I TTIE OMAHA DAILY "DEE: TMDAY. NOVEMBER Ctr 100.1. ; 1 1 f SPECIAL NOTICES Adrvrtlaemeata for these enlama mill be take aiatll 1 m. far the fevenlnar edltloaj and aatll KiSO a. an. or morulas; Bandar edition. Rates, 1 l-2e at word flrai Insertion, la m word Ikrrriflrr. Nothing takea for leas thaa 2Tr for the Brat In.er- tlnM ThM Kit.fHMMVBll iraa roMrralltt lr. I Artlnert, by rrqavatlaa; m ata. nrraacd ta a aaialirrrd tetter la ear it The Bee. Aaawera ao addressed will be delivered oa presentation at the check oalr. MIS ELLA N KOI S. PHOTOGRAPHS, igg )x9ovl-rtj;ular price $5 doz. , 2 rr . . Special for holiday only. 1$ for VU ' Choice of 4 styles of mounting. . PROCTOR, '616 South 16th St. WANTED SITUATIONS. JOBITION wanted: expert ladr bonk- ' keeper; nine years' experience Are and . ilia insurance. Address t 41, bee. I A MSu Sx A'ANTk'.n Position II hnnkkoooor nr .ton. I; 1 oaratiher hv cnmnelent uriuw man: amid A MS34 6s 1 WANTED, plain sewing to be done at ' home; neat work and resonable prices, i Adores U 4, bee omce. A M til sx WANTED MALE HELP. ; ;! Educate for. Business, ooyles College f NEW 'ihlllf Li k hi.!.. HUSINLba, Bnuni'iiAMJ, iii'EWRIT- I. U Da t A Iv 1 1 NiuhT it -STUDENTS AUMu iLu Ai' ANT TIME. I I Appiy tor catalogue. K i B-493 IHIOn m4a.nr4 v.nlMl1 flrMt-nlaSM AIV. i ..." " .... J A. IJ. 'l, t :a 'aI'x H Mtn. n4M (WANTED, for V. 8. anny, able-bodied, tin , mained men, between' agea ot 21 and to, I mtixens of United States, of good cnarac- . V ter and temuerate habita. who can speak. l'rean ana write Ehgiien. Fur Inlormatlon PPy to recruiting otticer, ltnh and Dodge iu., omnia, ana Grand island, no. " b mim WANTED, two agent at once: good al aiy; city work. C. F. Adama Co., loi9 Howard et. :. B 1! WANTED, a newspaper or magaslne ao lintor to work the city on a new prop osition. Call at Circulation Dept., Oman . bee- . utu JOUNO MAN. bright, over 18. to pre pare for gov't position; kihmI aalary: per manent, gradual promotion, box b7, Ce- uar napiua, la. . uio mix. PKKBON to call on retail trade for manu- ' faturing hotiae; aalary IW. paid weakly , expenae money advanced; previous ex. . perience unnecessary, otanaara iioubi Caxton-, Bldg., Chlcagj, . B M703 ix 1 WANTED, men to learn the barber trade few weeks complete.; can earn nearly al exnenaea. Inoludlns board and tools be foie graduating, aplendld facllltiea, rare- iui instruction.; aipiomas granted, cat a logue explaining mailed free. Moler liar , Per college,. UOJ Douglas at. ' b-msij x i WANTED A ahoemcker; steady Job for h mVA UIID. AM XJlB.miCUKVa I'll., .-.VU, B MSCg x WANTED Good, all-around bookbinder ' Steady Job; good wages. New. Printing CO., Aberdeen, o. u. ts -J ax WANTKB, 'lwe gund trill seshiers at- onoe. W. O. Mercer, Fremont, Neb. ........... B MS4I I i WANTED, at once, first-class watchmaker. 4i Apply Mr. llannarf, jewelry dept., ben ?' nett's. b 844 In 1 WANTED. flrst-claas furnishing goods '( man at onoe; permanent position. Address U 12. Bee. UM872 KX WANTED, a competent telephone ex change manager to take charge of plant. Muat have beat of referencea. E. C. ward. Yankton. 8. D. Ft MIW6 I WASTED SALESMEN. WANTED, a salesman traveling In the west and northwest to take as a side line sesmless cotton sacks. Address Oeo. A. Waguner. Charleston. S. O. M633 lux WANTED FEMALEl HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, 16th Dodije. TWO more young .women and one young man to take courae of training In Bana- . to num. Address w. 1 boss, zui leke. be WANTED Indies to learn hairdresslng. manicuring, electrlo or facial massage: four to six weeks complete.; position, waiting graduates at top wages; diplomas granted; complete -outnt given eath stu 011 1. l.'all or write. Moler College. 1302 Douglas st. x WANTBD-01rl' for general housework. lduo ueorgia ave. . c vi WANTED Oood laundresa for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. E. A. . Cudahy, 17th and Dewey ave. C tw6 6 WANTED A good cooa- Mr. T, J. Rog ers. 112U l ark ave. C 82& tf WANTED An expert lady stenographer and typewriter: mast have bad several .' years' practical experience; state posi tions formerly occupiea ana salary ex pected. Address U 8. bee. C M835 I WANTED, cook and laundress In small family. 303 Dodge st . C MK2 1 rOH BEST HOI iEi. uni IQPC lo 'l tH Of tits "City. R, nUUJCJ j. petara Co.. bee Bldg. u i HOUSES, Inauranoe. Klngwalt, Barker Blk. U m lini ICCC In U Pt ot the 1 city. The . A W W W 4rf W (J. A Davis Co.. 6ut bee bldg. D 4ii TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., cmoe lbJii. 1'arnam. or lets. iujU-nw, FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, an barn, In West Farnam diairlt.1. W ia K. -potter, rise., no. Mi brown blk. D-601 FOR RENT. 4-room houae. 2bat Woolwort Ave., per month; poaaeaaion given Oc touer 1. Appiy 10 Mel LUI, care Dall Mews omce. . ' uhlrjl PAYNB-BOflTWICK' ft CO.. choice houses M-wti New York Life bldg. Phone lo.ti. 1 W. SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $11 fhri bover. IM and cuiuuig. 'Phone 2049. D MHO NEW l-room modern houae. Immediate pos.easlon given. J. N, Marsh, 'phone .l&i, mo xioaru 01 irauv. jj iu FOR RENT. 9-room modern brick house In good condition, mn ave. and Harney, ..." . 1 ...... v.. . .. . . v 111. rw. ruuei, 4cw.vv., v. u oruw block. D 44 NEW nve-room cottage, modern. 'Phone 25o. U-Ui FOR RENT, 1 room houae. 1327 N. llth D-6U6 WE MOVE Pianos. Maxgard Van ft gtor ago Co., Tel. UVi. Oltice. 1713 Wcbtter t. if va FDR RENT 3ct7 pecstur. T rooms inlt lilnney, t rooms ril4 S. 4M.h, I riHitaa 70S S. loth, ur.furnished roomi .. - N P. DODGE ft tX . Iiil4 raruam. Tel. 129. D-M880 Twe rooms and kasement near 24th and l.eaviitfrih. $4. 1'hn.e room, and basement near 24th and Leavenworth, $j. bemls, paxton blk. D Ms.1 I foil REST- MOliES. OOOD 4-room furnished house, all modern, $26 per month, 440 Farnam at. HARRISON MORTON, 912-13 N. T. LIFE. TEL. 314. D-MH14 EIUHT-room houae, 1319 Leavenworth. D MMI Ix t L'NFl'RNISHED roottn, bath, gaa, fnr- nace, lawn, rui N. Sl at. D mwb FOR RRlT-riRXIIHCD ROOM. IaAROE. LIGHT, AIRY ROOM3. 4U.i0 and up per month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th at. and Caultol ave. Btrom heated; electrlo lighted; private and genera: bains; ail conveniences; nr.t ciaas service. Kat where you please. ROOM AT THIS DKLUJNK. E Mia NovtOX NICELY furnished rooms; all modern Im provements. 24 N. Mh HI.; . minutes walk from postofflce. B M 7117 8x FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; one or two gentlemen. 618 N. utn Ht E MSU Ix FOR KENT, 1 or 3 furnished room, single or enauite; private lamuy. 4d . iv.a. E-M4U OOOD, rm room, modern. V0 Harney. E M'.M 7x NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Hteam Uundry, libo leavenworth. Phone A-17W. E W7 NICELY furnished room in private family; noune new ana modem, miy jones tn. KM910 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone B1L DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam. 19th and Farnam sts. E M9oi DEWEY European hotel. 13tu and Fsjrnam. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. JSIC-KL,Y rurnlsnad rooms; everything new t rUPtrr i. IU LHOUI t lit I SHED ROOM! ASD BOARD. BACHELOR'S' HOTEL, 30th and Farnam, haa two family suites and threo single rooms at reasonable prices. F M807 8 FIR.IITURH PACKING. Peterson Lundberg, 116 8. 17th. Tel. L-2C&S. oiti 1 FOH REST STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at Vis f arnam, xixvu, tour stories and nrst-class cemented basement. elevator, tlrs ana burglar prooi vauu, 01 ftce counter and fixtures. For price and r,.rtii,:ura Imiutrr C C Rosewater. seo- Fetary the Bee building Co., room 10U, bo hullilinir. l-l I pied by The bee at lt Farnam St. It has four stories and a baaement, which was formerly used by The bee pre.s room, 'lhla will be rented very reaaonably. If Interested amilv at Office Of C C. ROSS- water, secretary, room WO. Bee buoldlng, I-BTORY and basement, 22x100; 10u6 Ffnn. st. inquire r irst jjj FOR RENT three uPPer.m 1? '"wo aiurjr uuiiun.i --- r -Bnmt,. I "pst" i.3T.?l'rJ'u.u.rz. hid.. water, Bec'y., Room 100, bee bldg. lnwut I FOR RENT, storeroom and basement. In good location, particularly adapted for a !!i..-k.. .hn mum and wot k room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power famished If required. R. C. Peters at co., reniat ew" ", u.r, building. -.. !.SE3TI WASTED. to a NTirn Canvassing agents in svery 1 W2,?JP?Tr.ricU auoacriuiions to THIS TWtNT?ETM UM"KI KAMKJ, ui..u imuinvmint witn aasurea goou in- . . 1 n . u . nr,,,npv wrltn tvorae I .k.,J-VW i 'desired.' C.nvalfcr. u rJUiiw i 10 liou ur month. Ad- ures. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, net Duiiaing. uuiaus. - I WASTID TO RENT. YOUNG lady employed during day deslr, W(( want your business ,d believe an In room ana board lor companionship and Vestlgaton of our methods will get It- ua.i.tBncii tnornins; ana even.nM. or Address J I. bee omc. K MU 6X. wiiotki) hoard and Dleasant furnished or unturnianea rooms lor iimi v m.w grown persons in ,riv" vi. w. . . .... . . ?.?.. ' - ! 1 ol Ail U Lief. r red. Answer to V 7. Bee ottloe. deecrlblng rooiua and naming palce. Permanent arrangement deaireu. K Miwhi kx FOR SALE FURN1TVRE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago urniiura -u., """ 6 61J OAK sideboard for sale, 2209 Bptncer St. . A.k i,nimM foe HAiMunujxic. i",""T'.": .... IA n u 1 1 uii rniir rr.gg. mn so. v 41 f O Mais 4X FOR BALE, furniture, carpeU d JJ'JJ erles. one heating stove, one Hat; fur sale In bulx or by piece, low prices. Address U . m 0-4C3 ,...,,. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC MONRO IC 1U pleasure vehicle at HI N. lbth SU . trm- a-r iTinw ro.-k.wav. excellent condition. oole and giuUls. oi.iy Addrees 1' U, Hee. ou 1 NEW and 2d hand vehicles for sale; re pairs, rl. rvsi, 111a .uu 4..n"i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. luniiM mrmAm and re Ilea 111! Farnam. IRON ft wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., a N. 17tn sc VI W 620 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first' claaa standard school lit Ouiana, compris t.,., r.i.niuriD course in bualneiw, snort' iiid and typewriting. Inquire at bee office. W- bhir SALE, coal business. Capital required. r i.Sui Address J 21, Bee. Q 621 I2.OU0.UO. Address j 11. m-. r inn iMi safe cheap. Dertght. 1119 Farfiam. Q-623 a BILLIARD and pool tardea, bought, sold, . .n.l pn. l at' littural xciias". - -rr .i. ii::..:: 4.4 l.va-.n alUUDli6l. r lxture and Hotel Supply Mfg. Co., 1 Hanisy St.. Omaha. Neb. Q-M733 30 FOR BALE CHEAP Doors, 1x4s, lath, radl- . 1 -A MtrnM hlWlt cllntns. marble Ule, window screens, kindling, hydraullo elevator. c. r...ri. Krkr MoleL Omaha. - US66-11X rrNI, babumer. nriy n.w, $2! Address Bee. V-47 GOOD milk cow. 43d nd Center sts TeL bUck-iiM- " " " CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CKIb- blNU. ixmg nr uniuu v CLAIRVOYANTS. QY1.MER, palmist. 716 N. 3d; 'phone B- MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY UL'EEN of - clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat (.taction or no ny T N Hth S 4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MMS. Bill Til, baths. HI K. 16, td floor, r. 3. OUR AD MEN WILL WRITE YOUR WANT AD SO AS TO BRING BEST RETURNS. TELEPHONE 238 AND ONE WILL CALL PKMSOAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladloa before and during con linemen t. Dr. and Mrs. uer sen, Mja cailtornla St. 'leims reueonubl,-. PRIVATE honpltnl during confinement; babies adnpteo. Mrs. Uardels, 22M I -eke. Tel. Red-1M. ViM PRIVATE home during confinement; Iiab.es adopted. The Oood Hditia.llan ranltah.uru, i J 1st av.. Council Ulutls, la. U THE OMAHA Plating Co. will soon move to larger quarter, at 108 Harney at. D M440 WE RENT aewlng machines at 75c per week, $1 per month; we repair and sell parts for every mnchlne manufactured; second-hand machine, tram 31 to $!. Neo. Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. U 530 "VIAVl" way to health. 34 Bee building. Omaha. U f.28 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mra. L. Fisher, 151 Vinton. Tel. im. U 629 MAGNET PIIaE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, II. . U 631 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1513 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U-632 COSTUMES for rent. 8811 S. 2"th. Back. U-MM Dec 1 MOSEY LOA.WHKAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat I Hank bldg. Tel. l4s. W-6SS PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Ufe! W-634 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-537 . PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 162J Dnuelna. TO LOAN 1500 at 7 per cent on good real eeuuruy. Anuresa B zb, use. W M359 WANTED-Clty loans and warrants. W. rarnum smith Co., 1820 Farnam st. W-633 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. xi. . z-riera at co., wee bldg. w 535 PfJ cent loans, uon ln Brps., 104 " - W O.IO MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY LnANir.n n FURNITCHE, PIANU8, LIVE STOCK. Ixw rates and easy terms. Business oondrientlul Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., -33 Paxton bloVi A imn -n.i tl " V" . ... Ja, eaaij mn, vuna, ic. c. r . neeu, ji n. 13. A 643 PA9Yt6get CMO I TO PAY beat SKDlalna our mathrut. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, eto. Or if you have a permanent position we can make you a th.OUJk cur','. cept your, own agre- u j .. ,H"J'. ",,r ervioe IB quica ana vr.1 uxrj i"" "s ,w"j,j.wy y ? pi.s.e. All that we ask Is that you give us a call I before you borrow elsewhere. 1 OMAHA MORTGAGK IIAN rn 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (stabllshed 1392). 306 8. 16th St. . X-MS46 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO DAUutiKii r-JStJPLE, merchants, team sters, bourdlna houses, eto.. without curlty; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin "jlpsl cities. Tolman, 440 Board, of Trade MONEY loaned on- plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. " '"n block. Tf.e J. A. Hutton Co. ' ' CHATTEL salary and .Jewelry loan... Foley -.o.. n s, uarKer oiock. a-mi ' MONEY TO IflAN ON FURNITtTRR PlAMnn t.ivr RTOTK. SALARIES, ETC. IT COSTS YOlT NOTHING to call and be convinced that our rates are even if at the present you are dealing elsewhere. KIND, COURTEOUS TREAT- MMf to all. Our omce. are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In the city. Come in and 1 . " ud, niiviiirr , 1 1 u 101.0 see us, whether you borrow or not. Pn Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays unl" "-. . L. Rooms 307-30 Paxton block. Rooms 307-303. ,( BISINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy sell or exchange any property or Duainess quick, ree J. rt Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. T-647 tvio a A t V . .1 m . . . . v buuu iiuurry anu uuicnrr na tures, iiwiuaing ics dox. inquire iini f ar nam. x 4S If "" nsLucj, 10 active man, interest in es tabllshed buslnftH.; personal services and 15.000 required. Excellent opportunity for rigui party. Address 1' tl. bee. X til I EXCHANGES of all kinds: to buy or sell a business of exchange marchand.se for land ot city property, call or write Wholes Armstrong Co., 721-2 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y M793 I WANTED, young man to take haif-inte I ln t,ew.paper In town Of 6,000. Addi rest res. T 17, bee. . Y-M8U 7 DRUG STOCK for sale. On account of other tuslneaa I will sell my slock ot drugs, including the best soda fountain In the country, at a bargain, best location; will take some land; invoice abotir $6,0u0. Address K, beo office. Council Bluffs. . Y-M821 8x FOR sale, only drug stock in thrifty town of eastern Nebraska, German settlement, food crops, two physicians; best opening or a young and active man. Invoices about $1,060; terms part cash and bank able notes, or all cash at reduced price. Address U 10, Bee. r Y-M877 A FIRST-CLASS saloon nd restaurant business, stock, nxtures ana lurnuure; rent 9X6; If sold at once, $900; It's a money maker, but owner la leaving city. Address T 61 Bee office. Y-M869 I cultural county, abstract set and lncl- dentesl business payings $4,000 yearly: price $5,000. Address U 13 be . Y-Mso8 12 ELEGANTLY equipped baarher shop on ground noor; one or the nnest on the Pacific coa.t; location most desirable; nalatlal baths: everything ud 4o date. This proposition clears big money a I will bear most searching Investlgatl particulars address P. O. h This proposition clears big money and Kill. box 66. Oakland. Cal. Y Msu7 lbx FOR EXCHANGE. m. nr .kln.. e,i. ,.,-h r,..r o I leap, to ciu-h an Niate. v.ari Annemon, Victoria hotel, Omaha. Neb. Z-M571 8x FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Own a farm in South Dakota The best land for the least money. ' ANtnun 4.a4 ujsrni. W17 N. Y. L. b.dg. Ri-M; 7 FINK bCILDINO IXiT FOR SALil. 1760.00. South front on Burt St.. Just west of 24th tit. Lot Is on grade, a Una location. GEORGE ft COMPANY. 1M1 Farnam St tlK AASI I RANCH and farm landa for sale by the I 11 ion Pacinc rtauroao company. ri. A. McAllaater, land oommlxaloner, Uiilon Pacific headquarters, Omaha, fteri. RE-651 $2.490 New six-room house at I7l5 Leaven worth: modern excel lurnaoe: oorner loi: 7 feet frunt; car line pusses door; $) rssh. balauce easy paymeuta at I per cam. roit sAI.IMlK.iL ESTATE. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO Bargain biiv a Hue, large, modern, 9-room house, large cellar with brick partitions, porcelain bath, nickel plumbing, all complete, and a genuine Bargain . l-trge Miulh front yard with plenty of ohruhbety and trees, hern, drive, near boulevard ajid car line. It will pay you to Investigate this ' Bargain W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE-M87S ACRES - IN BENSON 6 acres, li.oiw.ou. , in acres, . with bearlne; fruit, tl.MW.M. 2( acres, 3,0J.00. BENSON t CA U MICHAEL, 642 Paxton block. RE MS63 I WHY PAY RENT When we will give y-ou on1 of the followintr homes on mommy payments same as rent, by your paying lot) or 2"9 down and lift to 615 per month on balance? Five rooms and stable near Bemls park, 11.200. Four rooms and stable near Twenty-fourth and Ames ave., IToo. Two rooms and stable near Twenty-fourth and Ames ave., IS00. Two houees and lot near 24th and Leaven worth, 11.000. Two rooms and basement, near 24th and Leavenworth, 7(io. Five rooms and stable, CT'th and Lake, 8V). BEMIS, Paxton Rlk. RE-M828 I Bern is Park Lots. WE fire offering several choice lots In Bemls Park for IM'O. $700 and $000 that ure genuine. rarga(ns; call or 'phone us about them. Hastings & Heyden. 610-611 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. R1S-M875 C New Houses. WF7 have new houses that have just been completed In the' north, southwest and west parts of the elry; that are all mod ern; that we can sell for fl.SW, $2,200, $2 600 and $2,800. Call and get full par ticulars. Hastings & Heyden. 510-511 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. . . v RE-M87I 6 FOR EXCHANGE. ,nA ACRES OF TaAND In Buffalo Co., 4fllf Nebraska;. 2oo acrea In cultivation, wv balance in ..pasture and hay, all under fence; 4-room house, barn, gralnery r.nd sheds, well, windmill, cistern and tanks; 10 acres of flne.-alfalfa: 5 miles from railroad town, and rchoolhouse on the land; 8 head of good cattle and lib Dead of nors tenant on place,. but can give posses- slon If wanted. This ts a fine stock farm. Farm land is rolling,'' but no sand. Will trade same for stock pf groceries or hard ware. No professional trading, stock wanted. Price for atp $1,000. Write U 14. care Omaha bee.- a- RE M 879 8 AFINEHQMECHEAP SEVEN rooms,Trnodirn' excopt furnace; ln fine repair: lot'lOxH. Ixjok It over. :'2!9 Locust atreet. 'R: :H. Landeryou. 442 Board of Trade. .' f . RE Mt73 8 NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE IN BENSON Electric light new clean one block from car two lots. . Price, $1,600 00. THIS IS A . BARGAIN. BEN8ON &. t'ARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton block. . RBMR64 $?50.; buys one of the best lots In Bemls Park. R. H Landeryou, . 442 board of Trade, Tel. 2151. RE-M874 k Walking Distance Two Thousand Dollars For quick sale 2602 Pierce St., new, 6 rooms, modern except furnace; well built. A D. Vr- Sholes Co. SNAP. Tel. 49. 722 N. Y. Life. RK 802 6 CHA8. UiMiomcn Pn , E. iviiiiunwuii vv t Btink bldg. RE 549 TIMBER! TIMBER! THE best Investment. Large or small tract. Reference furnished. Write your wants. SIMONS ft REASONER, Ashland, Ore. RB M4o9 N7x Two Special Bargains. The following properties juat listed with us for quick sale: 215 S. 29th ave., half block north of Farnam St., two-story, 8-room house, with hard oil finish furnace, mantel, gas, bath, closet, . wash bowl, cellar, bells, screens, In good repair, within walking distance, renting for $20 per month. Price only $2,400. 2623 Dodge St., 7 rooms, oak finish, furnace, mantel, e'ectrlo light, bath, closet, wash bowl, .laundry, everything tip to date, paved street all paid for, within walking distance. Price tS.m. The owner of these properties leaving the city and wanta to sen. payne, bostwicx m co., wu-a im. i Life bldg.. sole agents. RE M861 I LATEST RETURNS 160 Acres Wood River Valley land, all 60 acres corn. goes with farm If sold soon; good 7 -room house in good repair large utti n lur i. nui n.., iai,a inv- , all nece.Hary outbuildings, $22 per acre it old otilck. Call on or address D. T. Phil- Hps, Kearney, Neb. RE s03 7 TRACKAGE AND BRICK WAREHOUSE. Good slxed, well built brick warehouse with 121 feet trackage on Mo. Pacific at 47th and Dodge, admirably adapted for small coal or building material business; for ; quick sale, $1,200; linpiovemenu worth mors money. Harrison ft Morton, 311-313 IN. Y. Life. RE 864 Full east front lianecom Place lot; new asphalt pavement, slagollthlo walk, sewer, all paid ap in full $1.W. HARRISON ft MORTON. Tl N. Y. Life, Tel. $14. RE-869 i , ALL about North Dakota and where to buy sood landa rh.uDi descriotlve folder ana list sent free:,, reliable representatives wanted. Whitney ft Wheeiock. 13 broad- way, rargo, in. D. hl-mi FREE homes; send 2-cent stamp for map of RoHetiud reservation, giving fun intor mallon. D. W. Forbes, bone.teel, H. l. RE Mt7 FOR SALE Very cheap, 6-roora house with barn, all In good order; nice garden; call ind 1 3o31 burdette st. Kt. MVS IX HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. 1 he O. F. uavia co.. noon so nee oiag. tto-aju FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALLER PROPERTY 9-room modern bnuse aud spl.ndid barn; lot tlxli. Apply owner. FOR gALK TIMBER LAUDS. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR YEL LOW 1'INL! In the Soft Yellow Pine Belt. This limber compares favorably In quality with the White Tine of Wis consin and Michigan. Can all be loagert with big wheels. No fire risk. Complete and reliable Information. Perfect title. LANDS WB CONTROL AND CAN DE LI VKR 1S.0O0 ACRES, average J.UtHI to the quarter sect lun. price I7.0 per A. 10.i ACRES, average 2.( to the quarter section, price fH.flO per A. 9,Xio ACRES, average t,("0 to the quarter section, price Id.tW per A. t,K"0 ACRES, average t.h) to the quarter section, price 9.it0 per A. 14. 'W ACRES, Spruce and Hemlock, aver age l.6iX to the quarter section, price tu no per A. h CERTIFIED FORE8T RESERVE SCRIP In large and small amounts at the market price. Reference furnished. Correspond ence solicited. Adress AMERICAN T1MRER CO.. E. M. Runyan, Mgr., Marquam Hltlg., Port- land.Qre. MW 9x ACCORDION ri.EAtlNfi GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. -6i".2 ACCORDION pleating. cheapest, bent, quiikest. Mra. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglas M74K BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., (ill N Urth st IW7 CHIROPODISTS. DR. ROY, rooms 2-3, 1505 Farnam st CARPENTERS ANIi JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochl.tree, -vtn and t.axe. sts. i,i DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'S, 15th and Harney, will aell you a ticket good for twelve lessons at the re duced pi ice of $4 for ladlea and for gentlemen for the new class of beginners, commencing on Tuesday and Friday. No vnmber it and (, tl I p. in. Assemblies every Wednesday at p. m. Admlasloii, wc. . 410 JN.l MR. AND Mrs. Morftnd's 15th and Harney adults Tiienduv j.nd Ktldn-. k n til nu. semblies, Wednesday; children. Saturday. 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. ; all dances tuiight rapidly; private lessona our specialty, dally, call ot telephone 1311. MX29 D4 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A2832. 2 DEBOUT Detective agency, 708 N. t. Life Tel. 3M0. 9"2 Nil DRESSMAKING. Announcement A tordlnl Invitation Is extended to every one wishing to Irarn dr8smuklng to call at THE M'DOWELL DRESSMAK ING SCHOOL, 13oS Farnam street, by November 16. Mrs. M. E. Morrison, Mgr M870 BX KEISTER'S College, 1705 Cuming. Suits to . order, night class, aton. ft Tliurs. 1 to 8 3J, 509 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 309 N. 23d. , M449 ltfx STANDARD Garment Cutting College, rat Farnam. - m .s EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. a. R. RATHBUN, room 15, Coral Nat l bank. " Private lessons In tookkeepiitg, etc. ml F.Dt CATION A I I'RIVATE LESSONS In French, German and sciences. Hox 4W Mvia x FOR RENT FARMS. A LARGE and well Improved fayn In Stanton county for rent; 640 acrea with llc.OOO worth or improvements. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor bee building. MT07 FIR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 S. 13th 701 FLORISTS. HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 572 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam St --D.J FOl'KD. FOUND-Watch fob. W. W. Bingham, 811 . inn st. rouim iiod D4 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans .cesspools and vaults, removes garbug and ucau animais at reuucea prices. . in. ism. Tel. lav. oj GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee bldg. Tel. 2T.35. bbi HORSES WINTERED. HORSES wintered. 43d and Center. TeL Hlack-uzs. 840 Z9x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN ft PRICE, 410 1st Nut. ilk. bldg. sua NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y I. ire bldg., attorneys and collectors every where, . . wn LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th ft Howard. 067 LOCKSMITH. C. R. HEFLIN, $09 N. 16th St. Tel. 1974. M-554 LOST. WHITE fox terrier dog. with black mark ing on head; my name on collar; last soon on lower Douglas at.; under wIL ue re warded. N. P. Dodge, jr., igi4 Flimum. Lost M 191 I)BT A small red i.ccker spaniel: re ward. 117 S. 39th at. Lu.t-324 fix LOST Watch charm, monogram one side a. H. K. ; other aide .even small diamond. Return to S. B. Richmond, li9 Bee bldg and get reward. Lost 852 6x I)8T Music roll. Please return to H. D. Rhoades, 1216 Farnam st. Lost too 7x LOST Black silk watch fob with silver charm; return to bee office and receive reward. Lost 649 kx LOST Gold dragon pin with pearl setting; return to oee unice lor ivwaru. Lost Ms kx MEDICAL. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maxwell, M. D.. Graduate of bellevua Hospital Medical Col lege of New York City. 524-4 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Private Reception Room fur ladiea. LIQUOR HABIT cured In three days. Pay when cured. No hvpodermie. Write for t-lrculara. Uatlin Institute. ) p.,l4th. ixiO STAM MERINO AND BTLTTERINU. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge b!1g. MIKIIAK TH08. J. KELLY, voice. Duvlilge bl.n-V .Ti9 LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-N4. ZERKOWBKY. violin. R. 1. Wl'hnell Mk. M 401 N5 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life Bldg. T. VM &tU The Hunt Inflrmiiry, MoCaxue Bldg. T. '2:152. 5t2 Atsen Fnrwcll, Paxton Blk., S04-7. T. l.T5. 6ttf DR. GRACE DEEGAN, R32 N. Y. Life. Tel. W. fl DRS. L.VIRD ft LAIRD, 103 Karbach Blk. M 107 IN JtU PATENTS. ,T. COWGILL No feo unless successful. 318 S. 16th St., Omaha. Tel. 17HS fn ATENTS-Rues Co.. Omnhs. Neh. Il lustrate patent book free. Tel. HITS. M BiU ISIiiX PAW NRHOKERS. AGLE Loan office. Reliable, aecnmmoil.it- Ing; all buslneys contUletitlnl. 13UI Douglas. -5 SHORTHAND AND TYFEWIUTINCi. C. VAN SANT'S s.-hool. 717 N. Y. Life. ... 674 Kit. Business ft Shorthand College. Movd's Theater. 675 SAMTOnll M. OMAHA Florence S.tnntorlum. 'Dione Red 22X4; 1 blk. w. of car line. Clty"'phone, 1192. City bath and mtHK8 parlors, 2121 Luke. 638 N29 DTOHAUK, OM. Van Stor. Co.. 151H4 Farn. Tels. 155SI-RH2 678 TICKET IIROKFR. CUT HATE railroad tickets everywhere. t. 11. fiuiuiii, lino t arnam. l'hune tm. , 677 WANTED TO 1IOHHOW. WANTED To borrow $900 to $1,000 st 7 per cent on goou soutn uinana rental prop erty; security ample. Address T 26. bee. M- POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Foreiun mails fur the week endlnic Novem ber 7. Kiel, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Poslutflce as follows; PAHCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than cloaitig time shown below. f arceis-fost mans lor Germany close at p. m. Monday per f. s. Kronprtns Wll 11m, ana on eonesdii Kill. la B ty per s. a. Rhein tv renien). Regular and supplementary malls closs at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup- piemeiiary Mans tor t.urope una central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station.) Transatlantic. Malls. SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. for IRELAND, per s. s. Etrurla, via yueenstown (mall for other parts of Europe mi'st-be dlrec.eo per k. s. l-.trurta' '); at n a. m. toi QUEZ. per s. s. La Champagne, via Havre (mull for nttivr narta of Europe mjst be directed "pc:' a. La Cham pagne"); at h:30 a. m. for bELOIUM direct, per s. e. Finland (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Finland"); at 8:30 a. rn. for -iTALY-.(llrect, per s. s. Ihn tmall must be tilret ted "per s. s Lahn"); at 9::W a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. j-;thle7.ip imall must be directed "per s. s. Ethiopia"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK ulrect. per s. s. Island (mull must be di rected per . s. Island"). After the 'closing tf the Supplementary transatlantic Malls namwi aoove. aoui- Ifavnl B nnl J44-M n n va 1A a I I SB Cl V Sk Aflgngfl Isfl the nlerc .-.. me American. Ennli.h lltlllal 0ViUilDIICiltrt f Winim a v - "' French and German stenmera.and remain ct en until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. . . Malls for SontU miCd Central America. West Indies. Ete. FRIDAY At 6:30 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Silvia; at lz m. tor Mn Tl AGO, per s. s. Yuniiirl (mall must be itirM.t.,1 "if a n V iitniirf 1. SATURDAY At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA. per s. s. I'reioria; at a. m. ,r.npi.-- . mentnty 9:30 u. ) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, pi r s. s. Maracaibo (mall for Savatillla und Cartagana must be di rected "per s. s. Maraealbo"r". at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. H. Pome, yla San Juan; at 9 a. m. for ARGEN'lINL. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. F.gyptlun Prince; at 9:30 a. m. (supple menlarv 10:30 a m) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. S A VANILLA, CAR TAGENA and GR1TYTOWN, per . s. Valencia (mull for Costa Rica must be di rected "per s.-s. Valencia"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; nt W:!ty m. (supplementary 11:30 a. m.) for 1NAGUA snd IJAITI per . Flan drla. ' Halls Forwarded Overland, Elcn F.x . . eept Transpacific. CUBA Via Florida, close at this offlc dally, except Thursday, at 5;30 a. m. (the connecting malis close here on Wednesdays and Saturdays via Tampa, and on Mondays via Miami). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, cloaes at this ofee daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 1:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. kkwiwkdLaKu-By rail to North Sid- ney, und tlienoe by steamer, close at this office dally at 8:81. u m. (connecting malls close here every Aiuuuay, vveunesuuy unc Saturday.) JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenre by steamer, closes at this office at 6:30 p. m. every Tuesday MitUELON By rail to Boston, and thence bysleamer. closes at thin office dally at BELIe!PUF.RTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA uy run to new urieann. anu thence by steamer, closes at this office dully, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. und 1 11:30 p. ni.; Sundays al 1 p. so. and uer h. s.- n:truria- 1: at. 1: a. 111. 401 1 H'KOPE i7,- l'hll.ideliihla via may be seen, or to tne qru.ir- name, , r o. v So.VhamFpton, 0at,'7 a! m. for FRANCE ' Robinson. iTop.'.als to oe marked Pro b W1TZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR- ' posals for Sjoef Tank ,u,d u1l,?,u TftJAI TI'RKirv i.' 'Tf iJHEKLE. J dressed to iviiiiau. d, r.um MITWH LNDIA andLt.RENZO MAR! Chief Quartermaster. - N4.--7-!7- at a bargain The larje double store iu IJce Iluiltling, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoriug Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only one of its kind in Omaha. I'rt'Hent monthly rental, $175. "Will rent to single 'tenant for f 133 per month. Or will remodel into two stores and rent each store for ?75. Excellent location for men's furnishing store, shoe r.tore, jeweler, milliner, ete. Every tenant of the im mense Bee Uuilding, City Hall, Court House and New York Life Uuilding u possible patron. For further particulars, see AlacCarthy Tailoring Co., 394-306 South I6tb Street. roSTOFFICH NtlTICF.. IU:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes hen Monday at llWo P- " ) COrtTA RICA by rail to New Orleans, am thence by steamer, closes at this ol)W dully, except Sunday, at 130 p. in. ant II1:M p. m ;, Sunday at (1 p. m. ar. 11.30 p m. (connecting mall closes hen ucsiIhvs at JUIO p. m.t ;;ti;Gls4TKKLD ktAIL closes at I p. m previous day, Tr.nip.riHo Malla. HAWAII, "via San Francisco, close hen dally at 6:80 p m. up to November 2. in ciu.lvc, fur despatch per a. s. Aiameoa. HAWAII. JAPAN, ClU-MA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francixco, elosi here daily at :0 p. m. up to NoveitibM t Inclusive, for de.patcn per a. a America Maru. AUSTRALIA t except West). FIJI 1SL AN 1S nnd NEW CALEDONIA, via an. couver and Victoria, b. C, clone hen dully at : p. 111. up to November 7, In clusive, lor uespatcn per s. a. AuranRl. CHINA and JAPAN, via Taconut, cioai here dally- at ti:3u p. m. up to Novemoei flu. luiluslve, for despatch per s. s. Vlo tcria. ClliNA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close hen here dullv at :30 p. m. up to Novemhei U. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Kagi Maru. HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and TIIILIP. PINE ISLANDS, via Han Francisco, dost here dally at p. m. up to Novembni 113. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Corca. NKV ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except WesOl, Nr)W CALEDONIA, FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via S.in Francis. -o. close her dally at 1:30 p. m. up to No vember 114, inclusive, for despatch per a s. Honoma. (if the Cunard Meamer car rying the British mall tor New Zealanr. does not arrive In time to t-onnevt wlih this despatch, extra nulls closl.ig at 6:31 a. in., 9:30 a. 111. and 6 30 p. m. ; Smid.iyi at 4;. a. m., 9 a. m. and tt:3o p. 111. wil, be made tip and forwarded until Hie ar rival of the Cunard steamer). CHINA AND JAPAN, vii Vancouver and Victoria, U. C, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to November 24. Inclusive, fot despatch per fc. s. Empress of China. tMerchandiac for IT. S. postal agency al .Slialighul cannot be forwarded via Cjlii- P?lII.ipPlNE ISLANDS, via 6an Fran cisco, close nere muiy st o.ow p. 111. hi to November 20, liicluilve, for despatch Dcr U. S. transport. TAHITI ami MARQUESAS ISLANDS via San Francisco, close hers dally al 6 :t0 p. m. up to November 2!i. Inclusive, for ('espatch per a. s. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise uuuresaed. Weal Australiu Is forwarded via Enione; and' New Kei.lund and I'lilllpplne lslnnds via Ssn Francisco th n'lleke.t routes. Phil, 'pplnes specially addressed "via Canada or "via Europe'' must Je ftitly preiwld al the foreign rates. Hawaii Is . lorwarded via S.in I'nuiclsco exclusively. Tranepiielflc malls are forwarded to port of Bulling dully and the schedule ol closing I. arranged on ihe presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes at 6 p. m. pro- VCORNELIT-B VAN POTT. Postmaster PostofflcerNcw York, N. V.. October 80. 19m. LBHAL NOTICE. NOTICE. - Sealed bids will be received at the office of -Scc-etarv nt Slate up until 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, November 13. 1903. for belt ing nnd puliies for hoc at the penitent, ary 1 as tier pemlred statement found in the office of Secreiary of State. The board reserves the right to elect any and all bida. GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary ot Board. Nld Mt GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Neb., October wj. i". i proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual 1 conditions, will be received here until 12 1 n.nir:ii HtMnilrit tlniH November 31. 1908 for construction of a steel tank with heater room, and Installing a new pump In pump hctise at Fort Vtohinson, Nebraska. Full Information furn shod on application to this office, where plan Hid sntclilcutlunH NIGHT SCHOOLS ARE CROWDED Attendance So Large Pearse Say May .Add Another Teacher to List. Superintendent of Instruction Pearse said that he would consider the advisability of attHns- a fourth teacher ut the two nlirht schoola now open owing to an unusually p lurge attendance. In connection with the right schools, the superintendent sold it 1 not unlikely that the questljn of opening one or more build ings tor the purpose may be brought up at the next meeting of the board. Pro viding one additional school Is opened. It should be In the Farnam school building, at Twenty-ninth avenue, according to the superln,tendent, and It two, they should he hi tho Mason or the Webster or Franklin schools. Boy Cared ol. Cro.p tn Fifteen Mlnotes. , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy etired our little1 4-year-old boy of croup In, fifteen minute. My wife and I huve used, this remedy In our family for the past five year, having iried r.mny other kind pre vious to that time, i.nd can say that wo consider It far superior to any other. We are never without It ln our home. Frank Ilellyer, Ipava, 111. Hot ttprlnga, Ark. On and after Sunday, November S, the Iron Mounfuln Route will inaugurate Its solid through fast train service lie t ween St. Louis. Mo., and Hot. Springs, Ark., ' via Benton. Train to ie known as No. 17, will leave St. Louis at 6:20 p. in., arriving t Hot Springs H a. m. Returning, train No. 13 will leave Hot Spring 7:30 pi.m., arrive 8L Iiuls 7:36 a. m. For urtlier Informa tion address Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, und Ticket Agent, 8. K. corner 14lh and Doug Uts st.. Omaha, Neb., or H. C. Townsend, Gen. Puss, and Ticket Agent. St. Lculs, Ma Returns to Panama. A8HKVILLK. N. C, Nov.. fc.-Hon. H. A. Godder, coiihuI general to Punama, who has been spending the summer and fall months ut Ids home tn A.hvllle, left today for New York, where he will lake a bout for Fa nama. rent 4 aiiiir .a 1 sievuuue si w. os-s t. in. aim su s.x. Mi24 m ,