Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Sume:om Barineii Men Pay Moipj to
Stranger 'o Aiv3rtiing;.
Mmmr Waat the l"o ! to Look Ip th
Smooth Strnn-ifr aarf If
Hnilhli ( aanot Be
' Done to Him.
ice again a number of the bURlness men
of Council Bluff are trying to figure out
whether they have been buncoed cn an ad
xertlelng proposition or not. Several of
them are Inclined to the belief that they
have been, and an a result the police have
been railed upon to locate the man who
la alleged to have worked thla city In the
matter of advertising.
About a month ago a man elgnlng hlinnelf
on the Grand hotel register aa O. N. In
gram dropped Into the city, accompanied
by a woman and a ama'.l pet terrier dog.
At the aame time another man, unaccom
panied by wife or dog, registered at the
aame hotel. They were apparently strang
er. Ingram waa a "good fellow" and be
came popular among a certain clasa of
people. He spent money freely and suc
ceeded In securing quite a number of ad
vertisers In what he termed a railroad
man'a time book. The Inducement offered
by Ingram was the- advertising on the
cover, and a number of merchants on the
understanding that they alone had the
cover apace swallowed the bnlt
The books were no delivered and Investi
gation showed that at least thirty mer
chants of the city had contracted for trie
"exclusive" space on the cover. As soon
as Ingram had collected for the advertising
matter he Is said to hove 'eft the city and
has not been heard of since. About a week
after his departure a man giving the nam
of W. E. Sennits and claiming Bt. Paul as
his home appeared at the hotel with In
quiries about Ingram. He also sought the
assistance of the police, as he said the
woman who accompanied Ingram here waa
his. Bchults', wire.
The other man, who registered at ihn
same hotel aa Ingram, also worked a
' smooth scheme. He wan, according to his
own story, engaged In securing "write-ups"
of manufacturing concerns and large busi
ness houses for a mercantile magazine.
During the time he waa here he said he
waa busily engaged In "writing up" three
of the large packing houses of South
Omaha. At first he displayed mora or less
ready cash, but toward the end of his stay
ha found It necessary to realize on cheeks.
The persons who cashed these checks are
now holding them aa remembrances 'of the
urban and genial "literary" gentleman
with a penchant for high living.
N. T. Plumbing Co,, W. 280. Night. -.
Services at the Charrhea.
The Second Church of Christ, Scientist,
will hold services In M. W. A. hall. In
Merrlam block, at 10:45 a. m., subject: "An
cient and Modern Necromancy; or. Mes
merism and Hypnotism." Sunday school
Immediately after the service. Wednesday
veiling testimonial meeting at 7:46.
1 At St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev.
Oeorge A. Beecher of Kearney, Neb., will
onduot morning service at 10:30. There
will be no evening service and no services
on Thanksgiving day.
"Faith Necessary to a Real Thankaglvr
Ing" wUl be the subject of Rev. James
Thomson's sermon this morning at 10:30
o'clock at the First Congregational church.
There will bt no services In the evening,
as the congregation will unite In the serv
ices) at the First Presbyterian church, when
, Dr. Gray tt Boston will deliver a lecture
on the Bible. ' .
At the First Christian church there will
ba preaching services at U a. m. and 7:30
p. m. In the morning the pastor. Rev. W.
f B. Clemmor, will take as the subject of
his sermon, "Some Economic Aspects of
the Liquor Problem."
Kev. Harvey Hostetler, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church, will preach
his morning on "National Reasons for
Thanksgiving." There will be no evening
service on account of Dr. Cray's union
meeting at the First Presbyterian church.
Elder C. Scott will preach at 10:30 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. today at the Latter Day
Saints' church. Sunday school will be at
noon and the midweek prayer meeting at
7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening.
At Grace Episcopal church the rector,
Rev. T. J. Brookes, will conduct morning
scrvloe at U and vesper service at. 4 p. m.
Sunday school will be at 9:45 a. ni.
Thr will be no services or Sunday school
today In the Union Christian church at
ttkirty-nrth street and Broadway.
The First Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services this morning at 11 o'clock
in the Sapp building, when the subject of
the lesson will be "Mesmerism and Hyp
notism." Wiilt4,
1.000 turkeys. J. Zoller Co.
Matters la District Court.
O. W. Smith, a Junk dealer of this city.
Indicted on the charge of stealing nearly a
carload of old rubber from A. P. Krenen-
cherk, engaged in the aame bus'nesa at
Grand Island, Neb., was acquitted by a
Jury In the district court yesterday. Kren
ncherk claimed that Smith stole the rub
ber from a freight car In Omaha, while
Smith's defense was that ho purcha'ed th
atuff In the vicinity of this city.
E. D. McClelland and Robert Steve. won,
charged with breaking Into and robbing
the Hermsen grocery store, on 8outh Main
It Peast L. Council Bluffs. Thea aj.
We Give Thanks
BECAUSE there are lo,ts of people who have money In the bank.
I EECAl'SE there are kits of people looking for good Investments.
BECAUSE we have properties netting from II per cent to 10 per cent an: . i .
BECAUSE we have some cosy cottages, all modern.
BECAUSE our prices are right, terms right, locations right.
BBCAU8E we sold 114.250 worth of property' last week.
BECAUSE here tii some good stuff that must ba sold:
11,500724 Routh 6th St.; two-story house, tan rooms, closets, bath. gas. comer lot.
small barn. Hems for 110.0U.
tJ.OOO 11& Stutsman st.; modern cotage. live rooms, gas, bath, closets, shade, paved
street, fine location. Kenla for llb.iKi.
940013 Avenue D; cotage, three rooms, corner lot, good location, size of lot 44x130
fel. Cheap.
w Avenue H: ,ram n0Uj4. nv rooms, corner lot, size 441S0 feet. Rents for
r0-725 Avenue D; cottaia;, four rooms, water In kitchen, cellar, ahade. Rents for
IS. (A'. W ell located.
$2.0uO 2102 Sixth Avenue; modern cotage. six rooms, city water, bath, fine lawn, two
lots, on corner. Hue 2oxl28 feet.
11,000702 South 81th Street: cottage, six rooms, cellar, clorets, well, cistern, corner
lot. A good home. Site. mix 13m. t
H.JOO-lu? Avinita C; cottage, five rooms, closets, water in kitchen, cellar, shade
Lot 4!)x!M feel. Rents (or tn.uu.
J01 Pcnrl Utrcet.
street, weakened when the Jury to try
their case was part drawn and entered
j pleas of guilt)' as charged.
The trial of J. W. bailey, the one-armed
tramp charged with snatching a gold
watch and chain from Henry White, a stock
I dealer of Orrtna, Neh., Wilt be taken up
j Monday. Henry Hill, Indicted at the pre
vious t?rm of court for breaking Into a
) Nftthwtf :ern freight tar and stealing a
I large quantity of cartridges, will be tried
I at the clore of the Dal ey cae. He la at
j piescnt under, nrrejt at the city ja.l,
.charged with holding, up and robb.ns an
old man naniej T. I. Coady.
The attorneys for Qecrge Matties n, the
I young man ccnvictcd on the charge of
rhootlng Deputy Sheriff Baker with Intent
to commit murder, filed amKlon for a new
trial yesierday.
I Hafer sells lumber. Catch tHe idea?
i iiitr ron ;rauv.
i .Mrs. ) harlea MrhoUoa Leads, nllk
Mrs. Talhott r rinse second.
lIong's Grandma Voting Contra! lina
passed and !h second week now. leuvlng
but two weeks more to decide the, names
of the three popular grandmas to receive
the prises. Most of the contestanls made
substantial gains yesterday, Mrs. Nicholson
taking the lead by a slender margin of
forty votes above Mrs. Talbott. who haa
been holding first place for several days.
Mrs. Lunkley almost tripled her vote and
now takes third place. The vote at 9
o'clock last evening was as follows:
Mrs. Charles Mrholaon
Mrs. O. Talbott 8,41
Mrs. Charles I. tinkle? 3.114
Mrs. John Under, 2,825; Mrs. John Rogers.
2.06H; Mrs. Alice Davis, 1.276; Mrs. W. 8.
Mayne, 1.222; Mrs. I. C. Bonhnm, 1.220; Mrs.
Mary Tlbblts. 1.115; Mrs. U Sherwood. ti;
Mrs. Sarah C. Whittlesey, 676; Mrs. Kllxi
Newton. 4B5; Mrs. Lucy Tucker, 336; Mrs.
Mary Pfelfer, 344; Mrs. Uarnaby, 215; and
One vote Is given with each cent's worth
purchased In either the printing or sta
tionery departments at Harvey DeLong's,
807 Broadway. The prizes, consisting of
bed room suite, Morris chair and uphol
stered rocker, are on exhibition at the
Petersen A Schoenlng Co.
'era! of Her. hlrkstnn.
Funeral services over the late Rev.
Thomas F. Thlckstun will he held this
morning at 10:30 o'clock In the First Bap
tist church. They will bo conducted by
Kev. F. A. Case, pastor of the church. .
slsted by Rev. J. G. Lemon, manager of the
Christian Homo. The services, which will
be In the nature of a memorial to the de.
ceased, who was the first pastor of the
church, will take the place of the res-ular
morning services. .
These have been selected aa nallbesrera:
County Superintendent O. J. McManu.
Prof. F. C. Ensign, nrlnclnal of the hih
school; M. H. Dears and H. L. McNItt. The
honorary pallbearers are: Rev. O. G. Rice.
Joseph Robinson. Rev. Ilonrv n!jn nA
Russell Morgan. Interment wilt be In Wal
nut Hill cemetery. k.
TluiA?lng and heating. Bixby Son.
Marrlaaxc Lleenaes.
Licenses td wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
NnmA anil RMlHutin
ClHrenee A. Hlnkle, Boone, la'..-.... ..rt
vra I'mry. in eon, la , 24
John Rhodes. Council Bluffs 11
Ella Boggs, Council Bluffs 19
Wedalag of, Mr. Ceerg Uerae mm 4
Mlaa Kraacla Bowman the Center
' - of Interest. .?
-'',' I- '
tained at cards Thursday evening.
Miss Georgia Patterson of Omaha Is the
guest of Miss Helsne Robinson of Wlllw
Mr. and 1rm IT T H rr . ,
... ... . ... 1 1 1 1 j i n v i r uuriu
avenue entertained at high five Thursday
Miss Mable Hicks entertained the mem
bers of the Euchre club Tuesday afternoon
Mrs. I T Rluu.rl ..,...... i t a ,..J
- ..... .it,., uiuiiai a k lun
cheon TueBday afternoon In compliment to
Mrs. Hnmmn k'i.nnt. , - v. ..
The coming-out party of Miss Edith Run
yon will occur tomorrow afternoon at the
home of htr parents, Mr. and Mrs W
Runyon of Park avenue.
Mrs. A. 8. Haaelton of Oakland avenue
entertained at a kenslngton and musical
at her home Tnutbday afternoon. About
twenty guests were In attendance.
The Daughters of the American Revolu
tion will give the second ot a series of
card purtles Tuesday evening at the home
ot. Mia. tsi. E. Hart on Park avenue.
Mrs. D. Witter of Tenth avenue was
pleasantly surprised Thursday evening by
tne members oi ner Sunday school claim in
honor of her thirty-ntlh weuding annl
veriury. .
Miss Elisabeth Beno entertained the mem
bers of the Flower mission at her home
nday atternoon. She was assisted by
Misa Edith Ross, Miss Helen Foley and
Miss Marion Benton.
Owing to illness In the family the meet
ing oi the Euchre club, which waa to have
ben held j uesday afternoon with Mrs,
Wallace Bhepard on Park avenue, was in
cieiiiiuiely pustKiued.
The general reception' of the Council
Blulis unwn's duo will be held Friday
aueiiioon irom to tt o clock at the home
ot Ooiunl and Mrs. C. G. Hauiuirrs on Oak
lanj uvcuue. Tie member of the art and
literature department will wet aa hosleaues.
The first of a series of complimentary
parties, to be given by the members of the
t-lks cluo. to their families, will occur
Alunday evening when a uaueing party will
be given. A number of card parties and
other soclul affairs will be included Ute In
the series. j
The dancing party given by the Hlah
school cadets Friday evening at the Royal
Arcanum halt was one ot tho must success
ful and enjoyable events of the season
for tne younger set. The hall was taste
fully decorated In the Hlgn school rolurs
red and blue. Music waa furnished by
Smith s orchestra. About 200 were iu ai
tendanua. The marriage of Mr. George Gerner and
MIsj Frjnces Bowman occurred Wednes-
uj tuiu til 11, . l.u.t. wi L!.v utiJc'a
er, Mrs. Wood Allen of Eighth street
Kev. T. J. Markay, rector of All Kalnts1
Episcopal church in Omaha, officiating in
tlie presence of a large number of mends
of the couple. The bride waa charming in
a dainty gown of white with trimmings
Telephone 06
of white lace and carried an armful of I
white chrysanthemums. Her veil was of I
tulle. The house was prettily decorated In 1
peJms snd while chrysanthemum A
wedding supper was sorved In the dining
room. Mr. and Mrs. Gerner left the fol
lowing morning for a short eastern trip,
after which they will be nt home to their
friends December 1 at 127 Glen avenue.
Davis sells drugs.
Ieffert'a glasses fit
Stoekert sells carpet.
A store for men "Beno's."
Celebrated Metx beer on tap. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 4"9 .
Broadway. ,
14-K and 18-K wedding rings at Leffert's, ,
4on Broadway.
Mcture framing. C. E. Alexander ft Co., I
333 Broadway. Tel. 306. -
See Mrs. Ornvea' new stork of side and
back combs, M6 Pearl s9fet.
Mlaa Arkwrlght. ChrMmas sale Novem
ber 2i to lerember 6. Studio, 0(4 Mynster
The young win of Mr. and Mrs. Wallnce 1
Shepard of Park avenue la scrluuslv 111 with
pneumonia, 1
Dr. Herbert Woodbury and wife left last
rnlrg for Chicago to snenrt Thanksgiving i
with r"'ntlves.
The Knights mid ljidle of Security will !
hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening
in the Merrlum block. I
William Welch, aged SS. died yesterdav at I
Ft. Bernard s hospital, where he had been a
patient for the last ten years.
F. L. Reed, clerk of the district court, and
family will move Monday Into the C. T.
Stewart residence on South Sixth street.
For rent, room ground floor; one
of the most central locations in the busi
ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee
office, city. .
Mayor Morgan yesterday called a meet- '
Ing of the committee of the whole of the
city council for Monday afternoon to con- ,
s.der the sign ordinance.
Contractor Wlckham Is hauling large '
quantities of brick to Harrison street and
the pavirg of that thoroughfare will be re
sumed if the weathrc permits. i
For $100 you can purchase my Interest In a i
fine $joo pi.ino J was to pay SN for. Bal
ance due firm J1V9. "l'ino was bought of
Fchmo.ler A Mueller eight mouths ago. Ad
tlrefs Sunday Bee. I
Th.! funeral of Marzrll Kersten will be
held this morning at in from Lunkley s un
dertaking rooms and Interment will be In
Fatrvlew cemetery. Rev. Henry DeLong
will conduct the services.
W. N. Clifford, superintendent of the city
schools, has gone to Indianapolis, Ind.,' to
visit the schools there. . From there he will
go to Lc.gnns'port, where hla wile and
daughter are lslting relatives.
F. V. Merrlam, former state auditor, was
in the city yesterday, accompanied by his
wife. Mr. and Mrs. Merriam have recently
returned from a trip to California and are
now on their way to their home in Des
Henry Green of Ridge street was Hrrrsted
yesterday on complaint of his wife, who
charged him with being insane. He was
committed to St. Bernard's hospital pend-
Ing his hearing, which will he held Tuesday .
by the Commissioners on Insanity.
Cusper H. Volmer, aged 63, died yesterday
morning at his residence 1S( High street, i
from asthma. Five sons and two daughters
survive him. The funeral will be held Mon
day morning at 9 from St. Peter's church
and burial will be In St. Joseph's cemetery, ,
Rehearsals for the new society comedy, I
"Cculter, Jr.," have been progressing finely j
durina: the laat week, under the direction i
of Miss Fitch. The splendid cast of local j
nlnvers will doubtless be greeted by
packed house on December 4 at the New
theater. The proceeds are for the benefit of
the Associated Charities.
Mrs. Susan Lundy, aged 70, died yesterday
morning at the residence of her daughter.
Mrs. Belle Mark, 1413 Avenue B, from the
infirmities of old age. The funeral will be
held Monday aftttnoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the residence and Interment will be In Wal
nut Hill' cemetery. The Woman's Relief
corps will have charge of the funeral.'
WT'lam Atkinson, who was charged with
the hi?ft of Court Reporter Bruington's
satt...... containing .valuable court papers,
from a Great Western train at McClelland,
was permitted to plead guilty yesterday Jn
Justice Ouren'a court to being Intoxicated
and was fined $7 and costs. Witnesses for
the defense testified that when Atkinson
left the train carrying Brulngton's grip he
was In a state of stml-intoxicatlon. ,
Former Deputy Revenue Collector
Makes Charges Against Ills
' ' . Late Chief.
DUBUQUE. la., Nov. 21. Former Deputy
Internal Revenue Collector Milton Howe of
this district haa filed an affidavit with the
department charging Collector G. U. 8am
mla with having compelled him when
deputy to share his salary with the collec
tor's bruther. an under deputy, contrary
to the statutes.
FostafRce Safe Foils BurKlars.
StOUX CITY, la,, Nov. 21.-(Speclal T.
Your Thanksgiving Dinner
Will not be complete if you do
I not have vour table Set with
I some of our high grade Sterling
I Silver ware, Cut Glass or Paint-
ed China. New goods coming
in each day at surprisingly low
Geo. Gerner, Jr., Mgr.
cm I
cm hemp t m xzmm
rj L
He Is a Dandy i
So are our SHOES, and Prices are Right
Did you ever trade at a ONE PRICE SHOE
STORE? If not, tr it, yoj will like It.
Look for the BEAR, that's
f ' i '
h ; ! -
r7 "
1 . I I. A. .
Wc have the finest line of Diamonds
and precious stones to Tie found In
the state, and In selecting a Christ
mas present you should not fail to
look at the bargains we are offering
:n Diamond Rings, Studs, Brooches,
Pins, Pendants, Cuff Links and Em
blem Goods.
'-k Perfect White Stone, set In plain
14k latest Tiffanv ffini
mounting .Jfcfc
Vs-k Perfect White Stone, set
plain latest Tiffanv mo.intlna..
Vk Perfect White Stone set in
plHln latest Tiffany mounting..
1k Perfect White Stone, set In
plain latest Tiffanv mounting...
14 k Pnrfect" White Stone, set In CI7C
plHln latest Tiffany -no.i:ftng. . . J J
2-k Perfect A'hlte Htone. set In tOJG
latest plain Tlff.inv mounting.. Jlfc"J
EMERALD RINGS FROM. .$3.00 to $75
l'HARL RINGS FROM. ...$2.60 TO $40
We imve the best equipped
worn ami recommended by the
Y E ARE DETERMINED to make this Christmas aeason a record breaker. "Progrress" la oar yvatchword. To proareaa, we menn to
make the prleea and arlre the qualities that will prove Irreslstable to prndent borers. No store la the trl-rltlrs ran meet onr prices,
and dnrina; thla combined Chrlatmaa and Thanksgiving; week sale we will make It worth roar while to come from miles aroand to do
your holiday purchasing:. Visitors and purchasers equally welcome. All articles purchased now will be laid away antll wanted.
gram.) Burglars broke Into the postofflce
at Rock Valley early this morning and
blew the doors from the safe. Five at
tempts were made to get Into the Inner box
of the safe, .but they were unsuccessful.
Only a few stamps 'were?' secured. Frank
A. Large Is postmaster. 11 ,
Champagne? '
If It's the taste and sparkle you
I'll bring you Cook's Imperial.
Sixty New Kalahts.
SIOUX CITY, la.; Nov. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) T. J. Mahoney, Omaha, .territorial
deputy, will be here tomorrow to have
charge of the Initiation of sixty men Into
the Knights of Columbus.
27 Main St.
' A
yyr O
we moved Into
lermlned that "
Rood policy to
esa and the thousands nf people ho have become oar resrnlar pa
trons. We Inauanrate the aeeond Chrlatmaa holiday season In oar new
atore with atlll farther Improvements a larger sale room, with add I.
tlonal solid mahnaany mirrored fixtures, new deenrattons, and the lara
est and moat tlPRHR COLLECTION 4F lilt AUK JKWKI.HY, II.-
ever seen in tnis city. unr stock ot Christmas Jewelry la doable and
triple that of any other store. Oar GHKAT CHRISTM AS SAf.KS tlM
and we will make special prleea through Tbnakaalvlng week.
Solid Gold Jewelry
Here is an endless assortment, with
hundreds of designs in each article.
No matter what you may wish for,
you will lind It hero In more designs
and better selections than elsewhere.
We want you to call and see. for your
self the real merit of this display and
the low prices now prevailing during
this Christmas season.
We have over ilnee hundred designs
r'.ngs, brooches, pins, etc., set with
diamondH und precious stones. We
havo everything the factories make.
optical department In the state of Iowa.
best utHiple lu this vicinity. We exu;nlne your eves free of rlinnre.
lLiaLi,aitui.iias..iJiis..iaiiia.aisi.iMi.,.ji.iiiiini vmrnim .uiwuisiiia
i .j. 1 n aVvr; 4 v:""-;-. -.if e-- :
PI mfppmm(
I -1 '
Joe Smith' & Co.
Kverytlilng In our lmense ptotk of
bouHfl furnishings, iiu'liullng all the
. Ilnest und neweM ratltniH In
Carpets, Rugs,
China Closets, Combination
Book Cases and Ladies'
Desks, Etc
Special for Card Parties
Will rent folding chairs od card
table for card parties.
We carry a full line of Heaters,
Ranges and Cooker at extremely
low prices, all on easy payment.
Call and see me before
Phone L6II
407 Broadway
I '1les' and Grnllmen'B C'lollilns Cleaned,
Dyed. Presiwd und Repaired ; ulau lry
C'lfunlng. No shrinkage or rubbing off
guaranteed. Work (ftne on short notice.
1 1
Y .iiiiiManxntrJMM
V4 I i
Tel. BOO,
lOlT West Bruadwar.
oar present location a little over a year ago. vre
Proareaa" ahoald be onr nntrhnnril, and that tt
ellna to la evidenced In the growth of onr hnl-
Sterling; Silver
Wc have from the most Inexpensive
article to the most elaborate work of
art. The prices of these goods have
placed them within the reach of all.
We call special attention to the sev
eral new patterns, such as the
"Raphael," "The Lily,'1 " The Five
Flower." the "Six Flower." the "Fron
tenac," the "Nuremberg," etc., which
are the most stylish and most beauti
ful patterns, and at most moderate
Extra heavy Sterling Silver
Knives, per set
Extra Heavy Sterling Silver
Forks, per set
Individual Hugar S.'ells, Individual
Spoons, Olive Spoons, Pon-Bon
Spoons, each, up I FA
from liJU
A beautiful line of Teaspoons, extra
heavv sterling silver. A 7C
up from "'I J
.TJxtra Heavy Sterling Silver
Dessert Spoons, per set
Knives and Forks, extra heavy ster
ling silver. In fane) 1ft fill
box, per set tViUU
Glasses fitted by latest Improved find
Who is Wearing One of Our
And we'lh show vu n
X illl,l71llHJ U1C fUl UllUll'U 111 C I CI J UIUI c
Browns, oxfords, tans, blacks, navys and
all the Scotch novelty effects in jriain or
belted backs, and in all lengths, at ?10.00.
4512.50, $15.00, 17.50, $20.00 to $30.00.
.(firifn m it 11 tr i Turn 11
Uli(i I
JaVLjCkaafkjaa. aaakkjA.aAJfcjALkatt.aVaJalEi A flsaa.o.aaBa
The Wisest of Men
i... idi.ic wlwt trv it. iut tli niuHt for lln ir moiu'w siml ii.i
.111 l Wt'nv n iiw J r
When you buy eoal, you want
it. U'e Mreen all oui-roal
to you it U alwavH nire and dry. We have all kinds f en il.
y a,
I Ofllef 1 N. Maiu St.
I Tel. 53'J.
Tel. 1 -
Our Watch Department is one nf our
strongest specialties. We sell the
choices and most correct styles 'and
the highest grade movements. We
carry from the plain silver and nickel
watch, at very low prices, up to the
most expensive solid gold, diamond
set case. Watches Un great variety
and at prices to fit every purse.
Men's 11k solid gold, hunting or open
face. Elgin or Walthain fin
movement Jt.UU
14-k solid gold, extra heavy case, Elgin
m'nu"!.!: 48.00
14k gold filled 25-year case,
Klein or
iiHiinnm movement,
full Jeweled
14k gold filled 25-yeur
Waltham 7-Jewel
Klrln or
Ladles' gold filled, open face 'or hunt
ing case (warranted 25 years), Chate
laine Watch. Elgin or 1 A
Waltham movement tl.JU
Ladies' solid irnld. open face or hunt
ing case watch, Elgin or CM
Waltham movement tfc.JU
methods. Our glasses are
i r . i ? h v
it r
Ktvlisli drpRHPP
most E,XPEIlT''&'ifii4;
...J A .rim. - - 4. , i S
? it v
XL 1U UAU11. ;!;-.
I ti'".-
.afjlt si
special iceauciion aie
Tailored Suits
For Thanksgiving week every
thing iu these two lines will be
Bold lit y really it-diut-d jnKrn.
if you are j,oiiig to4e in need
of anything in Suits, Skirts or
Millinery come in I am always
pleased to show my goods, and
you will he surprised at the low
Tel. IT.18. 330-341 Hrondwav.
" , ' '
eoal not dirt and idate mixed with
beforehand. When it is delivered
S. ItraiH h Offlie 015 S. .Main Si.
Yard, 8th and 11th Avenue.