Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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The arrival of an eipert. who iu ex
pected here, yesterday to Initials the mntor-
I men In th art of working the stoves. Is
" snxiously awaited.
It -nica ii All in ani At oraey for But
rtirni on tha Jury.
d: ense submits iitre testimony
atkn tinra on the fttaad anil
Iwran that Hhootlax of Deputy
Baker Wii aa Accident a ad
Sot with Malice.
Th cafe of George Matheson, tha oung
an on trial fur shooting Deputy Sheriff
. :aker, will. It Is expected, go to tha Jury
. bt afternoon. The state rented it caae
niVerday morning and the defense, had all
of 'ta testimony In during the afternoon,
.eavlng time for Assistant County Attorney
Iless'to muke the opening address for tte
state to the Jury before court adjournad
for the day. ' ,
Aa had been anticipated the defense of
Matheson waa that the ahootlng was ac
cldental. Ha went on the witness ittand
and testified that when Deputy Sheriff
JUaker accused him of having a revolver
in Ma pocket and the officer made a move
as If to search him, he reached to his
pocket for the purpose of handing the gun
over to Baker and that In drawing It from
his pcket the weapon was accidentally
discharged. Matheson testified further that
lila reason for running away after tha
shooting was because he became scared.
J le denied shooting at Deputy Sheriff Knox
and claimed that he fired twice in the air
for the purpose of frightening Knox and
preventing him following him any further.
Young Mathcson said that the night of the
shooting he walked the sixteen miles to
Ixrveland, where he caught a freight train
und was In Sioux City before daybreak.
That he was able to make the distance
claimed In that time wan disputed by coun
sel for the state. From Sloitx City Math-(-son
said he went to Canada, but becom
ing tired of being a fugitive decided to
return and surrender himself, which he
Matheson's claim that the shooting wan
occidental was somewhat controverted by
testimony on behalf of the state to the
effect that when Deputy Sheriff Knox
started In pursuit of the young fellow,
Matheson's father tried to prevent him,
saying: "He has shut down one man In
cold blood, so for God' Bake be careful
wtiat you do."
J. J. Williams, brother of one of the
owners of the store which was robbed,
testified that a night or no. before the
i-hootlng Matheson told him that he would
rhoot and kill any one who laid hands
'in htm or attempted to connect him with
the burglary. - ,
An X-ray photograph of the wound re
ceived by Deputy Baker, showing the loca
tion of the bullet, was introduced In evi
dence yesterday.
v The courtroom, as on the previous day,
waa crowded by the friends of young
N. T. Plumbing Co., Tl. 260. Night, F-WT.
Flash Think He Wa Worked.
Believing that he had been Imposed upon
jonn bush, a farmer or Keg Creek town
ship, this county, has filed an Information
in tne court of Justice Ouren, charging
it. r. a. Hanper with practicing medicine
m an Itinerant physician without a state
license. Up to date the authorities have
iieen unable to secure any trace of the
According to Bush's complaint Harper
called at his farm and after announcing
Hmself a phyBiclan, Informed Bush that
i;is daughter was suffering from "milk
worm, which he declared freauentlv nf
fected persons who milked cows. For HO
If offered to trem the daughter and fur
nish the recffpiiry medicine and Bush con-
ntd. For treating his daughter Bush
pi'ifl harper V0 In c.ih. Then Harper of
fered to treat Mrs. Bush, who wn suffering
from rbeinnjlism and agiln his proposltim
Dividend from Plsanh Rank.
V. B. Reed of this city, trustee for the
Bank of Plsgah, Harrison county, which
closed Its doors lust July. Is preparing to
make a payment of 5 per cent to the
creditors. Mr. Reed Is confident that the
bank will pay out In full and expects to
was accepted. In psynient for treating ( declare another dividend within a short
ins wire huhii gave narper a ciieca ror time
175. Harper, however, did not particularly
can1 about carrying away u check, so of- j
... , v..-.. ...... (
tltlon again appeared a good one to BufIi j
and ho handed over $71 In cash.
lister on, after Harper had made his de
parture, Bush did some strong thinking and
arrived at the conclusion that he had been
played for a sucker. The medicine given
the daughter by Harper, It Is alleged.
proved to be a weak solution of sugtr and
Plumbing and heating. Btxby Son.
Klk' Rowling; Scores.
The third game In tha bowling tourna
ment, ut the Elks' club house resulted In
the defeat of team No. 5, captained by A.
V. Frush, by team No. 8. captained by Dr.
Waterman. The score follows:
Waterman 171
West l'
Davis 10
J. K. Wallace 1M)
Loaaa Crawford Decide to Co to
oprcrae C'oart with His
Logan Crawford, whose suit to enjoin the
authorities of the two counties from con
structing the Harrison Pottawattamie
county drainage ditches was decided ad
versely to him in the district court here,
has filed notice of appeal to the supremo
court. This action on the part of Craw
ford was unlooked for by the county au
thorities. The suit brought by Crawford was de
cided adversely to him on the question of
the right of the county authorities to es
tabllKh the drainage district and order the
construction of the ditches. On this point
the court held that the county authorities
had acted entirely within their powers and
In the manner prescribed by the law.
Crawford a"so alleged that there had been
fraud In the awarding of the contracts for
the constrm tlon of the ditches, but the
court declined to rule on this question until
the tlrma to whom the contracts were
awarded were brought Into court as party
defendants, consequently the suit was left
open so far as the question of alleged
fraud was concerned.
The sale of the bonds for the portion of
the work of the construction of the ditches
In Pottawattamie county has been adver
tised for Friday morning by County Auditor
Innes. What effect the appeal of Crawford
will have upon the sale of these bonds,
amounting to $21,300, remains to be seen.
There are some persona who are Inclined
to the belief that It would be haiardou to
purchase the bonda until the appeal of
Crawford l decided by the supreme court.'
W. A. Smith Co., the firm given the
contract for the part bf the drainage work
known as the Boyer river cutoff and against
whom an Injunction suit Is pending in the ,
district court, ha
tlmate on the con
haa not been paid, as until the bonds are
old there wl'.l be no funds to meet the
cost of the construction of the ditches.
Turner ...
DeVol ....
.... ID!
6. '
2d. 3d. Total.
154 114 4li
in 2"i m
1 37 1.17 '34
150 l-H 4H
111 123 450
M 704 2.142
2d. M. TotHl.
11 142 4iil
167 134 428
)M 1i SS5
140 112 3!fl
102 122 332
70S 6.16 1,999
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday in
the abstract, title and loan office of Squire
& Annls. 101 Pearl street:
8. D. Dallv to Dally hongstreet, lot 12.
block 7. Jackson's add. w. d $ 1
Martin P. Schmidt nnd wife to Adolph
Dvoracek, lot 10. block 7, Everett's
ndd, w. d 62
Mary Farrell to K. Dethlefts,
lots 7 and . block 7, Meredith's add,
Avoca, w. d 600
Total three transfers
Marrlaiie Licenses.
hlccnses to wed were issued yesterday to
i the following:
I Name and Residence. Age.
W. O. Chute. Omaha 40
Ida Crcmer. Omaha 40
' a iHorf J Hamnelson. Council Bluffs 21
Lillian B. Kelley. Omaha 18
Darts sells drugs.
Ijeffert's glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpets.
A store for men "Beno's."
Celebrated Mets beer on Up. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 409
14-K and 1S-K wedding rings at Leffert's
40 Broadway.
Picture framing. C. E. Alexander St Co.,
$33 Broadway. Tel. 366.
Mrs. P. J. Montgomery of Fourth street
is visiting friends In Dea Moines.
Folsom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F.
Everest, 166 Glen avenue, Is 111 with scarlet
Mrs. D. M. Steele and daughter of Ma
nilla, la., are guests of the family of A. M.
Phelps of Sixth avenue.
The regular meeting of Harmony chapter,
111 be held this
s drawn $700, partial es- I Order of cru Eastern Star, w
jntract, but the warrant evening In Masonic temple.
1,000 turkeys. J. 7oller ft Co.
For rent, ottlce room around floor: on
of the most central locations in the busi
ness nortlon of th cltv. AddIv to The Be
office, city.
The foot ball gnme scheduled for Satur
day between the (Shamrocks of this city and
the Walnut High school at Walnut has
ben declared on.
The high school cadets will give their an
nual hop tomorrow night In Royal Arcanum
hall. 1 he itHticIng ul be preceded by an
o Money to Pay Warrants,
For the first time In several years hold- ! exhlt-ltion drlli commencing at V o'clock
A nervy thief entered the premises of
crs of warrants on the county general fund
.....hi., ihi. Th. . Patrolman Hue on Waaninaton avenue last
, . . . .. I evening and walked off with a number of
nni i u i ivi hih . ucvuic r. Iluni, u nil. n i
You are 'not wtll lr.W'l
if your SHOES are hal)bv.
Look In my window -for
styles and priceR.
warrants drawn on It are being stamped
"Not paid for want of funds."
Tli Board of County Supervisors at its
recent eiaion allowed Contractor Wlckham
all estimate of $6,000 on his contract for the
construction of the buildings on the new
poor farm. This estimate should have beon
paid from the poor farm fund, u fund raised
by a special levy, but there waa not suffi
cient mcney to meet this and the board or
dered that Wlckham be puld out of the
genera! fund. This payment to Wlckham
practically exhausted the general fund and
now witnesses In the district court are
forced to hold their warrants until such
time a the gcnrral fund becomes replen-
! Hhcd.
it is expected that after the delinquent
tax sale In the early part of December
there will be sufficient money In the gen
ral fund to tuke up the' warrants which are
now being issued r.nd marked not paid for
want of fundy. The lack of money In the
general fund, however, has proven more or
I est- embarrassing to the witnesses and
j Jurors r.ow attending dlt'lct cocrt, m.iny
or whom have been forced to dlnpose of
their warrants at a discount.
t'harired rvl'h Rein Hoi 'lap.
Al Kilgore, a railroad switchman. Is
under arrest at the city Jell, charged with
assisting Henry Hull In holding up and
robbing Thomus 1 Coidy list rintuidiy
night. Kilgore was arrested iu O nuliu lute
Tuesday night und. ' consenting to return
artlciea of clothing from, the clothesline,
Krcelvets BcreKhclm and Murphy began
suit In the dl8trict court agulnsi A. H.
Nicholas on notes amounting to o,ii00 gTven
by Nicholas to the omcer tc usey bum..
The funeral of John Fuckier. who died
at Mercy hospital, will be lieiu this morn
ing at 1" o ciock lrom I.unkley s undertak
ing rooms and burial wld lie in V ainut nlll
Fred Williams, until recently a resident
ot this cliy, now couch ot tne foot ball
loam of hignland ParK college. Den Moines,
who h.:s been vixltlng frlendb here, returned
last evening to Ues juolnes.
During toe annual buauur of St. Francis'
Roman Cutholio church, which will be held
the week beginning December 7, Rev.
Father l.oiiur, ufctieluiit pastor of ine
church, will euu una publish u dully paper.
The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Edwards will be
held this utternoon at i:3o o clock lrom
Lunkley's undertaking rooms und Interment
will be In Clark's cen.etery. Kev, J. A.
Bingham of Omaha win conduct the serv
ices. James Luce, one of the three Northwest
ern car cleaner charged with looting Pull
man care, haa secured hi release iruin the
county Jail on bonu. t-ie was Indicted on
two chaises ami turulshed two Lomia each
In the sum of 1260.
The West End Improvement club will
meet this evening ui ine county building.
Business of lniHr Chiicb Is scneduied to
come befoie the mnellng and every one In
tern ted In the welfare of the weaieru part
of the city is Invited to attend.
Frtd L., tne Infant ton of Mr. and Mrs.
Freu Leigman, Mj Avenue E, uled ytsur
OH.v muil.ilig. agtd u veeKS. The funeral
will be Held thia aneiiioon at :W o'cloCH
lrom the residence anu Lunai will be In
Vvainut Hill cemt trr .
A number of the at hool girls hve
oignnu.ed a glee club .mil are tuiKing of
ll.iiib a opera htfore ih mid ot the
without requisition papers, wa lirouilit I winter season, 'i ..u Ulee ciul. . Ill mae Iim
Iwtck across the river yceterduy morning.
With Hall, he will have u preliminary
hearing next Wednesday in pollc- court.
Kilgore is stild by Coady to be the in m
who held him while Hall robbed him.
j Coady had met the men earlier In the
evening In a Broadway saloon and It 1
charged , that they waylaid him on his
way home after midnight.
I J r.e s.rel rillway company
' eonsldenble difficulty In heatlrg (he ret
j big cit-s o:i the Council Bluffs-Omulm !l:is
They ole supwd t- be heited hy h"H I ,
ttutlal iiuodc npiie.iranee iu ne i
Ii.i; Xbj exe.c.sre ul the hlgn school uudl
toiiuin next weeK.
The suit in which Elllubcth TJullereh
sought lo lecr.ver ,uuo l;unH(;e lrom
William C. 1'roise or Has cliy ljr alleged
betiuyal uilC.'T promise m inaruah'o iiiin
been tettled out oi i ourt nni wua yesiorday
niKinlssed. '1 ho trims "I the aettiviuent
weie not made public.
Prof. H. Bhlnek of th
slty will lecture
ev iiUik ot Oecemher
Ueseri. rtor. hh:nel: la ail authorltv oil I
i aenlna'c:! mutters Mm eKii.t-tn lo Mnetul I
fiav nj iwo in- 11 rec tlavs .n i.,:? .-.:-:n tv alutl iit
tne v.iru i.f: tor nmtifiiF.
Jun c itcdinoiid. O. Cullen. John Krnst
and Vll!..,ni tJUIson, thf. liartenders, were
il.'vtilftil ir iitll'.lf In'' .nauali, In B
witer. the titove being In the front veiiiilo rlalit in tre vadium at the ii.,ntr ( Main
Willi the moto'Tian. For -e reiaon or an- I al,d S'ory streets. Ualli n v.'as unable to
other much dimeuity ,.e, e,pe ,nd knu',1n?, ,V" 'h hf
In writing the fires to burn ia the he-iUrr u ui: al:- ot.ll ct ..:.; ik.
and je-tei-dav the comnmy haj bi 1 Fifd Harter. lii.ov.n to in police
tuto a nu-nber of the old n-oto'-s !-.le!i are
heated with electricity for the t-f.
BeoreUry of 8tU Makei a Oomp lttioa 0f
Oconpa ion of Member
rioveraer Camnlaa ta Deliver Addres
Refer Hawkey rink at Har
vard Walla He I la th
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, Nov. 18. (8pedal.)-Th
secretary of state is making up a record of
the various memliers of the next legisla
ture and securing Information as to their
past legislative experience and occupation.
It Is found that In the house there wlH
be sixteen lawyers nod fifteen In the senate,
which is a material reduction In the num
ber of lawyers from last-year. There will
be six farmers In the next senate and thirty-one
In the house. Of merchants, manu
facturers or persons engaged In trade of
some kind there will be fourteen In the
senate and thirty In the house. There will
be one doctor In the senate and six In the
hnuso. There are three editors In tho
houce. Two members of the house ar re
tired ministers. The number of democrat
in the legislature Is thirty, of whom eight
are In the senate and twenty-two In the
house, against a total of twenty-seven In
the last legislature. The reduction of the
number. of lawyers in the legislature Is
taken as significant, for In the last two
seKslons the lawyers have been able to
practically control legislation that was es
pecially desired by the members of the
Would Compliment Cammln.
The Hawkeye club, composed of students
from Iowa, who ar attending Harvard
university, has asked Governor Cummin to
fix a date for a complimentary dinner to
the governor while he Is In the east. He
will go to Boston for an address December
10 before the Merchants' club and tho
Hawkeye club, Blxty strong, desires to
compliment him by having him as the
guest of honor at their annual banquet.
The governor will accept and meet tha
Harvard boys while on the trip east.
The Oood Government club of Ann Arbor
has atiked the governor to fix a date for an
address before the club some time early In
the winter.
Tablet at College for Blind.
At the suggestion of Curator Charles
Aldrlch of the stats historical department,
a memorial tablet has been prepared to
be placed In the College for the Blind at
Vinton, !n memory of Thomas Drummond,
the founder of the coll;ge. Mr. Dmmmond
was n state senator and a so'.dler and
wa kil'.cd In fcatt e. but he wa the f ither
of the college and secured Ita location at
Vinton neirly fifty years ago. Mr. Aldr'.ch
will make the p.esentitlon npeech and
there will be an nddresa by Governor Cum
mins und addresses by local persons who
wero acquainted with Senator Drummond.
An addrecs on his life, especially his mili
tary career, will be delivered by Major Les
ter Walker of Nebraska City, an army
C3mrade of Senator Drummond.
Church Dedication Pat Of.
As a result of the deith of Lyla, the
daughter of Rev. C. F. McCray of Valley
Junction, the plans for a dedication of the
new Christian church of which he is pas
tor have been postponed and the church
t fair which was planned haa been aban
doned. The daushter died last night from
pneamonla. Tha dedication of the church
wai to have taken placs next BunfWy and
all next iveek there was to have been a
church fair.
Rev. Charles Lee Reynolds, pastor of the
Sixth Prestyterlan church. of this cltv, h :s
rertlvoda call to the Prcibyterlan chuch
of Clinton. Mr. Reynolds Is regarded us
one of the ablest young mirlstera of the
state and has been pastor here about four
Wrote to HI Dead Motuer.
A letter has teen received here by John
Ear'ey, colored, from his on, a soldier in
the Ninth United States cavalry in the
Philippines, addressed to the soldier'
mother, who haa been dead fur three
weeks. The young man states In his letter
that he will soon return horn;. He had
written to his mother regularly and was
much attached to her, and recently anted
that he had mar. led a F.liplno bride, who
would accompany him ho.r.e on his retire
ment from the tervlce.
Ideality Not Established.
The strange tra np who was shot by R uk
Island detecivei while they were out lock
ing for the pers ii' who were supposed to
be planr lng a hf hi-jp ubout two wieks ago
Is still lying III . Mercy hospital and ha
vtuadlly lefusec lo ij!ve his nume or give
any hint as to his past lU'e. It Is exrec'.ed
he wlii be le'cistd us eoon as he is well,
as there !s no evidence connecting him
j wllh the uiyite lous letter which Is now
believed to huve been a hoax, bat which
l cuused the Rock lrland manager deep
tnxlety for u few days. All persons ar
rested in connection rith the cau have
bitn released.
The t l' p. ono assessments have now all
leen te .t out by the and tor of state. The
Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoy,
meat which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the
greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their
happiness when grown. When a laxative it needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the intern, organs
on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents,
well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, Its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is
Syrup of Figs and for the same reason It is the only laxative which aliould
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syntp of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results
from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against
which the children should be ao carefully guarded. If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give
them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and
gentle Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the
laxative priuc 'pics of plants with pleasant aromatio syrups and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and aa you value the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable drtipgUts at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to remember, the full ncme of the Company
..lys tne iront ox every pack-
in oraer to get its
1 "fT.-
iA-JTV-'V. tne iront ot every pack- Ar
TVK$?&i&J ae. In order to get it. jCVa rTk'
: ihtrSy.V beneficial effects it is al- , X&? JT.Y 6vVV Xu
W A VH way t0 bu f WATH J'
flee wages In order to keep their fellow
workmen from distress.
Rody of Late Paymaster Received ut
at ike Old Home In
Cedar Falls.
CEDAR FALL8. Ia.. Nov. 18.-(Speclal.)
The body of Major W. R. Graham, who
died In Kansas City, arrived in this city
today, accompanied by the members of the
family and several friends. Including Adju
tant General George A. Newman ot the
Grand Army of the Republic of Iowa. The
funeral will be In the morning from the
Episcopal church, conducted by Rev.
Charles Lewis Bigg. The Workmen, of
which lodge Major Graham was a mt'. -ber,
will have charge. The Interment will be In
Falrvlew. Major Grnham had been a resi
dent of this city for many years and the
last two years had been away from home
In the Philippines as paymaster and in
Kansas City later with the regular troops.
President Congratulates Parent.
SPENCER, la., Nov. 18.-I.ast May, th
12th, three girl babies, triplets were born
to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson of this city.
All of them have grown and are healthy
and promlln;. The day they were 6
months old Mr. Olson wrote to President
Roocevelt, Informing him of this remark
able addition to his family. A few days
later tho president acknowledged the let
ter, congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Olson and
oxpresred his bent wishes for the future
welfare of the parents and little glrht.
They are handsome children und weigh
cbout fifteen pounds each. Their name are
Lilly, Rose and Violet.
Miners' Defense Fond tirown.
OTTCMWA, la.. Nov. IN. According to
tho quarterly report Just Issued by District
Treasurer John P. White of Oskaloosa of
the United Mine Workers of America, die
defense fund of the district 'union was in
creased by 115.412.88. The total rere'.ptl
from ull sources during the quarter
amounted to $43,636.88, and the expenditures
were $5,956.08, leaving a balance of $3",6SJ.:G.
The sum of $1,2S6.59 was received during
the quarter for the benefit of widows ami
children of miners who were killed in tho
Lost Creek district accident two year
.For Waists and Wrappers
Here are pretty, handsome styles in inex
pensive fabrics for winter waists or warm,
comfortable house wrappers.
New Fabric Panne Velour, 2S ins. wide,
in waist, wrapper or khnona -W fl g
patterns, per yard
Double fold fleece lined twilled flannels, in
light, dark and medium colors, r
extra fine quality, per yard xtv
Imported English and German Velours
heavy, warm fabrics new styles for waists
or wrappers, 28 ins. 171 O
wide, per yard J"Jf
'White ilercerized Wnistings in u multi
tude of qualities and weaves very popu
lar and splendid fabrics for winter r- JC
waists prices from, per yard ntv C7t
Practical Holiday Gifts in Every Department.
'oAOA-OrVAi; fo or A"i7i. mr.
e lor.-a State iinlver- total lor thi year is $l,9J8,97t, which' Is
I the high school, the i-jsh ami or.oior thun lurt vem-.
i ui. "The Iowa
'iJiiti-h" Hurler. v,a taken into coptody
yesterday uu Information f v.i :ilnhed by iiny
Fairell. arrested Tuesda evening for .he
ttieft of four mi :nated snot from ill
front of 1. Goldltera'b Htore on Broadway.
Furrell told the uolTce .lecterday that liar-
i tei- too!: tlx- stiiiet i. Ml ur el tr.em ovef to
j him to lell.
; William Atkli sr.. ch.,rgi'd with steulInK a
grip belonging to Court Kr'n.rter Prulngtoii
I from a Great Western nt McCelland,
' as a'ralned In Jusli.-e ;iuren s court yes-
WllV are lXHJple- Hlltistied With tilt' l llr i'Ilt lii5l lv ! hla irtl!i? lnarv hearing set for
' ' nun nil o Jer tflll paiU H4iuiday .-nor-ilng l'i default if bail be
baiikw on ilicn- kuvhios? The money is safe, but is it
as well invested as it would be iu ti good piece of prop
erty or will it increase an rapidly?
lJSOA lot North Mitl-th i'.-e Coltcij.
t rooms, closet-", c?lir. gas. k!i i.le, 1 iwn, '
water In kltch:-n. s:e 4 xl3 f.-e . ::n'i
for $163 per utliu;n.
IOO J1S North Kighlh 8tr?et. Cottage,
( rooms, clcfets, t.. bath. fuirmf. hut
and cold water, lawn, cnriier lor. fi
feet. Rents for S-Iti per uunum !
These two properties Join, tre in good
-onditlon, well rented, anj hive a ,
frontage on Kighlh street nf lo fec-t. ' '
K( Pi;rtv :
.-.tnt-'l ;nt"re, tnc jeur
tt'ii'r -ent
rrd :rpalr..
To'.al o.r.'ay
. :iii
. 71.41
wa sent back to lire courty Jail. The grip
contained. i,el'l- Mr. I'rolrstu.'i'a personal
eltet-ts. a mini t-e cf .il-ii'j.c te ri p;.;jn-8
ard rei-orc'a.
(ieorge Oen:er. Jr.. and M!ss Frances
Hownr.Hn were rnarrlwl lust evening at the
home of the I r!'s s'.eter. Mrs. Wool Allen,
Itev. T. J. Maekay of All faints' church,
OniulHi. ofncle.tliig. Among the out-of-town
guests present were: Mr. and Mrs, Richard
Hi-ouemln f Kansas City. C. M. Jaeoue-
.(in cf Helena. Muni.. Mix -Claru Zarn of
I n:itte Cltv. Mo., aiid M:tr C't'.re i!lisi.ier
, f He 'ens. lor.t.
The trial of C. E. HIrd, alln "gtret.-b"
".ird, will be lal eu up at the c lone tt the
, . . Mi.ti.em rtw In the dlntrl.-t court. HIrd
si's-'! !H .r,aret with loHIng Oorge V . Catter-
11 ri . a railroad Iran, ct a goto weten aim
Hnalness at Institution.
The monthly tiatis'.lcal report of lira
Stite Board of Control for October J.ixt
Issued shows that there w.'ic 7.D1G lnmiies
ut the InNtltutions at the close of the
month, an increase of 841 for the month.
The total paments at the lnsit ition f"r
a'l purposes was $l65.iS.T3. or V.tH.55 mutv
than In the nrevlouH uio.ith. The expense
of th Institu.toiis Inoreute ttsai 11 y at thlu
time of the year and will soon bo at the
et ncomc leatial to ? ,' ' ,. hw In und a unm of inniv dtirtnv a holo-iio
;er cent $J44 9" i at B-'niuel fJraves' groe-ery nore. Hlid ut
A bunk r..iia 1J " V ,. ' i said to hive teen on of the irre men who
.. . d py Pr " held up th Horo I lul wes dsnlihed by
-'"I - W9 (k, I iVaiivM n es the n un who rttfc.d Mai.
. .... ... i Captsln W. A: Hsyn, wha ecej-d from
HAVE OTHKKtf KO TALLY AS tiOOI) ,h HP" i'hronlc Inebriates t
' viwwa. viount .''I'liir.t. Wiiere he wus toinil'ted
for to jeHid ly Ji.-ge Wheet?? hr.d re
Itar.Ail tt hi line In lhi:i ell--, as taken
Into ruat'vly ;e ;-'rit y ui.d will I pre-cut-d
i i'.er thn ileti- var (iiv lw. 'i he
r)Iiln. U is charged, has bn on a pro-l-st'UJ
spiee i'cmIm. during vhieh h has
Dna4e mwtleia dUdeeily idiCoiiifL'tialile for
bis family.
Workmen Help Dlsehargied Comrade.
WATERLOO, la., Nov. U.-(8peclal.)
All th union employes of the Illinois Cen
tral in and out from this city and Iu the
shops have agreed to give four day' time
each month until April to the men who
were to be thrown out of employment.
The road had cut payrolls down about
M.OOu per month. The union men will aacrl-
Medical authorities now concede that
oinler t-e vMem of treatment introduced
by Ur. r'raok Whctxel of Ctitcago,
Dr. C D. KaotL Lebanon. Kv.; Dr. 8
Bivwn. fiiii'irliar. lews: Dr. I. C. Currer.
h'.. Paul, aliau - Iir. M. I CraBry, M.
laxiia. Mo j Ur. C. F Beard. 8o. ITaiuing
b in. Mm. bear aitn.M lo Ilia cfti
f his Imlment and the periaanenry cf
the cure la ih-ir owa caae. Dr. W hrtiel'S
me: hod is a radical drmrtare from
3 the n'd l-li"-iied smoke p- wdera, sprsya.
wBicar rviicve diu oo nisi cure.
prrrairee'. far a ana artvl- a fckort de
fer pi ir of lb caw. aaaicsof
two oilM-r a l a ma nc frrera. Aak lur
iKM'k'ri of x;wneuces of tboatt cand.
Da4. a saint f lunu gala., CsMnf. .
Plaintiff net So Dauiagen,
ONAWA, Ia., Nov. 18. iSreclal Tele
gram.) In the case of Elsie Andrews
against F. O'Connor ft Son, rniloon keepers
and bondsmen, Abel Anderson und John
Baumgartner of Sioux City, cluiming $i,UW
damage for the sale of Intoxicating liquors
to the plaintiff's husband, 8. W. Andrews,
the Jury thlt. morning returned a verdict
In favor of the defendants.
Iowa Man Fatally Hurl.
8T. JOSEPH, Mo.. Nov. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) William Hook, aged 70, of Cleur
tleld, la., was knocked down and f-.itally
Injured by jn electric cur at Fifth inu'. An
gelinue street today. The right leg wa
shattered at the hip Joint, and he was In
jured internally. He Is at the Ei-.sworth
Preacher l'leada Not built).
MAR8HA1.I.TOWN. Ia.. Nov. 18. (Spe
oial.) Rev. J. A. Wheeler was arraigned
and pleaded not guilty today, to the charge
of obtaining money by false pretenses.
Mrs. Caroline Strain of IKJrand alleged
that Wheeler got $1.0o0 from her for In
vestment and failed to make proper showing.
M&WmP' The
Creditor Take Stock.
CEDAR FALI.B. Ia., Nov. I8.-(8petul
Telegram.) The Cralns agency of Chicago
took possession-of the Hub clothing slock
for the Chicago creditors. The stock U
valued at $18,0u0 and will pay all claims.
The store ia a branch of the Chicago Hub.
Death Blow to Malaria.
Electric Bitters kill and expe! miliaria
disease germs, will prevent typhoid and
cure fever and ague, or no pay. Only Sue
For sale by Kuhn t Co.
ICaaene Dnlsrll.
DAVENPORT. Ia.. Nov. 18. ltpe ial. )
Eugene Dalsell, plumbing inspector of the
city of Davenport for many ye-irs. died laxt
night after a mysterious Illness of over
three years' duration. Mr. Dalsell becom
ing totally blind. Toduy an auiopry re
vealed a nerve tumor on his bruin as large
aa a bane ball und tilling the entire frontil
region of the skull.
Ur. Carrie 1.. Heald.
U8CEOI.A. Neb.. .Vov. 18 -lHp." ial Teh
grajn.) Dr. Carrie 1. Heald died at In r
reatdtmc on Mala street ibis nioruing at
Iw o'clo
Is noted for tit.- t' -cllence of its juui
tor sorvlce. In l':n-;. Hie ln-st nny iitlit-i-Onmliit
ofilcp luiililiu: .-;iu Halm N'lliitt
"it is IU Kood ii h the M-rvlcf iu Tim llto
BiilldliiK." Tli lit" Kuiltlliig is thi
stunilard of ottlct! : . ;:f:u'i iu Oiuulin.
An office there in .; i-i.i ::moim ktuurcc
of Hiitlfii(;tiou.
ROOM 300 This office i '...iiiu uiately in
:onl of the elevator and Ih "-hi iininedi
i tely on stepping out ot the elevator,
it Im a large, handsome office, fact t he
icjuIIi and Is considered onii of the most
i'-firable offices in the building. A prKale.
iltlce will be p.-urlltloned to cult the tnn
ant. If desired, ilils ofhee will be vacated
tor occupancy January 1st. Price per
month JJ7 Sll
ROOM ! Pleiisant room with gi-od light
and waa if-cently Hec-orated. This rtuiu Is
a very pleasant office both winter and
summer. The rent Includes light, heal,
water and Janitor service. Kenlal price
per month $IV,50
ItOOM 306 This Is th onlv large room
In th building viuiant. It fares Karnam
u-et and la aa handsome a room as there
ia in the building The suite cousImis of
x waiting room and two private ofncen,
so that It would be admirably suited for
two profeaslonaJ men. It haa a large bur-giar-proof
vault and la a moet desirable
suite of offices Iu every reapect. Hems'
price per month SSO.OO
H. C. PI'.l'i:H! A I O, Hontal Agent,
(iround Floor,
The Dee Balldlng.
Indies' and Gentl-men's Clothing Cleaned.
Dyed. Pressed nd Repaired; also Dry
Cleaning. - No shrinkage or rubbing off
guaranteed. Work done on short nolle, j
Tel. nv,-. HUT West l!roadwa.
faavrl Bt- CeiiaeU falafl. 'Pbaa M.l i
Aatdress Vnaaa, eb. '
ttaJTM Lm Thaa AIIOtberC
A Medical Eiart
tt Yn' Expertenc
l V irilsOaiki
scar f .tot lint Carta
!. Narroos Umm ol Btm.Ui aaa Hai
fa.. ..J .11 Inf., nf .).... .J .1 ' .
TfMlraaM ttr aL.ll. Call ur riu. u ,
9oVm IU a x. iiwla aa