Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 9

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PAGES 9 TO 16. g
The Omaha
!?n' Big Salo on
Children's Underwear
Children's fleece-lined, Jersey ribbed mm
MnutWn huIih, in all sixes; 4E
worth 60c, at fcO
Children' raitidl hair vest, pants and
. drawers. In all sizes from 16 to 84; worth
onWtV:...t"'d."!r: 25c to 60
Children's vests and panta, fleece lOn
lined, worth 85c, at 13
Buys' extra heavy fleece lined veata AC.
and drawers; worth iOc, at sU"
Children's Jersey rlbhed. half wool combi
nation suits, In nil nlzNi from 2 to 14
years; worth 76c to IL0O; rn 1- "Id
Haturday, only OU 10 10
Children' black wool combination suits.
In all fixes; worth 11.26, 9Qc
tr. Denton sleeping garments, for all hack,
In tine merino; rn
worth Jl.oj. at OU
Children's flannelette dresses, in sixes ltmn
1 to 4 years; Cfl
worth 75c, at , 0UC
Ladies' Underwesr
Lad lea' Jersey ribbed, flnaca-llned veata and
panta, silver and ecrue: C
worth fee, at fcO
Ln dies' half wool veata and panta, Ufl
tine quality; worth 76o, at Oil'
Ladles' outing- flannel gowns, mads with
iuchcu yoaes, Basoned colors; Crl.
75o, at W
ladles extra heavy
faney silk finished;
outing flannel gowns.
worm ii. ia, at
tariie jersey ruDea. fleece-lined Clin
combination suits; worth 75o, at SUU', wool combination suits, Harvard
m I Hi make, silk crotcheted I Cft
neck; worth (2.00, at l.wU
ladles' slik end wool combination aults In
all colors. Sterling; mil la make; O Eft
worth $6.00, at W'OU
Hen's Untkrwoar
Ken's 11.50 all wool shirts and drawers, in
single and double breasted styles. In
gray snd camel hair. I Of.
at, each liUtf
jaen's I..00 all wool ehlrta and drawers. In
single and double breasted styles In
gray, blue or camel hair color, IOC
In all sixes, at, each It 3
M-n's 75a heavy fleece-lined shirts and
drawers, coloror blue, single or i re
double breasted, at .t30
All the newest styles In Men's Fine Bilk
Neckties, regular too Q.
quality, at.... Ct)c
Men's $1.00 Neck wear1 tn all the best silk
and newest colors and jr.
styles at v 4QC
Men's 60c Suspenders and all kinds leather
and silk e-.ds OC
Corset Department
Kabo Corset, medium length, six gore, dtp
hip for medium figures, hose supporters
on hip and front, sixes I Cft
IS to), at .7 1'OU
Also models for all figures In all lengths at
$1.00 and up
Dr. Warner's Corset for
straight front, dip hip,
tout figures,
siaes w w to.
Ladies' and Children's Hose
Ladles' fine Hale thread Hose, In plain black
and fancy colors goods worth from 60s
to $1.00 on sale 9 Co
Saturday at 3
Ladles' plain black Hose, In light weight,
medium and extra, heavy, neeoe-llned,
regular ISa quality,
Ladles' plain black seamless Hose, tfn
15o quality, at IU
Children's heavy ribbed Hose with French
foot and double knee, regu- 1 0 1ft
lar aw quality, for I U lU
Dilatory Conduct of EaaTy Taxpayers li
Annoying Mr. Fuming
CosaBaisstoae Deellaes - Oatllae
Rallraa Policy, t Hlats at
Fall Caah Valaatlom
lor Basis,
"The Indications are 'that the rlcheet class
ft local taxpayers and the owners Qf the
largest business establishments are going
to take chances of having their assess
ment made by this office, reserving, of
course, the right to protest before the
Board of Review," said Tax Commissioner
Fleming. "Very few personal property
schedules have been received from the cap
itaiutin rlaaa or the large business men.
although the time when all returns must
be In Is near, there being less than ten
days more. Not since I have held the
office have these classes been so dilatory.
I am Inclined to charge it up to the litiga
tion over phases of the new revenue law
and the uncertainty of several of Its provi
sions." ' '
The tax department la experiencing con
siderable difficulty, with persons who send
unsworn and unsigned schedules of per
gonal property to the eiy hall. Two
thirds of those received sl-.ce the revenue
law was projected Into court have lacked
these essentials. Yesterday one man was
engaged all day In returning schedules In
order that the signatures and oaths may
be affixed. An Impreislon seems to prevail
among property owners that the court
ruled a sworn statement unnecessary,
whereas, Mr. Fleming points out. It did
nothing of the kind, merely deciding
against the Inauguration of the particular
form of oath which Is specified by the new
Hlats at Fall Cash Baala.
Commissioner Fleming was asked how
he proposes to deal with the railroads this
"I am not ready to give out any In
formation on that point." he replied. "The
genera understanding Is, however, that the
nty will proceed to assess the transporta
tion lines on the basis of a full cash valua
tion, as any other procedure would be In
conristent with the tight for equal taxation
of railroad property, started last year, and
which Is In the federal courts." '
City Attorney Wright is In Lincoln ap
pearing for the city in the suit broilght
by the foreign fire Insurance companies to
determine the legality of that part of the
revenue law applying to them. They claim
they are discriminated against In favor of
home companies.
Ketee frsa Araay Heaaejnartera.
Captain It. Bt'gidall. Thirtieth United
Btates Infantry, having reported at army
headquarters here, ha been assigned I'i
atuilun at Fort Crook.
Captain Joorph A. Moke of the Twenty,
fourth Infaiury baa Invented a Very con
venient apfuatua t'r tiling note and mm
nmuin In mi army adjutmil'a ortice. wnk-h
I '"cllel the adjutant's lUkler. It Is lu
t fi. mo rrxre-is similar to the ii'uUr card
' filing iHtri now in use In all utile where a
' mul Hliv-I y ( memoranda Is kept, but is
' at th. same time tttr more i-lmple arid con
; veiiin.t, not ocuiiyinif aiiy more room on
' a ii-k thst a ciiir Uil. On. of Cttptatii
H ' contrivance Is 011 exlnbltloa lu tb.
ciuue tt Aajtaul Uuoii iwf at HAUuf
Underwear Saturday
Ladies' Sweaters
Something very new In ladles all wool
Mouse sweaters, trimmed In rib A CA
bon. In all shades and aizea, at TwU
Another lot of blouse jackets at ) Cfl
83.00. 2.75 and .3U
Ladles' fancy vests. In all colors
and sixes; worth 12.50, at
Kisses' Sweaters
We have a new line of misses' blouse Jack
ets In red and blue, all sixes, with lflrae.
pearl buttons, at $2.00, $1.75 (50
Christmas Umbrellas
We have a large line of colored umbrellas
from (2 50 up to $6.00; Just the thing (or
Christmas gift.
Ladies' and Gents' black timbrel- ft ftft
Ihs, from 60o up to 3iUU
Children's at too
Ladles' Kayaer casalmere sllk-llned
gloves at
Ladles' sllk-llned
gloves at
Ladles' and children's golf gloves.
colors, both plain and fancy,
at 60c, 35)0 and ..
Ladles' fine French kid gloves, in
all the latest shades, at
Ladles' sllk-llned Mocha vgloves.
In all shades, at
In all
Men's fine silk and wool shirts and draw
ers, In blue, pink and fane colors; made
to sell at 84.0O and $5.00 some of the beat
underwear made on aale at,
per garment ,
100 dosen Men's Underwear, In heavy
fleece-lined, worth 60c, ar.
on sale at s0C
Men's 60c fine Hale thread and casslmere
Books, in black and fancy riC
colors, at a. 9"
Men's and boy's Kid Gloves, Inn
lined or unllned, at IUJ
Men's and boy'B working Gloves and mit
tens at 50c c
and hG
Boys" $1.00 Fur Mittens rnn
at QUO
The "Nemo" self-reducing corset for stout
American Beauty, dip hip Corset, hose sup-
a w v
iwiwn iu.jxieu ironi ana aiaea,
itvles adnpted to
T .a V.,n.H(. PnrauFa t n -
all flgurea. In fine silk batiste and boned
with genuine whalebone price from $11.50
up to $10.00. Special attention given to
The celebrated Poney brand and Ehaw knit
tKocaings xor ooys ana girls - nr.
Ladles' and children's fine wool Hose In all
weights at tfio, $5o . 50c
Ladles' fine Hale thread lace Hose, In plnln
dic ana iancy colors, regular
$1.60 quality at
Ladles' plain black silk Hose 98
Ladles' plain and fancy silk lace I C fl
Hose at $1.98 and I 0 U
headquarters and Its practical utility Is
very favorably commented upon.
Coaaty Cemsnlesloaers Hear Choras
ef Indlgnaat Appeals Over
1 Plaaablas; Resort.
The publication of the special commit
tee's report relating to the unsanitary con
dition of the poor farm has proven to be
a boomerang and the county commissioners
were besieged yesterday by cltlsens pro
tasting against a continuance of both the
methods of letting contracts and the pres
ent conditions at the poor farm. 1
Speaking upon the report of the commit
tee and the fact that each member thereof
had submitted a bill of $300 for his services.
Commissioner O'Keeffe thought It an out
rage. It was Intimated that unless the
present system of bleeding the county
ceased soma' one would be up before the
grand Jury.
The fact that the county had employed
a plumber to look after the poor farm has
proven particularly galling In view of later
developments when it Is shown that the
building Is In worse condition now than
when the plumber was first employed.
The protest against a continuance of ex
isting conditions at the county farm is
general . and one of the commissioners
stated that be wished to absent himself
for a time unless some hope Is held out
that remedial measures will be taken.
Erreaeeasly Thlafca by Seearlagr Her
Scalp that She Cares Dasdraff,
Cleanly woman has an erroneous idea
that by scouring the scalp, which removes
the dandruff scales, she Is curing the dand
ruff. She may wash her scalp every day,
and yet have dandruff her life long, accom
panied by falling hair, too. The only way
In the world to cure dandruff Is to kill the
dandruff germ, and there Is no hair prepa
ration that will do that but Newbro'a Her
piclde. Herplclde by killing the dandruff
germ leaves the hair free to grow as
healthy Nature Intended. Destroy the
cause you remove the effect. Kill the dan
druff germ with Herplclde. Sold by leading
drueglsts. Send lOo In stamps for sample
to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. Sher
man A McDonnell Drug Co., special agents.
Rork Ielaad Mea Are Glrea Iaereaae
ta Wages Deaaaaded by Their
The telegraph operators on the Rock
Island are granted an Increase of from 15
to 20 per cent, beginning November 1. The
amount is Just what was asked by the
Order of Railway Telegraphers. As they
are at present there ta a maximum monthly
of 66 and a minimum of luu. This places
the Rock Island In the same claas with
all of the railroads but the Union Paclflo
and the Burlington. The Union Paclflo re
cently granted its employes an Increase and
now maintains a maximum salary of 180
and the minimum of 843.J3S- Jt pays the
highest salaries of any roads In this terri
tory. The Burlington Just a short time
ago gave Its employes a voluntary Increase
of li per month.
"Oarland" stoves and ranges bake the
bread and roast the meat that stake l&t saaa
Coupons with ovory purchase Tho most liberal and vai
uablo over given absolutely free with every purchase
To still further prove that those coupons are absolutely
free, nototho prices quoted for tho following sales. Ab other
house oast or west can or will offer such values.
IPionoe Sold on las
We are offering the very best Pianos it is possible to produce at prices which mean a great
saving to purchasers. The amount of money we save you is astonishing. One visit to our mam
moth music department will convince the most conservative buyer that our assertions are true.
Our established reputation everywhere for responsibility makes customers safe at all times. We
refund every dollar paid on an instrument if it does not prove to be what we say it is. Our easy
payment plan makes it possible for every home to have, a piano. In addition to low prices and
easy terms customers have the largest stock of standard makes to be found in this part of the
country to make their selection from. Our stock consists of such well known makes as Chicker
ing, Fischer, Estey, Decker, Wegman, Price & Teepole, Kohler & Campbell, Jacob Doll, Haines,
Franklin and several other standard makes to select from. For the next few days we will offer
some wonderful values in new upright pianos. We merely call your attention to a few of them
that you may place your orders now and save money.
One New Upright Walnut Case $95 One New Upright Burl Walnut Case $132
One New Upright Mahogany Case. . . .$105 One New Upright Mottled Mahogany Case $145
One New Upright Oak Case. $115 One New Upright Golden Oak Case $153
One New Upright Dark Oak Case. . . .$127 One New .Upright English Walnut Case. . . $162
We are offering organs at ridiculously low prices this week. We will close out a number at
$10, $12, $13, $15, $18, $20, $25 and $27.50. New pianos for rent Pianos tuned, moved and re
paired. Telephone 1683.
Swell Mats for Twlen and Boys
The greatest variety of men's and boys' hats for fall and winter wear ever shown. All new colors and stylish productions
from the leading manufacturers of the country.
Hayden Brothers are better equipped
fined to any one make or style, but have
hats at $2.60. $2.00, $1.60 and
Bole agents for the "Imperial" $3.00 hats.
School Caps for Boys and Children
Boys' and children's fall and winter caps In neat assorted patterns, worth 60c, on sale Saturday 25c
Boys' yacht automobile, golf and Brighton style caps, worth $1.00, Saturday 50c
Children's stocking caps, at 76c, 65c, 60c, 45c, 36o .and 25c
Extra Special
The Stetson Shoes for men,
all leathers
The Croseett Phoes for men,
all leathers, $3.50 and
The Vltra Shoes for women,
all leathers
The Qrover Shoes for women,
$3.60 and
Sole agents In Omaha for
the celeb m
Packing Company Joint in Mara to Block
Union Faoifis.
Case for Injuactloas ta Preveat Ex
teaaloa of Rtgkt-ef-Way Beta
Araaed la District
The effort to block the Union Paclflo rail
way's attempt to acquire additional track
age facilities and an extension of Its right-of-wsy
In South Omaha was the subject
for argument before Judge Dloklnson yes
terday tn the case of the Swift Packing
company against Frank Koutsky, mayor,
and the city council of South Omaha.
The first opposition to the Union Pacific's
project for Increasing its trackage In South
Omaha was noted over a month ago, when
a restraining order was granted in the
case of Magdalena Plvonka against Mayor
Frank Koutsky and the city council. In
that case it was alleged that the acquisition
of the proposed right-of-way and the cross
ing of certain streets would work Irre
parable Injury to what was alleged to be
the principal business section of the city.
Following the arguments, a restraining
order was granted.
And now comes the Swift packing: com
pany asking for a temporary Injunction
on practically the same grounds set forth
tn the Plvonka case. The points of differ
ence In -the two cases center about the
allegation on the part of the Swift company
that the granting of the proposed right-of-way
will shut off all means of Ingress and
egress to the Swift company's packing
houses and that the fire hasard will be
augmented to such a degree that it will be
practically Impossible for the Bwlft Interest
to secure fire Insurance for its extensive
holdings In. South Omaha. ,
It la argued that the streets proposed to
be vaoated have no connection with the
proposed viaduct, but are several blocks
away, and their vacation is ths Inducement
or consideration for the agreement to con
struct the viaducts. The memoranda fur
ther states that:
It la not proposed tc vacate these streets
because such vacation is in the Interest of
the public, but because the donation of the
vacated ground Co the railroad company
will be aix.ptod by these corporations as a
consideration for constructing the viaduct.
The question is, "Can the city vacate pub
lic streets for the purpose of giving the
5 round to the railroad company as an in
u cement to the erection of this viaduct?"
it is proposed to give the vacated streets
to the railroad company to induce the con
struction of the viaduct under considera
tion, a few feet of which at the east end
will be In a public street of the city, and
the whole of the remainder will be upon
lh. nrivit. . . I ha.,
the west end being upon the property of
the stock yards company, with ,00 outlet
There la no public purpose stated In the
original petition; that it is for the benefit
of -corporations and that the viaduct will
be private property.
In this connection the attorneys for the
plaintiff say that It la true that the com
panies ugree to "grant the use" of so much
of their ground as Is necessary for the
sjpport of the proposed viaduct, but that
tn reality the proposed right-of-way would
be a grant to these companies and for their
own benefit,
XUe argumabU la th caaa .stl
to supply your wants than any other store
the best the world produces to choose from.
Salo of High Grade Shoes Saturday
600 pairs men's sample $3 shoes,
welts and turns
250 pairs women's sample $3 shoes,
welts and turns
400 pairs women's fine kid,
$2.00 shoes
800 pairs boys' and youth's
$1.60 shoes
d Stetson and Crossett for men and the
Don't Put it Off Till Tomorrow, Coma Today
Your eyea must not be neglected. We fit them right. Our prices
are the lo weak Satisfaction guaranteed.
be continued. The court room wag
crowded during the morning, and much in
terest is manifested In the case. Although
a restraining order has been granted In the
Pivonka case, the Swift company thinks
that case may not be well grounded, and It
has therefore instituted a similar proceed
ing on grounds which It deems sounder,
and on this application a temporary Injunc
tion la asked.
Federal Good Roads Official Tlews
Paclflo from Dotalnlea
ta Old Mexlca.
Maurice O. Eldridge, assistant director In
the office of public road Inquiries of ths
United States department of Ariculture,
Washington. D. C, is In the city a guest
of R. W. Richardson. He has Just re
turned from the Paclflo coast, where he
has been Inspecting the road system of
that section. He attended the state good
roads convention at Spokane, Wash.
"Samuel W. Hill, son-in-law of J. J. Hill,
the railway magnate, was appointed by
the convention to go to Washington and
work far the - passage of the Brownlow
bill," said Mr. Eldridge.
"James W. Abbott, a member of congress
from Washington, and myself made an ex
tensive tour of the Pacific coast from Brit
ish Columbia to Old Mexico, taking In the
Puget sound country by rail and water.
We inspected the straw-built roads of the
Palouse region, Washington, as well as the
oil roads of southern California. Too
much cannot be said of the success of the
oil highways of southern California, and I
am free to admit that the Inventor of the
system . Is as great a benefactor to the
world 'as the Inventor of the macadam sys
tem of highways. These oil roads are as
good, If not better, In many respects, than
asphalt. The roadbeds are first built tn
the usual way, with a slight central crown
to permit the water to run off, of ordinary
dirt. The road is then rolled and subse
quently harrowed to a depth of two Inches.
It Is then sprinkled with water. After a
few hours, and before the water has com
pletely evaporated, the roadbed Is sprinkled
with oil. Band la then laid over this oil
sprinkled surface and a 'mixer' run over
It, which forces the sand and oil down Into
the, roadbed, making a surface Impervious
to water and of remarkable durability.
The surface becomes hard and compact and
: will last for from three to four years with
I out additional oil sprinkling. Whatever
I dust blows from the adjacent lands be
I comes packed onto the oil percolated road
and assists tn giving It a finishing surfacs.
These roads will sustain all the trafflo In
ordinary use In that country. The oil
road plan has been adopted In many of
the park systems of California cities and
Is a pronounced success. The oil road
ils certainly a success and I predict that It
win imui ine popular Douievara road
bed throughout the country as soon as its
merits become fully known." .
Bay Cared . Craaa la Fifteea
- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured our
UUle 4-year-old boy of croup In fifteen
minutes My wlfs and I have used this
remedy . In oar family for the past five
years, having tried many other kinds pre
vious to that time, and can say that we
consider It far superior to any other. We
are never without It la eur bom. frank
Htllyer, IfaTe, 111. ..
L2) JU
y Payments
tn the west. Here you are not con
Any style still or soft
200 pairs misses' $1.60 school
126 pairs little gent's $1.00 Don
gola lace
COO pairs men's 7Bo tan, wine and
black ellprers
180 pairs men's $2 satin and box
calf lace snoea
Ultra and Grover shoes for women.
Eeoeipti at 8onth Omaha Show Tremendous
Increase Oy.t Lait Year.
Over Sevea Thousand Five Haadred
Hera Cars Received la Tea
- Heaths Thaa This Time
Last Year.
The South , Omaha stock yards have re
ceived during the ten months of 1903
7.6t9 more cars of live stock than were
received during the same period of 1SW1
The Kansas City stock yards during an
equal time show an Increase of only 4,600
oars. These figures come from the monthly
statements issued by the corporations. The
figures for cattle shipped out and driven
to the country show the great growth of
South Omaha as a market tor feeders.
This Is particularly true of sheep, where
during the two years the gain In sheep
feeders shippea was 18,120 and In sheep
driven to the country, ,711
The greatest , Increase in receipts for the
ten months has been In cattle, of which
6,708 cars more, or 81,191 head, have been
unloaded. Sheep show an Increase for the
ten months of 248 cars, or 88,023 head.
Horses snd mules also make a good show
ing with a growth of 8,837. On the other
hand, while the number of cars of, hogs la
Increased by 1,196, the number of animals Is
decreased by 2.80S, this because the hogs
have been heavier this year, averaging 278
pounds, as against 258 for last year. The
total for the ten months Is: : Cattle, 800,858;
hogs, 1,863,314; sheep, 1,462,831; horses and
mules, 48,748.
During the month 62.015 head of cattle
were shipped from South Omaha, (.613 were
driven to the country and 72,530 were con
sumed In South Omaha, For sheep the
figures are 260,218, 18,120 and 82,008. Of hoga
4.168 head were shipped out during the
month and ' 86,399 head consumed in the
packing houses. The number of cattle used
In the meat Industry for ten months Is
(23,467, as against 476,964 for a similar period
of last year. Hogs also . show a - gain,
1,824,626 having been consumed, while the
figures for last year are - only 1,94,742.
Sheep stand 711,412 head killed this year
during ten months and 637,712 during the
same length of time In 1902.
Cora and Other Prndaets for World'
Fair Coastamtly . Being
; President Wattle and Secretary Shedd of
th Nebraska commission to the Louisiana
Purchase exposition, have returned 'from
Chicago, where they were called on exposi
tion business.
Th affairs of th commission are pro
greasing encouragingly, and specimens of
corn and other agricultural products, in
cluding grains and grasses are being con
stantly received here and being prepared
for storage and exhibition. Secretary
Shedd will shortly make a tour through
the southern and western part of the state
la the Interest of the exposition and to
look at specimene that may offer special
AUaaUofig la t&oM ottnng.
20c Ribbons
Our grand ribbon sale begins Saturday morning, thousands
of yards of all silk ribbons, all colors, over three inches wide,
worth 20c to 25c per yard, on sale Saturday at 9c
Ladies' Now Nockwoar
25c New Neckwear at 1 . . ... 15c 50c New Neckwear at ..... 25c
$1.00 New Neckwear at 500
Grand Bolt Salo
Ladies and children's silk and leather belts, worth 25n 1 O C
to 35c on sale Saturday at Ivw
Special Leather Goods Salo
The new Automobile Bag, up from....... ....100
The new Carriage Bag, up from 1.00
Men's Purses, each . . 3c 75c Chatelaine Bags, each. .25c
$1 Chatelaine Bags, each. . 39c 25c Tocketbooks, each .... I0c
f.ow Veilings
The very latest Drape Veil25c 25c Veilings ,per yard 71c
Grand Hoso Supporter Solo
Saturday you can buy: 20c Hose Supporters, pair. . 71 C
15c Hose Supporters, pair. . 4$C 50c nose Supporters, pair. .25c
50c Pillow Tops 15c 10c Tooth Brushes 5c
20c Tooth Brushes ....... .lOc 20c Back Combs 10c
15c Tack Pullers 5c
Grand Special
A Needle Case, containing 4 packages needles, 14 darning needles,
5 hat and veil pins and 80 pins. This lot worth 25c, on
sale Saturday for w
Irocery Speeiels .
20 lbs. fine granulated sugar for $1.00
10 bars of best laundry soap for 25o
6 lbs. breakfast rolled qats for 19o
6 lbs. hand-picked navybeana for 19c
6 lbs. pearl barley, sago, rice or tapioca
for .....130
gal. can table syrup for l&o
1 pkg. of Imported macaroni for 7Vfcc
Large bottle pure tomato catsup for.... 7 Via
Asparagus tips, per can l-',4
Large tumbler pure fruit jelly for 9o
Cleaned currents, per lb 8Vic
Choice Utah peaches, per lb 6c
Large Italian prunes, per lb 4c
Fancy New York crab apples, per lb Do
Force, Neutrtta. Vigor. Vim and Egg-
O-See, per pkg 7Ho
Fancy crisp soda oyster, butter or milk
crackers, per lb 4 60
Horseshoe or Star tobacco, per lb 38o
Fancy Hallowe'en dates, per lb 6a
Fancy California new figs, per pkg 60
Large, Juicy lemons, each lo
Large Braxll cocoanuts, each 4o
Chocolate drops, per lb .lOc
Yankee peanut candy, per lb 10c
Lemon drops, per lb '. lOo
Coooanut squares, per lb 10c
Salted peanuts, per lb lOo
Cinnamon drops, per lb . 10c
Sassafrasa or wlntergreen drops, per lb, .10c
Hoarhound drops, per Jb.... 10c
Cocoanut taffy, per lb lOo
Saturday's Incomparable) Bargains.
Sea Our
Window Display
$1.00 Children's Trimmed Hats 25c
$1.50 Ladies' Trimmed Street Hats ...... . . 2$C
All Silk Black Chiffon Drapes 25&
$1.50 Children's Imitation Beavers.... . 45c
$2.00 Black Ostrich Plumes Q4c
$2.50 Children's Trimmed Hats..... 1,25
$5.00 Black Ostrich Plumes... 2.95
$7.00 Genuine White Beavers .... ......3.QO
$5.00 Ladies' Trimmed Hats..... ..2.50
$8.00 Ladies' Trimmed Hats... 4,75
$2.50 Trimmed Black Turbans.. ,49
Wholesale Market Waiting; for Qea
ral Frees I'p to Give la..
. (tetas to Business. , .
The wholesale market Is waiting for a
good general freeze-up to change the char
acter of Its business. Just now cars of
Montana potatoes and other potatoes and
cars more of eastern apples are impeding
trafflo in a mad rush for the store houses.
This will continue for a few days over two
weeks, or until the hard freezing weather.'
, Some of the most beautiful red globe
onions' Imaginable have been casting a
scarlet tinge over neighboring potatoes and
cabbages for ten days, having ridden In
from South Dakota. They are as bright
as a new red barn and would look pretty
on, the upright piano. These Indians have
come down here to wholesale for only about
IVa cents a pound, and If the price doesn't
go up they will create an odor about the
homes of the city.
The vegetable market Is unusually fine
and cabbages were up to 60 cents a dosen,
spples plentiful and poor squash in abun
dance, -
Catawba grapes from th east have, been
showing smlllcg f aces for a day r two and
UliirAll l!2lliill0
Good Santos coffee, per lb 10c
Golden Bean Santos coffee, per lb,......12o
Green Japan tea, per lb 260
Oolong English or Gunpowder tea, per
lb 2So
Choice banket-fired Japan tea, per lb....26o
As an Inducement to secure your Novem
ber meat orders we will make some star,
tling reductions In meat prices.
Boll beef, per lb .........2Vo
Chuck roast, per lb 60
Round steak, per lb 7o
Sirloin steak, per lb to
Veal stew, per lb 8 Ho
Veal roast, per lb 6o
Veal chops, per lb 80
Veal rib or loin chops, per lb ....8a
Veal round steak, per lb...' 12Ho
Mutton leg, per lb -i. ta
Lamb leg, per lb (Ho
Mutton stew, per lb ."..2Ho
Mutton loin chops, per lb., 80
No. 1 bacon, per lb .120
No. 1 California ham, per lb to
All kinds of home-made satuage, per lb.7Ho
Pork stank, per lb lOo
Pork chops, per lb llV&o
Spring chickens, per lb MiO
Sea Our
Window Display
trying to Ingratiate themselves In the affec
tions of. the grocery buyers. The trouble
with .the Catawbas Is that while they put
up a bluff at selling for only 22 cents,
whereas the Concords from New York are
costing 20 cents, the fact Is goon ascer
tained that the Catawbas are only using
four-pound baskets, while the Concords are
traveling in eight-pound parcels. So ths
sells are on the parties who buy by basket
without taking a yardstick along.
The lemons are doing finely as far as
prices go, and have rarely, if ever, been so
high at this season. The ruling price has
been 8t.50 for the first-class article.
Smyrna is sending us liO-pound slabs of
figs this year three by four feet In else and
about three Inches thick. It seems awful
the number of innocent figs that must be
killed to OU one of these, but the human
appetite Is cruel and enormous. It should
be some consolation to the figs to know
that they are packed no tighter than man
kind in the 6:80 o'clock street cars, and to
remember that they don't have to stop and
start so often. Ths price should also cheer
them 18 rents per, wholesale.
Yea Taka Risk
1 In using Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. It cures
all luug trouble or no pay. Me. 81.00. For
askt by K.uha A Co.