10 TIIK fWATTA DAILY DCE: TUESDAY. XOVKMKETl 17. 100.1. TO RE-OFFER B0NDS FOR SALE (rll Drrlilrii l i1htI- ! tor Rnrr r Ihf RfBi-n"! lour, .Authority will lc aiwii lv th'' enun.lt today for the i :! crtling nnd rrml of I4M.00 renewal hmxls. thr Clmlmuttl house thRt bought Hi' oririT'iil Issue having failed to take tue pi. per. II a ;iv-n until Salurilfly afternoon tn drrlil.- and fsllpd to comply, although n spvcbi) rctrrfentRilve wss pent to Omaha who ;!( nled 1'or fiirthe, tlme. The premium olTerrd was $i;.ni. It In thought that the bonds will bring consid erably more. Ml Them In (hr tint:. If you have Ion of apptlHe, heailaihf, constipation or biliousness take Kl-tl 1 Bittern, .it curea or no pay. C.. or ale by Kulin & Cv. Anaonaremrnta f the Theaters. This evening Charles 11. lloyt'a well rcmemlcred satire on practical politics Ht ,the national capital, "A Texas Steer," will b tho attraction at the Boyd. The ex periences of Maverick Brnmler In learning . the. wnys of the schemers and lobbyists form the theme of the comedy, which la unquestionably the best of the whole Hoyt series. Borne remarkably accurate pictures are given, and the whole Is as delicious a , bit of satire as one wants to see. May Bretonno has the role of Bossy firander, .round whom the love story centers; James A. Devlin Is Maverick Brainier, and Beott Marble plays tho Minister to Dahomey. The engagement Includes a matinee on Wednesday and a performance Wednesday renin. . H otitinjf flannel, stripes Pj ohfo.ks und plain col ors. On nnle. main (1 or In diamonds A. B. Hubermann has no competition. Ho Imports none but white gems, and did It before the last raise of 10r per cent took plare. Look at them. S. R. Tatten, dentist, MrCague building. Masonic. Nebraska lodge No. 1 will work the M. M. decree Tuesday, November 17, at t:lC p. m. Visiting brethren welcome. .t W. C. McLean, secy. O. A. DAT, Wi M. Extra fancy apples by tho barrel and Black Kills potatoes at Buffett & 8ons, Fourteenth and Harney. Bank Certificate. We Issue certificates of deposit for 3, 0 Checks on all banks cashed. J. L. BKANDEJS-& SONS, BANKERS. . Horse covtra made to fit your Bora. Omaha Tenl and Awning Co., llth an Harney atreeta. . t DIED. JOHNSON Harry Alexander. November 1G, aged 1(1 years 21 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Johnson, 1!1 South Fourth street. Funeral Tuesday afternoon, November 17, at 1 o'clock from Grace chapel, Sixth and William 'streets. Interment Laurel lilll. Friends Invited. Gogcr fi Gallet (Paris) Special Bargains for Tuesday Outing' Flannel Nightgowns 39c, 49c, 6.9c ecial salo of ladies' and misses' outing flannel nightgowns, hand ltnely embroi'lered anil ribbon trimmed. Kxcomlonally fino quality of at. 9c-49-69' Among all the Parisian Perfumers to In vade the American market the goods of none take higher rank than! tnoae of KOOEK & OALLET. Thla line lncludea l'KRKl'MKS In BULK and in BOTTLKS TOILET POWDKR8, TOOTH PREPARA TIONS, FINE TOILET SOAPS and PO MADKH. Wa have long boen direct Im porters of this line and thus can offer goo which am of undoubted genuineness and ef RECENT MANUFACTURE! both. Im- iiortant points with Toilet Articles and 'rfuxnes. ' BOTTLElbrKBKI !HE (Manufactured by R. & G., Palis.) Iris Blanc, bottle, .... $1.26 Heliotrope Blana, bottle .....$l.io Bouquet Des Amours, bottle 91.25 1 Peau D'F.spagne, bottle .....$1.25 i Peau IVEspagne, large bottle.... $1.75' Vera Vloletta. bottle $1.25 Vera Vloletta, largu bottle...; $1.76 Marechale Neil Rose, bottle tl.lio Pantal. bottle $1.5 Violott De Parme. bottle 11.00 Violette De Parme, large bottle $1.50 All the above are the concentrated Es sences or Extracts for the handkerchief. TOH.KT WATERS (Manufactured by R. ft O., Paris.) Eau Violette De Pornie. buttle 75o F.aa Violette De Parme, large bottle. ...$1.S5 t u ua 'lo.iette vera, viruette. Dottle... il.iw Eau De Toilette Wood Violet, bottle tiuc SOAPS (Manufactured by R. & a., Paris.) Savon a la Pate D'amandes, cake 15o Havon a la Vloletta, cake 25c Havon a la Buc De Laitue, cake 2m Savon a la Violette De Parme, cake 6oc Same, per box of cakes tl.25 Savon Vera Vloletta, cuke 75c Same, per box of $ cakes )2.00 Toilet powders (Manufactured by R. & a., Paris.) Poudre De Rl (marechale), pkg 15c Pouuro Da Ria (win tine), pkg 26c The above comes iu flesh and white shades and In various odors. Veloute De Lis, box , 50c Poudra De Ria a la Vloletta De Parme, box B0o Poudre Da Ria Vera Violette, box 11.23 I'oudre da lUi Anthea, box X 75c ROGER. UAI.LET BILK I'ERKIMKS Essence Vera Violette, os RSo Kxtralt Muauet de mat, o.. K5o Uusence Vera. Rosa (marechale), o..:...fc&o Parfum concenlra Bouquet Horn Amours, OB gSc Ieau D'Espngne Extralt, os 5o Violette lie Parme, Extralt. nil 85c Indian Hay Extralt, os ., S6c Heliotrope Blanc Extralt, oi 85c Sherman & McConnU Drug Co. COR. 16TII AND DODGE. OMAHA. . BIG OFFERS IN WINTER UNDERWEAR Ladies' Undtrwear. Vest and pants, in fine oud heavy ribbed fleecy cotton, natural wool and " O O A C jft f .camel's hair, at Z)Z-5C-4jCK)C Ladies' Union Suits In natural wool, silver fray, black, also fine a.l!a. ,. 39c-49c-69c98c nisses,' Chirdren's and Boys' Underwear, paper weights for winte fancy ribbed and lleeco lined, fk' OC. O ft at ioc-iyc'oc-oyc 4 Great Sale of Men's Winter Underwear Men's IiIkIi pratle winter nndi-rwenr. n V'nt purchuso from the factory of A. W. l'orter. 4.'-4."i White StrtK't. New York. on Biile at renuirk nlile ImiKnitiH. Hero is tnediuin and heavy weight, dcrlty llblied, fleece IIikhI underweitr in Juescr and fancy colors, hIko silk fleeced iindcrweiir and wool shirts and draw- C C 4 ( C XT ( r -rs. in scarlet, nntunil (tray, etc., ,1 -4W pll W worth up to $t and ?t.r.O, at . BAHGAIN OFFERS IN BLACK SILKS A remarkable dfferiuj; of bhtck silks for tomorrow. $l..T.) quality, :t! in. wide, black uaranteed taffetas, at 80c. 1 .-" rustling black taffeta, i!7 in. wide, at 73c. Klne oil lwlled taffetas at 4S. 50c all silk taffetas, 20 in. wide, at 33c. Special Blanket and Comforter Values Buying In extraordinary large quantities for spot cash direct from the man ufacturers, we are able to sell blankets aqd comforters at the lowest possible prices consistent with good quality. ' Our Wool Btankefs at 2.98, 3 98, 4.98 and 5 98 pre pair are generally retailed at 23 per cent higher price. Our Gotten Blankets at 49c, 59c, 75c, 98cf I 25, ICn atari f TE nT riifr are vprv often sold at wholesale at higher OU Bud I 13 Por' prices than we retail them at. A special offering or tomorrow is a teamplt line of all toool blankets from a well-known Chicago jobber Some of these are soiled from handling but their inlrinsj! value is just as good as when they left the loom. But on tcount of their slightly soiled conditions they were priced aVwRTut one-half their real worth. You should see these, as when they are sold they cannot be duplicated elsewhere at our prices We also offer for tomorrow fin white cotton filled, hand knotted, fcilKfre and sateen comforts, and some with ruffled flouncesstThey all go at $1.23 each. On 1 one big bargain square tomorrow...' IsSO J. IK. Prxtt&ef & tt0 J. g3rndci & fon V ill 0 TMH hglublf. ITDHK. T3 Wonderful oupon Sale I Coupons with every purchase. The most liberaland valua' ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. fSaydcn Bros' Cloak Department. Manufacturers hard pressed for money. Several manufac turers' -stocks of women's suits, coats, skirts, waists and furs purchased by us and on sale at half price in our lively cloak de partment. Tuesday's remarkable offerings: Another lot of those famous 10 suits have arrived by express they are for better values than those of Saturday and Monday. Do not fall to see them they are worth $15, $1S and $30. n Wk Tuesday's price only lJJJ Just received by express, 100 beautiful suits that would please the most critl csl person Graceful garments, modestly trimmed they look like $30.00 suits. Up sale Tuesday QQ Women's suits This lot we cannot help talking about, as every woman Is pleased with their style, make and materials They sre exquisite garments, and your tailor would charge you $40 for ".hem. Our price , OR 00 only, each ....i'vu GST In be Diamonds art the most valuable property on arth that -money can be Invested In. They never will be cheaper. It Is con ceded by all of the experts that less than four years, they will worth . TWICE what they are now. Let us talk Diamond to you for an In vestment. You can have the ornament and wear It, and make money later If you wish to sell It. BROWN & B0RSHEIM, O! South 16th Street. LOTUS CREAM WEATHER Judt lUe kind to nmke oane appreciate the vulue of that UKST OF ALL LOTIONS for ne face iiid bands. Wby do Turtle from CHICAGO, DENVER, etc.. aend hoie for KgvptUn Lotus Cream? 'Cuune they hve never found anything like it in thoae cities. Kememher, Hatuic.sy. Nov. tin we will st-U the 2-o-ine six of Eg)ptlHn Lotus Cream, ll dH', at either Hiure 16th and ChirKgo Bt., Omaha, or N. W. Corner 24ih mid N St., So. Omaha for 6C I'EK BOT TLE, but we rear rye the rtgrft to limit the number to two (2) bottles to a cua- rOne Quart Kirk's Dandruff Cure. Why pay Hoc for about 4 ounces. sl.uo eU Coke's laiulriirT Cure ) Kugle Kraud t'oiidinMed Milk All St.o CItnu'H log lieintHUi-M .... All ho; Cluyton a Dog Hrsuedles $1.1.0 blioop'a K-iiiuUi t.vi 8nip-Ril l (l Cramer's Kidney Cure, guarunteed!;5i JJ.'M Cbevirr's Gt-nuiiie i'i-iiny roy m.1 Hills . no, $11 Smith s Olorta Toniu i,,,,. '$1. Hers Mult XYhlakw LOT! S CKKAM 5C SATl'RDA V .75c .fiOo .lie .4iic .tWHl 4-K1 SGIIAEFER'S CUT HRICE UjUQ sioku H T. YATL;3, Prop liih and Cblotgo bti , Omuhu. 'Phones 'i' and 7S7. 'iiih and N Bis., bouth mi 't'hone No. 1. All vwua dcjvcntd aiiy plae tn u titer city. WOMEN'S COATS New ones are arriving daily designed and manufactured for Hayden Pros, only We again remind you that we have this year, as In the past, the best coat In America, made of fine kersey and zib ellne, lined with Skinner satin (k ffl for only s.. v.UU Women's coats with loose and tight fit ting back, satin lined throughout, ex cellent values C fXfl only, each "r JW We agsln cell your attention to the fact that we have the nobbiest and most stylish military coat to be found any wherethese come tn all lengths and are alixolutelv beyond comparison, rrtves,- each la.OO, fC flfl $20.00 and 0VJI ' A mixed lot of coats odds and ends, sam ples, some lined with Skinner's satin, and all tine garments, well mude and stylish, with tight and loose fitting backs. Kor one day only we will sell them at the price of the lining. & :.. 3.98 SKIRTS We wantto bring the shoppers out on Tuesday, and with that aim in view, we made prices In skirts at less than cost of material. These are all rainy day skirts and are made on the nobbiest styles, of the very best materials cost to you at lesa than the cost of material for Instance, 4 yards, at 7tc per yard, or a.(; 4 yards, at $1.25 would be $b.0O. We sell you the the same skirts all ready to wear for the same price.' 4 big tables for Tuesday morning f OSi at $5.95'. $4.95, $3.95 and , :.Vi) Do not fall to see them. , WW.. EXTRA SPECIALS Women's fur scarfs with four 70c tails, worth $2-for , , Women's scarfs In medium nd long lengths, with large tails, the latest styles, worth $5.00 2.98 Women's flannelette and percale wrappers, $1.50 quality QSc .for Women's , percale wrappers, made with ruffle over shoulder and 6-lnch ' fQr Inn nr fni (in I V ..... .. Women's eiderdown dressing aacquas. In all colors, made with fancy . 7Qr nnllur worth 11. SO. for t.. r i ' Hr.nlA lrlerdnwn cloaka.' trim med with Angora fur. f OQ nrlh 12.(10. for '.. 3 Children's coats, In ages from 1 to 12. all colors, nicely trimmed, ' QJU wnrtli t J Rn fnr nnlv aVJ Women's black sateen under- ff skirts, , rcgulaf $2 quality, for ..... vv n n mo rfo. O M.'M'i-- $16.50 Men's Suits selling in our Great Suit Sale for Elegance of materials stylishness of cutting excellence of workmanship. These are the ster ling characteristics of the suits selling in our great sale at $9.75. The suits are made by the best known makers. The most fashionable dressers in Omaha bought these suits Saturday. And for every buyer there was a generous saving. These suits arc made perfectly the collar of the coat is full and sets well around the neck. The shoul ders are broad and symmetrical. There is no wrinkling, drawing or sagging. The vests cling to the outlines of the body and the trousers hang perfectly and keep their shape. At this price you get a handsome suit at less than the price would be ordinarily. ROCHESTER 0 C IV WW C rO ) a i m t " J r -Ti if lint at l i ii - hi -t ij i u u u u i j lj lj ii ysK n . 19 f rL II . II f S . 1 f 111 I I sT A II pi ii t if a i i FOR THANKSGIVING ieh limn Sole Our Annual Sale of Pure Irish Linen is haw on In full swing. Wm- LIddell & Co.'s, the renowned "GOLD MEDAL CRflfiD," woven on the historic looms of Belfast, Ireland . PURE LINEN Free from any fixing whatever, perfect in finish texture and weave fresh and sweet as the dear litlie shamrock itself. Replenish Your Linen Closet Hon No better opportunity ever came your way win A try Lest You Fofget That It Is onlv four weeks "till Christmas Select your gifts now- and let us lay them away for you. 1 We never hava. hod a better selected stocg man mis year, a iew I minutes spent in our store win convince you. uw ior .tie name, W T1NTWAY. Jsweler and Ontidan. I( 16 Ducloa Street. Attend Our Great NOVEMBER SALE OF Tuesday and Wednesdoy Two Days F.loro - Largest Assortment and Createst Dargains Ever Offered in Omaha " BENNETT'S CROCKERY DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR CQLLAR TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER i p Have - life In- them l , ii. ii . i p i . 1 1 n n n n n r-n whHt wonis fall of. We ' , y hnvc them and would f like to kjuw them to you m Gan you find , 1. it ni 1 1 (i I - ' , J 5th spelled hs ' 1 9th I Words B - . j 14th II I I II I t 9 I i H I L y A c We are selling the base burners alright and "It's ln that powerful ventilator" lu the Rochester that does U. Saturday we had another great day. We sold to Messrs. Kendell, S002 8. 39ti; Fenner, 722 N. 20th; Pf.rrlsh, 561 Ames Ave.; Lemley, 2619 Kens; TIIIhoii, 2672 gpauldlng; Swortz, 1861 N. 18th; Vom Weg, 2121 Leavenworth; Manwelts, W 8. 16th; Nelson, 3110 8. 13th. People who have bought stoves of us during the iust 22years, and know that we sell only the best, are not the kind of people who will pay 5.00 to $10 00 extra for name, or reputa tion like some people do. ' ' v . . Tho Stoctzcl Stovo Co - 714 South 16th Street. , Onlv exclusive . stove store In the west. th same kind they have In large cities. II tiM9 sw H WOMEN'S $3.00 WELTS. ' An Idea storm shoe heavy, extra heavy and light welt sole also - turn soles box calf kid or patent leather uppers. Twenty different styles at 1300. No shoe you can get will give as much satisfaction as a genuine welt, and these are genuine welt. We guarantee thla shoe to be the best $3.00 shoe ever sold, and we will cheerfully refund your money If we can't satisfy you. DtlEXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnara Street. 0aha' Up-to-Dat Shoe Hous Prizes for finding mis spelled words on The Bee Want Ad pages. 'I'he Bee is going to give two hundred valuable prizes to the people who find the greatest number of mis-3p:lled words in its Want Ad pages, beginning Monday. November 16th, and ending Sunday, November 2id. If your sight is good and you know how to spell, it is an easy way to win a prize. Watch the Want Ad pages on these days. The Prizes i Prize let iu.uu 2nd 1 Dinner Set. .. Value $10.00 .10.00 1 Dinner Bet-. ' 10.00t 1 Bet "Uving Animals of the World 1 Set "Ufe of Napoleon three volumes 1 bet "Ufe of Napoleon" hi-iu uiilnnlil 1 Copy "Oreat I'lctures Ureal Painters" 1 Copy "iJreat Pictures Great Painter" 1 Copy "Great Pictures Ureal Painters'- 1 Copy "Ureal Pictures Urem Painters 1 Copy "Mother Uooae Paiut Book1, 1 Copy "Mother Uoose Paint Book1' 1 Copy "Mother Goose Paint Book'' 1 Copy "Mother Goose Paint Book" ' 1 Copy "Mother Goose Paint by by" 'by'" by 0. 00 6.00 6.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 iUU 16th to 25thio7lnVrnN:r.l."'12.50 2Gth to 35th 7rT& f.e.n.: 7.50 36th to 50th Wor?hM,??i 15,00' 51st to 200th torth"!'. 75.00 m s The Conditions 1 The person finding the greatest number of mis-spelled words will be awarded the first prUe. In case of a "tie", the person mail ing answer first, according to the postmark on the envelope, will be given preference. All answers must be sent by mail. ' Cut out the advertisements and paste them on a sheet of paper. Underline the mis-spelled word with a pencil or Ink. and write your name and address at the top of the sheet. No person connected with The Bee Pub lishing Company will be permitted to enter this contest. No abbreviations will be counted aa mis spelled words. The 1J edition of Webster a dictionary will be taken as authority. Cut out the ads each day, mark the mis spelled words, paste them all on a 81NGLK sheet of paper and send the whole thing In complete after you hava studied the Sunday, November 22nd edition. Don't send In your answer until the end o t the week or they won't be counted. ' 1 If a mis-spelled word occurs In an adver tisement which appears mora than once, nut only one copy of the "ad" on your list. Send all answers by mail, addressed "Want Ada" Department, Omaha Daily B ee, Omaha. V'. v