J TITE OMAITA" DAILY XT.Yr. RAYtTIiPAY, XOVEMI.ER . .14. 1003. COUNCIL BLUFFS SALOON WAR OS IN EARNEST Efforts Mad to fi aoh a Compromise Oomt to Kan.-b'. INJUNCTION HEAK.i ON IN CCURT Official pear that (llr'i Hfm Will B Serloaslr C nrtalled t a learn (he Wirrluc Firtlaaa Are Reconciled. . All efforts to setim in saloon fight yes terday tailed and today in the district station Wednesday afternoon. The father of young Burke arrlred Thursday night from Alvord. la., end Mid that Ms boy had left home, with young Klmmell, who hsd been working for him. end the two w.?r on their way to Parsons, Kan., whrre Klm mell's home wss, Klmmell, Mr. Burke said, had Induced hi? ron to leave hi home and that they started to walk from Counrll muff a to Pacific Junction, wheie they hoped to bourd a train. Mr. Burke stated that he expected to bring ault against the railroad, as he believed the engineer of the train ought to have sen the boy on the track and atopped hla train In time. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Son.- Foot Ball at Mannvra, The game between the foot ball teaina of court will witness tne mat re-, s.irnns.i. the Dodge light Guards and Tarkio college Doth sidva will be or I civ juuge i-nk.oit with applications lor un:pt.u. Injunc tion against certain sa.uons una trie nBht Will be on In real earned. Attorney Wadswoith, representing the Stora llrewlng company'! interests in this city, filed In the district court yesterday petitions lo enjoin twenty-one more sa loons, the hearing for the temporary In junctions being set for November 28. There wss no move made by the other side but It Is said they will make a strong resist ance today to the suits brought by Attor ney Wadsworth against the Poore and Sherlock saloon. These are the two sa loons which the Stora people are niter today and s. large number of witnesses have been subpoenaed by Mr. 'Wadsworth. Attorney Benjamin will aeek temporary restraining orders today BgaHist the sa will tie railed at 8 o'tlcck this afternoon at Lake Manawa. The soldiers are hopeful that the public patronage will be better than last week, when they played Doane college. This will be the lineup of the teams: TARKIO. L E R r. .1 T R T .L U R O K (J .K T R r. q n Ot'ARDS. Chwrtnut Pflfnol Ooff , W irk ham (C) Pool Tbnm.a Nlrhol Riitherfora Dirt rich P.atman Richmond L 0 L T I, E Q B .RHRiLH B ; L H B1 R H B ...P Il P B Substitutes for Podge Guards: Warren and Mullck. ... I.rnn .. Stuart McMillan ... Smith .. Mo ra ... Nil ... Mori Kleol (O .... Law .... Coia . Farrtar Greene, Hafer sells lumber Catch the Idea? Vote for Grandma. loons conducted by Rapp A l.au at Willow I One vote with every cent of your pur avenue and Main street; Hansen A Ras- chases at DeLo niussen at 230 West Hroudwny; M. O'Con nor at 923 South Main street and John Rrennan at 83 South Main street. . These re four of the saloons owned by the 81 on Brewing company and Its local agent W. A. Wells, has been made party defendent In the suits: It was stated thai O'Connor had closed his saloon last evening until the present controversy Is settled one way or the other. Attorney Wadsworth on be half of the St on company will make no resistance In these canes and notified At torney Benjamin that it would not be nec essary for him to Increase the court costs by producing any wltntsres. It was reported on the streets last night that tho Stora people had a trump card up their sleeves which they had not yet played but which they were prepared to produce If pushed any further. It was stated to be card which If played might Interfere somewhat with the city's finances. This fight among saloonmen Is being de plored on every side as terminate how It De Long's during the Gradrna voting contest. Vote for any lady In Coun cil BlufTs who Is a Grandma. The three Grandmas receiving the highest number of votes will be entitled to the hnndsome furniture now on exhibition at Petersen A Schoenlnff's. Harvey DeIong, Printer and Stationer. lied IlalN and Dolls Free Today, Two hundred red paper hats advertising De Long's Gradma voting contest will he given away today at 2 p. m. at Petersen- A Bchoening's to any two hundred girls who will wear them from there to Deixmg's. Ar.lvlng at DeLong's each girl will be pre sented with' a Fli:plno doll free. Call sit Petersen & Eclioen'ng's at 2 p. m. t Wanted. J. Zoller tk Co.' 1,000 turkeys. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the Ahntrnnt t i 1 1 O li H Irmn nfn rt t a . 1 1 1 r- a will It Is conceded by all that It will do no V Burkley and wife to II. O. one any good. Tho mayor and other city i MoGee, lot 33. block 12. Ferry ad- cfftelals are watching It with considerable 'mionj. w d 10 alarm fearing that It may result In a gen eral closing of the saloons, an event which would seriously cripple the city's finances and Inevitably result In a curtailment of both the police and fire departments. N. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. S60. Night, t-667. Board of Super I nor Adjonrns. The Board of County Supervisors com pleted Its business for this mejting ye.ter- day afternoon and adjourned until the ieg- ' Ular session In January. That the board might possibly rescind Its action In tl.e matter of the appointment of an overseer for the poor farm had been talked, but the question was not even brought up. W. W, Hanthom and Joseph B.erw-ln were selected to check up the accounts of the offices of the county treasurer, sheriff and superintendent of schools for the term ending January 1 next They are to re ceive compensation not exceeding 15 a day. The members of the board and the county auditor slg..vJ a petition to Congrea.am.in Smith asking that U II. Bolton be up Pointed postmaster at the new town of McClelland. Wlckham Bros, secured a further estl- Petr Rasmussen and wife to Chris tian Christiansen, lot 10, block 15, Burns' addition, w d 1 Pottawattamie Investment company to Wlllhim L. Butler, lot 1, Canady's subdivision of lot 11, and Bluff lot on Mount Lincoln In Elder's ad dition, w d 1.100 Patrick Lynch and wife to W. P. Shep ard, lot 21, block 6, Squire's ad dition, w d '1 Four transfers, total $1,113 MINOR MBTIO. Davis sells drugs. Leffert's glasses fit. ' Stoekert sells carpets. A store for men "Beno's." Celebrated Mets hear on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, 409 Broadway. 14-K and 1S-K wedding rings at Leffert's () Broadway. 1 yrography outfits and supplies. C. B. Alexander & Co., 333 Broadway. Bert Wise, son of George Wise. Is home from a four months' vlatt In Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and Mrs. E. Caughey have gone to Denver, Colo., to spend the winter. Rev. J. W. Robinson of one of the Indl , ana conferences will occupy the pulpit Bun i day at the Upworth Methodist church. I for rent nfflna rnnm rmnnil fliui, An mate of t6,G70 on their contiact for the of the moat central locations In the bual- poor farm buildings, making in all $12,06 "" portion of the city. Apply to The Bee which they have received. The contract office, city. called for 119,440. thus leaving $7.24 to be ing to visit Ruth lodge of Omaha this paid when the wors Is c.mpieted. evening will meet at odd Fellows' temple. When the board adjourned Thursday It i 7 m- did so to meet yesterday afternoon. ' and 1 ,.2r.r7",.1 m)L12"room '"I'1"!.?' 5,k- .. i . . ' . ; , land avenue. In part or all. Furnished or the morning was to have been spent In In- unfurnished. Modem In every respect; also specting a road In Garner township asked ' good barn. O. p. Mo Keason. , for. As three of the supervisors failed to ' Chris tan Hclence lecture by Carol Norton, put In an appearance, the inspection was fci lL??, TVZ not made and action on the petl.lon for the ulillo Invited. Admission free. road will go over until the January meet- i The memoera of Harmony chapter order leg. Watch for the mis spelled words they're omlng, Matters la District C'oart. The sealed verdict returned by the d.a trlct court Jury Thursday night in the suit ml W. C. Utit-rback, a former sa.oon keper. to recover from W. A. Will., Ijcai agent of I I nion Pacirtc railroad, was arralgnud he the Stors Brewing company. $tis..4j, pull '"re Justice Ouren yesterday and nis hoar- hlra for beer, was found to be lor t.ie dj. Of Kestern Slur desirlno- In vlalt earn chapter of Onr.ulia this evening will meet at iM st Pearl street ond Broadway. Dr. Mary Tlnley who waa called to New Turk by tha illness of her slater. Miss lieatrice, who was suffering from typhoid fever, has wiltten members of the fanillv here thai talcs Beatrice is now on tho loud to recovery. Harry Gllmore. arrested Thursday night by 8pclal Officer Weir while lr. the act. as It Is charged, of stealing coal from the fendant when opened by Judge I'r.ston yesterday moming. The Iowa mulct law provides tha any money paid for the purchase of liquor can be recovered, as such tala of liquor Is li violation of the law. Tne law, however, provides that a demand tor sui h repayment must be made. In th iuju m Lar the 1 plalntiff'a petition lulled t.i thuw thai audi a demand had been made. The attorney for the plaintiff was pet mined to amend 111 mg sec lor next Monday, in deCault o: t ail placed at (200 Uilinore was . sent to the county Jail. HONORS GO TO MINNESOTA Wins First and Seconal Prises la Ike Xadenal Batter Makers' Contest. WATERLOO, la.. Nov. 13. (Special. ) The scores of the various contestants In the petition, but wiien the plaintiff waa p.a.-ed j butter contest held under the auspices on the stand attain and asked to teaufy to of ,ne National Buttermakers' association his demand tor th r payment of it.e bave been received. Following are the re amount he hnil puld out for beer to t.ie,eult": (lefendunt he ita;ed ihat hj had Intlmaic.i These tests provoke great Interest on to Agent Wel.s ilia, if he "uU nt sta.i j th rrt of nuttermnkers all over the him up In the saloon buKincM bKain s ou j uountr-v- They extend over a year and body else o-jld lave to quit." ih. ill!'"' markings are maae, the grand aver Jury evidently -construed aa a ihroat an. I "f which Is the one upon which prises not a demund. by bn.iKlng In a erdiit tor! nT Slanted nd honors bestowed. Over Wells. i Luttci makers scattered throughout. tt;e A motion win ji wl by the d fe'.u a..t i l'n,teJ Hlates or.teted In competition tor yesterday dr u now tilil m tne sl. of;1'1" ,,rit honors, than which there are none Bertha yuaiuv Kgalisl Auguit tiljae and i f 'eJler to be testowci in this country, but wife. In which tl;e plutntiff was gie.i a I "ly u" "! In throughout the contest. Verdict Widue.ilay Kr over 12,'jiW lor a;e ln ,owa only ten competitors stayel In and damags for as.uult. . during the six tests. I The highest average score was made by rbargeU wttn Koralna Check.. . M Sondergaard of Ilutcliinson, Minn., The town marshil :.f loveland. n-u j waa given 9.;5 per cent. The second county, and a conxtahle dll a ..nc t ,n j hishest wan scared by John Soliie of New printing on a hand cr last evening uni j sl11- Minn.. 94.66 per cent, a difference overhauled betwiVn C;s-ci;t and this cl'.v ' of "nl 00 r 1 P1" "' 11 ' Interostlng John Cox. wan ed loi pasalng . rhe.-k. i lo learn thal Mr' Soln f',vl "rs' Prise alleged to be forge-d o:i Mrs. Halderman j lur ln 'nltert r and that he of Iceland. Tl.e check was purported to ,s mkl" rt record in the same be signed by a far.nor named Hunt and c:eu ,n l"cn 8Hm Hsngdahl. the wuriu e prise nuuermaaer apeni . weveral called fur $li;o. Afie - getting Mrs. .MiKi'; mau to cash the chuck Cox started for Council Bluffs along the rat road track. The town marshal learned the direction he had taken ai-.d followed on a, hand car, overtaking t'ox at Big like, J.ist i n'th of this city. 'He took Cox hack Willi bin to Loveland last night. hm Innarat on Dead Boy. Tha coroner of Mil's county has deciilel that an Inquest will not be necaary In the case of WIV.lim Burke, the young man I killed by a Burlington train near Hlnton j n,aker, who Btat, Dliiry Commlwloner ! Wright says would likely have won fame race of his life and by the alchemy of his Intelligent mastery of the cream and but ter business succeeded In pnxluclng a:i article of butler so perfect that the con nclaeeurs of Europe at the Paris' exposi tion pronounced it the best on exhlhltlon there. Mr. Bollte Is an "understudy," If you please, of the great Hangdahl, being his puptl. The third prise went to P. H. Kelllng of Jcfferon, Wis., who secured an average marking of 94.91 per cent. In Iowa there were a number of butter- Can't Sleep? flf your Derr. Dr. Miles' Nerrlnt -will itreoglhen thfrn grid bring- sweet Blerp and health. Ilsy Is dangerout. ,A11 crugglats sell and guarantee. Sena :poatal for book on nervous diseases. 'JjiL 1L3 MXUIUAXi CU. Elkhaxl, U4, anu honor had they stayed In the during the entire six tests. A Wonderful Opportunity Awaits You We have determinetl to enrpass all preTiou efforts and make this the biggeRt holiday sea Bon known in the history of Council Itluffs jewelry business. Inspired by the wonderful in crease in our business the past few months we hare determined to put our holiday trade far In advance of any previous season. With this in view we have bought heavy the large quantity gives us the advantage of the very liberal discounts and enables us to quote much lower prices than smaller stores. We have new goods coming in every day and from now on until after "Xmas time our store will be one sea of dazzling holiday bargains. Thousands of new and beautiful designs in Solid Gold, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Hand-painted China and Leather Goods. The more severe you are in your comparisons and criticisms of quality and prices the more you will appreciate our claim as leaders in high grade jewelry. We, positively have the lar gest and finest stock of jewelry and most complete line of desirable gifts shown in western Iowa. DIAMONDS We are showing the most unique and beautiful collection of rare gems that Council Uluffs people have had an opportunity to see. All the new and beautiful designs in Kings, Urooches, Pen dants, Earrings, Scarf Pins, Studs, Lockets and Cuff Buttons all set with magnificent sparkling stones. They must be actually seen to be fully appreciated. We have Diamonds as precious as fl,000, or as cheap as $25. We are showing some mighty fine solitaires at $400, $500, $000. No trouble to show them. Visitors always welcomed. a ' A ' Solid Gold Jewelry Our greatest efforts are behind the grand showing in this de partment and it is without doubt the only place in the city where SOLID GOLD JEWELIJY can be selected from a really metro politan stock of high grade goods. Our stock-consists of several hundred handsome designs in a great variety of desirable i1-' ,-edful articles, such as Chatelaine Watches. Men's Watch Chains, Ladles' Watch C hains. Ilahy Chains and Lockets, Weddlno- Ulna. Children's Hlnsrn, Mnk Buttons. Ladles' and Men's Watches, Lockets and Minds. Band ninfes and Bracelets. . svta tft bt-V ,.... lumimiHuil(,,,.... New Sterling Silverware Some stunning bargains in our beautiful assortment of high grade Sterling Silver. All the well known manufacturers are represented in this large and exclusive collection. Special attention is called to the new designs iu Toilet. Sets, Brushes and other articles in Sterling Silver.- The new La Vision, Poppy, Colonial, Daisy, L'Art and Kose designs entirely new and most beautiful. SVe have a complete assortment of Bon nn Dishes. Tooth Brush Holders, Candelabras. Ksl-aa-Korkt-. Spoons. Table Ware, Napkin R Intra, ninlnsr Table Bells, Caps and Mugs, Tea Seta, Servers and Trays. Mounted Flasks, Smoking; Sets, Tobaeeo Jars, Clarar Jars, latch Safes, Soap Boxes. Cut Glass Showing A revelation in pleasing and appropriate designs in the new est and most exclusive patterns of Cut Glass ever brought to the city. We have all the well known makes in their new and ex clusive cuttings Handled Nankins, Water Pitchers, Water Bottles, I'rult Bowls. Kausaar Dishes. Jewel Cases, u Decanters, Wine Glasses. Vaaea. Salt and Peppers, Ilerry Bowls, Salad Dishes. Klnaer Uowls, Tnmblera. ps-vft MA. Hand Painted China. We have an elaborate collection of beautiful including all the useful and desirable chinaware for table use and crnauiental adornment. Notice our east show window dis play in this line. We have a host more of good bargains, but the only way that you can appreciate them is to come and visit our store. If you find what you want and are not ready to buy, we will mark and lay it away for you . OPTICAL DEPARTMENT We have the best equipped optical department in the state of Iowa. Glasses fitted by latest im proved and scientific methods. Our glasses are worn and recommended by the best people in this vicinity. We examine your eyes free of charge. Special attention given to mail orders. TISLEHOrE Loi7. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 409 BROADWAY. In the evening and no trace of her has been obtained up to the present. It Is not known whether the voluntarily left, has been murdered, committed suicide or been abducted. Bloodhounds have been put on the trail, but no satisfactory re sults have been obtained. SNOW BEING PASSED AROUND Omaha Doesn't Get All There or Krra So Mneh as Points Cast. , Is, UKS MC1NK8. Nov. 13. The flrst snow of the season fell here this morning. Re ports Indicate that the fall covers the greater portion .of the state. BLOOMINGTON. III., Nov. :3. Snow commenced felling In central Illinois this morning,- the first of the season, and in dications point to an sll day ptorm. Re ports from contiguous counties show that the snow la general. KIRK8VILLE, Mo., Nov. IS. A hard snowstorm set In here toduy. The ground Is covered. This Is the flrst snow fall of the season in this state. Farmer's Wife Disappears. WATERLOO, la.. Nov. 11 -8pecial - The people in the vicinity of Flnrhford s greatly erivd over the disappearance from her home of Mrs. Jacob Decker, tbe wife of a wealthy farmer. Bhe disap peared from the farmhouse Wl o'clock Takes Fatal Dose of 1-aadaounj. I.OOAN, I.. Nov. IS. (Special.) Silas Krom of Persia. la., a house builder and mover. R5 years old. committed aulcide yea- terday noon by drinking two ounces of laudanum. Krom was a hard crinker ana had some s'.hrht ailment. Wednesday he tried to shoot himself with a revolver but his wife prevented him. Thursday he sent his wife from the house to procure water and on returning she found the empty lau danum vial In his hand. He died within an hour. He leaves a wife and one daugh ter. rect a verdict against Hugh V. Brown, one of the heirs, which was sustained by the court and Judgment rendered. Eight lawyers were employed. Defendent will appeal to supreme court. Increases Capital Stock. LOGAN, la.. Nov. 13. (Speclal.)-The Woodbine Telephone company has In creased Its capital stock from 13,000 to 150. 000. The compuny was organised ten years ago. The present officers are: O. H. Klb ler. president: 8. B. Klbler, tressurer; II. A. Kenney, manager; M. A. Reed, secretary. Hatcher Commits Suicide. NORA SPRINGS, la.. Nov. 13 -(Special Telegram. Wm. A. Bedroth, a butcher, committed suicide by cutting his throat in his sluughtcr house. No cause Is known, lie leaves a family. Family Washing ME I CALF & HALF Big Clothing Sals mmmm -; !'v ; ::feM mm---- mm Today wc have on sale all our broken lots of men's suits. We have gone through our stock and have selected all the men's suits of which we have not a full assortment of sizes. These have all been placed oh one table and the prices reduced. SI8 Suits for SI2 $15 Suits for SIO 312 Suits for $8 SIO Suits for SI The sizes are from 34 to 42. The patterns are those that have sold' best this season. This is your opportunity. Three Styles of $15 Overcoats at $11 At a Very Low Rate "A Store for Men." 'ielephone 265. SUITS and OVERCOATS $10 and $12 These p.'ict'S makes i t look like a special sale, but it irUl't, '.'hey ait; "roni our regular lines at the regular prices, l.ut.'wc are safe in saying that there are no better valuea offered anywhere they are only a sample of tho low prices and high qualities that prevail throughout our MEN'S DE PARTMENT. $10 Over- Colliers- Is Bsrsis. SIIAMOKIX. Pa.. Nov. 13.-A fierce firs is raging in the No. I vein of the Enter prise colliery. The fire started last nlcht from an unknown source The colliery Is owned by XV. L. Connrll A Co. of Srranton and employs 600 men and boys. Ths em ployes are flghtlns; ths blase. Warns" Commits ft striae. IOWA CUT. Iu.. N-w. IS. Herimering- nt hotel uriier Hie rmira of "Mabel Ives of "Tedsr Bsplds." a beju'lful snd unknown young woman oni-nilted suicide this morn ing by taking ea:-hollc Hfld. 8he Is not linown at Cedsr Rill.ir. BIsT Will l air Ended. ONAWA. la. Nov. U.-(8peclal Tee t m ) The Itlg will ruse i f (lerman M. Brown. lnvnling an estate of $1H0 ftA on Trial in dlslrlvt court here, rame lo s tr mlnatlua this morning, on a motion to dl Make Your Money EARN MONEY FOR YOU. We hare on our list soma proper ties that bare been netting from 8 to JO per rent for years. Location are right, properties right, price right and terms right fl.800-315 N. Eighth atreet. One tory cottage, sis rooms, gaa, hath, hot and cold water, furnace, cellar. Itents for 918. $2,000-115 Stutsman atreet. One story cottage, five rooms, bath, gas, city water, nice lawn, shade. Itents for $18. SQUinE & Aiinis TeUphoiM 96. 101 Pearl 5trct. W havs recently mad additions to our facilities and are prepared to do FAMILT WASHING on a tLrg scale and at a very low rata. Any finish S!rd on SHIRTS, COLLARS and CL'FFS. Telephone 290 and w will mall you a folder giving ful particulars for family work and our low price plan. Evans Laundry Co, 522 Pearl St Coundl Bluffs CLEANING AND DYEING lalles' and Oentlimen's Clothing- Cleaned, . Dyed, Pressed and Hepulred; also Li v Cleaning. No shrinkage or rubbing off i guaranteed. Work done on short notice. I COUXCIl BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS Tel. tt. 11,17 Wvki nrnlit a. Gapfrlaai bf Uar. aaiSitl a aut coats, iu heavy kersey. cloth, heavy serge lining, hair cloth sleeve lining, improved velvet collar that is guaranteed lo retain it shape. $12.00 OVEKCOATS, in fine Melton and kersey ch.tliK, guaranteed linings, equal to tailor made. $10.00 Suits, hand tailored, new fabrics and have fill the appearance of high priced clothing. ?12.00 Suits, in plain fabrics and new Scotch mixtures hand tailored, new 'varsity or sack styles. TWELVE DAYS till Thanksgiving make you.- pur chases where selections are easilv made- -"JJEXO'S." the jenn Mail Orders Filled. Cruncil Bluffs, Iowa LEWIS CUTLER MOHTIC1AM. Paart c Cauaall SlatTs. 'Faasa SI. IMBsaty SKate Vstsrtnartaa. 1 aoo Inapaotoc. n.LnrjacciDTTi, d. v. s. j CITT VKTHTRINAJUAJ". j CMBas) aa4 laarmary. acta and Masoa j Iflttttt. WrHI C 1 SPEGIAL GASH PEAT SALE FOR TODAY. Roast Beef. per pound Five pounds good steak, for Round Steak. three pounds Sirloin Steak. three xiund Porterhouse Steak, throe pounds Rib Roast, lier fMiur.d Roll Htef. per pound Hams. per pound.. ...Sc 25c 25c 25c ' 25c 5c Olc 61c Hulk Oysters, per quart. Bacon, per pound a Spuie Ribs. three pounds Pork Chops, per pound Mutton Stew, per pound T-sa uf Mutton, at Beat Iurd. ner Dound Dressed Spring i hlrken. per pnuna Good llultar. per pound Fresh Kga. per dust-u ..12ic 25c !21c 5c 9c 10c 121c 20c 20c 25c 'I'.ione us your order &wl we will collect on delivery. - We appreciate your trade and will try at all timea to please you. THE ORVIS MARKET TELEPHONE 46. 537 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS.