3 OMAHA DAILY UK 12: .MONDAY. NOVKMnft THE 100.7. presentation n long conference will take place, at which plan for the opening of Immediate negotlHtions' for a csnsl treaty between the two governments will he dls russc:, Tlie secretary had Invited the new minister to luncheon tomorrow and the con ference will be resumed at that time. The presentation to the president of M. Varllla haa not been definitely arranged yet, but date probably will be agreed on tomorrow. When lie cnlla at the State department tomorrow tli new minister will take occa sion to express through the secretary of elate to, the Washington government the profound sense of gratitude of the new rrpuhllo for all that this government hns done In promptly extending to It recogni tion and the offer 'of protection. Vrie new mlnlstcr'a flrat day In Wash ington was a busy one. lie had a, long con ference with Secretary Hay at the latter's resldrnvo. At thla time he presented hut credentials and the formal reception at tho State department wna arranged for. Sec retary May end Minister Varllla already have gone over In considerable detail the necessary steps toward the conclusion of a new treaty, which, while following to Home extent the Hay-Herran treaty, In many ways will be simpler. As regards tho financial conditions the Washington gov srnment'dofs not desire any change, but tre provisions of the new treaty regarding ...verclgtity over the canal strip and tho .-.tent of the United Kates' control will be less complicated and more positive in statement than Is true of the Hay-Herran Colombian convention. Talks of Plana.' Minister Varllla talked to an Associated Tress reporter at the hotel whore he haa temporarily established his legation. "My plana?" he suld. "It Is, perhaps, ft Uttle premature for me to speak. I shnll call at the State department tomorrow and It will depend largely on my confidence with the officials there how rapidly canal negotiations can proceed. We wlBh to go ahead a soon as possible and to. show that we shall not tolerate the delay and pro crastination with which the Colombian canal negotiations dragged along to their final failure. It Is my desire and that of the people of Panama that unnnecessury red tnpe and formality, so far as dignity will permit, shall be waived and that we con clude and sign a treaty with the Washing ton government at tho earliest day pussihle. "To the Isthmian government the canal Is the cornerstone of Ita future existence. To the United States Ita construction Is the great achievement on which the world waits. Therefore', for .tho general good. elay In this mnttef cannot be permitted. 1 ilAnaUn. . I, M V. ... VII. 11 tiMay Is fulfilling all the. duties of a rcg tilW government, f am ready to begin ne gotiations tomorrow with the Wnshlngton government, which Already Jins extended us practical recognition,. I should say from the! present outlook the conclusion '. of a satisfactory treaty need be it matter of but n, short time. We both want the canal. Why should we wait? We are both of good faith and can take up the subject !n sin cerity and with a common desire to arrive st Immediate and practical results." The minister at this point reiterated strongly his declaration of yesterday that he was In no way connected with the Pa nama Canal company. Kspects Recognition Boon. "How' soon do you expect to be recog nised by the other powers?" the minister was asked. "Very shortly." was the reply. France has already Indicate-, unnfftctnlly Its will ingness to folio' the lead Of the Pnlted States, thereby showing Its appreciation of the Washington government's high motives which Inspired the recent action of the I United States in promptly recognizing my government and In offering Its protection against foreign foes. "The two. tricolor flags-will -be once more associated with this great enterprise which Franee has -begun and . the: United States will finish. ''In notifying him of my appointment ps minister, I expressed to Secretary Ha the warm gratitude of the government n4 peo ple of Panama. I do not fear that the Pouth American republics will be hurt by the re cent events. Though every man Is more Inclined to support a man of his own rac, after the most 6bJectlonable attitude of Co lombia snd Its absolute dlsrrgard of the right of property In preventing the execu tion of a project vital to the unlverie, there Is no doubt that the good sense of the T.atln-Amerlcnni will cause them to heartily approve and endorse as eminently cvrect snd proper the course of the Washington government regarding the events of, the last week on the Isthmus. So far as being a land-grabber Is concerned, the T'nlted States will r"Pect and protect the Independence of my government." Bear Admiral losenh B. Coghlan. who i to assume command of . the naval forct on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus, was also on Mayflower. Admiral John O. Walker, president of the Isthmian canal commission, nlso was a passenger on Mayflower. His departure was considerable of a surprise, no an nouncement to this effect having been mad heretofore, and the first news of his going in Panama being given out by Secretary Moody when he came from the White House nt midnight. Admiral Walker, It Is stated, goes to Panama for the purpose of observing conditions on- the ground and reporting to the preFldent on the situation and on any changes that have occurred since the Isthmian canal commission made !ts last report. , Italy Gives Recognition. ROME, Nov. 8 The formation of the new Republic of Panama and Its recogni tion by the TTnlted States Is looked upon with satisfaction Over Italy. Old disputes between Italy and Columbia have never been settled, as the latter always succeeded In eluding Its obligations to the Italian government. On one occasion President Cleveland was called upon to act as arbi trator In these disputes. Ho gave a verdict HARD ARGUMENTS Coffee I'se Them Whether 1,1 k or Nat. The 111 effects of coffee are present in many coffee drinkers, but some people pay no attention to the warning signals like dyspepsia. Insomnia, nervousness, flut tering of the heart, etc., until conVo finally ues a knock down argument which means oil'.apse on the part of the coffee drinker. "1 am 30 years old and have drunk cof fee since I can remember until four yearn ago when I broke down completely with nervous prostration and Inulgeation. I simply cannot describe the agony I suf fered. "Doctor told me he could not help me If I did not leave curfew alone, so I bought some Potftum to give it a trial. At first I did not know how to make It and was disappointed in the taste, but after read ing the directions on the package carefully, made It right, and then 1 thought it better than coffee. At that time I weighed 140 pojuda and now I weigh 1& pounds that's quite a gain, isn't II T 1 never have indi gestion now and the headaches ure all gone and 1 am otherwise entirely well and strong. , "I never had any trouble that were not due to drinking coffee and these disap peared and heu'th came In their place wben I shut off coffee and drank Poatum." Name given by Puetuni Co., ltaltle Creek, Mich. . Look in ,-h'packaK( 'for a copy of the famous littler book. "The Hoed to Well-rule.' entirely favorable to lttly. The Colombian government snd tho Colombian congress, however, refused to accept the declstpfi on the ground that President Cleveland had evidently been 111 advised. Italy has therefore hastened to recognise ths new republic, In tho hope of contributing to the establishment of order In Central America and of hastening tho building of the Panama canal. t'nlted Stat.- Ambassador Meyer, wh'lt visiting Minister of Foreign Affairs Tltonl, had an Informal conversation with ths minister on the subject of Panama. BLANDFORD HOUSE ABOUT DONE MarlberoSftbi Are Xoir Searching Europe for Furnishings (or It. (Copyright, 1!W1, by Press Publishing Co.) IX3NDON, Nov. S.- (New Tork World C blegram Special Telegram.) Blandford Houm, the splendid town residence of ths duks and duchess of Marlborough, is near ing completion. Built with Vasderbllt money In tha heart of fashionable London. It swept away a chapel Interwoven with tho traditions of more than 100 years to occupy a site In Curzon street, Mayfalr, which Is peculiarly commanding. When tho duchess received the 11,000.000 presented her by her father, W. K. Vander bllt. the dearest ambition of her heart, the purchase of Marlborough house (then the residence of the prince of Wales) for the family which gave It Its name, she met with a most unexpected rebuff. King Ed ward, then -the prince, told her that Marl borough house belonged not to him, but to tho nation. Her endeavor to gain his con sent to change the name of the royal resi dence that her own town house might bear the proud title, was equally unsuccessful. The duke then decided that the new resi dence should be known as Blandford House (marquis of Blandford Is his second title), and the search for a suitable site was made. Curion chapel, the property of Earl Howe, which was yearly leased for $2.6"0 by a clergyman and affected by a fashiona ble congregation, occupied the position above all others coveted by the duches3. The purchase was made and the old chapel, where many famous weddings occurred and fnany distinguished clergymen have launched 'their thunders, which is endeared to the readers of Thackeray's novels, was pulled down to make way for Its palatial successor. There are In all fifty rooms. The duke's reading and writing room, a large circular mornlngTDom, and at the back the dining room nnd servcry, with a series of elabo rate elevators on the most Improved Amer ican plan to convey dishes from the kitchen below. Comprise the ground floor. Above are a billiard room, bedrooms and two drawing rooms, one at each end of the house to have sun or shade. The nurseries, bed and dressing rooms for the marquis of Blandford and his little brother are on the third floor. The large playrooms ad join these suit). The cost of the bare building was $1,600, 000. Mr. Vanderbllfs further gift to this daughter of K0O.0O0 for the furniture hns resulted in a seaich of all quarters of Eu rope for famous antiquities and cosily hangings. The duke and duchess of Manchester have been busily engaged on Kylemore castlo arranging for a visit from the king's brother, the duke of Connaught, who will arrive there Monday. Tho young American duchess has .considerable taste In house decorating and has been spending money lavishly In preparations for royalty.' A suit of four rooms has been entirely refurnished and redecorated for the duke of Connaught himself, for whom several shooting parties and motoring excursions have been ar ranged. Ambassador Choate, who Is obliged to give up Cirrzoo' houBe" ofl-ChaYttott Hrnise Terrace because the Curxons are about to return home from ' India, was tempted to rent the duke of Richmond's maglnflcehf mansion n Belgrave square, but has finally settled tin the fine residence on White Hail Gardens, formerly occupied by Gerald Bal four, It Is next door to the home of United States embassy secretary, Henry- White. So much will have to be done In the way of decorating and refurnishing that ths Choates will not be established there before Christmas. PARADE OF THE "MIDINETTES" Glrla Who Work In Shops Add Teach of Life to Boulevards at Koos Hoars, . . (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 8. (New Tork World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) "Mldincttes" le the newest coinage of .the boulevards to describe the working girls of the Paris ateliers, whether they hail from the fash ionable modistes or some dark little shops on tho Montemartre. The name has Its peculiar fitness. It arises from the fact that these deft little misses, when they have finished their dejeuner a la fouchette (the French substitute for lunch) of fried potatoes and sausape toward noon, come out exactly on the stroke of twelve "mldl" to take a turn on the' boulevards and see how the world's wagging before going back to their York The procession ex tends all the way down from Montemartre to be In the wake of this cortege of "little twelve o'clocks," as we would say In English. This Is the momonf for flirtations to be gin, be renewed or broken off. It Is very Interesting at noon to be in the wake of this cortege of "little twelve o'clocks," as wo would say In English. A song writer has just been Inspired with the idea of celebrating the charms of these sprightly young girls In a "chanson" which he has called "The March of the Midlnettes." A Redfern girl named Sweet has dimmed the glory won by Mile. Chemlnel, the little milliner who won a fortnight ago the race of the midlnettes to Nanterre. Mile. Chem lnel bar been beaten by Mile. Sweet, but not disgraced, being only a minute behind the winner. It was such a plucky race that Redfern gavt each girl 100 francs (120). ENLARGING THE CEMETERIES French Propose to Allow Bones of Poor to Remain Longer . Indlstnrned. (Copyright. 1903. by Press PublUhing Co.) PARIS. Nov. 8 (New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Deputies Dauch eux and Revel have Introduced In the Chamber of Deputies a bill providing for making ths cemeteries of France a third larger, taxing the monuments for this pur pose. As It Is now, after five years the poor 'of Paris see the bones of those dear to them tumbled Into a common enamel house. Under the new bill the bodies would not be disturbed for fifty years. According to medical authorities five years is not long enough for bodies to remain In the earth and to disturb them Is unsani tary. ' Object to Cleaning; Itatne. ROME, Nov. 8. A great outcry has been raisod pver the cleaning of - the famous statue of "The Horse Tamer's." attributed to Phidlus, now standing In front of ths Qulrinal palace. Jt Is maintained that not only should the statues be touched, but that they should be housed In a museum and reproductions raised In their -places. A Gnaranieen Cure ror Piles. Itching. Blind. Bleeding or yrotrudln PAZO OINMt.NT falls to cure you in ts PI lea Your druggist will rtfuod money U 14 da). 7 TURNER BACK FROM IOXD0N Consider! Alaskan lieoiiion a Triumph ct Arbitration. SPEAKS KINDLY OF KING EDWARD Former Heantnr Thinks London Has l et to Learn What n Rood ( linr Is, bat Kinds American ( Lunch Room on Strand. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-(Special.)-For-mer Senator Ocorge Turner of Washington, who has Just returned from Europe, whers he served on the Alaskan Boundary com mission. Is spending a few days at the rapltal before returning to his home on the other side of the continent. "The decision of the State department to submit the question of the boundary line I j a commission or board of arbitration," s-jld Mr. Turner, "caused a great deal of adverse comment when It wss announced last - winter. Some of the newspapers seemed to think that the United States might sacrtfico foit.s rights by asking for a settlement of tho controversy without re course to force. The outcome -Df the nego tiations has demonstrated the wisdom of the course adopted. I do not mean that this country has gained any advantage In a territorial way. We simply hold what wa bought from Russia, and our title haa been ratified after full, freo and friendly discussion. But we have accomplished mora than the settlement of this boundary dispute. Wo have shown the world that two great nations can settle a boundary dispute by practically the same means which two private Individuals would adopt In reaching an agreement over a similar difference. Hereafter it Is probable that peaceful means will always be adopted In settling disputes between the two great English speaking nations of the earth. Good Word for the Klufc. "The English people were very cordial and friendly," continued Mr. Turner, "and I was particularly impressed with the at titude of King Edward toward the Ameri can people. I had the pleasure of meeting him personally, and I found him to be a broad gauge man of scholarly attainments, with a deep seated knowledge of American affairs, and a sincere desire to keep the relations between his own country and ours upon a most friendly basis. He took great Interest in the deliberations of the boundary commission, and I am satisfied that he was delighted that a satisfactory solution of the questions at Issue was finally reached. "London Is a great city," continued the senator, "but the English people don't un derstand anything about cigars. Those sold In the English metropolis aro. usually as dry as a bono and as flavorless as pine shavii.gs. Tha English people seem to think that cigars, like the port and sherry, of which they are so fond, 'improve with age. I really believe that if somo llrst c'aes tobacconist who learned his business in this country would" open a first-class cigar shop In London would make a for tune In a short tlmo. Americans would soon find him out, and he might teach Lon doners that a fresh cigar is Infinitely to be preferred to ono which has been allowed, to dry out for a year or more. By the way, an enterprising Yankee has opened an Amer ican quick lunch room In The Strand. He bakes buckwheat rakes In I he front window and serves them with genuine maple syrup. His place Is crowded all the time and he is frequently compelled to pull down his win dow shades to keep the crowds from block ing the sidewalks. It is a genuine. Amer ican lunch room, Where pork and beans and pie are-always to be found. Ire"fijja made a great success, as scores of other Americans haVe who are propagating American Ideas In London, and there Is plenty of room for more." . Roosevelt a Friend of Good Ronds. W. H. Moore, president of the National Good Roads association, called on the president on Thursday to solicit his aid In bringing delegates from the principal coun tries of the world to the annual convention which Is to be held as auxiliary to the World's fair In St. Louis next year, presi dent Roosevelt was one of the speakers at the last convention In April. Former Presi dent Cleveland and General Miles also took great Interest In the meeting. Mr. Moore found that Mr. Roosevelt 'continues to re gard the subject of god roads as one of the foremost economic problems at present before the American peopje. It Is believed that he will make a forceful reference to the subject In his message to congress, and he will cetralnly use all his Influence to bring about a better system of highways throughout the country. , If there Is a tailor anywhere In the coun try who can wield a bandmaster's hutnn and who wants a government Job at WO per monin me opportunity awaits him. The In dian service adverlloes for a tailor who is a (iuallflpd band leader for the Fort Shaw In dian school In Montana. The Job will be given by tha civil service ctmmlsslon to a man who has had the necessary experience and who has reached the age of discretion. o Cleaner Bleeping- Cars. Ono of the most Important subjects dls ci ssed by the American Public Wealth as sociation at Its recent convention In this city was the sanitation of sleeping tars It Is quite rrobable thnt an echo of the meeting will be heard In congress at this session, for every member realises that there should bo national legislation look ing toward the better cleansing and disin fecting of these vehicles. The courts have held on several occasions that under the Interstate commerce '.aw as It now stands the commission which controls the traffic on railroads has no Jurisdiction over the rolling stock of the sleeping car companies. By a liberal use of passes among members who might be obstreperous the companies have thus far been able to head off all legislation Inimical to their interests, and they have succeeded up to the present time In killing off even- bill which was designed to place them within tho Jurisdiction of the Interstate commerce set. But the Pub lic Health association has called forcible attention to the danger which threatens the patrons of these cars, and the result Is likely to be that several bills will be offered which will force the companies to adopt methods of sanitation designed to reduce the danger of contagion to the minimum. Evry health officer who attended the session of the association admitted that the problem Is a most difficult one to solve, but the consensus of opinion was that It Is solvable, and that a little pressure from congress is the best thing that could hap pen. not only for the traveling public, but for the companies as well. It Is likely, however, that when congress once takes op the subject of sleeping cars, It will not stop until It has provided for a regulation of charges for accommodations, just as It has authorised the Interstate Commerce commission to regulate freight and pas senger charges. It is notorious that the rates for sleeping car accommodations are arbitrary in tha extreme. Interested per sons have been busy for months in com piling figures which show that there is nothing like a uniform system of charges in existence. These figures will be pre sented to congress, and will form the saals for a forceful argument In support of tha proposition to extend federal con trol to the sleeping car service of the country. A lore Sever Matters After Porter's Antiseptic Hea'lng Oil ts ap plied. Relieve pain Instantly and heals at the same time For uta or beast. Price, 25c FRENCH AUTHORS PLAGARISTS Hlrhard Harding IHivIs Tells How They Tnrnr Their Talents Into Dollars. (Copyright, lfl, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. . (New York World Cable gram Special Telegram.) Frenchmen, always ready to accuse others of plngarlsm, are getting a dose of their own medicine. Roumanian writers are arraigning Dc Lorde, tho author of "L'Idlot," a powerful short tragedy Just produced at the Edeon theater, for theft of a piece, which they declare belongs to the "History of Roumanla," te Lorde'a specialty la short, thrilling plays, like "Au Telephone," produced In America by Frohman, and the madhouse drama, the rights of which have been secured by Richard Harding Davis. The World correspondent has Interviewed i'aul Potter on the subject. The American dramatist said: "French playwrights have lately In troduced a novel system. They have what painters call the "Ghosts." ' They accept a scheme from some un known author, who gets It from Germany, Italy, Russia, England or America, adding a few touches and present it as their own, privately dividing the royalties with the unknown author. "Nobody objects to a manager reaping the advantage from the name of a distinguished playwright. This practice Is comparatively safe and necessary. The drama Is at a low ebb because the domestic subjects are stale and because following the lead of Lavedon. Capos and Donna, they substitute dialogue for action. "But even their lighter plays show con structive power which no English or Ameri can can rival. They know how to trans mute the borrowed material and are great technicians. "This Roumanian accusation probably Is sn accident, but It has made a stir, because the French dramatist have a habit of charging the rest of the world with plagiarism, and naturally It Causes amuse ment when they get a dose themselves. ineir ignorance of foreign languages In the past has prevented thm from adapting toroign themes. Now they form partner ships with men possessing the necessary qualifications for bringing them a scheme of any remarkable play produced outside of France; In short, abandoning literary pretensions and becoming business men. rormmg syndicates and trusts, whose promotor's names appear on the play bills as the authors, and the small fry divide the dividends " GREAT DISPLAY0F FLOWERS Paris Florists Have Art of Arranging Them in Most' Attrac tive Way. (Copyright. 1903.. by Press Publishing Co ) PARIS, Nov. 8.-(New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram. V-The Paris florist Is a poet In his way. He presents all the subtlety and charm of a coming or a golnp season by the arrangement of flowers In his window. Now thnt It Is autumn all the voluptuous floral display of sum mer Is swept aside and the great, chrysan themums stand out, each a solitary king, Its color contrasting In perfect fashion with Its fellows, or a great bunch of them Is gathered together- With a background of autumn leaves.' This Is the moment for alt the mnin.ii yellow green and red tints of the foliage piums. ior tney gd with the autumn atmosphere and thev are natters the chrysanthemums with such cleverness lo mane a combination and contrast of colors that one would think Dam w. ture had walked. Into) the window and ar ranged it all herself-, As a foot border to the superb arraof chrysanthemums one' finds cyclamens snrlnir nn fniA white, or magenta-hued, hardy enough to iaee me coming irost. Then, as in the heart of every autumn there Is mni..h. a memory of spring, great bunches of Parma violets are dotttd about, blue as an April sky. But the florists have no monopoly of taste in flower arrangement. t.,.f o. soon as a season changes' there are the flower venders in short skirts and shoes, rolling their carts along with such a BKiurui aispiay or autumn's crystallised blues and reds and yellows arranged them that one stops Involuntarily to look nrsi ai me rea, rough faces and hands of the sellers and then at this nH... ful color combination spread out befdre mm. DEAN OF THE CABMEN DIES Drives the Streets of Paris for Oae Company' (or Fifty Years. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 8.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The dean of Paris cabmen, known-among his comrades as "Pere la Caille." has Just died at the age of 70. He was halo and hearty al most to the last moment and had been In the service of the General Cab company fifty years. His successor as dean Is Ana tole Gentll, who Is 60 years old. MORLEY C0MINGT0 AMERICA English Statesman to Deliver Address at nttsnnrg Technical College. , (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co) LONDON, Nov. 8.-(Xew York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) John Morley has accepted an Invitation to visit Andrew Carnegie at Pittsburg next fall, according to Clement Shorter In the Sphere, and de liver the opening address at the technical college. This eminent author and states man was In America a good many years 8IO. Italian Wants Warship. ROME, Nov. 8. The Italian minister at Havana, Oresto Savlna, has cabled to his government information concerning the revolution in Santo Domingo, and asking that a warship be sent there and put at the disposal of the Italian consul general for the protection of Italian subjects and prop erty. Until this warship arrives the pro tection of Italians has been entrusted to the British representative. Be thankful! For life, and money enough to buy Ayer's Pills. Att Co., EMPEROR UNDER THE KNIFE Poljpm is Remsved from Larnjt of Euler of tht Germans. OPERATION SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED Fears thnt Growth Mlaht Re Can eerons Dispelled by Opinion of K i pert After Microscopic Examination of Tlssne. BERLIN, Nov. 8. Emperor William yes terday underwent an operation for the removal of a polypus from his larynx. The operation was performed by Prof. Morlts Schmidt and was entirely successful. The only Inconvenience suffered by his majesty is that he has been enjoined not to speak until the wound caused by the operation haa been healed. The bulletins announcing the' result of the operation caused much astonishment, even among court officials, who had no suspicion that his majesty was suffering from an affection of the throat. The following bulletin was Issued this morning: The emperor spent yesterday quietly In his room. He slept throughout the night without Interruption. The appearance of the small wound Is satisfactory and there Is no pain or other discomfort In the thront. His majesty's temperature this morning was 36.8 and his pulse 60. The surgeons expect that the emperor will be out of doors In a week. He has arranged a hunting trip for Friday, Novem ber 27. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-Bnron von dem Bussche-Hadden-Hausen, German charge d'affalrs, received from Chancellor von Bue low this afternoon this cablegram regard ing the operation which his majesty under went yesterday: Emperor operated upon yesterday for poivpus summnppen. operation successrui and health of his majesty satisfactory. Microscopic Inspection showed polypus in nocuous. No irxanii for apprehension. The emperor himself appears not to have known of the growth in his larynx until a few days ago, and to have suffered no dis comfort from It. The following is an au thorized account of the operation as given to the North German Gazette: POTSDAM. Nov. 7.-Hls majesty todav underwent an operation for the removal of a polypus i rum his Isrvnx. The operation was performed by Prof. Morlts Schmidt and was most successful. His majesty is only enjoined not to spenk until the wound caused by tho operation Is hen led. VON I.ENTHOLD, SCHMIDT, ILRERG. Opinion of Expert. The North German Gazette also publishes the report of Prof. Johannes Orth, the famous cancer specialist, who succeeded the late Prof. Vlrchow In the chair in path ological anatomy In the University of Ber lin. Prof. Orth made a microscopical ex amination, which shows that the polypus tonslsted of a very soft connective tissue containing very few cells, this sharply de fined from the tissue. A portion of the con nective tissue cells contained fine brown pigmented granules, which evidently were the result of former slight hemorrhages The polypus contained a large number of tl In walled corpuscles. "It Is, therefore," says Pfof. Orth, "only a r.uestlon of a be nign connective tissue polypus." The court circular this morning made the following announcement: The emperor yesterday went for a walk. No fcuestn were Invited to l;i-eheon r dinner yesterday, but Count von Buelow, the imperial chancellor, will oe tho em peror's guest at luncheon today. The emperor received Count von Buelow at noon today and afterwards lunched with the empress snd the count In his bedroom. Count von Buelow found the emperor as chatty and animated as usual. The emperor wore a dressing gown' fnstead of a coat. He tookliquid' 'foods tnd, did not Indulge in tho courses served. His fctneral yealtti has never .been to rood. He has rxt felt the ear affection which troubled iilm for years and has quite outgrown the -aer-.ous trouble that formerly impelled him to in cessant physical activity. It ;s stated that j o rmpci ui win t umiuuv m receive visitors on official business. The growth In the larynx at .once sug gested that the emperor might be suffering from cancerous growth., tonight Emperpr William was reported as progressing tavorably. There is no dan ger of complications resulting from the operation. POPE HOLDS A RECEPTION Twenty Thousand People Crowd the Grent Conrt of Ban Damns. ROME, Nov. 8. Pope Pius this afternoon held another, of the. receptions begun by him this autumn, that the people of Rome might , have bis blessing. At an early hour the large court of San Damas was so full that not another person could be squeesed in. It is estimated that about 20,000 per sons were in the court, and many were turned away, while Raphael's loggia around the court was full to overflowing. The appearance of the pope was made amid great pomp. Preceded by guards and surrounded by the prelates of the court, he took his position on the throne, under the clock facing the entrance. As he came In A tremor of emotion was perceptible In the vast crowd. His holiness was visibly touched and his eyes filled with tears. After a brief silence there were loud cries of "Long live Pius!" Then a chorus of dear-voiced girls sang a hymn to the pope. As soon as this hymn was finished, another was begun by a chorus of. boy students. Including pupils from the American col lege, led by Vice Rector Murphy of New Tork. , The pope spoke for fifteen minutes on ths goepel of the day, and was clearly heard by all. His concluding words were: "Tltrles are evil, but the evil can, be cured by prayer." His holiness Imparted the apostolic bless ing to the great gathering. Several per sons ware then permitted to kiss his hand. Including Booth Tarklngton. the novelist, and Mrs. Tarklngton, and Mr. and Mrs. Abel of . Baltimore. RUSSIA MUST MAKE ANSWER Report of Settlement Between Japan and Government of Tsar Is Prematnre. YOKOHAMA, Nov. 8 It Is said In offi cial circles at Toklo that the rumor that negotiations between the Russian and Jap anese governments had come to the verge of a final settlement Is misleading, but that the Toklo government la now awaiting Russia's reply, which Is due at any mo ment, but both will only advance the ques tion of the far eastern difficulty to another stage. The reports of the resignation of Viceroy Alexleff, his change of headquarters from Port Arthur to Vladivostock and the dis mantling of ths fort at Tongampho are all believed to Indicate a temporary weakening of the Russian war party, but those Inci dents will delay a final settlement. The new tonnage dues promulgated by Viceroy Alexieff provide that non-Russians must pay twelve times the dues charged to Rus sian vessels. Kin Disappoints Asplrnats. LONDON, Nov. . King Edward's birth day list ts extremely uninteresting. No new peers or privy councillors have been created, bat there is a long list of promo tions, decorations and knighthoods fur I Annual November Clearing; Sale On Hooks, (lames, Stationery, Purses, Pocket Hooks, Music Holla and all kinds of Leather (Joods ond Office Supplies. . Thi sale includes everything in our immense slock, in order to make room for n large assortment of HOLIDAY GOODS, which are about to arrive. COME QUICK THEY'LL OO FAST. BOOKS. At 25 Cents 160 volumes, published to sell at from 60c to; 11.60, at 25c each we need the room. At 45 Cents About ISO0 Volumes of 1, $1.15 and $1.60 bonks at 46c; books In this lot should go quickly, as they are by well known authors and extremely cheap; In fact, the cost has not been taken Into consideration we need the room. At 96 Cents Regular price 1.60 to X volumes of copyright Action. A few of them: "Loom of IJfe" Goss "Prince of Good Fellows" Robert Barr "Strength of the Hills". Florence Wilkinson "Long Straight Road" George llorton "Paul Kelver" Jerome K. Jerome ' The Son of a Fiddler"..... .Jeannette Lee "Fool's Oold" Stlllman Banner 6f Blue" Crockett The Sea Lady" H. O. Wells "Daughter of the Snows" Jack London GAMES. Big discount on Games of all hinds. Buy now for Christmas we need ths room. POCKET BOOKS. Big line of Women's Fine Turses marked down to sell quickly we need the room. Bill Books, Wallets, Card Cases, etc., for men, to go With the rush WK NEED THE ROOM. STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUP PLIES. Odd Lots Great variety of Dixon Pen cils, round and hexagon, cither plain and rubber tipped, in all degrees. These prices will interest you: Round gilt, per gross, $3.26; pr dosen, 30o. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW YOU. m na ni m w M m mi "STANDARD" DIARIES FOR 1904 0 SALE. Assortment will be broken before Christmas. SELECT YOUR DIARIES NOW. services rendered In the various public de partments. Vice Admiral Lord Charles Beresford has been promoted from commander of the Bath to knlfiht commander of the Bath. August Manns, musical alreclor of the Crystal Palace, has been made a knight. Tho fol lowing Canadians have, been honored: Rob ert Bell of Toronto, director of the geolog ical survey of Canada; Colonel Plnault, deputy minister of militia, and Louis Phil lippo Herbert, the. artist". BOUNDARY AWARD IS FINAL One of Re'nrned Caunrtlau Comihls i toners b pen Irs of Work of Tribunal. OTTAWA, Ont.. Nov. S. Hon. Clifford Slfton, one of the Canadian representatives on the Alaskan boundary tribunal, teturned to Ottawa today. "The decision rendered by the commission must be accepted as final," he said. "No matter how Canadian might feel r.'oout the Justice of the sward." In his opinion It vas proven without do-rot mat the Portland channel tf ts the toith of lYarce, Wales, Kitklan and Kannaghau nut Islands, thus entitling Canada to all four, and that the boundary line should cross the range of mountains nearest the sea coast to the Lynn canal. It was his Judgment that the t.cqulescence of Grent Britain In acts of occupation by the t'nlted Ptates made it difficult to expect a decision favoraole to Canada. In all, a, Canadian route from the Interior to the roast, he believed, would be the ultimate solution of the question. Rnmor of Convention Denied. BERLIN, Nov. 8. The rumor circulated In Vienna, as announced In Associated Press dispatches November 6, that the csar of Russia and the emperor of Germany had igned a convention for a defensive alliance In the far east should Great Britain support Japan, Is declared In official circles here to be without foundation. Jumps Into Mississippi Hirer. ST. PAUL, Nov. 8-Wllllam Notter, a salesman for the Phoenix Chair company, committed suicide today by Jumping from the Smith avenue bridge, 2U0 feet Into the Mississippi river. Notter this afternoon Srocured a stylish rig from a livery stable, rove through the fashionable part of tha town, finally proceeding to the highest span of the bridge. . He removed his overcoat, coat, vest and collar and then leaped over the railing. He attempted to swim after striking the water, but soon disappeared. He formerly lived In Winnipeg. No cause Is known for the act. Come to Dedicate Monument. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. Nov. 8-Gov-ernor Samuel W. Pennypaeker. accom panied by the members of his staff, mem bers of the state legislature and 2s veter ans, arrived here tonight to dedicate the monument of the Seventy-third Pennsyl vania tomorrow. The exwclsen will begin at 10 o'clwk. The monument will be pre sented to the Chlckamnuga National Park commission In sn address by Governor Pennypaeker. and a speech of acceptance will be made by General H. V. Boynton, chairman of the commission. There will be a number of other addresses. Always Remensber the Full Jitw axatlvo llromo Qoinina Cure CoM la One Day, f, Cripn 3 Days ca every tab 2iQ CT "THIS LITTLE PIQ WENT TO JONE eM CnilMTRV Itl.lCF .. ow other Fork w w w e e i ntaiv rrod ProducM rt ftntxl frxrluftl-)) from LittU I! frk of oar omm ni.iu nd mr not ft by rMiuct nf "cUnt." LiCtJ h aimif. hautMMis Urt, Hnvma, fiiMHia, tc. Mnplt hyri, MU s4ujr ad Purej Buckwheat Flmir mn no.u grown and ftom mmdm. Writ far booklet. Joni Dairy Firm, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Bold iiOwU bf Gladstone ikv Dr.Searles&SoarlGS SPECIALISTS Cars MM 8 pedal DISEASES OF It El BLOOD POISON WEAK, NERVOUS WEI KIDKEY AND BLADDER DISEASES ' Treatment nnd Medicine S5.00 PER UOIITII Examinations and advice free at efflee or by mall. Written con tracts ajlvea In all aurable disease jr refund icons paid fee treatment Treatment by asalL year in Omaha. Cs. ltn sat DvacUa, OMAHA, Hexagon gilt, per gross, $5.00; per doxen, 46c. Rubber tip, round, per gross, $:.7&; per dosen, 25c. Rubber tip, hexagon, per gross, $:t.i; per dosen, 30c. STEEL PENS. We have a "Good One"' which bears our imprint, "Nufsald." . Assorted styles, per gross, 5c. ' A few of Humes' Pens that will sell at. per gross, 25c. They are good ones. Our line cf office stationery Is eomplele In every respect. Iet us know your wants and we Rssure you that our prices will be right. Remex That's the name of the 1 rt Fountain Pen tver offered for $1.'4. Ar k to see It. SOCIETY STATIONERY. We received this wek a twat fcnd dnln'v line of Imported Dinner Cards; will be pleased to show them to you. Our line of Tallies Is the largest In the country and the best to be found in the west. Can show you the very latest styles In Crane's Fine Stationery. Remember, we do all kinds of Engraving, Crest and Die Stamping. Our workmun ship ts unexcelled. Samples end pHces sent upon application. Our Monograms are considered Just a little the best always. PERIODICALS. In this department we have all the lead ing weekly and monthly publications of the t.'nlted States; also carry dally and Sunday papers from all the leading cities. We will take your subscription for any magasine or publication published. Before placing your subscriptions for 1001 CALL. AND BEE US. 1308 Farnam Street. Telephone 2X4. e3M10NERY$ &fte Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway .to Chicago Trie Omaha Train Par FxcdUna is So. 6. A $o'id 'rain mad? K in Omalim, dmly ut f .50 p. m. arriving ut (''t Wtto r;i p. 7ia;', luor't'n.ry. Library lijffel 'u rJSuibcr Atw lund'trd .l'enc i s I)in".r Chair O'tr- Kc ' ! c- City Offices- -i 14011403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. S24-BSI Charge Less Than All Other DR. File GREW SPECIALIST. Treat all term el diseases or MEN ONLY A M4iceJ Bsptrt 2s Vsars' Eipcri.no IS Years In Omsk Near o, 000 Cures " 1. 1 1 -1 -- ItrsrvMl. loo4 Fslsoa. Btrlrtura. niMt, Names NMIIlr. Lam of Strmu 4 Vlul ;r all farms t ckrasia 4 Issues. TrMUMSt T sull. Call er nu. See tsi. onus enr us a. Mia a. Ml BUM UMTS. QOVn'C Woodwiird A liurgess, UUTU O Managers. Tuesday and Wednesday Nights Matinee Wednesday The Comedy Drama, On the Bridge at Midnight Prices Mat, any seat, 3c; night, 2c, 60c. 7bc Thursday, Friday. Bat. Mnt. and Night M1LUE JAMES, In The Little Princess Prices Mat, 26o to IL Night, 26c to fl.kO. Boyd's Theater Tonight SUZANNE! ADAMS Soprano LEO STERN 'Cellist OEOKOB CRAMFTON , Itusso WARD STEPHENS Pianist Prices. 76o to $2. Gallery. 60c. ss TELEPHONE 1.1.11. Every ltlarht. Matinees Tbnrsdny, at sirdar asd Sunday. MODKHX V Al OK VII. I.E. Frederick Ilond A Co., Agnes Mahr, Mario A Aldo, Hal Godfrey Co., Joe Newman, Wood & Itay, John LeCluIr and the Klncdrome. PRICE-10c, tZc, 60c ' . ; Theater 25-50-75C : ! TONIGHT AT 6:1.7 S PVY,i.JiVi,U' rB," Uiulmd Comedy. : BEST BEATS. &c i rHt- i : BEAUTY DOCTOR. Thursday-Joe Welch. Lu "The Peddler." iff? .A JB