THE OMAHA DAILY" BEE: VI'ESIUY, NOVEMHEIJ St. 190.1 FOR REM" STORK AM) OFFICES. For Rent At a Bargain The large double store In llae Building, formerly occupied hy MacOarthy Tailoring Co. 16 feet plate Rial front, the only one of lt kind In Omaha. Present monthly rental, J17B. Will rent to . Ingle lennnt for fl-13 per month. Or will remodel Into two store. nd rent each store for ITS. Kxrellent location for men's furnishing otore, ahoe atore. Jeweler, milliner, etc. Kvery tenant of the Immense Hee Build ing. City llnll. Court Mouae and New York Life Building a poa alble patron. for further particular, ace MacCarthy Tailoring Company. 304-306 So l6thSt. FOR RENT, atoreroom and basement In g xvl location, particularly adapted for a plumber enow room and work room or a manufacturer with amilar reuulremcntH: P iwer furnlxhed If required. H. C. I'etera 'o.. rental agents around floor Hee mniaing. I M79I l-STORT and hnaement, 2ixli; 1005 Farnain at. Jnqulre 314 First Nat I Bank Hid. 1-511 FOR RKNT. three unuer ntorlea In four atiry milMIng at 1 Farnam at., two unries ir preterrea. Adilreaa C. i . Hose water. Bec'y., Room lug. Bee blil(r. I MIWI DO, IT NOW act' In on the GROUND FLOOR Klee eorner office with about KiO feet floor apace; quarter-an wed partitions; plenty of light; plenty ot heat In winter and cool In summer; Janitor aervlce. Several other nice office trom up. Hee ngenta. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON CO. ' In Room 2.1. v. 8. National, bank bldo. 1 MWI 24 FOR BALK HORSES, WACiOXS, KTC, ECOND-1LAND top buggy with rubber tiros, HO; runabouts. 111! and $16. Ander- stMi-MUiara co laitj-us capuoi Ave. lei V2i. F-U'TDDil NEW and 2d hand vehicle for aale; re pairs. . rost, wn ana Leavenworth. P-9J0 FOR SALE Two' fine trotting Dred tirood marea: one Ir faat. the Other a known pro ducer. Hplli registered and In foal to Red Heart l, f.vt (aire or unam tshot, J:"tS, Cein. aon of Red Wllkea. W. H. Pwlght, Le Wars, la. . P-M 6.3 HORSES bought and aold; also a good aet of hHrnea for a,ile. almost new. Little (Jem Htablea, 1718 Caea. P T12 J8g FOR RAT.R Horse; weight 1450; very g-n tie. Addreaa W' 41. Bee. P-9c0 24 MILK WAOON and buggy: a big annn. See A. W, Johnaon, with John Deere Plow. CO.- - P MX D13 W1STED-TO BUT. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away, j. ievine pay in mgneai casn price. ,1 .j aphoue 77i. ' N M213 WANTED,. 'a 'limited number of white rata anu mice, guinea piga. lerreta, raunita, 'fancy pigeona. In fact, neta and birda nl all kind. Pleaae give deacrlptlon of your Brock. Address ti. u. t redericK, Kearney, JNeD. N Aloifi .1 1 1 , u t , ; .. , WILL, pay cash for old upright aqua re pianoa ana organs gi.once. Address vv 1U, Be., , W flM BOOKS bought and aold. Room 82i N. Y Lite Qldg. Bhoufeld, the Anttquu-Wn. N 303 JJU V. DANCINQ ACADUMY. MR. AND Mr. Morsnd's 16th and Harney, adult .Tueaday fcnd Friday, p. m. ; as semblies. Wednesday: children. Saturday, 10 a. ra. and p. m. ; all dancea taugnt rapidly; private loxaona our specially, dally. Call or telephone 1041. CHAMBERS' New Academy. 24'4 Farnam. Adult beglnnera, Mondays and Saturdays, I p. m.; aaaembllea, Wednesdays, 8:3u p. m.; children beglnnera, Wortneadays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, i p. m.; advanced, Satur days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-U71; rea., A-1S71. -7U6 COITINKI, Theatrical cad masq. LJebert, WIS Par. COSTUMES or rent. Sack, MIS R. th St. U-M83I Deal FLORISTS. .HESS 8WOBODA. 1418 Farnam. -71 L,. HENDERSON, florist. 1519 Farnam St. -71 MEDICAL. VK I'l'RB blood poison In V to 10 days, pimples, sores, nervous debility In 10 to J days, nerve waste, brain fag. bladder dla ases, no matter how lung standing. Cook Medical Co., 110-113 8. 14th at., over Dally News, Omaha, Neb. Ottlce hours, t a. ra. to I p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 13:90 p. ra. 281 1)11 LIQUOR HABIT CURED In 3 days-pay when cured; no hypodermics. Write for booklet. Ciatlin Institute. 2Ui 8. 14th St. 4J D14 LADIES, our harmless remedy relieves without fall delayed or abnormally sup pressed menstruation. For free trial ad dress Purls Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED,- to borrow ll.IW, home money, at per cnt, on tnalde city residence property, renting for S309 per annum Ad dress W 2vi. Bee. Mbftl LOST, t LOST Automobile, red endgate; reward at Fredrlckaun's, lath and Capitol aye, Lost 7J0 27 LOST toadies' gold watch, hunting caae. . Between Hanscom Park and Burlington atation. Notify Dr. OilTurd s office, 4i7 Karbxch block, reward. Loat Mlol 24x FlRNlTtRB PACKING. Peterson Lundberg, lli 8. 17th. Tel. L-23M. 11-619 LOCKSMITH. C R. HEFLIN. 909 N. ltth St Tel. 1971 DETECTIVE. CAPT. T CORMACK, H7 Karbach block T. l. A3S32. Sjy TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tlckeU everywhere. P. H. Pnllbln, l&oi Farnam. 'Phone 7M 677 Ml'SlCAL. tUO. J. KELLY, voloe. Dsvtdge block. LITOVBKY ORCHESTRA. TeL L-Kbi. KLECTHICAL TREATMENT. Ulia. 8MITH. baths. Ill N. U. Id floor, r. t T-aaU Ua TORAOIS. sVM. Vaa Sior, Co., UU Faro. Tela lifa-ia,i WAITED FEMALE HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, luth 1 1 Dodaa. WANTED A good rook. Mr. T. J. Fog. C 625 era, UX Park a vs. THE SMITH PREMIER EMPLOYMENT liKFAKTMtM furnHhea stenographera without cha-ge. Tel. 1Zi4 or call at utiles, currier 17th and Farnam Sta. C-MU1 DT A COMPETENT OIRT.. for general house- work. In family ot three. W Maaon C M53S WANTED Olrl for general houaework at No. KTOl Dodge at. C M 66 WANTED, girl tor general housework. Mrs. A. luaey, &ii vnicago. u &s LADIES We teach halrdreaslng, manicur ing or facial maaage In ahort time; free clinic, expert Instructional amall wage from atari; toola donated, dlplomaa granted, poaltlona ftirniahed. Call or write partlculara. Moler CoMege. 13rrj Douglaa at. C MM9 T,x lM'IES made M.W a day. We want active lady worker everywhere to tnke order for our made-to-ordcr aklrla and coreeta. 'rlte for pArtirulara. American Pklrt Coract Co., 96 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. C M915 2Sx WANTED A cook. Apply 2fi1S Farnam 24 tret CAni'EXTKRS AND JOINERS. ALL k!nds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J, T, Ochi.'tree, Mth and Lake ata. TO WAITED ITlATIO. WANTED, young woman of refinement de alrea altuatlon aa houaekeeper in well ordered home. Competent, good worker. , Addreaa W 33. Bee. A MSiT i4x H.tXATORII'M. OMAHA Florence Stinitorlum. 'Phone Red 22r 1 blk. w. of car line. City "phone, J19J. City bath and maasage parlore. 2121 l.nke. fWS N29 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra alroke or two of the pen to mention the tact that you saw the ad n The Bee. POSTOFFltE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested, aa changes may occur at anv time.) Forelgti mails for the week ceding No vember a, 1903. will eloae (PROMPTS A" In all cases) at the tleneral Pontoftice aa fol luwa: I'AKCELS-POHT MAILS closo one hour earlier than closing time ahown be low. Parcela-Puat Malls for Germany close st 6 p. m. Monduy. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time ahown below (except that Sup plementary Malla for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 6:S0 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. KaiHer Wlllielm tier Uroaae, via Ply mouth. Cherbourg and Bremen; at 8 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Cnrpathla (mall must be directed "per a. a. Car pathla "); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. a. Nord America (mull must be dl- r- tnil "per a. a. Nord America "). WEDNESDAY' At 7:30 a. m. for NETH ERLANDS direct, per s. a. Staatendam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Staaten dam"): at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) f6 EUROPE, per s. a. Teutonic, via Queenstown). . TH I "USD AY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUOAL. TURKEY, EOY'PT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and I.ORENZO MAR Ql'EZ, per a. a. 1m Bretagne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. a La Bretagne") SATURDAY At a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. 8t. Pnul. via Southampton (mall for Ireland and letter mall for Liverpool must be directed "per a. s. St. Pao1"); at 7:30 a. m. (aupplementary 9 a. m.) frr EUROPE, per s. a. J.ncanla. via Queenstown; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Zee land (mall must be directed "per s. a. Zee- , land"): at 9:30 a. m. for. SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s. Furneaaia (mall muat be di rected "per a. a. Furneaaia"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per . s. Oacsr II (mall must be directed "per s. s. Oscar 11"). After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malla ramed cbove, addi tional Supplementary Malla are opened on tha piers of the Americnn, English, French and German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of, steamer. Malls for South and Central America, West ladles. Ke. TUESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. a. Silvia; at 9.30 a. m. (aup plementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except , Coata Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC p6RT8. per a. s. City of Washington, via Colon (mall for Guate mala muat be directed "per s. s. Cltv of Washington"); at 7 p. ni. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Cores a, from Philadelphia. WEDNESDAY A 11:30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. a. Catania, via Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro and Hantoa (mull for Northern Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay muat be directed "per s. s. Catania"); at 13 m. for CUBA, per a. a. Havana (mall for Mexico, via Progreao. Campeche and . Vera Crux muat be directed "per s. s. Havana"). FRIDAY At IS m. for SANTIAGO, per a. s. Jason (mall must be directed "per a. a. Jaaou"); at 13 m. (aupplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, per s. s. Santiago i mall for Mexico, via Tamplco, muat be directed "per a. a. Santiago"); at 6:30 p. . m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m. (aupplementary 9:80 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (molls for Suvanllla and Cartaeena muat be directed "per a. s. Philadelphia"); at 9 a. in. tor uhknaua, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per a. s Maraval; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE- ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A VANILIA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. A'ene (mall for Coata Rica muat be di rected ' per s. s. Alene j; at 9:30 a. in. (aupplementary 10:30 a. m) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH Gl'IANA, per a. a. Manoa; at 10 a. in. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10:30 a. m. (aupplementary ll:3o a. in.) fur 1NAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a. a. Adirondack; at 11:30 a. m. for ARGEN TINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Camoena; at 12:S0 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Curltyba, via Havana. ' Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., ; cept Transparlfle. CUBA Via Florida, closes at thla office dally, except Thursday, at 15:30 a. m. (the connecting malla close here on Wednes days and Saturdays via Tampa, and on Mondays via Miami). MEXICO CITY-Overland, unless specially addresaed for dispatch by steamer. cl.a at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. ana u:3u p. m. eunnaya at 1:00 p. m. and 11:80 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at thla office dally at :3u p. m. (connecting malla eloae here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thence by steamer, closes at thla office at g:30 p m. every Tueaday. By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer, doses at this office at 11:30 p. m. every Wednesday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence oy steamer, closes ai tins omce aally at ( 34 p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, tlouea at this of fice daily, except Sunday, at 11:80 n m "and and 111:30 p. ra., Sundays at 1:04 p. m. ana fii.ju p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondaya at 111:90 p. m ). COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes st this office dallv, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 111:30 d. m.. Sundays at 11:00 n. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tiiesnsvs St ii:au p. m.. REGISTERED MAIL closes at p. m. previous dsy. Traasoaela Malls. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at :S p. m. up to November J Inclusive, for dispatch per a s. Alameda' CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, H C, eloae here d.iily at (:30 p m. up to November 24. Inclusive, tor dis patch per a. s Empress of China. (,Mr. chandlae for United States Postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded vU Canada ) CHINA snd JAPAN, via Seattle, eloae here dally at 30 p. m. up to Novemter 125 lm'iusie. for dispatch per s. s. Rtojun M a ru PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran-ctw-o. loe here dallv at 1 30 p. m up to November 2t. Inclusive, for dispatch per U. S transport. TAHITI and MARQfE"AaJ ISLAND", via Ban Francisco, ciuee neie dally at (.30 p. I'OSTOFFICK OTI(E. m. up to November J2. Inclualre, for dlfpatrh P"" a. a. Marlpoaa. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILTP PINE ISLANDS, via San Pranrlaeo, close here dallv at 30 p. m. tip to November Inclualve, for dlapatch per s. 8. Hong Kong Mni. NEW ZEALAND. At'PTRALTA (except Wet. NEW CALEDONIA. FIJT, SAMOA and HAW'AII. via San FTanclcrt, close here dally at 6:9n p. m. tip to De cember !S, Inclusive, for dlapatch per B. a. Ventura (If the Cunard steamer carry ing the Pritlah mall for New Zealand doe not arrive In time to connect with thla dlapatch. extra malla cloning at t:30 n. m. atid 9:30 a. m. and :. p m.: Pun dnva at 4: a. m., a. m. and :30 p m will b made tip and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard eteamer.) At'PTR ALI A (ecert West). FIJI TPT AND9 and NEW CALEDONIA (aneclally addressed only), via Vancouver find Vic toria. P. C, close hera dally at :) p. m. tip to Decemler u, Inclualve, for dlapatch Pr a. a. Moana. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to De cember 7th. Inclualve, for dlapatch per a. a China. CHINA and JAPAN. va Taeoma, eloae here dally at :30 p, m. tip to Decern ler 22. Inclualve, for dispatch per s. s. Shaw mnt. ' NOTE Vnless otherwise sddresaed. West Australia la forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Phlllpplnea via Sin Francisco the qulckeat routes. Phlllp plnea specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclualvelv. Transpacific malla are forwarded to port of Balling dally and the achedule of closing la arranged on the preaumptlon of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regia tered mnll closes at p. m. previous day CORNELTI'S VAN COTT. Postmaster. rostofflce, New York, N. Y., November 20, LEUAL NOTICE VOTICS Sealed bids will he received at the nfflc nf . ..-.. . , . until 14 n'Aln.W noon of December 4. 193, for boiler house ano aieam main, water nam sno lurniei, water supply and electric wiring for S, & S. Home at Mllford, bids on each to be separate aa per plans and specifications on The board reserves the right to reject any anu an uius. GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary of Board I AILHOAD TIME CARD. INION STATION IOTH AND MARC Y, Illinois Central. Leave. A r I f Chicago Express . .a 7:35 am al0:3i pm ChlcuftO, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:30 pm Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:36 am Chicago A- Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line. Fast Chicago a 3:40 am Local Chicago 11:30 am Mall a 8:10 pm Loral Sioux ,'ity Davilght St. Paul a 7:50 am Daylight Chicago a8:0am Limited Chicago a 8:i pm Faat Chicago a6:b0pm Lojal Chicago 4:25 pm Fa. St. Paul a 8:25 pm St. Paul Express , Faat Mall Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm Norfolk & Bonesteel a 8:06 am Lincoln & Long Pine....b 7:25 am Deadwood, Hot Springs and Lincoln a 2:50 pm Caaper A Wyoming Ex..e 2:5J pm Hastings, buperlor, and Albion b2:S0pm I nlon Pacific. Overland Limited a 9:40 am The Faat Mall a 8:50 am California Express a 4:20 pm .Oregon Express a 3:20 pm Eastern Express The Atlantic Express.... The Colorado Special. ...all:35 am Chicago Special Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .,b 4:00 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm a S:u5 am bl0:35 pm a 7:55 am a 8:.W am a 3:45 pm a 10:0i I pm ul 1:20 pm a 9:15 am a 3:45 pm a 7:05 am a 9:20 am a 2.40 pm u :.u am Al0:3u am bl0:35 am a K.-10 nm 5:10 pm b 6:10 pm a 8:05 pm a hj pm a 6:30 pm a 6:80 pm a 7:40 am a 8:40 am a 3:40 am bl2;3o pm a 5:15 pm b 9:35 am Chicago, Hocic Island A Pi aciac. KA8T. Chicago Daylight Lt d. a 8:65 am Chicago Daylight Locala 7:00 am ChlcBKO Express bll:16 am a 1:50 am H fi Xi. tim a 6:3a pm 111:50 am a 1:26 pm 7:26 am a 6:00 pm Des Moines Express.... a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6;sV ;m w tai. Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 7:10 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm Texas. California and Oklahoma Flyer...,... 8:U pm Cfaleagro Great Wester By. 21 St. Psul & Minne apolis Limited 104 Ft. Dodge Express. .a 7:35 am l'3 Ft. Dodge Express.. a 8:2t pm 20 St. Paul & Minne all: 9) pm Co. a :65 ara apolis Limited a 7:55 pm 7 Ft. Dodge Express.. I18 Ft. Dodge Express.. all:10 am a pm . Missouri Pacific. St. Louis Expreaa a!0:00 am a :2S pm jk. oc di, l. ivxpi eB..aiu:v pm a t.:ia am bieaao. St. Fan! Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all. 15 pm Chicago Faat Expreaa..a 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:1.6 Dm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express. ...a 7:46 am a 1:40 pm Wabasb. St. Louis "Cannon Ball' Exp.ess a 6:66 pm a I JO am 8t. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a 9:16 am al0:80 pm BURLINGTON STATION KM k MASON. Chicago, Burlington A Qalaey. Leave. Arrive. Chicago special a 7:oo am Chlcsgo Vestlbuled ex. .a 4:C0 pm Chicago Local a 9:18 am Chicago Limited a 8:06 pro Fuat Mall a 1:56 am a 7:45 am sllioO pm a 7:45 pm 1:40 pm Burlington A Mlssoart River. Wymore. Beatrice and Lincom a 1:60 am Nebraska Express a 8:50 am Denver Limited a 4:10 pm Bhiok Hills and Puget bl2:05 prn a 7:46 pm a 6:15 ara Sound Express..... all:10 pm a 1:10 pm uoiorauu v vauuuir- Flyer Lincoln Fnat Mail J 1:53 pm Fort Crook and Platts- mouth b 1:15 pm Bellevue & Pacific Jet. .a 7:50 pm Bellevue & Paclllo Jet.. a 1:60 am a 1:10 pm a :us am b!0:36 am a 9:27 am Kaaaaa City, St. Joseph 4h Conaell Bloflfs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a :!5 am a 8:05 pm St. Loula Flyer u pm all:06 am Kaotas City Night Ex..al0:46 pm a :80 am WEBSTER DEPOT IRTH WEBSTER Chicago, Omaha. St. Paul, Minneapolis A Leave, .a 6 :0 am .a 2:00 pm .b 6:45 pm Arrive. Twin City Psaaenger. Sioux City Faaaeuger Oakland Local a 9:10 pm all:20am b 8:45 am Mlssoart Parlfle. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm aid :36 am a Iaily. b Dally except Sunday, d Daily except Daiuruay. e uauy except Aid nosy THESE EXPLORERS ARE SAFE Aatarctle Expedition Snrvlvee Except (or the Loss of One Sailor by Sickness. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Telegrams Just re ceived here from Santa Crug announce, says a Herald dispatch from Buenos Ayres, Ar gentlue, the arrival there of the Argentine gunboat Uruguay with members of the Swedish Antarctic expedition under Nor denskjold. One sailor died last winter. With this exception all the members of the expedition are well. The party was found divided, some of the members being at Cape Seymour and the others at Louis Pbllllppe land. ' No further details have been received but It is believed the expedition's vessel was .wrecked. Horse covers madt to Ot your borne. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney streets. Does Mack for Helena. HELENA, Mont.. Nov. a -The terms of the will of the late Henry Kline have been made known, although the will is not to be tiled for probata until the arrival here of one of the exscutors. Besides liberal bcpitwls to relatives, he gives to Weolyan Mathoiilst hospital and St. Joseph's Catho lic, hoapltal. both of Helena, each M.uiO. T.atte Emanuel of Helena will get i,u 0 direct and probably as much nivre friMu the lliOitlUual beuenctar'ta. UNION PACIFIC WINS CASE Secures Decision rom fnprems Court in McDonald Ltnd Action. ALL TITLES QUIETED AND OWNERS SAFE Rnllag of Lower Conri la Reversed and Bridge Held te Be a portion of the Railway System. A decision which Is of Imports nee to several hundred farmera In the. western part of Nebraska, and especially so to the I nlon Pacific railroad since It wins the case, has been handed down by the ru- preme court. The rclslon of the the title to several hundred sections of land on which some of the fineat farms In the state are located. The deciaion affects what Is known as the sinking fund lands, which were sold for settlement by the railroad away back In the '70s. The land was granted to the railroad by the government, and a stipula tion was made in the grant that the land was all to be held within three years after the entire completion of the Union Pa cific. The word "entire" in the contract was the word on which hinged the decision of the case In the supreme court. A number of years ago, in fact, early in the '70s, Henry 8. McDonald, who main tained that the terma of the grant had not been compll! with by the railroad com pany, settled upon a quarter section of the land in Buffalo county,, taking advantage of the homestead act. This action on the part of McDonald led to a suit being filed by the railroad to recover possession of the land. At the same time that Mc Donald settled several other 'persons also took up hotnHte.Hds on the tract, and It was agreed between the railroad and McDonald that on the deciaion of the McDonald caae should hinge the decision of all the rest, so that only one suit was filed. The caae came tip for trial In the lower court and the railroad, through Its attor ney, offered aa a defense that the terms of the grant had been complied with, and that the land all had been disposed of within three years after the entire comple tion of the road. It was maintained that the bridge at Omaha was a portion of the road and that It was not completed before 1S74, and even prior to thla time the lands had all been aold. Railroad Klrat Loaea. A decision was rendered against the rail road which gave McDonald a true title to his land under the homestead act. The case was appealed to the supreme court by the railroad company, where the decision of the lower court has just been reversed If the decision had been In favor of Mc Donald the Union Pacific would have had to reimburse every purchaser of land which had been secured under this act, for the purchase price of the land and probably heavy damages as well. It would have re quired a large amount of money to do this, probably millions of dollars, as there are several hundred sections of the land. As It Is, each farmer who now holds a title to any of the land has had tils title quieted and is secure in hla holdings. Five years ago Representative Crow, who is now postmaster In this city, Introduced a resolution in the Nebraska legislature, calling upon congress to declare' the title of the Union Pacific to'tye hinds void, but me resolution ianea or passage. Tbe pur port of the resolution was to make Illegal the grant of the sinking fund Hindi. The whole deciaion reatil upoa the ques tion as to whether the Ttilon Pacific bridge was a part of tne-' System, and If so whether the lands were'Snld 'within three years after its entire completlon..It Is said the railroad produced evidence which showed that such was the caae, and on thla showing won the suit. The grant of the lands was made to the Union Pacific in 1802. Sick Headache. Thia distressing aliment results from disordered condition of the stomach and quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Kuhn Co. 4877 riala shirt Waist, 2 to 41 stub Plain Shirt WalBt with Fancy 8tock Col lar, 4577 To be made with or without the applied box plait: Plain shirt waists are being shown by the smartest dealers and have an undeniable style of their own, be sides being a relief after the somewhat over-elaborated softs whloh have come into vogue. This one Is adapted to wool, silk and, cotton walsttngs and can be made either with a plain hem at the front, as illustrated, or with an applied bog plait at the center in regulation shirt waist style. The pocket also is optional. As shown, tha material is figured velveteen In gray and white. "The cuffs and pocket lap are piped with plain gray and the fancy stock combines white with gray vel veteen.. The waiat is made with a fitted lining, Which can be used or omitted, aa- preferred, and consists of fronts and back. The back is drawn down snugly at' the waist line, but the fronts blouse slightly over the belt. In the left front, Is a pocket with a pointed lap, which matches the cuffs. The Bleeves are the new ones, that are snug above the elbows and full below and are gathered Into deep cuffs. At the neck is a fancy stock, which closes at the center back. Tbe quantity of material required for the medium slie Is 4Vi yards 21 Inches wide, l yards 27 inches wide or 2i yards 44 inches wide. The pattern, 4677. Is cut In sixes for a F2, 4, J6. SS, 40 and 42-inch, bust measure. Kor the accommodation of The Bee readers these patterns, which usually retull Ut from 26 to 50 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price. 10 cents, which covers all eipense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, glvt number and name of pattern. Your Nerves Furnish the motlva power of the entire body. Dr. Miles' Nexvlue will keep ths nerves strong snd healthy or restors their strength If weakened. Sold On guar antee. Write for frsa book aa nansua 01 seassxAble fashioxs UK. MLLE8 MEDICAL CO Elkhart, tnd. ( 1 'lJ" WCAN DT CATHARTIC :: .iy 1 . -JL.BSM JWSWSSSr-SBSBSSTN GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR THE GENUINE OASCARST3 Candy Cathartio are always put up in blue metal box, our trade-marked, loner-tailed O on the cover tablet octagonal, stamped OOQ Never sold In bulk. All druggists, lOo, 25o, COo, Bample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. eti 1 1' SETIOPOLI MAGAZINE for December R. H. RUSSELL. Publisher AN ISSUE of extraordinary bc.uty and interest is the Christmas (Decem ber) Metropolitan Maoazine. While space will not permit more than a brief mention of the more striking features of this great holiday issue, a suffi cient number of items 'from its contents may be quoted to give some hint of its charm. This number is in effect a demonstration of the advancement of reproductive methods and the art of printing. It is profusely illustrated in color. There are some seventy-five pictures, most of which are of full-page size. No more at tractive periodical has been offered the discriminating public during this holiday season than The Christmas Metropolitan. 16 O ' 1 4 Special Articles "GOING HOME." A STORY. . . Illustrated from Photographs by the Author "SINT NIC'LAAS IN HOLLAND." Illustrated from Drawings by the Author. " CHRISTMAS ON THE STAGE." . Illustrated from Photographs. "NEW YORK: A CITY OF POWER." " THE YOUTH OF LADY CONSTANTIA." Richard La Gallienna Illustrated 0. r, Drawings by R. M. Crosby. "A HOSTAGE TO FORTUNE." A STORY. Arthur Stringer Illustrated from Drawings by G. A. Shipley. "THE INTERFERENCE OF PATSY ANN." A STORY. Paul Lawrence Dunbar " HOLOMA." A STORY. . . . Frederick Walworth Illustrated from Drawings by Rollin Kirby. "THE OLD ATMOSPHERE." Illustrated from Drawings by Orson Lowell. "THE GOD OF DOOGAN DHUGANN." A STORY. Broughton Brandenburg illustrated from Drawings by H. C Wall. " THE SA'-ZADA TALES." V. A. Froser Illustrated from Drawings by Arthur Hemino. And six others just as interesting. Now Selling Price 15 Cents. Buy o your nearest News-dealer or give him $1.50 for a twelve months' subscription, post paid, and it for you. The Above on Sale at Read The rashes : 32 in color more pages of reading than ' there are iasbme of the 3 5-cent magazine. SSmort Stories -ci" he will forward Bee the Best TAN I . Stephen Bonsai and others. George Wharton Edward , Gustav Kobbe Hamlin Garland Francis Newton Symmes iwk III VSfBm&NL u WIA from All Specialty Newspaper,