Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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milt. but In the darkness Matheson made
hlK escape. It wan about 10 o'clock at
night when the shooting occurred. Baker
was brought to his home In this city that
night and for several week It ws ajues
tlon whether he would live or not.
The clo.hes worn by Faker when he was
shot were Introduced In evidence
day to show the nliec.lon of the bullel.
Twenty-one days aft-.r the ehootlng Math-
, . . ', e.on surrend-red and wi subsequently ra
il srd o'Eaaca ion Deo a Hot to dtp 37 j , raneA r.ndn. m, trial on a ks.ooi bond.
0ns fcr hi Present ! He Is being d -fended by Attorneys John P.
i O.gan. Kmmet Tlnley and A. T. Fl.cklnger,
' I ana his defenre, It Is sild, will be that th-s
COMPULSORY EDUCA ION LAW IS VtEAK 1 ,h0o;lng was accidental and that th-j re-
Parrats Can Riade It hr Asaertlaa;
They Intra to Hea Calldrea
the Lst Twelve Week!
In the Year.
Darls sells drugs.
tefferfs glasses ft. .
Stockcrt sells carpels.
A store for roen--"Beno's."
Celebrated Me's beer on tsp. Neimayer. (
Diamond betrothal ring at Le Berts. us
14-K and 1S-K wedding rings at Leffsrt's
e0 Itrosdway.
Picture framing. C E. Alexander A Co.,
SBroadway. Tel. V.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hsrtwell left yester
day for a trip to Aurora. Kan,
Mrs. Ootid left yei'terrtay for l.os Angeles,
Cal., where she will xmih! the winter.
Mrs. K. James -hits gone to Chicago to
make an eitemled visit with her (laughter.
Mrs. W. II. Copson and daughter. Mrs.
V. t. Hell. left yesierdcy to viit relative J
In Kansas City.
E. D. Kmpkln has gone to Atlantic Cltyi
K. J., to attend the national convention
of hardware dealers.
' Mr. and Mrs. James A. Little or Kcokuk 1 The matter waa brought up by Pres,dnt
were the rlty yesterday to visit the r . .... .... .... . .... ,h., . ,,.,,
oaugnier, a pupil at tne lowa ocnooi tor t -
voiver was accidentally discharged while
Matheson was about to hand U over to
Buker. . Matheson Is a young man about
1 10 years of age and the son' of reaoertabl-j j
and well-to-do people, living near W eston.
Decide! to Opsa Up Permanent Hed
qnsrters in Dee Moines.
Case to Be Takes to Inlteal "tales
aareane art oa (he ( lain that
the lot Law la I aeon,
The Board of Kducatlon at Its regular
I monthly meeting last night decided 10
postpone all effort to enforce the Mats
I compulsory education law until next spilrg.
(I'kci: a Staff Correspondent.) ,
DES MOINK8 Nov. '17. (Special.) The
monthly meeting of the Iowa Hallway club
wns held this evening at rooms In the
I'nlon station In Des Moines and a com
mitiM insirt on wrminiint hsadauarters
yesterday in j Hg u,npted, Axing permanent headquar
Real Instate Traaafere
These transfers . were filed
the abstract, title and ofTt'-e of Squire 1 pl8 )IPre nnj engaging the rooms for the
I club. The club hss been holding meet
ings for nearly two years and In various
the l'eaf
Kor rent, office room ground floor; one
of the moat central locations Ir. the busi
ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee
cfllce. city. .
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to George Gerner, Jr., aged 211. and Miss
Frances Rundlett bowman, aged 27, both
of thla city.
Mrs. 8. Record of Olenwood. In., waa In
the city yesterday, visiting friends, enroute
to Albuquerque, N. M., where sue will
spend the winter.
Mrs. laicy Kdwarda, sged 60 years, died
yesterday sfternoon nt the residence of
4r. snd Mrs. Fail! Olles. 137 West Ple.ce
treet. One son survives her.
The Ulsters of Mercy have purchased a
hospital, 1
waa neglecting Ita duty In not taking some
action relative to the appointment of a
truant officer. The board had failed, ha
stated, to take any action last year In the
matter and In neglecting to do ao the board
was not, in Ms opinion, performing Its
The law requires that all children be
tween the ages of 7 and 14 years .attend
school at lei st twelve week In the year,
but It does not specify any time of the
year. This, Superintendent .Clifford ex
plained, was considered the weak point
tn the law and that the legislature at Its
next session will be asked to amend It so
cottAffA sritscAnt to fh Mrcv
which will oe used tor tne cure of patients I that the term of school which the children
suffering from contagious diseases. are required to attend shall commence at
Roy Farrell was arrested last evening tne opening of the school year In Sep-J
hoea. which It la allied, he had stolen f tember. As the law how stands Superln
from In front of I. loiubergs store at tendent Clifford said It waa almost Im
west Broadway.
Miss Pearl .'
r 1. v. ......
She la enroute troiu Culorad.i K to "chool for one week, then skip two
Springs, where she hss teen looking atter I or three ' weeks and go back again at In
ner Interests In the Stratton estate. Nervals and complete ths required twelve
.1 . n. nnn, riinrgBU Willi orrnKina n.lln. I. . Iim.,l m att
y- I practtble to enforce It for the reason that j
.'hamherlslii of Brooklyn. N. a chl!,i 'colij, if the parents so de;red. 1
it of Council llluft4 relitlves. i . , , ' , , I
Into the premises of Flea Leaper on Nortu
Seventh street and stealing several arti
cles of minor value, was dlschargeu In
police court yesterday, no nfo: - iatlo.i ,
having been tiled against him.
Mrs.. Hannah J. O'Connor of - Washing
ton township, thla county, began suit tor
divorce yesterday in the district court
against Thomas O't onnor, to whom she
whs married in Burlington, la.. March i,
1M2. She alleges cruel and'lnhuman treit
ment and that her husband deserted her
February 1. 19ul
The receipts in the general fund of the
Christian home last week were I12i.:.0.
being 174.70 below the needs of ttie week
and Increasing the deficiency to M,(J07.tr7 In
this fund to date. In the manager's
fund the recplpts were 1 28.6. being VM.7S
below the werk s needs end liicre.ixluf lh
deficiency In this fund to date to 18.46.
to keep track of the child,
truant officer was appointed at this time,
Mr. Clifford explained, the parents of a
child not attending school, when called ,
upon by the officer, and ordered to comply
with the law, could evade doing eo by stat-!
lng that they Intended sending It the lest !
twelve weeks of the year. If a truant offi
cer Is to be appointed, Mr. Clifford sug
gested that the appointment be deferred
until spring.
The discussion developed the fact that
Council Bluffs In the matter of attendance
of Its children at school, stands ahead of
any. other city in the state. The achool
census recently completed by Secretary
A mils, I'll Pearl street
Tteasurer to D. Dlllln. unrilv'i lots
ft and H, block S, Howard srt.l., ld$
Fame to Council Muff Meal K.-Uate
and Improvement company. unrtMi
lot 11. block IS. Mulllna sub, trt..
Heme to same. undW same. t. d
8s me to same, lots s to 12, block 1. j
1 roepeci i-i.-it'.., 1. a
Same to same, lots i and 7, block 21
and lot 2. block 23. Mullln's sub;
lot , block X and lot , block S.
Oak Grove add.; lot S. block 2S,
and lot 7, block 51, Riddle's sub.,
t. d . 1"
Pottawattamie County to E. E.
Pchurs, lots 9 and 10. block S, Bay-
llss' 1st add, w. d 1.100
Sheriff to Oeorge 8. Wright, lot 1,-
block 14; lot 11. Mock 13; lots 1 ana
J, block 2. Riddle's sub., s. d
C. K. Parsons and wife to Iucy A.
Martin, lot 7, block 1, Allison's
add., w. d
S. A. Beason and wife to J. W.
Squire. nS lot 1, block., Bayllsa'
1st add., w. d 1
Frsnk Shlnn and wife to Ira H.
Stltt, lot 1, Shlnn's add. to Carson,
w. d ! 100
Henry Orore to Lucy Grote, my wife,
reVt , nw- nwU swVi se4 swH s4
se4 ne4 se4; e feet r.eV4 swVs, and
neii nw 11-76-42, w. d 4,000
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust
company to J. G. Icemen, lot 3,
JudJs Bluff sub., w. d v.. 1,700
John 8. Smith and wife to'Keene
Five Cents Bavinrs bank. n2H feet
lot i and nU foot lot S. In outlot
AAln le 1 ej. jonn jonnson s aau.. i. v. u
Again 11 a , n,i hnshsnd to W.
8. Cooper, lot 8, Turiey's sub, w. d.
Fourteen transfers,
total SU.580
Bowllaar at Flks" Clnh.
The second game in the bowling tovirna
ment at the Elks' club Monday night was
1 won by Team Nq. 1 over Team No. 9. The
score follows:
I 1st.
Wilcox 13--'
Haselton 14G
Ros 1J0
Rhenard 107
Beebee 120
departed In the evening for McCook. where
Mr. Foe has a position In the chief dis
patcher's ofllce.
rinkerton-lrl bar.
ALBANY. N. Y., Nov. 17,-The social
event of recent years here was the wedding
today of Miss Kllen Herndon Arthur of
this city, daughter of President Chester
Allen Arthur, to Charles A. Plnkerton of
New York City. In St. Peter's Protestant
F.placnpnl church. Bishop Potter of New
York officiated. After their wedding
Journey, Mr. and Mrs. llnkerton will reside
In New York City. Mr. Plnkerton Is the
son of John J. Plnkerton of Westchester,
reter iyncn. a ti-year-oio Doy wihj was RoM- wnen compared with the enroll-I
ditlon at East BroadwBy Monday ment ln " Public schools, shows that 1
nlghr, wns taken to the Woman's Christian probably not more than fifty children who gearle
association hospital was operated on for ou(ht to be tending school are not. Grout .V..'.'..
strangulated hernia. It was discovered tnnt i . , . ., . ., u'aitiwnrth
he was also suffering from append. Ids I The parents of severs! children attending F"on
and his condition was stated last evening Gunn school filed a petition asking that Harle
to be most critical. The tcse waa dis- ' ., k.,i . .r. o,. ti.r .r..
covered by Mrs. Johnson, superintendent of . , . . . , . . I
the AsKoclated Charities, who hd been 1 ehcoI and that the Gunn school be aban-
called upon to furnish relief to the boy's
1.000 turkey.
J. Stoller
Hall Arrested as Htakwaymaa.
'Harry Hall was' arrested 'yesterday on
the charge of holding up Thomas L. Coidy.,
an old man.- last Saturdu'y n ght at Fif
teenth streef" aiKr-Flrsf aveniw and rob
bing htm of '111. An Informal len charging,
Hal with highway robbery was fll?d In the ,
superior c.crt yesterday morning by j
Coady. ' ' i,
Coady was on' his way to' his home, at :
1702 Sixth avenue, about midnight Saturday
when two men stopped him at tin corn r
of Fifteenth- and awnue ar.d or
dered hlra to hoi) up hi 1 hand". Cady if
murred, when one of the hignwjijm n
slezed him by the thrbat while the oth-r
went through his p:c-ktr." C ly clalirs o
have recognised 1- al as the man who wont
through his peckof.
Hall was indicted at the las . teriii t f til
trict court on a charge of stealing several
cases of cartridges from a Northwis em
doned. Property .owners and taxpayers
In the vicinity of the school on the other
hand filed a protest against the removal
or abandonment of the school. No action
was taken by the board, bat Superintendent
Clifford stated that the school would un
doubtedly be continued for the remainder
of the school year at Wast.
The report of Superintendent ClfTord for
the second month of school ending October
30. shewed an entire enrollment of 4. 8.
with an average daily attendance of 4.41
There waa a bare quorum present at the
meeting. Members Davenport, Cooper and
Gorman being absent. "
Yoana Maa ta oa Trial far ShootlasT
Last May of Deputy Sheriff
Plumbing and heating. Bizby A Son
William Myers of Kelster, Minn. Her hus
band arrived here, late last evening and
Identified the body as that of ills wife, who
disappeared from her home several weeks
Myrs is a wealthy German. A woman
answering his wife's description passed
through Belle Plains last Tuesday In a
The trial of Gaorge Matheson. the young j ilsht covered wa.ton, accompanied by A
man who shot and came near killing Dep-1 t.irn unknown here.
parts of the state, hut more recently all
meetings' have been held In Des Moines.
The club will prepare rooms and open
headquarters for all railroad officials In
the state. It Is composed of railroad men
of all kinds, from highest to lowest, and
embaclng all branches of the service, and
the club has already become well known
sll over the country for Its excellent
papers read and published. It Is proposed
also that the club establish a monthly
journal for the publication of Its reports
and for general Information. Superintend
ent H. J. Sllfer of the Rock Island Land
company Is the present president of ths
Teat Clararette Law. -
A test of the constitutionality ln the cig
arette mulct law will be made ln a case
appealed today to the supreme court of the
United 8tates. The case Is that of Hodge
against Muscatine County and Is carried
up by Dunshee tt Dorm. It will be claimed
that by the process of the assessor collect
ing the mulct tax the defendant Is deprive.!
of his property without the opportunity of
making a defenra.
Vote for Goveraor.
While not quite all of the semi-official
returns have been received from the va
rious counties of the state, the atate offi
cers have received a sufficient number so
that they can figure on results. ' The final
figures show the plurality for Governor
Cummins was about 79,000. He received
238.S12 votes, or 11,910 more than he did
two years ago. Sullivan received 159.743
votes, the prohibition candidate, received
12.024 the socialist 6.S64 and the populist
B52. The official count will take place next
Caadldate for Oommaader.
A new candidate for commander of the
Department of Iowa, Grand Army of the
Republic, was announced today, In the
person of Captain J. A. Splelman of Fair
Held. He has teen Indorsed by hla home
post. The other candidate Is R. T. St.
John of Rlcevtlle. '
I The state railway commissioners have
set December for- a hearing on classlfi
j cation of freight : a tes-In the Iowa sched
' ule. There are applications on fllo for a
' large number 'of changes In the classlflca
I Uon and the commission , will vrobably
be In session peveral days In December,
hearing from railroad men and, shippers
on the subject. ' . '
To Add to .islverslt.
President Bell of Drake university and
Judge Cole , of the'J lasv department, re
turned this morning from Centervllle, where
they had a conference; with .Kx-Govemor
Drake and secured his pledge for 125.000
as a help toward the erection' 'of a new
BELLE PLAINS, la., Nov. 17. The body building for the law department of Drake
of the woman found In the wooda near this j university. The US 000 la given conditional
city has been Identified as that cf Mrs. j on the raising of other funds so taat a
For Bevenge, a Eon it Started on Penn
ejlTania Tnnt
Patroaa Are Paid Off as Fast as
They Come I p. However, aad
the lastlgators' I)rtl(m
NO. 1.
NO. 9.
I. S8
II. 1
IK i
Y'ow Risk .'oar Mfe
If you ti gleet piles. They v 111 ciuse fatal
diseases, but Bucklen's mica Salve posi
tively cures or no pay. 25c. For sale ty
Kuhn 4k Co. "'
Belle Plalae Victim, Kow Ideatlaed,
1 Posad 40 Have Had . Her
Keck ' rtrokea.
Prosecwtors of Miller aad Jehas Are
Allowed ta Dlgr Deep for
CINCINNATI. Nov. 17. When the Miller
and Johns trial was resumed today, Jo
seph T. Watson occupied the witness stand.
Watson Is secretary to Fourth Assistant
Postmaster General Bristow and was con
cealed behind Brlstow's high desk at the
time Miller was first confronted with the
charges regarding the rulings for John J.
Ryan A Co., turf commissioners, to con
tinue the use of the mails. Watson read
his stenographer's notes of the questions
propounded at that time by General Ilobb
and Chief Inspector Cochran and the re
plies of Miller, the latter not knowing at
the time that he was being fully reported.
Charles T. Nolan of St. Louis testified
to being Ryan's attorney, while the post
office Inspectors were investigating him
last November. Objection whs made to
Nolan testifying about what Ryan said
about Johns, showing a letter from Miller
In Terrc Haute. After arguments , court
reserved reclsion.
In the afternoon Nolan was allowed to
testify to what Ryan had told htm about
the meeting with Johns at the Phllbreck
hotel In Terre Haute. Many objections
were overruled as Nolan testified as to
what Ryan said about contracting with
Johns after seeing the letter from Miller
that directed Johns to see Ryan at once.
When the defense asked Nolan If he had
not received his subpoena today to corro
borate the testimony of Ryan yesterday, the
witness testified that he had arrived from
St. Louis yesterday afternoon on business
with Ryan.
Nicholas Phllbreck of Terre Haute again
produced his register and testified to Ryan
registering at his hotel last November as
George C. Rose.
The principal witness of the day was1
George A. Chriatlaney of Michigan, who
was first assistant attorney In the Post
office department under Tyser, when Mil
ler waa the second assistant attorney
Chrlstlancy after testifying to all of the
hearings and rulings in the Ryan case
described the circumstances under which
he had finally dismissed that case. He
said that Miller had referred to the Arnold
and other cases where the use of the malls
waa allowed, after Investigations had been
ordered and thought the aame should be
done In the Ryan case. Chrlstlancy said
that Miller, In suggesting the letter clos
ing the Ryan case, had not advised him
fully about the character of the latest
reports of ths postofflce Inspectors which
were unfavorable to Ryan, continuing the
use of the mails. In his cross-examination
Chrlstlancy identified his own Interview In
the Washington Star after the chargrs
were made against Miller, In which the
witness said the Ryan rase was "as
straight as a string."
The witness stated that the facts In the
article In tbe. Washington Star were pre
pared by Mr. Huebner of the Pottofflce de
partment and submitted to General and
Mrs. Tyner. ,1
Adjourned until tomorrow.',', '.'y'
lit V CIK.tfSr HbbM tU'.m ' An Ik v.lK. I TV, ...... . J I
v 7 ' . 11 ... . 7i 1 My " Weston, was begun In the 0I1-
iwe 11 ..MMgiitii iu iuiiuw wimi v. UBUia t ...i.
. He had been out on a 40
fold Brlagi tails for Help.
With the, first real cold snap of winter
Oomes Increased demands . for fuel aii'l
other necesaarles by the poor and Super
visor Miller had a busy time of it yex
.terday attending to the wants of the
county's charges. Ills tegular pensioner
were all on hand with appeals for coal
court yesterday. Ths Jury was not
secured until I o'clock In the sfttrnoon and
the only wl nesses placsd on the stand be
fore court adjourned for the. day were Dep
uty Bheiiff Baker and Robert Wil lairu, a
merchant of Weston. All ihJ state's wlt
neteea were excluded from the courtroom,
which was filled by reildenls or Weston
and f. lends of the young man and bis fam-
A few days befoie the shooting the gen
eral ttcre of Williams 4 .Barnes In Weston
was broken into end an entire ccnMgnment
verdict of murder. The woman's neck was
broken. Officers are endeavoring to locate
the woman's companion.
They Make a sliawlasT iksat I.Ike
Omaha, with Kruphaals oa
iha Dros.
DES MOINES. la.. Nov. 27. The mercury
I lias dropped 34 degrees In the last twenty-
anil they were reinforced by a number of
new applicants, vviiiie m. 11st is usually 1 or jeUy ,,cAVed that day waa stclen. U " '""""' -'"- .rU.1, , th
long one Mr. Miller stated yesterday Uiai rfDort((, . . u horlU,s that voun. lv v. ' " 3'' ,rum """r : bard
the state Indicate a similar (all of the tern- 1
BLOOMINGTON. 111., Nov. 17.-The first I
cold wave of the season swept over central 1
as far as he csn see this year there ix uu.h,.n k.h .m m f.ii.- ..
not as much destitution among the Ubor- j le th,,vc, ii;da Uielr piuhder ma? ! l"Z
Dig ciaks as mere nss oecn in past win-. the tracks of the Rock island lalroau. It'
tssrM Wnrk hit a liMn rtlArtt If 11 1 all 1 he v ir . a. i . w '.. .
" r- - . hb- iu inve.H.giie ini nm vepuiy snr.n. .... , . . . . " , . . . i
and the demands for relief are lighter than Bakcr nj Kllos w;nt lo w...on on thi I11,no" lo,t nlht lud " 6 clock ,hl"
thev have bren at thla season for sveril i.. v.... - . .u- . ... ... j morning the temperature was 20 above, a I
years past. The greatest demand for re- j wil' Urns. I I
lief conies from the old and infirm and) Aftsr casing at the Ma he-on home the
widows with children to support. two officers, accompanied by George Math-
w - . ZrZn M. .w. . I.- !"n. his father and Robert Wl Haas.
4. riUIIIUIV i. VI. .MV. I1I.U1, W 'Witt
building lo cost about 110,000 will be erected.
The officers of the law department guaran
tee to secure donations for the other ,
CnM end arrangementa will be made for con
struction early next spring. The plan of
Governor Drake is to have elected also a
building for the housing of the Bible de
partment of the university.
More Paroles Are Asked.
Applications for pardon have been made
by a number of. other convicts serving life
sentences. The latest is an application
from Mrs. Sarah Kuhn. who lived ln
i Delta.. Keokuk county, and was convicted
jst the murder of her husband. The evi
dence was entirely circumstantial. She and
her husband had gone to What Cheer to
do some trading and. he bad purchase!
some beer, of which both drank on the way
home, but he was taken III, and died be
fore reaching home.
An application was' made by George
Weema of this city, who was convicted of
killing a conductor on the Great Western
city nine years ago. Hugh' Rob-
one of two men convicted of the
nurder of two policemen In Dubuque, has
also asked for pardon from the legist.-
FiND body in burning car
supposed (o Have Beea Mar
deyed aad Blase Started to
Hid the Crime.
started for the rai road tracks, wier
ssr-w-.L " ' ' m I yung man hid tilted he hd seen tiie
a r ii'inc a rv n.rriti. !"tol!n Jewelry plinted by the thl es. un
CI FAMNlf AMl nYriXfi 1 ,eav,n" th hou,, EutUinox ihou.h.
VLL,AHinVJ AIM UILIlUjh, ndtd a revolver prv.mdng rom
laciles' and G nil 'nun's Co hlhgCIs n-J, young Ma lieson'a hip pock?t and cinflJed
Dyed. Pressed and Kepatrrd; al ii viMn to le.,uty Baker, R.ach n
Cleaning.- No sirl:ikae. or rubbl.ig o;i the rai.road track;. Baker began to que.
guaranteed. Woik d-ne on short notice, j ,ion Mithe.o i a :d li c:diitally a: ked him
COUNCIL BLUFF3 STEAM DYE WORKS -; !f ,,e a-yn a revolve ti.
drop of 40 degrees In twelve hours. j
KANSAS C1TT, Nov. 17.-A cold wave
swept over this part of the country last !
night and In western Missouri and through j
iv annas ana tne lerriory lousy tne tner- -irtometer
average 14 degrees above soro- FOp;T UODGK. Ia.. Nov. 17.-Tlie biKlv of
the coldest of the season. Bnow ia reported nn unidentified man. undressed, was fou 1 1
In western Kansas and weat of l'hllllpps- : , a rlrllng ox cur attached to a
burg I'.ock island trains are delayed. i Wealeni train al Hayfield this murnlng.
' ' 1 The man is believed to have been mur-
BANK OF IRETON IS CLOSED O""1 nd ,h ar nred t0 hMe th rrlmA
READING. Pa., Nov. 17. Kor s-ime tin
explained cause a run wns started tody
on the Pennsylvania Trust company, ecpe
olally In its savings department. A con
tinuous line of depositors pressed forward
and were rapidly paid off. President Brooke
and several directors endeavored to re
store confidence among the depositors by
assuring them that the institution was In
a sound financial condition.
In addition to the funds on hand the
oompany received $200,000 today from Phila
delphia. The officers ascribe the efforts
to break the credit of the Institution to
malicious persons.
The withdrawal of deposits, which sub
sided toward noon, was renewed this after
noon and more persons were calling for
their money than at any previous time.
Ono hundred crowded Into the banking
room, with many outside. All were paid as
fast aa pooslble.
With the view of allaying the fears of de
positors the company yesterday printed a
statement which covers a period of nine
years. During that time the assets have in
creased from t896.SoS to $2,782,281. the de
posits from 376,3f5 to 11,770,861 and the cap
ital, surplus and undivided profits from
S332.GS5 to $521,491.
Clamors for cash by depositors continued
throughout the afternoon. The building was
packed and a great crowd stood in the ra n.
The following was ported In front
of the building:
The Pennsylvania Trust company Is not
onlv solvent, but strone llnanclallv and
able to ay to all demanding cUpo Itors the
amount of their deposits and will no so as
fust bji the clerks can pay out. is
absolutely no reason tor any alarm on the
part of the cotnpKiiy s patrons.
Late today the Keadlns denting house
met and decided to extend to the Pennsyl
vania Trust company all llnanc'al assist
ance needed.
apposed Marderer at Bishop tilrl
May Hare Doae Away with
PEORIA. 111.. Nov. 17. Lp to 11 o't'otk
this morning no trace whatever had been
discovered of Fred Strubbe. wsnted for the
murder of his sweetheart. Alice Henncai r,
late Saturday night near 111 simp In Mhoii
J county. Neither had his horse and the
jbnggy In which he drove away been locate,!.
I The coroner s Jury has concluded the ln-
quest, holding Strubbe for the killing. whl U
was done with some blunt Instrument, pn
aumably the buitgy wrench. An examina
tion of the body showed n hunch "f
Struhhe'a hair tightly c'utrhed In the gill's
hand. Posses are still scouring the adja
cent country In the hoo of rinding Sirub';
or his body, for many hold to the theory
that he committed suicide uftcr killing MNs
Henneger. who had rejected him and w.ii
soon to wed another.
Northwestern Railroad Thinks It Hss
Mentlaed a Moch-W anted ,
CHICAGO. Nov. 17. A peculiar swellii.K
on the forefinger of his !c't liar.'l ca.u-il
Oeorge Dolle to he held to the criminal
court today under bonds of $1iUi) chnrRc.1
with robbery by the Chicago ft North
western railway.
Station Agent George ' W. Lathrop or
Claybourne Junction positively Identified
the hand of George Dolle. as the one hold
ing ths revolver which shot him In ihe ab
domen, right lung and head on the morn
lng of July 4. He swore that tlvrc could
be no mistake, snd Dolle who was recently
arrested In St. Iouis, was Immediately
bound over. The shooting mi -urn d during
the robler.v of the station. J'ntin is s!po
secused of complicity In the minder aii'i
robbery at tthe street railway ia-cs In tliM
BIsT Verdict Against .
ABERDEEN. 8. D., Nov. 17 epe-Ul Te -egram.)
In the federal court Ihe Jury In
the ase of Klrklaml sua nt the 'North
western Railroad Company guve Hie plain
tiff a verdict for IS.OOO persoiml In'u ls
and 12,000 doctors' fees and expenses.
'llps More Than second Off Old Vassnr
ftecord for Handred
Yards. ..
Repeating a statement does not make it
true, but the statement that "Old Underoof
Rye is the best whiskey sold" is true be
cause it is the best product of distillation
and it is carefully and thoroughly aged be
fore being sold. ,
jrGHAS. DENNEHY 6 CO.. Chicago
17.-T114 I
0 yardi
WKLLESLET, Mass., Nov.
woman's college record for the 100
dash nas been broken by Mies I lira t'l;
r-.ent, class of '07. at the annual field day
of Wellesiey college, Miss Clement cover
ing the distance in o:ll!V The previous rec
ord, held at Vasi'rr, was 0:14fi-
Tel. COO.
HUT West lrada.
young man d nitd l aving a gu l on h'm.
I but as Deputy Paler a move as if
to eAarch him b i.rtw ihe revj.vcr and
Iowa lastttatloa llauas Oat a
that It Proposes to Llqol-(Jr.te.
Ia j
IRKTON. is.. Nov. 17. The Bank of Ire- I
M IHart St.,
Council tiliiSr.
flr-d st the ofllce-, the b'jll't (iitvint th
I abdomen. Mathes-n ihm ;a i irnd. ticord-1 ,on- " private institution, with H. V. Me
i lng to the lest.moii f I lis wlinesses - ' Keever as cashier, has closed Its doors. A
terday, threatened to kill anyone who fol- "'lr reading ."Closed for Liquidation"
I lowed hint. Deputy Knox slsrted In pur.
Tr-rrr : L
, was posted on the door and no further
J statement waa given out. The fal.itre of
I the Sheldon State bank ia said to have
: been responsible for the closing here.
LOGAN, Ia., Nov. 17.--(Special.) Alfred
Pardun, indicted by ti e grand Jury of the
J Harrison county district court In the Bep
I (ember term for burning a school lions?
near Woodbine, was brought before the
court yesterday snd subsequently before
the commissioners of the Insane. He was
adjudged insane and was sent to Clartndi.
Pardun was 14 years old and burned the
school house to avoid attending achool.
Wliv ine people gutietictl with rite :l per cent paid by
luniks on their haviui:? The nionev is safe, but U it
as well invested u it would be in a good piece of prop
Vily or will it iiwreiiHo as rapidly?
eieral of the Iowa Town's Principal
feres Are Destroyed
ay rire.
Edocatloaal lenference.
LOCI AN. la., Nov. 17. (Special.) The an
nual educational meeting of Ilanison
county will be held at the Second WarJ
school at Missouri Valley Saturday. No
vember 21. Five hundred attendance Is ex
pected. A long and well selected program
Is being prepared.
Peoria Grocery House.
PEORIA. III.. Nov. 17. Fire started In
the printing office of Jobst, Bethard A '
Company, one of the largest wholesale
grocery Arms of central Illinois, at 1
o'clock' today threatens to completely de- j
stroy the store. James Cobb, a printer
and Oeorge Hadley. fireman, were over- i
come by smoke and had to be carried from '
the building. After a fight of nearly an
hour the fire was gotten under control, but ,
the members of the firm will place no es
timate on their loss at this time. It will
probably reach $0,000. Ths fire was con- ,
fined to the basement In which were
stored 150,000 worth of groceries. There is ,
In addition to the fire loss a large smoke I
and water loss. Jobst, Bethard A Company j
carried about (100,000 Insurance. I
Three Balldlugs la Pocahontas.
POCAHONTAS! I, Nov. 17.-Flre broko .
out here during the night and destroyed j
several buildings upon Main street. The I
stock and building owned and occupied bv !
the Quinn hardware store, the Morte ,
clothing house, the Whitney pool and bow'-
lng alley were all completely destroyed
with their contents. The Mutual Telephone !
comptmy office was also d-stroyed and n j
temporary omcj esiuuiisi.ea in anoiner pari
of thc""'wn.
Philadelphia Straw board ouipaay.
.PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 17. Fire today
practically destroyed the five-story, brick
building. 117-120 North Fourth street, oc
cupied by the Phllitde'phla Slrawl.oird
company and several other tenan'a. Los,
J4M.OO0. . Five hundred persons, ino'tly
women, are thrown out of employment.
tombor 28, 29, 30.
Three fast trains to Chicago daily 7:00 a. in., 4
p. m. and 8:05 p. m. Service Is Burlington all the
1002 Farnan Street.
- - - --
L L I.W.UIIIS.iS N .P.-in - p
I I. '
aijiow lie North Eighth street I'oit.iae
S room''. co-t-, ce'Ur, gas. s,de. Iswn, J
wster In k Icheii. ' Hits 4 x ivt. ' Items
for 1M tr t nnum. ' 1
l.itoo aU North Eighth Street. Cottage, j
rooms, closets, gas.- bath, furnhce, hot j
and cold ,!:, lawn, ruruer lot. Sir:
iSx4 (eel. , Pen(s for, tK par annum. !
These two properties join, are in jr od '
c ondition, well lented, aitd have a lol-'.l j
trontsf e on KiahtV street of 96 feet.
kl.ji i:U3 FROM Ol'lt BOOKS O.N THi6
recital ! . e.. un year 3st.0i) !
Ti-.s .',
Wat r. e-t
iil-uri. and repjlrs..
I Irlch-IIasbai
HEATRICK. Neb.. Nov.
,. Tl.ttl
Total outlay
Net Income
I er cent.'...
I1B '
POCAHONTAS. Is., No.-. 17. Fire bruki
out In the businssa le tloii of this town
ear'y today apd the bu Mings occupied by j
the Mulujl Te ephune exchanre, the Quinn I
Haidwarc compinv. the Mirw c:oth'.n? I he marriage of Mr. Charles I'lrlch snd
company and the Whitney pool and buwl- j Miss Mary Husband occurred at the Christ
ii'K. a '.ley were entirely con mined. The loss i tn church parsonage Sunday afternoon at
Is ftiraaled at too 0 0; tuurance unknown. !:ro. Rev. F.dgar Price officiating. The
, voung couple will make their home on a
WUI sl U.lvo Tree Nasae. ; (arm ln Kreeman township.
IAJUAX. la., Nov. 17. (Special.) The
I "uuwn I
legual to TH
A I.ji.U
ould pay I per cent on the
alleged che-k ferger. bearing the various
! names of John Parka. Paul Kevins nA
several others Is now :n the Harrison
county Jail at Logan awaiting action of
the grand Jury some time In Februiry. He
Is a well dressed man of I
give hla real name, but admits ' that
ELEPIIONE 96. 101 PEARL STREET jci.. carro,. .u lov.i.,,.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. Nov. l7.-(8pe
clal Telegram.) John P. Bauman and Miss
Anna Miller, both of this city, were mar
ried todsy at St. Mary'a Catholic church.
He will not,Afler hort wdd'ng trip In the south
mey win tie at nome 10 ineir inniu. in
thta city.
j He waa arrested in Missouri Valley fo.- Koe-McFarlaad.
'passing ao alleged forged check of is.40 j RED CtOl'l). Neb.. Nov. 17. iKpecial.i-
i on William Reel, bartender at a local ! Itslnh E. Foe and Miss Helen Mcr"arUnd.
ptKd I two of Red ("load s prominent young peo
ple, were married Mondsy sfternoon snd
neither Parks nor Nevins is'his true name. CMP01"4'
wlonn. Before this he had also
Watch for t!iM
triangular 1 a b IN
on the bottle Ii
tanas for u n i -formity
and all
that's uood and rt
pure in beer.
.I.icjs lh urn (fotd old Ii't'M
VAL. BLATZ BREW1N6 CO.. Uilwaukse
Omaha Branch mi Dougla St. Tel. 10
South west Excursion
DATE: November 24. iy03.
T ICKET; Kound-trip, firHt-class.
LIMIT: Tli ret weeks.
RATES: L'n than the regular one-wa.v fare.
TO: All poinls iu ludian and Oklahoma Territories
MANY points in Kansas, Texas and New
Mexico. ROUTE: Atchison, Topeka & Santa Ve lly.
Vont let this chauce get by. It will not eome again
thin Avinter. Visit the Southwest and SEE EOU
YOUIJSELE the inuch-talked-of pi-ogress and de-
velopinent of that sect ion. We have some straight
forward literature for the homeseeker and invehtnr
hich we will gladly send, if you wish it. Tell us
what section interests you.
E. L. PALMER. Pass. Agent
Atchison. Topeka ft Santa Fv Railway