Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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President Whaler Retires After Teen of
Berric on Accmnt of 111 Health.
taatltntlone Other Than Colfax Baak
flh Which lie Wu Connected
Atr SolTeal aad Will Be
Reopeaed at Oart,
DK8 MOlNfcfl, Dno. 6. (Special.) The
annual meting of the Iowa State Trav
eling Men'" association wag held here to
day. II. H. Hedge, a banker of this city,
wag elected president to succeed President
W. H. Wheeler, who retired after many
years on account of Illness, and John Wil
kinson waa elected vice president, otherwise
the directors and officers remain its lie
fore. Governor Cummins, who has long
been the attorney for the association, ad
dressed the convention and urged that 11
Incorporate under the state law and come
under the provisions ' of the Insurance
statutes of the state. The association Is
a purely mutual and fraternal one and has
operated without coming under the state
law. It has now spread out over the coun
try to mich an extent that Incorporation
was urged as essential. During the past
year 4.235 applications for membership
were received and 3,848 accepted. The .In
come of the association the past year was
$173,688 and. there waa paid to members
r their families S135.210, which Is 50.009
more than last year. The officers reported
that It waa through the efforts of the as
sociation largely that the fire escape law
was passed and it has been through the
efforts of the association that It has been
enforced and dozens of dangerous hotels in
Iowa have been equipped with fire es
capes. The report of Secretary Haley
hows a membership of this Iowa associa
tion of 19,524.
. Did Not Want Examination.
It now transpires that a few days ago
the late George Wood of Colfax, who
committed suicide, refused to permit the
state auditor to make an examination of
his bank. While It Is a private bank and
the state bank examiners have no right to
look' Into Its affairs, yet Mr. Wood had
begged to be permitted to receive deposits1
rora the reserve fund of the state bank at
axter. In which he was interested, and
as this was contrary to law he was asked
to permit an examination of the affairs of
Ms .own bank before it could be done. He
declined. He did have some of the Baxter
bank money on hand, but only a small
.mount. The bank at Baxter will reopen
on Monday, as the directors are able to
handle It easily. Mr. Wood also owned
stock In the new state bark at Mlnden, In
tottawattamle county, and that bank re
cently had about 11.100 on deposit at Col
fax, but now has only small sum 1121.
The Mlnden bank Is therefore not Involved.
Investigation has been going on today
with regard to the county deposits at Col
fax. It Is found that Polk county has up
ward of $30,000 there and that Jasper
county has $12,000. Other counties also have
some sums on deposit, generally secured
by bonds. The funeral of Wood will occur
on .Monday and the bank will reopen on
Tuesday. The other bank's In which he
was Interested will reopen on Monday,
Wood had, $50,000 life Insurance,
Killed by the Cars.
Thomas Godwin, a coach cleaner on the
Book Island, waa killed at Valley Junction
this morning. He was at work at an early
hour In the yards and stepped front one
track to escape a train and stepped In front
of ' another trafn,! which struck "hfm e.nd
knocked htm down. He was badly mangled
and died soon after being taken to a hos
pital. .". : '
The telephone assessment report has Just
been printed, showing that there are 24,460
miles of line and the assessment was for
The articles of Incorporation of the Graet
tlnger Telephone company of Palo Alto
county were filed with the secretary of
state today; capital, $10,000. The Stark
Hardware company of this city incorpo
rated; capita!, $20,000. The Jewett Type
writer company of Des Moines filed amend
ments which create a board of French
directors In Franca. '
; Gambler Wants Money Back.
Fred Harlow and his wife have brought
ult In the district court against W. Dela
hut and Lewis to recover $260 alleged to
have been lost In a game of poker In their
place. Delahut and Iewls are under Indict
ment for keeping the gambling joint. Har
low claims in his petition that he was in
duced to go to the gambling house by the
proprietors, who then got him Intoxicated
and that he wu In n condition to protect
himself and hence the loss. He says the
money belonged to his wife.
hot Troves Kstel.
Gorge K'lngentlel. who was shot by his
divorced wife a few r.lghts ago, died this
evening. He had returned from the state
inebriate hospital and tried to' force his
entrance to . her house at midnight. She
confronted lilm with a revolver and started
to take him to a hotel, but on the way
down town shot him to keep him quiet.
Venerable Bishop Kays Mrtnodlat
Church Made Mistake by Iro
tilbltlnax That Amusement.
BIOIX CITY. Ia., Dec. 6-(8peclal.)-Card
playing, dancing and theater-going
should not he specified In the discipline of
the Methodist Episcopal church as pro
hibited amusements la the opinion of Bishop
Charles H. Fowler of Buffalo, who arrived
In Sioux City today. "That clause was put
into the discipline In 1872," said the venera
ble bishop, "and it was one of the biggest
blunders ever made by the church. The
clause Is incomplete and Impracticable. It
leaves out a great many sins that may be
committed, but which cannot be antici
pated. The clause ought to be repealed and
a now one substituted which would be more
general and leave the matter open for the
judgment, discretion and honesty of the
Individual, That Is what makes the man
and makes character. I should not be sur
prised to see a change in this clause pro
posed at the general conference next May
at Ixs Angeles."
Farre.1 of Boiion Leads All Hit Fellows in
Wok with the Bat,
Creditors Beajta Clamorlnar When
They Learn of Iowan Shoot
Ids Himself.
DES MOINES, Dec. 6. Banks at Ira,
Baxter and Mingo, owned by George D.
Woods, who committed suicide at Colfax
yesterday, have closed '.heir doors tem
porarily. A mechanic's lien on the bnnl
fixtures for $1,600, filed by a Des Molnef
firm, may precipitate a crisis. Polk county
has formally demanded the return of $30,
000 deposltd In the Bank of Colfax. The de
mand has not been acceded to. Ex-County
Treasurer Laymen has recovered $:'0,000 de
posited In the Colfax bank during his ad
ministration. W. O. McElroy of Newton has been ap
pointed receiver for the bank of Colfax
and will take charge at once. It was feared
if the bank reopened a run would follow
and It would be broken.
Dnbuqaa County Adopts an Econom
ical Method of Providing
Macadam Pavements.
DUBUQUE, la., Dec. 6. (Speclal.)
Hereafter all prisoners sentenced to the
county Jail for minor offenses, such as in
toxication, vagrancy, etc., will be com
pelled to work on the county roads. The
farmers recently held a goed roads con
vention and discussed plans for the Im
provement, of the county highways, but
they realized that the county's finances
were not In shape to bear the expense of
macadamising the roads. It was pointed
out that this obstacle could be surmounted
by making prisoners In ..the county Jail
transform the Illkept highways Into serv
iceable roads, and Supervisor McQuillan
accordingly Introduced a resolution to this
effect, which was unanimously adopted.
Boy . Boxcar Thief Arrested. '
LOGAN, la., Dec. 6. (Special.) Allle
Bwango, IS years old, was. arrested, here
Thursday tfh a enarge"bf yagrartcv7 tind
rearrested Fridny for burglary. He Is now
In the Logan Jail awaiting action by the
grand Jury In February. The boy came
from some small town In Illinois. Under
an elevator 'building clone to the railroad
track were found Several buckets of Candy
and several dozen --- which, It Is
believed, he had ntf- a box car he
had broken Into, lie ami also several
blankets and a lamp, which were also iden
tified as stolen goods.
Have This Issne.
It contains tots of splendid Ideas for
Xmas gifts. The book advertisements open
splendid possibilities for Xmas gifts, and
the other advertisements are full of good
Mills County Doctors Meet.
GLEN WOOD, la., Dec. . (Special.)
The Medical society of Mills county met at
Jeffries' hall In this city yesterday. After
a short clinlo and general discussion, papers
of- Interest to the profession were read.
The next meeting will be at Malvern In
June. . - :
Mop re of t'levelauu Heads the Wis
ning Pitchers, wltk Old Cy Itiag
Ionian Alone; Only Two
Points Behind.
CHICAGO, Dec. 5. The averago of the
Amii.cau league plajcrs for the last
toii were given out today by ban Johnson.
ne leauers are; iiatilng, Ja.iell if Hus
ton, .-ii; pitchers (won Mid lost), Moore oi'
Cvvelai.d, .ii. Fleiolng; J;tenerS, Howe. I,
'ew io.K, xv,0w; outhelck-ri, .ones, d.l
cho, iirsi a-.tenisn, Anuerson, tt.
ioui, .Sji; secon- Laemen, McCormick,
vabulngtnn, .rM; third basemen, L. Cross,
Plnlaaeiphia, .9j4; shortstops, Moran, Wash
ington, .; catuneifc, o'Conno.', kw k,
Batting and Pitching Averages,
Batting. GameS.AB.Runs.Hlts.Av.
Farreii, Boston il
lujoie, Cleveland.... M
Deit-nunty, Vv asn 4J
4liruck, Chicago ... 14
Dougnerty, Boston. ..liW
HicKman, Cleveland. iw
Young, oaion 1
Reeie,', IMew York....lM
Ortn, Wasnington.... o4
Uraoiey, Cleveland. ..HI
Manet, Detroit iM
Ureen, Chicago IM
Hansel, fhna........ M
buy, Cleveland 1U
Clarke, Chicago lo
Jones, Chicago 13?
t'arent, Boston ......
l.ktln 11,
Invuuiu, HUM ......,,
, Hick, Cleveland 142
Klbcrfcld. N. Y Via
H. Davis, Fhlla 101
I Hohlns, Boston 13U
iiurketi, rlt. Louis. ..kiH
LaCrocs, Phila lit?
.-uiiuhan, Chicago... 113
Moore, Cleveland it
Young, Boston
Hughes, Boston 'il
Hernhartf, Cleveland. 14
Dlneen, Boston 21
Muwell, New York. ..Hi
Plank. Philadelphia.. 23
Hiirlhoff, 8t. I.niia.,,.i!1
C'hesbro, New York.. 21
Urittlth, New York. ..14
ui 0 iii rMl
t 9o la .sju
foo Kl 181 .U
0x3 1 iVu .ihu
bid nt ill .ami
ki4 im 44 .iktO
010 164 .314
14 lit 44 .-is
Mi ItU lil ..tin
b&J to 104 rttio
6 1 1 loo ,.li
t, to lid ..-II
tttt 27 114 wtlU
o J .t"
bo 71 lo4 4
6ot( Ki ll
Ml 'iH loa
0.9 M i8
4 id 77 US .ir
'.61 V4 lzO .
b4l 87 1x0
M4 74 ltii ,i:i
b&4 61 )t2 .-m
4ki 4t) 120 .AN
Lost. T.O. Tie. Pet.
V 0 .75
9 0 0 ..'67
2 1 .760
6 0 ,TS1
11 0 i ,6.6
6 0 1 ,'5
16 0 0 .t:l
lii 1 0 iM
15 1 0 ,5x3
10 0 0 M3
Fielding Averages.
Games. P.O. A. E. Av.
Howell, New York M 41 69 0 1000
Townsend, Wash 20 6 84 0
Dorner, Cleveland 12 1 27 0 1
Chesbro, New York 40 11 108 1 ,91
Tannehlll, N. Y... 32 15 85 1 .J0
Dlneen, Boston SS4 11 73 1 .KNf
Wilson, Washington...., 81 H 60 1 .9S8
Orimth, New York.;..... 26 8. 52 1 .94
Plank, Philadelphia...... 41 23 83 2 .SW1
Kissinger, Detroit 16 1 t3 1 .1)73
jmJi..T-"J"nn1' MlnaJ.yVi !ft?lr,r
!anTTsa''ftir griVfltaXCT
M .
2 d f-T- s.sni A
Hie ZM
Wa3 first said by a Shawhan Customer,
of 5hawhan Whiskey.
Now Tens of Thousands of 5atisfied Customer say the same
We have the Proof to Back up this Assertion.
Wo arc tho Oldest Distillers In the U. S. The Qhawhans have Dis
tilled Whiskey for more than a Century.
Wo are the Only Distillers of High-Grade Sour Mash and Rye
Whiskey West of tho Mississippi River.
Wo Distill more Hlgh-Grado Whiskey than all tho Distillers In tho
State of Ohio.
Wo Distill more High-Grade Whiskey than all tho Distillers In tho
Stato of Illinois. ,
Wo will furnish you Whiskey Free for a Year If these Statements
are not True. Write for Proof .
Send it to us with your name and address. We will ropistpp it and toll
you how we propose to redeem it in cash. It will b worth money to you. It
may be worth ft great deal. If the coupon is accompanied by an order we
will send you FREE Our Ilandsome 1904 Art Calendar (13 urr Mcintosh's
copyrighted Fencing Girl.)
Price List of Shawhan Pure Whiskies, Express Charges Prepaid.
O Ctf"i For Quarts (32 Ounce Bottles)
Z 1 1 Shawhan Lone Jack Bourbon or Rye
Ja W W Whiskev.
For 4 Full Quarts (32 Ounce Bottles)
Shawhan 10-Year Old Bourbon or
Rye Whiskey.
Jones, Chicago .....137 326
Ryan, Washington 114 2fi4
Gessler, Detroit ...29 "M
llartsel, Philadelphia.... 97 14;
Pickering, Philadelphia. .136 271
Stahl, Uoston 74 12S
Crawford, Detroit 187 22n
Barrett, Detroit 1S6 298
Roblnaon, Washington... 27 47
Lush, Detroit 103 233
Anderson, St. Louis; 139 1497 91
LaChance,. Boston ......141 1442 . 64
Oansel, New York 129 1379 96
iRbcll, Chicago 120 1312 88
Carr, Detroit 136 1398 108
McCormlck. Wash 83 . 171 263
Ing, Detroit 36 SO
Williams, New York .,..132 477
Lajole, Cleveland 124 8!
I'addsn, St. L6uls 2 67
Moran, Washington .... M 2X3
Parent, Boston lM 2v9
M. Cross, Philadelphia. .138 80s
Wallace, St. Iiouls ...7..I3S tm
Elberfeld, New York 124 25
L. Cross, Philadelphia. ..136 167
Coughlin, Washington. ...121 178
Courtney, Detroit 19 25
Collins, Boston 130 172
Hill, St. Louis 81 128
O'Connor, New York ... 64 286
Sullivan, Chicago 81 423
McAllister, Detroit 17 85
Bernls, Cleveland 83 892
Powers, Philadelphia .... W m
19 10
. a IJ
Ottled by the
H """"""-J" .'' W i lasaiiaj i i.ilSM.'
n m.ima mWaii iiiiiiiim in
LaBaawiiuiinirix liwiiiminWflwiwiTBMi
For 4 Full Quarts (32 Ounce Bottles)
Shawhan Pure 1'each Brandy or
Apple Jack.
For 4 Fu 1 Quarts (32 Ounce Bottles)
Shawhan Selected Stock Bourbon
or Rye Whiskey.
ejrWith each order We will Include a Whiskey Glass. Corkscrew and 2 Sample Bottles of
Whiskey or Brandy. We guarantee our goods to be as represented. If you are not entirely satis
fed send the goods back to us at our expense. We will return your money by first mall.
Shipments made In plain boxes having no marks to betray contents.
Shawhan Whisker will be the only whiskey dispensed in the German Village at the coming St. Louis World's Fair.
The managers of the German Village are using Shawhan Whiskey ezelusively because they know it to be the only absolutely
hlgn-grads 'Whiskey distilled in tbe territory known as the Louisiana Purchase. Every loyal citizen should be Interested. In
the World's Fair to beheld In St. Louis In 1904. In commemoration of the Louisiana Purobaae. We are going to give our
customers an cv'c'ortunlty to visit the World's Fair st our expense. With eson box of whiskey shipped we Include for each
gellon a coupon which entitles tbe purobaser to a guess on the total number of gallons of whiskey distilled In tbe United States
during the year 1903. To tbe twenty persons guessing nearest tbe correct amount, we will give free transportation and ex
penses to the big Woild's Fair. To'assist in making your estimate, when we fill your order we will furnish you a statement as to
tbe number of gallons oi whiskey distilled In the United States each year for tbe past ten years. Or, If you prefer, write us
end we will mail you FREE full particulars in regard to this contest.
AODRmam omo. h. bhawhan, ? r., or
The Shawhan Distillery Company,
General Offices G0 1-502 Balrd Dldg., KANSAS CITY, MO.
Established 178S. lie Years Successful Business,
Um 8. Registered Distillery Me. S, rourU. 8. Distillery Bonded Warehouses,
he Is backed by members of the Nether
lands nobility, whom he has taught to
Attested BokIiis: Champion al CmII
Bent leases , Chsllense to'
' Jeffries for Match.
NEW TORK, Dec. 6. Arrangements are
tinder way ooktng to a boxing contest be
tween James J. Jeffries ana Henry J.
Placke of Amsterdam, Holland, who claims
to be champion of. the continent. Placke
hna sent $300 forfeit to Richard K. Fox of
this city to support a challenge, and Billy
Delaney, Jeffries' manager, lias signified
his willingness to negotiate for a match:
Placke is 33 yenrs oil, Is fi feet 8 inches
tall and weighs 'Itil pounds. He claims that
If men and women who suffer from Stomach, it)
Liver or Kidney Complaints would only take jjj
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters they would soon U
be restored to perfect health. It is especially
compounded for such ailments and has never $
been known to fail.
will restore "the appetite, assist digestion, stimu. Hi
it ...
late the liver and kidneys, and cure SICK m
FFVFD AND AfilTF. Trv it once for WP W
know it will cure you.
Stomach Bitters.
Carbuncle Win a the Maximum, Feat
are Event ( Closing Day at
. Beaalali.
WASHINQTOIT, Dec. B, The Maximum,
at three miles, was the feature on the pro
gram for the closing day of the fall meet
at Bennlngs today. River Tlrate, Circus
and Carbuncle were the only entries and
the race resulted In an easy victory for
the latter. Burns had the winner tinder
wraps all the way and readily drew away
when called on. Track fast. Results: .
First race, handicap, 3-year-olds and up
ward, six and one-half furlongs: The Mn-
or won, Fustian second. Buttons third.
Ime: 1:22.
Second race, maiden 2-year-olds, six fur-
lonas: Bill .Curtis won. Bronx aecond.
Magic Flute ihlrd. Time: 1:17.
Third race, steeplechase, S-ycar-olds ana
up, about two miles and one-half: Billy
Ray won, Gypsy second, Morreliton Chief
third. Time: 5:16.
Fourth race, the Maximum. S-year-olris
and upwards, three miles: Carbuncle won,
Circus second, River Pirate third. Time:
Fifth race. 3-year-olds and up. seven fur
longs: Wager won, Toscan second, Mary
wortn tnird. Time: i:a4.
Sixth race, handicap. S-year-olds and up
ward, one mile and forty yards: Duke of
Kendal won. Arrah Gowan second, Wlreln
third. Time: 1:45.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. E. -Besults:
First race. 3-veur-olds and uo. uellina:.
six furlongs: Rey Dorsey won, Hernia sec
ond, Marco third. Time: 1:194.
Second race. 8-year-old fillips, six fur
longs: Tioga won. Bell Mahone second,
Goody Two Shoes third. Time: 1:20.
Third race, 2-year-olds, one mile: Misan
thrope won. Wreath of Ivy second, Town
Noor third. Time: 1:61.
Fourth race, the New St. Charles Hotel
sweepstakes, 2-year-olds, six furlongs:
Rainiand won, Exclamation second, Morn
Ina: Star third. Time: 0:134.
Fifth race, handicap. 3-yeur-olds and up.
one mile and one furlong: Potheen won,
Iltle Scout second. Ben Chance third.
Time: ' 2:00.
Sixth race, selling-, S-year-olds and up. one
mile and one-quarter: Air Light won, Troe
aiiero second, Hiridons third. Time: 2:18'4.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 6 Results:
First race, six furlongs, selling: Saintly
won, Fort Wayne second, Quatre third.
Time: 1:13.
Second race, six furlomrs: Padua won.
Military Man second Ananias third. Time:
ihlrd race, one mile and fifty yards, sell
Ins;: Silver Fizz won, Shellmout second,
invlctus third. Time: 1:43V:.
Fourth race, one and one-sixteenth miles. 1
handicap: Horatlus won. Yellowtail sec
ond. Dlvlna third. Time: 1:46V I
Hfth race, six furlongs, sellins" Km
brattaln won. Sad Samuel aecond, Martin
mas third. Time: 1:13.
defective flue had started a blaze In ihe
Bjurret. The members of the family suc
ceeded In extinguishing the flames before
the arrival of the department and the
damage, will probably not amount to more
than fcO.
Council Bluffs aerie, Fraternal Order of
Eagles, has elected the following ofHcers:
Stephen H. Conner, worthy president; C.
H. Nicholson, vice president; Lee L Evans,
chaplain; J. H. Bryant, recording secre
tary; Frank C. Hendricks, financial sccre
tHry; George 8. Davis, treasurer; W. A.
McTwigan, conductor; Bert Mosher, Inside
guard; J. Petersen, outvi le guard; trustees,
W. W. Rogers, C. D. Ws Hers and J. H.
Mlthen; phyrtclans, Drs. Reller and Cole.
8. G. T'nderwood. J. P. Hess and Wll
lium Arnd, the collateral inheritance tax
appraisers, were commissioned yesterdiy
to eppraise the criate of Tracy H. Moss
of Silver Creek township, recently de
ceased. The estate hue been valued at
about $14,000, about $5,000 of this being per
sonal and the remainder real property.
Moss was a bachelor and five brothers and
sisters are his heirs, consequently all of
Ms estate will be subject to the collateral
Inheritance tax.
J. L. Stickney, claiming to be deaf and
dumb, was brought to the county Jail yes
terday from Neola to serve a sentence of
thirty days Imposed upon him by Mayor
Robertson of that place. Sllckney, it ia
alleged, was playing the deaf and dumb
game in Neola and working on the sym
pathies of the citizens when he became
talkative as the result of too much jiq uor
and used language which was neither par
liamentary nor such as Is used In polite
society. Despite the fact that he is said
to have found his tongue at Neola. Stick
ney when brought to the county jail per
sisted In answering all questions with a
pencil on paper.
A Boston terrier dog valued by Its owner,
Ward M. Burgess of Omaha, at $300, which
was stolen four weeks ago, was recovered
yesterday and returned to Mr. Burgess
through a clever piece of detective work
on the part of Officer Conrad Distmnn of
the Council Bluffs police force. Three
weeks ago Officer Distmun learned that a
dog answering the description of the ani
mal lost by Mr. Burgess had been seen In
posscRHion of a certain man In this city.
Following the clue Dlstman ascertained that
this man had left the city and gone to
Cedar Rapids. Dlstman kept at work on
the case with the result that the dog was
returned to Council Bluffs yesterday after
noon by the person who stole it and It
was returned to Its original owner.
So, Pretentions Events Illnmlne
Record of Seven Dnys Jaat
, Flnded.
Kentneky Fntnrtty Popular.
LEXINGTON. Ky.. Dec. 5 Over 900 en
tries have been In the Kentucky Futurity
foi foals of this year. Acting Secretary
Wilson believes that the list will run close
to l.Onn. which will be the largest number
of 'entries i-lnce 1K9R. when they -numbered
1.001 The futurity Is for 19c and will be
worth $21,000.
Winners Say Gnme Was a Daisy.
ONAWA. Ia.. Dec. 5 (Special Telegram.)
The Onawa High school girls' basket ball
team defeated the Sergeant Bluffs girls'
team at Sergeant Bluffs today by a score
cf 14 to 12, and say the game was a daisy.
(Continued from Eighth Puge.)
Joseph W. Smith left last evening on a
Short trip to Chicago.
Mra. Horace Everett entertained Inform
ally at dinner Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Stella P. McChesney of Pollock. La.,
Is visiting her siHter, Mrs. W. Jt. Dudley.
Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Arthur entertained at
dinner given at their home Monday evening.
The members of the Woman's Whist club
will met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
C. R. Tyler.
MIks Bay Carter entertained a number
of neighboring friends Informally at a
uiuslcuie given at her home Friday even
lug. Mrs. H. H. Van Brunt entertained a
number of friends Informally at whist Fri
day evening.
The members of Idesl club will be enter
tained Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Metcalf.
Miss Zoe Hill entertained at a luncheon
Wednesday afternoon In compliment to her
guest, Miss Hewson of Kansas City.
The second annual ball of the Council
Bluffs aerie of Eagles will be held Wednes
day evening, December 23.
Mr. and Mrs. J.' F. Wilcox have Issued
Invitations for a reception to be given at
their home Wednesday evening from 6
to U. -.-;'.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Miller of Oakland
avenue entertained at a 7 o'clock dinner
Tuesday evening. Covers were laid for
The members of the Woman's club will
be entertained Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. A. P. Hanchett of South
Sixth street.
Mrs. Thomas Metcalf entertained a num
ber of delegates in attendance at the club
meeting at a dinner given at her home
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. 8wartfager of Avoca and Mrs. A.
Timmony of Salt ljike City, were the
guests of Mrs. T. G. Allison of Pierce Kreet
during the last week.
The women of the Congregational church
ertertalned at a social given Monday even
ing at the home cf Mr. and Mra. K. C.
Smith o fFirat avenue.
The Daughters of the American Revolu
tion will give a card party Thursday even
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor
E. Bender of Fifth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Danforth, who have
been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T.
True of 86 Second avenue, will return to
their home in Norway, Me., Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. True entertained
at dinner Wednesday In honor of their
guests, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Danforth of
Norway, -Me. Covers were laid Zor ten.
The East End Card club was reorganized
Thursday evening at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. jrnest H. Evers. JZ48 Maple street.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Worn Kllen, Mrs.
Mathls and R. Marx.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell of 738 West
Broadway entertained at dinner Friday
evening complimentary to Mr.' and Mrs. F.
A. Danforth of Norway, Me., guests of Mr.
and Mrs. F. T. True. Covers were laid
for twelve.
The members of Myrtle lodge, Degree of
Honor, were the guests of Mrs. O. Vogeler,
1017 Sixth avenue, at a kenaiiigton Wednes
day afternoon. Delicious refreshments
were served and a pleasant time wus eu
joyed by all present;
Mrs. Mathew Tlnley entertained the
members of the, Euchre club at her. home
Tuesday afternoon. Prizes at cards were
won by Mrs. W. 8. Hlgdon and Mrs. C. W.
Brelsford. The, club will meet . this -weak
with Mrs. Harry Searlc. , . 7
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorham entertained
at a course dinner Tuesday -evontng in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. , A. Danforth.
Covers were laid for twelve. After dinner
cards were played, the 'prises being
awarded to the guests of honor.
Bhaduklam ' temple. Dramatic Order
Knights of Khorassan, entertained a-, num
ber of visitors Thursday evening. The
Gellenbeck String trio of Omaha enter
tained with a number of selections and
short addresses were made by C. F. Kim
ball of this city and Chris Boyer of Omaha.
Following the program an oyster supper
was served. Among the guests present
were members of the order from Omaha,
Haallnga. Ia., Randolph, la., and Carson,
Unwonted Irritability and dread of grap
pling with business problems are danger
signals of a general nervous break-down.
Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound
builds up end strengthens the nervous
system, digests food perfectly r.nd AIM
the veins with pure, rich and healthy b';ood,
A thirty days' treatment can bo obta.nei
from any crtig store for la cents. It you
have .Rheumatism. Catarrh; Sonst'ipnHon
Kidney or Liver Troubles. Indigestion or
Dyspepsia. Sour, Pick or Hloa'lr.g Stomach,
Malaria or Sick Headache. A tlx months'
treatment contains a bona nJe guarantee
that the dollar paid for rame will bo '
refunded In every cHse where a cure Is
not effected. You -fln't ufford tp nlss this
opportunity of being restored to health for
ouch a small sum.
160 Pares of Text -32 In Color
'MOO Illustrations 12 Short Stories
Send Name and Address Today You
Can Have It Free and Be Strong
and Viz orous for Life.
How any man-may quickly-cure himself
after years of suffering from sexual weak.
Bass, lost vitality, night lossna, varloooele,
.', t'.'M."."., I 3 r
New York, N. Y.
Gentlemen? I have, used your
f Bitters for stomach and kidney ail
f merits and I am pleased to recom-
f mend it tn everyone.
Read this evidence: jf
Evanaville, Ind.
Gentlemen: I Buffered for years
from stomach, bowel and kidney
t troublea I waa persuaded to try
t your Bitters and can truly say that
1 it cured ma IL O. DUNBAR.
Tin mumrz is poa sun or m druqqists, doh't accept mi other
Noble grand. Herman Rosch
A. K. l?uk: aecreiarv, James
treasurer, A. D. Van Horn.
Kugene Uailugher, aged 35 years
vice grand,
F. spare;
fe-y Nii&si i
yesterday morning from typhoid fever at
his home, lul'S Third avenue. Deceased wuk
a member of the local aerie of Kagles and
of Ui local Bartenders' union.
The Hustlers foot ball team of this city
went to Neola yesterday and defeated the
High school team of that town, & to u. The
score was made in the first hilf, the gume
belug a moMt stubbornly contested one from
start la finish.
The hearing In the divorce suit of Mrs.
Ina Doemer 4lnht August Doerner was
completed in the district court yesterday
morning. Judge Oreen awarded Mri. lRer
tier the divorce asked fur, u well as the
cuattidy uf their only child.
Kred H. Hall, said to be the champion
exhibition lool player, will display his
skill with the rue Monday evenli.K at the.
Klks' club. Hall la credited with being
able to make what ai x-ar to the uniniti
ated almost Impos'lb.e ehota,
Congressman Walter 1. timith left lust
evening fur Washington, D. C Before
leaving the announce ment of his appoint
ment on the app-oprl itlun committee waa
received and be was heartily rung ret ulttie 1
by his many frieiids hare. He expe-ta to
return to spend t h-tatuioj with bis family.
Thm fire department ws called yesten' y ,
evening lx.ui t M to the reuuuce cf I
Mtaaos W law, iljtuutt sure!, Utre a
The most loathsome and repulsive of all 1
thines is the serpent, and the vilest and most
degrading of all human diseases is Contagious Blood Poison. The serpent
sinks its fangs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes through
the entire body. Contagious Blood Poison, beginning with a little ulcer,
soon contaminates every drop of blood and spreads throughout the whole
system. Painful swellings appear in the groins, a red rash and copper col
ored splotches break out on the body, the mouth and throat become ulcerated,
and the hair and eve brows fall out ; but these symptoms are mild compared to
the wretchedness and suffering that come in the latter stages of the disease
when it attacks the bones and more vital parts of the body. It is then that
Contagious Blood Poison is seen in all its hideonsness. The deep eating ab
scesses and sickening ulcers and tumors show the whole system is corrupted
and poisoned, and unless relief comes soon this 6erpent disease tightens its
coils and crushes out the life. The only antidote for the awful virus is S. S. S.
It cures permanently the most desperate cases. It is
natufO's remedy, composed entirely of vegetable
ingredients. S. S. S. destroys every vestige of the
poison and removes all danger of transmitting the
awful taint to others. Nothing else will do this.
Strong mineral remedies, like mercury and potash, dry up the sores and drive
in the disease, but do not cure permanently.
Send for onr home treatment book and write us if in need of medical advice
r speciid information. This will cost you nothing.
Health, Strength and Vigor For Men
' etc.. snd enlarge small, weok organs to
j full site and vigor. Bimply send your
name and addrehj. to Dr. Knapp Medical
I Co.. Sens Hull Bldg., iMtrnlt, . Mich., and
I they will gladly bend the free receipt with,
full directions ho any man may easily cure
i blmself at home. This Is certainly a most
f:nerous offer and the following extraou
aken from rhelr daily mall, show what
men tblnk of their generosity.
"Dear Sirs: Please accept my sincere
thanks for yours of- recent date. I have
given your treatment a thorough test and
the benefit has been extraordinary. It has
completely braced me up. 1 am just as
vigorous as when a boy and you cannat
realise how happy 1 am."
"Dear film: Your method work beauti
fully. Results were exactly what I needed.
Btrenetii and vigor have completely
returned and enlargement Is entirely
"Dear Hi rs: Tours
had no trouble In making use of the
-Tours waa received and I
receipts as directed, and f in truthfully ary
I ii ii I Doon 10 weaa men. i um greauy
Improved In slse, strength and vigor."
I All correspondence Is etrlnly confidential,
j mall4 In plain sealod envelope. The re
ceipt Is free for the asking and they want
very man to have It
Keiievet Kidney
a uiaaaers
liuul'U- t 'nice, ij
Cures In
40 Hours a5
rrh Can
tule bcevrt t:
h4lM rrmntrrtrit.
W m
Brrwar rf ti
fiUtiUUacraiul'.'lluiely Article. .