TTIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 100.1. fA - - - - - - - -- ., , t . ., iii-mn,,,.., ammaunm ii i iii . s'l 1 1 "iiii riiiil - 1i " ii Til' I It i 1 ii u i'l We must rid our Clothing Department of an immense surplus stock of high grade Overcoats and Suits before holiday shopping begins. Our overstock consists of thousands of the highest grade garments that the factories of the east ever turned out, and we will price them at an absurdly low figure in order to clear them all away with the greatest speed. This stock represents the accumulation of several gigantic purchases and every garment in this stock is absolutely new, up-to-date and made in this year's best and most fashionable designs. Now is the greatest opportunity for well dressed men to secure fine cloting under price that Omaha has ever known. The sale begins today at 8 o'clock. $8.50 and entire lot, Big Selling Event l1'- "Tomorrow we offer some of the finest lots of underwear from our gigantic purchase of A. W. Porter & Co., 43-45 White street, New York. This is the very best'men's under wear that has ever been offered at special sale in Omaha. In three lots for today: Men's 75c underwear at tripos and heavy fleece lined ter weight underwear, In all sizes, at Men's $1 underwear at wool fleece lined underwear, fine quality jersey ribbed shirts and drawers, today, at $1.50 Underwear at 69c underwear, all silk finish, also high grade all wool under wear, at Our finest winter underwear wor sted and wool union suits, f Q Cf - A plain and fancy colors ' V 1 CtoTf !. form fltting-at Af- Special Offer 5well new winter shirts In the late patterns and designs made " with stiff bosom, detached cuffs, eto., fQ 4-v r hundreds of styles, at VOC TO leDU ADVANCE SALE ) Special showing of the prettiest smoking jackets OF MEN'S I for Holiday gifts, KMOKINQ ( face yachting JACKETS ) cloths, velvet WANTS OFFICERS TO STUDY General Bliss Wou'd Msks So Distinction TaTorabls to We it Point Grsduatea SEES SIGNS OF DECADENCE IN' ARMY laaUta tkat Ofllevra ihol Make tad? at War Maacarers la Which Th7 Mar B Hcalrc4 Taka Part. WABHINQTON. Nov. 27. Brlpidler Gen eral Tasker Bliss in his 'annual report of th army war collrg-e, says detailed study of the military problems concerning the United States should be the most im portant work of the college under the di rection of chief of staff. General ' Bliss recommends the elimination from the col lege of the collection of military lnspec tlejn. He would eliminate any special study of material of war, which, while Important enough, he does not consider within the proper scope of the college. Qoneral Blitta recommends that a number of officers be selected at stated Intervals for the study and working- out of a great war game. The officers chosen, he ssys. should be selected from those who would play an Important part In the plans adopted tn case of wur. He thinks that no differ- ORE Blek Headache sad relieve all the troubles reek deot to a Bklluu Mala of lb ratrm, eurfe aa luv ameaa, Nauaea, Urewalnxa, DietreM afur eating, PiitntbBiae,e. Whll their Muat ramaiKr alila succeaa W.a bea tUewa lu curing Bradaeae.yct t'artw'aLlitle IJr ruliereeqaany alaabia lu i'naiipUoa, ciiriog and prcvwUng tlii annoying rumplalul, whiia thf alao convci ail diaorUira of tna aiowarh, ailmulair tka liver sad rcgulai taa buwala. a it iluj oal cur4 Aeha ttrj wnultl buliu...c prK.-lia to those was aart'tir from thie dtMiraa:ii rooiplautt; but forui aaial, lhui guoatiaaa dura tulml hT, and Iboea haaoc.Uj tiiriu will Ind taeae lull, lulla vala able iu ao aianjr .ya that the mtlput b williaf W lo wlthwui iheiu. tul a'lar all ak head ACIK3 laththeasof ao Bianr Uvea thai err is where w Baa our great twaal. Our ius care U ouUe elbars do Sot. Carter's I jttla Liver Pills are vary small and erry aaaf to take. Dm or to uilla loaaea ouaa. Ibry ar trx:il-vibU aue So But gripe or Buire. hat bv thtr L'rnrte actua ili au wnm liaa taava. IB vuwa ai u c aaua; iw at boia by Irugtflata avarf wb.jra, l, a eael by si I CJLltTEU MEDICINE CO., , Mtvr Yrli Cltjh CARTERS puts, Your choice of hundreds of excellent overcoats and suits made to sell at $8.50 and $10.00 today at $5.75. In this great lot are good warm overcoats and suits of the heaviest and most durable quality. Remark ably good fit and finish. Made up in every new style that is worn this fall. Made in splendid patterns and good grade fabrics. These suits have been selling earlier in the season at flO.OO, your choice of the at Men's Underwear 25c Fancy wln- PT'-m JjlJ mm 35c Lambs also 35c Silk fleeced 69 c Men's Shirts now ideas In Imported double cloths, golf and silk, at $5-$750-$10 ence should be made In the West Pointers. "Offioers, whether from West Point or elsewhere should not bs excluded from the work." A good many of the things outlined in the post school course, the West Pointer Is not likely to know so well as the man promoted from the ranks. There Is, at least in . years past, there has been, an unfortunate tendency on the part of offi cers, whether from West Point or elae where, gradually to lose the habit of study of matters connected with the simple routine of their work and. while not only falling to acquire knowledge to keep them abreast of their profession, actually lose much of what they' have already learned. In short, that It was a procesa of steady decadence. General . Bliss adds that the great secret of German succeaaea In mili tary training Is that "there Is never any letup." Klea of tke Maine Defective. The battleship Maine has suffered an other Injury. The Inability of the ship to make more than twelve knots on Its recent cruise to Colon was due to an ac cident to Its engines which occurred be fore Its departure. Four of the large en gine "ys," or supports, are broken and it will be neceaaary to repair them before It will be safe for the Maine to increase Its speed beyond twelve knots, although the vessel's maximum speed is eighteen knots. The Navy department officials as sert that the vessel la In no danger If It doea not exceed twelve knots, but It Is admitted that only an emergency would have caused Its dispatch on such a cruise In lta present condition. rrealdent Hetarna to Capital. President and Mrs. Roosevelt, who went to New Tork last night to attend the funeral of the president's uncle, James K. Grade, returned to Washington tonight! The train was forty-nve minutes late In reaching Washington. There were no In cidents of note during the return trip. K M. Lawrence of Vermont has been huuiwu Mutant attorney general to succeed George A. Christlancy, resigned. Rlckardsoa Sprained Hla Ankle. The Injury sustained by Representative Richardson of Tennessee In falling as he stepped from a street car Is diagnosed tt a sprained ankle. Mr. Richardson expects to soon' resume his duties. WOULD RE-ESTABLISH CANTEEN Jersey Representative Uealrea to Peraalt tale of Light Llqnora N to Soldiers. WASHINGTON. Nov. .-Representatlve Harder (N. J.) introduced a bill today to provide for a national park commission. The bill abolishes the present military park commission on July 1. 1906. A salary of 17.0U0 for each commissioner la provided. The bill provldea that fermented beveragaa and light wines, but no ardent spirits may be sold In poet exchanges and on trans ports on regulations to be prescribed by the commltalon. Representative Tawney (Minn.) Intro duced a bill today providing a special copy, right for the protection of foreign srt and literary exhlbita and musical works arthe Louisiana Purchase exposition. Representative Harriaon (Tenn.) Intro duced a bill today to aboUah slavery In ths Philippines and to abrogate the treaty be tween the Vnlted State and the sullaa of Bui t- $5.75 V J o qi nsnirmsn. You will find here overcoat and suit elegance, such as you would never expect at less than $20. These are handmade throughout. Suits hand padded shoulders, hand fitted collars, etc., all wool serge & Italian linings The overcoats matfe in the best and most stylish cloths and the most fash ionable cuts. They are all perfect fitting and come in all sizes. To clear away this gigantic lot, today at Eleven seventy-five. The finest $25 Suits and Overcoats at $14.75 Here are actually the highest grad garments of our recent purchase. In ntyle, fit and materials they are all that the most exacting dresser could ask. They formerly sold up to $25.00 1 7 we offer you your choice, at. ... i. ...... .. .' Boys' High In Our Boys' Boys' suits and overcoats stoutly mada, ' In pretty V gr styles and colors, all 1 UVk wool materials at !" Pretty ideas in boys' over coats and suits new and materials, ages 8 to 14 SAYS WOOD PLANNED STORY Major Buno'e Accuses General of Reflecting oa Eecord of General Brooke. MAGAZINE ARTICLE SUITED ITS. HERO When Trouble tnme Waa Ready, However, to Have Aatbor Coart Martlaled on Charges Grow ing: Oat of Matter. WASHINGTON," Nov. 27.-The senate committee on military affairs today heard Major James E. Runcle of Havana, prob ably the moat Important wltnesa that will be offered by opponents of General Wood In their attempt to prevent hla confirmation to be major general. Major Runcle waa on the stand several tlmea today, telling the committee of a dinner at BanUugo. Cuba, attended by himsHf, General Wood and Ray Btannard Baker, a newspaper man, at which. It waa alleged, was planned the magazine article attacking Major General Brooke that has figured conspicuously in the Wood case. Major Runcle was stopped more than once In the course of his teotlmony and told to give nothing but facts of which he had per sonal knowledge. This did not exclude his story of the dinner, which resulted In sub poenas for three other witnesses, among whom Is General Brooke. In his testimony Major Runcle explained that he had acted as the confidential ad viser of Oenersl Wood for nearly 'two years and that they lived together at Santiago. It was while they were living In the sumo house that Mr. Baker went to Santiago In search of material for a magaslne article. A meeting waa arranged between the men and a dinner followed, teatlfled Major Run cle. at which they discussed the plan to have published an article which would ex ploit the success of General Wood In deal ing with affairs at Santiago and draw a comparison with the situation at Havana unfavorsbale to the administration of Gen eral Brooke. Rnarle Wrote for Wood. Major Runcle declared that General Wood asked him to write the article and that he had done so. The article was given to Baker and published In February, I'.HjO, over the name of Major Runcle, He asserted that General Wood knew what the article contained and that they had correspond ence about It as the result of the furore crested by Its publication. He offered to produce eopies of letters which he had written to General Wood concerning hla own defense. It waa not until after Gen eral Wood succeeded General Brooke that the article was published. The effect was a severance of the relations between th wit ness and General Wood. Major Runcle then began the practice of law at Havana and, according to his tetl mony, has been there ever sine. The wit ness said that when the secretary of war went to Cuba, following the disclosures to the department, the suggestion was made by either the aecretary or General Wood I mat ni to rvurcmaruaieu lur wnunff me article and that be had In effect Invited the court-martial. The commissioner notified Major Runcle that he would be ceiled again, lie left to mSmr :KVb) Grade Overcoats Suits and Youth's Special Department on Boys' reefers, ulster military effects, bright colors, at The swellest little overcoats and suits in our Btock, overcoats In the new Russian and military L ft ideas, swagger little styles, 3.69 topi colors 2.49 night for Cleveland, O., and Is expected to return within three days and hold himself subject to the call of the commission. His connections In Havana may make It necessary for him to appear beforo the commission to testify in other matters than the magazine article. It Is said he has knowledge of General Wood's order for the arrest of Rathbone and, as the agent In Havana for a Maryland bonding company, can give Information in regard to Major Pithbone's charge that General Wood used his Influence with the courts in having Rathbone'a bond fixed at a figure he de clares to have been unreasorahle. Other witnesses called by the committee to testify today were: Major J. E. Ladd, U. 8. A., who audited General Wood's San tiago accounts; Waills Clearman, a former employe of a New York Jewelry house, who rrfade the sale to the Jal Alai company of the silver set which was given to Gen eral Wood, and an employe of the bureau of insular affairs, who explained the char acter of the game and the manner In which speculation is Indulged in by the spectators. Baskets, raquets and other paraphernalia were used In Illustrating the manner of play. A subpoena was issued today for Major General Brooke, former governor general of Cuba. The summons was Issued fol ow ing tentimony given by Major Runcle con cerning tha magazine article which ap peared over his signature. From the char acter of witnesses called it appears that the committee's Investigation is to be com plete In every particular and that none of the charges is to be overlooked as un worthy of consideration. ADJOURjN UNTIL TUESDAY Senate and House Complete Busi ness of the Week and Take Vacation. WASHINGTON, Nov. ?7.-The house met today and adjourned until Tuesday. The session was marked by a debate on the motion to adjourn over during which the minority took the republicans to task for not proceeding to the transaction of busi ness. Mr. Williams, the minority leader, protested against the house, saying the leaders were afraid to trust themselves, and yet there were matters which the ways and means committee could consider, citing among other things the resolution relative to Canadian reciprocity. Mr. De Armond also criticized the republican ma jority for its course. Mr. Payne (N. Y ), on whose request time was given to debate the closing resolution, said he would hardly care to take up the question of tariff for revenue. He also said the time waa not opportune to consider reciprocity with Canada. There was a party alignment on the vote and the houso adjourned until Tuesday. After a session of twenty-five minutes' duration the senate adjourned today until next Tuesday. The business of the session waa confined almost exclusively to the In traduction of relief bills. TURKEY ROASTER f REE with each pound can of SOYERIGN BAKING POWDER. Twenty granulated Ukir, fl 00, or THE UNION PACIEIC TEA CO., Sui NORTH SIXTEENTH BTREET. the Third Floor. overcoats and and Russian 2.99 ILLNESS CAUSES THE DELAY Euo-Japnesa Treaty Awaits Develop ment of Czarina's Malady. RESENTMENT TOWARD UNITED STATES Attitude of This Country Makee Russia Nervous and No Good Reavaon Is Been for lta Position. PARIS, Nov. 71. Official advices received here say the Russo-Japanese situation Is better than it is generally understood to be. The delay in forwarding the pacific negotiations is said to be due to -Japan's request that Viceroy Alexteff send to the cxar a report covering certain essential conditions. Thla report has been transmitted, but owing to the cxurlna's illness the court ts absent from St. Petersburg, and it Is diffi cult to secure final action. The French of ficials believe ths situation will be ma terially Improved as soon as the czar goes over Admiral A'sxicff's report. Much Business Delayed. BT! PETERSBURG, Nov. 27.-Any tem porary suKpeiiHion of the negotiations at Tokio, It is explained here. Is due to the situation at Bklerrilewlce, where Admiral Alexleff's propositions have been forwarded for the consideration of the czar. Reports on many Important matters have been there for ten days, awaiting the ccar'a de cision. M. Kurino, the Japanese minister at St. Petersburg, denies the statement made by the London Times, November 16. In a dis patch from Toklo. to the effect that Japan submitted propoxate In October, and that Russia has been silent on the subject. The prolongation of the Russo-Japanese negotiations at Toklo, which have been delayed by Viceroy Alexteff'a return to St. Petersburg, is due to the inability to reach an understanding regarding Corea. ' Agreed as to Manchuria. Tentative terms on the subject of Man churia have been settled. Japan recognizes Russia's dominant Interest and agrees not to place obstacles In the way of the solu tion of the problem. While still maintain ing the ultimate recognition of Its treaty rights, open ports and the integrity of Chi nese sovereignty, Japan is content to leave these questions In abeyance, so as not to embarrass Russia. In return Japan insists on the recognition of its Influence tn Corea and the opening of Yongampho or other ports to foreign trade. Russia la willing to concede something, but opposes the open ing of Yongampho, on account of Its prox imity to the mouth of the Yalu river, on the ground that It will threaten lta Inter ests and complicate difficulties In Man churia. Rust-la Is doing everything possible to bring the negotiations to a close. Viceroy Alexleff has the czar's orders to this effect, lasata believes It wise to press matters while Japan is In a pacific mood, which Is attributed to foreign counsel. The chief fear expressed here la that the moral effect of the United State' pressure on the open door policy will lead Japan to raahneaa. The attitude of the United Etatea causes much nervousness and soma reseutmeuL i ' ? Your choice of hundreds fine overcoats and made to sell at $12.50 and $10.00, today go at $8.75 Here are suits that are fashioned according to the latest models for styl ish garments. Both overcoats and suits show excellence in fit and finish. These suit sold earlier in the season for $12.50 and ? 15.00. You would de clare them excellent value at this fig ure. All new patterns and swell cuts, your choice of this immense lot, at S8.75 1 Sale of Men's Warm Caps & Gloves Men's beaver cloth caps, colors are blue and black, fitted with fur ear tabs, regu- QQp to 1 HO PLUSH, FUR AND BEAVER CAPS I Id great assort- AO. n CI ment. Sale of Odd Gloves basement, ea. 5c An immense shipment of odd and mismated gloves. ' Ac cumulation of some of our best 75o and $1 a pair gloves, . all thrown together in one .immense bargain q square, in the basement, today, your , choice at 75c and $1 floves 50c a pair.' eta, good, waim gloves jor wool rolf jlovcs, plain and All less hand and fingers, regular 5Uc quality, at Wool and leather gloves and mittens for men and boys, worth 50c a pair, , jgc 25C an .... The Russian view is that no good reason exists why the United States should be come Involved in a quarrel at the instiga tion of Russia's enemlea when American Interests are not yet Invaded. It is pointed out that last winter and spring the United States was aroused by the persistent decla ration in the British and Japanese press that Russia never would permit China to sign a commercial treaty, yet it was signed on the date fixed. The sudden flash of anger in China over the Russian reoccupatlen of Mukden, be cause It Is the old burial place of the an cestors of the present dynasty. Is not con sidered grave, as China's lmpotency la recognized. Nevertheless all steps will be taken to avoid a rupture, as China's friend ship Is needed for the future.- Despite the conviction here that the crisis has passed for the winter, Russia la taking nothing for granted. Three-quartera of its fleet is massed in or moving to the Puclflc. Prac tically nothing Is left on the European side. Travelera who have Just returned from Port Arthur report that the traina going eastward are still .filled with troops and ammunition. It Is estimated that Russia now has more than 150,000 troops east of Baikal equipped for eventualities. A tele- .urn tr-nm V.irl ArtllUT BO VI YllSn Shi Kal, the governor of Chi 1.1 province. Is expected In the piovlnce of Mukden the end of November lo negotiate with the Russians. Toklo Bees Ks ( haage, TOKIO, Nov. 27. There haa been no al teration In the situation between Jarsn and Russia. Leading organs urge tno govern- ment to press Russia for an answer re j gardlng the situation in Corea. In clrclea supposed to be well Informed it is believed that the Russian answer will reach Toklo ' before December , the date of the assem bling of the diet. In a Class Alone. No other piils on earth can equal Dr. King's New Life Pills, for stomach, liver and kidneys No cure, no fay. 2Sc. For sale by Kuhn Co. The CHRISTMAS METROPOLITAN UO races of Text 32 la Color 100 Illustrations 12 Short Stories ALL rcWS-STAWDS. FIICI IS . Csatt iBmaila arasu.asna aarm. Miw,uiiricri b ax CBlClaUlKHrt aNCLlatJ la KUt ... a. .. iiiatMi tit.MU.. BUat O.fca. a.s f j.r firatjiM, f Ma 4a. la HAM feM PvUMiAM. " ITM If a4 'ilaa'fcr l-aUaa,". luwr. r all Urtuxu. I jlUnlM 4 a.UJ Om Hehaasn. Ma 'lira f i i r SB-nALC BCANSJ Kra( uiualhir rasu uriatruuseat, beat, iaat loububia Brs"l MLf W 1T1 Inf BWulianumKriiil, Tat-if. Pauofrrijai; Dot aalnfl. failure wugaau niuat ouaUfeMa CAaaa isiiavau u. a taw r, -Bherntan ak McCooaeU lots 0- Oaaaha, For Menstrual Suppre:sionwm Zr.rZZll PEN-TAN-GOT P ho ; Imbm, U feU tn Onuai toy Stormta laUl iUUlI DfUf ( Wall r4m ln4 Trprts m-nM of suits. 1 i r I lar ?2 value " Men's serviceable winter caps ) cheviotB, plushes, corduroys and J r.m. ?!!".'!' 50c to 98c SAMPLE CAPS IN THE BASE- JtttNl. wen anu uoye sample caps at , each Calfskin, doeskin, Timer, at fancy colors, team- OQC WHEN good dressers And a ta'.lor who makes gar ments that suit them they tell each other anil their talk helps r.aln a reputation woith hundreds of Uol larn for that tailor. Our Garments are Creat ing That Kind of Talk They are fitted with great care and mads to suit Ue exacting demunds of particular customers. Suits, S20 to S40 Trousers... S 6 to $ IO Overcoats. $25 to $SO Dresher 1515 Farnam St., Telephone 1857. Open evuninga. Tee busy anaklnz clothes to close. Alfred Cornish & Co., 12 IO Farnam Street. Iliail-GRADE BLANKETS AND ROBI3. If 4lfrM sa I KSCJI nm-r sncas Lac , A post AGS STAMC taar .awor Pauia in tc it r Twenty Per Cent Discounton f Suit Cases traveling Bags Commercial snd Theatrical X Work a specially Repairlnr Neatly Done Trunks Called for ad Delivered Omaha Trunk Factory l ftAS. KOtAN, Proprietor Telephone 1058 1209 Farnam Street I I i A 4t