian Y. W. C. A., 2010 Davenport st. E M906 8x NICELY furnished rooms, well heated, three minutes' walk from P. O. 3?4 North 15th street. E M932 13x t I ' . i Fl'KNISHED ROOMS AMD BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, ltith ft Chicago. F 747 THE ROSE, good board. 1020 Harney; warm looms, F M6t4 . UPTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F-73 ROOMS with board: modern, steam heat, also table board. The Dreaher. 602 8. 16th. F M31 J10 SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot and cold water. Merrlam, 26th and Dodge. . F MK94 DESIRABLE front room with alcove, 212 8. 2&th st. , f la; RQCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 15c. THE U. S. RESTAURANT, 1510 Dodge again under the inanagement of Wm. BAUERMEISTER. Open aU night. , . ;.. ' . F-L32. ROOM with beard, one or two persons. 1001 Park ave. i F M7o I 8x FOR RENT ITHri'RIIItHCD ROOMS. FIVE ROOMS for rent. 826 South Twenty-third st. 0-M716 llx TWO and kitchen to small, quiet family. 1023 N. 21st. , O M743 8x 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, heat, light, bath; close In; references. 2408 Cass Bt. ' O 9?7 8 FIR DRKSSIKO. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist. 806 8. 13th, 407 ' WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED, two good men on M. Walter Dunne's greatest success; exclusive ter ritory and liberal arrangements to right man. Absolutely new and exclusive. Men accustomed to lurge salary especially wanted. Address W 40., Bee. M123 L SALESMEN wanted to represent Lindsay clal line. M-672 1.x BACK COPIES f THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing TUB QUOTATIONS. t May be obtained at The Bee business office, 2C PER COPY. WANTED, traveling salesman thoroughly posted on tinware and enameled ware to cover northwest Missouri. Nebraska and Kansaa. None neea sppiy wno nave nn an established trade. Address X 87. this office. M866 8 WANTED SALESMEN and agents to call nn rrocera witn store nxiure. rouuui. territory: big money. Call afternoona. W. C. Norton, general agent, Midland hotel. -V WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska. Muat be well educated, rennea ana wm "'""- Must be capable of earning 850.00 per week net. we train you thoroughly and Insure your success. Don't apply unless ..o n mi the reaulrements and mesn business. Address Dodd. Mead ft Cora' pany. 408 New Nelson building. Kansas City. Mo. M-940 8 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In avery county to solicit suDcnpwun i j n. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Btesdy epiployment with assured good in come Akents In the country with horse and buggy especially dealred. Canvassers make easily 300 to 3100 per month. Ad dreaa Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 . MAGAZINE subscriptions; wholessle price 1st free. ABems w.ui. "- M2S 8 15th. J-M;37 8 MONEY In mail order business; write for our free prospectus, advertising, etc.; very small capital win atari you ra tional Mall Order Institute. Box 41 In clnnatl. O. J 801 6a DANCINO ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy. 2424 Farnam. Adult Desnnners, nonoiri anu diu;,.j, In, m. ; aaaembllea. Wednesdaya. 8 SO p. m.; children beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p. m.. Saturdays. I p. to.: advanced, Satur days only. 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; rea., A-1871. 706 PATENT. H J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 313 8. 16th sL, Omaha. Tel. 1798. 383 PATENTS Suae ft Co.. Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. TeL 1623. . M-5.0 D2SX DBTKCTIVKS. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2832. -4t THE BEBOTT r'TFTIVE AGENCY 706 N. Y. LIFE. Ti-LJ-i-HONE S0. Sua FOR SALE REAL KSTATK. ENGLISH & CO., Paxton Blk In West Farnam district; ? room modern residence, the last one I have-for quick sale at $1,800. RE M 124 HARRISON at MORTON. TRACKAGE. K4 64j FOR SALE, tweive-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Florldi; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good bouse. Address Lock Box M, Oitner. Neb. URAL ESTATE barralna. Full lot and -three houses in R. V. Smiths addition. only, 82,260. Thomas Brennan, w no. street. RE-MtWt $13,000 WILL BUY 1T1 One of the flneat quarter sections In Sarpy county; 17 mtlea from Omaha; all under a high state of cultivation; fenoed and cross fenced; good house, large barns, crlba, granaries, three acres In young bearing orchard; windmill and other improve- 8imxStwlll ty this elegant farm if taken WESTER FIELD ft HILL Bole Agents, tit First National Bank. RE M556 CHEA8- Williamson Co., RE-4 rOR SALE Large house. 12 rooma, 8 lots; house cost 122,000; ii.swi nam; wtm ,m.j of city; will sell for 815,000. 28. Bee office. Address W RE MTU DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If lou want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmera and etock raisers about it. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY , FARMER This agricultural weekly goes .to 46,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement Is small It centa per word In small type or 82.50 per inch if set in large type. THETWtrtTlETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB.. RE 328 HARRISON ft MORTON. ACREAgE 82 400 New six-room house at 871i Leaven worth;, modern except furnace; corner lot; 70 feet front, car line passes door; 8400 cash, balance easy payments at 6 per cent. Telephone 3738. RE 4(4) RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific headquarters, Omaha, Neb. . RE 410 COTTAGE Built only two yars would cost more to hulld today; iour nice rooms on the first, three rooms and Imth on the f-econd; lo- Cd,n BEIVilARK Nice lot, 44x142 ft., half block from Harney car; nice shade trees, brick walk; owner built this cottage for a home, but offers it at a sacrifice for quick, sale at $2,000 Bee us or look at the property, Mo, 3317 Myrtle ave. W. FARNAM SMIJH &CO. RE-677 HAVE TOU 33,600? Wa offer till sold 22 feet on Farnam be tween 10th and 11th at 23,509. We think It very cheap. v HARRISON ft MORTON, V U2-813 N. X. Ufe. Tel. 814. RE-648 BEE Spencer's bargains, 636 N. Y. Life RK a Jl UST'your city property with us for quick ' sale. We have the buyers. The Abbott Cowan Co., 312-314-315 Brown Blk. RE M160 32.WO 4207 Cuming at., 7 rooms bath, Vi c, gas. barn, 80x140. Bnap. 82 6001918 8. 83d st., e-room cottage, choice location, 60x140. Close to Hanacom park. i. V. BHOLES CO.. N. Y. Life. Tel. 49 RE MS34 rKE- Cuming. 'Phone H9. M404 14 On Easy-Payments tAUinn 4-r. rnttuiii. 2212 N. 27th. 8to.OO Double house, lot 50x18, 2017 Martha. 8600.00 7-room house. 8721 Ohio. 886000 4-r. house, lot 60x150. 3117 Marcy. f i' Jo-,- m'oa j. ir'51mS W-OO-Double n lot ouxiw), 4f xierce. ern, 2 lota, near Dundee. house, modern, near de- $0U0.00 Kountse Place, 10-r.. modern, 2 lota. GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg., 1604 tarnam St. HOUSES FOR SALE GEORGE AND COMl'ANY, lwl FARNAM BT. AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A pESIR. ABLE MODERN HOUSE AT A LOW PRICE. . . We are offering for sale No. 610 Park ave.. 9-room house that coat to build over 38,000. Haa furnace heat, modern open plumbing throughout and la in n-st-claas repair. Property has an east frontage of 76 feet on Park ave. by 140 ft. deep fronting on suth at Th round alone is worth almost the price asked for the property 36,6uo.00 33.900.00 For No. 1117 South 80th ave. 8-room modem house, built three yeara ago, oak finish, hardwood floors; very desirable location. 12 !10 00 F.." No. 1514 South 26th St., 8-room modern house, noi water neat, wnn iuuu wo, permanent sidewalks. Immediate posses- slon can be given. 82,8o.00 For Nn. T18 South 28th St.. 8-room house. modern except furnace, good repair. This Is lust north of Leavenworth St. East front. n mo oo For No. 3008 South iuth at.. 6-room new cottage, with bath room, gaa, water and sewer, and in fact Is modern except fur nsce. Is a very attractive place and well worth the price asked. This Is on 2uth street one-half block north of Vin ton. XI IN) 00 No. 1111 North 18th at.. 8-room house, mod ern except furnace, lot 83x140 ft., place la In flrst-claaa repeir and Is now renting for 3J0.UU per montn. '32.100.00 No. 2K4 St. Marv'a ave.. 6-room cottage. food neighborhood, easy walking distance rom city, place has Just been put In first-class repair. , RE M9S8 10 EOI'ITT In ISO-acre farm, well Improved, Fremont county. Iowa: will trade for rvmnrti Vtlnffa re-ldnce Droperty: hot ttlng works to trade. Addreaa K. Pes Of- nci, council tiiuns. la. c o ra FOR 8A1.K-Rsliiess block in good Ksn towu, paying 6 per cent net on invest- sas to ment; inveatigate. Cass for your real ea tate or bunnens, no matter where lo cated; If you desire a quick sale, send t.ric Lui ri-e and dwrtvUua. N. wens at Don, puria. Kansas. Mi-tiu Ua FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HARRISON ft PROPERTY. MORTON, BUSINESS HE 643 H THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN NEBRASKA LANDS. H 873 acres of fine land lying I miles north of Miller. Neb., In Buftalo county, 275 acres under cultivation, 12a acres of fine meadow, 240 aciea of thla land Is in the valley and the balance Is rolling land of a good quality of clay land, all fenced and cross fenced, a large lot of fine timlier, consisting of ash, elm and boxelder; the timber on the place will last tor a life time and will turnlsh all the posts and building material for the place for all time to come. The pasture is fine bide atem grass, with plenty of living spring water for stock, two fine tubular wells, windmills and tanks; buildings consist of a Iirst class frame house of 7 rooms, frame barn for 14 head of horses, frame chicken house, cattle barn, hay scales and feed yards, corn crib and granary. Price 312.50 per acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610, 611 N. Y. Life Bldg. KE-M92oX A Christmas Gift For your boy or girl, or yotJr wife or sweetheart, or yourself, that would be suitable, useful, profitable, Is one of those choice lot in MOORE'S OR WALLACE'S SUBDIVI SIONS. Lake and 27th Ave., well located, cheap, on easy terms. See me about them. GEORGE U. WALLACE, BROWN BLK. RE M922 8 I "'I ' " ' . CLAIRVOYXTS.' QYLMER, palmist. 715 N. 23d; 3245. 'phone B 8423 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN .LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. S07 N. ISth. 8 42 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School cf Occult Science, New York. Expert palm ist, clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; !ocntes minerals. 1 will guurantee mv readings . and the charges will be nothing If l can not see your friends as they are or de scribe your home. I have rend for the late President MoKinley, Mrs.' Potter Palmer, Mme. Patti and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments io reau ana eniertain in ilonies. 1615 DOUGLAS ST, B--M103 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th st. S-131 PROF. HARRY, clairvoyant and palmist; no difference what trouble you may have consult him, he can and will help you; readings, 31. Room 6, Krug theater. ' 8-177 26 FREE readings to all persons born In the month of June; send exact day and year of birth. Address Mme. Mixel. Atlanta, Ga. S MS34 8x KNOWLEDGE Is the hey to success. Con sult Prof. Plro. Free. Address Prof. Plro, 1843 Hamilton St., Peoria, 111. 8-M837 8x OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. 616 N. Y. Ufe. bldg. T. 1664 4iS The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T.2152. Atsen ft Farwell, Paxton blk., 604-7. T. 1303. 160 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Ufo. Tai. 2686. -461. Fayette Cole, Osteopath, 608 Paxton block. -ltt MEDICAL. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c., stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter, by return mall. Ask your druKRlnt. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. LIQUOR HABIT CURED In 3 days pay , when cured; no hypodermics. Write for booklet. Gatlin Institute, 216 1 8. 14th sL 341 14 BACK COPIES Of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES. , containing ' THE QUOTATIONS, May be obtained at The Bee business office. 2C PER COPT. WANTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND books. Crane, LOT N. 16 th. N-067 J2 DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. Levlne pays the hiahest cash price. Telephone tTL N M4U4 BOOKS bought and sold. Room 23 N. Y. Life bldg. tihonleld, the Antiquarian. N-J3 12 TOBACCO tags, coupons, bought. 209 S. 13th. N Mi97 Jl Books bought, sold. Antique Book Con cern, 213 Karbach blk. Tel. STkU N-4V.9 WANTED, to buy. Interest in a country bank that Includes a position by man or experience with best reference. Address X 42, care Bee. N-M848 10 WANT TO BUY a !d-hand guitar, standard mike; must be cheap. Address X 18. Bee. N-M915 8x 31,000 for 1895 silver dollars, and good prices for otner rare coins. Address a (3. nee. N M829 8x WANTED SITUATION. YOUNG man wants place to work for board. Tel. 1H4. Boylea College. t A 730 8 WANTED, position as collector for busi ness nouse; ran rurmsn rererences ana bond. Address J. U., Poatottice Box 93, South Omaha . A M8i4 Sx WANTED Situation aa housekeeper In well ordered home, competent ana re liable. Addreaa X64, Bee. A Mini l?.x SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. 467 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd's theater. 468 TYPEWRITER CLEARANCE SALE Great sacrince. We are selling at lees than cost our surplus stock of new and second-hand typewriters. Remingtons, Hi up; Manhattans, brand new, tii to S5i, and all others In proportion. F. 8. Web ster Co., department G, 139 Madison at., Chicago. M 941 8x MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. DbVidge block. 3o9 LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2u4. BECHTOLD'8 union orchestra, st. 211 R. ivh M9U0-J1 EXPERT piano 1 tuning and action regu lating; reasonable price; satisfaction guar anteed. Colllna Piano Co., 113 8. 17th. Tel 2334. 61 9 a. , T T-T- - COSTUMES. Theatrical and nuuq. Ueben, !014 F J- rOR HB.KT MOISE. FOR RENT 7-room house, city wster, gJS, furnace, all mode. n, on Pork eve., X3u. room house, city water, 2121 Mason. C M. Buchmann, 43-4i raxlun Hlock. L MSS3 FOR RENT Seenroom cottare, large yard. In good condition. Wm. K. Potter, rec. 303 Brown block. D 413 HOI ICCC In all parte of the city. The Davis Co.. tut Bee Bldg. MOIIFQ in Prt of the city. R, IIUUOW c Petore ft Co.. Bee Bldg, D 48 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office IjIIH Farnam, or Tela. lSil-RO. U i 26i6 DAVENPORT, 10 rooms, modern except furnnne, barn, lit. 812 Pnrk ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, 8X2.60. W. Farnam Bnuth ft Co., 1820 Farnam St. D M418 NINE-ROOM modern house, nicely fur nished, centrally located. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1320 Farnam St. D M417 WALLACE. Brown Block. 835 2011 Sherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 418 MODERN house, west part of city, in ex cellent condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be made. William K. Potter, receiver, 8o3 Brown block. D418 PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO., choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 420 SEVERAL good houses, 310 to 318- Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D M110 WE MOVE pianos. MHggard Van ft Stor age (jo., lei. n:i. omce, 1713 Webster st, D 421 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. D 422 FOR RENT, 6-room house. 25fiS Woolworth nve ; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout-3H. j. H. Sherwood, New i orx L,ire Bldg. D M56J 1126 S. 36th St., 6-room house, city water 812.UU. 2fc 1H 8. 191 h St., 8-room house.. 320.00. 1!25 8. ISth St.. 5-room house: well 310.00, 2418 8. 16th St., 6-room flat; bath; city 3?I5 Burt St.. 8-ronm cnttaae 86.60. 3817 N. 19th St., 6-room house; well, cistern 311.00. 1024 Orsnt sti, 8-roorn cottage; city water .w. 319 N. 17lh at.. 5 rooms upstairs 212.00. 2212 Cluk st.. 5-room eottase $12.00. MCAGL'E INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge at. D CM FOR RENT. No. 138 North 88th ave.. very attractive ana aesiraine residence or 11 rooms, mod orn f hrotishont Swi.OO ner month No. 8504 South 20th St., 8-room modern house two blocks south of 2nth and Vinton streets; car line 325.00 per month. No. lll Howard St., 2 flats consisting of 12 rooms, In best of repair 356.00 per GEORGE ft COMPANY, 1601 Furnam St. D-M937 20 FOR DALE MISCKI.LASEOl S. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a huge stcck of ini-ap bar fixtures, cTgar counters, no. '1 he Brunswlck-Balke Cullender Co., 407-9 S. 10th bt. W 404 16 CHOICE Duroc-Jersey boars at farmer prices; also gilts. W. W. Wheeler, Har lan, Iowa. Q M626 12 SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. 2 six pass, rockhwaya, 1 coupe, 2 landaus, 4 tus. wagons. A. J. Simpson, i409 Dodge. Q-43S D14 & EQUARE PIANOS 350 EACH. 60 CENTS PER WEEK. SCHMOLLER ft MUELLER, Largest Piano Dealers in the West. 1313 Farnam. Q 896 CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be sold; foi particulars address U 48, Bee. Q M28i D13 IKV1.:. oods and reli.s. 1119 Farnam.' Q-397 lrtOfi ft Wire fences, tree guardi Irttllses. Western Anchor Fence Co., 206 Nt 17th st. Q -398 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-9 FOR SALE, several schols'shlps in a fim class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course in. business, shore- - hand and typewriting. Inquire st Bee olllce. Q 833 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 40U CHEAPEST OaTTIbLAT-CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 9tU Douglas. Q 401 FOR HA1.E, Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 66, Olltiicr. Neb. Q 196 TWO tine depot wagons, 2 rockawtya, 1 oupe. I traps, i wagonette, i orays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18tK and Har Q 402 - ney. CLOSING out hard coal atovea at less thsn M price from fS up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL 20. Q-03 i i - . .- ., BLACK HILLS POTATOES, New York ap ples, home-grown celery. - Special atten tion to 'phone ordera. Prompt delivery. Buffett ft Bon, 14th and Harney. Q-M6CS1S WOOD 6.000 cords of Cottonwood for aale. Inquire 606 28th at.. East Omaha. ' Q-M661 14x FOR FAI.E Pair of diamond earrings, about C'j carat each; sold single or toe-ether, teasonabln. private party. Ad dress X 44, Bee office. Q 725 7 L1MONITE Must have money. Make me an offer for a block of Ltmonlte Tunnel Mining stock. Address X 63, Bee. Q-931 13 1.000 POPULAR RECIPES." showing what to do In emergencies, 10c. Ask for It. All dealers. Q-M828 8x FOR SALE. Remington typewriter, good as new, tt'S. Address X 71. Bee. Q MS30 Ix FOR SALE. 10-horsepower engine, fair con dition. Address X 92, Bee. Q M841 8x ' BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you went to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. Jonnson, 843 N. Y. Life. YK4 , , EXCHANGES of all kinds. To I y or s-11 a business or exchange merchant f.e a ' land or city property, call or write Shgtea Aimsnong Co., 721-2 N. Y. Li IS. Tel. 4a. Y-M793 FOR SALE,' tt Intareat in a Crtrl Ne braska National bank; sto.'k paya annual dividends of 8 per rent.' Will sell at bonk alue. Addreaa X 30. Bee. Y-M670 14 A LAUNDRY for ssle; a bargain If taken .at once. Fur particulars address the Avoca Laundry, Avjc, la. Y M673 lOx CASH for dry goods, clothing snd general merchandise stocks, 310,000 to I50.00U. Ad dress, wltn full particulars, 301 First Natlomil Bank. Omaha, Neb. Y 72 MUST aell a pool ball, be w ling alley and cigar store, clearing 310U monthly, all In same building; good terms; lively town. Chas. E. Hall. Orchard. Neb. Y M860 u FOR BALK, good harness and Implement bualneas In Northeastern Nebraaka. Ad drees X 66, Bee. Y-M933 14 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN ft PRICB. 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg, NliW 8NOW -CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T, life bldg., attorneys snd collectors ery. where. -k4 Arthur L. Warrick, 408 Ware blk. Tel. ili W F. WAPP1CH. AVD1CE fret. Creis'ntun Blk. Wi2 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange beautiful upright piano In ood condition fr tieree. For particulars sdd'ess X 29, Bee. W ILL TRADE a good farm for Hidden Fortune, Horseshoe op some other good mining stock. Address X 61, Be office. 2-4-J0 13 rERSONAU CRPP FACIAL THKKTMENT8 a Re-No-May Co., sia oe Bldg. WE RENT aewlrg machines at 7f peh weea, i per montn, we repair ana sen parts for every machine manufactured; second hsiid machines from 31 to 30. Nu. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. U 442 VIAV1" way to health. Omaha. 846 Bee building, U 444 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and atiruig confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gorlscn, 3626 California st. Terms reasonable. U 44S GOLD ELiiCTRO PLATING. Cll urn Old metalllo articles mady new. bILVER OMAHA PLAT1NU CO. KimiCI REMOVED TO 1506 HARNEY. ItlNLL Th.LEPHO.NB 2o3l. U U9-D-34 PRIVATE hospital during confinement: babies adontea. Mrs. Uardels, 2i4.Lake. Tel. Red-IDM. t- PRIVATE home during confinement; bsblet adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. U-fc-t BACK COPIES of Till 9 WEEK'S ISSUES. containing THE QUOTATIONS, . May be obtained at The Bee business office, 2C PER COPT. WATER'S PRINTING CO.. 1212 Douglaa St. U Mfti9 tt WANTED, to meet stylish and good look ing young lady; object pastime. Address X 76, Bee. . U-MW7 8x PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher, 2616 So. 11th. Tel. 1889. U 447 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At lt.i..(.ta . I 1 . 1 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregulnrltles of women from sny cause; experienced and reliable. 1613 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. . U 449 WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. . U 460 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 6-1 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. U 451 EYE,. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DR. WILKINSON. CREIGHTON BLOCK. Treatment and operations for catarrh; . catarrhal deafness, enlarged tonsils." chronic sore throat, crosa eyes, etc Free from 2 to 6 o'clock. Examination free. 15th and Douglaa. U 984 33 LIKE the bell cow, we lead Dreaher the Tailor 1615 Farnam; open evenings. Too busy making clothes to close. U-988 32 Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bid. U-676 CALITZO Meet me at Huteson'a. expert Optician. 213 8. 16th st.: Kdlna to set a ffe" ir oi His "Patent Slip rot" eye giafgea. e testa free. J W8J Jl ROBINSON'S Shining Parlors, 13:0 Doug laa st. U -M849 J6 MAflMCTIP treatment baths. Mme. IV1JIMC1 11. smith, 118 N. 15. 2 fir. r. I U-M944 F8x PETER P.: You may think you are some pumpkins In the ting. I dare you to meet me any time. Arrange with Tobe. Thla Is no bluff. BILL C-R. V M842 8x i MONEY TO LOAN CUATTKLS, WK TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE. MONEY TO IjOAN -ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, WITHOUT SECURITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also losn money on FURNITURE, .. PIANOS, HORSES, etc., without removal of goods i LOW RAT&B E..8Y PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a htph lata of ir.tereat for ' money, but call und get cur rates before going elsewhere. Our plan la the CHEAPEST, BEST and MOST PRIVATE in the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rccma &U7-3U8 Paxton Block. X-M42S C A QV TO GET lAJ-1 TO PAY Best explains our methods. Ve loau od lurmtuie, pianos, warehouse tejeipts, etc. or if you nave a permanent position we can mane you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and uoniideqtlal, and we a. ways try to please. All that we ask la that you give ua a call be tore you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229j. Oksiabllslied 189.0. ami 6. ltttli tit. . X-M42 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, L1VM STOCK, ' SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and eaay terms. Business confidential. Try us it you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block, ltith and Farnam sta.' X 427 LARGEST BUSINESS I No LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boat din houses, etc. without ma. curlty, easiest terms; 40 offices in prin '..trial "I r I.. 'Clmar. iiA Pn.nl . l" Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 428 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried . people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-429 MONEY loaned on pianoa, furniture, lew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, ' 818 0. 18. X 430 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. P- 8. Barker Block. X 181 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bauk Bldg. Tel. lbu. W 4iJ PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. j433 4 TO P. C. money, Bern Is, Paxton block. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. V 0l WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., ltO Farnam Bt. W 4il6 FIVE per cent loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., lt04 W 487 WANTED Real eatate loans and warrants. Hi C. Peters ft Co., Bee Bldg. W-4io MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 21 6 farm loans, nam. R. C. Patterson, 1224 Far W Mini WANT 3 or 9 81.00b and 32.000 loans for customers. F. D. Wead. DoujUsot. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. SECOND-HAND top buggy, with rubber tires, 330; runabouts, 312 and Ander-sen-Millard Co.. 1516-1618 Capitol Ave. TeL 82L P 275 11 NEW and 2d-hand vehlclee for sale; re main. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 167 MILK WAGON and buggy; a big snap. Bee A. W. Johnson, with John Deere plow Co. P-M1!6 U PONT FOR BALE Buy pony, perfectly gentle, for riding and driving; weight ' about 660 lbs. Apply Immediately. Ja. It son's barns. 28th and Harney. P M8a8 8 WANTED To buy h)rses and mules; all c. asses, big and little; will be at Jones' barn, 1114 Dodge st Dec. 1 and 8. P-494 7x DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 30 N. 23d. . M-t4 t27 JOY Tailor School, 264 8. tola. Tel. L2167. -M.36 D-'lS