TITE OMAnA DAILY ItEE: THURSDAY, DECEMDER 3. 1903. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES , Ttrll.li far taa rolaasas will ta akaa mil IX . far th Tala( ealtlea aa4 aatll HiOO . n. far ntrilif aa4 Seaday ef Itlea. Rates, 1 i-H m war Seat lasertl.ta. la a, ward thereafter, ftetfelas takca far less fhaa SH far taa Brat laser tlaa. TktM aeWertleeaaont aaast aa raa e neeeatlvely. Adverttaerse- ajr reoeeatlac a here rkcck, eaa hava aaswers 4lreaee4 ta a noaabere latter la care f Taa Hea. Aaawer aa aaAre4 will aa deliver aa preaeatatlea at taa rktek aaly. MISCELLANEOUS. , PENMANSHIP. The young man who knows how to con Jugate a Greek verb and can apply in seven dirterent languuge for a aituatlon, will apply In vain if ha write a poor hand. BOYLES COLLEGE . Xsew Ida. xjiiv liua.uing, Omaha. Neb. la a moat successful teacher ot BttilNEriS PENMANSHIP. No atudent who Intelligently follow the Inatructlon given In the writing claaa can take the course without securing a style of writing that will do blm credit, wherever he Is een, DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Apply for catalogue. HORSES wintered. 43d and Center. Tel. Black-1123. 11846 D13x PHOTOGRAPHS ..M price lit per no, choice of 4 styles of ti mounting, special lor holluay only lb foiw'' PROCTOR, 616 bouth 16th St. 11 Cpppi At For a limited time wa will J 1 -ClrlC nt you wltn a guaranteed pAlrt u' 6PECTACLJ1.0 FOit l.w. Don t miss this emmce. U. 8. OPTICIANS. 80$ N. 16TH ST. R-M214 PKRFIELD'8 Cut-Price Piano Co.. Bee Bldg., Room 7. Tel. 7ul. .Weber, biory Clark. Ludwlg Schiller. R 26 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-370 DON'T MISS A GOOD THING Uet your meals and business luncheon at the KAAbACH HEH1ALHANT. 4l8 H. 16TH. In price, service and cooking; our meals are unexcelled. Board by week ta v ticseis, o. JOSEPH SiRAUB. CHEF AND PROP. K 748 Di HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED ' XP RECORDS 25c EACH. W ar manufacturers and sell you direct ai-um ina iactory. Talking Machines of all kinds repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. 1(21 Farnam Bt., Yvnoleaauj ana Retail. EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage. J ei. iota, xtl. into. it ad STATUARY direct from factory: special low prices until Xmaa. Uonnella Bros., Hi': ...... ..... HERB is a chance to get a pair of shoes which are unexcelled at any price. Onl mod, I3.U and 42.60. Regent Snoe Co., 205 b. isia. R 372 MONEY loaned an all valuables. 418 N. 14th R 373 inirYVVVIV 2,t relief; corns removed. 1605 Fa roam. K z TRY THE CHicinn i.niNnnv Jf you don't, wa both loae. Good work; prvuiiii aurauun, ait jn. imn. lei. gut. R-376 TOO BUSY malting clothes to close even ings. Come any Urn. Suits, 120 to $40. Trousers, $6 to $10. Dresber, 1616 Farnam. R 248 D10 COLH-M KAT COMPANY. UNDERTAK ERS. 1617 Capitol ave., tel. 464. R-J76 olea, 40c; with rubber heels 76c. ti7 N. ltth. R M267 Dll AMERICAN, Oarman Employment Bureau. 1624 Dodg-e. R 282 Dll READ1 ( HAVE ROOT HEED! 1 PRINT IT. SlJCCFFnf I A- L ROOT, Inc., OUVVCCIJI 414-lf S.Uth, 'Phone 1404 RM294 Rrfflfi ?.t,?.ctl'r Homemade: potato yeas DICdU Delicatessen. 1804 Jarnam Stree t. treet. R-741 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of goods sold by on man the day before Chrlstmaa, UuJ, at our store. This means that you can get anything you want of us In fine pipes. Humidors and cigars for the holidays. Our line this year will eclipse anything of the kind in Omaha. Coma and see us. O. D. Klpllnger's Cigar Store, 1228 Farnam st. R6ni 26 OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 708 N. 16th St. R M281 Dll OOLD crowns from $3; filling from 26c; set vi i.in, iwin extracted rree. Union Dental Co.. 1628 Douglas, room 4. . R 178 Henry He doesn't keep sutlonery. H sells It at 1616 Farnam st. R 804 Dll ACCORDION pleating, quickest.- Mrs. A. C. Douglas. f KmiMit k.. Mark, 17th and 11 4 IF YOU WISH TO GET a Holiday Sweater Order It Early of BHrS the Knitter. ta 8. 16th. R MS12 DU rvontict Presentthls "ad" before Ucllllbl Jan. 1st and fet 1-3 off on PailAir (innfs.wn and bridge Daiiey work. U toot Paxton blk R-M478 Dll Tnifilf AND BAQ8 AT REUI'CXinM liuimo Alfred Cornish, mo Farnaiu! COLUMBIA RECORDS Ask H. E. Fredrlckaon. ? CCIUS 6th and Capitol ave., Omaha. R M821 D18 P. MELCHOIR. machlnUt, ISth 4k Howard, R-8b1 THE GRAND PANTS CO.. A thoroughly reliable tailoring eatabllsh- mui cmrrjing a iuii una or pure woolens Mskes up any suit In the house for 117 fai any pant patterns,. $3.60. No more, no less! M'VEA A SMITH, Plumbing and Heating ib a-,. t. auv. rnmpi atteu lion given an wora. repairing a spe cialty. R 618 D17 "STRONGEST In the World," the Euulta ble Life Assurance society. Its policies a re sight drafts at maturity. II. I). Neely, manager. Merchants Natlonul Dana Diag., udum, nin, It atul POVLTRT SfPPl.lES-Cilery A Co.. 1U nostra. Tel. Mil. K 143 JIOLY SMOKE! Washington, 6c. Beck man's, intii mruim. K MdJO OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. U N. ICth st, R T53 FRANK VOD1CKA A CO., Ullors. have moved to Ki a. itn at., in the New Kru Theater Bldg. Would be pleased to hav all our old customers call, and also new ones, and see our late arrivals of mid-win, ter suitings. .Hlgh-cUaa tailoring at me dium price. Don't forget the number, -! a 14th st. Tel. 11C. H-Moltt Jl PORTRAIT men. photographer e. I make crayons, brvmides. colors: high grade, low prU-ea. prompt. Bunch. Artist, 4u3 McCague Bluik. ljth and Dodfre. R- W.'S Derix WANTED-Married rounle to go out In the country to take rhaige of raiu-h. Art. Irene X i. Bee. K-MJ3 ii A. MarU Tailor, rard to 1304 Tulas. MISCELLANEOUS. WINTER TERM Open Monday morning. January 4. Btu denl are coming from all direction. New clae in all departments. Catalogue fiee. Address: Omaha Commercial College iHohrbough Bros.. Propa. (Tel. 1289) 17th, and Douglsa fits. DEL PRADO WINE CO.'S Flneat California Wines and Brandies. Purest and best for medicinal purpnae. CACKI.RY BROS.. Sole DistriDuters, Sixteenth and Capitol Av. R II Dee 81 SIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 1301 Douglas. 41 i.W WE HAVE solved one of the most difficult problems In the retail tonacco Diimmri and that Is to suit all kind of tastes In cigars We claim that our stork la the m.iat perfectly assorted both In quality and shades In the city. Another thing you can t poealbly beat our line of P'Pf" and smoking tonacco cigarettes, i'. W. F. Btoecker, 14U4 uougiaa. R-2S MAGAZINE snbacrlptlona cut price list free; agents wanted, waiaer, -','" H M i26 Ox ALL kinds of carpenter ork and repairing nromnt y attended to. J. i. ucnuurr, tmh and Lake 8ts. K-37U NEW barber shop at Merchants ho'; BREAD, ple. cakes, for Xmas. nam. NEW MODERN HOME Seven rooms with reception hall; porcelain tub, nlvkle plated piumning, lunnct, ce mented cellar, cement walk, shade trees, fruit trees, tine location. Ww llMOil. R Jrlb39 V WANTED A name for a new restaurant; brevity and dlstincuvenea owairru. u dres X .2, Bee. R-Mn08 8x WANTED MALIC HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad lure upon our failure 10 convmce u yi tins Demg tn bfcoi', iarget anu only renabie, most practical baibtr college lu this section ot Uie country; write lor catalosue today. Western Barbers Insti tute, umana, ileb. B 4ei GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. A. U. A. Co.. ili o. uin. " WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied, un married men, Deiween ages ui u uu cltlsens of Cnlted Biaies, of good charsc ter and temperate habits, who can spewk, ra,i im mriiia Knslish. For Intormailon appiy to recruiting omcer, ltith and Dodge Bis., umana, anu Jimcvm, B M1j4 WANTED, two agents at once; good sal ary; city work. C- F. Adams Co.. HU Howard st. B 4u4 WANTED, neat, bright young man; willing to work and learn optical grinaing. xa H. J. Pentold Co., 140 Farnam St. B MZ18 wivTv.n a hnv with a horse to deliver The Evening Bee In East Omaha. Call at The Hea onlce. circulation department, 8 p. m. B-M630 MAN Under 35. fair education, to prepare for Gov t Position. Begin with $S00 salary. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, la. u v ix WANTED, first-class sausage maker and tnut ..i.ti.r nne-half Interest In market for sale. C. W. Letchford, 607 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. mw hat.khmhN Rubber footwear and spe cialty shoe; Kansas and Nebraska; state experience and territory; oia nounc; lines. Address w a, ee. -' WANTED Sign painter and window card writer. Apply at once. J01 First National Bank building. B M901 THE SMITH-PREMIER EMPLOYMENT nt'PiBTVF.NT furnishes stenographers without charae. Tel. 1.V4 or can at omce, corner 17th and Farnam sts. I B jxuoi i WANTED, men to learn barber trade. We rr- mlonM inducements now. Con stant practice by free work; expert in structions; sho't time required; tools o- . i 1 rilnlnmil rant(1 Call or write Moler Barber Col leae, 1801 Dou t'aS St. nsa&ia utmrn MEN and women to sell Oermanla Life In surance company policies in irerj ww in Nebraska and Kanss. Salary and commission. Address or call, Jpsepn a,. Clarke, 825 Board or i raae ""Jg , WANTED A good hurtler to sell clothing. the kind or a man wo, can mn iVi.."??' ties. Address A. ii, ee. WANTED, man with references to take absolute care ot oia genneman in invio home; must be willing to be with him all the time. Address X 28 Bee office, stating wages wsnted. B Mti60 x WAITED FEMALE HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, 16tn JDodfe- THE SMITH-PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPAKTMKIvl rurnianes BveiiuBriiii without charge. Tel. 1284 or call at office, corner 17th ana arnam bis. i C M134 I A COMPETENT GIRL for general house- rwors, iu iau..., c-li&3 WANTED Olrl for general housework at No. ZiOl uooge a i. miuTun lariloa to learn halrdresslnsT, manicuring or racial maaaaae. oiwri mue complete. Tools donstd, diplomas .r.Miad nosltlons furnished. Call or Vlte. Mofer College. 1M Di COMPJSTrilN 1 gin lor t ' , , famllV r two: nertuc Ituuiim. family mornings. 813 N. wtn st. j mooi WANTED Good girl for wssnlng and Iron ing at tne Greene, mn aim C 647 7X WANTED, men and women everywhere to do writing lor us at nome. iii.w Mativ. Bend stamped envel ope for particulars. American Advertis ing Co., vu n. i. i-ne zuB jjiiiiii. Minn. WANTED, two girls; competent cook and Mand srtrl. References required. Mrs. Oftutt, 140 N, 8th st. c mmj WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED, position by first-class clerk and bookkeeper; several years nnirnim. Addreaa X-15. Bee. A Mad SX EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general olfice man desires position. uiu j. 84. Nee. a " FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished room in private family; house new ana moaern, sa jon. m. E M910 ROYAL HOTEL. Eurooean. tn at vnicsgo, - - - . . . . . E-4 I FRONT room for two, mod era, 218 N. 17th. ai stjoi DEWEY European hotel. 18th and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Htvam Laundry. 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phonal A-17K3. E-384 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, eteam heat M. R. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E 88$ ELEGANT front roon; steam, heat. 19ul Capitol ave. E M491 THREE room man and wife. housekeeping, 1101 8. Uth. complete. K 640 zx M N 17th One large front room, modern. ana one small room lor gentlemen. E-M03 4 KI'HNlHHEn nwiml at 1811 Webster. 15 .l PLEASANT room private family. 2Z.3 Burt street. c ai- s FOR RENT, elegantly furnished suite front rooms (modern) to three gentlemen; two blocks from business center; rent reason able. 1821 pougtaa. K a. a ix AT ttlV N. Uth st Nicely furnished room. steam heat, well lighted; nice, cosy place for winter for one or two gent'emen. E Mull IX TWO tnode.0, with bath; plenty of heat. Win a Prize in the Quotation Contest 7 "All that is, is right." 8 "Brevity is the soul of wit." 0 ".We'll fight it out on this line if it takes all summer." A $50 Tailcr-Madc Man's or Woman's Suit and 199 Other Prizes. For Details See Advertisement on Page 3. FOR REST FIR SISHEn noOHI. AN ELEOANTLY furnished southeast cor ner front room, modern; a nice home. S23 N. 19th. E-M618-x NICE south room, ' modern. Tel. A 171. 306 8. 2th. E M602 TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, only two bloc it from postofftce. 318 N. 16;h. E MiiOJ x TWO nlcelv furnished' south rooms, mod ern; good light, heat, bath and telephone. 2011 Harney. E Mw7 6x THREE elegantly furnished rooms, one with Bleovc, everything new and clean; all modern, neat, gas, bath and telephone. 403 8. th. E Mitki x NICE, cosy little room, all modern, for gentlemen. 411 N. 19th. E M606 4 NICE east room, very convenient location, Jut across street from the Omaha club. US 8. 20th. E-M601 4x 8TATE HOTEL European. 1312 Done las st. . E Mo99 Jl NICELY furnished, steam heated room; bath; lady or gentleman. 211 8, 24th at. E- Mi98 4x PESIRAnt.E rooms at The Farnam. 19th and Farnam Sta. E M396 FOR R3NT. nicely furnished room for one or two gentlemen In strictly modern, nla, clean, steam heated flat, gas, bath and tel., board In same building if de sired. Flat 4, Davldge Blk. E MS40 6 I NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. E M637 FIRKISHKD ROOMS AMD BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, ltith 4 Chicago. F 74 THE ROSE,, 2020 Harney; warm rooms, good board. F MtX4 UPTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. K 728 ROOMS with board; modem, etenm heat. also taDie ooara. xne uresner, w& o. istn. F M231 D10 FRONT room and board 626 8. 19th St. F 898 D6x SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot ana coia water. Aierriam, zttn and Dodge. M4 DESIRABLE front room with alcove, 211 8. 26th st. F 12 ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglas. Meals. 16e F M200 111 8. 17TH, nice rooms and board. F M269 Dec THE U. 8. RESTAURANT. 1R10 Dorirs. again under the management of Wm. BAUERMEISTER. Open all night. . r 629 FOR KENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO hlce Wim neat, gas, pain. xao Harney, u MS04 4 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THE iWMiiisiti tE.iNli.jM, I r AnMbn. Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents in the country with horse and buscv esDeclally desired. Canvaa&era make easily tuo to 1100 per month. Ad dress century jrarmer solicitors Bureau, Hie Duiiding, umana. J 218 WANTED, two good men on M. Walter Dunne s greatest success; exclusive ter ritory and libera, arrangements to right man. Absolutely new and exclusive. Men accustomed to large salary especially wanted. Address W 40, Bee. J M123 WANTED Agents to sell "The Soul of . David : 818 per week and expenees. Ad dress X 70, Bee. J-M808 3x AGENTS WANTED to canvass for "Amer ican Wit and Humor." A. F. Aker Pub. Co., Chicago. J MS10 3x ', FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stcck Of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc The Brunswick-Baike Collender Co.. 407-( 8. 10th St. Q-4U4 16 CHOICE Duroo-Jersey boars st farmer irlces; also ants. w. w. wneeier, nar an. Iowa. Q-M526 13 RROOND-HAND VEHICLES. 8 six pass, rockaways, 1 coupe, 3 landaus, DUS. wagons, a. J. Bimpaon, iw (0 SQUARE PIANOS $50 EACH. 60 CENTS PER WEEK. 8PHMOLLER A MUELLER. Largest Piano Dealers in the West. 1311 jrarnam. vi wo i tiliAtt store, niiuru, nn in nu. iiiAn store, iinuic, n n i be sold; for particulars address U 43, Bee. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Wl IRON A Wire fences, tree guards treJlli ses. Western Anchor jrence to., m n. ii st. Q-SS8 CATALOGUE cut drug? prices free. Bher- man A Mcconneu urug wo., vmi. Q 899 wm bat .v. avra.l achnlarahlna in a first class standard scnooi in umini, cumin iv in n,nut, pnunu In bualness. short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. w 1 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, lllf Farnam Q-400 CHEAPEST OAK BLAT CORN CRIB BINO. Long nr limoers. u q "j v-.D a at. in tfniha concert rrand piano condition good. Address wica Glltner. Neb. Vl-i n en. itnnt vifoni. S rockaways. coune. I traps, t wiramur,, . Drummond CarrUge Co., 18th and Har ney. w CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than U price rrom v up. , r urnuu -""i;-rhirno Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. FOR BALE Oliver typewriter; used one veer: must sell quick; a bargain. Address a . K .1 w i x 12. Bee umce. - WOOD $.000 cords of cottonwood for sale. Inquire 60S istn St., e-asi urajiij. I gpECIAL BARGAIN, large bay family i hnn. m.nfi ruooer-tirea iiannuiw. n t Vniini'i Stablea. 2018 St. Marys I mV, r.ar. phone 162. Q MW8 4 BUSINESS CHANCES. any property or Pusiness quica, see Johnson. 4i N. Y. Life. Y-r3S4 icv-i'Ti a Mr.FH of all kind. To buy or aeTl a bualnes or xcnnge mercuanuian mr land or city property, caii or wm pmii" Ax mat I on g Co., i21-3 N. Y. Uf. Tel. 48. I FOR SALE Whole or half Interest In good hotel, doing gooa nusineaa, oiuu ii' Address W W il, Bee. Y-7 D4 FOR SALE or trada, slxteen-room hotel, fnrnlahMl romDIttf. I wa lull. ivurru A stable. A flrat-claas patronage. 11.60 per day. 3 per month. Terms rulr. $4,000.00. Mr. F. C. Case. Buffalo. Wyo. Y M64J 7 I WANTED, at once, married doctor; $3,000 practice; town 400; competition light. Uolng ta city. Address X n. He. Y M644 8 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Salesman to handle line of furnlehlnca. Addrea T. W. Janes Co., I Bleetker sc. New Yirk. -MilJ Sx FOR SALE REAL ESTATE). H Benson Property H A good 7-room house with barn, and lets. 2 blocks from car line; has fruit trees and chicken house. This is a choice place; price 12.1H0. 10 acres near Renson for It. 500. 6 acres near Benson for 1900. Hastings & Heyden, . 610-511 N. Y. Life. 'Phone F2B. RE fit 1 ENGLISH & CO., Paxton Blk In West Farnam district; 9 room modern residence, the last one I have for quick sale at $1,800. RE M 124 HARRIBON 4 MORTON, TRACKAGE. KE 64o FOR SALE, tweive-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Florida; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good house. Address Lock Box Mi, tjiltner. Neb. RE 194 t2.7S0.00. GOOD HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. One block from Dundee car line. Ten-room house, porcelain bath, modern except heat, corner lots, bargain. , UAKVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM STREET. KE M96 REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses in E. V. Smith's addition, only, 12,260. Thomas Brennan, 809 Bo. 13lh atreet KE MM CHEAa- Williamson Co., RE-4 FOR SALE Large house, 12 rooms, 8 lots; house cost 122.U00; 11.800 barn; west part of city; will sell for llfi.000. Address W 28, Bee office. RE M7S8 DO YOU WANT TO ' SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them is, through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes- to 46,000 homes ot farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small 2 cents per word In small type or UM per Inch it set In large type. THETWfcNTIKTH CEN1 URY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RB-329 HOUSES and lots in all parta ot city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., room 608 Be bldg. KE ill HARRISON A MORTON, ACREAGE. RE 644 $H,00Q WILL BUY IT1 One of the nnet quarter sections in Sarpy county; 17 miles from Omaha; all under a high state of cultivation; fenced and cross fenced: good nouse, lurge earns, cnos. granaries, three acres In young bearing orchard; windmill 'and -other Impreve monta. n mi . $13,000 will buy this elegant farm If. taken sson WESTERFIELD A HILL Bole Agents. 616 First National Bank. RE M666 J l?450 AND 550 LI 1 For Lots on So. 32nd , 41 blocks from end of car line, near .Hans corn park. These are nice building lots ,ana convenient to Boutn umana. Hastings & Heyden, H0-6U N. Y. Life, Tel. F2656. RE 670 2 DRAFTSMAN. Plans, details, etc., drawn for all kinds of buildings. Address C. . NtauD, 604 B. 18th St., city RE M549 7x FINE ALFALFA FARM In the Platte valley, of 128 acres at $22.60 per acre. This Is a snap. Owner will take $1,600 to $2,000 cottage In Omaha as part payment. See us quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., N. Y. Lite Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE M669 T $2,400 New six-room house at 87it Leaven worth; modern except rurnace; corner lot; 70 feet front, car line passes door; $404 cash, balance easy payments at per cent. Telephone 2736. RE 40$ 1 ACRES on hill bet.. Dundee and Country club, $630. F. D. Wead, lt24 uougias at, RE-676 3 RANCH snd farm lands for sale by th Union Pacino Railroad company. M. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Paclflo headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RB-410 A NON-RESIDENT writes me to sell the following quick: Vacant lot on 26th and Chicago for $1,000. 5-room cottage, 2922 Burdette; has city water and barn. Rents at iio.uu. rric. $Mi0. W. 1L Gates, 617 N. Y. Life, 'Phone 1294. KE 68 8 COTTAGE Built only two years, would cost more to build today; rour nice rooms on ne nm, three room and bath on the second; lo cated In BEMIS PARK Nice lot, 44x143 ft., half block from Harney car; nice shade trees, Dnca waia; owner built thia cottage for a home, but offers It at a sacrifice for quick sale at , $2,000 Bee us or look at the property, No-8317 Myrtle ave. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 677 HARRISON A MORTON, BUSINESS RE (48 FROrKnTl. LIST your city property with us for quick sale, w e nave tne uuyera. i nuw. Cowan Co., 812-314-816 Brown Blk. , . RE M160 $2,1004207 Cuming St.. 1 rooms bath, water. gas. Darn, niw. una p. $2,6001918 8. 83d st., s-roora cottsge. choice location, 60x140. Close to Hanacom park. D. V. 8HOLES CO., W. X. Lite. lei. RE M634 $1,000 takes a beautiful lot on West Douglas St. Address a ta, nee. ntuwi SUMMER home near Lake Michigan, in Wisconsin, at a bargain. Address Max Lowney. 1640 Unity bldg.. c! Ix HAVE TOU $1,600? We offer till sold 22 feet on Farnam be tween 10th and 11th at $3,600. W think It ' very cheap. HARRISON A MCRTON. I1J 113 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. I.E 644 EAST FRONT lot on 40th, bet. Farnaas and Iavenworth sts. $400.00. 8. E. cor. Dutll and Douglas sis., 1 houses; nwnr an&lnua ta avll before January. Business property renting st about $ju per annum, t rice, so.uuu, it sum . r . - Wead, 1624 Douglas St. RB-474 1 Ke rhris Rover before buying. Kd and Cumlug. 'Phone 8V4S. KE-Miiil 14 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WALLACE'S RESIDENCE LIST Nearly everything In the following list Is In flrat-claas repair; most of these houses are new or nearly so; all are worth the price: 15,600 On, of the cosiest S-r. houses In the city, near Hanscom park, modern, laundry, grate, mantel. This Is a gem of a home. $1,000 9-r. cottage, full lot, 2th, near Pop pleton, modern, a bargain. $3,760 New 8-r. house, corner, West Leav enworth, well built, well arranged, modern In every way. Choice home. $3.500 Juat being completed, modern 6-r. near Park sve. and Leavenworth. $?,005 New, modern, S-r., Dundee. $2,600 Fine 7-r. cottage, 8 acres, north, all Improvements good. trees, fruit, beautiful suburban home; none better about Omaha. $2,250 6-r. cottage, corner 17th, south of Vinton. $2,000 New. modern, S-r., 27th ave. and Orant. $1,650 New. 6-r. modern cottage, 84th and Blond o. $1,250 Good 6-r. 26-ft. lot, 27th ave., near Furdette. $1.200 241 Hlondn, 6-r., city water. $1,1008318 Parker, 4-r.. city water. ll.OSO Coav 6-r.. near 2Mh and Bahler. $ 800-3324 Larlmore, 6-r., full lot, easy terms. f 760--r. cottage, Clifton Hill neighbor hood. t ROOS-r.. lot 2ftxlfM. near 21st and Martha, OEOROE O. WALLACE, BROWN BUK'K. tin. ai rvap rnn romkrody. Livingston county. Mo., Improved farm 2S0 acres, one mile from school, ten miles from Chilllcolhe: has stoning surface and rood soil, fenced In 40-scre tracts. 20 acres cultivated, forty acres timber, abun dant water, large house, barn and other conveniences. If Interested write for par ticulars. J. B. Piper, 611 Bee Pldg., Omaha, Neb. KE i t SEE Spencer's bargains, 626 N. Y. Life, RE 33 Jl FOR HUNT HOUSES. FOR RENT 7-room house, city wster, gas, furnace, all modern, on Park ave., $3o. 4-room houae, city water. 3124 Mason. C. M. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton Bloclr D M893 FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard. In good condition. Wm. K. Potter, rec.. 303 Brown block. D 413 HO! 1QPC In all parts of the city. The nUUOLO o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. u ia HDI Q In all parts of the city. R. nUUOCO e. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. u mi TO MOVE right pet Omaha Van Storage v.o., omce iJllij Farnam, or leis. D 115 2808 DAVENPORT, 10 rooms, modern except furnace, barn, $36. 812 Park ave 7 rooms, modern except W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. D M416 NINE-ROOM modern house, nicely fur- iiianoa, centrally located. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M417 WALLACE. Brown Block. $362011 Sherman ave.. 8 lars:e rooms, all conveniences, laundry, l-arn, good repair, pieasant nome. i iia MODERN house, west part of city, in .x cellent. condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be made, nilllam K. Potter, receiver, $03 Brown l"UCK. u ti PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO.. choice houses. 801-603 New York Life Bldg. "Phone 1016. D 420 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris coyer, Z2d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D MHO W E MOVE Tlanns. Maggard Van A Stor. age Co., Tel. 1494. Office, 1713 Webster st. D 121 FOR RENT 7-room house. 1827 N. 18th. .r D (23 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 1 JJ 422 FOR RENT 4-room house, 2868 Woolworth ave., 120 per month: nosseaainn a-lvvn np. tober 17. Apply to Mel Uhl, care Dally . . t n a U11H C U DESIRABLE large C-roora house, good con anion, all modern, 8S3 8. 21st St., $22. In quire 1042 a. Z8tn st. D M496 A NEW, modern house, except furnace; f ood location, In Hanacom Park district. B38 8. Twenty-seventh. H. L. Whitney. V MSi8 8 i-ROOM HOUSE, in excellent condition an modern; 126 without barn. 1509 8, Twenty-sixth. H. L. Whitney. Tel. DMS24 8 FOR RENT House. 8 rooms, $& 2K& 8. Aitn at. D M550 Sx FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. For Rent At a Bargain The large double store In Bee Building, formerly ocufpied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, ths only one of its kind in jOmaha. Present monthly rental, $175. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. , Or will remodel Into two stores and rent each store for $76. Excellent location for men's furnishing store, shoe store. Jeweler, milliner, ete. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall, Court House and New York Life Building a po Ible patron. . For further particular, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 304-306 So 16th St FOR RENT-bulldlng suitable for whole sale purposes at 914 Farnam, 22x90, four suries and first-class lamented basement, elevstor, tire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Be Building Co., room 10. He building. I M647 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building at 914 Farnam St., two storlea If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Secy., Room 100, Bee bldg. I-M984 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement in good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished If required. R. C. Peters A Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee building. I-M794 8-STORY and basement, 22x100: 1006 Fsrnam bi inquire H4 r irst ixal I Bank mag. 1406 FOR RENT Deek room In office with vault. Apply 616 Bee Bldg. or Tel. roil. 1-641 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By young man. board and room In private family; atate price. A zs, Hee. K (i 8x FOVND. FOI'Nn. anld watch, near 10th st viaduct ( Iwtur ran redeem bv usylna advertising "bills. Address V. B. Loomla. car Boyd thatr. ouna iu MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. H. i nomas, f irst Mat I Bank Bldg. Tel. 1M4. w-m PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 37 N. Y. Life. 433 4 TO P. C. money. Be ml a. Paxton block. W Ui PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. w 44b WANTED City loans and warrants. W. f arnam smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 43 FIVE per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 104 W 437 r srnam. WANTED Real estate loan and warrants. it. .'. t'eters Co., nee Bldg. W 438 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 117 6 farm loans. R. C. Vatterson, 1224 Far nam. W M192 PRIVATE money on Improved real estate. u itoimes, ni N. x. Life Bldg. W-M2J Dec MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WK TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE. MONEY TO liOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, WITHOUT SECURITY, WITHOUT PUBLIOITY. We also loan money on FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, etc., without removal ot goods LOW RATES EASY PATMKNTR. DON'T pay a hlph rate of Interest for money, tmt call and get our rate before going elsewhere. Our plan la the CHEAPEST, BEST and must I'KivAib in the city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 307-308 Paxton Block. X-M42S PA9Y TO GET CJ I TO PAY Best explains ot:r methods. We loan on furniture, uianus. warrhoua receipts, etc. Or If you have a permanent position w can make you a SALARY LOAN ' without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential, and we always try to please. All that we auk Is Hint you give us a call oeiore you oorrow -el nere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 113 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established lb92). JO ti. 16lh 8t. X-M426 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business conlldentla!. Try us if ou want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 638 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam sts. X 427 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without sn curlty, easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 3!8 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried penpic; ousiness coniiuenttai; lowest rates 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 429 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- eirjf, iiosea, cuwb, trio. . r. Iteeo, JWH B. ,3. X-430 CHATTEL salary snd Jewelry loans. Foley 1 .own '. o.. 11. . rnrKer morn. A-4.il CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER, palmist. 715 N. 2Td; 'phone B 8246. 8-423 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 842 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School cf Occult Science, New York. Expert palm ist, clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; !ocates minerals. I will guarantee my readings and the charges will be nothing If I can not see your friends as they are or de scribe your home. I have read for the late President McKinley, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mme. Pattl and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments to read and entertain In homes. 1615 DOUGLAS ST. 8 M10O BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. 8 131 PROF. HARRY, clairvoyant and palmist; no difference what trouble you may have consult him, he can and will help you; readings. $1. Room 6. Krug theater. 8-177 28 HAVE TOU SEEN HER? Viola La Marr, tho celebrated medium, clairvoyant and healer, Is now In Omaha, and may be seen daily for a short time. She Is recognised by all as the most wonderful woman liv ing. Your entire past and future life from the cradle to the grave Is an open book to her. Conault her at once and learn what fate has In store for you and avoid the dark pitfalls. All who are In trouble or doubt call at once. All work at reduced prices while here. She mskes every sad heart hnppy. Call today. Par lors. 1724 Capitol ave., room 19; hours, $ to 9. 8-643 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. SECOND-HAND lop buggy, with rubber tires, $30; runabouts, $12 and $16. Ander-sen-Mlllard Co., 1516-IS18 Capitol Ave. Tel. $2L P-276 11. NEW and 2d-hsnd vehicles for sale; re pairs. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 157 , MILK WAGON and buggy; a big snap. See A. W. Johnson, with John Deer Plow Co. P-M324 18 WANTED TO BUY. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. Irvine pays the highest cash 1 iP.l.nk.n. '- XT 1, 1 L I BOOK8 bought and sold. Room 821 N. T, Life bldg. Bhonfeld, the Antiquarian. N-803 11 TOBACCO tags, coupons, bought. 2094 8. utn. IN MiS ( Jl WANTED to buy a lot on Farnam St. at the rignt price. Address a. 74, Hee. N-M.S04 Ix WHAT have you to offer In the tine of a bargain in a Farnam street tot 7 X 74, wee. w Mmrr ix MEDICAL LIQUOR HABIT CURED In 8 day pay when cured; no hypodermic, writ ror booklet, uatun institute, u a. ittn st. -441 14 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are tne pest. Bate, rename. iaae no other. Bend 4c., stamps, ror particulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter, by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemlcsl Co . Philadelphia. Pa. OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Ufa. bldg. T. 1S44 aoo The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T.21 j Atsen A FarweH, Paxton blk., 404-7. T. 1366. wi DR. GRACE DEEGAN. SSI N, Y. Life. Tel. ZOb. Fayette Cole, Osteopath, 60S Paxton block. DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. f'ORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2832. COSTVMES. Theatrical and raaaq. Lleben, 1018 Farnam, TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. . m. f-miDin. iaw r.m.. . STORAGE. OM. Van Blor. Co.. 1511V Farn. Tels. 166942. n FIRSITIRE PACKING. Peterson A Lundberg. 11 ft. 17th. PERSONAL.. r-nr-r' rirui. TPrHTMKNTS. rfACC Ke-No-Mar Jo., 613 W WE RENT sewing machines at ic per week, $2 per month; we repair ami s.jl parta for every machine manufactured; second-hand machines from $1 to $10. Nb Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. U 443 VIAVI" way o health. 84 Bee building. Omaha. li 444 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before ami during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Uoileon. 8t25 California st. Terms reasonable. GOLD ELECTRO TILTING. CM WED Old metallic articles made new. blLVER OMAHA PLA11NU CO. MlfiCI REMOVED TO IoOn HARNEY. IMV'NuL, TLLEPHONE bw-. U--129-D-2I PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies ailontea. Mrs. Oardcls, r-34 lke. Tel. Red-ISM. U 44 PRIVATE home during confinement; bob cj adopted. The liood Kamaritan Sanitariiim. 728 lat ave., Coumil Bluff, la. L t-t YOUNG man, atrsnger In Omaha, requests some pretty and stylish girl who is fond of dancing and theaters u atldre X lit. Bet-. U-MU4 4x PRIVATE hospital before and during con nncm'n. Airs. L. Fisher, 2516 So. llth. Tel. lhSf. U-447 MAGNET PILE KILLER, druggists. 11. IT CURES. At U 44M DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, toll Dodge st., Arlington block. Omaha. U 449 WHAT'S nicer than ar.urillon pleating? Wa do nothing hut the finest. Uo.dm.tn Pleating Co., 200 Dot. gins block. U-4.V) ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleant cesspools and v.iul's. i mimes gnrbag and dead animal st reduced, prices. 6.1 r. iin. tel. t.i?. c -i EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DR. WILKINSON, I HElullTON BLOCK. Treatment and operation for catarrh; catarrhal deafness, enlarged tonsils, chronic sore throat, cross eyes. etc. Free from 2 to 6 o'clock. Examination fre 7.6th and Douglas. U 984 ti LIKE the bell tow, we lead Dresher th Tailor 1515 Farnam; open evening. Too busy making clothes to clove. U--9 22 Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bid. c 4i G. R. RATH BUN, room 16, Com 1 Nufl bank. Private lersons In bookkeeolng. etc. U-671 YOUNG LADY 24 years old, good looking. refined and accomplished who has no rela tives would marry respectable elderly" gentleman, one who could provide good home. No general delivery letters ans wered. Address x21Bee. U-M615 4x CALITZO Meet me at Huteaon's, expert Optician. 213 8. ltth at,: rolng to xrt a pair of his "Patent Slip Not" rye glaraes. He tests free. V-3 Jl I CAN CURE consumption or bresk any disease In one day ir you never nellev what I say. Prof. Johnson, Box 149. U-M642 3x IF J. B. SOMMERINO will write J. T. B. Newark It will result to hi advantage. C M813 3x DANCING ACADEMY. WINTER term at Morand's for ch'ldren. beginners, 8at..Dc. 5. 10 a. m.; dvs;i . 8 p. m.; adult beginners Tuesday and Fri day 8 p.m.; new dance "Honeymoon" a' assemblies every Wednesday 8 p. m. Tel 1041. Reduced prices for this month. M829 4 CHAMBERS' New Academy, 2424 Farnatn. Adult beginners, Mondays snd Haiurnay, 8 p. m.; assemblies, Wednesdays, 8:30 p. m.; children beginners, Wednesdays. 4 p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. m.; advanced, Satur days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; res., A-W - LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN A PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg., attorneys ana collector every where. 4a Arthur L. Warrick, 401 War blk. TeU H I. ui i is t.-.Ji LOST. LOST Fox terrier, white with black mar on back, black tall, blacK spots on be.'K of head, will respond to ths name of Sport L. Winkler, 616 N. ltith. Lost 608 4x LOST, gold locket and chain, Tuesday afternoon; initials, I M s. iteium to mo yune Tea Co.. 406 N. 16th. Reward. Lost-Mti49 3x LOST, gent's pocketbook containing roll of bills and valuable papers. Return to 1928 8. Uth st. and receive reward. Lost M648 3x LOST, lady's gold watch on Farnam street, between l'tn and Z4tn atreet. about 8:80 p. m. Wedneday. Finder please return to 404 Karbach block. Lot-MK51 Sx SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A, C. VAN SANT'B school. 717 N. T. Life. 4i NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd theater. TYPEWRITERS Clearance sale. Great sacrifice, we are selling at less man cost our surplus stock of new and second-hand typewriters. Remingtons, $16.00 up; Man hattans, brand-new, $.16.00 to $50.00, and all othera In proportion. F. 8. Webster Co., "Department G," 13$ Madison St., Chios go M644 1 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 809 N. 2Sd. JOY Tailor School, 208 8. loth. Tel. L21S7. CORNICE MAKERS AND TINNERS. SAVAGE. 28U Fsrnam. furnac work. cor. nice, rldgeioll gutter, skylights. TV. 2111. Bat03 MfSIOAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge- block. a LETOVSKY'B ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2iM. BECHTOLD'8 union orchestra. 811 S. ISth M600 Jl ' at V. .' PATENTS. xx j COWGILL No fee unless successful. 818 8. 15th st. Omaha, Tel. 1798. -a83 PATENTS Sues A Co., OmahR. Neh. Il lustrated patent book free. TL 1623. M-870 D28x. LOCKSMITH. C. R. HEFL1N. 808 N. 14th St. Tel. 2971 M 464 r ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N 16, 2d floor, r. 2. T MSM x rest DRESSING. J. B. WALLACE. Taxidermist, 60S 8. 13th. 4U7 1 FLO HI STS. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. .-439 L, HEN DERBON, florist. 1519 Farnam St. LBOAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received at the offlre of aecretary of state up until 11 o'clock noon of December 4, ISof, for boiler hotiae and steam main, wster main and tunnd. water supply snd electrto wiring for 8. A B. Home at Mllford. bids on each to b separate per plans ana specifications o:iV , file In this offioa. The botird ratervM the right t reject say and all btda, OSOROa W. MARSH. aWui-etarj of itoarSV . t1 i'