'1(1 Till: OMAHA DAILY tfKE: FRIDAY. NOVKMREK 27, 100.1. SPECIAL NOTICES AilftrlturMFili for then, eolamna will be taken anlll IS m. fnr th evento edition and anlll HiftO p. m. (or moralna; nail Bandar cdlllaa. Ratee, 1 l-2e a rrord first Insertion. 1e a ward thereafter. Nothing takea fnr leu than Win tor the Hrit Inser. Hon. These adrertleemeala moat be raa eonaern'.lvaly. AdTerttsera, by reqaeatlna; a nana Itered check, ean have answers (Ire-seed to a nambered letter In eare nf The Hre. Anawern so addressed will be delivered on presentation of the eberk nlr. l MIsCELt AAEOIS. PRACTICAL EDUCATION Means the training of tne mind lor use fulness. It means a preparation for doing tho most remunerative work of the verm. Sh world 1 In need of all who have tnl 1....- v,. ,,..,.... a .tun, ana so long as men trow old and die, just so long will there be desirable vacant places which the test qualified to till will secure. BOYLES COLLEGE Trains young people to nil the most difficult positions. New York Life Building. Omaha, Neb. DAt AND NIGHT BE8SION8. Apply for catalogue.'' PHOTOGRAPHS tat.i, price 16 per aos. choice of 4 styles of jtl mounting, special lor holiday only io foiW1' PROCTOR, 616 South 16th St. R 2jA epep I Al 'It you with a guaranteed Jl LVlnL Yot a limited time we will PAIR OK SPECTACLES FOK $1.00. Don I miss this chance. U. 8. OPTiClANS, 80S NO. 16TH ST. R M216 PERFIELO'S Cut-Prlce Piano Co. Bee Bldg.. Room 7. Tel. 701. Weber, biory & Clark. Lodwlg Bchllor. K-211 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accoinodat Ing; all business confidential. 13 Jl Douglas. R-666 DON'T MISS A GOOD THING Uet your meals and business luncheon at the KARX1ACH RESTAURANT, 418 8. J5TH. In price, service and cooking our meals are unexcelled. Board by week $6 ti tickets. Jo. JOSEPH BXRAUB. CHEF AND PROP. R 748 D20 EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. ltith. Tel. LI 36. K-MZtf STATUARY direct. from factory: special low prices until Xmaa. Uonnella tiros., 1025 Farnam. Mttfi Dl LUCKYI8T numbers In town In our win dow. They are equivalent to a pair Onimodea. Regent Shoe Company, 205 8. lGth. R-130 MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. lfith HM2M CmnnAr 081 relief; corns removed. . ... f-vj or jtoy, r 2-8, 1505 Farnam. TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work; prompt attention, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 205. . R 260 TOO BUSY making clothes to close even ings. Come any time. Suits. 820 to 840. Trowsers, 86 to 810. Dresner, IMS Farnam. R 243 D-10 COLR-nTKAY COMPANY. UNDERTAK- ikbi 1U7 capitoi ave., tel. 454. R MJ66 0oles, 40c; with rubber heel 75c. 217 N. loth. K Man dii DON'T STRAIN YOUR EYES Srlth a DOOr llsht When von can act .t,. best for the least money; the leader gaso line lamp 100-candle power soft and mel low, easy on the eyes, only 25c a month; lighted witH one match, burning In full force within- 20 seconds; absolutely safe; guaranteed for one year; will repair free of charge. . , . . LOUIS FLESCHER. 1622 Capitol Ave. R M266 AMERICAN, German Employment Bureau, 1524 Dodge. .. R 282 Dll READ! H E E Dl ( HAVE ROOT 1 PRINT IT. s rr.F.Fni i . a rpptuic.. 414-18 S.rnh. 'Phone 1A04 R M294 Rrpf! 5.tr.1.ct,y Homemade:' poUto yeast. Ulcau Delicaleeeen, ISoS Farnam Street. R 749 OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 708 N. 16th St. R-M29S D13 DON'T RUIN 'YOUR EYES Tlth a Poor light when you can get a Leader Uieollne Lamp. It gives 100-candle power for H -cent per hour; guaranteed not to explode; will keep It in repair for one year. . LOUIS FLESCHER, 1623 Capitol Ave., In Bicycle Store. R 172 GOLD crowns from 83: fillings from 25c; set cf teeth V, teeth.' extracted free. Union Dental Co.. loll Douglas, room 4. R M287 TRUNKS, travellnr bus a. - suit trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 1209 r amain. R M290 Henry He doesn't keep stationery. He sella it at 1U16 Farnam su R-S04D1S ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th .and Douglas. R M7ta IF YOU WISH TO GET a Holiday Sweater Order It Early of B1LZ the Knitter 322 8. 10th. R-M312 D1S nrSo Present this "ad" bffore UenilSl Jan. 1st and eet 1-3 off on nn:n ll "lines, crown and bridge Daiiey work. 3d floor Paxton Blk I ti Jd4i3 1)11 Tninl' AND bags at reduction aivi.. Airrea cornisn, iziu Farnam. K .M311 U13 COLUMBIA RECORDS. Ak H. E. FrericV-on. 3 cents 15th and Capitol ave., Omaha. R M323 D13 J. MELCHOIR. machinist. 13th & Howard R 59fl THE GRAND PANTS CO., A thoroughly reliable tailoring establish ment uanliin a iuii line wi iiuri; wooieilH Mikea up any suit in the houe for 8i7.5o ' any pant patterns, 83 60. No mof no lesy IDlll. - n A101U JIORSEB wintered. Blaok-1123. 43d ind Center. Tel, K M5 29x U VEA A SMITH. Plumbing and Heatinv 118 N. 15th st. Tel. an;'. Prompt atten tion given all work. Repairing a r.- clalty. R-518 DII HOLY SMOKE'. Washington, 6iv Beck man, s. m'7 Farnam. K MbiO "tTROSGEKT In the World." the Equltubla Ilie A""urance noclety. its policies ara Higiit crsrix at maiurity. ii. it. ieely pininger. Mercnants nauonai Dank hhik Omaha, Nib. R MUJ3 OMAHA Hay B.ile Tie Co.. 811 N. Kth R-WT OiVinr TV"l Parnam fnrn'.A aunrl, ..n lice, rldge-.oll gJtt-m, skylights. Te'. till. , it si va D Dolnnic Cow-tl'. No fee unless HU'W I aicnib fui. n$ g. trth. Omaha. Tel. 1708. R-565 POULTRY SUPPI.IK! -Ullery Co., ln Howard. Tel. ai-'. K 144 DEL PRADO WINE CO.'S Finest California Wlnesland Brandies. Purest and beat for miflicliml purposes. CACK1.KY BRlS,: f-de Distributers. ... lltlUjUA.'pllol Av. ROD OF POSITIONS A list of students, printed In small type and a rod long, who are now filling the best po.-dtlona to lie IihiI In mercantile life, was recently published by the Omaha Com inerclal College. 4t In evidence not to be (iinatUined regarding the character of work done at this popular Institution. It In certainly a unique advertisement. Send for It. lt Is free. Address: ROH RBOUGH BROS., l"th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. Tel. 19. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or ousmess quica, see J u. Johnson, 8U N. Y. Life. V 647 EXCHANGES of all kinds; to buy or sell a business or exchange merchandise for a land or city prosperity, call or write 8holes- Armstrong Co." 721-2 N. Y. Life. TeK 49. ' Y Mi 93 CASH for dry goods, clothing and general mercnandiee stocks, iiu.huu to sdo.iw. dress, with full particulars, 301 First ltatl Hank. Omaha. Neb. Y-333 FOR SALE Whole or half Interest In good hotl, doing good business, Sioux City, Address W 31, Bee. Y 760 D4 A HOTEL, clearing 8150 monthly; only ho tel In division town or 600 people com pletely furnished, at a bargain. Lock Box 1S7, Orchard, Neb. Y M877 2 THIRTY-ronm transient house; town of 0; only hotel; must be sold at once. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. Y-M121 WORLD'S FAIR HOTEL Preferred 8 per cent stock. Shares 110. Rooms reserved. flock taken for rent. Write tjber Invest ment Co., St. Louis. Y 171 26x BRICK hotel for sale or rent; building nearly new; thirteen sleeping rooms, kitchen, dining room, office and parlor; best location; near depot and on main street. R. Tweed, Davenport, Neb. Y M176 29x FOR HEJIT Fl'RSlSMED ROOMS. LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY RO0313. 812.60 and up per month. 7Eo and up a day. AT THE DELLONE 14th St. and Capitol Ave. Steam heated; electric lighted; private and general baths; all conveniences; first class service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E M128 N30x NICELY furnished room In private family; house new and modern. 2ol9 Jones St. E M910 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A CWcaajO. FRONT room for two. modern. 218 N. 17th. ' v ' . E M235 I THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th St. tz M261 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-500 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E 6C4 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha a ''jL i .,!,!, itfui Tsvenworth "Phone I Steam Laundry. 1.50 Leaven worin. i-none A-17 roui I D.Kr.JR.VS?.mS " The F'TmTWO fine depot wagons. 2 rockaways. 1 ROOMS, with or without board; modern. 2118 Chicago. jii w zix ROOMS, board: room with others for gen tleman, 81. 2231 Farnam. Phone A-2499. E M999 27x KhZ :aABSO.Am billiard and pool tables morel! traveler: furnace het. gas. bath telephone; reference. .Address W 45; Bee office. E-M128 29x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, steam heat housekeeping. 234 Farnam. ii E M128 FTTRNISHED rooms J'J"rK 'T' dav, week or month, 608 South Jth str-et. second floor. e 1 -x FT'RNISHED room for gentleman. Call 2129 Farnam. K miw zax ELEGANT front room, furnished; bsth and heated. 2205 Farnam.. ts bi zs ELEGANT furnished room for two voung lartlee. 412 N. lfitn St. K-Mlii sa. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or wlth- out. board. Midland notei, ibin & cnicago. F 747 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney,' warm rooms, good board. UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport r 1-0 nUUJUD Willi uvaiw, '..... ' ' , ,...... ' " also tuble board. Tne Liresner, . jatn. FRONT room and board. 636 S. 19th st. ELEGANT, modern room, furnished or un. IUI iiimicu, mi., " . ' " ' ' " 1 ' ' lly. close In: bath. 118 8. 19th St.. Refer ences required. F-963 36 SUITE rooms, 1st floor, single rooms; hot and cold water. Hernam, zam ana uonge. W MSW4 DESIRABLE front room with alcove. 212 H. 26tn st. r ioj ELEGANT, modern room, furnished or un furnished, Wltn noaro, in a private lam ily. close In; bath. 118 S. 19th st. Refer ences requirea. - - r oii FOR BEST UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO rooms. $7. 625 8. 21st ave. Call In basement. 0 701 26x TWO unfurnished rooms; block from car. 2129 Burt at. i J bum etx FOR IALK HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. SECOND-HAND top buggy with rubber tires. $J0; runaoouta, tu ana is. Anaor-sen-MUlard Co., 1616-118 Capitol Ave. Tel. 7i. r jianiL NEW and Sd hand veblclea for sale; re-I uairs. it. if mat. I4tn anu Lteavenwortn. P W HORSES bought and sold; also a good set of harnera for aale, almost new. Little Gem Stables. 1718. Caaa. F 712 Kix MILK WAGON and buggy: a big enan. See A. W. Jonnson, wun Jotin lere I'low CO. r-MCI L1J fOR sale, a pair ol ponies, double harness and hand-made runabout. Original cost complete outfit, $360. Will sell for xi.a. inquire Mr. a. l. Brandcls, Boston Store. P M123 28 DAKCINQ ACADEMY, MR. AND Mrs. Morand's 16th and Harney, adults Tuesday and Friday, p. m. ; as semblies, Wednesday; children. Saturday. 14 a. m. and 3 p. m. ; all d-inces taught rapidly: private lesaona mar specialty. dally, call or telephone tuu. M82 T4 CHAMBERS' New Academy. 2424 Farnam. Adult beginners. Mondays and Saturdays, It n. m assemblies. Wednesdays. :J0 p. m children bcalnners. Wednesdays. 4 P. m.. Saturdays, 2 p. m.: advanced. Satur day only. 4 I), m. 'Phone. F-1S71; res.( A-1871. 705 WASTED TO BUY. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. Levlne pays th blgbr casli price. Telephone 771. n BOOKS bought and sold. Room 822 N. Y. Life Uldg. bnonteia. tne Ami'i'iai-i-in. N-303 Dtf WILL BUY good organ for cash. Addresa W 43. Bee. Pi ill ZB EXPERT ACCOt.XTAST. Q. R. RATHBUN. room 15. Com I Nat I bank. Private lessons In bookkeeping. etc. 7i TICKET BliOKERt. C'-T RATE railroad tickets everywhere. V. H. Phllblti, laue t arnam. 1'hons ;m. -47? COSTIMES. Theatrical and maaV). Ltcbeti, 1011 Far. COSTUMES tor rent. Back. Ml8 S. JOfh st, U Miol Decl Look For Valuable prizes FOR SAI.K MICF.M.AEOt S. SQUARE PIANO FREE On December 12th, 1903, we will give abso lutely free to the person who guesses nearest to Its number a very good Orov ersteen Co. Souare Piano, valued at 850. The number of this piano is between 8.00 and 8.000. The nearest guess to lis cor rect iiiimber will take the piano free. The enly conditions are that the sender of a guess must leave their correct name and address and only one guess will be allowed to an address. Each guess Is registered In rotation as soon as received, and in case or a tie the one coming first on the register will take the Instrument. This nlann Is now on display at our piano warerooms, 1313 rarnam street. Send In or leave your guess at once, as the time Is short and you msy win the Instrument bv prompt ness. The name of the lucky winner and the number guessed, also the correct number of the piano, will appear In this column December 13th. Another fine square piano will be given away free be fore Christmas. Call or address at once. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, 1313 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Q M973 flEfYlNri.H Art vrijirips 2 six pass, rockawayn, 1 coupe. 2 landaus, 6 dus. wagons. A. J. Btmnuon. 5409 Moris. Q 438 D14 60 SQUARE PIANOS 150 EACH. 60 CENTS PER WEEK. KCHMOLI.RR A MI'KI.I.F-TJ Largest Piano Dealers In the West. 1313 r arnam. U M3I4 CIGAR store, fixtures: finest In city; must oe aoia; lor particulars address r 43. Bee. Q-M2X5 D12 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. y 517 IRON Wire fences, tree guards, trellises. western Ancnor f ence Co., 205 N. 17th at. Q 519 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & Mcconneu Drug Co., Omaha. Q 520 "2'',! ""jholarshlpB In a flrst- class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q 853 ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. U 613 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. W-W2S mn dii v k-.k i. BALI!., Knabe concert grand piano; condition irood. Adrfrou ly.rir nA, fix nn. xiIk ',r"' wii uici a 7 k. ss coupe. 2 trans. 1 wagonette. 2 drnvs Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Har ney. QJ 'iZl CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than price from 86 un. Furniture chetin. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. aco. Q 274 billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, tte. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-9 S. 10th St. Q M292 REGISTERED pointer pup, 4 months old. loo ts. tetn. y mm zh EIGHT FRESH COWS for sale eheip. 2586 Ames Ave. Q-M970 28x THANKSGIVING pies and cakes. Lunch all hours. Home-made bread. IT114 Far nam. Q M997 t7x r atioiii lire insurance, we mat hAX krot spel rite, but we can Write 1 life ins. right. In the "Penn Mu tual." .F. W. Foster. Bee Bldg. 'Phones nil? ana F-320D. vj iw zo TYPEWRITERS Clearance sale; great sacrifice: we are renin at less than cost our surplus stock of new and second-hand typewriters; Remingtons, it up; Man hattans, brand new, 35 to 850. and all others in oronortlon. F. 8. Webster Co.. Department u. 139 iaaaison sr.. ni ce go. M 1W1 bX FURNITURE for sale Frldav. at !? Dodge st. P. L. perrine. y-num 21X AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In. every county to solicit "unscnpiions 10 1110 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment wun assureu noon in come. Agents In the country with horoe and bugRV especially desired. Canvassers make easily 860 to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 FOR RENT Desk room' In office with vault. , jtppiy i" t. uiug,. v. i J MTyj WANTED, two good men on M. Walter Dunnes greatest success; exclusive itr ritory and liberal arrangements to right men. Absolutely new and exclusive. Men accustomed to large salary especially wanted. Address W 40 Bee. J M122 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. For Rent At a Bargain ,. The large double store In Be Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co.-46 feet plate glas front, the only one of Its kind In Omaha. Present monthly rental, $175. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. Or will remodel Into two storea and rent each store for $75. Excellent location for mon'a furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall. Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company. 304-306 So J6thSt. FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly aaapieu iur plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with smllar requirements; pjwer furniahed If required. K. C Peters & Co., rental agents around floor Hee building. I-M7S1 $-8TORY and basement. 22x100; 1006 Farnam st. Inquire 314 nisi rai i on dw. I 611 FOR RENT, three upper stories in four- stiry building at ait rarnam si., twu st riea If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Secy.. Room luu. Bee bl'iB- I MSofi DO IT NOW Get In on the GROUND FLOOR NJce corner office with about 660 feet floor Space; qunriri'Mwru uk ii iiiiuiib, plenty of light and air; plenty of heat m winter and cool In summer: Janitor serv ice. Several other nice offices from $12.50 up. See agents. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., In Room 23. U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. . 1-14 2Ex DHEStMAKl.NG. STANDARD Garment Cutting College. : tai Farnam. ae tt. I IN families. MLaa lurdy, o N 23d 1 , . M-.i6-D2U the Mis-spelled Words. for finding them. Another contest this week beginning Monday. FOR S ALE RE A I. ESTATE BARGAIN 60x120. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN" DWELLING, SOUTH FRONT. PAVED STREET, 3U12 CHICAGO BTREET, 4,200. ' 50x160. NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, CORNER LOT, PAVED1 STREET, 1501 SOUTH 23TH STREET, R200. , Howard Kennedy & Son, .209 First National Bank Bldg. ' FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale putposeu at 9l5 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Roeewater, sec retary tho Bee Building Co., room loO. Bee building. I Ja'567 CHEA?- Williamson Co., BTnak W RE-649 FOR SALE Iarge house, 12 rooms, lotp; house ccst $22,Ofi0; 81, WO born; west pttrt of city; will sell for 815.000. Address W 2X, Bee office. RE Mi38 EVERY ONE of the following BIG VALUE for the money An 8-room, modern house, oak interior, ex cellent repair, east front, near 8Sth and Burt: choice location 84.250. In the West Farnam location, new and modern, 8 rooms, oak-interior; can ue Hmitrltt at a hnrvnln ' On Locust near 18th, 7 rooms, good as new and a nice property 83,000. On 27th near Parker, 7 rooms, gas ana city water 1,K0. On 10th ncur Hickory, cottage of 6 rooms, fine east front lot, nice trees; a coxy home 81.750. On 22d near Mason, nearly new cottage, T.nta fnr 114 nrlnp. SI .FifiO- On 9th near Hickory, small house, lot 20 by iM It U0. VV. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RB-M674 82,400 New six-room house at 8715 Leaven worth; modern except furnace; corner lot: 70 feet front; car line pusses door; 8400 rash, balance eay payments at 6 per cent. Telephono 2730. RE 860 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific headquarters, Umuha, Neb. KE 651 $1,0002940 Arbor, 4 rms., new, sewer, water, 60x140 lot. . $100 down. Snap. - $7508. E. cor. 4lat and California, 6 rooms, full lot and bnrn. Snap. D. V. 8HOLES CO., N. Y. Life. TEL. 49. RE-M63, REAL ESTATE ..bargains. Full lot and three houses in E. V. Smith's addition, only, $2,250. Thomas Brennan. ?00 So. I2th street. . , .. RE M606 DO YOU WANT TO , SELL A FARM? If you want to sell' a farm or ranch tell the farmers and rtock raisers about it. The best way t reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 48,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, ao If you have a good piece of land to seil at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in small type or $2.50 per Inch if set In large type. THETWbNTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RE-32 FOR-SALE, tweive-acre fruit farm at Braldentown. Florida; water front, young orange and banana trove, and good house. Address Lock Box 66, GUtner, Neb. RE 186 $2,750.00.. GOOD HOl'SE ' AND TWO LOTS. One block from Dundee car line. Ten room house,, porcelain bath, modern except heat, corner lots, bargain. GARVIN BROS., 16U4 FARNAM (STREET. RE MUSO FARMS FOR SALE. JSOO acres 10 nines south of Sauth Omaha, near LaPlatte, 160 ucres In cultivation, small improvements. &40.G0 per acre. 26 acres hlne miles west of the city, near Dodge street road, good Improvements. Price $12i.O) per acre. GEORGE & COM PANY, 1601 Farnam street. RE M9S3 '29 ENGLISH & CO., Paxton Blk MUST GO AT ONCE, 9-room modern residence in West Farnam district. 251,800. RE-M124 Out of list of 6 properties recently adver tised only theae two remain Just as good bargains vU; 1515 N. 26th St.. with city water, rents at $10.00; price, V60.00. 816 8. 18th, 12-r. boiiKe und barn for $2,500.00. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Doughia. UK 141 27 $1675 6-r. cottage, Parke Ave. $s30-6-r. cottage, full lot. city water, on Corby St. $1060 Cottage and lot. 26th and Charles Sts. tsllMI ' h.inwa mh fliiri 1olii?las. $aiylO 3 houses, north of Hanscom Park. $'t."J 10-r. house, California St. $15o0 House and 10 lots north of 16th St. Owner of house. 2415 S. 20th Ave., on lot extending from 20th to 30th Ave., la anxious to sell for money to buy cattle; make un offer. $1800 Buys 6-r. cottage end full lot one block west Kounixe Place, to be built. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas. RE 139 27 r "T0 about life Insurance. Three H Al . I S cents fc day iays for $l.auj 1 1 v-' 1 insurance in The Penn Mu tual. Better seo Foster about it TODAY. 622 Bee Bldg. 'I'hoaeS 1S17 and F-32U6. RE .ii 2t HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; alio acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 50 b'e bldg. RE i50 $ 5"0 2Sx315. 50th and Grand Ave. $16o0 3!iiix26u, 13th, near N street. $ ton .HTx-Sl, on hill. 8. of Country club. $10 20 acres m ar Florence. $12"i0 6 acres, 5oth and Browne Sts. $ 150 Corner acre, Hyde Park. $ 2uo Corner acre. Brighton. F. D. WEAD, la.'t Douglas. RE-140 27 r A "TO about life Insurance. The V A I I ''v life insurance dollar is the most effective dollar. Every dollar so Invested returns three dollars on an average. IVnn Mutual, F. W. Foster, 522 Bee Bldg. 'Phone 1817. RE 135 2 SETS Chris Boyert before buylax Ed and Cuming. 'Phone 2o4S. R."l -M464 D14 LIST your city property with I s for Qul.-k sale, vt e nave the ouyers. Cowan Co., Ui-314-315 $ivi The Abbott- Blk. KB mxm FOn SALE REAL ESTATE. BULLETIN GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, SOUTH FRONT. ELECTRIC LIGHT, HARN, CHICKEN HOUSE. FRUIT AND SHAPE TREES, 3S30 FRANKLIN STREET, 60x1 ?5. VACANT RESIDENCE LOT, FOUR BLOCKS WEST OK THE JOSl.VN MAN8ION, HIGH AND SIGHTLY LOCATION, $500. RE-M173 87 A GREAT BARGAIN IN 16TH STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY. We offer 88 feet on 16th at., fronting west, north of Leavenworth and south of alley, for $125 per front foot. Will divide to suit purchaser. The Great Western developments In this part of the city makes this a very promis ing Investment. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 441-445 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 130 23 H Good Investment H $6,7 50 Property, Yearly Rental $900 We are offering 3 modern 7-room cotages, near Park menu.! and Leavenworth Htreet, all In fl;st-c!an repair, for 8ti.7.Vi, that are rented for J25 e:ich nil the time, never vacrtni. Yon ivmnot find a better . Investment titan this in Omaha. Figure It o at, then c 1 1 e to ua and we will snow you the property. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 N. Y. LIFE. Thonc F2C55. RE-109 ?6 IF TAKEN NOW We Can Sell a Five-Poom Cottage for 1,000. ON EASY TERMS AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Well and Conveniently Located Near ALL OF THE BEST CAR LINES. WYMAN. SH RIVER & CO., New York Life Bldp. RE M167 30 H Acres Close In H 5 acres, 2 blocks fro:i Ames avenue car line, wan tair ouiioi.i. .-: price, 82,700, 1-611 IS Life. RE M147 i7 WALLACE'S SNAPS. There are no better investments In Omaha, for the money, than theae: $2,600 Three stores, always rented, bring ing $456 per year, with ample ground, on paved street, car line, always rented and tenants always doing good buHlness. Nos. 2204-6-8 Military ave. More ground if wanted. $6,600 At 30th and Pinkney, ground 150x128. 11 3-r. cottages, one store, paying $W0 per year. Will exchange for good Nebraska farm land at cash value. $7,500 One of the best buulneHH oorners out side buHlnens center. Double store, flats above, 3 cottages, rents $1,200 a year. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE M1C5 28 H Canada H 4S0-aere farm In southeastern Asslnlbnln adjoining town of Bulgonie, which haa eight large grain elevators; land nearly all broke, very hne and level; wheat went 35 bushels to the acre last year; next year's crop will pay for the land; fairly good buildings; price, $17.00 an acre. Owner has large mines In Colorado, which he wiahes to develop, which is his reason for selling. ( H Hastings & Heyden H 610 and 611 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M141 27 FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. WALTER L. SELBY. It Is an acknowledgment nf poor Judgment not to be recommended If you don't insure at theae low rates even If by a miracle your saleable home has escaped tire. DETACHED DWELLINGS. 500.00-For Five JQQ HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 3y00a00-For Five $36Q THINK OF IT. 24 cents per $100 per year. 2 cents per $HiO per month, other amounts same rates. Get my rale before you insure. WALTER L. SELBY. 333-334 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone me, 1510. RE 170 27 Ninety days ap;o we issued our list "100 Bargains in Omaha Real Estate." Since then we have sold over 575,000 worth of city residej.ee property. Some of the best bargains, however, still remain. It you are looking for somethingeither tor a home or ast an Invest ment, call, 'phone or Write for our list. BENSON & MEYERS, 318 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. PHONE 74. RE-M175 29 SAV4TOII11 M. OMAHA Flf""n('B Bin-Horltiti. 'Phone Red 224; I blk. w. of cir line, t'ity 'ph"iie Ji:r. City bath and massage p triors. 21-1 ltke. 5v8 N2 FLORUITS. HESS 8WOBODA. Hit Farnam. 671 U HENDERSON, florist, 151k Farnam BL 71 r Oll RENT HOI StCS. FOR RENT, 7-room house, city water, gas. furnace, all modern, on lark ave. 810. 4-rooni house, city water, 3124 Manon at. C. M. liachniann, 4J0 37 Paxtou U1h k. D M43 FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard. In good con.lltion. Win. J. Potter, tec, 303 brown block. D Mil4 llnilQPQ In alfpnrts of the city. The UUUJCO 0. F- tJivIs Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. 1 HI lPQ " 'l rrta' of the city. R. UUUOCO c. deters 4s Co., Lee Bldg. D 4i TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., ortloe 151 14 Farnam, or Tels. lbitt-Vii. D-00 2hOC DAVENPORT. 10 rooms, modern except furmice, l.rn, 8-lo. 812 1'arke Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furtiMce, 83.' .60. W. Farnau. tsmith A Co., 131 Farnam St. D M343 -ROOM modern house, nicely furnished, two blocks north of High School; lease till next June $45.00 per month. W. Farnum Smith & Co., 12C0 Farnam St. FOR RENT, 4-room house. 2668 Woolworth Ave., per month; possession given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Uhl. care DMlX News office. D-M9i WALLACE. Brown Block. $35 2011 Sherman ave., 8 lurge rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good ep!!I' pleasant home. D 660 MODERN house, west part of city. In ex cellent condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be mane. William K. Potter, receiver, S3 Brown block. D-4 PAYNE-BOSTWlCK CO.. choice houses. 601-608 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-60i SEVERAL good houses, $10 to 818. x Chrla B oyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2048. D-M110 FOR RENT, 7 ream house. 1827 N. 18th. D 685 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co., Tel. 14W. Office, 1713 Webster el D wa HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. D--I98 633 Park ave., 8 rooms. mod'rn $32.60. 123 8. 35th ave., 7-r.. mod $30. 2J21 Spruce, 8 rooms, bath 822.50. 8n.9 FrHnklin, 7 rooms $16. 8014 Ames ave., 6-room flat $10. Choice iti-room, modern house $45. QAUV1N BROS.. 1604 FARNAM ST. D Mii77 DKSIRABLK HOUSE FOR RENT. No. 13s sstli nve., in West Farnum street dlftrlct. one of the bet locutions In city, 11 rooms, slrk'tlv modern. $60. DOUBLE FLAT FOR RENT. 1M1-13 Howard St., 12 rooms. In flrst-clfiss repair, two hath rooms, new plumbing, Tin per month. BUILDING FOR RENT FOR WHOLE SALE PURPOSES. 1414 Harney st.. 4-story and basement brick building. 33x120 feet In size, elevator and slenm heat; will be put In suitable repair; :.Vi per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM FT. D-MA37 29 SPECIAL. I 262S Seward St.. choice 11-r, strictly all mod ern house, suituDie lor two iamuies, lor nnlv i:in ner month. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., 601-03 N. Y. Life; Bldg. i-i -t A SIX-ROOM strictly modern furniahed house In West Farnam District; new ana in everv way desirable. Benson & Myers, 318 N. "Y. Life Bldg. D-M14W 111 CLAIRVOYANTS. QYLMER, palwltft. Wit. 115 N. 23d; 'phone B-b-623 MRS. CARRIE SMITIi. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and futuie. Sat Islactlon or no pay. 607 N. IStti 8624 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate School of Occult Sclen.-c. New Ick. Expert palm ist, clalrvount. phyi J..nmisl; truces and describes thieves ur fi lords; locates .-.ilneral. 1 will guarantee my rcatlinits .ii.d he charges will be nothing 1.' 1 can not see vour mends as they are or de scribe your home. 1 have read for the lute President MclClnley, Mrs. Potter ' j-.-.imer, Mine. 1-atti and many other prominent people. Will accept engage ments to read and entertain in homes. Itil5 DOUGLAS ST. B-M10- MME. QYLMER, SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. The most se'entltie palmist of the age; 7 years in Omaha. This wonderful woman has for years been conceded to be the leading "life reader" of lha worli. If you are In need of advice see this remark able lady. Parlors, 712 N. 23d st. Q-M974 CLAIRVOYANT. ATTENTION! YOl'R LAST CHANCE to get a $3 life reading for $1. Consult the greatest !ile reader of America. He Is a clairvoyant by birth and a medium by the gift of God. He sees all hidden mys teries at a glance, locates Milled treas ures, settles lovers' quarrels, brings lack good luck, cures eery known disease, no matter of what nature; removes all evil spell", had Influences und makes th sad heart happy by his wonderful powers. Call and r-e him at once and It' you do not And him superior to any medium who ever visited Omaha jour life reading will cost you nothing. PARLORS. 17t DODGE BT. 8-1" BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th f. 8131 MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS. WE TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT id GOOD HERE. MONEY 1 0 LOAN ON VOl'K PLAIN NOTE, WITHOUT (SECURITY, WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also loan money on FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, etc., without removal of goods. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rate of Interest for money, but call und get our rates before going elsewhere. Ottr plan is the CHEAPEST, BEST and MOST PRIVATE In tho city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 3U7-308 Paxton Block. X-M679 EASY TO GET TO PAY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or li' you nave a permanent position we can make you it SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we akk Is that you give ua a will before you burrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO,' ' 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 225. (Established U2j. M S. ltith St. X e"4 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. (33 Paxton block. 16th and Farnam sts. X-640 - LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity: easiest terms; u omces in prm- clnal cities. Tolmar n, iw aoaia oi i rsae Bldg. X-541 MONEY locned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. C14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Ca X-541 MONEY loanded oa pianos, furniture, lew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Ib-ed. 2lii 8 1J, X-6U CHATTEL salary snd Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. R ft. Barker lllnek. X-644 LAW AND COLI.ECTIOXS. STILLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Life bldg., attorneys tir.d collectois every, where. 66(1 Arthur L. Warrick. 401 Ware blk. Tel. 1324. ill LOCKSMITH. R. HEFLIN. SOS N. lilta st Tel. 071 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T CORMACK, 617 Karbacb block Tot A2fS2. -b CPCi: FACIAL TREETMENT8 1 lLL Kc-No-May Co. all iee Kliln Li-9 WK RENT sewing machines at 7o. per week, 8-i per month; we repair am seil parts for every machine roHiiufm -tired; fecond-hand machines from 81 to H Neu. Cyclo Co., Istb and Harney. I" iJ "VIAVI- way to health. Omaha. 816 Bee burling. PRIVATE Sanitarium for Indies brfo and during contloenKint. Dr. and Mrs. L'. Bca, .Vio cailtorma au 'lerms reasonate. GOLD ELECTRO PLATING We teplate anything ml.' of OlLV hK metal. Make It B.mkI : new. M I f V V I REMOVED TO IMh HAISEY. U-..;'jD-2 I'KIVATH hospital during conflntnent, babies adoptiu. Mrs. Gardele, iA Lake, isl. Ked-lhM. l-W PRIVATE home during confinement ;bab adop.ed. The Good fatamaiitan banlfcriuoa, ?ai 1st ave.. Council Blurts, Jia. I o-6 PRIVATE hospital before and durui con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher, 16ul 'inton. Tel. 1WO. MAGNET PILK KILLER. IT CUUfB. At druggists, $1. 3A31 DR. PRIES treats aucerssfully a:i lisi-anes and irregularities of women ftoti any cause; experienced and rellabU loll Dodge at., Arlington block. Omali. 1632 COSTUMES for rent. $318. r.. nh.i Back! WHAT'S nicer than aeco.'lion plating? We do nothing but the flm-t. Gildmun I'leatlng Co., 2o0 Douglas block i ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans ceerporla and vaults, removes jprbaae and dend animals at reduced prUs. 61 N. 16th. Tel. 177. - ;-653 WILTj start matrimonial bureau nr) want name of everybody of either sex (flio has matrimonial alms, send name anil lenrrlp tlon and aildreas. Confident l.i. Nu charges. Address W 30, Bee oftlie. U-.MT 2!x EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Dlt WILKINSON. CRE1GUTON LUCK. Treatment and operations for catarrhal deafness, enlarged chronic sore throut, cross eyes, e atarh; ousils. Five rrom l to c o clock. Lxanilnntim nee 15th und Douglas. Ij-M D.J LIKE the bell cow we lead Drover tl-,o Tailor 1615 Farnam; open eveniik. Two busy making clothes to clise. L'-6 D22 GOOD second-hand sewing machlirs from $5 to $10. We rent mm liloes, 7ic t? week or $2 per month. We repair and nil purl for any machine tnanulacturod. 1 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 'Phone 16ii3. Cor. 15th and llirney. U-114 26 rr. , . f - WA-MLD MALW UtU', j MEN to learn barb.' trade; free lallioad fare upon our failure to conMiicH you of this being the Bb.81', Ursust a u only reliable, most practical barber (college In this section of the country; W.te lor catalogue today. Western Barbell' Insti tute, Omaha, Neb. - Bf-Miiti1 GOOD meaeenger wanted; nrst-ciii pay. A. D. T. Co., ZLi S. Ulh. U 34 WANTED, for U. S. arrriy, able-boJrd. -jn-marrled men, between ages of iiknd Jo, citizens of United States, of gooJ thane ter and temperate habits, who .'all speak, read and write English. For iuR mailou apply to recruiting olilcer, 16th ant ivodge la., Omaha, and Grand island, N b, ; BM154 WANTED, two agents at once; giod sal ary; city work. C. F. Adams (o., YA Howard at. B-4f WANTED, neat, bright young nwnl wd'ing to work and learn optical grlndl)?. The 11. J. Penfold Co., 14U8 Kainam St. WANTED, a boy with a hor-4 tl dellt er The Evening Bee In East On.ahai Call at The Bee oftice. circulation ucpaltment. 3 p. m. p-MooO MAN Under 86. fair education, tl prepare tor uov t fosuion. uegui wun pu aamry. - Box uiO, cedar jtapiuaia.. . xsr i-ix WANTED, first-class sausage nnker and meat cutter One-half Interest In market for nale. C. W. Letchfurd, S. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. B-MU'jS SALESMEN Rubber footwear and spe ciality shoe; Kansas und Nebrwka; state experience and territory; old house; old lines. Address W 29, Bee. (-M746 D4 MEN Splendid opportunity to ln'rn barber it-tide; our Instructions, free dlnlc, mod ern conveniences makes course most com plete possible; If Interested II a profes-i-lon that will make you Indeptndent wills Moler Barber College, 1302 Ddiglus st. I MS) 27 X WE HAVE solved one of tho nost difficult p.-ob.ems In the rctnll tobajr-o btislncsa i- i I :hat la to suit all k r.ds of tastes In ctj.rs. We claim :h'.f ojj itock Is the .tkiI terfectly assorted bcrl n quality and shades In the city. Anther thing you can't powslbly Seat o ir Jne r.f pines and rmoklng tobac.o idgarv lies, loo. W. F. RToecker, 14'4 Doun'aa. j R 928 THE PMITH-PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes aeuogruphera without charge. Tel. 12S4 or tall ul office, corner 17th and Farnam Bts B-M13I D7 WANTED Sign painter and window card writer. Apply at one?. 3I wrat National Bank building. a M'.Di WANTED First-class electrldan one whiVt understanas running iitepjiptlcon mi dline. Apply W. J. Mclnlre. Midland hotel, bet. 4 and 6 p. m. B 105 26x WANTED A boy for copyholder: one that can read manuscript renrtilf. Apply Mr. Haskell, Bee composing repm, hth floor. is niiw zsx WANTED, an all-around l.hcksmlth snd horseshoer, at once; steady work for the rlttht man. Niels HJclm, 1 ncroft. Neb. B Ml 50 3"X WANTED, bookkeeper, whj has had re aral years experience; saia ry satlsfnctorjr. Address w 4. uee. B MIM 2 WANTFD. a a-nnd-anrjearlnf man to trsvel and sell safes. J. J. DerlAit Co.. Saf Dealers, 1119 Farnam St. B-M169 D2 WANTED FEMALi HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian ornie, 15th & Dodgs. u jm THE SMITH PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT turiiist.- stenogi -apnvr without charge. Tel. lW or call at orlli.. corner 17lh and FarnaiJ bts. C MlJi ui A COMPETENT GIRL ff general house work, In family of thr. BsJtt Mason. 1 tfiw. WANTED rilrl for gei, No. 2701 Dodg st. isl housework at C M &6S LADIES We teach halilresslng, manlctir Ing or facial massoK-' I" short time; free clinic, expert Instructions; small wages from start; tools lonated, diplomas granted, positions flrnlshed. Call or write particulars. M'r CoMige. 13a Douglas st. 27x IADIE8 made $3X0 a d .if We want ac tive lady workers everywhere to take orders for our made-to ord r fklrts and cirsets. Write for nartlcul.irs i American Bklrt Corset Co. 6 WoodWrd Ave., fie'rolt, Mich. I C-M'5 2Sx Ich. i C-M'5 2SX NTED Good g.rl Kr general houe tk; no washlnn: l'"lp with (-leaning. WA work rn Apply 2216 Iiiidon f.irt. C-l4 28 WANTED At oic, Cud ih's restnnran a good cook st South Omiihi: good IV work " W "7 waifH snd lltt1 Sni OS I LoUATHr. Johnson institute, 615 1. Y. Life Bldg. T. lt4 01 The Hunt Infirmary. (HcCague Bldg. T. 2351 Atsen & Farwoll, PHtton Blk., 604-7. T. 1S. 5o3 DR. GRACE DEi:iN, 632 N. Y. Ufe. TeL 2UH. " r- Fayette Cole, Oscjpath, 609 Paxton Dj.rl' LOST. LOST Automobllf red endgate; reward at Fredricksoii's. I th and Capitol ave. . Lost 1J) tl LOST Phi DelUjPheU stick pin. Reword on return to i.4 Be Bldg. .Lout im W