X fTB OMAITA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, NOVEMUEK 2S, r.MW. CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET "Upart of Dma-e to Gropt in Argentine Advancei Prioe of Wht. i - 'RIC OF CORN SOMEWHAT HIGHER WrkH Strong; with Other Grain, hat Trading la Light and rr. talons thaw Decline (or th Day. .InCA?' Nov- T--Rn In Argentine nth resulting crop damage were the chief actor In advancing- the price of wheat to. "llh,ouh the market In genera" wa u"i'i'!,h,,?r beln up "WVke. Corn clow' H'U'Vio higher; oat were up uc and Jam.. io'we?.rOV'8l0n8 Cl8ed 'r"P6chlSharJto 60 i..ShT.V'!rc!U ,n the northwest, lighter cable and unfavorable weather In ArJn Un cauaed an advance of wheat Tner ll 2'JT"CHh Ma3! ,,'rereJ "'"but t eS vss a pood demand from local traders and when' Hh1-dr.fl.rm.,V1ntHj:OWar1 lh now aiiill m VJU2 o y 0,,n""l1on houses caused May to decline to 7ie An In. Drea,"h-d emand developed th. latter part ftm?. dayV w,th hort ct'v buyer" ;i?un3,0.ni,J0J1M?.w,r5 al" on ,he buyln hi. hi iinl 1 V bu" orator aJde5 K nia big line. With comparatively smaller up lSlHc at HO-ic. December sold b" tween 7Wo and loe, closing at 804o a jaln of o Clearances of wheat and flou? ZVrl iU0'100 "? Primary rpti rST yoiflo . mlnat l,129.6o a year K?:. Ilrf"t'tw Porta of wheat and imJZ ihw,"k. w,re bu., against bu.nW ,Mt yr- Minneapolis; pulutn and Chicago report reeeipta of 1.101 tars, against 7M last week and i,m V year hw T"i,,d fln? "feng-th In wheat, S Mr 1;,v"POol cables and the poor con P'Uo".0 new oorn which la coming In. There la some covering by looal shorts kU.. 5. ,?t,rP demand from commission bouses, but the volume of business waa mall. Belling by long, had a steadying Jffeot. After selling between 41TifM2T,n, closed uqhc hgT,Pr Bt i2c p-ember S " ti blrher at 4nlH2o. Local receipts Were 2uJ cars, with two of contract grads. Oata were strong with other grslns but trading- waa dull. Local beara showed no Disposition to .ell and the leading- long were not Inclined to do much business. May closed n higher at S5.c, after rang Ing between 85Ho and S6Tc. Local receipt were 141 oara. Provlalona were firm at the atart, due to Strong train market, and higher price, out declined ae liberal offering from pack era aoon cauaed a reaction. Trndlng- waa Quiet the latter part of the day. with prices steady at the decline. January k " wmj tuu HJwir, Bt siu.id; iara waa off Rc, at $6.22. while rlba were up 6c. at 16.70. N Estimated receplta for tomorrow: Wheat, K.ai;,? corn- 254 cari oat. 1S cars; hogs. 10,000 head. ' The leading future, ranged aa folio wet artlclca.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Cloae. Wed. 11 'Wheat tDeo. May July Corn Dec. May July tt Deo. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. Mar Illba Jan. May 43 84 11 w e to 40' . 8i sou 7t 42H 42H 4ltJ, ?4: 83H n 07HI u. ai ft) 40 T7H w 79U 41 Tt 42V4, 41H 74T4f 4lT4ff42,41Ti 41 41tI14 41 ft 10 75 U 00 e a to K 7ft i 7H 04 t4S tfi SH 10 78 11 024 41fi SSVs 11 00 11 12H 8 ru a7H in IK I 87HI I 2H No. I. tNew. Caah quotations were aa follow; FLOUR Wa. ateady: winter patents. MKu4 20: stralghta, M.704f4 10; anrlng pat ents, l4.004N.iO; atralghts, 3.60J.7Si bakcpa, 2.6oafs.. WHEAT-No. spring, Mc; No. s, 782ci No. I red, 82Hl84V4o CORN-No. t 42HC! No. I yellow, 44e. OAT8-N0. I. 86ie: No. I white, 86438a RYE No. i, S2HS53C. BARLEY Good feedlnf, tSQ9ne; fair to Choice malting, Mg58a. BEED No. 1 flax, Mo; "No, t worth western. 7Hci prime timothy, $2.80; clover, contract grade. 111. PROVISIONS Meas pork, per bbl., flLOn) 11.12. Lard, per 100 lbs., tA.Sfge.87H. Bhort rlba aides (loose), in 32Mr4ftf.70. Bhort clear Ides (boxed), tti.S7H26.60. Following wer.i the receipts and ship, menu of flour tid grain: v Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu barley, bu.. Receipt. Shipment. M.M0 28,700 SK2.S00 184,700 202.400 74,100 .....Itj4,io0 1S2.4O0 u.ryio ha .188,200 29,800 On the Produce exchange today the but XEW YORK GEXEIUL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. 4iISJORK' Nov- T-FLOUR-RcelpU, Jl.Wvl bbls.; exports, 6,t0i bbls. The m 1!"" morB aotlvs and held a shade higher. Winter patents, 84.0om4.2j- inter tralghta, .skio; Mlnnesotapatenti. $4 k J4; winier cxtraa, 83.oimj.25- MinuMoiu I. 16. Rye flour ateady; sales, iwO buis.; fair to good W20O3.40; choice to fnncy, W.46 ,'MVi.VMU'iw,'"5l fl.our' dul1- W-wJO t-t ttiNMEAl bteady; western. tlu2- cltv II. 01: kiln dried. I3.0uiil0. " ' l'' UARLKY-hteaUy; leetilng, J9c; c. I. f.. afloat-13111'' we,l,rn io. t. o. b.. WHEAT-Rece'lpts, 81,425 bu.; exports, 18,. S8 "-The market for spot was nrm.' Ni. I red 88Vc, el.vator; No. I red, 88c: No. 1 northern, buluth, f. o. b.. snout; Not I hard, Manitoba, nominal, f, o. b.. alloit. Options were IJrm and higher this morning on bullish cables, small northweat recelrU and covering of room shorts. Later ihey ad vanced on reported damage by lull In Ar gentlns and closed very firm, at WtfMie net advance. May, 3lb4 7-lBc: closed, 4c; i"!?' " T"1SoV C',!,J. 0Hc; December. W (j 8hc; closed, tc. CORN Receipts, 108,700 bu.; exports, H 180 bu.. Tlie market for spot was firm No, 1, 60c, elevator, and 6H4o f. o b., afloat: Ko. 1 yellow, bic; No. 1 white, tbc. The option market was more active and stronger, Influenced by higher cables, the wheat advance and room covering. The cloae showed it.o net advance. M-ty 477t48o, closed, 4Poj December, 4HSS-li4o; alosed, 4lc. OAT8 Receipts, S01. 400 bu.; exports. It.. ITS bu. The market for spot waa dull; No. t, 42c; standard white, 43c: No. I, 4c; No I white, 48tc; No. I white, 424c; track white 425-l.Sc. FfcER-Steady; spring bran, II. t); Decern, ber middlings, (19 6ut2t. 60; city, $18.0Otrl.5o. HAT (Julet; ahlpplng, 8((75c; good to choice. IfcijWVto. HUFH-Steady ; atate common to choice. 10J, Hy02c; 1"2. l'u'J6Vc: olds. Mjl2c; Pa clilo coaat, 2Ku2ac; 1M, 21&2uUc; olds. t 12. HIDES Steady; Oalveaton. I to 25 lbs. 18c: California, 21 to 25 lbs., 18c; Texas, dry 14 to 80 lbs., 14o. LKATHKR Steady; acid, 2SQ2SV4C. PROVISIONS-Heef. quiet; family, 110 0) fll.oo; mm, ts M: beef huma, J30 60 27.00; packet, W OtAulo 00; city extra India meas. Il.0iirl7.w. Cut meats unchanged; pick led hellie., 00l0.5o; pickled ehoul aers. I6..sti.u0; plcklfd hama, HOfyHiU 00. Lard.qulet; western eteamed, tt.60; Novem ber, 17 20, nominal; reflnsii, easy; continent 17.20; South America, WSA; compound, S7i fork, steady; family, 118.00 short clear, 113.60 tfH 00; mee., li 76iU 60. RICK Firm; domestic fair to extra kc: Japan, nominal. ' TALLOW Firm; city (1200 ter nark. age), 4Vic; country (packages free), 4f firm; 1 UTTER Receipts. 1X7t ikas. : inn amry. lwujio. CK EEBB Receipts, 1. 117 pkgs I quiet: state full cream, fancy, small colored and white. September. 12c; late made. KiVkc; large colored and white, September, 12o; late made, lOHo. IXKirt-Receipts, 1.061 pkgs.; quiet; west rn, R!Sr'c POI LTRT Dressed, dull: western chick ana, WfritUo; fowls, lie; turkeys, l&4:8c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. IT.-WHEAT-Hc higher; No. 1 northern. tSc; No, I north ern S'tJo; Mv, fcoic. RTE Finn: No. L 6Ht67e. HARLEY Weak; No. etc; sample, M 040c. curuN May, icrca. Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 17 KEF.DS Clorer, caah, f SO; leoemt-r. li 8. '; Januarv. H 5; February. dri8WV.; March. ii KJi rrlui. alalke, prime Umothy. l I.'si Liverpool Grain Market. T rvUKl-OOI Nor. n.-WHHtT-8iil. quiet; December, a 6H1; March, a May, 2. CORN tiuct. steadv: American mlied In: futures, ateady; December, 4s W. January, OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and ((notations on ale and Fancy Produce. FOGS Freeh stock. 26c LIVE POULTRY Hens. eHe: spring chickens, 6H'7c; roowters, according to ag, 4u5c; turkeys, 12Vtc; ducks, ti'gSo; DRkssh.D POULTRY Turkeys, 1316c; ducks, luilc; geese, l-tjllc; chickens, lit v. oena, ituec. BlTTEli-Packing stock, 184c; choice to fancy dairy, In tuba, 16'18c; separator, 22o. KHEHH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 7c; pike, 8c; perch, Cc; buffalo, 7Viu8c; blue hHh 16c; whiieflah, 9c; salmon, 11c; had dock, 10c; codflah, Uc; redsnapper, lie; loheters, bolld, per lb., iOc; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bullheads, 11c; culflxh, 14c; black bnaa, 2fl26c; halibut. 9c; crapples, 12c; herring, tc; white bass, 13c; bluetlns, 8c. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 48c, per gal., 12 00; extra Rflocta, per can, 16c, per pal., 11.76; standard, per can -c; per gaL, 11.35. ' HhAN I'pr ton 111.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealera' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 17.50; No. 2. 17.00; medium. 1H.60; coarae, M.00. Rye vtraw, 10.60. Thexc prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN-44C OATS-37C. RYE No. 2. 60c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 860; Dakota, per bu., 70'a'76c; native, 6Mi70c. SWEET POT ATOE& Home grown, per basket, Hoc; Virginias, per t-bu. bbl., 13.00. NAVY BEANS per bu., 12.26. CELERY Small, per dos., 25S35c; large California, 46fe76o. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., Hc; Spanish, per crate, $1.60. CABBAGE Wlaconatn Holland, 2c. TURNIPS California rutabagas, per lb., VAC; white, per bu.. 60c. CARROTS Per bu 60c. PARBN'IPS Per bu., 60c. . BEETS Per bu.. 50c. CALLIFIXiWER-Callfornla, per crate, TOMATOES - California, per 4-baskct crate, 12.25. . CUCUMUERS-Per dot.. 11.00. FRUITS. PEARS Coiorndo and Utah Kelfer. 11.76; winter Nellies and other varieties, $2.60. APFLkS Micu.gan stock. W.jo; ..ilifor. nla Beliflowers, per box, 1.6'J; N ?w York Qreei.ing und Bdluwitia, 13.2.; eai.iii van. eth-s. kt.aO. ORAPES California Tokays. 11.73; pony Catawpas, 2ic; imported Malagas, per keg, 1 6.0 6.60. CRANBERRIES Jersey, rer bbl., 18.00; per box, 13.00; W iscjna.n Hell Bugle, 19.60. gtlNCKri-Califomla, per box, 11.75V TROPICAL FRUlTd. ORANGES Florida bright, und russets, all ulse. rMit.V0; naveis, 4.0olj4.26, LEMONS California fancy, SoO to 300 sir.e, tl.td; choice 240 to 270 siacs, $4.0"(a4.25. FIGS California, per lo-lb. cartons, 86c; Imported famyrua, 8-crown, 14c; 6-crown, 16c; 7crown. 18c. OCOAN l'1'8-Per sack, $4.00; per dot., DATES Persian, per box of 10 packages, $2.00; per lb., In -fb. boxes. c. BANANAS Per me lum died bunch, $100 Q3.&0; Jumbo, $2.75aj.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 124c; Wlaconrln Young Americas, 13c; block SwIhs, 16c; Wmconaln brick, I2c; n iwuiimh nmoerger, izc. HONEV N'hlMlra r r 91 frame. M SO- Utah and Colorado. j;er 24 frames, $3.60. MrLB BLUAR Ohio, per lb., loo. CIDER Per bbl., $6.76; per H-bbl.. $3.25. OS., POPCORN Per lb tvo; sheiied, S63ty HORSE RADISH-Per case of 2 i pacKe i. sop. NUT8 Walnuts. No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell, per lb.. He; No. 1 soft-shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 bjrd-ahe l."per lb.. 12c; Brnsils, per lb., llffllHc; filberts, per lb., liaUV.c; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-Rhell, per lb., lie: pecans, large, per lb., 10llc; small, per lb.. gViiSlOc; peanuts, er lb., 6Vic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; hill walnuts, 12i3l3c; large hickory nut. rf bu., $1.76; shell-barks, per bu., $1,750 t.OO; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26; eastern chestnuts, per lb., lio. . . HIDES No. 1 green, do; No. t green, c; No. I salted, 7c; No. 1 salted, 6o: No. 1 veal calf, $ to 18 lbs., gUc; No. 1 veal calf. II to 16 lbs., 6Ho; dry suited hides, 8ft 12c; sheep pelts, jSfjci, horse,. hides, $1.50 , t)V Louis Orsli and Provisions. BT. LOUia Nov. 27. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 fed, caah. elevator, nominal; track, WtoSSe; December, 89&c; May. &l&$!oi No. 8 hard, nijf79c. CORN Higher; No. 1 cash, 41o; track, 425f42Hc; December, 40c; May, 40c. OATS-Bteady; No. 2 cash, 87c; track. J7Hc; May, Sd?e; No. t white, tBe. FLOUR 4Jteady; red winter patents, 14.10 64.20; extra, fancy and straight, $3.ot4.06; clear, $3.6CiS3.60. SEED Timothy, steady, $.262.86; prime worth more. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.80. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 74fj77c. HAY 8teady ; timothy, $7.50(212.60; prairie. $5.(a.l0.50. IRON COTTON TIES $1. OS. BAGQING 6ftp614c. HKMP TWINE 6c. ' PROVISIONS Pork, lower. $11.18. Lard, lower, $224. Bacon, easier; boxed extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $8; short clear, M.12H. POULTRT Unsettled; chickens, 6V4c; springs, 7Hc; turkeys. 12Hc; ducks, 9c; geene, 9c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 19a26V4c; dairy, lyqlSc. KGUS-Flrm at 28c, Ins. off. v Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls ; 9.O0O I8.O0O Wheat, bu 90.000 72.0O0 Corn, bu 23.010 16,000 Oats, bu 72,000 29,0u0 ' Kansas City Grain and Provision.. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 27. WHEAT De cember, ShHaasSc; May. sc; cash No. I hard, 72ji73u; N.. t, t7S69W; No. 4, 00 844c; reiected, 59S60c; No. 2 red, 818Hc; No. 8. 77O0c. CORN-December, WAWc. May. 86AC rash No. 2 mixed, 40c; No, i white, 404o; No. S, 19S39HC. . OATS No. t white. S6$38c; No. 2 mixed, 34 He HAY Choice timothy, $9.60; choice prai rie, $(t. 50418. 50. RYE No. t 47c. BUTTER Creamery, 20ig2c; fancy dairy. lc EOGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas stock, cases returned, tHe; new No. I whilo wood cases Included, 26c. Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu lSO.O'iO 24S.noo Corn, bu IB.flliO 24.000 Oats, bu S.uOO (0,000 Philadelphia Produeo Market, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 27.-RUTTT:R Firm; extra western creamery, 19c; nearby prints. 2tc. EGUS Weak and 2c lower; fresh nearby, 3"c Ions off; do. western, llHfe32c; do. lota off, 33c. CHEEBK Dull and easy; New York full creama, fancy. lle; do. choice, llVsc; do. fair to good, lOVtfllV. Minneapolis Wheat, Flour and Hran. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 2T. WHEAT De cember, 6Mc; May. ioc; on truck. No. 1 hard, 81c; No. 1 northern, PO'.c; No. t north orn, 7Sc; No. 1 northern, 72,76v4c. FLOUR Flr.t patents, 14. 46 u 4.66; second patents, 14.364 60: tlrt clears, $3.2u'u3.30; Second cleora. $'!.20fi!.80. BRAN In bulk. $13.26. Duluth Or.iu Market. DULUTH, Nov. S7.-WHEAT-On track, No. 1 northern. Kl4c; No. 2 northern, 7sc; N. I spring, 7tc; December, 7SV.c; May, T9Tc. OATS In store end to arrive, S3o. Peorln Market. PEORIA. Nov. 27. CORN Old corn, mar ket lower; new, steady to firm; new No. S, 8)c; new No. 4. 37c; No. 1, 42c; No. 4, 411o. Oil and Ro.la. NEW YORK. Nov. 27.-OIL-Cottonseed. steady: prime crude, nominal; prime yel low. 14o. Petroleum, firm; refined New York, 60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $9.46: prime, In buU, $0 65. TURPENTINE yulet ; biuHOo auked. ROSIN Dull, strained, common to good. $2 6oiu2.60. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov. 17.-OIL-Turpen-Une, firm, 66c. ROSIN Firm: A. B. C. D, $3 10; E, $218; O, $ 86; 11, 12.40: I. $2.(0; K, $2.80; M. il.ttO; N, I..S0. Q W. $2. t& OIL CITY, Nov. V. -Credit balance. $1 A Certificates, no bid; shipments. Us. 3X2 bbls.; average. 77. 970 bbls. Runs, 132,44k bbls.; av erage, 86,810 bbla. Shipments, Lima, 123. Wl hl)s average. M.&4 bbls.; runs, Lima, 130, 148 bbls.; average, 66,347 bbls. Iigar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 27 SUGAR Raw, quiet; fair rtni.iutr, lc; o olrifugal, W teat, lc; mo astes sugar, tc. Rehned, quiet: No. I. 4.(Xc; No. 7. 4.00c: No. a, 18ic; No. 9 I tec: No. 10. t .860; No. 11. t.8Uc; No. 12. I6.--No. IS. l.7uc. Confeciloners A.. 4 HOo; n'o-'ld A., 4 loc: cut loaf, I lie; crushed, 6.16c; JMiwcerea, 4 65c; granmuled, 4.6. c; cj.,,, NEW ORLEANS, Nov. f7.-8UOAR Sleady; open kettle, t'-ee: centrifugal, $l-l-; yellow.." 1 l-lbo; secund ilJ.k.c. in i.ASM Oiu kettle, ii uac; c.ntrlf- NEW Y0RESI0CKS AND BONDS Boilisu Tendency hvwn in Bonthern Pa e flo Bscauta of Haw Ont-Offi UNION PACIFIC CETS FAVORABLE NOTICE Annual Report Received with Ap proval by Wnll Street on Dull . Day After Onn Day Rest. NEW YORK, Nov. 27. There was very little activity In stocks today. The end weeK remnant after the holiday offered slight Inducement to members to return to tne siock exciiango trom their outings before Monday and tnere was a small at tendance and languid trading In oonse quecue. The changing fluctuations showed ine uncertain moous of professional trad ers, whose bu.lness maue up what was estimated at nine-tonths of the total. The market started oft With a bullish demon stration In Southern Pacific. The announced opening of the Salt L,ake cutoff of the road was made the occasion of conjectural estimate as to the increased earnings a to result. Union Pacific came Into the movement with even greater eflect owing to the show ing in Its annual report vt the heavy In deotedness to it of tne subsidiary company on account of advances for betterment work. There wae heavy selling of Pennsylvania St Reading which waa unexplained In the current news. Earnings ot the coalers trom this time on will compare with the period year after the strike was settled, when th earnings of these companies rail up to unprecedented figures. Current reports had it that the current earnings of the Erie showed the eitects of the floods which have interrupted that line. The Erie stock, however, did not share in the weakness of Reading ft Pennsyl vania. Neither did Atchison share fully In the strength of the Paclfls, its extreme ad vance being limited to , notwithstanding Its showing of an Increase In net earnings for October of l:tt5,0Si9, or rather more than half the increase of $666,096 in the gross earnings. The minor Industrials were decidedly Irregular. Some of those which suffered most early In the week were In eager de mand in the loan crowd, where they com manded a premium, while shorts bought to cover their contracts. The effect wits especially notable on Locomotive preferred. Republic Bteel, on the other hand, was forced down an additional t points on re newed doubts over the maintenance of the preferred dividend. The tone of strength developed In the whole market late In the day was due tu the forecasts of a favorable bank state ment tomorrow. The usual compilers are agreed that the Interior current movement has been in ravor or New York to the extent of between 11,000,000 and $J,000,000, while the subtreasury operations and the foreign g-old reserve have contributed over $1,100,000. The quiet tone of the call money market today indicates that the week's gain in cash, most ot It having come early In the week, will figure In tomorrow's bank statement for the full weekly aver ages. Sterling exchange developed some strength this morning, but broke sharply again and closed weak. Unsubstantiated rumors were current of additional gold en gagements In London. The report of grain exports for the week shows an Increase of upwards of 1,000,000 bu. of wheat and corn over last week. The bond market was dull and rather Irregular. Total sales, pur value, were $l,73i:,O00. United States bonds wers un changed on the last call. Following are the closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Bales. Hlsrh. Low. Cloe. Atchison 23,80) 66 6U tMV ao Dta B. & O do nfd Canadian Pacific. Central of N. J.. Chesapeake A O Chicago A A do ufd Chicago Ot. Western do U pfd Chicago 4k N. W Chicago T. 4 T do pfd : C. C. C. & St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d cfd Del. 4k Hudson Del., Lack. & W Denver & R, O do bfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Gt. Northern pfd nocKing vaitey do Dfd Illinois Central Iowa Csntral do Dfd K. C. Southern do Dfd Ia & N Manhattan L Mot. St. Ry Minn. A St. L Mo. Pacific M., K. A T do pfd Nat l R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. CentrM .. Norfolk & W do Dfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & BL L... Reading , do 1st pfd ao za pia...,. Rock Island Co do pfd Bt. L. 4 S. F. 1st pfd do Id pfd St. L. & W.... do pfd St. Paul do pfd So. Pacific 80. Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific T.. St. L. & W do Dfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & Like Erie. Wis. Central Arinms Ex American Ex..,.. U. S. Ex :.. Welln-Fnrgo Ex.. Amal. Copper Am. Car & F do pfd Am. I Insod OH.. do pfd Ai. Locomotive. do pfd Am. Fmelt, A R.. do pfd Am. Hun ax Ref.. Anamnda Mlnln Co Rro iklvn R. T 10,870 600 300 ) 8?t 8SU 11,430 764 76 76 100 87V 87V 87 1,200 118 117 11S 153 400 30 304 300 81" 11 80H 114 66 H 27 100 168ft 166 164 400 16 16 100 121 '"206 H'i tOO 164 "ioo to" 100 17 1,600 ti 820 96 1,000 4844 rO 83 a,7 103 J, 630 139Z .100 mtf T.730 600 1,160 100 1114 1,360 17 11744 66 ' 'ififio toii toii 92,029 114 112 12,750 40 39 1,600 244 24 800 100 too 46 44H 1S 18 si m 1,400 18h4 138 600 173 173 I,7h0 46 46J 1.270 10 my 1.900 7714 76V 444 100 68.600 l.Sffl 3,800 19 36 19 84 100 17 17 71.800 ! S! 1,020 18 18, 8t 66 64 '"tm 9' rv 8P?5 14 1J . 620 74 71 1,300 44 4' 400 86 24,400 121 119 200 at Crlo. Fuel A Iron... Columbus & H. Coil , Con. Ga General Electrlo Intrr. Piper Co pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nafl B1cult Nat'l T.ead No. American Paclle M ll People Gaa Preed Bteel Car.... do pfd Pullman P Car ReDub'ln Bteel do nfd R-ihtre- Qiols do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron... V S. Toother do rM U. 8. ttubber do rf u. b. ct'i '.ro "o nfd 11.10 Western Union 310 40 25 39 25 i.oo i7 m TO ID I lot IK) jno 1.810 1.0S5 if 460 "Von 23,50 100 680 73 62 vs 27 2fi 9IH 93 '" 40 2S 78" 41 r 93: 24 84 '6 16 28 76 h4 84 121 8! 26 V 176 1M1 10 si to 14 T 17 9414 2414 4 218 J7' 39 14 m T 75M J 11 8' 85 Total sales for the day were 4"!4,00 shares. . v DoBlnn strk Qnotattons. BOSTON. Nov. r Call loan, 64I per cent: time 'oans, 6V.Q6 per cent. Official eloalng prices on stocks and bondst W Adreotar .... 9 Alluu.l M Amlinat4 . fc!4fc biogQmia Ml C.I. A HMla. 114 C.nt.nul.l .... 140 CuDD.r IUqm N- T . N. H. H.. II lomlnlo Coal Atrhlwa kli. reatrsi 4 .. Aichuwa 4o pfd Boatoi A Albr. BMtaa Mm.. Bostoa ElTlo4 ... 1 ... 4 ... MS ... ;i ...4M ... 14 ... 43 ... Tl, ... H ... 44 ... U ... M tl Bt 4 1H4 8 III :::::::::: 1 Furrlarn rinnnclal. IX)NDON. Nov. !7W MONEY Rate were firm and the Bupplle. were not abundant In the market today, but the keenneo. of the demand wa. somewhat abated. Dicotinta were firm and quid, the weakness of New York enehang ronewtiig the apreheulon of considerable further withdrawals of gold. OiTfTWise the prospect of a rls In the Ruuk of Ki:(flfiJ s rate of discount thl ritckkuri pid to tou faciao Ul. Cemr.l Amar. Sugar da pfd A...r. T. T num. 1. a s ..... 0fl Cl4-trla . Stan. Blsctrl ... da pfd t'nit.d Krult I! S. Stsal da ptd Wtatlng. commoa. rrmnklls .. It 1.1. Rural . .. H Uohiws ..U1'4 Old UomtDlo . .It'i Oscol ..ISkt. F.rrut . . i' QuiBcr . .IM Tamarack .. 11 Tnnil .. 4 I la K Vm.rU .. 10 WIBOU 47 Walvarln Ksir Wast exchans-e opened unchanged and rather dull, but price, were Benerallv firm tin Invest ment buying and Indications of Increasing .reunion, consols nsracneo on th nrm ness of money, being referable only to montn-enn requirements. Americans were stesdy and r-lectert. pending the receipt of Wall street's opening quotations, and closed steadier. Kaffirs were moderstnly cheerful snd Irregular. Copper was flat, the amp in American prices having shaken confidence. Consequently the bears offered freely on an unwilling market. BERLIN. Nov. 2T MONEY-Prtees on the bourse todsr continued firm. PARIS, Nov. 27. MONEY Trading on the bourse today opened dull and remained In active throughout the day. Three per cent rentes. 97f 9oc for the account. Exchange on London, 26f 17 c for checks. REPORT! OF THIS CLEARING nOVSE. Transactions of the Associated flanks Dnrlna; the Past Week. NEW YORK. Nov. 27.-The following table, compiled by Brndxtreet, shows the bank clearing at the principal cities for the week ended November 26, with the per centage of increase n:td flecrense as com pared with the corresponding week Wst year: CITIES. j Clearings Inc. Dec. New York , 4 nlcngo , Boston Philadelphia . , St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati , Kansas Cltv , Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo St. Paul Indianapolis Los Angeles St. Joseph Denver Richmond Columbus Seattle WRshlnfrtrm Savannah Memphis Albany Suit Lake Cltv Portland, Ore Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta De. Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane, Wnsh Grand Rapids Sioux Cltv Snrlns-fleld, Mass Norfolk Dayton Tncom.T. Worcester Augusta, Oa, .......... Portland. Me Scranton Topcka Syracuse Evnnavlllu. Wllmlna-ton. Del Birmingham Davenport Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Macon ...v.. Wilkeabarre Akron Springfield. Ill Wheeling, W. Va Wichita Younautown Helena Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford Kalamaioo ..... Fargo, N. D. Canton. O Jacksonville, Fla Oreensburg. Pa Rockford. III.. Springfield, O Blnghamton Chester. Pa. Bloomlngton, W Qulnry. Ill Rtnux Falls. 8. D Mansfield. O.. ......... Jacksonville, til . Fremont, Neb IDecattir, 111 tHouston tOa Ives ton Guthrie Charleston, 0. (J j oxais, u. o Outside New York.... 9M.mR?1 114.m.9?6 19S.f8.1il 91,3-.5.tVi7 M.4K404 I9.113.i'2 20 090 OM! 17.SM.ftS4' IS.TTS.lfVll 17.872.797 12.104 8041 .17.003.811 lftft.4'-.4 8,601,927 8.nfi7.073 6.118. 4M 8.742.6 6.BIO.OOOI n !""v247! (1.1 S3. 00(1 1 B,,W.?sl 7.4HS.279! S 307.6:01 4 COS I07 SAW. 2: 3 4.0.'ifl.Tio! a. 400 (I -it1 l.S-0 R7SI 4.731.6.111 4.MiS.mS ' 4.IT7.RWI 2n.9T0 3.01X.3'-i(i 2.fi'2 51441 2.774.8131 1. nor.8sy 1.844.0161 2, fiin nr.si 11 81S.211I 1.443. 300 1 1. 8116.3671 1, m on! 1.646.7751 1.H3.0R5 . 1.179 002 1.639.(-91 1.333,1621 l,890.2n2l 7Wl.fi0l 1.336.078! 1.206.8261 1.643.621 l.H2.4ir;1 97Z.47H!. 1.417.4751 919.2n3!. 1.069,660', 854. 830 902.9701 1.3WOV9'. 1.416.1721 747.0O0I 7K2.14S TiW.fOO . 664.7681. r.H6.6.T)l. 636.556! . 462.3R2I. 437.8761. 463.8761 707.74' 444.2841 488.481 618.038 619.145 428.19' 635.494 - 443.678 . 1, ' 487.3041 816.612! tH7.800 466. 503! ' 271.836 imi.w 206, TO 219.956! 1S9.S40I 10!5?73! lf.3.9151 15.636,992 10,356.0001 864.038 1.098.S34 S.2I. I 1 tt'.Sj. " i!tj. 1.4 "s.e 3.9 "b'i 1.9 7.01 I 11.9 15.91 .1 27.9 9.1 11.0 3.7 i.i "o.i 'i'.s $8 "i.i 4 9 69! 41.91 2.8 24.71 4.61 11 9 126.1 6.6 18.0 6.5! S.3 "2.S 8.01 4. II 2.6 7.2 40.11 111. 658 462.203 701,623,382! 20.71. 2.2,. 8i'.'4l. 1.8 36.0 16.8 40.8 'so!i 10.9 7.9 62.4 "i'.i 10.6 9.2 8V7 401 10.6 6.4 2 8 9.7 15.1 2.6 5.6 15.6 4?7 95.9 8.0 1.9 17.1 81.9 61.61 19.8 18.6 19.1 17.6 10.4 13.7 "ft'.s 20.4 9.6 87.7 Ti 11 9 1.8 0.4 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Ottawa ii"" Vancouver, B. C... Quebec Hamilton St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C ILondon . Totals J0.958.987l 14,221.238 6.776.8441 1.761.6HI 2.269.2421 1,845.7004 1.547.362 1.111.038 968. 4119 1 662.5971 740,671 1 62.223.771). 8,6 9.8 16.6 1.3 16.S 14.4 'i6!7 'ii'.i 14.8 19 9.0 Balances paid In cash. ... tNot Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. Not included In totals because of no coin parlson for last year. Hew Tork Mossy Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 27. MONET On call, Strong, 4Vj7 per cent! closing bid, 6V per cent: offered at 7 per cent; time loans, Btrong; Blxty days, 6 per cent; ninety days and bTx months, 6H& per cent; prime mer cantile paper. aijjxiSi per cent. STERLINO EXCHANOE Weak, after strength, with actual business In bankers bill at 14.835EtrT4.8360 for demand and at 14.8oa4.80l6 for sixty day bills; posted rates 14 81 and 14.84H; commercial billa, H.TjV 4 7974 'PILVER Bar, 67c; Mexican dollars. 43c. BONDS Government, Irregular; railroad, Irregular. , . . The closing quotations on bonds are aa follows: . ..106 LAN. act. 4 HH I' Manhattan S. 4S..1V1 ..107 ..lift ..14 ,.1S4 ..110 ..110 ..1011 ..101 ..100 .. 17 ...13 ..tuoi U. S. rat. la. rag. . do eoupon do la. rag do eoupon do naw 4a, raft- do coupon do old 4a. rag... do coupon d la. raf do aoupon Atchtaon fan. 4.. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a . Baltlmor A O. 4 do la Csntral of Oa, I. do lat loo rha. db Ohio 4Ha....l01 Chlcaio A. ISia. . C. B. u. n. 4a.. 0. II. aV S P. ( 4a. 0. aV N. W. . It.. C . R. I. A P. 4a... do col. 4a rx-c. a st. L. g. rhlcagr) Tar. 4a.. Con. Tobacco 4s.. Colo. Bo. 4a... P. R. O. 4a... Erla prior Ilea 4 do aanorai aa... p. w. a rx c. ia.. m Horklnf Val. 4ti...lv Offered. Ma. Central 4s. do lat Inc Minn. St. L. 4i U., K. AT. 4a. d o is N. R. K. ot at. e N. Y. C. B. I Ska N . C. s. I No. Paclflo 4f do is Nor. Weat. . 4a O. I. U (1 4 par.. 14 it Pann. cov. ..no's Kasdins fa I4'A HUll. Bt. ... ... H 4s. n ... H ... 1114 ... to 14 17 l Vat 1. 4a. 14. a. 4a.. 110V L 4 1 r. fs. a. taw 71 Bt. U. S. W. 1 II HS4 Seaboard A. L. as.... 1H 110 ISO. Paclflo 4 W 1ia to. Rallwar 6 US 14 ... Ti'H 'lena a f la Ill ... T4i T BL U A W. 4a.. 1 as. 17 i, t'nion Paalllo 4a 102S ... TS I do ennv. a 4 ... UlalU- B. Blssl M ... 14 iWahaah la Ill ... MVi do deb. B 474. ... WW. a L I. 4s It ... I44 Wla. Central 4s Colo. Pusl son. Is... 1114 Raw York Mining Uaotatlons. NEW'TORK, Nov. 17. The following are the closing quotations on mining' slocks: Adam coa Allc nrt-scs brnnavlck Co H'omatuck TunntL.. Con. Cal. A Vs.... Horn SllTr Iron Silver LsadTlll Con Offered. to 11 i , 1 . t , M .104 .176" , 1 Lit t la Cnlat tlnlarlo , Ophlr , Phoanlx Potial Bavag Slarra Narad Small Hupa .. giaudara . 4 .U9 .140 . I . 14 . n . u . CotTee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 27. COFFEB-Spot Rio, steady; mild, steady. The market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of t point and while not particularly active, ruled generally steady to firm during the entire Secioi. Receipts at primary points continue Unlit and with the foreign markets stesdy there seemed little disposition to sell In the local mar ket, which closed steady 6'il0 points higher. Balra were Dl.-Ao bags,. Including December May. 1 15ft 20c 1.46c; OctutM-r, 6.46ua.60c. at 4.40c; January, (Mr; March. t.9bii00c: ; July. 107)u.i5c; September, II8KT-8teady Whisky Market. CHICAOO, Nov. V. WHISKT Steady on ua-is ok iiisn wines ai ai,-s. ST. LOLltf. Nov. tl-WH at 11 n. PEORIA. Nov. r. WHISKT Steady at CINCINNATI. Nov. 27 -WHI4K Y-Dls-tll ers' finlsiied goods on basis of 11.15. Dry Cioods Market. NEW YORK. Nv. 27. DRY GOODS- The market has been tf the usual character of a day aftor a hoiulsy. Buyers have liven con servative and their atuiui would mcih to OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Becaipti Modertta tod Sot Mnch Ohinga in Fritm j HOGS STRONGER THAN ON WEDNESDAY Llcht Ran ot Sheep and Lambs and Killers Sold Freely at Knlly Steady Prices, with Feeders at Little Blow, bnt Aboat Steady. Receipts were Official Monday .... Official Tueuay Official Wednesday. Ottlcial Thtirxil.iv Official Friday....... SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 27. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen t,oi o,.xw a,t41 13.416 e.UdJ 6,101 .... tioiloay 7.4foK ,t3 6,Zt.l , 3,i63 ," i',oto' Flvo days tl.lj week m.sr.i .L'8,3!4 .2;,fio .).4iy .lk.tU2 YKAK 31,109 3u,,'t5 ,; 21.3JH .0,019 30,358 77.606 71.12H 41. 0.J TO DATE Same days last week. omuis wren oerore game three weeks ago., Same lour weeks ago.., Same days last year..., RECEII'TH 1'riR 'i-nti-. 1 he following table shows the receipts of Pfl if! l-la'ia-aa . a. a. ......... . . . vnm year ty date an4 ojrapajisonii .tu last 1 fVi- LiMe 1.0UU.K.- r-1 1!Vm U ,a,. -.t bneeP f 1.7U.175 Aver:uA lA.-i.- ,, n:r; pam ior nogs at aouio ua?Un?...or )"t "vrl o With com- 1902. Inc. Dec, 0'-oJ0 7i.21i 2,unf,B71 (,a,8 1.BU.3UII 14.S.JSJ for nogs at South Pte. j 1903. il901.l01.li00.lS9. 181.1897. 10., Nov Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. NOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. 11. Nov. 12.. NOV. 13.. Nov. 14.. Nov. 15.. Nov. 1.. Nov. 17.. Nov. 18., Nov. Is., Nov. 20., Nov. 21.. Nov. L'2.. Nov. S3.. Nov. 24.. Nov. 25., Nov. 28.. Nov. 27.. 4 M44i 4 fevVsl i 7J.I !.: 4 81H 4 67- 4 0.'. 4 64tB 1 Wi 'a 4 64 4 44H 4 SS4 4 44 4 4ti') 4 44, 4 11 4 2l4 I 4 1Vfc 4 20 !9.Mi a si 49 I 61 a 66 41 6 71 "1 a s: 6 71 I 711 6 67 1 74 1 36 Vi 6 72' a 101 a 63 a Zl 6 a 28i a si a si, 6 29: a 23 a -j I a 15 a u3 6 991 6 68 67 6 63 6 63 6 Mi 6 63 6 Tl 6 81 6 15 i a. 6 76 6 78 6 73 4 it 4 Oil 1 66 I 2t 4 SO 4 04 1 1 46 41 4 60 4 04 1 46 143 4 02 1 61 t 43 4 10 1 62 I 44 4 44 4 01 t 44 4 67 4 (li t 65 4 71 4 03 1 62 1 64 4 a 4 03 I 47 1 41 4 7 4 4 03 1 47 1 31 4 02 3 43 t 3 'i 4 84 1 44 t 83 4 74 3 94 t 84 4 67 3 9: t 41 4 82 187 t Sti I 12 490 1 84 136 1 81 4 78 liV 3 11 t 86 I 35 S 82 4 78 1 t 14 4 76 I 88 I 14 4 78 1 89 t 11 4 7 1 86 3 81 t 29 4 78 3 86 1 44 1 27 t 86 I 82 8 4ti 3 27 8 77 t 88 1 80 4 87 t 23 t 24 4 76 t 76 t 28 , 41 , 6 , 16 , 18 ' . 25 , 6 , t 47 7 a 18 28 7 4 4 1 t 2 a '16 Th dicael! fjunday- 'Indicates holiday. , iiuininr ul care 01 stock, brought In today by each road was: a4k 4 la. IT M V C. M A Of D o Mlsnsurl Pacific Union Pacific System.. C. & N. W F.. E. xt v C St. P., M. & b.'.'.'.'. U. & M C. H. Ar o C R. I. & p., enst!! c. n t k- v .. Illinois Central .. '" Chicago Great Western. 2 Total recelnts tia The rilsnnsltfon ni'ih .t .... ,Jf7 , " " we icuetitis was ,. .' j, ., . .ti t sin mo num ber of head Indicated: - . r, Csttle.Hogs.Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 2Jt2 6UG 749 snd Company 649 l,2tj 1,3m vuuauj auitiiiK Vo Armour & Co 1,036 Ctldnhv frnm (3fr.ii w ru.. Armour, from Sioux City. Vansant & Co Carey & Ronton Lobman & Co Hill & Son Livingston A R Huston St Co Hagerty , Other buyers 127 22 70 139 60 129 44 1,144 1.870 1.011 2.600 788 490 . 7 , It 424 29 Totals 3,006 8,048 4 420 CATTLE There wa a fair run of cattle here this morning, but the demand was equal to the occasion, and as a result the mat ket showed very little change from Wednesday. Trading was not exaotly ac tive, but atlll the cattle kept changing hands and a clearance waa made In fairly good season. There were vot very many com fed steers on aalo and the market could not be quoted anything but steady. Some of the same cattle that sold for 15.10 on Wednesday sold at the same price todny. Other sales ulio looked about steady, though of course the warmed-up kinds were slow Bale the same as usual. There was more or less unevenness In the cow market this morning for the reason that some of the packers were anxious for supplies, whHle others were not. The more desirable grades were easy to dispose of at fully steady prices, but when It came to the canners they were steady in some cases and In others they seemed a little weaker. The close of the market waa hardly as brisk and some of the Bales did not look Suite as good a those made earlier In the ay. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show enough chansre from Wednesday to be worthy of mention. There were only a few atockers and feed ers In the yards this morning, and as a result the market held fully steady. The choicer bunches In fact sold at prices that If anything were a little stronger. The a-en-eraj run of cattle, though, could not be quoted any better than steady. Range beef steers were scarce this morn Ing, but the few that did arrive sold at steady prices. Packers, though, did not seem to be at all anxious for the commoner kinds and as a result that class was rather siow sale. Range cowa were generally steady, the better grade If anything being -...'..n i-vHiiiiuii Riiiua weHK. niocaArs and feeders were fully steady It at-all good, but slow If of common quality. Represents tlve sales: No. I... 14... 1... 1... 4... I... 4... At. ...IMS Tr. 4 04 I 1 m iH ..IBS I TU ..! I M . . Ml 1 OS IM I Tl BEEF STEERS, As. Pr. No. 4fl t 00 K lOaO t to 7! COWS. 110 1 71 10., ., HI IM l.r. 177 I SO t lit I 10 I tut I 11 1 BULLS. , 1600 1 n HEIFERS. ' 1 10 1 tn I M S0 t U t H STOCKERS AND FEEDERS M i;"A.vv 101 it cpnAonA. I 40 9 cows 1 7 feed era.. 1(160 11 feeders.. 10R1 tl fneders.. HJ 1 feeder. ..I'iWI , f30 , 942 1060 92 910 84 cows.... 4 feeders. 1 feeler. . 4 feeders, t feeders. t cows list 22 cows 130 1 cow 1120 7 steers.. ..lost 1 cow..., 1 cow... t cows.. B cows.. a cows. . eers. cow..., 1 cow 10(V) 8 cows 9S 1 cow 1240 9 cows i'JI 8 feeders.. 412 62 cows 9M 18 steers... .1213 24 stc 1 CO' 1070 9 , 975 , fw , s2f, 1128 1040 I 75 t S 3 00 t S6 1 80 i 66 t 10 1 65 t 15 1 90 2 15 i 00 1 70 t 25 t 10 1 10 1 86 t 75 1 10 8 25 . t 85 I 80 t cows. . S COWS... 1 bull.... t cows... 1 steer... 1 cow.. ,.1016 .1000 .1150 .110 , 820 810 I cows 80 t cows. I cow.., 1 cow..., 4 cows.., 1 cow..., 1 bull..., 18 steers. 20 steers. 42 cows... 15 cows.., .10") .11) .1M0 .Mm ..ttno ..1600 ,..1WS ,.. 659 .. 944 .. 96 Diamond Cattle Co Wvn 66 COWS PS4 2 90 73 Steer., ..11JJ H. J. Windsor Wyo. to (w 954 f 1 bull 1S0 8 feeders.. iron 3 If, 1 steers. ...1168 R. J. Reno Wvo. 1 hull 1270 1 76 8 h"lfe s... f ciwi 1iS 1 7S 1 steer" iota 1 steer 12" I 00 6 heifers... m 1 heifer .. 670 t 80 1 feeder... 630 h. T. Heamsn Neb. 1 hull 1'0 8 feeders., 77. 1 feder.. 74 fedHr.. UTS 10 ciw fl T cows 0-2 7 hel'ers... 1 Vefr. ... ! HOas-There 1A t"0 10 oon R3S ". 810 t 40 t 00 t 06 1 00 t 00 1 75 1 90 1 76 1 86 165 1 10 too 1 60 t 10 I 10 t 10 tio t 76 1 80 t ?6 2 85 X 86 I 25 t 00 I 10 I T5 3 00 I 60 i 00 1 m t so so t to t OK 7 I l to 1 n 1 buii 1 so 8 feeders. t m feeders. 1 25 1 feeder.. I Scows t 40 t cow.... 1 80 1 heifer... i 80 wa a fatrlv liberal run of hogs in night thl morn. 1. g but th luc al de mand was In good s iaiie and the market 01 ened stronger than Wednesday's clo, or about as good a th early market on We.liieday. Trailing waa not very active owing to the fact that packers wanted to bear the market wl lie salesmen wanted more money. The hOK kept moliig toward the scalu., though, and a ciratauce wa made In fairly g, od a.n The hulk of the heavy hugs suld from 14 16 to 14 2w, me dium weights went from 11 2o to 44 86 ami lights from 14 1 S 1 4 tu. There was prac tically no change In the market from start to fit Ish. Today' receipts make the supply of hogs at this morning for the year to date cur l.tO'Ooi head. Thl. however, is a dt-crease as compared with the same period of laat year amounting to about 9.0 bead. Repte sentatlv aales: ) Na. Aa. Eh. Ft. Ha. Af. Sfc. Pr. 46 la at 4 II I ...... t ... IS It 1.') 4 14 M ...... .tse IN ib 14 til 120 4 II J :m ... jfl II ii 1 4 It CI t.l ... 4 !v ll Ssi, 110 4 IS Tl t.l 140 4 : 1)7 Iwl 4 14 aa if4 IS IB lit lu ... )i Tl ITU to i 4 it w w a 11 (s 11 w 4 ? SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL 1 1 any quantity and pet highest ninrket prices. Write for infor ttiation, prices and shipping tags which are Bent free by ou luse which is located nearest to you. ' J. S. SMITH & CO.. WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANT8 flMHA.NEB. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. GRAND ISLAND. NEB. 1 .. IS ... IT.... 13... . It.... 5''. , . , 49.... 42..., to... I. ... f.... 14.... 74... I!.... 40.... 4.... IS ... 14... 47.... 4... II. ... .... 48.... 44... .. :i4.1 ..I.14 ..Sit ..4 . JW ,.jw . m .113 ..111 ..ICT ..nt ..M4 . 121 ,.S4l ,.131 ..l4 ,.:4 ..Ml ..r7T 71 sue 4(t 16D 40 aO to 160 io 40 tin :4 iio ISO 10 ltl 120 0 4 11 li 177 ... 4 4 11 6.- 31 110 4 SJ 4 II 4fl hH. 40 4 II 4 II 17 2a It) 4 10 4 IS 4? Rl 10 4 LH 4 18 7S J..H 121 4 Si 4 17Uj - Ul ... 4 J.., 4 H' IT KG SOS 4 JSS 4 m 14. !'.4 40 4 4 17V, tl tSi 1W 4 4 10 ft 346 10 4 ia, 4 JO r(... .,.(48 W 4 ItStj 4 JO 4i IlhI ... 4 4 JO 74 110 ... 4 16 4 W 71 10 110 4 25 4 tO IE IsO 40 4 15 4 4 CI 121 40 4 5 4 M tl 143 120 4 25 4 10 46. 10 to 4 15 4 iO 21 tlO ... 4 15 4 20 Tl 104 ... 4 I7H 4 20 Ill ... 4 TVi 4 10 to 134 lit) 4 ID 4 10 T7 tvt 1W 4 10 CHICAGO. MISXEArOLIS. SHEEP-There was not ft heavy run of Jheep here this morning and under the In fluence of a good demand from local pack ers all desirable grsdes of killers changed hands freely at fully steady prices. There were ft few corn-feds on sale, but they were meetly of the short-fed variety, and conse quently sold little better than graaers. Fed lambs sold as hlarh as 14. 86, fed year lings brought 13.60 and fed ewna, 13.06. 1 here were several bunches of feeders In cluded in the offerings, and while they oould be quoted about steady trading was not very active owing to the fact that very few buyers arrived. Quotations tor crass stock: Choice west em lambs, 14 6(X&4.76: fair to good lam ha, l4.2fwG4.50; choice yearlings, 13.4'Ji3.G0; fair to good yearlings. !3.K.ia3.40; choice weth ers. 13.25713.40: fnlr tn arnod wot her. ta nrvat S 26: good to choice ewes, $2.60T? 2 S5: fair to s-ood ewes. $2.2Ti( 2.60; choice feeder lambs, 13.IW4.10; fnlr to good feeder lnmhs, 13.261i 1.60; baby lambs. 12.00iil.00: feeder vr. lings. 13.2T)&8.40, feeder wethers, 13.ir.fi 3.S."; feeder ewes. . 12.oo-iit.50; culls, tl.OMiZOO. Representative sales: No. a- r.. 21 fed Wyoming ewes 117 1 06 434 fed native yearlings 99 t 50 275 fed Wyoming lambs 67 4 Rf, iz tea native ewes and wethers 17 8 76 x CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. wood & Co Mala 4fflC4 rUnhattan Building ST. pAUL, niNN. Dealer fn Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and sold for cash or on reasonable v ' Margins. Members Important Exchanges, Private Wires. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt Returns. Beat Facilities. Liberal Advances. Branch OtHcas 104) Be Bldar. 'Phone 8814 Omaha, Nebrsvskav. nrT.rmi. wiifirrPEO. i Llarht" Receipts of CavttU and Sheep, with Fair of Hoars. CTTTPAnO Vn 97 CiTTTtt T i . - 9,000 head,, Including 600 head of westerns. That markat wna mtaAv 1 1... .1 . , ... . steers, !5.16(fi5.7t; poor to medium, $3.75ful.!i0; t-ru!i, i. itxut.w; cows, tl bu (64.26; heifers, 14.00ar4.26; cannera, 11.6ti-2.30. , - - ' . - . . ..... 1 m L m. u.iuut.uv, western steers, !3.00ij4.a). ni'UB-iteceipts today, 24,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 18,000 head. Mixed and butchers, t4.3O5j4.40; rough heavy, 14.10tS4.Su; light, 14.104.40; bulk t.f sales, 14.WT36. SHEEP AND Lu4.MHH Receipts, 1,000 head. The market for sheep waa atrong, for lambs lO'uiec higher, (iood to choice wethers. 1.1?VMl9fi- fni. ,.1, ... , . 12.75fc3.76; western, 12.10(58.80; native lambs. a't 7K,,tt Cl. .... n .r.. - .. . f tu u. w, ffOBlttllt lUJIlLtS, J.tUtJt.0U. New York LJve Stock Market. celpts. t,7i8 head; steers steady to strong for fair to good; medium and common slow to a shade lower; bulls steady; cows firm; steers, 13.7515.20; bulls, 12.5O4.20; cows. 11.20 (ft . i Ml i ' D hlaaai nunlarl lis,. B uutivu iia tamo itnu Bllcep teady with refrlerator beef at 8o per lb. o-ipt,ej, niau i veaifl ana rraFBera steady; wen tern slow; veals. $4.50 SM'UVkC per lb.; country dressed, bsnihkc. liOGS-Receipts. J0.2& head; Bteady to ....... - . ...... j . . ......j. ui.g. ai.w. tHJWU tvt, T ajiio , . Pe?4-: "hepP slow; lambs steady; sheep, sheep culis, 16.00; Canada lambs, 16.M). l?xi)orts tomorrow, l.OWi cattle, 600 sheep and 6,606 quarters of beef. Kaunas City Live Stock Blarket. ICAKRAn ftTV Mow Vt naioi-TT t- celpts, 1,000 head; market steady to strotig- exuort and dreaaed beef stnnra mtr,... at ,wt 4.60- fair to good, 13.wa)4.15; western steers steady, 12.264i4.10; Blockers and feeders. 12,50 suut-iierii steers, strong, J.4&ru4 00: southern cows, steady, ll.5tm2.45; naUve cows, steady, 12.1643.50; heifers, steady. t2.Wa3J&: hulls, steady, t2.004t2.75:' calves. weak, 12.0042.75. H nl ttu.'nii.ta 7 tvin ha. I... strong to 6c higher; top, 14. 35; bulk of Bales, n.-'in.oi3i iteavy, rtaxui.); packers, 14.25 1-0-71, J"S" nttu iiKiitB, aa.lut1r4.ifD. NNKRP AK-n 1 U. ...,... c wv . . . ... . 'I'm, a,uuv head; market strong to 60 higher; native lambs, 14. 2646. 20; weetern lambs. !4.2iK3 t4.t5tV4.6T); fed ewes, 14.264.60. St. Lals 14 ve Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Nor. 27.-CATTI.KRa. celpts, 6,000 head, Including 2,600 head of Texans. The market waa steady: natlvs shipping and export steers, 14.764)6.26; steers under 1,000 pounds, 13.754T4.86: Btockers and feeders, 12.264i8.40; cows tnd heifers, t'.26 04.00; canners, $1.764f2.25; bulls, 12.264j3.60; calves, 13.004J.60; Texas and Indian steers, 14.3O4t4i.00; cows and heifers, !2.otXij:.8&. rtiJUH necetpts. 4,000 head. The market was steady to 60 higher, closed weak; pigs and lights, 14.2(ka4.40; butchers and best heavy, 14 26I&4.46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta. 1 fiftu head. The market was strong and aotlve: natlve muttons. 13.2641.60: lambs. I4.76ta 6 60; culls and bucks, 1.6u5-4.uo; stockers. 12.004j3.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,070 head. The market was steady to 10c higher; natives, 13.60u6.36; cows and heifers, tl.604j4.60; stockers and feeders. $2.60414.00. HOOB Receipts. 8.900 head. Prices were mostly 60 higher; light, $4.204i'4.35; medium na neavy, 44 ,;tat.ao. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 419 bead. The market was strong to 60 higher; lanius, ao.ou, yearungs, ti.iu; wetriatra, u.so; ewes, 13,60. Slonx City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY, I a-, Nov. 27. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, SiiO; steady: beeves, 13.76'46.00; cows and heifers, 12. 014 t.OO; stockers and feeders, $2.504,3.60; calve ana yearnnga, v.jas.vi. irious Keceipta. 3,7uu: 60 higher. aeJUna at 14.ou4i4.at; bulk, $4.1547.4.20. Stork In Slaht. Tt 1 riaH n m r a t Vim par) 01 rkta nt II vm m t -vst la at this six orlnclDriJ Whiiirn ritia vp.tttr. , Cattle, 2. aKO S.UOO 8i0 6.0U0 , 2,070 300 Omaha Chicago Kjtnsaa City St. Louis ... St. Joseph . Sioux city . Total ...... Hogs. Sheep. 7.w i.m 14.01 j0 6,akj 7.014) 1.0U0 4.000 1,600 S.UUO 411 l,7o0 ..... ...27.260 60,559 10,612 Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 27. The Commercial Bul letin will say tomorrow: The decline ot S to 18 ber cent In the Drlce. due largely to Loudon auction stiles opening last Tuesday, nas nau oniy a aentimentai eirect upon the Boston wool market. Holders are no It-hs confident of the position of domestic wool than before the sales began. The statistical position is strong, with many grades scarce and no great pressure to sWl those that are In full supply. There will have to be a still further heavy decline abroad before anything can be Imported to compel! with domestic medium wools, while tlna medium territory at 4&c, clean, la cheap compared with competing Australian at a landed scoured cost of 704f72c. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from HecMnher tl, 12, are 2i:'.344.030 pounds, against JJ, tu6.26t pounds at the same date last year. The receipts to date are 2t)U,438,U& pounds, against ..2i,4:i pounds for the sune perTbd lust ear. UUHTO.V. Nov. 27. WOOL Dullness haa teen the chief feature of the: wool market for a week. Manufacturers tee no en couragement a lung us (he trade lasts a It Is. The market for both flwce wools and territory wools is quiet. No changes are rtcurded lu foreign wool quotations. Trading has been dull. The leading qutita tluns are: Territory and Idaho line, U'lilic, fine medium. 16;17c; medium, lK4i llsj. Wyo ming fine, 14415c; fine medium, l'(17c. I'tsn and Nevada fine, lltxt; tine medium, 174T17V; medium, Is4i20c. Dakota fine. 15(0 lCc; fine medium, ltul7'4c; medium, IMXi'. Montana tine choice, 19'u20c; line medium choice. IsO:? to. ST. LOLI8. Nov. r.-WOOL Nominal: medium grades, cttmliltig and clothing, 1 7 21c; light lute, 15ttl7Sc; heavy tine, l-.'i 14Jc; tub washed. i!04tk-. LONDON. Nov. 27. WOOL A good selec tl . conslsllng of 11.117 bales, wa offered at th wool auction sales today. Merinos were In large supply snd ft rtas grades Wire In spirited d. maini for France and (it-ritiany at Mtih rates. The orteriits of rroKsl.rt d ne (isavv. They anti takin frt-ly by sPlkm COMPANY QDMrISSIQH STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS W have over 150 office. References : 176 Stat and Nat l Banks. Otn SERVICE IS THE 11BST. Out of Town Business Solicited. Omaha Brancht loll Far-am Bt Tetl467 TII0S. M. WADDICK. Correspondent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday, aa fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: Clinton H. Brlggs and wife to James L. Krone, part taxlot 82, S2-15-13.... $1,609 Samuel L. Robinson et al., to James and Kathertne Walter, wV4 lot 3, block 1, Kountse's 8d add 860 Margaret Becker to Harney Shields, v lot 2, block 2, Drexel sub. to S. E. Rogers' Okahoma 1,060 William M. Hastings to Edward Droste, sH lot t. Terrace add tV&OO Philadelphia Mortrage and Trust com pany to Milton S. Uonna, part taxlot 27, sw4 sw4 21-16-13 1,300 Alexander Beck and wife to Edward V. Lewis, lot 1. taxlot 17, te 20-16-18 Mrf Sheriff to August Nlhleln, part lot 18, block 4. DrookUne 100 Same to Charles E. Clapp, lot 17, block 4, Omaha View 83 Sheriff to John W. Paine, part gov. lot 8, 23-15-13... ,.$,100 Benson Tand svneicate to Harvey J. Orove, lota It and 14, block 27, Benson. tUO Fred Armbrust and wife to Mary A. Wallace, lota 1, and 7, Wallace's 1st sub I Mary A. Wallace to Eira H. Dow ling, lots 1 and 7, Wallace's 1st sub 700 Laura E. Mathews to Charles Bat telle, lot 18, block 120, Dundee 400 Charles Battelle and wife to Laura O. Dorsey, same .'. 600 Fred Stuhbbendorf and wife to T. J. Scannell. lots IS. IS, 17 and 18, block 4, Mella's 1st add LS0O a fair quantity. Sllpes were steady, but faulty grades v ere higher. Cape of Good Hope and Natal sold readily to home and Oerman buyers. Following are the sales In detail: New South .Wales, 1,700 bales; scoured, 7,df!lsld; greasy, fHdlTls Id. Queensland, 1.2U0 bales; saoured, la fdQls td. Victoria, 1.200 boles; scoured, 7dlsl)4d. South Australia, 200 bales; greasy, li 4. New Zealand, 4.800 bales; scoured, rd4 Is tiid; gTeaey. 6Vid4ls. Cape of Good Koite and Natal, 6oo bales; sooured, aftditfld; , greasy, 6flHd. tTotten Market. ' NEW TORK. Nov. sT-COTTON-Ths market opened firm after the holiday, 11 to 12 points higher on account covering and bull support, better Liverpool cab; eat than expected, and unfavorable weather. After a little firmness and activity, during which quotations at one time were 15 to 10 points higher, the market reacted and Imparted an easy tone to prices, and while more or less Irregular, showed a downward tendency during the remainder of the ses sion. Sales were estimated at 200,000 bales. Receipts at' the ports for Thursday were considerably under the estimate, while the day's movement was moderate. Estimates for tomorrow's receipts at leading por'e were heavy. The exports today were fair. IC was the first notice day for December contracts, and about 16,000 bales were ten dered, being promptly stopped by people representing Phllndelphla Interests. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 27. COTTON Steady. Sales. 6o0 bales: urtod ordinary, 9 9-1f)c; low middling, 15l-l6c: good mid dling, 1lHc; middling fair, lie. Receipt. 11.801 bales; stock. t,7( hales. Future were tendy: Jan-iary, 11. 131711. 14c; Febru ary,' 11 1Wjm 21c; March. 11.3l!.t4c: April. lirgil.Syc: May. 11.144311. 15c; July. 11 4fe. ST. IXiriS, Nov. 27 COTTON-Firm; middling, 11c; sales, 480 bales; stock, 10,11 balea. LIVERPOOL. Nov. r.-COTTON-Snot In limited demand: prices 8 points higher, good mlddllns- 6d: middling. 6.d; low middling. 6.14J: good ordinary. 6.04d; or dinary. 6.84d. Sales of the day ver 8,000 bales, of which 6"0 were for speculation and export, and Included 4. W0 American; re ceipts. 1,400 balea. all American. Futurrg opened steady and closed quiet and steady; American middling-, g. o. c, November-December. 60141 od; December-January. 6 97d: Jamiarv-Fehrusrv. 64TiS6d: February-March, 64d; MarcJi-Abrll. 5C3d; April May. 6.92d: May-June, 6 91d: June-July, 181 fr60d; July-August. $.87476. 6Hd; Auguet Septtmber, nominal. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 17. METALS Tin ad vanced 2 In London, spot closing at fillt and future at 120 5s. Locally tin was about 40 itolnts higher, closing at 126.75" K 26. Copper wss higher in London by about 7s 5d as compared with the price of last Wedneadav, with spot quiet st 64 ISs and futures at 54 lis Id. Locally, how evi'r, copper continue rath.-r unsettled. with prlcee for the day quoted at lt.50 for lake, $12.25 for electrolytic and t!2 for enst- lltg. ijeatl Htivant-en iti tn 1Jnann to fill, but remained uiichanged at 14 26 In the i i . c:i ...i. a ti. - , w til inninri. cyvxrr ruiru K . I and unchanged at S 8m'rtS.(Ci nenlly du'l rtie locm itiiirat'i. wnn i 'ecemt er quoiea st $4.874. The Ixndon market was 2s Id lower at 20 V. ST. LOTTO. Nov 07 METALS Lead dull at $4. Bpelter weak at $4.70. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, Nov. 27. EVAPORATED APPI.B8 The market continues easy, with common qti t d nt 4"6 nrl n,. hi 66Vie,' choice st tWAo and faacy at 7o. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'lTB Prune rem tin iult-t. but supplies are not over abundant, particularly of Santa Clara va. rle'les. and the market la firmly buld, with quotntluns ranging from 2Se, to '4o for all grades. Aprlcot are quiet, with .-holce quo'ed st AA79Mt". extra choice at ini1'rto ar.d fancy at ll'ul6'. Peachos are dull and no'nlnal. choice being quoted at IWiTKr-. etr:i clmite at ".'tjb'ic and fancy at 9 l"VaO. Blar Prle for Proal acrt of On Aere. PAPILLION, Neb., Nov. r.-(8peelal ) Patrick Rattlgnn has bought an acre of relery from Pike Chapman for $000. Mr. Rcttlgan is a gardener and will sell th celery In small lots this winter. Sarpy county Is rapidly coming to th front as a celery rnlrlng county, th climatic condi tions being favorable and the soli especially adapted to its cultivation. Eoiii fine yields .... 1 X ,-: .. . .