If; THK OMAITA PAITT TIKK: VKIhWIA V. NOVEMBER'S.". 1003. ff! ui i mrvuav Men'g Tine Neck- Wkr for thanks J Riving" M Si5gjajsfor Thanksgiving Wear New "Assortments of Kid Gloves at 59c IliMt'iit xliitni'iitw of In tost stylo KM tilt-nog ilinl lnno Just nrrlvod will rnko today th groatc-st KM Ulnvo dny f tin- wwww. Tlif iipwrr.t flimlfH fr jt itt ami ovi-iimit vt ir. in tvlilto. iiphiI. iikhIp. tin- new -linmii.'ni hIiiiiIi'N iimiI ntnplf -olors--tnimy of tlicm Ml fV clove nrc real kl1 lo'itln,i,-yonr Hmicf of thou- mt J' sand of iiiiir lit 50c Wool Golf Gloves at 29c 29c Lace Turnover Collars at 15c 15c Nice warm Wool (Moves for ladles, raises and children in ehUo. blaok. yray and fancv colors, . all wool, fifty-cent, quality, today al ii i lu'.'i y' I,!icn 'olliti'H nml Turnover Silk Kniliroiilcml ro'inin will five h d.finty oiu li ton ThnnkHnlvIng c.iKttimo: nil new (lcsl-iiis; they nro woitl' as lilijh ;;.i njilwp today at Ladies' & Children's Underwear Ladies' Underwear, Iu fine cotton and heavy fleece line'l, also part wool, in all eizee, 29C"39C"49C Misses', Children's and Boys' Underwear, heavy fleece lined and all wool vests, pants aud drawers, all IKp.lQp I sizes, worth up to 75c, at -JL",J7C A Special Sale of Mercerized Waistings Fine white and fancy colored Mercerized Waistings, an immense showing for today, the same waistings that have been on display in our show "fc g" window, sells regularly at 85c a yard, on sale today at a yard Advance NoticeTwo Big Saturday Sales X Sale of Fancy Plates, Cups and Saucers Wo nnnounep for atuidiiy n Rppclnl shIp of t1niiuiiier,B samples of Fancy Flutes, Cup" and Saucers. The Plates, which uru worth up to 50c, will all be Hold nt 10c The Cups and Hauccrs, some of them handsome Dresden after-dinner ware, worth up to 7oc, at lSc. A Sale of Pretty. Box Stationery The prettiest Stationery. In fancy boxes, every conceivable kind and Ktiiclc, will ba out on Bale Saturday, worth up to $2.50 a box. at 10c to4!)c. Announcements of the Theater.. . Tha returns of the boxing contest be tween Robert Fltsslmmons and George Gardner will be announced from the stage f the Orpheum tonight and should the oombat be a prolonged one the theater will If necessary be kept open for some time after the performance to get late reports. This will be done In response to a number of requests from people who take an In terest in the manly art. . This evening Rotwrt Edeson and com pany will repeat the success of their pro duction of "Soldiers of Fortune" at the noyd. It has been voted a hit In Omaha. This performance closes the engagement. " For Thanksgiving matinee and evening "In Old Kentucky." the great Jacob LIU production brought up to date In the mat ter of accessories will be the attraction. This play Is as fresh in every aspect as when It was first presented, and has always been considered a great holiday attrac tion. The engagement is for but two performances. Today. COMPLETE $1.00. Handsome decanter filled with fine Cali fornia wine, set of six glasses to match, 11.00. Only a limited number. See our window. We are headquarters for Thanksgiving beverages. 1IILLER LIQUOR CO., 1309 FARNAM ST. 622 N. 16TH ST. Throssk Boniest America. , . What Is recognised as the sight-seeing route of America the Pennsylvania reaches all . the large ' cities between St lxiuls, Louisville, Chicago, Washington and New York, vis: Indianapolis, the beautiful capital of Indiana; Cincinnati, ot pork- ' packing fame; Dayton, a city of Industrial thrift; Columbus, seat of Ohio's leglsla ture; Cleveland, the largest city in the Buckeye state. Pittsburg, the greatest iron and steel center of the world; Harrlsburg. capital of Pennsylvania; Washington, the nation's capital; Baltimore, famed for its oyster Interests; Philadelphia, among the leading manufacturing cities of the world, and New York, the new world's greatest business center. The New York route by fway of Washington, may be traveled at no Increased fare. M.15. Lincoln aad Hrtirs. Via Burlington Route. For the Illinois-Nebraska fool ball lame. Tickets on sale Nov. 'Ml good to return Nov. 27. f ' Train leaves at 8:50 a. m.V Returning, leaves Lincoln 6:0u p. m. Tickets, 1503 Far nam St. A. B. Ilulicrmunn. only direct diamond importer in the west, lath and Douglas. Srfin 1 Hums is filing a liavlland berry let 13.00. - S. R. Patten, dentist. McCague .building. Chicago and Retqts. Half Fare, Plus $2.00, November 28, 29 and 30, good to return December 7, via the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEB & ST. PAUL railway: Three trains dally from Union depot 7:65 a. m., the Daylight Limited; 6:45 p. m., the Atlantic Express, and 3:20 p. m., the Over land Limited. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1521 FARNAM ST. Horse covers made to fit your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney streets. OVERCOATS Our overcoat Bale has proven a Croat success. For $3.98 we sell a sightly coat. For $5.00 we have fancy gray Cheviot coats that have a stylish look about them. For $7.50 we offer Overcoats In different lengths that defy competition. We make a speclulty of a $10.00 genuine Irish Frlese Ulster that's the warmest thing you ever saw In the way of an Overcoat. Our line of Over coats, at $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00, can be compared only with the production of high price tailors. Fur coats from $tj.98 up. Also large line of sheep-lined Coats, Reefers and l isters. WARM FURNISHINGS Fleece-lined Undershirts, 25c. Jersey Gloves or Mitts, 16o. Ear Muffs, 8c. Wool Socks, from 10c up. Jersey Shirts, 45c. Men's Heavy Caps, from 26c up. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES Good Rubbers 5tx-. Fleece-lined overshoes 96c. Men's Legglns, 46c. German Sox, good heavy ones, at 50c also a full line of Men's shoes, at much less In price than reguh shoe stores we sell you the same shoes that shoe stores ask you Ili.OO. fur $1.50 extra good values at $2.00 und $J 50 our shoe department Is in the basement. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519 and 15l'l Douglas. SSI Ladies' Hom3 Journal Christmas Number Out Today Also The Cenlury.. HENRY, He Sells It Opposite New York Life Building At 1615 Far nam Street. i iv lilii ifv VVt " -1 iOd MRS. J. BENSON. Children's Coats We've jjot a very xpular liue of children's 'coats, from 1 year ujj to 10. Colored coats from 1 year uj. Among- the most popular is a coat of nice 4iiuJity, all wool sacking, lined and inter lined pretty cape, collar and llishop sleeve, price for '2, 3 and 4 Tear. 2.87. Same si vie of coat trimmed with velvet. 3.23. One of our best selliuj; coats is made of Milton cloth, poster stole cape, satin biudin, colors, brown, castor, cardinal, 4 and f years, S and 10 years, fl.T.K Handsome coats of kersey and other pretty tlotlia at higher price. 1 lis rrnnnnnnri(rij MM We Close Thanksgiving Day nt 12:00 Noon. ORDER EARLY. GREEN TRADING STAMPS With All Purchases. Women's Suits ThrZl,Xrd' THREE EXTRAORDINARY OFFERINGS: SUIT NO. 12300 Material, fine wool serge; trimmings silk braid and buttons; style, Louis XIV; colors, blue, black, brown; value, well worth $12.50 O sale price O.C-JVJ Si;iT NO. 731)3 Material, fine zibeliue and good cheviot; trimmings, taffeta bands and silk braid; style, Louis XIV; colors, blue, oxford, black and brown; value, made to sell at n;.:.o 11 QQ sale price 1 1 e v SUIT NO. 12(R;0 Material, fine cheviot; style, I.ouis XIV; extra long, box pleats; trimming, silk aud silk braid; col ors, black and navy; value, f 22.50 1 Est sale price ..yjyj I1LACK SATEEN PETTICOATS We have just closed out all the unsold lots iu the great Arlington factory, New York city close to two hundred dozen, all at nearly half price they are now on sale at 89c, 98c, $1.10, $1.19, $1.25, $145 TWO GEMS FROM THE HORSE SHOW! Our cloak buyer has just returned from attending the great International Horse Show at New York, and has brought with him two elegant evening wraps, copies of the prize winners of the Horse Show. They are: THE PRINCESS Made 'from finest broadcloth in a new champagne shade, lined with shell pink taffeta silk, and has a deep cape of hand-made Irish lace, double in verted pleats to give fullness to the half-fitted back, price 4J,"Tt-J THE COUNTESS Made from the best quality of broad cloth, shade white, lined with white taffeta silk, deep cape of hand-embroidered open r" w applique and burnt orange velvet, price. MILLINERY 1 MILLINERY! A Genuine Thanksgiving Surprise. Silk nap beavers that sell for $3.00 untrimmed, all trimmed in beautiful materials, such as mirrored tilk, vel- A Qft vet and ostrich plumes, worth $8 and $9, for. . . nr. A limited number of Gage hatsclose fittiug in back, high roll on sides and front, made of braids in brown, O 7 C white and oxford mixtures, that sold for $0, for. Om 1 I A German beaver bat, bent in a pretty and becoming shape, trimmed with 35 loops of silk, 1 Uii . marked to sell at fS.00 for. THANKSGIVING MONEY SAVERS New and fresh Groceries at the Lowest Pos sible Prices. Big Sales Now Going On. FREE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. TEL. 137. T.'needa Biscuit, package Baked beans. S lb can Catsup, bottle Chile sauce, bottle Olives, bottle...."......' Imported sardines, can Salmon, 1 lb can French mustard, glasa and spoon Maple sugar, per lb Neutrtta, with silver plated ,( spoon, package Breakfast cocoa, lb can Gulden syrup, I lb can BITTEHS RECEIVED Dl DAILY. Tresh country butter, per lb... Medium sour pickles, pint ,...3Hc 10c 8c lOo .M...8c 10c 10c lOo ...12HO 10c 13c ...12o BEIT .16c ..6c CASPV DEPAHTMEXT. SPECIAL OFFER. O'Brien's world renowned Monte Chrlsto chocolate creams, 1 lb box........ 600 lb box 28o Samples to taste free. Mixed candles, per lb Wc Gum drops, per lb So Carroels, per lb 12V4c Chocolate cream cakes, package. ...So NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLI DAYS. Vienna bread, shoes, hams, chick ens, ducks, turkeys each up from 60 THANKSGIVING CROCKERY. VIM .9.75 llavilaud & Co's 100-piece white Kausou shape dinner sets, for JUST PRICE THEM ELSEWHERE. Johnson Bros'. 100-piece blown blue English n.ti.folnin dinner sets, for.... Cut star tumblers, cheap at 30c for this sale, 20C each Fancy colored banquet candles, 1q each "L Nickel plated round wick burner lamps, regular ftOr 92.00 values, complete in every way M, w From 9 to 11 inclusive we will sell No. 2 heavy brass uurnere ior, t-mu.... Fancy German 7-piece berry sets. 35c ... I n J.l. Kvervtning new, c tin "i Q No seconds, job lots, or goods forty years behind the times. factory Samples S CARVERS. W bought up the i ravelins; men's sample of a big cutlery bouse. We pot a bargiilu on tlieiu and we'll offer them for Thauks Ifivlng at FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. CARVERS AND BREAD KNIVES llijfb. fciade goutta genuine' stag handles. Ivory bundles, cellu loid, rubber. iri-e. Uj frui $1.50 This is a riiutiuic opiioriunity to j;-t u carver that'll do food w?r-ce. SCULLER & MUELLER Manufacturers of High Gride Pianos. 1313 FARNAM ST. TEL 1625 7 If oo nre looking for High Grade 11 a no. nuiv is the time to make your selection, before the holiday rash. Ir Pln a fcnmll deposit doni we nlll reserve onr piano for Christmas delivery. Intll December 1st we will offer new Stetnway, Schmoller A Mneller, Meek, Vose, Emers'on. Hard man, E. II. Chase, Steaer and thirteen other makes at a great reduction from the regular prices. J. P. llala Upright 4tOn good for beginners ipVtl Everett ebony case plfciJ Chiokerlng ' ClfE large size ipliJ Hallet A Davis CIRSt best style i q!OtJ lvera a Pond good condition C'lOS big bargain kJJOACJ Kimball Haby Grand Cen fancy oak case ipoou Knabe Concert Orand $425 PAYMENTS, $10 CASH AND S5 PER MONTH Square Pianos, If'Jtl, UU(, JlUt and up. Urttnnt, i (nd op. Illnstrated CataIoa;ne famished free. Call or write. We Invito yon open a credit account with us. Satisfaction icnnrtnttrd or money rrfuuiled. rUHfiLLEB amUELLER (INCORPODAIECl) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE -RETAIL PIANO S main houii no orrict: taia rt rACTortv: F"wat TCLEfHONK 1S28 OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB CO. BLUFFS, I A ia a. iith t. I eoa moo TIL TSS I MS 1 " J Regent SNOW SHOES Wear ON I MOD shoes and you will never be worried with cold feet.. The shoe for solid comfort, elegance, econ omy, style and fit. A guaranteed bargain. The Shoe For Entire Satisfaction. Always $3.50a$2.50 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. THINGS OK BBAl'TT. Things of sen-let i Things of merit Things sure to CH-liyht a p ibuii of tuxla lire the things we dral in. .. Sleds AT BENNETT'S Attention, Boys! Attention, Girls! Our full line nw ou tlis play. lliU shmls . girls' sleds, boys' sletls. elinper slttls, lHack Iteauty sleds every kind of sleds. I'rit es right. 2nd rlor. Don't be disappointed if oar phoue operator asks yon to wait lO or 15 minutes whea you order a Are pot,- or a set of linings for your stove. Facts are, we do not have SCO or 2(1 men setting- la cushioned chairs waiting; for your orders. Our men are all oat at work aad : when you order work aire as a ' little time to get aronad to , our bouse, aud if liahy Is not too Ick or your cold la sot too trrlnua or grandma's rheu ! uiatlsm.is not too bad. we can ukually get tbem tomorrow. If I ou are worse aud mast have it . today we will telephone some ! well customer to null aaother i day and try aud grl to your house at once. I OMAHA STOVR HKPA1R WORKS, -Telephone tMR). 1207 Douglas St. FLEAD THE 0 .3n ro AD ON PAGE 13 M . ! ---- I Lid mm TUg HKLIABLK fH' Wonderful Coupon Sale Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and Talua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other ho" east or west can or will offer such values. We Will Close at Noon on Thanksgiving. Special Vaisting Sale We will placs fin sale for Wednesday In our Mgh-gTade Wash Goods Di-partment. the largext and finest line of Mercerised Vestlngs ever show In the city at the fol lowing competition killing prl's. Choice of our finest Vestlngs, the SI and $1.25 grades, all new stylish fabrics in white and colors price for this RQr sale per yd Ofk. Your choice of 200 pieces Fancy Vectlngs and Mercerised Waistlngs. Penuilful fabrics, and styles In colors. All nfw. per yd ....v.nQ Wednesday's pHoe w 6,fl yards of hlitok .18-lnrh Veloiir, for Jacket linings, skirts or s Kplendld Kliirt waist fabric. A beautiful, full Mnte IjUstrous finish. Ileal vhIiiu 76c, and a great bargain Wednesday, at Iflp per yd OVW Wool Dress Goods. Specials for Wednesday. From 9 to II a. m. We will sell nil wool imported printed French flannels, the reg ular 75c grade, aud only one pattern to a customer, at 24c a yard. IN OMAHA'S GREATEST DOMESTIC ROOM. Arnold's Eclipse flannelettes, the best goods made, at 7ie. 3G-inch percales, extra weight, at 5c. Mulhausen, the heaviest fleece lined goods made, fine styles, re duced from 25c a yard, to 10c. Royal German blue prints, the regular 6Jc grade, at 4Jc. Other bargains in this room. ON WEDNESDAY Big Sensation in ilBJIEW S5.00-FIVE DOLLARS-$5.00 Trimmed Hats 81.00 -One Dollar -81.00 HATS TRIf.ir.lED FREE OF CHARGE. Ilaydcn's Thanksgiving Grocery Specials 21 lbs. fine granulated sugar for Sl.ofl Ijirge sacks white or yellow cornmeal.Uc Large sacks pure Uraham flour Zc 2- lb. package self-ilsing pancake flour.. 7'4o 1-lb. package Imported macaroni jTHo Ijtrge bo, ties pure tomato catsup 4i Iarge bottles Worcestershire sauce 7V4C Iarge bo ties fancy mixed, swe t gherkin, onions or sour pickles, per bottle 8'4o Pure fruit Jelly, per glass 60 3- lb. cans Boston baked beans s'.ys I'ure Fruit Puddlne, Jellycon, Broman- gelon or Jell-O, per package JSiO The best mince meat, per pu-kage 7Ho Force, Vigor, Vim, Neutrita and Malta- Vita, per pkg TMrO 1-lb. cans fancy Alaska sulmon c OH or mustard sardines, per can 4'4c The best corn starch, per package 60 Pure Ohio maple sugir, per cake l2Hc Fancy mixed lemon, orange ana ennui peel, per lb t u ro-A ltHltun tirtnies. Der In Fancy California peaches, per lb... Fancy cleined English currants,.. Iarge Mucatel ral Ins, ier lb 26c .. 6a .. s'to .. 8o .. 10c Fancy Fruit Specials. i Large, juicy Florida Russet oranges, per dos Fancy mixed nuts, per lb... .4 U"4c; Fancy Bellnower apples, per dog 1S0 California honey, per rack lie Fresh roasted peanuts, per measure,,,, tc Fancy California figs, per pkg 6n Iare, Julev lemons, each 1o Fancy Cape Cod cranberries, per lb 10? PCil-THV. TS.OOO Pounds at far Dressed Tur keys, Ducks, Geese sad Chick- eus at the Following; Prices. Turkeys, per lb 19Hc I ucks, per lb , , i'Jo Oeese. per lb ' .' U"o Oysters, solid meats, per ill.. Michigan celery, per bunch.... HAYDEN BROS. ji MM n?rn 0 L2)uivly OUR STORE Will ba closed all day Thanksgiving day-as it Is our custom every year. This gives our employees the whole holiday, which they deserve. Do vour trading and call for your work Wednesday to avoid disappoint ment. Look for tha name. t 5. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. 1116 Dao-rU Straet. () Si and Ry Vfl'l klliiu- Ki Wfll ki liiiru WWI' 1,. ..AM no Hi had to hike, und KV SAW bl GOIN" BY; Ry aske-l Ki. Why? 81 said, "My hoixe Ih lsnn-; he h.-is a nll In one of his f ootle:" By Hill, "Why rtt.n'l you uj TKRRA. (JI.Yt.'KRITK und draw it out?" Hi said, "Will It'." Itv mmH. Sure," and in two diiys Cy cciiheil to hiUe. If mii aunt to know more alwiut "TERHA flLVi EitlTK" ufk P.irie-, BycrMoii Ilo-.li. l-r Co., Oinahu'a piiwijerous pharniac -uil- il how. il.iu lli'1'n Mull Wiilxl;v-waut Ii? 04c gi.w I'urt- Cunidluu V.ilt Whn-ky 7.; - ? Ixallv- liromo ijiiinlno j.. 2r,c I'liinaretol Riuiranti-td cold cine iie li "m 1 1 1.! v i- s" TiHitn I'ltwuer.. l-i,- 11. ("I lmiitHiin Ti'ii.c- ?!c 1 i'Mrt Kirk's Dandruff Cure 75- fK- Bar-lit 11 I' 1 00 CiiiiiM-r Kiiliiev Cure-guurMiit-I 7.V xiwncv'i, 'anj:i. O'Bilvn's 1 lieoitile-. CUT PRICE URUO STOKE K T. YATE8. Pro liiib and Chicago fits., Omahu. 'I'honus T47 and 77. Mih sad N t.. bouih Osatha. i 'J'hons No. 1 All good Osiivarml any ala.a I in tiiLcr city. 10. Munscy's Xmas Number Out Today Also AleClurc' HENRY. He Sells It. '..riJrti Street. Oppoglte New York Life Bultdlnf WE HAVE SOLD QUANTITIES of our $3 20 Sterling Silver Teasp.ons. 1. , . Iron's Cambridge. Strashurg or lncastei, f.i.y prr In! dozen. Come in snd see them or wrlto for dialogue. uMji.wkxttte.y&Kytltj Co. Gifts for Hor Ladyship ,ctaP,r sVre'wV . bell pins gold thlmt.lef. gold bends, elephant hide suit case, Ward snin trav eling bag. ALBERT EDHOLIY., Jowoler. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH STRUT. CHRISTMAS GOODS We are well prepared to met the demand for the ho'May trade. In Jewelry, slivei useful snu mim-uYP n,.r... ... 'y uiiai-, iwui mm , rn., w. ( nw a anywhere l'r Hume iuuuiy gooum real DIUr-i: l"Xr line ussortmeni. SCIIAEFER'S P.. E. FL0DMAN & CO, Jewelers. 15,4 TCelp,.5ve The Evil of Christian Science By Dr. Jeme fl. Uray. 103 Per Copy. HENRY, He Sells It, 1619 Far nam street. Oppolte New York Life Bullainf