Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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UkBlV 4innBUICI I j -- mi-vims.
R urd in HV.tar o InTestmsnt.
Norfolk and Grand Island nf (
panlea Hue the Mate on Old
Issue of ugnr Bounty
(From a fllalf Corr.spt n lent.)
LINCOLN. Lec. 1. ( In the
monthly Matemcnt of Treasurer Morten
en. Died with the auditor today. It shows
there la not now a cent of money In the
permanent school fund, the $61,M.8.f re
ceived having all been Invented tThe tem
porary school fund contains 246,966.71,
which will be apportioned out tt.l4 month
to th various school districts. The treas
ury contains just 2,:S.14 In cash.
The semi-annual report of the treasurer
'lied with the governor at the same time
hows that on June 1 the total balance In
the state treasury was 1557.8.59. 48. The re
ceipts since that date aggregated 11,191,
621.25, payments tl ,3!'3,623.M, leaving a bal
ance of f35S.757.20. The report shows total
Investments now held by the state as fol
lows: I'nlted Htates, state, county and
school district bonds, 14.206,213.27; general
fund warrants, $1,6M,246.?9; total Invent
menU, ffi.Ka.459.26.
The monthly statement In detail, together
with the banks In which the money Is de
posited, follow:
Statement la Detail.
tsov. 1,
Fund. 19u3.
General f 2,441 I
l'erm. school
Tern, school.. 230,21a
Perm. Unl
Ag. Coi. tin
Tern. Lnl..... 50.179
Insane. 77
Library R,2
l nl. cash 23. owl
Nor. library.. J.lwi
Nor. Interest. 2.5X2
Inner, tax.... tM9
Pen. labor.,.. 2.W1
Pen. land a.70
g. A M. arts 19,412
U. 8. h. tits,. .lse
Nov. bo.
Rec. Pay. lHoS.
! dh.KM t 'M.S.) t 4,25
i.3n9 i
1,497 4,745 2l6,H6
i4T M7
2. is 2,t"
9,137 16.220 44.096
1,083 l.fc 4.6U
1,85 21,70
140 762 ?,r3
645 2.D46
75 ....... 3.445
22 16..90
1,042 i.l-W
Totals. ..1337.375 W42.680 fl24.19 $356,757
Br general itkte rund
warrants $ 63.311.24
rli on hand 2.W8.14
Cash on deposit 290,137.80-4356.757.20
Bank Balances November 80.
First National bank. Lincoln $ 15,200 .48
Farmers' tk Merchants'. Lincoln.... 87,306.11
Bank of Commerce, Lincoln .Ki.t3
City National, Lincoln..-. 14.733.51
Columbia National. Lincoln 14.2I2.04
. Commercial National. Omaha 13.91U.7i
First National. Omaha...1. 14.171. H
Merchants' National. Omaha 16.74ti.14
Omaha National bank...- 16.921. "i7
Union National. Omaha 12.183.40
T'nited States National. Omaha.... 14.5SO.51
First National, Alliance.... 3,595
Halite Creek Valley bank 6.13-U4
Bacllle Mills bank l,
Broken Bow State 4.090.0)
Custer National, Broken Bow 6.041.70
State Bank of Curtis
Dannebrng State bank 1.610.30
Commercial Btate. Grand Island.... 6.0M.13
Grand Island Banking company,.. 6.459.00
Vnlon State bank. Harvard 4.0C4 91
First National. Hasttnas 6.423 2
German National. Hastings 1.4MI.63
First National, Holdrege 2.!m.i
rirai n&iinnm, looiiiib.
Cltlsenn', McCook
Newport Btate nana...
have been sold under foreclosure proceed
ings. The first sale was to satisfy the first
snd second mortgage bonds, and wss sub
ject to the liens of the city of Lincoln for
axes. The bondholders took the property
n and inter organises tne uncoin Trac
tion company. This corporation has vastly
Impioved the old property and extended
Its lines.
The property sold today does not Include
any of the additions made by the new
owners. Ms sale was ordered to satisfy
four Hens, aggregating nearly $2,000,000. Of
these liens the city has a first one for
about IM.WKl and a third one for about
f48.fliA. The second Hen Is that of the
holders of the first mortgage, bonds and
sggregbtes nearly fl.OOO.OiiO. The fourth
Hen Is for the second mortgage bonds and
Is approximately $1,000,000.
City Attorney Strode hap been exhaust
ing every resource at his command to
mnnemrr so Hint the city may realize
upon Its third Hen, which Is for Rapid
Transit paVIng taxes. The owners of the
traction company, who have not been held
liable for these taxes by the court, have
sought to prevent the property being sub
jected to the payment of It. Obviously
the only way In which the city could re
alise upon this third Hen was to either
force the trsctlon company to bid high
enough to cover the first three Hens or
get somebody else to buy at a figure that
would liquidate all three,
Ills last move, a clever one. was taken
this morning and It proved successful.
t'nder an order of the three Judges of
the district court the purchaser Is not re
quired to accompany the bid he makes
with the cash for the full amount thereof,
but that the amount of the bid shall be
payable upon the further order of the
court, and before n confirmation of the
sale shall be heard The sheriff was
Instructed to require the successful bidder
to deposit $500 In cash as a guarantee of
his good faith.
Wants to Find His Father.
. Governor Mickey has been called upon
by It. Bobby of England, to find his father1
who has been lost In America for over a
quarter of a century. The last letter they
received from his father bore the Lincoln,
Nb., postmark. "While here father was
a mason, builder and farmer. Probably he
left England under an assumed name, that
of George Butler, The Lincoln letter was
dated January, 1883. When he left England
father was 38 years of age, tall, wellbullt
and of gentlemanly appearance. He had
large blue eyes and a heavy beard. He Is
now about 70 years of age and I have no
doubt Is very gray. I desire to communi
cate with him regarding his property on
which I now . live.
Find Body In Creek.
The remains of a badly decomposed man
were found to the waters of Salt creek on
North Twenty-sixth street. William Crltch
fleld, the discoverer of the body, was hunt
ing along the creek and noticed a bundle of
Effort 'o Saoura Rem nicm of Remaining
Portion of Totir 8)ntenofit.
Talks at
Length Over Their Differ
ences In the Matter of Fed
eral Appointments In t
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Millard had a conference
with the attorney general today to Interest
the Department of Justice In recommend
ing a pardon for O. C. Relmers and Ed.
Relmers of Nellgh, who are now serving
terms In the Sioux Falls penitentiary for
the looting of the First National bank of
Nellgh by Its cashier Charles Alder, now
a fugitive from justice and, It is under
stood, living In Mexico. O. C. Relmers was
presluent of a bank at Pierce. Neb. He
was formerly a blacksmith who by Industry
and economy amassrd between $30,0CO and
$40,000. The Rlemers, father and son. pur
chased a controlling Interest In the Nellgh
bank. O. C. Relmers was elected presi
dent and Kd Relmers, a young fellow of
about 10 years of age. was made assistant
cashier. Alder remaining as cashier. The
bank failed and the Relmers were Indicted
and tried or. the charge of aiding and
abetting the looting of the bank. They
were both convicted and sentenced to five
years In the Sioux Falls penitentiary.
As they have been exceedingly model In
mates, their term will expire on March J)
next. Believing that they of right ought
to be pardoned. Senator Millard today
asked the attorney general to recommend
a pardon In these cases. The attorney
general however, stated that the matter
rested wholly with the president, and It is
Mr. Millard's purpose to see the president
at once with a view of enlisting the sym
pathy of the chief executive to bring about
the action sought. ,
No Break with Dietrich.
Senator. Millard refuses ttf breik with
Senator Dietrich notwithstanding that Ut
ter In an Interview In The Bee of Sunday
announces that he has withdrawn all con
cessions to the Junior cenator from Ne
braska. Senator Mlllnrd stated to The Bee
correspondent tonight that until he was
advised by Senator Dietrich that there was
war between them, he would not believe
that such a condition of affairs could ex
ist between the senators from Nebraska.
The senator said he had read with great
Interest the statement In The Bee headed
"Dietrich and Millard Out." The senator
went on to state that he had yielded most
graciously to the appointment of Elmar
Marie Barge of Beemer against Dr. George
Haslnm of this city, which was practically
a verdict for the defendant. The case has
been pending In the district and supreme
courts for the past seven years. On the
first trial Miss Barge recovered a verdict
of $750 against the doctor. Tho case was
taken to the supreme court, where It
wss twice argued to the court and on the
last bearing the Judgment In favor of the
plaintiff was reversed. The case will prob
ably go to the supreme court again. At
the time the alleged promise of marriage
was made Miss Barge was only 21 and
she Is now 28. The case has been bitterly
fought from the beginning.
Contest Is Proatable.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. l.-(Speclal.)-The
Twentieth Century baiaar closed last night
In Nichols' hall after a successful run of
three nights. In the diamond ring and
scholarship contest Miss Florence Wchn
won first prise. Miss Mary Graff second,
Miss Agnes McHtigh third and Miss Helen
Woslka fourth. Miss Wehn was awarded
the diamond ring and Miss Graff
a froe scholarship' to the Northwest
ern Business' college of this city. The
bazaar. Wjliirh has been under the manage
ment of the women of St. Joseph's Catholic
church, has netted over $1,000, the diamond
ring and scholarship contest alone netting
$735.90. It was one of the most successful
affairs of the kind ever held In the city.
Qirei HimMlf Up at Macon to Admit
Killing Alloa Henninger.
Fail to Clean In Docket.
GERINO, Neb.. Dec. l.-(Speclal.)-The
docket for the district court session was
not disposed of by considerable. Morris
Hldy was convicted of forgery and sen
tenced to two years !n the penitentiary.
The Jury in the larceny case against Jor
dan Rood, after being out nearly four
hours, returned a verdict of acquittal. A
replevin case between the Nebrnska-Mo-Hne
Plow company and W. R. Blackburn,
successor of James 8. Romlne, involving
$.'5 000 worth of machinery, resulted In
favor of the defendant. Judge Grimes
goes from here to Cheyenne county.
Fall to Convict Doctor.
TORK, Neb., Dec. 1. (Special. )-In the
trial of Dr. Coleman, the Indian doctor,
who lived at York and was arrested and
taken to Clay Center, charged with selling
mortgaged property, the Jury disagree!,
seven holding out for acquittal. The court
discharged the defendant on his own re
cognizance until the next term of court,
which means that Dr. Coleman will go free.
Coleman was accused of selling a mort
gaged team to Lancaster & Strlckler, liv
erymen of this city. Yesterday Coleman's
family left for Clay Center, where It Is
supposed they will make their future home.
She Infuriated Him by Laughlnaj
When He Proposed Marriage, Mak
ing Him Practically Insane,
He States.
MACON. Mo., Dec. 1. A young man who
declares that . he Is Frederick Strube,
wanted at Havana, III., on the charge of
having killed Alice Ilenninger, was ar
rested here today.
Strube line been working for a Macon
county fnrmer and came to town, met
Chief of Police Woods near the Wabush
railroad station and gave himself up.
Later In the duy he was examined by
City Attorney N. M. Lacy and admitted
the charges against him. .He said he struck
Miss Hcnnlnger with a monkey wrench be
cause she laughed at him when he pressed
her to marry him They were In a buggy
he said, but fell out of the vehicle during
the struggle, and on the ground he again
struck her and killed her and afterward
burled her body.
Strube said he went to Qulncy, 111., and
while there piissed a number of policemen
on the street. During hla story today he
broke down and cried fV.iny times. He
said he Is perfectly willing to go Taek to
Illinois "and take my chances." HtriASe
declares he was driven to desperation by
the refusal of the girl to marry him, and
that he wae practically Insane when he
killed her.
The police authorities of Havana, III.,
have been notified and Sheriff Brooker la
expected to arrive tomorrow for Strube.
A reward of $1,400 is outstanding for his
arrest and conviction. Th prisoner Is 20
years of age. Miss Ilenninger was 22 years
Father of 22 Children
John McMfchael, Newmsa. Oa., Father of 22 Children,
All Living, (liven L'p Year A to to Die. Is Today a
"Duffey's Pure Malt Whlskev has been
we have come to regard It ns our family
doctor. I urn SO years old, feel strong anil
well: am the father of 22 children, the old
est being t.i years of age. I useii to be sub
ject to bronchitis, colds and spells of weak
ness, lour medicine always helped me
snd. ss my neighbors can tell you. It ha
rnlonged my life and kept me vigorous. I
nke it whenever I feci the least symptoms
f sickness, so do the members of my
I cannot rcincmltor how long ago It Is
since we lw-B;in to use Duffy's as a medi
cine, but it in n C'cat ninny years. It came
about In this way: 1 had been given up to
die by three doctors. It whs after I had
typhoid fever followed by dlsentery. Your
medicine restored me to perfect health.
We are never without Duffy's In the house
nnd owe more In Its health-giving (jimmies
than I can till. In late years it bus
strengthened me so that 1 AM ARI.K Tu
You can always refer people desiring to'
know about the value of Duffy's as a
medicine to me or my family." JOHN Mc-
Ml IIAKIj, Newman. On.
We have thousands of lust such letters
from grntefn' tinticnts who hnvr been cured
Pure Malt Whiskey, and who have tak-n no other mcilk-l'ie.
clothing in the water. With a pole he fished S'evn as collector of Internal revenue.
Norfolk State bank 5. 1111.43
First National, O'Nell ,. 6.0M.7H
First National. Ord 9.443.93
BanR of Orleans v 4.(00.00
Plerca County bank. Pierce 6.000.00
Packers' Nations!. South Omaha.. I.KUM
South Omaha National f. 890.30
Citizens' National. St. Paul M41.00
First State. St. Paul 4.00100
First State. Sterling 1.000.W
Farmers at Merchants, Btroms-
burg 4.08V20
Bank of Syracuse 1.030.0')
Valentine State bank 6,075 43
Saunders -County National. WahOO ft.120.4')
frat jxavtonsi, ivyne srv... d.'im..m
West Point National 7.0O.00
WoiVach State bank 1.600.00
City National. York $.002.46
First National, York 4.(81.81
Total $190,137.80
ligar Company Bnea.
The Norfolk and Gxnard beet sugar com
panies, of Norfolk and Grand Island re
spectively, began suit In district court
today against the stats of Nebraska on
the somewhat famous old sugar bounty
warrants issued in 1895. These amount to
over $41,000, of which sum tne Norfolk
company holds $24,750 In six different war
rants snd the Oxnard $16,871.85 In three
ether warrants.
Charles F. Manderson, J. E. Kelby and
P. H. Gaines represent the beet sugar com
, panics, and permission to bring the suits
was granted by the last legislature. Al
most every session In the past ten years
has brought the beet sugar lobbyists to
the state house In an effort to get the
legislature to appropriate money for the
payment of these claims, but it has never
been done.
Bell Street Itallway.
The Lincoln Street Railway company
was this afternoon sold at sheriff's sale
for $1,100,000 to Charles A. Frueauff. repre
senting who or where from the public Is
not to know until the man gets ready to
talk, which Is not yet.
This Is the second time the holdings of
the old Lincoln Street Railway company
out the bundle and found It to be the body
of a man.
This evening the body was Identified as
that of James McCleave. No one here ap
pears to know where he came rrom or
who his relatives are. He came to Lincoln
a short time ago and worked In the Bur
lington & Missouri freight house. He was
arrested and Imprisoned for Intoxication,
being released from Jail last Friday morn
ing and It Is supposed he drowned him
self shortly thereafter
Prison Association Meets.
A meeting of the Nebraska Prison asso
ciation was held last evening and ad
dresses were delivered by Dr. George L.
Milles, of Omaha, Mayor Adams of Lincoln
and Prof. Davlsaon. The addresses were
alt along the line of needed reform In
prison management.
Agree to Disagree.
BEATRICE, Web., Dei. 3. (Special.
Peter GaLoghly of Barneston was arrested
by Deputy Sheriff William Nolan and
brought here yesterday on a charge of
threatening to kill the family. The officer
and Galloghly were accompanied by Mrs.
who has made a highly efficient officer to
George Helmrod, consul general at Samoa
and to the appointment of Pal Mullen, a-s
receiver of the land office at Juneau. The?
he thought would balance the appoint
ments which Senator Dietrich charges
against him, that of B. 8. Baker, member
of the supreme court of the territory of
New Mexico, A. R. Cruzen, collector of
customs for Porto Rico and B. H. Bar
rows, surveyor of the port at Omaha.
Personally, the senator said, "the diffi
culty between Senator Dietrich and myself
grows out of our Inability to agree upon a
candidate for United States attorneys With
perfect right It seems to me I hive urged
the reappointment of Mr. Bummers. We
have spilt on the district attorneyship but
I presumed always good naturedly. 1 shall
expect Senator Dietrich to consult with
me In the marshalshlp matter Just as I
would expect him to consult In any matter
In which the whole state Is Interested. I
cannot believe that Senator Dietrich said
all that he Is reputed to have said In his
Interview In The Bee of Sunday. No one
r'grets more than I do the position In
which Senator Dietrich is placed and no
one more sincerely hopes for his vindica
tion. To make a breach between Senator
Dietrich and myself requires the consent ot
Galloghly and after arriving In the cltv a
lengthy conference was held at the offlc of ,,oth Mrtlell -nA , dn nnt ivm mv
voumy Attorney eacaeii, wnicn retuuea in i
the couple agreeing to separate. The
charges against Galloghly were dropped
and Mrs. Galloghly at once filed suit for
divorce In district caurt. The couple have
resided In Barnoston for the past twenty-
three years.
Death Rnds Litigation.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dec. l.-(Speclal)
Defendants In the damage case brought
about a yeai ago against seventeen busi
ness men of this city by William Rich
mond, who had been arrested and Impris
oned for peddling groceries without s
license, say that the case, which was to
have come to trial this month In federal
court at Omaha, vlll be dismissed on ac
count of the recent death of the complain
ing witness, whose, home was In Council
Bluffs. The amount asked for was about
Man Has Stolen Goods
HARVARD. Neb.. Doc. 1. (Special )-L
A. Higglns, accompanied by Sheriff Smith
of Clay county, returned to Harvard yes-
terduy with the man arrested at Kearney
with soino $200 worth of the goods taken
from the store of L. A. Higglns & Com
pany on the night of November IS. The
man gives the name of K. L. Ferguson of
Seneca, Kan. The examination was con
tinued before Judge Palmer, till Friday
More People Want Land.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Dec. 1. (Special.)
The entire party who captured land in the
drawing at Pierre, South Dakota, Is ro
well satisfied with the condition of things
In that rectlon that a eecond company
leaves tomorrow and will attempt to secure
some of the land before it Is all taken.
A number of women announce their Inten
tion of going with this second party and
will try and secure a slice of Uncle Sam's
domain. '
The Infant
takes first to human milk; that falling, the
mother turns at once to cow's milk as the
best substitute. Borden's Eagle Brand
Condensed Milk Is a cow's milk scientifically
adapted to the human Infant. , Stood first
for forty-five years.
Beatrice Odd Fellows Elect.
BEATRICE, Neb... ., Pee. 1. (Special.)
Queen City lodge. No.. 1S7, Independent. Or
der Odd Fellows, met fast night and elected
officers for the coming year as follows:- C.
N. Hinds, noble grand; F. T. McMahan,
vice grand; W. J. Pease, recording secre
tary: Dr. J. I. McGirr,-financial secretary;
W. H. Robblns, treasurer; Thomas Llddl
cott and pharles Elliott, trustees.
Several Inches of Snow Which Lays
In F.ven Blanket Over the
' Grnnnd.
YORK, Ncfc.. lee. l.-(Sre.Hl.)-Slelgh-Ing
Is gooj. Al-out four Inches of snow
fell on the level and every one owning a
cutter or sle'gh Is enjoying selghlng. The
snow was not accompanied with wind and
lays on a level, making a line blanket for
the winter wheat, of which there Is a large,
acreage In this county and Is Just whot
York county farmers want. Never did
winter wheat look letter at this time of
NORFOLK, Neb., Dec. l.-(Speclal.)-
Snow covers north Nebraska generally to
duy. In some parts the snow was still
faring this afternoon.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Dec. l.-(Speclal.)-
Another snow two Inches In depth fell In
this Reality last night. The wind was very
light hnd the snow liys where It fell. This
morning opened up bright and balmy with
indications of a thaw.
HARVARD, Neb., Dec. 1. (Special.)
biiow leu nearly an day yesterday In a
slow and easy manner to 'the extent of
about four inches; and as there was no
wind, an even white mantle covers the
Change' In Mnslcal Directorship at
Trinity Cathedral. .
Mr. J. W. Lampman has been chosen
uccessor to Prof. F. H. Wright, as organ
ist and choirmaster at Trinity cathedral.
and will take charge of the rehearsal this
. Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Guro
Costs Nothing If It Fails.
Any honest person who suffers from Rheu
matism Is welcome to this offer. For years
I searched everywhere to find a specific for
Rheumatism. For nearly 10 years I worked
to this snd. At last. In Germany, my search
was rewarded. I found a costly chemical
that did not disappoint ms as other Rheu
matic prescriptions aad disappointed phys
icians everywhere.
I do no meau that Dr. Shojp'a Rhev
matlo Cure can turn bony Joints Into flash
again. That is Impossible. But it will
drive from the blood the poison that causes
tla and swelling, and then that Is the end
ot Rheumatism. I know this so well that
I will furnish for a full month my Rheu
mario cure on trial. I cannot cure all casej
with In a month. It would be unreasouahla
to aspect :hat. But most cases will yield
wtthla M days. This trial treatment w.ll
convince you that Dr. Shoop's KheuihaUe
Cure la a power against Rheumatism
potent force against disease that la Irreslst
able. My offer Is made to convince you of my
faith. My faith Is but the outcome of ex
perienceof actual knowledge. 1 know
what It can do And I know this so well
that 1 will furulsh my remedy on
Simply writs me a postal tor my book on
Rheumatism. I will tneu arrange, wah a
arugsi. l In your vicinity so ttuu you ran
secure six bottles of Dr. thoup'a Rheu
matic Cure to make the teat. You may
take It a full muniti oa trial, if u auo
reeas the cost to you Is k.ML If It fails
toe lose Is mine and mine alone. It will be
left entirely to you. i mean that exactly
If you say the trial Is nut satisfactory I
don I expect a penny irom you.
1 have no samples. Any mere sample that
ran affect chronic Rheumatism niut b
drugged to the verge of danger. I use no
such drugs for It Is tlangerous to take them
You must get the ilie.iae out of the blood.
My remedy does that even In the ;not dif
ficult, obstinate cases. It has cured ih old
est rases thai 1 ever met, and In all of my
experience, la all of my I.OuO texts, I never
found another roinady that would cut, one
chnnlc caute la ten.
Write me aad 1 will send you the book
' Try my remedy for a month, for It can't
harm you anyway. If it fall, (he loaa
a mine.
Address Dr. Hhoop. Box $75 (Raolnol Wis.
Mild eases not chronic are often cure-i
by one er two be Hits. At ail drujlfts.
Women Want Smoot Onated.
r IJVTTSMOUTH, Neb.. Dec. 1. (Special.)
At a meeting of the Plattstnouth Ladles'
Aid society of the Presbyterian church this
afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Newell, with Mrs. John Waterman as
as leader, a resolution was adopted, re
questing the United States senate to inves
tigate the charges made and filed against
Senator Reed Smoot of Utah and If It be
found that he Is a polygamlst, asking that
he be expelled from the senate.
Get Bio Trace of Forger.
TORK. Neb., Dec. 1. (Special.) The
York county officials have good reason for
belief that Frank 8hedon, the forger, Is a
little smoother than he was at first
given credit for being. Owing to the
clumsy manner In getting a $450 check
cashed at the Bank of Bradshaw and
the poor signature of William Otto, It was
believed that he would be an easy party to
capture. So far the authorities are wonder
ing where Frank Sheldon li.
Changes In Land Laws.
If President Roosevelt can bring It about
there will be during the coming regular
session of congress a revision of the timber
and stone, commutation, desert land and
forestry laws of the United States. In
order to be thoroughly advised as to the
present laws and their inharmonious rela
tions, the president has appointed an ex
ecutive committee, consisting of the com
missioner of the penerai land office, W. A.
Richards. F. II. Newell of the Geological
survey and Glfford Plnchot, division of
forestry of the Agricultural department.
The death of Governor Richards' wife has
made Impossible a meeting of the commls
slon, but' it Is expected that one of the
most Important features of the president's
forthcoming message will be the treatment
of the divergent laws above referred to,
with recommendatpns to congress for the
correction of known abuses of these laws.
It Is understood that Secretary Hitchcock
has at his hand the most glaring frauds
committed under the . timber nnd stone,
dest-rt land and commutation laws frauds.
It Is said, that would put to shame the
grafting that has been going on In the
Postofflee department, and only waits the
Indication of the president to .make public
a series of crimes against the government
which will startle the country.
Judge Klnkald today recommended the
following postmasters: Jacob H. Walbum.
McKlntrick. Custer county; Chrlstlsna
Christensen," Hunter, Sioux county; Wil
liam F. Munt. Brocksburg, Keya Paha
Routine of Departments.
Btiel W. Wagner haa been appointed
postmaster at Uva. Laramie county, Wyo.,
vice Mary E. Morrison, resigned.
Iowa rural routes ordered established
January 2: Bennett, Cedar county, one ad
ditional; area covered, twenty-six square
miles; population, 452. Manilla, Crawford
county, one route; area, thirty-one square
miles; poitiiatlon, 63.
Lieutenant Colonel Samuel R. Jones.
deputy quartermaster general, has been or
dered to Omaha for duty as chief quarter
master Department of the Missouri, re
lieving Captain William E. Horton, quar
termaster, who has. been temporarily In
charge of that office, and who will be aa-
Flnds Homes . for Children.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. l.-(Special.)
B. W. Tire came to this county from
New York City with about one dozen chil
dren from the Madison Square Branch
Orphanage. The little ones were all bright
appearing children and no trouble was ex
perienced In finding good homes for them.
The Best Care for Colds
Is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Sure, pleasant, safo and guaranteed
to soon cure, or no pay. 50c. $1.00. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
Splekler Starts Contest.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Dec. 1,-tSpecial )
A contest case has been filed In the county
court by J. W. Splckler, present super
visor from the second district In this
county, who -n ths face of the returns
was defeated for re-election by W. J.
McCray by a margin of four votes. Splck
ler alleges votes rsst for him were thrown I signed to duty as assistant to the chief
out. J quartermaster. Department of the Mis
Beatrlre Printers Organise.
At a meeting or tne printers last mgnt
Promise of Fair and Warmer Wednes
day In Parts of Kebraska
, nnd lowa.
WASHINGTON, Dec. l.-Forecast: '
Nebraska Fair Wednesday; warmer In
southern portion; Thursday fair, colder In
northern iiortlon
Iowa and Missouri Fair . Wednesday;
warmer n western portion Thursday fair.
North Dakota and South Dakota Fair
Wednesday; warmer In central and eastern
portions; Thursday fair and colder.
Montana Fair Wednesday except rain or
snow In northwest portion; colder In west
ern and northern portions; Thursday fair.
colder In eastern portion.
Colorado Fair Wednesday; Thursday
fair, colder in eastern portion.
Wyoming Fair Wednesday; Thursday
fair, colder. ,
Kansas Fair, warmer Wednesday; Thurs
day fair. x
Illinois Generally fair Wednesday and
Thursday; warmer Thursday, winds be
coming southerly, Increasing In force.
l ocal Record.
OMAHA, Dee. L Official record of tem
perature and precipitation cumpareu witn
the corresponding day ot the past three
I9"i 1002. 1901. 1900
Maximum temperature... 27 60 3 2 44
Minimum temperature. .. . 15 34 19 '
Mean temperature 21 42 K 38
Precipitation 00 . 00 . 00 . 00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this . day since Alarm 1
Knrmnl temnerature Si
IVflclencv for the day 12
Total excess since March 1 01
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
txr.clnrv for the dav 03 Inch
Total rainfall lnce March 1 S2.09 inches
Kxcess since Marcn l i .sh incnes
Deficiency for cor. period. 1SiS... ! 32 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, llol... 5.86 Inches
Report front Stations at T P. M.
Missionary H. C, Staymenter ai
T wenty Three Natives Drowned
In Congo,
NaSHV:LLE. Dec. 1. A cablegram wss
Cv,lved today announcing the death of H.
S. Staymenter an American missionary,
rnd the drowning of twenty-three 'if the
native crew by the capsizing of a boat on
tre Congo river In Central Africa. The
boat was the Lapsley and was the mislm-
ary craft of tho Southern Presbyterian
steps were tsken to organise a union In
this city. P. M. Jones of Omaha, organiser
of type graphical unions, was present at
the meeting and enough names were se
cure! to obtain a charter. Another meet
ing will be held In a short time, when a
permanent organisation will In all proba
bility be perfected. ,
Campaign Completed I'nnsnnlly Early
This Season by the Norfolk
NORFOLK. Neb.. Dec. I.-(Speclal.)-The
American Beet Sugar factory at Norfolk
closed down at T o'clock this morning, hav
ing finished Its sugar campaign. Thli la the
shortest run that has be?n made in many
years, due partly to the fact that the In-
Gaare Mortaaa-e Record,
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 1. (Special. I
Following Is the mortgage report for Gag creased capacity has enabled the factory to
county for the month of November: Num
ber of farm mortgages filed. S3; amount.
$51,798: number of farm mortgagrs released.
48: amount. $54,830. Number of city mort
gages filed. !: amount. $19,084; number of
rlty mortgages released, 25; amount, Jll.lM.
Sew Paper rt Halo.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Dec. I. tSpeclal.)
The Register la the name of a pew news
paper Just established at Rulo. In the east
end of the county, by Messra. Hurlbutt at
Ilsynea. ' j
grind out granulated sweetness much more
I rapidly than ever before and partly to the
fart that not so many beets have been
shipped from the south Platte tenitory as
formerly. Just how much sugar was put
upon the market will be announced when
the figures are tabulated.
Rallna; Fevers the D
FREMONT. Neb, Dec. 1 (Special.)
In the district court this morning Judge
Hollenbeck sustained a motion by the at
torney to the breach of promise case of
3 2 I: c
Omaha, clear 2f 271 .00
Valentine, clear J 4o :! .(
North Platte, clear 30 4X. .00
Cheyenne, clear 48! 54! .ui
Salt I-ke City, cloudy 34 3il .no
lUpid City, clear 44-' 5-i' .fti
Huron, cloudy 24 im
Wililstnn. clear 3 4o'
Chicago, cloudy .' ks1 2S1 T
8t. lxuls. cloudy a! 341 T
St. Paul, clear 18l tV .00
DuveniMtrt. clear S5i V T
Kansas City, clear 20! i .Of
Havre, clear fco )-'j .Ou
Helena, clear 4Xj 5l no
Bl-murx k. cloudy 24l Sri! ti
Galveston, clear (a) 64 1 .00
T Indicates tiaca of precipitation.
L, A. WLLSli. Forecaster.
RYAN William: age, 58 years.
Funeral Thursday morning, Uecember 3.
1903. at 8:30 a. m.. from the residence of
his sister. Mrs. John Kennelly. 2.123 South
Fourteenth street, to St. Patrick s church.
Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. South
Mr. Ryan died In Missoula, Mont., eight
days ago. His remslns arrived yesterday
from there, rrtfnas ir.vitea.
r J well by Puffy'
makes the weak stronti snd the strong sirs ngcr. H keeps the old young r.n i Jie ycong
robust. It Is an absolutely lure, gentle nnd :nvigor;itlng stiniulent thu: ;o,ics ami
nourishes nt the same time. It brlngn Into nation nli tho Itnl forces c' the hod,
firlves out disease, gives richness to the b'.ood. stimulates the circulation, soothes the
nerves, strengthens the hart s action aim restores the wnoie system in a coiiu.iiiui oi
-erfect health.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey cures coughs, colds, catarrh, consumption, grip, bron
chitis, pleurisy, pnojmonla and nl'. diseases of the throat und lungs; Indigestion, dys
pepsia and everv form of r.tojnnch trouble; nervousness, bowel troubles, malaria and
all low fevers. It Is invaluable for weak men and women and sickly children. Duffy's
rrntnlns no fusel oil and is the only whiskey recognised by the government as u
medicine. This Is a gunrantee. '
7,000 doctors use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey In their families and prescribe and
recommend It excluslve'y. It Is used hi 2 000 prominent hospitals throughout ths
United Stales. A lending doctor of New Vork says "Duffy's Pure Mall Whiskey Is a
form of food already digested."
CAl TIO When yon ask tor $)wTya Pnre "llnlt Whiskey- be sore yon get
the a-ennlne. I nsrrnnnloua dealers, m Indfnl of tne excellence of this prep
aration, will try to sell on cheap lis ttntlnna a nd malt w hlskey snlistltnles,
which are pnt on the market for profit only, nud which, far from relieving
he sick, are positively harmful. Demand "DnfTy'a" and ne sure yon a;et ii.
It Is the only absolutely pnre Malt W hlskey which contains medicine",
health-alvlns; qualities. DntTy'a Pure Malt Whiskey Is sold In sealed bot
tles nnlyi never In flask or bnlk. l.oo k for the trade-mark, the "Old Chem
ist," on the Inbel. and be certain the seal over the rork Is unbroken. Be
ware of refilled bottles.
Sold bv nil druggists and grocers, or direct , $1.00 a imttle. interesting meoicai
booklet free to any addres. Duffy's Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester. New York,
"We are climbing the hill
as you can see for water to
make Dudley Coffee. Jack
tk Jill." This letter was
written by Parker Painter,
6006 Madison Ave., Chicago,
to whom one of our cash
prises of $5 has been ,sent.
Prize Contest
No. 300.
"Watch next week's pnpor for the
next contest, ami you may win th
prize by anting a fitting testimonial
from the character there portrayed lor
Famous Coffees
Print p.d slip giving full instructions
regarding these contiHts will be found
ou itiMde of each package of
Afer roasting, our coffees are
thoroughly freekl from nil dust nnd
impurities by special machinery and
lire then subjected to a process no
other coffees ever were. .
Every ounce is picked over by hand and every berry
that is the least off color or shape Is thrown out
This is one of the necreta of the health-giving properties ot
our coffees, for it is these bad berries that produce the bad effects
of drfnking f ome coffee. Dudley Coffees t re all put up in one
pound sealed packages, in prices 25C, 30C Slid 35C pSF pOlinds
Grocers Speak This Way of Our Coffees.
"Having sold Dudley's Coffees for some time we csn cheerfully recommend them,
Olvs them a trial and you will t'.ways latidle them.".
H. W. Dudley & Co., coffee importers. ihica6Q
r-4-ii.rCTy.- i mini i illinium iii ii iiiii
Komctlilnu unexpected.
Tomorrow 24 days be
fore ChrlRtinns rljrltt
when you IhkIii to feel
the need of lienvler olotli
Intr. right when you leapt
expected It, our
Fall Stock Reducing Sal
If a the MaeOnrtliy woy
doing unexpected thlnpg
It'a tU way that la
surely brtngliiK Omaha',
best dresHera our way.
And with this, sale be
gins such offeringa as
XS and suits and
overcoats cut to measure
for $20.
ffl and $7 trouaera, cut
to measure for SS.
With everything else in
stock sliced In price.
Tailoring; Company,
Originators snd Dwlgners
of the MacCarthy t-Hutton
Double-Breasted Back.
J04-J06 5 ltk 5t.,
Next door to
Wabash Ticket Office.
160 f igtt of Text 32 In Color
"M00 Illustrations 12 Short Stories
AIL nwt-t TATDS. MICI IS Ccats
Are yon troubled nnd verplenrdj waltlna thinking taralsg-wUhlnB-uopiua-MUd
Anally despairing about your phr'lcal con
dition, meanwhile allowing some insidious disease to frogre
and tenaciously fasten Itself upon your system f Many man
alls, and he doesn't know what alls him and his roudltlon baffles
his physicians, too.
Why silently suffer on. going from bad to worse, loaded with uleaie. re
hMniniinn when we offer you aid and lemorMlou? Don t wait un
til your whole system fiecomes polluted with diaeaae or until your norvous sys
tem Is totiering unuer me on am, nun im
become a physical and mental wreck, un
fit for work, business, study or marriage.
Improper or experimental treatment can
only do harm. Wo are striving to save
the thousands of young and middle-aged
men who are plunging toward the grave
tortured by the wots of ...
Nervous Debility, Stricture, Vari
cocele, Irnpotency, tmlsslons,
Blood Poison (Syphilis), Kid-
Bladder and urinary
If you suffer, come to me privately and
tell me all about your trouble and I will
advise you how to best regain your health
and strength and preserve the powers of
manhood unto ripe old age. The least
expense l always Incurred through the
earlv employment of genuine profraMotial
skill. Delays are always nangeruus
'eaith and happiness by exporl-
v.,ii (.annul afford tn ieuiiordlze your future
mentlng with FRKK THKATMKNT find QUICK CI'RK HC'liKM h'.S. We tieut
men only and placu our professional ierlces mlthlu tlia of nil. Any man
suffering with any private diseases or weaknesses, should consult us without
unnecessary delav. We guarantee a complete, safe mid lusting cure Ln every
case, we undertake In ili- quickest possible lime without leaving Injurious after
effects In the system, and at the lowest possible cut fur hoiit-st, skillful and
succesful treatment.
PAncnlt at inn Frsa If you cannot call, wilto for symptom blank.
lUnlilldllUU I I vv Office hours: li m. to I p. in.1, Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
ATF Ej-tro. I f I CTITUTF b, i 5? rKTCR ttr.
w n - m-unw UMAI1A. tM.
f tlT
"-t a 1 I I
All! IN
far liinrrtsi, Cl set tsteiisns. tssissilsiifctaa,
Maa, asd All Unssslttn Sexael Ohjoharsss.
SS A Mum Ti i ithrt m Mnm,
Bant tn any as Irons for tl-M-HEHlfAN
A MeCesaCU Qssnnn.
stalysar sits- Os. Uicuut,
CtMrfM Leac
Than AlliOtbar.
Treats sli htrsMnf
AMsdUnl Rsgart
M V t- Pinsrtsnas
U Years ss Comaa
Mssr M.M Coms Csnd
Tsrtmils. Ultimo, B1m4 IIm. strloiurs.
Mm, Nvtwu Dbihtr, Im ! Iumi4 ass viui
gL all toraw ot shrubls St
Tllawit kv suit. CU r writ, Sjsjk Mm.
I am ever Bl a 1st . faunas, au . . . .