? TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1003. grain and produce market 1 'indency of Longs to Liqulltto Cktuei Easier Tono in Wheat Fit CORN AND 0AT8 ARE SOMEWHAT LOWER Vtt9 OtAdlav ( New gappl? lafln. eaeea Corn, While Oata Follows Other Oral, with Pro. vlatoHa Richer. i V J CHICAGO, Nov. ffl.-The grain markka eler today due to a tendency on the lrt of lonfca to llquldato and May wheat loaed a Bliada lower. May corn waa off rulefl atrnnr, the January product cloalna f from 7HrUl0o 12Ho higher. f The wheat altuatlnn waa rathap mlJ hthe December delivery lielng etronf, while , tlie more distant futures wars barely ntMdy. There waa ajlllna by commloalon houawi at the start on lower Liverpool en iiea and mora favorable Argentine crop ad i virea, and vhllo spring wheat recelpta were ; JiKht compared with last year the receiptn of winter wheat In the southwest worn again liberal and offset the smaller re ;elpts In the northwest. May opened ttSfni' lower at StKijSuc. but wlh the advance In December the price became slljrhtly firmer, idvanclng- to 80'ic. The market held steady for a time on buying by St. Louis houses ind by lha leading ionas. Keports of larae j ash sales at Duluth for shipment to.Bnf j 'alo helped to steady prices. Toward the i atler part of the session there waa liberal eallxin In May and the early rain was t net, the close being a shade lower at Row, I m'ie. December ran god between 805i80c. I losing at a gain of Ho at 8OH0. Clearances i f wneat were equal to 231,200 bushels. Prl f lary receipts were 1.331,100 bushels, against lfiO.OrtO bushels a year ego. Minneapolis, , miuth and Chicago reported receipts of 878 f are, against 10 cam fast week and l,0u7 a .1. ear ago. I'roepecta of lhcresMnar receipts and an nprovement In grading subjected the corn larket to considerable selling pressure and a result prices tended toward a lowr vel. The market was quiet and steady : irly In the day, but weakened later, with ' Jllng In December the feature. May sold ' itween UWfil'fiC and 42'c and closed c ) wer at 41V:. December closed !!l., t 'wer at 41c. Local receipts were Mi cars, 1th 31 of contract grade. Oats were Influenced largely by the ac m of other grains and prices ruled lower I ,1 local selling. After selling between X3 I I X54j.3&'o May closed VdVc lower at JBVi t 1 Local recelpta were 177 cars. I Provisions were strong on a good demand f om local shorts and foreigners. An ad- uioe of from 6'rT10c In tho price of hogs as an early bull factor. Offerings were i ily modnrata and the early advance was I ell maintained, January pork closing lfi f Vo higher at JUi.5.V"rilO.S6; January lard k-aa 10c hieher at 1; 3:LW while rihn vnro un fw4o at fi.77H. I f1 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, t A cars; corn, 225 cars; oata, 1S& cars: hogs, I.O0O head. I Tha Jcauinar futures ranged as follows: rtloaa. Open. irigh. Low. Close. Tes'ty beat I I 'Dec, Sftwwr g04 80 80 74 80H May )uv.!u.I M 80'Z 747o IUy 74',7Bf 7W4 orrv I I I 768r7 Deo. ' WKi May 4i,4i42l S5 41T4?HJ 4H 41 83 July I 41 415, 41 HI 41VI -ta- I Den. mufim, 34; vfiy iJy rk fan. Way rd- 35Vj3b4f,j Al I XI i 10 to I 10 9Z U 12W U 20 10 80 U 10 10 87 10 76 11 12 11 02Vi an. lay 07 37H 7i 4TH 6 75 I B 77 2TH' 6 37l 5T7H 6 42V4 S2 6 70 6 87H an. B77V4 a ICVW 5 97Vs tNew. ouo'at'ona were aa follovs' . .W4..f, VL.MMUl. fU.IUVn.XU, Bl'lllllK Itenta, 4.00jM.; straights, 3.60ia3.75; sers, jz.cxxa ;j.iw. VHKAT No. 2 spring. 8IH0; No. . 81 1 1' , nix rei, (XRN No. J. 41o. )AT8 No. , 3&c; Nov. 2 white, 8&4T38o; A melting, 4So4. i:ED No. 1 flax, ftlc: No. 1 northwestern, ; prima timothy, 82.80; clover, contract je, 811. , ROVJ3IONS Mess pork, per bbl., I11.12U l.a6. Lard, pee 100 lbs.. J56.42HOS.46. short m Goose), fC.37H4i.82; ahort clear rides wed), i4.0OCrt.12i4. ifollowlng were the receipts and ship- y uur auu grain; bur. bbla. ereipis. snipments. 23.S0O ti,400 , 23X.0OO 128,300 2S9,tSUO 818.100 peat. bu.. rn. bu.... ta. bu. ....uS.'.YOO I88.811O 6.000 41,2I0 14 n 10 fto inn . bu..... u-ley, bu...i hn the Produce exchange tcrtlay the but t market waa firm; creameries, l(i24j; Jrtea, Uma. KfKa, ateady; at mark, mm nquiim Kutc cneeae, steady, luttf SHW TOIUC OKXERAL MARKET. aotatle of the Day oa Tarloaa I Oomaiodlttes. NEVT TOBK. Nov. 28.-FLOUR-Re- .11. ta, 40,308 bbla.; exports, 12,675 bbls.; ioa, e.ftjv bbla.; market firm, with a od urate trade; winter patents, 8400i4.3R; In tor stralghta, 8i.90tf4.10; Minnesota pat ;ita, 84.66vi4.76; extras. 83.(K,Msl.3; Mlane iita -bakai-s. U7OWS0; winter low grades. JXtra-li. Rya flour, dull; filr to good, f.2iX40; olwt.oe to fancy. i.1.iijj-4.5y. Buok ,'heat flour, staadler, SO. 4CoRNMJAJL uulet; yuilosr western. RYB-buU; No". 2 we3teriiC27, f. O. b., V( B,,', 11114 Jersey, w'4yiC fiJi,51iln?f yfi0t!. c- : Buffalo. jWlLKAT KeottTpts, CS.Mu bu.: exDorts ,443 bu. Snot. Arm: No. 1 rerl RKUc ).. tor, and 84"ia t. o. b.. afloat: No t orUiero. Duluth, Jlc, f. o. b., afloat. hDtlona onaiud easlur. hwnue r.f r,nr,r lb we. but speedily recovered an nood entern buying, small northwestern re lpiH, further rains In Arseiilne and room pvexlnir. A final, drop under rttthzltig lefi is olualiur Drloas unchanirpd Muv ,v-u, cioeea at ai'tc; juiv, t'"'0c, loewl at K-ot December closed at Mc. f (HN-Reoopts. 3o,10i bu. ; exports. 130,. t4 bu. Hpot, steady; No. 2, 60c, elevator, ind 60e, f. o. b a(1at; No. 8 yelow. llo, f o. b.. afloaL optlona were higher on ght Interior rocelptK, snow In the west nd rtalng temperatures. The close was ,twdy snd unchanged. December. 49ai ny, ciooea at 4ac. UATJ4-Rec ints, 4,M bu.; exports. 10.C18 u. tixt. . dull: No. 1 ityue- .n.1n.. 'hlte. 1M; No. 8. No. I white, 42o; ia. 3 white, 40c; track white. 41 & toe. 1 ciniuy; snipping, te.ki. HOPS titeidv: NtMtA . ..iti rnin n crop. IftiJblhc: olds . .ilSa: Paninn t t, Uuj, Z1uim; 1S 21(gC6o; olds, ii HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 25 lh., 81-: California, IX to 25 lbs., 13c; Texas dry. M to HO Ins.. 14c. " j, K TT?K R Steady active, 12612fcc. ! PROVlSION&Bee, - stearty: f,imllv. r1O.Kmll.O1; mess, 88.50: beef hamn. tx:: p. ket. 13; city extra ln 'Ia nies.x. JlS.fr I Jt.'O Cut meat., dull; plck'ed h.-l leg, r( i jl : pfcskl-d, shoulders. ti. 7.05; pickled 1 hams. 810.V lLtuX Lrd. sleid y: WfMtern J''amad. 8i90: refin-d. steady: continent, i 87 3); compound. 84 J7Mi Pork, (inlet; ; ily. tii; short clear. 813.60; mens. tli.TjQ H UTTER Urm ; extra creimery, 2ic: Wnon to choice. 1241:140: tte dalrv. : tin-Jio. renovated. 13c; dairy. lSVfilDc. i CHKESli Quiet; lutd mal. lV; 1 'iue, un; iaia zuaae large, ijcj lsTge white, JXlOS fteady; stat end IVnnsvJvanla. tvnnigtt, Xio; etate and Pennsylvania, svs nds to Tnita. 2ji3c; western extras, 3S; vestern thirds to seconds. 268V; -i-teni irntr Sl'iw:ic; refrigerator, 2C4rk-. KlCli Mteadv; domestio fair, Sli.1ic; 'aniu nominal. TM OW J.-lrm; country-. 4r. POVLTRY Alive, weak; western chl.k w llo; fowli, llc: turkeys. 12c; dreuted -ak: western i-iilckeus, UHtJlfc-; fowls. , -c; turkeya, l&iflSo. j St. Loals Urala aad Provlaloaa. T. IXIU1S. Not. 28. WHEAT-Iower; . 2 red cash, elevator, noininul: IWeiu ' f. Ho; Mav giysic; track, K9".'!JbSVo; 1 I hard. Tva"7c.. "RN Lower: No. . 1 cash, 4V-; track. 42c? December. 8c; May. 3c. ATS-I-iOwer; No. I cash, rc; tra-k, w3A.o; My. 8,c: No. 3 white, SfJfJlAV- -'LOCR eUvady; red winter patents. 84.10 , 130; eiti Un- and straight, 81OiJ4.O0; ' r. ts y tl , SKElV-aimotfcy. steady, 82.2iei.86; prima ' orth more. ClRNMKAL-Ttoadv. 82SO. "RAN Indl; m ke.l. eHt track. 74r77c. HA Y Htatujy timothy, ;;.ti!2.io; praarla ; 1 !0 W UR(N f'OTTON Tli;8 81(8. lK:tH Tv)Nr-5c. 4 rp.OVT"liNB-ptH-k. ateaOv. 811 .28. Lard. ' Sm A f u mz. ...... . , , . ' " MUIII. ,11111, tM.atiii viir T. ' t-'J clar ribs. 8; almrt dear. I VtLTaX-OuU a:ul lower; ctdokaua. To; '"rings, 7c; turkey a. Ue; ducks, lOoj ifTrTTKR Firm: creamery, I.V3-3W40: Kiias-Klrm at Mo, losa off. , Receipts. Shipments. rionr, pbia .. ltJ,0"U 9mo W heat, bu m.O) 4UI0 Corn, bu 44,0110 47,l yjmiM, Du 40.000 8,iiO OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadttloa af Trade aad Qaotatlona aa Staple aad Faoey Prodaee, KYKlS-FreHh stock. 25c. -.Jr'i 1-3 I,(-"'LTHY-Hena. &iQlc: spring cnicaens. liWalv. roosters, according to age, 4t5-; turkeya, liVc; ducka, 8o: geese, d'qKc. DRKBrtKI) PorLTRY-Turkeva, 13fflSc; oucks. M4llc; geese, luffllc; chickens, 7 c; hens, ,tiSi f.I.,l'1,,';hPack,n Btork- 13Hr; choice to n1r2?,','3ri.'l,..,uh"" l: separator, 22c. FRESH r Rlt-Trni,) in-- .. 1 ... plka. c; perch, 6c; buffalo, 7Vic; l)lue nh. 16c; whlteflsh. c; salmon, lie; had dock. lOcr codnsh. Uo; redsnapper. 11c; l)bsters, bolld. per lb.. JOc; lobaters, green rer lb 2Sc; bullheads, lie; catfish. 14c; l,K S1if21w: halibut, c; crapples, jc; herring. c; white bees, 13c; blueflns. OYSTERS New York count per can. 4V. per ga I tO.OO; extra aelacts, per can r gPa7. KU. ,I T5: "tandara- r MhN-Fer ton $14 50. .JiiAi-rrlcf" uol y Omaha Whola ui'L0. R""ocUlt,on: Choice No. 1 up land. 7 wi: No. 2, 17.00: medium, K.60; Hr?' ?ye W CO. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Do m"d fair and receipts light. CORN 44c. OATS-JTe. RYE No. 2. 60c VEGETABLES. KPOIATIOK8-CoIond(,. c: Dakota, per bu.. 7fKo7Bc; native, 66r70c. "r hn,,Z PfTATOKS-Hom. grown, per NAVTr BEANS-per bu., J2 25 ii1'NR7New i10"1 KTomn. dry. per lb., lHc: Ppanlsh.per crate, .R0. 5nA-BlASJ''v1"con!,ln Holland, ic llie; whlr"!,' rutab". P . CARRrTS-Perbu., Bflc. PARHNirs-p.? bu . 00c. PEETS Per bu., 60c. Al'MFI-OWIiR-Callfornla. per crate, J&TJ,-CMtona- r 4-b"k't CT'Cl'MRERS Per dos., tl.00. FRUITS. . wlnViA-RvTMOl0rs0 nn1 Uuh Kelfar $1.75; rt.piJ", ,nd o'h'r varieties, flA la Bell flowers, per box, $1.B0: New York e'l"K,nr3."nd Bttldw''. ! .s van. GRAPES-Callfornla Tokays. $1.75- ponv fSm&"- S2o: ,mP"rt-' Mafag,.: 'pir' CRANRERRTEP-Jersev. rer bbl n 00 Ql ICLltfornlar bn, fl.76. . ' ' "'r 1 ALi rl 113. . ivluS Cnllfornla. nr miK .r COCOANtTTSPer sack. 84.00; per doi.. 2,AAuNmAb8o:I;?r7'2Vim rtied bunch- K0 Piriri,-sir M'fCELLANEOU8. ' 1 u!:r'?con,sln tw'na. 'u cresm. "i?i: Jv,"or"'ln Young Americas, IS'Ac; block SwiHS. 16o: Wl.mn.ln hrilr' iW?:.! Vlscunrln llmberger. 12c. 11?. 1 "7 V P1"' No- 1 oft-shel1, per lb., rfeV h rd,t,heli-- Lb- 14c: No- oft-Bhell Kr JnJ l?c: - b-"-ahell. per lb.. 12c; Mfiiii;. p.r lb "C"10; lberu. par lb. llfclUic; almonds, soft-shell, per lbT. 16c lbT.c'. P"r.',b-' ""IP large, per lb. Jftailo; small, per lb., DHtflOc; peanuts, frJn, - ?c: roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; n K,wal?,uic' JJJ lfK0 hickory nuts Pon- bML,J1-76;,"h"-bark8- P" ., 81.75 s;.J?i,a,a.kt;?I?butai4r bu- 1-26: e'8ter" HIDES-So. 1 "green, 6c; No. 2. green, iN.- "flJt.d' 7c; No 2 salted? 6c NJ- J veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8Hc; No 2 vea '.h20 15 ,,h"".Jy dry'aalted hides" Q 2 E0 2B75c; horse hides. 8l!60J - Kansas Clrr Grain end Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 28.-WHEAT-Da- hard. i2iiy73e; No. 8. bTi&Tlc; No. 4. 6ia7c" 78-u X ' ,6l0: N0 m:- .' C ORN December, 8c; May. 36- cash No! lm&t-- 1 -h1 Wc'; Sl.78"1"0- whlle' ss38: No. 2 mixed. rli&ww.0 t,m,hy- ,9M: cholca prtt'-BUTTKR-Creamery. 2(-322c; dairy, fancy, kT";' Missouri and Kansas, -4c, No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 25c wv,., . Receipts. Shipments. 'Wheat, bu 28,(KJ0 jio.400 '. b" 3,00 6 wS bu ....24,000 , 8,000 Philadelphia Prodaea Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 28. BUTTER Firm, quiet; extra western creamery. 26c: do. nearby prints, 26c. ' EGOS Unchanged : fresh nearby, 82c loss dUW,eS,ern-.iKl-',2cJ0'y' ofr: aouthwest ern. Sowaic; southern, ISiijiSc. CHEESE Demand light; New York full cream, fancy. Il1i.c; do. fair to good, 10ic. Minneapolis W heat, Flour and Mraa. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 28. WHEAT Dec. 7c; May. 88c; on track, No. 1 hard, 82? No. 1 northern, Ho; No. a northern, 75.c No. 8 northern, 3ig'76ic. "i-. FLOUR-First patenta, 84 4Bg4.65; second patents. 84.8534.45; first clears, 83.204f3 SO second clears, 82.2mfr2 .86. e-o.oj, BRAN In bulk. 813.01. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Nov. 2S.-WHEAT-Hlgher; No. 1 northern, 84c; No. 2 north ern. 814,82c; May. 80, 80e hid. RTE Steady; No. I, 60aD7c. 41N-Steady; November, VQ41c; May. Liverpool Grain aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 28.-WHEAT-Spot, No. 2 red western winter steady, 8s 2d- 4drMaQyUle.:2IedCember- " 68 iiCOR1BpotJs,l.''a,y: Am'rtcan mixed. 4a d: futures dull; December, 4s d; Jan- Onlath Grain Market. ' DULTH. Nov. !8.WHEAT-On trnck. No. 1 northern, tec; No. 2 northern, TSMic; December. 7tfc; May, 8010. OATS In store and to arrive, 334e. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 28 -SEED-Clover. cash and pecember. 8i.T7; January. 8;8.W; Peoria Grain Market. , rtUKIA, Nov. 28 -CORN-Old and now Arm; new, No. 1, S7e; No. 2. 4:e; i O, 3, "agar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 28.-srt3ARnw .wc; crushed. 6.06c: pfiwdered. 4H- .r, ulatcd, 4.4Jc; cubes, 470c. Molasses, steadv: New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 23 ft40c. . ' NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 28.-SUOAR Steady; open kettle, centrifugal. 8 6-ltva3c-centrifugal whltea. 8 ll-16u3o; yellows 3 4J8c; seconds, 28c. Molxeses open kettle, 2i3Slc: centrlfugat S'flJio. Syrup, easy, ;33joo. Oil and Ho slat. OIL CITY. Nov. 28. OILS-Credlt bal ances. 81 82: certiftcafea no bid: shipments 76,180 bbla; runs, Ll.tM bbls ; average, 69,281 bbla : shloments. Lima. 56 .6 hl.la avnin. 6u.45 bills.; runs. I.lma, fci.Nfl bbls.; average! SAVANNAH. Nov. 2s.-OIL8-Turpentliie. Arm, . Hoeln, firm; A. B, C, D, E 82 16' If and I. 140; K. 82.80: M. l?.9ii: N h i.t- Wfl. B.26: WW, 8J50. NEW YORK. Nov. 28 OIIA-Cottonseed, steady ; prime. 34c. Petroleum, firm: refined New York. 89 60; Philadelphia and Balti more, 88.46; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, 8t.56. Rosin, quiet; strained, common to good, l2.Uti2.60. Turpentine, dull, &a oiM.io. Dry Uoods Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 28. DRY OOODS Tie week closed quietly, but with an ever hardening teudency to prices. Woolens advanced but a good many lines have been tpiletly marked up, and prices which avittild have been accepted a week ago are now peremptorily refused. Many of the nmnufaclureca) rafusa U quota price en atll.erlea, all G ,rda b,'rh, ""1 russets, j FMnvlJ;: .navfii". l4.OnM4.25. sire. ?S.9S:a.1,fo!:n,a Brcy. .TOO to 3f0 t'tlh HNrb,a8lu' P" frames. 83 50; vf2r,n5 o,0.1ra0- fer 24 frames, fc.50. PinPB5 .8,t;OAR-Ohio, per lb., lOcT horse had swIp?;' 1 . 2 'i . running. n-4c; centrirtigal, 9Vc. Sefln1.:N(X 4 6,,c: N'- T. No 8 2 93c: No 9. 8.91V; No 10 8.86c; No. 11. S.80c: No 12, S.,oc; No. 3. 8 70o; No. 14. 8 60c; confec tlnners A. 3.10c: mould A ir.v,- NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Bmine8 ia Confined to Email Operations by Boom Trtdnrs. MARKET IS DULL, BUT CLOSE IS FIRM Loosening I p of Capltnl for ladaetrlal Purposes Is Hot Expected Wall afreet for a Tear and a Half. NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Nothing repre sentative of Influential financial sentiment was exhibited In today's dull stock market, the dealings being confined to small opera tions by room traders. The minor Indus tries were relieved from the severe pressure i wiui ri mey nave recently been subjectd ana were incnnea to rebound, gains of a point or upwards being the result In a numoer or cases, j he general list failed to respond to thle, nnd there was a disposi tion to sell, owing to the bnnk statement, which waa favorable. The market closed nrm and not far from yesterday's close. The gain In cash by the banks was only about half what had been estimated, but the decline In liabilities waa affected by loan contraction of K394.600. The resulting decrease of 81.44!.350 In the reserve require ment helped out the surplus to that ex- Znh ""'"'"e mumBB 111 mat uem 10 82.213.Su0, establishing the excess over the legal reserve at 8ti.l26,2O0, compared with 816.836,300 a year ago, and 813,414,678 two years ago. Additional gold was received by today's Incoming steamships, and re ports from London Indicated a prospect that part of 83.000.000 to arrive thera next week will be engaged In New York. The weekly bank clearings Indicate that the shrlnkiOge from last year's level Is still confined to the four large speculative cen ters In the east. The extension of the term of the Inter national Marine ITnderwrlrlnir m.-nAt 1. from December 1, upon which It was to expire, to March 1. 1905, U Interpreted on wall street as a measure of the present hopelessness of flotation of industrial ae curltiea. and the earliest nerinri oiikin which any revival may be looked for. The comparative firmness of the United States Steel securities during the renewed scaling down of values In other quarters """."ft. to Bh.ow.. that a further adjustment of the whole list to tho basis fixed in that premier security as a standard has been In some sort Intended. In the general market the movement has been a sort of marking time, waiting for the full nm conditions to work themselves out. Fur ther gold has started from London, but on a limited scale, and the Bank of England hns used the customary means to protect the London stock of gold. Liberal supplies of exchange have come Into the New York market, and It Is believed that a part of the absorption for so-called Investment account is in preparation for the future need In connection with Panama canal payment. Bonds have been dull and rather higher In harmony with the tightness of the monev market. United States new 4s declined W per cent, and the old 4s, 3s and 2s declined V4 per cent on the week. Followlng-nre the closing quotations on the New lork Stock exchange: .. ., Sale.. High.Low. Close. Atchison ,950 6614 60 66 do pfd 300 tK"4 SOU 90 Baltimore & Ohio 7,925 76 764 TfiU do pfd ? Canadian Pacific 7,830 Hlhi 1184 1 le.ai f ' ri t vn 1 XT ' w . Chesapeake & Ohio.'.'.! Chicago & Alton 1,000 82 82' do nfd 154 so 4 32 M 154 27 V4 1C6 8.4 171 71 i?H 63 21 164 4 2ni 67 27 Chicago Ot. Western. do U pfd Chicago & N. W Chlcngo Term. & T... do pfd C. C. C. & St. L Colorado Southern ... do 1st pfd 100 2S 170 166 2S 166 100 18 13 ao 2a pra Delaware & Hudson Del., Lnck. A West , Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie 1.7G0 do 1st pfd 200 do 2d pfd Ot. Northern pfd Hocking Valley 27it 6G4 6 IW4 4S 30 74t, .,. . , . R34 60 12R iavj ja 200 20, 20 20 85 .... IS do Dfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd , K. C. Southern do pfd 100 33H 835, 33 Louisville & Nashville 1,800 103 103- io3i Manhattan L ......... 2"0 13!4 139 13314 Metropolitan Bt. Ry.. 2,800 U7t 1104 116 Minn. & St. Loula:.... 100 60 60 6 Missouri Pacific ...... 1,800 904' 89- 90 Mo.. Kan. Tex 787 17 17 17 do pfd 3T4 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 362 N. Y.. Central 1.S00 117'4i 117H 117', Norfolk St Western... -200 66 66 65Ti do pfd 100 86 Ki . n Ontario & western.... 600 304 20 Pennsylvania 8,227 114 IIS1 P., C, C. 4 fit L ..... 113 ' 67 ' 4tl 74 78 M 58 60 44 13 30 138 172 46 19 76 23 20 . 32 74 85 19 34 15 16 - 86 220 185 100 195 38 18 64 r " 74 43 Reading 8,760 40 40 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd v.... Rock Island Co , do pfd Bt. L. & S. F. 1st pfd do 2d pfd Bt. Louis B. W , do pfd , 2,800 24 23 100 46 150 80 138; 30 St. Paul 4,800 138 do pfd 4io 172 172 Southern Paclflo 9,760 Southern Railway 2,400 do pfd 7d0 Texas & Pacific 1.000 T.. St. L. & W 100 do pfd 2(10 Union Pacific 15,8I0 do pfd 311 Wabash 100 do pfd 800 Wheeling? & L. E 46 45 19 19 77 iS 23';,' 21 32 74 80 86 3 21 32 73 86 10 84 Wisconsin" Central ... 800 16 16 do pfd Adams Express American Express ' U. S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 4,600 American Car & F.... 600 do pfd American Linseed Oil do pfd American Locomotive. 1.500 do pfd i"0 American 8. R...... 1.600 88 18 87 18 " 7S 43 87 76 44 do pfd ao 87 American Sugar R. ...16,676 122 Anaconda Mining Co Brooklyn Rapid T.... 4,936 89 Colo. Fuel and Iron Columbus A 11. Coal.. 100 10 Consolidated Oaa 4,700 179 Ueucral Electric 100 154 International Paper... 100 10 do pfd 150 1 International Pump tin pfd National Biscuit National I -cad 100 14 North American in; 64 89 8 25 10 10 177 178 164 164 10 10 61 1)1 SO 68 34 14 14 73 6 24 24 64 64 213 6 6 38 88 68 28 27 7 ' 7 75 "t 8 sn 10 10 61 51 85 85 PhcIUc Mall Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Ooods Term. Coal and Iron U. 8. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber ........ 400 260 "ioo 4.630 "160. 800 420 24 65 "" 41 7 75 do pfd U. 8. Steel 1.039 11 do pfd 4.8U0 62 Western Union 200 85 ew York Mosey Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 28 MONEY On call, nominal: no loans; time loans, nominal; rItIv and ninety dava. per cent; six months. SmiO per cent; prime mercantile paper. tVfir-1 per cent. KTKRl.lNcl EXCHANGE Nominal, with actual business in bankers' bills at 84 83375 tii 1. MRS for demand and at 84. 7975414 80126 for sixty-day bills; pontrd rates, 84.81j-4.81 and 84.84ij4.86; commercial bills, t4.tV';f 4.8. SILVER Bar. 67c; Moxlcan dollars. 43c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, atcadjv i The closing quotations on bonds are at follows: . I', a. ref. is, reg do coupon do Ss. reg do coupon da new ee, reg. do voupoa ..... do old 4a. reg. . Hocking Vsl. 4HS...10 U A N. sal. 4a s Manhattan e. g. 4s.. lot idea Central 4a... .1:14 .131 .111" .110 do Jet Uie Mlun. A IP. L. 4s... M , K. A T. 4a do la N. R R. of M. . 4 . 14 . 17V, . I . IS a 7f.S . H Ait .lOfHj . T0 . Ni . M . . ir. do coupon do fte. rm 101V, do coupou Atihleon gea. 4s. do ad). 4s Atlantic C. L. 4a. Laltlmore A O. 4a - do IWa Central of Ga. es imv.,N T. C. g. JUS.... 4s 100 N J C. g. ts No. Paclllo 4s do a K. A W. a. 4s .. 7 .. S3 ..1M S4Ss O. B. L. 4s A Mr.. .104't Penn. conv. Is do 1st lac Reading gen. 4s. Ch. A Onlo .... lot , St. L. A 1. at. . ts..llu Chicago & Alton ls 73 8t U A B t. tg. 4a. H C, B. 4. VI. e. 4e . . . Ut, ( L. g. W. U 1 C. 14. A F. g. ia . 110 Seaboard A. U 4s.... tt C A K c. 7a...liuVi Ko. Parllle 4s t C. K I. A r: 4s.... 7i So. K.llwar le 1U do col. le 7' lvau A P. Is lit CtX'. A Bt U g. 4s.. Vila T . Bt. U A W. 4a.. 1 Chicago I sr. ,i 76 , t'nlon Pad Ac 4s IKS li it'ntuo Par I no e. 4a.,. hZ M ,f 8. Steel Id ta ax W'abash Is liau M do deb. B t;a t4 W. ALE 4s M 104 Wis. Central a M Con. Tobacce 4a... Colo. A fcu 4 ... flenter A R. O. I Erie prior lien 4s do genersl 4s r. w. a r. c. is Clearing; Haas Averages. NEW YORK'. Nov. 38. Tha statamenU of averages of the clettring house bunks of this uty for tha five cUys ot Uila week sbowa: Loans, tSO,re9.700; decreaea, 18.394.- Vf. iepoBiis, XMLf"?,"): decrease. .S.71 no. Circulation, 8(8.5"0; Incresse, 813. wri tenner, M'-i.Ui j.uw; increase, 1,41 3Hi serve, 8216,613.200: tncreaan, :.Wf. Heaervo required, .'iu,:tNi.uuo; aecrea-e, ii.frjfi.swj, Hurplus. 86.136.200: Innrea.ie. 82.213.). l:x- Unlted Btatea deposits, 816,326,636; Increase, Boston Stork Quotations. BOSTON. Nov. 28. Ca'l loans. RVif per .-.-in ; ume loane, win ppr rrnt, vmciai closing prices on stocks and bonds: AtrhlKS Mu testnl Atrhllwfi de fli Bfftstnn A Albany.. BfMtnn S Mftin..., Boston Elevated . . . N T., H. H. A H ritchbsrf ptd t'nlnn Paridc Amer. Pngar ........ do pM Amer. T. A T Pom. I. A 8 Masa, Electric do Dtd . !" Amalrtmlted . U lllnxham . .(.al. A llerla . HI Centennial .517 Ciifiner Hanxe .170 Dominion ttial .... .141 Franklin .1KVi Ixle Hoyale .1j Mohawk . 74 'Did Dominion .... 1 Oerwols .131 Parrot .126 Qulncy 4 Panta Copper.. . 171 Tamarack . tt Trinity . Mi t'nlled Bute . )l ftah . Vlrtorta . 7n Winona . 14 Wolverine . 4' . 3i4 . :i .4.10 . It . 41, . 71 . 15 . . M . IK . 1H United rrott . 17H V. I. Steel do ptd Westing, common ... Adventure Alloaei .Asked. . 5l London Stock "arUet. LONDON. Nov. 2X. Closing: Conenla. money In . n. y. central. do areount t Norrolk A W. :1V do pfd .... 1 Ontario A W. .. ' Anefonda, Atchlaon do ptd 1 rennsylTsnls Baltimore A Ohio ,.. T ...ltli .. .. , 1 ...14SH ... ... tm ... 70 . . ... U) ..107S Kand Mines Heading : 1st pfd... do 2d pld... Rn. Railway ... do pfd 60. Pacific Tnlon Paclflo .. do pfd D. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaeh do pfd Canadian Parlfla ., Chea. A Ohio . . 1 .. M Chlcaio Ot. w... 0.. H. A K. p..., DeBeers Uenwr A K. O..., .. SO .. 41 do Dfd . : 7M, Brie .. si do let pfd do M nf d .. 11 Illinois Central .. Loula. A Nash.... M.. K. A T 17 14 SPJl,VEr,ul't at P ounce. MONIi 1 3Wfi 4 tier cent: the rata ,.t Ht. count In the ooen market for nhnrt itiiu i es per cent; tor tnree months' bl Is. ifii per cent. New York Mining Quotations. NEW YORK". Knv 00 Th. e..n.i lu quuiauonp on mining slocks: Adams ron 10 T.tttle Chief Alice .. IS .. 10 .. II .. ft .. M . -loo . .180 "Ontario Oplilr Phoenix Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Bmall Hopes ... .. ..ton ..1W .. 2 .. 17 .. 24 .. 40 .. 1 ..tlM Rreeca Brunswick Con ... t'ometock Tunnel . ion. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Silver iron Silver Leadvllle Con 2 Manaara Offered. Assessment paid. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Nov "It xtnvrv vi-. i a demand and active in the market today "wing to the payment of new treasury bills' The preparations for the month-end re duced the supplies materially, though the scarcity was mitigated by disbursements and loan discounts from the Bank of Kng lln o. I,!8C""' were steady. Business on the Stock ex ch an ire was nulet enH ,...j ance light, the weather being bad. Consols were steady. Home rails were steady and advanced fractionally to above parity lit expectation of a more favorable New York bank statement. Operations were restricted and the market closed quiet. Kaffirs were dull on profit taking, but closed with a better tone. Bullion amounting to 276 000 was withdrawn from the Hank of England today for shipment to Kgypt. PARIS. Nov. 28. Business on the bourse today was calm and Innottv. ala and Industrials were Irregular. At the close the market was calm Th rate of discount was 2 1K-16 per cent Three per cent rentes, 87 franks. BERLIN, Nov. 28-Tradlng on the bourse today waa quiet. Exchange on London, 20 "?.?;rk". for checks. Discount fates: Short bills, .4 per cent; three-months bills, 84 per Bank Clearings. 1 OMAHA, Nov. 18. Bank clearings for the " " yicu wnn me corresponding week last year: ions imi 1902. Mondav .11.411.007.44 81.344,164.78 . 1,815.948.74 l,lti7.7SH 20 . 1,090.214.11 1,131.815.31 Holiday . 1.S5O.374.20 t369.ffn.29 Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday l.zia.zzy.ir, tZ73.G33.7 An Increase of inn "if. to ... ,. :' ponding week last year. Imports and Exports at Sew York. NEW YORK, Nov, 8S.-Ttal Imports of dry goods and general merchandise at the port of New York for the week ending to day were valued at 810,620,626. Imports at New York. 2.66,000 silver and 84,05fl.$30 gold. Exports of specie from this port, 8001.850 sil ver and $55,000 gold. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-COTTON-The market opened at an advance of 606 points on continued cold weather In the belt. It showed some further firmness In the active months, .at one time about 1013 points higher, and December showing apeclal strength In the absence of offers aa a re sult of moderate covering. The other months, however, eased off -a Utt'.e after reaching the higher level, but the only sales were for long account, and the gen eral undertone continued firm, with prices fluctuating around the opening figures. Receipts at the port today were 74,778 bales, n gainst 66.380 laxt week and 6,217 last year. For the week 360,210 bales, against 377,630 last week and 26.270 last year. To day's receipts at New Orleans, 107,222 bales, against 170,240 last year, and at Houston ie.5r,3 bales, against 5.290 last yenr. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 28. COTTON Fu tures, firm: November. 11.17c bid; Decem ber. Il.21fcl1.22c; January, 11.2KS11.27e; Feb ruary, U.32(U'11.34c; March, ll.43fflll.44c; April. 11.5011.620; May, ll.64igll.55c; June. 11. 57((j 11.58c. Spot, firm: sales. - 6.350 bales; ordinary, Sc; good ordinary. 911-16c; mid dling fair, lll-16c; good middling, llc; middling. llc; receipts, 1,221 bales; stock, 27.263 bale. LIVERPOOL. Nov 28.-COTTON Spot, In limited demand, 6(616 points higher; good middling. 6.34d; middling, 6.26d: low mid dling, 6.30d; good ordinary, .30d. Sales of the day were 4.000 bales, of which 1,000 were for shipment and export and Included 3,700 American. Receipts, 34,000 ba!es. Including 33.0u American. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed firm; American middling, g. o. c, November and December, 6.09d; December and January, 8.04d: January and February, 6.15T.02d; February and March, e.OWUl.Old ; March and April, S.0Oy.99d ; April and May, 6.97&5.98d : May and June, 6.98d; June and July, 5.93d; July and Au gtiMt, 6.93d; August and Se.pt ember, 6.91d. ST. IXHIIS, Nov. 28. COTTON Firm and 1-lbc higher; middling, llc; sales, none; receipts. 400 hales; shipments, 60 bales; stocK, 10,401 Dates. Wool Market. IX3NDON, Nov. 2S.-WOOI-The offer ings at the auction sales today were 11.921 bales. There was a brink demand for fine kliitls at steady prices. Low and Inferior grades were slow. Must of the crossbred offered were taken by trie home trade. American buyers secured a few lots of superior. France and ermany competed for soouredtf. A good supply of fine con ditioned new clip caused spirited competi tion. Wlthdrawa's were frequent. Fol lowing are the pales In det iil: New Sou'h Wales. 8.0(i0 bales; scoured, UrPftla Sd; greasy. i':'rtt d- Queensland, fto bales; scoured, 9ditils Id; greasy, 6-Tf1"''. Vic. torli. 1,4'XI bales: ec-oured, 7dls 8d; greisy, Cd'ils iVd. Po'ith AnstrilW, 1 Ti bales; greasy. 7j4lM. West Australia, 1.0i1 hales; greRBy, 8U(fj9V... Tasmania. 2"i0 bale!"; greasy, lldfylx 'tl. New Jtealnnd, 2 80 ba'ea; pcoure'l, CfiT'-d: trreiiv. 4'MHld. Cape of Oood Hone and Natal. 800 bales; scoured, lxils ld: greasy, 6ftd. The arrlvls for the first series of the 1914 sales amount to 8,384 bales, including 2.500 for warded direct to snlnners. The Imoorta during the week were: New South Wales. l.&f'4 bales; Queensland, 1.7OT bales;. Vic toria, 430 bales; South Australia. 2.800 hales; Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, 2.0V9 bales; el""where. 1.272 bales. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 28. WOOL Quiet; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 17(1 21c: light fine, 15ijtl7'c; heavy fine, 12 14o; tub-washed, 20823c. Evaporateil Applea and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, Nov. 28. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues easy; common, 4Wc; choice. 6".itfin,c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pruneg are meeting with some export innulry. but ao far actual bulneaa hs been light, prtoes ramring from 2c to 6 for all grades. Apricots, stesdy. Peaches also are qtilet; choice, 7i7c; extra, choice, 7i&c; fancy, 8ijl0c. Whisky, Market. PEORIA. Nov. 28.-WHISKY On baals of distillers' ftnlxhed goods. 81 25. ST. LOI'IS. Nov. 28.-WHIKKT-41.81 CHICAOO. Nov. 28 WHISKY Distillers' finished roods on basis of 81 2S. CINCINNATI. Nov. 28 WHISKY-Dla-tillers' finished goods, dull, on basis of P 25. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 28 METAI.8 The tin market ruled oulet snd firm at iJi 76. Lead, steady; spot, 84.26. Spelter, dull: spot, 86 W. Thomsa E. Norris. a Philadelphia septua genarian, stricken with a marked case of consumption two vears ago, took to the life of a tramp and followed It with all lta rtgora for two yetu-a. He hue now returned to his home perfectly cured. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Very Littla Changs During tha Weak in tha Pricta Fid for Oattla. hogs Considerably lower for week Bheep Recelpta More Moderate and Inder Inllaence ot Good Demand Market on Killers and Peed era la Abont Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 28. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Shoep. Official Mondav Official Tuesday Ofllclal Wednesday... Official Thursday Official Friday Ofllcial Saturday b.oH3 6,641 6,251 2,853 9,506 13,416 8,082 6,109 Holiday S.Ottf 3,tM 6.2DO 443 2,918 690 veeg ending Nov. 28.... 19, 669 87,49.1 80,801 Jveek ending Nov. 21 20,329 43,115 61.69:1 ees. ending Nov. 14 28,393 36,290 78,006 enuing nov. 7 27,639 2l.o7 72.80 Veek ending Oct. 31 34,104 24,815 76,949 Sumo week last year 19.139 36.4J0 41,(7 itr.i.r.ins iUK THE YEAH TO DATE. '1 tie lollowlng table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Mouth Omaha lor the year to date and comparisons with last ... 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec V.attl8 996,783 922.(67 73.028 2,0".869 2,016,798 8,82V l,tSto,o81 1,5.6,746 119,136 n TraI Pr,ce Paid for noga at South umuha for tha last several days with Com- P'1- I 1808. 1M2.1901. 1900.1890. 1898.1897. Nov. Nov. I. 2. 6 641 m i 611 4 oil I M 8 28 41 8 48 3 41 3 44 8 44 e 8 64 3 41 3 31 3 32 3 38 3 34 4 &9 ) u 14 W 4 041 46 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. i... 4 80, S 81 I 4 661 4 04, 4 62 461 4 4 8UV 49 6 82i 3 61 8 62 2 66 3 62 6... 4 73 61 6 711 4 66 4 ': 6 621 6 711 4 64 4 41 Nov. 7... 4 77 i 661 6 68, 4 6 4 02, 4 03, 4 03 4 031 Nov. 8 6 41 6 67 6 74 35 8 251 & 72 4 71 4 69 Nov. 4 81 4 67: 4 62, 8 47 Nov. 10.. 4 74 3 47 Nov. 11.. Nov. 12.. 4 02 8 43 4 621 C 101 fi Ml 4 fU, 8 44 Nov. 13.. 8 94 Noy. 14.. J pe- ! Zl l) 19I 4 74i 4 66 6 2S 6 68 i 4 67 S 67 4 82 3 41 Nov. 16,. 6 81 e 2 87 8 84 3 86 3 36l 8 29 8 82 8 31 8 31 3 32 3 84 3 34 Nov. 16... Nov. 17.. Nov. 18.., Nov. 19.. Nov. 20.. Nov. 21.. 4 54V 6 63 4 90, 4 44, 4 88 4 44' 4 46 4 44 0 29 6 631 4 6 31 a Mi 86 3 36 6 29 6 63 4 78 2 28 C 24 6 7e, 4 76 4 78 4 76 4 78 6 86 3 88 5 81 1 891 3 81 Nov.. 22.. 6 2ti 6 76 I 5 66, 3 861 3 :"l 3 29 Nov, 23... 4 31 3 86 3 44 3 27 Nov. 24... Nov. 26... Nov, 26... Nov. 27... 4 20 6 1 3 82 8 46 1 3 27 1 1U 6 TO 5 76 3 77 3 38 3 30 3 231 3 24 - 3 28 S 20 SJ 4 20 4 24 6 991 6 78 4 87 e 3 76 8 73 ee 6 6 02 ' 81 4 76 Nov. 28... 4 71 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. The official brought in today by each road was: faille Hoc ahn TTra C. M. St. P. Ry ' Si' .. .. Mo. Pacific Rv Union Pacific system 6 C. & N. W. Ry 10 P., E. & M. V. Ry 21 C. SL P.. M. A O. Rv 1 11 8 1 C B. & Q. Ry 1 .. C, R. I. fc P.. east 2 Illinois Central 4 .. Chicago Oreat Western 8 Total receipts 27 99 2 1 The disposition of the day's recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num oer 01 neaa indicated: Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. line's 8hMn Omaha Packing company tx3 Swift and Company 1,026 Cudahy Packing company 1,325 Armour & Company 1,4:10 442 Armour A Co., from Sioux City.. 1,920 ' ... Totals 6,384 442 CATTLE Considering the fact that thera were but five market days this week re ceipts of cattle were fairly liberal, as there Is but a alight decrease, aa comoared with last week, and as compared with the corre sponding week of last year there is a slight Increase. The demand, though, has been equal to the occasion and prices have held up in gooa gnape. Quite a few cornfed steers have been on salo this week and some of them have been good enough to bring from 85.00 to 6.10. As compared wtih the close of last week rornfed steers may safely be Quoted stronger and in some cases sales have looked a litllo higher. AVarmed up stuff Is still neglected and. In fact, la hard to sell at any figure. Quite a few cattle of mat Kind sen below 14.00, or little bettor than grKHsers. Fair to good cornfeds go from 84.25 to 84.75, and good to choice from tinit up to 85.15. 1 lie cow market lias been In good sharjo all the week nnd at te close prices on the better grades are. If anything, a little stronger than at the close of lust week. Canners, however, are no more than steady. tanners ana cutlers may De quoted from si. id to lair to good grades go from 8A40 to 82.76, and good to choice from 82.76 to 83.00. Ouite a few cornfeds are beginning to arrive, but they have only been fed a short time and us a result pack ers win pay mile 11 any more lor them than they do for the grassers. What a choice bunch of well finished cows and heifers would bring can not be told, as none havo been offered. Bulls, veal calves and taira are all sellinar In just about the same notches they were a week ago. ' The better grades of stockers and feeders are a little stronger than they were a week ago, but the common kinds are cer tainly no better If they are as good. There has been 4 fair demand from the country tills week, considering that Thanksgiving lnterruDted the demand, and very few de sirable bunches will be carried over Sun day. There are quite a few of tho common grades left, however, In spile of the fact that they are being offered at bargain counter prices. Common to fair cattle sell from y-'.bo to woo, fair to good from l&uo to 83.25. and good to choice from 83.25 to 83.50. Western grass beef steers were scarce this week and, as a result, everything that would do at all for killers met with ready sale at good, firm prices. Range cows and atockera and feeders fluctuated as noted above. Representative sales: HOGS-There waa not an excessive run of hogs here this morning, and us local packers all had liberal orders to till the market improved a mue. The advance would be covered bv auotina the market strong to 5c higher. Trading was fairly .tctlve at the advance, ao that an earlier clearance than uaual was made. Heavy hogs sold largely around 84.20 and medium wclarhts and mixed houa sold la reel v at 84.25, while the lightweights went from that to 84.35 Receipts of hogs for the week have been about normal, as there is very little change as compared with the same week of last year, but a slight decrease aa compared with last week. Tho tendency of prices, though, has been downward, although on several days there has been a alight reac tion. The net loss for the week amounts to about 20c. Representative aalea: Ke, As. Stl. No. at. He. rr. 70 J"l 930 4 2C D3 291 !N 4li (1 281 .. 4 26 41 24 240 4 25 61 2f,0 ' .. 4 25 47 2T7 ifl 4 26 fc........:ai i(o rts Wi 312 .. 4 26 71 77 12 4 fS H20 10 4 26. M 22 ,10 4 26 0 till ,M 4 24 4 10 14 4 24 2 hi SO 4 24 64 2.t 40 4 16 71 tiS 20 4 16 64 205 100 4 2S (7 114 40 4 26 U .161 40 4 26 (3 26 10 4 W 44... 274 1 20 4 2 87 1"0 .. 4 27 H (9 226 140 4 Ml 72 11 240 4 27 V, 66 10 40 4 27 Vi 64 K14 210 4 14 74 944 ... 4 10 14 220 120 4 10 40 Kit 110 4 10 73 36 .. 4 10 71 240 140 4 10 2 171 120 4 30 S4 1M SO 4 12Vb . (4 100 (0 4 U St . tt . 4.. 03.. 111.. i : 64.. I . .. 44.. 4.. 42. . (1.. U... 47... 46.. it... 1.. 47.., 6.. I . M... 40... e4... ID... (4... Si... 41... 64... M . M... (.... 14... I .. ...."2 11 4 15 J54 :too 4 ao air, io 4 so . .. 3'H 2tx 4 2l . ...J.14 40 4 . ...It'.U 40 4 20 ....254 740 4 2l 311 140 4 :n ... !U 0 4 20 ....lit l.'O 4 M ....tt .. 4 20 ... 81.0 120 4 20 ....lit 40 4 i'O ...i' lH) 4 0 ,,,.s:i0 4IH1 4 0 ...2115 40 4 20 ..106 . . i 20 ...20 M 4 20 ...127 140 4 24 ... 2W 4 224 ...2K4 it) i ...2U .. i 211, ...Sll 40 4 22', ...300 4M 4 2 ...2:7 40 4 J2W ...104 I2U 4 itVs ...21.6 let) 4 Jt, ,...21 110 4 X ...3o4 1(0 4 24 ...Sll N 111 ...IK 140 4 .. 2H 40 4 2 ..271 120 4 2 . 1,0 4 26 this morning, but thev were auld to arrive and aa a result a test of the market waa not made. For the week recelpta have only been about half aa large aa for last week, and as compared with the same week of last year there ia a decrease amounting to about 11 000 head. The demand on the part of local packers haa been In good ahape all the week for desirable gradea and very little change in ruling prices is noted from those paid at the close of last wek. The supply of corn feds la rapidly Increasing, but the quality Is still rather poor except In a few cases. I'nless the sheep have been fed for some time the prices paid are little better than those given for graraers. The demand for feeders baa also been about equal to the supply and prices are practically the same as they were a week ago. Quotations tor grass stock: Choice west ern lambs, 84 604U4.76; fair to good lamba. 84 254 60: choice yearling. f3.ni3.60; fulr to good yearlinga. 83.1. 3 40: choice weth ers, 83.253 40; fair to good wethera. 33 010 8 25; good to choice ewes. 82.6otr2 86: fair to food ee.ee. 82 2Ua2.50; choice feeder lambs. I60to4 10: fair to gid feeder lamba, 83.26'f 60: buby Inmbs !"(p:ldn: feeder vear ling. ,3.24-34.50; feeder wethera, 83.1&33.8d; feeder ewes. t?00fll(0 cuilg, 1 OOflXOft Representative sales: No. jr 442 Wyoming fed ewes m 8 00 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET. t'aaal Satnrday Dallneaa aad (Mead? to Higher Prices. "I'AOO. Nov. 28-CATTLE-Recelpts, "v iimu, niiirKei nominal; gooa to prime Btecrs, 8A.ir.it5.75; poor to medium, M. 5((74 '" stockers and feniers, 81.754f4.0O; rows, l (", 4 26; holfers. $J.0f 4.7f; canners, 81.60u2.3o; bulls, 21.7Bli4.26; calves. 31.75'ttt! 00! Texas Steers. 82.75ti3.6li; Western steers, 83.004.20. Hi 8J8-Receipts todny, 12.(.i0 head; esti mated tomorrow, 45.000 head; market about 5o higher; mixed and butchers, 84.35114 55; frood to choice heavy, 84StVfi4.66; rough loavy, 24.15U4.35; light, 84.15-ii4.46; bulk ot sales, 84.25'u4.40. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady; good to choice weth ers, 83.75u4.26; fair to choice mixed. 22.7f3 3.76; western sheep, 82.104.28;. native lambs, 34.004i5.76; western lambs, 84.106.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6M head, Including 100 southerns; market unchanged; fair to good, 83.oct5 4.05; western-fed steers, 83.2W4. 10; stockers nnd feeders, 12. 5i 11.85; southern slcere, 82.45ti4.00; southern cows, 81.6orn'2.45: rfatlve cows;' 81.VHti3.76; native heifers, 32.153.76; bulls, 82.OH4i3.25; calves, 83.00(Uo.76; receipts for the w k. 37.300 head. HOOS Receipts, 2..VI0 head; market 6(J10c higher; top, 14.40; bulk of sales, 84.3fi4jiH.40; heavy, 84.S0t34.S5; pai-kers. 84. 354(4. 40; pigs and lights, 84.3&'u4.4o; receipts for the wsek, 83.500 head. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 1,760 head; market week; laml! 84.25W5.2o; west ern lambs, 84. XHI4.65; fe.l ewes, 82.litu3.55; stockers and feeders. $2.50123.26; receipts for tho week. 28,200 head. St. I.oola Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head. Including 850 Texana; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers, 84.u'(j5.4i; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.764i6.23; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3,504(6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.2iXti) 3.75; cows and clfrs, 32.25(g4.25, with fancy corn-fed heners, 84.76; cauners. $1.75 4l2.2o; bulls, $2.25j3.0O; ctuves. $3.(t76.60; Texas and Indian teers, $2.3ooj4.25; cows and heifers, 32.0ini3.00. HOOS Receipts, l.CNiO head; market ac tive and steady to firm and higher; pigs and lights, $4.2TCt 4.45; packers. $4.15T4.3.i; butchers and best heavy, $4.304.45. SHEEP AND LAM Hrt Receipts, 150 head; market strong; native muttons, $3.10i8.6O; lambs, $4.XXtio.50; culls and bucks, $3,009 4 00; stockers, $2KXi(3.0. Sen York Live flock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 28. BEEVES Re ceipts, 825 head; no sales; dressed beef, U t . . r. .1 , . .1,1, .1 . arwl -.tit., it t . 1 A tit (KlO (VI Texas 'beef. $5.00. Reported exixi'rts for to I aay, occves. CALVES Receipts. 30 head, not enough business to make a markot; about 50 calve unsold. City dressed veals, $8.00. HOUS Receipts. 10.500: none reported on sale. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 549 head; Sheep, steady; lamhs, very slow; common and medium stock very weak, about 9 cars of stock unsold. A few selected sold at $3.75; dresned muttons, $o. 004(7. 00; dressed iambs, ,.5(rjji Slosx city ltylve Stock Market. 8IOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 2S.-(Speclal Tele- I xram.it-UAixijts Keceipis. too netiu: steady; beeves, $3.75't'l4.!0; cows, bulls and mixed, i.&orn3.ou; stockers and feeders, J2.60 3 60; calves and yearlings, $2.25ia3.30. HOGS ReceiDls. 5.000 head: 6c hlsrher. $4.1IKu4.25; bulk, 84.204.30. Bt. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 28 CATTLE Re ceipts. 779 head; market steady. HOGS Receipts. 2.639 head: market 6fi10e higher: light. 81.27V34.40: medium and heavy, 84.2iSi4.37H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 250 head; market steady. Stock In Sight. Following are tho recelpta of live stock at the six principal western cities v ester- da v: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6.280 443 12.000 2,000 2,500 1,750 1.000 150 2,639 250 6.000 29.419 4.893 Omaha Chicago 680 . 800 . 600 ,l,oon . 779 . 100 .3,359 Kansas city St. Louis ..... St.. Joseph Sioux City .. Totals , Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 28 COFFEE-Spot Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice, 7c; Cordova, 6ilbc. The market for futures opened steady at 6'r7 points up and ruled active during the session on a renewal of support by recognized bull Interests. The market closed firm, net 615 points higher, with Wall Street News Exchange 74-76 WALL STREET, HEW YORK 226-228 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO Publishers "DAILY MARKET LETTER,' Civlng Infor mation on the Stock and Grain Markets. C3" NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS C3 Wo reopectfully announoo to our large ollentelo In th ralddla aad north, west that owing to tho rapidly increasing- business which our house 1 a enjoying we have opened a branch office in Chicago, from where our Dally riarket letter is now being issued, at 226-228 La f alio St Convincing- proof of the excellent of our information servioo has been afforded to all our subscribers x throughout the United States and Canada, and it ia unnecessary to dwell upon the esteem In which tho Wall Street Newa Exchange is deseryingly held among tho trading public. Our Djlly Market Letter and Wire Servlco tell our subscribers WHAT TO BUY AND SELL AND AT WHAT FIGURES Our clients are kept upon the right side of tho markets at all times. We oancot quote i-cent fluctuations, but every move-neat of Importance ta given at least a day In advance. STOCKS can also aid you materially. , flllH INPfinnATinf! m the rralQ n'1 Bt00k markets is un. UU II HirUIII.IMI IUII questionably tho boat ever issued. Wo are not only informed of tho market plans ot the controlling operators, but are In a position, not even excelled by tho government at Washing, ton, for ascertaining in advance the condition, size and quality of tho wheat, corn, oats and cotton crops in tho oountry, which enable us to quote the dally movements of all cash grain and future options upon tho Board of Trade. For further Information, call or write for pamphlet 'Spenilatfon.'' Mailed free to all. Daily Market Letter mailed at 3 p. m. in plain sealed envelope gives full information. Terms, 15 per week, 115 per month, in advance, by check, money or express order or registered letter. Prepaid Wire Service dally, by Postal or Western Union, as desired. Private Code. Letter service included free. 110 per week, t30 per month. Mako all chocks Payable to H. A. Coleman. HALL STREET UE17S EXOIIAQGE ROOM 1101:1103, 226-228 LA SALLE ST., CKICA60 WHEAT and CORN' Going to bs Active. Offering Splendid Chances for Profit- Writ v Call for Osia Spaelal Grail a Letter. . COE COMMISSION COMPANY, 1818 Ftrnsn Street S2J alee of M.fri) bags. Including Jamuirv, KM tT65c: February, R.iOc; March, 10041. (.-; May, t.tiM Soe; July, 8 40r"JH 4.V; August, M5 ll6.50o; September, 6.Vj6.60c; Otolier, IftV. Ir'F.n! REAL F,TATIC T" Deeds filed for record eetcrdsy it a Pished by the Midland (tumantee TruHt company, bonne 1 nt'Structer, fur snd Ibll , ' 1 I I t arnam street: Emma C. Johnston and htiehnml to Frsrik Schois. lot 17, block 3, Spring 1n.ke Park add f i.i'iie rj. j. iitivcns et at to Harry A. Riley, lot 11, Bunletto Court add t Frank Mulptn it nl to Charles A. Onmmel. north M feet lot 2H. south 30 leet lot 24. block R, Alamo Plan.... 1.500 Andrew N. OallnglMT and wife to Oen evleve Tylee, east 4" feet, west 10J feet lot 8, block 80, South Omaha 1,400 Nicholas H. Hicks to Wilson T. urn nam et al, part lot 13, Bartlett add Florence A. Chase and husband to John S. Klemme, pnrt lots 15 and. 16. block 2. Yates A Hamnels Annie Halpin to Louisa Vedral, lot 7, block 9, Brown Park add 1.600 Walter J. Oreen and wife to Sophia Flelschman, lot 8, block 6, Kountie s 4th sub I CHICAGO. MISKBAPOUll. AUIa offka rUnhattan Bulldlaf;, ST. PAUL, niNN. ueaiers in Stocks. Grain, Provisions ' Bought and 'sold for cash or on reasonable Margins. Members Important Kxehangee, Private Wires. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt Returns. Beat Faollltiea. Liberal Advanoea. Rraneh Ofnoes 100 Be Bloc. 'Phoae 8B14 Omaha, Xehrsuaksu DntTii. wi'sinca, The Merchants National Bank ot Omaha. Neb. U. S. DeeoiltH? Capital and Surplus, $600,000 riAMK MUtPltV. rret. BE. B. WOOD. V. fra. UTTHFI DRAKE, Ca idler. FIANK T. HAMILTON. Asst. Cattle. Re-elT aooounta el banka. bsnksrs, coroor atlons. Inns and Inaleldualt en faTorable terma. Fnreltn Cichanae boujht snd sold. Letters ot Credit issued, srstlabls la all parta of the world. Interest paid on Time Certificates ef Denoelt. Collectlone made promptly sod soosooUcsllr. We raaeaet eorreepoDdeDee. A NEW YORK BROKHRAOB rONCBR! REQI'IRRS A BOLK'ITOR IN EACH TOWN TO BEOTKB ACro(INT8 OK $60 AND VPWAHD8. A FEW HOUR! OK 1.NTEIXI0ENT WORK WILX, BRINO I.AHdB KKNt'MK RATION. ADDRESS with References, giving) prb vkh'8 occppation. postoffic.b box 148, new york. 3 MONTHS FREE Up-to-dato Mining Paper (Hilly Illustrated), contain- . in ft- all the latest news . from the famous gold oamps. including RIG CREEK AND THUNDER MOUNTAIN V. a. MIKINU JOIR.XAL, 16T Naaaaa St., N. Y. iMvards, TJood a Go We know of several stocks that are about to move from 10 to 15 points. Which way? You may bo on the wrong side. All our subscribers are sue cessful traders, and our Dally riarket Letter Hafc aBHaSSasssRS 808 80 850