I TtiE OMAHA DAILY I?KE: SATUKDaV; SoVKMIH:!. ' 1, ' 1903. 14 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 0a Better Extort Daunt d Wheat Bhowi a Tut AdriDOJ in Price. CORN PRICES ARE SOMEWHAT HIGHER Oat Market Followed Other drains, Closing; at Higher Price Pro visions Were Easier and Prices lower. . CHICAGO, Nov. .-After ruling weak the greater part of the day, wheat turned j arm on a better export demand and clns ing prices showed a fair advance, De cember bring up He. December corn was lie to So higher, oats were up Httc, but provision! were weak, the January prod ucts closing from 6c to 710 to 2oc lower. Firm cables caused a better tone In wheat at the start, and December opened .1 shade to Vtfc higner, at 7-c to K'V. Confirmation til a repon tnat l,tMo,uiO jUHhels of No. 1 northern had been char tered at Duluth to come here brought out iulte general liquidation early In the scs Mlon and the market turned wenk, De cember selling oft to 77Hc within the llrst hour of trading. On the decline there wna a good demand from snorts and commis sion houses and with lessened offerings prices again started upward. The strength in iorn was a bull factor during the latter part of the day. as were higher prices In outride markets, with a fair advance at St. Louis. Keporta of over eighty boat loads taken for export caused a sharp demand from shorts during the last few minutes of trading and closing prices were at the top notch of the day, December helng up Vfco at 78f78vc. Clearanoes of wheat and flour were equal to 444.S8) bushels. Primary receipts were 1,342,000 bushele. against 1,696,200 bushels a year ago. Exports of wheat and flour for the week were equal to 4.840.000 bushel, com pared with 6,'15,0O0 bushels last year. Min neapolis and Duluth reported receipts of m cars, which with local receipts of J07 cars none of contract grade made total receipts for the three points of 973 cars, against 924 cars last week and 1,083 cars a year ago. The sentiment In the corn pit was bullish and the market ruled strong. Theere were reports from Nebrimka and other sections of the corn belt showing a good deal of soft grain, and the theory upon which the local crowd was working was that In about another week or ten days the pressure from the old corn would be over, and this poor corn would then begin to come on the market Commission -houses were active buyers, but offerings were only moderate. After selling between 440 and 4c, December closed QHc higher at 44ty344c Local receipts were 277 cars, with twenty-three of contract grade; Oats were strong, particularly the De cember option, which was Influenced largely bv a strong cash situation, and the strength of the nearby deliveries helped the more .iiBiunt itnM. The bullish feeling in corn Influenced a good deal of buying by the local crowd. The close was st the top, with December He higher at 35c, after ranging between &c and 3Wie. Local 19- ..t ,.t wr 15J4 cars. ' Provisions were dull and easier along with a decline in the price of hogs. Pack ers ware credited with moderate sales, but lh tMivlna was scattered. January pork closed lliSc lower at S13.0R. January . lard was down 20c at $6.75 and rlba were off r7o at .7ya6.30. . RottmntMi recelots for tomorrow: Wheat 100 cars; corn, 346 cars; oats, 276 cars; hogs. 12,000 head. . The leading futures ranged a follows! do. southwestern, VjQTIo loss off; do. south ern, 2Ti'ai o oft. CHfc.r.BE Steady, fair demand; New York .lull creams, fancy, 12c; do. choice, Uc; do. fair to good, 11 11 He. Articlea.1 Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Tes y, Wheat tDec May Corn Dee. May July Oats Dec. May Pork Jan. May Lard Dec.. Jan. May Ribs Jan. ' May 78" m I 44WSTH 431 I I. 12 IB 12 274 86 87! I 4474 4ll 43H S64 36 771 ' V 43S 43Vi 431 VI 35,! i r 12 15 12 t 12 27V4. 12 16 7H 2H eo I 90 I K) 6 37V4I 42VI I To a 7f 36HI 12 08 12 U 77 e 75 6 IS 87vjl (tTVsl 7SV4 74 ; 43 11 17 91 6 96 6 " 35 42 OMAHA WHOl K A t.H MAHKKT. Conditio of Trade aa4 qnotntlena tuple and Fa aey1 Prod see. LOGS Fresh stock, loss off, $0o. " 1.1V r; IdULTHV-Hens, 7fcMo: spring chickens, lic; roosters, acojrol .g In rn 4."c; turkeys, 13o; ducks, 9c; ge, 7'(o. RUTTKR Packing stock. l-lc; choice to fancv nairy. in tuo.i, 16Wlic; separator, 2lo. FHErUi FISH r'rcsfi caught trout, 10c; P.ckervl, So; pike, bu-; percii, o; buffal, iWtc: b.uilUn. loc;.whl eflsh, 15c;-salmc.n, lie; haddock, 10c; codfl.-h, 12c; redsnapper, lie; lobsters, boiled, per lb.., $0e; lobsters, IK It...' l.,,llla,W' 11, eatfltth. 14c; black basj',' wi:5c; hal.but. 9c: crspples. 12c; herring, Ac; white tass. 10c: bluellns, to. UYHTKkO-New York counts, per can. per gal., K 00; "extra selects, per can per gal.. 11. 75; standard,, per tan, 27c, per gal., gi.15. . nit aw rrr ton, ,ij. i HAT Prfces tiub.ed by Omaha Who.e- sale Dealers' acsjda i": Choice. No. 1 up- land. S8.U0; No: 2. 17.60; medium 7.u; coarse, 6fi 60. Kye straw, tf. These pr.oes are for hay of gool col'ir and auility. De mand fair and receipts light. ' lUHti SC. OATH Mo. . RYE No. 8. He. ' VEGETABLES. , : t POTATOES Colorsdo. S6c: Dakota, bu., 71i75c; native. 't70c. bwbbt potatoes Horns grown. 4.V, per per basket, KSc; VlralnlAS, per 3-bu. bbli, $3.00. jnavx nh.AiB rer du., i.a. CELERT Small, per do., 25I5c; large estern, 45c. ONIONS New home grown, dry. per lb., lVi'; Spanish, jper crate, $1.50. LABHAfiB-Wisconsin Houano, ic. TURNIPS Canada RutAbaaas. per lb.. lc; white, per bu., 60c. CARROTS Per bu'., DOC. ' PARSNIPS Per tou., 60c. ' ' ' FRUIT PKUNES-Itallan. per box. $1.06. PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfers. $1.75. Winter NflMs. $2.2TxS2.60. APPLES-Mlchlgan stock. $3.25: Califor nla Bellflowers, per box, S1.G0: New Tork Omr.hes and Baldwins, $$.; siting vari eties, $150. . Ul! APES Caliromla Tokays, fl 65; New Tork. ntr $-lb bket, 30c; pony Caiawbas, 22c; Inroorted Malacas, per keg.' $6 0C(!.6). CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. S50: oer box. $3.00; Wisconsin Bell Bugle, $9.50. anrornia, per Pox, ji.tb. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES-M-'xIcan, alt sixes, $4.00. LEMONS Cdrifbrnla fancy. 300 t. 3fl0 sixes, 4.t'0; choice 240 to 270 sizes, $4.0M.26. FIGS Calliornla, per 10-lb. cartons, 8.V2; Imported Smyrna,' I-crown, .14c; 6-crown, 16c; 7-crown, 18c. DATES Persian, per box of 30 packages, $2.00; per lb.. In 80-lb. boxes, 4c. BANANAS Per medium stxed bunch, $2.00 62.60; Jumbo, $2.75&3.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 13V4c: Wisconsin Young Americas,- 13V; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 32c; Wisconsin ltmtierger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3.50; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, ti.b). MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. CIDER Per bbl., $6.75; per H-bbl., $3 28. POPCORN-Per lb., 2'4c; shelled, 34f3c.. HORSE 'RADISH Per case of 2 do., packed. 80c. N UTS Walnuts, No, 1 shoft-shell. per lb., 15c; hard-shall, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft-shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., HillHc; filberts, per n., ll&'UHc; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb.," 13c; pecans, large, per lb., lOiftllc; small, per lb., 9)l0c; peanuts, per !!)., 64c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7o; Chill walnuts. 12-&13C: large hickory nuts. rer bu., $1.75; shell-barks, per bu., $1.75 00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.25; eastern chestnuts, per. lb., 14c. HIDES-No. 1 green. 64e; No. 2 green. 5V; No. 1 salted, 74c: No. 2 salted, 6V: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8Uc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6Ac: dry tailed hides, fJ 12c; sheep pelts. 257oc; horse hlder. $1.505 3.60. NEW YORK SI OCRS AND BONDS Bailrctd Secnrit'ei Show Ino'.ination To ward Higher Lfteli of Prion, STEEL STOCK MAKES A NEW LOW MARK Dealers Face With Eqaanlmlty an Expected Poor Showing as Mirk Money Has Been Sent West. ' St. I.onla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Nov. . WHEAT No. 2 fed. track, H6Hc; De- cash, elevator, nominal; No. I. tNew. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4.09 4.20; straights, $3 704410; spring patents. $4.14.50; straights, $3."C$3.0; bakers, $2.ES 3.40. ... WHEAT No. . 798S0c. CORN No. 2, 44c; No. I yellow, 45Vc. OATS No. 2, 36c; No. S white, MHKTSMc. RYK No. 2. 65c. BARLEY Good feeding, 8j41c; fair to choice malting, 4o(ff34c. ... 4 , gUCTjo. 1 "i. (c: No. 1 northwest ern, 94c: nrlme timothy, $2.86; closer, con tract sr'de tin.MV5lft.ii0. ... PROVISIONS Mes pork, ner bb, $11 S7 711.60. Ird, per 100 lbs., $H.7Tfl" Short ribs sides iioos " "fii37.75. dhort clear sldea (boxed), $8.75(B7.W). The following were the receipts of flour ana grain: cember, 76c; May. 8W8oVic t'ORN-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, 41c: track, 42 042Wic; December, 41mc; May, 41c. OATS-Hlgher; No. 2 cah, 36; track, 17c; December, 6c; May. gc; No. 2 white, 3$ , . .'7. . ki K Klrm, 644c. VlAi UK Steady: red winter noi.nt. una 1 tiifo 1 ' 8tTa'"lB. $3.70(54.06; Bh.Kl Timothy, steady. $3.20ig2.0. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.30. BRAN Steady: ascked. east track. iTiturin HAY Firm: tlmothv. t7.60Ml2no- nr.iri.' fw.w'ii'.w. IKON COTTON TIES $1.06. B A GGLNO-a 6Uc. HEMP TWIN&. ' PROVISIONS Pork. easier! 1Mn. risiiiMm .mesa, . u.ss. . JJira, Slronge., W.67W. Bacon. eAstr! Horf .vtr. , $.12Ur' clear ribs, $8.62ty; short clear, $8 37! POUHTRY Quiet; chickens, 7c; springs. r -c, lurieyi,. 11c; , aucas, icavic; geese. BUTTER Quiet: ereamerv. IfMfKtn ' EGaS-FIrm, 22c. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flou?. bblS.n.. wyt, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu.. ....... Rye. bu.., liar ley, bu rte"-'-ts. 8hlpn",s. ... 15.no 15,no ...P-S.IO 142,O0 ...2!.600 ' 3?9.0n0 ...175,300 , 217.700 10.5 l.OlO ...109.VJ0 13.500 On the Produce exchange today tha but ter market was easy; creameries, 165J21 He; dairies, 14n8'4c. Ecps. Arm. at mark. rasea Included, 194ft2lV. Cheese, easy, 10 tfllC. Flour. . bhls ... Wheat, bu..... Corn,: bu.i...;. Oats, bu , . .;. 106,000 ... 26.0), ... 35,000 6.000 60.000 9.000 3(,000 T" HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qnotatlona of the Day on Varlons Commodities. ' NEW YORK, Nov. 1 FLOUR Receipts, 10,277 barrels; exports, 23.987 barrels; siles, 12,800 barrels. The market was quiet but steadier. Winter patents, $4.00fj4.35; winter straights, $3.95tt4.10; Minnesota pat ents, $4.tjU4i4.5: winter extras, 13.ni3 40: Minnesota bakers, $3. 754.10; - winter low grades, 12.KOUJ.2u. Kye flour, quiet, $3.40; cnoice 10 iancy, j.oi(i ttucxwneat nour. dull, $3.40. COKNMEAL Bteady; yellow western. u.uo; cuy, n.vo: hiin-anea, n.afui-Zi. HYE Dull; No. 2 wentern, nominal f. o. h alluat, state snd Jerxt y. 60.iivM BARLEY Quiet: feeding, 42 e. L f., BufTaio; mal init. 5!i5:ic c. l. f., Buff.ilo. WrlJSAT Receipts, ,4 hu.; exports 16.844 bu. The market for spot was firm; No. $ red. 864iS6c: No. S red. 864c 1. o. b., nusij io. l iiiirinrrn iiuiuin, Hc I. o. D. anoai: in o. 1 nara oianitooa. nominal r. o b., afloat. Options were flrmer this morn ing, led by Iember. -whlrh was difficult to buy, owing to light storks here, al though wexturn markntn quoted rither weak on uecemnor; Inter ins big wwttlv clearances helped prices, and they ,los?d v;Jlo anovo- last night- My, 82ir8j.a cloced 8:-c; July closed ,9V; Dsco.nutr, 16 l-liitlHiS-lfc. ilojed S66-16C. CORN Receipts, 93.5CO bu: exports 7S.145 fcu. Tha market for spot was firm; No. 2, eievaior ana niic 1. o. o.. anoai; No, I yellow, 61c; No. 2 whits, 62'4c. Oplloii market waa flrmer also on further bullish crop news. gooo. pun support and light of ferlngs. The close waa Vc net higher May. 49iMttc. closed 49i,c; December, fee ls-wosie. closed iie, OATS Receipts. 97.600 bu: exports, 27,883 bu. Ths market for spot was dull: No. 2. 41Hc: standard whits, 434c; No. t, 404c No. 2 white. 43 He; No. 3 white, 42Sc; track White. 41Mi46Vic. HAY Quiet; shipping. HotiCec; good to choice. fff9o. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice !". 24(i32c; 12, 2li25Sc: olds. (KyiJc; Pa cltto coaat, 1!jJ, JlaJc; )903. 21H2jW; olds, HIDES 8teadv; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., lc; California. 21 to 26 It., 19c; Texas dry. U to SO lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid. 238864.o. RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 'rrv Jarmn nolnnl. PROVISIONS Beef, dull: family, $1000 iil0 50; mea, Mwt0- beef hnm. $?1.6K tJOO; rncket, Siii0flO: lv. extra !" ies. $14 40. Cut mstis Irregiilor; pickled iwllles. t rJVWll.OO; plcld shouldt-rs. $S Ri (.76; pickled hma. $11 oyftl2 0i. I.ird, Arm r; western steamed. $7.4i: retired, qule'; eontlnent. $7 76; South America. 18.45: com pound. $8JV(-7.00 Pork steady: fimtlv. Wi; short clear, $l$a 16.00; mess, $l$.0ui $75. TALLOW-Steady; city (U per pkgj.), si; country tpkga. freel, 44fl4c. BUTTER PecelrU. IM1 pkes.: steidy; ereamerv. lSi?JVfc: state talrv. 15430c. CHEESE Receipts. 4,ff7 rkgy.; nulet; tate dairy, dull; ceim. firry -null col ored. Bentmlr. 11-; small white. Sep tember. HVc: Octntir 11c: lree e"lord. September, UHc; October, 11c; large white, fc,,ther. tv.tser, lie. EOtWecelpts, 1.9Jf pkgs.; strong; wes arn. JotT'l- POULTRY Alive, s'ow; wetern chick ens. 10c; fowls. 10'c; tirkeva, lVhltc: dreesed. w-sk: western chickens, lltjU'c; f jwts, 10VkjUc; turhf ys, 16c. mianelnbla Predoce Market, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. I BUTTER teadv; f!r dmand; extra western creara- rv y"o; do. nearby prints, tic. rfl A-Pieadyj mod r-vie-t: fresh near- Kansas City Ciraln and Provlstons. ' KANSAS CITY.' Nov. . . wllETn. cember, -68c; May, 68TK't9c; cash No. hard, 72V4c; No, $, SiVtiaTc; No. 4, 8K(j6c; 1 r n leu. otf n rn : ran j Kn. ijun ntr' rn 75fi77c. Receipts. 150 cars. ' UOKN-Uecemlier, ,174c; May, 38V: cash No. 2 mixed, 30Vb; No.-2. white, 3!&fl9ykc; No. S, 39c. . OATS No. 2 white S6ffl3Gc: No. 5 mlierl RYE No. 2. J9c. HAY Choice timothy, $9 00; p'alrte, $3.00. du 11 e.tt creamery, nwaJic; dairy farcv. 18e. ..-.. EGGS Firm: Missouri mI Kansas. r;.a returned, jmito tier noien : new. Nn whltewood cases Included. 21c. Receipts. Shipments. wneat.- bu.... '......-..120.000 R4.000 Corn, bu 12,000 . 18.4co Oats, bu . . 9.0C0 21.0U0 Mlnnenpolls Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. lWHKTn.. cember. 78!c; May. 78c. On track: No, 1 j ? ijfd. NEW YORK. Nov. -The stock market Was submersed agiiln today under deluge of United States Steel stocks. The general list, however, responded much less readily to the depressing Influence of the steel liquidation than was the cHse yesterday. Whenever the severe pressure on the steel Stocks was suspendd, as happened at In tervals, the railroad stocks rallied easily, so that their level of prices was above last night for about as much of the time as It was below. The market closed In one of the Intervals when there was no pressure on steel, so that prices elsewhere were rising end were well above last night. Union Pacific and Pennsylvania show a gain o$ n point on the day and1 a number fif the New York corporation stocks some what more. The early liquidation In the steel shares Was very violent, as Is shown by the fact that the sales of the preferred for the first hour alone were well above 100,000 shares. It Is not to be supposed that this enormous ' volume of dealings was wholly liquidation. The roof professionals traded In and out of the stocks on a very large scale all day. It was said of one trader who was verv active In the stock all day that he was neither long nor short tor more man ten minutes at a time, while the aggregate of his indlvldue'. deal ings amounted to many thousands of shares. The low price touched for the com mon stock was lOH, for the preferred 62 and for the bonds 65. The relatively greater weakness of the preferred stock than the bonds was noticeable In view of the supported conversion operation by the syndicate which would Involve the pur chase of preferred stock for conversion Into bonds, which .would In consequence be for saie. The heavy selling of the steels was the expression of a fear that the announced cut of $4 per ton In the price of steel bil lets was a preliminary to a reduction of prices or an me pronucts sno a general process of con true Ion throughout the trade. There were some rather specific allega tions, also, that some or the selling was traceable to sources from which It might be prompted by chanaes In the executive department of the corporation. The stock market seemed to face with j equanimity the prospect of another poor hank showing tomorrow. In addition to the losses to the subtreanuiy of $7,091.Ofi0 tne ianks nave made not shipments oy direct express to the west and south of upwards or w,ow,oo. The indicated cash decrease of more than $10,000,000 Is about equal to the surplus reserve shown by the dsiiks in last weea s statement, rne stocK market community seemed to rest in a sense of security that this threatening showing somehow would be averted from reflection In tomorrow's bank statement as It was last week and for two weeks preceding. Further Inrge shipments of currency were made today and the rate of call loans touched as high as 6 per cent, but sterling exchange fell as low as the low point of Monday, when gold was engaged In Lon don, and there can be no doubt that an Inflow of gold wou'd easily result from any additional pressure for money. The bond market continued dull, but the price movement was Irregular. Total sales, par. value, were $2,429,000. United States 2s declined Si per cent on the last call. Following are the closing ouotatlons on the New York Stock exchange: . Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 23.7B1 ti& 4Mi 1 MTfc do Dfd. .:.:..... 1.0K5 90 89V4 SSi'4, Baltimore & Ohlo....l3,5l'2 754 74 7&14 do pfd 100 88 88 87 Canadian Pacific 1,4J0 118 117 117 t en. or New jersey if Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago & Alton.... do pra Chicago Great-West.. do B nfd Chi. & Northwestern.. Chi. Term. A Trans.. do pfd C. C. C. ft St. L...... Colorsdo Southern.... do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd Delaware Hudson.. DeL, Lack. & West... Denver & Rio Grande. do nfd Erie ".. ., do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Great Northern pld. HocKing vaney do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Kan. City Southern. ,do pfd Louis. St Nashville.. Msnhattan L 2,370 Metro. 8L Ry 210 Minn. A St. Louis 200 Missouri Pacific 15.700 Mo., Kan. & Texas do rfd 100 Nat. R. R. Mexico pfd loo New York Central.... Norfolk & Western.... do pfd Ontario A Western... 700 10 1BVt 1974 Pennsylvania 30,877 117V4 US'. 117 Pitts.. C, C. ft Bt. L,. the fsll In ths rata of New York exchsnra. Business on the stock msrket was stsg nnnt, the market being Influenced by the fall In Americana and the talk of large ex ports of gold to Argentine and the possi bility of withdrawals of gold to America. Consols weakened in consequence of fears of dear money, but closed with a better tendency. Americans opened weak, espe cially Steel shares, reflecting the market In New York. They moved Irregularly, but hardened In the last hour and closed Arm. PARIS. Nov. 6. Business on the bourse today opened Indecisive and rather ngi tnted. late In the session there was an Improvement In Internationals, and at the close the market waa firm. Rio Tlntos lost f. The private rate of discount was 1 13-ls per cent. Three per cent rentes. 9Sf 15c for the account. Exchange on London, 26fUC for checks. RRKMN. Nov. (t Storks on the bourse today were weaker on New York advices. Discount rates: Short bills. 3 per cent; thrt-o months' bills, 8 per cent. Oil AAA-LIVE STOCR MARKET Cattlt Becs'pti Lift and Sot Much Change in tilling Fri:t". HOGS SOLD LITTLE LOWER 5ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. l-MONET-On call, strong. 4Hffi6 per cent: closing bid, t per cent; offered st 8 per cent; time money, dull ana nrm, bM'g per cent tor an prouun. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER per STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers" bills at $4.84243 4.R42r for demand and at $4.8niiCKn 4 strTO for sixty days' bills; posted rates, $4.81H4.82 Limited Demand for heen and I.a nib a of All Klnda and Market C'onld Be tlnoted Slow and Fifteen to a Quarter Lower for Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. $. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. S.ieep. Official Monday 11.711 V.i uiuciai .Tuesday. 1 4,4i Oltlcial Wednesday 4.98 Official Thursday 8.809 Official Friday 2.0U0 and $4,854; commercial bills, $4.S04ft SILVER Bar, 58c; Mexican dollars, easier; railroad. BONDS Government Irregular. The closing 'quotations on ponas follows: U. B. ret. ts. ni....l7U.iL. ft N. nl. 4i...... do coupon 107 Manbattas a. B. 4l..lrav do Is, ri 10'4iMl. Central 4l 70V do coupon loavu do lit Ino HVa Sn mmm 41 ra lMWlUInn Sr St. L. 4S... 97 ..13V.4.M., K. m T. aa ',.7 ..ins do Is H ..11IH . ft. ft. of U. t. 4s TJ ..1014 N. Y. C. g. ISa ..101hn. J. C. b. a U0 ..lOOSlNo. Paolto 4a lm .. Mul do la 1 .91 'N ft W. 9. 4a .101) .O. 8. L 4a ft par.... 9IH . 96Pann. eonT. IVka .104 Reading fan. 4a H . S Rl. L. ft I. M. e. 4a... do coupon so old 4a, r do coupon . , do Ka, reg... do coupon , Atchison gn. . do adj. 4a..., Atlantic C. L. B. ft O. 4s do ma , Central of Oa. Si. do lit Inc C. ft O. 4a Chlc-.ro ft A. 3Hl C, B. ft Q. n. 4. C. M. ft 9. P. (.41. .HA Ko. C. ft N. W. c. 7a....l20iSo. C. R. I. ft P. 41.. do col. Il rrc. st. u t. 4i ChlraRO Tar. 4l Con. Tobacco 4a Colo, ft So. 41 D. ft R. O. 4s Frla prior Hen 4a... do sen. 4a F. W. D. C. Ja... Hooking Val. 49... Offered. .101lRt. L ft . F. fg. 49. 91 . T3 St. U 8. W. 19 S . HS'iRea board A. L. 4a.... M pacino as Rallwar 6a li:H 7i"Taa ft P. 19 117 J IT St. L. W. 49.. MVl'nlon Paelflc 4a lotv. do conr. 4i M III. R. Steal Id 99 te Kv.hanh la 113 do drb. B w . 98 W. ft L. K. 4a M 3Wlaconiln Can. 4a... I. . l Colo. Fu1 conr. aa.. 70 ' 106 75 Ml Oct IS.., Oct. 1.., Oct. 17.. Oct. li. Oct 19... Oct. 20.. Oct 21... Oct. 22.., Oct. .., Oct. -di.. Oct. 25.. Oct 2.. Oct 27.. Oct. 28.. Oct. 29.. Oct. 30.. Oct. 81.. Nov. I. Nov. 2. Nov. 3. Nov. 4. Nov. 6. Nov. 6. Boston Stock annotations. BOSTON, Nov.',-Call loans, cent: time loans. 54j6 per cent. Ofl closing prices on Btocks and bon.ds: Atchtion 4a Allouea Mex. Can. 4a. S Amalaamated .... Atchison 61 H Blnsham do pfd So:, Cat. ft Heels Ronton ft Albanr...t4l .Centennial Boiton ft Malna....l70 Copper Range ... Roaton Klevated ....140 Itiomlnloa Coal . . N. v., N. H. ft H..W Franklin Kltchburg pfd m iinle Koyala t'nlon Pacific 71 Mohawk Mex. Central m'oid Dominion ... Amcr. Sugar lis lOfceola do pfd lltPirrot rom. I. ft 8 I Uulncy Maaa. Electric 18'4 Ban la Fa Copper do pfd 14 Tamarack United Fruit M Trinity Dal? Weat ST United SUtea .. V. 8. Bteel 1014 Utah do pfd 63 Victoria -.. Weitlnghouie com... 46 Winona Adrentura 4 Wolverlna per mciai 4 . M 23 440 Wi 44 . ',i : 5 , M . 10 . 17 . 9 ' , 1' . 90 . i . 17 , 2 . i . I . i ew York Mining; aotatloas, NEW YORK, Nov. , The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks Adimi Con 10 ontano l.tai 1.700 ioo 100 00 230 400 100 200 4r 200 .. 14.197 .. 246 sovt 15 2K 1A4 8V4 n& "nii M 214 700 2H 48 2? 27-! fi4 15 25 1'H 12" M :oh 26. 48 30 28 T, 64 U 46 lti3 8 18 fiK W-k 21 152 2.40 19 to ti 48'4 loll 71Vt 80 733 1304 1S0V4 130 100 20 20 19N4 100 32H 32, 32 174 304 100 m if 44 1HU. siv, 87 Alice 14 tlreece 10 Brunawlck Con I Comatock Tunnel ... B Cos. fa I. aV Va 106 Horn Silver 106 Iron Silver ....liu Leadvllla Con ....... 4 Offered. Little Chief .. Ophlr Phoenix Potoil Kavag .4lerra Nevada .4mall ' Hopes . standard .460 T 13 1 12 14 33 16 215 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Nov. 8 Rank clearings for to day are $1,373,956.84, an increase over the corresponding date 01 last year 01 iiw, $37.94. 7.000 1004 99W WiV, 1344 110 li'4 45H 44 S5 85 38 38 2.235 119H lli4 117 1.150 6SH 56 F6S Ko l,tk0 U.Wl b.tM 16.1 i,m 18,421 4,740 7,560 a.Oli 71.916 21.328 75,815 15.367 75,2 15,304 9o,l 18,6r0 91.6) 29.839 70.220 Five davs this week. ..28.934 Same days last week.... 33.402 Mama week before 34,371 Same three weeks ago..2H,4l5 Same lour weeKs ago.... 31.747 Same days last vear 23.340 RECEIPTS J? OR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at bouth Omana for the year 10 data and comparisons with last year: 1903. 1902. inc. ukv. Cattle 927,($ o4i.0t0 fco.712 Hogs I,oo6,326 l.oW.997 -fi'o Sheep 1,624,747 1,411.641 113,106 Averase trii i.mwi tor boss at South Omaha for tha last several days with com parisons: SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AflD WOOL In any quantity and get highest market prices. Write for infor mation, prices and shipping tags which are Bent free by our Louse which is located nearest to you. j, s. srj.iTE3 &go., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS OMAHA, NEB. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. GRAND ISLAND. NEB. Date. I 190$. 11901. 11901. UW. IWe.lUM. lUH- 6 So 6 22H 5 11 H 6 U3., 6 16. 6 11. 6 144, 6 26 5 14 0 us 4 97 7 O0 S 81 7 16 7 02 a $ 92 ( 82 ( 7i; 76 74 6 71 a 6 61 6 61 61 K t, 69 41 97tkl 6 61 I 6 54 4 86l 6 51 4 80V.I A 49 4 73V 6 61 4 7241 6 62 18 22 29; 27 21 a 6 26 ix. 1 i 99 6 01 6 06 00 e 6 891 i 81 5 72 6 67 5 73 6 72, 4 $2 4 72 4 M; 4 62 4 51 4 10 tiT 4 631 4 61 I 4 13 t oz 4 15 $ 1i $ f $ tn $ 69 a $ 14 4 61 4 61 4 48i 4 68 4 64 . e 4 52 4 60 4 47 4 61 4 ix: 6 82: 5 71( 4 W 4 16 4 14 4 13 4 1 4 10 4 10, I 71 3 54 1 66, $ 52 2 t $ 63 U $661 $ 681 $ 40 $ 64 $ 41 b. 1 47 3 64 4 OS. 4 03) 3 561 4 01 S 66, 4 b0 4 04 $ 46 $ 41 9 ao 3 43 4 041 1 46 4 021 3 61 3 5: 6 71 4 64 4 01 3 4J a 38 3 38 3 3 a $ a Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p, r s. C, M. A St. P. Ry.... 6 Union Pac. System.. 6 11 15 1 F.. E. A M. V. R. R. . 14 15 U I C. St. P., M ft O.... 2 B. & M. HV M C. B. & Q. Ry 4 Jv. U. ft HI. J 14 C, R. I. ft P., east.. .. C, R. I. ft P., west.. , 1 Illinois Central Chicago O. W Total receipts 89 The rllsnnsltlon of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. ogs. oneep. slow and weak on practically all grades. There was not a large run In sight, but the quality of tha offerings was not very good and buyers were slow to take hold. Eat sheep and lambs were sesree this morning and those that were offered wera of Inferior quality. Trading was slow, with the tendency of prices downward. For tha weeg, the market Is generally 15j26e lower, the greatest decline being on wethers and earnngs. Iambs have been so scarce that prices hsve not suffered as badly aa on sheeD. The feeder market vu lmn alnw and weak. Values have declined Just about nm eama as in me case or Killers, common stufr. In fact, Im very hard to move at any figure. uuotatlona for rrsss atonic Choice weat. em lamhS. &4. MO!. 7R full. In MmnA lamha $4.25f4.50: choice yearlings, $3.2Wfi3.40: fair to good yearlings. $3.onU'3.26; choice weth ers, $3.00fi3.l6; fair to good wethers, ti.Wt 8.00; good to choice ewes, 2 50i2.75: fair to fFSi-f r'"i M-25' 6: choice fwder lambs, $3.904.10; fair to good feeder Itimba, $3.26( J.i5; baby lambs, $2.50p3.00: feeder year 'IruT". $3(K&3.26: feeder wethers, $2.75S3.(; l"" i.outQ7i.ou; cuus, l.U02.0O. KfP- resentatlva as lea; NO. A V P. 185 South Dakota swea v. 82 1 50 jo jseoraska bucks 102 1 75 22 Nebraska ewes 87 2 25 47 South Dakota, emea IK a sr. 276 Nebraska ewes 88 $ 60 6 Nebraska ewes , 71 i 60 383 Wyoming feeder lambs 54 $60 a nuiive ewes 175 00 102 Wyoming feeder ewna . 77 1 an 155 Wyoming feeder ewes 90 $ 05 is Wyoming ewes 90 2 50 3 Wyoming ewes 88 2 60 4 Wyoming ewes 107 3 88 Wyoming yearlings SS 3 (u i4 Wyoming vearlinga 7H a n,i 11 Wyoming feeder vearllna-a Bi) ! n. 293 Wyoming feeder lambs 47 S 21 123 Utah feeder lambs 63 $ 25 113 Utah feeder lambs K9 a n 111 Utah feeder lambs 69 3 40 86 Wyoming lambs 85 K . 373 Wyoming lambs 7 4 $5 1 CHICAGO UVH STOCK MARKET. 14 ii is 14 15 11 3 10 1 3 a e 4 . 2 1 1 78 27 tib 419 81 au8 .18.0WI . 700 400 220 Reading do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd., Rock Island do pfd St. L. ft Bun Fran do lit pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern... do pfd. Bt. P"l do nfd. Southern Pacific : 6,001 Southern Railway 9A lo pra w Texss & Paelflc ?00 Toledo. St. L. ft W.. 1""l d pfd 101 Vnlun Pacific 29.5W do nfd ,., 1 Wabawh ?. 8.nnn 9.670 44H 43 45 13V4 hard. 81Hc; No- 1 northern, 80S: No, norinern, (-c; ino. i nortnern, 7iai74c. FLOUR First pat?nt, J4.6Hft4.7u; record patents. $4.5 '.iji4 60; t'rst clears, $J.4urj3 uj; second clears. $2 41? 70. , BHAN In bulk, $1$.. 1 Milwaukee Grain Market, MILWAUKEE. Nov. $. WHEAT Firm: No. I northein 82c; No. 2 northern, SOflllc: December. 7S,c bid. ' RYK Firm: No. 1. 6H67c. BARLEY Dull; rtandard. 60861c: sample. CORN No. 3. 46i!847c: December, 4Vi 44Sc asKed. Liverpool Grain Slarket. LIVERPOOL. Nov. WHEAT No. 3 red western winter. teady at ta3d,- No. 1 nortl ern spilup, no stock. Fulu.ea, steadv Ducemlier, 66d; Mnnh, 6siVid; slay, 63 8ad. CORN Spot." qule.t; futures, steady: De. cemter, 4a l; June, 4s d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Nov. 6.-8EEDS-Clover, cash, $.6J'4; December, $0.6:14,; January. $6.2"A; reoruary. ie.66; March, $8.67V .Prime al slke. to. DO. prima timothy. $1.12. . Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Nov. .-CORN-Flrni at'40o. ' OATS bteady; No. $ white Jfci37ic: No. 4 white, BVtiMi'ic. WH16KY-$1.26. 14 070 138V. 110 17SV. 411 171 73 22V4 17 25 72 85 10W S'4 16 Wheel, jfc Ialre I!-le.. 1.110 W'scop-'n Central o pfd 300 r1ree FT"res Cr ro-lcnn Fxnress Co I'r,tnrl States WePs-F-'-sm A"nal. Conpee i Ra Am. Cr ft Foundry.. 3 "n do nfd iift Am. Unseed Oil iro do nfd Am. I o-omotlve l,?on . do rd 414 Am. S-"elt. ft ReHn.. Wf An nfd fOO V3H 57T4 45 13 i.rii 8" 2'i 17 26 704 85 1U S'V 15 34, 32i 10.1. 1" 78 4014. 87 i 66 9i 'mi 71V, 4114 65 a 77 60 24H 57'4 63 fO 44H 13 2o 138 172 4'H '7 T3'4 r2 17 rs T"4 5 JS'4 134, ir,i.'t ST', 18". 100 3'4 19 68 ?5 1?H 75 4?4 8fiV Cotton Market. vi.'ir vriot" ki.. a roTTnv Th market opened firm .at a oecllne cf 4 point on the near positions, which were afucted by rather disappointing oable and liquida tion, and at an auvance of 12 points un tha Inter mnntha. which were influenced bv J continued bull support and the outlook for 1 c- d weather In the western belt. Right on the call the market became sensation ally active and was soon advancing at al most as .rapid a rate as yesterday, with prices In the first ten or twelve minutes some 13 to 15 points higher on bull support and a fresh flurry of shorts, who were alarmed over the. Opening bulge of 20 points In New Orleans, and the aggresslva attituae 01 tne local duii leaner. iue mar ket. Influenced by Wall street pressure, worked downward until the ariy afternoon it waa 12 to 18 uolnts below the high doI of the morning. At 'the lower level the bull leader, continued to. buy persistently and as the session progressed shorts again became panic-stricken, covered in volume and forced the market up to the high point of the session, which occurred just before the close, when December sold at 10 9)c, January at 10.87c, March at 10 9JC and-May at 10.90c. The market was Anally 'firm, 2 or S points down from the best. Sales wera estimated at wkj.ooo Daiea. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 6.-COTTON Firm; sales, 3,500 bales; ordinary 7c; good ordinary, 6 7-16c; middling, . 10 i-16c; good middling. lHc: middling fs.tr, 11c. Re ceipts, 12,237 bales; stock. 183.919 t a! s Fu tures were Bteady; November, l0.5Vfr10.67c; December. i;.f210.63c; January, 10.69-fi 10.70c; Februury. 10 710.770; March, 10.S7SJ 10 88e ; April. 10.910.04c; May. Il.01ll.o2o; June, 11. 06fi11. 07c LIVERPOOL. Nov. 6.-4TOTTOX Spot, moderate business done, prices 414 points higher. Arne lean middling fair, 6 201; g-od middling. 6.02d; middling. 6 9l1: low mid dling, 588d; good ordinary, 6.70d; ordinary, 5.58d. The rales of the day were 6.000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and ex port and Included 5.100 Am -r can. Rco'pta, 15.000 balea. Including 14.400 American. Fu tures opened easy and closed a'eady. Amer ican middling, jr. o. r.. November, 6.781; November and December. 5 72d: December and January, 5.6:iu5 70d; January and Feb ruary, 0.68d; February and March. 5 67d; Msrrh and April, 66Td: Ap-ll and Miy, 5 tW-iiO ff7'l ; Mv and Jun. 5.66d: June and Julv. 6 651; July and August, 6 64d. ST. LOIMS. Nov. . COTTON Firm; middling. 10V.C. gales, none: recelp'a, 1.000 bales; shipments, none; stock. 4.141 bales. Omaha Pnrltlne- C'.n 218 Swift and Company 4!9 (82 Cudahy Packing Co 495 965 Armour ft Co 137 8W Omaha P. Co.. S City... 67 Cudahy P. Co., K.. u.... aai Armour ft Co.. S. City 1.202. Vansant & Co 153 Lobman ft Co 44 .... W. I. Stephen 25 Hill ft Son IJvlr.gstone & Root 29 .... H. F. Hamilton 87 .r.. L. F. Huss Sam Werthelmer 67 .... Morton A Oregson 611 Mike Hagerty..... MB Other buyers 2t7 Totals $.$74 '4.636 8.594 CATTLE There was a small run of cat- .1. I Kla mnrnlnlr. hut. the Same SS usual on a Friday, th demand was rather limited and there was no life to the trade. The close of the market In particular was slow and as a result the late arrivals did not sell to as good advantage as those that came In earlier in ma aay. - .ra.vrv few cornfed steers on k..,M k t h hetter grades sold at lust aboui Bteady prices. When it came to the .h,.ri:-H aiiifT. however, the market was very slow, ana ir anyimng 1 nnw .i.., ni ,.ottl though, has been sell- 11 me wwr.' aus 7,600 Am. P.ir Reflnlng... i" M5S li4t 115 its 3Z 84V4 Ualath Grain Market. DULUTH.- Nov. WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern, 79'c; No. I northern, 77c: December. 7,'ic; May, lifoc. OATS 84Sc. NEW iiv tvA ire 400 147 100 SO eve. $M4 9S 9'4 140 147 Sugar and Molassea. YORK. Nov. -. 8UOAR H.w quiet: fair refining, 1 6-16c; centrifugal 9 teai, a-c. nuiunwi sugar, ll-ltc; reaned quiet; No. , 4.1ic; No. 7, 4-2ic; No. 8. 4 2K-; No. 9, 4 15c; No. 10. 4.10c; No. 11, 4.06c; No 12, 4c; No. 13, 3 9V. No. 14. I.UIc; confec tloneia' A. 4.00t4.6uc: mould A. 4 9c; cut louf. 64oc; crushed. 5.40c; uowdered. 4 4uc: cubet, 2 9- c. I MOI.ASSES-Stetdy; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 3ltl2c. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 4. SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, cuntrlfugal, StiJll-lc; centrifugal, granulated, 4"c: -white, tc; ellow, IVtil ,c; seconds. Jfl 7-16c. MOLASSES Oien kettle, 234c; centrif ugal, steady, IHiISc Syrup, steady, S&yai'o, Evanoratoal Annies svntt Dried Vrnlta. NEW YORK. Nov. C EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is quiet, but prices are firm, owing to limited supplies: com mon are quoted at 4ajVxC; prime. 6Vuc; choice. k7ilV,c; fancy. 7a ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune 1 eniain rallit-r culet, and some concessions re rt-ported to have been made oa medium vises. The range, however, still runs from IV to 7c on all grades. Apricots are at a n.oderat jobbing demand and prices are tli in; choice are quoted st v-v oa'tc; extra choice, lt'jliao; tamy, Uoi:aO. Pes, -has a re quiet; ihire are quoit at "VU.'ue; na. Mlntlf On JTO ?rook. Raold Trsnslt.l!.G80 f"o'i. Foe' Tron Pol""', t'ne'r. Cost ror'-oi'-'-'ed oa Oererr' ""trio Inter. Pnper do pfd In'er. Pump do nfd.. Ksiionel wlc"lt National Id vats A -I'-tcnn psclc M-ll Pirl' Os Pt' Steel Car..., it-v r'd pi'. ilp'-e Car R'nttr."" Steel do vtfd 1 p.-Vhe- OoodB do r'd "r.r- r-nt A Iron... V 8 thither do rd V rl. "Mptier v p1 XT S) ..r do nfd North. B-cu'l'les Total sales of the day S98.400 shares That Ing at very uneven prices all the week, aj noT-iiora an not at all anxious for warmed Wr. atntr so long as they can get grassers. Vk. n,.,lwl atKrted out in pretty good shape' this morning, with price If Snythlng stronger. After the first n round huvers did not BDDear as on I anxious and aa'a. result the close was slow nt I and weak. Tht was osiwclally trua when ' I the late trains arrived. For the week the cow market is iiauc nigncr tt.i '"""" Bulls, veal calvts and stags did not show . u ohunss to h worthv of mention. The few stockers ond feeders In the yards changed hands at Just about yesterday s prlcei where, the quality was at all good, but where It was common It was very diffi cult to make a sale-at any price. Yard traders are very cautions toward the close of the week about getting any common cattle on hand for fear of J hf lng obliged to carry them over until the follow- In. ue.ll w.r. not enough western grass beef steers on sale to mere a test of t h( 1 . Aa nomnaril with Monday, how ever prices are safely 10S16c h gher. Rarg3 cows were stesdy to a little lower today, or 1520c higher than Mcnd.-y. There was no nartlculsr change In Blockers and feed ers. Representative sales: , - BEEF STEERS. No 1 44 Ns. It... id,.. 41... Av. Pr. .ml 4 00 .1197 4 65 t.... 60.... .... 1.... to.... 11..... I.... 4 to 1020 t 00 1U60 t 00 1135 t 90 45J t 88 9U t ts SSO 1. 50 . 200 ', 'iio 1 100 . 1 0" . . 1"" . 800 . . R.60 . l." . 300 !42. 245 3IH Tt'iai oni !rli 7 67" 218 TI. 7', 94 PS 'siii 'tV ?01 "a, it IZ K 21 a 4 r?u MS f3 18U 1rt4 0 1fi 34 12 70 ?4 ft 215 i rK C5 r ?' 7u rs IMt r 86 l.onelon Itoek Market. IXDNDON. Nor. I Closing quotations: rceola. moey.. 00 acou'.c Afhiaor ., da .f Ml OHIO Caaaian iae '.'hea Uhio... rhlcao a. w C... M. .. rieBeere Denver R. O.. o Xl Erie du lat Btd 4a U M is'! . . Si . ;- '. ni .US'. p i"1 TO , llVk . tlV, N T Onf-M. Norfolk A V.'.. 00 pfd Ontario J W.. nnaytvaaia i4apl Mlnea ... I.eadlns do If, rfd.... do Id rtu 80. Rallwav ... do pfd So. PaclAc liloa Paclta . do rfd V. 8. Steel do Did. Wthaah do pfd ....t:l .... a i .... l .... .... t:4i M V US .... 4m ..... n n 11 t ..... I4 4'4 llllnola CeDlral I" 1. a- n " U.. K. T 1 BAR SILVER Steady at fTHd per ounce. MONEY 2H6 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills l f'Ari per cent: for thrive months' bilK Sli-lOvTil per cent. Persian Financial I.OVDON. Nov. . Money was fairly plentiful in the market today, although the considerable amount which was repaid to the Hank of Kimla-nd i-Hwsvd a har.lvnlns Wool Market. ROSTON, Nov. . The commercial bul letin will say tomorrow: There has been a little better Inquiry for wool, but buyers are conservstlve. Stocks Include fair solid lines of territory fleece and scoured, with a big volume of sxtiiple lots placed. In prices there Is no change, and the tone of the market la strong. A careful estimate of the stock of domestic wool In Boston fur sale places It at about 60,000,000 lbs., and Is unusually light for this season. Other eHsiern markets are cleaned up, and man ufacturers supplied are verv email. No supplies can be bought anywhere to com pete with the present offerings on this market. Europe U short of wool of one--I quarter blood grade and below. In twelve months such grades havs advanced 63 per cent. In Europe. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 31, 19U2, are 199.307.618 lbs., against 23,199,150 lbs. at the same dat Inst year. The re ceipts to date are 264.699.857 lbs., against 23i.4c3.341 lbs. for the same period last y NEW YORK. Nov. 6.-WOOL-Flrm; do meftlo fleece. 2832c. BOSTON. Nov. 6. WOOL The following sre tne quotations Tor leading aescriptions. Oh'o and Pennsylvania. XX and above. J1G36C: No. 1. S(j33c; No. I. Zlfi.32c; tine iinwn'shed, 24&"25c; half blood, unwnahed. S5Ui2o; three-onrter Moon, unwnsried. 25fi2e; quarter blood, unwsahed, 25f15Vrc: fine washed Deinne, 36c. Michigan, X and above, 27-- No. 1. 2!4jf30c: No. 2. 280?9c; fine unwashed, 21i'22c; quarter blood, un wanhed, 7412; three-eighths blood, un washed. 24B25c; half b'ood. unwashed. tft 25o: fine unwashed liemine. iifTia. Ken tucky, Indiana, etc., thre-elghths blood, ?4'o;ific; quitrter blood. Stft'Se; hrald. Kf'i'Ze. Territory, lanno. i-r. j,1-, u-, hiid mniiii". Pfll7; medium. lRri9: Wvomlng. fin. 119 I'm-; fins mediu-". IfttiU-: neOlim. 1 gv, !.-. Utah, nne medium 174J17V-C: medium. lf!J lie. Dakota nne. 'Sdjloc: fine medium. 16Mr iTVje: medium, 19i Mr. Montana "no chol9. isfrriir; tin" ml!u"' chol- 19!f c; staple, hrf,,. 1 1 I ofret. BT. I.Ol'IS. Nov. WOOL Steady; me dium grades, cocblne and clothing. 17h 214c; light flne. 16il7vic; heavy fin. 12c itc; tub washed, 2o330c. rosTeo Market. NEW YORK. Nov. .-CflFKEE Ths spot market was steady; Flo. No. 7 In voice. He; mill. Bteady; Cordova, 7 l'Jc. The market for futures opened steadv at unchanged prices to a decline of l'l points under heavy liquidation by re cent buyers, who wera apparently discour aged bv the rather mors optimlxtlo reports received noncernlng the crop. Tha market was finally steady at unchanged price to a decline of Is points. Sale wero 91 bales including December st 6 7o56 7c; January, i Stic; Mri h. 6"i96c; MVj lfc4ic; July, $y0cj twplember. A. Pr. t4t 4 60 1174 4 90 lZII 4 9S COYS. Tt6 I 6 I 4 i 55 1 : 1 to t . . HEIFERS. 1:0' t co 4 318 t Ml ' CALVES. tit). I M 1 HA 1 '"STEERS AND HEIFERS. "STOCKERS AND FEEDERS .. ..... 4iJ t 4 ' 47 WOO I M. .. k3 40 BULLS. . .1009 2 00 NRTtRABKA. 17 feeders.. 507 2 00 22 f-eders 6 feeders.. 568 3 00 31 feeders 10 steers.. ..low 3 85 8 heifers... 397 1 65 1 heifer.... 210 $ 1 cow WOO I 'A CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNCAftllS Hduorde, Uootl Room A nanhattan Bldtr., ST. PAUL, MINN. Dealers In Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and gold for cssh or on reasonable margins. Members Important Exchanges. Pr$ at Wires. Writ for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. ' r'acllitles. Liberal Advances. Prompt Returns. ' " ... rtlda-. Phono it41t Omaha, Nebraska. . ti. Winnipeg. 1.. 454 75S 2 75 2 76 Light Receipts of Cattle and Sheep, With Fair Receipts of Hogs. 2,000 head. Including lob head of Texans and iuu neaa or westerns. The market wag steady; good to prime steers, $5.005.50; poor to medium, $3.50'Jt4.75; stockers and feeders. $2.0or04.l6: cows, $1.00'n3.60; heifers, $2.0rv 4.1b; canners, $1.0iw?i.2.25; bulls, $1.7di.20' calves. $2.00W7.25: Texas fed steers. 13.00 3.50: western steers, $2.904.15. nous-Keceints. 14.000 head: est mated tomorrow, 11,000 head. The market opened 10c lower, but closed strong; mixed and butchers. $4.65(f5.25; good to choice heavy, $4.85fj6.10; rough heavy, $4 4044.80; light, $4.7ooi6.20; bulk of sales. $4 8iii5.u0. nriri.r.r' AN ij LAM Bo Receipts. 8,000 head. The market for sheep and lambs was lllo Miliar- rnnil tn .knln. thra it Aft. 3.85; fair to choice mixed, $2.8003.30; western sneep, z.tKri3.60: native lambs, $3.&&ia3.76; western lambs, $3.50iii6.15, Kansas. City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5,000 head of natives, 600 head of Texans. 400 head of native calves and 100 head of Texas calves. The market for corn Jed steers was weak to lower; for western and grass fed beeves, 40650c lower than last week; for native cows, dull; for range cows, steady to weak; for Blocker and feeders, weak; native steers, $4.45i&6.36; fair tn vmA M 1 flrfV 1 IK .(.li.r. an4 tmAorm $2.00U3.76'; western fed steers. $2.154.00; Texas and Indian steers. I2.15CT3.00: Texas cows, $1.35(82.05; native cows. $1. 262.70; na tive rieirere, 2.6ofo4-40: canners, Jl. 00O2.00; bulls, 11.752.35; calves, $1.753.00. HOOS Receipts, 6,200 head. The market was 5ft 10c lower; top, $5.12"; bulk of sales, $4.756&.0o; heavy, $4 54.95; mixed packers. $4.955.10; light. $4.90j)6.12Vi; yorkers, $5.0& 5.12H; pigs'. $4.505.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.0WI head. .The market was steady:'- native lambs. $3.2566.20; western lambs, $2.90fi 5.00 ; fed ewes. $2.3ofj3. 76; Texas clipped yearlings. $2.504.00; Texas clipped sheep, $2.40&3.76; Stockers and feeders, 82.00(33.60. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 6. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,627 head. The market for steers was steady to a shade lower; for bulla and cows, slow, A few cara were unsold. Na tive steers, S3.25&5.16; oxen and stags, $3.10fc3.50; bulls, $2. 60(3.90; export, $4."9 4.50: cows. $1.10Ti3.25 Cables quoted live cattle steady at 10$illc per pound, dressed weight; sheep steady at 10Val2o; lambs, 13c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef at SH-BSMic per pound. CALVES Receipts. 122 head. The msr ket was Arm; veals. 4&8c; grassers, $2.30 2.60; westerns, $3.00; city dressed veals, slow at Mfl2Vic per pound. HOU8 Receipts, fcl head. The market was 5c higher; Pennsylvania and state hogs. $5.30u6.6O, SHEEP A.ND LAMBS Receipts, 1.893 head. The market for sheep was slow and barely steady; for lambs, steady to 10C higher. Sheep. $:.O83.60; lambs, $5.00 5.0; one deck, $5.70; Canada lambs, $6.00 Exports tomorrow. 1,077' cattle, 189 sheep and 6,930 quarters of beef. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Nov. 6.-CATTLI5-Recelpts. !5ti0 head, Including -1.600 head of lexana. The market was steady; native shipping and export. $4.1X&6 .26; dressed beef and butcher steers, $ steers under LOtiO lbs $3.6(X&4.75; Blockers end feeders. $2.26C 3 15-' cows and heifers, $2.2618.50; canners, $1 60112 26; hulls. $2.40412.85; calves. IJWM-. Texas and Indian steers, $2.S03.25; cows and heifers, $1.752. 40. HOGS-Recclpts . 8.600 heAd The market whs steady : pigs and lights $4 8O4ii6.20; packers. $4 .6OS5.10; butchera and best heavy, rfllKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 700 head. The miirket was firm; native mnttons. $3.00 fi-liiO- Inmhs. $4.00 R: culls and bucks, V'iW&TS; stockers, $2.26i32.7l. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST JOSEPH, Nov. 6 CATTLE Receipts, 670 head; mtriiet Bteady; natives, $3.75a6.40: cows and hellers, $1.26&4.&0; stockers and yESLi COMPANY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wet have over 150 offices. References: 176 State and Nat'l Banks. OIR SKRVICK IS T1IK BEST. . Out of Town Business Solicited. Omaha Branch 1 1618 Far am St. Tel. 3467. THOS. M. WADDICK. Correspondent. Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS Cur All Special DISEASES OF MEN BLOOD POISON WEAK, KERVOUS MEN KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Treatment anal Medietas S5.00 PER MOHTH Examination and advice fre at ofllc by mall. Wrltton contract given In H: curable diseases .r refund money psld I treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 ' In Omaha. Cor. 14th and Donglas. OMAHA. SEII. 610 ...1040 3 f i0 1 7i 2 feeders 2 cows 1 steer 7t 8 00 1 heifer.... 83) 2 (0 68 feeders.. 448 40 .1360 1 75 M3 3 00 051 2 60 831 $ no 1 60 5 feeder. 1 cow 28 cows 10 cows.... $ cows. .... 875 ! 25 ....li'20 2 25 .... 800 1 85 ....1230 1 75 .... 843 S 00 1 heifer.... 4S0 2 50 7 helferB... 41 2 16 4 feeders.. VI I s , ,,. D. Whalen-Wyo. e ...... t?iii 3 26 13 Steers. ...1270 3 1 bull 1330 1 00 1 b'l--" 1 ateer K.i0 2 10 8 feeders 6 feeders. .1074 3 00 6cows... 10 cows 947 2 50 C. Steen Wyo. 1 heifers.. $00 $ Ofl feeder. .lf2. 3 feeders.. m7 $ 6fl 7 cows. 1 bull 1320 1 75 . J. WildeWyo. 826 $ 15 8 cows. 910 3 25 1 cow.. 901 $ 25 1 cow.. 930 1 85 1 bull.. .1. Huntoon Wyo, 970 1 70 15 cows. tirwio TViere was about the usual rlsed run of hogs here today and the ma'kft eon tinned Its downward course. At th start about a dozen loads old at right around teady prices to shippers, but after that th general market was right close to a nickel lower snd the extreme close was fullv a nickel lw-r. The general market could best be described by railing It eadv to a nickel lower. There wa no great amount of activity at any time, but still, except for a few late arrivals, an early e'earance was made. Heavv bogs old from 4 5 to $4 70. with some down a' low as 4W. Medium weights went from $170 to 94 80 and lights sold from thtt uo to $1.15. the toT bunch weighing 155 pounds. Repre sentative sales: 44 1 tr..,Arm f rfuwa Sh HO iM rteceiUlB, IWI linnu, Illtti ac steady to 60 lower; light, J4.806.10; medium anl h-nvy, $4 7 05.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 494 headj market firm; lambs, $5 25; wethers. $3.60; ewes, $3.15. Monx City Live Stock Markot. SIOITX CITY. Nov. 6 (Speclr.l Telegram.) TATTLE Receluts. 1(J; market un changed: beeves, $4.016.00; cows, bull and mixed, $1.6OfSi3.O0; atocker and feeders, $2.60 i3 ii0; calves and yearlings. $2.2&4'8 $0. HOGS Receipts, 3.600; Bteady to 6c lower at t4.liuft4.80j hulk. $4.70. Stork in Sight. Following are the receipts of llv Btock at the six principal western cities yestor- daV: ,1 oh t. OllIC, a',o. ajUT -r y,. .. 2.0)0 .. 2.0 0 .. .' .. $.500 .. 670 .. 100 airntms-a srSaev.aa. EririYOOYAi; FILLS V Wta:laal mm Ualy tleaalae. $lA"aArE. liirMbU La4lea,atnnrl Ca fce CHICHENTKK'S KNUL18H rii 1 ill T- I uvn .1-1., "I. w. I wlik klMMblna. TikHib atefael Oaaaereaai aatltaUeaa mi latla atama. Bmj al fmr Drmut l,t, Mad 4c la . etaBisa ttw PartlaajUaa, TaeStaaealala ' eaa "Rallef far LaaJaa.'to Unar, y ra. tan Mali. I O.OIIO TUell. Sold as allUrasfliu. C-klaaealart'kaaileal Oa laaeaa. ataalssa aaara. run-., f MEN ANDW0MEH. J OaaraawwaLl B aaig IrUlmn. f 4 hma Caauataa. l"?rtrHf FVaJtxCMtMICAL C. fV OmomiUll..r-3 W Jraggtsta, V c. a. a. t l"r rent In plals wraapei J V I ly eisreai. prepaid, fc w"r'kl SI 90. or I b-Mtl'-a S2.79. . -11 .a, Circulajr aau9 " lauaaat. ra Ilia a for ontiatorsk dierharsM.lnflamniaUoD, lrritatloD9 01 ulcereiiona of rouoo9 niembranee. PalDleee, and sot aatrlo- ' gent or po'ftoDous. from any eaua For Menstrual Suppression Cr.. PEN-TAN-GOT ft a box; i boiea, IS Sold In Omaha by Sherman A McConncll Drug Co. Mall erdrn SJIad. Trade eupplll Charx LeM Ttua All Othtws DRa McGREW SPECIALIST. Treat all liiai 4 DI3EA8ES OF MEN ONLY A Msdlcsl Biperl 2 Years' Bxperlene It Vear In Omaha .jf NsarM.OOOC iCure Vajieeeele. Rydreeele, Blood Polaon. 8'.rliture, meet, Wera DeMlltj, Iaa of Strength sad Vital ly aa all torou of chronis diaeaaes. Treataaast by Bull. Call sr vrlte. BeS He. Oaio gU g 14ih Bt Osiaka, Nek. . M Wai, REAL ESTATE TRAS8KER8. DEED8 filed for record yesterday a fur nished bv the Midland Ouarantea and bonded abstratcra, 1J14 44 , A. S. rr v, A. a. P- M M IS M Vl 141 4 tm ;!r."'..i9 US 4 dtv, l M 4 Tl' I l K 4 V 7V ". 4 T 1' 4 , r 4 1 rl 140 4 .... IM 4 9 K tn it 4 n 1T 41 4 (IS J It .. 4 1 .. t 4 F"4 U M' 4 T 1' sm len 4 rri at ft no 4 Ti 1 am an 4 tm K I 1 4 TS Ii I0 4 TH 44 frt 4 li I Ill 110 4 trie. M tTT 144 4 TTti tM ..4 7 TO t3 1 4 TTK. Ol 2 4 0 It S4 90 4 7T4j l 7 40 4 T 41 ! .. 4 U I... ill ) 4 T0........K.4 .. um I . . !t 304 4 T 14 n 1M 4 T7-, . 114 .. 4 T 99 tin V 4 fU; l i rW 129 4 tn 41 M4 9.1 4 TH, I fa 1 4 T M r t 4 " r." ti 44 4 ts a 4 -1 ; rM 1M 4 T9 74 tt 4" tn 4 TO n I4 IM I 9 i rt I4fl 4 1VI, T fS HI 4IS I 4 1S T t .. 4 9 IT IM 4 M4 la 4 S I lt V) 4 TV . HriFKP-Th hceo 0ret ill r Trust company. Farnam street: V. Adelaide Spratlin to Gertrude L. Clarke. ne4 15-16-10; also lots 1 and 2, block 7. Sweesy's add $ 5,0"0 6outh Omaha Land company to Besnle JannsEklewles, lot , diock ain. bouiii Omaha :: v.'1 Andrew O C. Quay and wife to Kd ward R. Benson, lot Hi, block 7. Hill side add No. 1 Andrew R. Benson to Allc C. DU worth, same Augustus J. Williams and wife to George Kelley, lot 6, block 3, Vassar Place Nebraska Investment and Improve ment company to William H. AI mannon, 3oV feet lot 4, block $, Lake add A W Nlchell, administrator, to Isaac S Leavltt. lots 11 and 12. block 100, Dundee Place Sheriff to Continental Trust company, lot 6 block 116, Dundee Place Same to same, lot 10, block 11. Reed s 1st add ;-; South Omaha Land company et a) to Kat Nolan, lot 2, block 9, Spring Lake Park add Meade C. William and wife to Han nah C. Petereon. V tiH lot $5, block 4, Campbell add Elisabeth J. Flhel et al. executors to Mary D. Kruae, lot 14, block 113, South Omaha Varslla Kvesek and wife to Mary Llsy. ntt lot . block 46. Bouth Omaha Francis Dunnlgan and wlf to Inter state Investment Trust, limited, lot 20, block 8. Kounti A Ruths' add.... Nels Christian Petersen to rnini, eVj p lot 10, block 7, Kountxa & Ruths uAA sverage. 74.C46' bhls. : shipments. Lima. 7V949 I Charles H. Maxham, re.fciver, to i.hia u vera ue. 72 014 bbls.; runs. Lima, 47.531 '. Marv G. McC'Hgue. lot 2. Sfunton Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis ... St. Joseph . Sioux City . 4.740 14.0)0 6.200 J MJ $.2f.l 3.&UO 7 600 8 OoO d.O'iO 7191 494 Totals ..13.ro $4,191 S0,B4 V OH an4l Rosin. NEW YORK. Nov. . OIL Cottonseed, resv; prime crude, nominsl; yellow. 84V. Petroleum, firm: refined New York. 30c; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $926; In bulk. $6 35. Turpentine, firm. 69HOe. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, $2,703 2 75. . OIL CITY, Nov. 9 OIL Credit balances. $177; certificates, no bid; shipments. 81.639 t his : avernce. Ss 312 tibia.; runs. 91. 41 6 tn Is l.l.lu nveraire. 51.442 bills. SAVANNAH. Nov. . OIL Turpentine, firm. MV. Kosln. oul-t; A, B. C. D. 2!0; K, f35- V f2 5fi- n. 12 55; H. !60; I. 12.70: K, $2no! M. $-'90; N. $3 10; WO. $$.$0; WW. $3.90. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Nov. WHISKY Steady, on basis of tlnlahed goods, $1 -V.- , ST. LOl'IS. Nov. .-WHISKY-Stsdy, CIIICAOO. Nov. -WH!SKT-On basis WmirZt!: KhISKY-D.,,..-lers' hnicbad goods, steady, on basis of $1.25. Metal Market. . NEW YORK. Nov. . METATJt Tin was verv weak in Ix-nrton. spot declining 1 12s to 116 15. white futures were 116 16. I .m-hIIv tin was weak slo. clo-ing nt t'5 Vdii2S 40. Copper declined Ts 6d for snot In Ixindon, that p,attoa closing at 57 16. 2ut tE0( 2,500 600 l,5t 15t $5 , 6,;' tViO 5C5 560 ro t.ono 1.73) 1 while future wer 10o lower at 57 6s. Ixicallv copper Is quirt. Ijike Is quoted at 13.7t.l4.0ij, Electio'ytie at $13.82 and cast ing at lll.su. Lead remained unchanged at $4 6il here, was la 35 lower In Ixndon. at 11 3s 6d. Spelter, closing at ifi.o-., was un. chunged In the local market, as It was alxo In I oniioii, where the closing price was lj.'l Is 61 lion closed at 4is 9d lu tiluigow ami at 41 9d In MlddusslHirough. I"-ally Iron wait unsettled, but showed no further change. No. 1 foundry northern is iuutKl at ti 16.00; No. 1 foundry northern. $I4.251t)5 ; No. I foundry souiliern ami No. 1 fuuiidry southern, svfl, at $H.iA'il H.ti. iiu,. enhrllv lilot k 17. Wist Omaha Frances Alice Green and husband to Ida 1- Haas, e i irt-i iuuuiv iui a, block 6. Johnson's add J.&uO David KacAslan and wife to David Henry MacAslan, part lot (, Mac- -AiUs'l ubdiv SO in I f I I' ' vr