TIIE OMATTA' DAILY SATURDAY. BKCEMI.KH IOC?. Ik GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARRETI Mj Wheat Ons Ci Higher at Clot on Bullish Reports. CORN PRICES ARE SOMEWHAT HIGHER Data AsWaaee la Sympathy with Wheat sua Cora aad Provlsl Aro Higher at Close of Market. nnCAfJO, Dec. 4. Grain price today Continued on their upward course, tn bul lliih Ohio crop report being; the chief Incen tive to the advance. May wheat closed lo higher. May corn wa up 4tfi74c, oata were tip htis ana January provisions closed from unchanged to 60 higher. The sentiment wan again extremely bul lish In wheat and trading was on a. liberal scale. Fears of damage to the winter wheat through lack of moisture were quite general among trailers nerore the session opened, and on Initial sales May wan un changed to Vc higher at Wit,tii,c. There wan a good general demand Ht the Klart, and with only email nfTerlngs the price quickly advanced to f2i,; then a alight re action occurred. The decline wan one to selling by pit traders, who had reason to believe that the big long was disDosing of Tart of hi holdings. Belling on the part of rit. I xiii I a houses allied in the setback, on (he decline, however, there waa buying by commlswlon nouses ann snorts ana tne mar ket again became strong. A ra tter tone In luJa rabies and , the bullish Ohio croo re port stimulated buying during the latter I part of the session, and the close was airong. rinaj ngure on May were at n."c after the price- had touched 82c. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 4SH.800 bushels. ' Primary receipts were 1,064, 00 bushels, compared with 908,000 a year ago. Bradatreets' reported exports of wheat and flour for the week of 4,2O1.Oji0 bushels, against 6,604,000 a year ago. Minneapolis, jMjIuth and Chicago had combined receipts of 759 cars, against 1,160 last week and 639 a year ago. There was a further advance tn the price of corn, due largely to sympathy with wheat and a general spread of the bullish sentiment. Trading waa of better character than for some time past. Buying was mostly by short. Small receipts, an Im proved cash demand for new yellow corn and higher cables helped In the advance. After opening Vgc higher at 43tfr43,e May oold between 43o and closing at 43Vci .c. Local receipts were 173 cars, with 2 of contract grade.- Oats were active and strong, Influenced largely by the action of wheat and corn. There was some liquidation early In the day, but there was no evidence of any sell ing hv thn his- holders. Hmall receipts and a fair cash demand were bull factors. May opened a shads to M,iv4c nigner ai J-'WW ;rr ruivMi Derween i'.kui.W'W auu , losing at 8641360. Local receipt were 100 cara. , Provision were easier early In the day, due to liberal recelpta of hogs and lower nriKm . mt thu vnrrls 1-nter the market firmed up under a good demand credited to short. The strength In grains lent some support to hog products. Closing prices were eteady, with January pork up 6c at nt nfi. January lard waa unchanged at $6.46 and ribs were 6c higher at $5.96. r.,iin,ii,H reeelnta for tomorrow: Wheat, 100 cars; corn, 175 cars; oats, 125 cars; hogs, 23.000 head. . - The leading future ranged as follows: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh.j tow. I Close.l Yes'y. Wheat I a Pec. J res 8i'''4 K2Nfc! 81 "Si May July Corn Pec May , July Oat Pec. , . May July Pork i Jan. J May ' Lard Jan. May Blba Jan. . May . 7H5i 77 76 2fl 4 J 42' 43 UK 43 43 43 . 43 42 35 ' 35 ' 36 Xtt Stilt S6xiW . . 34 33 10 95 11 06 10 90 11 26 11 40 U 22V4 6 42 45 40 6 60 8 65 46 6 $7 S 5 5 85 06 12V4 ' 02 42 424 yftZy'ft 42ViH i D54 $S, 36'al36'Af(i,,4 34 33 11 OS 11 36 C 45 66 6 90 11 00 a 82 45 6 62V4 I S 90 6 12 07 No. 2. a New. r . . W. mnl.tlnni Wr MB follOWS! fTrTTt Kfurket von firm i winter pat- nts. 4.0Ui4.;: straight, $.7P4.10: surtnc patents, i4.0fWet.30; straight. . WHEAT No. 1 spring, T9QH2C; No. 2 red. CURN-No. 2, 43V: No. 2 yellow. 45c. OATB-No. 2. WVNo. 3 white, $6ft38C tJVlT Kn 2 Ml c. BARLEY Good feeding, 3536c; fair to Choice malting. 42Mc. SEED No. 1 flax, 91c: No. 1 northwestern, Mc; prime timothy, $2.86; clover, contract PROVISIONS Mens pork, per bbl., $11.37 C1L50: I.ard, per 100 lbs.. $"U2Wm.45. Short rlha sides (loosed. SH tWi. 26. Short clear mm ibnxedl. l6.'a 6. 37 Vk. Following were the receipt and hip- manU of Hour and, grain: jTV OUT" I J I n , diiixiiiirii i Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu, Corn, bu.... Oata, bu.... Bye, bu... Hnrlov bu 31.200 38.600 ....13l.8't ....101,800 ....162.400 .... 10,600 ..t.106.600 118.100 134.400 150.900 1,00 84.600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; creameries, loaSo ,iuiriu niii Yean, steady: at mark. case Included, Ziii.tc. Cheese, steady, 104 10c -NEW YORK. UUMCRAL MARKET. Omiallaai of the Day oa Varloa 1 Comaaodltlv. WW TORK. Dec 4. FLOUR Receipt. S6.250 bbl.; export. 18,614 bbls.; sales, 14,- iOO bbls. The maraei waa nnntr mm held higher, winter patents, H.UO'04.10; winter sirHisiua, wi, , ' ' ''v . . , 1 tmta. $4.56ii4.76; extras. I3.utKa3.3a; Minne sota Daaera, 4a.1mu-0.ev; wmwi $2.8o73 15. Rye Hour, steady: fair togooa, u.Zwia 4ti; cno ce io lancy, ao.wniv.uu. uu- .ue fl.tiir Arm 12 ai2.35. V. 1. IN JC 1 ii ill, jrciiuw -ihi t- aim- kiln dried. 13.00' S.Ob. KlUi oieauy; o. & wasieni, w, a. . v., . Anuf. .tut and Jitrt,ev. 6hVrl67c. BARLKY Steady; feeding. Sc, c. I. f.. Buffalo: malting. SUftiOc. c. l. I., uunaio. A.'it K AT Hecvittta. 66.300 bu.: exports. 7.84 bu.; suits. $.600,000 bu. futures, Hi.OoO bu. spot, j ns maraei lur siiut wn inni. No.' 2 red, 0Hc, elevator; No. 2 red, lc f. o. b., afloat; t. o. b., afloat; 2 float, option naa strong u time. Then followed a econd bulge on ,iimn nf ii liuiiiHh Ohio state reDort mnfi i lfs favorable crop new, and the market l,.iit mi vArv Mfrnnar at 4k(no net 'ad vance: May. 85ryN6c, closed cic; July, IHtokiSio, closed bZc; December, 90jlc, i.....i t flic CORN Receipts, 10,500 bu.; export. S9.586 feu.: sale. 26O.0U0 bu. futures. The market for spot was firm; No. 2. 61o elevator;. R:o f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, WMic; rso. whii E'i.e The ontlon market was fair ly active and stronger again today on fur ther general covering wmi wn. clnee waa o higher than Thursday; May. 4W l-ltwi4!vc. cloaea at "c; imccuiuii. fco 12-ii;,if.lUc. rliuied at 61 Wo. OATS-Receipts, 121,600 bu.; exports. 15,- P.HI uu. a lie. eixjt uiaract v u iiini, .u. 4LVc: Mtandard white. 4"c: No. 3. 4oc; No. 1 white. 4.'o; No. 3 white, .41c; track whll 41Vl-l,. HAY -Quiet; shipping, 607Sc; good to Choice, oiiif-c. HOPS Htendv; state, common to choice. 1803. Uftajc: 1902. 21'it'ic: old. 12e. Pa rlhc count, 1903. lHJ-Tc; 191.2. ailio; old, B(,fl?Ul'J HIIjKS Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 16c; California, 2l to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, X4 to 30 ins., iJ'wC I.EATII KH Steady, arid. 124ilJc. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $10.00 ill 00: mesa, sk.oou9.ou; brer name. (JO.ootr packet. ; city extra India mesa, $i5.ooiij 17.00. Ctit meats, irregular; picaiea Denies, ft uri 10. ; pickled shoulders. Su: pickled fcams, $106011.50. Lard, steady; western tcitiied, $; retiiied, nrm; continent, (7.30; EUiulh America. ST. 90: coniDouud. 15 37W. Pork, steady; family, $lt .26; short clear, $13.15.50: mess, $li0O(.i ig.75. RlCU Firm; domestic fair, 3c; TALLOW Firmer; city, 44c; country. 4 BUTTKR Receipts, 4.235 pkga.: steady; cremerv. 16ai'2dc: slat dairy. Iui21c. CHUF.SB Receipts. 4.2 pkgii.; quiet: state, full cream, fancy, amail colored and white Septemlwr. 12c: late made, lOVau; large colored and w',l?, SepteiulieT: 12c; late made. 10ic. KUOaV-Receipts $.219 pkgs. : market firm; Weatern H. e.,n,i to extras. 2Si31c. POULTRY Alive, nomlnxl; dressed, weak: western chickens, 12Ul2e; fowls, LaUlfjc; turkeys, 14sjlw. balath Grata Market. DULUTH. Deo. 4. WHEAT On track No. 1 northern, tiMc: No. I northern, 7c: December. 7Sc: May. 81o. OAT8-On track and lo arrive, $4e. Telcdo seed Market. TOI F:DO, Dec. 4 -SEKDS Clover, ranh and Demtr $6.66; January, $eai: Keb tanry, tuj : Marco, teyl; plUue alsiae, $4.Ui VllU.a UluuOi, tU-V.iak OMAHA WilOLCIALE NARKF.T, Coaalltloa at Trade aad (saotatlaas 01 Staple aad Paacy Prodaee. EGOS Fresh stock, 26c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7c: spring chick ens. i"rtc: roosters, according to ege. 4"f 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, rUflVfcc; geese, 8 DRESSED POULTRT Turkey. .T315c: ducks, 9'giiic; geeso, UfolOc; chickens, 7tfVic; nene, 7fa'4 BUTTKU Packing stock. 134c: choice to fancy dairy, In tuba, ltj-jjlSc; separator, 2?c. FRESH FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel, 7c; pike. He; perch, 6c; buffalo, 7Vj8c; blue fish, 15c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, 11c; had dock, 10c; codfish, 12c: redsnapper, 11c; lobsters, bolld, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per id., &c; oinineaas, itc; camsn, jtc; black bsss. 2Vu'J5c: halibut, 9c: crnpplea. 12c; herring, 6c; white bass, 13c; bluenns. Sc. OYSTERS New Tork counts, per can. 43c, per gal.. 3-uO: extra selects, per can, 86c, per. gal., $1.76; standard, per can 27c; per gal., 3L3S. HKAN-rer ton in.au. HAY Prices ouoted bv Omaha Whole sale Dealers' assoclartnn: Choice No. 1 up land. $7.50: No. 2. $7.00: medium. 6o; coarse, $6.00. Rye straw, $7.00. These prices are tor nay or good color ana quality. Je mnnd fair and receipts light. IU KIN 14a OATS 37C. RYE No. Z. 60c. CHRISTMAS TREES Four to five feet,' per rioien, $1.75; five to seven feet, per doz en, $2.50; eight to nine feet, per dozen, $3.50; nine to ten reel, per dozen, h w; large hool and church purposes. ' twelve to teen to twenty feet, each S2.0fn4.0lK KVKRUHKBN WRE THlN(i In COUS Ot twenty yards, nor coll flOcfollOO. WREATHS Magnolia and galax wreaths. per doxen, 3l.2Mrl.60; evergreen " wreaths, per dozen. II. 254)1.60; holly wreaths, per dozen, $1.25'91.60. These design are twelve inche In diameter. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 1x2x4 feet, about fifty pounds, $4.00iS4.&0; per barrel, $1.60. liONU NEEDUEl FINES w aojen, z.w 62.60. MlSTXEfTOE Branchea, per five-pound box, $1.26: per pound. 30c, Mistletoe orders will be filled about December 20 and ship ped by express only. POTATOES Colorado, tec: Dakota, per bu.. 70fi75c; native, 6Wi70c. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bbl., $3.50. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.35. CELERY Smalt., per do.. 253uc; larg California. 45'ij75c. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per ID., 4c; Spanlah, per crate, $1.50; Colorado yel low and red. ltc. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, 2c TLRNIPS-Canada rutabagas, per id., IVc; white, per bu., 60c. CAR ROTS Per bu., 60c. PA RSNIf'S Per bu., 60c , BEETS Per bu., 50e. CATJL1 FLOWER California, per crate. tomatoes California, per f-DasKet .... crate, $2.5fWt2.75. CUCrMHERS Per do.. Jl.TO. FRUITS. APPLES California Bellflowers. per box. $1.60: New York Greenings. $1.50: Baldwins. $3.L6; eating varieties. S3.5T.. UKAi'EB-rony catawboa, zzo; imporiea Malagas, per keg, $6.0UI6.60. l'KANHKKRii5.jjer.-ey, per dpi., x.w; per box, $2 76; Wisconsin Bell Bugle, $9.50. VIU1NUEH California, per box, ii.&u. TROPICAL kKl ITS. ORANGES Florida blights and russets. all sixes, $3.50; navels, large Btse, $3.U0&3.50; smaller sizes, 3.75b4.00. IJiMONb Cal lornla fancy. 300 to 3a sixes, Il.&O; cl: .Ice 240 p 270 sixes, $4.0O4.25. FIGS California, ner il-lb. cartons. S5o: Imported Smvrna. 3-cr ,wn. 14c: 6-crown. 16t'; 7crown, 18. COCO AN UTS Per sack. 14.00: ner dot.. 60c. PATES Persian, ucr hot of SO nackasrea $2 00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental Btuttea datc per to.' $2.40. BANANAS-i-er me Itim e: tiled bunch. $2.00 tj2.50; Jumbo, $2.75'6 3.25. . MlSCELlANEOUS. CHEESE W lacoiiHin twins full cream 12c: Wiaconsln Young Americas. 13c: block Swiss, 15c; Wisconsin brick. 12V4c; Wisconsin limberger, 12'. nursn.1 iseDiaaKa, .v 24 rrames, u w; Utah and Colorado, per I'- frames, $3.60. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb., 10c. CIDER Her bbl.. $5.75; per -bbl.. $3.25. , POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 93:. HORSE RAPISH-Per case of 2 do.. packe l, sOc. Nl'TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., 15c; hurd-shcll, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell. per io., life; jno. e nra-nnen. per io., nu; Braxlls, per lb., lieilo; Alberta, per lb.. almonds, koft-shell. ner lb.. 15c: in., hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large,' per lb.. lOftillc: small, per lb.. SWalOc: peanuts. per lb., 6Vic; ro.isfed pean.its. per lb., 7c; f'l. Ill -.. 1 ..... n (SI,n, .nl,A.H ,,- iiii, nsniuu., j&'vidt., also mvnui iiu... per du., 11.76; sneii-pa' a, per nu., i.i fcf t.w; jiark walnuts, per bu., 31.25; eastern chestnuts, per lb.. 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. I veal cair. to 11 ins.. sc: no. x veai calf, 13 to 15 lbs.. 6c; dry salted hides. Sff 12c; siieep pens, iji&c; norse niaes, ii.vxtj 2.50. St. I.oala Grata aad Prowlsloas. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 4. WHEAT Higher: No. S red cash, elevator, nominal: track. 91&'92c; No. 2 hard, 77(&7!c; December, 91 CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, nominal; track. 424i44c; December, 42c; May, ilc. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 7c: track, 87 638c; December, 26c; May, s7c;,No. 2 white. 40c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4.10 S42o; extra fancy and straight, $3.80'34.05; clear, $3.6073.60. SEED Timothy, stefdy. $2.253.85: prime higher. wkn M KAly Btea-iy, 2.au. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 7477c. HAY Quiet; timothy. $7.60(312.50; prairie. $5.00ti 9.60. IKON COTTON 1 lt-a 41.UO. BAtlOINQ 64tc. HUMP TW1NK 6c. PROVISION'S Pork, higher; lobbing. $11.45. Lard, steady, $0.45. Bacon (boxed). steady; extra shorts, $7.76; clear ribs, $8.12 snort Clear, ea ai's. POITL.1 RY Oood demand: spring chick ens. 7c: turkeys, 10c; ducks, 10c: geese, 8c. BtiTTlsiv Bteaay; creamery, zoc; aairy, 15ft 20c-. euus Bteaay t zsc, loss on. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 5,000 13.000 , i n ucai. uu. ... . ...97,000 " 67,000 ...37,000 26.000 ...45,000 35.0U0 corn, DU Oat, du Kaaaas City Grata aad Provisions, KANSAS CITT, Dec. 4 WHEAT De cember, 69TaC; May, 60e; cash. No. 2 hard, 71x73c; No. 2, tannic; rejected, 61i2c; No. 2 red, 84Jl85c; No. !). 8vuS)o, VIVi' ACVOI1I1JOI, V711 " T4A3 1 Vy , ash, No. 2 mixed. 39 e.; No. 2 white, 39c; oATS-No. 2 white. 638c: No. 8 mixed. I HffTT ETt Creamerv. a Sc; dairy, fancy. KOXiS Higher: Missouri and Kansas stock, cases returned. 27c; new No. i white- wood caea inciuneu. 2jC. HAY Choice timothy. 19.50: choice prai rie. JS 0UI.K). HYtiNO. Z. 470. Receipts. Shipment!. Wheat, bu 161. J00 176.000 Corn, bu 1600 12.8ml Oata, DU s.uuu t.VJO Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 4. BUTTER Steady, fair demand; extra western cream ery, 26c; name, nearby prints. 27c. EOU8 Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, $lc, loss off; same, western, 81c, loss off; same, southwestern, loss off; same, south ern. 28ca'.Hc, loss off. CHEESE Steady, fair demand: New York full creams, fancy, llc; same, choice, llc; same, fair to good, 102ii Uc. Mlaaeapoli Wheat, Floar aad Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 4-WHBAT-D. ceinber, 80c; May, 82c; July, 82'a2c; on train, r.o. i iiaru, eJc; ino i northern. 82t;; No. noithern, 79i&80c; No. ' northern, r2W7c. FIjOUK ttrst patents, 4.toM.&5; second patents, $3.30U"3 40: first clears, $3.$ooi 40; second clears. $2.3062.40. BRAN In bulk, $12.75. Milwaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 4-WHEAT-Market higher; No. 1 northern. 84'aMc; No. 2 northern. 81"n3f; May s2'jX2c, bid. RYE Firm; No. 1, 67c. BARLEV lc lower; No. 2, 62c; sample, S2duc. CORN-Higher: No. 8. 48c; May. 43c. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL Deo. 4. -WH EAT Spot, steaav: ro. i rro western winter, iwn: futures, steady; lecember, 65d; Hanh, 6s 4d: May, in $d. CORN Soot, steady; American mixed. 4a d; futures, steady; January, 4a; March, as ii a. ' Peoria Grata Market rEORIA, 111.. Dec. $.-CORN-Hisher; No. 3. 4Sc; 39C new No. 3, 40c; new No. 4, Whisky Market. BT. LOUIS, Dec. I-WUISKY-Bteady at CINCINNATI. Dec. 4 WH ISICY DlBtll h-rc' fiiuelied good dull, higher on basis of II 27. I V.c .HIA. Dec. 4 -WHISKT-Oa th bi ot $i-i1 or fiulsbtd cooda, . . NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Muck Excitement Shewn on 'Change During Day's Baiiness. VOLUME OF TRADING IS VERY LARGE .'tted -State Steel Preferred, Brook lya Traaalt aad PeaasylTaala Lead la the Dealing; oa Takiag of Prodts. NEW YORK, Dec. 4 The net change In prices from last year shown In today's prices give no sort of Indication of the excitement and hurley-burley of the day's market. The advance of the early part of the day waa freely fed bv enormous realis ing, which ultimately wiped out practically all the early gain. The mere fact of the Insignificant price changes on such a volume of business pointa indutably of the se ling to realize which was effected. There was no news to account for the movement. Yesterday's sharp upward movement, succeeding the gradual growth during the week of the advance nhould bring In some light buying through the commission houses, but buying to cover shorts was the most Important element. The bear fright extended Into foreign mar kets and London's buing of United States Steel was largely due to the largo short Interest In that stock existing abroad. The retreat of the bear Interest which began yesterday became a rout today. Many of the stocks which have already enjoyed some measure of recovery from the depth of the depression were notably outside of today's movement. The western and Pacific stocks were not conspicuous sharers In the activity and strength and the southwestern and southern stocks concerned in the cotton movement showed positive depression. The total dealings rose above 1,000,000 share and this enormous business was largely congested In United State Steel preferred and Brooklyn Transit and Pennsylvania. The shorts In United States Steel preferred believed that the buying In that stock win for account of managers of the recent bond syndicate. No specltlo news developed to account for the movement, which reached an extreme of 3'4 points. The stock's net gain was 2 points. The volume of dealings in Pennsylvania was also enormous throughout the day, but the price movement was narrow. The ex treme rise was and the stock closed U higher than last night. The taking of profits here was very obvious. Brooklyn Rapid Transit's late upruBh of 64. points was manifestly designed to help hold the rest of the market, but the con tinued outpour of stocks made this un availing. Brooklyn Transit Itself closed with only 3 points saved of net gain. The only explanation was the rumors of trans fer of large blocks of slock for the purpose of consolidation of the New York fraction Interests. The buying of stocks for London account helped to weaken the exchange market and both discount and the price of gold were lower In London, but the money rate ran off In this market so that no gold was taken In London for New York. Prelimi nary estimates Indicate that the receipts of currency from the Interior by direct express reached something less than $3,000, 000. As the subtreasury operations have withdrawn from the banks something like $3,335,000, it Is expected the cash will show a decrease of a few hundred thousand dollars. . Only a few speculative bond Issues shared In the strength and animation of the stock movement, notably United States Steel second 5s. Total sales of bonds, par value, were 16,571.000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Following are the closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. hiKh. Low. Close. Atchison 36,330 6S-T4 67'4 67 do pfd 1,360 92 lk 82 Baltimore & Ohio 19. W iH 7hW 78 do ptd 210 b)-r (.-auadian Pacino b,K0 Hit1 llhVt 1M Central of N. J 1. 3,0u0 168 156 lnl Chesapeake & Ohio.. 4,OuO iLI' Chicago oi Alton .... 200 24 do ptd 850 71 Chicago O. W.. 8,750 16 do U pfd O0 28 32 24 71 16 27 167 S 18 74 13 65 22 158 239 214, 60 67 49 U 16 27 167 19 73 14 64 22 159 242 21 28 67 49 160 unicago A jn. w 1,000 Chicago T. & Trans... 600 ao pin C, C. C. & St. L. . Colorado Southern. do iHt pfd do 2d pfd 1,110 u4 200 74? 2.850 144 200 65 vat 2si Deiuware & Hudson.. 3,'M) 160 Uela., I & West. Denver & K. O...., 2,400 244 500 21t do- pfd...... 600 Erie 7. 37,750 do tut pfd 4,877 do 2d pfd 5,000 Great Northern, pfd V -28 684, 60 jiocKing v auey .... do pfd 73 83 2.000 84 84 Illinois Central Iowa Central 2,5: 131 130' 130 , 200 22 2U: Zl 1.400 41 40 39 , 100 19 19 : , 200 80 35 85 , 4,700 107 ' 106 100 16,960 141 140 140 do Dfd K. C. Southern do nfd Louisville & Naalu. Manhattan L Met. Street Ry... Minn. & St. L Missouri Pacific , Missouri, K. & T, ..12,760 121 118 110 .. 200 61V 61 60 ..43,060 9;t 92 .. 1,800 18 16 .. 2,210 39 39 .. 300 " 38 37 .. $.450 119 Z18 92 17 89 ao pra N. R. It. of M., pfd. 37 118 67 New York Central.. Norfolk & Wealern., 2,900 58 67 do ufd 100 88 88 87 Ontario & Western. Pensylvanla P.. C. C. & St. L.... Heading . $.725 112,301 . 600 .43,454 . 200 .. 800 .14,375 . 2,025 21 21 21 117 118 117 ' 63 61 1J 40 44 44 ao ist pra do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. A San F 77 61 27 63 77 60 25 61 7il 60 26 01 7 60 ao lRt pfd do 2d pfd 700 St. L. Southwestern.. 610 46 47 20 79 25 22 86 71 87 204 37 17 17 87 46 14 83 1 46 2o 78 24 2f 83 76 87 20 36 162 37 45 do pfd 1.700 82 Southern Pacific ......23.210 Southern Railway 4,025 do pfd 2,900 Texas A Pacific 4,700 Toledo, St. L. & W.. 960 do pfd 2,265 Union Pacific 44,910 do pfd 660 Wabash 1,425 do ptd 111,350 Wheel. A L. B 850 Wisconsin Central.... gno do pfd 400 Adam Express American Exp .... United State Exp Wells-Fargo Amal. Copper 68.660 Amer. Cur A. Foun.... 2,400 do pfd l.ioi) Amer. Lin. Oil 180 do pfd L75 Amer. Locomotive.... 9 0 do pfd i,uo Amer. Smelt tc Refln. $.150 do nfd aio 46 20 78 Z4 21 84 . 76 Do 20 36 16 17 185 200 4? 20 67 9 29 15 77 47 41 19 66 29 -15 76 40 41 1QI T -7?S C5 9 Z8 15 76 46 89 S 8 Am. Bugar R., 'x-dlv. 14.320 124 123 123 Anaconda Mln "o.... 5o0 72 70 69 uroogiyn Rapid T.... 114.215 49'A 44 4? Colo. Fuel & Iron I,8u0 29 2S'i 28 Col. Hock. Coal "? . ii Consolidated Gaa 4.300 180 179 179 International PaDer.. 4.m i im in? 12 65 11H 11 do pfd loo International Pump ui 30 68 36 ao pin. Nafl BiHcuIt 100 Nat'l 1ead no S 36 i'iaT tot" 13 13 76 75 13 North American 400 Pacitlo Mall l.OaO People's Oa 7,70 Pressed Steel Car 2,195 76 2 27 90 27 68 217 7 43 15 73 82 7 76 9 'iiri 64 88 28 271 8 as do pfd oho Pullman Pnl. ir 130 217 Itepuniie Steel 2.900 7H .1 U,u. ........... . AMI, 4S Rubber Goods . 400 16 73 33 7 ml 'l2 68 69 15 do Dfd.. ex-div Hat 71 Tenn. toal A Iron.... $.750 U. 8. I-eather 1,100 83 do Pfd - 1 1V1O 76; U. 8. Rubber 200 do pfd U. a Steel M.S50 9 S8 11 do pfd 216.328 Western Union 3,000 66j 88 xortnern securities Total sale for the 'day." t'm.ioo' share. 89 1 Bostoa Stork Qaotatloa. tioHTON. Dec 4-Call loans, VAftt per cent; time loans. 64i per rent. Offlclal closing prices on r'.ocka and bonds: Atihison 4a alei. Central 4a.. Atialaon do pfd Boston A Albany. Iliiatua A Maine. . b9!4;AUoue ... 4i ... 41 . e Amalgamated . Tt.Blr.gnain KWsl. at Heel ..... .14 Centennial .149 CuDHr Ran ... Zl ...4.(5 ... 1S ,.. 44 ... 15 Bostun Rlevateil N Y.. N. H. A Kltcliburg pfd ., 14o Dominion Coal ... H..1S Kraukllu ....las !nia Roiala , 1u Mubak , .... lo'.4 Old Uomuilao .... ....12J" Oaeeola , ....IJO Parrot ....l:7t,'Uulucv ... Ti ... ... 1 nlua haclAe Mel. Ceutral Amer. sugar "da pfd Amer. T. A T iKinilnlon I. A l. oQral Clot-trio . Mass. K let trie ... do pfd lulled fruit V. . Bteel do pfd ... 11 ... 2 ... 1 ... 17 ... 14, ... II ... n ... IS( ... Quanta Fe Copper. . Tamarack JOa Trinity 17S.Cn. ted States .... W luh , IfalVKtorla fc4WlnoBa timWolverlna wealing Adventure Jnalr Weat Asked. Ex-dlvldend. Forelga Flaaarlal. LONDON. Dec. 4. Discount were quiet, deni.no the abundance 011 the market. Pus I nesa on the Slock exchange was quiet, ten dency downward, especially in the case of home rails. There was a disclliiaAlon to operate la view of the fart that the Stock exchange wilt be cloned tomorrow ajid oa tcowuiit ot Ui minim couuigu im 'Xua day, in addition to the far eastern sit tlon. which continued to have an unsett Influence. Consols were easier, the strength of Americans being the only feature of In terest. The cheerful New York Influence attracted some support, causing some ad vance to well over parity, whereupon the bears hastened to cover. Norfolk & West ern was the feature. Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe and Union l'acttlc were strong and closed strong at slightly below the highest. The announcing pending issue of $14,000,000 of Canadian 4 per cent debonture stock was quietly underwritten on a com mission of i per cent. The stock will be Issued at 106 clear of Interest. It Is ex- tier ted that the Issue will be made Decern er 11. PARIS, Dec. 4. The Spanish cabinet crisis depressed Internationals, which were alternately agitated and depressed, finish ing weak. Industrials were irregular. At the close prices were steady. The private rate of discount was 213-16 per cent; 3 per cent rentes, 9Sf60o for the account; ex change on London, Jof 19c for checks. BERLIN, Pec. 4. Trading on the bourse today was languid. Exchange on London, 20m 46 pfgs. for checks: discount rates short and three months' bill 3 per cent. New Tork Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec, 4-MONEY-On call, firm, 66 per cent, closing 6 per cent; Time money, firm; sixty days, 6 .per cent; ninety days, 6 per cent; six months, eH'n&'li per cent. Prime mercantile paper, b,a(i per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.&3103 4.8320 for demand and at $4.7lHWi4.7i)70 for sixty-dav bills; posted rates. $4.80H-a4.81 and $4.84ii?44: commercial bills. $4.79'S'4.79. SILVER Bar, 66 Vic; Mexican dollars, zc is J NDS Government, strong. steady; railroad. The closing; quotation on bonds -r a follows: U. B. ref. xa. reg do coupon , do Sa, reg do coupon do new 4a, rag. do coupon , do old 4a, rag... do coupon do 6a, reg , do coupon Atchlaon gen, 4a... do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a Bait. A Ohio 4a. do IVka ..106 I,. A N. onL 4c N ..ion iMinhitUn . 4s. .101 ..107 Mex. Central 7J ..107 do Ut Inc II ..l3VMlnn. A BU U 4t.. H ..133VM., K. A T. 4s M ..103 do il 7H ..no In. r. n. of m. o. 4. n ..110 N. T. C. (. tfc ..HO N. J. C. g. It ..l'KI't Not PaclOo 4l .. r i do s .. 3 IN. A W. e. 4i... ..lniHt'o. 8. L. 4 A par .12 . 70 . M'k . K . " ) 9- rpno. coiit. '... Central of Ua. 6a 104 Heading, gen. 41... , in do 1st Inc 4 SI. L. & I. M. c i.lll4 Che. Ohio 4..1014 St. U A B. F. f. 4. MVfc Chicago A A. '.... KN St. I,. 8. W. la 2Vt C, B. & Q. n. 4a... 3 Soaboard A. L. 4a.... 71H C, M. A ft. P. g. 4a.l10 I Ho. Parlflo 4 S6'-. O. A N. W. o. 7a.. .ISO So. Railway 6a. 11214 C R. I. A P. 4a.... 7u Texaa A P. Is 114Vi do col. 6s 75 T., St. h. A W. 4s.. C.C.C. A RL L. g. 4a KV Lnluu I'aiino 4a la Chicago Ter. 4s 76 do conv. 4s 94; osm. Tobaoao 4a CTtt V. S. 8tl 2d 6s. Colo. A Bo. 4s 84H, Wabash Is D. A R. O. 4s loo do deb. II Brla prior lien 4s.... 84 W A L. K. 4s... do general 4s 5ft Wls. Central 4a.. . 70 .113 . 611 'a . 86 . . M rt. w. a D. c. Int.. log icolo. Fuel c. as.. slocking Val. 41S...104 Offered. London Stock Market. LONDON, Deo. 4.-Closing: Consols, money ... do account Anaconda Atchlaon , do pfd Baltimore A Ohte Canadian Pacific Chea. A Ohio MTi N. Y. Central 122 Norfolk A Western.. 41 l do pfd ill 70 Ontario A Western... 2: 6 Pennsylvania KJ 81 Rand Mines JO 121 Reading ii S3 . ie do 1st ptd 40 do M P'd 31 Bo. Rallsvar ills do prd 81 Bo. Pacific 4S9, Union Paclfla 7 do pfd M C. 8. Bteel 12 do Pfd 67 Chicago Ot. Western a. m. a Bt r 147 DeBeera SO', D. A R. Q do ptd Erie do 1st ptd... do id ptd... Illinois Central Loula. A Nash M.. K. A T... , 74 19 70 61 .135. Wabash 21 ..1HHI do pfd 38 .. 18 BAR SILVER Uncertain, 26Sd per ounce. MONEY 2ii2 per cent; the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 3 l5-16fj4 per cent; for three months' bills, S3tW3 15-16 per cent. liar goia. usii'Va: American eagies, n 6d. New York Mlnlna Qaotatlon. NEW TORK. Dec. 4. The following are the closing quotations on mining slocks: Adams eon Alice Breece Brunswick Con... Comstork Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Vs.. 10 Little Chief ... 14 ... 10 ... . i ...105 ...100 ...1U6 ... t Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Savage' Sierra Nevada Hmall Hopes .. standard ..too ..104 .. I .. 11 .. 4G .. 60 1 ..to Horn Silver ron Bllver Leadvilla Con ... Bank Clearing;. OMAHA. Dec. 4. Bank clearing for to day, 81,806.647.24, an Increase of 3164,496.04 over tne corresponding aay .'uei year. Cotton Market. NEW TORK.. Dee. 4. COTTON The market onened lirm at an advance of from 6 to 23 points, following cunies mat were even better than expected, snowing appar ently that the EngilKh traders were ex pected to put as bulilHn an interpretation on' the government's renort a locally and It seemed that local support took no more bulllah a view of the situation. i any ruin rlier wns a. trAmendous atronir ele ment in the market at the start, and while it looked as though the liquidation might depress the prices, every decline was nrnnmi v roiioweo dv anomer UDturn. Shortly after the opening price showed a net decline ot Wrclo points on the active months, with December selling at 12.26c. January at 12.34c, March at 12.45, May at 12.46c and July at 12.43c. Almost at once, However, tne local uuii leaoers oegan ouy tng all along the line, shorts continued covering and prices were forced up In a very jerky. Irregular sort of way until the hlgheHt point, which was shortly after mlilduy, showed u net gain of 14rn22 poliiU, with January selling around 12.6U0, March at 12.73c. Mav at 12.71c and July at 12.76c. These were the new high prices for the Beason. During the progress of the market It was reported that the local bull leader was feeding-out his holdings to certain Wall street shorts for March and he turned a buyer for a trifling break, but when prices had reached the high level men tioned renorts or seriiements "were circu lated and with the trade feeling that the short Interests had perhaps- been pretty well eliminated, the tone became easier and realising heavier, so that during the bal ance of the session the market showed a somewhat sagging tendency, though there was another spurt of a point or two at the cloae when the market we steady. net 1 point higher than April. Sales were estimated at l,7uo,000 bales. But little at. tentlon waa Dald to foreign influences. Re. suits about equal to lust year's figures and the exports were very heavy, with the soutnern sdoi mantels nrm. nominally un changed to o higher. The New York spot market was 20 mints net higher, with axle of 3,3 0 bales, including 300 to spinners. The in sight movement ror tne ween was lust about as estimated earlier and about 12,0u0 ba e over lnst veir' figure. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4. COTTON Finn; sales, 7,150 bales; ordinary, 9 3-16c good ordinary, llc; low middling, 12c middling, 12c; good middling. 12 ll-16c middling fuir. 13U-16c. Futures, steady liecemlier. 12.C0ffl2.61e: January. li71E 12.72c; February, 1?. 79012.81 c; March. 12.93 yi.vic; April, iz.faiJ-"''c; iy, i3.uo'gi3.04c; June, 13.0tWi 13.08c; July, 13.0syi3.09c; sale, ia,tv usies. 1 ST. IXICIS. Dec. 4 COTTON Mrm, c nigner; miuuung, suies, Daiee receipts, Nio ! les; shipments, 244 ba Ktni-W 1 799 bales. L1VERPOOU Dec. 4.-COTTON Spot In limited demand, with prices 40 points higher; American middling fair. 7.0Sd; good middling, 6.9J0; inKtuiing. .mi; low mid dling. 6 78d: good ordinary. 6.H8d: ordinary 6.8d. The sales of the day were 4.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and ex port, and Included S.WO Anierlcnn. Recelpta were 41,000 bales. Including 28.9')0 American. Futures opened excited and closed irregular and unsettled. American middling, g. o. c , December. 6.70d; December-January. .65d; January-February, 6.60'i6 old : February March .69d; March-Ap-il. 6 67d; April-May, 4 Na6.5kl; May-June, 6.64d; June-July. 6.61d; July-August, 6.49d; August-September, nominal. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.-METAI4-Tin. ad vanved 6a 7d for the day In London, closing at 118 16s for spot and 120 for future Locally, tin wa quiet at t-o 0O4i i9 00. Cop per wai lower in London, spot declining 2s6d to 65, and futures 6s to 54 10s. Lo cally, copper remained quiet and price are mui f) ur ieiai iiuiiunai. n rz in uuuit'u at $12.0041 12 37; electrolytic tl2.12. and cast ing at $12.00. Lead wa unchanged at $4.25 In the local market, but declined Is 3d to 11 Is 3d In Ixindou. Spelter was dull at $0 26 In New York, and wa also unchanged In London at 20 10h. Iron closed at 48 6d In Glasgow and at 41 6d In Middlesborough. locally. Iron wa unchange1: No. 1 foun dry northern was quoted at $'5 001116.00; No. 2 foundry noithern at .14 ri 15 On; No. 1 loundrv soutnern ana iso. t tounary south ern soft nt $13 5014.00. ST. IJL'IS. Dec. 4 METALS Lead, firm a $4.02; spelter, lower at $4.60. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, Dee. 4. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continue rather easy, principally on the lower grade, which are In light demand, and In aome Instances, being pressed for sale. Cmmon are quoted at 44c: prime at 5iif'o; choice at 6 feS'.c. and funcy at 6V1i7e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are quiet at quotations ranging from l:'ie to 7c for all grades. Amicot are steady, i:h choice quoted at ia'c: extra chulo) at IH.tiuV.c. and fancy at WSIU: Peaclna tenuain quiet. Choice are queried at 7V 7.-: extra cholca at 7j4u, and fancy at liialOUfc SSloMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Becc-ipU Moderate and Prices Held Generally Steadj. HOGS SOLO STEADY TO STRONG Receipt of Sheep aad I .a nibs Light, at Other Market Were ((.noted tower aad Trading; Rated Blow and Considerably Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hues. Sheen. vraciai Monday......... Official Tuesday Ofllclal Wednesday Olhclal Thursday Ofliclul Friday , Five dav this week ...18,794 38,737 66,7!6 Same days. last week.. .18,937 31,218 29,bu8 .20,179 86,002 61,292 Bame week before Same three weeks ago 28.394 80.79 77.606 Same four weeks ago 27.3M) 21.938 71,922 Same days last year 21,476 42.4il 46,406 RECEIPTS FOR TUB TEAR TO DATE.N The following table shows tne receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for me year 10 date and comparison wuu iaai year; 1903. 1902- Inc. Deo. Cattl I,016,6h3 940.6f 75,0Z8 Hogs 2,046,7(i8 2,066,517 9, $09 Sheep 1.751,377 1.616,165 135,222 Average price paid for nog at South Omaha for the laat several day with com parison: Date. I 1903. lS02.l01.1900.18M.1898.18t7. Nov. 16... Nov. 16... I 67 6 63 6 63 t 63 6 63 6 73 i 81 4 82 4 90 4 78 4 78 4 75 4 73 I rZ 1 S6 4 64 I 84 I 86 29 3 86 2 a 111 I 87 8 44 3 40 3 83 3 23 3 20 8 lo I 81 3 34 ivov. 17... Nor. 18... Nov. lfl... 6 29 81 6 29 S86 8 32 8 34 3 14 a 8 21 3 27 3 27 8 SO 8 24 S 28 3 20 3 27 3 23 8 2o 3 19 8 21 itst Nov. 20... ( 28 24 t Nov. 21... 44V I 89 I 80 1 86 Nov. 22... Nov. 23... 6 20 6 76 i 66 4 76 4 78 6 86 4 St a 6 1) Nov. 24... 4 20V4! 3 8: Nov. 1:5... 6 03, 6 76 a 4 87 3 77 NOV. Z6... Nov. 27... 6 99 a 6 02 6 78 4 20 4 24. 4 S3V 6 73 4 76j 3 76 I 731 Nov. 28... 4 71 Nov. SO... Nov. 30.. Dec 1.... 6 6 85, t 00 4 74 4 60 3 6n 4 71 3 21 4 H 4 31', 6 09 a 6 95 6 88 6 92 4 63 8 8 25 Dec I.... Deo. 3.... Dec. 4.... 6 08 8 761 8 28 3 29! 4 40Ja 4 43, 6 131 4 64 6 22 4 68 3 81 Indicates Sunday. "Indicate holiday. The official number nf cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Has. Sho. Horn. " m. ft Ht. p. Ky 1 4,673 .4-i H.trt) .. 4,4X4 7,0:0 16,030 .. 6,197 6,703 11.643 .. 2,3;S 9.4W 9,303 ,. 1.963 7.169 2,37 86 1 1 16 12 14 !! 1. u 2 10 1 1 3 1 .. 4 1 4 .. mil Wabash Mo. Pac Ky 5 Union Pacltlc System 26 C. & N. W. Ry 2 F., E. & M. V. R. R.. 14 C, St. P., M. St O... 4 B. & M. Ry 21 C, B. & Q. Ky 6 k.. u. & est. j 1 C, II. I. & P., east. .. C, K. I. & P.. west.. 1 Illinois Central Chicago Great West. 2 Total receipt 83 The disposition of the day' receipts wa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 C6au inuicaiea: Cattle.Hogs.Sheep. Omaha Tacking Co.. 440 719 Swift and Company 614 421 401 105 1,332 1,678 1,183 "968 1,409 262 465 274 Cudahy Packing Co...... Armour & Co Omaha P. Co., St. Joe.. Cudahy P. Co., S. City.. Armour & Co., S. City... Vansant & Co Huston & Co 83 8 . 8 12 26 1 4 ""io 209 Livingstone & R H.. F. Hamilton F Hubs Hobble k & B Lee Rothschild Morton & O Hagarty Other buyer 616 1,432 Total 2,247 7,865 2.433 CATTLE There wa about a normal run of cattle here, today for a Friday and very little, change In price waa noted. All the early arrivals were soon disposed of, but tne trains were ratner siow in arriving, which delayed the close until a late hour. The few cars of cornfed steer that were on sale this morning changed hands at about steady prices. The quality of most of them wa rather Inferior, so there wa no life to the trade. As compared with the close of last week, the market is Just about steady all around. The cow market waa also generally steady with yesterday. In some case can- ners had to sen a little lower, as tne ma jority of the receipt consisted of that class of stock. Good cows, though, sold readily at steady prices. As compared with the close of last ween, tne Detter grades are a little stronger, with cannon and cutter about steady. No change was noticeable mi morning In the prices ruling on bulls, veal calves and stags, and In fact the same price have been In force all the week. The stocker and feeder market wa not very tictlve this morning, the some as 1 generally the case on a Friday. The trices paid, though, were close to steady,' particu larly If the quality was good. Common stuff undoubtedly wa a little weaker. The week is closing a little stronger thnn last week, but hardly as good as the nrst of this week. The same a ha been the case all the full, common cattle are neglected and hard to move, particularly toward the closo of the week. There were hardly enough western grass beef steers on sale this morning to make a market, but it wouia pe sate 10 quote prices steady. For the week, the market has also been about steady, the demand nnnnrentlv being fullv eoual to the aunnlv. rtange cows ana siocitere ami leeuers nave fluctuated a noted above. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ms. At. er. No. At. Pr. . 21 1114 S iS 1214 4 If U...- 1161 4 10 NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr. 10 feeder.. 648 290 No. Av. Pr. 1 cow 1110 3 60 3 heifer.. 643 1 83 7 feeder.. 632 2 75 I cows 756 2 10 2 cows 10S0 2 63 lcow 90 2 90 1 cow 1160 8 76 1 cow 1090 2 30 J. Rolland Neb. 1 feeder, 20 cows,. 16 steer. , 730 3 00 8 steers.. ..1090 3 60 .1061 I 75 Penn & Arnold 8. D. .1158 3 40 20 steers. ...1208 3 40 140 3 25 16 steers .ViiO 8 40 3 teer....1020 2 steer.. ..1105 3 80 I feeders.. 966 8 feeder.. 11 10 8 :.': John Phillips 8. D. 22 steers.. 1191 3 45 Swan I.and and Oittle Co. Wyo. 146 cows.... 875 2 70 18 cows 834 2 25 60 cows..... 743 1 00 J. McDonald-Neb. 10 cow.... 3 cow..... 7 feeder. 4 heifer.. 2 feeder. 1 feeder... 1 bull 1 cow 830 2 15 2 heifers... 65 1 75 J6 19) 3 feeder.. i5 2 60 608 2 23 1 cow 1060 2 40 295 2 00 1 bull 1180 2 10 T. B. Campbell Wyo. 770 2 95 4 heifers... 745 2 US , TOO Z 96 ' 11 steers.. .. 907 2 45 .1500 3 00 2 cow 1115 2 45 , 700 2 45 1 steer 1OS0 3 60 . 800 8 45 1 steer 1S10 8 60 Insley & Reader Wyo. 1 cow.. 2 cow. 1 cow.., 1 steer. ...1105 3 90 1 cow b?o 2 S5 1 cow 1080 1 85 1 steer 970 3 25 ..1260 2 90 ,.10"0 3 25 .1300 3 25 ..1140 2 75 1 Bteer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer 1300 8 26 1 steer 1390 8 76 4 steer.. ..1142 3 25 2 hulls 12.15 3 00 1 cow. 1 cow. 90 2 60 960 2 39 5 bulls. 1260 2 00 C. F. Tea rin Mont. 12 cows 930 3 10 33 cow 942 2 40 92 cows 974 2 40 8 cow 996 1 90 18 cows 1065 2 40 17 cows 876 1 90 4 cows 9d5 2 90 1 bull 1310 1 75 II. J. Selway Mont. 60 cow 1071 2 85 9 cows 841 8 20 bull 1416 2 00 1 bull 1260 1 60 R. N. Gray Mont. 42 cow 10-J9 2 65 a cows 918 8 00 2 bulls 1200 1 75 II. R. Paddock-Mont 8 bulls 1750 1 90 41 cow loftl 3 40 1 cow 820 2 40 6 cow 915 3 00 HOGS There waa a fairly liberal run of nogs in signt this morning ana in spite of the fact that Chicago wa quoted slow and weak to a dime lower the general market here wa fully steady. At th start there were a few loads that per haDS sold a trifle easier, but It soon be came evident that local packer had liberal order to fill and that there were none too many hogs to meet the requirements. After the first round trading became very active and In fact all th early arrivals were soon out of flrat hands. Heavy hog sold largely from 34. 35 to $4 40, medium weight went from 34 40 to 34.46 and lights from 14 46 to a4.l. The close of tl.a market was even more active, with Tirices ranging strong to nickel higher than the early sales. All th nacker wanted the hogs and a a resul It only took a few minutes for the late arrival to change hand. Representativ. sale No. 1... as.., It... 4i.. S.. 4... .., 41... 44... ... 13.. At. ... ...114 ...l'.l ...4 u rr. 1 u 4 M 4 19 No. t. k. r. as iti (0 4 4tt 77 111 aa a sa as. 64. .Ut 4 44 4 ... r. no 4 4 ,... V- 4 4t ... Ml. 4 4S ....tn ... 4 44 ....! ... 4 44 ... t a 4 44 ,...ts4 at 4 44 ....HI ... 44 ....tea lit III ...J4 ao 4 44 .1-1 14 4 tin sa a av v4 4 4 4 320 M) 4 4 .'Hi 1 SO 4 441 - ID 114 aui SO 4 as ...U a 4 44 ...... m. ta 4 .. SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL It any quantity and pet highest market prices. Write for infor Illation, prices and shipping tags which are sent free bj out I luse which is located nearest to you. J. S. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS tlMHUEB. SIOUX CITY, ,rS 90 4 40 .171 ltO 4 40 .S7i 204 4 40 .2.S4 M0 4 40 , .tn tO 4 4 41 li.... 74.... CO.... 41.... 41.... 64... 22.... 61.... ?.... 41.... it.... 2.... as.... It.... 41.... ...273 ...270 ,...2e ...14 ....)7 ...111 ...234 ,...24i ,...234 ,...241 ,...231 ....287 ,...m ,...182 ...14t ...219 140 4 43 ... 4 45 44 4 45 ... 4 4i 0 4 4S n ut 44 4 47 'a ... 4 47 a ... 47v, ... 4 47H N 4 47 V, 0 4 47 V, ... 4 47V, ... 4 47V, ... 4 40 .271 10 4 40 r.i .. 4 40 ... 4 40 4 4 40 44 4 40 ... 4 40 40 4 40 27J M 2M SI'S ..Si.2 21 120 4 40 ilia ... 4 40 3SI 120 4 40 !i.J 240 4 42's 327 ttO 4 42 tot 244 4 42 1, t0 120 4 4'.'Sa 275 44 4 41"a ill ... 4 41V! , 24 121 4 424 4 (0 4 (0 ,1S2 14.. 70.. 47.. as., at.. ....1(5 120 4 to ....201 II IU ....2:1 24 4 to ...Alt ... 4 t ....271 ... 4 44 24 ... 4 4il4 45. .14 ... 4 t SHEEP There was a small run of sheen nd lamb In sight this morning, but pack ers did not take hold with auy life and In fact their bid were all of 104fl5o lower than the same kinds sold for yenterday. Chicago was quoted considerably lower, and inai, togeiner witn tne poor quality or tne offerings, accounts for the very bearish tactics of local ouyer. At a late hour there was still considerable stuff unsold, as salesmen could not make up their minds to take off as much a packers demand. Feeder buyer were also scarce and a a result trading on that class of offerings was also slow, with prices a little lower. For the week feeders have not shown much change, but fat abeep and yearlings are all of 16fa26o lower. Lambs have been scarce and have not suffered as sharp a deollne. Quotations tor grit stock: Choice west ern lambs, I4 60I&4.76; fair to good lamb. 84.25(54.60: choice yearlings. 83.40fj3.0: fair to good yearlings, S3.hVii3.40; choice weth ers. S3.25.j3 3.40; fair to good wethers, 33.00(J 3.26; good to choice ewes. 2.C0fp25; fair to good ewe. 12.25(8 2.60; choice feeder lambs. 160(84 10; lair to goca reeaer lamns, &.ayM 60; baby lambs, $2.00(03.00: feeder year ngs. S3.263.60: feeder wethers. I3.15W3.35; feeder ewes, t2.00ra2.50: culls, 31.002.00. epresentativ sales: 'S Nebraska ewes 100 western feeder ewes.. .... 87 fJ 84 40 165 V6 103 70 117 2 15 2 10 2 65 2 75 8 35 8 45 5 00 6 00 6 40 western feeder twes.. S western feeder lambs. 16 native ewes 118 western fed wethers.. 4 western fed lambs.... 1 western fed lamb 83 native ewes CHICAGO MVK STOCK MARKET. Market Slow to Lower, with Fair Re ceipts of Hogs and Sheep. CHICAGO. Dec. 4.CATTL& Receipt. ,000 head. The market was slow to steady; good to prime steers, S5.15g6.75; poor to me- flium, J3.60fut.7b; stocKer una teeners, iz.uu . . , nr.. n r 1 nt. V. I , ...... i.v,VJ canners, J1.50&2.40; bulls, 2.00(c4.60; calves. ;2.60fs6.7o; Texas fed steers, 33.ooys.70; west ern steers, 33.OOw4.20. HOGS Recelots today. 80.000 bend: esti mated for tomorrow, 15,000 head. The mar ket was lOii'ific lower; mtxea ana nutcner, 34.8064.75; good to choice heavy, 34.30rtf4 .65; rough heavy, 4.2rf4.50; light, i4.30djH.6o; bulk of nales, S4.4Mi4.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 10,000 head. The market for lambs was slow to ower; good to choice wethers. 33.758j)4.2B; fair to choice mixed. U.00(T3.7o: wextern sheep, S3.0tvii3.85: native lambs, 34.00(86.75; western lambs, t-oowt.7t. Hew Tork Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 4. BEEVES Re ceipt, 8.907 head. The market was very dull. Steers, lofiffio lower; light bulls, loo lower: cows, dull to 15c lower; evcrnl cara unsold; steers, J4.004i5.lo; oxen. w.o&'rM.Be; bulls. t2.4O474.00: cows, tl.10413.46. Cables quote live cattle settling at IOVhIIc; tops at ijonoon, lzc, aressea weigni; sueeu, s.ow at ll12c; iambs 13c, dressed weight; re frigerator beer, 8'nc. CALVES Recelots. 5.500 head. The mar ket for grasser and westerns was very dull, 600 unsold. Veals, S4.00i8.50; graswrs nu tea calves, iz.wa4.u1; westerns, www 50: city dressed veals. iiUlSW per pound; country dressed. 6(rillc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8,965 head. -Sheep, steady; lamba, slow to 15a lower, 6 car unsold. Sheep, S3.OCKaH.00; lambs 14 R0ii4 So: Canada lamb. 35 26. HOGS Receipts. 2.613 head, market for hoes, weak; for pigs, firm; choice pigs, 15. 2S l-;xport toaay, none; esnmaiea tomor row, 1.160; cattle 650, sheep and 6,700 quar ters 01 Deer. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUTS, Dee. 4.-CATTLE Receipt, 600 head, including 1.000 nead of "rxans. The market waa dull and steady to strong; native shipping and export steers, W.Wrf 15; aressea beer ana outcner steers, m.oooi 6.00; steers under 1.000 lb., S3.35&4.85; stock er and feeders. 82.20iT3.65: cowa and heifers. !.25!&3.76; canners, i.io'uz.a: pun, iz.oow 60: calves. S3.00S6.60: Texas and Indian steer, 82.25(33.80; cow and heifers,. 82.00 3.00. HOOS Receipt. 6,600 keaa. Tne market was fisilOo lower: D m and 1 hrhts. 84.3014.60: packers. 34.204.50; butcher and best heavy, 14 0f,r4 60. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipt. 600 bead. The market was steady: native muttons. S3.Oixn3.bO; lambs, 4.rii.fo: culls and buck. 82.603.50; atockers, 81.602.50. Kansas City Live Stock Market. I KANSAS CITT. Dec. 4. CATTLE Re-1 celpts, 4,650 head, Including 450 head of southern. The market waa steady to slow: export and dressed peer steers, steoay, it. to O5.00; fair to good, 83.60(4.80; western fed steers, steady, S3.2&83.85; southern cows, steady, 81.8ixb2.40; native cows, strong. 81.75 4i3.75; native heifers, strong, 32.25(8 3 80: bulla, ateudy, 32.15iii3.25; calves, steady, 32.75 fati.00. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head. The market was 6c lower; top. 34.724; bulk of sales. 34.65 ifi4.70; heavy, 47ia.7z; pacaers, i.u.(a.(o; pigs and lights, 34.W4.67. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 6,000 head. The market waa steady to strong; native lambs, 84.75f(i6.26; western lambs, $4 6i!G.OO; fed eves, 32.90&3.35; atockera and feeder, fz.wii.au. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 616 head. The market wa steady to 10c lower; natives, 83. 40.25; cows and heifers. al.MKu-4.3o: siocKers ana leeaers, 82.60''4.10. HOGS Receipt, B.44 head. The market was steady to 5c higher; light, S4.6(J'a4.75; medium and lienvy, 8.6oi4.75. HHEKP AINU ijAMitis neceipis, 01a head. The market was steady to loo lower; lamb, 85.60; wethers, 34 00; ewes, 83 50. Sloaz City I.tve Stock Market. btott-v PTTT. la.. Dee. 4. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; un changed; beeven. f3.761j6.00; cows, bull and mixed. 31.60ijJ.25; stocker and feeders, 32 50.!. 50; calvea and yearlings, 82.25123 25. HOGS Receipts, 8.0u0 hem); steady; ell Ins at S4.2Va4.4i: bulk, S4.lfc5j4.40. Stock la Hlgait. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yes terday: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. . 1,63 7,pa 2.87 . 6.000 30,000 10.0(0 . 4.K.SO 11.000 ,0ii0 . l.WO G.i 5O0 . 616 6.M4 616 ,. 2U 2.000 .13,919 61,613 19,503 Omaha Chicago Kansas city St. Iouls St. Josenh..... Sioux City Total Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 4 COFFEE Spot Rio, firm. The market for future opened Irregular at unrhanged price to a de cline of 10 point under realizing, rather disappointing European cables and a de crease In the world s visible supply for the month that was unaer expectations, tn loss being about 80.000 bags, whereas. 101. 000 had been looked for by some of th local traders. Almost at once, however, the market wa steadied by a renewal of buy ing from th recognized bull Interest and there waa also considerable buying by house with European connections, which was believed to be for short account. Under these Influences the market ruled active and generally firm during a good purl of the session, with price about 5415 pointa higher. Towar dthe close, however, there was heavier realizing and the market waa finally steady, net unchanged to 6 point higher. Sale were 2o7.000 nag, Including Icember at SJofMSSc; January, tiijMMu; February. fu6 600; March, 6 5fi8oc: April, 6 76.85c; May, 686i7 06c; Julv 7 05 B7 2oc; AuguHt. 7.26c; September. f.l.VgrT.aTrf-; October, 7.3ua 7.40c, and November, liyj 7.3J.C. Th world' visible supply la now 13,833 109 bag, against 13.W8.1S1 last month, and 13.237 901 bag last ear. Dry Good Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 4. An absence of quo tation eontiiiuee to be In evidence In the tVry good nuukaU rod all Instruction front IOWA. GRAND ISLAND, NEB. CHICAGO. MIXHBAPOLIS. duords, Uood JHUta vtflce rUnbattan Building. ST. PAUL, IllNN. S0o Dealara In Stocks, Grab, ProYlslssa Bought and sold for cash or on reaaoubl Margin. Member Important Kiohaatls, Private Wires. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us BR.VNCir OFFICES: OMAHA 109 Bee Blrig. 'Phone 8514. SOUTH OMAIIA-823 and 325 Exchange Wdg. 'Phone 72. COUNCIL FI.UFF8-405 and 408 Sapp Bldg. 'Phone 574. LIHCOLlf. DBS MOIXR4. CEW STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wa bar over 1M office. -References! 171 Stat and Nat'l Bana, ovn sKRTica is tub best. Out of Town Business SoUolted. Oaieaa Braacki 116 Pamaai 4 Tat. 4r TB0S. M. WAD0ICK. Cormpondtnt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday a fur nished Dy the Midland uuarante and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: George P. Bemls Real Estate com- pany to Carrie Bradford, lota 20 and 21. Lindsay add 3 1 Alex R. McCandless and wife to Theo dora J. Inskeep, lot 8, block 7, and lots 11 and 12. block 8. Isabel 1.8S3 Union Investment company to Otto H. wirtn. euo feet Wlbo feet oft lot 7, block 2, Orchard Hill 3,300 John H. Mudd et al. to the Henry . Realty company, lot 8, block B, Hor bach's sub of Horuach's 1st add.... I Richard Edwards and wife to Lester C. Mudge, W26.C6 feet iota 23 and 24, block 4, Hanscom Place add 4,750 S. Wright Butler and wife to same, e25 feet W51.06 feet lota 23 and 24, block 4, same C00 Lester C. iVludgo ami wife to Jose phine E. Kllick, et al., executors, W51.05 feet lots 23 and 24, same.... 9,000 .The Bates Smith Investment com pany to same, e24.6 feet of W75.65 feet, same 8,375 Irving IT. Baxter and wife to tains, W75.65 feet, same 1 Hugh G. Robinson to J. M. Adair, lot 18, block 1. Madison Square add.....'. 600 Sarah 13. McCandless et al. to Theo dore J. Inukeep, part block 7 and 8, Isabel 1 Isabel M. Parrlsh to Frank II. Par sons, part taxlot 2. 83-16-13 1 Geprge A. Jnslyn to Edward V. Lewis, part lot 46, Stewart Place 600 Hannah Michaels and husband to In- , terstate Investment Trust, limited. lot 8, block 7 (ex. al foot), Kounts & Ruth's sdd. 8,000 . 1 Same to Charles W. Pearsall, si foot lot 8. block 7. Kountze & Ruth's ad a. August Hansen and wife o Interstate Investment Trust, .imitea, 101 block 7, Kountse A Ruth's add 8,200 Home Investment company to Lizzie R. Jackson. lot 2, Flack' sub to Patrick 2d add 1,000 Angelica H. Paddock to Sarah E. Ah burn, w'4 lot 17, block 8, Rush afc Selby' add '. 450 Frank B. Krejcl to Henry P. Dalley, j trustee. w674 feet lot 2, block 18, 8. H. Rogers' add 250 Henry B. Ralney to Ira K. Reynolds, lot 4. block 2, Reed's 5th sdd 1,300 Wllhelmlna Baumann to Fannie Mc Caffrey, part block 5 and 6, Bowery Hill add 1.250 John M. Dennl and wife to the Fran ciscan Sisterhood, lot 1 and 3. block 2, South Omaha add to Omaha 1 TuTasajtchuaetta Mutual Life Insurance company to Jumps uameron, e"j lot 10, wtt lot 11, block I Shlnn'a add.... 1400 mnnufacturera are to refuse quotation until condition become more settled. Price advanced all along th line, but in cer tain place quotation are noi openiy made. Buyers are prevented from placing; orders. ' ' '. gngav aad Molasses, NEW TORK, Deo. 4. SUGAR R w, nominal; fair refining, t S-lOuo; refined, . quiet; centrifugal, (W teat, II-I60; molassea sugar, 3 15-ltwi3o; refined, quiet; crush ud, 6.05c: powdered, 4.66c; granulated, 4.45c . MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 31(3380. 1 NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4. SUGAR Steady; open kettle, 2s4'u2 15-16o; open ket tle, centrifugal, 8 t-Wa2ia; centrifugal white. 3 ll-l(.'33io. yellows, 3VsV3 U-luc; seconds, 2'sfr31Xic. MOLASSES Steady; open kettle, 21310; centrifugal, 18'i24c; syrup, steady, I fa -6c. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4 SUGAR Open kettle, 2Vu2 15-16c; do. centrifugal, 3 3-l6.4 ihio; centrifugal whites, 3 ll-lb'Uu'1c; yel lows, 3','-r3 11-lUo; aecond, 2,4a'3Uc. MOLASSES Steady; open keltic, 20'$31o; ceutrltugal, 1223c; syrup, steady, 222u. Oil aad Hosla. NEW TORK, Dec 4. OILS-Oottonseed. steady. Petroleum, steady; refined New Tork, 39.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 89.45; Philadelphia and Haiti more In bulk, lo .65. Turpentine, Arm, 6i4l!Hic. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, S2.&5'g2.9. OIL CITT, Dec. 4.-OILS-Cred!t bal ances, 8187; certificates, no bid; shipments, 62,730 bbls., tverage 68.671 bbls.; runs, 89,121 bbls., average 85.781 bbls.; shipments. Lima, t.8.630 bbls., average tS,944i bbls.; runs, 57,388 bbls., average 65,079 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ua., Uec 4, TUKPEN- TINK Firm. ROSIN Firm: A, h. c, d, k, f. 32.2s: o. 82 35: I, 82.65; M, 82.90; N, 83.06; WG, 83 26; WW. 83.50. v Wool Market. BOSTON. Dec. 4. WOOL The cur rent quotations for th day were: Territory, i.liiho, nne i48'i!c: nne medium, ltygivc; medium, lk19c; Wyoming fine. 14nl5c: fine medium, 16U171"; meilluiii, 18',4'alic; Utli and Nevada, tine. 1616c; fln medium. Vif 17Hc; medium, 19'(&k.; Dakota, fine, lr.iH-liic; tine medium, ISItVic: medium, 18.20c; Montana, fine, choice, l&iifjr; fine medium, choice, K'ifMc; staple. 20tf21o; medium choice, 20'ri2lc. BT. LOUIS. Dec. 4 WOOL Nominal j medium grade combing and clothing, 17'' 21Hc; light fine, 15fl7Wc; heavy One. Via Uc; tub washed, 20(d3lc. Phlladelpkla Magistrate la Toll. PHILADELPHIA, Deo. 4. Magistrate C. Harry F'etcher today entered ball in th sum of Sl.&uO for his appearance at court on the charge of misconduct In office. He Is accused by an agent of the Law and Order society of accepting unsecured ball. A few day ago Judge Sulzberger al lowed a bill of Information against the magistrate, but the latter' counsel ob tained a stay of proceeding from th su preme court. The warrant for Fletcher arrest waa sworn out on th suggeHtlon of th district attorney. Magistrate Fletcher waived a heating. Ills caste will not go to the grand jury until after th Infurrnatlos, proceedings are argued before the supremo court Read Bcrg-wnoa Co.' pcll a&a Tt sal a4 on pag t. OOat