THE OMAHA - DAILY It EE: MONDAY, NOVEMIIER in. 100.T KANSAS 0U1TS SEBRASEANS it Decide! to Breek Athletio Ea'atiDni with the Ojrnhni ter Brig td. CULMINATION OF MANY DIFFERENCES 4arkiitkrr Roaril of (ontrol ( nnif to Derision lahl Ilef:ire ilnt. day'a (iimr anil Annonncr ml la HIHihrM. LAWRKNTE, Kan.. Nov. 1".. (Social Telegram.) Kamun university has severed 11 athletic relationship with the Univer sity of Nebraska. The breaking o liei b' ln the f'ter tinlversltle i rnme.t iifte.-Ill-feeling and wrangling extending buck tor five years, but more recent disagree ments are the cause for the Kansas uni versity board action. The trouble over arranging tho game of last Saturday, Which was declared off and then declared on again everv day for almost u week, was the immjdlite cause for the break. The Kansas university board, In mik ing public Its decision, devotes five type written pages to. a statement covering the troubles since lwil. Kansas charges Ne braska with falling to live up to the con tract In word and spirit In several In stances, and makes a strong answer to the statements credited to O. E. Condra. chairman of the Nebraska Athletic asso ciation that the Jayhawkers "haggled over officials," and were unsportsmanlike. The statement In listing KHnsas' griev ances sets out that two of the Nebraska players are believed to be Ineligible by Kansas. One of the players Is Bender, the captain, who won Saturday s game for Nebraska by a long run, and the other player In question Is Wilson. Kansas pro- ; tested both, and then withdrew the pro test because Nebraska refused to play with the protest pending. The manner in which Nebraska de manded the withdrawal of the protests, and also that the guarantee money be forwarded to Lincoln, Is strongly re sented.. The decision of the Kansas uni versity board was reached Friday, before, the game, but was not made public until today. . Colfax as a member tf congTess and those who were associated with him In the Foatof flce department when he was second assist ant postmaster general and afterward post master general under Grant have In most part passed from the public singe. Presi dents Grant, Hayes, Garfield. Harrison and McKlnley have passed away with Senator .Morton and Vice President Coifs. But Speaker Cannon, General Harry Bingham of Pennsylvania, fleiiernl Ketcham of New York, who served with General Tyner In the house back In tl:e seventies still re in: In. General Tyner. when assistant at torney general under the Harrison ad ministration drafted the famous "Fraud end Lottery law" and worked for Its pas sage on the floor of the house. This was the art which terminated the existence of the Louisiana lottery company and drove ih" lottery business out of the United States. Geneva Defeats Crete. CRETE, Neb., Nov. 15.-8peclal. In a closely contested game of basket bull, played In Turner hall Saturday afternoon, the Geneva High school girls won from the Crete girls, 18 to 18. The visiting team did the swiftest and best team work and merited the victory. The members of the Geneva team were: Neva Heath, Edith Allen, Thersa Stevens Mabel Cumberland, Hazel Combes and Hazel Smith, while Isola Wright, Gertrude Wells. Iulse 8e gclke. Kthyl Ireland, Florence Mlsner and Sloninger composed the Crete team. What Yon Need for C onstipation. ' When troubled with constipation, what you need Is a remedy that Is sure to pro duce the desired effect. A remedy that is mild and gentle In its action. A remedy that leaves the bowels In a natural and healthy condition. A remedy that is easy and pleasant to take. Chamberlain' Stom ach and Liver Tablets meet 'all of tlieee requirements. Give them a trial and you Will never wish -to take another dose of pills. Use them as directed and they will cure chronlo constipation. Price 25 cents, Every box la warranted. SPEAKER CANNON'S BIG TASK Continued .frorn First Pace.) demljohna behind the screens In their com mittee rooms liquor was not as free or as easy to obtain aa It is In the opening days f tha Fifty-eighth congress. 8ome English man, In writing the customary book upon Ms experiences In America, announced that the women run the government. The Women's Christian Temperance union la largely responsible for the fact that the barrooms, so-called, have been closed up. The organisation Is equally responsible for the fact that members buy liquor by the case today Instead of by the drink. It was a mistake to place the rider upon the Immigration bill just as It was a mistake to abolish the canteen, for members and soldiers will get liquor If they wsnt It either open or covertly. General Tratr't Record. The prosecutions In the Fostofnre de partment have brought about remarkable changes. Not alone In the positions of the men under Indictment, but In physical con dition as well. General James. N. Tyner of Indiana, a former postmaster general, but lately an assistant attorney general for the Postofflce department, who Is nearly 80 years of age, is sorely stricken with disease and he may not live to meet the charges brought against him. While the postofflce Investigation has many phases peculiar to , Itself. . perhaps no part of It Is more remarkable than that whloh deals with General Tyner, who has been in dieted on tho charge of conspiring with his wife's nephew, H. J. Barrett, to reader decisions favoring certain "get-rich-qulck" companies which hud retained Mr. Bar rett aa their attorney. Within the shadow of the grave General! Tyner. who was a trusted cabinet offlcer and who Inter be came the law adviser of the "department over which he once presided, la compelled to face grave charges n- to his Integrity. Ueoeral Tyner was the Intimate friend of President Grant. Schuyler Colfax and Oliver P. Morton. Oenorni Tyner sat in the house of representative! and was n member of the committee on pustofflceH before most of those now chanted w'lh Ir vostlgutlng the icrrrVtUvia r po,oX-e employes were school boys. He jjceeed-'d SARAFOFF GETS AN OVATION People of Nofla Greet Macedonian Leader I.Ike nniner fnar Hero, SOFIA. Nov. IB.-tlorls Sarafoff. led-r of the Macedonian revolutionists, arrived here tonight and was received at the rail way station by thousands of persons who brought laurel wreaths qnd flowers and acclaimed Surafoff as a national hero. The Macedonian leader presented a picturesque appearance. His beard was unkempt, his hair hung In locks and his features were weather beaten. After the delivering of patriotic speeches a procession was formed and Sarafoff was borne on the shoulders of his admirers to the house of his parents. On the way SarafofT halted In front of the cathedral and thanked the crowd for the reception, declaring that the revolutionists were not only unconquered. but their work was but now beginning. Boris Sarafoff spent nine months In Macedonia. His life Was one of constant peril and he slept mostly In Ihe open air. He went to Mouastir with a bund of sixty, of whom only eight survived. He declines to discuss his, future plans; but neither he nor tho other lenders appear to concern themselves with the proposed reform scheme, as the- desperate condition of the refugees is adding new fuel to the Insur gent movement, which Is expected to be revived on a larger scale In the coming spring. Previous reports of a conspiracy of Bul garian and Servian officers to provoke war with Turkey have been officially confirmed. According to these reports, Turkey was to be attacked by the combined armies of the two countries. . Forrlsjrn Financial. ..LOwDPN' Nov' 1K-There Is not as yet the slightest sign of any Improvement In business on the stock exchange. The fea ture of the past week has boen the de pression of Investment securities as the result of tho withdrawals of gold and the apprehension of a rise In the bank rate. The fact that the bank rate was not raised, however, failed to revive the drop ping market. Renewals of the warlike rumors in the far east Increases tho de pression without In any great manner af fecting Russian and Japanese stocks. The American market showed a depressed con dition all through the week and although prices Improved somewhat Saturdny, there was little business transacted. The for eign market continues to be- the strong feature. Argentines being In good demand. SEASONABLE FASHIONS 4672 Coat with Cape, 12 to 40 bust Coat With Capes, 472 Coat with small r.houlder runes are femong the notable fea tures of the season and are graceful and becoming at the same time they are ex ceedingly otimfortab'e. This stylish one is adapted to Ml cloaking' and suiting ma terials and to th general wrap aa well as to the entire costume. The original, how ever, is made of black sebellne simply stitched with silk and ii designed for gen eral wear. The coat Is made with fronts, bucks, side backs and under-arm gores, tho many seams allowing of perfect lit and providing lines that give a slender effect to the fig ure. The narrow capes are arranged aver the shou'ders and finished with a shaoed and stitched band. At the neck is a flat collar and the sleeves, that are full below the elbows, are finished with pointed Cliffs. The quantity of material required for the medium rise Is 3-V yards 44 Inches wide or 3V .'&rds 52 Inches wide. The pattern 4673 la cut in sizes for a 82, 34, 3C 38 and 40 Inch bust measure. For tb accommodation ef The r!L j readers these patterns, which i,sunl!y retail t fror-i 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished nt I a nominal price. 10 certs, which cover n ! MK'iw- l order in get n pattern et,. lose 11 cents, gi number s od name of patient- THIRTY DEATHS FROM WRECK Only Man In Coach Who Kseaned Death or Injnry Heroines Southwest Excursion DATE: Novt'ini fi-'ji, iion. TICKET: lloimd-trip. fiist-Has. ' LIMIT: Tlircc weeks. RATES: !. h ilum the regular one-way fare. TO: All iiintM in Indian nml Oklahoma Territories. . MANY itiints in Kansas Texas ami Now Mexico, ROUTE: Atcliis.ui. Tojvkn & Santa IV My. Don't let this chant e tt by. It will not come aain this winter. Vit it the Kouthwest and SEE Foil YorHSKIJ" the nnich-talked-of iroj.ress ami de velopment of that section. We- have Mme straight forward literature for the homcpeeker and iavest-jr which we will jrladly bend, if yim wish it. Tell us what section interests you. ' ' E. L. PALWER. Pass. Agent Atch aoa. TopyWaft S-ita F.- Rcliway DT2S noir E S .SANTA FE NKW ' ORLEANS. Nov. 1... -Sixteen negroes Injured In the Illinois Central wreck at Kcntwood were brought to the Charity hospital today and three of them died soon after reaching here. This makes a total of twenty-eight negro men de.d, one negro woman killed and Andrea- Riser, foreman of the carpenters, the only white, fatally Injured, a total of thirty deaths. The Injured list foots up eighteen. Larry Hawthorne, the only negro who eseuped from the coach, has become demented as a result of the shock. The wreck has been cleared away. K Hart Sever Hariri After Porter'a Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap plied. Relieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. Price, 25c. OMAHA. SUBURBS. Florence. t'Hpt-iin and Mrs. Reynolds have returned from a brief trip to Milwaukee. Miss Fanny Morse and sister of Omaha vlalted friends here Sunday afternoon and evening. Miss Maud Lowry returned Thursdiv from n week's visit with a slater at Oak land, la. 8everal members of Rehckah lodge visited a meeting of Ivy lodge in Omah.t this week, J. C. Barcus, formerly business manager of the Omaha-Florence sanitarium, is here from Des Moines looking after business. The Ladles' Aid society of Ponca church gave a supper and social at the home of Mr. and Airs. Q. T. Bird Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, accompanied by Miss Sutherland, all of Omaha, were visi tors nt the meeting of Rose Kebekah lodge Tuesday night. Mi. Edgar Powell returned home Tues day afternoon from a three weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. R. P. Hills, at Salt Ijike- City. The electric light company has delivered the poles for the electric light wires and It will not be long before the town Is lighted with electricity. Sister Mary Xavler. Mr. Michael H. Cur tis of Pittsburg, Pa.. Mr. Silver and Mr. and Mrs. Will MacUiilnncas were visitors at St. Phillips House Sunday. Thomas Rotchle, who was hurt n couple of weeks ago by his wagon turning over, Is able to get around with n cane. His back was wrenched pretty badly. Mrs. Wallace of Denver. Colo., spent the past week here visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Covert. Mrs. Wa'lHce was n former resident of Bellevue, Neb., but has been In Colorado for the past two years. Mrs. M. D Chapman, a resident of thlt place for about forty-two yens, with her sister, left for Los Angeles the latter part of the week. She will make her future home In the California city, having a son In business there. The city council nt Its last meeting or dered a considerable grading done on the streets and the big grader has been in use the past week. State and Main streets have been put In good shape and CUy street has been graded between Main and Bluff streets. L. A. Taylor, who has been a traveling representative of the Piano Manufacturing company for the last twelve years, has severed his connection with that company and now represents the Raclne-Balterl v company. Mr. Taylor covers his old terri tory in northeastern Nebraska. Benson. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harman Hawkins has been Bick during the past week, but is better now. The LadleB' Aid society will hold its next regular raininess meeting at the home of Mrs. Appleby next Wednesday after noon. Mrs. James Howard and daughter, Mil dred, left last Thursday evening for a visit at the home of Mrs. Howard's parents In Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Bee Hoffman visited at the home of her parents a few days last week, re turning to her studies at the Peru Normal last Tuesday morning. The members of the Modern Woodmen lodge gave a ball and supper at the city hall last Saturday evening, which was at tended by a good crowd. Mrs. J. M. Morton and two children leive today for Bloomington, III., where they will spend the winter months at the home of Mrs. Horton's parents. Mrs. Shafer, who has spent the post few months visiting at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. I. E. Frederick, returned to her home in Pueblo, Colo., last Monday evening. The annual rally day exercises of the Methodlxt Kplscopal Sunday school were held last Sunday morning at the usuil preaching hour. The church was prettily decorated, and u program of music and recitations was rendered. After the pro gram, badges were presented. A called business meeting of the Kpwotth league was held at the parsonage lust Mon day evening, and the new officers elected, as follows: President. Mr. Kouuh; vice president, Mrs. E. J. Crews; first vice pres ident. Mrs, J. A. Morgan: second vice president, MIhs A. K. Stlger; third vice president, Ethel Morgan; treasurer, (jeorge Freeman; secretary. Miss Lilly Stiver. The next regular meeting will be held the last Monday e.ning of the month. Urllevnr. The library has received 350 new l ooks and newly bound magazines. This swells the catalogue to 4.3-.1 volumes. A special train will carry the students to and from the I'nlversity vs. Bellevue game played at Lincoln November 21. Or. Kerr left Wednesday for Cleveland. Pittsburg. Philadelphia and New York in ihe Interest of the college. He hopes to have returned by Thanksgiving. Rev. jHmts 8terenberg Is dean of the faculty In the absence of Dr. Kerr. Mrs. J. Morehouse, Instructor In modern language, is to organize French. German and Spanish tables in the ulnlng room. The boys and girls who surround these ta bles are to speak nothing but the languuge designated for their particular crowd. Bellevue Is the entertflnlng college for the Intercollegiate oratorical contest io be next January. There are Indication that the local content of December 7 will be n warm one. with many and worthy con testants for the vurlous prizes offered. The domestic science department of the Omaha Woman's club has offered a yer's scholarship In the domestic science de i.srtinent of Bellevue college. The student 's to bn chosen by a committee consisting of rs. Towr.e. the pnsldent, Mrs, (lault and re Kerr. The Presbyterian church has been vastly Increased In rapacity bv. the addition of a wing upon the back. Th" little church Is 55 ye.ns old and the tlrst built In Netrtisku. hsving been ennst'mted bv the Pretbv lerlan mission in 1H4S. Th i vear k a found too small to contain the Increased student body. West mbler. Jiy Syas hau just recovered from a hard sick spell. Mr. und Mrs. A. K. arc very proud of their little daughter. Mrs. J. T. Uantz bus been again under the dot-tor's care because of a relapse In her Illness. Misses Grace and Loa Blake, Ethel Smith and Nellie Winn have Joined Ihe dancing club this w'nter. Mr. Bonevtz lias been having an ad dition put to hla house In West Side and will finish by painting. Miss Adda Oanlx Is again able to he up and around after several days of severe sore throat and la grippe. Mrs. C. H. Mann and children spent several days In this neighborhood, visit ing among old friends und neighbors. Misses Nellie Win and Stella Pickard and Mrii. George Winn and Herman Gantz spent Sunday afternoon at the home of M'as Mary Cook. The Epworth league of the Southwest church will give a novelty social next Thursday evening. November 1 at the bon.e of Mrs. John Cimi-inghim, between Mason and Many on Forty-eighth street. Dundee. . MWs Covey of St. Paul. Neb., who hus been visiting her aunt. Mrs D. L. John son, returned to her home Tr. Mday. Mr. J. W. Akin and Mrs. A. M. Smith gave a large reception on Thurslay nflrr-r-'Kiu Ht the home of Mm. Akin, on North Fiftieth street. On Tuesdxy evening, In honor of Miss Rich of Willlams;xrt. Pa., who Is stop ping at the Her G-and. slid Miss UnUlwln Keokuk. la . who is the a i.-nt of Mrs. W. I Selby. Miss Ijoulxe Vin tiicsjn en te: talned a number of young people. ' strikes at the Hwol. Ma.iy dangerous dlaeasea begin in impure blood. Electric Bitters purifies the blood, and cures, or uo pay. Only hK. For sale by Kuhn Ca. OMAHA LIVE STOCli MARKET All. Kindi of Ca'.tl Lower Than a Week Ago Eicfp- Choice Range Beef Steffi. HOGS ALSO MUCH LOWER FOR THE WEEK Hei-elpts of Sheep Liberal All Week, bnt so Has Demand Killers Are a Uuarler Higher, While Keedere Are Steady. Receipts 11. SOl'TH OMAHA. Nov were: Catt e. ll.igs. Sheep Ofliclnl Monrtny 7.4U 31: -'4.&.I6 t Itlirirtl Tuesday 6. It Official Wednesday 7.M4 Oinclnl 'J huts, lay 4,215 OiikI.iI Friday 2.2a Official Saturday 4 14. 7.844 5.7' .4ii7 fi.hoS .L't 8.070 i.!'7 Wl . .aR.3Hg 4H.2W) 78.V.t ..27.M9 2i.KS7 72.NTiO ,.4,MI 21.915 7UM9 IS Is. 433 7G.V2 ..27.113 Itl.S'B SS.WH M.442 1 L."" A T TO DATlC. Week enrtlnv v.i- Week ending Nov. eek ending Oct. ;tl... Week ervltnic Oct. ;-4... Week ending Oct. 17... Same week last eir... I: l.'!1!;.! D'I'U l..i rpiiL. The lollowlng table shows the receipt a of cattle, lings and theey at south Oinai.a for the year to duie aim compurioons with ast VAC,-. Cattle (i.ii4 H"K" 1.97.21 Sheep 1,61-3,732 - - . . . j pniu iui 1 1 o w Omaha for the last several days with turn- tt. flan.. . Inc. 7Mtt Deo. 19)3. fcX 4iv l, units ;7 4,io l.tiS.Si'tf 124,136 tor hogs at bouio Data I 101. lM2.!lft'l.llX.lM.UM.iUe7. Oct. IS Oct. 16. Oct. 17., Oct. II., Oct. ia Oct. fij. Oct a., Oct. 22.. Oct 23. uct. 24. Oct. 25., Oct 2G., Oct. 27., Oct. 28., Oct at Oct. SO. Oct. 31. Not , Nov. i, Nov. a, Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. g, Nov. S, Nov. 10, Nov. 11. Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14. C 49V4! S 221 UV t 0iS i 14 5 25 6 1N S C3 4 17 4 2i 4 7T, 4 99! 4 WW 4 Bl 4 73H! 81 4 67V 4 U2VI 4 li-'H 4 BtS MSI 7 00 li 4 82 SO 6 1 22 4 72 4 20 7 15 tl IH 4 It I TO 7 02 rt 4 62 4 lu S 7 4 SI 4 .1 4 U 1 73 t 92 4 Mi 4 61 I "1 (82 1 28 I 4 U I 66; f 7u 05 4 ')2 5 76 6 4 1 4 14 74 01 4 61 4 14 $66 71 (05 448 4 It IH 00 4 f8 4 ! I M It fil 4 61' 4 10i 3 b2 8 61 5 89 ! 4 10 i S 47 6 61 6 81 4 62i 3 b4 t, 69, 6 72 4 50 4 01, 6 61 6 67 4 47 4 03 3 56! 6 54 6 73 4 61 4 01 S 56! 6 72 4 60 4 04 I 45j 6 61 4 66 4 04 3 46 49 6 82 4 02 8 61 6 61 6 711 4 66 t 62 6 62 6 71 4 64 4 01 4 65 5 68 ; 4 67 4 t)2 3 66 6 415 67 4 71 4 03 3 62 5 71 4 611 4 03 3 47 6 .IS 4 74 4 03 8 47 6 25! 6 72' 4 02 3 43! 6 10! fi 631 4 811 3 4l 6 21) 5 5!'i 4 74! 3 94 I 6 28 6 6Si 4 67 3 92 8 41, 8 1 t 61 I Si 8 60 3 51 8 61 8 61 I 61 8 n 3 41 3 41 3 38 3 38 3 Ii 3 43 3 43 3 44 8 46 3 54 3 41 3 31 3 32 3 38 3 m L Jirl As sCtvJ ZlWrrs C ,J yZZu Yrr7Z f " t ry r " v-u- w-s? ry rJ af yr ys J vi " SSir LjlA rKJ&Ov" yWiiT A. S m J r jCijicjr y" v7yy tr W jTZ J-1 i0 It h"f H I X mM.J sWSt '''j r- ..l v"! ...i' "f7r J - 'lyfT r- '".y f f X yirjit ir trA - J TTItS " Mr At ur aV lu vsnjf Ym,"Jr J f hM La--X y 1 Uty' Viiaa N r. i. t yr Xu ik. m 'wJTir Kr ff XV" "'pt X "lie' ' foAJr I fca Wj" m 4 Z- it is now possible to get 1 v! Tr a ?d C1ar without .! C-''.' -f doubt or question, no VA JT :':l-0 matter where you are. The Largest Selling I 1 jf Brand of Cigars . "V V$L n In the World. The Sand is th V 1 t, fA j I Smoker's Trctectioiu y ''Jwit h J Smmjmcr m jii ; if n i Mi.ifii'iivjjinisi is .hiiwii 3 fit mtir m wnX f '33 Indicates Sunday. The otfloial number of cars of stock brought In toaay by each road was: Hogs. Sheep. Horses. C. M. & St V -Ta Vnion I'aclflc System.... 3 .. 1 C. & N. W .. 21 ,. F. K. & M. V 14 .'. 1 C, 8t. P., M. & 0 3 H. c M 14 C. B. tj 14.. K. C. & St. J 1 C. R. 1. & P. east. 2 Illinois Centrnl 1 Chicago Great Western.. 6 .. .. Total receipts 90 4 2 The disposition of the day's -ecelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of heud Indicated: Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing company 610 Swift and Company 9i(4 Cudahy Packing company 1,067 601 Armour & Co 1.272 Armour & Co., Sioux City 1,633 Totals ; 6,510 601 CATTLE The same as usual on a Satur day, there were practically no cattle on sale this morning. For the week receipts show a flight increase as compared With last week, but compared with the same week of laxt year there is an increase of about 8,000 head. The supply, however, has been large enough to meet the demand, as Is shown by the fact that nearlv all kinds have suffered quite a sharp dcline. There have been -more corn-fed teers on the market this week than for some time past, but most of them were of the short fed variety. The general market could be quoted UW25c lower thun the close of iast week on all kinds. Some of the common and warmed-up kinds may be even a I t tle worse than that. The top price of the week was S5 8J, which was paid for a very choice hunch of Herefords. The bulk of the warmed-up . rattle sell from 11.00 10 SI. 25. with some below 11.00. Fair to gool cattle go from 34.40 to 84.75 and good to choice from 11. SO to $..30. The cow market Improved a little early In the week, but since then the advance has all been lost and more, too. It would be safe to quote the cow market generally a dime lower than the close of last week The better grades of cows yesterday suf fered the greater decline andn a good many cases they had to sell more than a dlmo lower than the same kind would have brought the week r afore.. O-inners art going largely from $1.50 to I'MO. fair to goid grades from $2.15 to $ 40 and o-nnrt ifi. all the way from $2.40 to $2.90. OccxNiona'lv an extra choice load of grosser will brine I a little more than that and corn-feds have also sold up to $3.25, but most of the corn- ! feds are -ilmnly warmed un and ,rin more than the eras per. Bulls and stags ure also lower for the week, and In fact are at about the low ro1'" 7f.the "'',s"n- Bologna blllls sell from Il.BO to $1.90. with the better grades of grass bulls coins: from 12 00 in i" ki -.- iiaionally cornfed bulls come in good -ii... in. 1 iu iiiiiik n run mi u.uii. veal calves h.ivf been about steady it 11 the week, scll rw trv-n $J no to 00. This has been about the most disastrous week of the year to date In the stocker and feeder division Prices have been goinr stesdilv downward, nnd In spite of that fnct the demand from the country b-m been very light, and as a result a good manv cattle will be carried over Bundnv As compared with Monday, the market is fully 10fi20e lower, which niake prices the lowest of the peason. It Is noticed th'it yearlings nnd short twos are selling mon freely than the heavy cattle. Buyers pem to want cattle weighing from (too to MX) pounds, to rough through the winter, but they wont good quality stun. The co-n-tnorer kinds of stockers and feeders are now selling from S2.75 to $1.00, fiilr to good from $3.00 to $3.10, nnd good to choice front $3.40 to $3.75. with something fancy as high us $4.00. or even a little better. The supply of western graks beef steers of pood quality has been very light, and. as the demand has l.ecn In good shape, prices jp' firm on that clai-'a of offeilngs. Com mon HtulT has been more or less neglected the same :is us.ih! Range cows and blockers ami feeders have fluctuated the saie .-is noted ul:ove. HOGS There wns not an excessive run here tills morning and. as the demand was in f i lily good sliiipc, the market improved a t lifle. The general market could be quoted strong to 6c higher. Some sales looked no more than steady, while others were safely a nickel higher. Trading was fairly active, so that the early arrivals were all disposed of in good season. Heavy hoys sold from $1 50 to $4 65, medium weights went from $1.55 to 84.60, and lights sold from $1.60 to $1.70. There were no choice lights on sale this morning, which Is the reason whv there Is not a better top to the market. For the week receipts have been quite liberal, there being u gain of about 10.000 head, as compared with last week, and of about 2.01X1 bead, as compared with the same week of Ins', year. The tendency of prices has been steadily downward, which hHS carried pi Ices to the low. point of the year to date. The net loss fur the week amounts to fully 2cc. Representative sales: No. . BK. ft. K' a. Bh. Tr 7; :?4 ll 4 40 4 ,...!?7 1W 4 ii ti 1T 40 toll (4 ...tt0 M lil ( : :t 1 nil, Cl 7 12 Ih u tn u 4 in 'i :o is M 3t HI 1 H ' two 4 44 W ill 30 4 i-'-r, 44 ! IM u ,t ?u iA 4 il'i 4? ! 12.) 4 44 4i tfi 1 A 52 ' l Hi 4 3M 40 4 it4 44 i:i 4 '.i 14 !K4 U Ik M 4 lift 4 44 4.. ru ... 45:. ti : io 0:4 m 7T 21H 4 4i 1 1" 40 4 47', 17 7 0 4 45 44 Z7 ISO 4 6'J 14 l'.-S 4 4S i 3 4 67 i4 1J 240 4 h 41 r?7 10 4 C 27 32.1 4 M 64 JM f 4 57", V. til JO I III : Tit U 4 ID J t70 41 1 6. 1 44 I"0 4 43 J 70 IH U II M IN 4 Ili !'J 4 44 3 120 4 4 4. J..I 1. 4 ?Ji C3 tbl 130 4 40 44 M 40 I 44 '? 13 4 40 k: 1W M U, 6u 147 120 440 (VI li ... 4 44 43 Tit UO 4 40 11 40 4 44 w ; no 4 '-". '0 24 120 4 4', i !40 40 4 G 4.: 120 4 44 44 3 40 1 10 "." 3M 120 4 44 SHEEP Receipts of sheep have been quite lilteral this week, a there is an in crease over last week of about 6.OU0 head, and as compared with the same week of laxt year the g.iiu amounts to about X.uo-i head. On Tuesday the receipts broke all previous records, when over Gf'.OisI head ar rived. In spite of the big receipts the msrket has been in good shape. The bulk of the ufleiingH consisted of feeders, arid as there was a liberal .ienial.d for killers the mar ket on that clasa advanced Just about 2uc as v'ompMred th the cluae of last week. The better grades, of course, showed the greatest Improvement and sell the most reauuy. ; The foidcr market eased off a little the ill st of the week owing to excessive re ceipts, but since then u liberal demand hart developed, and at the close of the week the pens are practically empty, with prices steady with the close of last week. The letter grades, in fact, may be quoted , strong and active. Quotations for grass ; tr,(;k: Choice west- crn lambs, $4.50414.75; fair to good lambs. I $1.2! 1.50; choice yearlings. $3.40S3.76; fair to good yearlings, M.14t.l,4n; cnoice weth- ors. $3.2.'-(3.60; talr to good wethers, $3.00 i 3.26; good to choice ewes, $2.76u3.00; fair to good ewes, $2.60Gj'2.75: choice feeder lambs, e.tS'iti.'l.lo; fair to good feeder lambs $3.25vji 3.75; baby lambs, $2.0O0l2.E0; feeder year- . lings, $3.1(Nff3.30; feeder wethers, $3.0h$3.25; i feeder ewes, $2.uti.2.25; culls, $l.uou2.lKj. j CHICAGO LIVB STOCK. MARKET, Light Hecelpts of Stock, with Markets Nominal or Steady. CHICAGO, Nov. 11. CATTL.K Receipts, 300 head. The market was nominal. Oood to prime steers, $5.0(K'a.70; poor to medium, $a.li4.75; Blockers and feeders. $2.oiq4.2.); cows. $1.60'&4.10; heifers, $2.'J'u5.00; cannery, $1.504i 2 10; bulls, $2.0iral.50; calves, $2.25"" 7.50; Texas fed steers, $2.7641.55; western steers, $3.001.60. HOOS Receipts today. 13,000 head; es tlmated for Monday, 30,000 head. The mar ket was steady at yesterday's close: mixed und butchers, $4.5i&4 9j; good to choice heavy, $'.ftt4.Hri; rough heavy, $l.;Ki'u4.t.'i; light. $1.60e4.9O; bulk of sales, $4.i4.'i. SHEEP AND I.AM H8 Receipts, 2,oi0 head. The market was steady; good t choice wethers, $3. 75ft 4. 60; fulr to chob'e wethers, $3.7.Vril.50; fair to choice mixed, .J.OO?73.75; western sheep, $2.25rn4.25; nativj I'imbs, $.'.75i5.; western lambs, $3.7c4'"). I). - - - - - - - - - - - - SBsaBBHBBMaBaiBBaJBBB I i Kansns City Live Ptock Mnrket. t KANSAS CITV, Nov. ll.-CATTI.E-R'-ce.pts, I.imki head; market unchanged; choi e export and Uresseu beef sieers, $l.4'ijj.2j, fair to good, $2.1Wil.40; sti.ckera and le d- ers, $3.M 4J.I.00; western steers, 42.3mi.4o; Texas ami Indian steers, $i.7o'u3 2i; Texua cows, $l.f.04j2.25; native cows, $1,2553 00; nu tlve . heifeir. $2.0ii4j1.OO; can.iiTS, i.o (; bulls, $1.0, Co2 ''; calves. $2.6IK'ui.0O. Receipts for week: t'attle, 59,000; calves, 6.9,0. HfiOa Receipts, 4,00) head; market strong; top. !4 91hi: bu k of rales, $4.tsKi4.Kn; heavy, $4.4('i(l.K0; mixed packers. $4.7u.'i4.(M; 1 ght, 44. 8 Ha 1 . 0 ; : yorkers, tl.:- irl.SiT'-i ; pigs, 4.in4 SiVj. Receipts for week, ll.SOO. 8I1EEI' AND lVMBS-Receipts, 2,0 0 heau; maiket ktrong; native limlis, $3 iV,p 5.30; wtstern limbs. $ 9."ijio.I0; fed ewe-.. $2.3Kii.lB.i; Texus-llppcd yearlings, $2.5mj 4.01; Teyta-chpped vheep, $2.4 liiAio; stock ers and feeder, $2.(.0'ir(3.5o. Receipts for week, 15,0.4. St. l.onla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 14.-CATTI.rc Receipts. 4(j0 head. Including CO) Tiiiin; ma. ket tcidy. Native shipping and export ster-i, 4.6.Vo.5u, the top lor str.cUy lmicy; dre: sed beef und butcner steeis, ll.n fn i.ii; stcern under l,wO lln., :i.5uj5.ij; stokers and feel erj, l2.2on3.7i; cows and h.lic. e, 2 -oi . Vi, top for corn-fed h-lleis; canners, tl.laCa 2,1:.; bulls, $2.0. (rtJ.i'&; calves, $:i.0io'.5o; Texas und lmllan Meers, 2.aOj3.1o; cuws ani heifers. 42.1u J.M!. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head: market strong and higher: i'Us mid UiihtP, $1.4 KM 185; packer. 13irj4.7j; butcheia and be-it heav , $1.15iij4.K5. tSHEEP AND LAMBS Reciipu, 200 head; market quiet; nauve muitons, $4.oil',o.3 .; lambs. $3.0 &3.; culls and bucks, $2.0b&1.00, sum kers, $2.0.i3.00. yrr Vork Live Stock Market. NKW iORK. Nov H.-BEKVKs'-Re-ceipts, 10 head, consigned direct; no sales reiorted; dr-ased beet, fcleady; city dressed natives. Wilic per !b. ; Texas beef, 5li5'2c; reporlwl ixports for today. 600 beeves, 00) sheep, ti.i57 iiuart. r of lieef. CALVES Receipts, none; about 7 luail on sole. A car f.f western calves sola at 43.00; city dressed veils. Mil3o per lb. HOdS--Receipts, 2,.'.9I head; all consigned direct. HIIKKP ANI LA M US- Receipts, 4.131 head; sheep rated about steady: lambs, slow. 10iil5c lower: about 1 cars ,f stock unsold. Sheep. tiW3.Mi. culls. $2ri; lambs. $5 'ini.25: one little buiieli nt $5.s:2; a 1 ur of Canadas al $5.50: dressed mutton, 5fi7c; dressed lambs, general sales, 7V1 Uc. Blonx City Live Stock Market. SIOI'X CITV. Nov. 11 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. lMI; steady; n eves, $3.7.Vho ou; cows, bulls and mixed. $2.0ui3.2; stockers and feeders, $; calves and yearlings. $2.25a3.50. HOOS Receipts. I.6110; wrong at $1 IfVft 4.60; bulk. S4.&OCI4.5&. EVERY DAY UNTIL NOV. 30 TO THE PACIFIC COAST Proportionately low rates to Salt Lake, Butte, Spokane ami other points. Call and pet full information. mm ... . --. i J. B. REYNOLDS City Pass. Agt., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha i em am 3BI $500.00 REWARD and "he nhnve rrn-nnl 111 hn nald to anv one furnishing Information which will lead to the arrest nnd lonvlctonof the parties guilty or roiitiing tne con ductor and Motorninn on one of this Company's cars at Thirty-second Martha streets on the evening of Saturday, November till). OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. S'oek In Sight. . Following are the receipts of live stock at the six prtnclpul webteru cities yesUT- Cattle. 4 3' 1,1.10 4"0 107 11 Omaha Chicago Kansas City Ht. ixul ... Ht. Jo.-eph . Sioux City . Hogs. Sheep. 5.Gi 13, KU l.ivii 2.io0 32S 4.ll ,0ki ,tOl 2.0 1'iu Totals .i,271 27.42S 1,1 Manchester t loth Market. MANCHESTER. Nov. 15.-The fluctua tions In cotton made the trans. u tions In the cloth market exceedingly difficult during the last wrik. Reports regurJlng the turn over vary considerably, but as a rule the prices demanded could not be obtained. There was no Isck of Inquiry for India, but Improved offers were for the most part iintile;UHte, with cotton at the present level. The China trade was more uuiet, with an Indisposition to pay the enhanced prices, though there were some good offers. Panama promlaes well as a minor outlet, the recent events on the isthmus apprcl ably stimulating the Inquiry, though It is feared that there may be a corresiionding falling off In the Colombian trude. Varus were atrong. Willi more inquiry, but the high price checked business, never theless, several fulr lines were negotiated. Milwaukee Crniu Market. MILWAI KKK, .Nov. 1 1 WHEAT Firm ; No. I northern, W'V: No. S northern, 7S'n IK-: le.ember, 77'.((771c. HVF Firmer: No. I. 5("i7c. HAIILKV Steady; No. 2, 5-; simple. V CORN Steady, No. 8, 461tiV; Ua- ember, l-'c KkeU. OMAHA WHOI.blSAIC MARKET. Condition of Trade and Uuotatlons oa staple and Fancy Produce. KOOS Fresh slock, loss off. 22-c. l.lVf I'Ol LIRV-Hens. 7 '(&; spring chickens, dVofc; roosters, uccoidmg to age, 4(nuc; turkeys, lie; ducks, 9c; geeoe 7fyc. UUTTEU Packing aloe', 13iic; choice to fancy dairy, in tubs, Uiftliic; separator, 2:c. FkESH F1S11 Fresii caught trout, 10c; p.ckerel, 8c; pike, loc; percn. 6c; buffalo, V4fc; b.uetlbii. loc; vviiiieiish, lbc; salmon, lie; haddock, 10c;, i2c; reusnupper, lit; hipBters, boiicd, per lb., 30c; lobslera, green, per lb.,2e; bullheads, lie; cattish, ile; black basa, Wtji-be; nal.uut. lie: crapples, 12c; huniiig. lie; while Lass, loc; uluclius, to. tUfSl'tKB New Vork counts, per can, 13c. per gal., $2.0u; extra selects, per can Utc, per kui., W ii. muudarU, per tail, 27c. per gai, $1.16 BKAN'-Pdr ton. $14 50. HA V Prices quoted by Omaha VThola aale Dealt ra' abaoclailon : Choice No. 1 up land. .ou; No. 2, $7.50; medium. $7.ou; coarse, M 50. Rye straw, 46 5i. These pr.oes are fur hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and leceipis light. t OH.N ISc. OATS iaic. H YE-No. 2. 5Pc. VEOETALLKS. POTATOES I olorado. iJc; Dakota, per bu., Tixu ".!; native. 65u.c. SWEii'l' POTATOES Home grown, per basket, hoc;. Virginias, per 2-bu. bbl., 83.00. NAVY HEANS-Pcr bu.. $2.2t. CELERY Small, per dor.. 2j(33Sc; large Went! r 1 1 . 4"iC. UNIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., H4c; Spanish, per crate. $1 60. CABBAGE S Iscoiihln Holland, JHc. TURNIPS Rutabagas, par Ib 1'ic; ahlte, jjer bu., Giic. CARROTS Per bu.. 5K-. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 50c. FRUITS PEARS Colorado and Utah Heifers. $L75, winter Nellis, 42.-5itf2.50. APPLES .Mi higun stock. $3 15: Califor nia Bellflowers. per box, $1.0u: New Turk Uieer.l'igs and Baldwliis. :-S '; Siting varl ptitfM S3 d0 GHAI'ia-California Tkays. .S; New York, itr 8-lb. basket. 30c; "iny '""a awiia!., 22c; Iniuv.rted Maiaras, p -r K'-g. $5ft6). CRANBERRIES-Per l,b:.. Vvw); per box, $3 00; VV'lP. OM.-in Bell Bugle, $9 50. yClNCF.S CMIfornla. per box, $1.75. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES Florida bnghta und rutseia, all- MZrs, $4,110. LEMONS California fincy, 300 b 20 Sizes. H.50; choice 210 to 270 size, $Hit(1.2i. FIGS Caliiorniu, Per 10-lb. cartons. jc; Imported Smyrna. 3-crown, 11c; 6-crown, lbc; 7-crown. ihe. COCOANL'TS-Per sack, $1.00; per doz , 60c. DATES Persian. 4er box of 30 packages. $2 oa; per lb.. In 60-lb loxa. . BANANAS Per medium tiled bunch, $2.(0 C2 50; Jumbo. $2 7..j;i.25 illrit- E1.LANEOU8. CHEESE Wisconsin twina. full cream, . 12 V; W ivcunsui Vouiig Aiueilcas, 13v.-, block Swias, is'; Wisionaiu brick, Uyc; W ibcon-sin lunberKer, 12c HONEY Nebraska, p-r 21 frames. 83.50; Utah and tnloraii.j. per 21 frames, Hi). MAPLE SUGAR Ohlii. per lb., 10c. CIDER Per bbl.. 4a 75; per Vs-bbl., $3 25. POPCORN Per lb.. 2V; fchelled, u3'ic. HORSE RADItill icr caoe of i dug, packed. 80c. NUTS Walnuts. No, 1 thoft-ahell. per lb, l.V; bard-ahell. per lb., 14c; No. 2 sott-shell, K,- ) , ), ; Nu t l.ard-sheli, per lb., Ii:; BrasilH. per lb. 1 1 4 1 1 -- : lilberls. per lb, lliill'ic; almuiida, tof-aheil, per U.. 15c; hard hell. per lb., lie; pecans, large, prr lb.. io"jllc: small. ir lb , SiVUi'M-; peanai, pr lb., 5--; roasl.-d punui. ier 10.. 7c; i'liill walouK. 1-ul ic: large hit kory nun. per bu., 41 7-; kbrli-baiks, pr bu., $l.r.,i i 2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.25; eastern chestnuts, per lb.,' 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6'c: No. 2 green, 5c; No. 1 suited. 7c; No. 2 suited, 6c: No. I veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. Uc; No. 2 venl calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry tailed hides, Milr. 12c; sheep pelts. 20U75c; horse hides, $1.50i, v !.G0. Kansas City Uraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 14. WHEAT De cember, 67c; May, 67',rrr.-7j,c; cash No. 2 hard. 71ra73c; No. 3, 66Jiic; No. 4, aWTO" : rejected, 5tV(iu!c; No. 2 red, 80c; No. 3, 75'ii' 78c. CORN December, S&Tr.Wic: Ma'- SCV; cash No. 2 mixed, 4ic; No. 2 while. 40c; No. OATS No. 2 white, J63c; No. 2 mixed, S54KiUc. RYE-No. 2. 49ff49Hr. r HAY-Cholce timothy, $9.0rxg950; choice prairie. $.25(SS.50. M , BUTTER-i'reamery, lbV4S20c; dairy fancv. Uc. EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned. 21Hc; new No. 2. whltewood cases included, 22c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu H7.i"0 Corn, bu 1 ' l' Oats, bu 7,000 ,i0 CHICAGO MINNFAPOli idvards, Good & Co Main office nanhattan Building, ST. PAUL, fllNM Dealers in Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and so'd for cash or on reasonably Margins. t feiubera luipurlnnt Cii'liasgen, Private Wlrea. Write for our faily market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mulled free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt Returns. ' Beat Facilities. Liberal Advances. Branch llfllca Omaba ontre, lutt Hee lllda. Telephone 3S1 4 lit f.l I'll. WIAMI'K ;. fRT C3I..MI5SION jr,PLM COMPatfiT STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We Lave ever 150 offices. References; 175 State and Nat l Bank. OIK SBKVM II THIS BEST. Out f Town Buslneea Solicited. Otaaha Braachi 1618 Pur aa St TL$47 TI10S. M. WADDICK. Ccrrespondenl. m. wBsnwias1 CTirijfggneeffw'iaFi . .