. ' TIIE - OMATIA DAILY BEE: 8ATUKDAY, AOVEMllKit 28. . 10n3. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MlOR MESTIO. Dart Mil drugs. Leffert' glsssea flt. Stoektrt aella carpet.. A atora for men "Kono's." Celebrated Meti boer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at LelTert's. 4o Broadway. 14-K and 18-K wedding rings nt Leffert's, Jiroadnuy Be Mrs. Graven' new stock of aids and bock comix. 106 l'enrl street. Mlfl Arkwright. Chrlntma anle Novem ber 28 to December 6. Studio, 04 ivlynsterst. Pr. Donald Macrae. Jr., and wife will leave today for a month's visit In New Yorit City. For rent, office room ground floor; one Of the mnNt Central Inrnrlntifl In tha hiial. rie portion of the city. Apply to The. Bee ! those who are Interested locally In the office, city. project, It was stated yesterday that the beJ?.nby"hetdeadth Kroner! K.vT.f?' , fHn today of the representatives of the Thickstun, returned yesterday to her home , Independent telephone companies In this at Rock Inland, 111. i section of the state meant a renewed and f A.(tnA . . . .1 . . . . . rr? 'w-fuuuu pi-con nun oeiween i more determined effort to secure an en- RETiVE TELEPHONE PROJECT Mee'icg to Ba He'd ToJar Ex ceded to Develop Plans of the I'd p;ndeu'.i. QUESTION TO EE VOTED ON IN MARCH Thomas IJ. Metcnlf, lie nil of Local Cor poratlon, Baye Company Has "Imply Ileen Wcltla; for Opportune Time. Thirty-second street and Missouri river bridge. Finder please return same to Welch i Transfer line and receive reward. Rev. Harvey Hostettler, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, has gone to j Dea Molnea to attend a meeting of the I evangelistic committee of the church. A young son of John R. Lawrence, 13)0 Eighth avenue, while playing with some companions in tne railroad yards yesterday afternoon, fell from the top of a freight trance Into Council Bluffs. Thomas D. Metcalf of the local Independ ent company stated that while he and his fellow promoter had been lying low for some time past they were by no means out of the field and were simply waiting for an opportune time to come before the peo ple. This, he said, they believed had now car and suffered the fracture of hla riuht I arrived and he thought he waa af in uv. th',n' . . . ' , ' j InB that the citizens of Council Bluffa would frol'gaTmerlh:'?'.' If ' " e '-ctlon In March Mrs. Franklin on North Main Ftrcet. where ! t0 voto lPn the proposition for the estab- he was employed as cook, whs illschnrireil In police court yeeterauy morning for luck .of evidence to convict. A. T. Flicklngcr, Dr. J. M.' Barstow and F. L. Reed, clerk of the district court, com prising the membership of the local Board of Commissioners for tbjo Insane, will make their annual visit today to the State Insane asylum at Clarlnda and Investigate the condition of the patients from fottawat tarnle county. They will be accompanied by Dr. F. T. Beybert of this city, an expert In the treatment of the Insane. Andrew Carlson, the escaped dipsomaniac from the hospital at Mount I'leasant, who went on a rampage a few nights ago and attempted to drive his family from the house, was sentenced to twenty days on bread and water by Judge Scott In police court yesterday morning. After serving this sentence, it la said, Carlson will be taken before a Justice of the peace on the charge of being a vagrant under the state law. My son, Lucas Neumayer, and sou-ln-law, Mathew Mergen, will take charge of the Neumayer hotel December 1. Persons hold ing bills against me will please send them In by the first of the month and they will be paid. In retiring from business we desire to thank all who patronized our hotel in the last twenty years, especially the farmers, and I hope they will continue to extend the same patronage to my son and Son-in-law. Very respectfully, Jacob and Francis Neu mayer. Light Guards Team Disbands. The game with Crelghton college Thanks giving day will mark the close of the career of the Dodge Light Guards' foot ball team. The last season has proven a bad one financially for the soldier foot ball players and the close sees them sev eral hundred dollars short. The Dodge Light Guards foot ball ' team, formed as It was from a nucleus of the famous team of the old Fifty-first Iowa Volunteer's team after the return of (he regimont from the Philippines, has been but once beaten and that was by Ames Agricul tural college this fall. Twice before only In Its career had the team been scored against and that was by Highland Park college and the State Normal school dur ing h fr.,,1. K.f 1. .... .v- field. The members of the team consider that they have earned laurels sufficient and are now willing to lay down. Nearly every member of the cloven is engaged in busi ness and has not the time to devote to practice that he should. For this reason and none other, the team after the game with Crelghton college Thursday decided to dlsbana and rest on the laurels that it had won during the four years It had been in the field ' and open to meet all comers. Ilohnient of an Independent telephone syo tem In this city which would give the busi ness men of Council Bluffs an opportunity to connect with the several thousand sub scribers to independent telephone systems In southwestern Iowa. A member of the executive committee of the Commercial club, In discussing the mat ter yesterday, stated that In his opinion the question of Council Bluffs securing con nexion with the rural telephone lines had beer, delayed too long and that as far as he was concerned this connection would be se cured before the opening of next summer, wh.-ther the Nebraska Telephone company liked it or not. and consequently proceeded to the court room to await the arrival of the Judge. Noon came and no Judge appeared In sight, but they still sat there, hoping that he would show up before long. The afternoon waa about half gone when one of the Jan itors, tho bad noticed the young couple sitting in the courtroom, asked them what they were waiting for. They explained and were somewhat surprised when Informed that court had been adjourned until next Monday, when a Judge would probably be on the bench, but not Inclined to officiate at marriage ceremonies. The young couple then Inquired If there was such an official as a Justice of thrt pence In the city, and on being given tho addresses of the two officiating Justices left the court house. Late In the afternoon they succeeded In locating the office of Justice Carson, where the ceremony for which they had anxiously awaited seeral hours was performed. Sale of men's odd trousers tl. GO and $2.00 a pair, at "Beno's" N. Y, Plumbing Co., Tel. CM. Night, F-eST. Special sale of men's odd trousers today $1.50, and $2.50 a pair, worth double. At "Beno's." GETS NO TURKEY FOR DINNER Elkhorn Man Mnkea Aeqaalntaneea and Winds Ip b Being Robbed. FIGHT FOR THE DEAF SCHOOL Harlan and Grlnnell In the Field and Making; Strong; Bid for Institution. v Harlan Is now seeking to secure the loca tion of the Iowa School for the Deaf in the event of It being removed from Coun cil Bluff. It has a commercial exchange, which has appointed a committee consist ing of H. W. Byen, former speaker of the house of representatives; D. O. Stuart, a prominent attorney; T. H. Smith and O. P. Wyland to take charge of the Interests of that cltyin the fight which Is anticipated over the relocation of the institution at the forthcoming session of the state legis lature. While Harlan I anxious to have the school located in its city and is willing to offer a suitable site, it Is understood that It will oppose any effort to remove it from the southwestern part of the state. Rather than that the school be removed to Dea Moines or some other city In the eaatern parr of the state Harlan will renounce It claim and lend It support to retaining the Institution In its present location at Council Bluff. Grlnnell Is also In the field to secure the school for It city and those who profess to know say that Council Bluffs will have to put up a strong fight to retain th eschool here In face of the fact that the members of the Board Of Control are willing, If not anxious, that It be removed elsewhere. CONFERENCE OF EDUCATORS Effort Being Made to Get High Bohooh in Line with the Oalltgei. DRAKE HEIRS INTERESTED IN 'VARSITY Hanks of State I nasnallr Prompt In . Making Their Reports to Slat Auditor Poisons Himself for Fan. TonlHhtl Tonight! Tonight! Koynl Hungarian orchestra, First Chris tian church. Chris tirsen, a farmer from Elkhorn. Neb., came to Council Bluffs Thursday to Real Batata Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday in the abstract, tit' id loan office of Squire ft Annla, 101 IV .street: Ernest E. Hart and wjfe to Henry White, 1 acre In nw corner seV ne 82-79-44. w d..... 7i E. H. Lougee and wife to R. V. Innes, lot S, Auditor sub of 498 feet out lots 3 and 8, Jackson's add, w d $,800 County Treasurer to C. D. Dlllln, lot 8. block 36, Central sub, t d 8 Andrew Jensen and wife to Laura Honde Ward, slug feet lot L block 8. Steele ft Woods' sub. w d 1 Ernest E. Hart and wife to Richard v Bada, sVi nwVi, n sw4, eV se4, seH neV4 31. except 1 acre; sV nmi swVi 33-77-44. w d .7 83,800 Charles Schmidt, Jr., and wife to Luke Dermody, sat feet lot 8 and n24 feet lot 4, block 19. Avoca, w d 800 Robert B'eakly and wife to Iowa Loan and Truat company, 18 lots In , Council Bluffa, w d J.030 Seven transfer, aggregating. .840.501 COJISCLT THE KINO OP ALL CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS, PROF. KIRO 804 Fourth St., Council Bluffa, la (Cor. 4th at. and Willow Ave.) Aedaeed prices for a fen days laager. Ladles BOe. Gentlemen 1. All business strictly private and confidential CLEANING AND DYEING Ladles and Gentlemen Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Pressed and Repaired; also Dry Cleaning. No shrinkage or rubbing olf guaranteed. Work dune on short notice COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS Tel. BOO. JOIT Wst Broadway. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. C Council Bluff. r&eo M.I Gibbons Gets Twenty Days. When E. M. Gibbons was brought before Judge Scott In police court yesterday morn ing hi wife, who appeared as complaining In a dead faint when called upon to testify. She was removed to the open air, where she soon recovered. The testimony showed that Gibbons, after celebrating the occasion In downtown sa loon, returned home and sought to bring matter to a climax by driving hi wife from the house. Mr. Gibbons wa forced to apend th night at the home of a neigh bor. Judge Scott sentenced Gibbon to a fine of $30, in default of which he will spend twenty day In the city Jail while luxuriat ing on a fare of bread, with Missouri river water to wash It down. Hafer sell lumber. Catch the Idea? spend Thanksrlvlnor rlnv nlth raiDri.,a. missed out on eating any of the turkey W"ne" a"d ch"ed hlm wlth celebrating ana otner tana hnn wtiinh k.a k.. i - provided in his honor. On' alighting from ' thf, yltnes" tcha,r tne uepot he became Imbued with the Idea, that his thirst needed slacking and he re paired to the nearest saloon. Hire he be came mixed up with some congenial com pany and the hour cped by before he wa aware of how fust the tlmo had flown. In stead of taking one drink, ai he originally Intended, Lanen wa Induced by hlj new formed acquaintances to luiblbe several. It wa late in the evening and In fact It waa drawing on well to night when Larsen tore himself away from hi con vivial companion and ventured forth to seek the residence of hi relatives, where they had awaited him for several hours. He reached a point between the yard of the Illinois Central and Northwestern rail roads, (.mewhat out of 1 is proper direction, but this wa not noticed by him at the time. While he wa vainly looking around for some landmark which would direct him to where he wanted to go a man stepped from the shadow of a till tree and ordered him to hold up hla hands. This wa a new experience for Larsen, but he had read in the paper of people being held up and robbed and he decided to take no such chances. He started to run, but his feet failed to respond to hla wish to get away from that locality and before he knew ex actly where he waa the robber was on him. Larsen then decided that dlacre ion waa the better part of valor and offered to ho d up his hand while the fellow went through hit pocket, abstracting therefrom $22, all the money which Larsen had. Larsen then obeyed the order to turn about and tart toward Broadway in preference to becom ing a dead man, a tfte thug auggeaUd. About daybreak yesterday morning Lar sen found his way to police headquarter, where he reported the hold up. Fred Wroth wa arrested on the description given by Larsen and the latter identliled him a on of the boon companion with whom he had been drinking in the evening. Wroth, who denle ever having seen the farmer from Elkhorn before, will have bis preliminary hearing In police court thi morning.v In the meantime Larsen Is awaJtlns- tn Marriage Licenses, License to wed were Issued yesterday to th following: Name and Residence. Age. Fred Beyer, Greenwood, Neb 23 Lena William. Greenwood, Neb 18 John Prendergast, Council Bluffs 87 Ruby E. Sclple, Council Bluffs 22 CASPER BANK CLOSES DOORS to from home so that he can return to Ne Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft Bon. Last Day of Dlseonat Bale. Get your orders for Christmas framing In today and receive the 20 per cent ac count. C. E. Alexander ft Co., SS3 U way. ' Marriage Ceremony Delayed. Fred Beyer and Lena Wllllama. a young couplo from Greenwood, Neb., had a trying vim iwioruy in tniB rltv hofnr.. t Failure Cause Mercantile Firm Assign, While Other Are Heavy Loser. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Nov. XI. (Special Telegram.) A dispatch from Casper says that the Denecke private bank there closed It door thla morning, compelling the A. S. Bristol Mercantile company to do like wise. The bank wa capitalised at $3,000, but carried large deposit. The Webel Mercantile company loses $7,000. Mail Carriers Fall. RAWLINS, Wyo., Nov. 27. (Special. Knoll ft Knoll, mail contractors between this plaoe and Lander, a distance of 130 miles, have failed and no mall 1 reaching the interior town at thi time. The post master here ha Informed the department of the firm's failure and expects to be in structed to make arrangement for the handling of the mall until a new contract can be let Every contractor for this rout in th past few year ha failed before the expiration of hi contract. Knoll ft Knoll were receiving $7,800 a year and ran a stage line in connection with their contract found a Juatlce of the peace to perform th marriage, this being the object which brought them to Council Bluffs from their Nebraska home. After aecurlng the license and a fancy decorated certificate they asked some per on in the corridor .of the court house whether the Judge of the district court wa not a proper peron to perform the cere mony. They were informed that he waa Colonel Cody Entertain Friends. CODY, Wyo.. Nov. n.-(Speclal.)-CoIonel W. F. Cody wa the host at an elaborate banquet and ball at the Hotel Irma last evening. The citlsen,of Cody and th sur rounding country to the extent of several hundred were invited and the function wa a brilliant affair. Th banquet and danoe were a return for the entertainment ac corded Colonel Cody when he reached Cody lam week. We Give Thanks. wtY.ll !k" ,OU ' PTOPU Wb hsve mon' - ank. rfS ! "r" " f Peple l00klns toT 001 lnve.tm.nt. BFcIl-se Zl h PTOV"Ttien ne,tlna rora P o W Per cent annually. BECALSL we have some coay cottages, all modern BECAUSE our price are right, terms right, locations right. BECAUSE we soU $14,200 worth of proirty last week. BECAUSE here Is some good stuff that must be vld: 13,600 724 South 6th st ; two-story house, ten' rooms Mo.- k..w small barn, ileuti fur Ukj oom. closets, bath. gas. corner $J.O0o IIS Stutsman closets, bath. gas. corner lot. Ou US Stutsman St.; modern ctaa Ave mnwn k.u , . t . street. One location. Kent, for liSOu! ' b1"- closet, shade, paved cotage. three rooms, oorner lot. good location, sise of lot 44xlJ0 corner lot. stse 44x130 feet. Wfcter In kitchen, cellar, shade. f2.00iw-Jioi Sixth Avenue; modern rotaare six r.w.m. ., - , lots, on cori.er. bis KxUS feet. ' rU) "Ur' hth nn Uwn. U.Ouo 7u South 24th Street; cottage, six roome cellar i, ' ,, , . lot. A good bora. Dii 4'txl.V "' c,u,r- clot. . clatern. corner water In kitchen, cellar, shade. $J0 133 Avenue V feel. Cliejj. $o0010n0 Avemi- 11; framo house, five rooms $70o. . $.00 725 Avenue O; ccttuce, four rami $.U0. Well locate!. Rents for Rent for $1.800 1028 Avenue C; cottage, five room, claeets Lot 4sx feel. Rents tor tU.iXi. SQUIRE & ANNIS l0 Pusrl Street. Telephone 96 Seeur O'Day's I'lander. CASPER. Wyo., Nov. I7.-Tom O'Day, the bandit, I af in Jail here. The reports re garding the plots to rescue or to lynch him are discredited. Deputies from Natrona, Fremont and Convene countlea have recov ered half the stolen horse that were In the hand of O'Day' gang. O' Day's hearing has been set for Saturday. COKE MEN FIND NO WAY Committee of Operator to Regulate Produotloa I. (till Labi to Report. CONNELLSVILLE, Pa., Nov. J7.-Th committee of ook operator having in charge the matter or arranging way and mean of regulating the production of coke and establishing a uniform price among producer haa not a yet reached an agree ment, but It 1 thought they will make a report within a few days. The uncertainty a to what the new year will bring makes It a difficult task for the committee, as the coke producers are anxious to maintain th present wag rate if possible and are endeavoring to adjust rate with thla end In view. If it la found necessary to read Just this wag rate In th region for the purpose of I educing the cost of production to the point where the surplus coke can be profitably sold In the outside markets It will likely be done at the beginning of the year. The production for the pest week showed an Increase of 1.S14 tons over the previous week, a decree la sbiweiil of tona (From a Staff Cor;epondent.) DES MOINE3. Nov. P. (Special.) An Important conference of college men and school men Interested in the secondary rchcols opened here today at Drake uni versity. The conference wa culled at the Instance of a committee of the Southern Iowa Teachers' association and by pro fessors In the Iowa State college. The purpose of the conference Is to consider the relationship between the colleges and eec ondary schools and to plan for at better relationship between them.' President George E. MacLean of the Stato university was elected rrexldent, Prof. Adam Pickett, superintendent at Mt. Ayr, vice president, and Prof. George H. Betts, secretary. The ch ilrman. Pre ldent MacLean, outlined the purposes of the conference and indicated that there la a great demand now for a closer relationship between the college and the university and an Inclination to I have the work In the high schools done with a view to entrance to the college. Today there were paper by Prof. J. H. T. Main, dean of Iowa college. Forest C. En sign of Council fluffs, Frederick E. Bolton of the State university and Adam Pickett of Mt Ayr. Drake 1'nlrer.ity Leadership. It is arranged that Dr. J. L. Sawyers of Centerville will be in Pes Moines In a day or two for a conference with the Board of Trustees of Drake university. Dr. Sawyers haa been given power of attorney by the Drake heirs to settle up the estate without administration in the courts, and it 1 ex pected that he will represent the Drnke Interest in relation to the university In all . Matters. It Is probable that he will also be made president of the Board of Trustees and thus eBsume the leadership of all matters in relation to the university. A meeting of the executive committee was held yesterday and the matter Informally discussed. Conference on Pare Food. Ex-Governor S. B. Packard of Marshall town and others of a committee of the State Agricultural society were In the city today and held a conference on the pro posed bill for a law to prevent adultera tion of foods In Iowa. The bill la being prepared by a committee representing not only the wholesale and retail grocers of the state, but the agricultural board and the state col ege and the dairy department of the state. A great deal of difficulty ha been experienced In arranging for a bill that will satisfy all the parties kt interest. Bank Iteports Prompt. Over 400 of the reports from the state an.1 saving bank have teen received by the state auditor under the call Issued last week, which Indicate.) that the banks are unusually prompt In preparing their state. monta and sending them In. The Beltrami Cedar and Land company of Missouri Valley was organized by filing articles with the secretary of state. Capi tal, $50,000. George A. Mathews, president. Paacoe, Jones & Co., of Hamilton, Marlon county, became Incorporated today with $6,000 capital. Stato Eisteddfod Held. The annual, state eisteddfod of the Iowa Eisteddfod association closed this morn ing at Albla, where a great crowd attended, representing the Welsh musical people cf southern Iowa. The principal choruat-a came from Ottumwa, Albla, Colfax and Hlteman. Des Moines had a chorus prest nt and trained, but did not enter the compe tition. The chief prlxe wa won by Hlte man, with Albia second. Another similar musical festival will be held In Des Moine at Christmas time by an association formed last winter. Not Many Want Certificates. The State Board of Educational Examln- ' "ciu mo regular semi-annual meeting here today. State Superintendent R. C. Bar rett, PresJdent H. II. Seerley of the nor mal school, O. J. McManus of Council Bluff and Mr. Altona, secretary, being present. Only a few person presented themselves for examination, but the board is making preparations for a large number of applicant at the regular meetlrfg the latter part of next month. The number of applicant for state certificates I increas ing from year to year, but not many ry ror the certificates at this, time of the year. Played with Poison. George Kline, a young farmer, I lying at the point of death in Keokuk county iroin tne enects of taking loo much poison. He purchased trychnlne to kill the rat around the barn and at the supper table drew the vial from hi pocket and laugh ingly remarked that he wondered how much it would take to kill a two-legged rat. Not knowing the power of the drug he placed a pinch of It on his tongue. The dose wa not large enough to produce In stant death,- but no hopes are entertained for his recovery. Soldiers for Des Moines. Companies C and L, Twenty-fifth infan try, which have been ordered from Fort Niobrara. Neb., for temporary duty at Fort Des Moines, pending th arrival of the Eleventh cavalry in the early part of next spring, will arrive at the Iowa station on December 1. The order provide that their departure from Niobrara must be so timed a to make the arrival on that day. The senior officer of the command la Captain Marcus D. Cronln, commanding Company L, and Captain Rohs L. Bush commands Company C. Unless a field officer la as signed to the command of the post, not an improDaouity, the command will fall to Captain Cronln. jtT ' i .ii. lie. ' l . mww " 4 a. una. . Tlw II ku... Vets Plc2vsatty rfVcts Beneficially, isitr.jy as-a Uxaiive-. LFJ?1! !K,S cultured nd the .cu miu iu uie neaitny, because its Lom. ponent parts are simple and wholesoml and b cause it acts without disturbing the natural ftin Hons, Mitis whollyfreefr Mu-Miv v. Miufciance. in' the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are p easant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the V.VY a . UOUISVllleV. Kv, M For J, by rll drudfiata, Svr rrtvrxciajco. Ci. Aiew YorkJH.Y. Price.. fifty cervta pef bottfc DRAKE ONE DAY TOO LATE University at Ees Mo'nes in Consequent: - Los3S $15,000. ACCEPTANCE OF BEQUEST WAS TARDY ; Former Governor'. Will Cannot Be i Found, and, a. Offer to the j College Was Provisional, j It Loses. CENTERVILLE, la., Nov. 37.-Chlldren ' and heir of the late cx-Qovernor Franc : M. Drako have given up the search for the missing will and thi morning appointed Dr. J. L. Sawyer, a aon-ln-law, to close j the affair of the estate. A systematic search for the instrument ! has been made since the funeral without result and It la now believed he left no will. The absence of such an Instrument cuts out S16.0U0 of the $25,000 bequest made by the late general to Drake university a few I days prior to his death. The bequest was 1 mude provisionally and the letter accepting the offer reached the Drake mansion one day too late. The estate will be settled up privately, members of the family desiring to withhold from the public Its real value. Ex-Governor Drake was currently rated at about 83.00O.0CO, but It is now thought the figure will fall far short of that amount POSTPONES ZEIGLER HEARING Application for Removal of Baking; Powder Magnate Comes Ip Rext Month. ALBANY, N. T., Nov. 27 Governor Odell, at the request of the attorneys In the case. today postponed until Monday, December 7, the hearing on the application for extradi tion of) William Zelgler of New York. In dicted In Cole county, Missouri, upon a charge bf bribery In connection with baking powder legislation In Missouri. The hear ing was to have been held next Monday. ROBBERS GET SMALL FORTUNE Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar Their Profit, on YI.lt to a Phila delphia Home. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. f7.-The police official were notified today by William Welsh Harrison that hi country home, "The Tower," at Glenslde, a suburb, was robbed yesterday of Jewelry valued at $25,- 000. Mr. Harrison Is a brother of Provcst C. C. Harrison of the University of Penn sylvania and one of Philadelphia' wealth iest citizen. What Follows Grip? Pneumonia often, but never when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Is used. It cures colds and grip. KJc, 81-08. For sale by Ku'm & Co. $14.75 in Return November 28, 29, 30. Three fast trains to Chicago dally 700 a. m., 4 p. m. &nd 8:05 p.m. Service Is Burlington all the way. . Tickets, 1502 Farn&m Stroot. alii 3E TELEPHONE 265. FIRE RECORD. Hill City Business Dl.trlct. TOPEKA. Kan., Nov. 27.-A special to th Btate Journal from Hill City. Kan., say: Th greater portion of the south side of thi town was destroyed by fire that started at daylight, entailing a losa that will ex ceed 1100.000. Insurance one-third. Among the total losses are those of the Farmers and Merchants bank, the Alliance store, C. A. weuster. hardware, the Masonic hall and Corder dry goods store. Battle Lake Mercantile Hoa.e. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Nov. fT. (Special Teltgram.) A dispatch from Uattle Lake ay that the large mercantile establish- SI.50 School Shoes That Will Wear All solid the best oak Boles ment of Sol Fink, was totally destroyed by an(J L,ox caJf uppers. The befit ij luumy. . ii m in.uninr. WMH 1 III lln a I fir today. about 8309 wprth of good wa saved on earth for the price, at Bella, gore ! Feloaa Find prompt, sure cure in Bucklen's Arnica Bulve. alao ecaema, aait rheum, burns. brulMS and piles, or no pay. 2&C For sale rv Kubn & Co. SABfiEOTS LOOK FOU THE HEAH. SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S ODD TROUSERS ODD LINES AND TROUSERS LCfT f ROM SLITS. Ilere is a most extraordinary clearance proposition relating to trousers left from suits. They eonie in heavy, desirable, seasonable styles. Worsteds, cassinieres, chev iots, in plain colors and mixed effects, marked at a price that represents a big saving to you. $3.75 to $3 fine pants O JJA left from suits. .... ta.UU $2 to $3.50 fine pants I PJ left from suits I Jll On sale in the men's hat department, a big line of men's winter caps good, heavy, desirable styles at just one-half regular price. NEW LINE Or KEISER BARATHEA NECKWEAR JUST OPENED IP MAIL ORDERS FILLED. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. IMPRESS UPON YOUR PINO that you owe It to your health to select for food and drink only the best and purest It Is the cheapest in the end. As a Table Beverage there ia nothing that can com. pare with STORZ BLUE RIBBON BEER 'It is the acme of purity, full of wholesome qualities and of an exquislteness in flavor which is not found In otfer beer. No wonder that Storz Blue Ribbon is a household word in every judicious family. Bottling Department, Thone 1260.