Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1903, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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Thre Conntioi Hit 80 Tar Filed
- Beport H umber of School Children.
AnAJtor Vriloi IW-nles KM her Moral
r Financial Responsibility for
Failure of the Baak
at Cnsper,
' From a Staff Correspondent.)
1 JNCOUf. fee. 4. (Special.) Btate
Treasurer Mortensen will on Monday cer
tify to Btate Superintendent Fowler the
amount of the regular aeml-annual appor
tionment of Btate school money. This will
approximate tTjO.OOO. In December, 1902, the
amount waa f236.252.68. The apportionment
la based upon the number of school , chil
dren of from S to 21 yearn of age In the
state. In December, 1902, thla number was
77C,tK9, and on this basis the amount ap
portioned to each county was 63 cents for
each child. The present school census has
not yet been f certalned on account of the
failure of the superintendents of Cheyenne,
Fillmore, and Harlan counties to make to
the 'state superintendent the annual reports
due last July, It is the duty of the school
directors to make their reports to the
county superintendents within ten days
after the annual meeting held the last Mon
day In June. In the counties not reported
the superintendent of Cheyenne Is said to
ba busy on a ranch; the superintendent of
Harlan in busy running a newspaper and
the superintendent of Fillmore county Is In
A bank, which la taken aa evidence that
they are too busy with personal affairs to
attend to the duties of their offices.
All three go out of office Jonuary 1 and
ara fuslonista. Should their reports come
lil and the children In their counties num
bering; between 10,000 and 11,000 share in the
State apportionment of school mooeys, tha
amount per capita will exceed 65 cents.
Last year tha number of school children
n i these three counties was as follows:
Cheyenne, 1,554; Fillmore, 8,(161; Harlan,
8,223; total, 10,438. The other eighty-seven
counties show an Increase In school census
an compared with that of a year ago of
only S87 children of school age. With tha
exclusion of any one or more of these coun
ties from the apportionment the sum per
pit will exceed 65 cents.
Tha first report rame In last summer
from Washington county July 23 and all
tha others . have been heard from except
tha three above named. The state superin
tendent has no means whatever of com
tilling county or city superintendents or
principals to make reports to his office.
Mouse roll No. 154 was Introduced at the
solicitation of Mr. Fowler, during the last
aetslon of tha legislature requiring teach
ers, principals and city superintendents to
make out final reports to ba approved by
tha director and county superintendent be
fore they could receive full pay for a year's
service, and also a receipt from the state
superintendent for reports due his office,
but tha legislators would ' not approve the
bllL Should the reports of the three coun
ties not ba received by Monday It Is prob
able that Mr. Fowler will ask the supreme
court (or a writ of mandamus to compel
them to report.
Weston Denies Responsibility.
In a letter received from Auditor Weston,
who Is under arrest In Wyoming, tha aud
Itor stated that he was not morally nor
nmlnclully responsible for the failure of
tha bank for which he was arrested. He
stated also that be would remain In Cas
par until tha affairs of tha bank were set
tled and all of tha depositors had been paid
in full.' This, It was thought, would be
done this week. Mrs. Weston is with her
Friends of tha auditor maintain that he
has been tha victim of a holdup game. It
being their belief that tha depositors
caused tils detention not - because they
thought ha was responsible, but because
they , thought ha was tha member of the
firm who had sufficient money to meet
tha bank's obligations. Ona of the part
para la the bank to a relative of the aud
itor. War Adulterated Vinegar.
Uoputy Food Commissioner Thompson Is
till going after tha adulterated vinegar
and today discovered In two samples he
analysed a quantity of bemoate, used as
a pi eaervatlva This was found In vinegar
manufactured by W. B. Duffy of Roches
tar, N. T, and was marked "pure apple
Juice.? Thla vinegar la sold at wholesale
la IJncoln by tha Kargreaves brothers,
against whom prooaedlngs will be Insti
tuted uness 'all tha vinegar Is at once
taken off tha market Tha other sample
found adulterated was manufactured by
Raid Murdook of Chicago and is known as
( the Bad Jacket Cider vinegar. This sam
pi waa brought to tha commissioner by
a merchant who had been selling It, but
who was suspicious that It was adulterated,
the analysis shows that about a pound of
tha preservative had been used In a barrel
Of tha vinegar. v.
leeks Elewmtor ilte.
This morning the depositions of several
brttneases ware filed In the office of tha
lark of tha supreme court, to be used in
tha suit of C. W. Comb, as relator, for a
mandamus to compel tha Chicago, Bur
lington A Qulncy railroad to grant Mm
Be Cheerful
Wear good
clothes and
have a pleas
ant look.
There's a lot
more money
in wearing
clothes that
are made ! to
fit you than
the kind that's
made to fit no
one in partic
ular. Nicoll's
tailors are all
Omaha men,
and know how to make clothes
fit. Over J,800 different pat
terns for you to select from now
and your suit in three days
If necessary.
fiulte, $20 to $J5Trouers. $5
to 912-Overcoats, $20 to $40
W. C. JERREMS, President.
203-211 South 15th Street,
-- M'Jka.fc:
elevator site facilities. Comb, who is tha
owner of a email elevator at Wllsonvllla,
Furnas county, several months ago began
suit for a mandamus. --
He. testifies In the deposition that hH
elevator has a rapacity for 0,000 or 7,0oo
huxhelH of grain and that he is able to
load cars between trains without Interfer
ing with the train schedules. He says that
the two other elevator concerns In busi
ness at that pla.e are provided with cars,
while he Is unable to get any, and de
mands that the compsny be compelled
to allot him cars In the same proportion
that his grain' house bears to the other
concerns operating there. He brings the
suit under the general provisions of the
statute, and not under the Ramsey law,
which provides for a minimum Investment
$3,000 before the law can he Invoked.
His elevator Is several hundred feet from
the tracks and cars are loaded by means
of wagons.
Elks' Memorial Services.
Memorial services will be held by the
Elks at their club rooms at 12 o'clock noon,
December 6. A program of unusual elabo
ration has been prepared, constating of
solos, quartets, etc., and the eulogy of the
day will be delivered by Mr. James Mana
hnn. This is the first time since the In
stallation of the Lincoln lodge of Elks
that this ser-ice has especial significance,
as the local lodge has had no graves to
keep green prior to this year. Two deaths
have occurred in the lodge during the
Philippine Veterans Elect.
At the regular meeting of Camp John
M. Stotsenburg No, U Society of the Army
of the Philippines, officers for the coming
year were elected. Lea II. Stoner was
chosen president, Frank B. Naracong vice
president, Arthur B. Colwell secretary,
Leonard C. Foss treasurer, Sheelcy E.
Heckman chaplain, Harry Jewett ser-geant-at-arms
and Martin Peterson bugler.
The new officers will take up their duties
on the first Thursday In next month.
Preparations will be made for attendance
at the fifth annual convention, which la to
be held at St. Louis August It 12 and 13
of next year. At the present time the
camp has 1(13 members. "
Mickey Signs Certificates.
While Governor Mickey was busy this
morning affixing hla signature to the last
of the large bunch of election certificates,
upon which hs had been at work for sev
eral days, representatives' from the offices
of the, auditor, secretary of state and the
treasurer were busy checking up their
books on appropriations, . preparatory to
the semi-annual report of the auditor to
the governor. So far few of the Institu
tions have made their reports. This morn
ing Secretary Davis of the State Board of
Charity and Correction got in with a state
ment that the board had expended $715.87
out of the $3,800 appropriated by the legls
lature for the blennium.
Hans Files Appeal.
Several exhibits, Including some clothing,
a door, a revolver and other articles, were
filed with the supreme court this morning
In tha case wherein Fred Hans, the North
western detective, wants the decision of
the lower court reversed, that court having
sentenced him to the penitentiary for life
for killing David Luce. Hans secured a
stay of sentence, pending the appeal.
Pioneer Fonad Dead.
W. C. Griffith, aged (3 years, a pioneer
citizen of Lincoln, was found dead In bed
at his farm near this city, this morning.
He had died during the night of heart dis
ease. The body was brought to his resi
dence in this city, and funeral services
will ba conductod there Sunday afternoon
Deceased leaves a widow and one daugh
ter. Ha was worth about $60,000. and car
ried $21,000 life Insurant . TWH..- .w.
- "i tuts lil lie
few years ha has resided In town, and had
been In the, habit of making trips to his
farm dally.
Mr. Griffith came to Lincoln from Penn
I'n' n 1869 th his brother. A. K.
Griffith. He conducted a general merchan
dise store at Tenth and P streets for a
number of years, and after selling that
ft th" tck Tuitln' business, with
his death W" ,dntme(I up t0 th of
Supreme Co art Calendar.
eem'&'r5 ifln WtlJI.b Ca"d for harl Ne
braska: "upreme court of Ne-
Bothwell against State. Cherry countv
Kleutsch against Security Mutual Life in'
riVTJ"" 1C"5r,y. Lancaster; Union Pa.
Dawson1 0mih0mPa?7 "ln;t Westh.nd
ii o- .i.' "maJ,a "us Company against Cltv
of South Omaha, Douglas; County of HI U h
cock against Padget. Hitchcock- Inwi
against Lathrop. Custer; HuUikinVt
sas City ft Oklahoma haiVroaTc?nny"
Kearney; Reed against Reed DouaW
Reed against Ree. DouglasTFariners'ad
Merchants' Irrigation Company against
Gothenburg Water Power and Iir'fa lon
Company. Dawson; Banking House f A
Castetter against Stewart Washing:
David Bradley & Co. against Bower, iSuh
Gund against Ballard, Lancaster-,
lit nst Fnr:?,' Rich" d
agalnst Enlow Cattle Company, Dousiaa-
kZZ"?"1 "8t rown. Hamilton? Fred
Krug Brewing Company against Healev
t urning; State Savings 2nd Loan aIS
tlon against Johnson, Lancaster; Share
tfiiir"01""."" Uunk f Ston. Stanton?
Medland against Bhull. Douglas Security
Mutual Life Insurance Company against
lvleutsch, Lancaster: H. F. I'adv W
Us' CZ?Ty r,faln,,f Con-fin? Do"",!
las. Sand Hills Commercial Com
pany against Phillip,, Bros. & Renimu
Hooker; Reed against Wilcox. Custer-'
Jw'-r'r & k,""1 8tute rel e County!
Oage; Kuhlman against Cole. Nemaha1
again., PoWeU. MerVr.-k.- H,at."'exTe YZTr'y
L. Haupt against Pac iilc Express Company
mandamus; Wilson against County of Otoe
u ?.tiy.iST ",n"t MeClary ft Marti
i -. ' " ini Harris, Doug
las: Fanning against Daniels, Scott's Hiufr
Hharpe aaalnst New Ynrk .7-
Company. Lancaster: John.n
Heath. Douglas; Blocker against Nathan
son Douglas; Tyson against Tyson" Wash
ington; Hofrlchler against Enyeurt ButlVr
Bartlett against Timlin, administratrix
Sheridan; Ulaeominl. admlnlatratrlx agali ft
Canan, Douglas; Bauer against Tavlnr
Douglas; Hamilton National Bank against
American Loan ad Trust Company, Doug
las; Nebraska ex rel McComb against Chi
cago. Burlington ft Qulncy Railroad Com
pany, original.
The following cases will be called for ar
gument on motion for rehearing:
Farmers' and Merchants' National Bank
against Mosher, Lancaster; Clusen against
Pruhs, Ijincaster; MyLeod against Lincoln
Medical College of Cotner University. Lan
caster. "
Family of Tark Girl Waa Mystrrl
asly Ul.nppcarcd Tw WmIii
Asa Reankla Kort.
YORK. Neb.. Dec 4. (Bpeclal.)-Beaulaa
Thomas, tha baautlful 16-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Thomas, respected
and pioneer York county farmer., stepped
out of her parent.' house at about I o'clock
Sunday venlntf and from that time no
trace of her whereabouts has been learned.
Her parents now give out a full state
ment of the circumstances of her disappear
anca In tha hope that publicity may assist
in unraveling tha mystery.
Mlsa Thomas' description is tiven thus:
Height, five feet four inches; weight, 115
pounds; grayish blue eyes, dark brown
hair, round face, clear complexion. Mias
Thomas waa of cheerful disposition, appar
ently waa happy and contented with her
home life, with loving pnrer, who did all
they could for their daughter's happiness.
What Is supposed to have been tha ( nly un
happy event In tha happy, contented Ufa
of the Thomaaea was when John lil air. a
neighboring farmer, was arrested, charged
with assault. Miss Thomas was the nrose-
ruiing witness. John Blair la a married
man with a family and is highly respected.
Mr. Thomas In an Interview said that ona
party came to him shortly after Ilulr's
arrest, saying that he had bean offered
money to kidnap Mlsa Thomas ai.d take her
awajr fe LA sb vould but awr la jus
$8.50 to $15.00
Sample Coats and Vests
I it uevsiMnaa
V It 3 1 -
Give this Sale of Stylish
Men's and Young Men's
Suits Consideration
The surplus stock of seyeral hundred suits
of one of the best clothing houses in America
Splendid single and double breasted suits
that show pre-eminent superiority in fit and
style IIAND-TAILORED from exception
ally finest materials produced." Black suits,
Hue suits and fancy suits,
definite $20 and f 22.50
values ..................
December term of court at the trial of
Blair, who had been put under heavy bonds.
p. mmn Mlsa Thomas and ber
parents were ever on the lookout and took
every precaution to prevent ner pein am
rv.H within five minutes after Miss
Thomas stepped out the door the parents
followed, hoping to guard ner, una wero
surprised at not finding her. A search was
made and neighbors assisted. Then Dr.
ri.iinn'i dnirs from Beatrice were brought.
but they would not follow any trail. Farm
ers then organized in searching parties.
Dogs were brought from tiammon- county.
They traced from the door to a bridge
west of the farm, where each time tna
dogs stopped, refusing to go farther. Those
in charge of the dogs believe MIbb Thomas
waa gagged and carried to this bridge,
where a carriage was in waiting.
Was Miss Thomas murdered? Many De
ll eve she has met with foul play. Foot
prints of men's shoes near the Thomas
knma indicate a atruKKle. and tha some
footprints are near the bottom a-nd slda of
the bridge.
At nnA tima fccllnir In Arborvllle town
ship was intense toward Blair, but calmer
Judgment prevailed and no summary pun
ishment waa Indulged. There Is so far no
evidence that Blair had anything to do
with the kidnaping, and he denies the same.
Enjoins Extension f Tint.
PAPILLION. Neb., Deo. 4 8peclaL
An Injunction has been served upon ths
county commissioners by County Attorney
Patrick to prevent the commissioners from
allowing tha Bheely bridge builders an ex
tension of time upon their contract to re
pair and build the bridges in Hrpy county.
Slieely's claim that owing to their inability
to obtain the necessary material from east
era houses they could not complete the con
tract Inside the time limit. The contract
had been extended three months by the
commissioners, but Patrick, declaring this
void, brought the matter before Judge Day,
who Issued a temporary Injunction against
the commissioners and Bheely.
Bachelor flnn Gives Planer.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Dee. 1 (Spe
cial.) The bachelor members of the Over
land Dancing club gave a stag party last
night at the Oasis In this city, which wss
the swellest affair ever given in tha city.
It is understood that this was the last ap
pearance of several members of the club
as bachelors, and this fact caused a good
deal of merriment, particularly directed to
Twenty-one lba. Standard
Granulated Sugar for 11.00,
or 100 lba. for 4.70.
204 N. 16 th St.
. ft
mv iv
Largest and Finest Assortment of
Men's and Young Men's Suits
Ever Displayed.
Suits of the highest perfection and exclusive representation for Omaha of the
famous Stein Bloch Co., Rochester, N. Y and Sturm, Mayer & Co,, Chicago. Exquisite
creations ranging
$10, $12, $15, 18, $20, $22 50 and 25
$20, $25, $30, $35,
Grandly Silk Lined. Serge
Sale of Boys' Knee
Pants Suits
Vestee suits, double breasted
suits, three-piece suits, ages
3 to 15, years, positively $3
to $5.00 values, Saturday
only, on sale on $1.45
second floor.
John K. Golden of the Kingman Imple
ment company of Omaha. After an hour
devoted to progressive whist the company
adjourned to the banquet hall, where a six
course dinner was served, under the per
sonal direction of City Attorney H. Q.
Llgn. Covers were laid for twenty-four
and the table was loaded with tha delicacies
of the season.
Find Clothes Hear Track.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 4. (Special.) One
of the policemen made a rather peculiar
find near the Union Pacific tracks yester
day morning. It was a complete suit of
clothes, coat, vest, trousers, shirt, shoes,
stockings, collar, cuffs and necktie. They
were nearly new and of a good quality. It
Is supposed that some man lost them out of
the window of a sleeper, and when he woke
up In the morning must have found himself
In an Interesting predicament.
Close Call for Hunter.
PUATTSMOUTH. Neb., Dec. 4 (Special.)
While out hunting recently, Albert Ny
den met with a peculiar accident, which
came nearly costing him his life. While
shooting at a rabbit his shotgun exploded
and a piece of the barrel passed, with ter-
rlflo force so close to his head that It
carried his cap into the air. . lie was
knocked down by the force of the explosion
and remained unconscious for sonis time.
Modern Woodmen Elect.
CIARKS, Neb., Dec. 4. (Special.) At the
annual election of officers of Fidelity Camp,
No. 1220, Modern Woodmen of America,
held last evening, the following members
were elected: U. S. Adams, V. C; James
Wolfe, W. A.; EX M. Wallace, clerk; Oeorge
Campbell, banker; W. W. Ferguson, escort;
John H. Cole, managor; Dr. Robinson and
Dr. Little, physicians.
Hand Mashed la Grinder.
BELI.WOOD. Neb., Dec, 4. (Special Tel
egram.) This forenoon as Supervisor A. A.
Jones was assisting grinding corn for his
cattle one of his hands was caught in the
grinder and mushed Into Jelly up to ths
wrist. Surgical aid was summoned and
now the patient la resting easily. After
the accident members of the mashed band
were found strewn over the yard.
Mangled In fewer Saw,
NEBRASKA CITY, ,Neb. Dec. .(Spe
cial Telegram.) Andy Brust, a circular saw
operator, waa today caught" In the belt
running to the engine end dragged into the
saw.' Both hand were badly torn and his
forearm split open. The Injuries will prob
ably make him a cripple for life.
Damages for Injnry.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec 4 (Special.) Wil
liam nVhults recovered Judgment In the
district court yesterday against tha Fre
mont Brewing company for tt.tJ0. He sued
the company for u.0O. alleging that be
cause of tha nrgligeaca f the company la
368 Sample Coats and Vests
Worth $8.50 to $15
On Sale Saturday Only
All sizes, 33 to 46.
Black and Blue Thibets and Serges, Dark Fancy
Worsteds. Cheviots and Cashmeres
On Sale on Second Floor.
Boys' Odd
Knee Pants
Extra offering of 640 pairs, actual
75c, $1.00 and $1.50 values, Sat
urday only
All sizes, 3 to 16 years.
On sale, - main floor.
the construction and maintenance of the
gearing used to run a steam scoop shovel
hla foot waa caught In a loop of the rope,
breaking his ankle and permanently dis
abling him. The case will probably be ap
pealed to the supreme court.
Diverting Current ef River.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Dec 4.-(Speclal.)-Tne
Elkhorn river, which so stubbornly ate
Its way Into a new course last spring and
which, on that account, forced the Union
Paclflo to practically build a new bridge
within two weeks after one had been com
pleted, is now undergoing a series of se
vere treatment and the railroad folk hope
to control It soon, throwing the current
back into the original stream. For several
days a half hundred men have been labor
ing incessantly upon the project and the
task is about completed. A new dam has
been sunk in the center of the stream and
rlprapplng is left to do the rest.
Xe Action, on Telephone Qaestlon.
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 4.-(Speclal.) The
city council held a special meeting last
evening to discuss the question of declar
ing the franchise of the Fremont Telephone
company forfeited, but adjourned without
taking any action. The Nebraska Telephone
company last evening moved Its office to
the rooms on the second floor of the Green
block. The company has equipped the office
with new and Improved switchboards and
entirely new apparatus, but the local com
pany still has the largest number of
Beatrice Eagles Elect.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dee. 4. (Special.) The
Beatrice Aerie of Eagles No. KU elected the
following officers last night for the com
ing year: W. C. Dorse, worthy president;
O. E. Emory, worthy vice president; C, M.
LMcNclll. worthy chaplain: J. A. Klein, wor
thy treasurer; E. D. Wheelotk, worthy suo
retary; Dr. a. L. Roe, worthy physician;
R. B. Applegate, worthy conductor; Jo
seph Spieler, worthy Inside guard; Frank
Lowe, worthy outside guard; C. A. Osborne,
W, Z. Warner, J. J. Johnson, trustees.
Bart Dwt.ri Meet.
OAKLAND. Neb., Dec. 4. (Special.) The
second annual meeting of the Burt County
Medical society was held here Wednesday.
Besides the local doctors many prominent
physicians from Omaha were present.
Papers were read by Drs. Davis, Bridges,
Owens. Akin and Glfford of Omaha and
Drs. Hlldreth of Lyons and Clark of Craig.
After the election of officers for the en
suing year a banquet waa served at the
City hotel.
Railroads Pay Tnaea.
PAPILLION. Neb., Dec ..-(Special.)-The
railroads entering Sarpy county hare
Just paid the following taxes: Rock Island,
14. M; Burlington, f6.04M; Union Paclflo.
I4S3.U. The Missouri Pacific has not Jet
Psm u lig ia, amounting t 13,780.60
a oaf t
$40, $45 and $50
Lined. Best Worsted Lined.
Young Men's
Worsteds, cashmere
and cheviot suits, sizes
12 to 19 years, worth
.50 to $7.50, on sale
Saturday $0.95
On Sale on Second Floor
It Would
Surprise You
To know what a variety of
Work Benches
Our line of CHRISTMAS
CUTLERY Is not equal,
ed In the city and our
prices are right.
Jas. Morten & Son Go.
Cutlery Headquarters.
The Prisoner and the Swallow
By A. Creisez.
Tha abova piece of music will ba rendered
on the
it our evening recital
Saturday, Dec. 5
besides otheri, making a very Interesting
firograrn, to which all music lovers are
"The Prisoner and the 8wallow" is a re
markable piece of sentlmenuil music. It most eloquuntiy the feelings of a
regretful prisoner, broken now and then
by the twittering of a swallow. It Is a
fine touch of nature and melting In its
pathos. It appeals to the human feelings
so strongly that it Is Irresistible. You
have puld high prices, no doubt, to hear
specialists, vocal and Instrumental artists,
but we venture to , say you never heard
the superior of 'Tha Prisoner and
the Swallow," either In the sentiment mu
slcally expressed or In artistio rendering.
And to think that this power and perfec
tion is within the reach of anyone by
means of the Cectlian Piano Player!
Players for rent and for sale on easy
payments. . ..
Piano Player Co.
151 1-1513 Dodgo Street
Arlington Block. -
160 Pares of Text 33 la Color
100 Illustrations-u Short Stories
dX nWI-STAlPS. FtlCI IS Ccats
$8.50 to $15.00
Sample Coats and Vests
Handsomest Overcoat Stock
Ever Shown for $15
All fabrics, colors, shapes and lengths in
this big sale; swell, loose, graceful, broad
shouldered overcoats, tourist coats, close fit
ting overcoats, dress overcoats, some double
breasted, some single breasted, some with
belts and some without. Equal in every way
to ready made coats shown at f20 to $25.
Best Overcoats in the United
a"-" a m ai r-&
states ior tue iticc. ffT
immense values
Different ways of look
ing; at things. Some peo
ple look at oar
Fall Stock Reducing 5ale
aa a money-losing venture.
We look at It aa a cum
tower-making one It
brings new customers In
bere it sends tbem out in
faultlessly fashioned gar
ments it brings tbem
back as w tinned, stead
cijitorners. .
That's the reason for
such offers aa these
S30 suits and overcoats
made up for $23.
t'J trousers made , up
for $7. 1
$40 suits and overcoats
made up for $30.
$12 trousers made trp
for 9.
Tailoring Company,
Originators and Designers
of the MacCarthy t-Builoa
Double-Breasied Back.
M4-J0S 5 1 6tB St,
Next door to
Wabash Ticket Office.
Ptaeae MOB.
BagS and
Omaha Trunk Factory
vuta., rrupneitr w
Tf lenhouc 1038 1209 fartum Street
T? f f f f ??f
nn n