THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: SATURDAY. XOVEMBEK 7. lftOX 13 OTHER l.ASnfl Til AX OIRI. From ttm to time of late there have been Items of nfw In the Rngllah papers describing conflicts ltwren the Brttleh de tachments holding the posts along the new frontier taken tip by the British govern ment In 'he Adn hinterland and the Yemen Arabs. In on of the latent encounter re ported the British suffered not a 111 tie In the way of oas.-altles and a, village vn d troed. The disturbance created by this extension of BrltUh territory over the south western corner of Arabia, seems to be spreading. It has apparently reached the country to the south of Mecca, where there tine been some sanguinary fighting between the rebelling tribes of the Aelr. region and the Turks. In which the latter were badly beaten. From Central Arabia and the country toward the Pertlan gulf there are also reports of renewed unrest which may probably lead to Intervention. It la not likely that anything will b dona until after )rd Curson'a tour to the Persian gulf, which he will make about the end of the year In. his official capacity of governor general of India. During the tour he will visit all the points of Interest, Including Kowelt, which has been spoken of as the terminus of the German Bagdad railway. With the Kowelt chiefs Great Britain has political relations. It will not be surpris ing If Lord Curson's projected journey Is made the occasion of a deliberate and em phatic aisertlon of British sovereignty over lares part of that region. A correspondent of one of the London newspapers, writing from Odessa, saya that the latest Information from Teheran rep resents the state of affairs in the Persian capital as becoming daily mora precarious, ralace Intrigues are so rampant that no minister or prominent courtier caif depend from day to day upon the shah's good will and favor, and the fall of a minister or court favorite In Persia usually means his official and social degradation, . the loss of bis private property and banishment to Kcrbela or some other remote and undesir able spot. For the time being the new aad raaaam (grand vizier), Aln-ed DouleH, Is all-powerful. Ha Is a cousin of the shah and was formerly governor of Masenderan, a post from which he was suddenly de graded and exiled to Kernels. He Is re puted to be a fanatically orthodox Shllte and this la a causa of no little anxiety to the Babists, a sect wblch has latterly been very cruelly presecuted In various parts of the shah's dominions. Ha is regarded as by no means so enlightened a statesman as his predecesror, the Atabeg-Asam, but, un like the latter, who Is now an txHe in west orn Europe, he is said to regard Russia with dislike and suspicion. All this Infor mation, It ahould be remembered, Is sifted through Russian sources. The conference of representatives of the different Oerman states which Is sitting In Berlin to consider the financial condi tion of the empire, has some knotty prob lems to solve. One object, if not the main object of It, Is to devise measures to pre vent any further Increase in the contribu tions of the Individual states to the Im perial treasury. In the financial program vi-icneu uy rnncs xsipmarca in un u wb calculated that the revenue which the im perial treasury would derive from customs and excise duties would enable It to bal ance the amount of the "matrlcular" con tributions and create a surplus fund to be divided annually between the contributory states. In recent years there has not only been no. surplus, but tha separate states have had to pay In considerably mora than they received back. In the ' current financial year April 1, 1903, to March 81. 1904 not only ha a supplementary loan been needed to balance tha estimates, but It has also been found necessary to assess the separate states for sums which amount in all to 24,000,000 marks (, over and- beyond the contributions for which they are indemnified. The finances of ' Prussia fortunately are in such a prosper ous condition that the share of this bur den which falls upon tha greatest Oerman state has not been seriously felt. But the modest budgets of some oft the smaller members of tha Imperial federation are less able to bear the atraln of extra de mands which cannot be calculated In ad vance. It la declared that the present sys tem must soon result In tha rutn of several of them. . te A Russian decree has Just been Issued dealing with the cases of foreigners ex pelled from Russian territory. The most important of the new regulations provides that "foreigners condemned to penal servi tude or exile are not liable to expulsion, but foreigners condemned to other forms of deprivation of freedom are liable to ex pulsion upon tha expiration of their sen tence." ' Foreigners liable to expulsion are to be presented with an Intimation to that effect specifying a term of grace to be ac corded to them. If any foreigner doea not leave tha country voluntarily after re ceiving this Intimation, he is to be sent to the border under escort, as will be any foreigner who, after having been expelled, shall return to Russia. Further provisions deal with the cases of foreigners compelled to return to Russia by the refusal of their governments to receive them, and the ad ditional raxes of foreigners who twice re turn to Russia after expulsion. The latter class have been tteated hitherto as vaga bonds. For both clauses a special system of settlement has now been Instituted, by which they will be permitted to live In cer tain districts to be defined at Intervals of three years. They must register them selves In the peasant or artisan class, will not be allowed to leave the district to which they have been allotted, or to en gage In trade or Industry without the con sent of the governor. In five years from the time of their settlement they may be come naturalised. M A correHpondent of the London Times has been traveling among the repatriated Boers In the Transvaal, and trying to dis cover the true atate of their feelings to wards Great Britain. He says that he be lieves that most of them are friendly and grateful for what has been done for them, but that they feel considerable anxiety about the future. . The great majority Of them are In the government's debt; and it Is the doubt as to how far their share of the free gift of 3.000,000 will get them out of debt which weighs upon their minds. The correspondent thinks that the hardest task Is Still In front, namely, the collection of debts, ths just assessment of claims, and, above all, the fulfillment of promises made. It Is the manner In which this work Is carried out, he ssys, whio i will determine the attitude to be adopted by the greater proportion of the Boer population. There must be tha most scrupulous fairness and the utmost tact, he declares, and no prom ise must remain unfulfilled. The Boers do not accept the new orrVr of things without considerable misgiving, und the hurt -to their natlonat pride cannot be quickly healed; but he believes that for the most part they have confidence In their new gov ernment, and will be content so long as they are fairly treated. But, he adds, there are a considerable number of temporary ir reconcllables who may be expected to muke trouble as soon as government benefactions have been exhausted. Moreover, there are a body of permanent Irreconcllables, who still dream of a Bouth African republic and are already busily sowing the seeds of dis content, among the more peaceable Inhabitants, LIKES TO A SMILES. Tom They say hot water keeps one yiJicfc-8ure. It takes activity to keep out of hot water. Detroit Free Press. Tees Bha told ma she was going to bleach her hair. .. JenaHow Indiscreet! She really ought to keep it dark. Philadelphia Press. "Don't you sometimes feel as If you had betrayed your trust?" . "Certainly not." answered Senator Bor- 5 hum. "Tnere's no one who can say I idn t stand by any trust that did business with me." Washington Star. "They had quite a time over the selec tion of a ulte for the new hospital. But Dr. Sawtooih Anally had his way about it. "Where does he want It put? "Next door to the loot bail grounds." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Miserable Moaie Bay, mister, will youse buy me dat hashhouset Pedestrian Your wants are modest, I am ""Miserable Monte Between dat an' buyln' me a square feed It's de cheapest proposi tion in die town. Butte Miner. "I really must send this cook away, George. She uses such dreadful language sometimes!" "What kind of language, dear?" "Well oh. the same as . you use, you know." Brooklyn Life. Somebody met Diogenes on the street with his lantern. "Hello, uncle." ha said. "Getting waste ful In your old age. ain't youT Didn't you notice that oil went up another cent a gal lon today?" .. "Is that ao?" cried the venerable cynic "Well. I was Just ready to give up the search, anyway." ...... . Bo saying, he blew out the light !n his lantern and went home. Cleveland Plain Dealer. . - . SOLILOQUIES OP THE LEFT. Chlcaro Tribune. Farewell, a long farewell, to all my chestl- neesl Me to the discard. Yea. bo. it is the way the cards run. Every man has a neck, and It Is put on him For the purpose of getting It in. I still have my neck and I will take cara o' . . . It's when a man gets to thinking He Is a child of destiny That he Is left on the steps of The residence of Old Man Hard Luck. Ambition Is a fair lady who whispers Honeyed nothings; end Fate Is a dame Who orates nothing honeyed. Aln t It a cinch ? It Is Ambition who puts her lily white hand In yours and trots you along the pike ITntll she runs you Into the string Destiny has stretched actons the road. Then It Is you to the long grass. Just when I thought the American cltiien Was believing me. I got the Jolt. I found that It was me who was doing tha Believing. O, I ran; ,1 ran! . . . I ran like a ten-ton monument anchored To two hundred cublo feet of concrete. Just when the 'phone was bussing the Clarion call to honor, the operator Out In snd said: "The line Is busy. Still, I don't kick. Mv feet are too tired. I thought I was running and It wearied ma. Well, well! And. they handed It to mel flu Mr. and Mr. Coal Buyers Coal delivered In tbe "Blur Yellow Wagous" la screened clean. At large expense we have built ft huge structure into which we utt load coal from the cars. This coal Is kept clean and dry. being protocted from sun snd -sin snd when it la loaded into our wagons IT IS CLEAN. Coal Cannot Reach the Wagon except by sliding over tbe automatic screens, and this takes out all dust and dirt YOU WANT CLKAN COAL AND YOU SHOULD IIAVE IT. Buy from us and you wlU get It No other automatlo screening apparatus In Omaha. Colorado Coal Miners' Strike " A general strike In the west Is probable and when it- comes there will be a great demand for eastern and southern coals. Our costs will be advanced and consequently our selling prices will , . bare to go up. Order Now! Order Here! We sell about all of the different kinds of coal and among -others offer the following ' Economy Washed Nut, 8.25, Is our beet bargain. No better coal sold In Omaha. Call and see samples. Treutou Lump and Nut come next and we have them. Cherokee Nut 5-T5, and Lump, $8.00, are splendid heat makers, but they should be very carefully screened (that is where we shine.) Can furnish a good coal for $3.00. We call It Eclipse. Comes in two slses. For the furnace use Ours, fO. Good aa bard coal and cheaper. SUI1DERLAIID BROTHERS CO., Established ISSl. Off fee S. E. Cor. I6th and Douglas. Yard. South 20th Street. 'Phones 292-799-1 58 TIIEKEELEY CURE Cor. 19ttk na Leeorta Streets. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Ths Cldest, Safest a4 most Reliable Cetr lor Alcoholism, florphlM or ether Drug- A4 dlctUrs. Tobacco and Ciga retta Habit. All COwmualiA tioas CootiJetcttal, Wb. H, Cuius, flaasre KICKED DP A DECCE OF AROV Career ef the Man Wo Has Stirred Men Una Above and Below, FRITZ HtlNZE AS A STRENUOUS FIGHTER Old-Tlaners Bad Wealth? Eradicates Sorely llarrassea by" a Bald Flatter MUlloas Waa aa , More to Cora. Frits August Heinle, one of the Impellins causes of the shutdown ot mines In Butts and vicinity, is a native of Brooklyn, N. Y., M years of age, a graduate of Columbia, an exnert In min.mln.v anri nrflftinal miner Thlrtten years ago he worked in ths Mon- tant rnnner tnlrpi at in Amv T i has bested the Standard Oil company In a legal battle, won a verdict for 110.000,000 against tha AmaliramAtriT Conner rnmnnnv. anil hi the cause of throwing 25,000 men out of work. When Helnze went to Butte thirteen years ago the city was a mining oamp where there were some ot the richest veins of copper In the country. Ho took his $5 a day Job and went down In the mines every morning at 7 and stayed until In ths evenlna. When ' he ram nut he rirnnr,,! the toggery of the mine, cleaned un and mit on evening clothes. He wss the only man in me camp who appeared at dinner In a claw-hammer coat, and waa soon locally celebrated for this sort of thing. On Bun days he wore a frock coat and a top hat ana was soon pointed out as the "best dresser" of the camp. He had a smattering of engineering knowledge and ho worked faithfully In the mines for two years. Irt that time ha learned much about copper. He mastered the smelting business and his shrewd mind saw the opportunities that gave him his start toward fortune. With his knowledge and his plans he returned to New York, wnere ne had two brothers. Otto and Ar thur. Helnze had soma mnnrv nf his own besides his salary when he was -In Montana. Boon after he returned his grand. mother died, leaving 130.000 ai,t,r to each of the three brothers. This was the money Helnze needed. He went to Germany and studied for two years In the best schools of mlneraloaty. Ha rounded there, tha knowledge he ad guined In the west and wnen ne came back to New York he waa prepared to carry out tha Diana he had maae in tsutte. He asked his brothers to ao to Montana with him.' Arthur, who Is a lawyer, de cided to go. Otto, who was In busine-s at that time, refused. The two, brothers established themselves In Butte. The need for the lawyer brother Waa xnnn nnnnrpnl for Helnze was In litigation up to his neck within a year. He leased the Entrella claim irom James A. Murray and built a small smelter with his capital. The contract with Murray provided that Helnss should pay a 25 pr cent royalty on all ore running over 13 per cent copper to tha ton. Mur ray claimed that much of the ore from the Estrella ran more than It per cent, but that Helnze evaded the nftvment nf rnvnl ties by mixing enough low-grade ore and roctt with the ore produced from the mine to keep the oercentaae of ennner nein 12. They went to the courts. Helnse then proved that the courts were his battle grounds. He fought Murray for months and he won. With the money ha waa maklmr frnr. tha Estrella Helnza took nver aavaral nthar profitable leases. His ventures tirntnsrM It wsa not long until he had bought a con trolling interest In the P.arus mine, a large producer he had under lenaa. Tie naM trx - 000 for this Interest The Rarus is In the Heart or the copper district. Heinse wcrs recognized by this time as one of the shrewdest rjlnlna- men in Rntta ant ha proved the correctness of the claim by get ting me diengarry claim and developing It In connection with the Rarus mine. Ha ha a big smelter and waa making ' money rapiaiy. The youns man had larva Maaa ' w knew the copper business thoroughly and ha had the energy to utilize his knowledge to its fullest extent. Ha want somo litigation until 1896. He was known as a man who would right for his claims and would not compromise unless be Jiad by far the best of It. In 1895 ha turned tn'Rriti.h Columbia. He went to Trail City and built a smelter. Then he built a natrow-gauge railroad to Rossland. eighteen miles Inland The heaviest producer In tha region was the L.eroy mine, which waa owned In Spokane, and of which the manager waa George Tur ner, afterward aenator from' Washington, and more recently a member for the United mates or tho Alaska treaty boundary com mission. Which has lust arhltrata K.. bour dary quarrel In London. Turner made W, 000.000 out of the I.eroy property When Helnze returned to Rnit.' i .v. lntter part cf 1897, he was dragged into the eensational litigation that Is now in process of adjudication. There are few people who understand the Intricacies of mining law, and the suits and counter-suits brought by Heinse and against Helnse, were bewilder ing In their complications. The Butte ' A Boston mine sued Helnzo for 1150,000 for ore alleged to have been taken from the Mlohael Davttt mine through the deeper workings of tha Rarus. a Heinse mine. Then tbe Boston A Montana company sued for $500,000 on a similar claim, for ore taken by the Rarus workings from the Pennsylvania mine. Helnze Jumped In at this point and sued for $2,000,000 for ore taken from tha Rarus claim by ths work ings of the Mountain View mine. The com panies which sued Heinzs were the Marcus Daly Interests, and the fight between Cop. per King Daly and tha Helnzes began right there. Action was plied on action, on every sort of a pretext, until there were more than aixty cases In the varloua courts of the county, atata and country. These suits ware but ths beginning. Helnze had not been Idle when he discovered the Daly people were after him. Ha had Instructed his brother. Arthur, the lawyer, to Invest! gate the mining titles on the Butte moun tain. Arthur had Investigated with good reaults-for Helnzo. It was found that the titles, the records of them and of the claims ware In hopeless confusion. Lawyer Heinse discovered that tha richest of the Boston Montana company's properties, tha Comanche, had an imperfect title. This mine had been merged from two claims, the Comanche and the Dayton. It was supposed tha Dayton claim had been bought by tha Boston and Montana peo ple. Patrick Largey had deeded a two thirds interest In the Dayton to tha Co manche, but tha astute Helnse discovered that Largey had owned but one-third by the record, and that the Utle of tha other third was vested la anotuer man. Helnze Immediately took legal proceeding, con templated to embarrass tha Boston & Montana people. This, is but an Instance of his work Ha brought suit after suit In similar -conditions. Butte mountain Is covered with crossed and criss-crossed claims, owned bv various Interesta H.inz. knew about them ? 'a';'!, ' ,00d u" of bUt knowledge In fighting his enemies. Two weeks ago Judge William Clancy sitMng In Butte, granted injunction. sgalnst the Boston & Montana Mining company and tha Parrot Mining company to prevent ths paying of dividends to ths Amalgamated Copper company, an- jn ef, fert said the Amalgamated Copper coin- pany was practically an outlaw and had no rights in MonUna. At tha same tlins Judss Clancy decided the Minnie Hoaly mlniug case la favor 1 ( r. Aum-t.,. U S f paw.., fir: ''WJ p n mm&m Men's Suits Overcoats This store has two remarkable values to offer Saturday in suits and overcoats for meu. Men's Suits and Overcoats worth $10 This store has a remarkable value to give men who come here Saturday for a suit or overcoat. Suits and over coats that flO would buy elsewhere will be sold Saturday for f 7.50. The suits are made of strictly all wool cheviots and caBsimeres in forty different colorings to select from. THE OVERCOATS are made of oxford gray cheviots with heavy weight serge lining, cut 44 inches long and made to fit perfectly. Men's Suits and Overcoats worth $13. 50 g.SdD Tositively worth J? 10 for $7.50. You may talk about values in suits and over coats, but there .Isn't anything that can touch these for less than $13.50. .TIIE SUITS are made of Imported and domestic cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds, hand-made throughout, in single and double-breasted sack coat styles, about thirty dif ferent shades and colors to select from. THE OVERCOATS are made of oxford gray Irish frieze and black frieze; black cheviots and oxford gray cheviots, with a fine serge lining; there is nothing handsomer than the coats we sell at this price tomorrow. The way the concave shoulders are shaped the way the front is finished so it won't Bag when it is left unbuttoned. This is the Boys Store of Omaha It is so because we are doing more than any other store to deserve the patronage of buyers of Boys' Clothing. Parents will save 30 per cent on clothing the boys by coming to this depart ment Saturday. Boys1 Suits $1.85, worth $2.50 Made of pure all-wool blue cheviot and casslmere, in the newest colorings, Nor folk style, slses i to 13 years; double breasted style, slses 8 to 16 years. These suits are great bargains. You must see them. $2.60 values, on sale ,. Boys' Suits worth S4 for $2.85 Made of very fine and select cheviots nnd , cassimeres, also blue Washington Mills cheviot; made and trimmed beautifully and the fit Is perfect. Norfolks, 4 to 12; double breasted, 8 to 15, . . worth J4.00 .., 1.85 2.85 Boys' Reefers Made of blue chinchilla, 4 to 8 years; special dur- "I (( ing this sale liKJKJ Boys Reefers Made of blue chinchilla, storm collar, cassimere lining, sizes . 8 ta'15 years; special dur ing this -I EA sale IsLV Boys' "Automobile" 0' Coats Made ot extra heavy weight oxford (ray, black and olive shade cheviot, well made and trimmed, sizes 4 to 8 years; special during this sale ... 2.00 Boys' Lon; 0'Coats Made of plain gray and fancy cheviots, padded shoulders and filled collar, iii perfectly, sizes 8 to 15 years; spe cial during this sale 3.00 Our "Nebraska Special" is a 2. 50 hat that we sell for $1.50 ALL NEW BU OCKS - Men's Underwear , We sell for 5c, worth 75ot the greatest value offered this season. - We had to buy cases of It In order to be able to give this great value. 45c WORTH 73c Men's Fancy Shirts In stiff and soft. Our $1.00 shirts are equal to the best 1 6" shirt In the city. Wa show some of the nattiest patterns that tha men folks are looking for. SI.SO Values for $1.00 I as . Men's Caps Are on sale In the hat department Our line is the strongest we have ever shown. Saturday a special showing. 35c-45p-75c iimiiii"" ' ii i il'mli hi ii ii ill "lliXJinN rilTiTCSS' Heinse, and turned tho property, which Is worth $10,000,000, over to Holnse., The- Amalgamated Copper company Is owned by the Standard Oil company, the. richest and most powerful trust In tho world.' . The decision of Judge Clancy means that the young mining engineer hoe beaten the Rockefellers and their asso ciates In a legal battle Involving millions. New York World. TRAGEDIES 0N THE FLOOR Kllllas Results of the Btreanous Pace aa the New York Stock Exchange. 1 The welter of a field day of tha exchange has been likened to that of Paul's flght with beasts at Ephesus. But the apostle's best claim lay In his endurance of a more con tinuous test. Veterans of the civil war, who during years of service never knew what a day might bring forth, have confessed that In their worst battles and most toilsome marches they did not undergo ths physical and mental strain, the "I die dally" of the ever-renewed campaign upon the floor. Yet In the actual presence there of the King of Terrors in his few entrances he has at once stayed all contests. Greed, passion, triumph, fear, have been quelled by his quos ego. One becomes wonted to ths floor's swift circumstance, as to the motion of a ship at sea. Only something abnormal will Impress him nothing more so than a sud den hush and a questioning of what it means. Occasions which seared themselves Into the memory were tha three within a single decade, upon each of which a well known member of ths board died In the exchange, two of them In the very center of Its stage. An Impression that Instantaneous deaths are more likely to occur here than else where Is not confirmed by the record. As a class the brokers, after long service, carry no more marks of nervous strain than other active buxlness or professional men. It may be that some, whose constitutions are poorly adapted to the work. And It prudent to withdraw at the first symptom of or ganic deterioration. An expert - actuary might tell us how many among 600 men who move and deal together, under the special conditions, for a score of years, ought to die In their tracks. That three should have ! done so within memory of the street, and ' all in a single decsde, does not imply a ' large percentage, even when allowance Is made for continual recruiting. Bo when ths Intruder forced at last his several entrances each was In the nature of a surprise and seemed discourteous, if not without war rant. But such considerations were quickly overcome by the dramatic quality of each episode. The first took place close upon noon of a midsummer day, and was Impressive from ' the fact that the stricken man was ths vice president of ths exchange, who bad just announced tha death ot another mem ber, and waa descending from the rostrum, when he staggered and grew pale, waa as sisted to tha hallway, was laid down, and forthwith breathed his last. This, Indeed, was a broker's final "call to ths door;" but as tho Dark Bummoner had kept without the gateway, tha tvent, however startling. waa less spectacular than his return and , actual Intrusion upon the floor three years afterward and at the same hour of ths day. A favorite old-tlnis sit-mbrr, seated by a pillar in ths center of tha room, slipped without warning to ths fiuor. It a dky llmg irooil lnJ08851 Announces the Opening of the Newport Line to St. Paul and Minneapolis Two Superbly Equipped Trains daily, making fast time. The Electric Lighted Limited leaves Omaha at 7:55 P. M., Council Bluffs at 820 P. M. Arrives St. Paul at 6:55 A. M., Minneapolis - 7:30 A. M. The Day Express ieaves Omaha at 7:35 A. M., Council Bluffs . at 8:00 A. M. Arrives St Paul 7:38 P. M., Minneapolis at 8:10 .- P. M. The Fort Dodge Passenger leaves Omaha at 3:25 P. M., Coun cil Bluffs at 3:50 P. M. Arrives Fort Dodge at 8:00 -P. M. All trains leave Union Depot, Omaha, and Chicago Great iWestern Station, corner Main St and Ninth Ave., Council Bluffs. ' For further information apply to i . GEO. THOMAS GENERAL AGENT 313 Ontha tUt'l Dtnk Did, 0H1HA. 36 Petri St., CCIKICIL OLUFFS. LJi hi of financial alarms, the room was crowded, gloom arjd excitement had prevailed. Sud denly the midmost group divided, and faen began that strange hush widening like a mist to every side. Trading ceased, though few at first knew why or how. And there a man lay In his last tremor, with one cr two comrades ministering, and others brac ing themselves back to give him air. Then a stretcher, borne by two men, entered from some here, while the entire assemblage formed a circle extending to the boundaries of tha room. Bo dial at once a colleague before ths eyes of all. Tbe . silence, ths baring of heads, the lifting of the dead, the solemn, sturdy march of his carriers to ths ell. were like nothlug so much as a scene oil the stuge of some great theater, in some historic play. It was followed immediately by that action taken only upon imperative occasions tha temporary adjournment ot tha board and ths floor was silent for an hour. When lis functions were renewed. the day's financial malaise bad In some way been allayed, as if, appeased by a human sacrifloe, the adverse arbiters had for the moment ceased their spleen. A4d so the old life went on for days and months and years, and no trap-door again opened be neath one of these wayfarers upon the bridge of sUrxa, until tha seventh year cam round. Then precisely the sams scene was again enacted. Another ota-tlme mem ber, also dealing near the center of the room, waa mil ten, sank down, and died Immediately In tha sight of all. Again the hush, the awed circle, the stretcher, ths removal, tbe adjournment. Bines then ths Intruder has kept aloof from the guarded sanctuary of the exchange Itself, although Its life-menacing excitements never have exceeded those of the last Ave years. Youth, strength and hops, meanwhile, have largely supplanted ths weakened reserve of the old guard, and may well count upon a long immunity before they too all! be brought to realise so vividly that for all In turn "there Is no armor against fate." Edmund C. Stedman In the Century. I Mexico Usees More Cklaaiasa. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. I.-An agent of the Commercial Steamship line, lust re turned trum Mexico, says that Preaideut Dlas In his new arrangement with this company places no limit on ths number of Chinese which it may bring Isto the port of MaxanlUo each month. He also says that Mexico needs thounands of Chinese tu work In Its mines and on plantations. ' A Weak Heart neglected means heart disease, tho most comiaod cause of sudden death. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will strength en, regulate snd cure weak hearts. Sold by all druggists on gusrsntee, rr book en heart disease tar postal. va. Mir.i.-r medical, co, r iurt, 1&4.