Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 12, Image 12

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Tim Omaiia Daily Bee.
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Twentieth Century Firmer, One Year.. 1.00
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State of Nebraska, Datiglns County, ss:
Ueorge B. Tsachuck, Secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
says that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the mouth of October, 19"3, was as follows:
1 2N,K4M 7 'AfifMit
2 itO.OUO 18 iil,lUO
3.. '..... SIS.TOH 19 BOJiMO
4 27,IO '"' 20 ........80,370
, 2M.8UO 22 .:f.tO,T0
7 ; ihmkm. 23...,;,,7B
t X8.710 24....., 3,0
9 1 mat 26 ,.2,0H
10 : ' M. .81.1TO
11... aO,50O ' 27 ..31,100
13 28 31,l(IO
13.,. Jt8,S40 29 a,U40
14 2,BOO SO. .."..'..'.40,500
15. IMJiBO SI. . .33,885
If lt,3flO
Total :.. 032,020
Less unsold and returned copies..., 10,68
Net total sales. 422,34ta
Net average sales SW.768
flubscrlbed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 4 in day of October, A. D.,
1803. ' M. B. liUNGATE.
Chairman Webber- of the populist
stato coiimlttee seems to be the only
populist In evidence In Nebraska just
The Lincoln Star has set the mark
at 25,000 majority for Roosevelt in Ne
braska In 1004. That certainly is
modest. .
With those who are already booming
Senator Ilanna for the presidency it is
not that, they love Ilanna more, but
that they love Koosevelt less.
The Missouri legislative boodlers are
each trying to put the culpability for
their crooked work' upon the other.
That is always what happens when the
boodler is cornered. ' i.'i-
The republican plurality in Tcnusyl
yanla is a little less than 300,000. If
this could only be properly distributed
it would turn half the solid south into
tho republican column.
The sum and substance of the river
Improvement meeting may be con
densed into a sentence If congress
makes any appropriation for rivqr bank
work, we want a share of it
Lewis Nixon's testimony in the Ship
building trust case is a confession' that
he gut into very bad company. People
have to be very careful nowadays when
they associate with . multimillionaires. J-
The Russian cur and German emperor
have met once more and wished each
ether peuce. If they do not repeat this
performance at reasonable intervals, the,
portents of warlike conflict are sure to
, he read in the stars. . '
With the weather man favoring us
is he is, a little extra pressure on the
itreet repairing gang might eradicate
(he worst holes still left in our pave
ments before the snow covers the
round; Hurry it p,- '
What distresses the democrats here
Hbouts most is not the loss of the
sfnees, but the horrible thought that
Ihey will not know where to turn for
tainpulgn contributions next year, when
Lee Ilerdman is a private citizen.
President Htickney should be backed
op vigorously by our Omaha shippers in
his refusal to rescind the grain rates
i bus made for traffic from Omaha to
(he east. .As long as Mr. Stlckney
Hands by Omaha, Omaha should stand
y him,
The night schools Just opened by or
ler of the school board are starting
Hit with an unusually large attendance,
ambition for an education should be
moouraged, especially in the people
prhose early opportuultle have been
The fusloulsts in this state showed
Iheir wisdom in insisting that Judge
kulllvan make the race again for su
preme Judge, although he knew in ad
fa nee that he could not win out Any
ther candldute would have been
mowed under by 20,000 plurality.
The United States Steel corporation
promise to dispense with some of its
klgh-prUed ornamental official. These
aieu evidently failed to turn enough
f thHr money back into the trust
treasury when the generous offer wa
made to sell them steel stock at several
time its real value.
The World-Herald now admits .that
lo Of the candidates nominated by the
lemocrats on its pretended nonpartisan
ticket were thoroughly partisan repub
licans. It will probably admit also that
two of tbetn were thoroughly partisan
democrats and the rtt willing to be
long to any party that would laud thuin
In a Judicial crhY-tt. What become,
however, of lu piteous pleas for uou-
The Bee reproduces from the New
York Pun a timely article reviewing
the crop .situation in the wt and calls
attention to the fact that our unsym
pathetic farmers are so busy adding up
long columns of figures representing the
yU'lds of their fertile acres thnt the
doleful cries from Wall street go utterly
What is particularly gratifying in the
Sun's review is lis concession to Ne
braska of the Brut' place in the list of
prosperous agricultural states for this
year. "The lead," it says, "seems to bo
held, safely enough by Nebraska with
Its 45,000,000 bushels of wheat, which
should yield f33.215.000; 222,420,000
bushels of corn, yielding $100,000,000,
and-'5H,000,000 bushels of oats, worth
probably $18,081,000; a total of nearly
$152,000,000." Afld it adds: "This is
money enough to give every resident of
that fortunate state $142."
Is it any wonder that, with these con
ditions at home, Nebraska should be
comparatively J unconcerned at reports
of shaklness in the eastern money mar
kets? ' The foundation of a nation's
prosperity rest upon its food producers
and If tho great grain and wheat belt
of which Nebraska is near the center is
soiind to the core,, the dangers of stow
exchange speculation cannot go far be
neuth the surface. With the farmers
of this section eo strongly fortified be
hind crops which can be readily coined
at' the .mints into hundred-cent dollars
the importance of these western states
in the world's business affairs must be
correspondingly enhanced. The home
market is always regarded as the best
market for American manufacturers and
the best part of the home market for
this year will be found in Nebraska and
the surrounding states. The western
farmer constitutes the most effective
present demand for all the standard
products Of mill and factory, to say
nothing of having the money . to pay
their bills as soon as they become due,
and as a consequence the west should
be worth cultivating just bow by the
business interests of the entire country.
. .. aiQHTlSa ruLlTWAL DASQKR.
An eastern organ of financial and
commercial interests and prominent
nuiong the advocates of currency re
form Bees danger for tho republican
party if it shall neglect, at the coming'oa of . congress, the currency
question and fall to provide legis
lation for Increasing the supply of
bank notes. ' That paper says that
rightly or wrongly President Roosevelt
is not a favorite with large financial
interests, that there is disaffection with
the administration in New York and
that "if this, is not to spread to other
states and to create a tidal wave in
favor of a conservative democrat next
year, then if behooves the republican
party to consider well whether it de
sires to drive away the votes of inde
pendent and thinking men." It adds
that there are several members of Mr.
Cleveland' cabinets who have sup
ported the republican candidates' or
have ""been silent during the last eight
years, "who are likely to come to the
support of a conservative democrat if
the republican party deliberately ig
nores its solemn pledges in regard to
our monetary system."
It would be interesting to know how
numerous are the independent and
thinking men who believe there is any
present necessity for currency legisla
tion of the kind which this organ of
the reformers advocates. HoW many
such men are there who favor, for ex
ample, an asset currency, which is a
leading feature in the reform program?
It is safe to ay that the. number of
such is not large and that most of them
belong to the speculating and promoting
classes. So 'far as the bankers of the
country are concerned they are not urg
ing any radical- measures jot currency
reform and generally they do not favor
an asset currency. The report of the
committee of the American Bankers'
association recommended reform of the
sub-treasury system, so , that the reve
nues of the government from all sources
shall be deposited in the banks and
thus made available for use in the com
munity; the repeal of the present limita
tions of $3,000,000 per month upon the
withdrawal of circulation, and an emer
gency circulation within careful limlta
tlons, "upon the actual deposit with the
Treasury department of securities . ac
ceptable to the secretary of the treas
ury." In regard to asset currency the
committee Bald it could not recommend
"any step that will tend toward a re
turn to the miscellaneous circulation
which prevailed in the country before
the war, or any step which will disre
gard the history of finance among the
commercial nations of the world, nor
can it recommend that any note should
bo Issued without the certainty of its
redemption, in .standard coin of the
United States." This was unqualifiedly
endorsed by the association, as it tin
doubtedly is by a very large majority
of the bankers and substantial buslue
men throughout the country. The spec
u'atorsi and promoters in Wall street
and elsewhere will' of course "not ap
prove it and it is this element which Is
disaffected ,wlth the national adminis
There is no danger for the republican
party in refusing to heed the demand
of those currency reformers who would
Lave the country return to the miscella
neous circulation before the war. The
duty of the party la to give attention
solely to the requirements of the legiti
mate business interests and these are
being at present adequately cared for
and consequently are not urging cur
rency reform.
. It may be interesting for Omaha
people to know that the newspapers at
Lincoln. Fremont and other surrounding
towns, which never lose an opportunity
to knock Omaha enterprise, are al
ready out with thHr hammers for the
prupoKud etablu.tmteut of a grain niar-
patriots seem to be unable to get it Into
their heads that anything that would
build up Nebraska will redound to helr
lneflt .and that the creation of a new
grain market at Omaha cannot fail to
prove of advantage to the producers in
the entire surrounding territory. Pros
perous farmers make prosperous towns
and prosperous merchants. Prosperity
for Omaha is Impossible without pros
perity for all Nebraska.
Pauaina is already a state de fucto,
made so by Colombia's abandonment of
that portion of its territory, therefore
the recognition of the provisional gov
ernment, which undoubtedly will soon
be made permanent, by tho United
States is entirely legitimate and proper.
The eminent authority ou international
law, Prof. Woolsey, says that while
old states cannot aid insurrectionists
without thereby engaging in war with
the parent state, "if the new community
has bo far become independent that the
parent state gives up endeavors to bring
it back into subjection if, in short, the
new state is without question a state do
facto they cannot, with any reason" or
propriety, refuse to concede to the com
munity thus born a place among the
parties to international law."
This is applicable to the Panama situ
ation. The Colombian government Bent
troops there, but they offered no oppo
sition to the revolutionists and after ne
gotiations withdrew, leaving the revo
lutionary element in undisputed con
trol. It was necessary that the repre
sentatives of our government should be
able to transact current business and
there being no Colombian officials in
Panama there was nothing to do but
recognize the new government The ef
fect of this is to give Panama the posi
tion of an independent state having the
power, when fully organized, to enter
into international agreements and as
sume the rights and obligations of such
a state. The provisional government
has announced that the republic of
Panama assumes all the former treaty
and legal obligations of Colombia, bo
that in regard to these there will be no
issue or controversy between the new
state and any other country respecting
any treaty or obligation of Colombia.
Of course, our government will now
deal entirely with Tanama in the canal
matter and since the revolution was due
to the rejection of the Uay-Herran
treaty by the Colombian congress it is
safe to say that there will be no diffi
culty or delay in coming to terms. It
is probable that our government will
make the propositions, at least in re
gard to indemnity, to Panama that are
contained In the treaty negotiated with
Colombia, while as to sovereignty over
the canal territory this will doubtless
be conceded to the United States. At
all events the construction of the Pan
ama canal by this country la now as
sured. It la quite natural that there shotild
be a belief that the revolution was in
spired by the United States, but it must
be remembered that the people of
Panama long ago threatened to secede
if the canal treaty were not ratified.
It i evident that for months they were
preparing for the revolt Having been
successful it is not to be doubted that
they can rely upon the protection of this
ntLitr fcr our lawmakkbs.
Nebraska lawmakers, past, present
and prospective,; will heave a sigh of
relief at the news that the state su
preme court has affirmed the validity
of the constitutional amendment adopted
in 1887 after a recount of the ballots
by a legislative committee, by which
the pay of members of the legislature
was increased from $3 to $5 a day and
the remunerative part of the session
extended from forty days to sixty days.
No one familiar with the circumstances
for a moment conceived the idea that
any part of the excess stipend paid out
of the state treasury for these inter
vening years would find its way back
into the state bouse vaults even if the
decision had gone the other way, but
until a new amendment should have
been adopted 'ratifying the salary in
crease the strain qn outside interests
represented in the legislative lobby
might have expected to bear a corre
spondingly Increased weight
As a matter of fact, no taxpayer of
Nebraska will begrudge the salary paid
to members of the legislature as fixed
by the amended provision of the consti
tution, providing the service is honestly
and conscientiously rendered and the
money earned by standing up for the
people as a whole rather than for the
special interests which are constantly
seeking favors and privileges at the ex
pense 'of the public. The decision of
the court does not change the constitu
tion materially as to the urgency of im
mediate constitutional revision with
reference to the much-needed enlarge
ment of the supreme court, the invest
ment of the school trust funds and the
strait-Jacket limitations on executive
officers. These defects ought to be
remedied at the earliest possible mo
ment by the r submission of constitu
tional amendments at the election next
year instead of deferment for a con-
titutlonal convention, which ts ques
tionable at best ajid whose work could
not be ratified and put into operation
for another two years.
The highest competitor of the lowest
republican candidate on the Judicial
ticket in this district is more than 1,400
votes behind, while Nfbe low man on
the republican ticket vpon whom such
a terrific onslaught was made by the
democratic organ, U only 227 behind
the next republican candidate, against
whom no personal fight was made.
These figures tell the story how the
public questioned the good faith of the
wanton attack in the local hyphenated.
The promise is mad that next year
Nebraska populists will have a ticket
of their own In the fit Id Uiat will en
Nebraska in. the Lead
New York Sun.
The unsympathetic farmers of the west crop worth $278,600,000. Theae total 12,377,-
and south are so busy adding up long SOO.OnO, and no account la taken of the
columns of figures task which employs various other products,
them far Into the night these days that The crop record of soma of the Indtvld-
the doleful criea from Wall street go utterly ual states for this year are amazing. The
unheeded. They are trying to puzzle out lead seems to be held safely enough by
Just how much of the $2,500,003,000 that the Nebraska, with Its 45.010.000 bushels of
enormous crops promise to yield Is going wheat, which should yield $.13.21S.OOO; 222,-
lnto their Individual pockets. 420,000 bushels of corn, yielding" $100,000,000.
They have got so far along In their cal- and 6JV000,000 bushels of oats, worth rrob-
culationa that their , wives and daughters ably $18,581.00; a total of nearly $152,000,000.
are already negotiating with the piano This Is money enough to give every rest-
agent, the sewing machine vender and the dent of that fortunate state $142. Kansaa Is
piano lamp man. Bteam heat and electrio a close second In the running. Its crops are
lights will probably follow the last aJdl- great enough to give each man, woman and
tion. child within its borders $115.
The estimates show that, It la reasonable The $2,500,000,000 which these crops of
to expect a corn crop worth on the farm corn, cotton, wheat and oats promise to
$1,036,000,000, a cotton crop worth $575,000,000, yield Is sufficient to give each citizen In
a wheat crop worth $492,000,000 and an oat the United states about $31
np and be counted. Tho populists In
this state have been working with
watered etock so long that they have
not the slightest idea what an inventory
of their political assets would sum up.
President Roosevelt's message to the
extra session of congresswill be short
and deal with only one subject The
regular session will begin three weeks
later and the president will then have
another chance and doubtless go into
greater detail upon a variety of needed
national legislation.
The French government is said to look
without displeasure upon the develop
ments of the Panama revolution. Any
move that will improve the prospect of
the stockholders in the French canal
company to get some of their money
back -will be looked on with favor in
Bumping; Your Uncle.
Baltimore American.
N China wants .the United States to turn
Russia out of Manchuria for it. In the
matter of help In any direction the rest of
the world seems to look on Uncle Sam as
a sort of ambulance, commissary and dis
trict telegraph messenger service all In one.
Crsuska Looking; (or Treakle.
Indianapolis News.
Another crank has been arrested at the
White House. This season's variety of
cranks, so far as the returns show, are not
looking for trouble so much as they are
fleeing from It Maybe the president's rep
utatlon for being a good fellow la what
makes so many of them turn to him.
A Cheap Promoter,
Minneapolis Journal.
A New York promoter who had Incor
porated a company with a capital of $300,-
000,000 was arrested because ha couldn't
pay his board bill. Still there Is not such
a great difference between him and some
other promoters we have heard of.. In his
case the landlord suffered; In the case of
others the public suffered.
Brace I'p and Look Pleasant.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
This la the time when the reflective citi
zen of the defeated party finds consolation
In the fact that the other fellows are not
so bad, after all. There will be buying; and
selling as usual, and the government will
go right on. - In time the men who are fol
lowing torches and wheesy brass bands
may be on the sidewalks and upper win
dows, mournfully looking on, but trying to
"look pleasant."
Railroad Management DeAclent.
Chicago Chronicle.
The loss of life and tujury to limb on the
railways of the United States proportion
ally exceeds that on the railways of any
other country In the old or new world. We
boast the most competent mechanics and
the most enterprising capital, and railroad
progress in the United States owes most to
their combination, but American railway
management Is fundamentally deficient In a
sense of the -alue of personal safety among
both employes and passengers.
Mysterious Force of Nature,
Philadelphia Record.
All that Is known about sun spots Is that
their appearance Is due to terrific dis
turbances In the solar photosphere and
that they are coincident with magnetics
storms In the terrestrial atmosphere. To
say that the latter are caused by the
former Is a very loose way of stating the
case. The two phenomena are evidently
connected, and both are probably caused
by an Identical and still undiscovered force
of nature.
Keeping Oat of Trouble.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
It Is said that In a war with any naval
power of equal strength this country would
And the Insular possessions a very doubt
ful advantage a truth that has been re
peatedly expressed since the acquisition of
the Islands. The present excitement Indi
cates that the jingo element bas just dis
covered that while It Is all right to have
naval bases these Isloated outposts have
to be defended, a somwhat belated discov
ery. As a matter of fact and common
sense there Is no earthly reason why this
country should be Involved la any war
between Russia' and Japan or any other
powers In the Orient ' Bo long aa wa at
tend to our own business no one will
molest us.
Crook Hast Pay k Penalty.
Chicago Tribune.
It will be Inexpedient to approach the
president with suggestions that It will be
politically Inexpedient to prosecute some
man who ha party friends who will take
offense if he Is called to an account for hi
misdeeds. "Let no guilty man escape" Is
the motto of President Roosevelt a It was
of President Grant. Whether the offender
against the government 1 republican or
democrat, poor or rich, prominent or ob
scure, with or without friends, the course
of Impartial justice will not be stayed. That
is the highest expediency. No policy can
strengthen more the administration and the
party than that which the president is pur
suing, of unearthing and punishing Influen
tial offender who have belonged to hi
party. (
Jiapeleens ( Finance.
Engineering Magasine.
The flippant term 'Napoleon of Finance
embodies a fundamental truth. The same
restlessness of conscious power, the same
hungering for empire, the same craving
for the Intoxication of victory, now find tn
the field of Industry the outlet that one
was to be found only In the field of battle.
And the same glamor of Immediate success
dazzle the people and throng them about
the victor, delirious In the glory of the
present, careless of the stability of the fu
ture. But the sums law underlies all na
ture, and will not be denied. The overblown
bubble will burst the overstretched fabrlo
will break the unstable structure will
fall." The analogy la plain. The American
leader of finance, beginning with under
takings which had cimomlo juatlfltatlon,
but alnce. drunken with success, have ex
panded their campaign to U.e limit of
People Whose Purees Opened 'While
Inder tho Spell.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
The attempt of the widow of Phllo 8.
Bennett and her attorney to show that
Colonel Winiam Jennings Bryan had
mesmerlo Influence over the late New York
tea merchant brings to mind that the erst
while democratic candidate for president
is "no slouch" In that respect Count John
A. Crelghton, a rich national bank presi
dent of Omaha, was such a worshiper
of Bryan that It Is a well known fact that
on the evening of the day Bryan was
nominated at Chicago in 1S96 be presented
him with a check for $5,000 with which to
pay the expense of himself and wit in
the campaign.
Mr. Crelghton, with a brother, built
the overland telegraph, which was the
basis of the comfortable fortune that he
amassed. It wa he who put up the cash
to enable Bryan to run for congress In the
old Omaha-IJncoln district, which then had
a republican majority of upward of 10,000;
and Bryan really had no more idea of being
elected than that he could fly. But that was
in 1890, and a big democratlo landslide sent
hlra to Washington. Two year later he
ran again In the same district and pulled
through by the slim plurality of 140. He
would have been badly defeated In the
second race but for Crelghton's money.
Another millionaire whom Bryan is said
to have mesmerized In 1S96 was Charles
D. Lane of California, the owner of profit
able gold mines in California, Arizona,
Alaska and British Columbia. On the way
to Lincoln, just after the national silver
convention In St. Louis, which met there
the same week that the crazy populists
assembled, Mr. Lane told the writer that
he had never met Bryan, but that from
what he had heard of him he expected to
take a great fancy to him. I never atr
anyone more infatuated than was the gold
digger. II had been prominent In the sil
ver gathering at St. Louis that Indorsed
Bryan's candidacy. Lane claimed that he
never owned any stock In silver mines,
except In an old worthless one In Mexico,
and he supported Bryan because he be
lieved In a double-money standard. That
year, In order to Induce other millionaires
to subsoribe heavily to the democratic cam
paign fund. It was announced In several of
the party organ man had given
his oheck for a cool $100,000. People got to
guessing. Some said It was W. A. Clark,
at present United State senator from Mon
tana. Others thought It cam from the
pile of John R. McLean, owner of the Cin
cinnati Enquirer; but they wer all wrong.
It wa Charles D. Lane, the fact having
leaked -out after the election. Had Bryan
been successful In that contest Lan would
undoubtedly have been a member of bis
Mr. Lane, while en route to Lincoln, also
informed the writer that he had never
even heard of Bryan before hi nomina
tion at Chicago. "While the convention
wa In session," said he, "I wa Inspecting
some of my mining property In Arizona
miles from a railway station. An employe
wa sent for the mall and I Instructed hlra
to inquire there Jf a nomination had been
made at Chicago. On hi return he told
me that "Bryant" had been nominated. He
did not ascertain where "Bryant," aa he
called him, resided, and I thought the fel
low was a fool; but later, when the St.
Louis and Chicago newspaper were re
ceived, I found he was almost right. I
wa for Bland of Missouri and hoped be
would be nominated, as I am a native of
Missouri and had known 'Sliver Dick'
since my youth."
Those Handed Investor by tho Mor
gran and Schwabs.
Detroit Free Press.
In describing the organization of the
United States Shipbuilding company as an
"artistic swindle," Mr. James Smith, jr.,
the receiver of the corporation, use lan
guage that seem sufficiently qualified and
moderate. , The method .by which these
properties were "financed" are now gener
ally understood, and If there is a difference
between this form of swindling and the
gold brick form. It 1 a matter of size
rather than kind.
Mr. Smith asserts that the value of the
plants, their earnings and the working
capital, given In the report of expert
accountants, vary so much from the cor
rect figures as "to Impel the belief that
the figure were wilfully mis-stated." He
expresses doubt 'that these report were
submitted at the organization of the com
pany. The corporation wa organized by
"dummy" stockholders, officers and direct
tors. The statements made In the pros
pectus of June 14. 1903, were incorrect For
property worth $12,441,616 the company paid
In stock and bonds $07.997,000 more than
five to one. The directors In acquiring
these properties thus gave away millions
in the stock and bonds of the trust, "whole
sale plunder," the receiver calls It. 8o far
as the Bethlehem Steel company is con
cerned, Mr. Smith says It earning were
withheld "In a deliberate attempt to wreck
the United State Shipbuilding company."
When one esteemed citizen sells another
esteemed citizen a bras brick that mas
querade as gold, the courts and the "police
reporter have a very harsh expression
with which they describe the transaction.
When a person obtain money under false
pretenses tn the more commonplace ways
he 1 frequently punished. In the wild and
untutored west they sometime lynched
the enterprising- individual who "salted" a-.
mine, and men have gained a bad reputa
tion by selling property to which they had
no title. None of these offense wa com
mitted by the promoter of the Shipbuild
ing trust. While their method aeem
somewhat irregular, they war probably
not criminal. In fact the corporation laws
of New Jersey have been no adroitly drawn
aa to mak practically everything legal
which doe net Involve th actual sand
bagging of th prospective stockholder or
th picking of hi pocket on a public
thoroughfare. We may assume, therefore,
that th activ participant tn th organ
isation of the Shipbuilding trust hare noth
ing to fear from th law. They are finan
cier, and financier are privileged per
sona They may be subjected to criticism
In th publio print. vbut bard words break
no bone.
Sawmill Istroyl.
LA CHOf SE. Wis.. Nov. 6 The N. B.
Iluiway eataiill In this riiy wa desUuyed
r.wjf r m r
Absolutely Puro
Rooted Belief thnt th Bl- Town is
th Whole Cheese.
Chicago Journal.
W have received a characteristic com
munication from . on of New Tork's
newspapers. We are Informed therein that
vi wo uou are nxea upon
Greater New York' forthcoming muhicl -
pal election, and that nq event of such
universal Interest is scheduled for the Im
mediate future. We are given to' under
stand that, all over the country, the people
will be unable to go to sleep on the night
of November t unless they . have first
heard whether fusion or Tammanv has
triumphed, and that we will be missing
one of the great journalists opportunities
of the age If we fall to subscribe for an
elaborate series of special bulletins and a
liberal allowance of general descriptive
matter which our contemporary purpose to
send out on the occasion In question.
The whole tdne of the letter Is amus
ingly Illustrative of the New York view
point Your true New Yorker ha not a
suspicion that ther Is anything of the
slightest Interest or Importance outside of
his own town. He labor under the Im
pression that all those condemned to live
beyond Its borders consume their time In
longing to be there and that their atten
tion I chiefly occupied with It affairs.
So far a the western hemisphere i con
cerned, his geography extends no further
eastward than Sandy ' Hook and no fur
ther westward than Hoboken. A broad
brimmed hat would cover hi horizon, and
hi Idea la that th United States, of
which he sometime hears, 1 a aerie of
truck gardens In Jersey, where food Is
raised for the resident of Manhattan
Island. The reason be believe that all
eyes are turned upon his election is that
he cannot understand how It could be
otherwise. '
It would astonish and bewilder him to
discover how little the 75,000,000 or $0,000,
000 person who constitute the remainder
of th nation worry themselves about the
metropolis. He would not be able to credit
hi sense if he discovered the fact that
not on In twenty of them I aware that
he 1 about to vote for a mayor and coun
cilmen. In short, he thinks his narrow
dwelling I the whole plant, when, aa a
matter of fact, It Is merely th receiving
room and cashier' office. But his pa
rochial outlook I so funny that we have
to forgive hi incredible vanity.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune (rep.): In
the light of what Ohio has done the demo
cratlo flurry In New York is of comparative
Atlanta Constitution (dem.): Altogether
It wa not a bad day for the democrat
even If Tom Johnson 1 somewhere under
a glacier In Ohio.
Indianapolis News (ind.): Messrs. Grout
and Forne of New York, however, are
feeling very comfortable today, thank you.
Nothing give a man such a chestlness as
to make a lucky guess.
St Louis Globe-Democrat (rep.): In bis
first senatorial - fight Mr. Hanna had a
struggle for a single vote In the legisla
ture. In the second there will be scarcely
enough democrats left to oppose a motion
to make it unanimous.
Chicago Chronicle (dem.): Th day after
th election your Uncle Thomas Piatt had
no hesitation In saying that Mayor-elect
McClellan is an uncommonly fine young
man. Thomas Is still basking under th
blissful beams of the honeymoon and even
a victorious democrat' looks well to him. .
Chicago Inter Ocean (rep.): "Golden
Rule" Jones, after glancing over the elec
tion returns, expressed the conviction that
the democratlo party would never again
elect a president. While there may be
some ground for this belief, yet we are In
clined to regard It a foolishly optimistic.
New York World (dem.): It wa Mayor
Low' misfortune to stand for re-eleo ion,
a republican in a city democratic by more
Are you prepared for colder days? A
heavy Overcoat will be in order presently.
"We can uhow you the most complete
stock of Overcoats that you ever looked at.
All Borts of good materials and in almost
any color.
All the prevailing styles the Chester
field, Swagger, Taddock and Taletots.
$10 to $45.
No Clothing Fits Like Ours.
B. S. WILCOX, Manager.
than 120,000 majority, at a time when parti
spirit could be successfully invoked. But
he will retire at the end of hi term beatin
with him the respect and the gratitude ol
all good citizen
New York Sun (rep.): Mr. George Brln-:
ton McClollan has been elected mayor ol
New York. We pledge to Mr. McClellar
our earnest and hearty support of ever)
ict of h administration of which we shal
r - npov - . -nd t ta .urh ..
approve, and in respect to such acts a we '
may elect to condemn may the lord have
mercy on Mr. McCIellan'a aoul!
New York Tribune (rep.): It would be
too much to say that New York 1 until t
for self-government. But It I th triW V
that ther Is no visible evidence of Its fit- ' 1
ness to govern itself in the triumph whiofc '
Tammany Hall won Tuesday. Th verdlot ' '
Is the ftiore unsatisfactory because it was
calmly and deliberately reached by the ,
great jury of voter.
Too much Johnson.
Ohio stands pat Can't help it
Oahu went republican. So did Wahoo.
' Big Bill Devery and Big Tom Johnson
are too much for an ordinary tureen. Still,
they're In it. 'j
It should be remembered that Bryan made
no speeches in New York. He conversed '
two or three times in Ohio.
Some time in the future, perhaps, history'
will record the fact that there wa one a
democratlo party In Pennsylvania.
New York newspaper were evidently sin
cere in their support of Beth Low. . Edl- ,'
torially they exhibit several sore spots.
General Daniel E. Sickles is one of the ',
newly elected aldermen in New York. '
There will be something doing In that board
when Dan get riled. He carries "a big (
tick." I
The blackmail and extortion stories front j
Pittsburg, indicating that the city council 1
Is attempting to hold up th railroads. Is
very shocking almost aa shocking aa th
fact that th corporations themselves are
largely responsible for th corruption of
city legislatures.
A Johnsonian orator In Cincinnati tried
to smash the record of Nebraska' cham-f
pion long distance orator by talking eight I
hour and a quarter without, pausing for :
drink or grub. Th blast of hot air seems
to have blistered th Johnsonian vote. Cln
clnnati went heavily republican.
Sylvanus Merriman Stebblns of Riverside, i
Mass., who was born April 4, U17, ha th '
proud record of having voted for every dem- j
otratlo candidate for president alno h .
cast his first vote for Martin Van Buren ln
1S40. In 18S0, when ther were two demo-
cratlo candidate for president, Mr. 8tebl
bin cast his vote for tn "llttl giant,
Stephen A. Douglas.
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