THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: HUN DAY, DECEMIlEIt tf. 1003. SOCIETT STRIKES ITS GAIT Lockl 8mrt Sat OeU Into Etetdt 6wlng of Wlittr Gaiety. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR IS LENGTHY Ma iir Aaaaaaeed Rtrali ( Ureater r Lease Magaltad la AddlHea " ' - fa the Week. Tha feollsh fops of th tiet centurcs Will brag snout their ancestree. And soma will M V allttercillnUsleS "Our family used coal in nlneteen-l-hre:;' new lorn iimti. Tlia Week's Caleaaar. MONDAY Bishop and Mrs. A. L. AVIlllam reception, from t to 11 o'clock; Mf. and Mrs. JlHrry Johnson, the Hon-Ton Card chid; mm. u. r. trummcr fuenre parxy, Mm. Robert Olmsted'e luncheon ana card n.rtv Mra. laiwtnn. nractlcs whlac: Mr. nd Mr. O. I). Klpilnger. West "Ida Card i-lub; Mrs. H. . Jaynea, Daughtera of the American Herolution; Mrs. a. hihw enterrslne the members of the Ceramic dub; Mr. and Mm. V: C. Holllnger, earns. Tl'RHDAT Southwest Dancing club, Mm. Henry W. Yetee' luncheon, Mr. and Mm. R. H. Olmetsd. a dinner. WKDNE8DA Y Metropolitan club, whlat nsrtri Mm Wakelev. a euchre party. Tit I'RBDA Y St. (Tola club. dancing party; FInto-flpalding wedding; Miss . lVeaton. cards: Mies Potter, the Lunch eon club; Mint Cecil Ellett, a reception for Mlsa Klsle Self ken. FRIDAY Mra. C. C. Rosewater, tha Friday clubs captain Hill oanclng club party; Mm. W. I). Bancker'a tea: Mra. I ten ford and Mica Powell hoetestes ot meeting of Hound onxen club. ATtTHDAY Mr. ajid Mm. C. M. Morton, I'oppiaton Avenue card club; Mra. H. c. Smith and Mm. Liirien Stephana, a recep tion to Mm. William Seare-Poppleton, rrom s to o ciock. All considered, laat week waa realty de lightful. It waa Juet comfortably full, and after the ruah and scrambis of the Iat nonth society appreciated It. Of all the affaire the reception Thuraday afternoon given by Colonel and Mra. McClernand to General and Mm. B.imner waa perhapa the moat pretentloua, but that lt where mili tary affairs alwaya have the advantage, for the full dreaa uniform and the national color lend an Impreaelvenees that other affairs, no. matter how brilliant, can not claim.- And, by the way, the military con tingent promlaea to afford not a llttie that la brilliant thla winter and exrluslvS. too. There are aeveral eligible bachelor among the officers who are already very popular, judging from the attention they are re ceiving, and proapecta are that society will aee mom of braaa buttons and blue uni form thla winter than It haa alnce the old dayvwhen Port Omaha afforded ao much that waa attractive to the local fashion- ablaa. ' Thla week will atart off with a ruah, but Whether It contimiea that way remalna to .be aeen when Monday mall la dlatrlbuted. Nobody think of aendlng out tarda the car If the professor naver romea back. It ha a "new thought-' of Ita own thla Winter, and that haa little to do with Ita rereatlle charmer of laat aeaaon. rieaaarea Past. The members of th Harmony club were gueata laat evening Of Mr. and Mra. Charles Btebblna. Mlaa CofTman waa the gueat of hone at a luncheon given by Mlaa Butternem at the Omaha club. The Initial meeting of the aeaenn of the Optimo club waa entertained laat evening by Mr. and Mm. Frank Barrett. Mr. and Mm. Albert King entertained the membera of. the M. N. Card club Friday evening at their homea on Charlea atreet. Mra. Fairfield gave a chafing dlah supper on Wednesday evening, her guests being Mlaa Howard, Mlaa CofTman, Mlaa Wool worth, Mlaa Mae Hamilton, Mr. Fred Ham ilton, Mr. Canfleld, Mr. Oreen and Captain Norton. The regular meeting of the Hiawatha Card club waa held laat Friday at the home of Mlaa Bffle Levoy, where a moat delight ful evening waa apent. The prlaea were won by Meaar. William Sinclair and Thomae F. Rhoy. Refreshmenta were aerved. Mlaa ifoldrege Rave a theater party at Boyd's' on Tuesday . evening. Her gucata were Mlaa Howard, Miss Coffman, Miss Woolworth, Dr. Crummer, Lieutenant Welle, Mr. Tukey, and Mr. Gannett. The party occupied two boxes, and waa chaper oned by Mra. Howard. Th membera of th t'topla club were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mm. R. K. Patterson Thuraday evening, sur prlatnr their hoeteae by appearing In tat tered clothe and presenting a general pic ture of dilapidation. A Dutch lunch waa aerved lata In the evening. Mr. Otl Skinner waa th gueat of Mm. Ouy Howard Wednesday afternoon, the other present being: Mra. Clement Chase, Mm.' . M. Fairfield, Mm. K. Kllpatrlck. the Mlasea Crounse, the Mlasea Holdrege, Lieutenant Allen, Lieutenant Elliott, Cap tain Horton, Mr. John L. Kennedy, Cap tain Shaw and Lieutenant Bowie. At Morntngaide Wednesday evening: Mr. nd Mra. John Barker and Mr.. R. F. Smith gav a handsomely appointed dinner In celebration of Mra. J. H. Brown and Mra. n. r. rmun Dinnaay. me table waa trimmed with American Beauty rosea, sur rounded with red-shaded candlea. and fol. lowing th dinner the party occupied boxea at Boyd's to see Otis Skinner and jlA Rehan. Mra. H. M. Fairfield gave a chafing dlah aupper Wednesday evening a a farewell to Mlaa Wool worth of New York, who haa been her guest for several weeka and one of th moat popular visiting girla of the season. -Th company Included: Mr. and Mra. Wilson Lowe, Mra. Guy Howard. Mlaa CofTman, Mia Howard,- the Mlaaes Hamil ton, Mr. Fred Hamilton. Mr. 8hermn Canfleld, Captain Horton, Lieutenant Allan and Mr. Albert Fletcher. Mlaa Lena. Segelke won flrat 'and Mra. M. D. Karbach won second prlae at the inaian olub, which Was entertained at bride aa matron of honor, and Miss Rich ardson of Brie, pa., will be the mal of honor. Mlsa Frances Nash and Mlsa Ks ther Nash will be the bridesmaids. Mr. 1ouls Naan will attend his brother aa groomsman. The ushera will be Mr. I-ee MrShane, Mr. Edward Balrd, Mr. Ben Cotton and M" Frank Kennedy. The cere many will be followed by a reception to ISO gueata at Foreat Hill. I Mr. and Mf. Robert Purvis have lasued Invltstlons for the wedding of their daugh ter, Mlsa Fannie Purvle.: and .Mr. Alfred O. Eillck, which will be solemnised at their residence on St. Marya avenue. Wedneaday, November 18. A recaption will follow the ceremony. ... Hat of the week any more. Monday Is th high-five at Mra. Karbach' reaidence. 122 uouia Tentn street, Friday afternoon. The Idea of th nam of th club waa carried out in decorations. Idttla Indian were uaea ror cor card and wigwam for plac cards. Alt th first urlces of tha ekib hava been hand painted ehfna and day now, and the woman who ha plana ahead must watt until that la over before arranging her datea definitely, And now that almost all of th Wedding date ar decided upon ther will doubtlea be no end of glven-ln-honor affaira. It . Is I th second hand embroidered piece. really a relief, too, that th cards ar out I In honor of Mis ' Elsie Self ken vhosa for aoclety haa speculated and wondered I marriage to Mr. John Gamble' ot Los An so long that It ha become vexing. But I relet will take plac during the holldava naxt week eomea the reality. Monday the I Mlaa Byrd Purdy entertained th member wedding of Mia Helen Cady and Mr. Rob- I of her Sunday school claa Saturday after tnson. will tak plac. It will b a quiet I noon at her horn on North Twenty-fifth bom affair owing to a. recent bereavement .In th family of the prospective groom. Th. marrlag of Mis Louis Tulfey and Mr. Morrison will be solemnised Tuesday availing. at I o'clock. Mlsa Ethel Tukey will atreet. Miss Purdy waa assisted by Mrs. :jen maniey and Mra. T. L. Comba. A fea ture or tr.a afternoon wa a linen shower for th proapecUve bride. Th young women present were: Miss Estelle Brown. feme aad Uossla. General and Mm. Manderaon are In Chi cago. Mrs. Campbell Fair la the guest of Mra. Philip Potter. Mlsa Gertrude Caawell arrived Saturday from Chicago! ' Mr. and Mm. 8. O. Strickland are at Excelsior Bpringa. Mrs. Smith of Evanston, 111., Is the guest of Mr. end Mrs. H. F. Cady. Mm. Henry T. Wyman haa aa her guest thla week Mlsa Evans of Columbus. Mr. and Mm. W. Kelley ar gueat at the New Willard, Washington, D. C. Richard C. Patterson left for Portland, Ore., laat night, to be gone ten daye. Mra. William Morrison of Lincoln la the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra. A. -P. Tukey. Mlsa Webster haa returned from Fort Leavenworth, where ahe haa been visiting friends. Mm. F. A. Green baa a her gueata Mra. J. N. Raerty of Lo Angeles and Mm. V. Bherman of Denver. Mlsa IJnn Curtis is expected home for the holtdaya and will spend the remainder of the winter here. Mra. Plerr C. Morlarty returned Satur day morning from a week's visit with friends In St. Louis. Miss Hetene Wyman of Washington,. D. C, wll! apend the next month the gueat of Mra. Henry T. Wyman. Mr. and Mm. Guy 'Barotn have gone to New York, where they will remain until the latter part of the month. Mr. F. W. Aahton of Grand Island Is the gueat of Mr. and Mm. N. L Guckert of lit North Thirty-eighth street. Mr. Tom Davis will come home from Yale for tha Christmas holidays and Mr. Glen Wharton Is expected home from Princeton. Mra. E. St. Julian Cox ot St, Peter, Minn., Is the guest of her daughter. Mm. A. K Gault, and will spend the greater part of the winter here. Mlaa Woolworth, who haa been the gueat of Mm. Guy Howard and Mrs. E. M. Fair- field for the laat few weeks, has returned to her home In New York. Mr. and Mm. E. M. Momroan left Wednea day for California,, where Mm. Moraman will apend th winter. Mr. Moreman will return about the middle of January. Mr. and Mr. W. E. Nash, Mlaa Franoea Nash and Mis Esther Naah are expected In Omaha December 16 for the Nash-Cotton wedding. They expect to. apend the holi days her. Miss Mary Alice Powell of Lincoln, who apent Thanksgiving the guest of Miss Mar tha Dale, has returned to her home. Mr. James Powell, who was th guest of Mr. Fred Thomas, has also returned. Mtas Richardson of Erie, Pa., Is expected todsy to be the guest of Mr. and Hn Herman Kountae until after Mlaa Cotton'a wedding. Mtas Richardson will be maid ot honor on that occasion. Mr. and Mm, Henry Myem of Dubuque are also ex pected fof 'th wedding. . Tha annua) exhibit and sale of lecorated china at the atudlo of Mra. Blanche E. Schneider. 1902 Wirt street, will be held attend Iter alater aa bridesmaid and, Mr.; Miss Lett! Rohrbough. Mis Etta Beemen, Tuesday, December 8, and continued after- Smith will act as beat man. Th marriage of Mia Fannt Purvla and Mr. Alfred Q. Elleck will take plac Wedneaday and on Saturday the wedding of Mlaa Cotton and Mr. Fred Nash will be one of tha features of th winter's oclal season. December S3 Is set tor th wedding of Miss Georgia Llndaey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z, T. Lindsay and Mr. Georg Peck. And along with tlila ruah of weddinga there am other thing, of Importance, too. A young matron of the faahionable aet, the mother of a future society man, found herself In a rather embarrassing predica ment recently, aa a result of her. indulg ence of her small eon. With the morning mall, on day laat week, were several In vitations, among them .wedding cards, the address of .which Indicated that they were the same aa those received by another member of th family, and when Young Hopeful insisted upon having, mother's cards, they were turned over and duly disposed of, after th method of 3-year-olds.' It has sine occurred to the young ster' mother that her carda might have been almply for the ceremony, and not the reception, or th reverse, but a th carda ar hopelessly out of the question she Is now endeavoring, to And some other means f ascertaining; the bride's pleaaure re garding her preaence, There la to be no revival of French, after all. Prof. Norman Hill .Neabltt I not cernlng back. In aplte of all rumora, or hi own announcement to the contrary, and en If he did, society ha turned Its at xanjion to physical, rather than mental cultur thia winter, and flnda It quit as entertaining doing gyraiiaatlca with a view to attaining bodily grace aa the grace or in satisfaction that attend "French In v weeka." NoK aeclety really doesn't DANGEROUS SURGERY ttoath Fallawa th Ha r eon's Katie mt aargeua'a Kaalt, aif Caarae M t aa't Melp It-Yaa aa. rue fan tare Piles liPKiy, Palalaaa, VYIthaat Daaa-er. People go along for years suffering with iu. mey try mis ana that and the other thing from carrying a buckeye to getting treatment from a physician. ' They ooium temporary relief, maybe, but they are never quit cured. A little strain In lining, excessive fatigue, a little con uis i run or a nine diarrhoea and the plu s com back. They-don't seem to amount to much, but inrjr oanisn aieep and appetite. No position la comfortable. There la Interna 1 1 a . . . ... ut-ai pHin ana mat dreadful feeling of weigni in tne perineum. ( jueyoe in ine early atagea aume of the many salves on sale will afford temDorarv relief. If the caae la of long atanding there la only on apeedy and aure remedy. It la Pyramid Pile Cum. Even In .light caaea It la the ,safet thing to use. Other appllca tiona may cum and may not. Pyramid Cure la always certain, alwaya reliable, always brjnga comfort, at once.. Ita prompt use aavas months of,severe sufferings. In extreme rasea It will save aurglcal operationa. and their attendant dangers and discomforts. It Is better than a knife, Well cum easier, quicker and aafer. inouaanns giav uim 11. inousanae have -been cured by It. The cost Is trifling com pared with what it does. The price la SO rents. Moat anybody would gladly pay 111 to b rid of pile. All lH-ugslst aell Pyramid ri:e cure Write Pyramid Drug Co.. Marshall. Mich. for thdr book ea Causa and Cure of Pile, ahtth I nt fte for th asking. Mias Etnei Conant. Mlaa Grace Conant Mies Christine Peterson. Miss Adelaide ragan, - Miss May Mahoney, Mias Ollle Price, Miss Margaret Sahler. Mlaa Cecil Bllett, Mlaa Ella Winter, Mlaa Ines Bon nell, Mlaa Pansy Msrks, Miss Pearl Jack aon, Mias Emma Belfken and Mias Irene Cole. noons throughout th week. All persons In terested In th art are Invited to attand, WGMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY What W Talk Aboat. Mra. R. H. Olmated will give a luncheon, followed by carda, Monday. Blahop and Mr. A. L. William will re ceive Informally Monday evening. ELLEN M. WHITE MEMORIAL Ceacert Will Be Glvea by Pupil aad Patroas of Corneals Pabllo School. . A concert la to be given In Bohemian Turner hall Friday evening, beginning at 7:30, o'clock, by th pupil of Comeniu achool and a number of musicians, for the Mr. and Mm. Chrlatlancy ot Waahlngton, benefit of the Ellen M. White memorial D. C, sailed for Europe Saturday aira. jienry w . laies will enterta In at luncheon for twelve guests on Tueadav. Mr. and Mm. Frank Holllnger will enter- tr.fci lit ards Monday evening at tha Mer- rlam. jam. i nomas tell will entertain the members' ef th Marchlomettl club Satur day evening, Th members of th Friday club will be guests of Mm. C. C. Rosewater at thli week's meeting, Mrs. W. D. Bancker will give a small tea on Friday In compliment of Mra. Johnson of Newark, N. J, fund. Mlaa White, who waa principal of the school at the time of her death In th early fall of lost year, wa beloved all through the aouth side, having taught In Its school for more than twenty yearn. Those who had been her pupils at on time and another wished to create a memorial tor her, and hay decided that a natural hlatory collection will be the moat fitting form of tribute to the teacher' mem ory. Th proceeds ar Intended for thia purpose. In addition to th pupil of the school ther ar on the program: Mlaa Francea Roeder, contralto, and the Wagner woman' quartet: Mias Fannie My- Miss Jane Oroott. will entertain a party of em, Mlaa Maey Stapenhorat, Mrs. Cora This eighteen at aupper tomorrow evening, will be th first of a series. complimentary to Mlaa Lillian Crum nicr, an, a. t: drummer will glv a eucnre party Monday afternoon. ana mri, jk. a. Ureen have pur chased the house at 1134 South Thirtieth avenue and are now occupying It, A card party to be given by Mis Mar- garet Preaton will be among the consplcu ous anaira or Thuraday afternoon Th meeting of the Luncheon club to have been entertained by Mlaa Potter laat week. win oe neia Thureday-of thla week Instead ine memoera of the Ceramic club, with their huabanda and men friends, will be the gueat of Mm. A. Hood of 3215 Poppleton avenue, Monday evening. Mia. lunula Relotiatti- u.. tj- Baer will be at home Informally Tueaday I afternoon at the home ot the fjimer. 41 South Twenty-eighth atreet. On Monday evening, at their armory, the Thurston Rlflea will have their regular monthly competitive drill and a dance afterwarda. The drill comes on at I o'clock. The recently organised Weat Bide Card club will be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mra. O. D. Klpllnger. Monday evening. it la a souvenir club, and Inatead or award ing prlsea the hooteas on each occasion' will be presented two hand-decorated plates. At the meeting of the dlrectora of the Field club Mr. Charles K. Vrquhart waa re-elected president, Mr. J. B. Blanehard vice president. Mr. Alexander Reed aecr tary, Mr.. Philip . Potter treasurer end Messrs. Henry Clarke. J. C. Colt and Fred lloel dlrectoia. On Wedneaday. of this week. Mra. Kar bach entertalna tMe Indian club at a mat inee party, to be followed by a dinner. Mlsa Lottie Frlck and Klse Segelke are ex pected to return from Salem, 8. D... where they have' been visiting for the paat week, to attend the matinee with the Indian club. ' Weaalae aad Baaraareaaeala. Invitation ar out for the wedding of Mia I sa belle Patterson and Mr. Samuel L. Etnyr, which will be solemnised Mon day, December a. In Council Bluff a. at the home of the bride alater. Mm. William Dudley, (04 South Sixth atreet. Carda were Issued Monday for the wed ding of Miaa -Ella Cotton, daughter ef Mm. Herman Kountae, and Mr. Frederick Au gustus Naah .second, which will be solemn- laed at noon, Saturday, December 1 at St. John's Collegiate, church,. . Mra, John T. Stowart ef Council Bluffa will attend the Anderson. Miaa Bail Beedle. A atrlng quartet composed of Jo Havlicek,. Edward Duda, Charlea Havlicek and J. Dvorak also plays, as do Stanley B. Letovsky, Jr., on th piano, and Meaar. Fr. Mack and Joaeph Sraraek on tha violin. The accom panists are Mlsae Minnie Coats worth Anna Much, Mary Sramek and De Ette Mason. The program follows: PART I. Incline Thine Ear Hlmmel Binooi. Overturn, Alpenblumen (string quartet) Joe Havlicek, Edward Duda, Charlea Havlicek, J. Dvorak. Stam of the Summer Night .' Woodbury, Longfello School. Bob White V,Krom Klnderkarten Bonga 4iiia ia mv ioiiy i lxive nest Kinderrarten. Farewell, Sweet Bummer Iays..Tewksbury mjuwk uy aina. Piano solo. Impromptu (Two Larks) Ieschetlaky Piano solo, Polish Dance, Op. S.Bcharwenka mauiey is. jetovosav. ir. The Spacious Firmament (from Crea tion) Haydn oi-noo . Quartet. Spinning Bong (from Flying uuicnmum Wagner niieaea rannie Myer. Macy Btapenhorst, Mm. Cora Anderson. Mlaa Bell Beedle. (a) Mud Pies, lb) A Ball for Baby. (c) The Muffin Man From Kindergarten Bonga rkinuerganen. - . PART II. How Brightly and Serenely Baakerville school. Vocal aolo. Where Did You Come from. Hauy uearr Neidllnger Vocal aolo. The Robin Neldlinger Miss r ranees noeaer. Gently Rest ..Kuecken ft nooi. Violin duet. Paraphrase. "Melody In F" 4 Rubinstein Mexsra. KY. Mack, Joseph Bra melt. The Bella of Seville Jude Bchool. Quartet, The Lonely Koae Podkersty Wagner quartet. God f jr Ve Con vera ecnooi. Little School Cudets Kindergarten. America School, kindergarten and audience. An address by Mra. Harriet Heller on "Child Life," a talk on "Vinegar Products," by Mrs. John Haarmann, and a talk on the city market hnuae by Mrs. F. S. Owen constituted tha very Interesting program at Thuraday mornlng'a meeting of the household economics department of the Woman' club. There waa th usual large ttendance. The next kenslngton of the department will bo held Thursday after noon at tha home of Mra. F. B. Bryant. 625 North Forty-first avenue. Perhaps no topic of the year haa been received with greater Interest than that presented by Mrs. Owen regarding the city market house. She told the women of Its advantages and urged that they do their part to keep It up to tha standard of Ilk Institutions In other cities. Two year ago, when It waa sug gested that the market house be erected across the street from the public library, the Woman's club, through Its city Im provement committee, promptly and ener getically took the matter up and had a conspicuous part In the agitation against the proposed locntlon. Now that the city haa Ita market house, the woman who haa visited It often enough to talk Intelligently of It la the exception.- It would seem that the women of the city. If anybody, would have an Interest In Ita market house and their utter Indifference since ita establish-. ment would serm to justify the accusation that their effort of two years ago was stimulated by "a love of the sensational," rather than any intelligent underatanding or Interest In the welfare of th city. - What haa become of the city Improvement com mittee? Mm. Harriet MacMurphy was the guest of the Woman' club of Denlaon, la., Mon day, and addressed them on "Household Economics." The club has Just taken up that study and Mra. MacMurphy waa asked to start them In their work. The following pledge waa read before the Ninth district meeting at Council Bluffs on Wednesday by Mra. Horace Deemer, and the women urged to consider It: I hereby pledge myself to refrain from wearing the plumage of birds, other than game or food birds, or the ostrich; to aee that existing laws for bird protection are carried out and Influence state legislation, If needful, to have these bettered; to Intro duce the study of nature and the living bird into the schools, that the rlalnft genera tion -may see the economic value of protec tion aa well a th sentimental aide. Tueaday and Wednesday of thla week tli Women's alliance of th Unity church will hold a fair at the- church, at which they will exhibit for sale a stock ot useful and fancy articles. They' have arranged for a pleasant entertainment, musical and otherwlae, Tuesday evening, In which Mr. Hagenow, violinist, pt. pit cf Adolph Rcsen becker of Chicago, and playing In tha Thomas orchestra at the exposition of 1?93, haa kindly consented to take a hand. Sup per wll lbe served Wednesday evening. St. Mary's Guild of the Church ot the Good Shepherd, wll lhold a baxar of fancy end useful articles In the guild rooms at Twentieth and Ohio streets the after noon of Wednesday, December All Saint's women will hold another sale of Chrlatmas goods one day; the date yet to be announced at the Winona. Mrs. H. B. Jaynea will entertain Monday afternoon' meeting of th Daughters of th -American Revolution at her home on Emmet street. The following program will be presented by th Oratory department of the Woman'a club at t o'clock Thuraday afternoon: Buena Notts Nevln Mlaa Hill. - Address Mrs. Mary Andrews First Settlers' Story -.. Carleton Mlsa Jessuo. Wasn't that a Silly Thing to SayT Mias Glasgow. a. Dedication Frans b. Florlan's Song Goddard Miss Coe. Bub Rosa Willard Mrs. Wsgner. The Day Is Done Longfellow Mrs. cnauis ana miss contain. Accomoanlst-Mlss Glasgow. Berceuse Goddard Mlsa Grace McBrlde. Hagnr Mrs. Snyder A Sllx-ht Mistake Miss Conklln Prologue Pagllaccl Mr. Pickering Tha following la the outline ef the polit ical and social science department of the Omaha Woman's club, 1908-4, comprising a series of addresses on Industrial and civic questions, these to be followed by general discussion: October 29, "Tha City and Its Protflems," Mr. Q. M. Hitchcock; November 12, "A Late Guess In Education," Mrs. Harriet H. Heller; December 10. "The Origin and Effect ot Truata," Mr. Edward Rosewater; January 7, "Comblnatlone of Labor," Mr. T. J. Mahoney; January 21, "Civil Service Reform," Mm. C. J. Tay"Nr; February 4, patron' I and teachers' meet ing; February 18, "Juvenile Courts," March 1, "Child Labor Laws;" March 17. Munici pal Architecture," Mr. Thomas R. Kimball; March 31, city Improvement meeting, In charge of Mm. George Tllden; April 14, annual meeting. The two meetinga which would occur on Thanksgiving and Christ mas are omitted. Mr EdwarJ Rostwater will address the department ot political and social science Thursday afternoon, at I o'clock on "The Origin and Effects of Trusts." A general Invitation .Is extended to all who are In terested In the subject whether they be members of the club or not. The meet ing will be held In the esst parlor ot the First Congregational church. Nineteenth and Davenport streets. a PANAMA CONSULATE ' OPENED New Bepahll Establishes ytaelf with Vail Dlgalty at lb 'Frisco Part. 8AN FRANCISCO, Dec. I Consul Gen ersl Art as Feraud, Jr., repreaenting the new Republic of Panama, opened th con ulat ot hla country In thla city today. The first vessel to clear through the consulate waa th City ot Sydney of th Pacta Mall company, bound for Panama. 7, f?nren rn i jilt j 1 1 mi imsmmam SPECIAL FOR DUYERS OF THIS WEEK BARGAINS FURS, CLOAKS, SUITS DRESS SKIRTS. DRESSING SACQUES, PET TICOATS, DATII ROBES. EIDERDOWN LOUNGING ROBES AND SACQUES. Sot' our wnist bnrgaius, 2.00 ami $.3.00 lots. We will be pleased to show you our goods. We feel sure you'll be glnri you looked liere. IIEUAUHE Our stocks represents the latest styles and our prires are very low. ' 0. K. SCOFIELD CLOAK AND SUIT CO., I5IO DOUGLAS STREET. . 1 rh.- ' ar Mrs. J. BENSON 210-212 S. 16th St. Our Btore iB full to overflowing of Useful and Pretty Goods, any of them suitable for Chistmas Presents. If you have FUltS to buy don't fail to see our eiock. as we are giving special bargains in Stoles, Scarfs and Boas. Trices -from $2.00 up to &G0.00. . .' ' , Special Cut Prices in Children's Cloaks. All wool coats $1, 87 up. Children's Bonnets, Hoods andV ; Capu of all kinds. ' Knit Underwear For ladies and children our underwear stock comprises all the most desirable goods of the season, in cotton, fleece, part wool, silk'and wool from the lowest price up. One of the moist popular brands is the M erode, made of line cotton' and mercerized union suits, pants and vests. Another very popular brand is the Sterling, in mercerized, part wool,' all wool, silk and wool and silk, in union suits, vests and drawers. ' EVENING WAISTS In laee and crepe de chine, black or white. We are showing a large line of silk petticoats, in the newest shapes and shades Prices $4.87 to $ 17.50. Kid Gloves We are giving the best KID GLOVES made and at moderate prices. " Beautiful line of Mocha gloves for street or driving, price fl and 1.50; silk lined, $1.50 and $2. Perrin's Dressed Kid Gloves, in all the new shades, $l,fl.r0, $1.75, and $2. Undressed, iu black and colors. $ 1.50 and $2.00. " . . Our Art Needle Work department was never as full of pretty goods for Christmas presents. mcr u dnu liciuny ii LOTS OF FOLKS ARE BUYING -Lots of folks are looking. Won't you be one kind? DON'T MISS OUR PLACE IN YOUR CHRISTMAS HUNT. UFNFVFD UAH Christmas business so early. Somuch to show Christ- RFFODF' II L IlL V Lli UtXU mas buyers. Such a strong desire to sell goods. VLt UliL OUR DIAMOND STOCK IS CREATING A SENSATION. S EVERYONE SAYS IT'S CHOICEST AND BEST. We knew it would fee-that's i?i why we are talking so much about it fr WE ALLOW NO ONE TO UNDERSELL US. 4 Or Klve you any better value, and it will j)uyyou to see uh rljflit awny. If you ran't come, wnd for a catalogue a letter of suggeHtloiiH, or u selection package. Our stock It all In. Every article la bought RIGHT. Any kind of a comparison will convince you. This week la the tltue to buy. Coiue and hnve a look, unywiiy. T. L. Combs & Co. And Opticians 1 8520.. 1520 Douglas Street. DON'T MISTAKE THE NUMBER. IT" t BAZAR OF GOOD SHEPHERDS t'srfal aad Ovaaaaaatal Artlclaa far the Hoaschold WroacM r taa Slatcra aad Tbrlr Wards. Th Christmas season brines lth It variety of "baaara" for varloua bsnevolant objects for church and hospital, and char itable Inatltutlona. Thla year la no excep tion to the rule. One of the basara new appealing for the patronage of those who appreciate a worthy cause la that con ducted by the Bister of the Good Shep herd at their home, Forty-second and Jack aon atreeta. Kew charitable Institutions can be named that are deserving of more consideration from generous people than thla home for the reformation of erring girls. For them the world la pitilessly cold. Precious tew doors are open to them. The Uood Bhep herd'a home la one of the few. Here la weloome and warmth for tha Magdalenea, and the tender consolation and helpfulness by the sisters, whoae Uvea are consecrated to the unfortunate. The cost of maintaining the home la con alderably In excess of the Income, render ing necessary an occasional appeal for pub lic patronage. The slatcra are not aeeking something for nothing. A full equivalent la given in the various articles wrought by themselves, such aa embroidered linens. knit goods, bridal trouaaeaua. sofa plllowa, outing flannel garments, thlldren'a wardrobes, dainty handkerchleta, dressed dolls aud other articlea suited to the needa of Santa Claus. The basar will continue during the week and close oa Sunday next. Dr. Alaea ta Leetare. Ir j. M. Alkln. specialist, will lecture tonlirtil at Lowe Avenue PreahvierlMn church on "Intempet aw t- Among Tfmr- ant e Fvopla rum a s ayalulaag auaud point." Goldman Pleating Co. French Accordion Sunburst Pineapple and Side Pleating. Tucking, Pinking, Fluting, Shirring, Etc' 107 South 16th Street. MO DsaslM Blaelt. Second Fleer. Teleaaaaa 18. COTTON IS A GOOD CLIMBER Opraa Lower, Bat Hallles llarlag taa Moral.f ta I-ast Night's Closlag. NEW YORK. Dec. 8 entlment before the opening of the cotton market today seemed to favor a reaction, owing to the argument tUat outatanding accounta had probably been pretty well evened up, while cablea were diatinctly below expectations and the outlook waa for heavy receipts. Reflecting thia, tha market opened ateudy at a net losa ot t and IS points. Later prices rallied to about last night's finals. The close waa steady, net I rolnta lower to 4 pnints higher. , Salea were estimated at 150,(100 bales. HANDY BOXES OF SWEETS Neat package of reasonable candies is at handy prices. Don't go home vrlthont 4 box of Balduff's Our Taffiea in Vanilla Strawberry MiacK wal nut and other flavors will I please your palate. 1520 FARNAM PHONE. 711 g candy. PM&atf ........ rrrmBegT7-.T.--r. r 1 1 mm MANAGER WARNOCK ARRESTED Westera Stack aad Grata Eiraaiice Praasater Is Held at Fargo. BUTTE. Mont., Dec S. A special to lbs Miner from Fargo. N. D.. eaya that Harry V. Wamock, manager of the Western Stock and Oraln exchange, whoae line of ofBis In tha state" failed to open Thuraday, la ui.drr arrest at Furgo. Warnock's arrest waa mail, upon complaint of one of his cui.ouitre la I iiuFT"Y Our complet lll'.(V...,i. In h-ather hi WJ Sweeping Reduction e stock of Wrist Bags and Chatelaine Mags id sterling- I4O00 for 111.00. Jla.w for '.i. 60. $0U for 13.10. 13.71 for I1.6U. $2.00. You Will Be Surprised When you drop In opposite the Post Office to find It an establishment which carrl.'. a most choice line of things beautiful In 14K gold and sterling silver. Exclusive! are handled many articles suitable for Xnua. birthday, debutante, anniversary ami entertainment presentations. NOW 1H THIS TIME to inspect, select and have reserved these things which cannot be duplicated In Omaha. ALBERT EDHOLM, Jowclor. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. OPP. POSTOFFICK