15 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, ' XOVEUDE1S 15, 1903. The OmahA Sunday. Per .B. ROSEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Ilea (without Sunday), One Tear.14 W lutlr Bp and (Sunday, One Year 60 Illustrated Kee, One Year " Sunday Be.-, One Year J fst unlay lire, Unp Year J Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. LOT deliveked BY carrier. "i SS twi'hout1 iSSSXi: 7 STilc Da Dailr Bee (Including Sunday), per week.Uc fitinriav Hp ir rnnv , &'J Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week t .'.vatiintr lion fiimlllrl in HUnduV). Per week 100, Complaints of Irregularities in delivery should he addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICE3. Omaha -The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Uullding. Twenty-fifth and M streets. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago l4n Unity Uulldlnar. New York 233X Park Row liulldlng. Washington 6il Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. , CnmimminatinnM fAintinff- tfi news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payahle to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-rent stamps accepted In payment of mall accounts Personal ctiecKS, ikwi Omaha or eaBtern exchanges, not accepiea. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. mi tit TM.hm.iK. tviukIrs County, ss: Oeorge B. Tsschurk, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, aye that the actual number ot full and romnlela ennlra of The Dally Morning, Kvenlng and Sunday le pnnieu ouimi tbe month of October, 10, wu as follows: 1 2,mH 2 2U,04H I a,7. 4 37,400 17 J 8 M0O J9 ..SO.SHO 20 80,870 SH.710 SH.HOO 7 Xtt,OIM 1 SW.T lO t ..... 20.0:10 10...., 2fJIH II 24I.0RO 12 2,4ftS It 2MM 14 JW.OOO 1J 3M,ZftO 1 VHJibQ 21 30,iit0 U 80.T90 23 8,T5 24 32,820 26 M 27 28 28 30 81 2U.04I0 81,170 31. 1O0 31, 1UO ..... 80,040 40,r.30 .....33,3H5 Total 032, (UO unsold and returned copies..,. 10,iM Met total sales. :,3U2 Met average ales 2t,7M GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 4U day of October, A. D., There must be prosperity In Omaha when even houses without lots bring top-notch prices. It is reasonable to suppose that Chi cago policemen would prefer walking a beat just now to riding In street cars. Our opinion of foot ball today Is apt to bo Influenced qulto largely by what happened the eleven representing our alma mater yesterday. Having deliberately banished the toy pistol by ordinance, Chicago will be in no position to complain if all the babies born there hereafter are girls. g 'If the prieo we paid for our last sum mer's straw hats has anything to do with It, the new Panama republic must be, financially, on a perfectly secure basis. , ... Tw , . 4 , With Greater New York's public school teachers all banded in their new union tho term "sympathetic strike" takes on new terrors for the bad boy Accustomed to chastisement nealth Commissioner Ralph's an nouncement that Omaha doctors are in danger of starving from lack ot patients should not be misconstrued aa a con fession of cannibal practices. With the Methodists' general mission ary committee appropriating $800,000 In a single forenoon, all to carry on the foreign work, satan must be much tempted to throw up his hands. Everr time the weather bureau fore- casts "colder with light rains" the man who launders nose 'kerchiefs and the man who cures the liquor habit smile in mutual anticipation of Increased assets. Wise men change; fools never. Presl- dent Roosevelt haa no hesitation in changing the draft of his messane to congress to fit the changed conditions rjrodnced bv tho revolution in Tnn,n Kansas seems to have acquired the mania, probably through contact with Missouri, of going after legislative bribe takers. , It is Just barely possible the habit may yet spread across the border Into Nebraska. Washington news note: Queen Lllluo kulanlU here to remain Borne time on business. Trlnceton news note: After further deliberation. Mr. Cleveland states that under no condition could he be prevailed upon, etc., etc. Iowa Is blessed with more eligible candidates for the vacant federal Judge ship than can possibly be taken care of, If the competition were only narrowed down to two they might try to create a new judicial district and provide for both of tbeui. Russia is said to admit that the re sults of Its operations In the seizure of Port Arthur and Mauchurlu- are not commensurate with the expenditure in men aud money Involved. If Russia sees tit to buy a pig in a poke it should not kick ou the bill. One mllliou dollars is what Iowa" Hoard of Control suggests be spout In Improving the fclate's Institution this year. Tbe genulue Iowan wears his chore clothes at table some days, but there's never a time when the school house in his district is out of repair. Plenty of cities are lu tbe field eager to entertain the republican national convention, for which the call Is to be ordered by the national committee at It meeting next mouth. Wideawake places know a good thing when they see It and would prefer to have the name of thatr city advertised lo t-onuec- lion With the platform of tbe wlunlng part than tied to the handicapped nag. roll WKMIKlt IMMIGRATION. One of the grcst railroad systems of toe went lias Inaugurated an active movement to draw Immigration to Okla homa with a view to developing the country and Its renourvea olong the line of Its rond. It is announced as the pur pose of this great rnllronil to leave no stone unturned to achieve Its object. utilizing for the pune the vast ma- clitnoiy of that huge corporation with extensive advertising in newspapers. folders, maps and pamphlets, supple mented by home-seekers' excursions and the personal work of its agents. We do not begrudge Oklahoma the as sistance thus placed at its disposal for Inviting new population and attracting new settlers We believe, however, that the other great railroad system of the west, whoso lnteresta lie In states to the northward, including Nebraska and' Its Immediate neighbors north, south and west, would find it equally to their In terest to proceed with similar work for the settlement and development of the unoccupied or sparsely Inhabited parts of the territory which they traverse. We realize that all these railroads are constantly doing more or less In the na ture of immigration bureau functions, and there are signs to indicate that one of them, the Union raciiic, is preparing to exert Itself more than usual. We be lieve, that the lime Is ripe for a con certed and energetic movement on the part of these railroads, which In this re spect have largely common interests, to push the great central west to the front and to guide the tide of immigration in this direction. Tbe short-sighted railroad man might answer that this duty devolves no more upon the railroad than upon any other citizen or corporation doing business in these western states, but the railroads are managed now by far-seeing and long-calculating captains who know that returns are sure to follow eventually from whatever expenditure of time, lubor and money is made for this pur pose if wisely handled. They know. too, that the railroads while not the solo beneficiaries are the largest beneficiaries and that they alone have the organized machinery to do tho work. The snlvatlon of the great railroads which have been recapitalized lately on a basis of maximum earnings depends upon the constant expansion of their business, which In turn depends upon a growing population and thriving ln- uuslr - lnn srpnl ranroaas or rue west dpPp,,d ,or tnelr prosperity upon the prosperity of the people In the territory they traverse. It will b enlightened selfishness for them to bend every en ergy toward filling up with producers and consumers the Immense unoccupied space In the west that Is capable of fur nishing comfortable living to millions of additional population. PRVTtCTlOa AO J INST FIRE. When we speak of protection against fire we are apt erroneously to have In mind the'' Insurance to reimburse the loss inflicted by tire rather than tbe protective measures designed to avoid fire loss. It has been estimated by the highest authority on the subject that the annual loss entailed by Area in this country aggregates at a minimum 200, 000,000. This Includes, of course, the cost of the -maintenance of fire departments and excess water sup ply in addition to the value of the property actually destroyed. Taking into account, however, the subsidiary loss due to the enforced Idleness of workmen thrown out of employment, the temporary stoppage of business, etc., this huge drain upon tbe resources of the people Is conservatively est! mated to be 60 per cent higher, or In the neighborhood of $300,000,000. No 0IU0Unt of fire insurance, which repre- Bems Binw parin c to tne policy holders what has been already paid in by them to the Insurance companies, can make good this absolute deprecla tlon of the country's wealth. The burden of the actual fire loss can be reduced by rational . preventive measures, the only wonder is that the Auierlcan PP16 Permlt their reck- lessness ana extravagance to overcome tneir snrewaness ana foresight in matter of such utmost Importance. In an instructive paper prepared by Peres M.' Stewart, late superintendent of the department of buildings In New York City, which is printed in the last uum ber of the American Architect, the writer takes up In detail the question of fireproof construction with particular reference to the minimizing of the flro loss. lie divides fire protection as broad and elastlc twiu ,uto tue parts 1. The protection from without afforded by the municipality z. The ability ot the building itself in con sequence of structural excellence to with stand the effects of fire either from within or from without. 8. The multitude of fire detecting and Are fighting devices installed in, but not an integral part of, the building iucif. Ills" comment is devoted to the second part of this tripartite dlvlslou, showing how, with reasonable regulatlous on the part of building inspection authorities and the co-operation of architects and builders, structures can be erected that will afford ample protection to life aud property against fire, this to be nccom Phed by the use of fireproof nut J terlala, and by tbe fireproof materials Is .meant such, as only do not burn but where under tbe action of fire re main lutuct and preserve their strength, aud such arrangement of building and contents as serve to stop combustion rather than to Invite and expedite it, A great nuiny examples are cited from tbe actual records illustrating good and poor construction, and showing that tbe, mere labeling of a building as fire proof does not make it so. The point of the argument is that the I best way to reduce fire insurance rates Is to reduce the tire loss. By another auUiority we are also reminded that fire insurance companies, like other business enterprises, are organised ' for profit, and that guided by their xirl 1 enee. tliev better dividends from J w rlllug polioivs at low rates ou superior types of buildings than by guarantying hazardous risks even at high rates. The trouble is that the ordinary underwriter, Interested merely In the amount of business ,he does, has little concern for the character of the property Insured or the chapces of the policy being realized on. It may take a campaign of educa tion waged through many years to ake the public tin to uu appreciation of the extent to which the actual flro loss may be prevented, but there Is no good reason why the effort should not be made. AS TO RVSStAlf FKKLIXQ. The Russian ambassador to the United lates, Count Casslni, who returned to ils country a few days ago, was un qualified in his expressions as to tho friendship of Russia toward the United States. He declared that the sentiment of his government toward this country as of the kindliest character and that whatever Russia could do to promote that feeling would be done. According to a report of an interview with Count Casslni he said: "The feeling of Russia toward America Is one of the utmost friendship, though the feelings of the Russians had been somewhat wounded by the American attitude In the Kishi nev incident and the American peti tion." Undoubtedly the Russian ambassador is sincere in his statement, so far as his knowledge of the purposes of his gov ernment goes, but it Is not an unwar ranted view that Count Casslni, able diplomatist as he undoubtedly Is, may not be entirely familiar with ail the ramifications and designs of the govern ment at St. Petersburg. No one at nil familiar with the peculiar character istics of the diplomacy of Russia can have a doubt that what is given to the public is only a part and that a very small part of tbe real designs of that government. However, there is nothing else to do than accept the assurances of Ambas sador Casslni In good faith and wait for events to determine their worth. tKFORM m LAUD LAWS. The bill introduced In the senate by Mr. Hansbrough In regard to the public land laws, the object of which is to stop frauds and speculation, will undoubtedly receive the serious attention of congress. There is certainly good reason why it should do so. The developments In re gard to land frauds are such as to jus tify the most careful legislation for the prevention of such offenses in the fu ture. As we have heretofore said and s subsequent events have, very clearly demonstrated, the charges as to laud frauds were exaggerated, but nono the less the evidence IS that they have been sufficiently flagrant to Justify the most ctlve measures on the part of the gov ernment to discover where tbe frauds have been and to properly punish those who have been guilty of them. The Hansbrough bill contemplates a policy on the part of the government thut will do away with' much of the difficulties that are now Jn the way of proper administration Of the public lands and reduce their management to a correct system. It seems to cover the whole ground that is essential to the proper and permanent relation of the government to the public lands and to make sure of those lands being managed in the future in the interest of the gen eral welfare. On the whole, the measure introduced by Senator Hansbrough seems to us to be judicious under existing circum stances and the probability Is that it will be adopted by congress. At all events, it will open up a discussion in regard to the public land question which cannot fall td be beneficial In its results. LABOH AND PMUSPERITY. The prosperity of a country depends very largely upon the permanent em ployment and the fair remuneration of its labor. An eminent American states man said some years ago that no nation could make material progress that did not keep its labor employed and pay that lubor liberally. He said: "All pro duction depends upon consumption, Who are the consumers T In the old days when the produces of manufactur ers were luxuries, the lord and his re tainers, the -lady and her maids were the consumers, a class apart by them selves, but today the consumers arehe producers. Long ago tbe laborer con s urn ed only what would keep bltn alive. Today he and his wife and their chll dren are so Immeasurably the most val nable consumers that If the shop had to give up the wealthy or those whom it is tbe custom to call poor, there would not be a moment's hesitation or a moment's doubt." Undoubtedly this is fully understood and appreciated by every thoughtful man who has given tbe matter Intelli gent consideration. Tbe broad-minded manufacturer and merchant will agree with the statesman we have quoted that the prosperity of the country depends very largely npon well employed and well paid labor and such are disposed. as a matter of self-interest to contribute to that condition. They desire to keep their industries in active operation and to avoid any check in the course of busl uess. In order that this muy be so they are generally willing to keep labor em ployed at a fair compensation. Is this properly understood and ap preciated by lalor? IK the leaders aud the men generally of organized lubor realize their true relations to economic conditions and regulate their policy ac cordingly t I Hi they give that careful consideration to the course of events In tbe business world that is necessary to a proper enlightenment ot their own relations to the body politic? There la too much reasou to believe that very generally they do not, thut while some of them do study well and reason wisely upon the rx-onomic conditions affecting the relations between labor aud capital, the great majority do not give proper thought to the1 condition and that consequently they Whxuj easy victims to misleading Influences. That this ex plains the fact that hundreds of thou sands of .worklngmen are drawn Into conflicts with employers, not Infre quently without any just cause of com plaint Is unquestionable. It Is no new thing for a walking delegate, with a few aggressive supporters In n union behind him, will overawe the majority and precipitate a strike for which there is no adequate excuse or justification. A score of such Instances within the past year or' two could be cited and there will be more in the future unless tho trades unions shall adopt a different policy In the administration of their affairs. It is a fact which every intelligent observer of existing conditions under stands, that the continuance of national prosperity depends very largely -upon the course of labor. If tl worklngmen of the country are disposed to antago nize capital and create Issues with em ployers, thereby checking investments in public Improvements and retarding, s has already been done in tbe larger cities, building and other enterprises, there will inevitably result a period of hard times from which labor will le tbe chief sufferer. The indications of a re action from our -great prosperity is a fact which ought to have the greatest possible interest for worklngmen. , A SATWN VF lXTKLLlQKNCX, It is gratifying to find in oue of the bureau reports of the rostofflce depart ment convincing evidence that our boast that we are a nation ot superior Intelligence is well foupded. The post office is the best possible barometer of the extent of popular education and the postal business of the United States for the number of people who are served exceeds by far that of any other nation on earth. To meet the demands for the trans mission of the malls the United States during the year under comparative re view expended nearly eight million dol lars more thun was expended for Its postal service by Germany, which moug all the foreign governments de votes the largest amount to this pur pose. When we consider that In Euro pean countries the postoffice provides many things not included in our postal service, ' such ns parcels post, postal savings accommodations, and In some Instances telegraph and telephone service, it will be seen that the advan tage is still more in favor of the United States. The United States leads tbe world in the number of postoffices and postal employes, in the number Of ar ticles of mail matter received and sent to each inhabitant in the number of pieces of printed matter carried and in the length of tbe mall routes, although it is second to Germany in the number of letter boxes accessible to the public, and to Switzerland in the ratio of post offices to the area served. These statistics simply reinforce the well known fact that the American peo ple, as a whole, are more intelligent and more adaptuble to modern facilities for Intercommunication than the people of any other country. People who cannot read or write do not use the postoffice, nor do people who are too narrow vi- sloned to see outside of the little village or town or city In which they happen to reside. The Americans are the greatest travelers and the greatest letter writers in the world because of their greater Intelligence, and the trav eling and letter writing in turn conduce to the increase of popular intelligence, So long as it maintains its lead in the scale of Intelligence the United States as a nation need fear no Inroads upon its prestige from any other part of the earth. The Interstate Commerce commission intimates that in passing, on tbe reason ableness of freight rates in tbe future It will take into account the actual value of the railroad properties repre sented by the cost of construction. To justify high rates, then, the railroads will have to prove tho value of their properties so that the higher they put the valuation tbe higher the rates they will be allowed to charge. When they come to appearing before the tax assessment boards, however, they will sing a different tune aud bend all their energies to proving that their lines could be rebuilt for almost a song. The Inconsistency of high freight rates and low taxes cannot be covered up. Omaha will soon be well equipped with hospitals to take care of all the unfortunate sick who may need atten tion. What our philanthropic people should do now Is to center their efforts upon the institutions we have rather than to scatter their resources by estab lishing new ones. Centralization and consolidation in this sort of work is the order of the day. State officers who are worrying out loud about the embarrassment of the states finances, in case the supreme court knocks out the new Nebraska revenue law, are like tbe small boy hollering before he Is hurt It is a bad practice to antleipute trouble when we have all the trouble we need without hunting for. more. Omaha's public schools ought to "be well supervised. The superintendent supervises the supervisors, when he Is not busy with, polities; the supervisors supervise the principals; the principals supervise the teachers aud the teachers superviso the pupils. Aud the taxpay era foot the bills. The Women's Christian Temperance union shows no dlsiiosltion to back track on the question of the army can teen. If its Influence continues potential the inhabitant of the army post wl have to keep right on dodging around the corner to rush tbe growler. Kiorkcra In irttaa. Philadelphia Presa. Whenever tbe Room vt It administration dors anything for the advantage of the country t occurs to ear democratic content porarlea generally as something; that ought to be severely condemned. Tat Down the Kler. Cincinnati Enquirer. Russia need not point the finger ot seorn at us. Panama or Colombia Is as nothing to Manchuria. CaatlBaj Shadows Before. Kansas City Star. Bome'of Mils year's Thanksgiving proc lamations read as If they had been written by a graduate of a School of Journalism. Some Cause for Thankf elaeee. Detroit Free Press. Persons who bought Steel common St 66, before Mr. Rockefeller decided to own the properties, cannot find anything especial to be thankful for, except for the trivial feet of being alive and being allowed to breathe now and then, , Offset for Hot Air. Boston Transcript. Sir Henry Irving's one objection to our American theaters Is the high temperature maintained in them. But the managers of the theaters incline to the opinion that the frosts" that obtain In them not Infre quently are much harder to bear than the high temperature. The American Invasion. Portland Oregonlan. Not only does the Briton wear American shoes, but the socks Inside come from this country also. Into such a state of depres sion has the hosiery industry of Notting ham fallen that the manufacturers assert that nothing but the imposition of duties on foreign goods can save them from bank ruptcy. Genesis of n College Yell. New York Sun. The sap of undergraduate song never ceases to flow. The University of Maine emits in this college yell another grand contribution to American literature: Woskl Wow Wow! Whisky Wee Wee! Holy Muck!! M-A-I-N-E!!! Whoop! Polish, Teltne, English, French. "Whisky" must be some Polish congenor of "Woskl." For nobody would call, aloud, for whisky in a prohibition state. , Tronblea of the Ifnvy. New York Tribune. "Neurasthenia," according to the medical reports of the navy, appears to be on the increase In the service. A number of val uable officers are now on sick leave and under treatment for this complaint The medical officers attribute it to the neces sary condition of affairs due to the dearth of officers available for rervlce, which Im poses upon those on the active list long tours of duty on remote stations, where opportunities for diversion are limited. SIZB OF THE ARMY. Present Strength of 00,000 Men Re garded as Minimum. New York Sun. General Allen, the chief of the Philippine constabulary, in his interesting annual re port. Just published, strongly deprecates the proposal for a further reduction in the number of American troops In the Islands. That number he puts at 18,000, although, according to the latest official returns from Washington, It fs but 13,480. The native Filipinos are very effective, according ' to this - authority, and more use should be made of them as soldiers. But still. In view of the disturbed condition of many districts in the islands, It would not be safe to reduce the number of -American regulars. If this view be accepted, It seems to set tle la the negative the. question of any further reduction In the. army. The coast artillery, some 13,000, must be kept at Its authorised strength If we are to have the benefit of the money we have spent upon fortifications. The Infantry and cavalry are needed not only as the indispensable nucleus of our national defense, but also for a national police. They are more urgently needed for this purpose In view of the position in favor of free riot taken by many of the labor organizations, and of the efforts of those organizations to weaken the militia. A force unaffected by local or class syirlpathy, which can be trusted to enforce the law and maintain order, without fear or favor, is all the more necessary. The present authorized strength of the army, about 60,000 men, is much below General Miles' modest estimate of one sol dier to every 1,000 of population. It seems that it cannot safely be reduced. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. King Edward had a birthday last week. but he didn't do a thing. Kingship imposes annoying restraints. Apparently the ''well dressed women" of New York have learned a few tricks from the foot ball game. "Are there any great men?" plaintively Inquires tbe Denver Republican. Has any one kidnaped Tom Patterson? . The elopement ot a Colorado man with the hired girl lends color to the assertion that the hired girl problem Is a pressing one. The Sugar'trust Is not satisfied with the water In Its stock. It Is charged with stealing Jl, 000,000 worth of the fluid from the pipes of the Brooklyn water works. A large fly appears in our Alaskan cream. Tbe island of Kunughunnut was awarded the United Status. Let Canada dry Its tears and watch us articulating that pre cious nut. Carrie Nation is starring In the play "Ten Nights In a Bar Room." The play has special significance in this lnstanca. In real life Carrie would demolish the bar room before the lights went out. Just as the orlflam of liberty In Macedonia was furled for the winter, a banner with two stars burst out in the tropics breezes of Panama. The Inspiration of Old Glory pervades all lands and does business in all seasons. Alexander Ferguson of Indiana claims to be lit years old. There would be no dlspo, sition to doubt Aleck's word If he did not add the statement that he has never used tobacco or whisky and invariably voted the democratic ticket. That's a shade too much. The first number of volume 87 of the Congressional Record comes to hand aa genial and refreshing as a summer breese In midwinter. The Record is edited by "Bunny Jims" of the government who draw to, 000 a year and perquisites for look ing wise and thundering in the index. Ministers, scientists and luy writers have striven for moons past to solve the divorce problem and devise some check for a grievous moral evil. But these well-meaning people have been groping in the dark. They have ascribed divorce to a variety of human fallings but the true one. It re mained for Mrs. Rorer, the famous do mestic scientist, to ring the bell on the cause of divorce. Eggs hard-boiled, soft boiled and scrambled are the real root of the evil. The morning appetite for eggs is fatal to domeatlo peace, uproots the pi quant charms of home life aud kicks happi ness out of the window. When the trouble some egg Insinuates Itself into one's sys tem lawyers troop at the door and a day in Court follows. So Mrs. Rorer declares. Perhaps she knows. It may be worth the while of disputants to crack the shell Just to see what Is in it. We pass It up. SKCttAR SHOTS AT TIIR Pt I.PIT. Chicago Chronicle: The Chicago preacher who thundered on Sunday ftgnlnst the habit of tlrplng waiters and porters must have reached the bottom of his barrel. Chicago Inter Ocean: No American car dinal was Appointed at the first secret con sistory of the new pontificate held In Rome Inst week, so thnt the guessing contest may now proceed as though nothing had happened. Washington Ptar: A Clift-ngo rleigymnn Is to be tried for being caught while bath ing with a number of members of his choir. Whether he Is censured for taking a balh or for the company he was In la not made plain In the report. Philadelphia Press: The absurd false hood, printed quite extensively, that Presi dent Roosevelt had requested tho pope to appoint another American cardinal, or to do anything else. Is authoritatively denied at the White House. It Is one ot tho stories that find many believers if not de nied, and yet sucn a yarn ought to be a self-evident invention. Baltimore American: The Brooklyn church people who, pleaded for the re lease of one of their members who con fessed to having been stealing from his employers for many years, while keeping up a show of religious seal, might have put their time and energies to better use. Had the man fallen through a sudden temptation and quickly repented there would have been more reason and justice in their requests. But the man who adds to the crime of deliberate and hubltuat theft the more contemptible fault of hypoc risy deserves to be spurned alike by church and laity. GHOST DAUCE AT A WKBnitO. Chicago News: One would be loath to think that any woman laying claim to modesty or culture was to be found among the thousands of the sex who fought snd struggled about the carriage of the bride at the Goelet wedding in New York yes terday, and who afterward looted the church of its decorations. The mere fact that they were mainly well-dressed counts for nothing. Minneapolis Times: It was not a strike riot It was not an election fracas. It was not even a bargain fight It was the stately progress of the Goelet-Roxburghe bridal party to St. Thomas' church. New York, where the wedding ceremony was to be performed. The bridal party was the innocent cause of one of the liveliest out door social functions witnessed In the me tropolis since the draft riots. Detroit Free Press. Ail the correspond ents are agreed that the women who par ticipated in the charge of the 10,000 were well-gowned and well-groomed. The dis turbance was not created by "the ladles of the market," for whom there might be some excuse; but by women whose thin veneer of culture was unable to resist the vulgar desire to see tho bride of a duke. Tho only apology that can be offered for them Is that they seem to bo true daugh ters of New York. New York Times: It does not follow, as to hasty thinkers it may appear to do, that the marriage of an American girl with a British duke should be enjoined us tending to a breach of the peace. Jn fact, the dis turbance was simply an illustration of the effect of the modern appliances for the pro duction of notoriety. When a certain num ber of people who are distinguished from their fellow citizens only by the facta that they have nothing to do, and a plenty of money with which to do It, have not only their "social functions," but their down- rgjsgggggggajjgpa aaagaasasaaajjgggapaBajgjaBaagjMggag II Cv I I 19 1 n rv n is The Corset of Today. The Correct and Necessary Foundation for .lis evey & Stone Furniture Go 1115 -1117 FARNAM STREET. LEADING FURNITURE HOU3E IN THE WEST. We, place ou Bale this week about two hundred and fifty Konian Scats like illustration), in golden and weathered oak and mahogany fininh upholstered in corduroy and veJour plain and fancy, large QdO line of colors Your choice... gUb These Beats are strong, well made, and nicely finished, and are orna mental in any home, and the price U about half their actual worth. levey & Stone Furniture Co III9-III7 FARM AM STREET. sittings and their uprisings chronicled, with half-toned llluntratlon. sntt are treated s a class apart and of peculiar interest. It Is no wonder that lolh they themselves and the "good people who nad about their doings and behold smudgy reproductions ot their photographs should Imbibe an ex aggcrated notion of their Importance. Chicago Tribune: All this may be an exhibition of feminine weakness. To the sensitively refined It may seem feminine vulgarity. Rut how much superior is mas culine natureT The news report says that men were as scarce In the crowd as hen's teeth. Hut thnt ia because there are few men who have any Interest in costumes and weddings. Their hysteria manifests itself in more brutal and debasing ways. They will rush to the spectacle of four legged brutes fighting, or two-legged brutes mauling each other, or to a foot ball game with all the ctrenuousnesa the women dis played trying to see the young woman Who la to have a coronet for a consideration. DOMKSTIC PL.tASAVrKJtC. Wife I have been thinking I ought r give you a blrthdnv present, Harold. Husbnnd Oh, very well. Just wr'te dowt what It shsll be and I II buy it on my way uptown. Town Topics. When the mother of four marriageable, sons meets the mother of four marriage able daughters, each looks upon the other with suspicion. --Bomervllle journal. "She Is offered title, money and a hus band to boot. But her father won't let her marry." "Does the old beast want the title and money himself?" "No, the husband to boot." Cincinnati Tribune. A scum What do you want with a. Safety pin? Farsyte To fix mv suspenders. Ascum Don't be so stingy. Why don't you buy yourself a new pairT Farsyte I hate to, It's getting so near Christmas. I always get at least four pairs then. Philadelphia Press. "You will mnrry'ngnln after you get your divorce, of course?" "I suppose so." "Any pnrtlcular preference In view?" "Not Just at present. Rut, of course, t can marry my lawyer If nothlmr better suggests Itself." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. Hlghmore (making a calll I was glad to see you at our church laat Sunday. Mrs. Peebles, and to notice that you were no much interested In the service aud the sermon. Aunt Ann Yes. I couldn't help lookln at the preacher's gown. It needs laun dcrln' awfully. Chicago Tribune, , A UtlGH IM CHlRCIt. Author unknown. She sat on the sliding cushion, 1 The dear, wee womun of four; Her feet In her shiny slippers, Hung dangling over the floor. She meant to be good: she had promised. And so, with her big, brown eyes. She stared at the meetlrg-houso windows And counted the crawling files. ( She looked far up at the preacher. But he thought of the honey bees Droning away at the blossoms That whitened the cherry trees. She thought of a broken basket. Where, curled in a dusky heap, Threo uleuk, round puppies, with fringy ears Lay snuggled and fast asleep. Such soft, warm bodies to cuddle, Such queer little hearts to bent. Such swift round tongues to kiss, Such sprawling, cuehloney feet: She could feel In her clasping Angers The touch of the satiny skin. And a cold, wet noee exploring The dimples under her chin. "fhen a sudden ripple of laugjiter Ran over the parted lips So quick that she could not catch It With her rosy finger- tlpa. Tho people whispered, "Blesa the child," Aa each one waked from a nap. But the dear, wee woman hid her face For shame in her mother's lap. The Costume of Today Shaped from living models, it possesses all tbe comfort and, pre Bents all the beauty of simple, nat ural lines it preserves and ideal izes the natural form of woman. No matter what your figure, there is a new Straight Front J. 13. Cor set to fit you exactly, to fit you comfortably. THE EXPERT FITTERS IN ANY OF THE DEPARTMENT STORES WIU. HELP YOU TO FIND THE SIZE AND STYLE PRECISELY SUITED TO YOU PRICES RANGE FROM S1.00 UP. . Special Sale ltaon Soots..