JO HIE OMAHA' DAILY IIEK: SATURDAY. KOVKMI1EK 2S. llU3. MAYOR APPEALS TO PUBLIC Aiki GitiMrs to Ojntribnto to Relisf o Stricken Families CNLY WAY TO PROViO: FOR BEREAVED Death of Koof of Brat and Bravest Firemea (alia for aa Eshlbltiea of Appreelatloa at Their sacrifice. Mayor Moores sent the following Utter to the newspaper! yesterday morning: OMAJIA, Nov. 27. To the ClUsen of Omuha: A terrible calamity has again be fallen our ulty. Yesterday morning between the hours or I and 4 o clock four of our beat and bravest tlremen were killed while In the discharge of their duties at the Alien tiros, lira. The buslntsa men of Omaha should not neglect this opportunity of testifying In a practical way to their appreciation of the bravery and fidelity of triune tire boys. Un fortunately there la no way provided whereby the families of these men oan be cored for out of city funds. Whatever la received by them must be provided by the generosity of our pubUc-splrited citizens. As mayor of the city I appeal to you on behalf of these f.umllles. who have been left In destitute circumstances by this be reavement, to subscribe liberally In their behalf, lie fore 10 o'clock yesterday morn Ing this fund was started by Colonel R. C. Clowry of New York City, who remitted me from the i'axton hotel, where he was temporarily stopping, a check for $100, and this morning other subscriptions are pour ing In upnn me. All checks should be made payable to the order or Lutht-r Drake, treasurer, and mailed to hltn direct, or to myself, or left at the oiricn of the three dally newspapers, whose co-operation 1 usk In this behalf, and each day's contributions will be pub lished dally. JtiMpeclfully, FRANK E. M0ORE8. Mayor. List of contributions received for the re lief of the lainllles of the four firemen killed November 26, 1j3 : Colonel Robert C. Clowry, New York City WOO Frank E. Moores 60 Metz i)i os. llrewlng Co 100 M. E. Binlth & Co 10) Waller brandua 16 A. K. A i W". 1. Klermeud 6 F. V. McOnugh, city electrician 6 Xrhirtcle lodge No. M, Knights of Pyth ias, by Chin iloyer, master of the ex chequer 10 John L, Lynch, city plumbing Inspector & Tota; 1405 Sinister Verse. Over the cot which was occupied by lieu tenant ' Rurmtster at Engine House No. 2 hangs suspended by a silken cord this veme: "When Are la cried and danger Is nigh, Ood arid tno firemen Is the people's cry: Rut when the !lro is quenched and all things righted, Ood is torgot and firemen slighted." True In u measure, but not tne sentiment of the four bravo boys who aacrlfloed their lives In the discharge of duty, was the In terpretation of this tersely written' motto by llremon present. A deep gloom has Bottled down over the little engine house on South Tenth street. The usual activity displayed In cleaning up the trusty fire engine, the burnishing of the hope wagon and the drying of long lines of pipe, a customary scene after all down town fires, was lacking. The men went about their work In a prefunotory way, the load of grief each man carries rendering him Indifferent In a sense to routine duty. When the Men Went Down. "We had Just started to lay in a second pipe line when the building collapsed," said Captain Coyle of No. t "and were doing this In compliance with an order from Chief Bolter. We thought the tire was out, but we were mistaken, and dis covered that It was burning with great vigor in the entire upper part of the build ing. When, the floors gave way I rushed to the door through which Lieutenant Bur meeter and his men had entered.' X heard groans; but that was all." Captain Coyle explained that the four firemen went down in a vortex of leaping flames. "The floor above was burning fiercely when It gave way with the weight of the floors above." he said, "and there was Are all around where the men stood as near as I could see." Ko. I has six regular men on the wagon besides two men on the engine. A full com plement of men Is at the station, Grant Fox of No, 5, Ed Helderman of No. 4 and Mike Kotch of No. S having been detailed to the station and Jack Barnes and Jim Drew, ex-flreman, are also on duty. "We had arranged for a Thanksgiving dinner." continued -Captain Coyle, "We had four fat chickens given us by the produce dealers and were going to eat chicken and give thanks In true firoman style. Ifs too late now," and the Captain turned and walked slowly away not willing to give vent to his pent up feelings In the presence of spectators. Not Hungry erben you should be means disordered nerves, whlcr will lead to nervous pros tration. Dr. Mlleg' Nervine la guaran teed to benefit you or money refunded. Book on nerves sent free, ,IR MILES MEDICAL. CO. Elkhart. Ind. 804.75 -TO- CHICAGO BACK Nov. 28, 29 and 30th. Winter tourist tickets to Florida points and New Urleana now 09 sale dally, good for return until Juno 1st, 1004. Call at City Ticket Office. No. Fur nam St, or write, W. II. BRILL, D. P. A. Omaha, Neb. Dr.Searles&SearlBS SPECIALISTS Care All special DISEASES OF KEI BLOOD POISON WEAK, ttERVOUS KEN HONEY AND BLADDER DISEASES S5.00 PER MOUTH Examinations and advice free at offloe or by mall. Written coruraol given la all curable d!swrs r refund money paid fut treatment, t'leatmenl by wall. 14 years In Omaha. Car. lit aiWl Pe OMAHA. ISB. Trtata HEROISM AND BUSINESS Thrift PhtbdIliUu Peeks Aae- at reaaaeaeatloa (or Work at a Trala Wrerk, In these practical times It Is not alto gether surprising to find a hero who be lleves that there should be something more substantial than fame In his heroism. D. B. Gray of Philadelphia was one of those who figured prominently in the rescue work following the frightful wreck of the Royal Blue express on the New Jersey Central railroad at Westfleld, N. J., Inst January. The published aooounts of the disaster agreed In crediting him with he roin conduct and In praising him for the splsndld servtoe which he rendered the In Jured passengers. The newspapers printed his picture. His friends were made proud of him. Mis en mles had reason to envy him. Since that calamity he has been accorded that distinc tion In the neighborhood which Is granted only to those who have achieved an estab. llshed position In publlo esteem. All this must have been flittering and agreeable to him. He has probably been appreciative of It In the highest degree But he has eome to the conclusion, after carefully considering the matter for nine months, that there Is really nothing in It that Is, nothing which he might use to ad vantage. Having arrived at his cloncluslon he has put In a elalm for 110,600 against the New Jerney Central, the Philadelphia 4 Reading and the Pullman Pslnro Car companies as the amount he thinks he Is In all fairness entitled to In conrldo a'.lon of the services he rendered those corporations on that fate ful evening. His Itemized bill is short and worthy of reproduction: "Pullman Palace Car company, Pullman, 111., Dr. to D. B. Gray, to saving two Pull man cars of Royal Blue train in wreck at Westfleld from taking fire at a total loss of 'value $11000 each' 28,000-$2,JOO and one Pullman pass for life. "To saving two vestibule and one baggage car of Royal Blue train from tak ing tire, at a total loss of 131,000 13,000 and one Central Railroad of New Jersey pass for life. "To saving two women from plunging through glass In doors, at 12.000 each M.000. "To saving roan outside, 'fire on his back' $1,000 and one Pliladelphla Reading pass for Ufa, "To enduring groans, shrieks, yells of those burning to death and service to In jured and dying, dragging seats, etc., no charge. "To Injuries to my thumb .(&. Total, $10,B00.01.M Chicago Record-Herald. Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of the stomach and Is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. THROUGH GRKAT CITIES. Fiery Beaaty of Plttsbara- at Wight treat tke Car Wladow. Of the large cities on the Pennsylvania lines Pittsburg presents a car window night view of Aery beauty whose like can be seen nowhere else in the world. This most Im pressive sight of Industrial America excites the admiration of the traveling world. It la distinctively . the attribute of the Iron City, Just aa each of the others In the groat chain to the seaboard has attractions pe culiarly its own Cincinnati, the Queen City on two terraces; Columbus, the historic capital ot the Buckeye state; Indianapolis, attractively laid out and the site of sub stantial business enterprises; Harrlsburg, seat of Pennsylvania's state government; Washington, the national capital; Balti more, the home of the oyster, and Phila delphia, whose ships sail every sea and whose locomotives move the commerce of two worlds. A fourth capital city viewed from the car window Is Trenton, N. J., along the quadruple tracks to New York, famed aa the standard railroad of America. Aanoaaeeaaeats of tke Tkeaters. Eugenie Blair will close her engagement at the Krug with Saturday matinee and nlgl t performances of Budermaan'a great play, "Magda," presenting the same version used by Bernhardt and Duse and supported by aa exceptionally strong company, or 'ganlsed by Mr. Oresaltt In such a way that each artist would be adapted and suited for the roles ot both Zasa and Magda. Miss Blair's performance of Magda should In every way be a distinguished one, as she Is known to possess exactly the qualities necessary for the Interpretation of this emotional role. The attraction opening at the Krug Sun day matinee will be the latest sensational success, "A Desperate Chance." which Is founded on the life of the Blddle brothers. At the Orpheum matinee and evening per formances today will close the week. Ma Cart's dogs and monkeys and Rousby's big speotaoular production, "In Paris," are two strong cards for the children and women. Commencing matinee tomorrow Miss Johnston Bennett, the original "Jane." will be the "topllner." This talented player will present a sketch entitled "A Cni.t nlng at Home." Five of the other features on the program come from Europe and ot the entire eight numbers only one has been seen here In vaudeville. Rappo sisters are Siberian premier dancers. James and Sadie Leonard will appear In a sketch called "Going to the Dogs." The three Richards will contribute a daring and diffloult ac robatlo turn. Alexander Petrowltch Ros tow from the Imperial Russian circus Is an equilibrist. Rauchle will Impersonate Na poleon, Bismarck, McKlnley, Dewey and other eminent historical characters. Rossi brothers do a fast, furious and funny knockabout act they style "A Mysterious Sweetheart." The Klnodrome pictures will be entirely new. At a bargain matinee this afternoon at the Boyd, wbea any seat in the house may be bad for cents, the great Bartlsy Camp bell play. "The White Slave." will be given. It will also be repeated tonight This play Is In the hands ef a competent company and a very satisfactory performance Is being given. On Sunday and Monday evening "King Dodo," with Its pretty songs, pretty scenery and pretty chorus. Its funny situations and mirthful lines, will be the attraotloo at the Boyd. Richard Oolden. a well known sing ing comedian, la the king this year. ON C E AGAIN OFFICIALS CALI ruirnn I IlLl FOO ARK 10 BY IVI 111- THIS LETTER EXPLAINS ITSELF. 9. ibhh n i& n mi ri hum ii iiy hue. TCNTOM(OMT. Trenton, Ont., April 22, .1903 Tke Maakattaa Limited UstUs Ckl. Cage llOO P. M. Dally Runs through New York In twenty-five hours over the Pennsylvania Short Lines. Passengers arrive New Tork. Twenty-third street station. 1:04 p. nt. Veetlbuled train of sleeping and dining care. Coach service to Pittsburg only. Buffet parlor ear connec tion at Harrlsburg. reaching national capi tal at 116 p. m., Baltimore, 1$: noon. Res ervations may be made through H. R. Dearlng. A. Q. p. Agt, No. t Sherman street, Chicago. Barrios Dlcmond Co. Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: My ring and stud combined shn to Hamilton was received here today, and the stone is a beauty. It was so real that the Custom Collector at the City of Hamilton had it tested before he would pass it on here. Thanking you very kindly "for the same, I remain Xours very respectfully, EXPERTS ARE DECEIVED Barrios Diamonds defy detection. No Custom House in the world will cass Barrios Diamonds without h giving each stone the most careful and scrutinizing inspec tion. In appearance they are exact duplicates of the genuine stones and stand every test ordinarily given to real dia monds. Barrios Diamonds have all the beauty, fire, flash and sparkle of first water stones. Neither you nor your friends can tell Barrios from the genuine. Kings apparently worth Ltt.UU, we sell for $3.0D. Brooches apparently worth $250.00, our pries, $4.50. Scarf Pins apparently worth $75.00, our price, $2,50. Lockets apparently worth $100.00, our price, $3.00. I ' Ltir isWas Solitaire Sear! Pin ; Perfectly whit, and 1 brtlUaat 1 or t karat i stones, head set la ; heavy geM 0114 stount Inge. Ow pries (they eeaaot be dtstlagnlabed ! smT - $1.50 ; yW U , '7 V-?. W4r. SolitalreScrewEarrlngi The latest and most popular design in Barrings this seasoa. Twe mtgnlflceBtly brtll'st port white stones, perfectly match's set In extra heavy oiled gelt. Too positively cannot dlsrln- Onr price ' i i. $&r $ : J i ; Grecian Knot. A beautiful small pta of eaaecd gold and one largr while stone of per feci cut aad brilliancy In the ecater. Till, pin cannot be distinguished ' S fr.ts the erlg InsI, worth ' Flat Btlcher. A ring that se.m. to be worth at least 9200.00. Heavy haod - made mounting. Mel with Urge, nagnlnc'nt spark- 1 Hug stun. Th. most opulsr aaa's ring of , $450 Honod Belcher. The moat popular ring of the times. Warrant ed for IB years. This ring cannot be told from a ring set with a f to nic, diamond worth 91190. Ow prices ta.OO and $1.50 Twia Clatter Binf Raby, Emerald er Tur . qvoUe center, earrotmd ed by selected extraor dinarily brlDlaat pare white stones. A rli g well worth Out price .V 3" Clnster Scarf Pin. 10 beaotlfarjy white and perfectly brllllaa stones. dashing aad sparkllrg, aroaad a Kuby, Eiaesald er Tar onoU center. The mnet brsoHfnl aad stylish scarf pin ever worm. Worth A A v pries Triple Serpent Kinf. A aatqaa and beastlrnl deslga. Set with any eombtaatlom of stoaoa, Koblce, Smeralda, Tur aoolae er Dure whltt. pertectly brtlUaat Bar- Star Tiffany SanborsU An exaoisitely beaatlfnl and brilliant collection ef blue wUlte stones. A brooch which could not be duplicated la gen uine diamonds for Ires than H0. Onr price, AA and yon cast terf J)Z Til U rom the renalae V v OOOCXKCKKCC00OOOC OUR. GUARANTEE: We guarantee ehantTevery stem- to retain its brilliancy forever and the mountings to give perfect satisfaction. We will give $10,000.00 to any chari table institution if it can be shown that we ever refuse to replace a stone that does not give satisfaction. Bar rios Diamonds will stand acids, heat, alkali, etc In fact, they can be washed and cleaned like ordinary diamond. BARRIOS DIAMOND CO. 00000X0XKOCKX0X DON Small Narqoiae Ring. Beautiful whist end brilliant stones, with Baby, Emerald or Tur quoise centers. Xacfe stene est by hand. A pesltrre beeuty saa cannot oe aisiingnisaea iron a rug wortn sto. Oar pries .$100 -.1 FiTO-Stene Haep Bin. A dalaty sad popalar design. rive evenly matched and perfectly brilliant stones, mount ed by hand la exqnls ani.h.d heavy gold Blled. A ring Mtully wortn 16M. It at- SB. 53.00 i MONEY ON REAL DIAIVlOrMH) You can get all the beauty in a Barrios at a fraction of the cost Every article guaranteed. AYDEN BROTHERS. ATTORNEY AFTER TflE CITY Frank Heller Threaten! to Bring Bait on Cffio al Bonds. DOES NOT LIKE TO H WE TAX CASES FIXED DIED. OICK-Mrs. Christine Mrte. November K. mad tl yeare 1 month, and 1 y r'uneral from the residence. lVe slander- 'Jlreet, eundsy at I p. m. friends in- Objeets to Polley Adopted of Settling pedal Assessment Contests Wtthoat Invoking Aid of Courts. Attorney Frank Heller was at the city hall yesterday securing evidence for a suit which hs declares he will bring against the bondsmen of Mayor Moores and Presi dent Zlmman of the council, to collect the amounts conceded by the city In the settle ment of special taxes since he notified the municipal government to go slow In Octo ber. Heller, It Is understood, will demand that the money be paid Into the hands of the city treasurer The city legal department, which is furly apprised of Mr. Heller's Intentions, has expressed a willingness to test the ques tion In the courts and is not at all worried over the announcement The lawyers for ths city say they have been exceedingly careful In recommending special tax settle ments and are fully convinced of the legal ity of their methods. The council never acts on these propositions unless approved of by the legal department. Some weeks ago Heller addressed a letter to the council, protesting against the policy of settling special taxes, which has been In rogue for several years. At that time the city attorneys laughed at htm and said hs was doing It because the city was receiving considerable money that used to go Into the hands of the tax lawyers, several of whom have made small fortunes oorubating assessments for special Improve ments defective because of vtechnlcal or other errors In procedure. What Heller Sets l. Heller In his communication said he op posed "policy of the authorities of the city adopted some time sgo to discharge, remit, relinquish, cancel or otherwise commute certain taxes and special assessments alleged by claimants to be Irregular and void;" that at first these claims were few, but now they appear In "lob lots, compris ing schools, churches and all sorts and conditions of, men and women;" further that an end should be put to these com prpmlae proceedings or the courts will be called upon to make his version of the law effective. Assistant City Attorney Herdman says the JleUer lutervreitUoa of the laws U lu- cerrect, because a void special assessment is not a tax and settlements along that basis do not "compromise, commute or can cel" a tax. He explains more fully as fol lows: "In no event do we assume to recommend, the settlement of special taxes except, first, where the tax itself has besn already de creed to be void by the courts, and, second, where It Is void upon the faos of the rec ord, and then only when no eatoppal ex ists in favor of the city. In each of said cases wa are ready to recommend a settle ment and to give the property owner every thing that he could hope to gala by liti gation. vVliat Property Owner May Wla. "In all cases other than assessments for paving, even If the original levy be void, the city has the power and authority to relevy the principal of 'the original tax. Thus you may see that as to grading, sewer, boulevard, sidewalk and other as sessments of a similar nature, all that the property owner could hope to gain by liti gation Is the cancellation or saving of the accrued Interest on such taxes. This we are willing to concede without suit. "In the case of assessments levied to pay cost of paving whore no petition of property owners was filed we are willing to cancel the assessments on payment ot a sum equal to the attorney s tui'.i pet cent the owner wou'd have to pay in ordar to cancel the same by suit. In the case of paving taxes where a petition has been filed but the tax la void merely for defect in equalisation, the city has a tight to relevy the principal of such taxes, and In such cases we will settle only In conulderatlon of the payment of the same. "You will see that in this way the city gives the property owners, without suit, everything that may be gained by litigation and the city receives the money paid by the property owner Instead of the same going to an attorney aa fees." team, which team also won the obstacle race. From 10 until 11 a. ra. the regular monthly Indoor athletlo meet was held, with these results: Standing broad lump, class A: First, John La tenser. S feet i niches; second, Wilbur, 8 feet tt Inches. Standing broad lump, class B: First, Doud, 7 feet 6, inches; second, Burdick, i feet B Inches. Standing high Jump, class A: First Joy Clark, 1 feet U Inches; second, Nlel Suther land, 3 feet 10 inches. Standing lgh Jump, class B: First, Doud, feet; second, fotter, I feet 10 Inches. Long drive, class B: First Willis, 13 feet 11 Inches; second, Joy Clark, ii feet 7 Inches. Long drive, class B: First, Doud. 11 feet 1 Inch; second, Sackett. 10 feet Inches, From 11 to 12 basket ball was the pro gram, three games being played. The Johnny Jump-Ups beat the Keokuts; score. i to 1. The Second High Schools won from the Ahamos; score, 11 to 1. The Invlnci bles had a hard tussel with the First Busi ness boys, but held them down with a ssore of 14 to 11. - Sago 3 MdReliinll'n)JS) In diamonds A. H. Hubermann has no competition. He Imports none but white gems, and did It before the last raise of It per cent took place. Look at them. ASTHMA leH.?1 mnor'l now concede that SJ S"y?Z!i. ' rtmrnl Introduced by Or. frank WhcUel of Chicago, ABTHMA CAN BK CURED. .. jlf. .noit, i.Danon, Ky.; Dr. P. B ?rT?:.i Pnjrh"' i?w: Vr-1 & t-urryer, t iPaUJ Miuui Dr- M- l Crsffey, Bt! no t C. F. Besrd. 80. Framing. f u.T "limn id mi emcacy ot his treatment and the permanency of the cure in their own esses. Dr. Thetiel's ."if h? ? "dicl departure from the old I iaihloned smoke powders, sprays, etc, which relieve but do not cure. rut TI8T TREATMENT prepared for sny one giving s short de scription of the caw. and .ending name, of two other asthmatic a d.rera. Aak for ooklet of n peri.uces of thoae cared. PHANK WHETZEL, M. D., .pt H anerlc.S tpr.a Bid... Chlca BOYS' DAY AT THE Y. M. C. A. Yoaagsters Have Taaaksalvlag Pore aooa for Tbelr Class Sports aad Other Greats. The boys' deiartment ot the Toung Men's Christian association celebrated Thanks giving day beginning with a praise isrvtee at 1:30 a. m.. led by Rev. W. H. Reynolds, at which over seventy-five boys were pres ent. Mr Reynolds speke on the "Beeuty of Life." From i until 10 a. m. contests and lames were run off in the gymnasium, ninety boys In five teams competing. The Indian club race was won by the LsU-nscr team, the telny race, by Wsiner s KlHA LOTION J ifr For Di.irrtia.. 81-t. 1 ...arrhaa, 1. wsistrrhsB, Paes, Mi AN UseeaKhf tease! Dlsehartea, NO PAIN. NO. STAIN. MO STRICTURE. FREE SYRINGE A Saw Prevearlvo mt DUmm. 1 Bent to ear address for II. OU. SHEHttAf Met OB NULL, kWtrar BUs. Cm., VIA: ocl: Island System Tickets cn Sale November 28th to 30th Inclusive. Return Unit, December 7th City Ticket Offlca 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nsb. f. P. RaUarford. D. f. L IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE ROOM YOU HAVE If your room is not warm , ' move you will find an in teresting directory of rumes all parts of town all prices in The Bee want ad pages. Tel. 238. Want Ad Dept. Tlio Beo Want ififs Produce Resullo-