Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Tss., tw-m.
Trading with this
is a jfood habit
The choicest of sklus are used in the manufacture of the ruin
Allien we Bell. Ladies enn always dejnd on the wearing qualities
Bin tin Pox Scarfs in sable color, at,
$5.5, .S0 and 17.50.
Double Fox Bra,rfs at 118.00, 122.00 up to
Cluster Scarfs of Mink, at $7 50 up to
Crarfs of Genuine Black Marten, vary
long, finished with cords and talla,
At $10.00.
Scarfs of Natural Drown Boar, at 135.00
and $.15.00.
SPECIAL SALE FMDAY MOUXINO $1.00 nnd $1.23 mer
cerized wnistings 59c per yard.' Ask for samples.
'Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner
position of the grand Jury was In aome
way made aubaervlent to the district at
torney' daelree, to which color haa been
lent by the fact that for the first time In
years not a man on the Jury cornea from
either Omaha, Lincoln or Hastings. Wit
nesses who might have given evidence fa
vorable to the senator have also complained
of mistreatment, being required to tell the
district attorney Id advance what state
mente they were to make and If not accord
ing to hla Ideas refused admittance to the
grand Jury room. District Attorney Sum
mers' face waa wreathed In smiles yester
day afternoon when the grand Jury had
adjourned, disclosing beyond posalble doubt
the fact that he had gained the point for
which he had been striving so strenuously.
Protest aa Treatment.
WABHINOTON, Nov. 16.(SpeclaI Tele
gram.) Early this Morning Senator Diet
rich received the following telegram:
HASTINGS Neb., Nov, 16. I go before
grand Jury In morning at 8. Somebody
told me that unless I mu) certain state
meiits that were not true he would Indict
me. Ho haa sent the same word to Mr.
Lowe. Will you see the president tonight
and lay the case before him? I will be In
Hastings until 3:30 and go to Omaha On
No. 6. Wire me hero before it o'clock and
Omaha care of our firm.
Responding to the appeal the following
messages were wired to William Dutton:
You and Lowe have courage to be honest.
State all facta to the Jury. You will be
protected. C. II. DIETRICH.
Juige W. if. Hunger, United State
Court, Omaha: In the name of decencj
and Justice, I anneal to you to aee that
witnesses shall have fair treatment before
the grand Jury. C. H. DIETRICH.
Mr. Dutton of Hastings was In the city
this morning and teetlfled before the grand
Jury. He aald:
"There are matters pertaining to the post
office matter that have never come out
yet, which would put It in an entirely dlf
. ferent light. The negotiations for the lease
of the Dietrich building were begun whl'.e
Mr. Dietrich was still governor and were
legitimate transactions In every respect.
The old lease f tha building-for 11.800 was
abrogated and a new lease made for a far
leaa sum. The 81,800 lease contemplated a
building with fixtures, but there were ao
many objection and protests from various
parte of town that the lease was finally
ihade for the mere shell of the building,
and Mr. Fisher nought the fixtures of the
Grand Army.
"The story of the Alma poetoffice deal Is
a mere fabrication and there In no truth
In It. The man who wus to raise the al
leged $1,000 couldn't ralne $100 for any pur
pose. ' .
"None of the witnesses for Mr. Dietrich
have yti beejt examined, though they have
been here fur a week. I candidly do not
think there Is anything In the case more
tlum tha fomentation of a lot of mis
chievous gossip. I believe the grand Jury
begins to think so, too."
Judge M linger did hot wish to enter Into
any discussion of the matter at all.
A significant feature In the Hastings post
oftlc Investigation before the grand Jury
lies In the fact that Postmaster Jacob
Fisher and Deputy Postmaster Francis
were dtschargeed eas witnesses before the
grand jury this afternoon. Neither of
th gentlemen wore called upon by Mr.
Summers to testify before the Jury.
All Wttaeeaee , VlssaUacd.
The federal grand Jury haa finished its in
quisition Into the Hastings poatofflca case
aad all the wltnetae have been discharged.
Neither Postmaster Fisher, the logical chief
wltneas In tha affair, nor his deputy, Mr.
Francis, wait called upon to testify. The
popular Impression about the federal build
ing seems to be that the investigation has
fallen flat and that no Indictment will bo
turned In the matter.
The Alma postufOce case, whejtln It Is
Aarged that the present Incumbent had to
pay $1,000 for his appointment. Is yet to be
heard. The charges In this case axe In
many respects similar to the Hastings mat
ter and are the outgrowth of a po.ltlcal
quarrel there. It. la bjlleved by well in
formed parties that this Investigation alao
will fall to materialise Into anything more
than the reiteration of groundless gossip
that haa prevailed throughout Adams and
Webster counties for several months, and
which Is stimulated by Senator Dietrich's
4 h Ankara PosteBJee.
A number of witnesses was at the federal
building Monday morning that wre sum
moned In the South Auburn postaffloe scan
dal and embesxlement caes, the Incumbent
being a brother-in-law of Tom Majors. This
case is of a different character from tha
Adama and Webster county cases and Its
Ths Power ( Pare Fsad.
"Some years ago when we lived In New
York City husband and I lost four of our
little ones during the hot weather.
-wuan we moved io vineiana, n. J., we
made the acquaintance of the food arape
Nota.' It was hers that our little glrL
Majuba, was born but she was so frail
and "skinny that we feared we would lose
her as we had the other babies. When
she Was eight months old we learned about
(Iraas-Nuta snd began feeding her thla
food and now wherever aha goea our
friends feel her arms ahe ia so plump and
her flesh Is ao firm.
"I ant convinced that Oral-Nuts with
a little white soger and boiling water would
save many a poor baby's ltfe during the
hot weather when lulls, is sour and the
little ones suffer most.
"After seeing the power of Orape-Nuts
upon our little girl my husband began Its
um and all last summer when wa lived at
Ksslngton, Pa., he ate Qrape-Nute and no
meat. Although he was worklug at the
hardest 1 abort ug work, digging ditches all
this time he felt strong and well without
the meat Just so long aa he had Q rape
Nuts." This lady's name furnished by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
l.ook in each package for a copy of fae
famous jittle book, "The Road to Well
villa." ' -
Be, Nov. 1, W.
Scarfs of Angora, tipped, at 11.6", II K
and 82.M.
New and stylish Coats, all the very lat
est effects, at $10.00, 112.50 up to Ki.oo.
Dress Skirts, pretty styles, perfect, fit
ting:, at 110.00. $12.00 and 11600.
Bilk Pettlcoata, In all tha new and
choice colora, alao black, at $5.00, 16.60,
$7.50, $9.00 and $10.00.
Pettlcoata of extra fine Black: Sateen,
cut very full and wide, at' $1.00 each.
Sixteenth and Dougiu S$
hearing before the grand Jury has been
postponed to a later date.
The attention of the grand Jury will now
be takes up with the investigation of the
Indian liquor caees. A host of witnesses
ere already here and others are yet to
come. The investigation of these cases will
occupy the entire week.
(Continued from First Page.)
when he will receive him as the minister
from Panama. The Bute department will
recognise as the Panamanian consul. gen
eral at New York, Senor Pablo Arosemena
Tlcqn, Whose full letters of ctedence are
on their way.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-The president
today transmitted to the house of repre
sentatives the correspondence and other of
ficial documents relating to the recent revo
lution In the Isthmus of Panama, as re
quested by a resolution agreed to by the
house at the Instance of Mr. Httt.
The Navy department Is in receipt of a
cablegram from Colon, announcing the ar
rival there of the battleship Maine.
Itallaa Priest's Eaemtes Appear to
Have Taken Awfal Revenge
Upon Him.
NEW YORK, Nov. 16. Rev. Joseph Clr
ringone, rector of the Italian Church of
the Immaculate Conception In Williams
Bridge, a suburb of this city, who disap
peared from his home under mysterious
circumstances last Friday night, was found
early today by a policeman In East Fifty
first street, raving wildly in Italian, and
Is now in a hospital for insane, Father
CliTlngone has Incurred the enmity 6f
Italians sbout Williams Bridge by a cru
sade against vice. He received several
threatening letters and had reported the
matter to the police, who were endeavoring
to locate the writers. Late Friday night
two men called upon him and, represent
ing themsedves as effectives, asked him to
accompany them to the station house. H
did ht return and It was believed he had
been carried off by agents of en Italian
secret society. ,, V .
When found 'today Father Cirrlngone fell
exhausted Into the arms of the polloeman.
crying out repeatedly, "They have robbed
me and they will kill me. Protect me."
A hurried examination of the priest's
physical condition was made by a physi
cian, who found that on his wrists were
two red marks, similar to those that would
have been mads had the priest's wrists
been bound with a rtp.
Under the Influence, of soothing drugs
Father CliTlngone became calmer and was
able to tell some of his story. He said he
had been robbed by the two . men who
had gone to hla home Friday night and
whom he had accompanied,, believing them
to be detectives.
"They took me to the ocean." he said,
but beyond this the questioners could get
little In detail of where tha priest had
been. He said when but a few steps from
the door of his own home the two men
grasped him, one grabbing him by the
arms and pinioning them behind him while
the other thrust over his noetr'ls a cloth
of some kind, saturated with a pungent
liquid. Then he says he lost conscious
ness and the next he knew was when he
found himself In a dark and dismal oellar
With his wrists bound.
The priest said that he had been freed
but a few minutes before he had been
found by the policemen. He aald he had
been led blindfolded Into the street, and
then the bandigea over hla eyes were re
moved snd he had been given A push.
Father CliTlngone, when he left his
Mouse, naa a goia-mouniea erjony cane, a
valuable gold watch and chain and some
money. When found today all were gone.
Friends and relatlvea of Father Clr-
rlngone believe the story of ths priest, but
the police sre awaiting further develop
ments before taking any action for the
dlscowry of the alleged abductors. To
Civil Justice Roesch, an old friend of the
priest, the latter said there were four men
In the gang which abducted him. Only
one was an Italian. One of the other
men was very rough to him and Insisted
that he be killed. He aald that he heard
the men say on Saturday that the papers
were filled with the story of his sbduc
tlon, and thla man again Insisted that he
be killed. The other objected and man
aged to get this man Intoxicated and the
priest's llfs was saved.
taadarel Oil ot Mew Jersey Declares
D!laaas of 1 Per Share,
Payable December IS.
NEW YORK. Nov. It. Ths Standard Oil
company ot New Jersey has declared a div
idend of $11 per share, payable December
15, next, to stockholders ot record of No
vember 30. This is an increase of $S from
the dividend declared at thla tlms a year
ago. and brings the total dividends for the
year to 44 per cent, compared with 46 per
cent last year.
Henaeberry Ceaiaaar Defeaa'aats la
laveluatarr Baakraptey
CH1CAOO. Nov. 11 Bankruptcy proceed
ings against the Henneberry company, pub
lishers, were started In the United State
district court Saturday, and the matter
waa kept secret until today. The Equita
ble Trust company was appointed receiver
for the assets of tho concern. The liabili
ties were not slat4 In tha petition, al
though the assets were placed at $1&0,OCO.
Plao's Cure Is an effectual remedy for
cold oa the lungs. All druggists, sua.
inn '
Ua 'nvNart U r
iieit. m
Esnsai Town Loies ia Ccnte-st Ore Bcral
Free Dn'mrj.
Uaarlerasastei General Haanpfarer IVc.
feada the Transport ' Service from
Accusation ef Being Ex.
("from a Bluff Correspondent.) .
WABHINOTON. Nov. M. -Congressman
Hlnshaw saw Fourth Assistant Postmaster
Oeneral Brlstow today relative to a rural
route out of Hubbelt, Neb., which Is on
the Kansus line. The Hubbell people had
an Impassion that the establishment of
the route In Munden, Kan., would serl-
ously Interfere with the Hubbell route If
not wholly knocking It out. Mr. Hlnsh:iw
was Informed that the Munden route had j
been reported upon adversely and that I
Justaa soon as an agent can reach Hub
bell and look over the territory to be cov
ered the Hubbell route will be established.
Mr. Hlnshaw has prepared a bill which
he will Introduce on Wednesday, giving
to every sailor and soldier who served In
the civil war, and who is at present a
pensioner, $13 per month.
W. B, Price of, Lincoln, former deputy
auditor of state, was admited to practice
In the supreme court today on motion of
Charles E. Magouii.
Pershing to Be Promoted.
It Is understood that Captain John J.
Pershing, former Instructor of military
tactlca at the university of Nebraska and
who distinguished himself In the Philip
pine service, will be given a eolonency at
the very earliest opportunity.
Miller to tiet a tar.
The next brigadier general to be ap
pointed by the president will in all proba
bility be Colonel James Miller, now at
West Point. Colonel Miller served with
the president in the Cuban campaign and
at Ban Juan Hill lost an eye. There are
serious doubts whether he will be able
to retain the sight of the other. In con
sequence of this physical disability, the
president has decided to give a star to
his old comrade In arms.
Apportioning Indlaa Annuities.
Representative Cousins today Introduced
a bill to provide for the annual pro rata
distribution of annuities of the Bac and
Fox Indians between the two branches
of the tribe, one residing in Oklahoma and
the other In Iowa, and to adjust existing
claims between the branches of the tribe
as to these annuities. The Cousins bill
provides for the payments of certain mon
eys to the Iowa Fox and Sacs which they
claim to be due .under an old treaty.
Mr. Cousins also Introduced a bill pro
viding for repeal of the act which estab
lished a uniform sysetm of bankruptcy.
Jnne F. House, supervisor . of Indian
schools, passed through Washineton to
day on his way to the Cherokee school
In North Carolina. Supervisor House has
recently been inspecting the schools on
the Rosebud and Pine Ridge agencies and
In his talk today with Commissioner Jones
made a number of verbal recommendations.
looking to tbe general Improvement at
theae schools. '
Representative Mondell today Introduced
a bill providing an appropriation of $160,000
for the purchase of a site and the' erec
tion of a publlo building at Sheridan, Wycr.
Poetal Matters. '
The following rural free delivery routes
are ordered established December 15, In Ne
braska: Bennett, Lancaster county, one
additional, area, twenty square miles, popu
lation 61U. Funk, Phelps county, one i.dJl-
tlonal, area thirty-four square uillcs, popu
lation 1,080. Iowa, Blockton. 'Baylor
county, one additional, ura twenty-one
square miles; population S15. Keokuk Lee
county, one route; area, twenty square
miles; population "55. South Dakota, Tyn
dale, Bon Homme county, one route, area,
forty-nine square miles; population,. 665..
Rural carriers appointed today. Ne
braska, Blair, regular, Frank. Clifton; sub
stitute, Leg Clifton. Itralnard, regular,
Thomas F. Rogers; substitute, John L.
'wiii, nwycr, rrsuiar, jonn Dcmoineia ;
substitute, A. Hanson. Ruskin, regulur,
Oliver Good; substitute, Frank B. Good.
Shelby, regular, Fred Carmack; substi
tute, August Carman. Iowa, Cleghorn, reg
ular, II. E. Ducommun; substitute, Daniel
A. Springer. Montrose, regular, Frank W.
Curtis; substitute, Robert Curtis. New
market, regulur, Ralph Redenbaugh; sub
stitute, Francis Bf. Pedenbuugh. Postvillr,
regular, Myron C. Mead; substitute, Ada
A. Mead. Prairie. City, regular, Jess K.
Goodspeed; substitute, W. H. r.oudspeerij
Riverside, regular. John V. C. Duntre
mont; substitute Charles J. Dantremont.
Rome, regular. Melissa E. Harter, stlbrtl
tute, Earl Beaber.
Postmastera appointed. 'r Towa, Avon,
Polk county, E W. Rugg'les vice J. H.
King. . resigned. South ' Dakota. Mil ford,
Bully county, Charles H. Purker vice
Walter Price, resigned.
Deteads Traasport Serrlee.
"It has been thought proper In an offi
cial report to refer to the array transport
service aa a moat coatly luxury," says C.
F. Humphrey, quartermaster general of
the army. In his annual report to the sec
retary of war, which was Issued today.
"As to Its costliness, I submit actual fig
urea and facta I do not know In what ry
spect the service csn be looked upon ss a
luxury unless reference Is made to the ex
cellence of the enlisted men's accommoda
tions. If It be a luxury to furnish our en
listed men with the of accommoda
Take Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil now. Not
next week or rfext month, but
now. You need it to put fat
on your bones and strength
in your body to stand the
cold and trying weather of
the next few months.
Nine-tenths of the popula-,
tion would be benefited by
taking Scott's Emulsion regu
larly three, times a day for a
month or more every fall to
fortify and strengthen the
system against the cold and
constant changes that occur
through the winter. The
benefit is particularly marked
with young, delicate children.
No food that they can take
begins to compare with
Scott's Emulsion.
Pure cod liver oil is scarce
but if you get Scott's Emul
sion you'll be sure to get only
the purest and best oil. j
W1l aiod'yoa sample Ina, upoa request.
SCOTT It EOWK, os PvstI street. New Yof k. '
tion provided In nil the army transports.
then I favor tha continuance of thst, luxury.
"In m.v opinion the rans(irt service
needs no defence whatever. ' ro excuse
Is offi'ied fir It hy tr?e I'eprfnen; charger!
with It operAt'orr. I fi- ore Co no: c alm
that thero Is any 1 ricrth'.n miliary necrs-
S?!J" for 11 contlrnance, but I submit tint j
to s-! v:.:e ia. unquestionably a very valun- !
Ke wr.d economical military corverle-c-." j
Much of the quartermaster gene-nl's r '
port is devoted to dlscusMon of the t-.ns- j
port service. The' duties that have been
performed through the service with the
relative cost of transportation by the gov
ernment and by contract' are shown In the
report. The total difference In fvor of the
transport service for a year Is placed at
$1"48.4: In the report, interest. and trans
port service for the ear cost $5TO,t'.5 In the
Philippine archipelago, while the cost of
transporting the same number of passen
gers and animals and the sumo amount of
freight and mail undrr the prevailing tariff
rates of the Philippines steamship com
panies, the report says, would have been
To Protect Voaemlte tiame.
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Garfurd. act
ing superintendent of tlio Yosemite National
park. In hla annual report recommends the
preservation of the game In the forest
reserves, bordering on the national
parks and reservations; the return to the
old Indian custom of systematically burn
ing over portions of tho forests of the park
every autumn to minimise fire dangers;
amendment of the rules and regulations
so as explicitly to forbid the location of
mines, water and power claims on gov
ernment lands and any surveying without
the permission of the. proper authorities;
that the government take steps to obtain
Immediate possession of all patented Innds
in the forest reserve, f as well as In the
park; that future acting superintendents be
given tho position for .three years If the
exigencies of the military service permit;
that the park be maje a United , States
court district, and that a resident com
missioner bo appointed.
The report estimates that the total num
ber of tourists, who visited the park dur
ing the season of 1903 was 9,500.
Cruiser (Jars to C'orea.
A cablegram received at the navy de
partment from Rear Admiral Kvnns, com
manding the Asiatic station, announced the
sailing today of tho protected cruiser Al
bany, from Yokohama, Japan, for Che
mulpo, the post of Seoul, the Cores n cap
ital, where United Slaves Minister Allen Is
proceeding to further the request of the
United for the opening to tho world's
commerce of the Corean port of Wlju, on
the Yalu river. . Jt appears from the
fecords of the navy department that Wlju
was selected by the United States as 'a
prospective port Instead of Yongampho,
because, lying forty miles above tho latter
port, which is at the mouth of the Yalu
river, the country vithin the limit will
likewise, be opened to traffic and neutral
ised, a substantial gain In the . t.xtent of
the market afforded.
The long expected trade treaty between
the United States and China which was
negotiated In Shanghai by the American
commissioners and the Chinese representa
tives haa Just reached Washington and Is
now under examination by the State de
partment officials. It is the Intention to
svljmlt the new treaty for ratification to
the senate at the earliest: possible moment.
The i provisions of the treaty havk been
preflously outlined. In brief the Important
provisions are those Opening to trade ths
Chinese ports of Myltdrn and Antung In
Manchuria. '
Names Ottaraw.V Postmaster.
; 1'he president' today "sent the following
nominations to the 'senate:
Register of Land nfflce Hugh S. PhIK
!lp, at Vancouver. 'Wh.
; Receiver of Public Moneys Joseph C
uld,' at Miles City, Mcnt.
: Postmasters lllUiols.' Alfred Schuyler,
Mound City; Iowa, Fred W. Wilson. Ot
tnmwa; Kansas. Orly'C Rillings, Marlon;
Montana, Clarence H. Drake, Chouteau.
A Burs Never Barns
After Porter's Antiseptlo iJeaMng Oil Is ap
plied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at
the same time. For man or beast. Price. lie.
Conml General at Xw York, from
an Domluao, Threaten
NEW YORK. Nov. 10. The agents here
of the Clyde liner Cherokee, which had
trouble with the Dominican government
authorities on Its last trip to Sun Domingo,
declared today that Cherokee will Hull next
Wednesday on Its regular vchedtile, stop
ping at Saniuna buy, Monte Crlsll, Sanchez,
Pucrta Plata and Mat oil.
Manuel De J. tlulvln, consul general from
&un . Domingo to New Yottk. said today
that Cherokee will HUivly bo sunk if It
attempts to ener the five harbor named.
He nyn that two Ban Domlngan gunbont
are on guard to man. tain the blockade at
those points.
noalhera Parlle's Eiueailre Eu
(laeerlaaj; Feat fcertus to Have
Succeeded at Last,
, 6 ALT LAKE CITY, V'tah, Nov. 11-The
last rail was laid Sunday on the long cut
off of the Southern Pacific railroad across
the northern arm of Oreat 8a!t lake, from
Ogden to Lucln, Nev. President Harrlman
and other officials of the Harrlman system
will make a formal trip of Inspection ut the
new line next Friday. It Is expected that
regular trifBo will be Inaugurated within
sixty daya oter the cntoff, which Is ex
pected to save at least two hours In run
ning time. The long stretch of track across
the great inland salt sea la expected to be
one ot the most picturesque features of
transcontinental travel.
Soldier Brhaeller Goes to Highest
Peak la Saatila Hause to Kill
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.. Nov. l.-Ths
partly decomposed body, of J. M. richaeller,
until recently a soldier In the United States
army In the Philippines, baa been found
at the summit ot the highest peak of the
lofty Sandla range. A six shooter with
one chamber empty lay near the body. The
body lay between two great bouldera si
It the man had attempted to provide a
tomb before; killing himself. Scbaeller was
last seen la October 11. when
he said that he was going to his home in
Kansas City.
Baa Domingo's Arbitrators.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.-Mlnlster Powell
haa Informed the State depaitment that tht
government of Ban has agied
upon Judge George U. Gray of Delaware
and Senor Galvan, a prominent Ban D m n
goan aa arbitrators in the dispute between
that government and I Be Han uumtngo Im
provement company.
lock Karat DyaantltedL
COLUMBUS. O . Nov. lt.-Word was re.
reived here thla afternoon that a dynamite
explosion occurred on the stork farm of
J. H. Hartman. south of the city. In which
four man were killed. Their names are
understood to be Cook. Howard, Dyar and
Colllsoii, all being reaidenta of Columbus.
To Caro a told ia Oaa Day
Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls te
cure. E. W. Grove's signature is ou sack
boa. 'Ac.
imm?mM mam arpa
Stoves and IJauges Sold on l'nyiuents.
Write for Circulars and Trices.
i f f
Council Bluffs 16 Kansas City inclusive,
Full (nlsrmttien C h-fultj
Cltr T.rkrt office,
Jack Dlaaaa Hrlrt the I.esjral I'rrlod
M'lthont Information
-v Belna Filed.'
SrOUX KAL.i.8, S. D., Npv. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Jack Dlnnan,' who was ar
rested here on suspicion of having; been im
plicated In the death of a laboring; man at
Hrcckemlclge, Minn., has been released
from custody owing; to. the fact hat he had
Tse'en held the leg;at period without t-ny
reply having been received from the Breck
enrldge authorities us to whether or they
wanted him. The authorities here have
been advled that his partner, "Iiil" Haley,
was not arrested at Sheldon, la., as alleged.
Teachers HIeet Officers.
STURGIS, 8. P., Nov. 10. (Special.) At
the meeting of the Bluck HHIh Teachera'
BMsoi'liition held at Hot Springs Friday and
Saturday the following officers were j
elected: rrosiaeni, jonn m. uvm, oiurgis;
vice present, Anna M. Prenton, Cuter;
secretary, Miss Amy Payne, Dead wood;
treasurer, K. M.. Stephens, Rapid; president
of the- superintendents. Miss May Rltch,
Hot Springs. The next annual meeting will
be held in Deadwood.
Glrl'a Assailant Mttll at l.arae.
STURGIS, 8. D., Nov. 14. (Special.)
Johi Gergen, who shot Miss Christina
Keffeler at her home in this city last Sun
day night, is still at large. A number of
parties have been out in pursuit, but to no
purpose. The girl U getting along nicely
and will soon recover.
During November,
A handsome water color photograph ot
yourself Included free with each order of S3
cr over. Omaha's best water color artist
does the work, insuring the quality being
the best. Btonecypher, photographer, 1312
Farnam street.
Tha Mistake is Made by Many
Omaha Citizens.
Don't mistake the cause of backache.
To be cured you must know the cause.
It is wrong- to Imagine relief Is cure.
Backache la, kidney ache.
Tou must cure the kidneys. ' .
An Omaha resident tells you how thlY
can be dune.
Mrs. B. F. B'own of 510 William street,
says: "For six or eight months I bad more
or less trouble with my back. I told my
husband that I thought my kidneys were
the cause and when I saw Doan's Kidney
Pills advertised I procured a box at Kulin
& Co'a. drurf store, corner ISth and Doug
las atreets. They did the work for my
cate and the symptoms which had bothered
me soon disappeared. I can recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills as a valuable kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents.
Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole
agents, for the, United States.
Remember the name, Doan's, and take no
HAND SAPOLIO, for toilet
and bath, is a delicate prepara
tion, as necessary for you as
Sapolio is for the home. Should
bt on every washstand. It
keeps the skin soft, removes
stains, and in the bath aids natu
ral changes of the skin, and gives
a delightful sensation of new life.
Tkv cake.
jmT av
' 28.50
- 5.75
- 11.50
& Sons Co.,
o a
Farnlihed t a pllcitV I
tnU't Fariiam St.
Only Guaranteed
Catarrh Cure
Hyomel Costs You Nothing If it
Fails Says Sherman 6c McCon
nell Drug Co.
Among the many ' medicines upon tie
market that claim to c ire catarrh, n ne
but Hyomel has enough faith in Its own
merit to be willing to refund the money
if it does not cure.
This remarkable remedy for catarrh kills
the microbes and the fcrms of he dlBCtiMi
and from Its Introduction his been sold
under a positive guptantt-e in rriimi '
money to all dlsMatlsf.ed customer".
The fthermaa & M?Con.ell ?.;.-.-g Co. Vave
sold a great many Hyomel ojtflts !i .!:
last tew years, and they atand ready today
to refund tho piice to any one who '.ia.i not
been helped by Hvomel.
TUie complete Home! outlil oont 11.00
and compline? an inhaler, c bottle oX,
Hyomel and a dropper. The Inhaler will
lKt a lifetime; and additional bottles ot
Hyomel can be ibtnlaed for 50c.
Breathe Hyomel for a few minute foui
times a day, and your catarrh will glow
better from the iirt duy's use, a:i 1 will
be r-ompletely cured In a iho:-t time.
Do not try to ruio catarrh with ordi
nary stomach i.-.edicine:. Breathe he
healing Hyomel which goes to every pari
of the air passages and respiratory organir,
killing tlm catarrh germs and preventing
tneir growth.
It is the only treatment for catnrih
where you can Hfct or more? back from
a local dealer In case it uoes rot he. p.
BOYO'S W0dWMraUerrg
NlghtPrloea- 2V!, 5Co, "tin a id $1 00.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Matinee
and Night T. A. StoddaJd ..nd
Reuben Fax in
Prices Matinee, lc, &0e, "Ic; Night, Sao,
C0c, 75c, $1.0o. ,
Telephone 1531.
Evry Night, Matinees Thursday, Saturday
and Sunday.
Francisca. Redding aV Co., Falke & Be
mon. Mines A Remington, Psnser Trio,
Paulo Dlka, Alexius, Rosa Lee Tyler
and the Klnndrome.
PRICES l'c, I5c, JOc.
Thursday Night - "WHERE IS COBB?"
FORT MEADkT" 8D.. NOVEM i! E kT" ,
1j8. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re
reived here until 'i p. in., November 21. 19U3.
for mateilal and labor In putting
Hk'ht fixtures in one double barrack and one
Military Post Exchange, wall necessary
tiansformers, meters and lightning arres
tora. InforniHiion furnished upon applica
tion. 1'iilled States reserves right to u cept
or reject any or all proMal or any part
thereof. Kuvelopes eniijiing propoais to
he marked "Proposals for elecmc lignt
fixtures," addressed C 13. Voel. 'apt
M-10 17-ltM
:ould be read DAILY by ail Interested,
as '):Hhs.ra may occur at a:iy tlm.)
Foreign mnlln for flie week ending No
vember i'k.l!Hj, will close (PROMPTLY lu hi!
cafes) at the Gcnernl I'ostofnce as fol
loa: PAHl'ELH-POST MAII.H el" one
h'Mir earlier than dosing tlitio shown he
low. Parcels-Post Malls lor Ucrmutiy vK-i
at & p. m. Monday.
Regular nnd supph'inontury innlls co
nt Foreign Station half hour Inter thnn
closing time shown below (excepi that Sup
plementary Mails for Europe and Central
America, via Colon, close one hoi.r later ,t
Foreign Station).
Tranaallaallc Mails.
TUESDAY At 8:U a. m. for ITALY dlr.'et,
per s. s. Stirdcgnn tmivll must bo dlrei te I
"per s. s. Sardegna alMH::' a. tn. V: -
piementary U m.) for CUKUPE, per a ,
Kaiser Wllliolm II, via Plymouth, Chn.
bourg and Hremen.
WEDNESDAY At 1:30 a. in. for EUROI'r
per s. s. Oceanic, via Uueenstown; at I:!
a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct per e,
s. Amsterdam tmntl must be directed
"per s. s. Amsterdam").
THl'HKDAY At 7 a. in. fr FRANCE.
QUE,, per t. s. La Pavole, via Havre
(mall Ut other ptrt of Europe must be
directed "per s. s. La 8avoi ).
ISLANDS, per s. a. Vancouver, from Hos
tor. SATl RDAY-At S:S0 a. m. for IRELAND,
r s. s. I'mbrla, via Queenstown (.mail
.'jr other parts of Europe must he di
rected "per s. a. Unibrla"): at a. m. for
EUROPE, per s. s. New York, via South
ampton; at 8:S0 a. m. for RELOUIM di
rect, per s. s. Kronland tmall must be di
rected "per s. s. Kronland"); at R:S0 a. m.
for ITALY direct, per s. s. Hohensollern
(mall must be directed "per s s. Hohen
sollern"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di
rect, per s. llekla (mall must be di
rected "per s. s. Hckla").
After the closing of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Mulls named above, addi
tional Supplementary Malls are opened
on tho ptctrs of the American, English,
French and German, end re
main open until within Ten Minutes of
tha hour of sailing of steamer.
Malls fur Soalh and t'eatial American,
Wet ladles, Etc.
TUE8DAY At :30 a. m for NEWFOUND
IjAND, per s. s. RowWInd; at a, m. for
FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Tallsmaui
at 9:30 a. ni. (supplementary 10:i a. m l
for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costs
s. m. Yucatan, via Colon (mall for Guate
mala must be directed 'jr a. a. Y'uca
tan"); at lu a. m. for GRENADA, TRINI
DAD and CUIDAD HOL1VAR, per s. k
Mstraoas; at 13 m. for GU ANT AN AM',
and SANT IAGA. per Clenfuegm
(mail must bo directed "per s. s. CVn
fuegos"). WEDNESDAY At 10 a. m. for YUCATAN,
ner s. s. Daaarv tmall must be directed
"ner s. a. Dairirrv") : at 12 m. (supple
mentary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, I""
s. s. Antllla; at 12: p. m. (supplementary'
1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DO
MINICAN, per s. s. i neru
kee; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p.
(SI'IaNA, per s. s. Carlbhee.
THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per s.
a. Etiperania (mall for Mexico, via
Progreso. Campeche and Vera (rux muni
be directed "per s. s. Esperanxa"); at 1!
m for MEXICO, per a. s. Saratoga, via
Tamploo (mall must be dlrectd "per a s.
Saratoga"); ut 7 p. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND, per s. t. Corean, from Fhlladel-
ZIL, per s. B. Dunstan. via Para Mnwn
per s. s. Pretoria; at 8:30 a. in. (supple
mentnrv : a. m.) for CURACAO and
VENEZUELA, pr a. B. Zulla (mall for
rtivanilla and Cartagena must he o I
'Vr a. s. yi.lla"); at a. m. for PORTO
RICO, per a. s. Coamo, via San Juan; at
:30 a. m. (s'U piementary 10:M ft. m.) for
TOWN, per f. Alleghany (mall for
Coata Ric. rnt:t be directed "nor a. x
Alleghany"): at 10 a. m. for Ct BA, pee
B. s. Mexico, vli Havana: nt 10 a. m. for
AUX CAVES and JACMEL. per . s.
Prlns WCIem IV. (mall for other ports of
Haiti. Ciracao, Venezuela, Trinidad and
British and Dutch Guiana must be di
' rec.ted "per s. s. Prlns Wlllem IV i at
10:SO a. in. (aupnlem'-ntury 11:30 n. m.) for
INAGUA and HAITI, per Bolivia.
Malls Forwarded Orerlaad, Err.. S.F-
cent Traasiw')Bc.
CUBA Via Florida, closes at this offW-.
daily, except Thursday, at Ho. 30 a. m. (the.
connecting ma'-l close here on Wednes
days and Saturdays vU Tampa, and on
'Mondays via Miamii. -
MEXICO CITY Over la Ml, .n'ea wt..lly
ttddressed for dispatch by r..a.aei-, c-r.i
at this office dally, except Gunoay.
p. m. und 11.30 p. m. Buncl:i at J:09 p ;
m. nnd 11:30 p. m. ' .a
NEWFOUNDLAND-By rail to North Fl n
ney. and theme by steamer, rlcsat thl
office dally at 6:3o p. m. (connecting malls
elfwe here avery Monday, Wednesday and
BatunViy). .
JAMAICA Bv rail to Boston, and thenea
by steamer, r Vices at this office at C:o0 p.
By rail 'to Philadelphia and thence by
steamer, closes Ht tills ifflce at 11:30 p. m.
every Wednesday.
M luUKT-ON Hy rail to Boston, and 'hence
by Meamer. closes nt this office dally at
GUATEMALA By rait to New Orlauns,
and thence by steamer, closes lit this or
flci dully, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. rn,
nml and M:S) p. m., Sundays at fM
p. .in. and 11:30 p. m (conniotlng laall
clmes here Mond'iys at W.-V- n. av.).
COSTA RICA By lull t.i V f-rl-ans, nnd
thence bv tefnr, i!oe t th: trice
dsilv. excepi- -"unday, 4 X' .' p. in. and
ri:30 p. m.. l.4idaya t JVC v. m. snd
IU-.J0 o. in. (?on"cting mil", cloees here
Tuesd.vK at Ml-M n. m.) ,
IREG18TERED MAIL COfes St lp. m.
previous day.
TraaritilAc ffaU.s.
PINE ISLANDS, via San Franelwo,
close here dallv at :30 p. m. up to No
vember i'o. Inclusive, lor dlapatcli per a.
a. Gaelic. , ,
HAWAII. vl:i Pan Francisco, close here
dallv nt :J0 p. m. up to November
Inclusive for dispatch per s. e. Alamcdii.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria, 11. C. close here d'llly al 3o P
in. up to November 24. Inclu-lve. for ll!.
palch per s. s Empress of China. Mer.
chanfllio for United States Polai
agency nt Shangliui cannot be forwarded
CHlVA2"dJAPAN. via Sealtle, cloe here
dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November IJ5.
Incliirive, for dispatch per t. a. P.lojun
rWco. done here daily at 1:30 x,. m. up to
November 2. Inclusive, for otspatch ler
TViirr,rnulPMARQUEflA ISTNDS via
San Francisco, close here dally at .W p.
in no to November 3. Inclualve. for
dispatch per Marlpa. ..,.,
PINE ISLANDS, via San Francbjeo. clow
here dally at :jo p. "H " ""'""
Im luive. for dispatch per s. s. Hot g
SAMOA and HAWAII via Han Fran.l-en.
clVe here dally at 6:30 p. m. ut. o Ie
cember IS. Inclusive, for dutiatch r s
s Ventura. (If the Cunaid s'emner carry
ing the British mail for New Zealand
does not urrive In time to eonnct
this dlxpntch. extra mnll"--'lolng at 6:j
m and : a. m. und 6:10 p ni.: Hun
davs at t:3" a. m.. a. ni snd :30 P- ni.
will be made uo and forwarded until the
srrlval of the Curia rd steamer. t
addressed only), via Vancouver a cl i
torla. H. C close here dsllv at :) p m.
uo to December 5, Inclusive, for dll)tcii
I er s. s. Moana .
CHINA and JAPAN, via Taeonvt. 't.y.
t.ere dllv at 8:30 tt. in. UP to Dvc-m. e
22 Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Shaw-
NOTE Unlesa otherwise addressed. V'
AustrelU is forwarrtl via Eurofie, ud
New Zealand ar.d Phltlpnlnea vl-. Bin
Franclwo the iiilerirt rooier, Plilllo
plnes specially addred via Cana;U.
or "via Euroia" inf' be f.ilJv f-reiwlo nt
the foreign m. Ilwill I foi ward. 'S
vU San Francisco xclulvev
Transpacific mails are f.rwarde;l f i l-o; I o'
salllna dllv snd the schedule of cl.-!n"
la arransed on the presiimptlnr. o' ttvl
unimerruoted overland lrai,. IResi
fared nisll elosea t v 1. mevkioi' i'.Ht.
(MHSEI.T8 VAN COTT. Pimtmnutei.
pret'office, New York, N. T., Nvla-r 'S.
lie Uk, Hf-ruil.o-l n4 riluilfl - (iel h'J.i't A
American and European plan
Kin 'ft fsfes and tirlll Rooms ar: ct S. Y.
Mnrb'e Hath House. Coin,le(.i (j i n.i .i d'.ms
(iien Ie'. 1st tu iljy J::l'.
j R lUVEf l-es.-e nnd Mmi-rcr.
j C. WALK ICR, A toc! a It MaiiaKr