THE 0MA1TA DAILY ItEE: FKIDAV. XOVEMnEK 20. 190.1. .-I J J.Li.iia-s.!' w 9 a; bi m-m 0)P L2K EM rn uvJ uvJ I L tltols! BARGAIN fRIDAY SPECIALS CARRY GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME ! This concession Is a wonderful stimuli to Intelligent money savers. How many stamps can you collect today? Rousing Hour Sales in DRY GODS FRIDAY From 8 to 9 a. m. Apron gingham, worth 6Jc A3 per yard, at per yahl . . . '. 4C 9 to 10 Odds and ends in children's underwear, )fn worth to ?1.00, for wVt 10 to 11 Cinderella and baby flannels, in plains and stripes, worth to 15c per yard, for fL per yard J Qw 11 to 12 IJemnants, white cambric Lonsdale, Berkley,' etc., 30 in. wide, for 12 to 1 Lace and embroidery edge handker-' chiefs, 20c quality, 3 for. , 1 to 2 Ladies' extra heavy black fleec lined nose, .We quality, only, 6c 25c 19c 2 to 3 Itemnants extra heavy canton flannel, 7f r worth 12 and lTc per yard, at S lc 5c 3 to 4 10c and 15c handkerchiefs, at, each. . . . ; . i 4 to & 10c challies for comforts, only, per yard. . . i . BIG REMNANT SALE ALL DAY. I-J'" "LIk"L v'Jyets, dress goods linings, linen sheets and sheeting. Zr wm hi,dU& .V'T""'"- and a,:l anA cnd ln hosiery and unde": wear -win be sold at leas than one '.ml f price. Special Sale of Fine White China for Decorating. Biccest savinsr ever ofTprml in tMu White China salts and peppers, 33c S2.10 Large vase with two handles, $3.75 value, Cir SI O special 7hjVirS Haviland & Co's ranson shape breakfast "f plates, each.-,'. ; . . . ; . . . . . , aWVSC Royal Austrian plain cups and saucers, every one nice and smooth 20 cent values, for this each..;..;.,' ' ' HJC each J. Pouyat's STEINS, each j J. Fouyat's large size Dragon handle i 1 i luuAiuus, eacn jAttend, Qur tlia riksgivlng 'Sale, of iiiyii 11055 uiiiiimvdre. All dinnerware thoroughly warranted. We have the largest line in the west. T,e.c.e.8'...$60.00 to $4.88 Grocery! Grocery! Always busy in our grocery department; the reasons are good. We handle only the most reliable table products. Our stocks are renewed daily; prices the lowest; service the most satisfactory. - FREE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Free Postal Cards. Tel. 137. i FRIDAY SPECIALS Corn starch, 1 lb package 4c Parlor matches, 500 in box to JO Iba granulated sugar i.) Rolled oats, lb package 10c Wheat for breakfast, t lb pkg l(h. Catsup, bottle a- I California prunes, per lb .So Grape-Nuts, package "joe Maple sugar, per lb..... i20 Wisconsin cream cheese, per lb..U40 Golden syrup, I lb can !ll!4c Mincemeat, package fi0 Baked beans, S lb can ...10o HEADQUARTERS FOR BETTERS. Country butter, per lb.. ic Bennett's Capitol creamery, per lb J6c Medium sour pickles, pint 5a TEAS AMI rOKFKES at LOWEST PRICES. Tea sifting, per lb ..15c ..26c ;.38c Imperial Japan, per lb VJ'- iJv.apa"' Oolong, Gunpowder,' p r i Of ....,.,... CANDY DEPARTMKMT " TalTy Sale. Just received seversl hundred pounds of Angel Kood Taffy-van.lla, choc- rWrtiS and "2- pr lb i8c SPRINGFIELD WILL DO IT OVER Decides to Re-Advertise for Rids as a Condition of Connolly's Withdrawing; Salt. SPRINGFIELD, Neb.. Nov. l.-(Bpeclal.) The village beard has settled the water works trouble out of court. Mr. Connolly withdrew his ninndamus stilt and pays the costs. Mr. Davidson gives up his contract fur the construction of the plant and the board will re-advertlse for bids. This time the bids will not be opened until after the evening train arrives, so as not to shut out any one wanting to bring or send their bids at the last moment. the remains of his wife. Recently, through the sinking of a grave, it developed that another and unknown adylt was burled on me same lot. Inquiry developed that ths sexton had made a" mistake and Interred f f Mn- Don,"n on ,h on .ot The remain, of the unknown will be with Mr. Dotilgan. estaa Makes a Mistake. GRAND , ISLAND. Neb.; jlov. 19.-S;ie-rlal.) The- eity authorities have a some what unusual difficulty to manage. Bv era) years ago Mr. Donlgan bought a lut In the cemetery In which were Interred Osceola Vetera I. tlart. 03CBOLA. Neb.. Nov. 19.-S,cJal.)-Ona of the most prominent cltlsena and Grand Army men of Osceola met with a severe accident yesterday afternoon that may cause trouble for years on account of his age, he being 60 years old. Mr. Pulver was out trimming trees and ln pulling down a limb while standing n a wagon he fright ened the horses and they ran. Mr. Pulver was thrown to the ground, striking on his lead and shouldera The left collar bone rfda broken, as was also one of his ribs I Always of unUorm exctUcacc, V I laads of pur ulc l rsucs. I J astarany ftrmcnUd. txouitiU 1 If booutt No foreign rneks ol II tumPS" compare wKh K. M V v a J SBSiSBSBsjHBSSShS 3" , - f k t a Too Much fop the Barglars. YOKK, Neb.. Nov. !. r'Snsofni u lar attempted early this morning to enter me resioence or Mrs. Ida Bell, but when they heard the many burglar alarm bells and saw the entire house Immediately lighted from cellar to garret they de camped. It is believed thev had lnr - skeleton key ln ths front door, which at once started ths alarm. fever Closes Schools. NORTH LOUP, Neb., Nov. l.-r(Speclol.) Typhoid and ecu net fever are prevalent here. There have been several fatalities frum typhoid. School has been closed for a perl'.d. " Womaa's ! Eutenalas. PAPILLION. Neb., Nov. l.-Spectl.) Yesterday the Woman's club of Papllllon entertained the members of the Waterloo division of the club. A fine program was rendered, which Included music and speak- OPINION ON REVENUE CASE Commi sioiart Expected to Band 0ns Dwn Soma Tims Today. BEING WATCHED WITH MUCH INTEREST GroTrlna entlmeat la Favor of pe rial Sesaloa of the l,es;lslatare la Case Coart Holds Law lavalld. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 19.-(8peclnl.) In all probability the commissioner's opinion In the suit wherein the constitutionality of the revenue law Is attacked, will be given to the clerk of the supreme court tomor row, after which time It will be available to the public. The attorneys In the case will then 1 given copies of the opinion, frorn, which they will make their arguments to the supreme court proper. No case heard In the supreme court In years is of greater Importance to the peo ple than this and the opinion has been looked forward to with greater Interest by more people probably, than In any case ever tried In the court. The people re alized the importance of the decision when It was figured that over $1,000,000 deficit In the state's finances would result should the law be declared unconstitutional, to gether with the fact that ninety newly elected county assessors would be knocked out of Jobs and the state would be en tirely without taxing machinery. On the other hand, should only a few sections of tho law be knocked out. It will mean more suits and lots of them and should the insurance sections be declared unconstitu tional, it would mean the state would lose the large revenuo derived from this tax each year, until the legislature again convened. So great has the interest of the county aspssora become that It is r?torted on reliable authority that they have rained a purs3 for the purpose of employing at torneys to fight for the law. The assess ments levied are said to be ln accordance with the salaries to be' drawn by the various assessors. In the meantime talk of the extra session continues and while the railrtads of the state will oppose to the bitter end any action ln tlls direction on the part of Governor Mickey, It Is not unlikely that the governor will see Als way clear to call the legislature together, should the decision bo adverse to the law. Governor Mickey Is a firm believer In the constitu tionality of tho law and he refuses to discuss the calling of the extra fcesslon until after the supreme court acts in the matter. Reoently the governor declared In no uncertain terms that he would not call the extra session under any circum stances, but this interview doubtless was given out because the governor had been made to say by the Associated Press that he would call the extra session. As the days go by, however, the governor talks more favorably of the extra session Idea, should It become necessary, and if the law should be knocked out it Is more than probable that all the railroads could do would not stop him In what a large number of people believe would be his duty. Denies Divorce Proceedings. W. B. Griswold, a prominent merchant of this city, whom the Denver papers claim has filed a suit In the courts W that city for divorce, denied that he was an appli cant for divorce. He said today: "I have never' filed a petition for divorce ln Denver, nor have I authorised any one to do It for me. If there Is any petition on file for a divorce In that city bearing my name it la a forgery. I have an attorney In that city, but he has never been authorized to start anjr divorce proceedings.' , I am Ratls' fled that the stories In the papers there are the result of something said by my wjfe or her attorney." A special dispatch received from Denver this afternoon said: Summons In the divorce of W n. r!rl. wold egalnst Ava Lee Griswold was filed here November 14, signed by W. W. White as attorney for Griswold. The summons was dated October 7, and states that the romplr.lnt alleges cruelty. No complaint was ever filed here, but Mrs. Grlswold's answer and cross bill was filed November 14. It Is the first case in the court records here where the answer Is filed to a com plaint that is not on record. White ssys he has the complaint In his pocket, but de mands that nothing be said about the case at all. Under the law a Dlalntlff must reside here one year before filing suit and must also swear personally to the complaint. It cannot be learned what Griswold alleges, if anything, because the complaint is refused to the newspapers. The receipt of the news from Denver created .something of a sensation here, where both Mr. and Mrs. Griswold stand high In the social world. Mr. Griawold's denial that he had filed the application, only added to the sensational features of me case. In the Denver papers of yesterday was given the answer of Mrs. Griswold to the charge of cruelty. She claims the two were Incompatible In temper and that Mr. Griswold ' would not allow her to attend the theaters or dances, along with other charges of undue restraint. The couple have been married for about ten years and are the parents of two children. For the past six jears It has been, known to their intimate friends that their domestic, relations had not been of the most pleasant. Mr. Griswold claims that his wife has been affected mentally (or some years and that last year she was placed ln the sanitarium here. She left there one day and went to Omaha, where, after remaining In hiding for several days, she was brought back by her husband. While at the sanitarium Mrs. Griswold told her friends she was not allowed to com municate with parties on the outside and that she feared the doctors were contem plating performing an operation that she did not wish- performed. About two months ago Mrs. Griswold and her two children went to Connecti cut for an extended visit, but in a short time she came back as far as Omsha, sent the children on here and then went to Brookfield, Mo. Her husband stated that he did not know Mrs. Griswold was In Denver until shown the Denver dispatches. Mr. Griswold stated that his attorney in Denver was nasned White and that he was an uncle of his wife, but that White had never been told to file the divorce applica tion. Mr. Griswold said he had been ad vised by some physlclsns that his wife's mind might be fully restored by a sudden 5 hock and to that end the divorce proceed ings had been talked to her and she had been asked to sign an agreement to a di vorce. This he said, however, had not been done with the intention of securing a sepa ration. laaaraaco Company Objects. J. C. Wilson, assistant secretary of the Cosmopolitan Life Insurance company, which recently absorbed the Royal Tribe of Joseph, does not take kindly to the rul ing of insurance Deputy Pierce phuttlug the company out of the state, and hits sent this letter to the members of the orgunlza lion in this city: Our attention has been called to the r tivlf whioli have recently appeared in the papers about tiie assumption of the Royal Tune of Juoeph by Die Comtipollian Ufa insurance association, i uaer ordinary oil cuniKiances we would pay no ant-mum to such charges or statements, but an tliexe lirtiilej contain certain statements purparting to oirne trom the deputy insur ance auditor cf the state of Nebraska, as to the validity of itiHtirance of the mem bers living In Nebraska, which is given weicht by his oflV-lal position, we deem it our duty to address you on this subject. The transfer was made with full autnur- lly by the Royal Tribe under Its charter and hy-lsws ss A Missouri corporation, and the assumption was legally made by the t'numopolltan under It charter and by laws as an Illinois corporation, hence the rulings and decisions of the Nebraska In surance department have no waring whatever on the matter, as neither cor poration Is h Nebraska corporation. Special comment has been made because we have agreed to tnke over all the mem bers vlHiont restrictions and we under stand Mr. Pierce to Insist that you can only become a member by making special application and taking a medical examina tion. We believe that you will agree with us that such a proceeding would be unjust, un-American and the very opposite to fra ternnllsm. Does any one thtrtk It fair and honorable to let a society assume the healthy members and throw out In the cold the aged members and those unable to pass a medical examination?1 Why, these are the very ones who need the Insurance most If we did not assume them all nllke we would not consider ourselves worthy the confidence of any one. As to our right to collect sssessments from members In Nebraska, we know of no law whereby a state official can forfeit the Insurance of a member because the company Is" not licensed to do business In the state. In fact, that question has been decided by the supreme court of the t'nlted States, followed by various state supreme courts, bint to the contrary, and do vou believe for a moment that If you had lived In Illinois and taken a policy In the Cos mopolitan, afterwards moving to Nebraska that your Insurance would be forfeited? Most certainly not. Tet that Is the posi tion assumed In these articles. We regret to note that thev Insurance deputy savs that he probably will not grant us a li cense to do business In the state, snd trust, for his sake, the report Is Incorrect in at least this much. The Cosmopolitan lives up to the strict letter of the law. and it is the intention, as soon ns possible, to make application In do business In every state where the Royal Tribe of Joseph was licensed and where we are not already licenced, but In this Instance we are charged with violat ing the law without being given an oppor tunity to comply wit hthe law. Do not worry about the legality of your Insurance. When we take your money, bo court will hold that we are not liable. Deputy Game Warden Designs. One of Game Warden 'Carter's county deputies today tendered hia resignation to tho chief because his moral and religious principles were at stake., Mr. Carter re fused to give out the. name of the deputy whocould not stand for the requirements of his office, but he did give out the lotter of resignation. Here It Is: "I wish to- re sign my office of deputy game warden In this county. Moral and religious principles at stake. . Please consider at your earliest convenience." Girl Peases Burglar. Miss Viola Gowe of Thirty-first and Hol- diege streets soared the wits out of a bold bad burglar short'y before midnight last night by keeping her own T-lts about her. At that hour Mlus Gowe heard someone at the front door, and thinking It was one of the roomers went down to unlock the door. As the opened it she saw standing on the porch a very big man muffled up In a great big overcoat, and In his hand he carried a dark lantern. The girl at once called to her' brother: "Bring down the gun." The burglar did not wait to see the brother, but made his escape as quickly as possible. Inasmuch as both the brother and stater had drawn their pay yesterday and had the money In the house it Is euspected by the police that the burglar was someone well acquainted with the family. Railroad Not to Blame. Because he was not attentive to the bank ing end of his cattle business, ISzsklel John ston of Phelps county will have to bear the burden of loss sustained through the de tention of a tralnload of cattle shipped by him. The Burlington railway was the de fendant and the suit was for damages oc casioned to Johnston because the railway slopped a shipment of cattle destined for Chicago at South Omaha for a few hours while the agent of Jhe mortgagee of the cattle was endeavoring to ascertain whether arrangements ' had been made to pay the mortgage. The case was against him in the court below. The mortgage. which he had given to H. Pratt, the former, owner of the' cat lie,) provided that in tho event the cattle were removed from ths ranch of the purchaser' they' could be seised. The court held' that under such circumstances, the railroad cannot be held liable in any way for the seizure, sine it was obliged to accept .the shipment and could not d-ny possession to a person who could show the right thereto. The testimony showed that the local agent of ' the company at Holdrege had warned the shipper that he ought to settle with the mortgagee for the cattle before loading them, as he would be apt to have trouble. This warning is taken by the court to exonerate the carrier for liability on the ground that he was accepting a ship ment concerning whose ownership there might some dispute. Johnston had made arrangements to have a Holdrege bank take care of the obligation at the lime he shipped the cattle, but through some delay the settlement was not effected until tho cattle were taken ln possession by Pratt's agent at Omaha, Notwithstanding the tact that he may have shipped the caitle in tho highest belief that the obligation was set tled. It is held that he Is without right to relief for any damage which he may bavo sustained because of the delay which en sued until he was able to secure the re lease of the shipment. O'Reilly Docs Mot Uet New Trial. Matthew O'Reilly, who stepped into a grease trap at the Lindell hotel several years ago, will have to remain content with ins verdict of I per cent on the dollar of the amount claimed ln his petition. He claimed that he was able to earn $125 a month as an electrical engineer and sued br ham L. Hoover and Stephen C. Hoover for 130,000 damages. After prolonged liti gation in the district oourt of Lancaster county he secured a verdict for $139. This did not satisfy him and a new trial was asked for, but ths court overruled the mo tion and the case was taken to the higher tribunal. Ths argument most strenuously pressed upon the attention of the supreme court in support of the demand for the new trial was the emallness of the verdict, but the court points to section 315 of the code; which declares that new trials shall not be awarded because of emallness of damages In personal Injury cases. Interior Department Sanresae. The state supreme court refuses to lock horns with the United States department of the Interior in order to give Hurry Mc Donald of Buffalo county a chance to pre empt a quarter section of land ln the Union Pacific grant ln that county. McDonald secured a decree from the lower court or dering the railway company to Issue him a deed and give up possession, on the strength of the wording of the statute of 1862 making the grant, which provides that tho land which the road falls to dispose of within three years after the completion of the road shall be open to entry at $1.25 an acre. The supreme court calls attention to the fact that the pre-emption laws which authorlzs the purchase of government land In the manner contemplated in the petition of the plaintiff was repealed In 1&1. Any right to take action In the matter la disclaimed In favor of the United States Department of the Interior, and that the decree In com manding the railroad to make the grant is dismissed with the remarks that the con tontlon of McDonald that the railroad was holding possession of the land at the pres ent time without right would make It im possible f jr him to demand title from the unlawful holder. Sanreme Coart Proceedings. W. J. Coad and James A. Bone were ad mitted to practice on motion. John A. Pat terson was admitted upon recommendation of the bar commission. The following cases were orally argued and submitted: Tates against Jones National Bank, Tates against I'tlca Bank, Yates against Bailey, Yalea aaalnst Bank of BlaD ehurnt. Hi.ulh Omaha against MeGaVHk, Lackner aa-ainst Sawyer, Sianabury against Storer, Preston against suover, itiuiing against Weasell. Svhmldt against Fremont. Omaha against Krauts, eiAana agalusl leoar County, Nellsen against Cedar County. Farmers' Building and Loan Company against Mauck, Vngt against Dallev, AVbln aaalnst Parmele, La Rue nsalnat Parmele. Yelsor against Cathers, Lintnn against Cathera, l.rldlith against Keever, t'orn Exchange National Bank against Jansen, Corn Ex change National Bank against Wlttlmus. Blocker against Netrmha Counlv, .Tarvls against Chase County, Estate of Dlvrlrs again Hawkins, State ex rel Commission ers Lancaster County against Holm, Houser against McCrystal. Wlenleskl against Vanek. Davidson against Davidson, Chi cago, Rock Island Pacific Railroad Com pany against Brown, New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric Lighting Company against Rombold. The following cases were 'submitted on briefs: Armitsge against Klst'er, Jones against Dnul, Trumbull against Krey, Hunter against Lang, P.aldrldge against Coffman, Davis against Hall, Carley against Boner. The following cases were orally argued on motions for rehearing: Union Pacific Railway Company against Roeser. School District of Omaha against McDonald, Klabunde against Byron Reed Company, Fiala against Alnsworth. Miscellaneous orders were made in the following cases: C'lne against Stock, continued to De cember 1; Welton against Clark, dismissed; Sattler against Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Railroad Company, continued; Os borne against Missouri Pacific .Railroad Company; McMnhon against S'ate, contin ued to December 1; State against Culver, continued to December 1: Hitchcock County against Pariget. continued to December 1; Clifford against Brown, affirmed, mandate issue In ten days; Jonrs against Stairs, stfltmed. mandate Issue In ten days; Koe foed against Thc.mpson, continued to first sitting In February; Mclvor against Omaha, fttflrmed; Cook against Omaha, affirmed; Puppe against Pappe, continued; Balilridge against Coffman. leave to file typewritten brief in ten days; Farmers'" and Merchants' Irrigation Company against Gothenburg Water Power Company, continued to De cember 15; 8tate ex rel Breckenrldge against Fleming, continued to December 1; State ex re'. Palmer against Fleming, continued to December 1. The following were admitted to the bar on recommendation of the Bar commis sion: Joe G. Bone, Ernest I Kolb, Austin J. O'Malley, Jos. H. Rapp. The following decisions were rendered: Crawford Co. v. Hathaway. Motion for modification denied. Van Auken v. Mlsner. 1eave to fllo further application for re hearing. Mandate not to Issue during pendency of said motion. Mitchell v. Clay County. Oral argument on motion for re hearing ordered for January 19, 1914. Thompson v. Nelsm. Motion for rehearing denied. Hyatt v. Anderson. Rehearing de nied. Gingrich v. Rogers. Leave to file second motion for rehearing and brief In support thereof in twenty days. Estate of Bennett v. Taylor. Motion for rehearing denied. Motion to re-tax costs denied. Pollard v. McKenney. Motion to modify opinion denied. Motion for rehearing de nied. Clark v. Iaincaater Co. Rehearing denied. Anderson v. Donahoe. Rehearing denied. Johnson v. Sherman Co. Irrigation & Water Power Company. Objection to jurisdiction overruled. Opinions: Mc Nery v. Hubbard. Former Judgment adhered to. Pr Curiam. Bartllng v. State. Former Judgment adhered to. Ames, C. Union Pacific R. Co. v. McDonald. Re versed and dismissed. Ames, C. O'Reilly v. Hoover. Affirmed. Hastings, C. Court right v. Eno. Affirmed. Per Curiam. Nor bury v. Harper. Affirmed. Klrkpatrlck, C. Harnett v. Holdrrge. Affirmed. Barnes, C. Sullivan. C. J., concurring, says: I do not agree to all that Is said in the opinion, but I think correct conclusion has been reached and that the Judgment should be affirmed. Johnson V. Chicago, B. & p. R. Co. Affirmed. Barnes, C, Dold v. Knud son. Reversed. Duffle, C. Nebraska Mut. Bond Ass'n v. Klee. Affirmed. Klrknat rlck, C. Pusey v. Presbyterian Hospital. Reversed. Ames, C. Spence v. Lane. Af firmed. Duffle. C. Opinions in the following cases will not be officially reported: State ex rel. Young v. Royse. Former Judgment adhered to. Oldham, C. Chicago, B. A Q. R. Co. v. Lilley. Former Judgment adhered to. Pound. Ward v. Davis. Re versed. Ames, C. Halstead v. Olson. Af firmed. Duffle. C. American Order of Pro tection v. Stanley. Affirmed. Glanville, C. Schelck v. Schelck. Reversed, Inst. Hast ings, C. In re Camplan. Writ denied. Albert, C. Twenty Days for Stealing: Tnrkeys. PLATT8MOUTH, Neb., Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) In the ' case of the state against Jesse GUmore and Harry Grabel, in the district court yesterday, ln which the prisoners were charged with having stolea four turkeys from Dr. J. B. Hungate of Weeping Water, the defendants admitted that they stole four turkeys. Dr. Hungate testified that he paid the sum of 15 for one turkey and raised the other three, which were stolen. The value of the choice fat turkeys was the principal ques tion Involved. The Jury brought ln a ver dict of petty larceny, and Judge Jensen sentenced them to twenty days each In the county Jail. Do Not Want Dresser. FREMONT. Neb., Nov. 19. (Special.) W. J. Dresser, the man who gave himself up to Sheriff Bauman last week, stating that he was an escaped convict from the Iowa State penitentiary, was released this morning. It was learned from the Iowa authorities that Dresser had been released cn parole, but had violated the terms of his release. As he only had a few weeks longer to' serve, the authorities did not oare to go to the expense of bringing him back, and requested his release. Dresser, who Is a well dressed, fins appearing man of about 45, had been on a protracted spree for some time before reaching Fremont. Boilers to Be Inspected. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 19. (Spe cial.) The city council at its meeting last night took the initiatory cteps toward pass ing an ordinance compelling the' Inspection of i team heating r.nd other boilers in the city, the expense of Inspection to be borne by the .artles owning such boilers. It Is said in connection with the effort that the city's boilers at the wsterworks are as much In the movement as any other. Boys Charged with Theft. NEBRASKA C1TT. Neb., Nov. 19. Spo clal Telegram.) A complaint was filed this afternoon by James McGee charging two boys, Shep Young and Bob Walker, with entering his house and stealing; articles therefrom to ths value of $6.50. Their hear ing will bo had tomorrow. is Don't be like the man who couldn't mend his leaky roof when it rained and when it was clear, lie said lie didn't need to. Don't wult to nave your winter gulfs trousers uu tll they're beyond saving. An extra pair of Mac Carthy Troublvless Trousers now would mul tiply the natural life of that winter suit's trousers by 2. $5 to$IS is our price list. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, Originators and Designers of the MacCarthy x-Button Double-Breasted Sack. J04-3O4 5 16th 51. Next door to Wabash Ticket Office. Psoas 10. "Gould Not Walk Across tho Floor Hot Another Month to Live." 5. E. hltmlre. In Business at I loyd Springs, Oa., all Broken Down In Hvalth, Suffering from Severe Hemorrhages and Nervousness, Completely Cured by DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY Gained 4)2 Pounds, Is Now In Perlect Health and Able to Do ths Hardest Kind of Work Without Tiring. "I went all to pieces from overwork In the Spring of IWl, and 1 could not wnik across the floor C was so weak: felt I coul.s not live another month. I suffered from hemorrhages of the lungs, which no rre-H-c!ne had been able to stop. Finally Duffy's Fure Malt Whiskey was preHcrlbed for mo by my doctors. It completely cured me and has kept me In perfect hroilth ever since. I havo gained 42 pounds In weight, have had no hemorrhage and am no longer nervous. I nm strong enough to c'lmb the mountains all day long to look after the men working on my tanbark nnd to keep track of my l.R-haulers. When 1 began taking your meulclne I was In a most mis erable condition. There can be no qiiestlon "L.1. A 1 ,w mv ePlete recovery te Duffy's Pure alt Whiskey. My doctor, my mlnlwer and nelghNin for miles eroun.l f,r'-.Rrq,"'ll,ei wllh the great benefit that Duffy s has been to me. Several of mv neighbors are now using lviffy's with I'irimiu results. o. K. WHITMIRE. a I M'PS Overworked lYIen and Women itai h..,. . vn saev overcomes general debility, exhaustion and weakness. rV .-j . iTi i..7i Presences oy uoctors ror brokendown men. deli cate nomen and sKkly ehildren. It Is an absolutely o.tre. enl and lnvion.tln Ji'"1!" an" ,on''': hulk s up the nerve tissues; tones up the heart; gives power to iV? !..?.i .' "tn"E,h '"" rlH,i,lclty he muscles and richness to the blood, it brings fnfi -ii .2 ? i',,ul .fo,rce"; 11 makes riigeMlon perfect and enables nn to get from ih m ..V ?e """rlfhrnent It contains. It Is a promoter of health and longevity-makes Ibe Old vounir anil keens the vnnnir. .I.nnif l.ens init vnnnir. trnn.r D.lfTv'S I'lire Mnlt Whl'xkev Kiiroa .-IJ. - .i i . tarrh. pleurisy pneumonia and all diseases of the throat and lungs; nervousness, malaria and all low fevers. More than 7,i0 physicians prescribe It regularly snd It is "'d V""vely In over 2.X hospitals. Duffy's Is the only whiskey recognised bv the Government as a medicine. This In Itself is a guarants. CAITIOV Whenvron nk for Duffy's fare Malt Whisker bo snre yoa aet the genuine. I nacrupulons dealers, mindful of the eirellene of this prep aration, will try to sell ) cheap Imitations and malt whiskey substi tutes, which are put on the market for profit only, and which, far from re. llevlns; the slrk, ore positively harmful. Demand "Duffy's" nnd ho snre you aet It. It Is the only absolutely pure Mnlt Whiskey which contains medicinal, tea It h giving; qunlltleu. Duffy's Pure Malt Whisker Is sold In sealed bottles only never In flank or bulk. Look for the trademark, tho "Old t hemlst." on the label, and he certain tho seal Over tho eork Is un broken. Beware of refilled bottles. Pold by all druggists and grocers, or direct. $1.M a bottle. Interesting n edieal booklet postpaid to any address. DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO.. Rochester. N. Y. CHICAGO - and Return Rock Island System tueBUnwrin Tickets on Sale November 28th to 3Qth Inclusive. Return Limit, December 7th City Ticks. Ofilca 1323 Farnam Streat, Omaha, Net), F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A. - -t linn "TTTTi i "i ii" ' ' I-..--. ' Strength, Vitality AND Restful Sleep IN THE GREAT NERVE TONIC AND BLOOD REMEDY TABLETS J'JST A FEW OF MANY KIND EXPRESSIONS RECEIVED: Nervan Tablet Co., Chicago. 111.: Dear fc-lrs I am using NEKVAN for general debl'.ity and lost energy. As sn energy builder they cannot be best. I feel like twenty-five years old and am fifty.. I would not be without them and I" will try and induce ethers to take them. Griswold, 111., Oct. 5, lfti3. B. A. READ. Lansing, Mich., Oct. 28. 1903. Nervan Tablet Co.. Chicago, III.: Gentlemen I am very much pleased to Ktate that NERVAN TABLETS make mo feel like a new man. Two months sgo I was In very had condition.' I am now very much stronger, have a good appetite and am gaining flesh. My nerves are in fine condition. 1 find NERVAN TABLETS are good for kid ney trouble. Gratefully yours. GEO. V. 8TONE. Nervan Tablet Co., Chicago. 111.: Dear firs I have taken NERVAN TABLETS for Nervo isness and find that they do all you claim for them. I shall recommend them to my friends. Very truly, Chicago. Aug. 15, 19US. MJSS M. DANLY. BEWARE of liquid preparations that contain alcohol. They stimulate for a time, but la the end do you great harm. You take no chances with NERVAN TABLETS, as they contain no a'.cohol or other injurious Ingredients. Take the peer of all Nerve and Blood lemediea, NERVAN TABLETS. They will surely euro you. Sold and lecommended by SHERMAN & McCOINNELL DRUG CO.. :tth and Dodge Streets, Omaha, or sent direct; price, $1.00. NERVAN TABLET CO.. Chicago, III. . 3D rrCs, Pi Mm t : THEJAIUT0R The Bee Building Is noted for the cioellence of its Jani tor service. In fact, the best any other Oiiwha oflli-e building ran claim Is that "It Is us Rood ss tho service In Ths Bee Hulldlng." The Bee Building" la the standard of office excellence ln Omaha. An ofHce there Is a continuous souue of xatisfnetion. ROOM 300 This office is Immediately .In from of lhe elevator and Is seen Immedi ately on stepping out of the elevator. It Is a large, handsome office, faea the south and is considered one of the most desirable offices in the building. A private utiles will be partitioned to milt the ten ant, If desired. This office will he vacated for occupancy January 1st. Price per month SJ70 KOOM SIS Pleasant room with good light anu was recently decorated. This ruoru U a very pleasant ottlce both winter and summer. The rent includes light, heal, water and Janitor service. Rental price per month SI 7. SO ROOM 306 This is the only large room In the building vacant. It faces Karnara street and is as handsome a room as there is in the building. The suite consists of a wailing room and two private offlcea. so tliut It would be admirably suited for wo professional men. It has a lrae -bur. giar-prof vault and Is a most desirable suite of others In every respect. Kental price per month S30 OO H. C. PETKRS A CO, Rental Agents. Craand Floor. Tho Be Building.