Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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    0 WHnPI 1WMi,-l
mnv . i-t. im.,. ...... .x.-
Coming Holiday lln Considerable Effect in
the Vr hat Fit.
4 at Market ni I nruanard iin a
Ian- Market. While Uraknnt
la I'roi lilnn. HrliiK
a ' l,onrr Price.
CHICAGO, Nov. . A finr-iiiiil.lny dull
Hi s pervaded the grain (lt ana wn-,it
ruled i-inj. i i. n t i t i iking toil i y hdiI May
Ciosoti i6y i,4c lower. May cntn clt.seit ''t'.c
luh.-f, IP.ltH Wi'I'i' 1ITI. I!:tlls- 'J, UUt pIUVI-
ii'n. wi-i'f p-tSc lower.
TriiilniK In ihe dhvat pit was of an eve
ning up character in preparation lor the
holiday toniori i.w, and while there was
llllfc' general couitnUslon trade, there was
consid"t tble adjustment unions local trad
ers. The only hull news oi Importance
was the report that there had been urn
ml reins In Argentine uml that tin; i.ortn
wcK receipts lighter tlian a yeur
ago, but thin was. suiiloirnt to cause n
-e-sy feeling faribr In the day. The senti
ment In tin; ptt wan rattier laarlsli Die lat
ter half of tliu (rfliin, the liiiliiiTx es be
lag tti larger primary receipts und I tin
easier tone in outsUio markup. 'i here was
noun- selling by yesterday's, buyers and t lie
omand was scattered. May inclined to
79o uml cloM'ii V'u'c bwer at 79'vi ,''"ic;
December closed vo lower at 7!i,0. Ccnr
anccs of .wheat nnil Hour wore equal to
tsVa.l'io buehiis. Primary receipts worn
1,4m;, loO bushels, against 1.175,4i a year
n,in. Minneapolis, lml. nil uml t hhngo re
ported rc-elpis ol iwo cars against, 6-w last
week ami 29 a year ago.
Coin tin hrm for a tew moments at the.
opening, but .there wait too m ich for stile
111 ptlCOS Weakened, December being till)
weaker. Covertnj;? ly shorts was lite, out
cutm. Th continued weakness In low
grado (ash corn resulted In a plump In
prlof, tor December anil May funea off
In Hvruivithy. .M.iy runted between ll'Vcl
4KV.e, closing Vi lilh"r; Ici'pmi r
cIomimI lower at 41VitlSc. I.'"'" I rt-
ilpl were cars, w.m ly of contract
A alow, rlrnKifliitf market with priros
BioHt of tho t'in nntlor laHt nlltt'H clow
His tlio order of tln day In the oats pit.
UuIh wan ilini'- but cvonniK p lor i tie
hodiiay ami aoajplmr by th put crowd.
Tim mnrki't was inllueiiocd larni ly by th
aollon of othi-r KialiiH. May' Hold betwiM-n
' t"iX,c, cIohIiik pnehannpd M-t Vtr;
ct jnoi-r closnl a shudu lower at 'A ;c.
looal rei'uipta wi'rp Mt oarK
I.lli.'raJ Velllnst f January lard and ribs
by broker nuppoxetl to b." for . arroimt of
local packers cuum-d weaktH'" In provl
ali.ns. Janmiry pork rloaiil 'jC lowvr at
11(H). Jannary bird was ott Km- at W.LT'H,
whllo rlim were down U'r' at $ii.iu.
Kmlmatfrt receipt.' for tomorrow: Wlieat,
llj cktm; corn, IZo cars; outs, 2:lo cars; bog,
iL' i,, .head.
iioaro: will n r iwn tomorrow on
connt of ThankNgivlntt.
The leading futures laiiRedns follows:
ArtUU. Open. Hih. Low. I Close,! '.
aUec. '(
May TOiJi?!"1
July 7i
Corn I
Dec. 2KriA2Wi
May 441 -Cn
July , il ,41-,,
Oatt I
Dec. ' SI'-i mi
May :S'H .)
July W.
Tork !
.Ian. It 11 2R I
May U .11,37'4I
i-ird- I I
Jan. 6 85 6 37!
May 8 46 6 47',ai
ItiUs ' 1 I
Jan. 6 87H 5
May 6OJV11I 6 K'!
'.'In . I
.1 . tll ' Cr. I . I
' J I Ll "8
I 1
4ii2;.U'V" -i
41 ' 41-'
r.( !;i4'
11 OA
11 l'-'H
n no
ii i-'.4
11 2 J '4
11 &
6 27'.
5 nr. i
6 27'V
6 S7'4
6 47Mi
5 874
6 tt,
6 W.
No. 2. a New.
Cash quotations were n fo'low"
V!UR Qnll arid easier; winter TvUenta,
$l.M4 2'K irnlKht :(.7til.l0; mMln pat
inls. J4.iKi4j4.3i); ulrajihw, 3.r'ii3.T6; bakcis,
J.i.oi.1.3o. : i
WHKAT No. S, gOiiiSlc;' No. 2 reft, Sl'UtP
TORN No. ; 4!e.; No. 2 yellow. 43e.
OATS-No. 2, .'M-c; No. 3 white, a.iViS3Sc.
RY K No. 2, K3e.
11AR4KY Tihh1 feedin, 3Mi3G'; Xalf to
lolen milltljlR, ISilX'Q. . ' '. " : ,., 1
SI'UilANo. tflax, SloJ 'ndrtnw.,,,,!,', mick. Vwc;' December, KDc', May
97'; 'primn timothy, $L'.9."i; clover, contract
grade. JU.8:. r
IHOVltfh.S Mess tMirk. per bbb. tl,12H
ffill.lio. I.urd, tier' lot lbs., fii.4i 'i.m. Short
ribs loof.e). fH 1176.7; ehort clear iile.
(boxmn. i'..:i7Vt'iii.r.o.
KoIIowlntc were the receipt anil ship
ments of Hour utnl jraln:
le""'r'ts. Khlpmen'''
Flour. bbl S0.2IK) 10.IM
AVhiai. bu Wr.'.7'i(l . M.lml
orn, bu...., 2i. '.'(v i 4i4,si)0
Oat bu..... ,.i..:C.:l.M0 14'..'iil
Rye. bu 10.4M 3.7m)
Uai-ley. bu... 215.1(H) 2.40
On th. Produce? exobaliKe today the but
ter roarket w rlrm; crenmirics. li'.lilei
dnlriefl, 141 !!?.. T'airs, steady; nt mark,
canes ijicludod, liAtJ'., C'heoMe, tteady,
. , -
ol the Day
on Varlona
s . . Coninivdltira. ,
N K W YORK, Nov. 25.-KLOUR-Rccelpts,
10. !i4 tibia. '1 lie market was steady, win
ter pnients, winter, straights,
Vj.!'8'i4.1ii; Mliiiie.Hc.ta - patents, $l.i,,r;j4 tij;
winter extras, .I.U!(A25; Minnesota haaers,
M iifyj lCi; winter low Kradia, Jn(3.lj. itye
Hour, pasy; s.iles, feoti bbls.; loir to good.
J 2ni8.4o; choico to fancy, tJ fc'U't'i. liuck
wlient lloni'. eaH.V. t-.'J;V(i 2. 3Ul
COKN.MKAr-t)ull; western, 51.02; city.
11. ni r kiln dried, 4:!.lu.
iiAltt.KY- Dull; feeiilii, 33o c. 1. f.f Buf
falo; uialtlint. 4'X)e, c. I. f., Htiffalo.
UlvT-L'b. No. 3 venu'iii, tt'Jto, f. o. b.,
EfKAT-Rroclida. ira.i.70 bu.; exports.
S3,IS( bit. The niarket tor (spot was steady.
No. 3 red, kic in elevator and Niy f. o b.
alius t; .No. I northern, Duluth, ' !Ci:io f.' o,
b. .Uloat; Nu. 1 bind, M.inllolia, nominal
f. b. afloat. 'Options opined llrm and ft
nhado hlKher on better canles, small north
west receipts, local cov.rini;-, Innlier north
weot markets mid gooil suppoit at CMdcawo.
lner it was easy under realizing; ud
tloserl l(f:S.e net lower. May, W -1('h
closed at M-e; July, 7!'e. closed at ?.o;
iecenber, )iV'' s' in'-, el'ised at HTiiO.
Ct iKN Keceipis. I44.7i bu. ; exports. K!t,
trv Ini, TUo market tor spot was easy.' No.
4!ao In eleutir and .'.nc f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 yellow, li.'c; No. U white, V.ic. 0llun
luurket Was dull but Kieady at lirst, with
a decllno under bearish Kuropein cables.
i)ei emhef, 4!i''ii 19' ic, at 41C.C.
OATii lU', i.HI,70u bu.; exports, 4.510
bu. Tb market .fur upot wa.iulet. Ni
2. 4-c; ststidurd wldte, W. No. S, 4oc; No.
t white, No. i) wliitc, 42c; track whit,
4.'o.' ...
Kt;Kn--Steady: stirlnjr brail, 11 80; Decem
ber middlings. i:'jniJj.e; ci'y, SlU.IHKip.'.OO.
if AY Unlet; Bbippine, Ucjiric; good to
Choice, ! Vic. ..
I lOI'H Steady ; etate rumnion to choice,
V1, :Mu3Jc; 1W-". ?l'i-3ic; old, dtil2e; I'a
oPhi coast, lisii, 21 'i.M-;- i;V.', ZlW-Juy.c; olds.
Hllp:s-Hteady; O.ilveeton, 2 to 28 pounds,
lNi ;' t'alitorida. 21 to p.ninds, lc; Texas
' dry. 24 to Ha pounds. lc.
IKATHIOK-Steady; aiH.l. 23(i254o.
I RDYlsilDNS-heef, dull; family, lintiO
jTll.(i; mess. oko 50; beef bams, t-V wl
i27.ou; pai ket. Is.tVirlo.i.i; city extra India
mess. il.". into t?ut meats, eas ; pickled
bellies. H'.i.nirbj.i,".: phklet shoulders, tti.K);
I'ltkb'd buns, lii M;ill.0O. lird. fy;
Western steamed, JO.fco; Novemla-r, $7 2-1,
nominal; letuud. es.-y; continent, J7VI;
Kouih America. p:: coniMiund. fii H7V
1'ork, quiet; (amily. Us 0o; vbort cleir, IlliO
t('l.Vi; iness. V-'.7jji
UK'll-l'Irni;. domestic fair to extra,
4'i-.Vj Japan, nominal.
TALJ.OW' firm; city iKM per paik
ffe), 4lac; .country t.u kjKes free), 4Vif
lil'TTKR Reielpts, 4.176 pkas ;
creamery, lii i'-'l' -c. stale dairy, l.2!
1'HKK.SIJ-Iteiclpts, 4,2fi3 Jks.: iriegular;
state full t-reum tunc null colored, Sep.
teinber. 12e; late maee. lu-Te; small white,
r'epii tube 12e; lata m.ide, piUc; I arise cl
er.'d. teptenler. 12' ; lat' made, 10'''; large
W'.lte. Heine nler. 12c; lite made,' ! ,..
tCIiiS-Jie'-elpis. 5.1 pkKs. ; unsettled
Western. I'l'Mj'.
fll OAR-lta w. Millet: fair retinitis. SK,r;
cuntrlf iiKal, VK test, ::c; molars sua jr.
I'1; refined, ootet; iriiflad. 6.ooc; powdertdi
4.iCc: Kriii!i!hi!nd, 4.4"c.
I'UKKKK Si.-idy. No. 7 Wo. 13-bV.
i'Ot' l.Tli Y -1 ii e-i'it. steidv; westtrn
rliliHiens, IJv; fowls, 12tfl2Vi turkeya,
' Dululk Urals VarLet.
Ijri.fTH. Nov. Si.'-YVMK.vr-No.
n'.nhe'ii, 7'C; No 3 rprliiK, a'o; Di-cxm-Ber
7TSc; Ma v. Tc. ,
OATH On tra.-k tmrt to arrive, 3'1V-,
. Tlilij
eea Market.
V- - HKKTit'lo er, cah.
'4i2-. JilinsrV, Iii7;
March. k7; I'rlme
:i line, H Ja.
TOLKrol. N..v.
: T'U: 1 'ef 'rnher.
F'ebruary. V'. fJ1-.
timoili). .eS.
l.l.erituul l.rait Xarkri.
ITTRlfa-'l Kov. 2.' WHKAT- Pts.t,
lU-Uii 1 red nnleni, winter, na l',ai.
FutureK nnlrt: De-embcr, fid CSdi March,
'.s 4d; May, f Z'-i.
OKN- pot ij net; American mixed. 3
l1' ,.'!. Kuiei". oukt; lecenil-r, 3r llljd;
junimry, X 1'td.
( nndltlnn of Trade and 4notatlnna oa
Maple and Vmnry Prudoce.
KfitjS Fresh Mock, 2Sc.
l-IVK il'l l.Tlti-HMis. Viie; spring
chickens, o'-t'c; 'roosters, aroordlna; to
ae, i,r..n; turkeys, . 14y lac; ducks. HylUc;
geese. V lih'.
lil' TonTRY-Turkeys, HV!17o;
diieks. 1 1. IV-; Rees. , lKul.'c; chickens. 7'ii
7'.: bens. V-i"1! .
IM'TTKK rnckitiB rtoek, 13'tc; choice to
fam y dairy, In tubs, bWilv-; separator, 22c.
KUKSIl KIS1I Tlotlt, 10c; pickerel. 7c;
pike, !c; perch, fic; htifTabi, 'i'jic; blue
lish, 1.V-; wldiellsh, K': salmon, lie; bad
dock. 10c; codilsh, 12c; redsnaptier. lie;
I'd- .ers, bolld, pi r lb., aoc; lobsters, green,
per lb., 2V; bullheads, lie; cattish. 14c;
;!ak biif;s, 2'i'oJii'; halibut, 9'; crapplea,
12c; honing-, be; white bass, luc; bluetlns,
OYSTKRS New York counts, per ran,
43c. i r pal.. Sl im; extra selects, per can,
3.",c, per ial., l.7ii; standard, i er can 27c;
per , 11.15.
I.'. RAN IVr Ion 114. Aft.
MAY i'riees nuoted by Omaha Whole
sale Dealers' asoilatlon: Choice So. 1 up
land. I7.ti; No. 2. $7.i(0; medium. ffi.fjn;
coarse, JH.iii. Rye straw. Jfi.."iO. These prices
ate for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair and receipts light.
CfiR.'-4lT'. . '
ltl'K-Ni). 2. r.Oc.
l'OTATOKS Colorado. K',c; l)akota, per
bu.. 7i. jit "'); native, tiiVSnOo.
SWKKT I'l i l'A'l JKJ4 Home grown, per
basket, line; Virginia, per 3-bu. bid., to.lKJ.
NAVY H EA NS per bu., 2.2o.
I'KLKRV- Small, per do., 2.Vfi35c; larg'j
California, 4i'ii 75c.
ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb.,
1'Ae; Spanish, per crate, $1 RO.
CAHLVOK Wisconsin Holland, lic.
TL'RNII'H California rutabagas, per lb.,
l!c; white, per Int.. uUc.
CARROTH i'er bu., 5Cc.
l'ARSMI'S-IVr bu., Doo.
I'KliTS I'er bu.. &ec.
OAl'I.lKLa iW&R California, per crate,
TUMATOE3 California, per 4-baskct
crate, 42.20.
crci .Mntna-rer dor, $1.00.
rEAR?-Colorado and I'tah Kelfers, $1. TB;
wlnler NellN, l2 2Vh-2.nO.
Al'KI.l.S-.Nilcn gan sbick. 3 15: Callfor
t la Bel (lowers, per box, fl.m; New Y'ork
Oie.nlngs and Haldwlns, 13 2".; eating varl-
ti n. :t.o.
ORAHliS-California Tokays, $1.75; pony
Cat.iwias, 22c; lmporte.1 Malagus, per keg,
CRANllKnRII'7? Jersey, per bbl., t.00;
per box, $:i.W; Wisconsin Hell Fugle, $H.5d.
yl 1NCKH C illfornla. ?-r box, $1.75.
ORANHKr 1'lorl'ia brlghts and russets,
nil, f3.75fi4.00; navels. $4.oo''4.25.
I.K.VIONS California fancv. 3u0 to 8H0
Plz-w, $i.r.; choice 240 to 270 sixes, $4.lil.25.
KRJS Calirornl.i, pet- lo-lb. cartons, hoc;
Itniuiited Smyrna, 3-crown, He; 6-crown,
l(ic; 7crown, ISc.
COCOANLTS Per aack, $4.00; per do.,
1 ATKS Persian, rer box of 30 package.
$2.oo: per lb., in 00-lb. boxes. 6o. v
BANANAS Per me lum fUed bunch. $2.00
ill. oo; Jumbo, $2.75Sr.l.25.
CHKKSK-V Isconsln twins, full cream,
12M;c; W'lHconsIn Young Americas, l.'ic;
block 8wls, 15c; W'sconsln brick, 121c;
YYl.icoiln llmberiser, 12c.
HONK Y Nejj: dska. per 24 frames. $3 50;
.I'tah and Colorado, rer 21 frames, $3.5u.
MA i'l .K SCO A R Ohio, per lb.. 10c.
. CIliKii I'er bid.. i5.75; per 4-bbl.. $3.25.
POl'i ORN Per lb., 2'ic; sheilel, 3&3c.
1IOKSK RADISH I'er case of 2 do.,
packet. SV.
NITB-Walnuts. No. 1 soft-shell, per lb.,
15c; hard rhell. per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell,
ti-r lh., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, tier lb.. Tic;
Brazils, per lh., llfillHc; filberts, per lb.,
lllfimc; almonds, tioft-shell, per lb., 15c;
hard-shell, or lb.,; picans. large, per
lb., ICiillc; small, per lb., D'ilOc; peanuts,
per lb., B'.fec: rotated peanuts, per II)., "c;
Chili walnuts. 1!Mi13c; large hickory nuts,
per bu., $1.75; shell-barks, per bu., $1.7.V3'
4.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.25; eastern
chestnuts, per lb.. He.
HIDES No. 1 green. 0c; No. 2 green.
Re; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c;
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8'4c; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to15 lbs., 6'c; dry salted hides, STB
12c; sheep pelts, 25j7uc; horse hides, Jl.Sotf
St. Louis Uraln aud 1'rovlstons.
CT T OIMCI M,... 'If; C'1I l."A'r ,.AI
iViKlc: NO. 2 nard. TKaTSc
. I UH.N-lxwr: No. 2 cash, 41c; truck,
42ij42Vc; Deoemlier, loic; May, "OC.
. OA'i Sl Uglier, No. i caah, 3'ic; track,
37c; Deceinocr, SU'su; Alay, 0'c; Decem
ber, white, 40c.
l'iOL; R Didl; red winter patent, $4. 10(tf
4.2o; extta fancy and alralgm, x3.tou4.Ui;
deer. UatiiSi.
81-JED Timothy, steady, $2.25(ft'2.85; prime
wiittn mor. . .
CORN M KAI. Steady, $2.30.
' URAN lult; suckeii, east track, 74i&77c.
' HAY' guict; timothy, Ii.iA-HiIJ.jO; pra.iie,
$.).Mfn 0.5e.
li Albi 1 N btiW:
. UK MP TWiNi'y .
I'lUi VISIONS Pork, eteady, $11,10. Lard,
Sieauy, 3ii2.''4. Uacon. luwir: buxed, extra
horts, $7.714; libn, $.12',a; boom ciear,
Poi'I.TRY Lower; chickens. GV4c;
dprlngs, iVjic; turkeys, 12!e; duck, lie;
fceese, Ho.
BU 1'TKR Demand fair; creamery, l'Sff
t5Vsc; dan y, t.'.u ISc.
fcutiS-Klrm; 2c, loss off.
Ketvlpts. Shipment".
Flour, bbl nl.'jno H.onO
W heat, bu H'.i.u w "9.0oO
Corn, bu 2,fri - 2u 0 "J
Outs, bu il. oo J IV.uOO
Kniiui City Uraln
id lro-llona.
25. -WHEAT D-
crmbcr, eni''0;c; May, OSVoStv.c. Cash.
No. 2 hard, i2'Ui3i'; No. 3 6.iiiic; No. 4,
6 4:4c; rejecteii, i,aVcuVjc; Nj. 2 red, 814
lvc; No. 3, 77iJ80c.
CORN December, i67ic: May. ifir. Caah,
No. 2 mixed, 4oc; No. 2 while, aVOc; No.
'OATS No. 2 white, S6'a3Sc; No. 2 mixed,
HAY Choice timothy, $5.90; choice prairie,
$S i;',dS.50.
R K No. 2. 4Mie.
KOGS Steudy; Missouri and Kansas
stock, cases returned. 2t"'; new No. 2,
hjtewood cases Included. 2.'y.
' 1 1 L' TT K 14 Creamery, 2wU2.c; dairy, fancy.
Receipt. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 152,nou 145.00
Corn, bu 12.000 lti. tf
Oats, bu 5,000 - 17,000
Philadelphia Produce Market.
PlIlI.ADi:r,PHIA, Nov. 23. -BUTTtCn-Kirm,
gissl demand; extra weatern, 2iVsc;
nearby prints, 2614c.
KUI IS Oooii oe in a nil; fresh nearby, 34c,
loss oil ; western. :!24i34c; southwestera, itiyi
32c; southern, 2K4i3iic
HKKSIO Stcauy, fair demand; New
York full creams, fancy, 1 1 . 4t RV ; choice.
llVac; flr to good, l0,Uil'4O.
Mllvrankee tiraia Market.
M 1 1.WAl'K KK, Nov. 25. WHEAT No. 1
northern, K2c; No. 2 northern, muutlVc; May.
RYK Steuily; No. 1, V47f!eie.
' liARLEY- Uowei-; No. i, ' jtiTc; sample,
CORN May, 41ie, bid.
1 lnnea olls Wheat, PI our aud Drau.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 2.V-W HKAT-De-wniber,
ic; May, H'c; on track, No. 1
held, M'jc; No. 1 northern. kuV; No. 3
iior'liern. 7x'-; No. 3 northern, '''utb'w.
FIll'R Hist luteins, Ji.iWi 1.75; teconrt
patents, 1 4.5.'! I i'5 ; iii st clears, $3.40; second
cluars, $2.3o2 ;0.
Peoria Market
PEORIA, 111.,
steady; new lower;
No. 4, J.c; No. 4,
Metal 'Marker.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23.-.M ETAI J4 Spot
tin advanced to 16 17s In London, and
f.lur.a ihero were 6s higher at ill ,1s;
loea ly tin was also firmer, cl "sing at $25.50
i2.'i.iii. Copper advanced 7s tkl in Iyiiidon,
-!'.!-1 1 if at A.5 2s fid for spot aud 55 for
futurei. Tlio local market for copper la
rather ea.Her. Ijike. e e trolytli? and cast
ing are quoted at $12.;5' 12. '.j. 1 a.f was
tlull and unchanged at J. 11 in Ioiidou aud
at $4.-3 in New York. Spelter was un
changed here at $V)i?Vi and al 2o 12a til
In la ii. Ion. Iron cisn l at 4a in (llasgow
and at 42s lei In Mid .lesiairoiiK h IKul y Imui
was rti.b t. No. 1 fouiaiiy uo. lhern I quoted
ut 5.a0. No, i foundry iiuitlieru ut $i4(nn.
15 ui. No. 1 foundry aoutl arn and No. 1
foundry south. rn soft at $13 5.'if 14 (.
SI-. lfUIS. Nov. 25. ME 'i A 1. 8 Lead,
dull at 14.(0; sM'llr, lower at 14.75.
P.vawwralrd Aiiplea aad Ilrled Fruit
Al'PLKS The market rontluues easy.
iVmmon are qitoied at 4ffc; prime, bt
b-K,f. rholce. fV io-V; faru.y, 7c.
continue quiet with quotation ranging
from J'y1' for all grade. Aorlcots ara
In fair t'eiuaii'l; cluaee. 'CiyVa.'i txtra
c hi ic,., 1'4i leV-.' ; fsnt y. Km'I.V. Peat he ara
In very lisbl d maud, bi.t art not being un
. lMtnsa iorMle and conavquc-uti uiu mH
in uciuAud; fau.y, iDtUWUk
Said that Organ' t A Party finocesifnllj
At'.to'ii Indus rial 8kci
Advance In I nlted Mate Steel and
Amalgamated Copper geeurllle I
Attributed to Desire to
Restore Balance.
NEW YORK, Nov. 25 A number of In
dustrial stocss suffered wide breaches In
tlieir valuations again today In continua
tion nf the proi ess which whs so con
spicuous In yesterday's dealings. Some of
the weaker stocks were acutely affected
today, while new one were brought Into
the movement. There win little In the
way of specific new to account for the
decline nnd those concerning which there
was news were not the most acutely af
fected. The news of the shutting down of
mills to work off supplies hurt Interna
tional Paper. Fluctuation In Colorado
Fuel seemed to Impart varying view of
the need of a sale of the coal aud lands of
the company. Regarding the railroad equip
ment stocks, 11 was argued that most of
the recent change In railroad equipment
was the use of car to make good inade
quate terminal and storage facilities, so
thnt theru might be considered an over
upply of cars on hand at present. The
only news accompanying the break of
over 9 points in Railway Steel Spring pre
ferred was the application to the stock
exchange to list additional stocks which
contained no surprise for those conversant
with the company's affair. It may be
taken for granted that a well organized
party skilfully directed the attack on these
securities. The oulck rebound In their
price was sutllclent evidence of this In
There Is no reason to doubt the current
report of a general sweeping out of col
lateral In loan of Industrial securities. It
Is fair to bear in mind that the disfavor
with which money lenders view these se
curities ha to do with the attitude of
the market toward them. Many of these
securities have never had a wide market
and others have lost as much as they
ever had during the recent period of dis
trust over the whole Industrial ouflook.
There la apparently an Intention to ad
Just the prices of the whole body of In
dustrials to that of the stocks which have
been severely scaled down. A relative
firmness, growing into strength, of the
I'nlted States Steel stocks and of Amal
gamated Copper was consonant with this
view. I'nlted States Steel was probably
also affected by the reduction granted In
freight rates in steel rails for export. A
sharp rally In the raw copper market In
London may have helped Amalgamated and
Anaconda. The special movement In South
ern Railway was without explanation, al
though the stock was liberally tipped off
for an advance. The late advance In the
market wiped out all the principal de
clines and established some fair gains in
the Industrials.
Sterling exchange made another wide
drop In spite of the quieter tone of the
local money market and rumors of large
engagements of gold for Import were made
plausible, although no definite knowledge
could be obtained of such engagement.
The bond market was dull. Total sales,
par value, were $2,280,000. United States,
refunding and the old 2s and 4s declined
V. and the old 3s 14 on tha call.
Following nre the closing quotation' on
the New York Stuck exchange:
i Sales. High. Low. Close.
Atchison 6.530 tH &
do pfd..- :.' 1,608 89Vi 891 l-94
Ilaltimore & Ohio.... 8,753 754 74 lb
do pfd..i 200 87 87 87
Canadian Pacific 1,025 1184 118 118H
Cent, of New Jersey 163
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 2,800 3o4 30 3o
Chicago & Altuu 2u0 30V4 30 31 'i
do pfd 66
Chicago Ot. 'Western. 1,100 15H : 15 15H
do M pfd 100 27S 3744 - 371
Chicago & Northw'n 163
Chicago Ter. & Tr 8
do pfd.... ; , , .... . 17
C. C, C. & St. L...i ' 70
Colorado Southern.... 800 1214 1214 1314
do 1st pfd 150 624 51
do 2d pfd 400 21 20 2014
Delaware & Hudson.. .; 154
Del., Lack, ft West.. 100 236 236 i364
Denver & Rio Grande 2i0 1!S 19'4
do pfd :oi) 67 67 67
Erie 15,5'W 27 264 264
do 1st pfd 1,7m) 6614 66 66
do ltd pfd.... ... 1,200 48V4 .48 48V4
Ot. Northern pfd,., 16
Hocking Valley 300 - 74 74
do pfd 110 8214 S-'4 M
Illinois Central 673 129 li l.
Iowa Central 1U0 20Yi 20 ..
do pfd... 5
Kansas City South ..... 17
. do pfd $1
Manhattan L. 1.620 13914.13X!4 13?
Louisv. & Nashville.. 8.8O0 u3- lOL- 103'i
Metropolitan St. Ry.. 4.200 lli HWi 116
Minn. St. 1 700 60 60" f.8
Missouri Pacific t. 5,490 id ' "8914
M.. K. & T 161
do pfd 300 3674 3614.
Nat. R. R. of M. pfd ' 36
New Y'brk Central... 1,328 117H J1H' H714
Norfolk A Western.. 5,600 67 65 66
do pfd 84
Ontario & Western.... 510 20S J04 20
Pennsylvania 20.005 114V 113V 114
P.. C. C. & St. L 67
Reading J.000 4(4 39i 40H
do 1st pfd loO 75 75 747
do 2d pfd 67
Rock Island Co $,500 24 234 23
do pfd 100 69 69 68
St. L. & S. P. lat pfd 60
do 2d pfd 112 44 44 434
St. lyotii Southw'n 131
do pfd 400 31 80 304
St. Paul 4.800 1:1x14 13714 137'i,
do pfd....; 100 172 170 171".
Southern Pad He...... S5. 230 4&V4 . 464 46-4
Southern Railway 27.626 20 194 19
do pfd 200 76 754 '7i;'4
Texas & Pacific...... loo t3 23 23'I
T.. St, L. & W 19
do pfd 1.000 32 314 81V4
Union Pacific 17,( 73'4 72 73 .
do pfd lot) 85 8574 '85
Wabash l.nno 9V lx7 1S'4
do pfd 1,800 84 34 84
t. & Lak F.rle 15
Wisconsin Central
600 16 11; . 16
do pfd.
36 3v
Adams - 220
American 185
I'nlted States... luO 100 100 . loO
Wells-Fargo " 195
Amalg. Copper.. 1(1.530 3S ' 37 38
Amer. Car & Foundry J.oso x 17 18
do pfd 4,2ol) 64 60 63
nmer, onirreu oil.... nl s V V
.iiuieeu oil.... it"; S' 9 s
2.695 . 29 2314 29
.ocomotive.... 1.440 1 3 H'?'l3
lO.liXfl 73 68 72
do pro.
Amer. Li
do pfd
Am. Smelt. & Itefng. 6.860 43H 42 43
do pfd 2.70 87 85 87
Amer. Sugar Refng. . .19,710 119 117Vi 119
Anaconda Mln. Co.,. 46.700 70 64 6$
Bklyn Ran. Transits. 8.O8B 39 38 39
Colo. Fuel & Iron 2, Km) 26 24 26
Col. & Hock. Coal... InO lo 10 10
Consolidated Oa 175
Oeneral Electric. tW 153 153 152
Internat. Paper loO 10 . 10 o
do pfd 2,935 63 67 62
Internat, Tump : $0
do pfd 1$
Nat. Biscuit 750 35 . 34 34
Nat. Lead 225 14 14 14
North American -72
Pacific Mall 1.2"rt 26 26 26
People's Oas 1.700 94 93 93
Pressed Steel Car.... 3.450 24 22 24
do pfd 1.760 64 62 64
Pullman Palace Car.. l') 213 213 113
Republic Steel 4) 6 6 R
do pfd 15,710 39 38 !!1i
Rubber Goods n
do pfd 165 67 67 M
Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 2.9no 27 26 27
V. 8. Leather 1.020 7 6i 7
do pfd 2,2m) 76 73 75'4
V. 8. Rublier ..... ls
do pfd 20 35 35 35
U. S. Steel 81O 11 111 11
do pfd 27.3x5 1.3 f.0 51
Western Union 6.'U 85 85 84
Northern Securltle 87
Total sales for the day. 374,200 shares.
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Nov. S.-Closrng-: : '
ronnls. money ;N. T. Ontrvl
. . la a
Hu ."-ouiit U H-li.Norfolk a W
ao pia n
7V,!Ontrlo A Wntir... nu
dn ifd
Raltlmor a Ohio.
Cuadlaa P.i-tno ,
Chr. a Ohio ..
I'llli.l. Ol w .
r.. m II u r..
IH r
t-nvr A R. G..
do pfd
do l-l pfd
KHlfenii.irlvtiila, 19
. . T7T Hand I4ina to'i
...Ufi Kdln joii
it de lit pfd U
1 I to Id Did w
.14 So. Riilsar i.v
.. I"S do pfd u
X So. PirlBc ui
t'nlo Pacini)
4a pfd
V. S. Staai 11 .
do Id pld
do (d kji
lillnola I'eilril 111'.
lula Naak l' do pfd it
U . K. T 171,'
BAR SILVER Firm at 2d per ounce.
MONEY' 3 per cent; the rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills Is
4 per cent; for three months' bills, 4
per cent.
Foreign Financial.
I.ONDON, Noy. 25 -Money wa - much
wanted on the market luduy. Discounts
were strengt hened. tartly owing to the
weakneaa of New Y'ork exchange. Business
on the Stock exchange wa Inactive and
undecided. There wa an uneaay tone, in
many 1 ae. although the fear regarding
the Rutao-Japan trouble bad almoat dlrap
teared. American reacted at lh opening,
subsequently recovered to parity 011 some
local support, aaaed la lh tier nova and
r!oed Arm. Kaffir were buoyant. The
other South African heetlnn were stead..
PARIS, Nov. ;6. Business on fie
today wa active, Spanish and Portuge.-e
securities and refites allowing great an 111 1
tlon. International were generally Hi m.
Industrials were liregolar. At ihe cicse tlie
market was firm throughout,
BERLIN. Nov. 2-. 1 railing was listless
on the bourse today. The weekly statement
of the Imperial Bank of Oermnny shows 1I11
following changes: Cash In hind, Inci a.-e.
38.iso.iaio marks; treasury notes. Increase,
l.Oso.n.) marks; other ecuritles, decrease,
3o.32O,i0 marks; notes in circulation, d'?-crea-se,
46,(,60,U00 marks.
Kew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 25. MONEY On call,
firm at 2't7 per cent; last bid, 2 per cent,
offered at 2 per cent: time loans firm; 60
and 90 days, 6 per cent; six mouths, 6f6
per rent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 JCiii'.j.
4.8.'0 for demand and at $l.79!o'i4.80 for
sixty days' bills; hosted rates, $.M'i! 4.84'-.;
commercial bills, $4.79'.
BILVER-Uar, 67o; Aiexlcart dollars, 4l'Ji
BONDS Government Weak; railroad Ir
regular. The closing quotations on bund are as
V. 8. ref. la, r....in61 b. A V. unl. 4.
ao coupon ..linin. Manhattan c.
do sq. ng .to, ,
do roupon 17
do nw 4a, reg 134
do coupon i34
do old 4a. res no
do coupon Ill
do (a. ni 101 u
M'l. ( intral 4a
1I0 lat liu
Minn. St. L. 4....
M. K. T. 4a
do i.
N. R. R. of M. c. 4a.
n. y. t;. . 3,t...
do coupon lii N J, ('. a f,n
At.-hlaon gun. 4i. f!',No Partflc 4s
do nil. 4l ati'h
do 3a
Atlantic c. L. 4.....
baltlmnre A U. 4b...1'KO.
do 3. I4
Central of Ua.;'4
do lit llic c
rhra. a Ohio 4a. ...llll
Nor. A West, c 4
O. S. b. 4a A par.
Penn. cony. 3'.a...
Ilea, lln en. 4a....
St. L. I. M. i'. a..Jl(i
SI. I... A 8. K. fg. 4a. HI
St. L. 8. W. In "i
( hkaso A A. 3',.... 73
v., b. i y. n. 4
A O n
lV.;Seah..rd A. L, 4a. .. 1
C. M. . P. . 4I..1I0 :So. P"ISn 4
C. A N. W. e. 7I...130H
C. R. I. A P. 41.... 70
do -col hm 74
So halksay 6a 11-m
Teia. A P la Hi
T . St L. A W. 4s. 71
Union Pa.-lflr 4a 10;
CCO. A 8t, h. 1. 4a. 7
1 nicago ir. 4i....
Con. Tobafco 4a ...
Colo. A 80. 4a
D. A R. o. 4a
Kii prior lien 4a..
do general 4a
ao conv. .a
f R. Bteel 2,1 la
Wa6anh li
do deb. n
"WV A b. K. 4a..
Wla. Central 4a..
Colo. Kuel c. 6a.
. .
.. 67
.. K
.. o
-P. W. A D. C. Il.IikUj
Hookln Val. 4Vn ...lo4k
Boston fttoek Qnotaitons.
POSTON. Nov. 2.". Call loans. 5'ti6 per
cent; time loans, 6ft6 per cent. Olticlal
closing price on stocks and bonds:
Atchison 41 f' Allouei 1
Vex. Central 4a 4 'Amalgamated ........ 94
Atchison .....' fi.'.'i bitigham
do pfd ' Cat. A Hecla 4J5
DiHton A Albany 144 (uteniilal ,4
Boptnn A Maine 17. ''Cojiper hange :
boaton GleTited .....140 Ibnmlnlnn Cbtl 7iu
N. Y., N. H. A ll..M4 Franklin 47V,
Fltrhbur pfd ia" Iale Hn.ale s
t nloa Paelflo S27. M.ihawk 33
Hex. Central a (im Dominion 7
Amer. Sugar lll Oveola (7
do pfd 121) I'irrnt m
Amer. T. & T li".i Uiilri. y ga
Dirmlnlon 1. A B ... 6H Santa Ft Copper Mi
Oeneral Electric ....IM : Tamarack- IS
Maai. Electric 17 Trinity 0
do pfd TH rPnltrd Hutea .'. lmi
I'nlted rmlt l4 I'tah 2; J
V. 8. fltiel lit VlAnrla 2u
lo pfd li- Winona 7 s,
weiting. common.... S iWolrerlna tb
Adventure IM . '
New 'ork Mining Quotations.
NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-The following Bre
-..v ""'... ituui.iKiiia un mining siocKs:
Adam coa
, T1
Lit tie Chief ..
Alloa ,
Brunawfck con ..
l omitook Tunnel
Con. c.i. A Va..
Horn 8llTer
Iron SIlTar
Leadvllle Co ....
.. it
.. 11
.. t
.. o
liphlr ,
Sierra Nevada
Small !4opei ..
... I
... M
... il
... 16
naak Clearings.
aPJS1'.???-' isrS,aix clearings for to
day, $' a decrease of $41,001.20 from
the corresponding ,dy last year.
; ' v . : " IV . '
.. , , Cotton Market.
m?JNY YORK- 25C0fT0N-The
market opened steady at a decline of 1
point on December to nn advance of 2
print, arid for rt ime showed some fur-
.T .e a1ln"" urtJer moderate covering,
which' waa encouraged by the outlbok for
straller receipt for fhe' day. The advivnc
Ln .f n?ncy "ofin ilhecked. however,
by llquidatlonfollyifrff'the disappointing
Liverpool cab,-4'hf?U. Just after" Alio
opening were a jHifjjt wnirao ilian expected,
while the early wywiher reports indii-ated
ravorable clioaatlo cuuidrtiiona over the belt.
After showing a net lees of 4rp7 polnta tho
market wa again ugllled by a bull support
and a renewal of .the bawl-covering, but
the market continued quiet, and the ad
Vance was interRpemcd bv thorough ' com
paratively narrow reactions, . which Im
parted a very irregular tone to the mar-ket.-
4nerally spsaking the ruling was
fairly, steady. nV the market at the c'ose
waa within a point or o of the best of the
session, wlth'November net 12 points higher
and the other positions 4g7 points higher.
8a Ins were estimsted nt 200,000 bales.
Strady; sales, 460 bales; ordinary; 8c; good
erdlnary, 9c; good middling, 11c; mid
dling fair, llc: receipts, 21.564 bales; stock,
268.229 bales'.. Futures, firm; November,
10.92c; December, lO WirlO 9ic; January, 11.03
j11.04c; February, ll.12-irll.1k-; March, 11.20
i 11.21c; April. ll.27Jrll.29c; May, U.23A 11.21c;
July, 11.8iKi 11.40c. -
ST LOUIS. Nov.. 25-COTTON-8teadv;
middling, lie; no sales; receipts, 650 bales;
shipments. 340 bales; stock,' 9.2."d bales.
In limited demand: prices 4 point lower;
American middling fair. 6.30d; good mid
dling,. 6U2d ; ruldd'lug. .f.04d; low middling,
6 9od; ordinary. 6.08d. .The sales of the dav
were 6,0o0 bales, of which 500 were for
speculation and export nnd included 5 Ooo
American. Reoelpta, 22,300 bales, all Ameri
can. Futures opened quiet and closed firm;
American middling. . g. . o. c, November,
6.80d; December. 6.90d; , December and Jan
uary, 6. 87d; January and Fubruary. 6. Sod:
February and March, 5.elfr5-85d ; March and
April, 6.84d: April and May, 5. Kid; May and
June, 6.83ii5.84d: June. aud July, 5.824 j.Kid;
July and August, - 6.8od; August and Sep
tember, 6.86d.
- Oil and Roala.
NEW" YORK. Nov. 25. OU Oottnnseed,
quiet; prime crude, ' nominal; prime yel
low, 34c. Petroleani. film; retired New
York, $9.50; Philadelphia and ilaltimore,
$11.45; prime, In bulk, $6.55.
TURPENTINE -tjulet ; b9(f(0flc asked.
ROSIN Dull; strained, common to good,
2.6oi 2.63. , ,
SAVANNAH, Oa., Nov. 2i01L-fTurpen-tlne,
firm, 56c.
ROSIN-Fkrm; A. U. C, D, K. $2.V; F,
$2 20; G, $2.20; If, $2.40; I. $2 60; K, $2.80; M,
$290; N, $:410i YYG. $3.32; WW, $a.Ro.
OIL CITY, Pa.. Nov. 25. Ol I-Credit bal
ances, $1.82; certificates. 110 bid; shipments,
74,503 bbls.; average, 75.530 bb'a. ; ruiia, 75,530
bbls.; average, 6K.491 bbls.; shipments. Luna,
75,6D8 bbl.; average, 67.248 bbls.; runa. Lima,
Sa.oaS bbl.; averagui 52,987 bbls.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 25. COFFF.B-Sj ot
Rio, Bteadv; No. 7 Invoice, 4r; mild,
steady. The market for futures opemd
steady at tinchangud prices to an adv.i'ica
of 5 per cent owing to smaller primary re
ceipts, bullish ciop news and ttenuy Eu
ropean niarket. Following the call trad
ing was more actlvo than recently, owner
chiefly to the Issuance of D. ceinbe'- notices.
These were out to the number of some 70, 18
bags , and lud to . seme swltclung to
the latter months. The bulls, how
ever, took up all 1 he contracts th.own
over and ' thus sustained the near
months, whl'a the demand for tha la a
month. The market closed steady .at un
changed prices to an advance of 10 polnta.
Sales were 10l,75n bags. December, IN i 17 4
6 rSc; January, 6.6Va5.7oc; May, 6.iti6.15o;
July, 6.2.VH6..HN'; Siplemb;r, 6,uii6.4uc; Oc
tober, 6.4c4j6,!5c. (
sugar anil Mo In .
NEW YORK Nov. n. S'OAH-Raw.
quiet; fair r fining, 2c; o.tttrlfuKal, 96 test,
ac; moliiace sugar, 3c. Itulined, quiet;
No. ( 4.05c; No. 7, 1.00c; No. 8, 3 v'.c; No. 9.
3 k5c; No. 10, H sftc; No. II, 3.ej No. 12, 1
No. 13. 3.7'H'. Confectioner A.. 4.MV; mould
A., 4.8lc; cut loaf, 6.15c; crushed, 6.15c;
powdered, 4 55c; granulated, 4.."i-c; ci.i.wt
Steady; open kettle, .1 1-16'n3e; Cfiitiifugal
white. 3)1-16Atic; yellows,- 3u3c; sec
onds. 2'u3e.
MOLASSKS-Open kettle easy. 21028c;
centrifugal lower, lSi'23-. '
Dry, tiooda Market.
The market piseed a good deal of holi
day character and buyers have cot been
deMlrou of operating under thj present
firm statu of manufacturer and their
gents. Until stock taking the present con
dition of buying is likely to obtain. Al
though iobber have mall stocks, they ure
not likely to buy ahead for their opt 1114
requirement. '
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO. Nov. 26 -WHISK Y-Steudy on
basis of high wines at $1 25.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 25.-VH18KY-8teady
at $1 II.
PEORIA. Nov. 25.-YVinSKY-6teady at
tUlar' fiulBbvd (jowda on basi of $1.25.
Cattle Recaipta Moderata and Prices Did
Not Stow Much Ohaog.
Actlre Demand tor llnth I'at Mheep nnd
Lambs nt Steady to "Iron- Price
All W eek' anil Feeders I ully
Steady If at All Desirable.
Receipts were
Cattle. Hogs. S.'eep.
i,9,.i U...63 6,4l 9, a. o I.., 4ia
2, 61a 1, it. J i.iin
OMleial Monday
Utuciai ,My
oihiiat . eon. Uay .. .
JTirce day.-i this week 15,!.s4
tame uays last Wees. 1.1,429
name week lefore i,9.k)
Same three weeks ago ;i,12a
frame our R.eks aga ta.iol
bame uuy ktal year la.aU
2d, Mil
to. -H 4
2 1."-J
i.iALuij rot. irtE; 10 lUili.
liie loliuwn g table show Hie lec.ipia of
cattle, hugs uud slieep at boulli lor
the year 10 dale and cuuipansuns with last
y cal ;
. . lav3-
at tie 99V.66
Hogs l,!'91,.v)4
fheep -..i,iV2,a73
AOfl'ili'M Ul-ieeii 1,, l
1902. Inc. Dec.
926.275 - 73,513 ....
2,ik,0'0 B.U26
l,au4,;ii Hi, las ....
lor bogs ai cioutn
Omaha tor in iu. several uay wuh com
Lute- I 1903. 1W2. 19Ul. 100. 18y9.lSj8.;i8a7
N jv.
I I 64
I W 1
I 4 to;,, t 51 1
I 4 U5 6 49
I 4 j' 6 bl
I 4 Ti- 2
'l 1 u;ii I ii
I I 6 4lj
I 4 81l ' I
'I 1 b,7i 6 36;
I 4 621 6 ;Ui
. i 4 o--i 6 lj
I 4 64"i 6 21,
.1 4 6u 6 28
I I 6 1
I 64
1 4 44't, 6 29
I 4 8.v.4 6 in 1
I 4t';, 6 19
,j 4 4in, 6 2
I 4 44 1, 6 21,
'' . 1. I 0
, 4 31 1 1
.. 4 2o 6 15
I ( 6 Uj
6 7a 1
a 11
B 71
6 61 1
6 i4
b Ml
-5 olij
6 t,
ii 67,
a t-i
b 6d
a 63
6 Ui
a ioi
3 811
0 ill;
3 uo
5 76,
4 ol 4 Ul
4 U 4 U4
4 in 0.;
I 0-1
4 601 --
4 64 4 01
4 to I 4 U2
4 il 4 Uii
4 bu 4 0o
4 14, 4 UJ
I 4 U2
4 84, I
4 i4i 3 94
4 67 3 92
4 8- 3 8.)
IWl 1 Ml
4'l, I
I $ 86
4 78
4 ii, 3 8S
4 161 3 89
4 .ib, a oui
4 8 3 &..
5 86, 3 82 1
I 3 '..I
561 $ 21
IVl 141
if iu a 4,
i Ul I J 4J
i 02 I a 44
3 65
a. u-i 3 64
3 4i 3 41
3 4, 1 3 ill
3 44 a 82
3 44 i M
1 i 34
3 41
i So S 32
3 b5i 3 al
3 291 3
3 3o 3 82
3 21 8 31
I 'i 84
3 31
d ai 3 2il
3 44, 3 21
3 4b, 3 2i
3 38, 3 30
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of car brought In by
eacti roud wat:
- Cattle. Hugs. Sheep, ll'.ei.
C. M. & St. P. Ry.... 3 27 T.
Mo. Pacific Ry 16 ' 2
c nion Pacilic System 49 17
C. 4: N. W. Ry 1 8
I'VE. & M. V. R. R.. 14 IS
C, Ht. P.. M. & (J... 7 7
ot i. y is 1
C, H. & y. Ky 0
C, It. 1. & t. east .. 9
C, R. I & P.. west 3 ..
Illinois Central ...... .. 8
Chicago G. Western.. 3 6.. ...
Total receipts ....111 127 27 7
The uisposiiioti of the day's reeciets wus
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of neud inulcate.i:
liu5urs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oniana Packing Co ;i.,i ,,.3 iu9
Hwilt aud Company .... 744 '1.162 .. i
Cuouhy 1'uiking to,..., 734 1,745 bui
Arinour As Company .... oS2 1451 1 1.,9
Omaha P. Co., St. Joe... 112 ...... . .'
Cudahy I'. Co., Ivan. C. ltd! :
Armour Ai -Co., Foo City .... 2.390
Vansant & Co 67 ......
W. 1. Stephen 29
Lewia At Underwood...... ' I6 ...... -
Livingstone At Shaller.... '145
L. F. Husz 42
Wolf & Murnan 161
Lee Rothschild 2
Newton ct G. 6i3
Ilaggerty 98
Other Buyers 4S7 ' ...... 5,041
Total ,-.3,742 8.031 6.8o3
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were moder
ate this morning, particularly as sixieeh
cars of those reported were consigned ul
rect to pai kers. ifuyers f-turted. out In good
reason and trading was ucllye, with juices
about the name 11a yesterday. ' . .
There were not, many cnriifed steers in
Bight this morning, but there wcie bevcrul
cars good chough td bring $3.10. "The mar
ket could safely be quoted, steady M't h yes
terday and for .the wecH the iuaikefc 1 a
little stronger. Buyer have,. appeared to
be more ubxlous this week- than they wet
luat for eupplieH and as a result all but the
warrhed-iip grades and common Btuff are a
little higher than at the close of last week.
I' price for the week Is $5.35, which
was (mid late yesterday.
The cow market was generally rfeady
with yesterday. There were quite' a few
on aaliv but packer bought them up freely
and all the early arrivals were soon 4lis-
Iioscd of. As compared with tlio close of
att week, the market Is fully steady. The
(est grades in fact ure If anything a trllle
higher. Medium and common stuff, though,
is only about steady.
Bulls, veal calves and stags held about
steady today and in fact have not changed
enough all the week to be worthy of men
tion . The atocker and feeder market was slow
aad .a little lower today. There were not
many 011 mle. but those that did arrive
were hard to dispose of. Speculators were
afraid they would have to carry over until
next week whatever they bought and for
that reason they wanted to buy them cheap
enough to pay for the loss of carrying them
over. The tendency of prices has been
downward all this week and a net loss of
15t!.ic! Is noted as compared with the close
of last week.
There were -very few western grassfed
steers here this morning, but those that
did arrive si Id fully steady if at all good.
For the week the market could also be
quoted eteady to strong and active.-Range
cows and stockers and feeder have Auc
tioned a noted above. Representative
No. . At. Pr. No. At. , Pr. t
114 1093 S 70 34.... 14S1 6 10
34 6 10
81 7t I 10 1 linn s 60
1 m 1 n- 85 11M3 s to
4 ..... M no ti r j mi
t 13,1) t 40 11 3 m
1 Ii2l 1 60 1 14U0 X 15
, . .CiiW'8 AND HEIFERS.
11 1024 I 5 ,
1 1330 1 00
1 110 It !S
1 ;. (-,'1 i 611 14 mil 1 in .
11 io Z 6 40 f'i I 20
1 cow 1100 2 00 3 heifers.. 1"70 2 90
1 steer 99.1 2 25 , 1 culf 3l 2 50
2 heifers.. 540 2 5') 7 cow 847 3 10
9 cows Iii53 2 80 1 cow i:i) 3 50
3 lows 1173 I 75 1 cow 1020 2 (0
H. Lowtber Neb.
4X heifers.. 699 2 10 1 heifer.. . 8X0 2 10
23 calves.... 281 3 40 85 calve.'...' 2oi 2 -.0
141 cows.... 860 2 "I tsl cows k5U 2 n0
17 feeding. . 5.4 2 J.i 16 leeders.. 841 2 6a
P. 8. Roucho Neb.
8 cows 812 2 00 14 hellers.. 727 2 Ui
Pettennau Hereford Co. W'yo. ' .
24 cow 957 2 20 24 feeders, .lufsj 3 15
2 feeders. .l(i;.o 2 5 25 ste r. ...1133 3 30
tleorge W. Pike Wyo.
18 steer.... 1 104 20 1 tcer 1050 3 10
9 sieert....lo0u 3 2).
E 8 Patrlck-Wyo.
9 cows lo52 2 60 5 cow 942 2 CO
6 cow 837 2 00 1 cow 670 2 00
Byron Hessians W'vo.
10 feeders.. 1118 2 70 78 feeders.. 809 2 80
23 feeders.. 9x3 2 85
O. H. Sennett W'yo.
1 bull 1400 1 Ro II CJW4 0'5 2 60
11 heifers.. M 2 67 10 feeder., t-90 3 00
1 feeder. ..12 "0' 2 6) 3 feeders.. 616 3 oO
1 feeder... 8x0 2 50 1 feeder... 900 3 00
4 feeders.. fcuO . 3 00
J. C. S. ldlnelii her Mont. -
2 bulls HIO 16) 1 bull Hal 180
2 bull 1210 1 50 8 bull 1346 1 75
42 feeders. .1 ml 3 In 32 cows 92 2 65
G. E. Harris Colo.
40 Meers.. ..1HS 3 25 6 steers. ...1111 3 25 '
1 t-teer 1"20 2 75 It cows 927 2 40
2 cow 1110 2 40 11 steers. ...1212 3 13
14 cows 1123 2 65 5 steers. ...l'f-(j 3 Is
J. Delancy Colo.
13 cows l'sl 2 5) 3 cows !oT!3 2 50
3 1 oas 96 2 00 4 feeder.. X2S 2 :n
7 feeders.. 8'fu 2 Si 2 fecdei a.. Ml 2 90
2 feeders. .11) 2 75
Mullen &. H. Neb.-
5 heifers... 478 1 85 7 feeders.-. 921 2 g".
6 heifers... 9(4 2 60 ' 2 cow. .. .. 710 2 uO
5 feeder. . 620 1 60
Tulley & A Neb.
1 cow 1'il0 1 ! ! cows..... 910 190
1 cow 9..I 1 90 22 cow 846 1 90
74 cow . sao 2 15x cow 9i 2 55
J Blegtl Wyo.
cows UVi 2 00 liiiiwi .962 t (O
11 cown 9u 2 75 I calf i70 4 25
co 94i 2 3". 1 bull. ..'... 12 2 10
16 steers.. ,.10!i 2 2a
Rowe & B So. D.
9 cow 2 50 5 feeder.. 1180 2 80
7 feeder. . Ml 3 00
Welsh & T. Bo. P.
Jl row Smi 2 90 J cow 1010 2 90
1 rows 121 2 9-) In steers. ...lh.3 3 Oo
J. James 80. D..
37 steer. ...1143 3 i., 8 cow loW $00
R. K. Frantz Colo.,
97 feeder.. VA 3 lo 6 feeder. .l'fco 2 50
27 feeder, .lutr, 2 '..i -
It. Regan Colo.
13 fttdar.. lie feeder.. ifJi 3 75
t 4 cows.
. $V.-. 2 on 28 cows...
F. Burke Colo.
. ."01 3 6'. 3 ('"..,
, !T7 2 1" 18 steers..
1 E. Meclern-Mcnt
97H. 2 80
J 'II. Baughn Neb.
5-s 3 . 49 calves.
l'V2 2 ft)
Jl rows. ,
6 cows..
11J cows.
2 65
48 -calves.. .-
1 heifer....
2 cows
,V0 2 i) 1 cow
7'.1) 1 25 lx calves.
llimS-There wits not an excessive run
of bogs here this morning and the market
opened strong to n nickel higher In extreme
eases. Before salesmen had an opportunity
to dispose of many hogs, however, packers
lowered their bids nnd the situation k' rt
getting worse as the mottling advanced.
J'he latter sale were generally ailic lower
than the early ones mid about a nickel
lower than yisterday's market. Trading
was extremely dull and 11s a result It wai
line before anything like a cburance was
made. Heavy hous sold lute from $4.10 to
$4 15. but enrlv thcr went as high 11 s l to.
Medium weights sold from $.15 10 $4.25 and
lights sold up lo $4 30.
Today s decline enrries the market to the
low point of the year lo date, or about ait
lower thnn the close ef last week. As com
pared with the same time I'ist car, the
market is nearly $2 per hundred lower.
Representative sales
No. . at. !h. rt. No. - At. Fh. IT. ,
M S:. ) 4 15 IT. !-'"1 " 4 :'0
4 335 3.0 4 111 t 0 4 I'"
. 2f.2 24U till' 1"3 144 ... 4 SO
rr,..', .is kii 4 10 . :u w l.'fl 4 "11 .
S; :n.i 4i 4 10 4; 32H 120 4 in
fl nil Jim 4 10 411... i'l . 4 !
ol . liu ail 4 11) 47 .Hi' 40 4 M
,-, 307 J.O 4 12 Ml 315 1:11 4 jo
6 JS9 20,1 4 il jr,12l 4 I-'S
to am 40 4 i2..j a.: .-".0 120 4
52 319 '.'40 o:, it L".i ... 4 j;;,
;..'! 314 V.ll 4 J 0 J:"! ... 4 '.'0
65 ins .'ii 4 16 4t !to ... 4 ::
3 .3X9 .,. 4 15 (4 J14 ... 4 23
M.... ..,.200 ... 4 15 63 2 l'-'O 4 :'3
61..X M 160 4 13 4 2ii 120 4 26
61 ' 240 4 15 2"4 10 4
4:.. s:'9 160 4 15 71 l'-0 4011 4 sr.
..j.17 140 4 15 63 : ) 4 23
r. 37'... 4 15. f. 2M ICO 4 IS
13 361 ... 4 15 41 2 J40 4 C"i
61 274 120 4 15 17 243 40 4 25
S 30.1 120 4 l.i IX ... 4 25
39 p.1 120 4 16 l'4 r6 140 4 25
Ml stul ... 4 1. tf 2 40 4 i7it
i7....V..lJ4 !I0 4 17', 67 242 120 4 J7,
t.r ,...2li:l 2il 4 17'-s 10 144 ... 4 20
44., ..'....t" -Ill 4 i"', 21 HO ... 4 50
2 2".J 4 4 171, 813.; 151 ... 480
7' 2i.O 2(h) 4 20 69 230 40 4 30
fit ..371 1l 4 2'! ":0 140 ... 4 30
60 ;t! ino 4 20 So 830 40 4 10
16 2S4 240 4 SO t U7 120 4 JO
SHEEP There was
light run of sheep
and lambs on hand this mot nlng. nnd under
the Influence of a good local demand the
market I tiled active ami sieaov to sitoiik.
Uuyers all took hold freely anil as a result
eierythlng In the Vay of killers wa oon
disposed of.
The few feedprs thnt arrived also sold
without much trouble at steady pt li-es In
spite of the fact that there will be no
market tomorrow. -
For the week the demand for killers has
been fully equal to the supply and as a
result prices nave strengthened n little on
all dedrable grades. More cornfeds are be
ginning to show up In the receipts nnd con
siderable Improvement in the quality has
been noticed this week. Warmed-up stuff
Is still selling to poor advantage, but any
thing good is selling freely at satisfactory
Feeders nre also fully steady of the
week, and the same as with fat stuff the
lest grades are a little higher. Taking the
market as a whole this week aimen are
well satisfied, as prices realized here have
been well in line with those paid at other
Quotations tor grass stork: Choice west
ern lambs, $4&0ri4.75; fair to good lambs,
$4.25'i?4.50; choice yearlings. $3.4mi3.60; fair
to good yearlings, $3.1.Vir3.40; choice weth
ers, $3.25113.40; fair to good wethers, $3,004;
3 25; good to choice ewes, $2.60fi 2.85; fair to
good ewes. $n.25(y 2.50: choice feeder lambs,
$3.60(74.10; fair to gocd feeder lambs, $:l.25'u.
3 60; b.'ihv lambs. $2.60&3 (10: feeder year
lings. $3.25ii3.40, feeder wethers, $3.1.Vci3.3ri;
feeder ewes, $2.fKMi2.50; cuila, $1,0012.00.
Representative Bales:
9 "Nebraska, cull ewes
1156 Wyoming feeder, ewes, ,.
857 Wyoming feeder CWes....
1 75
2 15
S 35
2 50
2 6) I
2 70
2 71
2 70
t 75 '
3 25
3 25 .
3 25
3 35
3 35
R 00
5 (V)
6 00
1 50
1 40
2 85
f Hi .
S 35
3 40 '
3 45 i'
3 (M
5 65 '
' 3 75 -
3 75
3 75,
3 7i
4 50 '
6 00
. 2 m
3 '.O
lis Nehrask ewes
412 Wyoming ewes .-
29 Wyotnla -i-r
130 Wyoming ewei t....
2 Wyoming ewe-i ;
173 Wyoming ewes -. ...
175 Wyoming feeder yc.illngs..
112 Wyoming feeder yearlings...
b "Nebraska ewes
572-Montana feeder yearlings..
20 Montana feeder yearlings..
2'4 fed native Ismhs.....
?l'6 fed native lam.
l.'.'i 'el native l imbs
Wyom g cull ewes
1110 Wyoming ewes
61 Wyoming -ewes ,s
13 Wyoming ewes ,
4H Wyonlng yemilngs
39 Wvorrdng yearlings
'12Wycmilitg feeder' yearlings,.'
Si7 Wyemtng' feedf r yrnrllngs.i
Tx5 Wyoming yearlltigs. .i
11"3 W yoking feeder lambs,..,
84 Wynmm.g feeder Iambs..;...
lDi AVyomlng yearlings !....'.....-
!' Wyoming ..feeder lambs......
164 WvoTiIng feeder lambs. ..... ,
M"' Wyoming lambs
28 fd nave lambs.-.. ;. i...,
7 fel native lambs
132 Wyoming feeder ewe.i
223 Wyomlne feeder yearlings..
71 "
7R ..
'71 "
57 ' R1
85 .
Fair Receipt . of Cattle, ling and
Bberpv xvltb Steady Price.
CHICAGO, Nov. 25.-CATTLE-Reoelp9.
2I.0J0 head; good to prima steers, $j.1ikU5.7o:
poor to medium, $3.5oryl.90; stockers nnd
feeders. $i.75f4.1H; cows, $1.50(i34.2S; heirers,
$201110:1.11; canners. $1.5002.10; bulls, 2.0o'o)
4.35; calves, $2.0n''u0.5o; Texas fed steers,
$2.7a'(i3.75; western steers, $3.imfj4.40.
HOGS Receipt today, 26.00O head: esti
mated tomorrow. 2i).oo0 head; market,
steady:-' mixed and butchers, $4.25ft4.42;
good to choice heavy, $4.,Kii4.40; rough
he-ivy, $4.(KK,i4 .26; light, $1.004.30; bulk of
sales. $4 154J-4.S0. ' ' ' '
SHEEP- AND LA MRS Receipts. 20,000
head; mnrket for sheep, lnfrlfic higher;
good to 'Choice Wethers, $3.75'o4.36; fulr to
choice mixed, $2.75'u3.75: western sheep,
$2.1W'3.80;. native lambs, $3.75'u6.0o; Western
lambs, $3. l(Xu3.30.
New York Live Ktock -Mnrket.
NEW YORK. .Nov. 25.-BEEF The mar
ket was firm and c. higher. Steers, $4.00
to $5.00; stags and oxen, $1.50 to $i.00; bulls,
$2.5u to 13.75; cows, $1.10 to $3.26. Cables report-cattle
firm at Ki'iclHio; per pound,
dressed weights; sheep steady at 11c to 12c;
lambs, 12o. dressed weights;, refrigerator
beef selling wt k'XC to 8c per puiid. '
CALVKS Receipts, 14.:t66 head. The mar.
kf;t was fully aleady. Veuls, $4.50 to $9.00;
c lives, 4c higher; grassers and fed calves,
12:75 to J5.0U; westerns, $137; city dressed
e.ils, cc tu 12u per pound; country dressed,
6c to 11c.
SlIEKl- AND I.AMBS-Recelpts. 8,601
bead, Tha market for sheep was slow and
weak; for lambs, steady and In better de
mand. Sheep, $2 5o to 321.7.. ; culls, $? in;
lambs, $5.00 to $5.9(1; few head. $ii.0ii; culls,
$.1.75 to $4.00: Canada larnl . $a.1u to $5.30.
HOGS Receipts, 8.S49 heud. The market
wa barely steady. Slute and Pennsvlvanl.i
hogs, $4.75;l45; few choice lights, $5.0).
Kxj oris, 2,750 quai-ters of Leef.
Kanana City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 6.000 head, including lab heud of
southerns; market, steady to weak; export
and dressed beef steers, steady at $4.iiKi.
6.25; fair to good, $. 5o'fi4.15; western steers,
steady at $2.5iKii3.8g; atocker anil feeders,
weak at $2Uiii3i5; southern steers, steady
at $2.5t'5i3.xo; otithern cows, weak at $1.50
4i 3 "m; native cows. - steady ut 12.10.3 60;
bulls, steudy at $1. 50413 uo; calves, steady at
$2.r-(6 00.
lluiiS-Recelpt. 8 Ot.) head; market,
steady to 6c lower; top. $4 4o; bulk of sale,
$4.2o'ut.3o; beuvv. $4.2n'"4.2;'; pucker.' $4.2ouv
4 :ui; pigs find light. J4.2"1 i 40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 5.l)
head; market, steady to weak; native
lambs, $4. 2.Vu ." .00 ; Western lambs. $4 2t.' 4.65:
fell evVes, $2.65uX25; atuckera and feeders,
$2.2513.25. .
St. Jo.riih Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2, ix head; puces mostly loo lower;
natives, 33 5(p('. 1. 25 ; cow ai d heifers, $l.5'X(4
4.5o; stockers end fejrder, 12,5 xb 4 15.
HOGS Rece litis, .6.161 hea 1; - niaict
steady to 5c higher; Ifgbt, H'-'rifi".; 'me
dium nnd heavy, l .1Mt4.25.
BI1EKH AND LAMfaS Rec Ipis. 6b) heal;
market steady; lambs, Ibiyj; v.e-tlieis, 2.. 5;
ewes, $3.50
Mnui t l Live Slock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 25.-fSpet ial Tele
gram.l CATTLE Receipts, l.u-K) hei.l;
steckers slow : k llers steadv; beeve, H 7. 14
611O: cows, buds and mixed, $2 O6'(i3.ou;
stockers and f eedent, $2.5cy35a; calvca and'lng.-, $2.2j3.30.
IIOCJ.S Receipts, 7 :'') bend: market about
10i lower, Belling $rvSv-i.20. bulk, 4.07''u4 1').
stork In tight.
Following are the receipt of live stock
at the six piinclmU western cltie yester
day :
, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 2.676 7.1'. I K.YMi
Chicago 24 a o ;5.oee 2vi
Kan.-ua City . 6,') mm S.'an
Kt. Loul 4.ril0 Trail 3)0
Ht. Joseph 2.1X4 6. ;6I 640
Sioux City .....
... 1.04)
.. .40.364
57, Oil ,
TcHa la
HI. Uaii Live atork Market.
8T. IiOl'IS. Nov. 25 -"ATTI.E-Receipt.
4 5 "0 head, liniuilicg 2.."') head of T ins:
matket. steady: nstiva shipping and export
Bieer. 84 3i'o5 : ; rlresaed be f and ban ):er
keccr. llO-iii ll), teei under l.uoo puundi,
f.-ertet .
cow s and helf. r. . . ':!
(H2.."i; bulls. Cilia,!. ,
Texas Slid Inilhin t'ils.
at'd helfeis. K.'".i ..i,;,
III HIS-Receipts. $ 5"0
lU 1 s ..
$. s-.7.'. ,.
b. r-.l
X. t.
strong to lui." ,t:' pin
and II -.h
47 4 56; pin kers l 1.' .t:.i, Tmbh
1' h
i i
1 st
hea -. $4 I.V'I I C
market, strong; iun!ve tnui ton.-..
l;nil!s, $4 I'Wi ;0 : col's and buck
4i. tockcrs, $1 xr.ii 2 50.
: ..a 1
Wool Mrl. el.
BOSTON.-N, v. 2". --'.'t 11 if , Tbi'lticss lat
loll the cliitf feature id 1 lie wool market
for a Week. Mainline! u I I .- i'ec tio en-i-oiirageinent
as Ioiik as tbt trade lasts a
I' Is. The tnsrkei for built llmv wools
nnd territory wools is quiet. No 1 hinges
are recorded In foreign vvvol quotations.
'I Moling his been dull. The lea'iii'j qoota
tions are: Tct ritor- ain' Idaho nn.-. lei' ;.,;
line medium. I6 ii;c; m-dl itn, i""il:-c. Wyo
ming line, fine m.dl'iin, boil.'.-.
1 tah nnd Neada tine. lTi'1ic; lion tnediiitn,
l.'4il7c; medium, ln.i v,-, Dakota line. I.. (
1'ie; imc medluin. borU'-.e: mciHutu, H'oO' .
Montana lino choteo, lli'i.Mc; 1,110 iiieiiiiini
choice, 19iuiie.
HT. Lot IS. Nov. 2V--tM, Non-deal;
tmdltim iTrail-s. combl'n: and ilot'l'ii;. I.-''
21c; light, inn-. l.'-,17'je; lnay, line.L.,
H'-c; I11I1 washed. 2 'u '!'.
I.ONliON, Nov. 2."..- WiilM Til" ..ff''-!n.a
at the wool miction Miles ttdny 11 umbered
13.090 balm. There was n gi "l leniand 1 1 rates. Kmc grmles wcr.' lirtii.
hot low-, and fiitllly grades w ct e 1 1 iw and
In buyers' favor. A fciood Mipply of eross
lireds was taken cbien- by llic lemii 1 1 If.
Cape of Good Hope nnd Natal sold brl kly.
Following are the sil- s In del ill: Nw
South Wales. M.-toi bales: scoured. 6'n 10 1.
iVueensliind, 3 . 1 iiales; ciured. Is "-.11,1 Is
lid: greasv. 7iii9.l. Victoria. 2.2oi b.ile;
scoured. 8l'.fls1id; creasy. I.'.'.i 11' ,d. S.iut h
Australia. boon bales; scoured. 1x71;
greasy, fi',"i9.. New Zealand. 3, Sell ba'.e:
scotired. odruls; greasy, 4'VuilVb Cane of
Good Hope nnd Natal. 70) hale; scoti rd.
7dfMs8'jd; greasy, V:4i0 1.- pnntii Areas,
2 40ft bales; scouriHl. 9d,,ils; creasy, 6"(,i:xl.
Falkland Islands, 35 Lnl.'s; greasy, 4V"i pt.
Tuesday' Storm In ehrnsl.r) Fnlls to
llench Sonthcrn 4 Ity I ntll
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 25. -Th "flrsf snow 'of
the season began falling last night mot
this morning, the ground is covered to A
depth of about 0110 and a half (ni h.'s. The
snow continue. According to the. weuthcr
bureau the snow foil over Iowa and west
ern Knnsns. southern Illinois,' western
Nebrasku and the whole of Missouri.
Jnry So Decide After long; Trlnt
of Michigan Senutor fur '
LANSING, Mich., Nov. 23.-After twelve
hours deliberation the Jury' which tried ex
Senator Holbrook for attempted bribery
of a talesman In the Interest nf Ell R,
Sutton, brought In a verdict of not guilty!
rhamberliiln 4'onah Remedy Cures
Cold mi Kalnre'i Plan.
The most successful mcilliincs are tlioxo
that aid nature.. Chains, rluln' 'Cough.
Remedy nets on this plan. It nidi . tpec
toratlon, relieves the lungs, opens the se
cretions and aids nature In rnHuiliig the
system to a healthy condition. If not only
relieves. It cures the cold cffectunlly and
permanently and H unquestionably ihe most
successful medicine In use for thin parpose.
It Is pleasant to take and contains uq
opium or other harmful drug. ' For sale by
Kuhn & Co.
Truedell of Stnrgl Ilnnkrnpt.
PIOUX PALLS,, S. D , Nov. 23.-(S:iiciuV)
Henry M. . Tmesdell,. a house .painter of
Sturgis, has filed a petition In vi ldiuuxy
bankruptcy In the United States court lu
this city. He schedule his liabilities ut
$912.81 und his assest at $1!K). Tlie full
amount of his hssvta H claimed lo be ex-i
tmpt. "Tteferco In' bankruptcy Grain illo G.
Bennett of Deadwood will' ndjiiilU-utu the
case; it having been referred to him.
Ieds filed for ' record " eV-terda'y as fur--tilshed
by Hie lidland Clu.nauteit and
Trust coinpany, bondoil nliatiacicis, 10i4
Farniim street: '
Charles H. lickens and wlfo to De
inalu H. Ledwlch. wcat lx lot 6, block
196, city ....... ,2.5
Helile 11. McAIviif to Lester C' Mudffe,
lot 3, block 7. Isabel add r 2 HI
Jacob Slonliuig and who to Geriru.lo
P. Perlne. south Vs 1-Jta 1 and 2.
block 4,8, city 4,5lil
Anna Corrlgan to Anna' Rluliaugli, Ioi
6 and 6, block 34, First udd. to Corii
rigan fiao.i -, 375
Walter H. Sanford mid wife to M vera 4
B. ljwls lot 4, block 8, Patii'ckH
Second add v.. l,4oi
Union Stis-k Yards rompntiv tu Miuno
Nary, lot 10, block 16, First mid. to
South Omaha 2 0
B. E. Wilcox und Wife to A. Pa.i'ler, .
lot 28, 29 und 30, block 2, 11. E. Wil
cox add , (i))
Rumsey Saling to William C. H'opper,
lots 1 to 6, block 1, Sallng'a add. to
Elkhorn : '.'..... 2 k)
A lit am Soloing and wif4 to Interstate
Investment company, limited, lot 16,
block 8 Knuntzo A Ruth's add ...... 3,591
Olive C. Wood to same, lot 14, block V,
uml 3,500
Emma A. Mooreb to same, lot 17, bjoik
8, same .- , 8,UI0
Mary Metz et al. to mime, lot 7. block
198, city 7,6(0
George Millauer et al. to same, south
lot 20, block 9, Jvouptzn 61 RiiiIi'h
add , 1
Henry W. Penuoek- to Anna L. Pen-niH-k,
lot 4, Tabor Place add 1
Joseph Goldsmith and wife to Jacob
Rlngle, east 3a feet lot 2, block 3.
Reed's First add .' 1,40
Edwin L.. Reeves to StcpheUi .A. Hand
ed, lots 1 and 2, block 2,1, Klolcnee.. 60
Clinton If. Brings- and wife to Hubert
Reynolds anil wife, pari lax pit :','.
section 22-15-13 ;'. 9J4
Minnie SUthl und biishuiul , to buirv
YVenninghoff. lot4 6, J and 8, block
1, Bright add.......:.-. ('..; K69
Main olflce -x
e. 1 . i...'i 1 1 j '
I uninuiiiu iiuuuiua, e..iiu.
t pai 11 niNi - tiVfl
Dealer in'-
Stocks, Grcl.i, ?r:ti3i3ns
Bought und sold for caah or en reasonable
Margins. '
, - tiers 1 inportaut HxCbaugr,
Private Wire. v
W'rl'o for our dally niirket ictur and pri
vate tel"Sl'aph ciph er 111 illisi free.
Ship Your Qmin io Us.
Prompt Retirns.
Boat FacJUtle. IJberal Advance. '
liranrlt oaic.
lfrtt Dee Hldg, ... 'Phone 87Y14)
Oianba, f.ebimka.
mi.l'TII. ,WIvIPF,U.
-aa- -su- i.iaai W W I. I ..! I
Wa have over 150 cflloes.
Reference 1 175 Stat aud Nut 1 Bank.
01 11 afcnvici: is iiii-; iu:r.
Out of Town Builnes. Solicited.
Oaiaa DrcB lOUFar an Tl. 467
TtlOS.M. WUiilCa. C rfiipiifident
'-y - - .v.- ' ,"1-
$3 ?o4 65: st.'.-V . rs end