Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1903, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Davis sells drug.
Ieffert's glnsivs fit.
rttocVert nclla carpet.
A nl ore for men "Pcno'r." ,
Olehrated Met brer on tsp. Nvimayer. i
IMnmonil betrothal ring at iffprts, t'
I.roadwny. !
M-K nnd 1R-K wedding rings fit I.effert'3,
v lirosdwny.
I'lrturo framing. C. E. Alexander Co.,
...I liroedwny. Xnl. M.
f'ro Mtf. flrsves' now stock of sllt and
I n k riimlix, V'.j I'rarl Hired.
Horn, to .Mr. and Mm V. H. 8tevin
l. HiVllllll .IVcnUP, II OlIIKMer.
Mr. and Mrs .r. H. Vernon Wl ' re. - j
u i.v for an extended visit :it tip. 'WhIi.
Mr. and Mra. 1. II. Himllry o Rone !
10 visit menu ami relatives al I'lltwbuiB,
i .1.
I Jr. H. H. Jennlng hm been called to
:.,-)ri Imjii, ill., by the Kerlous lllnes of his
i. other.
A mimical program will he given at 8t.
J inn's KngilHh Lutheran churi-n Thursday
i .erilrig.
Hubert Henderson, who ha been confine 1
i j his riMim for several duys hy lllncs, l
i.i vaiescing.
arrival in this city, while evidently tern
porarily In nam-, attempted yesterday after
noon to kill hi wife and B.Tnord Wanner,
Janitor of the. Royal Arcanum hall In the
Brno-Shugnrt t)lork and ' falling In his
attempt shot himself In the right side and
now Ilea In a precarious condition at the
Woman's Christian Association hospital.
. Ilia attemnt on the Uvea nt hl m-ifa c-i
If you want up-to-date photon, either I Wo,.- ,...,,.... i r
nil or life size, at about half what ' " ," , " V .
. Iier chmvr. o to Wllhiims.. ! na" where Wolfe fired two shots from R
I'litre will be u special meeting this t-vrn- 'evolver at his wife, the first going wide I
(lucid statement as to his reason for at
tempting to kill his wife and 'Wagner and
; to take his own life could be obtained from
i him. He repeated several times In answer
to questions that he wanted to die ana
that la ail he would suy.
Mrs. Wolfe,, when si-en after the shooting
In Royal Arcanum hall, said her husband
must have become suddenly insane. He
had, she said, always treated her with the
greatest kindness and always objected to
her doing any more work than absolutely
necessary. "In fact, he always treated me
almost like a baby," was the way Mrs.
Wolfe put It. In explanation Mrs. Wolfe
said that only that morning her hubsnd
had made her Hay In bed until he had tho
breakfast rtndy, and In fact this was the
way he always treated her. Thit hor hur
band had been acting qneerly of late Mrs.
Wolfe said there was no doubt and referred
to his letter to the Omaha paper tffe Ing to
tell cne of Ms ears for J5.00O. Her husband,
... ! Mrs. Wclfe sal-1, had for a number of ye:ir
r ... im.n aim rrce:t workeo nK a ,,,. laborer and Htely hid
worried because he was afraid that increas
ing age and loss of strength would prevent
him from continuing to provide for her nnd
himself. They have a son In South Omahi.
who had frequently urged them to make
their home with him, but Wolfe had de
c'llned. as he would not be dependent on
anybody If he could help It.
' J. E. Wo fa Sajrti Hit Wifa and Alto at
i BernarJ Wagner.
" Injary lo Wife or Warner, bat
Wolfe May Die Thoifht tm Have
Been Temporarily lasane al
. the Time, .
Effort to Oanrau Vote of Bute 8howi Some
Glaring Errors in Betnrni.
Krleade aad Family All Papposed He
Had Eieetf4 One. bat 51a "a eh
Docaraent t'aa fie
Plumbing and heating. Bixby it Bon.
l.irr -III w ,1 rIH IHI l!l--ll!C lllint'l'n-j '..'' v ti- iilir. lilt lllBL I'IIIK l '
i. of iilutr City Masonic loilge i toii. of its intemled mark and the second graz- !
the second degree on live rj ndtdatrs. i ,. , . t . . , . , ,
,. . ., . , , m the woman s side but not. Injuring lur, :
i ongirssmHn Walter I. Srinih i-rrved 1 j k ,, , , ... , , . ,
1. no vesti-niay tnorninK Iro.n S.v h hlimtini
I i spend ThankHRlvliiK wlin hu frinniy.
i'he Hrnlherlioiid of Kallrond Tr.ilnmen
I ,v their lntli aniinnl hall. Thursdey,
. :iankglving eve, at Royal Arcanum hall.
'eorgo I'arter, city editor of the Non
, . ir'.l. returnwl yesteiday from a weeks
.-II In Chicago mid other points in liii
. im.
Fur rent, cfflif fjom grutind floor; one
I. thu most central locations in the busi
i portion of the t lty. Apply to The Bee
. m-.e. city.
I', i-t. Warner of Washington avenue,
I, is (.-n culled to Tabor, la., hy the III
1. M.l of his daughter, who Is studying at til 3
--iservatory u music there.
I'he Ladles' Aid society of-. Hi. John's
and one bullet nt Wnn--r tvtih-h nlnn .fni
wi-. l eaving the ra I Wolfe went to
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hern irj .W:ir
i:er, at 1111 Avenue A, irhi'5 ho and his
wlfH had been stopping since omlng' to
the city and attempted to tiiUe his own !fe
by shotting himself. When the officers
retched the houe he was lying om the
bed unconscious, with the blood flowing
fi-oiii the wound In the r'ghl mU1 w.lch
may possibly prove to be fatal.
Wolfe Is IM years of age while his wife
l: ul. Kefore nomine to Council Ttlufru turn
weeks i:gi i hey, reFlded at Pouth
Twenty-: Ixth street, Omaha, where. It Is
;?r't.'uaw M.rrr,. ma.. ;,n,i i,dry
Wo ts di-lng the washing and his wife the
Ironing. They had resided for two years
In mahi and le'ore that for twenty-four
years in Nebr.w I; a City, their original homo
being Ximlivllle, Tenn.
Ilespondeal Over Flnaneea.
Wolfe came to Council Bluffs and with
his wife look up their home with Mr. nnd
Mrs. Uernard Wagner at 1111 Avenue A.
For several days he secured work sawing
wood In one of the wood yards but hi
strength gave out and he was forced to
take to his bed. The ear, that he would
not be able to continue to earn a living for
himself and wife made him despondent and
he Is said to have been acting queerly for
several days past.
It Is also said that Wolfe became mora
despondent than ever when he failed to
sell one of his ears for $8,000, the .amount
offered by a New York doctor for' an eat
to be grafted on the head of a reputed
western . millionaire. . Wolfe addressed 'a
letter lust Wednesday to a dally paper
offering his ear and promising to pay the
paper tlUO If it assisted him in making the
alr. With the 13.0(4) he figured he and his
wife would be Independent for the . rest
of their lives and he waa perfectly willing
lo sac.l!1c one of his sirs for such pur-
)0S8. J '
Bernard Wagner, with whom Wolfe and
his wife had made their home since com
ing to Council Bluffs, had employed Mrs.
Wolfe to caslst In cleaning the Royal Ar
canum hall of which he wus Janitor. Mrs.
Wolfe was so employed With Wuguer and
his wife Jester Jay afternoon shortly before
1 o'clock when Wolfe appeared at tho hall.
urt. lie has been In her employ only , There was nothing in h.s demeanor to In
dicate that ho was on murder bert and
as soon as he entered his wife went up and
spoke to him asking If tliere was anything
that he wanted. , '
Proves a Poor Shot.
Wolfe began by calling Mrs. Wagner ha d
. uaiii anil iii. nuv wiin nirn
ire members uro conducting a rummage
J. !o.
I'tealtletit K. K. Hurt of Ihe Fii-sl Nn
l jtial bank. Is home from a two weeks'
t . ip to the Oregon lumhev regions,' :
1 and other Council Hluffs c ij ltell-t- ur I
interested. j
l W. McMenomy complained to the p- i
lire last evening Hint someone had cirrled
i T bodily a slot- gum machine fton in
l. out of the drug store at me corner of
l roadway and Ninth street.
Ilatel, the infant daughter of Mr. and
.'.is. ti. K. lCllMWorlh, 1410 8r,uih Twcntv-ni-ond
street, died yesterday, aged 18
.ninths. The funeral will be held Thursdav
afternoon from tho .resldenco .and. burial
will be In Falrvlew cemetery.
The hearing of Churles Hutherlind,
' i urged with the theft of a blrycle, has
. .-on continued In Justice Carson's court
iittl Hat unlay and In the meantime the
;oung man has been committed to the
iiiuy Jail In default of hall. .
The receipts In the general fund nt the
' lirlstlan Home lust week were 1244.31, he
i f. $44.:U iihuve the needs o? the week
. .iJ decreasing the deficiency In this fund
i i date to IJ.yxri.JW. In the manager s fund
the receipts mere $4 ! Is), being )I4.60 above
i. ie needs of t lie week. Tho deficiency In
iris fund to date Is fM 06.
.Mrs. Almlra Carter, wife of It. X. Carter,
i in Kighth avenue, died late Monday night heart trouble after an Illness of iwo
i;ieks. Besides her husband, two daugli
. rs and five sons survive her. The funeral
v ill lw held this morning at 111 o'clock
u m the residence nnd Interment will lie
. i Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev, W. B.
i emmer. pastor of the First Christian
liiirch, will conduct the servers. '
John Williams, young man employed
-i h cook at the restaurant conducted by Mrs.
i .anklln on North Muin street, wiis ar
.'stnd last evening charged with the theft
i 7 from a slot gas meter. The theft
V.HS discovered ye-uerday when the gas
i umpany's collector opened the mefr. Mr.
ranklin suspected Williams and tiled an
i lormatlon uguiiist him In the- superior
nun. lie
two weeks.
Matlrri In District C'onrt.
The trial In the district court yesterday
of Harry Hall. Indicted hy the grand Jury
I In April on the charge of breaklas Into a
freight car In the Northwestern yards
and stealing fony cases of louded shells
on the night of March 27 last, resulted In
the acquittal of the defendant. The state
was untitle to produce, several of its Im
portant witnesses nnd nt the close of Its
testimony Judge Preston directed the Jury
to return a verdict for the defendant. Hall,
however. Is being held on the charge of
l holding up and robbing Thomas L. Coady.
The hearing on the motion for a new
trial In the case pf Oeorge Matheson, con
victed of shooting Deputy Sheriff Baker,
was completed - yesterday afternoon and
Judge Preston took the matter under ad
vis -ment until tills morning.
A supplemental motion on the part of the
defendant for a new trial In the suit of
Willlnm Krnuse against tho Cole-Ilrels-ford
Hardware company on the grounds
of newly discovered, evidence was over
ruljd. The petit Jury was excused until Mon
day, December 7, and this afternoon Judge
Preston will adjourn court until next Mon
day, at which time Judge Green expects to
be able to resume his seat on the bench.
Hafer sells lumber. Catch thu idea?
1.000 turkeys.
J. Zoller Co.
N. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 10. Night, F-eCT.
Real Rstate Traaafera.
These transfers wi re filed yesterday In
Ihe abtract, title and loan o til re of Squire
Annls, lul Pearl street :
.Kami Powder company to C. H. and
A. W. lloher. lot 3, Auditor's subdi
lslon, bwV swV.. :4-7"-44. d I 75
Oorglana lvlllpick and husband to
William K. thnpinan. oli. sci. IH-71-13
and swl, aw', 7-77-4'!, w d I.8T6
c D. Dlllln .and wife to William K.
Chapman, eH. l:.'-77-4.'S and iV,
sw4, 7-77-41'. q e d , 1
O. P. Howes to Annie Wren, lots -S
and 24. block t. Twin City I'lao-. w d. 100
. Mary K. Holmee and hushund, e si,
to Annie Wren, lots 'SI, IV and in.
block S. Twin City Pince, w d 4i
C hrla Chrlstensen nnd wife to Peter '
Hanmuasnn, lot 6, block 91, Railroad
.-idditlon, w d 1
Six transfers, total .........XiA'C
nd then left hira to return to wo k of
t rubbing the floor. 6he had move I nut
! few paces from' fclm when Wolfe draw
a revolver and fired iwj ilio-i In rjplj
Hiiccesrhin at the woman. 'I ho first shit
went lde of the mark und lodged In the
oppo'lt wall. The fecund tulle', howev.r.
went through the woman's cHlhtng and
graxed the right 'ride brushing the flesh
hjt not drawing blood. Janitor Wagner,
who. with his wife, wus In the dining r-oin
adjolijln-. rush-d Into the hall on hearing
the shots, when Wolfe again raised his re
volver nnd took a shot at him.- Wagner
hastily retreated to the oi .Ing room ain,
fo.'owed by Mrs. Wolfe, who sought refuge
In the small room ued as a kitchen.
Wolfe followed his wife nnd -yl'.4 tn
Tkaskiglvlux Week Sale. I her to cpin the door, excliedly exclaim ng:
All ordera booked this week for moulding "' have killed two people and I am going
f'mes will reeeivo M per tent discount, 'o kill another Infore I get through." Mrs.
Alexander's, ai B'way. Wolfe rtfuteil to opus the door und !m-
p'.ored him to go away. Wolfe then lft
the tail, went down in the elevator without
COXMXT THE KIKO OF Ki.U j x-'traylng uny excitement, at least none
l O X . li. I IC. O ! of Pearl street and boarded a westbound
202 Fourth oanell It I alls, la j car. which he left at Fourteenth street.
' Cor. 4th 3t. and Willow Ave.) i but fw t'P from the Wagner home.
Insists lit- Wants to Die.
i'03ii as Wolfe left the hall Jault ir
notified the police and Office. s
Murphy and I.euch hastened to ihe Waa-
where ihe old man ws ruunj
lied aeed trleea for a lew liars j
lenger. I.adlen rtiN-. fjent lemea 1. i
... U'li-iiiwriiii uj I'll. lie- Aim i;iiiiiucillli. : ...
j W agner
Testimonial for Jadtxe Preston.
The Pottewattamle County Bar associ
ation met yesterday morning In the south
room of the court house for the purpose
of taking some notion to kIiow Its appreci
ation of the service rendered by Judge
Preston of Cedar Rapids In presiding over
the present term of the district court dur
ing the Illness of Judge Green. As Judge
Preston had signified his Intention of re
turning to his homo this evening, it w.s
decided that It was too Jate to give a
banquet In, his honor, as was flrf I sug
geoted, and a' committee was appointed
to c insult with ihe members not present
with a view of securing some token to
present to Judge Preston. I.'ater In the
day this committee secured a handsome
leather armchair, which will be presented
to Judge Preston at the close of the morn
ing sesiloi of district court today.
Call for Pacing; Hnttmnte.
City Engineer F,tnyre has been requested
by the city council lo make an estimate of
the cost of paving Broadway, from Thir
teenth street to the approach to the motor
company's bridge, with Galesburg or Des
Moines brick, for a width of ten feet In
the center of the street. It Is believed
that this paving can be laid upon the pres
ent slag foundation with comparatively lit
tle expense.
Lodge of Sorrow.
Bluffs Klks' annual lodge
Tho Council
of sorrow will be held Sunday afternoon,
December t. in the New theater. Hon.
John L. Webster and C. C. .Mar ley, a
prominent attorney of Lincoln, will deliver
the priclpal addresses. There will be an
elaborate iirogram, which will bo In charge
Claude lxwis.
of Di-
I axles' and Oentltiu it's Cio hlng Clenaed, I
lying cn the le.1 In his n om with the h'.ooU
C'oaaolldated Coal Company of Oaks
'' loosa Will Build House at
08KA1.00BA. la., Nov. 24.-The Consoli
dated Coal company of thla city hus agreed
to spend tUMXH. In erecting and equipping
a Young Men's Christian association build
ing at the company's mining town, Bux
ton. The building Is u gift to the Buxton
Young Men's Christian association, an or
ganisation of colored miners. Charles C.
Mlchener of New York, International In
dustrial secretary of the Young Men's
Christian association; J. B. Moreland of
New York, International uecretary for col-
j oi ed men, nnd W. A. McOee of Des Moines,
. the Iowa state secretary, have held a meet
j ing at Buxton and signed the contracts for
the building. The structure will be a three
story brick. rixl30 feet.
nd flep-irrd: also Dr; "mlng Com u bult wound in hi. :l,;,l
.rlnkar.e or rubbing oir- ,lle' Dr J' " Cloax r w" 1 ummoned and j
' ved, ITesseil a
- .eanlna. No ehrl
i;uarunteed. Work done on short notice. I ne ar,er mi"tln? a '' examination, had
million Dl IICCC crciu nvr tuonie j Wolfe removed to the Wcmun's Chrl flan
viuuiiviii. ulwiio oitgiti uit nuriao
I' iFrom a Staff Corresi oudeifl.l
iKS MOINES, Nov. 21. --.-I c-lsl.i-The
State F.xecullve council, sit. ing as an
election hoa:d. Is engaged in iu,.Kliig lite
eounl of the vote of the rtate of lowte- on
j minor officers. The general assembly will
count the vote on governor and lieutenant
governor In January nd declare the re
sult, but on superintendent of public In
struction, Judge of the supreme court and
railroad commissioner the executive council
canvasses the vote and declares the result.
One of the first things discovered on open
ing the ballots was that some of the county
auditors were negligent. The county au
ditor of Palo Alto county failed to enclose
the returns on railroad commissioner.
Judge and supe.-ln'.tndent, while retorting
all others, Including the representative and
senator. The county auditor of Cnlon
county failed to report the names of the
candidates for state senator though giving
the vote cat. These and other similar
clerical errors will delay the announce
ment of the results. Only one Judicial
district elected a Judge and that was In
Polk county where Hugh Prenniin was
elected to fill a vacancy and succeeds
Judge Olven, who la lining out part of a
term. The vote as counted shows that
Governor Cummins ran ahead of the ticket
In about two-thirds of the counties of the
state and ran behind In the others, and
that the vote for Cummins will be about
750 aheud of the vote fur the republican
candidates on the stale ticket generally.
So Will of General Drake.
The family and friends of the late Gen
eral Francis M. Drake held a consultation
Rt his home In Centcrvllle thin morning mid
made a search fc-r n will, but no will was
found and It was given out officially that
there is no will and the property will be
left to be divided among the six children
uecurdlng to law. His attorneys and
clofest friends declare that they have no
knowledge of the existence of a will. , The
Immediate family and the friends of the
university Le:ievcd that n will would lie
found, though they had no knowledge of
the facts. It was also discovered that
the letter of Dean Haggard of the Bible
department of the university accepting the
latest S10.0C0 donation, wan not opened hy
the general, a-id therefore It Is regarded
aa an unclosed proposition. An executor
will be appointed and the estate wilt be
disposed of according to law, as all the
children are adults, and .there Is no prob
ability of a v 111 I cing found.
Campaign t labor Lenders.
in preparation for the work of securing
new laws from the next legislature the
labor leaders of the state are ffoing to hold
a number of meetings In the cities of the
slate. President A. I.. I' rick of the Slate
Federation -has arrattued to tttend the
meeting of the Federation of Miners at
Fort Dodge December .30 and take -up the
matter of needed mine legislation,' and he
will hIho make a tour of the cities speaking
tu the Interests of the federation. He will
speak In Mason City, Waterloo, Oelweln,
Ottumwa and during Decemlier.
A legislative committee has been appointed
consisting of Pitsident I'rlck, Robert
Cowen of Des Moines and K. ' B. Gardner
of Council Bluffs. I .
Sew Corporations.
The Davenport Mall and Grr.l:i company
gave notice today to the tereiary of state
of an Increase of capital of M35,(K0, .nuking
the total capitalization $.mid. "The Inter
state Railway Construction compiny of
Dubuque filed articles of Incorporation with
the secretary of state. The capital stock
Is loC.OOO and the purpose Is to build n line
Into Wisconsin. The Des. Molne.i Building
and Crushed Stone company has b'c-wne ln
eorpoiated, with $10,000 capital, by Mayor
J. M, Brenton and others. The Clt liens'
Light, Heat end Power company of K.tgle
was Incorporated with $40,000 capital by
James A. Inness and others.
Receiver for Labor Assembly.
Flurhed with the success of partial Uc
tory In a fight that has continued over a
period of nearly ten weeks, the boss bar
bers are said to have secretly resorted to a
herculean effort that may ultimately ' re
sult In the complete overthrow of the
Trades and Labor assembly and defeat the
ends of the Journeymen 'oarbers. The coup,
said to have been planned by the boss bar
bers, consists of an action In equity asking
for a receiverrhlp for the Trades and I.a
bor assembly on the grounds that the lat
ter Is engaged fn collecting and paying out
money for illegal purposes; that picket
guards placed in front of burlier shops by
the Labor assembly are violating the boy
cott law.
day, with a capital of fcAO-O, of which
$.15,0110 Is paid up. C. It. Deur, John K Me
Oavern, O. A. Matthews, It. B. Kllng and
John Stewart are charter members. Busi
ness) began November 21. The company
owns n tract of 4,000 acres of ilmbi-r land
In Rcdlands county, Minnesota.
Ton Frigid for Ihe Italians.
CEDAR FALLS, la., Nov. 24. (Special.)
Contractors In charg of the grading wovl;
for the Illinois Central have been handi
capped by the Italian laborers, who hsve
quit the Job without warning and wended
their way to a warmer clime. When the
Cold snap struck them they wilted nnd drew
their money from the banks yesterday and
departed. Their places have been only
partially filled and serious delay Is caused j
by this action. The other foreigners do not
seem to mind the cold winds, but the Ital- j
Inns were completely knocked out. j
"minis' Documents Lost.
LKMARS. la . Nov. 24. (Special. I-- Col
lector Hammls lips returned from Wash
ington and says that the documents re
lating to the charges against him nn which
his removal Is asked, have Ijoen lost In
Wat hington. They were forwarded there
f'otn Dubuque and reached Washington
all right, hut In some bureau were nils
laid 'and cannot be found. This requires
that copies be procured and causes delay
In the s-ttlement. Mr. Sammls snys he Is
confident he will be vindicated.
Offer Reward for Marderer.
VINTON, la,, Nov. 24. William Meyers,
the husband of the woman murdered on
November 6 near Belle Plalne, has offered
a reward of $f,O0, to which County Attor
ney Klrkland has asked the governor to
add the same amount, which In all proba
bility will be done. This will make a reward
that will Interest leading detective agencies
s.nd the mystery surroumling the foul
murder of the Minnesota woman may yet
be solved.
i ri. ami.
KII7 Wst HruailiM.
Decides la Favor of Ditch. '
ONAWA. la.. Nov. 21. (Special Tel--'
gram. The hearing on the big Moii'iiiH-
Assoclation hospital. The bullet, which j ,tarr"i,n "l,c c-"e was concluded today
eotM i o' be located by jnlinj. entered the :",ter days' session, and the Board of'
right side ui tlie edg. cf the fl rD I Supervisor decided that the proposed ditch'
!' The wound is rot recsirtly fntil, but'1 ,cl"! l" to tn pub'h.- health, o;i-
( Wolfe w4 auffering sevrre.y frcm ll. a j ver..nre and welfare of the cimnunlt;..;
heck and his vcndli-n was ton He ed to I "'h,"h rtually establNhei the .Itch, al-i
U- cilticul In the . ktreme At the hoepl al l'""''h -r,,l,n other .steps are neceirury. j
he i-nrtly reir-li -d consciousness hut nn rhe wt r: ', r eaided us t he most Imp ji tat.t :
We Give Thanks
rECAl'bK theia tre lots of p--. pl who liavu mont-y in lbs bank.
I'.FX'ACHK there ure lots of piop'e looking for ).! investments
ItKC.Vl'BK we have properties nettl.ig iro;n h per cent ti 1) Fer cent annually.
IILt'Al'SK we have some ro-.y cottage, all modern.
I'F.CAl'SK our prices aru ilgat, terms light .oral Inns right.
:iKCAV8H we suld $H,2i worth of property !;.l week. -
UKCAl'BK here Is some goi.l st.iff tint must t.e sold:
"3.5O0 i '.'4 Smith Uth si.; two-stcr.' I u ii, tea :oo:r.s,
mi:ll luiru. Items for X.V..0 .
;:.( lis atutxman si. ; modem c.;i. n ,-e rooms, g. bath, close i
street. Mn hx-atiou I'.i -it. for ItH-O!.
. 15 Avenue D; cotiige, three rooms, come:- Int. god location, sixe of lot Hxl
feel. Cheap. .
.Ort liW Avenue 11 : frame hou-e. fi rooms, corner lot, site 44x110 feet
Improvement that has been commenced in
Monona county. The ditch, with cut-off
of Little t'loux river and without literal
Which have he?ll rtrirker r.ut ! a.nm , i o.l
to costi rJIk.OOl hy Government Exp'rt ti- j
j Uott and Knglnee:- Fessenden. The laterals
; wen- er'imaled at f-'O.Cu'). The evidence in
I the hearing ha been very lengthy, about
thirty witnesses being cxa-mlned for etl
; tloners and thres for the objectors. More
i Interest ha.-i been taken in ihe matter on
the west aide of the county than on any
prnosltin presented for yiars.
Ditch Suit Resumed at Oniin.
ONAWA, la.. Nov. 24. (Special.) The
hearing of the Monona coi'nty Board of
Supervisors !n the big Monona-Harrison
ditch case was resumed with all parties
Mitchell Vincent, civil engineer and rail
road contiuitor of Oinuha, Is on the stand,
ills examination Is very lengthy and thor
ough and conducted with a view of dis
crediting some of the ttgures and data fur
nirhed by R. S. Fessenden. engiiiL-cr of the
proposed ditch Jude Addison Oliver, the
principal objector, who claims $W.0W In cose
the ditch is established, is the r.ext witness
and his examination will lake ome time.
While this hearing is on the ditch case of
E. C. Smith of Omaha against Monona
county to resist collection of tax on the
Woodbury-Monona ditch, is on trial In the
district court before Judge Hutchison.
Residents of (ieorgln Plead (lallty lo
Peonage nnd Herri ve Sen
tence. SAVANNAH. Ga., Nov. 24.-In tho United
States court today Edward J. McRee,
Frank McRee and willln
dosta entered a plea of colli v in
Indictments charging them with peonage
and Judge Speer sentenced them to pay ,v
fine of $1,000 In two of the cases and sus
pended sentence in the otheis. The lines
wir. be paid.
In sentencing ihe McRecs Judge Speer
said that In discussing the race question
In the south "some talk wildly and extrav
agantly of the shotgun policy, but they do
not represent the higher classes of the
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 24.-(Speclal.)-The
marriage of J. M. Cunningham ,and
Miss, Agnes MePherson was solemnized
Saturday evening at the bride' home at
Fllley. Rev. Mr. Martin officiating. They
will make their home at Llbcrtj-, this
county. . ,
Rain or n.,v with Warmer Prom.
Ised for en'aka. -Aid now
for lona.
WASHINGTON, No,-. U.-For Nebraska
Rain or snow and tr-nier In eastern
portion Wednesday
For Iowa-Snow Ihnrie Wednesday and
I-Vir Missouri-Pain or mow Wednesday
Thursday fait. '
Kqr North and South Dakota -Fair In
wttern. snow tSurrles in eastern porUon
Wednet-day, Thursduy .'air.
For Kansas-Fair Wednesd iy . xcept
enow or -rain In c-Bt rn -. ortlon.
For Colorado and .Wyoming Fair Wod
nesda y.
Montana Fjr Wednesday anJ Thursd-iy.
Loeal Record.
OMAHA, Nov. 24.-Official record of tem
perature and precltittjtion coniomeil with
tho corresj ondlng day u; th- last three
lC. l.T". 19". l'l'i
'-li 411 6? 34
23 3.1 .12 27
24 II 42 Si
.00 . 00 M
Maximum teinpernture
Minimum temperature
Mean temperature
Record of temperature and precipitation
t Omaiia fo. this dav unrl urn i vinroi. i
Normal temperature 3,)
Ieficltncy for the day "
Total excess since March 1 .u7
Normal precipitation .0:1 Inch
Excess for the day ,o inch
Total rainfall since March 1 32.04 Inches
Excess since March 1 3.0; Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19I2.. 2.10 inches
Deficiency for cor. period. ItHil . . G.i 4 lr.ches
Report from Mtatloaa at 7 I. M.
- -
Omaha, snowlnir
Valentine, cluudv
North Platte, chmdy
Cheyenne, clear ...1
Suit Lake City, clear
Kiiplil City, clear
Huron, cluudv
WUllston. cloudy
Chicago, partly cloudy
Pt. I nuid
Sr. Paul, clear
1 'Mvenport. clear
Kuimm City, cloudy
Havr clear
Heleeu. cloudy
Hlsnian ic. snnwing
fiulieslon, i.l. ht
T Imlh-'tes trsre of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Xocul Forecaster.
24! 2lli ,0H
24 1 2i; T
44! .0(1
41)! 44! .00
4; 62 00
2' 3 .mi
22' 24 1 .14
24 i 24 .III
2S: 2 .')
2S; 34 T
P.! 20 ,00
S 32- ,0i)
321 34 1 T
221 34' .00
24- 21 .111
! n4, T
Oil (Wi .00
scan mm$i$
And while not always painful nre appravating bejond expreiaion. With
few exceptions they are worse in spring and summer when the system bcyins
to tnnw out and the skin is
reacting and making ex
tra efforts to throw off the
poisons that have accumu
lated during the winter
months. Then boils and
pimples, rashes and erup
tions of every conceivable
kind make their appear
ance, and Kczcmaand Tet
ter the twin terrors of
skin diseases Nettle
Rash, Poison Oak and Ivy,
and such other skin trou-
I suffered with Eessma of the kjtnd
and face for ovsr a year, It was not only
annoying and painful but Tery nu
sightly.and X diliked to go out in ,h
I tried at least a closen oap ad
aire and became very dlscou. e.
until I read in the paper of the cure
performed through the use of B. S. S. X
had little faith al first but determined
to give it a month's fair trial at least. X
am pleased to state that! eoon noticed a
ma to keep it up. After the ns osix bottles my skin
wa a smooth and soft a a baby's. This waa a year
ago and I have never had any trouble since.
816 So. 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn.
bles as usually remain quiet durinjf cold weather, break out afresh to tor
ment and distract by their fearful burning, itching and stinging. A cour?
ot fc. b. . now will purify and enrich the blood, and
reinforce and tone up the general system, and cany
off the bodily impurities through the proper chan
nels, thus warding off the diseases common to spring
and summer. The skin, with srood blood to nourish
it. remains smooth and soft and free of all disfiguring eruptions.
Send for our free book on diseases of the skin and write us if you desire
medical advice or any special information. This will cost you nothing.
Chicago Great VJestern
Short LinetoSt.PanlandMinncapolis ,
The Electric Lighted Limited
leaves Omaha at 7:55 p. m.. Council
Bluffs at 8:20 p. m.; arrives St. Paul at
6:5s, Minneapolis at 7:30 the next
morning. Connection made in Union
Depot, St. Paul, for Duluth, Superior,
Winnipeg and all points north.
The Day Express leaves Omaha at
7:35 a. m., Council Bluffs at 8:00 a. rp.;
arrives Fort Dodge at I2:i0 p. in.,
Mason City at 2:50 p. m., St. Paul at
7o8 P- ni., Minneapolis at 8:10 p. m.
The Fort Dodge Passenger leaves
Omaha 83:25 p. m., Council Bluffs
at 3:50 p. m.; arrives Fort Dodge at
8:00 p. m. The two-preceding trains
make best time to Minden, Harlan,
Kirkman, Irwin, Botna, Manning, Car
roll and intermediate points.
All trains leave. Omaha ' Union
Depot and Great Western Station, cor
ner Main Street and Ninth Avenue,
Council Bluffs.
For further information apply to G. F. Thomas, General Agent,
1512 Farnam Street, Omaha, or 3$ Pearl Street, Council Bluff.
1 1
1 p -1
' I'M
Iff- P. -VT' J
The Ree Building
I noted for the cxeellonoe of Its iinil-
tor sei'vlct. lu fact, the best any otlipf
Omaha ofllce bulldiufr an claim 1 Unit
"it li ns Rood as the wrvloe In Tho Boo
UulUling." Tho llco Uullilliis In the
sin ruin rl of office excellence in Ouiclni.
An office there isv a continuous our.t
ot satisfaction.
ROOM 300 This office U Immediately lr.
front ot the elevulor und Is sebii imrneUi
atfly un atepvlDK out of the elevator
It is a large, lunduome office, tacts the
Mouth and Is considered one ot the loose
desirable offices in the bulldliiK. A prlvutu
office will be partitioned to null tlm ten
ant. If deflred. This office will be vacated
lor occupancy January 1st. Price per
mouth SJ7.SO
ROOM SIS Pltiasaut room with (nod
and was lecmtly decorated. Thl room is
a very pleasant office both winter and
summer. The rent includes llhl, heat,
water and Janitor service. Iti-uliil price
per mouth $17. SO
KOOM i06 This Is the only larj?f room
In the 'mllding vacant. It faces Karnani
street and Is as handsome a room aa the ir
is in tho buildin. The suite vouxlKts ot
a waiiliiK room and two private offices,
so that it would be admirably willed for
iwo professional men. It has u lutKa bur-Klar-proof
vault and is u mont doHinililf
suite of olllceu In every roHpoct. Keuml
price per mouth SSO.OI)
C, PKTEIIS 4k. CO., Heutal Aunili.
Cirouad t'loor.
The Bee Unlldlna.
clo-t, bath. in. curner lot.
shade, paved
Par'i tor III, ore.
la.. Nov. 21. ( .
$T1 T2 Avenue U. coitaii?, lour rxims, water In kitchen
JX.UII. Well I.K jtci.
rr.iM'eni rotnge
J'tia f:e .
IJ.Omv-Iinj Sixth Avrmir
lots, on cor no". Hi?.:
H.!" Tui Boiilh 241 1 Siieoi; citi.n!
int. A ioit liutiin. Siie HnlM.
Jl.Sf" HW Aenne t": r HI.ikc Hvr
Lot flM foil l:ein lor f I)
Kents for
shade. Rents for
six rooms, city water, bath, fine lawn, two
, six rootrs. cellar, closets, well, clKieru, corner'
r Minis, clonrls, wsler In kitchen, cellar, vhsde.
101 Pear! Street.
Telephone 96
Sam C. Eirchard. one of the best known
conductors on the R u k Island, formerly
leiiidlr.f at Atlinilc and for -vveral yearn
living In and running out ot ttLi city, to lay
i-oinmenc-d a sn't for dlio r from 111
wife. aTeilug des-il-jii. They were mat
rled twenty-three years ago n have three
children. To all appearances their ma-iied
life had been a happy cne and their friends
were surp"l.ed when they separated a few
days ago.
Delays I n ;alhrrlaa.
LCKAN. Is.. Not. --8ecia'.V-. The rtrsi
snow of I ho season Is fallins here. It be
gan during the nlghl and has now ira l ed
a depth of about tWo ini-tve. The su.rm
waa unexpected and wul hbvler eora iraih
ring caaaiderabi'. J "
Great Day la Cedar Kails.
I'EDAR FAI.IA la.. Nov. S4.-(8peciaI.)
Preparations are complete for the dedica
tion of the lineat Odd Fellows temple In
the stale of Iowa, located In tills city and
owned by the local lodge. It was built a
year ago at a cot exceeding: tto.000. The
building Is constructed cf stone a;id pressed
brick and is modern In every particular. No
formal indication was held when U wus
completed and the coming function will be
elaborate. Invitations have been Issued to
lodges all over the state and many are
expected to be present. Business will be
practically suspended that day ta Join In
t re'ebration.
I-fcJ J
V. M. C. . Balldlaar tor frti.
OSKAl.OOSA. Is.. Nov. M. (Spedal.l
The Consolidation Coal company laxt night
ilcidcd to erect a $ il.l) Young Men'
fhri.-tian asscK-iatUn building at Buxton. H
w:ll be the ttrst of the kind In the world lo
be occupied and managed by negroes.
glaMwzre to le mott
apprecialed hould be
Up-to-date dealer
keep it. See trade
Bark label.
limllllllln) m I 1 II n mtmmmmm m fm-mi,
Chicago ma 70
and Return aJw
l.aad IsoiMar laearitarate. I
jA N. la.. Nov. :. flpeial. The Bel- !
Irs ml Cedar and Land timjunj of Miirourl j
Valley filed article of Incorporation at the
office of the Harrison eoiuity recordar to-
Tit.'', KllUf ritkl. aV4i 4 lUfMi i
ftliJ HiMil-rll bfal.
Wf '! ,cAtU ft It Krvof ,
K.uf ritki. av& aiUKMi l Urt; to'A L. n.u4
nui . -M ;" vu iu iv '"if. tu
stand System
lickett on Sale Hovctnber 28th to 30th
Inclusive. Return Limit, December 7th
City Ticket Office
f 1323 Farnam Streat, Omata, Kel),
J F. P. Riitsirtsri D. P. A,