TIIE OMATTA DAILY TIER: TIinRfspAY. DKCKMnER .1. 100.T 12 j n i If I I I I T3 I C3 V9i rn BIG SALE OF PETTICOATS $2 and $2.50 Petticoats at 98c Each An entire stock of pretty petticoats on sale at a great bargain Thursday. Thee are made of Italian cloth, silk fin ished sateen mercerized like satin. They are splendidly trimmedwith juby ducking, wide, deep flounces and ruffles, wide and narrow accordeon pleats, etc. These petticoats are the kind that He you usually pay 12.00 f and $2 50 for, toraor- tl J j row, as long as they 2 last . . $2.50 French flannel Waists nt 98c Ovr .W to UPlert from. Hods, blur, browns, greens, all alien, Q gg made in this fall's FtyleK. Main noor Pretty Handkerchiefs at Special Prices Enihrolrtprort, revered nd hemstitched handkerchiefs In beautiful and 12C elaborate piitternH, actually worth up to 35o each, at Hand Crocheted Opera Shawls plain white and fanry bordered handkerchiefs, lace and embroidery fleC5C Ladies' and Children's Underwear Alio rllk dhawlH, blok. white and colors, large circular and opera ORc hawls, up to 2. Hpecli.l Thursday . zr Ladies' fine underwear In heavy ribbed, fleecy lined and wool 2QC-39C"4QC Children's, boys' and girls' underwear In wool fleecy cotton vests, , 2 pants and drawers at, a garment J. L. uranaeis & sons make Announcement Of a Very Large Purchase of the Highest Orade ' ORIENTAL RUGSand CARPETS That were recently sold at public auction. TheM are from the stock of tl. 8. Tavslianjlan. costing to Import over SKi.Oolhl 11 rm being the largest Importers of these goods in the United Hiatus. We secured many of the choicest lots of this entire sate, and offer on Monday, December 7th, the greatest collection of hltfh prade Oriental rugs ever Hhown In Omaha. As we bought these, practically at our own price, on the above date will be the greatest liargaln giving Oriental rug sale that ever took place In the west. Kespectftilly, J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. 111 ' WONDERFUL , COUPON SALE TMU SR1.I1RI.B STORK- Coupons Free With Every Purchase. The most liberal and valuatls tickets ever given free. Here are aome un mistakable opportunities. Urasp them. In Our Furniture Department. VK WITX TL.ACK ON RAT-R THTRS AND TWO OV A KIND. HKHK 18 YOUR AT A BARGAIN. DAT, A T,OT OF ODD ROCK ICRS, ONE CHANCE TO BKCU RE A NICK ROCKER Qnni-ter sawed oak rockers worth .".85 Thursday they go at lo.STi rockers sale price $1.35 rockers sale price 3.95 3.25 295 $.1.5fl rockers sale price $2.85 rockers sale price $2.M rookers sale price ....... Besides these we will place $17.5(1 oak combination book case and desk at. $1S60 oak combination book case and desk at ...... t... $1!.R0 oak combination book case and desk at $ft00 sanitary couch at JX.no sanitary couch at .'. . 3-plece parlor suite at ........V .... S-plece parlor suite ' at ..t 3-plece parlor suite at ... 5-plece parlor suite at 5-plcce parlor suite at $0.50 tipholstercd parlor rockers at $10.85 upholstered parlor. . . rockers at 2.50 1.95 . ...... 1-60 on sale oir 12.50 13.50 15.00 4.95 e ....5.85 10.50 .:12.50 .14 85 22.50 .27.00 6.50 7.50 LA MARGUERITE CORSETS A most satisfactory six gored model for medium figures 10-inch French, clasp, short hip, with habit hip attachment made of plain silk French batiste, trim med with imported lace colors, white, pink sizes 18 to 30 C flfl UaVIW price 7 & Groceries. Gift Coupons with Every Purchase. Gigantic Siit SaJe We bought the overstock of a Big- New York suit manufacturer. n9 They go on sale Thursday at a marvelous saving in price. We received a telegram one day last week from one of the largest New York suit manufacturers stating they had 300 woman's suits which they desired to close out. We made them a spot cash offer for the lot. They are the same suits that wq sold earlier in the season for $15, $18 and $20. We have also gone through our own stock and selected 100 suits that sold up to $20. They nil go in one lot Thursday.. Your choice will be free and unrestricted... 10 Made of fine all wool cheviots, fancy mixtures effects. Not a suit in this lot worth less than $15, and most of them $18 and $20. lour choice Thursday.,.. broadcloths, meltons and All t IIP I1PW fcL'il'fml hlnitun mi1 imnlnn. $ 10 Three Greet Specials in Woman's Coets for Thursday Special No. lSjSp6cialNo. 2-H Watch Our J Windows Watch Our Windows RUINS GIVE JJP OLD RELIC Ilea Bros. Fire I nearlba rile of K tlart Brllrrne Uaartle Papers Jail Fortr-8lx Vein Old. A Ilia of the extinct Brllnvue Gazette fur the year 1857 wan found In the ruins of tho .Allen Bros, fire yesterday and ' Buck Tayler took four copies, beginning with the New Year's Ihhuo, to the oniee of Hay or Moores. Although scorched and soaked, the papers aro In excellent condition and show that much rare typographically was spent on them. In the first two numbers 8. A. Btrlckland & Co. are given as publishers, and In the remaining ismjes Henry M. Burt A Co. Mr. Burt, It appears, was "news and IochI editor." The Gazette bore the announcement , that It was '"A family newspaper devoted to democracy, literature, agriculture, mechanics, educa tion, amusements u-nd .general Intelligence." One iusue has an Indignant but well written Story about the removal of the legislative sessions from Omaha to Florence. The objections by Territorial Governor Richards afe commended. Editorial leader, have to do" with the annexation 'of Nebraska to Kansas and the like. The relics are com vnrmlable examples of early newspaper work In this vicinity. Kdlevue, it Is gathered from the New Year's pronunclamento, trebled In sise dur ing the year 1K, which was the first year of, the (laiette; by the close of 1R58 It was predicted it would stand at the head of Nebraska cities and was destined to become "Uie Chicago of the west." HEW nil.U l AH SKKVICH OX CARS. Walters Co Tbroagh Coacbes Serving Fasaeaa-ers oa Peaasylvaala Maes. An elaboration of dining service for trav elers, original with the Pennsylvania Lines, Is announced an only one of the several Innovations looking to the still greater convenience of patrons of that railway system. There is also to be an extension of that feature on the Pennsylvania I.lne. . known as the dining ear service a la carte by which Jhe passenger pays for Just what ts ordered and which has won such ap proval from travelers over the Pennsyl vania System. Train No. . . leaving Chicago for the east over the Fort Wayne route at: 11:45 p. m. and Western Kx press No. 9, leav ing Pittsburg 7:00 a. m. for Chicago via the Fort Wayne, have a la carte service In the dining 'oars for breahfast and lun cheon. IMnner Is served table d'hote on those trains. The new service originated by the Penn sylvania Hystem provides that'coRee and sandwl:hei 'by served .by waiters going through the roaches during meul hours, so that parseugcrs may enjoy those re freshments without leaving their seats. A. B. Hubermaun, oldest and absolutely reliable jeweler In Omaha. Goods marked In plain figures and luwert prices g'taran teed. 8. K. corner Thirteenth and Douglas. Tool Chests A nicer or more suitable gift you could not make to a Boy or Han See our new Wall Tool Cab inets the latest thing to hold tools. - ' Thoy Aro Dig Sellers Now is the time to buy Scroll Saws. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 DODGE STREET. Toola and Cutlery. STORM SASH AND DOORS All Sizes All Mads Get Our Prices ZJ Rosenbery Bros. Phone 92 ISOIMarcy 5t '"iSif iiii ii a j i i Filling .,. 75c np Set Teeth $5.00 Bridge Work, per tooth. . $5.00 If you have your dental work done here, you are sure of getting the be.t in the city. ' Taft's Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas Street. i . 1 will make addresses. Rsolutlona will I adopted, engrossed copies of which will be presented to the families of the deceased and spread upon the records. MEMORIAL' FOR THL FIREMEN Arraageaieats Hearty Completed for the Pabllo ftervlee to Be Held Kridrtj, Arrangements hnye been nearly com pleted b.v tho council for the memorial meeting at the rltv hull Friday afternoon at S o'clock in honor f the Art men killed Thank.Kivtiig. The council chamber will h draped .In crape and the ofticea In the city hall closed while th meeting is In progree. M i or Moores, W. 8. Bummers. W. K Ouiley and Judge W. D. McHugh 'Aaaoaaceiueats of tho Theaters. The one amusement feature held out to theater' patrons this afternoon wlll.be the matinee ut the Orpheum. Women who are naturally interested In dress will find some thing out of the ordinary in the ward robes of Miss Johnstone Hennett and the Ruppo Bisters. The former has been dis tinguished by mannish effects In drets and In hrr characterisation of the swell young elub man she shows it with empha sis, while the Ilappo Bisters In their Rus sian terpslchorean steps wear thetr native stylo of costume. The program embraces eight numbers. James Whltcomb Rliey, the Hoosler poet, will give u reading nt the Boyd this even ing and tor the rest of the week the theater will be dark. On Hunday afternoon Hermann the Great will give the first of thieo performance. ' 1 package corn starch 2c 21 11m. liranulated Sugur for $1.00 10 bars Hest Laundry Soap for 2fc 10 Hi. sack Pure Oniliam Flour for.... 'So IjirRe suck White or Yellow Corn Meal 12'A; 5 lbs. Good Japan Rice 4 v... lAc 5 ltm. Hand Picked Navy Beans 5 lbs. Tapioca. Sago. Uarley or Farina 19o tt Ilia. UrcaKtiiHt itoiieu oais ik 4 lis. Dried Mma tfeana !c gallon' can Fancy Table Syrup 19c lb, package Kelf-Klslng Pancake Flour 7',4c 1 lb. package t'ondensed Mince Meat 7M,c 1 lb. package Imported Macaroni IViO Force," Vigor, Vim, Nutrllla, Malta Vita, etc., per package J'Ac iMi ttt) Italian Prunes, per lb he Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb 8 l-3o New York Kvuporated Apples, per lb 81-rte. Fancy Cleaned CurrnntH, per lb 1 lb. cans Assorted Soups 6c Fruit Puddlne, Hromaiigrlon or Jelly- ron, 'per package ,'',c II lb. can BoHtun Baked Beans 8 l-8c 3 lb. can Solid Packed Tomatoes l"c 2 lb. can Kiirly June Peas "He 2 lb. run Wax or String . Beans 7Vio I. X. It.. Celluloid, Elastic or Electric Starch, per package Vo FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS Fartcy Sweet Florida Oranges per dos Sflc. runry Memiower apples, per hob inc CIhiIcb Hallowe'en lates. per lb.. Fancy Virginia Peanuts, per measure Large, Juicy lemons, each... California Figs, per package BON BON DISHES Sterling Siiver. $2.00. $2.50, 3.00, $3.00 and up. We are showing some handsome patterns also in quadruple plate, II, 1.50 and 12. Larger pieces 'In sterling silver and plate, handsome bowls, baking dishes, etc.. etc. Spend a few cilnutes at our store. ( S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. 1116 Denflaa Street. - FOR BOYS AND GIRLS THE SIMPLEX TYPEWRITER Only $1.00 , Teach the Children how to spell and write The Moyer Stationery Co. 220 and 222 So. 16th St. Evening Dress Must be Immaculate In style and perfect in fit Only the best of tailors can attain these necessary essentials, which is also the best of reasons why you should leave your orders and measure with Dreaher. You will receive garments most artistlcaly cut, of the finest materials and fabrics, fin ished In the most superb manner, auch s can only be had from a thorough tailor. Kntire satisfaction In garments and price. Dresner 1515 Far nam St.. : Telephone 1857. .' AH November offers continued during De cember. (JxmI photos with "a premium tlirin in." Stonecypher, photographer. ISii Farnam street. Don't Scold Strengthen th nerves, with Ir. Miles Nervine. . S!er better, nt belter, work better, feel belter, and be teller. frlj on giirtr.int. HiA'tf oi nerw s tin- l'.at,,l. lU. JdllJ-.l. Mfcl'lCAl. CO.. kUaiwrt, Is Itoise covers made to l fit your horse. Omaha Teat and Awning Co., 11th and Uurney atrteta. The ladles of the Ftrat Methmtlst Epixco pulchoit h will hold bax.ir In the church iwrlor Thursday, Friday d Saturday of thl week, and rerye n o'clock dinner each I eellng. ' j B R. Patten, denifet, Mufmui bulldhi. Wt rtlDICTlllc XI lea Pafes'of Text 32 In Color sOO lilustratiuns 12 Short Storks All KIWS-fTAIIiS. PllCt IS Ceats 3 Christmas Cigar Jars Christmas cigar cases. Christ mas match boxes, ChrlHtmaa cigarette cases, Christmas card cases, Chrlstmaa pass case, Christmas jewel canes. An elegant line new .ones lust received. All UOKHAM make. BROWN & B0RSHIM, 222 South 16th Street. a $20 DIAMOND RINGS Kxceptlonal value see them har nthi.ra from 18 to JOoO. 4 TOASTS. See our elegant stock of Brass Toasts suitable for a prize or gift. 1'iiee 7uo and II t'onie and see them before they are all gone. 2JL2WmiNNE,'Y&K.YJL7 CO., CKRISTmS gift suggestions Diamond Brooches, 15 oo'to I5OU.O0; Keck Chains. IJ .50 to 2.W Signet Kings. 11. DO to tltMfti; Utii k. Fins. II. IV to .5 ui; Ixa-keis. 13. lo lliiu.uo; Hat ling, h- to u i; Silver 't oilet S. In I.a to fcs.i: Manicure tiets, S UU to t'Ju iu. Sliver Jewul lioxes, t'uff Jars, Cui cilata Yaw, t'idogne liotiles, etc. , ALBERT EDHOLM, Jowolcr. . j . .. nnn.i.ii.n. V i-i r.i .in Bl,.tl,li ham... I .-M . ii. c r.j,rii tump ut- me lieW HIIOl . tary effects made of tho very best kcr-! n,ontlnocK, sey, heavy satin lined, loose or half litted backs butter than any $15 jacket sold In Omaha, 4f if Thursday WOMAN'S "i N'tlTlI COATS ie quality of sibclines or kereey, made with the new shoulder cupca, very hand- 19.75 some effects, coats worth up to l-..!iO, Thursday. . Special No. 3-Ss WOMAN'S ,1-ID made of the very flnent quality of ker seys, coverts and imported sibellnes new hair fitted backs with wattan plait and shoulder capes coats worth up to I40.W. Thurs- 24.7 I day Special Sale of Woman's Fur Coats Thursday felt Shoes , and Boots The , warjnest ' s'.ioe ever worn-i-Just the thing for the motorman, driver or anyone who nuut- be out in all kinds of weather. All felt with felt soles felt tops with leather suics high tops and low tops M. 60 ' to $3.00 six dlffcrtnl styles to reiect from. We also have a' full line of warm felt shoes for women for house or out door wear. OREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha' Up-to-Dat Shoo Houae Now They Are Kicking! These fellows who call themselves drug giHts who thought they had a snap with their THAD1 NO 8TAMP8-THEY ARK SOKRY THKV '8HOKK In that way! HOWEVKK, THAT o TMK1K JiUHlIM'iSa NOW. Just please remember this point: Th tickets from our CASH REGISTER are good and if you don't want them then you have me privilege or DMiutiwn FIVE PER CENT FROM ANY PUR CHASE IN EITHER ONE OF OUR BTORKi. These two columns of figures cluaily show the difference: Regular Without Witlv Price. Micgeis. iici $l.(io UiuoKone $1.() Chrystal Tonic $1.00 Peruni $1.00 Pierre's PreHcrlption.. $1.00 Plnkham's Compound. bOc Syrup of Figs.. These are not vnifir.M limty eomnare .'er other stores which have TRADING STAMPS. $1.00 Iler'a Malt Whisky 61o C4c $2 Chester's I'cnnyroyal 1'Uls too It.WJ SGIIAEFER'S DRUa STOKB E. T. YATES. Prop. lth and Chicago 8t., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 787. 24th and N Sta.. ttouih Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. All goods delivered any place lu either city. IK3 7(C 05o 6Hc 'io TRADING in witn Soc SOO 08O ti!"5 v 75c 4iV; STAMP those In J 20 Discount ON ALL 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. OPP. POSTOFFICE leivey & Stone Furniture Go. III5-III7 FARNAM STREET, ( I: V 'A 04 t; - I i Leading Furniture Ilouso Kun your oye over this list of furniture. Any piece will make a desirable Christmas gift, and the fact that it caine from our store adds to its value, for every body knows it MUST e good. Mahogany Desks. $050 to 125.00 Oak ireskH, $ G.25 1 o 5000 Maple Desks, if 0.00 to ; 29.Q0 Birch Desk, $12.50 to 18.00 Mahogany Music Cabinets, $7.50 to. 45.00 Oak Music Cabinets, $5.25 lo (0.00 Mahogany Parlor Tables, $7.00 to 75i00 Oak Parlor Tables, $:5,50 lo. 2000 Mahogany HulTets, $15.00 to 185.00 Oak China Cases, $11.75 to 68.00 Oak ISufM, $12.50 to 93.00 Mahogany China Cases, $58.00 to . 112.00 Oak Library Tables, $8.50 to - 44.00 Mahogany Library Tables, $15.00 to... 47.00 Oak Dressers, $12.25 to ...-85.00 Mahogany Dressers. $23.00 to ' . . . . fJ8.0Q OUli PUICES A1.E TfTK LOWEST. Dewey & Stone Furniture Go. III5-III7 FARNAM STREET. Suit GaseS and I Traveling Omaha Trunk Factory iTflchone 1058 1209 Farnam Street I i n 1 it I buff 'IS1'" Tbe Most Delicious Taffies ' The variety of flavor, la a epeclal fea ture which will prolong the palatable ik'Sm of these delightful taffies. VANILLA - STRAWBERRY - MAP1.F.-' PECAN-NUT -BLACK WALNUT Our Turtle, are the talk of the towu. ikuT r 15 fNAM I H.JNE.7II P Thirty Cents Will Rent Your Vacant Room Isn't it pretty poor economy to let your room stay vacant r , Every day it might b earning for you two or three times tho cost ol renting it through a Bee Want Ad. , Thera ara thousands who read tha want pates dally as a matter ol habit who look thero beiora they go room bunting. But Just now. during l ha Bee Quotation Contest, almost everyone is readlug tbe want pages word by word. Tan words three times for 30 cents. . Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept.