THE (MATTA' DAILY BEEi MONDAY, NOVKMHEU HO, J NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. Ml? -,. , ,. L ,W, I,,-.,,,.,,. .1 .. .1 ,n X . , a U COUNCIL MHOR MESTIO. ravl sells drugs. Ieffert's glasses fit-. Storkirt sells carpets. A store for men "Beno's." Celebrated Meti beer on tap. Keumayer. Tjiamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 4 road way. 14-K and 1S-K wedding rings at Leffert's, 409 Broadway. Miss Haker's china snip, Nnvcmbcr 30, De cember 1 and 2. 6 Oakland avenue. Furnished room for rent four blocks fro-m postofnoe, gas, bath, telephone. Call 1X2 Third avehuc. Mrs. TV D. Prown and daughter Eleanor nf 8t. l'aul. Minn., are. visiting Mrs. O. M. Brown of 12i First avenue. , Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thomas yes terday, a dnutrhter. Mr. Thomas Is a mem ber of the high school faculty. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Juries and daughter of TeWltt. la., are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kenlft. IH Fourth avenue. The member of Myrtle lodge, Pegren of Honor, will hold a Kensington Wednesday ull'rnonn at the residence of Mrs. Vogeler. For rent, office room ground floor; one of the mos( central locations In the busi ness portion of the city. Aoolv to The Bee .oftire, city. , The specriul meeting nf Harmony chap ter, Order of the Kastern Star, called for Thursday, December 3, has been postponed until December ID, Lost lOT-pound sack, pecan nuts between Thirty-second street and Missouri river bridge. Finder please return same to Welch Transfer line and receive reward. John P. Davis complained to the police yesterday thaf fifty feet of hose with a brass norrle attached hud been stolen from lils premises at Ul Huuth Eighth street Saturday night. The Ladles' Aid society of Bt. Paul's Episcopal church will meet this afternoon ' at the residence of Mrs. W. J. Davenport. Miss Mabel Allstrand of Missouri Valley Is the guest of Miss May Caldwell. The city engineer expects to put ft force of men at work today cleaning out Indian creek south from Nineteenth avenue. The work will be but a temporary expedient to keep the c hannel open, and In the spring It la hoped to thoroughly dredge the creek to the river. J.. K. Wolfe, who shot himself after at tempting to kill his wlfo and Bernard Wag- Janltor of the Koyal Arcanum nan, was burled Saturday aft-rnoon In Fair lew cemetery. The; funeral was private. only the members of the family attending. The services were conducted by Rev. Henry Delxmg. Judge Vf . R. Green has engaged rooms at the Renard and will foe here today to re sum his work on the district court bench. There will be no Jury case's this week, the Jury having been excused until Monday next.' Judge .Green will tie accompanied by Mrs. Graoti. who will attend the convention of the women's clubs of the Ninth district hero. The mission conducted by Rev. Henry DeLong on Fast j'-troadway was formally opened last evening for the winter season. F. C. Wlnton of Wester City, district mis sionary of the American Sunday School union, mads the principal address, his sub ject being "Object of the American Sunday School Union and Its Work." The mission will be henceforth conducted under the aus ploes of the American Sunday School union, of which Rev. Dvling Is cltv missionary. Meetings will be held every Thursday and Sunday evenings until further notice. Three) Taks White 'Veil. The white veil and habit of the Bisters of Mercy were, conferred on three young women at the chapel of St. Bernard's hos pital Saturday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev. Father Smyth of St. Francis JCavier's church. The three no Vitiates were Miss Gertrude Wilson of this city, who will hereafter be known aa Sister Mary Thomas; Miss Elizabeth Dodd of Chicago, who will be known aa Sister Mary PatriSk." (Hid Miss Mary Foley of Nrw Tork city, who will be kuown as Slater Mary Anaetaeia, ' Miss' Wilson Is a graduate of the Council Bluffs ' high school, class of JSSe, and also a. graduate nurse of Mercy toeptUO, class of 1902. A pvslness Proposition. Inter hu a, car load of storm sash to tell the oominaT week, and will make prices fnucb. lower ' than ever before. Bring in your alaea. Open your door and let the foot come lni "Hater wlU fix you right on storm sash." If, you cannot come 'phone sea $1.50 School Shoes Thai Will Wear All solid the best oak soles aiid box calf uppers. The best pOn earth for the price, at x J t L a j'vltP l 1 li ss ' '"I'mlng. o' yesterday even " J tiA U B RllUU Q V? I residence. 718 West Washing! LOOK FOlt'TUE BE AIL We Give Thanks r.ECAUSE there are lots of people who have money In the bank. BECAUSE there are lots of people looking for good Investments. BECAUSE- we have properties netting from per cent to 10 per cent annually. BECAUSE! we hae sonw cosy cottages, ull modern. BECAUSE our prices are right, terms right, locations right. RECAL.SB we sold tU.Sj) worth of property last week. XiECAUSE here Is some good stuff that must be sold: 3.500724 South tith St.; two-story house, Uu rooms, closets, bath, gas, corner lot, small burn. Rents for J.K',00. (2,000115 Stutsman st ; modern cotsge. five rooms, gas, bath, closets, shade, paved street, nuo locution. Runts fur I1K.0U. $100 JKS Avenue D; cotge, three rooms, comer lot, good location, slxe of lot 44x130 feci. t.' liea p. ( $5uO--l'Xiu Avenue II; frame house, five rooms, corner lot, else 44x130 feet Rents for 700--7ri Avenue D: cottage, four rooms, water in kitchen, cellar, shade. Rents for W.W). Well located. JiOuo-SlO: Sixth Avenue: modern cotage, six rooms, city water, bath, fine lawn, two lots, on coiner. Sue ZaI- feet. 1.00 70S South 24tl Street: cottage, sis rooms, cellar, closets, well, cistern, corner lot. A good home. bias 4uxl.'u. l,o vtM Avenue C: cottage, five rooms, Lot 4yx!j feet. Rents for ?JS uu. SQUIRE iQl Pearl Street. BLUFFS. WOMEN COMING IN FORCE Large. Attendance Assured at Ninth Dii . trict Federation of Clubs. RECEPTION HELD TUESDAY EVENING First Formal session to Be Wednes day Moralag Interesting; Pro grim Has Been Prepared for Meeting. Between seventy and 100 delegates are expected to be In attendance at the sec ond annual convention of Women's clubs of the Ninth Iowa congressional district, which will open In this city Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Miller, chairman of the commit tee on entertainment, reported yesterday that she bad already assigned sixty-two delegates to various homes In the city and that this number would bo materially In creaxed before Tuesday evening, thus giv ing assurance of a large attendance at the convention. Among the prominent club women who have signified their Intention of being present are Mrs. Fletcher of Marshall town, president of the, Iowa- Federation of Woman's clubs; Mra. Bailey of Des Moines, former president of the Iowa Fed eration; Miss Alice Tyler of the State Library commission, Des Moines; Mrs. Gertrude Nash of Audubon, chairman of the Ninth district; Mrs. Horace Dcemer of Red Oak, former district chairman; Mrs. M. Parrott of Waterloo, la., Mrs. W. R. Green of Audubon, Mrs, Page of Plattsmouth, president of the Nebraska federation; Mrs. Belle Stoutenborough of Plattsmouth and Mrs. Draper Smith of Omaha, former presidents of the Nebraska federation; Mrs. F. II. Cole, president of the Omaha Woman's club; Mrs. Mary M. Pugh of Bellevue college. ' Sessions Open Wednesday. The convention proper will be held Wednesday in the auditorium of the First Baptist church. Tuesday evening the visit ing clnb women will be tendered a re ception by the local club women at the residence of Mrs. Thomas Metculf on Bluff street. The local committees In charge of ar rangements afte: Entertainment-Mrs. F. W. Miller, Mrs. J. M. Matthews, Mm. J. H. Cleaver Music-Mrs. P. J. Montgomery, Mrs. W. N. Clifford. Finance Mrs. Jv.cob Sims, Mrs. George H. Richmond, Mrs. J. K. Cooper hvenlng Reception Mrs. Horace Everett, Mrs. J. P Davis. Mrs. Victor Bender, Mrs. Drayton W. Bushnell. Reception Committee at the Church at the Opening Session Wednesday Morning Mrs. J. K. Hunter, Mrs. F. A. Bixbv Mrs Orcutt, Mrs. B. S. Terwllllger, Mrs. Victor Jennings, Mrs.,Dell G. Morgan, Mrs. C. O Saunders, Mrs. C. E. Swanson, Mrs. 7u K r"an' They will be assisted by the following young women who will act as ushers: Miss Georgia Mitchell. Miss Georglne Bebblngton. Miss Edith Runyon, Miss fcdlth Brock. Miss Delia Mctaalf M sa Mame Mullholland, Miss Ella Beachi w, Harlan Crane. Miss Josephine Blx,y, Miss Adah Sargent, Miss Cherrle W Us, M ss Elisabeth Beno, Miss Marian Bet. ton. Miss Helen Foley, Miss Helen Wallace. . By the program, arranged und' r the direction of Mr.. Nash, chairman of. the Ninth district, it wlU be seen that libraries. T. " wun tne emoatlon of 1 ennoren and conduct of tho public schools comes in for a large share of attention. 1 Proa-ram of Convention. The program for the convention follows: Morning session, 9 o'clock. Invocation, Mrs. F. A. Case of Council Bluffs. MuhIc, Mrs. Ida Wles Seybert of Council J.11U11M. Address of welcome, Mrs. Eva' C. Met calf of Council Bluffs. Response, Mrs. Persls Vhelps of Atlantic. Two-minute club reports. "Rural Clubs." Mrs. J W. Illll of Avoea. Music, Mrs. Nellie E Hills of Missouri Valley. Library hour, in chdrge of Mrs. A. R. Woodford, chairman t,f library committee, Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. "The Value of a Public Library." Mrs. Belle. Stoutenborough of Plattsmouth, Neb. "Books as a Factor In Women's Club Work." Mrs. F. II. Cole, president Omaha Woman's club. "Why Libraries Should Be Established Sn Small Towns," Mrs. J. B. Weeks of Uuthrle Center. "The Library from n. Household Economic Standpoint," Mrs. C. G. Walner of Atlantic. Round table discussion, led by Mlad Alice Tyler of Des Moines. - Afternoon session, 1:30 o'clock. "The Public Schools." In charge of Mrs. P. J. Montgomery, president educational committee, Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. Music. Miss Lucille Porterfield. Song by the children. "Art in Education," Mrs. Emma D, In galls. "The Kindergarten," Mrs. Lulu Hardman. "Manual Training." Mrs. Jacob Slinms. "Domestic Science as a Factor In School Education," Mrs. Mary M. Pugh of Belle vue, Neb. Discussion, led by Mrs. Minnie Campbell of Malvern. Music, Mrs. Hills of Missouri Valley. "Advantages oi Limited Club Member ship," Mrs. Mary T. Riley of Exira. "Advantages of I'nll.nlU'd Club Member ship." Sallle F. Phelps of Audubon. "Child l.abor,"Mrs. Alice C. Bailey of Des Moines. "Our Children," Mrs. Jcanctte G. Decmer of Red Oak. "The Art of Simplicity," Mrs. Anna F. Goodwin of Malvern. Home' Advantages of Art Study," Mrs. Kstt Burbank of Missouri' Valley. Music, Mrs. Seybert. Address. "The Value of Federation," Mrs. T. J. Fletcher of Murshalltown. N. T. Plumbing Co., lei. 34 Night, F-68I. Albums for kodak pictures und postal cards. Alexander's. 333 Broadway. Mrs. Amelia Fleming; Die. f J. A. at her avenue, days. I' been a closets, water in kitchen, cellar, shade. & ANNIS Telephone 06 resident of this city for forty-two yearn, coming here from Burlington, la. Three daughters. Miss Jennie Fleming, Mrs. S. A. Mutart. Mrs. A. W. Atkwith, and one son, J. T. Fleming, all of this city, survive her. DELINQUENT TAX LIST SMALL County Treasurer Arnd Will IU Light Offering for Investors This Yenr. The annual tax sale of delinquent realty, which will be held by County Treasurer Arr.d Monday, December 7, will be even lighter than last year, when It was the smallest In the history of Pottawattamie county for A number of years. The small list of delinquent property as published haa since been reduced by the number of per sons who have paid their taxes. Up to Saturday ROO more receipts had been Issued by tho county treasurer than last year. As for a number of years past the United States government appears on the list of delinquent property owners and will con tinue to do so until the city council and Board of County Supervisors wipes the de linquent tax off the treasurer's books. Spe cial taxes against the postofflce building, amounting to $2,000, hare been standing on the treasurer's books since 1885 and each year the United States has appeared as a delinquent property owner. The taxes were for the paving and sewering of Broadway. The government refused to pay, as It never pays taxes against Its property. When Thomas Bowman waa in congress he made an effort to have the government pay these cpeclal taxes, but failed. Since that time Sixth street on the east side of the postofflce his been twice paved, the first time about ten years ago, with cedar block, and about two years ago with brick. Knowing that It was useless to as sess any portion of the cost In front of the postofflce to the government tle city as sumed the expense. Hafer sells lumber. Catch the idea? Footpad Attacks Woman. Miss Bessie Knudsen, employed In the family of F. F. Everest on Glen avenue, was assaulted by a footpad lute Saturday night while on her way home. The as sault was evidently with the intention of robbery but the footpad waa frightened away before he succeeded in securing Miss Knudsen's pocketbook. Miss Knudsen had been spending the evening with relatives In the north part of the city ami was on N.nth street between Avenues D and E, on her way home when she was struck from be hind and knocked down. Her crlea brought neighboring residents to the scene and the footpad ran north on Ninth street. In his haste he dropped a bundle of clothes, which were later Identified by Mrs. Moxley of 717 West Washington avenue as having been taken from her yard. Miss Knudsen re ceived a somewhat severe bruise on the back of the head but was not seriously Injured. It is thought she was struck with a slung shot. Plumbing and heating. Btxby ft Son. DRAKE RECEIVES A BEQUEST Former Governor Leaves SiSO.OOO to the' I nlTerslty Which Bears His nnif, - ' DES MOINES, Nov. 29. The last will and testament o tho late General Francis M. Drake, former governor of Iowa, was produced here, today by the Des. .Moines consistory. Knights ,of Kadosh, of which General Drake was a member. He leaves lrau his property to his six children, with the exception of 150,000, which he bequeathes to Drake university of Des Moines. The will was made In 1897, when General Drake became a member of the consistory. According to the rule of the consistory, each member murt provide for his family, and il' iit i a.i Drake went into u, mii,."I roOili and wrote a will as brief aa one could be made. It was witnessed by ' George Fair burn, now of Fonda, and R. M. J. Cole man, secretary of the consistory. It fol lows: I will all my possessions, real and per sonal, to be equally divided among my six children, Millie D. Shunts, J-nnie Sawyer, Eva 8. Goss, F. E. Drake, John A. Drake and Mary Lord Sturdevant, except that out of my estate shall be paid !50.ouo to Drake university. (Signed) , F. M. DRAKE. Witnessed by R. M. J. Coleman. GEORGE FAIRBURN. Casey t'itlsen Commits Salclde. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 29.-J. N. Stine. son of wealthy parents at Casey, commit ted . suic ide here today by drinking car bolic lacld. He was without money and had become desiondnt. He had not been at home for a long time. Boys Nkate Into Airhole, SPIRIT LAKE. Ia., Nov. 29.-Speclal Telegram.) While skating on Lake Okobojl today Martin F. Rector and Clyde Mon tauk, boys, fell Into an airhole and were drowned. Their bodies were recovered. HYMENEAL Hlley-Baron. HUMBOLDT. Neb., Nov. 29. (Special.) Thomas F. Riley and Miss Pearl Bacon, two well known young iieople of this sec tion, were married Friday by Father Cor coran of the Catholic church of Dawson. The couple will make their home at Daw son, where the groom is engaged In busi ness. Life Loses Its Charm. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Nov. 3-Special Telegram.)-Mrs. Salume Ducey, a young married woman, who was separated from her husband, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid at the home cf Mrs. Carey B.irtoii in this city, where she was em ployed. Falling to Induce her stepmother to secure the carbolic acid for her she pur : phased it herself. Owing to the separation from her husband she had become very de spondent and to add to this her health re cently failed. These are believed to be the reasons which caused her to end her life. Don't Congh Alt Might. Restful sleep follows use of Dr. Kingi New Discovery, the best lung cure In the world. No cure, no pay. tOc, JtiXL For sale by Kuhn tt Co. COXSTLT TUB KINW OF ALL CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS, PROF. K I no 84KI Fourth St., Council Bluffs, la (Cor. 4lh St and Willow Ave.) Brdured prices (or a few days longer. Ladles SOc. Gentlemen). All business Btrtctly private and confidential CLEANING AND DYEING Ladles' and Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaaed, Dyed, Pressed and Repaired; also Dry Cleaning. No shrinkage or rubbing off guarantied. Work dons oa short notice. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS 11. SIX). 1' 17 West Broadway. LEWIS CUTLER htOMTlCIAM. rearl BL. Ceuaatl btusfa. PRAIRIE CHICKEN IN DANGER Iowa Game Warden Suggests a Close Seaion of Three Fall Tears. TWO WET YEARS MAKE BIRDS SCARCE License for Resident Hanters la Also Proposed, Which Wnnid Yield Thirty Thousand for tinnie Protection. (JYom a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES. Nov. 29.-(Speclal.) Oeorge A. Lincoln of Cedar Rapids, state fish and game warden for Iowa, raises a warning cry in his biennial report just filed with Governor Cummins, In regard to the ex tinction of the prairie chicken in Iowa. He calls attention to the fact that two sea sons have been wet nnd unfavorable at the breeding season and the result Is that in many parts of tho state no wild chickens are to be found. Unless something In done to give the chickens a chance for life the birds will soon bo a thing of the p;ist and he, therefore, recommends that the state absolutely forbid all killing of prairie chickens for three years from next July. lie reports Quail aa numerous, and the two seasons have been- excellent for rais ing ducks. He would recommend a change In the open season for quail, shortening it to the period from October 15 to December 1. He would aboliHh the spring shooting season for ducks, geese and brant and make tho open season from September 1 to Janu ary 1 only. Proposes Hunter's License. As a further protection, not only to game birds but to song birds, he would have a law for a resident hunter's license with spe cial restrictions against shooting birds on Sunday. He believes that every sportsman in the state Is in favor of such a license law and that $30,000 annually would be thus realized for the state as a fund, out of which tho deputy wardens could be paid. In regard to wholesale killing of birds tho warden would extend the limitation of fifty birds a day to aquatic fowl as well as to grouse and similar birds. He would also have some Improvements in the law to pre vent unlawful shipments out of the state of prohibited game. , . Millions of Younsr Fish. In regard to fish the warden gives sta tistics showing fhat there were distributed in two years by the United States Fish cOm sion over 2,600,006 fish, which were placed In Iowa streams or along the Mississippi. But the past seasons were not good for tUh. The extremely high water caused many fish to get out into the ponds and bayous and even Into the cornfields and it has been difficult to herd them back Into the rivers. The distribution of fish by the Btate com mission has stopped because there was no appropriation for the work. A large number of seining permits have been Issued under the new law, and while there has been complaint because the seining disturbs the spawn the warden believes this can be ob viated by care. The new law against dyna miting has been effective. In regard to the Bonaparte dam the warden reports that It Is now open for the passage of fish, thanks to the floods of last Spring. The warden asks for an- appropriation of J16.000 to carry on the'Work, as follows: Protection and 'dlMribtJyon of fish, S,000. payment of deputy fish wardens, $3,000; transportation of fish car, 1. 000; protection of game, $2,600; paying deputy game war dens, $1,000; assistant fish warden's salary, $600; gathering fish at Sabula. $3,000. The June bill of expenses and all since have beea unpaid because of lack of money. The warden has had 124 prosecutions In the bien nial period, with eighty-five convictions. Tim Siies aim cosis paid amounted to $4, 311.42. Tho state last eighteen cases. Jail sentences were imposed in twenty-one cases. Interests Aa-rlcultnrists. The second week In the coming month will be one of great activity among the people of Iowa who are interested most in agricultural pursuits and collateral lines. Tho state farmers' institute mests and with It a number of other allied as sociations. Including the Stute Horticul tural society and the Btate Park and Forestry association. The forestry as sociation, which was formed at a meeting held two years ago in the state house, is one of the growing young associations of the state and Its members are engaged In promoting the work of making parks and preserving forests in the state. Prof. Thomas Macbride of the Iowa State uni versity is the president of the association, and men interested in agricultural pur suits and In the science of forestry have generally taken hold of it. The program this year will be Interesting because It Is expected that steps will be tuken to ar range for some legislation that will assist in tho preservation of forests 'and a sys tematic tffort to Increase the .number of trees grown In the state. The association has committees on legislation, on ways and means, on civic improvement and municipal legislation and other subjects. In the afternoon of December 8 the as sociation will meet with the horticultural society and in the evening of the previous day the horticulturists will Join with the forestry association in a program. The chief features of the program for the park and forestry association are as follows: December 7, 2:30 p. m.: "Chemistry in Relation to Forestry," Dr. J. u Weems "Hardy Herbaceous Plants," Wesley Ureene; short address. Prof. it. c. Barrett "Ornamental Hedges," K. Ii. Little; "Street i,1''"'.', ,A- T- Krwln; "Our Iowa Bird," John Hailey; "Railroad Planting of Parks " J. Mexton; "Use of Plants in Parks," J. T. 1. Fulmer; "Tree Planting Why it Fails," Thoinus H. JJouglas; "Phen ology of Our Trees." Charlotte M. King December 7. eveiUi.jr: "Systematic Agita tion of Bettering Our School Grounds " I.' t,R- ScrKs"ie; "Study of Forestry in Public Schools," S. li. Sheakiey; "Forestry Conditions In Iowa," L. II. Pummel; "Ad vancement in American Forestry," K U F:iville; reports of committees and olli- December 8, morning: "The Architect and Landscape Artist," O. 11. Carpenter "Forestry in Public Schools," Hen'ly 8a Mn; "Tree Planting on Northern Prairies " W. A Bitmap; "Civic Improvement," F It. Kogers. December 8, evening: "The Treen," A. B. Storms; president.' uddress, T. H Mac bride; repurt of committees on legitiution. Work for Anti-Saloon League. Rev. Dr. I. N. McCash of the Lniverslty Place Christian church this tvyniug deliv ered a farewell address in his church and outlined his future work us superintendent for the State Anti-saloon league. At the lui meeting of the league lie was elected Its superintendent at a salary of $,uu a year, and he resigned his pastorate of one of tho largest churches in the state to ac cept th place. He has been overworked and broken in health and welcomed the change. He will work along the Una of bringing Influence to bear politically on officials, but without the formation of a political party. Candidates will be investi gated and their position in regard to the saloon question will be ascertained for the benefit of the voters so that they may make a wise choice in public ortiduls. The league will also do some work In the line of secur ing new legislation. Dr. McCash will con tinue to r4tcH In Des Moines, but w ill make a tour vt the date at once to ascertain the m iff lit y so 1 ,W " " 66 man being at death into another body whether man or beast, just read this Story, It is the most startling tale of its kind that ( has ever appeared. In the MetroBditaB On V -.. mm ass for DECEMBER Btate of affairs In different sections of the state. IMtch Leglalntlon Wanted. A number of the legislators who have been In the city recently have Indicated their Intention of work' . for some needed legislation In regard to drainage districts in the state. This Is true In all parts of tho state, for the state drainage and ditching laws have not been operative, and there has been much litigation on the question. The demand is for a law that will enable the county authorities to set apart certain districts for drainage purposes and provide lor taxation io make long ditches. No Uurt Hour Laws. That tho state of Iowa Is a little back ward iln the matter of legislation for the betterment of the condition of workers was made manifest again when tho secretary of state received a request from Marshall CuBhlng, secretary of tho National Asso ciation of Manufacturers, for copies of laws relating to the eight-hour workday and the shorter workday generally, and for de cisions of the courts affecting such legis lation. The secretary of state was unable to find any such laws and turned the mat ter over to the state commissioner of labor, and Mr. Brigham answered Mr. dishing to the effect that Iowa has no legislation on the subject end no decisions have therefore been made. "It might be added," volun teered tho commissioner in addition, "that the shorter workday is a popular movement among our employers, merchants and wagn earners, and Is rapidly growing In favor; such matters are amicably arranged be tween the parties In Interest by agreements or contracts usually made annually, nnd all In strict accord with the closed shop principle, which has been found to be tho most satisfactory principle for continuous and profitable operation of Industries." Contest Among Normal "cbools. The annual contest of the Interstate League of state normal schools for ora torical championship will be held at Cedar Full, la.. May 6 next, and already the' normal schoolB in five states are mak ing preparations for the same. The states In tho league are Iowa, Wisconsin Mis souri, Kansas and Iillnoe. Preceding the oratorical content the annual field meet of the same schools will lie held, nnd on tho previous evening will occur tho dobate be tween the Iowa and Kansas normal school debating teams. Meeting; of Coal Men. , Tho annual meeting of tho Iowa Coul Operators' association will be held at tho Kirkwood, December 8. About 100 mine operators from, all sections of Iowa and Putnam county, Missouri, are expected to be in attendance. The principal buali.ess to come -before the meeting will be the election of officers and the selection of tho ycale committee for the ensuing year. Other minor matters will probably come up. The meeting will convene In the Kirkwood parlors at 10:30. It Is not probable that they will have a ban'; ut. CHICAGO ALDERMAN GUILTY With Two Others He Is Convicted ef Violation of Election Laws. I I CHICAGO. Nov. 29. A verdict of guilty was returned today in the rase of Alderman John J. Brennan and his two poli inl friends, Charles McCarle and Herbert K Kent, who have been on trial for violation of the election laws during the Judicial e'ec tlon last June. Each defendant Is liable to punishment by a term in the county Jail ranging from three months to a year If the decision of the Jury is vpheld by Judge Gary, as there Is no fine attached to the ven'tct. It being Sunday, motions for a new trial could not be made until tomorrow and the three de fendants were placed under bonds. A (ore Riever Matters After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap plied. - Helievea pain Instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. Price, toe MMWJ;t, 1 .W-J'' 1 I S-ii mimn 1 TO - If you believe, or are interested, in the transi tion of the soul of a hu aaazme ft. H. RUSSELL, PUBLISHER, 3 WEST 29TH STREET, NEW YORK 1 p.nwnn!s. 1 11 v m., .i,,,,,,,,.., .. snlln iis.Tn'nirZr"nsnni in.". ILZL.,., ..'.i..i.'.' CHICAGO. 0 IK) 'and Return U'Ti'aiQ) V I A Tickets on Sale November 26th to 30th Inclusive. Return Limit, December 7th ff? AHwe :mmm jj i us. o iuiuuui utiuuif uiuuuap r. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE ROOM YOU HAVE If your room is not warm- move you will find an in? tercsting directory of rumes all parts of town; all prices in The Bee want ad pages. Tel. 238. Safe Speedy Sure, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are unequalled. A pure herb remedy. H Roman Eye Dalsam For Weak or Sore Eyes For sale by all drngsrlsts. -1Ti'" "" ' '' V -"isii"niisajnprj MM sT "guv nmriyesT P ft V J fllllliUU.UIUl, UCI01, llM . Ibtm li u kl.irl.j.1 in ii ul mm uitii.liu W li.rjr i,i,,d I..V.U box. talu:i laniDg retull.; suuii e uru uU lu:i suser luuuci t.xuat Sherman & liuConotU Prug Co., Oiauha. rv mi I) City Ticket Office-. Carmm Qtreat flm-shi r. runasnorB, v. r. . J Want Ad Dept. 04.75 -TO- CHICAGO BACK Nov. 28, 29 and 3011). Winter tourist tickets to Florida points and New Orleans now on sale dally, good for return until June 1st, 1904. Call at City Ticket Offlcv. ... 11CC Furnam at, or write. W. II. BRILL, D. P. A. Omaha. Neb.