TITE OMATTA DAILY" JUSTS: " TCTESPAY, DRCDmiO! 1, lPrrr. 8 CURRENT COUNCIL. N1KOR MKSTIO. IXivIri mllfi dm. IjHtTfrfw glasses fit. Ktorktrt pells csrpwt. A stors for mun "Bno's." Celebrated Mt beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 40 Broadway. 14-K and M-K wedding rings at Loffert's, 409 Broadway. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Welch yesterday, a daughter. Miss Baker's china sale. November 30, Ds cember 1 and 2. 4u6 Oakland avenue. Colonel W. J. Davenport and R. II. Bloomer aro In Chicago on a business trip. Mint Arkwrlght. Christmas sale Novem ber 2R to December 5. Htucilo, SM Mynster St. Mr. and Mrs. K. I.. Hhugart Hiid Mr. and Mrs. T. I Bhugurt are vlBtilng in t hi es go. Furnished room for rent four block from postnffti, gas, bath, telephone. Call lwil Third avenue. IJly camp, Royal neighbors of America, will mmt this evening for Initiation and election of officers. Forty-five; marriage licenses were issued during the month of November by Clerk Lead of thei district court. Pr. and Mrs. H. A. Woodbury returned yewterday from Chicago, where they spent Thanksgiving with relatives. A marriage license has been Issued to F. T. Ryan of Porcheater, Neb., aged 86, and Anna Bchroeder of Holdreae, Neb., aged 22. The annual business meeting of the con gregation of the Kirst Presbyterian church will be held this evening in the church parlors. Miss Gertrude Davenport, who has been visiting her sister In" Chicago during the " Thanksgiving holidays, returned home last evening. Judge Smith Mcl'herson of the federal court was In the city yesterduy enroute from his home at Red Oak to hold court at Dubuque. For rent, office room ground floor; one of the most central locations in the busl r.aaarportlon of the city. Apply to The bee office, city. Ixst 100-pound sack pecan nuta between Thlity-serund street and Missouri river bridge. Finder please return same to Welch i ransrer line ana receive rewunu. The young people of ft. John's English Lutheran cnurch are preparing to give a "Bweet Family'' entertainment in the church Friday evening, December 11. The women of the First Congregational Church will hold their annual bazar and friends last evening at a social at the home of Mrs. K .C. Bmiih on First avenue. Report was made to the police yesterday that the shoe shop conducted by C. Liosetn on Sixteenth avenue was broken Into Sun , uay night and several fall's of ehoes stolen. The women of St. Francis Xavler's church will hold their annual bazaar and fair, which opens next Monday evening, In . the old rink building at the corner o' Pearl street and Fmn avenue. S3. W. Hart, manager of the Water Wo ks uotnpany, who is now convalescent from a long andevere attack of typhoid fever, continues, to Improve rapidly and is able to sit up a short time each day. The Dariles' Aid society of the Second Proesbyterlan church will be entertained Thursday afternoon by Miss Mary DeVol at the home of her brother, on the corner of Bluff street and Willow avenue. The regular convocation of Star chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and Joppa council. Royal and Select Masons, will ue held -Mils evening in Masonic temple, at winch tne reoently elected olllceis of both the chapter and council will be Installed. The funeral of-the late Mrs. Amelia Fleming will be held tnls tmurnoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. II. W. Askwlth, 71tt Mill street. Rov. W. J. Stration, pat-tor of Broadway Methodist church, win conduct the servlceB. BABY LOST A baby bo. 23 month and I days old, with a strawberry mark behind his left ear and a sm.-wshoe tag In his lert hand; was lost yesterday morning near the grocery store at the corner, where his big brother left him while he went to buy a Pilgrim cigar.. At the regular monthly meeting this even ing of the board ot park commissioners a committee from the West Knd improve ment club will lay before the board the proposlt.on to en ab lh a park In the west ern part of the city. The club Is anxious that the park board secute part of tlve bottoms near the Missouri river for a park. 1 Freeman Reed, clerk of the district court, has received irom the director i.f the I'mted Slates Department of Commerce and I.ilior a request for statistics of the institutions In this county Air the care of Insane pau pers and other county charges. Suvh lists have been published by tne department and the data now asked for Is to correct and amend these lists. . Shaduklam temple. Dramatic Order Knights of Khoraasan, will meet Thursday evening. The meeting will be open to all Knights of Pythias and Its features will be partaking of the fleshpots of Kgypt. smoking the narcotic, playing at cards mid listening to the music ot the strum. .im.n nud hew-gag. Previous to the open meeting there will be a short business session. Hafrr sella lumber. Catch the Idea? . Fred Wroth Goes Free. , Fred Wroth, who was charged with hold ing; up and robbing Chris Darsen, an aged farmer of FJkhorn, Neb., In the yards of the Northwestern Railroad company Jn this city on Thanksgiving day, was dis charged by Justice Carson yesterday , at the completion of his preliminary hearing. Albums for kodak pictures and postal awards. Alexander's, 333 Broadway. COSSTI.T THE K1Q ALL CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS, PROF. KIRO SOa Koarth at., Council Staffs, I (Cor. 4th St. and Willow Ave.) Hedaced prices (or a few duya loaaer, Ladles SOc. (ieat lenien gl. All business strictly private and confidential CLEANING AND DYEING I allies' and Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Pressed and Repaired; also Dry Cleaning. No shrinkage or rubbing off guaranteed. Work done on short notice COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS Tel. 810. 10IT West Broadway. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. L. Council Bluffa. "vtsi til We Give Thanks FECAt'BE there are lota of people who have money In the bank. BECAl'SE there are lots of cop!e looking for good Investments. BECAUSE we have properties netting from t per cent to 10 per cent annually. BECAUSE we have some cosy cottages, all modern. BECAUSE our prices are right, terms right, locations right. BECAUSE we sold U.2W worth of property last week. BECAUSE here Is some good stuff that must be sold: 13.500724 South 6th st.; two-story house, ten small barn. Rents for H1.' 00. i B,000-n& Stutsinun t.; modern cotasi five street, tine location. Rents for IllMJ. 1400 3U Avenue D; cotage, three roonu, feet. ChrKi .'he p. IWOj-lOU) Avenue II; frame house, five rooms, 1700-126 Avenue D: cottage, four rooms, U.OOO-illOj Blxth Avenue; modufn cotage. six rooms, city water, bath, fine Uwn two tuts, en corner. bite gr. feet. ... 11,000-703 Bouth StU Street; cottage, six rooms, cellar, closets, well, cistern, corner lot. A good home, bixe 4otl.u HSOO-lOtt Avenue V; eotta.. five rooms, closets, water In kitchen, cellar, shade. Dot iiiSK feel. Rtnti far Mi w SQUIRE 5c ANNIS tQl Pearl Street. . Telephone 06 NEWS OF IOWA. BLUFFS. PLAN TO IMPROVE BROADWAY a msssm I Park Commissioner Graham 6o ggesU ravin g a Strip on Eack Side. CENTER PARKED AND PLANTED TO TREES Might He Marie a Toll Road aad In Thla Manner Funds Be Secured Pave and Keep It la Repairs. A. C. Graham of the board of park com missioners, who realises the necessity of something being done by the city to Im prove the condition of West Broadway, be tween Thirteenth street and the motor com pany's bridge across the Missouri river, suggests that a strip fifteen feet wide on each side of the throughfare be paved and the remaining portion In the middle of the street be laid out In parking and planted with a row of trees. This, Mr. Graham figures, will be Lh least expensive method of putting the most important thoroughfare In the city in proper condition for travel. While, as Mr. Graham states, part of the property abutting on Broadway would be unable to bear even Its share of the cost of paving a fifteen foot strip, and the cost would probably full on the city, something will have to be done and whatever Is done, he city will undoubtedly have to stand the greater part of the cost Mr. Graham also suggests the proposition of making a toll road of West Broadway. This he contends could be accomplished by special act of the legislature, as West Broadway is to all Intents and purposes an interstate rotul, being the main thor oughfare between Council Bluffs and Oma ha. Mr. Graham favors the imposition of a 5 cent toll and believes that persons who use the road, especially those who do heavy hauling, would have no objection to paying such a toll, which would be used In keep ing the road in proper condition. According to Mr? Graham's suggestion the toll keeper would bo placed at the east approach to the motor company's bridge and toll only collected from" those who cross that point. This plan would not force the pay nent of the toll by persons driving on the road who did not cross the bridge. In the event of the legislature passing an act authorizing the making of a toll road of this thoroughfare, Mr. Graham points out that the city would be able to anti cipate Its revenue from the tolls and bor row a sufficient sum to place the road at once In proper condition for travel. Mr. Graham held a conference with May or Morgan on the subject of the improve meit of West Broadway yesterday and It Is .IHely his suggestions will be laid before the city council at Its next meeting. At the next meeting of the city council City En gineer Etnyre is expected to make a re port on the probable cost of paving a strip down the center of the road. Plumbing and beating. Bixby Bon, JUDGE GREEN. BACK ON BENCH Transacts No Business Except to Make Assignment of Equity and Law Cases. Judge W. K. Green of Audubon, who has been unable owing to Illness to preside heretofore at this term of" district court, resumed his place o,n the bench yesterday afterntton. when he was greeted by a number of the members of the bar and con gratulated on his recovery. Beyond making a mixed assignment of equity and law causes Judge Green did not transact any business yesterday afternoon. The assign ment follows: December 3 W. H. Elchle and others against James Hone. December C. K. Nicholson agsinst 15. F. Aney; John 8. Dunn against Ovlde Vlen. December f Mcformlck Harvesting Ma chine Compuny against A. V. Alexander and other; J. W. Suuire, trustee, against John Dunn Hnri other. December 7 Marguret Cramer against the City ot Council Bluffs. December 8 Hearing In Haben estate; 8. J. Roberts qgainst Ben Moore. , December 5 Iavld Koach against Jacob Bteln; George W. O'Brien sguinrt Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway Company; Charles Gregory against G.. H. Dowry. December lt Daniel H. Moss against Pottawattamie County; Ullv Hmlth r.galnat Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company., Iecembrr 11 (Special) City against Mason City St Fort Dodge Railway Company. December 14 (Seclal) Emma Smith and others against Itwls Ryan. December 15 V. C. Boyer against Dav & Hess; E. M. Chirk against omrvlia & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company. December 16 Attle I lowers against Myer H. Pearlmann; L. C. Bealey fegulnst Austin Wlghtman and others. December 17 DeLavall Separator ' Com pany against E. D. Shsrpless; Andrew Olsen and others cgulnst the City of Coun cil Bluffe. December 1ft Warren Chatterbuck against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Vullwuy Company. According to his petition for divorce filed In the district court yesterday, John M. Jungferman. a farmer of Mlnden township, this county, found that marriage was a lottery. In which, according to his allega tion, he drew a blank. He asserts that he was married February 24 last to his wife, Ora Jungferman, and that he left the very next day for good and obvious reasons. N. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 20. Night, W-W. Decrease In Transfers. The real estate transfers for the month of November again show a falling off as compared with the 'same month last year. There were 133 conveyances of real estate tiled In the office of the county recorder with a total consideration of 1181 ,068.94, as against 1S7 conveyances filed In November. 1!2, with a total consideration of a,945.71 rooms, closets, bath ' gas, corner lot. rooms, gas, bath, closets, shade, paved corner lot, good location isizs of lot 44x110 ' corner lot, site 44x130 'feet. Rents for Rents for water lu kitchen, cellar, shade The filings this year are. however, well tip to the average and cannot properly be com' pared with those of lust yeHr, which was a banner year In the history of Pottawatta' mle county. FRANCHISE FOR EJ-ECTRIC LINE Roate Is Found by Which Interurbnn Can Get Into Center of the City. "When the city council meets next Mon day night the Council Bluffs, Tabor & Southern Electrlo Railway company will come before It with a request for a fran chise to enter this city." This wns the statement yesterday morning of W. J. Dobbs of Tabor, president of the company. According to President Dobbs aie. Mal colm Green, representatives of the eastern firm floating the company's bonds, a feasi ble route Into the city has been decided upon. Messrs. Doblis and Green have been In the city on and off for the last two weeks, looking over the ground and plan ning on the route to be followed Into the city, and the ordinance to be submitted to the'counell next Monday night Is now being drafted by local attorneys. The ordinance, if approved by the city council, will have to be submitted to the people of Council Bluffs for approval at either a special or the regular city election In March next. While the promoters of the new line have found that the streets of the city are pretty well covered by the franchises under which the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company is operating, they are of the opinion that a practicable route is still open for their line to enter the city and reach the business part thereof. The orig inal proposition to enter the city In the western part has been abandoned, this route having been opposed by the executive committee of the Commercial club and the business men of the city generally. It Is now proposed to enter on South avenue, coming from Manawa. and skirting the base of the bluffs In the vicinity of the Iowa School for the Deaf, the route sug gested and recommended by the executive committee of the Commercial club. From South avenue the line will turn Into Story street and from Story Into Main street at some point north of the Jnnctlon with Pearl. The line woild then proceed north on Main street to Washington avenue, turning west at the Washington Avenue school and proceed as far west possibly as Eighth street. Another route has been suggested on Fourth street to Broadway, and this may possibly be adopted as the most practicable of the two. The freight depot," aecording to present plans. Is to be located on South avenue near the city limits, south of Sixteenth avenue. t ' DELOXG'S CONTEST. Only Five More Days in Which' to , Vote for Grandma. The Interest In DeDnngs Grandma Vot ing Contest Is getting quite lively as it neara the finish. The standing of the prin cipal contestants last evening was as fol lows: Mrs. Charles Mcholson 6.B2B Mrs. W. . Mayne 6,04(7 Mrs. Oi Talbot t.. .r,K7f5 Mrs. John I.lnder, 4.9.19; Mrs. Charles liunVley, 8,738; Mrs. John Rogers, 3.099: Mrs. I C Bonham, 2.050; Mrs. Alice Davis, 1.900; Mrs. Mary Tlbbits. 1.790; Mrs. Whit tlesey, 1,510; Mrs. N. W.' Williams, 1,135. One vote Is given with every cents worth purchased In the printing or stationery de partments at Harvey DeLong's, S07 Broad way, until next Saturday evening at 9 o'clock. The store will be open every night this week. Halfbreed Runs Aruork. T. R. Glenn, a half breed Indian and negro, struck town last evening and later filling up on fire water ran amuck In a saloon on South Main ntreet. where he flourished a big bowle knife and tried to drive everybody out of the place. He had partly succeeded when Officer Anderson arrived on the scene and ordered the fel low to hold up his hands, backing up the order by placing a revolver in his face. The half breed refused to hold up his hands and Instead reached for his knife. Deciding to take no' chances the officer gave the half breed a rap over the head with the but end of his revolver and at the same time one of the men in the sa loon hit tho fellow with a beer bottle. The half breed was knocked senseless and when he regained consciousness he was behind the bars of the steel cell at the city Jail. Glenn Is a stranger here. Real F.state Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of Squire & Annls, 101 Pearl street: Ella A. Southmayd and husband to B P. Shepherd, lot 5, block 13, Grime Add $ 260 Levi A. Darned and wife to Jay Smith, lot S, block 2, Hancock, w. d 1,000 Roscoe Burton aim wife to Frits Pet erson, part block KS, Alltn & Cook's, w. d ' 3 jog L. F. Shies and wile to Devi Darned', ' lot 3, block 2, Hancock, w. d 475 A. H. Doolittle and wife to I. aura James, lot fi. blink 1. Dlpplncolt's add. to Carson, w. d.... 1 "00 Heirs of Stephen D. Davis to Fmnk Morrow, s 21 acres neU seVi and nti nS seV4 se' and s4 s.U seVi and r" i rei nei 11-71-44, w. d 1 Six transfers, total t6,iX Fraternal Elections This Week. The following fraternal and other organi zations will hold their annual elecUon of officers this week: Council Bluffs tent N". 32. Knights of the Maccabees, Wednesday. December 2. Concordia lodge No. 5:'. Knights of Pythias. Tuesday evening, December 1. Star chapter tin. 47. Royal Arch Rfasnns. and Jnppa council No. 15. Royal and Select Masters, Tuesday evening, Decemler 1. Haxel camp No. 171. Modern Woodmen of America, Thursday evening, December 3. Palm grove No. 11. Woodman Circle, Tuesday evening. Deccmlier 1. Encampment No. 8. 1'nlon Veteran Le gion, Wednesday evening, December, 2. FOOT BALL KILLS "NINETEEN Other Players Disabled for Life and One Driven laaane Darius; the Seasoa CHICAGO. Nov. SO. The Tribune today says: "Nineteen lives were lost on the foot ball field during the season of 19o3. Ono boy was driven Insane from Injuries. Thirteen players were severely Injured, some of them being disabled for life. The number of minor but painful accidents oia Into the hundreds, and the list of Injured also Is Incomplete. , The feature of the year's tabulation Is that It shows serious casualties practically were confined to untrained players. No members of any first class elevens were killed or permanently disabled. One Tale player and one. Harvard player suffered a broken leg. No player In any of the teams of the "Big Nine" In the west was the victim of any hurt worse than a wrenched shoulder, a bruised head, a sprained knee or a turned ankle. In consequence of the Injuries sustained by their players several of the minor schools have forbidden I fie game of fool bail. Two towns Columbus Junction, Pa., an Greenfield, Ohio, havif stopped the port as the result ef m petition circulated bf pareat COMES TO SEE DRAKE WILL Administrator Indicates No Opposition to Its Probate Will Be Made. HEIRS GENEROUS TOWARD UNIVERSITY Indicate They Will Hot ConBne Them elves to. Amount Mentioned In the Will Found In Ma sonic Lodge. fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Nov. 80. (Special.) Dr. J. D. Sawyers of Centervllle arrived In the city this afternoon to consult with the officers and trustees of DraVe university In re gard to the finding of the will of the late General Francis M. Drake, which was turned tip In a Masonic lodge here after all efforts to find a will had been given up. The will, which was made six years ago, gives Drake university $50,000. The heirs of General Drake have made arrangements for a meeting on Christmas day at Savan nah, Ga., when It Is arranged that the fam ily will determine what shall be done by the estate toward assisting Drake uni versity. Dr. Sawyers la quoted as saying that it Is the Intention of the family, not withstanding the will, to provide more liberally for the university than Is pro vided in the will. The. gift from the estate will not bo confined to the $50,000 be queathed. Some qijewtjon - has been raised as to the regulalt and legality of the will, but It la bvlleved that none of the heirs wilt make any complaint about It and therefore that It will be admitted to probate.' It was sent to Centervllle today. It Is learned also that Edward Goss, an other son-in-law of General Drake, Is sel ling out his business In Centervllle with a view to going to Montana to take per sonal charge of extensive mining property In which General Drake ami his son John A. Drake were Jointly Interested. Theft of Diamonds. , An unidentified thief entered the apart ments of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Steere at the Victoria hotel on Sunday and stole dia monds valued at about $400, which were in a Jewel case on the dresser, having been laid there the evenlng before by Mrs. Steere. The police have a bellboy named Tommy Fitzgerald under arrest. FtUger ald came to the Victoria from Chicago, where he claimed to have worked In the Palmer house and the Stafford. He came to Des Moines last Wednesday and Im mediately began work at the Victoria, On Friday evening Mrs. Steere missed the key to the door leading Into their suite. Who ever was the thief must have had the missing key In his possession, for the door was locked while the family were in the dining room on the top floor. The police claim to have a strong case of circum stantial evidence against Fltxgerald. Fire Burns Fine China. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Jaqulth was burned today, Involving a losti .of $6,000, partially Insured. Mrs. Ja qulth Is well known throughout the state as a painter of china and Included In the loss Is a large amount of fino ch'na in various stages of completeness and ready for the holidays. The Cornelia Creamery company of Cor nelia, Wright county, was incorporated by filing papers with Secretary of State Martin: capital $3,300; Sam BJelland, presi dent; Albert Johnson, secretary. The Cerro Gordo Abstract company, of Mason City, was organized -vlth $10,000 capital; E. V. Franke, president; F. B. Morton, secre tary. A number of the state senators are In NOW IS THE TIME. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil now. Not next week or next month, but now. You need it to put fat on your bones and strength in your body to stand the cold and trying weather of the next few months. Nine-tenths of the popula tion would be benefited by taking Scott's Emulsion regu larly three times a day for a month or more every fall to fortify and strengthen the system against the cold and constant changes that occur through the winter. The benefit is particularly marked with young, delicate children. No food tl.at they can take begins to compare with Scott's Emulsion. Pure cod liver oil is scarce but if you get Scott's Emul sion you'll be sure to get only the purest and best oil. We'll acad yea a atsapai free, spaa rrnnrst. COTT It KTMt, oe Jfcsul Street, Few Terk. Why Syrup.aof FTs ihe-bc-st family laxative- It Is pore. II is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacioug. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you uae it you have the best laxative the world produces. the city today holding a conference with John Harriott, lieutenant governor of Iowa, In the matter of the committee assignments for the coming term of tho general as sembly. Mr. Heirlott caused It to be made known that he would be In the city Ill's week and would be pleased to meet tho senators who desire a conference with him. He has not as yet done any work on the committee assignments. Sen Weather Book Printed. The annual report of the Iowa weather and crop service was Issued today and with it an appendix which makes a book of 150 pages, containing the complete record of all the meteorological observations of the state covering the last fifty years. The report was complied by Director 8a ge as a special feature for this year because of the fact that there has never been any such compilation before. Ten thousand extra copies of the appendix will be printed by the state for the purpose of distribution among the schools and colleges, where there has been much demand for reliable Information In regard to the climate and crops of the state. HOLDS FAGAN DECREE INVALID District Judge at Des Moines Knocks a Sooth Dakota Order for Cause. DES MOINES. Nov. SO.-Judge James A. Howe of the district court this morning held that a decree granted under the Da kota divorce statutes, If it Is proven the nonresident litigant resides there merely for the purpose of securing a divorce, is null and void. .The decision was rendered In the Fagen case, wherein a widow sued to recover her dower rights and was re sisted on the ground that her husband had fltvorced her prior to his death. The court holds the Dakota decree to be invalid. MAY BE LOST IN IOWA FIRE Bert Melanar of Randall Is Missing iHnce College Burned at Jewell Junction.. MARSHALDTOWN. Ia., Nov. ' SO. The main building of the Jewell Lutheran col lege at Jewell Junction was destroyed by fire today. Uert Melang of Randall, la., perished in the building and his body has been found In the ruins. Several students had narrow escapes. The loss on the bulld li.g Is estimated at $25,000; insurance, $12,000. A young man named Peterson, from Red Wing, Minn., Is missing and is thought to have perished. BROOKLYN ACADEMY BURNS Largest of City's Theaters Consumed at Loss of Over svtoooo. NEW YORK, Nov. 30. The historic Academy of Music, the largest ttuater In Brooklyn, was completely consumed today by a fire which is believed to have been caused by an explosion In the building. For a time the flames threatened adjoining property, and when the roof fell part of It struck a saloon building adjoining, but fortunately no one was hurt, although the saloon wns destroyed. The loss was esti mated at I3W.0O0. The fire started in' the scenery on the stage of the theater, where a number of men were preparing for the testimonial dinner to StatJ Senator McCarren, to be given there tonight. For some unknown reason the fire department was tardy In arriving on the scene and It was fully flf- teen minutes before it had a stream on the building. It wns then discovered that the water could be carried scarcely half way up to the roof. Within half an hour after the discovery of the fire the entire building was a roaring furnace and the firemen were bending all their efforts to raving the surrounding property. The academy, which was an antiquated building, constructed in 1S00, of brick, sand, stone and wood, offered no resistance to the flames. It was located In the heart of the finan cial district. Opposite on Montague street Is the Brooklyn public library, with over 1(0.000 volumes. The wind waa blowing In that direction and great (ears were ex pressed for Its safety. The "Way Down East" company occu pied the theater all last week, but its scenery and effects were taken out late Saturday night. The building was ownrd by a stock company. Later It was reported that a boy who was employed in the bowling alley in the sa loon adjoining the academy was missing. A Maa Badly Injured Or ' painfully hurt, burned, bruised or wounded gets quick comfort from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It conquers pln. 25c. For sale by Kuhn Co. CLEVELAND'S WHITE ELEPHANT it is a Trnak Line tiUteea Miles Usg aad He Proposes to Let Loose. FRANKLIN. Pa., Nov. $0. Former Presi dent Grover Cleveland Is about to foreclose a mortgage upon the Narrow Gauge Brad ford, Horde 1 1 & Klnxua railroad, of which he is the exclusive bondholder. At one time this road paid large divi dends. The road ia only sixteen miles long and when it was built Its promoters in Because Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. i Manufactured by (mforKiaJYriJ San Fi-nvnctox, Ca.1. Louisville. Ky. Nevr York. N. Y. FOB SALS BY ALL LSAPIXV DBUQQ1ST8. duced Mr. Cleveland to take the entire bond issue. Mr. Cleveland still has tho bonds and the owners, It Is said, owe him so much lapsed Interest that he Is going to sell the equipment at Bradford on December 1. EXPLOSION IN POWDER MILL Two Men Killed and Four Injured by Accident In Southwestern Missouri. CARTHAGE, Mo., Nov. 30. The mix house of the independent Powdar com pany's plant, five miles southwest of Car thage, blew . up this afternoon, Instantly killing tho two rUxers, Ijester Ridge and Bert Cobb, and seriously If not Xatxlly in juring Joe Cahey, Elmer Powers, Henry Summer and Charles N-wtm. IUdge and Cobb recently came here from. Emporium, Pa, They were employed In the mix house, compounding by hand nitroglycerine with the other . Ingredients of dynamite. Five hundred pounds of material was in a woodon trough and, without warning, it exploded. They were the only two men In the building and no ono anows what cauaed. the explosion. The two men wero blown to bits and only a few riaua were left. Tha four Injured men were working in a small house 100 yards away packing dyna mite. The concussion crushed In a part of the building, Injuring them about the face and shoulders. CANADIAN SHEEP ARE WINNERS Take Mine of Twelve Prises Offered 'at Chicago Live Stock Show. CHICAGO, Nov. o0. Canadian sheep and lambs took nine of the twelve prises awarded at the International Stock show for entries In two elapses, and exhibitors from the province of Ontario point to this fact as a satisfactory vindication of tha discords In which they say they were thrown by the St. Louis World's fair to recognize the stud and herd books of Canada. Of this international complication Garnet Porter, a prominent visitor from Toronto, said: The Canadian exhibitors are much con cerned over the proposed changes In tho United States customs relating to Uie en trance of stork from the Dominion. So in tense is the teellng lu Canadu Just now that the government has formally declined to make any display at the tit. Louis fair, notwithstanding SluO.Ouo has been appro priated to pay freight on the animals which Were to have been sent to St. Louis. FIRE RECORD.. Injured at a Fire. GENEVA. Neb., Nov., 30. (Special.) M. L. Bailer's house in tho south part of town was set on fire this morning from the flue. Mr. Duller fell from the Icy roof in trying to extinguish the flames. The flro was promptly put out, but Mr. Duller broke his hip in the fall. CARTER'S ITTLC k 1 irn I V Ball CUR Blck Headache and rellevt all tbe trouMts Inci dent to a bilious state of thesyatm,aucti ss Dla siiims, haasrs, Drowslnoa. Diatrcaa after eating. Pais In tbe Bids, Ac. WhiW tbmr moat rmar abl succtaa has bees sbowo ia curing Htadachr, yet Carter'aLlttle Ltrrr Pllli are eqnaMf valuable In Conatlpatlon, curiof and preventing Ibis anuojing complaint, whila tbty sleo correct l dieorders of the stoaiecb, stimulate the liver aud regulate tut bowel. JCnea if tbij only cured EUEA Ache they would bealmoat priceli-M to those whs eufTer frum tbis diatreeaing complaint; but fortu nately their Koodueea dura not end brre, aud tboaa who one try tbem will And tb.-ee little pilla valu able in ao many waya tbat tbt-y ill not be wUlisf te io wilbuut thrm. but after all e: a bead E3 EH la the bane of ao soany lir tbat brre ia where w make our great beaat. Our ula cure it wbild others do not. ,, . t arter a Little Uver VHU re rry email saf Tery eaay to take. One or two pilla make a done. CAllTEll MEDICINE CO., New York Clt MEN AND WOMEN. l ea Bit Si for en natura. dia barnaie.tbllaniniatlona, Irrilntlooe ur ulteietloua i,f mucosa membranes. Paiuleea. and not eairis gnt or polvoauus. aWlel by UrmfgimtM, ' or aent In plaia wraaeet, v. mi era. nreeaid. tod I 00. ur botllre J 7. Cirsuiax aent twiaeew toBDRUHKARDS kVHITK DOVr". CUfc ncrrr ..na ui u. aiiuy tiaa. Ii.il fur Tirons drink, Ins appetite lor wuli b taiiD4 ailal a!lr uailia luie irnnui. iv milw wilbvut 'avwieaseui pulauu Inn iii.m Bberusj. dt McCosuieU Lrug Co., Oaasha. Tney are atrtrny Yiynauie u purire, but by tbrir penile acuoo pl. aae all who uae tbem. In viala at J centa; tre lor fl. ouJ by Iruae'iiti every wbwe, of sent by maX J Jf la 1 te k 4n- M J iufaMMa U m W aai ia atrtatart. rrweeMi CaeWMjiae. irTTHtEnmCHteiicaiCo. wauiuYTi,e m !i!r ii." if II! 11 ' P(? 'n i i ; .i..iii,w.;.i,i rm St Paul Minneapolis Dnliitli The direct route from Omaha and the west is via The North Western Line. Fast trains, first-class track, convenient schedules and the best of equipment. Two Trains Daily leave Omaha t 7:90 a. m. and 6:10 p. m. arriving St. Paul 7:40 p. m. and 7:35 a. m., Minneapolis 8tl0 p. m. and 8:10 a. m. Pullman drawing rcom sleeping cars, buffet smoking; and library cars, observation, cafe and parlor cars, free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches through without change. Sleeping car space and full infor mation on request. TICKET OFFICES: 14011403 Farnam St. A skin of beauty U a Jof formtn. DR.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S 0BIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL BCAUilr'lER sSa. Kemores Tan, FtncleS) S "Sm Kr klM Math Wt. h.. Hun sod Bfcia Dim mm, aad verf blemish on beautrt aua aensi aeteotiun. It bei atons tbe tee) ef BfLj-Are jeere, end la ao barnalMM we Uete U to he aura it la pruperl) Blade. Aooept Q counterfeit el sunl ler name. Dr. V A. Sarre said te a lady of tbe haul- ton (a patient) t "Am m ladtaa will m them. I foonmn 'OOUILAUD'a rRBAM" as tbe )ee karmful of all ihe akta Drenarat'ona." For Bale kf alt feucclata and fancy teoda dealers la tbe U a tied tales and Europe. VERO. T. ROI'KIHI. PNat. araa Jeaes SC. M. T. . The CHRISTMAS METROPOLITAN 140 Pagrcs of Text 32 In r. lot too Illustrations 12 Short Stories ALL FEWS-STAHDS. PRICE IS Unti JI.U ... I til HL.IlLrag jsrv-ttv Insures Pure.Soft, White !kio fki and a Beautiful Complexion, i fjm Shi enrea Edaema and Totter. Ab. r vix aniuteir ana I ern aneuiir remove Hlecahebde, Kr klra. I'implmt. Ux1ri"a, niQ . apote and Tun. Ilawl with : lrine Kral Soap fwaa ' feet akin la luaurrd. Sold by Druegtit. or sidy be ordered direct. noranavHoyatl. Pr bottltx. ripreaa mt1. UeirnaavttoyeWe Soap, MS ceinia, by hsm.I1. Haiti tw park ai.M. em preea m141. THE UettMA-KOYALB CO., Cincinnati, U. SCHAI II R'S CL'T PRICE DRUG STOW:. Kit li uml Chtcagu Hlrwt.s, Ditmlin. . i a Gfaarxo Leas Tfaan AIIOt he. DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats at forma ol DISEASES OP MEN ONLY S VtV A Medical Expert Nfc 3 Vssrs' Bapsrlsnes near J.to0 Caaea CatJ Taateocete. Hrdroeela, Blood Foiaoa. ptrUiura. Meet. Kenoee Liability. tea Strength and Viial kr and all forma uf ebftjiie dlaeaaaa. Treatment bj lean. Can or wriia. lit. eeUa B- isaaaa. Saafe, Every Woman la mmwu4 tut tho-id in-ow felloe 1 1) woiAmrtQZ MUrVtl Wlilrlis. fcaray TtOT WW el .i. eS sauf im. Ileal - d 'Ml Coq renter,, 4I iiain l.aiajl piumtt Un isev.4 turni (nr li fait isaYrtlciJi artel vii' !. Jn- 2 TUus hiCs , V. T. for saio only by lUnil Ob 1U puaUta, Uaueiuk 4 S I yV. Mm