v TTIE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: .SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES AaverUaemeats for tkN eolasaas will be ItkM statu It at. tmw the erealegf edit lea aad aatll a KM) . aa, to aorilif aad (aa-ay lle. Ratea, l i-2 a war ret laeertlwn. a war thereafter. tblaar takea for ln laaa Sow fop the -ret laser !. These vertleeaaetats saast e raa eosjsecattvely. Aslvertleers, ar raaatlac a here ebeek, aaa bar aaawera lreees a a aaabttta letter la aara a( Taa Be. Aaawera ae aaresse will check ealy. MISCELl-AAKOlg. HORSES wintered. 43d and Center. Tel Biacn-ita. Ry max PHOTOGRAPHS !!';! price 16 per doe. Choice of 4 styles of 1 mounting, apecial for holiday only 16 foi-' PROCTOR, 616 South 16th St. H 2"4 PFPfAf nt vou wlh guarantee dl UWlrtL for a llmUed time we w toad 111 fAlK Ul' SPECTACLES FOR $1.00. Don't mlsa thle chance. . U. S. OPTICIANS, Jo NO. 16TH BT. R Ma PERFIELDB Cut-Prlce Piano Co., Bee bid.. Room T. , TaJ. 701. .Weber, biory Clark, Lodwlg Schllor. K-ZU EAGLE- Loan efflot. Reliable, accomodating-; all bualneaa oonfldentlal. UdDougas. r-4m DON'T MISS A GOOD THING Uet your meals and bualneaa luncheon at ho KAKBACH RESTAURANT, 411 8. 15 rH. in price, aervlce and cooalng our meals are unexcelled. Board by week 15 In tickets, A. JOSEPH STRAUB, CHEF AND PROP. R-7 1)20 HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. . " manufacturers and aell you direct fiom the factory. Talking Mat nines of all klndf repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. 1621 Farnain Bt., VYhokaaiB nnd Retail. R lWDaf EXPRESSMAN'S Deli77yo7,movlng and storage. Hi N. Kith. Tel. 1195. R Milts STATUARY direct from factory 1 special iow .P1-1 unUI Xjm. Oonnelia Bros.. 02S Farnam. MMt UU LICKYI8T numbers In town In our win dow. They are equivalent to a pair Onlmodcs. Regent Shoe Company, U 8. "' . R io ' MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. 16th , ' R M2 Chiropody g? R-m TRT THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. IT you don't, we both lone. Good work; prompt attention, 214 N. into. Tel. 205 . R-ua TOO BUSY making clothes to close evn Come any time. Suite, $20 to IK. Trowaers, 16 to 110. Dreslier, 1516 Farnam . R 24 J D-ld C4'?rSA,T COMPANY. UNDERTAK ERS. 1S17 Capitol ave.. tel. 464. R-M236 Solca, 40c; with rubber haela 78c. sit n. lcthT R-M267 Dlt AM.J?RiCAN' O'rmnn Employment Bureau. 1R24 Dodge. K-2S2 Dll READl H E E D! ( HAVE ROOT I PRINT IT. hUCCEEnl I A 1 ROOT, Inc.. -UtCUl 414-16 B.12th, Pl,0ne lrt4 , r. RM4 j tjreaa ?,Y "omr,d: notatriyenst.- L : R-;; OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 7C8 N, 11th St. ; I...... R-M2W D12 DON'T RUIN YOUR EYES With a poor light when you cm get a Leader 2.J l!nZh?mV- J vea lOti-candle power i T .f ""u, Boaranieeu not to explode: will keen It tn i. yjf "kwh tvr T1 LOUIS FLESCHKR. 1622 Capitol Ave.. In Bicycle Store. R ITS U?HJV?Wi"" fr0m. ,3: nilin 'rem 26c; set of teeth $J; teeth extracted free Union . Dental Co.. 1522 Douglas, room 4. . R M28T , mi "no, traveling iiii. an If ..... trunks repaired. Om. Trur.k Factory. 1M9 - - M4i 'mn Henry HO QOMn t keen tltr.nn. He sella ltfa.t ltl6 Farntim at. ' R 304 D1J ACCORDION pleating, cheaceat K Quickest. Mrs. A. C. MarkT 17th Zl Douglas. R-M748 IF YOU WIBH TO GET a Holiday Sweater Ordtr It Early of B1L3 the Knitter 12 8. 1(1! h. R-M312 D13 nantict Prsent tliis "ad" before IVCIlUbl Jan. 1st artJ get 1-3 off on all filings, crown and bridge "work. id floor Paxton Blk P.-M475 D14 Trunks AND BAGS jkT REDUCTION ITUnKi Alfieil Corrl.-,h. 1210 Farnam " - R-M3.1 Dia ' . COLUMBIA RECORDS. Ask H. if. Fredrlck'ou. i cents lSlh und Capitol ave., Omaha. R M322 Di; P. MELCHOIR, machlnia;. lu. k Htward n-y.it ' THE GRAND PANTS CO. ! A ! thotnoiighlir relUll - t:tilorin cs Uu. b ment oarrvlng a full lino ot pure wooien ' Miikes lip any suit In tho houao fo- $.7 any pant patterua, $i.5o. No more no I.' N. Wth. R-MX10 " ! M'VEA SMITH, Plumbing and llsa;!., 11S N. 15th et. .Tel. itt..- Prompt utle,.- u i 1 a all urnal, ll.m.l.i. ttioi irlv.n alt wnik itepairittg a im. cUlty. , r-;i D17 STRONGEST In the Word," the Equitable Ufe AsHuraf)ce soMtV- Its policies are alarbt drafts at maturity. H. D Neely manager, Merchants National bank b!.1r ' Omaha. Neb. R MJ POULTRY SUPPLIES -UHery Co., lsil Jiowara. iej. .. R-141 HOLY 8MOKK! Waahlngton, 6c. ReTj mail's. 1M Farnay . R M.V OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 N Mth T. y R-w; Piiantc Cowwlll. No fee unless succe-aa-r ilieillS) tu. ni 8. i;,w, Orraha. Ts'. 17;. ' . V. R-Stii HOl'SEHOLD furniture t J Kale: sUurd, rtus led, dreeaer, heater, etc.; irly near, S.I8 Chicago at. is s OHTRAIT men. . photographers. 1 make crayona. bromidiMi, colors; bltlh grade, low prices, prompf. Bumh:. Artlal. j MvVague lllwk. Ulh and Dode. R-Mi9-Ii6x . y E PIUDO WI.VB rajs""'-" hlrie-t.Callfornla Wuiea and TtranJies. Purest and beat for medli iniil rjraoeea. CACKLE' Y BROS., tf .le DtatilbuuiJ's. Bixtnenth and Cupltol Av . U-SlDeoH WANTED Inventors, Patentew an.l Me-c-lmnlca. and everyone interested lit its ttMits end iewntl' to send for our ln- o-ttore' Guide. This Oi-rsae to.iW eti't free contains full biformaltou -tout pa teuts. Ilos to obli.1'' tcrtt. l.at liortt fr I'rotlt 'rt bow sell a p.v t--nt. This elrp-utty prliite-l .h s-i f t -e to sny ad.lresn t'tear-i eV Hrek, IVlei.t At'or"'"- - Uth Si.. N V., wbii.auin c . v rt-xiix U H r-t .iiMi.i I l Lwf. u -t 1 1 1 andrr loaiiageuiaut of Win. tiurin-'.-' -r All tilglit. R Mt - wXhtkd-maijb but. The First Winter Term OF- BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS THIS WEEK REGISTER TOMQRRoiv Secure your books and have a seat assigned. More than 300 students have entered this popular school since the open . ing of the fall term, September First. Yet there is room for a limited number H.B. BOYLES, President, NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. MKN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being; tha BEST, Urgest ana only reliable, most prut ileal barber college in thia section of toe country; wilt fur catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insti tute, Omaha, Neb. B M6S0 GOOD messengers wanted; Arst-eiass pay. A. U. T. Co., m 8. Uth. B 4M WANTED, foi IT. B. army, able-bodied, un married men, between ages of SI and to, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habit a, who can apeak. Trad and write Lngilsh.. For Information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Dodge sta., Omaha, and Grand. Island, Neb. B-M15I WANTED, two agenta at once; good sl aty; city work. C. F. Adams Co., loll Howard at. . B 49$ WANTED, neat, bright young man; willing to work and learn optical grinding. Tha H. J. Pen fold Co., 140S Farnam St. t B-M2H WANTED, a boy with a horse to deliver The Evening Bee In East Omaha. Call at The Bee office, circulation department, a P. m. B-MtSO MAN Under 85, fair education, to prepare for Gov't Position. Begin with $800 aalary. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, la. B 446 D2 WANTED, first-class sausage maker and meat cutter One-half Interest In market for sale. C. W. Letchford, 607 8. Main at.. Council Bluffs. la. B M699 NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. A. C. Ong, A.M., LL. B.. Preet. Boyd Bldg., A. J. Lowry. Principal. Omaha. COLLEGE NOTES. Last week we had three calla for our grad uates from banka. A number of new studenta have enrolled nnd will begin work Monday. The parent a-of the Miner brothers from Wlscnnaln visited the boys and the school on Friday. . , Mr. Ourrle. who made the phenomlna! rec ord of learning Pure Gregg short hftnd In seven weeka so he could accept the posi tion of private secretary to Congreasman Klnkald, writes us from W&ahlngton, D. C that he la getting along fine. Many young people have . bought . their scholarships ahead for the January open ing ro aa to make sure of their accommo dation. . Apply for free ralaloaniei-bound In nlllgator finest ever published by a buslr.eaa col lege. U-6U & WE ARE now making the best proposition ever offered for barber students. Write today. American Barber College, corner 12th and Douglas ata., Omaha, Neb. B-19 ?9 SALESMEN Rubber footwear and spe ciality shoe; Kansas and Neiiraaka; atate experience and territory; old house; old lines. Addresa W It, Bee. M74fi D4 WG HAVE aolved one of the moat difficult problems In the retail tobacco business nnd that U to suit nil kinds of tastes In cigars. We claim thit our stocl; Is the most perfectly assorted both In quality and ahadaa In the city. Another thing you cn't possibly beet our lino of pluee and smoking tobacco cigarettes, too. W. F. 8Toecker, 1404 Douglas. R o:!S WANTEr Sign painter and window card writer. Apply a l once. S01 First National Bank building. tJ M931 WANTED, an all-around blacksmith and horeeshoer, at once; ateadv work for the rtht man. Nltls HJelm, Bancroft, Neb. B MlfiO 30x WANTED, bookkeeper, who haa had sev eral years' experience; aalary satisfactory. Addreaa W 48. Dee. B M153 29 WANTED, a good-appearing man to travel snd aell aafea. J. J. Dertghl A Co.. Bafe Dealers. 1119 Farnam at. B-M169 D2 WANTED Men and bovs to dlatrlbute cir culara. Apply 2d floor People's Store. B-17S WANTED EVERYWHERE Hustlers to tack signs, dlatrlbute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Ad vertising Bureau. Chicago. B MiSS 29x WANTED Gcntieman bookkeeper and stenographer: give experience; reference requ red. Addresa W 65, Bee. B 219 S"x ONE gold fiald p'oker, u.x weka" work: 'plnite at our expense for particulars. At lantlu I-roduce Co., Atlantic, la. H 272 t ONE goo scald picker, six weeks' work; I'pho te at our ex enaa for pa.'tic l-intlc Pioduce Co., Atlan.Ic, li .'ticglars. At- B 27J 29 ONE gool scald 'ilcker. ix weelia' work; 'phone at our expei e for pariloui.tr, At- lunt.M I' niln I 'n A.l...., n I - B-274-29 I yt)l"KG men with only a common school i duration may secure good civil arrvlc government Lonitljns. Kuli indimit.on free. Coltimblun CorreJpondence Col age, WaaMngiun. D. C. B YOUNG men everywhere copy let. i if, home ;9.f0 week. Send addressed rnveio: lo.' partlculara. Manager. L'eut. S )4 Box 1411. Philadelphia. Pa. . B-3'.ti Hi DETECTIVES, every l.aallty; good aa'aiy; exnerience unneceanary. International De tective Agency. Milwaukee, Win. B-Sil 29x WANTED men to learn barber trade. We offer aplendld inducements now.- Con stant practice by free work; expert In structions; short time required; tools do nated: board provided: diplomas granted. Call or write Muler Barber Colbge. laol Douglas St. B M328 Declx AT ONCE. We can recommend a pottt.cn; salary ll.OnO to So.Oue. Call or wrtie But-l-.eas Oportunlty Company, I V'mo.i Miliar New York. B SHI i9x WANTED State aui e-ttttendent to manage branch office for Chicago firm; $2 Sot) yearly. Including commissions, also oiAce xpeuaea; steady rosl'ion; SlMO security r outred. Art.ir.aa Win. Lake, Pies., 202 Pontlac bldg., Chicago. H iig J9x $13 TO $ui WEEKLY ally earned knl'ttnc seairlees hoatery fir us lo sell New York market; machines furnished trustworthy . funiiliea on trtul easy ptyrients: aim pie to operate: knits pair socks in St) minute write toOsy; start making money; dis tance no hindrance. Home liirluMnal " Knitting Machine Co., Detroit. Mich B 8 x WANTED Young man who la competent li MP et of retail books in a large atore: must have several years of ex perience and be e good penman and tulck -rl c-,-ire st Kla wo-k; state positions held and aalary t.Tpected. ApHy X S Bee, . . B Mf7 D3 M AN. Go-it aslar. to handle I.I0rv Gaa i leinp; e!U 'or $1 W: makes and barns its n aaa: 'e'.'.i the lime. Free lamp with 1 ii-ea; '-. lit ex'enoad on sto- k. Ad- tisH eavrbie. 1 1-ieriy Oas In:p C 2ai Hioda, New York. B-l;v-3x ' WANTED MAi,H HflLP. T R- MEN to plant mushrooms In cellars, rooms, etc., at home and send us produce; $12 per week; We pay all expresa charRes. Send addressed envelope for linxtrtictionH and year'a contract. Combined Growers Co., 3 Beekman St., New York. B 117 29 WANTED Boys under 14. Send name and addresses of six boy friends nnd get print ing press. DeVeer, 1'tlS Walton ave., N. T. , B 339 29x WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tnck signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. , B M349 30x 180.00 MONTHLY and expenses to travel. Well known Chicago Jobbing house; es tablished route; staple line: experience unnecessary; references. Manager, 1604 Manhattan Bldg.. Chicago, III. B 366 29x WANTED Excellent poslttona open for clerks, stenographers, bookkeepers an ' traveling salesmen; good aalarles offered. Write us. The American Industrial Bureau, Chicago. 111. B 353 29x $5 TO $10 weekly for two hours' writing at home: outfit free; steady employment. Fend address and red stamp. Secretary, 1 , Court block. Detroit. Mich. B 3S8 29x DO YOU KNOW THE Omaha Business University 1. Offers you a trial before you pay any tuition. 2. Proprietors do their own teaching. V - h Teachers are all College and University men with a number" of . years successful teaching experience. 4. Graduates are all holding positions and drawing from f 10 to 518 per week. 5. Will not charge you one cent if it does not satisfy you. 6. Wants to send catalogue and literature to you and your friends. 7. Is located at 17th and Far nam streets, Omaha, Nebr. B 484-29 $1S PER week and expenaea to a hustler to distribute samples and collect for mfgr. In Nebraska; expensea advanced; aalary paid weekly. Advertising Dept., 702 star Bidt... Chicago. B 3ti4 26x WANTED Traveling and advertising man for Nebraska; $80 monthly from the start, also all expenaea; steady position to sat- t isfactory party. Addressj Road Supt., 368 Dearborn, Chicago. B 310 29x WATCHMAKING thoroughly and quickly . taught by mall; write for book. The DeSelma Watch School, Attica, Ind. ' I " B 311 2X MAN wanted. Money earned at horns glid ing tickets. Good work. Good pay. For particulars send atamped addressed en- elope. U J. Noel, 129 W. 12.')th St., New York. B-319-29X WE NEED COMPETENT MEN to fill positions as Managers, Accountants, Advertising Men, Salesmen und Book keepers. Also Technical and Executive Men, high grade exclusively. We have offices It) twelve cities. Write for plan and booklet. HAPGOODS (Incorporated) Suite 629, Monadnock Building, Chicago. CLERKS and others with common school educations only, who wish to qualify for readv positlona at $25 a week and over, to write for free copy of my new pros pectus snd endorsements from leading concerns everywhere. One graduate tills IS.tOO place, anotner $5,000, and any num ber earn ii.mai. in nesi cioiiiiug uu writer In New York owea hia aucceta within a few months to my teachings. Demand exceeds supply. George H. Pow ell. Advert, king and Butdneas Expert. 1156 Temple Court, New York. B AN opportunity for educated, pereons. De tails taught by Horn Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B - . ' ' wisreu-K-MtL- HELP. 100 gltls. Call Cauauiau o(ce, iitl Dodge. C 04 THE SMITH PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes atenographers without charge. Tel. 12a4 or call at ofl.ee, corner 17u and Farnam Bta. C M1J4 D7 A COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. In family ot three. ak Mason - C M633 WANTED Olrl for general housework at No. kTul Dodge at. C M 6$ WANTED Olrl for caneral housework. small f ami y, good wagee. Call 29ta Dodue at. c 183 nx LADIES. $& to l& paid weekly, doing plain aewlng at home; experience unnectasary : material sent free everywhere. Sand atamued addressed envelope for cartlcti- lara. Weber Manufacturing Co.. 113 Broadway, New yorg. c iN )x Advertise And every word W AUTKD S"KS4AI.K1 HELP. COGENT REASONS Why the Omaha Commercial College HAS PROVED A SUCCESS 1. Because It haa won the confidence of the public. I. Because Us management has been conservative and Its policy progressive. (.Because Its equipments are the best and Its courses of study thorough and comprehensive. 4. Because It gealouslg guards the Intereats of each pupil. 6 Because Its atudents must excel In scholarship before being entitled te a recom mendation for a position. 6.-Because the business men of Omaha give preference to Us students, because of their superior quallflcatlnna as bookkeepers, stenographers and telegraph op erators. ".Because It employs expert Instruct om In each department. GENERAL INFORMATION New classes In all departments next Tuesday morning, Derember 1. day and even ing session. Winter term opens January 4. Places found for students to work for board. Shorthand, bookkeeping and penmanship taught by mall. College band, col lege orchestra, literary society, board of trade, gymnasium and foot ball team. Cata logue free to any one. ADDRESS ROHRBAUGH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. GIRL to do general housework. Small mum.. !.,, a. .nn m. -w in WANTED Girl for general housework. lSlt) Dodge. . f M-17-Dec.lx LADIES. $30 per hundred wrltlna short let ters; no deposit, no canvassing; stamped envelope, particulars. Iidies' Supply CO., Dept. K, Indianapolis, Ind. C 4n& 29x LADIES wanted everywhere, copying let ters at home, evenings or spare time, and return to us. No mailing or canvassing; $0.00 weekly earned; materials free. En close self-addressed envelope for particu lars. Guarantee Co., No. 104 Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. C 326 29x LADIES Most profitable home work; $9 to $15 weekly; material free; no canvassing; steady work. Send stamped envelope. Surety Co., Chicago. C 322 29x LADY wanted. Money earned at home gliding tickets. Good work. Good pay. For particulars send stamped addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, 129 W. U6th St., New York. C 320 29x WOMEN to plant mushrooms In cellars, rooms, etc, at home and send ua produce; $12 per week; we pay all express charges. Send addressed envelope for Instructions and year's contract. Combined Growers Co., S Beekman St, New York City. C 81629X LADIES to do piecework at their homes; iwe rurnisn nil materials ana pay irom n to $12 weekly. Send atamped envolope to Royal Co., 34 E, Monroe at., Chicago. c sas-x LADIES having fancy work to sell, dollies. center pieces, Dttitrninri anu umwu "i aend stamped envelope. Ladles' Ex change, 34 D, Monroe at., Chicago. C 338 29x LADIES $30 per 100. writing lettera from copy; stamnea. aaaressea envelope, wo man's Supply Co., 33V4 Dearborn st Dept. 37, Chicago. C 297 20x $12 TO $20 "WEEKLY easily earned Jtnlttlng seamieaa nostery ior us to eeii new mra. market; machine furnished trustworthy families on trial easy payments: simple to operate: knits pair socks In 80 minutes; write today; etart making money; dis tance no hindrance. Home Industrial Knitting Machine Co., Detroit. Mich. i . ' . ... O 282 2jt $8 TO $10 WEEKLY fdr tw hour writing at home; outfit free: steady employment. Send address and red atamp. Secretary Court Block. Detroit, Mich. C S54 29x AN opportunity for educated person. De tails taught by Home Correspondence School. Philadelphia. C WANTED, ladlea to learn halt-dressing, manicuring or facial massage. Short time completes. Tools donated. diplomas granted, posltlona furnished. Call or write, Mofer College. 1302 Douglae fit. C M327 Dec4x THTS SMITH-PREMIER EMPI-QTMBNT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 1284 or call at office, corner 17 th and Farnam ta. C-M134 D7 WANTED Young lady to aell superb specialty Large Inoome for right party. Geo. L. Bhuman A Co., 631 Paxton Blk. C-261-29X WANTED, good cook: also second girl; ref erences required. Mra. L, T. Sunderland, 1329 g. 3MiL C 487 29 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, team heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, l.tn ft Chicago. F-747 THE ROBE, 2020 Harney; warm rooms, good board. F MjM UTOPIA, steam heat, 1731 Davenport . F 728 ROOMS with board : modern, ateam heat; alao table board. The Dresner, art B. 13th. rum dio FRONT room and board. B2 8. 19th at. ' F-898 D6K ELEGANT, modern room, furnished or un furnished, with board. In a private fam ily, cinae In; bath. 118 8. 19th at. Refer ences required. F M151 2x SUITE rooms. 1st floor, single rooms; hot and cold water. Merrtam, jth and Dodge. F M94 DESIRABLE front room with alcove. 21 8. th at. F-133 ELEGANT suite of rooms, $50, with board. 2118 Chicago. . F M20& SO ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meala. 15c. F-M200 BEAUTIFUL room, with or without board, for gentleman. 409 N. 19th at. F-M197 SO BOARD and room for two young men In private home. 2404 Bt. Mary's Avenue; terras reasonable. F 241 2sx 111 8. 17TH. nlc rooms and board. F-M259 Dec FOR RENT 2 rooma and Board In a well heated brick flat. 2 block from P. O., 1816 Dodge. F M 202-Dec. lx ROOM and board for young lady In pri vate home. 13U2 8. 31st St. F 474 29x V1CTORIA HOTEL, steam heat, $1 to $1.26 per day; board by week. 1S06-10 Dodge. F M4&9 80 MAN AND WIFE, with no children, can aecure board anJ room In private, re fined home by calling at 527 Park ave., and giving suitable references; no board ing heiie. Tel. B-2718. F-M7 29x FOR REKT IKFVRSISHED ROOMS. TWO unfurnished rooma; block from car 2129 Burt at. G Mlttl SB- THREE unfurnished rooms, parlor floor, housekeeping, 2wS Do3g street. O 268 8x THREE, pleasant housekeeping rooma. 96. 704 South 3eili. G 5247 Declx During the Contest of your Ad will be W11TGD-FEHALE HELP. Y FOR REST I SKIBSISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT To thoroughly responsible parties, seven large unfurnished rooms, newly papered; all modern; two blocks from business center; no children; refer ences exchanged. 1121 Douglas. G 4K! 29x UNFURNISHED First floor for rent south (runt, 1914 Douglas. Tel. 1444. G M253-Dec. lx FOR REST Ft HXISHKD ROOM. LARGE, LIGHT. AIRY ROOMS. $12.50 and up per month. 76c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE 14th St. and Capitol Ave, Steam heated; electric lighted; private and general baths; all conveniences; first class aervloe. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E-M128 N30x NICELY furnished room In private family; house new and modern. 2619 Jones St. E-M910 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago. E 606 FRONT room for two, modern, 218 N. 17th, l . t M235 THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th Bt. E M261 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. , E 506 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611 E 604 NICELY furnished rooms. - Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1788. E-607 DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam, 19th and Farnam Sta. E M964 NICELT furnished room, close In, far. com mercial traveler: furnace heat, gaa, bath. telephone; reference. Address w 45, Bee office. B-M126 29x ELEOANTLY furnished rooms, ateam heat housekeeping. 2234 Farnam. Tel. 2203. E-MirS, FURNISHED rooms, centrally located, hr day, week or month, 606 South 16th street, second floor. F 138 29x ELEGANT front room, furnished; bath and heated. 2206 Farnam. E M155 28 ELEGANT furnished room for two young ladies. 412 N. 16th St. E-M174 29 THREE nicely furnished rooms. Just va cated. 1617 Chicago. EJ M203 80 NICELY furnished room, suitable for two i gentlemen; use of telephone. 1817 Capitol ave. Tel. 2318. E M202 29 TWO elegant furnished rooms for house keeping. 419 N. 19th St. E M1D9 80 SOUTH rooms; with or without board. 1916 Webster. EM198 29x FOR RENT Large front rooms: well fur nished: centrally located; well heated. 620 N. 19th. E M186 29 NICELY furnished front parlor; also smaller room; well heated. 616 N. 19th. B M196 29 FURNISHED room, suitable for two gen tlemen; alao small room; steam heat, gas and bath; telephone. 2011 Harney. E M187 2J- BELLING planoa la our business and we attend strictly to It. If you need a plnno don't forget us. Perfleld Piano Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 701. E 216 19 ELEGANT front roon; steam heat. 1909 Capitol ave. K M491 PLEASANT room; private famllv. 2223 Burt st. E 2C3 J9x IN GOOD 2-story brick, east front, uarlor, 1st floor; also one nice little room td floor; all modern, bath. A most convenient lo cation. 209 S. 20th. E M2til Decl NICE coay little room. 602 8. 18th. Vacant Decemter 1. E M263 Decl LARGE front room. 1921 Dodge. E-M360 Peclx NICE LARGE parlor room newly furnished everything modern, south and west . front, with alctve. A nice cheerful room for winter. Cor. 20th and Dodge. E 256-Dec. lx ONE NICE single room also two rooms etiMulte llerht housekeeping. If desired, 1822V, St. Marya Ave. , E M264-Dec. lx FOR RENT, elegantlv furnished front par lor, steam heated. Mrs. C. Boss. Iiki7 C II - fornla at. . E MjuO 3ux CENTER hotel, half-block of postofiice. steam heat, all modern conveniences. 210 N. 17th st. E M501 SOx NICELY furnished rooms; transients. 712 8. 16th. E-M528 Dl PLEASANT and well-furnished rooms for quiet couple. Address X 4, Bee. E-M529 lx WAITED SITUATIONS. PRINTER Competent, reliable, all-around, nonunion, wants country job, ten dollars week. Address, W 58. Bee. A 2S4-2KX WANTED, position by pharmacist, regis tered in Nebraska: six years' experience. Address K. T. Stlmson, Uravltv. la. A M347 Declx DRESSMAKER desires sewing by. the fay In private families. 1630 N. 21a t st. 1 A-M530 SOx WANTED Position by young man as ste nographer; understands bookkeeping: ex- g silenced; Al references. Addrees X 2, ee office. A M520 lx DETECTIVES. I CAPT. T. CORMACK, S17 Karbach block 1 Tol. A2832. S20 Quotation read by thousands- FOR SALE MIMC KIXA"F.OCa. WESTERN HEADQUARTERS FOR Edison Phonographs and Victor Talking Machines. Ifi fr. 5-00 DOWN AND SIU LO P I J $1.50 PER WEEK. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Wli.v uot buy whore you can , have the largest selection? 20.000 recortlw to select from. W.e "want a dealer in every town. A big shipment of ail the latest records just in. Trade your olJ sewing machine and get your wife one of our celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Ball Bearing Machines. We soil for'cash or on essy payments. Second-hand sewing machines from $1.00 to $10.00. Free sewing school every Thursday. We rent machlneVof any make for TSo per week, or U.'JO per month. We sell parts for and repair all maoh Ines manufactured. WE SELL COLUMBIA, RAMBLER AND RELIANCE Or a Cheap Wheel for $20.00 TYPEWRITERS, All Makes, Low Prices. NEBRASKA, CYCLE CO., GEO. E. MICKEL, MANAGER. 'Phone 1663. 'Phone B618. 'Phone 4365. BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER AND SAVE MIDDLE MAN'S PROFITS. Used and New Eastern Made Pianos: Ebony upright .176.00 J. P. Hail uptight $106.00 Arton walnut case $126.00 Oak upright $448.00 New sample piano worth double the money $160,00 Terms, $5,00 cash, $1.00 per week. The above Instruments will be accepted In exchange, any time within two years of purchase, and full prloa will be allowed on our Omaha hand-made Bchmoller ft Mueller piano fully guaranteed for 20 years. Call or write for catalogue, prices and terms. It will pay you. Schmoller & Mueller . PIANO MAKERS. ,. 1313 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. 1 603 Broadway, Counoll Bluffs. 135 South Eleventh, Lincoln. A SPELLING BEE Bee you spelling for money?, The "Omaha Bee" holds the sacque. Bee careful on the following: We. the "Drummond Carriage Co' Have a Lord Henri brougham for sale. Also a coupalette. S fine second hand cabriolettee a light dlqulseta a handsome victoria a cee spring victoria a C pass, wagonette a dlqulseta a - handsome victoria a cee hanaom cab. Our harnesa line la complete, including Weymouth bridles, Pulley bradoona, Buxton bits, anaffle bits, etc, Lehman heaters and fuel for heating your carriage. Drummond 18TH AND HARNEY.. FOR BALE Good baby cab. Mrs. Foley, 2116 Grant at. half price. Q 275 29x FOR SALE Three good light omnlbusses in good shape for sale cheap, also 2 hack anu Concoid cuach. Write for price. KnHlgn Oinnibua and Transfer Co.. Liu coin, Neb. Q M343 SO SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. I six pass.' rockaways, 1 coupe, 3 landaus, ( bus. wagons. A. J. Simpson, 1-k.m Dodge. y 438 A14 W HQ UA R E PIANOS M) EACH. 50 CENTS PER WEEK. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER. Largest Piano Dealers In the West. 1313 Farnam. g MS44 CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be sold; for particulars address U 41. Bee. Q-M286 D14 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-517 IRON ft Wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., X N. 17th st. ,-619 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W-620 FOR BALE, several scholarships In a first class stsndard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquirs at He oflice. Q 853 ZD-HAND safe cheap. Dcrtght. 1119 Farnam. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 9ul Douglaa. FOR BALE. Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Bog M, Oiltner. Neb. Q 195 TWO fine depot wagons, S rockaways, 1 ootipe. 2 trapr. 1 wsgonette. 2 dmya. I'ruinmond Carriage Co., lath and liar, ney. Q-221 CLOSING out hard eoal atoves at less that U price from $& up Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1419 Dudge. Tol 2U20. Q-274 FOR AI K MICKI.LAJ(i:ol . Cor. I5th and Harney, Omaha. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. CI2 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. ESTEY organ, low top Kimball walnut esse Hurdntte, fine tone Kimball, very fine, high top Kstey. good as new Beautiful Vone suiiarn i.lano lmrmnn .1.. 1 - .$10 (V) . 22.00 . 28.no . Si.llO . 41, et . 50. i K) . aj,l.v:.lir, r-1lll III- VU PI . SCHMOLLER MUELLER. The Big Piano House, 1313 Farnam it. Q-473 i9 BEAUTIFUL ebony upright piano; big bargain: easy payments if desired. Ad- ncsiren. ,d Q-M472 lx aress w m, tsee. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 S. 10th Bt. Q M292 EIGHT FRESH COWS for sale cheap. 2.' Ames Ave. Q M970 28x FOR BALE Furrrc re. 10-room modern house, well fllltd with boarders and room ers. For Information call at 619 S. 20th st. Q 191 29x ALMOST NEW. ajftestw-llned cooking range; win aell cheap. Cs.ll Monday, ir.46 Georgia ave. Q 221 29 SMITH-PREMIWR typewriter for snlo or rent, good condition terms reasons bio. V 56, Bee Q M2S2-30X 15 CHOICE Duroc-Jersey boars nt former prices; also gilts. W. W. Wheeler. Har lan, Iowa. Q Mr.2.r 12 PJ-HSOMAL.. PRCp FACIAL TREETMENT8. 1 lUU Re-No-May Co., 6U wee Bldg. U-7i9 WE RENT sewing machines at 7ic per week, li per month; we repair and sc-ll parte for every machine manufactured; aecond-hand machines from (1 to Vlu. Ni. Cycle Co.. J-i. and Harney. "VIAVI" way to health. 346 Bee bulldinx". Omaha. U62.S PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oor.sch, IW California SL Terms reasonable. . U-626 GOLD ELECTRO PLATING. c-ii i;rn Old metallic articles mads new, OlLVfcK OMAHA PLATING CO. NIPk'RI REMOVED TO 1508 HARNEY. miI-CL, TELEPHONE io&. U-129-L-24 PRIVATE hospital during confinement: babies adonteo. Mrs. Uardels. 1LM Lake. , Tel. Red-li4. U-Ua PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Samaritan tianltarium. 728 1st ave., CouncU Bluffs, la. U-i2b PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher, So. nth. Tel. la. U 629 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CUKES.' At druggists. $. U-631 DR. PRIES treau suoteasfully all diseases and irregularities of women from aay cause; experienced and reliable. VJLl Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U-& COSTUMES for rent. ISS & SOth. Back. TJ Ma9 Dec 1 WHAT'S nicer than j-ordlon pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldmaa EleaUnc Co.. 200 Douglas block. , UM256 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans ceaspocla and vaults, removea garbage nnd dead animals at reduced prices. 8-1 N. 18th. Tel. 1779. U 063 EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DR. WILKINSON. CRHUGHTON BLOCK. Treatment and operations for catarh; catarrhal deafness, enlarged tonsils, chronic sore throat, cross eyes, etc. Free from $ to ('o'clock. anamination free, lath and Douglas. u fe4 Uii LHCIO the bell cow we lead Dresher the ' Tailor 161& Farnam; open evenings. Two busy making clothes to close. U-lDni D22 A WIDOW, 46, would like to correspond with elderly gentleman; prefer one who has traveled and la well educated. Ad dress W 67. Bee. U M2u9 lx - A YOUNG man, good looking and In good circumstances financially, desires the ao quaintance of a refined young lady who is stylish und would appreciate a pleasant home. Address W 62, Bee. U MM sux HAVE your pianos tuned this month and we'll do it for $2. 'Phone 7ul and the man will call. Perfleld Piano Co., lice HUlg. U-E215 ) WK HAVE no $5,0K) rent bills to pay, therefore we can sell you a pbino on email margin. Perfleld i'luno Co.. Hee Bldg.. off main court. U K214 23 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts nnd inole per. manently removed by electricity; con ktiltation frea and confidential ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. 1 U 362 x MARRIAGE directory free to all: pay when married; new plan; aend no money. For particulars adurisa li. A. Morton, Dept. 2M7, Tekousha, Mich. U 337 2Hx 2 POUNDS of LaTosca On-cent candy and a $1.70 "Kogers" bon-bon dish abHolutciv free to the first 26 persona atiHwerlng thia ad. Kncloae atamp. Adania-Stratton Ad. Co., Rochester, N. Y. I' i87 2t'x TOUR LIFE READING Many typewritten pages concerning bualneaa, love, health. lc. free. Send date of birth, aex. Ad dress Antropathic Inatitute, Auditorium Hliltf.. Chloagu. Reason your recont memlation wanted. U 3i7 29x $4."0 PER double eagle gold $20. SlS l-f.t sliver $1, $1 to 100 uaud stunios. Guide. 2-x-sllver. R. B., manager C. 8. Co. No. 7, Concord, N. C. I' 365 Hx MARRIAGE PAPKR-10c: sealed; fi weslthy; many worth $lo0,0ou; best binl; refi-rence; 7th year. R. I 1xj -.-r Colo U 384 2Sx ' THE Photo Fan, the newest thing out for decorating the home; It la the most beau tiful and artlHtlc article ever offered; It holds five photos and gives them a set ting which a coatly frame cannot i rodwue. It can La hung on the K41II, plut-.il n iUj empty corner on the plnno or mantel. This la not a hut weather fun, but an o; n ment. the pretti.Nt you ever saw; junt the thlng-for a t hrUttmus present. Sent postpaid for Xt cents' or tlure for 11. Agents wanted. Catalogue of novellle free. J. W. Waylanti. It. I. o5 Oak at.. Wulucy. 111. . MORPHINE, laudanum. Hum and-cocaine habits permanently und ainlta.sly cuied si borne; no detention in 00 huslm-: h-II' in Immediate: leaves paiiitii in i.h tural healthy comll Ion without delre fur drug; t'l kB UUAKANT l-LLi: ril f.,r parllcula Dr. LMi.d Co.. TSu tm'jl'. Atla Ua. -u