Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Deo' ares Hands of Fora.
KiefFAre Stained witk
Geieral Drsgomiroff it Dismissed fiom the
Etnrio of the GoTernment
Recommends Education for Peasant ai
' Eonroe of General Prosperity.
Board Appointed to Investigate Came
of Increasing; Poverty of People
of ftnssln. Asks for Pro
frraalvf Legislation.
MOSCOW, Nov. . General Drsgomiroff,
tha retired governor general of Kleff, has
left here for hid estates, the czar having
no further use for his services. The clr
cumatancea of the nummary dismissal of
General Dragomlroft have Just leaked out.
They strikingly IlluMtrate tfie humanitarian
ideas of the Russian ruler. Dragomlroff,
who enjoyed unlxjuuded favor at court, and
was the moat popular man In the Rum-lan
army, lost favor and hla office because he
did not show moderation In quelling the
recent strike riots at Kleff, which prac-
Ucally Involved all the people of the town.
Hearing that the strikers might cause a
repetition of the Klhlneff scenes, Drago
mlroff railed out the artillery and caused a
wholnaale slaughter of the rlotera. It la
said that several hundred of them were
killed. When the cxar heard the facts he
at once dismissed Dragomlroff with the
"I cannot have that man at Kleff any
longer His hands are stained with human
The result of the Inquiry instituted by
the ciar Into the Increasing poverty of the
peasantry has been published. It la
highly Important document, and Is a sup
plement to the csar's manifesto on civil
and religious rights, and recommends the
education of the peasants.
The commission appointed to carry out
the Inquiry was thoroughly representative,
containing village elders and landed pro
prietors, as well as government officials,
They attribute the decline In peasant pros
perity to oppressive passport regulations,
labor restrictions and lack of education,
Tfce first mentioned, they say, Is due as
much to vexatious officials as to -bad laws,
which "combine to demoralise the peas
antry and destroy all their feelings of self-
rellanoo and . their Initiative." They fur
ther declare that until tha peasant obtains
' recognition as an Individual, it la useless
to try to foster his material welfare or
palliate the. decline In Russian agriculture,
The report further expresses the hope
that, the reform In the peasant laws now
being drawn up by tha ministry of the In
terior will oarry Into effect the principle of
the equality of all before the law,, as lndl
' cated In the imperial ukase, and concludes:
"Thee reforms will .be fruitful qnly on
condition that 'they will Involve the better
education of our peasants."
French Premier Favors Bill to Forbid
Those Taking; Vow Actios; as
- Teachers.
PARIS, Nov. 12. The Senate was crowded
today owing to expectations that Premier
Combes would make a declaration of the
further Intentions of the government con
corning religious orders. Prior to the open
Ing M. Waldeck-Rosaeau, the former pre
niler, announced his opposition to the gov
ernmental proposition to forbid teaching
by those who had taken the vow of celibacy.
II. Combes declared the government ac
cepled the principle of the proposition, but
snld It Intended bringing In a general
protect of law forbidding primary, secondary
and Kuperlor teaching to all members of
congregations. Concerning members of the
clergy the government reserved Its course
until determination on. the question of the
separation, of church and state had been
expressed. It was hla earnest wish to
speedily conclude the entire teaching ques
tion so that the country might again be
'-ebaady Brothers Ball Over France
at Hat of Nearly Mil Per
PARIS, Nov. 12. One of the greatest
triumphs of dirigible ballooning was
achieved today by the Lehaudy brothers,
whosA machine, In one hour and forty-live
minutes, covered the forty-five miles sep
arating Mulson and the Champs de Mars.
Paris. The balloon attained an extraordi
narily high speed, dashing through the air
eometlm at the rate of two-thirds of a
mile a minute, the mean speed being
twenty-nine miles per hour.
Ueneral Health Is Good and Wound
Is Healing In Natnral
BERLIN, Nov. 11 Regarding the condi
tion of him per or William the following
bulletin was issued this morning at the
new palace. Potsdam:
His majesty gave up his usual walk yes
terday, owing to the sharp wind prevail
ing. The healing of the wound takes the
regular course and the emperor's general
health remains good.
A astro-Rasa law Not a Notlfteatloa
that the Powera Cannot Bo
Pnt Off.
spired today that the latest Austro-Rus-slan
note to the pone contained a specific
declaration that a further refusal to accept
the reform scheme will expose the Ottoman
empire to great danger and that the pro
posals of the powers must bo accepted en
tirely and without delay.
Millions Barn In Mall Tar.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nor. It. A Are la the
mall car of the St. Petersburg-Moscow
mail train Tuesday night is reported te
have destroyed valuables estimated at
n.SuS.QDe. Tha postofftoe authorities attrib
uted the outbreak to spontaneous combus
tion and aay 417 foreign pare la and eleven
packs at foreign balls were dentrorsd,
V .
Clyde l.lite Steamer Hetarna to ew
York After Experience at
Jbm Dumlaio.
NEW YORK, Nov. li-The Clyde Line
steamer Cherokee arrived today from San
Domingo with late direct Intelligence of
the Insurrection and reports an exciting
experience with a Dominican man-of-war.
by which the steamer was stopped several
times, on one occasion shots being tired
across its bow and on another the ship
eluding the war vessel under cover of
darkness. '
Cherokee, on its outward- voyage,
was met at Puerto Plata, October 27, by
the Dominican man-of-war, which fired
several shots causing it to stop. After
some parley Cherokee was allowed to
go Into Puerto Plata, land Its cargo and
malls and reload cargo. Off Macoris. No
vember 3. Cherokee was stopped by the
same vessel 'and again permitted to pro
ceed. At Samana, November 5, the war vessel
ordered Cherokee away. Cherokee waited
until atfer dark when the man-of-war
sailed out of port without lights, and then
went In and landed Its cargo and malls.
It succeeded in making schedule time at
all Its usual ports except Monte Cristl.
Macoris was evacuated by the govern
ment forces November'3. the day of sailing,
and all the ports except San Drfmlngo
city were In the hands of the insurgents
when the vessel finally nailed.
At Puerto Plata. November 6. a French
and a Cuban steamer were ordered away
by the Dominican government warship.
Cherokee brought nineteen cabin passen
gers from Ban Domingo but no refugees.
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 12. -The Italian
cruiser Ugurla, with the duke of Abruxzi
In command, sailed today for 8an Domingo.
Coart Derides It lias Hlaht to Refuse
to Sell to Any
8T. PAUL, Nov. 12.-The United States
circuit court of appeals decided today that
the Continental Tobacco company did not
violate the Interstate Commerce law or
the anti-trust law when it refused to sell
to Joseph P. Whltwell, a St. Paul tobacco
dealer, Its manufactured product. In a
suit brought in the lower courts Whltwell
claimed the company refused to sell Its
products to him because he could not dis
pose of the amount of goods required of
him in a given time.
Whltwell alleged that the Continental
Tobacco company charged prohibitive
prices for certain grades unobtainable else-
where and attached as a condition to the
sale of such goods that Its customers
should not buy of companies competing
with the Continental company. The court
The tobacco company. and its competitors
were not dealers In articles of prime neces
sity, as corn, or veal, nor were they render
ing public or quasi public service, like a
railroad company. liach of them, there
fore, has the right to refuse to sell Its
commodities at any price.
The court' goes further and says that the
acts of the tobacco company are nothing
more or less "than the lawful exerclxes of
their unquestioned rights, which are In
diftpenalble to the existence of competition
or the conduct of trade," in favor of the
Continental company. Judge Sanborn wrote
the opinion, which was concurred in by
Judges Thayer and. Vandervanter.
Coroner's Jury Recommends Holding;
Her and Overman for the Mir
ier of finale.
HARVF.YVTLLE, Kan., Nov. 12. The rec
ommendation of the coroner's Jury that
Mrs. William Smale and William Overman,
a neighboring farmer, be arrested on a
charge of being accessories to the murder
of the woman's husband, who was assas
sinated at his home here on Monday night
last, has created a sensation. Edward
Thelf, the divorced husband of Smale's
daughter, and the former's father, Charles
Thelf, who are under arrest, also charged
with being accessories, be given a prelimin
ary heating tomorrow.
Mrs. Smale, as Mary McKelvey, formerly
was a servant girl in the Smale household
and married the murdered man after his
first wife died several years ago. They
have not lived harmoniously and a year ago
separated for a time. At the trial of the
accused the sudden death of the first Mrs.
Smale and two of her children will. It is
said, be brought up.
The present Mrs. Smale's father, who was
a veteran of the civil war, was the center
several years ago of an allea-ed nenslon
fraud. Me disappeared and Als widow ap
plied for a pension. McKelvey's grave was
opened and the coffin found to contain noth
ing but bricks and dirt The pension was
Collision with Doable-Header la Ken.
tnrky Reported Fntal to
Several Men.
LEXINGTON, Ky.. Nov. 1I.-A telephone
message received here reports a wreck
early today near New Pope. Ky.. in which
alx men were killed. A double html-r
freight on the Lotilxvllle & Nashville met
another freight Two of the engines were
entirely demolished. All of the f.remen
and engineers are reported killed. Several
men were under the wreckage. The killed
ED STURGEON, engineer.
LYNCH, fireman.
It. E. Hume, brakeman, had his jaw torn
off and body so mangled that he is dying.
Ed Walker, brakeman, was badly but not
fatally injured.
Monnt Vernon Stenographer Keeps
Assailant at Bar Until Rescners
Answer Her Cries.
NEW YORK. Nov. ll.-Edward L. Green,
a negro, notorious in Mount Vernon, is un
der special guard In the Bronxville Jail
owing to fear that he will fall prey to
He Is charged with havlir attacked a
young woman employed as private secre
tary by former State Senator Isaac Mills.
The victim of the assault was on her way
home when a negro caught her by the
throat and was strangling hat. when she
drew a hat pin and Jabbed him until he
screamed with pain. He did not release
his grip on her throat until rescuers an
peared In answer to the girl's shrieks for
help. A posse quickly formed and after a
long chase Green was arrested. Threats
of mob vengeance were made, bpedaj
guards were burrUA la tike Jail,
Payne Introduces Bill in House Making
Cuban Treaty Effective,
Heqatres that o Greater Redaction
of Duty Than This Be Made
While Convention Is
In Force.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Mr. Payne to
day Introduced in the house a bill making
effective the new Cuban reciprocity treaty.
The measure was referred to the ways and
means committee. The following la the full
text of the measure:
Tnat whenever the president of the
I'nlted States shall receive satisfactory evi
dence that the Republic of Cuba has made
provision to give full effect to the articles
of the convention between the United
States and the Republic of Cuba, signed on
the 11th day of December, in the year one
thousand, nine hundred and two, he Is
hereby authorized to Issue his proclamation
declaring that he has received such evi
dence, and thereupon on the lvth day
after exchange of ratifications of such
convention between the United States
and the Republic of Cuba and so long as
the said convention shall remain In force,
all articles of merchandise being tne product
of the soil or Industry of the Republic of
Cuba, which are now imported Into the
I'nlted States free of duty shall continue
to be so admitted free of duty, and all
other articles of merchandise being the
product of the soil or Industry of the Re
public of Cuba Imported into the United
States shall be admitted at a reduction of
0 per centum of the rates as provided by
the tariff act of the United States approved
j u iv iKt, or as may ne provided uy any
tariff law of the United States subse
quently enacted.
" Duration and Proviso.
The rates of duty herein granted by the
United States to the Republic of Cuba are
and shall continue during the term of said
convention preferential in respect to all
like Imports from other countries.
Provided That while said convention Is
In force, no sugar imported from the Re
public of Cuba and being the product of the
soil or indUHlry In the Republic of Cuba
shall be admitted into the United States at
a reduction of duty greater than 20 per
centum of the rates of duty thereon, as
provided by the tariff act of the United
States approved July S4, 1897, and no sugar,
the product of any other foreign oountry,
shall be admitted by treaty or convention
into the United States while this convention
is In force, at a lower rate of duty than
that provided by the tariff act of the
United States, approved July 24. 1897, and
Provided, further, that nothing herein
contained shall be held or construed as an
admission on the part of the house of rep
resentatives that customs duties can be
changed otherwise than by act of congress,
originating in said house.
To Favor as Cnba Favors.
Section 2. That so long as said conven
tion sliall remain in force, the laws and
regulations adopted or that may be adopted
by the United States to protect the revenues
and prevent fraud In the declarations and
proo a that the articles of merchandise to
which said convention may apply are the
product or manufacture of the Republic of
Cuba, shall not Impose any additional
charge or fee therefor on the articles im-
. I .v.. , 1 1 , ...... . . M 1
or wnicn may De esiammnea uy ine unueu
States for Issuing shipping documents,
which fees shall nut be higher than those
churned on shipments of similar mercban-
dlxe from any other nation whatsoeverr that
articles or tne nepunnc oi t una snau re
ceive on their importation into tne ports or
the United States treatment equal to that
which similar arlcles of the United States
shall receive on their importation into the
ports of the Republic of Cuba; that any tax
or charge that may be imposed by the
national or local authorities of the United
States on the articles of merchandise of
the Republic of Cuba, embraced in the ar
ticles of said convention, subsequent to
said Importation and prior to their entering
Into consumption in the United States, shall
re imposed ann conecreq wnnoui discrim
ination upon like articles whence oever im
ported. Ways and Means Committee.
The speaker today announced the way
and means committee, as follows:
Republicans Messrs. Payne (N. Y.), Dal
xell (Pa.), Grosvenor (O.), Tawney (Minn.),
McCall (Mass), Babcock (Wis.), Metcalf
(Cal.), Hill (Conn.), Boutelle (111.). Watson
(Ind.), Curtis (Kan.)
Democrats Messrs. Williams (Miss.),
Robertson (La.), Swanson (Va.), McClellan
(N. T.), Cooper (Tex.), Clark (Mo.)
Chairman Payne of the ways and means
committee will call that committee together
tomorrow to consider the Cuban bill.
Short Day In Honse.
When the house met today the speaker
announced the ways and means committee
and Mr. Payne introduced the bill to make
effective the Cuban reciprocity convention
which, without objection, was read by title
and referred to the committee on ways and
Mr. Payne, having moved to adjourn, Mr.
Williams (Miss.) Inquired If he was ready
to announce the program of the majority.
Mr. Payne said a meeting of the ways and
means committee would be called tomorrow
and he hoped to report the bill to the house
tomorrow. Adjourned.
Mr. Williams, making- further Inquiry
as to the time that Is to be allowed for
debate, Mr. Payne stated that a conference
would be held with the minority leaders
at lu SO a. m. tomorrow to discuss that
Mr. Thayer (Mass.), rising to a question
of privilege, asked if a member could be
considered derelict In hla duty If he would
go home to get In his winter's wood, with
the understanding that he would return
when the six or seven men who, he said.
constitute congress, should announce that
something was to be done. The speaker
suggested that the question hardly
amounted to a faint assult on the dignity
of the house, and hardly amounted to the
dignity of a parliamentary Inquiry. Mr,
Payne observed that he was about to re
quest unanimous consent that the gentle
man from Massachusetts be excused for
the remainder of the session. The house
then adjourned.
Dubois Takes Ip Hoar's Remarks on
Petitions to Unseat Member
front I tab.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Immediately
upon assembling today the senate plunged
into a dlscusHlon of the questlod of the
eligibility of Mr. Reed Bmoot of Utah to a
seat In the senate. The debate grew out of
the remarks made by Mr. Hoar yesterday,
saying that the petitions growing out of
Mr. Smoot's case are as much out of place
as would similar petitions to the supreme
court be. In the Interest of any ease before
that tribunal.
Mr. Dubois (Idaho) took Issue today with
Mr. Hoars remarks and presented his
views In connection with the petitions for
Mr. Smoot's expulsion, which were pre
sented by himself.
After announcing the fact that hla views
differ from those of Mr. Iloat as to the
propriety of the petitions on this subject,
Mr. Dubois proceeded:
I contend that these various organisa
tions of Christian women and men have a
right to petition the senate, and that it la
their duty to do so. Of course, we all ap
preciate that this Is a Judicial question,
which muit be determined by the fact,
but it la not an idle question, and It la
properly before the eenate. It is the same
question that was Involved in the caxe of
the polygamous Roberta, for whoxe unseat
ing by Die bouse of representatives many
ICouUoutd oa Second Page.
Three White Men and Three earoes
Will Tako Matter In with
Con areas,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. -The National
Sociology convention to consider the race
problem, which ha been In session here
since last Monday, closed today witli the
adoption of a series of resolutions. One
of the most Important resolutions of the
meetings was the creating of a mixed spe
cial commission of six members, three from
each race, to carry the plans and conclu
sions Into effect, to lay the matter before
congress, to gather material and to aid,
as a permanent body. In the solution of
the race problem.
The three white members of the com
mittee selected are the Rev. Dean Rich
mond Babbitt, rector of the Church of the
Epiphany, of Brooklyn, Rev. Dr. Mayo of
Boston and George C. Qorham of Wash
ington. The colored members of the com
mittee are Jess Lawson. president of the
society, Prof. Kelly-Miller and Daniel
Murray of Washington. This committee la
to co-operate with any commission which
may be appointed by the federal govern
ment and to assist In keeping facts, plans,
arguments and efforts for the solution of
the race problem before the general pub
lic and before the government.
The resolutions adopted declare It the
duty of the government to afford adequate
and equal protection to each and every
citizen In the full enjoyment of every right
granted by the constitution and by the
laws of the land, and that the perpetuity
of the republic Is dependent upon lldetlty
to this principle.
That, under our form of government.
there can be no recognition of a master
class and a subject clans, nor can the gov
ernment countenance the Idea of a master
race and a subject race, but must regard
and treat all as equals In the eye of the
Other resolutions deprecate mob violence;
oppose segregation of the races; declare
faith In Increasing Intelligence, Industry
and thrift of the negro; congratulate teach
er of negroes on their work; urges Protest
ant churches to push work of education
and the reorganization of country schools
In the south: urges congress to appropriate
money for negro education and investigate
condition of negroes in the United States.
Judge Antra Declares Anthracite
Strike Settlement Is Not
PUNBURT, Pa., Nov. 12,-Judge Auten
has rendered an opinion In which he de
cided that In the eyes of the law the de
cision of the anthracite strike commission
Is not binding on either the miners or the
operators. This Is the first legal decision
on the subject. The matter was brought
before the court by the Llewellyn Mining
company. The company refused to pay back
wages allotted by the strike commission
and the miners of the Royal Oak colliery
brought suit before Justice of the Peace
Lloyd for the wages. The Justice gave
Judgment in favor of the miners. The com
pany' then began mandamus proceedings
gainst Jaatiee Llcvd uid the court de
cided In favor of the" company.
BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 12,-After reading
the Sunbury, Pa., dispatch concerning the
court finding that the decision of the an
thracite strike commission Is not binding on
either the miner or operator, John Mitchell,
president of the United Mine Workers of
America, said today: "If the award of the
commission created an Implied contract
that the decision would be lived up to, I
cannot tee why the finding does not bind
both parties to the arbitration proceed
ings." Mr. Mitchell did not wish to express an
opinion on the question whether In fact an
Implied contract was created.
nistorle Communication . Accepting
nomination for Presidency ta
Rescued from Scavengers.
HARTFORD, Conn., Nov. 12. The his
toric letter of General Grant accepting the
nomination to the presidency and ending
with "Let us have peace," has been found
among soma waste paper by a scavenger
The letter was addressed to General
Joseph R. I law ley, president of the Na
tional Union Republican convention. After
General Hawley went to Washington as
senator the letter disappeared and was be
lieved to have been lost Workmen taking
waste paper from the cellar of the Courant
building to send to the ragman tossed out
a bulky envelope, which was picked up by
the man In charge and taken to the office.
It proved to be the long lost epistle, the
last paragraph of which reads: "Peace,
and universal prosperity. Its consequence,
with economy of administration, will
lighten the burden of taxation, while it
constantly reduces the national debt Let
us have peace."
The letter was dated May 29, 1868.
Mlssonrl Grand Jury Has Completed
Its Examination WlM Make
Cole county grand Jury Is almost ready to
report upon Its investigations and It Is an
ticipated that a number of Indictments will
be returned for boodllng.
Testimony was heard today from Senator
C. J. Walker of Boone, Representatives E.
S. Lett of Madison, W. J. Callender of
Webster. W. II. Prewttt of Vernon. Speaker
James S. Whitecotton of Monroe, E. W.
Martin of Galloway, C. M. Murray of Oran,
J. M. Stephens of Salem, V. M. Fulkerson
of Sedalla and R. D. Payne of Springfield.
This la the third time Speaker Whitecotton
has been before the grand Jury. It Is un
derstood that the grand Jury will report
Saturday morning.
Rockefeller Extends Mexleaa Central
Alonar th Survey of Pnn
Amerlcaa Commission.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 11 Herbert C.
Johnson, a rich planter from Mexico, Just
arrived here, says that the Mexican Cen
tral road, a Rockefeller property now run
ning from El Paso, Tex., to the City of
Mexico, U building an extension south to
the Guatemalan frontier, there to connect
with the northern end of the Guatemala
Central line. The latter road la owned by
the Pacltto Improvement company of this
city. Track laying south from the City of
Mexico, Mr. Johnson says. Is progressing
at the rate of one-half mile a day, and the
route selected follows closely the survey
made by the Pan-American Railway com-
mission a number of years ago.
Senator Dittrich Talks of Grand Jury In
Testigation of Pos'.offioj Charges.
E. Rosewater Retnrns to Capital from
ew York, Where He Pound
Leading Financiers In a
Hopeful Mood.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-(Speclal Tele
gramsSenator Dietrich arrived In Wash
ington this morning. Having been shown
telegrams that the I'nlted States grand
Jury now in session In Omaha, would in
all probability, be called tlpon to consider
charges made against him that ho sold
the Hastings postofflre appointment, the
senator was greatly indignant. He char
acterized the action of United States At
torney Summers as malicious In
the highest degree and gave reasons for his
belief. He stated that for upwards of a
year Mr. Summers had been endeavoring
to besmear his character and standing for
no other reason than that the senator wss
supporting another candidate for United
States district attorney; that ever since
Senator Dlotrich had announced that he
was In favor of another for the place, Mr.
Summers had endeavored to club the
senator Into submission to his retention In
bis present office. Senator Dietrich added
that threats of like character were made
while he was governor of Nebraska by
Joseph Hartley, defaulting state treasurer,
said Bartley being a bosom friend of W. S.
Summers and whom he believes Is Inspir
ing the course now being pursued to em
ploy the machinery of the courts vindict
ively. "The Hastings postofflce auction fake,"
snld the senator, "was exploded months
ago. Its revival at this time la transpar
ent because the final settlement of the
United States district attorneyship fight Is
at hand."
Brighter Flnnnrlal Outlook.
Mr. Rosewater returned to Washington
today from New York. Being asked as to
how he found financial conditions In the
great money center of the country the
editor of The Bee stated that he had seen
and talked with many of the leading
financial magnates of Wall street. That
he had personally Interviewed Mr. Selig-
man, Ex-Secretary Gage, Mr. Vanderlip,
formerly assistant secretary of the treas
ury and others of high financial standing,
Mr. Rosewater stated that as a result of
the talk had with these gentlemen he be
lieved that the present depression In stocks
would be greatly modified by the beginning
of the new year. Some of the men with
whom Mr. Rosewater conversed believed
that the west would eventually feel the
present depression. This, however. Mr.
Rosewater does not consider seriously, for
he argues that by the time the west is
likely to feel the contraction the govern
ment will be paying out large sums of
money for Interest on bonds and other
Items which are settled at every year's be
ginning. "The talk of Standard Oil company being
against the nomination of Mr. Roosevelt,
I learn from airtnentfr1 MOttrces Is wholly
groundless," said Mr. Rosewater. "There
are money Interests against the nomination
of the president but I have no doubt that
when the time comes they will be found In
line, supporting the nominee of the repub
lican party, because their safety lies In
the election of a republican president. I
take no stock In reports that emanate from
Wall street about a concerted effort to de
feat the nomination of President Roose
velt. These reports come from the presi
dent's enemies and consequently must be
taken with much allowance. Inflation Is
wholly responsible for the existing condi
tions In the stock market. We are doing
as much business now as we ever did. The
west Is a lender Instead of a borrower,
and Just as soon as the men who manipu
late great financial propositions learn that
there Is a limit to a property and Its earn
ing capacity, Just that soon we will be on
a financial footing which cannot be shaken.
Conservative dealing is what we need most
and Wall street Is realizing that proposi
tion more than ever."
Conference ef Iowa Delegation Called.
Senator Al'.lson today Issued a call to the
representatives In congress from Iowa In
terested In choosing someone whom all can
agree upon for recommendation for ap
pointment to succeed Judge Shlras of the
northern district of Iowa, to meet In con
ference In his committee room tomorrow
afternoon. Those Interested most directly
In this appointment are Senators Allison
and Dolllver and Representatives Thomas,
BlrdKall, Cousins, Haugen and Connor.
There are six known candidates in the
rjeld and they are here given according to
their relative strength, so rar as can ds
learned: Craig I Wright of Sioux City.
State Senator Thomas D. Healy of Fort
Dodge, F. W. Dahle of Cedar Rapids,
Colonel Iionguevllle of Dubuque, ex-Attor
ney General Remley of Iowa City and
Judge Reed of Cresco.
Senator Clapp today Introduced a bill
providing for reference to the court of
claims for adjudication of th claim of the
Shoshone Indians to title In all the Wind
River reservation in Fremont county,
Senator Clark of Wyoming today Intro
duced a bill to establish a fish culture sta
tion at Black's Forks, Greenriver, Wyo
ming, at a cost of S25.0U0.
R. B. Schneider of Fremont, republican
national committeeman from Nebraska, Is
In Washington, presumably to take a hand
tn the United States district attorneyship
fight, which bids fair to become almost
national In character before a final settle
ment Is reached.
Postal Affairs.
Rural free delivery carriers appointed:
Nebraska Fairbury, , regular, John Small-
don, substitute, James Brown. Iowa KudJ,
regular, Charlie Crowell. substitute, John
I Crowell.
Rural free delivery routes ordered estab
lished December 15: Nebraska Brainard,
Butler county, one route, area covered
twenty-eight square miles, population 6tfu.
Icwa Cleghorn, Cherokee county, on
route, area twenty-eight square miles, pop
ulation K;Rome, Henry county, one route,
area seventeen square miles, population
Postmasters appointed: Iowa Tenold,
Worth county, 8. O. Void, vice Emll B.
Engleser, resigned. Wyoming Bos Elder,
Converse county, Sadie M. Grant, vice Ella
Smith, resigned.
I'nusunl Knit on Soto.
YANJCTON, a D., Nor. 12.-8peclal.)-In
circuit court tha case of N. J. Cramer
against Asia Keyes was taken up and a
Jury secured. The suit Is to recover on a
promiaaory note and Is a peculiar one to
that the note reads ttSO in figures, but In
tha body ta writing the amount la Sl.SM),
Mr. Cramer Is tha plaintiff, atuirney and
chte( wit n tinu la tha case.
Forecast for Nebraska- Fair end Colder
Friday; Probably Snow Saturday.
Temperature nt Omnha Yesterday!
Honr. Ilea. Hour. lca.
5 a. m 4A 1 p. m 41
n. m 41 -2 p. m 44
T a. in...... 4fl K l. ni...... 4H
Ma. nt 4:1 -I , m 4.1
U n. m 43 B p. m 4:1
10 a. m 4)1 II ri. m 41
11 a. m -IT T p. m 4(t
11 si 4M M p. m 4
t p. m ''-
Honsewlfe Mlatnkes gon's Sunday
Suit for Husband's Old One
and Swaps It.
Pe'ldlers, especially those wishing to ex
change kitchen crockery or tinware for old
clotnes, will do well to keep juxt us tar
away from this huuxe as they can get.
Rigid oliservance of this rule ,wlll be mu
tually beiienclal to the peddler and wlto of
tills household.
Tacked up on the four sldi of a very
neat little cottage in the western part of
the city, the above placard appears, it
has been placed there by a thoughtful lit
tle woman, who did not propose to take
any chances by merely pasting it up on
one side of the houso. The house oc
cupies a corner lot, so that the signs may
be read from all sides.
When all the circumstances aro known
no one will blame this good woman for her
painstaking solicitude. -
The other day the "family" peddler came
to the house on his monthly or weekly
round and had some crockery and tin
ware to exchange for dilapidated clothing.
Mrs. Blank had a good supply of abandoned
garments on hand and was "tickled to
death" to get rid of them.
"Oh, yes," she exclaimed, "I have an old
suit of Mr. Blank's upstairs which he does
not want any more and I have laid it
away for you. Let's see that crock yes,
it will do. Just wait a minute and I'll
run up and get the suit.
Three minutes later: "Here it Is."
"An" dara Iks your crock, maddam."
Mrs. Blank observed that the peddler
seemed unusually pleased with his bar
gain, for he kept looking at the suit of
clothes as he left the place.
The next night "Ma, I can't find my
good suit. I want to go out tonight, will
you please look for ltT"
"Why, John, It must be right where you
hung It when you took It off last; I haven't
had It mercy on us, I'll warrant oh, for
goodness sake, that's Just what I've done
oh, that horrid old peddler, I'll wring his
nock. And he knew it too, no wonder he
thought It ' vaa one goot bar-gain." '
That's what I get for buying a suit like
dad's," exclaimed John, who occupies the
Important position In this household of
eldest son.' "
All the next day Mrs. Blank sat mourn
fully at her window, watching for that
"horrid peddler," and Just as luck would
have It, toward evening she spied htm in
the next block. Supper was on the stove.
but-what was that beside her ton's Sunday-
go-to-raeetln suit of clothes, and so away
ran the excited mother down the street,
shouting at the tajj of -her olce as she
went, arousing an) the neighbors and stir
ring up a real lively time In general.
"Hey there, hey, you, Mr. Peddler
The peddler finally heard' end Vialfed.
The woman got up to him and be agreed
to return the clothes and get the old suit
of Mr. Blank's, which his wife thought
she had swapped for the crock kettle.
Senator Millard nays ' Dosen Wnnt
Attorneyship and Three Fed
eral Marshnlahlp.
Senator Millard, who Intends leaving for
Washington Saturday night, says that so
far as he Is advised nothing has been done
at Washington toward appointing a United
States district attorney or a marshal for
this district.
"I have received no communication on
the subject," said the senator, "and assume
that the president has not done anything
final since I last conferred with him. and
I don't suppose he will, but he would re
move a burden 'from my shoulders If he
"How many candidates are there for
these offices? Well, for the attorneyship
at least a dosen. This Includes many prom
inent 'lawyers In Omsha and out In the
State, but I do not rare to discuss them or
name them. Of course It Is generally
known that W. 8. Summers, the present
Incumbent, snd Harry Lindsay, chairman
ef the state republican committee, are the
two moat conspicuous, and then I think
It Is quite generally understood that W. F.
Gurley of Omaha wants the' office. I can
not express any opinion as to the relative
chances of success between the several
candidates, but I know that those who sre
keeping In the background are counting
on the failure of both Mr. Summers and
Mr. Lindsay to land. They are basing their
hopes on thin. I think the matter will be
settled within a reasonably short time.
"As to the United States marshalshlp,
there are three avowed candidates, so far
as I know the present marshal, Mr.
Matthews, ex-State Senator Newell of Cass
county and Jules Jenal of Cedar county.
Nor would I care to say what I think of
the relative chances of these three candi
dates. It also Is my opinion that no very
long period will elapse before this appoint
ment Is made."
Senator Millard expected to leave for
Washington today, but private buslnc
matters Intervened and made It necessary
for hlra to defer his departure until Satur
day night. Miss Millard, who will accom
pany her father, has recovered from her
recent attack of Illness.
Head of Sebrnaaa University Makes
Plea for Higher Type
of Men.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. Dr. E. Benjamin
Andrews, chancellor of the University of
Nebraska and former president of Brown
university, delivered the oration at the
Delta Upsllon fraternity convention here
today. Among other things he said:
Mark the cold greed and rapacity with
which huelness la carried on. Mercantile
honor Is not unknown, but it la relatively
rarer than nereiorore. rromoting aeais,
stock manipulations, market rlgtrlng. In
Intent and in effect every whit as bad as
highway robbery, occur dally, evoking no
protest save tne pleating oi tne siiorn
There In no fear that our population will
be too small, but much that It Is loalna
vtrllltv. I horje President Roosevelt will
trfke earlv oocaslon to amend his phut for
swelling the census by urging quality of
tioDulallon as more of a consideration.
i do not regard Imperialism in itself a
savagery, but the Imperialism which views
Inferior races as our legitimate prey cer
Uiitily is so.
BERLIN. Nor. 11 The Munich Impres
slonist School of Painters has decided tn
follow the example of those of BerUd and
will not exhibit at St Louis.
Trouble Comes with First Day of Strike of
Street Railway Men.
Several Cara, Including Some Carrying
Mail Are DtrailaJ by Blcokade,
Propositioa Turned Down by Coin patty Un
let Mea Leave Union.
After Considerable Time Pome tars
tiet Over the Tracks, but Crew
Generally Desert After Re
turn I n tr to Dana,
CHICAGO. Nov. 12-At 4 o'clock this
morning the long-expected gnd long
deferred struggle between the union em
ployes of tho Chicago City railway and the
company began, and when the residents of
the south and southwest sides of the city
started for their places of business they
were without their usual transportation
The demands of the men in detail and
the position taken by tha company regard
ing them are subjoined:
Twenty-eight cents an hour on electrlo
cars, U.ko a day on cable trains, with time
and a half for overtime. The company says
me increase is not possible, as an advance
was given a year ago and business does not
warrant a further advance.
A work day of not more than eleven
hours nor less than ten. This was refused ,V
on the ground that it would Hamper the
company In Its duty to the traveling pub- '
Arbitration. The company accepted con
ditionally. All employes to be union men. This wag
refused because it would give the union
absolute control of the selection, employ,
ment, retention In service and discipline of
the employes.
Beginning at midnight, the trainmen
gradually took their tars to the seven barns
of the company scattered throughout the
system and left them there. In the shops,
barns and power houses the union workers
laid down their tools and quit, declaring
that they will remain Idle until the com
pany consents to arbitrate the Issue that
brought on the controversy.
Notwithstanding statements of official
of the company that no attempt would be
made to run cars today except for postal "
service, a few passenger cars were started
this morning on various lines. There was
trouble almost Instantly, the first Instance
reported telng '.he lr.Un.lf r.t!on and flight
of a maunlon crew cn toe Cottage Groro
. venue line. The cars were s It bout pas
sengers. Mayor Warns C2lsens.
That disturbance rtiirht te expected to
day was Indicated ty tha wide distribution
of a- proclamation by Kayor Harrison,
warnlrg cltlxrns to keep off the atresia
along lines of the city raJlvay. With gen
eral orders to remain In reserve snd take
no part In the strike unlets ordered, and
then only to protect property, details of
police were sent to the various car barns.
The first car started was a mall car leav
ing the barns at Thlrty-uluth street and
Cottage Grove avenue. It was not harmed
during Its entire trip. In all 205 policemen
were detailed to the different car barns.
Following the trip of tho mall ear efforts
were made by the strtet cur company to
move passenger cars with nonunion crews.
Pour trains were started on the Cottage
Grove avenue cable Itne. bcund tcward ht
Dumnena At Fortieth street 'an
obstruction on the rails blocked the trains.
A crowd of strikers had tcsemlilod snd
shouts aid Jeers greeted the train crews.
One man. a nonunion conductor. Is said to
have been Injured In the rlrst clash. A mall
car following the first passenger train was
also derailed near the scene of tha blockade.
Prepare Emergency Police.
Besides the police detailed for service at
the several barns, as many more were
quickly made available to respond to emer
gency calls.
A car on the Wentworth avenue line pro
ceeded north with little difficulty until Van
Buren street was reached. There its prog
ress was blocked by trucks and delivery
wagons, which gathered by the score,
locked wheels and refused to move. Cars
of the Union Traction company also helped
to make the blockade complete. Thousands
of pedestrians on their way to work massed
In the street and In the confusion hampered ,
the police In their efforts to clear a way
for the stranded car.
Another cable train was derailed at
Forty-seventh street on the Cottage Grove '
avenue line by a crowd of strike sympa
thisers. A horseshoe was wedged in the ca
ble slot and brought the train to a standstill.
The grlpinau was Injured by the shock
and was removed to a drug store. A
physician was called to attend him. who la
said to have Inquired If he had a union
button. On receiving a negative answer he
Id: "Take him to the burns. They will
attend to him there," and refused to ex
amine the gilpman'a Injuries.
It soon became apparent that a deter-
mined effort was bring made by the com
pany to break the strike at Its Inception.
The passenger cars on the Cottage Grove
and Wontworth avenue lines came along
quickly as soon as mail cars were safely '
out of sight. No policemen lode In the cars.
which were almost invariably empty. Pa
trons apparently preferred to walk or make
long detoura to steam and elevated lines
rather than risk Injury. .
The first passenger car on the Wsntworth
avenue line carrlod two women. Strikers
say that the women were put there by the
street car company to test the attitude of
the union toward passengers. This was
the rar which Was promptly blockaded by
Cause and Estent of Strike.
The strike was ordered at an early morn
ing mass meeting of conductors, motormen
and grlpmen, which acted with only four
dissenting votes. The strike Is to enforce
a demand for a wage Increase of 26 per
cent and recognition of the union. About
S.OuO employes are Involved and miles of
surface trackage, part cable and part elec
tric. Officials of the union, fearing Interference
with the United States malls would result
In t ailing out of troops from Fort Sheridan
to protect the earn. Instructed motormen
on mall cars to report fur duty as usual.
Union men who reported at the various
barns to take out the mall cars were told
by the barn bosses. It la said, that they
must take off their .union buttons If thry
intended to work. This a number of the
men refused to do.
At the barn at Thirty-ninth and State
streets the strikers distributed buttons to
The mayor's attitude Is anon by a