Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Jh th
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
aiiays nausea, nervousness, ana all unpleasant feelings, and
bo prepares me sysiem lor tne
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
Appointment Hot Mads at Jew Pontiff!
, Consiitorj T3aj.
air H and the Cardinals Are Fkk
, bat Public la to Par.
tldpate la Thursday'
' Ho nor a.
HOME. ' Nov. . The first secret con
sistory of tha new pontiff was held today.
No American cardinal waa appointed. Sev
eral appointments of archbishops and bish
ops wera made. Including; that of Rev. J. J.
Harty as archbishop of Manila, P. I., who.
as an exceptional privilege, received the
pallium at an extra consistory when he
came to Rome for consecration.
Rw.' Pedro Gonzales y Estrada was ap
pointed bishop of Havana and Rt. Rev.
Maxlmllllan Reynoso y Delcoral, formerly
bishop of Tulanotngo, Mex., was appointed
titular bishop of Noceearea.
Tha Inhabitants of . this city had been
looking forward with unusual interest to
the consistory principally because It was
the drat to be held by 'Plus X. The meet-
g of the cardinals, however, was quite
simple and private, the pomp and cere
mony of the Vatican court being- reserved
for the public consistory which will be held
Thursday. Only tha pope and the cardi
nals were present today. The latter, ac
cording to custom, gathered early In an
ante-chamber, noar the hall of the consis
tory, from which they passed Into the lat
ter place, the many papal guards in at
tendance rendering the honors. The cardi
nals took their places according to prece
dence. The pontiff rose at his usual hour
and after a private mass he partook of a
cup of coffee and went for a brisk walk
la the third loggia, returning In time to
drees for the ceremony' at 11.
Wits Pomp and Solemnity.
The pontiff walked from his apartment,
accompanied only by the personages in lm
mediate attendance upon him. As he en
tared tha hall of the consistory the picture
produced waa very striking, the red gowns
of the cardinals and the white robes and
gold and red mantles of the pope giving a
pleasing coloring to the scene. . Tha conv
mending appearance or tha pontiff . was
somewhat softened by, his silvery hair, un
der which his blue eyes gleamed with
pleasure and friendliness. He wore the full
ponttfloal robes which are only used at a
eerjjt tJonaJsfOry - Toca 'ln-ac8 pontificate,
namely, fog the first one. J v
When the pope had seated himself on the
throne all those present, one by one, paid
him homage, - after- which the master of
ceremonies called upon all but those au
thorised to take part In the consistory to
leave the hall, which waa done. When the
doors had been closed and a guard had
been stationed before them, outside. Pope
Plus Intoned a prayer. Cardinal OregUa,
dean of the sacred college, then stood up
and in a few words thanked the pontiff for
having put aside hla private preferences
and aoepted the burden of the church. The
pope replied in an allocution which re
ceived universal approbation.
Appointment of Two Cardinals.
' Then the real business of the day waa
proceeded with the appointment of two
cardinals. Mgr. Merry del Val, the papal
secretary of state, and Mgr. Callegarl,
archbishop of Padua, being announced by
the pope, who said. In Latin;
"What have you to sayT"
In response the cardinals raised their
eaps aa a sign of affirmation on their part.
This waa all, so every doubt was laid at
rest for the present regarding the appoint
ment of another American cardinal.
The confirmation of tha appointment of
Iter. J. J, Harty as archbishop of Manila,
and of Rev. Pedro Oonsalea y Estrada aa
'Mrs. L C Glover. Vice-Pres
ident Milwaukee, Wis., Business
Woman's Association, is another
one of the million women who
have been restored to health by
using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. x
: "Dxab Mas. Pistkram i I waa mar
ried (or several years and no children
blessed tny home. The doctor said I
had a complication of female troubles
and I could not have any children un
less I could be cured. lie tried to cure
mo. but after experimenting' for sev
era! months, my has band became dis
trusted, and one night when we noticed
tha testimonial of a woman who had
boon cured of similar trouble through
th use of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, he went out
and bought a bottle for me, I used
,your medicine for three and one-halt
.months, improving- steadily to health,
and la twenty two months a child
came. I cannot fully express the joy
and thankfulness that is in my heart.
Our horns is a different place now, ss
! bars something to live for, snd
all tha credit la due to Lydia
12. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pound. Yours very sincerely, Mas.
O. Ulovkb, 014 Grove St., Milwaukee,
" .Wis." Vice President, Milwaukee
Business Woman's Association. $woO
ffmi If ivHml f m, Mur frmief feat
Wsfcmsaal aaaftaS ami iasrsmaaosssheL.
r"WV sapmvvvn WW W smrepsrmnjp
-T-fMif- V jT-Sfc. Tl I
Is to love children, and no
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with anDreiiension ArrnA
the bishop of Havana, and Rt. Rev. Max
imilian Reynoso y Delcoral aa titular bish
ops of Noccassare, followed.
The pope then arose and bestowed the
apostolic blessing, after which he returned
to his appartments. I
Among the confirmations at this morn-
Ing's consistory were those of Rov. Thomas
A. Hendrlck. ax bishop of Cebu, P. I., and
Rev. Manuel Orne y Vlvanoo, as bishop of
Plnar del Rio, Cuba. Rev. B. F. Roderick,
formerly of Hartford. Conn., and the
auxiliary bishop of Havana, Cuba, was ap
pointed titular bishop of dullanopolt.
Cardinal Merry Del Val held a reception
later and received congratulations on his
appointment. He received thousands of
telegrams, including many from America.
All the members of the papal aristocracy,
the diplomats accredited to the Vatican and
the clergy of Rome paid their respects to
the new cardinal. Rt. Rev. Michael La
Brechue, bishop of Chlncoutlml, Quebec, at
present in Rome, represented Canada. Car
dinal Merry Pel Val was the Hrst apostolic
delegate. The American college sent a dele
gation to congratulate the cardinal.
Held for Abandoning; Child.
TORK, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.) About
two months ago the sheriff brought back
from Minnesota Mr. William Wllklns. who
was cnargea witn aeserting and abandon
ing his wife and child. He was held to
appear before the district court for aband
oning his child of 8 years. His bond was
fixed at $230. Mr. Wllklns was married
recently to the present Mrs. Wllklns, who
was a widow with seven children and found
that too much for him to support the
family, so he decided to go away and stay
for good. One of his stepsons testified that
Wllklns had earned good wages at different
tlmee and never paid one cent to support
the family, and of $35 which Mr. Wllklns
received at ona time for money earned he
had spent $30 for livery hire. Wllklns was
released on the charge of deserting his
wife, but waa held on the charge of wil
fully abandoning his 8-year-old boy.
Hw Bank for Hamboldt.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Nov. . (Special.)
Preliminary steps have been taken toward
the organisation of a oompany whose ob
ject is to put in a new national bank in
this city, and property on the north side of
the park has been purchased upon which
to erect a new building. It Is understood
that Hon. J. u. Miles of Falls City will
furnish a goodly part of the capital of the
concern, while local farmers and business
men, and some other capitalists of Falls
City will alsj be interested.
District Coort In Cass,
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Nov. l.-(Special.)
Judge Paul lessen arrived from .Nebraska
City this , morning and convened' the No
vember term of the Cass . county s district
court. Very little business was transacted,
except to call the bar docket. There are
twenty-seven law cases, thirty-eight equity
and nine criminal cases on the docket. The
case of the State against William Brantner,
charged with shooting his wife and her
hired glrL will probably be tried, although
not on the docket.
Etc aped Convict Surrenders.
FT r MONT, Nov. . Special Telegram.)
A smooth appearing, well dressed man giv
ing his name as Walter Dresser surrendered
himself to Sheriff Bauman this afternoon
and told him that he was an escaped con
vict from the Iowa penitentiary at Ana
mosa and had two more years to serve of
a five year sentence for criminal assault.
He said he had become tired of evading
officers and wanted to go back and finish
his time. The Iowa authorities were noti
fied of the case.
I'nvell Woodman Monnment.
WATERLOO, Neb., Nov. . (Special.)
The Woodmen of tha World unveiled the
monument of the late Hon. J. R. Watts, in
the city cemetery yesterday afternoon. The
local camp waa assisted by large delega.
tlona of Woodmen from Valley, Gretna and
Millard. A low estimate places the attend
ance at 1,000. The oration was given by
Rev. Dr. Schleh who also preached to
large congregations In the Presbyterian
church, both morning and evening.
Revival Meetings at Plattamoath.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Nov. .(Special.)
A series of revival meetings are being
held in the First Methodist Episcopal
church In this city this week by the pastor.
Rev. J. W. Swan, assisted by Rev. Charles
W. Savage of Omaha. Thla evening Rev.
Savage took for the subject of hla discourse,
"la There a God?" Tuesday evening it will
be, "A True Experience and How to Obtain
It." Tha next evening it will be, "Hypo
crttee." Bale of Thoroughbreds.
TECVMSEH. Neb., Nov. 9. -( Sped all
William Ernst & Son shipped rixty-nve
head of handsome registered Hereford
cattle from here to David City yesterday.
The animals will be sold at public auction
In David City Thursday. The sale la per
haps the best advertised offering ever made
In tha stats of Nebraska, the Messrs. Ernst
expending something like $1,000 for printer's
Rob Danaebrea- Poatomee.
DANNEBROG. Neb.. Nov. . -(Special.)
Burg-la re vialted the post office hers last
night, blew open the safe, secured $300
In cash and a quantity of stamps and
escaped. The explosion awakened the resi
dents, who pursued the robbers aome dis
tance without capturing them. Several
shots were flred at the robbers, who es
caped on a hand car.
Catch Ranaway Boys.
PAWNEE CITY. Neb.. Nov. .-Special
Telegram.) Last Thursday John Gond-
ringer and Finney, two boys about 15 years
of age, living north of town, ran away
from their bomea and today were appre
hended near Horton. They will be re
turned to their homea tomorrow. '
Front Thla One She Never Can
Awaken aad Her Strange Ex
perience Ends.
SALT LAKE. Utah, Nov. -Beasle
Knecht, "the slot ping girl," is dead. Mlsa
Knecht waa taken to a hospital last Feb
ruary in an unconacteua condition. After
forty-aeven daya she partially revived, but
aoon sank Into a comatose condition again
aud never fully recovered consciousness.
8peken at Freeduaii' aid Society Dii-
enn tbe Bscs Problem.
Increased Receipts of Past Year Have
Enabled Society to Do More and
Better Work, bat Additional
Money la Seeded.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 9. (Special.) "Ood rec
ognises all races and color, whether white,
black or yellow, and In this world of ours
the negro should have the same chance In
the race of life as the white man," said
Bishop Earl Cranston of Portland, Ore., at
the meeting of the committee of the Freed
men's Aid and Southern Educational so
ciety this morning. The speaker asserted
that the negro ran the who), gauntlet of
human prejudice, that he was denied the
rights of the white man and that he was
continually pushed back. It was the opin
ion of Bishop Cranston and other speakers
who followed him that the negro should be
given the same advantages as the white
man In the matter of schools and that
Christian education would settle the race
Bishop Waldon of Cincinnati and Bishop
Hamilton of 8an Francisco spoke of the
great progress that had been made among
the colored people since the organisation of
the association and that the negro ws
susceptible of education and teaching.
Bishop Waldon said In the south the white
people held their conferences apart from
the negro and that the negro conferences
were conducted with as much dignity as
were those of the white people.
Bishop Hamilton told that the negro chil
dren were being trained along industrial
lines. He said forty years ago the negro
did not own a foot of land, while today
many of them were paying large taxes.
He Indorse the course of President Roose
velt regarding the colored man and said he
was glad the country had such a man for
Bishop Mallalieu of Boston spoke of the
great Improvement made In the condition
of the colored people. He said since the
society had begun to help them there was
a marked change In their dress and habits
and he predicted greater Improvements in
the future.
The committee met at St. Paul's M. E.
church and the visitors were welcomed by
Rev. Fletcher Wharton, pastor of the
church, who told them on behalf of his
congregation that they were welcome to
the hearts and homes of the Lincoln people.
Bishop Walden responded and told of his
visit to Lincoln In years gone by when It
was little more than a village.
Receipts and Expenditures.
The report of Treasurer H. C. Jennings
showed the receipts for the last year for
the general fund from conferences and
other sources were J134.K9.26 and the dis
bursements were U33.4S9.07. For special
funds there was received S82.533.65 and $81,
617.6S disbursed, in the annuity fund the
receipts were 110,650 and 350 were expended.
The report of the secretary was read by
M. C. B. Mason and W. P. Thlrkleld from
which the following extract was taken:
"Our schools have closed one of the most
prosperous years In the history of the so
ciety. The attendance has advanced to
11,161, an increase of 832 over last year.
This surpasses any previous record in the
nisiory oi our society, i jie marxea increase
in appropriations to the schools has pro
vided for the restoration of the cut in sal
aries. This has taken burdens from scores
of our teachers and has given them new
strength and enthusiasm - for work., Tha
following schedule indicates tha constant
advance In appropriations from the close
of the last quadrennlum. A large decrease
In administrative and fixed expenses will
be observed and a corresponding Increase
in amounts set apart for schools.
Schools for blacks
1899-19H0. 1900-1.
19.11-2. 1902-3.
166,975 $77,775
SM.600 157,975
Schools for whites
7.000 8.625
47.400 41,250
22.200 .
;i07.000 $107,650 $112,1100 $134,925 $139,758
The society has given to the schools. In
cash appropriations from the general fund,
during this quadrennlum, $110,656 more than
was appropriated for thla purpose during
the previous quadrennlum.
The board, however, is convinced that the
appropriations for this year, even without
greatly increased receipts, is beyond the
ability of the society to meet, without
leaving a large deficit. Thla la largely due
to appropriations urgently needed for in
dustrial work, amounting to $35,400 since
The new statement of indebtedness
showed the liabilities In the general fund
to be $153,267.14 and the resources $26,572.78.
In the special fund the liabilities amounted
to $24,463.72 and the resources $18,602.61. In
the endowment fund the liabilities are $82,
220.92 and the resources $82,220.92. In the
annuity fund the liabilities for general
purposes are $46,648 and the resources, bills
receivable, are the same. The amount due
the general fund la $126,694.36 and $5.8U.12 la
due the special fund. The total Indebted
ness of the society Is $13,555.48.
New Buildings and Equipment.
The three and a half years of this quad
rennlum have probably never been sur
passed in the history of the society in the
number of new buildings erected, or the
amount expended in scientific Industrial and
library equipment and general furnishings.
Carefully tabulated statements from the
schools show an expenditure for the quad
rennlum of $211,196.04..
The society has schools among the colored
people and their names and locations are as
follows: Gammon Theological seminary,
South Atlanta, Ga.; Walden university,
Nashville, Tenn.; Claflln university, Orange
burg, 8. C: Clark university. South At
lanta, Ga.; New Orleans university. New
Orleans. La.; Wiley university, Marshall,
Tex.; Rust university. Holly Springs, Miss.;
Philander Smith college. Little Rock, Ark.;
George R. Smith college, Sedalla. Mo.;
Morgan college, Baltimore, Md.; Alexan
dria academy, Alexandria. La.; Central
Alabama aendemy, Huntsvllle. Ala.; Cook
man academy, Jacksonville, Fla.; Princess
Am. academy. Princess Anne, Md ; West
' fl e g4."
Tennessee academy, Maston, Tenn.; Gilbert
academy. Wlnsted, La.; La Orange acad
emy, I a Grange, Ga.: Meridian Normal
and Industrial college. Meridian, Miss.;
Morrlstown academy, Morrlstom-n, Tetin.;
Haven aeademy, Waynesboro, Ga.; Samuel
Huston college, Austin, Tex.; Virginia Col
legiate and Industrial institute.
Schools Anton a White People,
t . 8. Grant university. Athena and Chat
tanooga, Tenn.; Fort Worth university.
Fort Worth, Tex.; Little Rock university.
Little Rock, Ark.; Akron academy, Monte
tuma. N. C; Epworth seminary, Epworlh,
Ga.; Baldwin academy, Baldwin, La.; Gra
ham aeademy, Marshallberg, N. C; Klngs
loy neademy, Itlocmlngdale, Tenn.; Mal
Inlleu academy, Klnsey, Ala.; Mount Zlon
aendemy, Mount Zlon, Ga.; Powell's Valley
academy. Well Spring, Tenn.; Parrottsvllle
academy, rarrottsvllle, Tenn.; Summer
torn n academy, Bummertown, Tenn.; Mc
Lemoresvllle academy. MeLemoresvllle,
Tenn.; Murphy college. Bevlervlllc, Tenn.;
I'nlon Hill academy, Watson. Ga.; Wes
leynn academy. Chuckley City, Tenn.
The most Important event In this depart
ment during the last year was the dedica
tion of the new Slater Manual Training
school buildings at Claflln university,
Orangeburg. 8. C. This structure has been
completed and equipped t a cost consider
ably over fcW.Onn. Several hundred students
are given Instruction In the Industries.
Address on Irrigation.
The National Irrigation association wants
to get the people of Lincoln Interested
l:i Irrigation and to that end George H.
Maxwell, executive chairman of the as
sociation, will deliver an address here to
morrow evening under the auspices of the
Commercial club.
I'nvell Soldiers' Monntnent.
Governor Mickey hns returned from Elm
wood, where he delivered an address Satur
day afternoon at the unveiling of the
monument erected to the memory of the
soldier dead. The other speakers were:
Judge Lee Estelle, commander of the Grand
Army of the Republic; Rev. Presson and
Judge Chapman. The statue is about
twelve feet In height, cut from ' granite
and Is a model of good workmanship. It
stands in the cemetery near Elmwood.
' , Candidates for Cole's Place.
The old soldiers are on the march again,
this time to land the position of com
mandant of tha Grand Island home, made
vacant by the resignation of A. V. Cole.
Among those whose names have been
placed in the hopper are: A. Tharp of
Grand Island, J. W. Boweil, present ad
jutant general of tho home; J. B. Conway
of York. Colonel C. L. Harris of Omaha,
James Walling of Lincoln. J. H. Davis of
Staplehurst and J. H. MoClay of Lincoln.
Goernor Mickey stated this morning that
he had no Idea who he would appoint. He
will not pay any attention to location In
the naming of the man and he will take
his time In finding a suitable party.
Langer Now a Colonel.
Consul Langer, the American representa
tive at Solingen, Germany, la now a full
fledged colonel and a member of Governor
Mickey a military family. This will en
title the consul to appear at court func
tions in the German city In full military
rigging and do away with the court dress
so abhorred by such as he. The appoint
ment waa made this morning.
William Bryan, the aon of W. J. Bryan,
left this afternoon for New York to Join
his father, when the two will sail for Euro
pean countries Wednesday. This is the
trip that waa interrupted by the marriage
of Mr. Bryan's daughter, whom he expected
to accompany him.
Not 'Case of Kldnnplng.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov.' 9.-(Special.)
Edtth Reynolds, the 18-year-old school
ma'am who disappeared from Petersburg.
Neb., a week ago and wno,it waa thought,
had been kidnaped by a Colorado aunt, haa
been located in Denver by her father, B. P.
Reynolds. As soon ss ll waa discovered
that the girl was missing Mr. Reynolds
boarded a train for the west. His daughter
waa, aa he had anticipated, at the home of
the aunt. She had, however, kidnaped her
aelf rather than been atolen by her father'a
sister. It la true that the aunt and an
uncle came after Miss Reynolds and accom
panied her to their Colorado home, but ahe
declares It waa by no force that ahe went
along. The father haa returned home and
the absent daughter has promised to coma
back very soon.
Boys Skip Oat.
TORK, Neb., Nov. I1. (Special.) Lester
Wiley and Donald McDonald, aged 14 and
18 respectively, skipped out Saturday, leav
ing no word as to where they were going.
It haa been learned since by parents that
they had about $4 between them. Both are
bright young lada and it la generally sup
posed by all that they will return home
when their money gives out.
Band Be Reora-anlaed.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Nov. . (Special.)
Steps have been taken toward reorganis
ing the Humboldt city band which has been
In a dormant condition for some time. Art
Smith, a local musician, has taken hold of
the matter and will act aa instructor to
the new members. The boya promise to
be ready for engagements at an early
Lee teres to Tones; People.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Nov. .-(Speclal.)
The second lecture of the Young People's
Society of the Baptist church will be given
by Rev. E. Z. Batten of Lincoln Wednesday
evening. The subject will be "The Mid
night Sky."
First Snow of Season.
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. . (Speclal.)-The
first snow of the season struck north Ne
braska in flurries this morning. While it
came the flakes flew down In bllnardly
fashion, but they were short-lived.
How Have Mighty Fallen.
THEDFORD, Neb., Nov. 9. Special.)
Hon. J. Harley Edmlsten undertook to be
come county surveyor of thla county. He
waa defeated by John Milroy.
Works Wonders -for Women.
Electric Bitters invigorate the female
system and curea nervousness, headache,
backache and constipation or no pay. 6Cc.
For sale by Kuhn k. Ce
Greatest In the World
A MILLION AMERICAN BEAUTIES keep their blood pure, their complexion soft
and clear, their breath aweel and their whole bodies active and healthy with
CASOABET8 Candy Oathartlo. Tha quick effects of CA8CARBT8 as system clean
ars and blood purifiers; their promptness in curing pimples, bolls, blotches liver
spots, blackheada, and In sweetening a tainted breath, have toeoome known
Si1?, . klnd worU of tadl" who have triad them. Henoa tha sale of O Via
" r?7Y Z ""i""-0 'J" 1 4 Q quickest,
the blood, for Beauty's Blood Deep. Tha first rule for purifying the blood is to
7P bw1 free, genUy but positively with CASCAHTB. All druggist.
SeooNeTer sold tn bulk. The genuine tablet stamped O O a Belapln
Address BtsrUn Remedy Oo, Chicago or Mow York. tit
Preiidnt of American Federation of Labor
Delivers Annual Address.
Leader ef Federation Opposes At
tempt to Oruanlse ladastrlee aad
Does Not Like Idea of gym- V
pathetic Strikes.
BOSTON, Nov. .-Th American Federa
tion of Labor opened Its twenty-third an
nual convention today in Faneuil hall.
Labor leaders say the labor meetings are
expected to prove among the most Impor
tant for the consideration of problems aris
ing out of the relation of capital and labor
ever held In the United States.
Nearly oil the delegates, including Samuel
Gompera and John Mitchell, have arrived.
The program for today Includes the usual
formal welcoming addresses, the appoint
ment of committees and the presentation
of the reports of some of the principal of
ficers. Discussion In mhlch the delegates have
Indulged since reaching the city Indicate
that among the Important questions to be
considered by the convention will be
whether the federation's affiliated mem
bers shall ally themselves with any par
ticular party.
Child "labor, the eight-hour work day and
the "Miller case" at Washington are also
expected to come up.
President Oompers called the convention
to order. The adoption of a resolution that
the delegates while in Boston purchase
newspapers from the Boston Newsboys'
union was followed by a flood of motions
bearing upon union cigars, union-made
clothing and other like matters. These
motions were declared to be out of order.
Report of Officers.
At the afternoon session President
Gompers delivered his annual address. In
which be said in fiart:
There are indications that the era of in
dustrial activity wuicn we nave enjoyeel
auring the jJimi lew years ha reached lis, in tnat there i. now somewhat
ot a reaction, it Is true thai the cnttnge
Is nut pionounced, out it Is auiflciently evi
dent fur nonce and deserves our cnoiaera
uon. It Is the height of economic unwisdom to
curtail me cunauming power ot the masses
as a means to inuUMtnal revival or pros
perity. No industry, no country, haa ever be
come great or ever can become great
foundeu upon the poverty of It woiKer.
Making ine strike as an economic or so
cial factor, It has never lest. For men con
tending againM deterioration or tor im
provement, n, say, they lose the strike,
what occurs?
'1 hose occupying a higher material con
dition do notUspiace engaged in the
contest, it tney Hie uinpluced ai all It Is
by those whone conditions are poorer or
are unemployed, ana, taking the worst
view of the tltuatton, it has been merely
a change of j.erxonriel ot those occupying
the relative positions.
The attempt to force the trade unions
Into what hua been termed industrial or
ganization U perversive of the history of
the labor movement, runs counter to the
best conceptions of the toilers' Interests
now and Is sure to lead to the rnnrunii.n
which precedes dissolution and disruption.
One feature in connection with a system
of Industrial organisation and Its concom
itant, the sympathetic strike, has been
overlooked. By Its methods any one of
our international organisations could be
financially drained and actually ruined In
a very brief period In an effort to sustain
the members Involved, while, on the other
hand. In a well formulated trade union
movement a large number of men of dif
ferent crafts, belonging to their own re
spective International trade unions, could
be indefinitely sustained financially and
victory achieved.
The so-called open shop Influences wages
and the standard of life to the downward
course, for It Is based upon the sycophancy
of the most docile and the most immediate
needs of those in direct distress of the
poorest situated among the workmen.
Agreements of Joint bargains of organ
ized labor with employers depend for thlr
success upon the good will of the union
and the employers toward each other.
Neither should be subject to the irrespon
sibility or lack of Intelligence of the non
unionist or his failure to act In concert
with and bear the equal responsibility of
the unionist.
The report of the secretary showed the
following summary:
The affiliated organ I sat Ion a of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor reported and paid
upon 1,745,270 members for the month of
September. The average membership for
the twelve months ending September 30 was
1.4tiS.S0i). as against 1,026,300 last year and
265.800 In 1897.
American Federation of Labor (trade and
federal labor unions): Gain In membership
during the fiscal year, 15.000; number of
charters Issued. 1,322; number of charters
eurrenoerea. 1,043; number of strikes, 84
won 49, compromised 21, lost 14, pending 6:
numner or persona Involved. 8.355. bene
fited 6,785, worsted 1,679; cost of strikes, $19,-
Enjoins Independent Telephone.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 9. -(Special Tele
gram.) In attempting to place a telephone
pole in front of the Paddock hotel thla
morning about S o'clock C. M. McNeil,
manager of the Independent Telephone
company, waa served with an order issued
in codtity court by Messrs. Coleman and
Scudder. managers of the Paddock hotel.
restraining the company from proceeding
further with the work. The case it set for
hearing November 18. Thla new company
was granted a franchise by the city council
some time ago and has been engaged in
constructing its lines here for the past few
montna, out has heretofore had no trouble.
Troubles Jast Commenced.
FREMONT. Nov. . -(Special Telegram.)-
jonn Hill and William Scott were released
today from the county Jail here. They
have been serving sentences for the larceny
of two saddles from H. 8. Manvllle and
were re-arrested on the charges of steal
ing a horse from John Herron of Ames.
Hill plead guilty and waived preliminary
examination. Scott plead not guilty. The
men were committed to the county Jail.
They were arrested at Omaha about five
weeks ago on the charge of stealing the
saddles and Hill later confessed to Sheriff
Bauman that he had stolen the horse.
FonnH Dead la Granary.
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. .-(8peclal.)-A
telegram to the News tells of the finding.
I near Petersburg, Neb., of the dead body of
Halleck Garder, a well known farmer. Ha
waa found dead In hla granary thla morn
ing. Garder waa about 36 years old, and no
cause for the death la known. Tha coroner
from Albion waa summoned. The dead man
had been an habitual drinker. It Is said.
surest way to beauty is to cli
Suffered Willi Inflammation..-Catarrh of the
Bladder and Weak Kidneys
Hon. D. A. Montgomery's Interview With the Edi
tor of the Nashville American
Mr. Montgomery, Ex-Member of State Legislature, was recently inter
viewed by the Xashvllle, Tenn. American, regarding- U care by Bwaasp.
Root and made the following; sinned statement!
"My Indorsement of Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root cannot be written strong enough.
I. had been greatly troubled with my kidneys , and with what the doctors termed
inflammation at the neck of the bladder. Was obliged to pass water very frequently
day and night, often, with smarting and burning. Sometimes my back would get so
iame and sore that I was almost helpless. I tried several doctors and medicines to
no good effect, when finally I heard that Dr. Kilmer wouM send a sample bottle of
nls kidney medicine. Swamp-Root, free by mall. I sent at once and received a
sample bottle without delay. After trying the sample I concluded It was Just the
medicine I needed, nnd I purchased a liberal supply from my merchant snd friend,
Mr. E. J. Esllzer. Today I am a well man, and can rido horse-back and drive with
any of my friends. I cannot recommend Swamp-Root too highly for what It has
done for me. You ere at liberty to use thla letter or refer anyone to me, and I will
fiddly tell them about my peat troubles and what a wonderful remedy thla Swamp
Root la. I am very glad to recommend It to others at every opportunity. Mr.
Jamea Ivens, of Saundersvllle, Tenn., and many othera are taking It with good re
sults. Tours very
Worsham, Summer Co., Tenn., Nov. 11th,
The mild and extraordinary effect of tho world-famous kidney and bladder
remedy, Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, Is soon realized. It stands the hlgheat for He
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. A trial will convince anyone and
? ou may have a sample bottle rent free, by mall.
Sample Bottle of .Swamp-Root Free By Mall.
EDITORIAL NOTE If you have the sllghtet symptoms of kidney or bladder
trouble, or If there is a trace of It In your family history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mall.' Immediately, without
cost to you, a rample bottle of Swamp-Root nj'd a. book telling nil about Swamp
Root and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters re
ceived from men and women cured. In writing to Dr. Kl'mer & Co., Blnghamton,
N. Y., be sure to say thafyou read this generous tiffer In the Omaha Dally Bee. -
If you are it I ready convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can pur
chase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slae bottles at the drug stores every
where. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Cwa.r-.p-Root, Vt. KIN
mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N- Y., on every loUle. . ,
November 28, 29, 30.
Leave Burlington Station 7:00 a. m.,
4:00 p. m. or 8:05 p. m.
(Mi i
S mmmmmtm ananl
If you are a victim of Nervo-Sevual n.
billty, with all lta distressing symptoms,
you certainly do not Intend to remain so.
The fact that you have taken Inferior rem
edies to no avail should not destroy your
faith In all treatment, nor your hope of
a radical cure. During my long term of
scientific study and practical experience,
I have evolved a special treatment for
Nervo-Sezual Debility (Impotency). that Is
uniformly sucfesxful in cases where suc
cess was before by other doctors deemed
ImposHlble. It does not stimulate tempora
rily, but restores permanently. It allays
the Irritation of the delicate tissues sur
rounding the lax and unduly expanded ' f
seminal ducts, contracting them to their
normal condition, which stops night emls- '
mr.wm .. 1 . . I . '
mui,., uiic. up v a ,j u i .ma mm unrriinii
prematureness. It tones up and strength- "',
ens the blood vessels that carry nourish
ment to the weakened parts, which regal
full power, slss and vigor. Meanwhile al
realises that a great blight haa been
from hla life.
"We make ae mlsleadlnai stat erneata or nnbaslnesallke proposi
tions to the afflicted, neither do we promise a core la a few daya
la order to aecere tbelr patron a are, bet we raaran'tee . a perfeef,
safe aad laatlaaT care In the anlrkeat possible time, wlthoat loaviaa
lajerloas after-effects la tke system, and at the lowest possible ooet
for honest, skillful and aaeeessfal services."
and diseases and wrakneiutes due to inheritance, evil habits, excesses, or tha
teault of ape.ilic diseaat-s. v
State Electro-Medical Institute. tj
rarnarw Street, Between l3lhind Um Btraata. Omaha. Neb. M
' I nil II III I (III , r , T .. . jM
1502 Farnam Street.
l.h- s; a
;aln yjBf a
A" iff
lifted I WILL CUrtE YOU