THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1903. ) i L .... '-' . A I EXTRA SESSION SOT NEEDED Bofarncr Mickey Sail He Will Hot Call Lpg.'g'atnr Together REVENUE METERS DO NOT REQUIRE IT Errn If !( Lair la Knocked Out, the Old La it Will So fflre I ntll the Xest General Assembly. I ;&. "v -..WiJV-C '':'.'.'; ':':,r, r- ' rs-v. y Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late General Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woman to know of the wonders accomplished by Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' Dfar Mks. Fixkbam : I cannot tell you with pen and Ink what pood Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me, suffering from the ills peculiar to the sex, extreme lassitude and that all gone feeling1. I would rise-from my bod in the morn.uL' feelinsr more tired than when 1 went to bed, but before I had used two IxiUles of Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vcge muie iiun pounu, 1 oefran to reel ttie Duoyancy or my younger days return ing, became regular, could do more work and not feel tired than I had ever been able to do before, so I continued to use it until I was restored to oerfect TL health. It is indeed- a boon to sick women and I heartily recommend it. tpV Yours Tery truly, Mrs. osa Adams, 819 12th St, Louisville, Ky." Any women wno are iron mea witn ir regular or painful menstruation, weak ness, leucorrboea, displacement or ulcer ation of tbe womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, back ache, general debility, and nervous pros tration, should know there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. No other medicine for women has received such wide-spread and unqualilied indorsement. No other medicine has such a record of female cures. " Dkab Mrs. Pikrham: I im very pleased to recommend Lydia 13. Pinkham g vege table Compound for womb and ovarian difficul ties from which I have been a sufferer for years. It was the o&ly medicine which was at all beneficial, and within a week after I started to use it, there was a great change in my feelings and looks. I used it for a little over three months, and at the end of that time I suffered no pain at the menstrual period, nor was I troubled with those distressing pains which compelled me to go to bed, and I have not had a headache since. This is nearly a year cro. I always keep a bottle on hand, and take a tew doses every week, for I find that it tones up the system and keeps me feeling strong, and I never have that tired out feeling any -more. "I certainly think that every woman ought to try this grand medicine, forifcwonld -prov its Worth.- Yours, very truly, Miss Eui& Danfobth, SOB De goto St., Memphis, Tenn.n . FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham. She will understand Tour case perfectly, and will treat you with kindness, ller advice Is free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. No woman ever regretted Having written her, ana sne has helped thousands. S5000K-Rt! FElT'f w cannot forthwith prodne the original letter! sod ilgnatnrM of JufOia a nnsnai alma. Co., Lynn, UtU, I MUST FIGHT IN TflE OPEN Cp-onentt of Ganeral Wood's Promotion Knit Appear in Fnblio Meeting. SENATE COMMITTEE WILL MEET SOON lotnlnatlom of About One Hundred Oflterra Will Remain Vnacted I'poa Until Cnao of General Wood la 'Decided. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-The nomination I Af Oliver Robert Shaw of New York to bt V assistant . secretary of war was ordered to be favorably reported by the senate committee on rnllltary a ff it lr today. rno acuoa wui utaen on me nummHuun ' of Brigadier General Ionnrd Wood to be major general. In view of the request made yesterday in executive session by Senator Teller, that ha be given an opportunity to make Inquiries concerning General Wood's military record.. Senator Proctor, acting chairman, will call a second meeting of the committee on military affairs within a fow days. It is the intention now that the meeting shall be public and a hearing granted to all persons opposed to the nomination of General Wood. The committee voted to recommend the confirmation of the appointment of Major Oneral Baniuel B. M. Young to be lieu tenant general, vice General Miles, re tired. - The appointment of . BrigHdler General Samuel S. Bunmcr to be major general, made prior to that of General Wood, was ordered favorably reported. As long as the nomination of General Wood la held up about 1U0 nominations of (hers wllTrei;iHln unucted upon, as their promotion depends upon that of General Wood. roatoOle Clerks Mast Go. Postmuster Ginivral 1'uyne. today directed the dismissal o Anna. l)reyer, Simuel Kober. Joseph Kreyer and Birdie Knott, eleiks 'In the St. Ijuls pontoffiVe, for nl- leged eon.srlracy to secure the removal of Postmaster BauT.hofT of thut city. These She would not be an old maid if she had used Ay er s Jiair Vinor. tzxssz: clerks were suspended Marchv9 and 10 and their permanent separation from the serv ice is now ordered as the result of tlx; Investigations of the charges made against Baumhoff. - The Civil Service commission a week ago requested Postmaster Baum hoff's reasons for suspending these clerks and on his report made a decision sustain ing the postmaster's allegations of a con spiracy against him. Civil Service Commissioner Cooley called on the postmaster general today and sub mltted the commission s decision. It Is as follows: "On Friday, November 6, the commission requested Postmaster Baumhoff of St. Louis to state in writing his reasons for the indefinite suspension of Anna Drfeyer, a clerk in the St. Louis postofflce. Mr. Baumhoff has leplled, stating that he sus pended her acting, under instructions from the postmaster general. The postmaster general states that Miss Dreyer was sus pended because she, with others, entered into a tuivtpiracy with certain political enemies of Mr. Baumhoff in the city of St. Louis to secure his removal from the pub lic BerviceT At the request of the p evi dent, Commissioner Foulke investigated this matter and testimony taken by him established the fact of the eonsplracy and of the attempt of Mlse Dreyer and others to secure false testimony. Beyond the shadow of a doubt Mlja Dreyer s suspen sion wus due to this cause and no other. Any statements from the postmaster and from anyone elt-e other than that she was engaged in the conspiracy referred fo have nothing to do with her suspension, and the commission is, of course, without power to settle any personal disputes be tween Miss Dreyer and any person, whether In the public service1 or out of It.": The same reasons ure given for the other removal. Bhnke-l'p at Mevr York. It was reported today that a large num ber of dismissals and reductions are about to be made In the New York postofflce, as a result of the special Investigation of that iifllce, but Postmaster General Payne and others deny knowledge of an immediate change. Mr. Payne s lid that the inspectors are still at work on, the New York office and had made no report. It Is expected that some material results of this nature will accrue at Ner York. Porto Rlro is I'miprroia. In his anniiil report on the condition ef affairs in tt)o island of Porto Rico, made public today, Governor Hunt says that the situation Is one of hope and that there Is progress and improvement with a strong cunent in favor of Amerjoanism. Many of the people believe, he says, that tbe present form of government can be preserved for t:on.e time, the natives feeling that it Is liberal In Its extension of political auton omy and general In its financial benefits, Go.emor Hunt rtports material growth In the commerce of the Is '.a ml the total expoits for Uo3 being IH.toti.'OO, as against $13.5(9.000 for the preceding year. The re port discloses the significant fact that for the first tlmo since American sovereignty the balance of trade is in favor of Porto KlcJi In closing. Governor Hunt says that the resulta prove the wisdom of congress in conferring civil government on the peo ple. In any situation which may arise the people, tie says, would be found loyal to the l ulled State. (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN, Nov. 12. (Special.) Governor Mickey will not call a special session" of the legislature under any circumstances that might arise because of the present revenue litigation, so he said this morning. "1 want It distinctly understood." said the governor, "that I have never at anytime contemplated convening the legislature in extra session. I can see no reason for such a move even If the supreme court should declare the revenue law invalid. We would stll! have the old law under which we have worked for years. In my opinion, however, the new law will not be declared uncon stitutional nnd even if some of the sections are knoekd out I believe that In the main the law will stand. I wouM not call an extra session even If the Insurance part of the law Is declared to be of no force." This emphatic denial was called forth because a representative of the Associated Prtes sent out a dispatch yesterday to the effect that the governor had Intimated that hj Intended to call the extra resslon for the enactment of a revenue law should the present law bo declared unconstitutional by tho court. In the meantime great pressure will be brought to bear upon the governor to call the extra session should the law be knocked out, for the simple fact such ac tion on the part of the supreme court will leave the state entirely without taxing machinery. In fact, It would leave the Btate In a condition of confusioa.that can not now be predicted or realized. The new luw provides that county assessors shall be elected. Of course with the law knocked out there would be no county assessors and those Just elected, as well as Secretary Bennett of the State Board of Kquilizatlon, vould be out of emp!oyment. Tho old law provides that precinct assessors shall be elected and this Is not ortly knocked out In tho new law but by a separate Act as well. The Ktatutos nruvlde, however, that an officer can hold over until his successor Is elected and qualified and It provides also that county commissioners have the power to appoint assessors,, and mi vacancies. There was no election held tlmler the old law and It will require a run In the courts to seo whether the precinct tsnessors shall hold over. To make the state of affairs more deplorable the opinion of the supreme court may. not be handed down until after the county assessors shall have taken the charge of their offices. Then If ihe law is knocked out begins litigation, Injunctions ; and mandamuses until the prediction ot City Attorney Wright of Omaha "that the toxlng authorities will be fit subjects for the insane asylum before they are through with the workings of the law" becomes a teallty. And besides the state is liable to get no revenue lor the next two years or ur.tll the next legislature enacts a new law. All these things will be brought to bear upon Governor Mickey, and while It is likely the railroads will fight any attempt at an extra session, believing in the "let well enough a'one" idea, and even though Governor Mickey thinks the cost to the state would be too great for the benefits t.erlved from the extra session, he may yet chango his mind after duly studying the situation. And all this, of course. Is de pendent upon the decision of the supreme court. Expenses of Judicial Candidates. With the exceptlSn of twelve, all of the county clerks of the state have filed their election returns with the secretary of state. These twelve are by ltw required to be f.led with the secretary by next Monday The canvassing of the vote will begin not earlier than November 23. Along with the filing of the official voto. the Judges elected and defeated are filing their election expenses. The following shows what it cost some candidates to be elected and others to be defeated: First District W. II. Kelliger, 3174 10; A. W. Uubcock, 17.10; C. F. Keavls, U72.05: E. O. Kretsinger, $47.77. . Second District Paul Jcssen, $50. Third District Edward P. Holmes. ITtf: Lincoln Frost, $75 Fourth District Trvin 8. Baxter, $180 25; A. C. Troup, $274.78; Lee Estulle, $1M); George A. Day, $160; John O. Yelser, Sliil.a E. C. Page, $ti$.08; A. L. Sutton, $269.75; G. W. Doane, $42.50; A.'W. Ferguson, ,'9123 (this report contain this item: $10 for no tice and cut in Quill and cards not printed, but charged to mo). Fifth Ilstrlet-F. F. Good, $263.91: Arthur Evans, $i4o.2. Sixth District J. S. Reeder, $143.76; Con rad Hollenbeck, $10D.25. Seventh District Lesley M. Hurd, $174 85. Eighth District Guy T. Graves. $136.75. Ninth District John F. Boyd, $7.2o. Tenth District Ed L. Adams. $143: J. W. James, $124.50 Eleventh District J. S. Armstrong 1114. tt. Tweirth District B. o. Hostetler, $118. Thirteenth District A. M. Grimes, i&!.50. Fourteenth Dlrtrict-eR. C. Orr. $57 3. Fifth District W. H. Westover, $82..'. For Supreme Judge John B. Barnes. $2S1.!)1. Judge Sullivan has filed no expense account as yet. Marsh and Deputy Treasurer Babcock were among the notables who gathered at the state house to assist In capturing the burg lars. Both are predicting that the next end third time the wolf will be there and no one else will come. The spooning couples were too scared to run and when the crowd gathered they were still holding hands. Owing to the paleness of their fea tures they could not be recognised. Admits Steallaa- Goods. Mrs. II. F. Everett of College View, who was arrested last night, charged with steal ing dry goods from the store of Miller A Paine, admitted to the police this morning that she has stolen part of the goods of which she was accused, but that she had bought most of those, found in her home. The stolen articles were spread out at the police station and representatives of nearly every large store In town called and Identi fied some of them. Goods to the amount of over $100 were found in Mrs. Everett's home. The woman Is 62 years old and hss a husband, a book agent, who at present Is away on the road. She will be arraigned In the morning. , Episcopalian Convocation Ends. The Episcopal convocation held at the St. Luke church closed tonight with a paper on "The Church and the Home," by Rev, Mr. Mulligan. This morning, after the celebration of low mass and matins, Rev. Mr. Fits read a paper on "The State'! Duty in the Moral Education ot the Young." Tribe of Joseph Protests. At a meeting tonight of the local fra ternity lodge of the Royal Tribe of Joseph It was decided to begin action to annul the absorption of the society by the Cos mopolitan Life Insurance association ot Springfield, 111., effected some weeks ago. As a result of the absorption the Insurance deputy of Nebraska has annulled the char ter, and announced that the consolidated association cannot enter the state. The concern of the Nebraska members, of whom there are 300, is over the $SO,000 re serve fund, for which suit may be entered. DEMOCRATS TO FIGQT TREATY otnatori Decide to Pliot Ttuir faith in tbe Ipoontr Ao GLASS SAYS ALL IS QUIET ON ISTHMUS Colombian Gunboat Started to Carry Troops to Panama, but Went Back to Port of Departure with Force. DISTRICT COURT IN HOLT Murder Case Against Edward 9 lat tery- Continued lotll Next Term. O'NEILL, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.) The fall term of tho district court convened here Monday with Judge W. H. Westover of Rushvllle presiding. The docket Is an unusually heavy one. It contains 448 civil and three criminal cases. The most im portant criminal case was continued to a special term to be held In ."anuary. This Is the case of the state versus Edward Slattery who Is charged with the murder of Hnry Shaw about a year and a half ago. This case was tried at the last term of court and the Jury after being out sev eral days were discharged being unable to agree. The Jury at that time acquitted the j defendant of murder In the first and second j degree and disagreed on manslaughter. It Is believed that when the case conies up again the court will be asked to Instruct simply on the question of manslaughter. The case of the state versus John Cearns, who is charged with criminal assault on one Ida May Barnes, a girl 14 years of age will also come up The defendant Is only 17 years of age. The other criminal case Is f. gainst William Robinson, who Is charged -vlth a violation of the game law. He was caught with eighty-nine prairie chickens in his possession. About 00 of the civil cases are where the county has brought forclos- ure proceedings to compel the owners to pay the taxes due on their lands. The term will last perhaps all next week, as Judge Westover is determined to dispose of all matters where the issues are made up. WASHINGTON, Nov. ll-Democratlc sen ators have determined to oppose -the rati fication of a canal treaty with the new Republic of Panama. The democratic steer ing committee Is said to be unanimous In condemnation of the recognition the United States has given to the creation of a new government on the isthmus. The senti ment of the committee Is to attack any effort to open negotiations with the new republic and go before the country in sup port of the Spoonsr act to show that the party la not antagonistic to the building of a canal. It Is claimed that the law la on the side of the democratic program. In asmuch as the Spooner act is a republican measure. This set authorised the president to proceed to the construction of a canal on the Nlcaraguan and Costa Rlcan route In the event negotiations with Colombia are not concluded within a reasonable time for the Panama route. Late this afternoon the Navy department received the following cablegram from Rear Admiral Glass, commanding the naval forces on the Isthmus: PANAMA Everything quiet at Panama. No sign of any dissatisfaction; It Is re ported that there are few Colombian troops at Buena Ventura. The Colombian gun boat Bogota sailed from Buena Ventura with troops aboard, but put back to port again. British steamers Manalvl and Quito were unmolested. The British steamers Manalvl and Quito here referred to are understood to be the two vessels which for a short time were detained by the Colombian government at Buena Ventura, with a view to their use as transports for carrying troops to the Isthmus, but which were subsequently re leased. Excitement In . Colombia. COLON, Nov. 12. The Royal Mall steam er Orinoco arrived this morning bringing news of Colonel Torres and the Colombian troops he took from here after the declara tion of Independence. On the arrival of General Torres and his troops at Cartagena the news o events on the isthmus quickly spread and caused excitement. General Torres and his officers were threatened with arrest as traitors, but the threat was not put Into effect. The populace, greatly excited soon crowded the streets crying, "Down with the Americans." , United States Consul lngersoll, fearing violence, remained shut up In the consulate. The excitement at Barranqullla Increased with the spreading of the news of the se cession of the Isthmus, which was supple mented with the exaggerated accounts of train backed to the dock alongside the Spanish steamer I-eon Xlll. The prisoners alighted and boarded the steamer between lines of Panamanian soldiers. The dock Is now guarded to prevent their escape. The steamer will sail tomorrow. Thirteen other persons arrested and held here for similar reasons were also escorted aboard Leon XIII and will be landed at Savan 111a. The Panama government is paying the passage of the prisoners, to each of whom was offered a month's salary, which offer was accepted by the majority. General Obaldla, f orn er governor of the department of Panama, who Is generally credited with having been fully cognisant of the secession movement, and who, owing to his sympathy with the movement, did not, while governor of Panama, Inform the Colombian government of the true state of affaire on the isthmus la at liberty In Panama, of which city he Is a native. The imprisonment following Ms arrest Is looked on as having been practically a farce, everybody knowing his sentiments and that he would never return to Bogota. The prisoners sent on board Leon XIII Includo Generals Tovar and Araya, former pre fect of Colon Cuadroa and the former al- callde of Colon, Senor Guerrero. General Huertaa, commander of the bat talion of Panama who deserted the Colom bian government and Joined the Panaman ian revolutionists on November $. hss been made commander-in-chief of the forces of the new republic. General Huertaa was entertained at a banquet here today by Porflrlo Melendes, civil military governor of Colon and other government officers. A United States naval collier arrived here today with a full cargo. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Promise of Fair and Colder Friday, with Probably Snow Saturday . in Nebraska. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12 Forecast: For Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota Fair and colder Friday; probably snow Saturday For Iowa Fair and cooler Friday; Satur day fair. For Missouri Fair and cooler Friday Saturday fair. For Golorado Snow Friday, with colder In west portions: snow Saturday For Kansaa Fair Friday; rain or snow Saturday. For Wyoming Snow Friday and Satur day. Local Record OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Nov. 12. Official record of tem nersturn and nrecloltatlon compared with the corresponding day of the last three year: 1903. 1902. 1901. 1900. Maximum temperature.... 49 70 B7 M Minimum temperature.... 4 39 29 $2 M.,n temnera.ture 45 64 43 45 IT.rlnitatlon 00 .03 .00 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation et Omaha for this aay ana Bines xaarcn i 1903: Normal temperature... ,r . I, - ,lnu r.A-no iui d Tnt.i excess since March 1 Normal precipitation 04 Inch rwnjniv for the dnv 04 Inch Precipitation since iwarcn i, ujj.ji.w imu" the alleged part played by the Unite 1 j Excess nc-h......... M Inches States therein. Panama's declaration of ir ro, K-rlod 1901. .. 5.28 Inches - Canning; Factory - Assured. FREMONT, Neb.. " Nov. 12. (Special.) There Is not much doubt. bAit what a big canning (factory will be" In operation in Fremont next season. The parties who were here last month expect to purchase the old creamery plant and remodel It for their business. President Burt of the Union Pacific has consented ,to put In a switch to the building, the Hemp company giving them the right-of-way. ' In order to get this put in the company has to guaran tee that the frieght paid for the first year shall not be less than $30.COO. The switch will run on the north of the creamery building and) will cross several streets. A special meeting of the company will prob ably be called very soon to .take action on the putting In of the switch. Independence wns read from a newspaper by the prefect to a crowd assembled In the plasa and was greeted by furious out cries and shouts of "Death to the Pana manians" and "Death to the Americans." United States Vice Consul Lovelace was sitting on a balcony of his house when several stones . were thrown at him. He retired in doors and was not further mo lested by the Colombians. The people of Barranqullla have been swept off their balance by the suddenness and seriousness 'of the news. '.Revolution ary talk began immediately and threats were made against the congressmen re sponsible for the nonratlficatlon of the Hay-Herran canal treaty, Colombian Officers Departed. About fifty officers and civilian employes of the former government of the Depart ment of Panama, apprehended at Panama since November 8, the date of the proclam ation of Independence and who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the new re public arrived here today over the Panama railroad under a heavy armed escort. The Deficiency for cor. period, 1901. Iteporf from Stations nt T P. M. -SUP J CONDITION OF THE r3 3 1 : g P 1 WEATHER. : gj ' a : ST a : : I i . t 1 1 Is raused by weakened, unhealthy nerve tissues and can b. permanently cured only by replacing the w, diseased parts and bringing the whole system up to a uniform condition of perfect nealth witn DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY Cures Xeuralgln, Nervousness nnd All Weakened, Itun Down, Wasted Conditions uf Serve, Hod), Brain nnd Muscle, It Is nn sbsoliift-lv nure. irt'ntle nnd in vigorating tonic anil Ptlm"'nnt. "IHOUCIHT I WOUID UO HAD." "TWOr BOTTLES CoRED Mil," Omaha, clear Va'entlne, cloudy North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, cloudy.... Rapid Cltr. clear Huron, clear Wllllston, part cloudy Chicago clear St. Ixiuls, clear... St. Paul, clear Davenpsrt, clear Kansas City, clear Havre, part cliudy Helena, cloudy F;lsmarck, clear , Galveston, clear 401 84 421 2H 40 SO1 26 11 46 8ft 40! 481 221 481 .00 401 Z4 .00 oo 24 2 31 .00 T 00 521 T 66! .00 40 .14 54 66! 26I 28! 12i sol 78f 74 JlltS. G. CASTAXO. "Several years bid I had neuralcla so bndly I thought I would go mad with the ;aln In my brain, and temples. 1 had shoot ing pains In mv eves and marly went blind. Everv tooth In mv head ached. I could not sleep night or day and I had no appetite. The doctor said it was brought on by overtaxed nerves and colli. He prescribed Duffy's Pure Ma't Whiskey. I began tak ing a tnlilespoonful three tim a ilav ami In one week 1 was better. After I finished my second bottle 1 whs completely cured and have never had .another uttack. 1 am 50 years pf age. "Duffy a Pure Malt whiskey Is a noon to women who are under a nervous strain. It keeps off a cold, tones up the system, nnd Is a wonderful stlmnlnnt.". Mrs. G. CAS TANO, 104 West 4Mh Pt., New York City. DufTy s Pure Malt Whiskey r ! s up tne nerve tissues, tones up the rt. gives power to the brain, strength V elasticity to the muscles, richness to in. lood, and stimulates circulation. It brings nto Hctlon all the vital forces, makes digestion pcrfH-t and enables you to get from food a!l the nourishment It contains. It Is Invaliible for overworked men. tired, nervous, deli cate women and sickly chlhiren. It Is a promoter of good health nd longevity, makes the old young and steps tt.e young strong. Duffy's cures coughs, colds, ciitnrrh, grip, , btonchitls, consumption and nil diseases of throat and lungs. CONTAIN8 NO FUSEL OIL and Is the only whiskey recognized by the government as a medicine. This Is a guar antee. If vou are rervous, i.nstrugg, overworked or rundown !n hod v. rraln or muscle take a tablespoonta! r.f Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key in water or milk before eaoh meal and at bedtime. It wl'.l quickly bring back health and strength and give you power and endurance. CAl 1 !. When you ask for Duffy's Pure Mult Whiskey- oc sure you art the grenulne. I'm rrapoloai ficalern, mlnj ful of the excellence cf this pre paration, will try ito sell yon cheap Imitations and malt whiskey substi tutes, which are -ut on the market for profit only, and which, far from rellevlna- the clck, are positively harmful. Demand 'Duffy's' and be - sure yon net it. It "s the only abso lutely pure Malt Whiskey which con tains rie-d lei nnl, licalth-alvlun; quali ties. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la sold in scaled bottles only) never in flask or bulk. Look for the trade mark, the "Old Chemist." tin tho label, and be certain the seal over the cork Is nnbroken, Hvware of rcfll'cd l ot ties. Sold by nil druggists t nd gr;eers, or di rect. $1.00 a bottle. Mel.i-al r-ooklet free. DuTy Malt Whiskey t o., Rochester, N. V. T indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Forecaster. Uurglar Alarm on Rampage The alarm recent'y attnehed to the vault t the state treasury went on another rampage a few minutes after 10 o'clock last nlkht. scared the wits out of two couples v.ho were enjoying moonlight spoons near the west entrance, dragged rerldents of the vicinity of the capitol out of bed, gave Night Watchman Van Houtan seeral visions 'of handcuffed prisoners and did several other things before the racket was stopped. How It started no one seems to know. The register shows that it was set off from the in.-tde of the vault,' prob ably because a book had been shoved against the sheeting. This is thought to be the rteht theory, because the clock was turned on at 10 o'clock and It was about two minutes later w! en the gong started, Addison Walt of the office of Secretary Robbers Steal Dynamite. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. lS.-(Spe-clal.) Sheriff McBrlde has received word the burglars visited the stone quarries of Newell 4 Atwood at Cedar Creek during the night, broke Into thejr powder house and carried oft enough dynamite to blow open the largest bank safe In Nebraska or to blow an express car Into kindling wood. They also carried away a number of tools used by the men In the quarry. It Is supposed they were the ssme persons who visited Rlchey's lumber office and the Burlington depot, but were unsuccessful In obtaining anything of value at either Cedar Creek or Cullom. The fact that they stole dynamite leads to the belief that they nre bank or train robbers, or "yeggmen," who have been operating In a number of towns in this state recently. Will Adopt the Walf. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.) A baby, securely wrapped In a blanket was found on the doorstep at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eckel, residents of west Beatrice, several evenings ago," but the matter was not made public until yea terday, when the find was i aborted to the police. The little stranger, having no parents who cared to reveal themselves as such, is being cared lor by Mrs. Eckel, who says she will adopt the child. It is a little girl, whose age -"when found was thought to be I days. IMii iliOfi IS MAi)t Off 11 LATHE 3sV This label in a sfaoe is proof that you are getting what you ask for- IDCAL LEATHER. TSw Leather That Wears well look well. Feels well because it will not burn the feet in summer nor chill them la inter. .Wolff Process Lacthcr Co. PMieoelBtMa. alls-spelled words nst week. Girl Seriously Burned. EDGAR, Neb., Nov. It (Special.) Miss Mildred GlaxleA was quite seriously-burned about the face and neik yesterday. She threw kerosene Into the furnace, which exploded Instantly, throwing the flames Into her face and about her neck. Her front hair was burned off and her face and neck blistered, but It Is thought that sert ous scarring of the face and neck will not result. Come to Hear AJalnajer. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Nov. 12.-(8pe-clal.) Mrs. C. F. Stoutenborough's bible class went to Omaha this morning, and during the day will listen to a lecture by George W. Llnlnger, In which he will give an extended account of what he saw and toward during his recent visit to the holy land. , Get out your old spelling book. It will be useful after you see The Sunday Bee. a, e iiuiHMiiM Gets a Severe Fall. STELLA, Neb., Nov. 12.-(8peciaI.)-John Flndaley, a farmer living two miles west of Stella, met with a serious accident while building a new barn on his place. He stepped out of a window in the gable onto a scaffold, which broke, letting him fall a distance of twenty-five feet. About half way down he caught at a brace, which par tially stopped .him. but broke with his weight, letting him fail to the ground. He did not have any bones "broken, but has been suffering with severe pains in his neck and shoulder since the accident. Watch for tbe mis-spelled word they're coming. y nrHE Kirschbaum Belt Coat m the more showy patterns has a dash and style that appeals instantly to the younger men. In the more subdued colorings it is quiet and dignified enough for anyone. Inquire for Kirschbaum over coat (Warranted). At good Stores everywhere. Price is $10 to $30. - Identify by linen label inside breast pocket of coat, identify by linen label inside breast pocket of coat. For Sale in Omaha by Berg, Swanson and Co. STte Bos of Everything 3 The Only Double Track lVailway to Chicago The Omaha Train Par ExcelUnc la So. 6. A solid train i; of up m Omalu, daily ot 5:30 n. hi., arriving at Chiaigo ;.!. next wtrninij. Library It'ijfet Cu r Ha rber iYu ; .'Vuwiura' Sleeper Diner Vnair Everything. - -City Offices 14011403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TCI.. 624-P8I 1 --1 J I snntaTi Ml muffed Charges Leas Than Alt'OthersT DR McGREW SPECIALIST. Trssts sll farms et DISEASES OF MEN ONLY A Medical Expert 2t Years' Cxperlcnci IB Years In Omahs Near 4 sod Ciiet Csrttf Blood Pmpun. Htrl.-iw OlMt, N.rvou. IVebllltjr. Lom i-f Klr.nifth nn.l Vlu Itj ans .11 form, of ihrtijlc utiiai. Vr.tmfnt br stall. (..11 or wrltp. Uo. ft. fitBo. T.r lit g. 1UB fit.. OnuuS. Jtolt viieooala. Mvdro. C3 " THIS LITTLE PiQ WENT TO JONES'S" COUNTRY SAUSAGES fJ.0.'! irlutiw)' from l-lukc Y i'fk of tur own rmuiiin avni sr ynt sv tf-r tlu t of "iOkuI." LUtl" I'll; kUuSsmt, fcatUMgf Irt. HtlM. fis(V)B. ftC. MaI ferni. Ad it pi 8gr Mud lursj iurkwht Klour ana boan grow a kiitl Aioni misd. Writ fot tosUt Jems Dairy Farm, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. VI4 la Ow.h or OUditon. Hn Dapaqr Sxate 'Taterlnartaa, JToo4 Zngpectar y n.L.RftUACCIOTTIv U. V. S. C1TT VKTlCRWAJtlAK. Offloe and InArmary, 1st an Maaoa la, fimfea. fn, a"