Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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Tim- Omaha Sunday Be&
Dnily Hee (without Pun. Jay), On Year.M.flQ
Dullr he and Sunday, Una Year , SOO
Illustrated Bee, Unc tear, 2 0
BundnT Ke, One Year I.W
fnlurrtay flea, one Ynr 1 W
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. 1.U0
Pally Bee (witnout Sunday), per copy to
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week lOo
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
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late of Nebraska, Douglas County, as:
George B. Tsschiick, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally Morning,
Evening and Sunday Br printed during
the month of October, 19' 3, was aa follows:
1 2S,MNI 17 sw.m:H
1 2,MW) g!t
I S.T3 ' 19...... itt),HO
4 T,401 20 8O.8T0
JIH.TIO 21 80,200
t 2H.8WO 22..,.,... no,71M
1 23 3M.T1S
S 28.T10,
24 !W,n
28 21MKIO
26.. ...31,1T(I
27 Sl.lfrJ
2 81, KM)
30... 40.BSO
31, 33,SH!
Jl 2i,RSO
It 90,4.15
14 SM,4MM
Total 032,020
Lacs unsold and returned copies.... 10,58
tfet total saJes....
Not averags tales su.TStf
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before ma this 4th day of October, A. D.,
1M. M. B. 11UNGATE.
Even the good old Indian summer
must come to an end with the advance
of November.
A brief supply of seasonable weather
right now would be a welcome stimu
lant to retail bus! neat.
Why all this fuss about the young
woman who eloped with a Chinaman?
Isn't this still a free country?
A study of the crop statistics of No
bra ska leaves no room for doubt on the
question whether up-to-date Intelligent
farming pays. i
The new Nebraska revenue law has
gotten into the supreme court The
chances are It will find It much harder
to get out than to get in.
After the American Tublic Health as
sociation gets through with the sleeping
car blanket it might with equal propriety
tackle the hotel bed quilt
Our old Nebraska friend, Consul Gen
eral John Jenkins of San Salvador, is to
be congratulated for taking his leave
of absence at the right time.
Prophet Dowie seems to have found
his recent excursion Into the enemy's
country as disappointing' as did an emi
nent political prophet a, few years ago.
That annexation talk in Canada ' is
gradually subsiding. It will take more
than one arbitration disappointment to
Jar the Canadians loose from the colonial
shelf of the British empire.
it may be safely put down that those
committee asHtgnments are not bother
ing Speaker Cannon half so much as
they are bothering the members of tho
house, who all want to be provided
with the best berths.
The first of the legislative bribery
cases in Missouri has run up against a
hung jury. In the light of the acquittal
of Jim Tillman by a Jury in South Caro
lina, the public is not surprised at any
flagrant miscarriage of Justice in these
Governor Mickey in his Thanksgiving
proclamation earnestly recommends the
good people of this state to attend dl
Ylne worship in their churches or family
circles on the designated day. For
some nnknown reason be falls to men
tion foot ball as a substitute for church
The chairman of the national commit
tee who is to manage the next presiden
tial campaign for the republicans will
not be formally chosen until next June.
That leaves plenty of time for specula
tion among the political gosslpers and
for the rise and fall of any number of
ambitious statesmen in the mention list.
Having .been acquitted of tho charge
of exercising hypnotic powers over a
client. Colonel Bryan still hankers after
a vindication for his professional abili
ties as the legal adviser in drawing the
Bennett will. It is not so much the
money he is after as a refutation of the
Insinuation that he made a bungling Job
of it when as a lawyer be ought to
have known better.
The harards assumed by the political
forecaster are delightfully exemplified
lu some of the New York weekly period
icals which go to press several days
before the dates they bear on their flag
staffs. Harper's Weekly, Issued for No
vember. 7, or four days after the election
is over, gives a large amount of space
to proiilmies on the mayoralty cam
paign ga'iiered from various sources,
and adds its own prognostication that
"whichever candidate is elected his plu
rality U not likely to be large.1,' In the
next number the editor wlil le buy
tolling how it happened,
NORTH. PLATTE. Neb., Nov. S.-To tha
Editor of The Bee: Now that the political
campaign Is over I would suggest that Ths
Be. Inaugurate a campaign for the develop
ment of ths resources of the state, and
that In such a campaign let It not be for
gotten that right here In Lincoln county,
In the Platte valley, we have a district
that will rival the famous Greeley dis
trict In the production of sugar beets and
alfalfa, and that all we need to make this
district as productive as tha Greeley dis
trict Is an equally numerous and Intelli
gent farming population to utl'Jse the land.
The suggestion Is a good one and The
Bee will be glad to second every legiti
mate effort to develop Nebraska's re
sources and build tip the state lu any
part of it by the inauguration of new en
terprises or the attraction of new popu
lation. The expansion of the sugar beet
industry Is one of the promising fields of
Nebraska agriculture. Nebraska alone
consumes many times the amount of
sugar which is produced by the beet
sngar factories already in operation, and
thoro Is no good reason whatever why
the home market should not be fully
supplied by home production.
Nebraska is essentially a food-producing
state. We have built up a large
meat packing industry at South Omaha
which has been of untold benefit to the
stock-raisers and stock-feeders who mar
ket their cattle at this point. This In
dustry, however, is capable of attaining
much larger dimensions and Is sure to
grow with tho utilization of the by
products in subsidiary establishments.
It devolves upon the farmers and stock
men of the state to co-operate with tho
captains of this great industry and con
tribute tangible aid by giving the home
market preference over its competitors.
Of even greater importance to Ne
braska Is its production of cereals after
various degrees of transformation, which
go to feed the world. The work of mill
ing and transforming the wheat and
corn and oats into prepared food prod
ucts can be done Just as well in Ne
braska as at eastern points. Omaha is
now engaged in a vigorous campaign for
the creation of a grain market that will
hold a place in time with the cattle mar
ket already established. With the grain
market must necessarily come mills and
factories that will consume a large part
of the grain and give a steady home de
mand to our own farming community.
The creation of a home market at
Omaha would not interfere in any un
favorable way with the milling indus
tries at interior points of the state, but
if anything would help them in the long
run. Every citizen of Nebraska inter
ested in its growth and prosperity should
be Interested In the success of this sig
nificant project
Let the campaign for the development
of Nebraska's resources begin at once
and never flag. -
The secretary of state has done well
in promptly giving to the country a
statement of the reasons which Impelled
this government to take the .course it
has in "fegard to Panama. Not only
was there opportunity for misjudging
the action of tho United States in the
recognition of Panama as a de facto
state, but the government was charged
with having countenanced and fostered
the revolutionary movement which if it
were a fact would be a reproach to
this nation of the gravest character.
The essential point In the statement
of Becretary Hay. is that the United
States has a treaty obligation in regard
to the Isthmus of Panama which it was
bound to observe In the Interest of the
world's commerce. Under this conven
tion our government was required to
preserve the neutrality of the Isthmus
and maintain free transit across it
This authority has been exercised on
several occasions and under It naval
vessels were ordered to Colon and Pan
ama when the present revolution was
proclaimed. There is no qnestion as to
the action of our government in this
respect being entirely proper and legiti
mate. It was necessary both in com
pliance with the treaty and for the safe
guarding of American Interests. ' As the
secretary of state says, the considera
tions which controlled at the time the
treaty was made have become more
important In every year since and "our
acquisition of Hawaii and the Philip
pines has given them a greatly en
hanced value. The control In the inter
est of commerce and traffic of the whole
civilised world of the means of undis
turbed transit across the Isthmus of
Panama has become of transcendant im
portance to the United States." This is
as fully realized by other governments
as by our own.
The secession of Panama and the or
ganization of a new government there
will not affect the treaty. The obliga
tion of the United, States in regard to
free transit on the isthmus remains.
"As long as the isthmus endures," says
Secretary Hay, "the great geographical
fact keeps alive the solemn compact
which binds the holders of the territory
to grant us freedom of transit and binds
us In return to safeguard for the isth
mus and the world the exercise of that
Inestimable privilege." Of course there
Is not the least danger of the people of
Panama not accepting the conditions of
the treaty. They have already an
nounced through their representatives
In the provisional government that they
do so and there will be no change from
this, it can confidently be predicted,
when the new state Is fully organized.
They are Intensely" anxious that the
canal shall be built, they know that it
can be constructed only by the United
States and they will put no obstacle in
the way of the great enterprise being
undertaken by this country.
In regard to ths recognition of the
Independence of Panama, Secretary Hay
states that it has the warrant of all
our precedents and principles. There
was no opposition to the revolutionary
movement The parent state did noth
ing to repress or Interfere with it. It
was effected without any conflict. The
few Colombian troops sent to the isth-
mua withdrew, except those that Joined J
the revolutionists. In these circum
stances our government was fully Jus
tilled in recognizing the provisional gov
ernmcnt and instructing our consuls to
enter Into relations with it We do not
believe that any trouble will grow out
of this action on the part of our gov
eminent but anticipate on the contrary
that a permanent government will be
peaceably established In Panama as
soon as It is possible to do so and that
It will be assured the protection and
support of the United States.
There Is a new tangle In regard to the
admission of the territories to statehood
which it is apprehended may render the
situation more perplexing than it has
been. This Is due to an issue between
New Mexico and Arizona. The former
has practically concluded, says a Wash
ington dispatch, that It will stand a
much better chance for statehood by
agreeing to the absorption of Arizona.
This caused indignation among the
citizens of Arizona, who feel that they
had better wait for years than consent
to such a proposition. The delegate
from New Mexico, who is now in Wash
ington, has announced' that another
statehood bill would be introduced for
his territory and that while he would
very much like to have New Mexico
separately admitted, he would gladly ac
cept the annexation of Arizona if he
could get his bill through in no other
way. That the people of Arizona will
most vigorously oppose any such propo
sition is certain and it Is quite probable
that they will have the support of the
democrats in congress.
The effect of such a contest will very
likely be to further postpone action' on
the statehood question, though it is pos
sible that there may be legislation for
the admission of Oklahoma. It is stated
that Speaker Cannon will be no more
friendly to statehood than was his pre
decessor, in which case the question Is
pretty sure not to be acted upon at the
coming session, since there is no reason
to expect that the opposition In the sen
ate will be less determined than In the
last congress. It Is quite safe to predict
that the statehood matter will not be
disposed of until after the presidential
the AOm or fame.
Bearing upon the discussion of the age
at Which men have accomplished sub
stantial achievements that entitle them
to recognition as factors in contem
porary progress, statistics compiled In
connection with the new edition of the
handy, volume called "Who's Who in
America," offers some Interesting Infor
mation. We are becoming so accus
tomed to hearing It said that the young
men are the men who do things in tbeso
twentieth century days that the Impres
sion is too apt to prevail that experience
gained only with age cuts no figure in
lasting fame.
Out of the 15,204 men mentioned in
this biographical compendium 12,888 re
sponded to Inquiries relating to their
birth. Of course, all of these men are
not to be termed famous, but all of them
have done something to distinguish
themselves above the common crowd.
It turns out that of those whose biog
raphies have been considered worth
while printing only 146 are less than. 30
years of age and only 1,740 more are un
der 40 years of age, as against over 11,-
000 who are upwards of 40 years. The
editor calls attention to the fact that be
cause the great majority of the men
having biographical mention are per
sons of mature age does not prove that
they were not of prominence when they
were much younger, many of them hav
ing laid the foundation for their present
positions by some notable work decades
ago. ,
The fact remains that It takes time to
acquire, build op and develop the facul
ties that make for distinction In any line
of trade or profession, and that the In
fant prodigy is the rare exception to the
rule. As the editor of this compilation
aptly says, "The day of the young man
is here, but the day of the mature man,
even of the old man, is not past."
the law fob police officers.
Several Instances of comparatively re
cent occurrence In Omaha la which po
lice officers have been criticised for. re
sorting too freely to the use of their fire
arms In the apprehension of criminals
give a local Interest to a decision just
rendered by the supreme court of Penn
sylvania, refusing to reopen a case In
which a policeman was convicted for
manslaughter. In this particular In
stance a member of the police force in
the town of Somerset 'fired a fatal bullet
at a man whom he undertook to arrest
for burglary when the latter refused to
bait at the call to do so. '
The synopsis of the opinion gives it as
the ruling of the court that an olllcer Is
not bound to retreat when be is attacked
or when a criminal resists him, but that
he has no right to kill merely because
the Individual whose arrest Is desired
takes to his heels in an effort to escape.
Commenting on the decision a writer, in
an eastern paper says that there can be
no question of the soundness of this In
terpretation of the law, because to allow
a police officer, or any peace officer, even
with a warrant In bis possession, to
shoot and kill the person sought to be
arrested merely because be flees to avoid
arrest would be to vest the officer with
the right to Inflict the death penalty
without trial of the accused or suspected
It might be added that any other rule
would leave It to the arbitrary whim of
a police officer to shoot down defenseless
people on mere suspicion that they were
defying his authority and make the po
lice officer a lawless autocrat with the
Uvea of the whole community depending
upon his pleasure. Policemen often have
aggravated cases to deal with, but they
should learn the lesson thoroughly that
they are not themselves to commit crime
under pretense of suppresdlng crime, and
that the individual, even though subject
to the penalties of the law, has rights
which the officer of the law Is bound to
Forty Welsh miners Imported under
contract by the Ellsworth Mining com
pany of Pennsylvania have been ordered
deported. They will be returned at the
expense of the steamship company that
brought them over, although presum
ably the company was ignorant of tho
fact that they were under contract to
perform lnlor In this country. The
guilty mining compuny escapes all pen
alty for its offense against the law. In
reference to this the Philadelphia Rec
ord remarks that according to the act
of congress corporations importing labor
ers shall pay a fine of $1,000 In each
case. "But of any intention to prosecute
the Ellsworth company there is no evi
dence. The only sufferers by the trans
action are the deceived miners and the
innocent transportation company. This
manner of administering the contract la
bor law Is well calculated to relieve Its
violators of any apprehension of the con
There Is no more important feature of
the law than that which provides a pen
alty for Importing contract labor and it
ought to bo rigidly enforced. This mat
ter is now in the hands of the commls
sioner of the bureau of corporations In
the Department of Commerce and we
are not disposed to believe that he will
neglect the duty which the law Imposes,
The case of the Imported Welsh miners
appears to be a peculiarly flagrant one
and there seems to be no good reason
why the mining company should not be
prosecuted and made to bear Its Just
share of punishment for a plain viola
tion of the law, which there can be no
doubt It was fully aware of when it con
tracted with the alien labor.
Much Is said, by the antl-immlgratlon-
ists, as to the great number of Illiter
ates who come to this country, but as
matter of fact when the children under
14 years of age are deducted the propor
tion of Illiterates is not great. Thus out
of 857,000 Immigrants who came to the
United States in the steerage of ocean
ships during the fiscal year ending with
last June, only about 70,000 or 77,000
were settled Illiterates, or about 0 per
cent This is only a little worse, ob
serves the Cleveland Leader, than the
showing made by the latest census
among the residents of this country.
xsor are the Immigrants of recent
years the chief offenders in respect to
illiteracy, says that paper. "Nearly
4,000,000 out of 6,180,000 Illiterates over
the age of 10 years were native born.
There are wide regions in this country
in which the proportion of illiterates
among the native born Is greater than
it is among the immigrants of the last
fiscal year. Recent immigrants are not
so terribly initerato as they have been
pictured. The country will not be
swamped by their lack, of education."
It would be well If those who profess
so much alarm at the number of Illit
erates Mho come to this country would
look more closely into the facts.
Word comes from one of the interior
counties of the state that the new
county commissioner law passed by the
last Nebraska legislature may have to
run the gauntlet of the courts through
the refusal of an outgoing commis
sioner to recognize its constitutionality
and yield to his successor elected under
Its provisions, which require a vote
throughout the entire county Instead of
by districts as formerly. The law
affects all the counties that have been
districted for representation in their
county boards and Its rejection by the
courts would probably make a notable
difference in the control of the affairs
of more than one county. It goes with
out saying that the law Is to be con
sidered good until declared void by com
petent authority.
If Spain does not want to participate
in the Louisiana Purchase exposition
because It Is an American enterprise, It
Is at perfect liberty to refuse to do so.
The Invitation, however, Is hardly a
proper pretext for the attack upon the
United States In the Spanish Parlia
ment although many Spaniards may
harbor a feeling of resentment growing
out of the late Spanish-American war.
If some one In our own congress should
give a similar exhibition of spleen
against Spain, we would soon have a
formal protest
According to the Financial Chronicle
the net earnings of the American rail
roads for the eight months previous to
September show an increase of 14 per
cent and the gross earnings an increase
of 15 per cent If any other business
could make an exhibit of profit equal to
this it would consider Itself In remark
ably fine condition and would hardly
feel required to resort to retrenchment
or the discharge of employes.
It is not fair to put labor leaders gen
erally into the Sam Parks class any
more than It would be to put all the
bankers Into the embezzler brigade be
cause an occasional banker goes wrong.
Give the honest and intelligent labor
leader the same credit for sincerity as
the enterpritdng employer so long as he
Is engaged in working for the Improve
ment of his own people.
Lock Pleasaat, fleas.
Portland Oregonlan.
If Canada ever expects to become a part
of tha United States it will have to gut
good natured. This country declines to
have relations with any country that grum
bles and scolds as much as Canada, does.
The Sleeping Car Blanket.
Philadelphia Record.
Tha sleeping car blanket would ba much
less of a menace to health if the sheets
were large enough to protect it from con
tact with tha sleeper. Cheap as cotton
cloth is, extraordinary economy Is prac
ticed lu making sheets for sleeping cars
and steamboats, and the blanket Is gener
ally In contact with the face or the feat
of the occupant of the berth. It the blan
kets be washed only in six mouths.
it Is Imperative that ths sheets, which are
presumably washed after each using,
should contain three or four cents' worth
mora of material.
Hamper Crest of Wisdom.
Indianapolis Journal.
With Iowa mora heavily republican than
ever, and Nebraska safe by a goodly plural
ity, the corn belt appears to have coma
back Into the fold without any reservt
tlons. People out there have learned wis
dom with prosperity.
Minor Details Overlooked.
Indianapolis News.
A New Tork man who Is at tha head of
a corporation capitalised at 1900,000.000 is
under arrest for failure to pay his board
bill. In these days of mammoth enter
prises, however. It seems Inevitable that
soma of the minor details of Ufa should
be overlooked.
Is Learning; Dasgfreait
Baltimore American.
Ths fact that In the Indian battle In
Wyoming with a sheriff's posse one of ths
Indian leaders waa a graduate of Carlisle
school Is not a telling one In favor of the
gratitude and patriotism of tha red man,
On the whole, concerning tha education of
the Indian, It la hardly what might be re
garded as a reassuring tact
Hot Like Mother Made.
Philadelphia North American.
Our butters and canned goods and Jams
and jellies and beers and whiskies and
wines, According to Prof. Wiley, are nearly
all alumed and boraxed and glucosed until
we don't really know whether we are sat
Ing a sealskin sacque smothered In moth
balls or a stone quarry a la Newburg,
What Is tha self-respecting housewife to
dot Who can be expected to contrive rasp
berry tarta "like mother used to make1
from aniline dye and hayseed T Where Is
the Individual who will rejoice in tha ver
dancy of the tinned pea when ha knows Its
emerald hue Is due to copper and tha
mines In Montana shut down at that?
Yonng Men of Today.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
The young men of today are too finicky
too much given to self-analysis, too self
pampering. Their shoes and neckties coet
more each year than did the entire ward
robe of their grandfathers. They feel a
sense of degradation In small beginnings
and plodding, and they wait for success
ready made to come to them. There Is not
a young man In the country who would
imitate Ben Franklin and march through
the streets munching a loaf of bread while
looking for employment He dares not in'
deed, because society has become also fin
icky, and he would be arrested as a tramp,
Tha young man of today wants capital.
Trusts and combines and corporations dis
tress him. He cannot be president of a
bank or judge of a court the first week he
la from school, and he feels, like the
famous Ell Pussley, that he has "no
Rot a Cheerful Babject, bat It Points
Chicago Chronicle.
Undoubtedly there la no mora useless.
wasteful and foolish form of extravagance
than that which takes the form of expen
sive funerals. Tha expenditure of money
for sllver-trlmmed coffins, long lines of
carriages and other outward evidences of
grief Is a form of ostentation which often
taxes the resources of ths survivors and
In many cases actually Impoverishes them.
It la sometimes urged in defense of this
kind of extravagance that It Is a manifes
tation of affection and respect for ths de
ceased. Tha plea Is un veracious In most
cases. Mortuary profusion la, in moat in
stances, prompted by an unworthy desire
to be "as good as anybody else. It is a
fear of neighborhood comment which im
pels many a family of moderate clrcum
stanoes to order a funeral suitable if
suitable at an for a millionaire.
Tha dread of , having someone sneer at
a cheap funeral" has run Into debt peo
ple who would otherwise be In comfort
able circumstances. Terror of unchari
table gossip has enriched ths undertakers
and rendered otherwise sensible people
abject alavea of a bad custom.
It Is encouraging to note Instances of a
revolt against this evil conventionality.
Prof. Max Wright of Leland Stanford uni
versity, who was buried at Grand Rapids,
Mich., not long ago, left Instructions that
he should be Interred In a plain pine box
coating $2, and that the $200 which would
ordinarily have been spent for his funeral
ahould be distributed among the poor.
Dr. Qlfford of Kokomo, In'd., provided
in his will that he should be buried at
night In a cheap coffin, with no attendant
save tha undertaker.
Cremation, which Is a comparatively
inexpensive method of disposing of the
human body, la increasing In favor. Many
people are rebelling against tha foolish
tradition which prescribes that tha rela
tives of the dead must impoverish them
selves In order to manifest their grief. It
Is to be hoped that the movement will
find adherents In increasing numbers.
Tha trappings and the suits of woe are
a rello of barbarism and when they be
come an extravagance they should be
Retailing; m Tale of Woo Increases
tbo Teller's Troubles.
Saturday Evening Post
One of tha keenest politicians that this
country aver produced took a vacation and
went to Europe. At the suggestion of
friends whom be met in London ha decided
to secure the services of that useful func
tionary known aa a "man," a combination
of valet and companion. He reduced the
applicants to one, and was about to com
plete the negotiations when the fortunate
person began to tell him of his career, his
ambitions, opportunities and misfortunes a
genuine hard-luck . story. Tha politician
listened tor a while and then suddenly -In
terposed: "I find that I do not want you,"
and when pressed for his reason, added: "I
never hire hard-luck people, especially the
kind who talk about It"
There seem to ba an Injustice In this, and
there doubless Is. At the same time this
politician was a judge of men or he would
not have been a successful politician.
Host persons who have achieved success
are obliged to listen to hard-luck stories
despite their efforts to avoid them. The
main reason the modern merchant or man
ager surrounds himself by an office guard,
and protects himself by anterooms and
swinging gates, la to escape callers who
want to take up his time by narratives of
tnelr mlafcrtunea. '
Every large center of population has Its
army of hard-luck sufferers, and among
them are men of education, man of posi
tion, men who are almost but not quite,
strong enough to reach success.
Their point of view Is out of compass;
their bearings are wrong: their attitude Is
that some one who has succeeded must
make amends for their own shortcomings.
Theaa unfortunates are probably the most
hopeleas persons In the world hopeless not
so much In their own Ideas as In the possi
bilities of their reformation. When a man
places his own Inadequacy on 111 luck he
la not worth anything to anybody-snot
even to hlmaelf.
Luck Is the tide, nothing more. The strong
man rows with It If It makes toward his
port. He rows against It If It flows the
other way. Fair or foul, flood or ebb. he
rows. And the world has very little time to
waste on the man who complains that tha
tide did not turn at every bend to suit elm.
Fhllsdelphla Inquirer: It Is said that of
tha fifty-six recruits who represented
Dowle's total result In New York not mora
than a dosen belonged to the city, the oth
ers being from the ranks of tha Dowleltes
themselves. One moral may be that a
red-hot religious campaign In the midst of
a white hot political one doea not pay.
Philadelphia Press: Bnllington Booth
waa not permitted to take any part In the
funeral program concerning the remains
of hta sister, Mrs. Booth-Tucker. This was
by order of those representing General
Booth In London. He believes In a dea
potlo sway Ilka that of Dowie, and does
not forgive his son for establishing a more
liberal order known as the Volunteers of
America. It means that there will ba no
Springfield Republican: Commissioner
Eva Booth of Canada will not succeed her
sister, Mrs. Booth-Tucker, as consul, for
It seems that aa consul aha was "co-equal
with her husband by virtue of being the
wife of tha commander. Of course, no
woman not his wife can assume the office
of consul so long as he la alive." Mr.
Booth-Tucker remains commissioner, then,'
and there Is no consul tha word seems to
have acquired a new meaning In Salvation
Army parlance.
As a matter of fact Ann doesn't know
her own age, exoept by hearsay.
Twelve million dollars In sight would
start a revolution In more conservative
spots than Panama.
Affairs on tha neck of tha western hemi
sphere tend to show that Senator Morgan
has a speech coming.
Observant girls who watch foot ball con
tests may obtain valuable pointers for use
in tha Christmas rush.
When a Chicago kiss draws a verdict for
(25,000 It la safe to conoluda that tha period
of Inflated values baa not passed.
The most remarkable phenomena of tha
waning year la tho discovery of spots on
tha sun, and no reporter on the spot
Tammany not only hogged the offices,
but won nearly a million dollars from tha
fuslonlsts. That comes pretty near rub
bing It In,
A 'learned Chicago professor says ths
earth Is good for 100,000,000 more years.
That affords ample time for tha building
of urban trolley lines.
"8t!k socks," says the lata Mr. Dovery,
referring to his former chum, Charley Mur
phy, "don't always mean that a man has
no corns on his morals,"
Out of their superabundant kindness, re
publicans express a willingness to provide
padded cells for "our friends, ths enemy,"
who bet on Johnson carrying Ohio.
Tha Solomons of the Massachusetts Su
preme court decide that It Is unlawful for
a man to get drunk In his own home. It
Is also mors dangerous In cases where the
"dear wife" gets busy.
Another Solomon has arisen on the bench
of Wisconsin. He holds that a woman's
escort Is Justified In resenting the Insults
of a masher, oven to tha extent of kicking
soma sense - Into the masher's head. May
his tribe increase.
Colonel Watterson shows admirable self
restraint concerning events at the Isth
mus. The Courier-Journal continues on a
peace footing, and the only revolution In
sight is In the press room. Meanwhile tha
"gray wolves" are coming out of tall
Republican spellbmders of a generation
ago,- who pounded Cobdenlsm Into ths
earth, may now enjoy the spectacle of
Britishers larruping their favorite off
spring. Equally amualng Is tha Indiffer
ence of democrats, '.who on former ooca-
The costume that will add most to the charm of a
woman's figure must have for its foundation a New Model
J. B. Corset. .
434, 436, 433
Dewey & Stone
Square China Case, quartered oak, $11.75.
China Case, bent glass ends, polished
quartered oak, 117.00.
China Case, bent g'aaa ends and door,
made of selected quartered oak, polished,
Laj-ga lino of new dealgna at 1-1 00, $27.60,
$30.00, $21.00, $.00, 13) 00 and higher.
The above line of Buffets and
and exceedingly cheap.
t ' m MM SEaT
1115-1117 Fartiam Street.
si on cried out In angi "Save me
It la evident from th returns that
Dowle's "restoration host did not make'
much of an Impression New Tork.
Tammany worked both aid of tha street
and camped In tho middle.
'Yes. constructively."
"I don't understand."
"She knows aha can bar whenever
she will say tha word," Chlgo Tribune.
Newcastle Was there ai romance
connected with your engagme?
Ingertleld Romancer I proiwd to her
at :46 and she accepted me reclaelr at
:16. Detroit i'reo Prose.
Wife Wasn't that Mr. Ousxlero passed?
He seemed rather preoccupied.
Husband He looked to me rhat you
mlKht be called "occupied."
Wife Occupied? How do you ran?
Husband i'ull.Phlladslphla Pie.
'Prisoner, why did you etrike ta man?"
if you please, your honor, hi came to
me suddenly and aald, 'How old Ann? "
well, what hurt did that do' "Why,
you see, your honor, Ann Is m wife."
Cleveland Plain Daalar.
"Mre. Van Tassel Is going to bbla In
l!Je"' he should make an Ideal iroker,"
Vhy so?"
"Because she Is married and Mia of
the other brokers would dare aquae her."
Bt. Louis Post Dispatch.
"What's that you're reading?" '
'It's called 'A Model Man' and Ithlnk
It's awfully stupid."
"Tea, the model man generally ii par
ticularly after has married.'' Clcago
Tess He proposed to ma today at ha
was so Impatient. He wanted me to larry
him right away. But I waa not be
hurried. , T
Jess So you put him off, eh?
Tess Yes, Indeed. I told him he'd tave
to wait until tomorrow, PhUadejhla
"When you pucker your lips that w.y,"
says the billiardlst to hie sweetheart, ' Is
my cue for a kiss." ,
"Is It?" she smiles. "Well, I don't esc in
many you take."
For she had not yet learned tho addi
tional Interest that may ba given ,he
game by tho establishment of a balk-be.
Bismarck Tribune. ,
(Statisticians say the cost of living Is
creasing. Dally paper.)
What la tho coat of living?
The nrlce of bread and a bone?
Tho thirst of the parched lips for drlnl
Ana me cry lor rooa alone r
Masters of fact and fl auras.
Yo who have writ the scroll, 1
Count ye tbo cost as a huckster's esargi
wiw never a mougm ot aovur
To with tho bloodless story
Of flarura and fact arrayed.
Heard ye no tale of the mother's pain
On the bed where the child la
Ye tell or the cost or living
Took ye no thought on It:
The anguished price that a mother ays
ana uie patience innniiei ,
What is tho coet of living? 1
Saw ya no blind and lama? 1
Heard ye no cry of a soul's despair!
Saw ye no blush of shame? 1
Met ye no disappointed? I
Dried ye no tearful eye,
That wept o'er the clay of an tdoi, dou,'
tre me sun was noonaay nignr
What Is tho cost of living?
Heard ya of none who died
High on a cross of shsttered hopes
And longings unsatisfied?
Ssw ye no slaves, unwilling.
Heard va no bitter cry .
Of men accursed with ths taint of sin,
r earing to live or oiei
What Is the cost of living?
All of our toll and tears.
All of our doubts and sorrows,
AH of our woes and fears,
Grim and with greed unceasing,
Life for his debt claims pay,
Never the sum decreasing,
Now, or aver, or aye.
The Corset of Today
is the most up-to-date example of the
Corset Maker's Art that America
has vet produced. The New Models
are sufficiently varied to exactly fit t
the form of every woman and are
sold by leading dealers at $1.00 to
& CO,, Makers
Broadway, N. Y.
Furniture Co.
Buffets and
China Cases
Special line of new patterns
in China Cases and Buffets,
beautifully made and finished
with and without mirror backs,
in all sizes, at very low prices
for this week.
Buffet of selected quartered ak, large
pattern plato mirror, finely finished, $34. CO.
Buffo made of the finest quarto rod oak, i
full swell front, extra largo pattern plato
mirror full length of top, heavy French
legs, at $43.00. Others at I2S.0Q, tXiOQ, $41 SO,
fH.00, $60.00, $61.00, $7X00 and higher.
China Cases is especially good