Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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likj Wheat Adraiott BLarply on Attire.
OoTriDf by Ehorti.
Light Storks, Small Recelpta aaa Ooe4
!) Reads Price of Oata If
v ProTlloa Market
la Higher.
CHICAGO. Dee. 8. -A big advance In
price In the northwest markets, with ac
tlv covering by short gave strength to
wheat today and M.iy closed l"c higher.
Way corn and osts were each up Wc and
January provisions closed from 2V4C to
6c higher.
Influenced by aotne bullish domestic newa
and considerable buying by rommlMlon
house, wheat started firm, with May a
shade to higher, at aWtp r.i4,c. to 8r
With only small offerlnga there was a
?Y ct dy"nre o "lc. Humors that the
big bull Interest waa an open aeller soon
cauaed a slightly easier feeling, but the
market firmed up again when It was
learned that this same Interest was buy.
Ing through brokers. Markets In the north
west showed good gains and receipts thera
were small, which tended to help prices
here. During the latter part of the ses
sion elevator people were active buyers
and shorts covered freely. In response to
this demand prices advanced rapidly. May
selling p to 810. There waa some re
action late In the day, but the close was
strong, with May up l4c at 81j,c. Clear-
iU i w.IJlt "n1 floiir w" iual
4.800 bu. Primary receipts were 1,(W4,0
bu., against 2,71S bu. a year ago. Min
neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re
ago Cr"1 '"aln"t '79 car" yr
Al!'v. ,cov,,rln by shorts caused a strong
market In corn. Commission houses were
aleo liberal buyers and the selling was
mainly by acalpers. Light recelpta and
small country offerings were bull factors.
tfiA k.Tn'n,I.c higher, at 42Hc. May
sold NJtween 42S'rf42Hc and 43ff434o, clos-
h"s 4rc- -cai ""Pts were 172 cars,
with I of contract grade.
-.Vfht ".,.051" "nd continued small re-
E ,.. w"h A"001 c""h demand caused
a bullish sentiment among local traders
In the osta pit. With active buying by
cash houses and on the strength In other
Jfalr.a, prices ruled higher, while offer
Jl w.' on,y moderate. May opened a
shade lower to a shade higher, at 8674c to
3o. sold between 85'e and M'ff36Vie1 and
cars' OP' ljKK'al "ce'PlB were 121
Provision were firm early and a trifle
higher In sympathy with the atrength In
grain and on higher prices at the yards.
I- J'Ir' JTa,'Afd om" ' In the day
on profit taking by local longs and the
2""yj" ""' January pork was up
17 '.. A ' "n''ry iara was 5c higher.
Issn ' Whlle r,b" w're 2c hlher. t
Etlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
Hn' J90 carg: ti, 100 cars;
bogs. 26.000 head.
Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
. , ... v . hbu as iuuuwh ;
.1 Open. I Hlgh.j tow. Close.l Tes'y,
1 T I I :
Dec. May
Dec. May
Jan. May
Jan. May
81H 82 1 81H181''J 81 '
7oV4 76V 75-iVi 764 762
42 ttgri 4241 42 422
42 42 42 42 42
88 85 3K ' 85 SS
;& 8 85i36 8R
33 83 33 33 33
11 (W 11 06 11 00 11 00 10 87
U 36 11 37 U 80 11 32 11 29
6 47 6 BO 46 46 42
62 66 60 62 6 47
5 SO 6 92 6 87 6 90 6 87
07 10 06 07 05
No. 1 tNew.
""h..kuoU,ion" wer follows:
FLOUR Market waa firm; winter pat
nta, 64.00tff4.2O; straight, 63.70)04. 10: spring
"ra"h, ' d8 76;
WHEAT-No. t,'80Cf2c; No. J red. 84
4?RNNO. 2' 42,401 "N0, 1 yellw-
BARLEY-iioo.1 feeding, . tl(g6o; (air to
Choice malting, 42rfr5He.
, BE ED No. I flax. 81c: No. 1 northwestern.
7c; prime timothy. 12.86; clover, contract
grade. 811.
PR0Vi8IONS-Meas pork, per bhl., $11,870
11.60. Lard, per 100 lbs.. It) 6i 65. Bhort
rlbe aides (loose). .26rt.62. Short clear
Ides (boxed), fM26i.2S.
Following were the recelpta and ship
mania of flour and grain:
, ... Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla SO.fioo t ll.soo
Wheat, bu 136,400 Jl,7(
forn, bu .HiS.ino 8X0.4HO
Oata, bu 17,100 161. 7U0
Ry, bu 8.600 4H)
Barley, bu 84,600 0,3u0
On tha Produce exchange todav the but
ter market was firm; creameries, lHaJ,c;
dairies, Hfl21 Eggs, easy, at mark, cases
included, 23'ci26c. cheese, firm, l(Kttloc.
(otatlaas ( tha Day Varloas
NEW TORK. Dec. 8-FLOUR-Recelnts.
S2.6U8 bbla.; exports, 17,478 bbla.; sales, lfiOiW
u7 mnrsei was nrm ana
airly active. Winter Datenta. 84.0044 10-
wintsr straights, 3.684.10; Minnesota pat
enta. I4.66M4.76: extras UOxhJIK- Minn..
sots, bakers, t.70jS.i(0; winter low grades.
82808S.15. Rya flour, steady: fair to good.
83.30a3 40; cho ee to fancy, 3.4fr'a4.6u. bai .
Wheat flour, firm, 82.802.35.
,u k inn, jrvuuw wesiern. 11, uj:
Cltv. 11.01: kiln- dried. 3.0Otolu5.
- mo rum, no. 1 western. 3c, f. O. b.
float; atate and Jersey, fnVutlc
BARI,KY Steady; feeding, 8c, c. I. f..
u.7w m'l!'n- c. i. t., Buffalo.
WHKA-T Rl,'Pl- l4,775 bu.; exports.
T.858 bu.; aales, 3,270.000 futures; 73,000 spot.
The market for spot was nrm: No. 3 red.
Kte elevator; No. 8 red. 8c, f. o b
Afloat; No. 2 northern Duluth, 3e, 'f. o.
b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal,
afloat. Options were fairly active and
trong all day, led by December. In which
month shorts were heavy buyers, owing to
light storks here. There was alao a fair
export demand. The market rinsed MW
net higher May, 844186 8-lSc, closrd f5c;
July, KOHG81c. closed 81c; December.
3BR9C cXomtA 8c. '
CORN Receipts, 84.AV) bu.; exports. 41 Ml
bu.; sales. 10000 bu. futures. The market
for spot waa firm; No. 8. 6oc elevator and
510, f. o. b., aoat; No. 8 yellow, 6Jc; No.
I white, 61c. Option market had a atrong
advance today, influenced by the wheat up
turn, light receipts and general covering,
and cloeed firm at -&c net advance. May.
4f4lc. cloaed c; December. 60 6-l4i
boSc, cloaed 6oe.
OATO-Kecelpta, 160,000 bu. The market
for apot waa dull: No. 2. )c: atandu-d
white, 43c; No. 8, 40c; No. 3 white, 4iic:
No. I white, 40c; track white. 41j46c.
HAT Quiet; shipping, 86ic; good to
choice, tksi76c. .
.WOP9 gtesdv; stste. common to choice
108, KS2c; Ii2, 21r26e; olds. 8-fmo. Pal
clflo coaat. ISot, lki7c; IS118. 21u26c; olds,
,.HIS,;5-B,r,dZ: Oalveston, M to n lbs..
j4Soioc8o,,,"1-3vto tt lbm-lc: Te" dr':
I.KATHKR Steady, acid, 1212o.
.,Af'l2,Yl5lONt"V, -tsiuv; familv.
tl0.a4U.0i; mess, 8t..One9O0; beef hams. 822:
f?LmW rl,v India mes. $15 io)
outh America. 87 0; co'mpuund. 85 87.'
sTSKWtJ'i!,41!; ,'m.',l,,Jf; "' ?.
(13 i5fil5.60: mess. $13.0013.76
RICE Firm; domestic fair. S4rsc:
TALLOW-Flrmer; city. 4c; country. i
Bl'TTER-Recelpts, 4.TM pkga ; firm
creamery. 16w26c; state dairy. 166 2tc
CHEESE Rereipta, 1.842 pkg,.; market
oulet; atate full cream, fancy email col
..nd whl,r 8y,!.be'-. e; laTe made.
loc. large colored and white, September.
12r; late made. 10c. '
-50tiSrece,pt"- i Wt Pk-! flr": we.t
am, Ao31c.
Bvaprate4 Aaalea 4 Dried rralta.
CJ,;.: Jh market la quiet with the
better gradea well maintained, while prime
"? "?lm,m. "Y in tone; common
tiC.ncv4'?c: Pr'm- Cho,c--CAUFORNfA
cnUnua quiet, but there la little pressure
rrota holders and valuea rule ateadv at
!. u t'L'Y forJu rrades. Apricots
f ' llmltsa demand, with choice quotad
at frac. extra choice at 8flOVc and
fancy St lltjlio Peaches are qui.t7ch.tke
tf iu,7Vo; extra choice, 7
fancy, Klvc.
""" Unla Market.
kILl'u!E' . -WHKAT-One-fcalf
Ml i hlghart No. 1 northern. 63a4r;
z ' ' " .... -. Bimuy picKieq De nes.
310 26; plrkled shoulders. I; pickle
fcsms. JiC I toial 60 Ird. steady; wtstern
teamed. 87: raltn i... .1 J . iA.
CORN-Steady; No. 8, c; May
Condltloa ef Trade aad Qaotatloaa na
fapl aad Fancy Prodaec.
EOOR-Fresh stock, ?c.
LIVE POin.TRT Ifens. 7r- nrlne chirk
ens, 7-H'; ronstrs, accorrllng to age, 44
6c; turkeys. 12c; ducks, Ktf!; g"e,
diicks. KM-dHr; geese, lOfcllc; chickens,
, urns, n(0W.
BUT! rJR r'acklng stock, 18c; choice to
fsncy dairy, in tubs, lai!c; separator. 22a
FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 7c;
Slke. so; perch, c; buffalo. 7&c; blue
Rh. 16c; whlteflsh, c; salmon, lie; had
dock. 10c: codfish, 12c; redsnapper, llo;
lobsters, bolld, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green,
per lb.. 28c; bullheads. He; catfish, 14o;
black bass, 2v&26c; halibut, tr; crapples,
12c; herring, c; white bass, 18c; bluedna.
OY8TEF8 New Tor counts, per can.
""1 r gai., i.w; extra selects, per can,
3f.c, per gal., $1.76; atandard, per can 27c;
"-r Kit!., t.4D.
BHAN-l-er Ion $14 50.
HAT Prices auoteri hv Omuhl Whnle.
sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up
land. $7.60: No. 2. 87.00: medium. 80 60:
coarse, $4.00. Rye straw, $7.00. These price
me mr nay 01 gooa color ana quality. L-
iiinim mir ana receipts ngnt.
CORN 44c.
OATS S7c. ,
RTE No. 2. 60c.
POTATOES-Colorsdo, 85c; Dakota, per
bu.. 7("B75c; native, k&;0c.
8WKET POTATO Er) Home grown, per
uannei, r'j Illinois, per DDI.,
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 12 2S4i2.25.
t:KljKR Mmnll, per uor, joc; largs
California, 46'&75c.
ukium)-New home grown, dry, per lb.,
tw; oimnisn. per crate, i.wj.
CABBAGE-Wisconsin Holland. 2c
TURNlP-Callforhia rutabagas, per lb..
wnne, per du., MIC.
CARROTS Per bu., 60c.
PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 60c
BEETS Per bu.. 60c.
CAULlFLOWER-Californla, per crate.
TOMATOES - California, per 4-basket
CUCUMBERS-Per dox.. $1.00.
PEARS-Colorado and Utah Winter Nel-
IIS, ii.tM.
AI'PI ER Cnlirnrnln tUSnwr ni Knv
$1.60; New York Greenings and Baldwins)
$3.26; estlng varletiea. X8.6K.
GRAPE8 Pony Catawbas, 22c; Imported
iuitiuaite, per Keg, o U"fn w.
C'RANBKRRiK-' Jeri-ev. rer bhl.. MOO
per box, $2.75; Wisconsin Bell Bugle, $9.60.
yLlNCES California, per box, $1.50.
ORANGES Florlila hrlshta an1 eiita
all slaes, $3.60; navels, large sixes, $3.6093.76:
smaller siies. $4.0uC(l4.26.
1 L'unxn. ...... . - ... .
( t.- iH iiiui 1.1a laicy, sw to aw
.. '. '"" cnoice I to 270 sixes, $4.UB4 .26.
FIOS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 86c;
- "-u o'njrm, s-crown, ic; a-crown,
16c; 7crown, ly
COCOANlITH Per aeck tim- n A
. ... , , , ..... .,
DATES Persian nar hl nt ft nalc...
$2.00; per lb., in 0-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental
wvuueu umm, per DOX,
BAflAflAs-ter me lum Md bunch, $2 00
v.ov, wuinoo, isrjj..'B.
CHEESE Wlacnnaln twin.
i?,0.' Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c;
block Swiss. 15c; Wisconsin brick, 12o;
Wisconsin llmh.ra.r 1 1 '
-.MONEY Nebraska', per 24 frames. $8.50;
irv!,."u -i'rBiio, per s irames, u.du.
MAPLE Sl'QAR Ohln. ner Ih. Iflo
CIDER Per bhl.. $5.75; ter -bbl., $8 25.
POPCORN-Per lb.. 2c; slieTled, $380.
HORSE RADISH Per case of I do..
NL' To Walnuts. No. 1 soft-shell, per lb.
per lb.. 13c; No. 2 bard-ahell. per lb., 12c;
Braills, per lb.. llllc; lllberta, per lb.,
llflll'AC: almond, anft-ahxll n II. IKn-
hard-hell. ner lh.. IXc ntnan, l,r nar
' i t"ui"-. smHii, per id., v'aiuc; peanuts,
7ci rodsiea peanuta, per id., ic;
hill Walnilt 19rn1n la,n K1nlr. nil, a
P" bu., $1.76; shell-barks, per bu.. $1.75(9
ir " wainuis, per du., l.2o; eastern
vimninuil, Pr ID.. ItO.
HIPES-No. 1 ren, 6c; No 1 rreen,
. ,v S-. Mm pnilCU. Ws
No. 1 veal calf. $ to 12 Iba., 8c; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 16 Iba.. c; dry salted hides. 89
12c; sheep pelts, 26,5t; horse hides, il.tej
It. Itols Grata aad Provisions.
ST. laOifia nK iwufiTuii,...
No. 2 red cash, elevator, nominal; track!
ltflc; December, Wc; May. 83c; No.
8 haru, 78y7c.
tuKi-Higher; No. z cash. 41c; track.
I2ii43c; December, 41c; May. 41c. t
OAT8 Hlvheri Mn k ra.v , '
87Vj38c: December, 26c; May,' 37c; No. i
wnlte. 40c. .
FLOUR Dull, unchanged; red winter pat
enta, $4104.20; extra fancy and straight.
83.804(4.06; clear. $3.5oi&a.60. raigin,
SEED Timothy, nominal. $I.25:.S5;
prime, higher.
COKN MKAI Steadv, $2.30.
BRAN Firmer, sacked, east track, 740770.
HAY Firmer tnr hmt rarfM tim..k..
$7.5Oiil2.60; prairie, $5.(Mt.50. '
IKUM vOTiuN TIES $1.06.
AGO I NO 5(ftt)c.
HEMP TWINE Steady, $6.86.
i-KuviBiuKS-Hork ateadv. Ill in- lr
steady, K46; bacon steady; boxed extra
snciria, i..o; ciear riDs, $.12; short clear,
POUI,TRY-fteady; chickens. 7c; springs,"), '"i ducks, 10c; geese, 8c.
Jilry IW creamery, '26c;
EGGS Firm at 28c, loss off.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
7.0m) 8.000
97.000 34.000
18.0110 60,000
83,000 84.0U0
Ka.ea. Vity Grata aad Pro!.!,...
cember, Wc; May. 7070c: cash No. 2
liard, 71C72c: No. 3, K&70c; No. 4. 61(htf6e:
rected, 6742c; No. 1 red, KS4c; No. $,
CORN December. 88c; Mav 27ci cash No.
1 mixed. SSc: No. 2 white, 8$c; No. I, 3c.
..P3;8-No- k whlte- 3ft&3Vc;Tlo. i mxed
'Y-Cholc timothy, $8.60; choice prairie,
RYE No. 2, 47o.
UTTkR-Creamcry. 20f22c; dairy fancy.
EGGS Higher: Missouri and Kansas,
cases returned, 26c per dosen; new No. 2.
whltewood cases included, 26c.
, . . Receipts. Shipments.
W.ieat, bu 61.200 106.400
Corn, bu 12,009 11.200
0'". bu 12.000 1 12,000
Philadelphia Prodaea Market.
Firm; extra western creameries, 28c;
nearby, 27c. '
EGGS Fresh nearby. Sic. 1ns off: west
"nVc&063,c; outhwestern, 2830; southern,
CHEESE Quiet, but steady; New York
full creame. fancy, llc; choice, llc; fair
to good, loUc.
Liverpool Grala Market.
LIVERPOOL, Dec. $.-WHEAT-8pot.
steady; No. 2 red western, winter, s 2d.
UM.TU 8dCember' " ' MarCh'
CORN Spot, quiet; American-mixed. 4a
Futures steady; January. 3a Ud; March.
8a lud.
Mlaaeapolia Wheat. Floar aad Braa
cember, We: May, 81o; July. 81e. on
..r1'ck,xTNo. 1 hVrd- -c: No- 1 northern.
fl: N0, S norh'". '6c; No. $ northern
F1XHTR Flrat patents, $4.4634.66; second
pa touts, $4.30(04.40; first clears, $3 30473 40'
secmd clesrs. $2.301 2 40. '
B HAN In bulk, lower at $12.76,
Dalath Grala Market.
DULUTH. Dec. 1-WHEAT-On track.
No. 1 northern. iC; No. 2 northern, 7c
No. 2 spring. 76c; May. 81c. '
OATS On track and to arrive, 84e,
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Dec. l-SEEDS-Clover, cash
and December, Mi; January, $ Feb
ruary, $ so; March, S . Prime alalks.
$vu- PrUne timothy, $1.32.
Peoria Grala Market.
EORIA, III.. Dec $.-CORN -Old.
ady; new. higher; No. $, 42c; No. 4.
ic; new No. 8. 3c; new No. 4. Sc.
41 c;
agar aad Molaaaea.
nominal; fair refining, $ $-laSc; refined
quiet; centrifugal. M teat. 3 ll-ldc; molaasea
augar. 3 16-16tlr: refined, quiet; crushed.
.0oc; powdered. 4.66c; granulated. 4 46c
MOLASSES Sle4y; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, SlJiMc.
open kettle, 2til 16-lttc; open ket
tle centrifugal. 3 3-lj:3c; centrifugal
white. $ U-lg3c. yeliowa. $yj U-i6c;
seconds, 2tfc.
MOLABStS Steady; open kettle. 2131c:
centrifugal. 16u:4c; syrup, steady, 24c
Dry Goods Market.
market Is in a moat unfavorable condition
as the result of the condition In the raw
, , . . M...L.I , . . V . ...
. ... . , w iwvn wila-
drawn on many lines and few are wllUog to
OoDsiderablt Aotirity on tha ltarkat, with
Some 8'.reDpth Ehown.
Movement of Mosey to tottoa Belt
roatlaoea aad Keeps Call
Rt High la Now
broke into great animation today and de
r'0"?. cn',1Thl atrength. wkh obvious
f. Rth .1 lh9 Present short Interest. The
o? l"E5iidf"n"" r(i!T to ,h neighborhood
of l.ono.000 shares. The activity was pro
gressive, the early part of the day being
E,l'n.n. " Intermittent buying move
ments. With Inturva n . - 3.
,. 1 ninr UIII1IIVTBH.
. plirJ .of ,he dav w confined to
w 'V.7 "P11 t'H'kS. and was occupied
by selling movements to take nrnflt. even
in those stocks. There wss a consldersble
number of stocks of the first prominence
I . .." "niermmeni Dtiying move
mil I 1 "l iNelr''r the western
stocks were hniriii until in k.
snd the cotton-csrrj'lng roads had no share
ine nay s acuvity and strength. Even
the movement in Pennsylvania, which be-
..,.,rr , ucrmivr innuence, was lata in de.
veiopmg. ana that atock was one of the
many which waa below last night In tha
r 1 y rencuon.
The few Industrtsls which imiri n
wsrd In a sensation manner In the closing
ywiwany were inclined to reac
tion on profit-taking. Colorado Fuel lost
two full points, as the reports of an In-
lennea oona issue, wmcn was offered to ex
piain yeaterday's rise, did not seem to
promise wen for the common stock. Sugar
mi a point on pront-iskins' and Amalga
mated Copper was a fraction below last
night at one time. The extensive advertis
ing ot predictions of an advance In Amal
gamated Copper aroused some susDicinn to.
wsrd It, but the stock came Into the late
upward movement. Canadian Fad do suf
fered from the report of a new Issue vof
capital. Notwithstanding these drawbacks
ine upward movement or prices gathered
momentum and volume aa the rtnv nm.
ceeded and waa effective In alarming more
important short Interests than haa yet been
reached since the turn from tha extreme
depreseslon of the market.
The causea of the advance were rather
onscure. but vagus assertions were freely
circulated of a large and determined ab
sorption of stocks by the various groups of
great capitalists and banks which make tip
the dominant powera In the financial world.
The long-standing rumor of an adjustment
of the dispute between the Gould and Penn
sylvania intereata fed eagerly on the re
port that counsel for the Western Union
and the Pennsylvania had formed an agree
ment that no more Western Union notes
should be cut pending a judicial decision of
tne case, uoaiers seemed to be benefited
by the wintry weather, but the reported In
terruption of t raffle for the sams cause was
Ignored. New York tractions were con
snlciioua In the advance. Brooklyn Ranld
Transit being one of the leaders In the
movement. The takings of this stock, look-
ng to a consolidation of transit Interests
on Manhattan, were supposed to account
for its strength.
In a more general wav there undoubtedly
waa an Improved sentiment over the gen
eral financial and Industrial outlook. Opin
ions were heard that the worst of the reac
tion In iron and steel hsd been seen, with
rrood hopes of Improvement. Call money
oaned against as nigh aa 7 per cent, and
the movement of currency to New Orleans
continues. But additional engagements of
?old In London, both for Boston and New
ork account, offered the assurance that
actual necessities can be provided for. The
decrease in value of imports at New lorg
for November of upward of $7,000,000 Is an
Index of the favorable tendency of our for
eign trade In It bearing on the money
The government's estimate on cotton on
the reduced amount of the crop Indicated la
scarcely capabale of so favorable an Inter-
Eretatlon, but the prevailing mood of the
tock exchange was bullish and all con
trary Influences were Ignored.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, pa
value, $4,186,000. United States bonds were
Unchanged on the last call.
Following are the closing quotation on
the New xork stock exchange:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
...39.625 66 68
... 2.470 1 80 81
...23.410 78 77 78
... 120 88 88 87
do cfd
Baltimore & Ohio
do iid
Canadian Pacific
$.200 118 ' 117 118
Cent, of New Jersey,
Chea. & Ohio
Chicago Alton
do pfd
Chi. Great Western..,
ZUU I Ml It 15
, 100
, 4.600
, 300
, 2.400
. 600
, 1.SO0
, 100
, 6(0
31 31 31
34 83 34
71 71 71
18 15 1
27 iW 27H
do B pfd ,
Chi. A Northwestern,
168 185 167
Chi. Term, at Trans.,
9 8 9
18 18 18
78 78 78
18 13 13
F4 63 64
22 20 22
do pfd ,
Big Four
Colorado Southern..,
do 1st pfd
do 2d DfdM
Dela. A Hudson
Dela. Lark. & West.,
158 157 158
Denver ft Rio Grande 700
do ufd 600
Erie 83,200
do 1st pfd 6,126
do 2d pfd 2.755
Great Northern pfd
Hocking valley s,tw
do pfd 100
Illinois Central 4.2A8
Iowa Central 2,0i0
do pfd 400
Kan. City Southern.. 2"0
do nfd fiOO
Louis. & Nashville.... 8.021
Manhattan I...
Metro. St. Rr 4.100
Minn. A St. Louis.... 1,1"0
Missouri Pacific 28,45)
Mo., Kan. A Texas... 300
do nfd wo
Nat. R. R. Mex. pfd
New York Central... 4.800
Norfolk A Western... 11.160
do Did
Ontario A Western... 8.860
21 21
Pennsylvania 156.7K6 117 114 117
Pitts.. C. C Bl. 1. H tt CO
Reading 60,510
do 1st pfd 9
do 2d Pfd 2.100
Rock Island 25.800
do pfd 2,010
St. L. A B. F. 1st pfd
do 2d Pfd no
St. L. Southwestern.. fc
do pfd 1.000
St. Psu 15,400 141
do Pfd
Southern Psclflc 16.700
Southern Railway.... 8.2RO
do Dfd l.M
Texaa A Pacific 1,360
Toledo. St. L. A West ....
do pfd rTi
Union Pacific 2.231
do pfd ZH
Wabash 1.000
do pfd .
Wheel. A Lake Erls. 610
Wisconsin Central.... 6'0
do pfd 700
A1tm Express....,- ....
tilted States
Amal. Copper Bl.731
Am. Car A Foundry.. 1.200
do pfd iflO
Am. Unseed Oil 100
do Pfd 8,410
Am. I ocomotlvs 1.P70
do tfd 8.410
Am. Smelt. A Refln.. T.Ous
do rfd
Am. Surer Refln 12,1")
Ana. M'"ln C" 4")
Rrook Rapid Trsn...T7.?
Colo. Fuel A Tro".... 8A")
nolu. Horn, coal I.o
Consolidated Gas rt
General Electric 1,006
Inter. Paper..
do pfd 1)0 C6
Inter. Pump
dn nfd
National Weeiilt 2,"
National Lead 2fl
North , American "
Pacific Mll W
People's Gas , "0
Press. Pteel Car !,
do pfd no
Pull. Ple Car
Rtube Steel ()
di pfd I.wi
Ruhber Goods SOI
do pfd
Ten". osl A Iron... ,'
V. S. leather l,x
do pfd r
'. 8. Rubber W
do pfd IK)
'. S. eel roo
do pfd 7mo
we-ern I'-lon 7S0
No""hm ecu1Mes.
s,Total aales for the day $40,900 shsres.
Forelga rtaaaeial.
tinmnu Tu. j . .
... .-, - 1 J mmm n gonQ
supply and In - moderate demand In the
" mujr, UW111B- 10 repayments to
v. ' . , su, ii on nm aiocg
exchange opened with a generally favorable
a, imr. i nm im- inai mere waa j
change In the Bank of England dlscou
closed dull and Irregular. Consols hard
ened allghtly at first, but relapsed and re
...... . .vm. Ainvrmni
opened auu in response to New York ad- )
BuiBnim kjiu riueeQ quiet, orand I
uviineu na ine irima reiuma be I
Ing lO.OK) below expectations. Foreigner I
fsuaraily war Axitt Jauiese wu duli.
44 42 44
77 75 77
! 69 CO
2fi 24 2
63 60 61
48 4S 46
14 14 14
832 82 83
139 14i
48 thU, 46
20 20 2"
78 7K 7H
26 24 26
38 83
7 74
87V, 87
o JO 20
87 r
17 18
IT 18
IS 38
Tho amount of bullion tsken Into the Bnk
of F.nilsnd on balance today wss cs.fno.
Withdrswsls for shipment v.ere 6o.0i0 for
ooutn America and J.J0.000 for Mslts.
r-AniB. ic. 1 friers on t le bourse to
dny were film. Rentes were stronger on
Klnarci Minister Ronvlcr statement In
the Chamber of Deputies yesterdav. To
ward the close trading was Inactive and
at the close wss ralm. Rio Tlntoa gained
10 francs. Three per cent rentea. Dttf fine
ior ma account, j-.xenange on I-ondon, 25
I7Hc for checks. The weeltlv slatemvnt o
the Rank of France shows the following
manges: ircuiation increased, 18.loo.noof
treasury accounts current. Increase. 8.
1 lh ll kif nn han't .1 r . 4 7TC (Wnf
bills discounted. Increase, 62.675,6oi)f ; silver
vn nana, increase, jhi.wiit,
BERLIN, Dec. J.-Prkes on the bourse
xooay were uncnanged. Discount rates
snort bills, 3 per cent; three months'
puis, zk Pr cent.
Itew York Moary Market
NEW YORK, Dec. 8 MONEY On call
Arm at (W7 per cent; closing bid, 6 per
cent; offered at 6 per cent; time loans,
steady; small offerings; slxtv and ninety
dhvb. per ceni; six mnnins, bwpn per cent.
Prime mercantile nnner. RDiRU ner cnt
actual business In banker's bills at $4. 8330
.v ror uen ami ana at 4.797lra I.TO75 for
sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4.8(Vt4 81
ann ii.Mni.Mit; commercial bills. 84 79.
SILVER Bar. 6fic; Mexican dollars. 43o,
nuixua uovernment, steady; railroad,
The closing quotation on bond sre as
C. 6. rf. Ss, r.
do coupon
do aa, reg
do coupon
do saw 4a. rag..
do coupon
da eld 4s, ra...
do oospoa
da Is. ra
do aoupou
AtraLaon gaa. 4a..
do adj. 4a
Atlantic C. L. 4a.
Bait. St Polo 4a..
do IWa
Cintml of Oa. la.
do lat Ino
-.( I.. A K. unt. 41
i nannatisn e. . ii..iii
101 M-t. ontral 4a
.1"7 I do lit Inc 1S
.1 Mian. A St. L. 4i...
.WIVjM., K. T. 41 M't
.HO I da Ti
.114 IN. R. R. of M. c. 4s. 75. --i
.101-4 N. Y. C. ( im....
.10llN. i. C. f. 11
.100 I No. Paclflc 102
. t7S4 do Sb 70
.t3 In. a w. e. 4i T4
.ICM4I0. s. L. 4i 'pr... US
nnn. ren. its a
Raadlns gaa. la. M-4
St. U A I. at. e. ta. IH14
Cbcw. a Ohio 4Ha.
mi. ii. a B. r. rg. la. k
Chloaajo A A. Ia... 734
Bt L. 8. W. ll 1
n. 14. n. aa... u
C, M. Sx 0. P. . 4S.110
scaooarn a. Ij. la... 71
80. Pacinc 4a Kt-i
So. Rallwar to 112
C. A N. w. e. 7a...m4
v., K. 1. a r. ... 70
tazaa a r. la lid
T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. CI
do col. &a 7146
v..u. m m. is. g. aa 95
Chicago Tar. 4a 74
Union Pacllto 4a W2H
do conT. la 94
Con. Tobacco 4s M
v. s. Btael Id 6a ... 70
vum. ec eo. aa ai
Penrer A R. o. 4a..
Erie prior Han 4a.... m
do gn. 4a u
Ft. W. A D. C. lut. lOS
Hocking Val. 4a...l0fc
Wabaah la IMS
4s dck. B 40H
W. A U B. 4a...... MS
Wla. Central 4a (S
'-010. ual o. aa. .
Londoa Stock Market.
LONDON. Dec, 1-Cloalng:
Consols, monay....
N. T. Central
Norfolk A West....
do pfd
Ontario A Wait am.
Ttmnd Mlnca
Reading ,.
d lat pfd
do W pfd
So. Railway
do pfd
80. Paclflc
Union Pacl&e
do pfd
V 8. steal
121 S
ao account
. as
. '
. MS
. ao
. US
, Ji
, tH
do Dfd
Balttmors A Ohio..
Canadian Paelto ..
, 21
. M
, iO
, 81
rnea. St Ohio.
Cklcago Ct. Wcatsrn 1
C. St. A 8. P.
Dcnrcr A R. .,.
.. 20
.. 22S
.. Tl
.. s
. 47H
, 77
, as
, 111
. 90S
do pfd
do lat pfd
do Id nfd
do pfd
Illlnola Central ..
Loula. A Naah....
K. A T
..11"S do pfd
. . llul
AUAIER-lTnc,ptaln. 261 Pr ounce.
MONEY-3&3 per cent.
The rate of discount In tho open market
for short bills Is 4 ner rent Tk ni r
discount In the open market for three
uiunins puis i 9 K-ltktf4 per cent.
Bostoa Stock daotattona
ROSTriM Don fall l... r,o
mi. limn lunna, mvavA) per cent, umclal
viivw ii aiiuas ana oonas;
Atchleon 4a aauiaiw.,.t..
Met. Central 4a Alloues ...!'!!!
Atchleon d'HlAmalsamated ..
.. 4
.. 4S
.. 41S
do Pfd ilia Bingham
Boaton A Albany. .. .147 Cal. A Hecla .
Boat on A Maine las Centennial
Bolt on Elevated 140 nonpar kanca .
N T.. N. H. A H...lMDsTw ...
Pttcaburg pfd lit (Dominion Coal
.. 21
.. 15S
.. 47
.. 6S
.. 724
Union Paclfln .
.... 7S Trankllu
.... lOSiIfl. Roirale ....
....128 loid Dominion .
.. 7S
.. 4S
Mex. Central ..
Amer. Sugar ..
do pfd
.. 7
Asier. T. A T 127s
Dam. TAB .
flanta Vm r.nn..
General Electrta . ... US
Tamarack '.
.. 154
.. 13
.. 18
Maes. Klectrlo 21s
do nfd -A,
I'Blted Rtstea ...
United Prult .
V. 8. Bteel 11
do pfd 1... 4 i4
.. 2HU
.. 2S
n ening. common ... 71
. Pf evr York Mlal o..,.,i...
jnTar von,., n: i''l ' . .....
.'. i Jjec- i ne roilow ng are
the closlnar nnnhllnna ...
. ....r- vll muni, iiuchi;
i,. . , . .
Adama cos
I Ir.lttle cklef
.. 12
. 14
Brunawlck Con..
Comatock Tunnel
Con. Cal. A Vs.,
Horn silver
.. t
. .in
. 8
IPhoenlx ...!"!;
Ha wan
1 61 errs Nevada
iSmall Hopes ..
Bundard ......
Iron Bllver ,
Laadvllle Can ...
Cottoa market.
NEW Tnnr iu.
nr.'a,C,T.'r''d ""' dWllna of
-'. ii mi ml vaiU'B or b(fl V DOltltA In
In. . n.i.wi K ""'" "as reso snow
ing a probable crop of only ,9C2.039 bales
against a commercial crop last year nlacei
llll h' -Port pPro"
"J " 'SiowS? by'Thrwes
iv. .'.elnVl "".n ""a ""PPT. .!
m,m. I.sjn UUJB ll 1 tltM OlU 01111
i .s owrng-,hi. n,?:
m .nX. u . TL mna 1'nner. witn pncea on y
a short half-hour after the call, represent-
j..b ii Buvanco or artout $3 86, trading con
hr.anH.per Xhou"nd of tale changed
.h.iT,.: j ,u iigurea. enort wer
aOSOllltelv H n vr. nrm 1 m u .1 I . . . . .
. : j . . . u . mi miieaa or tne
beSVV niiMallnn . U - , , . ,. . .
..urjVL "r"' " oiaaing more
rapidly than any one. After passing the 12
cent mark the market slowed down a little.
It seemed a though the moat pressing de-
fA iirl St m 41 an. SI 1 1 a A. .
v.,7" ",t;.,.iru"n Pront-taklng
ii uii lum (mum m. n tne ae-
clln however, there waa another wild rush
of buying as the report became more
widely circulated and soon prices were
again soaring upward. During the balance
or the session there waa some Irregularity,
but the market, generally spesklng, was
sensationally strong, and the high point
was reached lust before the close, when
Daplmh., .lti HI,.. T.. -.. an .
March. 12Stc; May, 12.67c; July, 11.66c: or 78
" """'L". "w point ot the
...... ....... maiaci ciusea quiei lust a
llttla Anmrrt hnn him I.... I 1.... .
69(874 points higher, with sentiment still so
far aa could be Judged, very bullish, while
a w rlan" ne advance was continued
u biiuwcu a greater nei gain than did
local prices. The saels for the day were es
timated at If mo, 000 bales, this being the
lareest hnatnaaa f i if anv alnnl. A.. .. T
ord. Receipts for the day were as-nln
mailer than expected, falling below last
yr', . and predictions of a decreasing
movement are heard on everv hand, though
the advance recently might be expected to
stimulate marketing. Spot cotton In New
Yorlt was advanced to the basis of 12.46c
vi, iuiu-uiiniiua awiu tiia auuinrrn spot mar
ket were unchanged to c higher.
di. iMiin, urc. . . u i rtjjv Klrm;
sales, 4,626 bales; ordinary, S-lo; good or-
A.. m... i,T'. I 1 M 1,1... "m,,.
n -, 1 iMu.iiiMH, n',1, iniuaiing,
12c: good middling, 12 7-lt!c; middling fair.
1213-loc; receipts. 14.316 bales; stock. 17,7al
umir-m. r uiui r- w f-i r- iiiiii, im-rmuCT, tZ.W-B
12.80c: January, 11 66fl2.67c; February, 12 73
tni76c; March. 12 S34il2.4c; April, 12W.'rf
12.90c; May. 12.9312.S)4o; June, 12.07S12.99c;
muuniko uimniraa u .iir, vi icra e pfllniS
higher; American middling fair. 6.G8d; good
niiuuuug., miuuuiig, o.oaa; low mid
dling, 4o6d; good ordinary, 6.2sd; ordinary.
4 ecT The sales for the day were 6.000 bales.
Iii ii w ri v ivi ,un.uiaiivn inu CX
port and Included 6.8uO American: recelpta,
18.000 bales. Including U.loO American. Fu
tures opened steady and closed unsettled;
Amerlcsn middling g. o. c, December. 6 SOd ;
LJvctrniMrr ana rfitiiuiary, e.ou; January ana
February. 6 lid: February and March. 6.20xi
I21d; March and April, 61od; April and
siay, v.iiifn.ieu; mi; anu june, s.ion.ja;
Juno and July. C.I6d; July and August, 6.13d;
A, n .1 Q.i.t.miKa nnmln.l
Metal Market.
higher In London, apot advancing 2a 6d to
auvsw, anu luiuira ee lu Kivoseu. 1 1 II
In New York waa steady, but unchaneed
at l2.sO&24 uu. Copper advanced 2a 6d In
Londoa, with spot quoted at 66 tm 6d and
futures at 34 lam. IocaJly copper was more
or less nominal. Lake la quoted at 112 MXst
12.17. electrolytic at 612.12 and casting
at lit 00. Lead waa unchanged hers at 64.2S.
but declined Is td in London, where it
closed at 11 Is d. Spelter waa unchanged
at 24) la In London and at 65 26 In New
York. Iron closed at 6sa4d In Olasgow and
at 41s 6d In Middleebosough. Locally Iron
Is quoted at 16flinl4u0 fur No. 1 foundry
northern, 14.("jil6 ) for No. foundry
northern and tl3 4jal4 0O for No. 1 foundry
southern and No. 1 foundry Bout hern soft
ST. LOC18. Vec. L METAl-Laad
toady at 64.Ou4JI.02. Bpelter, dull at tlou.
' Sovo tko "Book N amber"
that will appear i Sunday. Docomber 1
Lota of splendid Idea la It In all Uis ad
vsrtisemsali fur Xjumm gift.
Very UghX EfcoipU of Cattle and Prloe
Held Genenllj Stotdj.
ibeep aad Lambs In Moderate Sspply
and Botk Western and Fed DtaC
Sold Readily at Steady Prleea
to Killer aad Feeders.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. 8heep.
Official Monday 4.823 .42& li,o.
Oltlcial Tueadav 4.4k 1. 15.01
Ofliclal Wednesday 6.19 8.7a li,o43
vMiitiai inuisday 2,ltM 6,424
Four days this week. ...16.674 31.668 66. 40
Same daya last week Kotil 23.1W) W.I06
Same week before 17.2fO i,46 62,(i4
Hume three weeks aao.... 21.172 24.SIS 71.3o
Biime four weeks ago 24. M 17,271 4,3o
name oays jaat year 17,21 63,218 S.4(j
The t I In -. .w. .....
. r 'a"10 bhowb ine rrcL-ipi.3 VI
cattle, hogs and sheep at ooutb Omana for
tho year 10 data and comparisons nlin last
. 1903. 1901 inc. Deo.
1.01i4ol 9S6.H9J 76.4d; ..
2,0iB.6. 2,048,061 10,022
D"neP 1,148,990 l,tH,66 140,440 ..
-.vTlr" Prlc paid for nog at South
or in iai several uaya with 00m-
Dt. j 19Q2. 11902. 11201. 11900. 11839. 1898. 11897
Nov. IS..
Nov. l..
Nov. 17.,
Nov. 18..
Nov. 1..
Nov. 20.,
Nov. a.,
Nov. 22.,
Nov. 23.,
Nov. 24..
Nov. 26.,
Nov. 2tj..
Nov. 27..
Nov. 28..
Nov. 29..
Knv ha
6 tl ( 67
4 82
4 9VI
4 att
4 781
4 7&
4 78
4 'u
4 78
1 K I 62
8 861 I 81
I 291
8 2 8 82
28 8 64
I 3 84
- Urn
4 2t 6 68
I 681
i .!
4 toftl
4 29
6 t3
6 2 6 78
8 89
a 8i
1 bol
I 86
8 82
S 7i
1 73
3 . S 29
4 81
4 20U
s nbi
8 44 li
8 4ti 3 27
2 3d, 3 30
3 23 8 24
I 8 28
6 15
4 19
6 03
6 76
t 991
i 731
6 85,
4 87
4 20
4 24
4 33
4 344.
ee 1
ft 02
6 091
4 7
4 7l
2 20
3 it 1 80
Dec I..!
Iiac a
4 il
3 21
3 27
6 09
4 63
I 74
3 2.1
8 iH
3 28,
3 23
Deo. l".
6 9.".
8 'lb
I 2o
3 19
6 131
6 8s
4 64
'Indicates K 1 m 1 . aa 1 ,1 1 ... 1 1 1 .1 -..
. 1 hui.b ,r, iiuiiub;,
Tin olllcUl number of cars of Block
nrniic h , .. . . . i . . .... , .
-o .. ... wua uy eacn roaa was:
...... I .. ., , . .
r xr a. a n n nil. Diip. nors,
C.. M. A Bt. P. Ry... 1 4j
y abash j 2
Mo. Pacific Ry.. ...... 1 "
t nlon Psclrlc Huii.m n ,0 '
C. t N. W. Ry 2 1 .
r., ha. at M. v. Ky.... 24 21 m
- ftv.p-M- o... a 23 .. i
k. c. & st. j. i
C., R. I. A P. east... 6 4..
c.. r. 1. p. wet... 1 .; ::
Illinois lantnl i
Chi. Great Western!! .'. 6
-Total receipts 96 146 48 t
. a,", , " . V atJ B s--V;C-l.n WBVI
aa follow", each buyer purcnaaing the num-
1 I1H 41 IHIM1UI I llin trtr tha rtau'a mm m.
r-va w. aavnu 114U'tJltCU e
Omaha Packing Co 3ii 971 fi7
Bwlft and Company 644 l.ti28 1 4M
Armour & Company 6i1 1.83 2,lu5
- ........ m ......... -nt a.via a. till
-""anjr i.-. Lo,, boo t.ny .... 1,092
Armour i Co., 800 City .... 2,3)17
Vnnsant & Co 87
Carey & Benton 14
Lobman & Co 264
W. I. Stephen 1
Huston A Co 4a
T.lvlnff-etfina. S. Bltatu e
H. F. Hamilton 1 !!
J r . Hus 34
Wolf -Ar Mlirnan liai
8am Werthelmer 94 '.'
u. r. noDuick ll
1-faaertv no
Other buyers S26 .... 479
.2,803 9.388 10,694
CATTLE There was a very licht run of
cattle iiere this morning lot- a Thursday
and, a packer all needed a few cattle.
uetuiiia was uuiie active, wun prices sen
eraiiy steady on all grades.
mere were several vara of corn-fed steer
In the yards, but the quality ot moat ot
them was oniy talr. l'acaera, though, took
hold In talriy good naoe and the market
on anything at ail desiraole could ateiy bo
vuu.ou eictiuy. as compared wita the
cloeo of last- wees, there la also little
change. On some days tha market haa an.
peared a little atronger and on oihera price
iiava ucth www, uui as compared witn laat
week mere l practically , no yuo table
The cow market was also actlva and
stcsuy today. 'Iher were not many on
aale and, aa buyer all took hold. It only
too a lew minute for everything In sight
to change hands. As compared with tha
close ot last week the market la about lwtt
16o higher, the greatest advance being ou
the better grade.
uim, veat calves and stag showed no
quotable change from yesterday, and In
tact have tieen selling in Just about the
same notches ail the week.
The small number of stockers and feed.
ers in sight tins morning brought specu
jKiors uui in gooa season and, as the de
maim irom ine country yesterday was
fairly good, they all wanted fresh cattle
this morning, everything at all good met
wun reaay aaie ai luuy steady prices.
Common kinds were not as active, but still
they could be quoted steady.
Tne nine a has been the caae all the
week, western grass beef steer were
scarce and sold readily at Arm price.
Range cow and stockers and feeders aixo
aoid tuny steaoy. Bom grass cow thi
morning sold a high aa fci.36. Representa
tive sale;
Ms. At. Pr. No. At.
tl i 40 it ;....uit
1 MM I SO 4 12ti
10U 8 15 1 1J7I
II 12 3 li 74 1311
at 1021 I Tt tl 1471
41 nut 1 w 1 iuo
M MS 4 00 80 laat
at 12! 4 01 It, U'lt
10 120 4 SO
1 1140 8 04 8 10S4
8 0 8 05 1 mo
4 4t 3 10 17.... 1014
1 1U00 I 10 1 mo
1 KM 8 10 loat
4 tit 3 10 1 1260
3 til I tt 1 1IM
t 170 I la I iiwi
t Kl 18 1 iw(
1 110 3 40 11 a,
1 1120 I SO I tit
1 ioo a so
1 tH IN 1 KO
IS til 3 14 4l
I " a 1 uao
IS 873 8 70
1 1410 a 10 1 iino
1 1144 a 14 1 1610
1 10 8 16 . I I,)
1 110 3 IS 1 13M
1 1240 3 40 1 wa
1 ino a so
4 49
4 41
4 4
4 ,
4 M
4 to
I St
I 44
t 44
t 46
t 7
il Ml
I to
3 16
4 Ml
a ?i
,.ioo a so
. 420 a 00
sr.t I Tt
iw 4 as
a is
1220 a 10
. S10
I so
I 00
aul I 10
1 cow 860
1 feeder... 4
2 65
6 feeder.. 42 I 20
2 76 8 feeder
8 10
2 65
2 10
2 60
2 26
16 steers.. ..nrm
a o 11 cow..
3 10 . 1 cow...
t W Jcceva..
3 iil t COWS..
2 06 8 cows. ,
8 OS 2 cows..
. 970
. 970
24 cowb...
12 cows...
28 steers.
.. 820
.. 7tf
.. M6
.. 970
.. 880
.. 210
.. 830
1 cow...,
1 cow....
1 cow....
8 cows..,
1 cow....
1 cow....
1 calf....
1 cow....
X cows..,
7 steers.
950 2 60
3 00 1 cow 1020
2 Oil 1 cow 911O
25 97 feeder.. 1176
1 75 1 feeder... 1000
4 60 21 cows 948
2 25 1 cow Ki0
2 60 1 heifer.. ..1090
8 40 1 bull IujO
2 25 6 cows 84
5 35 14 feeder.. 627
1 75 1 calf...... 330
2 06
2 00
3 40
3 75
2 70
t 10
t 00
2 25
3 25
2 heifer..,
1 bull.
1 hull.
1 calf 140
Kerch Neb.
1 calf..,
6 cow.
. 670
I 00 1 oteer
I 60 11 cow
860 S 76
9t3 100
73 236
P. Msrtln N'eh
heifer.. TTJ l 7 feeder..
J. Henderson Neb.
27 cow 821 2 00
J. Nelson Neb.
t COW 1270 1 40
N. Nelson Nab
IS feeders.. 677 3 15 1 feeder...
2 26
1 to
R. Peterson Nh.
I COW 6M 1 60 1 steer
JT Mats Nab.
60 feeders. . ta I 85
Oeurii B. Kninn-fola
81 feeder.. 963 I 30
II. HUman Neh.
1 COW 90 2 35 tcowa..
. Ml
. 621
2 65
2 15
6 feeders.. TH I 00 i cows...
4 feeder.. 622 3 16 6 heifer..
II Halbrlaht Nrh.
10 feeder.. 645 3 15 13 feeder.,
74 I 10
6e0 t0
27 feeder.. 7M0 t 40 1 feeder...
8 steer.... 60S 2 40
J. Johnson Neb.
20 cow 1014 2 to 1 cow
660 ItO
1 cow l&o 6 00
H. H. Cochran-Idaho.
14 steer. ...1077
2 ft
t steer.. ..117,
laioolW. KM
3 M
steer.. ..11)
1 bull.. 1380 1 76
IHKJB There was quite a llbersl run re
ported this morning, but a lsrs.e percentage
of them were conplfned direct to fta-al
packers, which left the number on iaw:e
rsther small. The mi rket opened Rtjlik;
higher and trading was quite active. A
little later In the morning It looked as
though ther Were not enough hugs to fl'l
the requirements of the trade and the mar-
Ret ror a tlmo Was full v a dime hlsher
The close was more like the opening. The
general market could prohably best lie de
scribed by calling It general'y a dime higher
and active at the advance. Heavy hogs
sold largely from 34.35 to 84 4". Medium
and mixed hogs sold from 64 40 to $4 46 and
butcher weights and choice lights sold Trom
84.46 to 84.60. It Is noticeable that If the
hogsi weigh much under pounds they sell
down with the extreme heavy hogs or even
below them. Butcher weights now seem to
sell to the best sdvsntage, or In other
words those weighing from XI pounds up.
Commission men are cautioning their ship
pers to look out for the hoga wrigning
under 300 pounds, for they are not com
manding the premium they wer a hort
time ago. Representative sale:
No. At. Sh. fr. No. At. 6h tt.
43 J2S 100 4 15 10 !70 1"0 4 4
14 311 40 4 IS 17 ITT SO 4 40
44 lut SO 4 SS tt 170 to 4 4
M J.M ISO 4 IS 74 171 80 4 40
M 141 ... 4 1 40 18 ... 4 44
lot U ... 4 IS SI tfl 140 4 42
41 ITT ... 4M tl 2 SO 4 41 1
St tS 10 4 IS 70 148 40 4 434)
84 rm no 4 IT't Tl I4S to 4 421,
S4 14 ao 4 1714, 87 '7" 4 4l'a
St IT 10 4 7H tt 9S 10 4 42',
SI 14 40 4 17 S tt IS ITO 4 KH
SO IM M 4 17V, 44 IM 880 4 34,
50 i 40 ir, tt 4S ... 4 4t4
41 t8 ... 4 I74, SI IM ... 4 42e
tt 1X3 110 4 17V, 71 17t tnl 4 47V,
SS ITS 40 4 17 V, 17 141 40 4 42 4)
IS lit 44 4 I7V4 St 11 M 4 451 V,
40 3. ... 4 17 V, U t7 19 4 42',
0 114 120 4 171 14 lit 120 4 4:Vb
SS 140 40 4 17 "4 46., ... 4 f.'t
si t:l tan i 171, tt mt it 4 4:,
St lit ... 4 40 4 tat ... 4 42 V,
U tni SI) 4 40 4 114 ... 4 41
it ISO 40 4 40 to 20 ... 4 41
51 tl lat 4 40 87 1SS M 4 4S
to 270 IU0 4 4S tt 140 H 4 41
4T llH 140 4 40 4 ISO 120 4 4S
TS 14 ... 4 40 11 "! 10 4 45
St 110 40 4 40 to 201 40 4 44
M !!t 40 4 40 44 110 ... 4 45
tl 2t to 4 40 tl 114 ... 4 4S
14 .HI 10 4 40 87 lit tt 4 45
Tl 217 10 4 40 tl 14 40 4 4S
77 I I 240 4 40 M 110 ... 4 471,
Tl 24 0 4 40 14 IKS ... 4 47V,
M Jf.l tO 4 40 44 Ill ... 4 4TS
11 241 ..T 4 40 84 114 ... 4 4714)
SO 100 lit 4 40 tt 174' ... 4 10
41 SHI ... 4 40 Tt 11 100 4 SO
tt 12 140 4 40 74 171 ... 4 SO
40 144 ... 4 SO
SHEEP There was rather a light run of
sheep her this morning and a tho demand
waa In good shape the market ruled active
and generally steady all around. There
waa quit a sprinkling ot fed stuff Included
In the receipts and the quality of some of
It was the best of the season to date. Fed
ewes sold as high aa 8.1.36 and some graoser
brought 83. Fed lamb sold from 85.15 to
85.25 and fed wethers brought 83.65. Trad
ing was active on all desirable gradea of
both grassers and fed stuff and an early
clearanco was made.
There wtr quite a few feeder Included
In the offerings, but the demand was fully
equal to the occasion and an actlva and
steady market resulted.
quotation tor grass stock: Choice west
ern lambs, 34 6064.75: fslr to good lambs.
84.264J-4.50; choice yearling. 83.4octi3.60; fair
to good yearlings. 83.1Dj3.40; choice weth
ers. 83.2T4i3.40; fair to good wethers, 83.009
2.25: good to choice ewes, 82.600285; fair to
good ewe. t2.&i7 2.50; choice feeder Jambs,
t3.Of4 10; fair to gocd feeder lambs, 83 259
3 SO; baby lambs, I2.00&3.00: feeder year
ling. riiM&3.60; feeder wether. 6315i3 3.';
feeittr ewes, $2.0032.50; cuiU, 81.00y2-0u.
Roprcaeutatlv sale:
No. A v. Pr.
1 buck 20 2 60
101 fd western ewes 96 2 75
27 red western ewes 104 3 00
49? Wyoming ewea 96 3 00
6 fed western ewe W2 ,3 00
1 fed western ewes 120 3 65
(5 fed western ewes 139 3 56
1265 fed western wethers 115 S 65
18 fed western wethers 1"9 S 75
11 fed western wethers 108 4 00
14 feci western lambs 81 6 00
S3 fed western lambs 67 6 CO
.233 fed western lambs 79 6 15
27 fed western Iambs 91 6 15 I
227 cull ewes 89 1 75
62 Wyoming ewes 100 2 65
10 Nebraska yearling 81 8 00
104 Wyoming yearlings 94 3 25
M Wyoming yearling w i z&
58 cull lamb 45 8 25
669 fed western wether 100 t 40
821 fed western yearlings 71 t 65 !
293 Wyoming ffeder ewes 89 I SO
801 Wyoming lei dor yearlings. 71 8 35
599 Wyoming feeder yearling. 71 8 85
33 Wyoming recoer yearlings., is a ao
248 Wyoming feedf yearlings,. 80 ' 4 00
850 Wyoming feeder jearllngs.. 60 4 00
4 lea Jiativ umiit is e ta
Fair Receipts of "fork, with Higher
Price for Hogs.
CHICAGO. Dec. i CATTLE Receipts,
12.000 head; steady to 10c lower; good to
rlme steera, $6.136.76; poor to medium,
3.6034. F6: stockers and feeder. 22.0C74.30;
Ar a, KJVf.m Ot. niaM tl IA nmnrtrnfm
I.V."lf a.M , II' I 1 , M , .w. ' " 1 ' ' ,
81.60(32.36; bull. 2.0H.60; calves. 82.6066. 76;
Texas fed steers, $3.004.25; western steers,
83 0Of 4.00.
HOOB Receipts todsy. ot.ow ned esti
mated tomorrow, 18,000 head; market
mostly loifi5e higher: closed lower; mixed
and butchers', S4.454rl.S0; good to choice
heavy, 84.nMf4.SO: rough heavy. 34va4.60;
light. 84.40I&4.7O; bulk of sales, 84.&Mj4.5.
SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelDts. 16.000
head; aheep and lambs slow; good to choice
wethers. 13.7twg-4.2S; fair to choice mixed,
83.0Oii8.75: weatern sheep, 82.954.00; native
lambs, 84.0045.66; western lambs, 84.2534.75.
Kami City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 8,500 head. Including 400 southerns;
market was dull to a shade lower; export
and dressed beef steer, B'.10c jower, 85.10(9
6 40; fair to good. 61. '543-4.45: western-fed
steers, alow, 63.15fr3.76; stockers and feed
ers, steady, 32.b04f3.7o; aouthern steers,
low, 82. 6042.3.00; aouthern cowa, alow. 31.75
62.40; native cowa, alow, 81.75iV3.50; native
heifers, slow. 32.1W3.90; bulls, steady, 32.15
433.66; calves steady, 32.75&6.00.
HOOS Receipts, 10,000 head; marktt 15
too higher; top. 84.77; bulk of aales, 14.65
4.72; heavy, 64.70iiM.77: packers,;
pigs snd fights. 84. 6074.72.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1500
head: market steady: native lamba. 84.506$
6.36; weetern lambs, 84.5ot6.25; fed ewes,
12.903.86; stockers and feeders, 82. 6563. 35.
t. I.ools I.lro Stock Market.
ST. LOTJIS. Dec. t. CATTLE Receipt.
4 500 head, Including 2,000 head of Texana;
market dull and steadv; native shipping
and export steer. 84.4"i9S 20; dressed beef
and butcher' steers, 84 oni 00; steers un
der 1.000 lbs.. 13.6064.80; stockera and feed
ers. 32.25fi3 P5; cows snd heifers. t2.254?l.0O;
csnners. 81 754T2.2S; bulls. 32.2a3.50; calves.
83 0016 60; Texas and Indan steers, f2.S,?
!."; cows and heifers, 82.0O&3.26.
hihjb rteceipts, ,wv neaa; maraet nrm
at a slight advance: pigs and lights,
34 3Gft4.t6; packer. 4.26fi4.46; butchers' and
cest neivy, ta.wai.wi.
BHF.EF AND l.AM HR Rerelnts. 2.600
head; market firm: native muttons, 83 lotfi
4.00: iamba. S4.00n5 60: cull and bucks, 82.50
63.00; stockera, $1.7bS2.60.
Now York 1.1 e tltock Market.
NEW TORK. De. S. BEEVES Receipt.
only 26 head' no trading of any Importance;
feeling ateady; no export today.
CAI1VE6-Receipts, 81 head; market ex
tremely dull: about 650 ra vea unsold. In
cluding six cars of western; veals slow,
but about ateady; no grasser or western
calvea sold; veals, 80.006. 80.
HCKiS Receipts, &,n neaa; no on sa.e;
market steady.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,412
head; market slow: sheep steady; choice
lamb Bteady, others weak to 10c lower;
common to prime sheep sold at 82.50fi-3.6ZH;
culla, 82; common to prime lambs, 85.0oiiJ
6.75; load of extra. 86.05; Canada lambs,
t. Joseph Stork Market.
ceipt, 1.642 head: merket steady to 10o
lower; natives, 83 60iC.25: Texss end west
am. 82.601(14.75; cow and heifer, 316 4J1 65;
Blocker snd feeders. 32.50ti4.16.
uma naiceinte fi ovi head: market un
evenly hlgtier; !ght, 84 6'4(4 t6; medium and
hesw, 14 cp4 .
head; market stendy to 10c higher; lamb,
85.69; wether, 84 26; awes. 83 60.
loax City LIt Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia;, Dec. t. 'Special Tele
gram.! CATTLE Receipts. oo head; mar
ket tadv; beevea, t3.7&34.GQ; cows and
bsifera. 82.00iQ3.26; stockera and feefleru.
$2 5"rt.eO; calvea and yearllnga, 82 .2S'j3 30.
HOOS Receipts, 4 000 head- mnrket ICO
higher at 82. Jew 4. 46; bulk. 34.3584. 40.
Stock la Slgkt.
Following are the recelpta of li vo atock
at the ig principal weatern cltle yes-
.. s.nut
. .120 .
.. 8.5i0
.. 4.500 ,
.. 1.542 '
.. bcO
9 4'
6 0j!
Sheep. I
8 80 I
2.6i M)
t tij
Kansas City
St. Loula ..
St. Joseph ..
Bloux Cliy ..
Total ...
.29,410 72.470 33.191
Oil 4 Real a.
NEW TORK. Dec. l-OILS Cottonseed.
teady. Petroleum, steady; refined New
Xurlt. .u, ruiaaciytiia ana iiailimore,
1 Steer 1100 J SO
1 bull 1280 1 75
f46; rhlladelphln and Baltimore, la bulk,
86. Turpentine. Arm. 69fi9iFr.
ROSIN yulei; strained, rommon to good.
OIL CITT, ra., Dec. 8. OILS Credit bn.1
ancea, 3187: certlllcates, 31. 9, bid; sale:-,
6.000 bbls. at 31 9ft; shipments. 62.2H7 bbls,
average 71. Ml bbls.; runs, 82.4-tl Ship,
ments. Lima. 6.9'5 bbls., average, 49,4.10
ui'ie. , rune, onis.
SAVANNAH, Ua., Dee. S.-OIL8 Turiien
tlne. firm, 6H.
ROSIN-Klrm; A. B, C. D, P, t1.6f: F,
32.20; 1, tt.65; K, f-'.A0; M, 82.90; N, 83.1; W
O. $3.35; W W, 83.60.
Wool Market.
LONDON. Dec. I.-WOOIt-A sale of 4.011
bale of sheep skin was held In Mincing
Lane today. The attendance was good.
Withdrawals Were heavy, owing to slow
competition. Merinos ,nd fine crosshreds
were "4 per cent lower and coarser cross
hreds showed a lost of 10 per cent. Follow
ing are the sales of and prlcee nhtalned for
clothing and combing: New South Wales,
134 bales at 4Ti7V,c: Victoria. 607 bales at 4
8d; South Austrslla, 840 bales st Mf7d;
West Australia. 867 bales at 6M,8Vrt; Tas
mania, 6M bales at 4VtKV,d: New Zealand,
274 bales nt tvitif'!!; Punta Arenas, 774
bales at 4fd; Falkland Islands. 68 bales
st 6iirj64d; Buenos Ayres, 39 bale at 4v,t
BOSTON. Dec. t WOOIThe cur
rent quotations for the day were: Territory,
Idaho, line. HfflRc; fine medium, ltai?,-;
medium, lvj19c; Wyoming fine, 14T16c; fin
medium, 1t4jl7c; medium, 18H019c: Vtah
nd Nevada, tine, 15til6c; fine medium, 17f
17Vc; medium, lS-Sicj Dakota. ntn, 1B1-;
tine medium, ",6'vJi7It-; medium, 19i2ftcj
Montana, Ine choice, 1920p; fine medium,
chilce. !Mf20c; staple. 2ie21c; medium
choice, JCAiile.
BT. LOUIS. Dec. . WOOL Dull. easv.
ut unchanged: medium gradea combing
1 clothing. 174721Vrc: light One, lW17Vc;
heavy line, 12SH',c; tub waahed, HjQr.c.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK, Deo. 8. COFFEE-Spot Rio,
firm; No 7 Invoice, 8tc; mild, firm: Cor
dova, 7!tfl2Vc. The market for futures
opened firm at an udvnnce of 6fll3 point
following f)rm cable and continued small
receipts, which scent to be stimulating in
connection with reports of unfavorable)
crop prospects, bull sentiment and causing
a apread of the In'ylng Interest. Right at
the start thi morning the market whb very
active, sales on 3 cnll being 50,0o0 bugs,
and after this th.' was no decrease In ac
tivity and the t.iarkct ruled very firm.
Large blocks of lon; coffee came out of tho
advance, but tin re waa buying from prac
tically all sources and In the afternoon It
was reported that an Importing Interest
known as the chief bear leader In ' o
recent prolonged declines had turned bu) a
and were buying aggressively. During
most of the day prices fluctuated around e.
level net 154126 points higher, but toward
the close the market eased off a little undfir
continued realizing and wss finally steady,
net Wf20 points higher. Aie were 292,000
bags, the largest yet rep .td. They In
cluded December, 6.20ifi.301. , January. 6.30j)
6.40c; February, 6.40c; March, 6.6tV96.70c;
May, 6.80fr7.tOc; June, 6.85c; Jjly. 6lvfi7.05c;
August, 7.0C4j".10c; September, 1 UK(77.30c.
Whisky Market.
ST. LOUIS, Doo. I WHISKT-Steady.
1.31. '
CINCINNATI, Deo. t.-WHISTTT-Dlstll-lers"
finished goods, dull, higher on bast
of 31.27.
PEORIA, Dec. S.-WHI8KT-On th basl
of 11.27 for finished goods. -
CHICAGO. Dec. 3. WHISKT Steady, on
basis of finished goods, 31.27.
The New Short Line of th Chicago
Oreat Westers, Railway
Offer two finely equipped train tlally
from Omaha and Council Bluff to 3t. Paul
nd Minneapolis. The Flyer running v-ry
night to th Twin Cltle I unexcelled for
peed and comfort. The Day Exprea 1
the best train for Fort Dodge, Mason City
and Austin. For further Information apply
General Agent, 1512 Farnam 't., Omaha,
Rer. Morgan Sarprlsed.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Dec. t. When seen
today regarding the announcement from
Springfield, III., that h had been elected
bishop coadjutor of the Episcopal diocese
of Springfield, Rev. George Brlnaley Mor
gan aald today that It was a complete sur
prise to him and that he had received no
official Information about It. He added
that while he would of course consider It.
he had made no plana in reference to It
acceptance.- Mr. Morgan haa been for sev
enteen year rector of Christ church In thi
- ratal Wreck la Ohio.
HAMILTOK. O., Dec. 3 -A head-on col
lision occurred today on th Dayton jk
Western Traction railroad near Eaton. O.
An eastbound car. running empty, collided
with a westbound car filled with passen
ger. Dr. Clarence W. Lehman, a pasaen
gnr, was crushed to death and Motorman
Young fatally Injured. Carelessness la
charged a th cause.
Deed filed for record ' yeterday aa fur
nished by th Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, ponded abstracter, 1M4
Farnam street;
Margaret Murray to Oscar Peterson,
lots 11. 12, 13, 14. 16 and west H lot
1 16, block 6, Belvedere add t 1
Thomas Merryweather and wife to
William 11. Merryweather, part Bee.
.18-16-10 8,000
John A. Allen and wife to Thomas
Merryweather, eV, sec. 17-14-10.. 6,01-0
John H. Harte and wife to Sarah V. 1
Comer, lot 6, block 100, Dundee
Place 65
Benjamin Folaom and wife to Oscar
Peterson, lot 4, block 204V. city 1,500
Bertha I. George and husband to Su
san E. George, lots 18 and 19, block
1, A mo Place add 1
Katie Tnmbrmk to Herman Tombrlnk,
lot 7. block 70, South Omaha 1,200
James H. Sherwood to C. H. Gulou,
part lot T, House)' sub. Cap add 600
Nathan H. Cornell to Tukey Land Co..
lot 3. block 6. mid lot 6, block , and
lot 11, block 6. Iaabel 1
E. T. Heaps, executor, to Peter Cock
rell, lot 11, block 8, Matthew' ub.
in Albright's Ch 1(0
Margaret Hpellman to Frank Ratav,
lot 6, Jackson's sub., Potter A Cobb'
x2d add 250
Dr. Mary V. Lea fund to aid worthy
students to Margaret Hpellruan,
same 225
Annette C. Carter and husband to
Grace 1L Gulou, lot 4, block 2, West
Omahu 1
Charles P. Whlto and wife to Ida 8.
Hammond, lot 18, block 13, Hanscom
Place , 4,500
D. V. Bholea Co. to Flyra B. Cronln,
lot 13, block 7. Dupont Plac-j; ........... . 1,000
James Harris to William jVwler, lot
69, Garimount Place , u L639
Mala trie
rianhattan BullUlog;,
Doalora In
S -k$, Grab, Provisions
Bor I old for cash of 00 rtao"rbla
8 Impertaal Raehaagea, '
.'rivals Wires.
Write for our dally market letter and prl
vata telegraph cipher mailed frs.
Ship Ycur Grain to Us
OMAHA-109 Be Bldg. 'Phon 3514.
SOUTH OMAHA-323 and 325 Exchange
Bldg. 'Phone 72.
COUNCIL BLUFFS 406 and 400 Sapp
Bldg. 'Phon 574.
LIrOL!t. DEI MOlni.
COE "cM?"
W kav over 160 ofrloo.
Reference: in Stats aad Nat I Baaa
Otltt Sat VltH IS TUBfi BKST.
Out of Towa Bualnaas SoUdtatt
OessasBraochi 118 Far aa f Tat. t41
TWOS. M. WADDtCK. CarrctpondCfit
J 1
i 11.11