THE OMAHA DAILY NEE: RATUIIDAY, NOVEMDETt 14. 100. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Xmf roTid Demand fcr Cas'j " Loat and Ex Por' Dema-d Increases Pries. BAD WEATHER PROSPECTS AfrECT CORN everlDs; hr Oh or In Advances Price I Oats aad PmtlalsDi Are Firm lader Leaderahlp of Lard. CHICAGO, Nov. 13. An Improved demand for rash wheat, together with a larger export business, were the principal fac tors In creatine a better tone In the wheat Jlt today, and December closed with an Advance of 7c. December corn wan up vfif'o, oats were c blither and January provision cloned from 7'; to 16c higher. Ill spite of the rather bearlxh character rif news In general, an Inclination waa shown among local traders to buy wheit, In the hope of an upturn after so long a period of depression, and as a rrsuit of this Improved demand a firm un riervaded tho pit Shorts and c .n nl-sl in :otises were fair buyers at the stirt. In fluenced to noma extent by reports uf mailer recelpta In the northwest, and De. rember opened unchanged to "4c higher at 5676c. Offerings were I fRlit early In the lay. and further advances were made. Toward the noon hour prices eased off somewhlt on heavy selling by a prominent oiierator, which was followed by sales from eattered sources, but the demand was anfflclent to prevent any marked decline. Imrlnsr tho latter half or the session there was a big demand for May from a house vlth 8t. Louis connections and the strength of this de.l very helped the December price. The cash business waa also reported n rhowlng an Improvement, and with a good export demand the market became strong luring; the last half hour, with closing Jirlces at the top. December, closed ,o Jilgher at 78e. Clearances of wheHt and flour were equal to 223,400 bu. Primary re ceipts were 1.414.0UO bu., against 1.127.000 a year ago. Bradstreet reported exports of wheat and flour for the week equal to!.500 bu.. against 4,410.009 a year ago. Mlnnnpolls and Duluth reported receipts of 76 cars, which, with Iocs! receipts of 122 fir, none of contract grade, made totul receipts for the three pilnta of 88 cars, agnlnst 873 Inst week nnd 634 a year ago. The situation In the corn pit was similar 1n that In wheat, local traders favoring the long side. In view of the rec?nt declines, nnd with a fair demand from commlMlm houses, with covering by shorts, the mir ket showed good gains. Prospects of a breakup In the present favorable weather dominions were responsible for some of the strength. After selling between 41o and 4?Hc December closed Tic higher at 42;'&lJHc. Local receipts were 247 cars, with 12 of contract grade. Oats were given over to active covering hy shorts, and some of yesterday's sellers ere also on the buying side of the mirket. The selling was scattered and mostly by longs with profits. Small receipts and a fair cash demand were bull factors. With the sharp advance 4n other grains late In the day, oats moved upward nnd closed atrong. with December up c. at SSe, after selling between 32'4Tfi33c and 33c. Local receipts were 168 cars. Provisions were firm, under the leader ahlp of lard, which wan said to be In good demand for shipment. The hog market was dull and showed declines of from 10c to 15c, but an Improved demand, with liberal covering by shorts, counterbalanced this bear factor. JanueTy pork closed 7o higher at $11.12H. January lard was up 32c at $6.82 and ribs were lOfiilSVjC higher. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 190 cars: corn, 235 cars; oats, 125 cars; hogs. lS.oao head. The lending futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l Yes'y. Wheat m Dec. May July Corn Pec. Msy July Oats Deo. May Jork .Tsn. . May Jan. VISE Jan. mux 78 tp"4 7H Hi 77 41 -2k I 41,t7M,l" 41 HI 7"! 4'2 I 41, 757y I 'Vm 74 77 76V?H 73 4 S3 11 61 II 65 75 S 67 621 Is IITUl 62 MH'82W38! 35 I 34W I I 72'AI73SW 41V2fWl 41:41fPl ' 41 41HI 41I41,1 35 IS4H 2H 13 90 .6 I I'M 271 I 11 67! 11 6' n 60 ' 11 7ft I 7 I 67UI 62 11 5 11 61 621 6 10 8 20 ft 90 6 75 J 17! 6 27HI ft 70 7H 62 20 . No. f. a New. Csh nuoti'lons were as fo'lows: FLOUR Msrket was stesdv; winter pat ents. 4.0t!il4.B0: straights. 83.70ST4.lft: spring patents. S4.1ftg4.40; straights, t3.703.?; bak ers, 32 90ff7S.30. WHEAT No. 1 purine-. 78c: No. I sprln. TftWT-: N". 1 red, TV,tnc. CORN No. J. 42Hc; No. 2 yellow, 43H 'Ac. 0T8-No. 2, Uc; No. 3 white. 3437Vic RTE No. 2 63c BARI.EYOood feeding, r(89c; fair to CboV-e mpltlng, 47(P5o. BEED-No, 1 Tax. !c; No. 1 northwestern, 7c: prl'ne timothy, t2.!6; clover, contract arade 110.50. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl , HI 01 fMUGtt- Lnrd. pr 100 M7H'7.0'. Phort ribs sides uoe 7 7.75. Short clear sides (boxed. 16.62V; ff".874. The following wers the rtcclpts of flour and grain: Hrc-lrt. Bhlpment Vlour, bbls 29,100 J.R00 &'kAu . K.. 911Ak' iM 11.1 'orn, M 25 10I Oats, bu 265,600 134. (no rive bu ll,4io JO' larley. bu.. IKOtO 7,30 1 On the Produce exchange today the but- I ter market was easy; creimerles; 1 qf tlVri'; dal.les. WiilSo. Eggs, firm: at nwk, (ass Included, ZMjMc. Cheese, easy, l?llc. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. p)aotatlas of th Das- oa Varloaa Coniiundltle. NEW TOHK. Nov. 18 -FIXUR-Recelpts, (9,443 bbln. ; exports. 25,318 bbls; quiet, but lock wus held with more confidence; win ter patents, M.UKjjt.Si; winter vrira. i3i Si; winter low grades, .8fij.i5; Minne sota patent), M.oou4.T0; Muino-ioia bakers. $3.ufji3.S5. Ryn flour, vteady; choice to fancy, W.tSv-J .M. Uuckwheat flour, cusy at :.i..(ua&. Co il.NMEAI Steady: yellow western. 9101; city. l.w: ki n dried. $:.iieii3.5. K YE Nominal, No. 2 western, 624c f. o. b. afloat. 1 BARLEY Dull: feeding, 40c c. 1. f. Buf falo; malting, 4iic c. I. f. Buffalo. WH HAT Receipts, 125,775 bu. : exports, S4.0CJ4 bu. ; spot, firmer; No. t red. Mv ele vator; No. 4 red, KSto f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, Mic f. o. b. alloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Op tions opened firmer on bull aupport lie Igned to force a rally and was well sus tained all day, advunclug shurvly In the final hour on foreign advices, libera' weekly clearance, export rumors and active cove-ring of December. The r ose was 7Wlc net higher; May, 80S!itsiHo. closed. SlVic; July. TTIukj'TSSc, closed. 7Mjc; December, 63 1S-14t-74 U-lilc. closed. W,c. tX)RN Receipts, XiM lu ; exports. 3.111 bu. ; sale, 115,000 bu.; futures. 16.uo bu. ; pot, firm; No, 2. .'.,e elevator and W'tc f. a. b. afloat; No. I yellow. 50c; Nr. 2 white. Stxo. The option market was quiet tut firmer, the influences Velng smaller Argentine shipments, a Heht wesiern move ment and sympathy with wheat. Last prices showed Sc net udvance; May. 47V.rj 47c. closed. 4ic; December, 4U49Vjo, closed, 4K'c. OATS Receipts. 130.0M bu. ; exports. ",015 bu.; spot, quiet; No. X, 40c: Mandard white. 42c; No. 3. Syc: No. 2 whj. 42c; No. 3 white. 41c: track white. 41-n45c. HAT- ulet ; shipping, GljT.V; good to choice. 86ii2Hc. HOl'B Ste,dy, Galveston. 30 to 25 lbs.. 190;. finiwc; olds- i"?12 H1DE-Steadv: U.leston. 20 to 25 lbs., lie; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry. li to 30 lbs , tic. l.mTUfH-'oiitv; eel'. J12"-c. PROVreiON-Reef. Quiet; family, 110.00 711 0; mess. II.Ohxis.dO: beet hams, t2i.5otf Sl iO; packet. fH.410 00; city, extra India mess. Ii5.(i0'7l7.i0. Cut meats. steady; pickled bellies. 39 It'.WIO.TJ; pickled iii rtors. 35 .6c."; pick ed hams. 311 '5y 11.75. Itrd, steady: wesiern s'eenied. 37.4V re nted. av; continent, 3T.S"i; South Amerl". 3S.35: coinpoumt. 3.i",ai.76 Pork, steady; famllv, 3it.f0; short clear. !3 2ij 15.00; ne, 12 7i'' 13.50. Rli'B titeady: domestic, fair to extra. 4ft ftc: Jinan romlnal. TALLOW Steady; city, 4V; country. 4V 04Vi CI1EFSR Reelp1 ft.M kr.: nnse'tleV, state, full cream, fncy. sma'l colore'. Beptember. ll.r: l-t m'de. 10c; s-rall while, September. ll--c; late innde. l.c; larse colored. Si-pteber. l'.c; bie made. loV-; lrae white, September, llc; late nsde. 10. c. pi (ULTRV Alive, firm: w'ern ihlrVcn-. lie fowls, lie: turkey i14c: Cr d Ami: weutern chkkcns. irl:V4c; fowls. Ho: tprkoys. lc. KO:i-leceiptg. S.IOO pkgs ; strong; aeet rn. r.'trSur. " Dnlath Grls DULUTH. Nov lJ.-WHKAT-Jn trrk. No. 1 noillirriL. 7"S-; No. 2 uorthern, 7;-; J"e"ipr. V4'c: May. '(.V-. jM.mOa trkia and to arrive, 34a. ' OMAHA WHOLfelALB MARKET. Coadltlam of Trad aad Haotatleas staple aad Faacy Prodaee. EOOS Fresh stock, losa efT, e. LIVB 11)1 LTRY Hens, 7V&c; spring chickens, 8H9c: roosters, according to sga, 4jic: tirkes, 14c; ducks, Ic; geese, 7o!tc. BUTTER Packing stock. 13Vc; choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, iwgisc; separator, X2c. KhEHH Jf'ISH r'resn caught trout, 10c; pickerel, 8c; pike, luc; percii, 8c; buffalo, ilVflSc; b.ueflsn, 15c; whlieOah, 15c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, tic; redanapper, lie; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobster, green, per lb.,2Kc- bullheads, 11c; catrisn, i4c; black bass, iila:fc; DaliDut. Sc; crappies, Lc; herilng, lie; while bass, luc; bluellns, to. Oi'8liuii.o New York counts, per can, 43c, per gsl , 32.00; extra selects, per can 36c, per gal., Lli: aiundard, per tan, tic per gal. 11.15 BkAN'-Per ton. 314 50. HAY Prices quoted toy Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, 38111; No. 2, 37.60; medium.; coarse, 38 60. Rys straw, 4.5i. These pr.ces are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light, lOtlN 4M:. tIATh- iio. HY K No. 2. EOc VEGETABLES. POT-ATOEB-Co.orado. sou; Dakota, per bu.. 7'riiiit; nitlve, 6itj',Vc. SvVKliT POT A I'OLS Home grown, ier"t. S5c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl., 33. (W. NAVY HEANo Per bu., 3i.2o. CLLERY Small, per dox., 25g35c; larg Westfin. 4.jc. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb lHcj r!pnlsh, per cfate. 31 60. CABRAC5E Wlnconsln Holland. IV. TL'RNIPB Canada Rutabagas, per lb, l'ic; white, per bu., 60c. CARROT fl Per bu., 60c. PARSNIPS Per bu., 60c. FRUITS PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfsrs. 3L7B, winter Nellis, 12.26i:2.50. APPLES Michigan stock. 33.15; Califor nia Bellflowers, per box, 31.00: New Tors. OreenVnSMi and Baldwin. 33 3 anting varl- OKAPEil California Tokays. 31.85; New York. ?cr 3-lb. bajiket, 30c; ony Ca'uwbas 22c; lni.xrted Ma;aras, pr geg. 35''4M.50. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. VI 50; per box, 33.00- Wisconsin Bell Bugle, 39.50. QUINCES California, per box, 31.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida brighta and russets, all sizes. 31.00. LEMONS California fancy,' 300 to ."MO sizes, 34.50; choice 240 to 270 sixes, 34.OwiJ4.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, sic; Imported Smyrna, S-crown, 14c; 6-crown, lc: 7-crown, ISc. COCOANUTS-Per sack. 34 00; per dor. 60c. .IlATE9-rr8lan' Per box of 30 packages. 32.00; per lb.. In 80-lb. boxes, 8c. BANANAS Per medium fclzed bunch, 32.00 62.50; Jumbo, 12.75S3.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, LVc; Wisconsin Young Americas, ISc; biota Swiss. 15c; Wisconsin brick, 12so; Wisconsin limbsrger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, pe. 24 frames, 33.50; Ula,.,?nd Colorado, per .1 frames, 3.60. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohio, per lb., luc. CIDER-Per bbl., 36.75; per V4-bbl.. 33.25. HORSE RADISH Per case of i doi., packr d, 80c. NUT8 Walnuts, No. 1 shbft-ahell, per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 3 sort-shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb.. 12c; ..r1,1"' per "lHc; filberts, per lb, 114llVic; almonds, sofi-shell. per Id., 15c hard-shell, per lb., 13c: pecans, large, per lb., lo&llr-; small, per lb., v10c; peanuts, r.1r.,.,D- romt peanuu. per lb., 7c; Chill walnut 1. 12&13c; large hickory nuts Fm. " Jshell-barkn. per bu.. 31.750 2.00; black walnuts, per bu., 3L26; eastern cheetnuu, per lb., 14c. KIMKeTNoi. j r".614c! No. 2 green. 5c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted" 6c; No. 1 veal calf, a to 12 lbs.. SUc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lb 6Hc; dry ailed hides, 8 25u! ,heeP P"- 2i75c; horse hides, 31.5aal t. Loafs Grata aad Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Nov. lS.-WHEAT-Higher: o7Si,r"k cal"V 'levator, nominal: track. j "inner; io. i casn, 4ie; track, 43:.D.'".cernber- May. 9c. v,A.iatyMri No- 2 Clln. Sc; track. S7gvrSc:cMlT ei No- white. 40c. RYE Steady, 46c. , . ." rea winter patents, 34.OO 'Am7 "n1 ",ra,t' w-7O4-06: SEED Timothy, steady; $2.202.76; with prime worth more.. vvjiftij.jAi steady. 32.30. Tic mi iracK, , 36 "or Tow r: tlmothy' "'WM; prairie. IRON COTTON TIE8-I1.05. BAGGING 6 i(66Ac. HEMP TWINE Sc. PROVISIONS - Pork, higher; Jobbing, standard mess. 311.80. Lard, higher, 3.85. llflCrm RtAnrlv1 Yw A Aw, , . mo nr. clear ribs. 38.50: short, 38.75. POULTRY Firm : chickens, springs, He; turkeys, 1212Hc; ducks, Semite; geote, s cents. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, :2m&23c: dalrv. 18c. . EGGS Firm, 24c, loss off. , , . , Recelpts.Shlpments. Fjurv ' .W 9.C00 v nen r hii am j jm,1MI ( orn. bll .0 nnft m hAA A - " . &t,J OatH, bu 65,000 20,000 Kansas City Grala aad ProTlaloas. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 13.-WHEAT-D-cember, V'"6Hc. May. 67Mc; cash. No. 2 hard. 71Hr(u:e; No. 3. 6567"c; No. 4, bOfD SLr'Jected' te,aC9c; No. 2 red. 80c; No. 3. CORN-December. 36c; May, WmBWVL iVl ' l mi5e1, 3a'c'' No 4 white, 39H OATS-No. 2 white, 36o38c; No. mixed, 36c. RYENo. 2. 49W494c HAY-Cholce timothy. 39.0060; choice prtHe. 38 0Ci8.26. BUTTER-Creamery. I8V4J&20c; dairy, fancy, 18c. . , litGS Firm: Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 21c per dozen: new No. 2 white wood cases Included, 23tyc. Receipta.Shlpments. Wheat, bu 138.400 114.400 Corn,, bu 12.000 3,200 Oats, bu 7,000 14,000 Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 13. WH EAT De cember. TVw. May, 77!lc; on track. No. 1 hard. 79c; No. 1 northern, TBc; No. 3 northern. 7eHc. No. 3 northern, 70473c. FLOUR First patents are quoted at 34.50 4 60; second patents. 34.404.60: first clears, 33.1 00; second clears, 32. 4002.60. BR.N-In bulk, 313.26. SHORTS In bulk. 313.26; middlings. $16.23. Liverpool Grata T.Iarket. LIVERPOOU Nov. 11-WHEAT-Spot, 'edv; No. ' red western, winter s 2d. Fn're'. te3dv: December, $j4Vid; March, 8s Msy. 6s 3d. CON c-f, easy; American mlxd. 3s Mid. Fu'urei, steady; December, 4:icl: January. 3s !ld. Grata Market. MILWACKEE, Nov. IS. WHEAT Mar ket He higher. No. 1 northern, 79c; No. 2 iinnheru. 7Sift78,jc; December, 7ti'!ic. RYB Steady; No. 1. SCc. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 64o; sample, 44 CORN Steady; No. S. 43344c; May, 42c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 13 -SEEDS-Clover, cash, 31.d0: December. 36.55; Januarv, 36.80; Feb ruary, 34.66; March. 3670. Prime alalk, K1.'. Prime timothy, 11.36. II-I MnrWet. NEW YORK, Nov. 13V-METAl.BTln ad snred lis 6d In lAindun, spot closing at 115 7s 6d and futures at 112 10a. Locally tin waa a shade higher,, spot closing at 8-S.IXUJ6 l-H. Copper wus lower In London, spot declining 7s Cd to i.T-6 17s 6d and futures 2s Cd to 56 16a. Locally copper was dull and mpre or leas nominal, with Lake quoted at 313.001 13.U0H, Electrolytic at 313.00ra 13.25 and cmtlng at 31300. I-esd was quiet and unchanged at 34.50 in New York. London was likewise unchanged, with spot closing at 11 la 3d. Speller was quiet here and unchanged at 6c. while in London It was 10s lower, spot there closing at 20 17s 6d. Iron wss dull bene. The foreign market was unchanged. Glasgow closed at 4fts 9d and Middlesborough at 42a 9d. The New York msrket was quiet and a little lower on some grades. No. 1 foundry northern U quoted at 15 1 il.o0; No. 2 foundry north ern at 814 36i 15,'jO; No. 1 foundry south ern, 313 75w 14 '25. and No. 1 foundry south ern, soft, at 313.&&"j 14.25. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 12.-METALS Lead, dull. 34'V Spelter, weak. 35.10. (let Market NEW YORK. Nov. 11 COFFKR Soot Pl i. steady; No. T Inveic. ftc Mild. firm. Fu'urea ripened steady t an advance of 6dl9 point'. In sympathy with steady ribles and small primary receipts. At first trad ing was oulet and values showed a deel lu ll's tendency, owing to the presence of "derate leaUmng orders, but later switch ing from ivcember to the lster positions set li which cauwd c nl lerahle activity without, however, weakening the market, wliib. on the inn'rirv. became sienl'er tr.s session prrts-esned. undr covering en-1 e lenewal of bull urturt. The market ' ed M'ed', unchnsed to 5 points highe. Sales were 107. 2fM) bags, including Noveuil er r. 5; D.i'-e-nl-'r ' 6 ti ."; Jn'i"v CS-: M-rch. 5lji.v-: Mav, 6.'4'; Ji K', .16c; September, t.Xne2c; Utiober, iJio. SEWTORKSTOCKS AND BONDS Appearance Icdicat ti Attempt to Foroa Prices to Lower LeveL ST. PAUL STOCK MAD 1 0BJICT OF ATTACK All Stocka Saajeeted to Atteatloa from Bear Party Made Recovery as loos as Direct Pres . sure Waa Released. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. A movement to cover shorts amongst the professionals de veloped In the stock market today and car lied prlcej to a level substantially over last nlRht. This wan after the failure cf an attempt of the present bear party to urive prices to a lower level. The activity of this party has been very apparent a.l through the week's decline, but they found themselves practically alone In selling stock today and finally gave up their imiIIi y. Their plan of operations seemed to b" a kind of rotation of stocks. Having sold United States Steel preferred ana Pennsylvania as far down as within their power they picked out 8t. Paul today as the next leading stock upon which to center operations. The result was an extreme de cline In St. Paul of 1 points. The rest of the market waa very little affected In sym pathy. As a result of the late covering movement St. Paul recovered all of Its Ions and the most prominent active stocks gained between 1 and 3 points. Pennsylva nia especially was Inclined to rally from Its recent severs depression. The volume of its dealings was about In proportion to Its recent relative activity In the market, but the total sales In that stock and the aggregate sales of si! stocka fell consider ably below the recent average. Today's gain for Pennsylvania Is 2 full points. United States Steel preferred completely lost Its recent pre-eminence In the trading and fell low in the list of active stocks. The buying seemed confined to professional sources and there was no evidence of any lars Investment demand. Neither was there any news to account fully for the advance in prices. The bank statement Is expected to be not entirely unfavorable. Reports that the rail roads would concede a reduction of export freight rates for steel products may have strengthened the United States Steel pre ferred, although this news Is Indicative of the general process of contraction In the trade. The local transactions were helped by the large transactions In the last quar ter. The foreign trade stntement for Octo ber waa considered gratifying In Its show ing of an expunslon In the value of our exports of domestic products of 317,782,243, compared with last year, which Is more than accounted for by the Increased value of cotton exports. Small lots of gold were reported In Lon don for export and Indications are that more ran be had. Bonds wore rather dull but firm. Total sales, par value, were $1,887,000. United States bonds were unchanged on tho last calV Following are the closing -tuotatlons on the New York Stock exchange: Bales, liign. ww. uioie. ...27,100 ftJ-Si B-'ii M ...10.8HO 89 ...28,095 73' 210 XT Atchison '. do pfd.. Baltimore & Ohio do ofd Canadian Pacific .... 3,000 118 Cent, of New Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio.... 560 Zi Chicago 6t Alton a,w do pfd 1.210 67V Chi. Great Western.. 350 15 do B Pfd 32 W 8XV. 9 72i,4 '.3 87 iH 117V H7H lo3 2714 28',4 66 14H 25 29' 67 14T4 26 Chi. & Northwestern. 10.000 104 161 162 ChU Term. & Tr.. do pfd C. CT. C. & St. L..., Colorado Southern ... do 1st Pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson., Del.. Lack. & West., Denver 4 Rio Grande, do pfd 300 17 17 300 6974 6 200 12 11 40 61 4 51 300 2014 19V4 200 151 152 100 237 23714 235 8 1H 61 20 161 Erie . do 1st 608 62 ti6V4 4714 63 62 !4 26 26 W4j pfd r.WO W1V4 K)4 on do 2d Pfd 1.200 47 47 V4 4'74 Great Northern pfd 1"0 Hocking Valley 800 70T4 70 T4 do pfd 200 80 80 S0V4 Illinois Central 3.449 12SV4 127 128 Iowa Central 10,000 204 20 20 do pfd 2 K. C. Southern 16 do pfd 28V4 LouinvlUe & Nash... 2.355 99T4 884 Manhattan L 2.6S0 139 137 13vs Metropolitan St. Ry.. 6.9im 112 110 112 Minneapolis St. L. 100 48 48 48 Missouri Pacific 80.400 ' 8'4 87 88 M . K. A T v, 500 16 16 16 do pfd 200 35 34 36 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. W 36'4 New York Central... 4.296 116 114 116V4 Norfolk & Western.. 2.2S0 64 63 51 do pfd Ontario & Western.. 1.110 19 19 Pennsylvania 1G9.170 113 111 Pitts. C, C. & St, L Reading 44,490 40 76 58 57 do 1st pfd 300 An 2d ofd 300 Rock Island Co 2,500 do pfd 300 St I. At R V 1st nfd do 2d pfd 400 44 St. L. Southwestern do pfd a" St. Paul ' do pfd Southern Pacific . Southern Railway do pfd Texan A Pacific . Tol., St, L. & West.. 38 76 66 67 '44 29 82 19 113 55 39 75 58 2" 57 60 14 12 29 62,100 1 36 135 136 lt7 172 lis 1 41 4014 17 16 72 72 22 22 i 1 25 25 71 69 85 85 19 19 32 32 8.670 5.100 1.000 1,700 300 150 ,.81.824 . 200 . 100 . 2,300 15 33 39 19 66 13 75 4-: KK 14 33 37 18 65 12 74 41 84 8.600 116 116 l' do Dfd. Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheelina- A L. E... Wisconsin Central .. 400 do pfd 310 Adams Express American Express V. 8. Exprens Wells-Fargo Express Amalgamated Copper.3fi.750 Amer. Car& Foundry. 1,000 do pfd 620 Amer. Linseed OH do pfd Amer. Locomotive ... S'K) do pfd 300 Am. Smelt. & Refln'g. 500 do nfd.. z" Am. Bugar Refining. InnAiinilA Mtnlna Co Brooklyn R. T 14.560 , 37 Colorado Fuel Iron. 200 27 Col. A Hocking Coal Consolidated Gun ... General Electric ... International PaDer do pfd C30 61 60 International Pump do pfd National Biscuit .... National Lead North American .... People's Gas Pressed Steel Car ... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods , do pfd Tenn. CoeJ Iron... U. S. Leather do pfd IT- B. Rubber do Dfd V. S. Steel 41 1' 72 22 If. 25 71 85 19 32 14 15 W4 219 180 100 195 3S 18 66 8 25 11 75 42 M exchange rates. There was a belief In some quarters that the Bank of England s ndsnre In rates msy be advanced, but the general belief Is that It has only been de terred. This, with the shipments of gold to the United States, perpetuates the state of unsettlement, although It la hoped to be poslhle to divert the demand to France. On the stock exchange a better tone pre vailed. The dealings, however, were Insig nificant owing to fears of dearer money. Uncertainty regarding the bank rate pro duced stagnation. The market, being pre pared for an advance, disliked the bank's decision to mske no change. Consols were weak, but reacted later. Americans were weak nnd rallied to a fraction above par ity end then became quiet. Nervousness regarding possible transatlantic develop ments retarded operations. The market closed steady. PARIS, Nov. 13. Business on the bourse today opened with prices Irregular snd stocks heavy. Internationals were Inactive. Rio Tlntos gained 13 francs. Three per cent rentes, 93f 25c for the account; ex change on London. 25f 17c for checks. MERLIN, Nov. 13. Prices on the bourse today were firm. Exchange on London, 20m 4nipfgn for checks. Discount rates, short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills, 3 per cent. Sew York Moaey , Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13 MONEY On call, firm. 4515 per cent; closing, 4 per cent; of fered at 4 per cent. Time loans, firm and dull, sixty and ninety days, er cent; six months, 6i6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER Six per cent sterling exchange, irregular, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 34.832.Vi 4.8TI0 for demand and at $4.792Mr4.7975 for sixty days; posted rates. 34.80'Q4.81 and $4.84S4 .86; commercial bills, $4.79&4.79 SILVER Bar silver, 67c; Mexican dol lars. 44c. BONDS Government bonds, steady; rail road bonds, firm. The closing' quotation on bonds are as follows: U. B. nf. U, re(....10H L. A N. nnl. 4s M'4 do coupon 10 Mmbattaa e. g. 4t.lM 40 Is, res 107 V m,,. Cen. 4i 11 0 coupon 1 07 I do it Inc ) do new 41, rf lMVilMlan. St. L. 4t... ' do coupon Ht'-tiMi, K. A T. 4s "V4 do old 4m, nt HOli do is 18 do coupon 1MV K R. R. of M. C. 4 T4 do reg lOHtiN. T. C. f. IHs 9 1U1H N. J. C. I. , M'4 U 91 St ...100 SS do coupon Atchison gen. 4a.. do ij 4a Atlantic Coaat L. B. aY. O. 4s do t4 Can. ot Oa. 6.......10.i do liit Inc (1 Ches. & Ohio Chi. A Alton SSi ... T3Vi C, B. ft Q. new 4a.. 4 C, M. A HI P. g. 4a.l09 C A N. W. con. 7a..tsoi4 , k. 1. r. fa. do col. 5a roc nu 1 a., Chi. Term. 4a Con. Tobacco 4a... Colo. 8. 4a t. A R. O. 4a Eric prior lien 4a. ..10! 70 No. Pacific 4a. So aa Nor. A Weal. e. 4a.. 7 Ore. B. V. 4a and St tl Pann. eonr. a M Raadlnf On. 4a St U A I M. o. (Vim St. L I I. f. f. 4a. al St. U B. W. la ts Seaboard Air Lin 4a H 80 Paclflo 4a MV, Southern Railway tia.11!1 "11 ' " . . 7S T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. WVi Mli.lnlon Paclflo 4a lH'H 75 ill so conv. 4a.. '"S V. B. Steel td .... i iW.Wabtah la IHS, t I do deb. B i MH Wheeling A L B. 4a 4 do sen. 4a H.IK Wis. rcntral 4a Ft. W. A 1). C. la... KM Colo. Fuel coot. ta.. M llockins Valley 414a. 1;4 Offered. London Stork Market. LONDON. Nov. 13. Closing quotations: Conaola for mony.89 -l New York Central. ..Ill do account Aanconda. ... Ati-hlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Taclflo .. Cherapeaka A Ohio.. 244 Chicago (1. w ,i C. at. A 8t. P....14UVI. D" Boer a 20 ' uanrer a n. u 00 pra Erla do lat pfd do 2d pfd Illlnola Cantral... Loualvllla A Naah tilaaourl, K. A T. ii-io.HonoiK ae vvaai-am. 7. Vll do pfd 6, Ontario A Waa tar a. I Pannajrlranla TOVRand Mtnas 7 .. 87-4 .. 474 .. ..HJit ..1024 1 Readlns do lat pfd do Id pfd Southern Railway... do ptd Soutbarn Pacific.... Dnlon Pacific do pfd United SUtas Steal. do pfd Wabaeh do pfd (4 !0V4 67 Ma 20 '4 M J7H 74 S, 42 4 72Va U 11 u 1 u I3AR SILVER Steady at 261 Pr ounce. MONEY 3(&35 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills and for three months' bills la 4 l-lt4 per cent. . Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Nov. 13. Bank clearings for to day, 31.208,759.99, a decrease of 36,5'6.85 from the corresponding day last year. Gold oa tho Way. NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-Muller. SchaU & Co. have 3200,000 gold on the way from Europe. Sfi 2C 37 271,4 815 100 "406 4O0 1110 ' 'V "soo 1 20 400 .... 100 82.823 iflO 146 l'ii 145 700 10 10 10 HO 30 68 S4 11 70 92 2i 68 210 r 48 13 38 . 27 I 74H 8 35 lit. 62 Kill. 34 12 924 20 G8 " 49 "ti8 27T, 7 74 8 10 E- 34 12 'i W G8 " 48 "t 27 7 74 8 '16 61 do tfd Western 1'nlon V rll, rr fiMnrltles Total sale tor tna uu, iwi.ivu ai.u.. c. Bostoa Stork Quotations. BOSTON. Nov. IS Call loins. tf nr time loans. 6 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon a JJSt Alloiwl M.i laotral 4a Amaliiamatad ... Atrhlaon M. pnlr West So pfd a Blnham Boston A Albanir. ..,: fal. A Hacla .. u , n. a Ualiu HI Cantannlal Buatos F.latd . "1i "MPr Rang N. T., N. Fitch burs pfd t alon FacISc Max. Cantral A mar. Buses o DM Amar. Tel. 4 Tel., I win. Iran A rteal r.eueraJ Elaetrlc, Maaa. Eloctrte do pfd l otted Frail V. B. Steal do pfd Woattnghouao eoea Advastura A H Dominion Coal..., 1! Franklin , 70'4 Rorala lv Mohawk 114014 IHinlnloa...., lit Oaceola ..liflH Farrot .. t Oulncs ..14 Santa Fa Copper. .. 14 Tamerai-k .. 14 Trinity .. 6 l alted Sutea .... .. J0 I tan .. hi Victoria .. 4 Winona ,. .. Wolverine . 4 . It . SS . 21 .41.1 . li . 44H . . I . 15. . t . el . ITS . 10 ltt . ti . . IT . IT . ' ''i . Naw York Mining Qaotaluns. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. The follow! the closing quotuuo . on mining at Adama Con I'1 14 , 1 Comatock Tuanol.. Con. l al A Va ' Horn Silwr lu Iron Silver. Ill) l..dlll 1 oil 1 I mle Chief 7 Ulfsred. -urlo ' "hlr Pfnanlx -otoet vage Sierra Neradn ocall Hopes .. fetand&rd ng are K-ka: ....4:1 ....IV. I .... t ....I!4 .... II 1 ...tit Foreign Flnanrlal. ' LONDON. Nov. 13-MONEY-TI,e rates for rroney were easier In the market today, but there was leas demand (swing to the Slock exchange requirements being eitis fted. The supply was not laJe. New York's Inquiry for guld was less prrt aaunoed iuf to Ui allgnt rscovary in lb Cotton Market NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-COTTON The market- opened firm at an advance of 10 points on the better cables than expected, prospects for Smaller receipts for the day and predictions of more unsettled weather In tho western belt. Active buying con tinued during the entire session and with hardly a reaction the market worked higher and higher until near the close December was selling at 11.32c, January at 11.33c. March at 11. 43c and May at 11.46c. The clos) was steady with I or i points of the best on active months. Bales were estimated at 1,600.000 bales, a total reached only today before in the history of the market. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 13.-COTTON-Flrm; sales. 7,600 hales; ordinary, 8 4-16c; good ordinary, 9H; low middling, 10c; middling, 11c; good middling, 11 8-I60 mid dling fair, 11 5-ltic. Receipts, 17,012 bales; stock. 239,933 bales. Futures were steady; November 11.13frl1.15c; February, 11.30(9 11.32c; March, 11.89tyil.40o; April, 11.47(811. 49c; Mv. 11. &5fc 11.66c; June. 11.67?ll.60c; July, ll.AtMiVll.437e. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 13 COTTON Steady, at 3-16c higher; middling, 11c; sales, 828 bales; shipments, 302 bales; stock, 6.614 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 13.-COTTON-Spot was In fair demand at prices 12 points higher; American middling fair, 6.40d; good middling. 6.22d: middling. 6.14d: low mld- ', dllng, 6.08d; good ordinary, 6.98d; ordinary. D.isu. rne sales or tne aay were i.uuu nines, of which 600 were for speculation and ex port and Included 6.900 American. Re ceipts, 19,900 bales, Including 17,900 Ameri can. Futures opened firm; American mid dling g. o. c. November. 4.03fj4.04d; No vember nnd December, 6.97Q6.98d; December and January, 6.94d; January and February, 6 9J'(i6.S3il; February and March, 6.92d; Mnrch and April, 6.92d; April and May, 6.91ftS.92d; May and June. 6.9KU6 93d: June and July, 6.9065. ld; July aud August, 6.89d. Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. 18. The Commercial Bul letin will say tomorrow: "There Is no change in the local wool market. It la quiet and waiting. Holders are not forc ing supplies at concessions, as stocks are Bina.ll and cannot be replaced, while the promise Is that all will be wanted before the new1 clip Is available next spring. Still there has been a fair business this week in Montana wool at full previous prices, while the demand for all grades of scoured wools Is good. Quite a movement In B super wools is reported. Advices from abroad are conflicting, but the general tone ts easier. At Bradford the operators are said to have declined 1 per cent. Offerings at Melbourne hsve contained little as yet suitable for America. From Buenos Ayres comes the news that prices are not likely to decline. Across the water an effort Is being made to bear the primary markets In Australia and South America. The ship ments of wool from Boston to date, from December 81. 1902, are 304,357,14 pounds, against 238,836,342 pounds at the same date last year. Receipts are 277.418,134 pounds, against 289.597,.'i8 pound J for the same period last year." BOSTON, Nov. 13 WOOL Kentucky, and fine grades. Quotations: Kentucky, Indiana, etc. -blood. 24ac; -blood. 24(9 26c; braid. 22i3c. Territory and Idaho Fine. Ilpl5c; tine medium, lt.?fl7e; medium. 1hu19c. Wyoming Fine. 14'illc; fine me-' dium. lOlfe; medium. 18fjl9e. Utah and Nevada Fine, lVdlnc: fine medium, 17J 17c. Dakota Fine. lfVSlftc; fine medium, I8ffl7c; medium, 19fti0c. Montana Fine choice, ignite; fine medium choice. 19320c; staple. VxiiSa: medium fine choice. 20fi21c medium grades, combing and clothing, 17 fi2lc; light fine, l.Vfil7c; heavy fine, 12 t)14c; tub washed, i(yii30c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frolts. NEW YORK. Nov. 13 EVAPORATED APPLES The market is rather easier. Common are Uted at eittlo. prime at 6f if, choice at 4V(i4ic and fancy at Tc. CALIFORNIA DRIED r'H 1 ITS Prunes remain In quiet demand and- rule rather easy In tone, with quotations raneing from lc to 7e for all grade. Apricots are quiet, but about steady, with cholie quoted at (ff9c extra choice at W(iloc and fancy at lliil2Uc. Peaches are steady, choice being held at "V-tt"." extra choice at 7.3 Sc and fancy at 8(gl0c. Dry tUoods Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. The trade of the day In dry goods has been more or less restricted and sellers complain they are between two Area on the one side Is ths desire of ths manufacturer to secure more fur his goods, and on the other the deter mination of the buyer to purchase at old prices or as near to them as possible. A good many ordnra are refused and firmness Is beiunilng more general. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Nov. IX WHISKY-Steady'on basis of finished goods, 31 '-' ST. LOl IS. Nov. li WHISKY Steady, 31.51. PHirAOO. Nov 13 WHI8KY-O11 basis of blsli wines, steady. 81.25. CINCINNATI. Nov. 13.-WHI8KY-Dislll-lera nuiahed goods, steady, on basis of OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET BeefSlteri Sold About Steady, bit Cows and Ft-edars Were Lower. HOGS GENERALLY A DIME LOWER Light Ran. of Sheep and Loan be aad Market for Killers and Feeders Raled Active, Steady to Strong, Everythlac Selling; Early. SOUTH Receipts were; Official Monday Official Tuesday , Wednesday ... Oniclal 'j hursoay Official Friday Five nays thia week.., OMAilA, Nov. IX Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. .... 7.414 .... h.6-4) ,3 o&,2.8 .... 7,V4 7.M4 Mi'tJ .... 4,216 6.7u9 3.66 .... 1,972 C.4U 5,910 ....2a, 144 Sti,730 7i,3,B Same days last week 27,330 21.938 71,9.'2 oame week before 33.4ii2 21,32 76.815 ume three weeks ago 34,871 15,34)7 75.2h (Same four weeks sgo 211,415 lo,4 9n,lso oame uays lost year 34,334 2,9! 6.1,422 Kj-.Ck.if id r'OK THIS YEAR TO DATE. ihe loilowing table shows the receipus of cattle, hogs and sheep at south Omana for the year to dais and comparisons witb Mast year; 1903. 1902. Inc. Deo. 8641,490 876,401 k0,0 "8 l.Wi.iOl l,9Ui,2it 4.673 Sheep I,u3,20l 1,44x1,207 139,99 Average prices paid lor hogs at boutb Omaha (or the last several aays with comparisons; Data. I IMS. lttU.l01. 1900. llW4.lJ.llaW. a 22.. 23 24 Oct. If. Oct. 14. Oct. 17. Oct. 18. Oct 1. Oct. 2ir, Oct. Oct. Oct. Jvt. Oct. its. Oct 2. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oci. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. i 49 7 00 tt 4 82 13 ."I 2.... 23.... 29..., 30.... 31.... I... 3... a... 4... 6... 6... 7... 8... 10... 11... 12... 13... t 34l 41 911 221 4 7.'l 4 20 a xii 1 ib f a 4 4 4 i I 7 02J 4 2. 11 I 33 C WtVtjl 2 I 4 Ml o;- 41 m 281 t 161 Vt) t ttt 4 M a Jll s b aV, It'll 4 111 I 71 I ZS 6 ls 8 81 8 OS 8 51 4 97 I 8 61 4 1K t, 59 1 Vi isl til I 8 64 4 89 4 stii 6 6I1 4 49 4 73 U 61 4 72 6 62j 4 81 4 67 42 4 62 4 64 4 65 0 111 a 6 35 6 25 6 101 21 8 O61 8 OOi 6 89 5 81 6 72. 6 67 6 73 6 72, I 5 82 6 71 6 71 6 66 6 67 6 74 a 5 72 6 61 8 64 4 621 4 1U 4 61 4 lbj 4 SI 4 13 4 41 4 61 4 48 4 (8, 4.64J 4 62 4 16 4 14 3 70! 3 ti7 8 73 3 71; 8 65, 3 601 3 61 3 69 e 3 84 8 60 M 8 63 8 53 3 63 3 &l 4 1 3 68 3 44 4 la 3 64i 3 41 4 1U, 3 621 3 4i 4 101 8 471 3 US 8 64 4 bill 4 0, 4 47 4 03 3 66 4 6I1 4 01 4 tiO 4 04 4 661 4 04 I 4 02 4 64 4 01 4 67 4 02 A TII A H'li 4 71 4 69 4 74 4 03 4 VJ 4 03 4 ff2 4 84 4 74 S 94 3 3S 33i 3 28 8 41 3 43 3 43 3 44 8 46 3 86l 3 62, 3 64 3 47 3 41 3 47 3 31 3 431 3 32 3 44 3 38 8 84 3 66 8 4t: 8 4t 3 61 8 521 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Horses. C, M. A St. P. Ry Mo. Pacific Ry 1 Union Pao. System.. 13 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F., E. & M. V. R. R. 8 C. St. P., M. & O.... 8 B. & M. Ry 45 C, B. & Q. Ry 1 K. C. 4& St. J. 1 C, R. I. P., east.. 8 C. R. I. & P., west.. 12 Illinois Central Oreat Western Total receipts 87 20 .. .. 13 "7 '4 17 18 .. 8 6 14 IE 4 a 107 23 7 SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND V00L In any quantity and get highest market prices. Write for infor mation, prices and shipping tags which are sent free by out house which Is located nearest to you. J. 8. SMITH WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS OMAHA, NEB. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. GRAND ISLAND, NEB. m l H (7 r4 m 4 S74 SiX M IM 0 m 0 4 S7 .. 4 .0 M tM IX) 7W l-'4 44) 4 M (1 17. 40 4 40 X ... 4 60 71 ,. ?M .0 4 40 M ... 4 60 46 M7 ... 4 40 f.1 140 4 U te Ml 110 4 CO SI4T M IM (1 IM ,40 4 0 334 20 4 M 41 :2t .0 4 441 . 40 4 t.0 44 !?1 ... 4 40 27 140 4 6!', M i'K3 .0 4 40 S10 80 4 tl 41 lit ... 4 40 24 0 4t: 104 147 ... 4 ?t J3 J"0 4 Fill t tto 124 4 :' 2H4 80 4 bl B6 IM ... 4 4i, 9l 120 4 tl'', 43 IM ... 4 4U 23 40 4 62, 44 ..144 ... 4 ', 241 44) 4 H 194 120 4 70 2J 40 4 HV, 32 V,i ... 4 70 2hl "0 4 62 V, 72 14 ... 4 714 11 40 4 45 light run of sheep very few of those SHEEP There was a here this morning and on sale were ar killers. Packers all had liberal orders to nil and as a result the market on anything that would do to kill could be quoted active and strong. Owing to the light receipts the market came to a close at an early hour. There waa also a good demand for feeders where the quality was at all good and ths market could safely be quoted steady with yesterday, and also with the close of last week. Fat stuff is generally a quarter higher than It was a week ago, owing to the fact that the demand has been In ex cess of the supply. quotations lor grtiss siock: tnoice west ern lambs. 4.5ia'4.76: fair to good lambs. 34.2f.ti4.50; choice yearlings. 3:!.40e'3.65: fair to good yearlings, ixiofna.44); choice weth er, 3 2T.tf3.40; fnir to good wethers, 83. On 8.25; good to choice ewes, 32.50fr2.75; fair to f ood ewes, 32.2fi4i'2.50; choice leeder lambs, 3.94.10; fair to good feeder lambs taWif 8.75; baby lumbn, 32.603.00; feeder yenr- llngs, 83.10fff3.30; feeder wethers, 33.4jtW3.2o feeder ewes, J2.Xo2.2o; culls, Representative siiles: 10 Wyoming cull ewes 144 Wyoming feeder ewes 5 W yoming ducks 1M Wyoming cull lambs 12 Wyoming cull lambs 13 Wyoming cull lambs 4 Wyoming cu'l lambs 445 Wyoming ewes ewes ewes lambs ewes CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS lEdivaras, ' Uood S Co Main office rtanhattan Building-, ST. PAUL, HlNN. Dealers In Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and sold for cash or On reasonable Margins. Members Important Eichaigci, IrtTte Wires. Wrlta for 4ur dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt Returns. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Branch Offlea Omaha Office, ll Bee Bids;. Telephone 8.114, mitTlI. WINMPKli, ji.ooa:.oo. Tha disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neaa indicated Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 124 Swift and Company....... 615 Cudahy Packing Co .7 Armour A Co 4j6 Armour Co., 8. C Lobmun & Co 103 W. I. Stephen 82 Lewis & Underwood 65 Livingstone A Root 159 Hobblck & B 23 Morton A Oregson M. Haggerty 69 Other buyers 310 Hogs. Bheep. t(9fi 1.046 1,104 994 1,600 656 10 699 464 456 ..2,283 8.396 4.416 6,044 Totals CATTLE! There was a moderate run of cattle here this morning, but the trains were slow In arriving, so that the market did not come to a very early close. Trad ing was not verv active on most lines and prlcea held steady to a little lower. There were quite a good- many cornfed steers on sale considering the slie of tho total receipts. Packers, though, took hold of them In fairly good shape and the mar ket could safely be quoted steady. Warmed up cattle of course sold rather unevenly, but on the average they brought as good prices as they did yesterday and In fact some salesmen who had medium grades thought the market was, If anything, a little stronger. The cow market was slow and In most cases Bi 10c lower. Buyers did not seem to be anxious for supplies and as a result the market was alow from start to finish and common stuff In particular was hard to dispose of at satisfactory prices. The mar ket -la now trifle lower than It was a week ago, though the decline Is not at all serious. There was not much of any change In bulls, veal calves and stags from yesterday. The feeder market waa very slow this morning and prices generally a little lower. There are still a good msny cattle In the hands of speculators and unlsa ths de mand Is heavier tomorrow than Is generally the case on a Saturday, quite a few cattle will have to be carried over Sunday. The demand from the country has been very disappointing all the week snd as a result prices have been going steadily downward. Western range beef steers were so scarce this morning that a test of the market was not made, it would be safe, though, to quote desirable grades steady. Cows snd Blockers and feeders fluctuated as noted above. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS- At. Vt. ...MIS 111 ...1186 4 40 ...1314 4 4. .. .1S1C 4 44 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ... 46 I 00 14 .20 COWS. ... m in 1 nt 3 40 BULLS. iso , is mo Ne. to.. 78.. I. .. II. . Ne. IT... 1.. II... A. ...1217 ...1110 ...1311 Fr. 4 711 4 TS 4 M 3 U 3 Tl 8TOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 40 400 1 f5 NEBRASKA. I 10 3 cows 884 1 cow 1260 6 steers.. ..ll0 7 feeders.. 1 steer 6 heifers... 4 cows 1 feeder... 1 cow. 6R1 650 808 670 360 710 13 cows..... 1C0 3 10 2 60 8 25 3 50 1 50 8 35 1 75 3 60 3 00 t 30 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 cow..., 1 cow..., 28 hellers 10 cows... 4 heifers, 1 calf.... 6 cows.. . 3 cows. . . COLORADO. ...1080 ...13X0 ... 810 . I . 761 . 061 ' 317 . 130 .1030 . W0 3 feeders.. 60 3 01 4 feeders . 745 bis 3 15 11 reeaer.. it 520 2 50 3 feeders.. 630 69) 3 15 3 heifers.. M 684 2 20 4 cows 910 C. A. Fly Wyo. , 969 2 70 1 cow 1070 3 steers.. ..lm6 3 10 3 steers... 1133 J. W. Twombley Co:o. 4 feeders. 3 feeders. 1 heifer.. i heifers. 18 rows.... 3' 3 K5 .11140 mo 956 840 F.d 944) R. H feeders. .1124 L. 6 calves. 20 feeders. 1 bull.. 2 heifers.. 13 cows.... 1 steer.... 1 cow 2 calves.. 1 calf , 9 cows.... 12 heifers... 1 steer... 110 820 793 a loot) 3 60 3 90 1 80 1 75 3 25 3 60 Huffman Neb. 2 40 25 cows 1044 A. Yeast Neb. 3 10 2 feeders.. 990 Hannon Neb. 1 vo 1 cow 2 40 11 steers... 190 1 steer.... K. Bhepard-Okl. 1 85 1 cow 2 10 7 calves.. 2 25 I calves.. 2 20 2 75 2 25 2 00 2 00 2 35 2 25 2 60 4 00 2 25 2 00 3 00 3 IS 3 15 2 15 2 30 e 2 25 3 10 4 25 3 60 1 75 2 20 3 00 40 275 750 KM 1190 1 90 2 40 3 00 710 178 357 2 10 3 75 2 25 1 cow 660 1 cow 940 13 cows 877 M. 11 rows 14 7 heifers... 713! t calves... SoO 1 cow ltfJO HO()8-There was a fairly liberal run of hogs here this moming. but quite a few of them were consigned direct to local pack ers, so the number actually on sale was not at all excessive. The market opened gen erally a dims lower. Some of the good medium and lighter loads may not have sold over a nickel lower, but on the other hand the heavies were a big dime lower, so the general market was right around luc lower than yesterday's average. Trad ing waa not very active, but still ths bulk of the early arrivals was disposed of in fairly good season. Heavy bogs sold largely from 34.45 to 84. 50, with some down to 84 .40. Medium weights went from 34.62W to 34.65 and lights sold from that up to 84 i2V. There was no quotable change In the market from start to finish, as everything that arrived up until noon sold without much trouble at practically the same prices as were paid early. KeprenentHtive svies Me. lit. u . ti.. 41.. 41.. 41.. 41.. M . 4... lv. tl.. 47.. At. Sk, .244 ... .144 14 IIS ... .mi aa lid 24x1 len aa ..2M ..IIS ..14 ..I'M . J7 .1.2 .. Pr 4 44 4 4i 4 4i 4 41V, 4 47' t Jfl 4 U e 4 W 4 m 4 Ml 4 Ml 4 M 4 44 M... 1.4... ... 47 . .. 42... Mi . . it.. M ... St.. ...IT ...Ml ...rri ...211 ...2"4 ..24 ...rl ...til . . 1 ...rt ...!67 .. .274 ...VI ev 124 10 10 40 12l lao ' 44 111 let m ft lea 4 U 4 4 h 4 U 4 t . 4 ii 4 IK 4 U 4 ( 4 f.E 4 S7t 4 4 4 J19 Wyoming 118 Wyoming itft Wyoming 44 Wyoming 8f Wyoming ewes 700 Wyoming feeder ewes ;) Wyoming feeder ewes !2(' Wyoming feeder wethers.... 129 Wyoming feeder ewes 223 Wyoming feeder ewes 31 Wyoming cull lam 08 190 Wyoming ewes 119 native fed ewes 16 native fed ewes 425 Wyoming yearlings....; 129 Wyoming yearlings 146 Wyoming feeder lambs 69 Wyoming feeder lambs 207 Wyoming f4jeder lambs 1052 Wyoming feeder lambs 1 native buck f 103 Wyoming lambs 14 native fed lambs 127 Wyoming cull ewes 300 Wyoming feeder awes 39 native fed awes 84 125 42 45 45 45 95 97 96 95 87 48 61 45 88 91 97 60 105 230 230 72 91 68 67 66 58 110 66 97 86 84 115 1 23 2 00 2 00 2 35 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 85 2 85 2 86 2 85 3 00 8 10 8 25 8 35 8 35 2 16 2 15 2 60 8 00 8 00 8 2S 3 85 8 60 3 60 5 60 8 65 4 00 4 00 4 60 6 00 t 00 I 08 8 25 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK. MARKET. Light Receipts of Cattle and Fair Re. eelpts of Hes;s and Sheep. ' 4. I Hll.AlHI. INOV. lft.-.A 1 1 l.c-ivcceipia s.uw neaa. ine marsei; was Bienay. uooa to prime steers, 35.0045.70; poor to medium. 33.404.75; stockers and reeaers, ja.utxot.ia; cows. 31.60itT4.10; heifers, 32.00fji6.00; canneirs, 31.60fti2.40; bulls, 32.00ff74.6O; cows, 32.25(87.60; Toxas fed steers, 32.763.65; western steers, 83.0ora4.60. HOOS Receipts ' today, 20,000 head; esti mated tomorrow. 16,000 head. The market was 10c lower than yesterday. Mixed and butchers, 34.60-S4.96; good to choice heavy, 34.55&4.85; rough heavy, 34. 2064.50; light, $4.6Kfi4.90: bulk of sales. 84.5064.76. SHEEP Receipts, liOOO head. Tho mar ket for sheep and lambs was strong to 10c higher. Good to choice wethers. 83.76S4.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.O0ftr3.76. weetern sli-p, 32.2514.25: native lambs, 3.75gr6.86; western lambs, 33. 755. 40. Kansas City Live "took Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. lS.-CATTLK Re ceipts, 2,800 head of natives, 490 Texans; calves, 600 head of natives; stock cattle slow and weak; branded western cows, steady to strong; heavy natives, stead; stockers and feeders, weak. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 844015.25; fair to good, 32.15ii4.40; stockers and feeders, 32 80 (!i4.00; western-fed steers. 32.254.40; Texas and Indian steers, 31.76ij3.25; Texan cowl, 31.50ffi2.25; native cows, 31-25T3.O0; native heifers, 32.OCidil.00; canners. 1.0u(Zf2.15: bulls, 31.6orn2 75; calves. 32.60f&6.00. HOQS Receipts, 6.000 head; market strong to 10c higher; top, 84.97H; bulk of sales. 84.50(3'4 85; heavy, 34.4iKii4 80; mixed packers. 34.7(f&4.90; light. 14 lVe4.97H: yorlt ers. 84.WVf4.97'4: plg, 34.75iS4.87. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.500 head: market active and firm: "atlve lambs, 3.1 36(i5.30; western lambs, 32.9MB.20; Texas clipped yearlings, 82.5f84.00; Texas-clipped sheep, 82.406'3.75; stockers and feedera, 82.00 .63.50. !Vevr York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, Nov. IS. BEEVES Re ceipts, 8.849 head: steers opened 1016o lower and closed lSfffSc off; bulls and cows stondv: steers. 33 90fff3.92H; oxen and stsrs, 83.4t64.90; bulls. 32.35 d4.li5; oows. 31.0OS3.20. Cables slow and unchanged. , CALVES Receipts,' 161 head; veals alow; grassers steady: veals. M60t.60: choice, Ik 75: rrasers, 33.15: fed calves, $3.60; city dreased veals, 8615c per lb.; country dressed, 711VbC HOQ Receipts. 4.S49 head; nominally eafler; no ssles reported. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.483 head; sheep slow to 10c lower; Jamb" tSo lower; sheep, 32 003.66: lambs, 35.6fKS.O0; one deck, 86.124; culls. SiOOiS 60; no Canada '"Exports todsy were 2,400 quarters of beef: tomorrow 9i0 cattle, 6W sheep and . 8,267 quarters of beef. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. IS. CATTLE Receipts, 2 600 head. Including 800 Texans; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers. 84 25ffW 40; dressed beef and butcher steers, S4.(VOrS6.00; steers under I.O11O lbs., 33.lVV(i4.66; stockers end feeders, 32.80(9 3 70; cows and heifers, 32.25fa4.00; canners, i.50i?t2.00; bulls. 32.1Ott3.O0; calves. 84 0044.60; Texas and Indian steers, 32.60flS.45; cows and heifers, 32.0uftf2.70. . ... HOGS Receipts, 6 000 head; mnrket slow and lower; nigs and lights. $4.Ex34.90; pack ers. 34.3 34-75; butchers and best heavy. 14.60 64 95. BHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts, 1.800 bead; market strong; nHtlve muttons, 83.00 3 76: lambs. 34. 2f ft 5 36: culls and bucks, 32 80 64.00; stockers, 32 00tf2.60. 'St. Joseph Live Steele Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.667 head. Tha market was active and steady. Natives, 83stHt6.3f; cows and heifers. 81.S6fff4.75; atockeie and feeders, $2.60 6 4 25. HOGS Receipts, 3.154 head. The market averaged steady. Light, $4.664.96; medium and heavy, 34.40(ff4.75. BHKEP Receipts, 200 head. The market waa active and strong. Lambs, $6.60; weth ers, 33.86; ewes, 33 35. Sloas City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITT. la.. Nor. 11 CATTLB-Rw-elpts. 100; market steady. Beeves, 1875 65.00; cows, bulls and mixed, 82.0ui3.0u; stockers and feeders, $2.6063.60; calves and yearlings. 82.2MW.80. ,' . , H(XJS Receipts. 8.200: market 10c lower, selling at $4 4564.60; bulk. M 6064.65, Stack la Sight. Following are tha receipts of llva stock at the six principal western cities yeater- dik.v: l-liiie. 1 972 CO E C Uf .MISSION COMPANY STOCK8 AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have over 150 offices. References: 176 Stats and Nat'l Banks. 4VR SKRTICB IS THB BEST. Out of Town Business Solicited. Oaaaba Branch! ItHSPar ana St. TsLJ4d7 THOS. M. WADDICK. Correspondent ..I ii.i.i.i... 1 111 ui, ,ii.n,.i..,i.iiiiailu.i.r:s REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, Pil4 Farnam street. Harry SYledman to Joseph Carr, Sri of lot 1, block 8, Foster's add $1,000 Mary A. Rushlau to George R. Has ard, lots 19 and 21, block 4 Portland Place 25 William R. Moran to Arthur Moran, lot 22, block 111, Dundee Place 1 John W. Stone and wife to Emmanuel Chiistensen. lot 124 Wlnsdor Place. 3,000 A. W. Nicke.ll, administrator, to Gil bert E. Ferry, lot 6, block 100 Dun dee Place 70 Frank O. Wilson and wife to Bennett W. Shonqulst, edO feet lot 83Vs, Mil lard 4 Caldwell's add 2,950 Horace B. Flnlev to Millard M. Rob ertson, lot 10, block 2 Alamo I'laia add 600 Sard us C. Brewster and wife to Myr tle A. Brewster, 1 acre In swe 2ti-16-12 100 Same to Clarence G. Brewster, 1 acre In sw$ 84-16-12 ITS Willie Johnson to Edward Flor. un divided 1-20 neVi of 20 and wVinw'i 21-15-10 1 Frank O. Spear and wife to Ida M. Scott. n lot 10, block South Omaha 260 Margaret AHIe and husband to John M. Welsh, w3o feet lots 10, and block 94 South Omaha 1,600 Grafton St. L. Abbot, et al, trustee, to Samuel Carr, et al, trustee. East Omaha Lands ) Charles 8. Huntington, et al, executor to Parkway Real Estate company, weat part outlet 274 Florence 223 Parkaway Real Estate company to Moses Grler, wit outlot 27.4 Florence 800 William R. Growcock and wife to Wil liam H. Merryweather, undivided H nwU se4 and nH ne4 se 1S-11-10 2,Ono Simon Sorts to Elisabeth Evallne Borts, se4 sw4 84-16-12 1 Sardlus C. Brewster and wife to George William Knight, Jr., at al, 2 acres In nw(4 35-16-12 2iV) Frank T. Emerson and wife to The Western Seed A Irrigation company, lot 10, block 11 Waterloo, Neb 600 United Real Estate A Trust company to Joseph Tucheck, H lot 15, block 6 Kountse 3rd add 600 Sheriff to Frank E. Moores, executor, lots 26 and 26 block 6 Saunders dt Hlmebaugh's Highland Park 443 erage 68.807: runs Lima 63, 263; average 63.- 632. 1 . SAVANNAH. UaV, PIOT. U- iUtti TINE Firm. . R4JSIN firm. A. . 4j. w, aj. a. r. i-i, it flu. TV OCA. JT XT 1 1 1 - AT .1 826; W. W. 850. Sugar and Melasaea. x NTCW TORK. Nov. 13. SUGAR Raw. quiet; fair refining, e; centrifugal. 96 test, 81c; molasses sugar, 8c. Re fined, puiet; No. 6, t.80c; No. T. 4.26c; No. 3, 4.20c; No. 8. 4.16c; No. 10. 4.10o; No. 11, 4.06c: No. 12, 4c: No. 13. 8.86c: No. 14, 3.90c. Confectioners' A. 4.66c; mould A. 4 95ct cut loaf, 5.30c: crushed, 5.30c: powdered. 4.8oc; granulated. 4.70c; cubea, 4.96a MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 816420 NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 13. SUGAR dull, open kettle centrifugal 874; centrlfugh! whites 87-16; yellows la; seconds, 24,6-61-16. MOLA8SHS Quiet, open kettle 2?ii?3: yrup, easier, 2iy0. Omaha Chicago Kansas City Ku l.oul ... St. Joseph .. Sioux City . Totals . 3 0410 , 8.7(0 . 2.500 . 1.6;7 . 100 .12.839 Htrs. Sheep. 412 6.940 2fl.0iJ 16. 04 6.01)0 4.600 6.0110 l.ioO 3.154 2u0 3.200 44.7(6 27.440 Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 13 BUTTER Steady, good demard. tra creamery extra near by prints iV.t- EGGS Good tlemsrd. iresh nearby loss off. fresh western ll'VJi loss off, south western 24Vfj27 los off CHEESE I'nchsnged. Oil aad O'L CITT". Pa. Nov. Hesla. 13 Credit balances 117; i-erllric at.-s 4 loeed 1.79 bid; no siles; shipment " 407. average 8 11V; runs 92.414. average 70,9b4. Shipments, Lima 61.714. av- TALK OF CORNER ON COTTON It la Started ay a "Wild Wave of Bull ish ataeltenaeat" S weepies the Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 13. There waa a wild wave of bullish excitement In the cotton market today and prlcea scored new high records for ths season. After the call there waa enough realising to bring about slight recMSlone. January at 11.20c, March at 11.27c, and May at 11.28a The market at this level continued feverishly active with all sorts of rumors, including talk of a corner la December. SHARON FURNACES ARE FIRED Tta Plate Company Starts Twenty Kills h'sxt Monday, aad Others Will Follow. SHARON, Pa., Nov. 13,-Tbe entire twenty shot mills of tha American Tin Plato company at South Sharon will be started in full next Monday. Tha Mabel blast furnace at Bharpavllle, which has been out of blast for the last two months, will also be put In blaat Monday. Kills Himself Lifting. HURON. 8. D., Nov. 13 8pecial.)-Tlie death of William Walt, which occurred at tha farm home of II. A. Palmer carl:. Wednesday morning, was a great surprise and shock to this community. Mr. Walt waa one of tha early settlers of Bi-adln county and among Its foremost and thrift: farmers. Two years since hs removed with hi wife and son to ths city to take life a little more comfortably. Tuesday evening he drove to the Palmer place, and In aKltini; to remove a hay rack from a wagon lifted toe hard, tha strain rupturing a blood veaeel at tha buss of ths brain. At ths tlm h complained only of a slight pain In the head, but during the night tha Injury de veloped and when a physician was called ha was unconscious and died soon after his wife reached his bedside' Wednesday morning.