Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wanted r em a lb help.
100 girls. Call Canadian office, lath ft Dodn.
I KPA HTMENT furntshe stenograph-rs
Without charge. Tel. 13M or call at ofllce.
corner 17th and Farnam Bts.
C M 134 t1
A COMPETENT UIRL. for gsnersl house
work. In family of three. awt Mnson.
WANTED Oin for general housework at
No. 1701 Dodge at. C M 661
I.ADIEB W tfaoh halrdressing, manicur
ing cr facial Rmmn In short time; free
clinic, expert Instructions; amall wages
from atartj tools donated, diploma
granted, posltlntia furnished. Call or
writ particulars. Moler College,
Douglas at. C-MS8 27x
IaADIER made $3.00 a day. We want active
lady workers everywhere to take order
for our made-to-order aklrta and corets
IVrlte for particulars. American Hklrt
Corset Co., is) Woodward Ave., Detroit,
Mien- C-MDJ6 2Sx
WANTED Jood lrl for general house
work; no washing; helo with cleanln.
Apply 224 Landon Court. C 104 28
W A NTED-At once, a Rood cook i7t
Oiid-hy a reataurant. South Omnh; aond
wages and little Hnndny work. H227
,FARM and city loana. low rates. W H
Thomas, Klrst Nat l Hank bldg. Tel "ism"
PRIVATE money. Bherwood, 37 NTYTutn
W-fcj4 '
4 TO I P. C. money Bemla, Paxton bloc k.
W 037
PRIVATE money. F. tt. Wead, 1520 Douglas
-WANTED f'lty loana and warranta. W.
Farnam Bmlth at Co., 1320 Pamam at.
FIVE per cant loana. Garvin Bros., lwH
arnam W &)
W ANT El Real estate loan and warrants
it. C I'etera & Co., Bee Bldg. W 6.Tj
11,000.000 TO LOAN on Improved residence,
or business property In Omaha or South
imanar' ioani mtias for bulldins nur-
nose. W. U. Thomas, Flrat Nat'l Bank
Hlrl. W IW! 2tx
MR. AND Mrs. Morand's 15th and Harney,
adulta Tuesday and Friday, k p. m.; as
aembllea, Wednesday; children. Saturday,
10 a. m. and 3 p. m. ; all dancea taught
rapidly: private lesaona our specially,
daily. Call or telephone lou.
CHAMBERS New Academy, 2424 Farnara.
Afiuit Dsginners, Mondays ana Saturdays,
f p. m.j- assemblies, Wednesdays, 8:30 p.
m.; children beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p.
m., Saturdays, 2 p. m ; advanced. Satur
days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; res.,
A-1V71. 705
CM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511 Farn. tela. 1669 i
' f
ALL k'.nds of carpenter work and repairing
prompiiy- mienueu 10. 4. i, ucm.tree,
."in niii 1
Lake ats.
CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgs Bldg.
O. R. RATHBtIN, room la, Com! Nat l
bank. Private leesons .In bookkeeping,
to. ' J71
, CUT RATE railroad tlcketa everywhere.
P H. Phllbin. W Farnam. 'Phone 7M.
; 7T
THOB. J. KELLT. .voloo. Dayldge block.
' 608
XIMX. SMITH, baths. 114 N. 15. 24 floor, r. X,
- T Ms6l DSa
LOST Automobile, red endgate; reward at
Frodrlckaon'a, 16th and Capitol aye.
Loet 750 27
isOST Phi Dalta Pheta atlck pin. Reward
oil return to 640 Bee Bldg. Lost 108 24
LOST Purse containing about $30.00 at 20th
and Oraoa. Reward for return. Mrs. 11.
W. Hale, 1848 N. 20th. Lost-146 25x
8 TILLMAN ft PRICE, 410 lat Nat. Bk. bldg.
NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. lat floor N. T.
I.lfe bldg., attorneys and collectors every
where. 54
Arthur U Warrick. 401 Ware blk. Tel. 1324.
C. R. KEFL1N, 80 N. 16th st Tel. 71
CAPT. T. CORMACK, H7 Karbach block
TuL A2832.-- 620
J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 605 & ISth.
when cured; no hypodermics. Write for
booklet. Uatlin Institute., 2li B. 14th St.
341 D14
LADIES, our harmless remedy rellevea
without fail delayed or abnormally sup
reaaed menstruation. For free trial ad
dreaa Pat la Chemical Co., Milwaukee,
W la.
Theatrical and masq. Lleberv 10:1 Far,
COSTUMES for rent. Sack, J318 S. 30th at.
U-M-iJ Decl
(Should be read DAILY by all Interested,
as changes may otxur at any time.)
koreigu mails for the week ending No
vember Jt, liMi, will close (PROMPTLY In
all eaaee) at tho (Jeneral Pustortice aa fol
lows; PARCELS-POST MAILS close one
liour earlier thn doxlng time shown be
low. Parcels-poat UalU lor Germany close
at t p. ni. Monday.
Regular and supplementary mails close
at foreign ttiatlou hulf hour later than
closing time thown below (except that Sup
plementary Malla for Europe and Central
America, via Colon, close one hour later at
Foreign Station).'
Transatlantic Malla.
Wl I'-Z, per a. s. La Bretague. via Hare
(mall for othvr parts of Europe must in
direct, d "per a. a. La Bretugne 'i
SATURDAY At 6 a. m. fur KUP per
a. a. St. Paul, via Southu motor. ,mail tor
lreUnd and letter mall for Liverpool must
be directed "per a. s. St. Paul"); at 7:i a
n. (supplementary t a. m ) for EUROPE,
per a. s. Lucuula. via VJueeustown; at 8 Jo
a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Zee-
' land (mall mubt be directed "'per s. s. Zee
land"); at 30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di
rect, per a. a. Furiieasla (mail must be di
rected "per s a. Kunieals"); at 11 a in
for DENMARK direct, per -. a. Oscar II
jnisll must be directed "per a. a. Oscar
Alter the doting of the Supplement try
j raiumiianuc Mails named above, aurtl
tlonal Supplementary Mulls arc ooene.l
on the piers of the American. ETignsti,
k aim urrmitn sieamer. and remain-open
until within Ten Mluuiea of
the hour of sailing of kteairer.
VVeel Indies, tele. '
J HI DAY At U tu, tsti BANTIAOO, per a.
a. Jason tmnll must be directed per s. a.
Jason"; nt 12 m. (-oippl. mentarv 12:3 p.
m for RAIIAMAK. per s. a. Fantlsao
mall for Mexico, via Tsmplco, must ho
dire ted "per . a. Santiago"); at :3n p.
m. for BERMUDA, ler steamer from
BATI RDAT At 90 a. m. fsupplementnry
I 30 a m ) for I'UKTn Rtro, t'l KACAO
and VENEZUELA, per a. a. Philadelphia
(mails for Savanllla and Cartna-etia must
be directed "per a. s. Philadelphia"): at t
a. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and
CILDAD KOI.IVAR. per . a Maraval;
at :30 a. m. taupnlementarv in .to a. m )
. VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s.
A ene (mail for Costa Rica must be di
rected "per a. a. Alene"); at :30 a. m.
supplementsry ln.To a. m.) for ST.
DUTCH and FRENCH Gl IANA. per a. s.
Manoa; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a.
Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m.
supplementary 11:30 a. m l for 1 NAGt'A,
HAITI and SANTA MARTA. pr . a.
Aillrondak; at 11:30 a. m. for ARGEN
a. a. Camoena; at 1!:30 p. m. for CUBA,
per s. security ba, via Havana.
Malta Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex
cept Tranapnelfle.
CUBA Via Florida, closes nt this offlco
daily, except Thursday, at HM a. m. tthe
connecting mails close here on Wednes
days and Saturdays via Tampa, and ton
Mondays vlu Miami).
MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially
addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes
at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30
p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p.
m. and 11 p. m.
NEWFOUNDLAND-By rail to North Syd
ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this
omce oany at t:sii p. m. (connecting- malls
close here every Monday, Wednesday and
JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at this office at 6:30 p.
m. every Tuesday.
By rail to Philadelphia and thence by
steamer, cloaes nt this office at 11:30 p. m.
every Wednesday.
M1QUETX)N fly rail to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at this office daily at
:30 p. m.
GUATEMALA By roll (o New Orleans,
and thence bv steamer, closes at this of
fice dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m.
and and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at II :00
p. m. and ll:30 p. m. 'connecting mall
closes here Mondays nt 811:30 p. m ).
COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and
thence by steamer, closes st this office
daily, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and
111:30 p. m., Sundays at J1:00 p. m. and
111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here
Tuesdays nt 111:30 p. m.l.
I REGISTERED MAIL closes at p. m.
previous day.
Transpacific Malla.
HAWAII, via 6an Francisco, close here
dally at 6:3 p. m. up to November '3,
Inclusive, for dispatch per a s. Alameda
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria, n. C, close here daily at 6-30 p
ui. up to November 24. Inclusive, tor dU
patch pei s. s Empress of China. iMer.
Chandlse for United States Postal
agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded
via Canada.) ,
CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close hero
dall.v at 4:30 p. m. up to November 125
lacUistve, for dispatch per s. a. Rlojun
cisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to
November 128. Inclusive, for dispatch per
U. B. transport.
San Francisco, close nere dnliy a4 6:30 p
m. up to November 626. Inclusive, for
dispatch per s. s. Mariposa.
PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close
here dally at 6:30 p. ni. up to November
128, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hung
Kong M'ru.
SAMOA and HAWAII, via San rancleo
close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to De
cember 15, Inclusive, for dispatch per a
s. Ventura. (If '.he Cunard steamer carry
ing the Br..!H mall for Nw Zealand
does not arrive n time 1 connect with
this dispatch, extra malls closing at 5:30
a. itu and 1:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Bun
days at 4:30 a. m., 8 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.
will be made tip and forwarded until the
arrival of the Cunard steamer.)
AUSTRALIA (except . West). FIJI ISL
ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA (apeclally
addressed only), via Vancouver and Vic
toria, B. C, close here dally at 6:80 p. m.
up to December 15, Inclusive, for dispatch
per a. s. Mesna. -
Hawaii, japan, china and Philip
pine ISLANDS, via San Francisco,
. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to De
cember 17th, inclusive, for dispatch per a.
s. China.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Taeoma, close
here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to December
21, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Shaw-
NOTE T'nlesa otherwise addressed. West
Australia la forwarded via Europe, and
New Zealand and Philippines via Sin
Francisco the quickest routes. Philip
pines specially addressed "via Canada"
or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at
the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded
via San Francisco exclusively.
Transpacific malls are forwarded lo port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption tit their
uninterrupted overland transit. Regis
tered mall closes st 8 p. rn. nrevlous day'
Postofflce, New York, N. Y.. November 20,
Sealed bids will be received at the office
of secretary of state tip until 12 o'clock
noon of December 4, 19o. for boiler house
and stenm main, vater main and tunnel,
water aupply and electric wlrinu for R
S. Home at Mllford. bids on each to be
separate as per plans and specifications 011
tile In this office.
The board reserves the right to reject any
nd all blda. '
Secretary of Board.
Chicago, Burlington Jk 4nlney.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 1:56 am
Chlcugo Vestlbuled ex.. a 4: pm a 7:45 am
Chicago Ixical a S:18 am 11:00 pm
Chicago Limited a :& Dm b 7:46 pm
Fast Mall 2:40 pot
Uarllnglon Missouri River.
Wymore, -Beatrice and
Lincoln a 1:50 am bl2:05 pm
NeirasM Expreaa a .W am a 7:45 pm
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a tt;4ii am
Black Ililla nd Puget
bound Express all:10 pro a 3:10 pm
Colorado VeatibuU
Flyer a 1:10 pm
IJiiooln Fust Maiu j :52 pm a ;u ara
Fort Crook and Plaits
mouth b 1:15 pm bl0:36 ara
Bullevue 4- Paclrla Jet. .a 7:60 pm a 1:27 am
Bellevue A Paclfla Jet. .a 3:50 am
Kansas City, St. jaaenk C'oanell
Kansas City Day Ex. ...a :16 ant a 4:05 pm
St. Louis Flyer s.5 pm all. 16 am
katuasi City Night Ea..u10:45 pm a 4:3ti am
St. Pnnl, Mlanenpolla A
.a t:3j am
.a 2:0 pin
.b 6:45 pin
a 8:10 pm
all:20 am
b 8 .45 am
Twin City Passenger..
Sioux City Passenger.
Oakland Local
Mlaaoarl PaelQc.
Nebraska Local, vU
Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a 10:: am
a Daily, b Dally exi ept Bunuuy. d Dally
except Saturday, e Daby except Monday.
Illinois Central.
Iuve. x
Chicago Express a 7:46 am
ChKaao, aiiiinepoila A
tt. Paul Limited a 1:50 pm
Minneapolis at 1 Paul
Express U 7 JS am
Cklcago Jt Norlaweatem. -
al0:3i pm
a 1:05 am
b 10:15 pm
"The Northwestern Una."
Fsst Chicago
..a 8.4u am
..all :So am
..a 6:16 pm
..a 7:50 am
..a : am
..a 8:26 pin
..a 6:j0 pm
..a 4:6 pin
..a k.J5 pm
a 7:56 am
Iam-bI Chicago
I.ocuf Sioux City.....,
payilght St Paul
Daylight Chicago ....
Limited Chu-agj
Fast Chicago
Local Chicago
Kul St. Paul
St. Paul Express ,
Fast Mall
IaK-ul Slojx City
Norfolk & Bone'teel.,
a 8:30 ara
b :4j p.n
alo.ou pm
all :m pm
a 8:16 am
a 3:45 pm
a 7:05 am
a 8:lo am
a 3.40 pro.
a !:.v am
alu:36 am
blu:36 am
a 5 JO pm
e 6 lu pm
. .b 4:00 pm
..a 6:n am
Lincoln St Long Pi le..
b k:t5 am
Deadwood. Hot Sutluics
ar.d Lincoln a 1 5 pm
Casper A- Wyoming Ex..d l.Mipm
Has lugs, up ror, anu
lalon arlr.
Overland Limited
The Fast Mall
Culif rtila Kxprcas
itegon i-Ix)ires
):a.eril Expres-
Tliu Atlunl c Enpreas..
The CoIoiuaIj
.b3.30pm b 5:10 pm
.a 6:40 ara
.a P !r an
.a 'Jo piu
.a S .u am
a 8:05 pra
a 3.ju pm
a B:Sn pm
a 6..' pm
a 7 30 am
a 3. to aua
.all . 3s km
l AII.WAY TIIE CARD nntlnneil.
Chicago Special a 3:40 am
Lincoln, Heatrlce and
Btromsburg Express. . .b 4:o0 pm bit :4.1pm
Columbus Local to 4:W pm b 8:36 am
Ckleaan, Horn Island A Faelge.
Chicago Daylight Ltd a 3 65 am a 3 58 am
Chicago Daylight Local a 7:00 am a 8:36 pm
Chicago Express bll.15 am a 6:3a pra
Dea Moines Express.... a 4.30 pm bll:6oani
Chicago Fast Expras. .a 6: nm a I. 'A pm
Rocky Mountain L t d. .a t JSO am a 7:25 am
Lincoln. Colo. Springs
Denver, Pueblo and
West a 1:30 pm 6:00 pm
Trxss. California and
Oklahoma Flyer a S:!S pm a 12 :10 pm
Mlasonrl PaclSe.
St. Louis Express olO:(V am a f:25 pm
K. C. & St. U Expres..al0:60 pm a 6:16 am
Chicago. MIlTraukee A St. Pnnl.
Chicago Daylight a 7:43 am oil :13 pm
Chicago Fast Express. .a 5:46 pm a 3:40 pm
Chicago Limited a 8.1 pm a 7:60 am
Des Moines Express. ...a 7:45 urn a 3:40 pm
tnlcaao Great Western Ily. Cm.
21 St. Paul Sl Minne
apolis Limited a 4.55 am
14 It. Todge Exprens..a 7:3." am
hi Ft. Dodge Express.. a 3:2!, pm
20 St. Paul A Minne
apolis Limited a 7:53 pm
1 Ft. Dodge Express.. 11:10srn
1C3 Ft. Dndgfl Express.. a 8:30 pm
St. Louia "Cannon Ball'
Exp. ess a 6:65 pm a 8:30 air
St. Louis Local, Coun
cil Bluffs a 8:16 am alO.JO pot
It was right that the death of Mrs. Caro
line A. Estabrook, at the goodly age of
four score years, should be noted In this
community w.ith something more than the
customary formalities of praise which the
world accords to Mi dead. And so. tha
graceful and fitting tribute of Dr. Mann
at Unity church to her rare character and
womanly virtues met a cordial response
from the many old friends and acquaint
ances who listened to It. The life which
passed gently and serenely Into Ha ap
pointed future had been replete with useful
deeds, with kind acts, with gentle minis
trations and unheralded charities. More
than half of tt was passed In this city, and
In many an Omaha household hers has long
been a cherished name and will abide in Its
grateful memories to the end.
The period of her residence here covered
the pioneer years of Nebraska, with their
privations, their cruderjss. and their dis
comforts; and It was especially In meeting
and alleviating these among the early
dwellers here that the strength and adapta
bility of her genial nature were conspic
uous. Added to the characteristics which
help to form the Ideal American daughter,
wife and mother, one of the most marked.
In licr, was the spontaneous kindness which
responded Instantly to an appeal from any
form of want or need. No abode was so
humble, no condition so uninviting, scarcely
a fault so gross as to prevent or repel lief
practical aid and helpful offices. In many
a home darkened with sorrow or trial, her
presence was a benediction, and her hope
ful smile and cheering sympathy were a
presage of coming betterment. And not
alono to those in reel want or destitu
tion, but, as well, to those In anywise
troubled or "distressed In mind, body or
estate," her hopeful words and optimistic
nature were a solace and encouragement.
Of such a woman It may Well be said, not
solely that "the world waa the better for
her having lived In It," but that, as aha
passed 'through It, many a wayward or
unfortunate dweller waa cheered and up
held by her Influence and helpful minis
trations. From these and from number
who had been witnesses of -her useful and
beneficient life, there went forth when It
cam to an end, the fervent Invocation,
"Let her rest In peace." e. N.
2.10, Lincoln and Retarni
Via Burlington Route. ' ,
For the Illinois-Nebraska foot ball game.
Tickets on sale Nov. 26; good to return
Nov. 27.
Train leaves at 3:50 a. rn. Beturnltig
leaves Lincoln 8:00 p. m. Tickets, 3502 Far
nam St.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health:
Births M. Tietzel, Twelfth and Kavsn,
girl; Joseph Nick. 27:3 South Eleventh, boy;
William Fary, 2H18 North Twentieth girl.
Deaths Mrs. Ltilnda Conrad. 2413 Sher.
man avenue, 83; Mrs. Mary N. Garvin. 807
Seward.' 77; Mlas Irene Perfect, i'a South
Twenty-sixth. 17.
Mnrriagte Licenses.
Name and Address. Age.
Charles Jewell. Omaha l
Emma. Frederlcksen, Omaha 21
Christian T. Orltska, Dillon, Neb 29
Eva Kerr. Omuha 54
Albert Saafeld. Omaha J6
Rosalia A. FrandeI, Omaha 18
I.eRoy R. Webster, Sioux City 21
Rabekah Maye, Sioux City., 18
Thomas Patton, Omaha
Sarah RIgg, Omaha. 28
William W. Watts, Omaha 22
Bertha M. Momany. Valley, Neb 18
Andrew W. Smith, South Omaha 27
Anna M. Frish, South Omaha 21
William Stewart, Omaha 21
Barbara Vrano, Omaha 20
4111 Glrt'8 CoU (0 10 rsert.
Girl's Coat 46K1 Long coata for little girls,
that cover the frocks worn beneath, are
both the most sensible and the smartest
for cold weather wear. This one Is new
and eminently chic and allows of making
either With or without the cape. As
4hown It Is made of brown melton with
collar, cuffs and belt of velvet and trim
ming of heavy wool lace In tans, but all
materials suitable for girls' coats are ap
propriate and the trimming can be applique
or fancy braid of any sort, or tailor stitch
ing with silk only. '
The coat la made with a body portion.
fitted by meana of shoulder and under
arm seams, a plaited skirt and wide box
plait. The rape, when used, la arranged
over the coat and Included In the neck
seam. At the neck Is a turnover collar
nd the coat ia closed Invisibly beneath
the edge of the plait. The belt Is ar
ranged over the seam at the waist and
terminates in points held by gold butting.
The sleeves are ample, fuller below the
elbows than above, and are finished wlVh
cuffs cut In points to match the belt.
The quantity of materlni required for
the medium sixe (3 years) is 6 yards 27
or 2 yards 44 Inches wide, with H yard of
bias velvet for collar, cuffs and belt.
The pattern 45ta is cut In alses for girls
of 4. , 8 and 10 years of age.
For the accommodation of The Bee
readers these patterns, which usually retail
at from 36 to to cents, will ba furnished at
a nominal price, 10 cents, which rovers all
expense- In order to get a pattern enclose
1 cents, give number aud Dams Of Pattern.
Competitor 1 Ioiinng'e That Groat Wfs'ern
Wgntf to Bao't Down.
Mlasonrl Parlftr Oatlet to St. I.oals
nd ;rent Western to Chicago
and Minneapolis Will Not
He Closed.
The general freight agent of a competing
line stated yesterday that the Chicago
Urent Western la attempting to make ar
rangements for the canceling of the low
proportional rates rectntly put Into effect
from this city to Minneapolis on groin.
He made tho further statement that in case
the Missouri Paclllc could be induced to
rescind its action In announcing like pro
portional rates to St. Iuls that tho move
on the part of the Chlcugo Great Western
wjiuld be successful.
"Of course." said he, "the Chicago Great
Western, after taking l!ie stand It has In
being the Initial line In reducing the rate
would not attempt to restore It without
the co-operation of the other Minneapolis
linos, and It would be suicide for tho
Minneapolis lines to nttempt a restoration
of the rates without first securing the con
sent of the Missouri Pacific . v,.
rates on the old basis to St. Lpuls, as If
the low rates to the southern city were
111 eneci and the rales north were restored
It Would result in all the grain going
south, so that Minneapolis lines would be
cut out or tho business entirely."
Phlllppl Knows Nothing; of It.
J. O. Phlllippl, general freight agent of
mo iuisBouri raclflc, snid he had heard
nothing of any-such movement being on
1001 anu mat If such a plan is under con
siueratlon he has not been approached
upon the subject, neither has he received
any notice of nnv sneti a,i.. . v. . .
. .tun vii me part
of the officials of his company. He said
mm in 111s liingment his road win n.i
agree to any, such a romnact. a, ir i,i
put It In a very bad light before shippers
nil mn.iM ... 11.. . ... ,
iu.u uoiuiaiiy result in tne loss of a
great deal of business for his line. A large
amount of grain had been contracted for
shipment south under tho new rates, and
this, at least, will have to be carried. So
iar as ne la concerned ho would hi.
stamp of disapproval -Vipon the taking of
any aucn action
General Agent Thomaa of the Chicago
Great Weatein said he had he..r,i
of any such move being on foot and that
ne uoes not believe the officials of his line
are considering such action. "On the con
trary." said he. "it Is our Intention, and
we nave repentedly promised that we would
iw umana on an euual footing m, u-....
sas City In relation to the Chicago market
o iar aa grain rates are concerned as soon
as our tnicago line from this cii ,...
At the present time we have not ..huo,i
our mind In regard to doing this and if we
nau any intention of restoring the oi.l vin
nea polls rate the first move on tha ,..,1
our company would be to announce trait we
"uu,u wuiiuraw tne promise to make a cut
in mo inicugo rate.
An official connected ' with another line
maue ine u.aiement that the report wag
put on foot by competitors of the Great
Western for the mimosa of,,.
agitation, which if Is the belief of rival
roaas might result finally la the restoration
of the old ratca. Said he: Vlt is plain
that competition of the Great Western'
for Minneapolis business , have nothing
to lose by it restoration, of the grain
rates to MInneap0lrs.iOiut i on the ether
nnaa tney nave evorvih nar 'a nin
s they desire the old rate restored, which
action Would discredit tha r?rot xtr..
In tho eyes of shippctal and would also
. inuii. 11. ipeir getting a higher rate of
ireigm on shipments to that nolnt. TM
thoy are evidently looking for, or the rate
wouia nave been cut . before the Great
western entered the field."
. What Started the Talk. .
The general freight agent responsible
for the report stated In support of hit
argument that the fact that no competitor
or the Missouri Pacific had as v
announced a cut to meet the reduction made
by that road Is good proof that some such
move is an fo6t, otherwise a reduction
would have been almost Immediately an
nounced by competing lines.
General Agent Thomaa of the Great
em says bis line to Chicago will be open
December 13, when shipments of grain will
be received for the Chicago market at tha
same ratea as apply from Kansas City to
mat point.
Wells-Fargo Depot Office.
The Wells-Fargo Express company has
opened a depot office on Tenth, street under
tne viaduct and Just opposite the Union
Pacific passenger station. U.iL Btoller
has been put In charge as depot agent. A
gateway will be opened at tha Null t h ami
of the depot, which will furnish a means of
getting to and from the office. Since the
Chicago Great Western has entered Omaha
the business of the express company has
greatly increased, and when the Chicago
line of that road ia opened the business
will be still larger. Nine more messenirnrs
wlU run out of this city to Chicago when
the regular trains gre put on over the
Great Western.
Railway Notes and Personals.
C. F. Wl!ey, trainmaster of the Chicago
Northwestern at Boone, la., Is In the
Dave Toung, son of Eraatus Young, gen
eral auditor of the I'niou Pacific, left for
California yesterday morning.
J. R. Manchester, general Tlalm agent of
the I'lilon Pacific, returned from a trip to
California Tuesday evening.
P. Whitney, general terminal agent of the
Northwestern at Chicago. Is a visitor at
the local offices of the company.
J. W. Doyle, superintendent of the Iowa
division of the Northwestern, with head
quarters at Des Moines, came In yesterday
The Burlington haa announced a rate of
$2 10 for the round trip from Omaha to Lin
celn on Thanksgiving day (or the foot ball
Contrary to expectations a large number
of people have purchased excursion tlcketa
for California with the Intention of leaving
Thanksgiving day Travel to the West haa
for aevoral years at the last end of the
Twentr-Ineh Pipe on Cnmtaa" Street
Gives Way, Doing Mack ,
The second break of a iirge water main
within a week occurred about 6 o'clcok
yesterday on Cuming street just east of
Seventeenth. A twenty-Inch pipe gave way
suddenly, the shock rending the paving ani
diaplacing the earth for ten xir fifteen feet
each side of the break. The water poured
forth in a torrent and It was several hours
before the flow was entirely shut off. The
street and adjolalng lots were flooded,' but
no serious damage done. The break la
near the ene of last week, which was on
Sixteenth street near Cuming. ' Cars run
ning on Cuming street were detoured via
Twenty-second, Burt, Cass and Fourteenth
streets until about noon.
Owing te the wet and mutilated conditio
Headache Cured
and prevented by Dr. Mile' Anti-Para
PI 11a, uneqoaled for neuralgia, tootti-,
ache, backaohe etc. No opiates. ' Non
laxative. Never sold La bulk. Send fop
fr bouk on the run of lieadache. 'A dnaaa
t& cents. Bold and (TUarantscd by all arua-
NOVUM 11KU 2V 1003.
"That mak us ijiw 1
! e good.'l ir-
H in Holland!.99 i
160 Pages
32 in color; 75 illustrations,
many of them full-page
12 Short Stories
All of tliem splendidly illus
trated, and all from the pens
of the cleverest fictionists
Out Today
of the break and the material around It
the city englnHerlng department was un
able ti make an Investigation as to the
cause this morning. It was the opinion
that the accident occurred by reason of
"water hammer" or the shock caused by
sudden expulsion of air In the pipe. The
fact that two breaka have occurred In the
same locality ausKests that perhaps the
pipes are settling unevenly, making them
more liable to injury.
In view of the pending appraisement of
the water plant City Engineer Kouewater
stated that he would make a thorough ex
amination of the pipe and the conditions
surrounding the separation. No defects
were found In the pipe that gave way last
t lark Pleads Sot tiallly.
L. B. Clark, alias J. H. Clark, of Bouth
Omaha, waa ariaiiriied in police court on
the charge of biKtuny and pleaded not
auilty. Hearing mas act for next riatur
day. it was alleged In the complarnt that de
fendant did. on the ltitii day of the year ItM),
take one (irace liatileld to wife, and that
nn the 12th Jay of Brpunilx-r, Had, said
Claik marrl.d Lalsy L. Madia of Omaha,
whoae brother, tieorge II. Madra. la com-
pluiiiunt in the pru nJu.K.t Instituted
jKainst his brother-in-law, which Set forti.
that lark niwiried M:mm Matira .wltlu;iit
th f'iiinality of obtaining it decree of -Jl-vorc
in .any court from hia former wits,
whom he married In Council Blurts.
it la also alleged tbat CUi k has been
leuilluK a dual life, to the extent that
lias kept both Woiucii, llt..g alteiiialei)
Greatest In the World
babies In spleiulid health with CA3CAKETH Candy Catha. O iuxicn
derful things CASOARLTS do for ounia an.l their bab' i arc recv.iv.e
Known throuyri tt: kind words rf th: se who hnv- trl' 'uon, ar1 mi
h-B-a,i8,:jow OV1.R A MILLION HOXrs A MONTH. ."Una tntces n
CAbCARET, baby (jots the benefit. The wweet, palataliln '.ac-' :... eaten bv
tne nursing mother, renulate her ayEtem. Increases her flov-'' v i'k,
and make her milk mildly purqa'.lvo. Babv guts the eifeot oiivlod nuU
as part of Its natural food: no vlulerco no danger perle-.'.l natural
results. No more sour curds In baby's stomach, no mor '.."Ind c 'Ho,
cramps, ConvulRlrms, worms, restless nights. All druggists, iOc, 25c, TiOo.
Jiever sold In bulk. Genuine tablet stamped CJ C C. Sample and booklet
free. Address STERLING REMLDY CO., Chicago or New York. ftn.
A storyof Holland at Christmas-tide full
of the out-door freshness and healthful
gayety of the Dutch, contributed by' the,
artist-author, George Wharton Edwards,
and illustrated in color by him in . the
V T t
Tor -uecemDer
& a . evm a -W a -aw
with each, as ho saw fit, aince lust Bcptcia
ber. Federal t'onrt Kolra,
Juiine John A. Rlner of the1 United Biatis
district court of V yotnlng Uitd JiiUfiu
MunKer at the federal buildiiiK ..-lerd.iy
in iriiing.
The evidence in the ensa of C. K. lie a
mater, guaidlan. (iHuiiist tint ilii'ugi At
Norihwcoiern Hallway company a 1011
cluiWd yexterday and liu 111 tsumema
suomiltej. Tne case went to tha jury at
noon. Hull Ik brouaht to .i.co0
damages KiiftatneJ 10 the st ( son, nii' U Id
yeiira, of the compluinliiK llriess, th.-uuxh
tieing kicked off a I relent truin by an em
ploye of the del umlauts and whereby ,h )
cliiid waa run over and suffered the lots it
an arm.
A transcript of removal from the l t-ict
court of Liougiaa county 01 ihe cate 01
V. L. llilois 11 ag.l'iBt the CHuag 1, Hur
lliiRtun & cjulney Hal way corniiiniv lor
tJ.uoV damages was ttle.1 in the I lilted rttaie-t
circuit court yealerday. tsuit la brouaht
to recover for damage sustained , 1 ue
layed shbments of forty or, inor curs of
cattle from the 8. it U. Kaneh fatrn, in
South Liakota, owned by tho plain. ifr.-, in
Auauat, Xil. The peiiidm a.ieaea th
cattle were flrvt penned in tie .o k ariH
at the 8. O, station and. wild fiom
leceni removal tromtlie rai g . a .d unoc
tuatoined to tinuaual oulae. w re fright
ened by th uiinecesHM' y hi-iili,g of tne
engine of the tie'ei.d-nl's road and they
broka out of the di apldated ,oik ieii and
were buLy stamped d. When the c.Ut e
were tina ly recti ve. ed and ah pppd toe tr.iiu
waa unnecessarily ee ujed and did not lii'
rie on aeheiloie time, and it at wruly ur
more head of ihe auiuiaU were injured dur- j
lug the shipment, end Ihe others i-ullerel
In low of wiht and coudl.ioii from all of
thee scveial causes. J
ASix. a. 1. sn
Cure All Special
Treatment and Medicine
S5.00 per noun.
Examinations and advice free at ofllce or
by mull. Written contracts given la all
curable diseases r refund money paid for
tieatment. Treatment by mall. , 14 years
In Omaha.
Car. lilb an4 Danglna. OMAHA. IBB.
msapnrs anate watartnallaav
food Inapactor.!,!5G:iDTTIt D.V. s.
Offlc 4Ui4 Inflrnuu-y, th aa4 Muot Bt
WitfnJ irfcAN lUT.hiT rwrm
t Msvrricd inrtn aixi nit-h lutfbUiitS
ulai1 ek aMfi tviiti K:t uor ruujita. tiju!
lihfciinaa & UcCoaatU Lrug Co.. Omibfc
4 v---vtMiJri