MORE ATTORNEYS IN CASE Street B.ilwa7 tod Oiaha Ba inen Men Get lot) Revenue Litigation. WtBSTER AND MAHONEY THEIR ATTORNEYS t Indications orv Are that Case Will Wot He A rune J Tuesday aad So DecWIoa Expected aa Early a Middle of Moath. (From a Btalt Correpondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. (Special.) The at tacking party In the revenue law cafe now before ths supreme court has bejn rein fore.d by John L. Webster, st the Instance of the On.ahi 8t et R:.! way c.:mi.uiy, and T. J. Manoney at the request of lha buslnesa men of Omaha. As jei, however, neither thee two m n nor tho other at torneys f.r t'.ie its l.j Un cii) have filed a brief. Attorney General Trout stated lant night that aa he had ,lwn so busy with other matters It waa probable that he would' not Hie a br.ef1, as ths time of the hea Ing was so near. Because of this It Is the belief now that the caae will be pasted over at Ihlj ttlng of the court to allow the attorneys for the respondents more time In which to prcpsrj for the Uatie. Should Mahoney and Web' ster get their briefs filed by Tuesday, the day Net for the hearing. It would not give Senator Fembcrton, C..C. Wright or Attor ney General Prout, who are defending the law, any whatever to ltok tip svjthorl- ties or rebut the argument. For this nation It Is almost a safe prediction to say that the caso will be paused over. This, how ever, would work a hardship. Inasmuch as It would not be probable that the opinion would be handed down before the 15th of the month, at which t!m3 the Board of Equalisation created under the new law meets for the first time to transact busi ness. Warrant for Whltmarsh Girl. A warrant was lssueti today for the ar rest of Miss Edith Whltmarah, aged 16, and who Uvea at 977 North Ninth street, on the charge of grand larceny. Detective Bent- ley went to Omaha In company with Then dore Johnson to serve the papers and get tho girl, who Is now being held by the po lice at that place. The specifics charge Is that she stole goods to the value of $200 from the Famous millinery store. Including a large quantity of silk, laces, plumes, etc, Her rooms In the city were searched yes terday and a considerable quantity of the goods found. Others, It Is claimed, were pawned and sold In Omaha. A short time ago she made a trip to Omaha in company with Theodore Johnson, the man who was arrested this morning as a suspicious char acter, supposed to have been one of the men who did the hold-up act last night. They ran away to get married, but the plan was Interfered with by the girl's father, Nelson L. Whltmarah, who asked the Omaha police to arrest them. It was stated in the dispatches at the time that the couple had been found In a rooming house together, occupying the same room. The girl had pawned part of her clothes to obtain money for the coming' marriage celebration. It Is now charged that most, of the goods she pawned there was stuff she had taken from the 'store In Lincoln while she was employed there as a trimmer, Johnson confessed to the polio this morn ing that they had tawned a good deal of stuff and it has .been learned that be told the girl he would take her to St. Louis oh tbe money they obtained. The girl was taken to the Home of the Oood Shepherd in Omaha, where she. has remained ever sinoe. Sho was only employed at the Famous sure About V month, but.' It Is estimated that in That tlma she' got away with over $200 worth of goods. Over half of the stuff was found in her room at her borne at 27 North Ninth street, and It is thought that considerable of tho rest will be found in the pawnshops In Omaha. ' Mr. Ackerman, proprietor of the Famous, said this afternoon that they missed good all the time the girl wsa there and that she was finally discharged because It was thought she was-taklng the stuff, but the evidence at the time wua not sufficient to Justify them In making a search or accus ing her of the theft. The girl has always borne a good reputation and It is said by those who know her that Johnson is re sponsible for her downfall. ' Invoice at Soldiers Home. C. C. Husted of the governor's office has Just returned from a trip to Grand Island, where he spent some time in making an Inventory of the state property at the Sol tilers' and Sailors' home, preparatory to making a transfer to Commandant-elect Askwtth of Omaha. Mr. Hunted stated that he found everything In excellent condition, that ba believed there were no grounds for the charge that the stock was permitted to run down In condition. On the large farm IK! head of cattle are kept, and he found that they were In good condition. Ths carriage which was said to have been permitted to fall in decay, Mr. Husted says. Is nothing but an old carryall which is fast sinking Into docrepltude through the ravages of time and will have to be replaced. He doea not believe that the charges made against Cole's manage ment were Justified, ' Unnemann Decides to Contest. WEST POINT. Neb. Nov. .-(Spectal.) The contest proceedings Instituted Imme diately after election' by August Llnne mann, the defeated candidate for county clerk on the republican ticket, to test the validity of the election of Joseph F. Kaup, the democratic county clerk-elect, and which were dismissed by the plaintiff, have again been revived by tha filing of another action in the county court covering the same ground. It is understood that the Institution of tho second action is at the desire of the friends of Mr. Llnnemann. who are sanguine that sufficient errors win be found on a recount to seat him. Mother nu Child la One Grave. FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. S.-(Speclal.)-Ta funeral of Mrs. Oeorge Hutt and her little girl, who lost their lives by an ex plosion of kerosene Wednesday evening, waa held this morning from the residence of George H. Hodges. Dr. F. M. Sander Son of the Methodist church conducted the services. The Fremont Marble works, where Mr. Hutt Is employed, were closed during the services and the employes at- Stop tearing your throat! One dose of Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral. f--- tended the funeral. Mrs. Hutt and baby were burled in one grsve In Ridge cemetery. FIRE DOG DIESFR0M GRIEF Pet of the Department Moaras Loss of His Friend, a Worn- Oat Horse. HASTINGS. Neb.. Nov. 28 (Special. -When the dog 'Tar' died at the city hall this week It was another Instance among animals of death because of grief. Pal was adopted by the boys of the fire department about two years ago end was a favorite "" inem. iNone ot them claimed a greater sest for fighting the fire fiend than Pal. and when the alarm rang the dog be came greatly agitated, ana was to be sp peased only when the hose cart went rattling toward the flnmes. He always kept a close and silent watch until the flames were subdued. Meanwhile a strong mutual friendship had 'sprung up between Til snd one of the department horres, Dave. So well did these two understand each other that Pal would often crawl Into Dave's stall and remain there for. an hour or more vlslflng appar ently with as much enjoyment as human beings. It was by Dave's side that Psl raced tcNhe fires. About a year ago Dave was deemed unfit for service and sold and taken away. From me day of hit departure his friend Pel began to moan. He would look longingly Into the stall of his departed comrade and at right howled disconsolately. Gradually he ceased to take Interest In fires until at last he did not leave tbe engine house. His whines at times were pitiful and he ate but little and waa coming to be a mere shadow of the old Pal. Early this week he died of grief, and the firemen are mourning his death as that of a true friend. BRIGHTER THANMANY SUPPOSE Inmates of Institution for Feeble. Minded Tonth Give Very Enter talnlng Program. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov., 28.-(Sperlal.V-A very pleasing program was given Thanks riving eve at the Nebraska Institute for Fesble MlnCed Touth by the pupils of tht institution. The entertainments given nt this Institution possess a peculiar Interest from the fact that It li popular'y presumed that the ch'ldren gathered here afe not nvntally constituted to give an entertain ment of ppeclal Interest. But never was there a greater popular error. The easml vMtor to these affairs can hardly reconcile himself to the belief tint the participants In the programs are not among the bright est of school children, possessed of all their mental faculties. The singing and recitations were pleasure giving In the highest degree, as were the cellsthenic cxerclres and drills, and this same observa tion will truly apply to them. On Thanksgiving day 330 children ant down to the bountiful feast prepared for them, while the officers and teachers an slsted In serving. The twenty-four tables were prettily arranged with flowers and potted plants grown in the Institution green house. It is a pleasure to note that with each succeeding year a very significant Improve ment Is observed In the Intellectual develop ment of the pupils of the institute, Indicat ing the utmost care and faithfulness on the part of the teachers, as well as Dr. and Mrs. Johnson and Miss Marie 'Armstrong in charge ;v - . Plattsmonth Coaeeri la a access. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Nov. JgfSoe- clal.) The concert given In the Parmele theater last evening by Edna Lucille Mar shall. Clara Edna Street, W. R, Butler arid R. W. White was the most successful and pleasing in the history of Plattamouth's musical entertainments. The singers ap peared at their best. A pleasing variety of selections composed the program and the four voices blended beautifully in the closest harmonies of the sacred classical song, "Christian, the Morn' Breaks Sweetly oer Thee." as well as the lighter strains of the fascinating little farce, "The For tune Teller." Each member of the quartet also rendered a solo. By request, David Llvlngstrn gave a piano solo from "Faust." Antonli Kesaler and Hilt Wescott accom panied at the piano. The opera house was filled. Surprises Barton of rapllllon. PAPILLION. Neb., Nov. 2S.-(8peclal.) An unlooked for honor waa yesterday be stowed upon a citlsen of Pe pillion. At tho f lection of the officers for district No. 60, Independent Orfer of Odd Fellows, Robert F. Barton was chosen dl-trict deputy grand master, his territory embracing the lodges of Sarpy county and nil those of South Omaha. Mr. Barton had no Intimation of the appointment and was agreeably surprised. How the World-Herald Covered the Fire MoJcm Now and then it happens that an arrant braggart overreaches ) imself In Ms elTor's to appear Important, and only succeels In making himself ridiculous. Thli U exactly the position In which the eunlrr Omaha yellow journal finds Itself at present. Ith its customary effrcntery snd men- Caclty, It haa been taking to itself all kinds of credit for good deeds in connection with the terrible catastrophe of Thursday morn ing. Its latest claim being that through Its columns Mrs. Ooldborough was flrst up pilsed of her husband's fate. Going very minutely Into the clnomitances of how Mrs. Qoldbcrough was at the grocery on that morning and tslkel with the grocer about the dinner the and he." husband would have together, the World-Herald proceeds: However, when she ha4 arrived tr home, ntoti Fouth Twelfth ttreet, the found a eopv ot the morning World- lerald and read the account of the ti.e whiu , standing upi n the perch. Then he par. el ten unneeaea from Her arms and she r.ed away to the engine house. That wouldn't be of any especial cubllc importance, even If it were true; but the cold, iconoclastic facts In tbe case are that if Mrs. Ooldsborough did find a World Herald on her doorstop when she went home, she didn't find a word about the lire In it And even if the had come up town and bought one of the alleged extra editions put out by that.' publication she wouldn't have found her husband's name mentioned. On the morning of the Are the Wdrld Herald sent out a special big edition which did not contain a word or syllable about the conflagration. All its subscribers, both morning and evening, were served with copies ot the paper, aa well as hundreds who are not subscribers. After lis entire city edition had been sent out, the paper got busy and about t o'clock In the morn lrg Issued an extra edition, of which a slightly reduced fac simile Is here repro duced. , It will be noticed that the death of the Afintn la rf.rrmA t , mm m .. wlta tbe safeguards unusual to the fake factory. Fireman Ooldbouroughs name doea not appear tnatli, presumed that ak ?, ,r".reCer1U,M 'D'nkey.- About 11:15 o clock Thursday n,sht outTf out of th. World-Herald offlce. shouting. . , ' - ".w-..iiu. run ao- count of the terrible .xplutdon and ka et life at the nre!'" People gain home from DIETRICH AND MILLARD OUT Will Not Act Together in lfing th? Nebraska Federal Appj ntmenti. COMPACT BETWEEN THEM IS BROKEN Announcement that Dietrich Has Conceded the Marshalshln to Mil lard Is Denied and the Reason Why Is Given. Eetwen Senators Millard and Dietrich there Is now a yawning gulf, so far aa Ne braska appointments are concerned. Sen ator Dietrich ssys he has made a number of concessions to Senator Millard In the hope that the latter would tecede from his stand In lavor cf the reaupj.ntment of W. 8. Summers to be district attorney lor Ne braska. Before he left Washington, on hearing that Senator Milla.d still endorsed Bummer nj would not abandon l.lm, even after his case had b.cjmi liopeicts, al though all hoped that tho senior senator might be Induced to endorse some other candidate and ailow a settlement, Senator Dietrich tald he would not act In concert with Eenato.' Millard lurtlier In con nectljn with any uf the Nebraska uppuint imnts. Yonttrday morning the Lincoln State Journal, whose Washington corre pon'.ent Is Senator Millard's private sctr Ury, contained an announcement to the tff.ct that Senator D etrlch had conceded the of a L'i lted Slates ma shil for Meorsska to Senator Millard. When Senator Dletilch came up from Hastings during the afternoon he was aeked ebout this matter and teemed to ba rather amased that Senator Millard thoul.l have made the announcement. He aJmlts the truth of a compact, but insists that he hn withdrawn from It. "Well," said Senator Dietrich, "thnt con cession was made under conditions that no longer exist. It Is true 1 had conceded to Senator Millard the nominating of the United States marshal, but I did that as t had practically conceded Ben Baker, Cuizen and Ben Barrows. These appointments were all conceded at Senator Millard's personal request,' but with a great deal of reluctance. A few months ago 1 also told Senator Mil-, lard that he might name the United States marshal, but all thoso concesrions were made for the purpose of trying to Induce him to concede not only to myself, but to tho republlcatS 'party of Nebraska, the ap pointment of Harry Lindsay as United States attorney. Now, I have decided to withdraw from that compact and hereafter I propose to act according to my best Judg ment." "What about the appointment of the col lector of Nebraska, which Mr. Millard says was conceded to you soon after the sena tors were elected?" "This was no concession to me. Elmer Stevenson was appointed at the special re quest of D. E. Thompson and Senator Mil lard honored that request because he was under obligations to Thompson as much as I was. Neither of us have anything to re gret or bo ashamed of on that score. Elmer Stevenson has made one of the most pains taking and efficient officers that has ever occupied the office of collector in this rtate and he Is so credited by the department at Washington." COYOTE IS SHOT IN HASTINGS Ttto Are Seen Aronnd av Chleken Hoame and One Makes Escape. HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. J8. (Special.) For aome time rumors have been heard, especially from the region of the Little Blue, of the prevalence of coyotes and of tbe depredations done by them in the farm yards, but the daring of the little peats was not realised until last Thursday when two of them were caught at daylight in side the city prowling about the chicken houses. Many chickens had been missed, but the deeds were laid at the door of sneak thieves. The two seen were about the premises of Mr. Mussy, who shot one of them. Farmer Hart in Rnnavrny. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 2S.-8peclal Tele gram.) Henry Cole, a prominent farmer residing northeast of the ctty, was badly hurt In a runaway accident here this aft ernoon. Ho was thrown headlong from the wagon to the pavement, and two deep gashes were cut In his head and he was severely bruised about the oody. Fined for Paternity. BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. J8. (Spedsl.V Yesterday In the district court Judge Bab cock Imposed a fine of $S00 upon Oeorge Lohr. who was declared the father of Miss May Morris' child. The parties to the suit Example of a Fakir and a News Item. mm wBKB 16. ltOJ.-8IXTI.IJJ TAG IS. Firemen Lester 4- I I rax Sl a etiiiini K5J rAC 81MILE op THE EXTRA, PUT OUT BT THE WORuD-HERALD THURS- DAT MORNINQ. NOVEMBER !, 1J. the theaters were alled by the-e fellows, ph.. In an extra put out at I o'clock a and laughed at them, for they had had full account of th. affair waa pZ ted full accounts of th. Ilr. in th. oth.r Omaha being complete Ir. all detail. w"h ?h. I'TrhOUr" be'r- f th distribution of On th. morning of th. nr. The Be. had Insurance a iuii column in its regular ctty edition, . with th. name, of th. dad firemen .nd the nut essential detail of tha oalastro- are well-known reeldents of Cortland. At lsst accounts Lohr .was in jail, being un able to give security for that amount. Fremont rhyslrlan In CrKleaa Shape. FREMONT, Neb.. Nov. 2S. (Special. )--Dr. N. H. Brown had a stroke of apoplexy early this morning and this afternoon was still unconscious in spite of the efforts of his physician. He Is in a very critical con dition and his recovery Is doubtful. He has been engaged In the practice of his pro fession here for over twenty years an t has a wide reputation for skill and ability. He has also been active In business enter prises and prominent in Masonic circles. Stolen Goods Konnd In His Room. KEARNEY, Neb.. Nov. 2ft. (Special Tele gram.) E. L. Furgeson of Seneca, Kan., was arrested at the Beckett house this morning charged with robbing the store of the Higgins Hardware company at Har vard November 1J. Most of th plunder was found in Furgeson's room. The follow was In the country Friday disposing of cutlery at very low prices and this Ted to the in vestigation which resulted In his arrest. IARVARD. Neb., Nov. 28 (Special.) L. O. HIgglns, whose hardware store ' was broken Into about two weeks ago. was noti fied that a young man thought to be a party, who. about the time of the loss, was canvassing Harvard for a new kind of a mop, had been arrested In Kearney with goods In his possession answering the de scription of the goods taken. Mr. Hlggiu went at once to Kenrfiey to Investigate. About $280 to $3(0 worth of goods were taken. Fnsar Is Booming;. BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 28 (Special.) The Twentieth Century bnsnr, li charge of the ladles of St. Joseph's Catholic church, opened In Nichols hull last night with a large attendance. The program consists of dancing, the sale nnd drawing of fancy nrticles. The fair will !at until and Including Monday evening. The music each evening Is furnished by Jenkins' or chestra. Brian- Renir.lna Home for Onrlal. EDGAR, Neb., Nov. 28.-(3peclal.)-The remains of D. C. Montgomery, an alumnus of Hastings college, who had been engaged in educational work In the Philippines and who, while performing his duties, was set upon and killed by robbers, arrived In this country this week nnd will be brought at once to his home at Edgar, where they will be burled. Chlckeapox nt Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 2S.-(Special.)-Chlckenpox Is prevalent In many of the school words of the city, and tho Board of Education Is taking every precautlcn possible to keep he disease from spread ing further. Several deaths, caused by scarlet fever, are reported from the vicinity of DeWltt. Several Rlos Broken. BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 28-8peclal.)-J. C. hlte, a resident of this city, was Injured badly a few days ago on his farm by falling from the hay mow. He sus tained several broken ribs and severe bruises about the body, and has been con fined to his home ever since the accident occurred. Attention, Danish Brotherhood Lodge Ko. 1. , Tou are hereby requested to attend the funeral of our late Brother James C. Han sen, to be held from Dodder's undertaking parlors. Twenty-third and Cuming atreets, Monday at J p. m.; also all brothers of the brotherhood are invited to auend By or der of FRANK RASMUgSEN, Pres. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER . saaen Promise ef Fair Header and Monday Generally a the Western tr.tes. i WASHINGTON. Nov. 28.-Forecast : For Nebraska. Iowa, Missouri Kansaa South and North Dakota and Colorado Fair Sunday and Monday. For Wyoming and Montana Fair Sun day and Monday. Local Record. CArEF TE.EMHKR BUREAU. OMAHA. Nov. a.-Omclal record of tem- i-j. uiwijiiiiHon compared with the corresponding day of the last thres years: w-. . . I". ll1 W "ram temperature 41 68 4s Minimum temperature ... 34 31 n 28 t , ,",,,''"iure 3( ist 44 mjipuauon 00 .04 .00 .00 Kecora or temperature and precipitation tjOmaha tOT thl Ay "d lce March L .-Normal Temperature aj i.cew ior 1 ne aay . 11 Total excess since March 1 .'.107 Normal precipitation 03 inch Deficiency for the dav a Inch Total rainfall since March 1 32 OS Inches Excess since March 1 2.92 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1902... 124 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19l'l... 6.76 inches Galoot EXTRA raica. two OMxn. , Carrel!, Burmiester, and "Oinkay" Co- licvert to llavu Perished nana, wmmn amxstinmsssi e a vw smi se a sm) smt M hmmi i( to trnwrnymx " L mi ii aas ' if SMiin, ama " mA im ,m mm, mmiZ-mt ' ' J." . .Met i, mi - . - i m rJTX 'ZZ-.-JTZ Ci l'.T' W i t-awttsal nH PLAN OTHAMITE DESTRUCTION This th. is published merely to Illustrate th. difference between a newspaper bd a Uke factory, NOVEMBER 29, 190.1 AUDITOR WESTON ARRESTED Act on Growi Out of Failure of Cper B?nk, in Which Ha Was IntereiUd. MUCH LOCAL FEELING .OYER COLLAPSE Charge Is Made that Bank Received .Deposits After Owners nnd lOltl cers Knew the Institution Was Insolvent. CASPER. Wyo., Nov. fS. (Special Tele gram.) Charles Weston. Nebraska's state auditor, and N. 8. Rrl'tol and W. A. Den cckc, who operated a grocery store here under tho Arm name of N. S. Bristol & Co. and a bank under the name of W. A. Den ecko 4 Co., are nil under arrest for receiv ing money knowing that they were Insolv ent. Werton was taken off the train at Dougla-( Wyo., cn his way to Lincoln. Bristol ft Co. and W. A. Per.ecke & Co. aro I oth c oped ii nd In the possession of the sherilf. The liabilities nre about J75.0PO and assets small, lho money has all been borrowed by the bank carers and Invested In sheep and ranch projerty. Every fra ternal order in the town is stuck for $100 or more. The dlffc.ent Masonic societies for $a,coo. INDIAN ROBS A POSTOFFICE Charles Crow Dog, of Eminent As cestry, Is First to Become Stamp Thief. s SIOUX FALLS. S. V.. Nov. a.(Sperlal.) Charles Crow Dog, an Indian, who origin ally belonged cn the Rosebud reservation, but who for some time hits lived about a mile fiom OVecnwood (Yankton Indian agency), on (lie east side of the Missouri river. Is an occupant of the county Jail In this city. He is a United States prisoner and wns brought to Sioux Falls by Deputy Unltfd States Marshal Jerry Cnrleton. The narr.ccake of the nrtcd Indlnn who shot and killed the famous Brule Sioux cr.l'f, Spotted Tall, early In the '70s, has degenerated Into uemmon postolflcc robber. Nevertheless, he enjoys the distinction of be'lng the flrct of his race to tcke up the robbery of post offices as an occupation. The prisoner Is charged with having entered and robbed the postofflce at Greenwood. He secured $G In money and about $2 worth of postage stamps. The postofflce Is in the store of Guy Williamson, who Is postmaster at Greenwood, and In addition to tho money and stamps the redsklnncd cracksman cor rled off a large quantity of merchandise. He was arrested by Indian police on tele graphic instructions from the office of tha United States marshal In this ctty. ' Tbe prisoner was 'taken before a United States commissioner at Geddes, who held him for appearance before the next federal grand Jury. In default of bonds Crow Dog will remain In Jail In this city until the grand Jury convenes next April. Crow Dog, unlike his namesake. Is a "bad" Indlnn and has served several terms In the Sioux Falls penltentlnry for cattle and horse stealing on the Rosebud reservation. , RACE JOR BIG TRACT OF LAND Colonel Cody nnd Rival Ditch Com ysar In Contest for a Large Stake. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. M.-(Speclal Telegram.) Colonel W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) arrived in Cheyenne this afternoon to urge Governor Chatterton to recommend the segregation of 110,09 acres rf state and government land on the Shoshone river, opposite Cody, Big Horn county, for recla mation by the Cody and Salisbury canal, under the Carey act. Governor Chatterton bWng In Denver, Colonel Cody left for that place immediately, his business being of the most urgent nature. The Guernsey Canal company is after the same tract of land and both companies ore bringing all posrlble Influence to tear on the governor to have him recommend their claim. Tho latter company proposes to ex pend $o00.000 In reclaiming the l,ind, while Colonel Cody will guarantee the expend. turo of $1,0(0,000 in bringing the land under cultivation. The sell Is exceedingly rich and all that Is needed to ir.ake It as fertile as any on the continent Is water. Both com- panles propose to get water from the Sho shone river. Mother's Burial Not Told Them. MITCHELL. 8. D., Nov. ISpecia!.) Impresslve funeral services wero held for the lato Mrs. Harry L. Bras at the Con gregational church, which was filled by the friends. The services were conducted by Rev. D. L. Tomlln, paetor. Interment waa In Graceland cemetery. The floral emblems wero many and beautiful. Ppeclal pieces were sent by the Masons, Eastern Star, postofflce force. Twentieth Century club. Round Table club, members of the capital committee, Mitchell Typographical union and Home Guardians. The two daughters, who are still sick with typhoid fever, have not been told of their mother's death owing to their precarious condition. CALIFORNIAN KILLS HIMSELF Farmer Resident of Sam Francisco Ends Life in Kerr York s Apartments. ' NEW TORK, Nov. 2S. A man who com mitted suicide esrly today in his apirt monts here hes been ldntin:d as Victor Banner, formerly a dotting dealer if Vir ginia i uy ana Ban j toikiscj, who ce.m. to New York about eight 'months ago. Ho was brought here by Simon and Petr Banner, weulthy residents of this city, and was by them regarded as eccentric and al moat a recluse. CONDUCTOR IS UNDER ARREST His In Charge ef U'gFonr Train Mast Answer ta Coart. Work INDIANAPOLI3. Nov. M.-A. W. Hast lng, conductor of the Big Four work train that collided with a freight trJln list wrek, killing nearly a score of men and Injuring fourteen, was arrested here today by the sheriff ot Tasewell county. 111., In which county the wreck occurred. tick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of tbe stomach and Is quickly cured by Chamberlain' Stomach and Livtr Tablets. For sale by Kulin Co. Card of Tbaaka. We dealr. to thank our friends and mem bers of tbe Fraternal Union,' Royal Ach ates, Degree of Honor, and the Rebeccas for their numerous floral tributes and their kindness and Sympathy manifested during the Illness and death of our husbsnd and father, Simon S. Holiday. MRS. C. A. SOL1DAV. MRS. PIERCE JOHNSON. MISS SOLIDAT. Mltcnrll Splrltaall: Organise. MITCHELL. S. D.. Nov. 28.-Special.)-The spiritualists of this city have formed a society known aa tbe First Progressive Spiritualists of Mitchell. Th. following officers have been elected; President, C.J II !a Hi ias La tj Cor. Farnam We invite Inspection. We Urje Comparison BLANKETS W: are offering for this week some very extra values In these goods nnd lho cream of the stock, as usual, must supply t he bargains. The demand for Blankets Is sharp these cold days. These reductions will make It sharper. Ver3Lhr'vy .U"4 FIpeced Blankets-ln whl(e sold everywhere nt $1.6o-our special price pair , Another quallty-but same extra large sites very soft and necvy-wortlV 1. i5 our special price pair Woolen Blankets in pink and white, red and black checks worth Y.T&oVir special price pair Alt ... . All wool Blankets extra slse and different our special price pair , Met?& wo' ."Snt ,Mn colored Blankets nothing better sold for VoVs than H..T our special price pair Immensely Large All Wool Blaukets-ln colored checks or all wliite-theso are selling elsewhere at $7 and $7.60 our special price pair-$5.75 and andltlanketWOr,h ,12M' 91000 and 8 "5-,ur Poclal prlee$10.00, $tX BATH ROBE B LAN K ET3 largest slse only one required for robe-beautiful styles at each ., Com forts-Fiw People Think of Making Comforts When They Find Them Here So Cheap Good Com forts-Jlled with one large sheet of best white cotton-at-each- t( $1.60, 31..16, $1.21 and laUvl Very largest Comfort mnde-niled with one large sheet of white medicated cotton-nil have very fine coverings and hand knotted with xepliyr each, ijfi elun, $li.5u and .: ,,.. ; Down Com forts We are showing a beautiful line and the best values we " ' 'f lf ever offered no small sixes all the regulation width und length at $10 and. Your choice of all our White Vestlngs, black on white Oxford. CT CS ftadraa, etc, that sold up to II yard tomorrow morning OOC Flatmelettes--- We are still showing a great variety of colors nnd designs at yard 16c and " 1UC Swatisduwn Flannelettes On account of their heavy weight these goods aro In great demand they ir. como In a beiutlful range of colors and designs yard IOC French Flannels For warm, comfortnble wear nothing takes the place of French flannel our sto?k consists of a beautiful range of patterns, suitable for waists, dressing r-l sucques nnd klmonus yard 75c and DVC White and Red Colored Skirting Flannel At yard $1.00. 85c, 75c, 6Gc, 60c, 63c, f.Oc, 45c. tOc, 35c, 30o OfZ and ; OC FANCY LINENS It Is now less than four weeks till Ch rlstmas, and ladles are taking advantage ot our special low prices on Embroidered and Cluny Linens. lnandRUn1 Cluny Do,lle"1 6c--lnch Round Cluny Doilies at each !5c 40C Twelve-Inch Round Cluny Dollies these are being sold In Omcha at $1.00 " n fl our price each ADC Twenty-Inch Round Cluny Center Pieces worth five dollars at r each O. A j Twenty-four-lnch Round Cluny Center Pieces worth K5C nt each A TC $6.00 and 4. O Twenty-elght-lnch Round Cluny Center Pieces worth up to ten dollars at B it each-$l.00. $7.60 and ., O. UU Sheer Linen Hand Embroidered Dollies worth thirty-live cents , 25c Twelve-Inch Hand Embroidered Plate Dollies worth 75a and 85c en at STio and OUC Hand Embroidered Center Pieces worth $2.00. $2.60 und $3.00 at each e ff $1.R6, $1.35, $1.25 and ; liUU Full line of Pure Irish Tablecloths and Napkins nt prices almost less than half usually asked for In goods of similar quality. E9ot States, but33 Oklahoma 1b &ot a Ptatc. Neither is Indian Territory. And jet, at the last census, their population was almost as great as tho combined population, of Arizona, Delaware, Idaho, Mon- tana, Nevada and Wyoming. TO-DAY IT IS GREATER. , Their area is equal to the combined area of nil the New England States, witli Delaware thrown in for good measure. The largest city In the Twin Teirltnrles la enly fifteen yens old, but It hat a population of nciriy W,.0. Th"io are tight other towns wjth ir population of B.O'O t:t More oe.ld-s innumerable smaller places of from K0 to 8,000. No section of the United L, tales is graving more rapidly or btl'dfng on a firmer foundation. No sccUou oKcis greater oppor tunities to the man who is looking for a new ljcnt'on. This is aa tiue of the professional man oj it is of the furratr and Merchant. Oklahoma and Indian Territories rre grb.lroreil by tho lines of the Rock Island and Frisco 8y:tems. Every town of import ance Is on one or the other ot these railroads. Tour opportunity to visit this wonderful tectlon occurs Tuesday, December 1, when the Rock Island System will sell round trip tickets to all points In C!flalio-ra and Ine'lan Territory on the Ro?k Island, Frisco and ('. O. & G. 'Railroads, as well as to certain points in Texas, at the rtito of sue fare plus (3.00, Corresponding reductions in one way ralcj. Descriptive literature mailed on application to John Sebas tian, Pusenger Traffic Mgr., Rock I-iand System, Chicago, III. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE ROOM YOU HAVE - If your room is not warm move you will find an in teresting directory of rumes all parts of town -all prices in The Bee want ad pages. Tel. 238. V, Prltst; vice president, E. N. Norton; recretary, Mrs. F. L. Furse; treasurer, Mrs. Clara Halfhlll; trustees. Mesdame.i C'oa. Priest and Oood win; guardlsns, Messrs. Cos and Moore; organist. MUs Maud 8now. Th. society has retained Mrs. Emma L. Nutt-Moore es ths spiritual lec turer. Che has been here for the lKt two months and has created In rre Interest. Uses Tlma at the Cases1. BEATRICE. Nb., Nov. .-8pec!al.- Mr. and Mr. M. V. Case, who are soon ta and lath Streets. 1.10 . 1.29 3.19 4.65 4.95 5.50 600 3.25 colored checks chean at tf, Rrt HHILJll'Jll" Ticket und full Information at this office. 1323 FARPJA.V. STREET, OMAHA, NEB. ES3 Want Ad Dept. loctte In California, were given a pl saint surprise ly their relghbura and friends lust n'ght at their homo In Logan town ship, eust nf ti e city. The guests brought with them the necctigurles for an oyster supper, and a most enjoyable evening was passed In games, music and dancing. About twenty couples attended the affilr. Urlcklayera .ole. Special meeting of No. 1 of Nebraska, Tuesday eve.ilng, December 1, at 7 sharp. Important bunlnesa. 13 y order of president. It hi