12 TITE OMATTA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 190.1. tut Poaltrr Prices. Fventy-f!va thnimnnil pound of our nun dr1 turkeys, duck., (scone and rtilckpn at tha fallowing pHif: Turkeys r pound. Vir; ducks per pound. l-'' r; gprr pr pound. l:''4c; oysttri1, F.'lld meat, per quart, iw; Michigan rrli-rj- pr lium-li, 5c. IIATDRS nuns. This evening hC lli llnyd Mr. Robert F.flrnon ami a splendid rompany of playnrs will prrsi-nt fur th first time In Omaha "Soldier of Fortune," n play by Augustus Thomas, Imsed on Klihard Harding Davis' novel of the name namp. In the novel Mr. M.ivls introduce n type if Amrrlcnn well known to ri'al life, but llitle known In (let Ion. Mr. I-Mrsnn gives life to till con I'ptlon mid renllrea what ha proven one of inn moat, popular of recent stugo cre ations. The play tell the story of the Houth American revolution which riny the engineer, and . Mf-WIIIIams, hi assistant, thwarted, i ml also tell of how Clay fell In love with lloiw I.anifham and finally won her. The engagement for two night only. Koushy'a brilliant electric spectacle, "In l'Hrls," reproducing scenes at the French f expedition and some) other line cfTecU la making a tronr Impression on end start ing lirphciini patron to talk thl week. Tho novelty, Ingenuity anil beauty of the production are distinguishing u well ns pleasing anl Judging from the laigu pro imrtioit of the uiidiencea It is going to provo one of the best drawing cards thl aeaBon. The demand for fit lings for Thanksgiving day, matinee and night, la iiuuauully big. ."Rolwrt Kmmet" wa piesented by J. AVe;y Itoscnqiiest'H admirable company to another large and ent Imalistlc audience at the Krug theater last night. The local An cient Order of lllht rnlnna shares in the -re- cIptH for the balance of the Kobert Em met c ngag 'inent, which closes with matinee and night performances. The ir Khort Line of the Chicago lirrst Western Hsllimr Offers two finely equipped train dally from Omaha and Council muffs to fit. Paul and Minneapolis. The Flyer running every night to the Twin Cities 1 unexcelled for P"ed and comfort. The Pay Express I the best train for Fort Dodge, Mason City and Austin. For further Information apply to OKOItOB F. THOMAS, tleneral Agent, 1D12 Farnam at., Omaha, Neb. During November A handaomo water color photograph of yourself Included free with each order of $3 or over. , Omaha's brat water color artist tloea the work, insuring the quality being the best. Stonecypher, photographer, J312 Fornum street. B. R. ratten, dentlat. Mrcague building. 1)1 KO. O .WIN Mary Nlmmo, aged 77 year, at 1 o'clock p. m., November 21. Funeral from residence of her daughter, Mrn. J.. Richard, rtxit7 Seward t., Tuesday afternoon, November 24, at 2 o'clock. In terment at Forest Uwn cemetery. Friends Invited.' lMweased leaves three son, James and Alexander Gavin of Portland, Ore., and 'William Gavin, and one daughter, Mrs. J. Richard, t Omaha. Now we know You n re inter ested in a, win ter suit or over coat and you are going to be mighty eor ry that you didn't look over our 1,800 patterns some days ago; but never mind, we can make you up one in three days and make it right, too. Not made for anybody, but just made for you. Then you'll have the benefit of it this zero weather. Special xero prices on suits $29. $25. $30 and $35. Over coats, $20 to $50 209-211 South !5th St. FRED PAFFENRATH, Msnajer. 'OP Two Soles To the Heel A broad toe, foot-form last with low flat heel, for the men who must be out doors. Whlld they ara so practical for snotorman, policemen and mechanics, they ara Just as practical for the bunlmwa man having the sains stylish appaaranca as the Jo 00 shoes. Two eulea t heel wide extension edge sail cloth lined and first qual ity of box calf. Ouly (ISO. DilEXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Streit. Omaha's UD-to-Dt Shot Houi x.4 II B HI! . V J L Children's 75c Dresses, 29c Cashmere, imitation French flannel, check and plaid 1 materials braided trimming and handsomely made up, ages 1 to 5 years on sale Tuesday, main floor, at lff J W Children's $350 Dresses at $1 Made of storm serges cashmeres in , blues, reds und Irmcnsthe Peter. Thompson's sailors and one. tiitce. sUAes handsomely trimmed and silk mbroidcrtd age's I to 14 years L on sale at o I $2.50 Flannel Waists, $1.25, U reds, blues, .1.25 Immense lot of French Flannel Waists in reds, blues, browns and greens in all sizes, the very latest styles maini floor, at $1.25 and $1.50 Panne Velvet at 59c Yard-1.000 yards of silk panne velvet, bought from an Importer, in beautiful evening shades, rose, white lilac, irreen, champag-ne, blaclc and many CSQ, street shades worth 11.25 and $1.50 yard, at OC Danish Cloth at lOo Yard The popular Danish cloth f In waist and skirt lengths on sale at, yard.. ..' IdC Sale of Blankets for Tuesday Blankets at 59c Pair Big heavy cotton fleeced Mnnkets, tiniH and Rriiys, worth .S5c, at, pair 59c Blankets at 98c 25 cases of very larjie and heavy fleeced cotton blankets, white, tnn and mottieu, worm si.;!, pr '.98c Blankets at $1.39 Pair Extra heavy fleeced cotton blankets, full 11-4 size, In white, gray, tan and mottled, n $1.73 blanket, 4 -' at, pair IiO 7 Fine Wool Blankets in white, grey or scarlet, full 1 size and very heavy, not a pair worth less than four dollars, at y 2.98 Fine Wool Blankets, full 11-4 sis e in white ' or gray, nice soft fleecy goods, very heavy and worth $5.00 a pair, at 3.98 About 350 Pairs of Elegant Wool Blankets in white grey and tan, all extra size and weight from the best California and Oregon A O Q mills, worth up to $7.50, at, pair 4yO 21. . Pvnntttx ons?f. "JC. Ptnnbei & Pont IflBQsG o)Ppnpr Thanksgiving Sales Arc On. Order Early! GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES . We Close at Neon Thanksgiving Day Order Early THANKSGIVING GOOD THINGS All the good thinga in the grocery line sold here, at lowest prices. Uneda Blar.ults, lflr 3 packages IVIO Uneuda Biscuits, 1i per package i Mlncomwit, Rlr package , OjO Plum Pudding, ' Qq Preserves, f 1 lb. Jar VC Ollv, r bottle ; VC French Mustard, Ifin glass and spoon IvIC Maple Sugar, 01. per lb lJC Worcester Bauce, tf,. bottle IUC5 Pickles, assorted, buttle , VC Peas. y 2-lb. can C Tomatoes, 4fi, S-!b. can 1UC 2-lb. can IUC 10c 10c Oatmeal, 'i lb. package Pancake Flour, 2-lb. pkg. ...... Lemon Extract, C bottle .ft. HEADQl AHTISRS FOR TEAS AM COFFERS. B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder and Knglteh Breakfast tea, 'IRi per lb OOO Coffers Fresh Roasted. ' Santos Coffee, good drink. per lb. ..12c Bennetfs Capitol Coffee, Ofin best, per lb : Full Line of Spices. Batters Received Direct Dally. Fresh Country Butter, I fin per lb Bennett's Capitol Creumery, Ofn per lb A tit. Medium Sour Pickles, C, pint r 50c CAKDY DEPARTMENT. D. 3. O'Brien's famous and world renowned superior chocolate creams. SPECIAL OFFER. Monte Chrlsto, 1 lb. box Monte Chrlsto, OSln half lb. box Samples to taste free. Mixed Candles, fi, per lb IUu Oum Props, pT !b Caramels, I2C per lb Chocolate Cream Cakes, package Novelties fur the holidays, each, EL., up from f KiAlt DEPARTMENT. To Interoat ye smokers. La Belle Creole Invincible slxe, three for.. "" Helen Gould, loo cigar, Panetelas Qc shape, each Helen Liould, Kte cigar, Pane- '"J yjt telHS shape. 50 for XJtttJ A few clear Havanas, 25c Tuesiay, only, each i- 10e Our Special TharksKlvIo; bargains advertised In Sunday's Papers are coo J for tomorrow's trading. This advertisement contains bar gains on top of them. The whole store Is ablaze with Thanksgiving bargains. H YOU WILL HAVE REASON To be thankful If you use one of our Carving Beta lor your Thanksgiving turkey. Sterling silver handles. $11. Zj to IJi.uO; stag horn, t 50 to $15.00. 2tZVWttl2tHIZY&'IlYJl? CO. i UsXXXJ ! . )yrni i ad ! O i v. Vj. v I 1 I I X I f Charges Less Tfaaa AlliOtbsraT DR. McGREW SPECIALIftT. Treats alts rats el jjnWffif; Wonderful THIS HULIABLB STOHU. Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To Btill further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other houM east or west can or will offer such values. Groat Silk Sale Tuesday One lot fancy silks, In black, white, red, I5c green, tan and gray only, peT yard W pieces silk. In both plain figured and colored ap special, er yard S.0C 50 pieces Anthenla lining silk, In Mrk and all colors rn Ier yard OOC lou pieces finest crepe de chine ever of fered at this price Cft. ir y"4 , 09C pin- iitrvi novelty biiks ror Cfl walHts and suits, per yard DfC n n smmm Great Bargains in Sofa Pillows. 3.50 Sofa Pillows 1.98 Tuesday tnornlnir m- mill Ik. nr. ..I. 20 elenant silk down filled sofa pillows in all color and designs: iit'iruiar price x:i.oo I ni TucBrtHy for 1.3 JL00 ROFA Plr.T.OW SI Il ic ww These goods are complete, all' ready to put the pillow In, regular price $l.oo, oo sale Tuesday, at each HERE 18 A SNAP. Ladles' 15c turnover collurs each 49c 5c Arc You Going Home to Spend Thanksgiving? You ttted a Trunk, Grip or Suit Case I jTICl W AT T.Tri..ai.. x.rjifi.a . - - . . 1 . ... u i 1111 ...JT. Square top trunks covered with extra heavy canvas, heavy hard wood plats around hodv, heavy steel trimineil. brua plated Monitor lock, and truv with full sizes hat .box. worth up to $Ji.50, A tC Bult cases of full stock leather, "made on ,1""! inune, nnea wiin linen, heavy entlier hiinUles, bras spring lock nnd Hide catches, 24-inch sire, A Cft - r ...... . j .i, diiic ,ii q ....... 0 g 24 and 2fi-lnch ease, made on steel frame, coverea with enameled rubber cloth, linen lined, brans spring lock, sldn catches, regular price $3.00 I tn HHm Tiricn . . . . r-m mr ' . ........ .... ...... . . .V vn list's irom 40c to TV 15.00 Corset Special Medium lensth, 11-Inch, fine hook French clasp, 6 gore dip hip corset, for medium flRUies, boned with genuine whalebone, handsomely trimmed hose supporters on hip and front, color white and drab, onlv sizes IS to 30 O Cfl special price ....... O'wU mm ft I mi. nun ISllO DON'T FORGET IT That Christmas is almost here and you haven't se lected your gifts yet. Our store is full of suggestions. The handsomest line we have ever had to show you. You could ppend a few minutes and a few dollars very profitably In our store. look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician, 2 1116 Dautlas Strset. r Thanksfeivitig TURKEY AND CARVING SETS. We have the curving seta au elegant line. . Htaj? Horn . JiandleH, f2.50 up. Solid silver bundles. $10.00 up. Pearl handles, $10.00 up. BROWN" & BORSHEIM, 223 South 16th Street. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write for m Sample Copy. LOOK AT 'EM , And you know where to save money. Two (2) stores to supply and the largest out put of any drug store In Nebraska, tel'.s the tale. Uon't forget wo deliver any thing we sell any place In Omaha or South Omaha. $1,00 Caetarlne 0c $1.01) Norvlta 0o fiOc Nervlts, , 40c $1.0(1 Sexlne. Pills 80c $1.0u Swamp Root fcoc $!. ller's Malt Whiskey 64c $2.00 Chester's genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1 tl Butler's Female Kemedy guaranteed 75c pile size Dr. Mass Face Salve 2fc $1.00 prrlne want it? wic $1.00 Temptation Tonic 25c afic Mennen's Talcum Powder 12c 26c laxative Bromo Quinine 15c We have been marking down the prices of goods In our South Omaha store for three weeks got 'em Just the same now as In the Omaha store. MAYBE YOU CAN get some of "em as cheap elsewhere, but why? CUT PR1CB DRUQ STOkB SGIIAEFER'S E. T. YATES, Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 787. 24th and N Sts., South Om iha. 'Phone No. 1. All gooda delivered any place la either city. Men's Suits and Overcoats The best readyto-weof clothes ever made nro selling at lower prices here than you have time and again paid for the ord htnry kind. Listen to these prices. Read every line carefully. Men's $10.00 Overcoats, $7.50 Full long cut coats of neat all wool fabrics, with silk velvet collars, several styles to select from every one 1 Cfl the best $ 10 will buy in a regular way Von save.wU Men's Overcoats worth $13.50 for $10.00 Kersey and fancy mixtures, all wool, latest fall styles, satin sleeve lining, broad padded shoulders and full backs equal to most $13.50 to $15.00 coats. Men's $18. 50 Overcoats for $13.50 Full of warmth, style and wear We are glad to be able to offer these, because we know it would take from 5 to 7.r0 more to get as line elsewhere iu the city lie must be hard to please who can't find his f ! overcoat in this lot at 10. OU Men's $10.00 Suits for $7.50 Newest stylcH nre rcprogpntod nil wool fHsslinprps, chevlols, plain and fancy colors and almost cndloss variety of pattprna-ier-fectly tailored would rnsily sell for fio.isi, If tlmt were our price However, you pay $7.50 here Men's $13.50 Suits for $9.75 From two to four dozen suits of a kind. The iniiinifiiptnrer wanted to Ret rpndy for spring bunlnoHs ami win willing to nell tbem at any price. You'll be as anxious to buy as we were. The fabrics are best Im ported and domeKtlc worsteds and S'cotch cheviots, and tlio llku bent tailored, broad padded shoulders shape letninlng coals. Men's $18 Suits for $13.50 ' The best band-tailored styles, correct cut nnd elegant workmanship the finest of all wool worsteds and Scotch mixtures. There's nothing but satisfaction coming to you from an investment in such clothing. You expect to pay $3 more for such suits. 1 Make Your Thanksgiving Breakfast of JONES DAIRY FARM OUHTRY Delicious. Pure. Inexpensive. Manufactured from LiTTLE PlG POIl( of our own raising JONES DAIRY FARM, FORT ATKINSON. WIS. v Order today from . Gladstone Bros. Co. m Vitalized Air For palnleBB extraction or teeth is safe, pleaiant to take and leave, no bad results. Extracting - - - 25c Vitalized Air - - 50c Fillings - - - 75c TaiVs Dental Rooms 1917 Dorglaa Street. r FOR MII.ADT e MTi.t ahail It Ik 7 Why nut on of thus rut u,jni:.. cp-ra glasfs? . 'J'itey are brand now. 4 4 ... , . ww writs JiMniU 3? TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER )ul ! llaltar Tear. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER DISEASES OP MEN ONLY Mdlcl Espwt Eperl c ara la Oatata U Cam Carol TutamUi H;4rMia, Bla.4 roMui. sirinur. etaM, Kanoa. fxfclhlj. Las at airasla a4 Vllal feif aal all luraa ot liriu' aiani.i ) TaiBMia ay a..): iall ar arna. lat. 1 eJkaa a (la a la ac. a aa. Jm. -T A McAlc ' 1 MYaara'C 7k iavri -i fear M M If More W Did I you win a Prize h last ! week ! . ? $ Another chance 41 ar 200 more prizes A Tin o Misspe tea 1L Last week's contest excited so much interest that 200 more prizes are offered this week to those, who find the greatest number of mis-spelled words in our Want-Ad Pages. The contest starts with the issue of Monday, November 23 and ends with that of Sunday, November 29th. Read every want-ad carefully and get one of the 200 prizes. The Prizes S The Conditions ' The Prizes PrU Value let fiu.oo iu.uu 2nd 1 Dinner Set....- 10.00 3rd 1 Dinner Set 10.00 L iiL 1 Set "Uvlnf Anlmala of tha 41U World tfl, 1 Bet 'Lite of Napoleon" OIU throe vnluroca t y. 1 bet "Ufa of Napoleon" vlU three Volume. eriU 1 Copy "Great Kcturea by l Oieal Painter" .. oil 1 Copy "(jreat Picture by OIU Great Painters" QU 1 Copy ''Great Pic t urea by SlU oraal Paluters" 1tfV 1 Copy "Great Pictures by lUlU ureal Painters' 11 til 1 toP.Jr "Mo,har uK,e Paint 12tU 1 Coiy "Luther Ooosa Paint 13tU Lo.ry "Mother Qao; put 1.25 14th 'Motha'' Oo"painr"125 ISth ""Uth" ooa.'F.lni"" j25 16th to 25thn'Vii" k 12.50 26th to 35th iT'io P"1"' 7. 50 36th to 50th toro,M,r?i 15.00 5lBt to 200th ir- 75.00 6. 00 6.00 6.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.25 1.25 200 prizes ... .-. .170.25 The Conditions Tha parson finding- th Tatst nnmbar cf mla-spellad words vlll ba awarded tha first prize. In caae of a "tie", tha parson mail ing answer first, according" to tha postmark on tha envelope, will ba (Iran preferanoe. All answers must ba sent by mail. Cut out tha advertise menta and paata than on a abeet of paper. Underline tha mia-apalled word with a pencil or In k. and writ your name and address at tb a top of tha sheet No peraon connected with Tho Baa Pub lishing Company will ba permitted to anter this contest. No abbreviations will ba counted as mis spelled words. The l0a edition of Webster's dictionary will bo taken as authority. Cut out tha ada each day, mark tba mla spellad orda, past them all on a BINQLJB aheet of paper and aend tha wbola thins; In complete after you have atudled tha Sunday, November 2St.t edition. Don't send to your answer until tha and e t tha week ar tbay won't ba oounted- ' If a mia-apelled word occurs In aa adver tisement wcicn appears mora man once, put only on oopy of tb "ad" an your Uat. Send ail answers y mail, addrensed "Want Ads" Department, Omaha Dai B ee, Omaha. caw it