Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Erery man
'j Has th equipment
For determining
I Th value
Of th food -Upon
hi ' '
Tabl. '
Man ! never
At th mercy
Of th chemist ,
Fault or favor, '
For hi private
up by th providential
Wisdom of ".,"'
The man' Creator '''
Find and fixe w ..
All food value. , '
If he eat -.''
The hy Welsh rareWtt -Or
the underrip ; .!..' '
Doe he learn hi '
Indiscretion ' - .
From lomt goggle-eyed'''. ' '
Profeeor '.'
From ome smell? f
Dean of tet tubeaT '.
If he aurfelt : "
On green pearhe
Or a multitude
Of lobster,
oe he need
The erudition '.
Of soma outsit) wiseacre.
To Inform him :i' .'. ' "
Of the acher " v
In th bosom, , ,. , .
Of hi bosom? '
"Nay Pauline!"
II understand It
And In tone
Talk a boot "Them ther dam .peaches
That I et laat night ter upper,"
Till th fact; i .
Scents' Vrell astsbllshed '
That the man know . ; '
Just what all him.
8j the. poorest,: .'' j .
A the richest, " .
Test hi food ' -
And know it value.
That I why
Our modern oereaj,
(Of purest whole wheat)
Meet with universal - '
IiJependent Owntr of Anthracitg Mln
Bajt Bilroadi Discnmiotta,
Allege that Roads Have Divided Taa-
' Bag an Befase to Deal Fairly
with Those Not la
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. A complaint we
filed with the Interstate Commerce com
mission today by Edward J. Aden of Bos
ton, Mass., against a number of anthracite
coal carrying road, alleging that their
rate for transportation of anthracite coal
Hit carloads from the anthracite region In
Pennsylvania to New York, New England,
Maryland and the District of Columbia are
unreasonable, unjust and discriminative
agalns th Independent coal producer.
The defendant named are the Philadel
phia A Reading, Lehigh Valley, Delaware,.
Lackawanna ds Western, Central of New
I Jersey, New York, Susquehanna tc West-
terh. Erie, New York, Ontario tt Western,
Delaware -A Hudson, Pennsylvania, ItalU-
F mora'-AY Ohio, Boston & Maine and Bostob
ft Alhany. The complaint alleges that the
first six road named have by agreement
and combination divided th gross tonnage
from the anthracite fields to tide-water
substantially In the following proportion)
I Lehlsrh. J2 88 cer cent: Central of New
I Jersey, 17.12 per cent; Lackawanna, 19.62 per
cent; Erie, tM per cent; New York, Bui
rquehanna Western, 4.88 per cent, and Read
ing, 29.96 per cent. It I alleged that the In
dependent producer and dealer who re-
I fused to sell the product of their mines to
the coal mining companies whose capital Is
"D'Arey of the Gaarda" at the Boyd.
A comedy In four acts by Louis Evan
Bhlnman. Produced for the first time In
Omaha Tuesday night at the Boyd by
a company or players neaaea oy nenry
Miller and Mnrrsret AnKlln. The cast:
Major John D'Arcy. of the Grenadier
uusrds, on the etan or jora iorn
wsllls Henry Miller
Officers of Grenadier Guards .
Colonel Jennlson Morton neiten
Major Dalrymple Walter Hitchcock
Captain Dacler Herbert Sears
Captain Kelter Harold Wilson
Captain Farqunr Walter Bmlth
Cnrrtntn Da Oourcev ....Bertram Harrison
Captain Gregory, surgeon of the Grena
dier Guarda Walter Allen
Sergeant Tripp, of th Grenadier Guards
Fred Daniels
Heeslan Officers .
CaDtaln Mllhausen , rransiyn jnnr
r.ntoin Ttaah Doualas Paterson
Captain Henry Townshend, of the Phlla-
arlpnia I'ragoons, on ma nau vi
General Washington ..................
Charles F. Gotthold
Samuel Davis, of th Society of Friends
worge o. innerugo
Bambo, servant , of the Townshenas
Ralph Iewls
Mrs. Townshend. .Mrs. Kate Pattlson-Belten
Pamela Townsnena, ner muimw..,.,,
Cynthia Deane! her niece. .Miss Clair kulfl
In "D'Arcy of the Guards" the author
haa not given the theater going publlq a
play that will set their tongue a-wagglng,
neither Is It likely to cause them to flock
to th theater In any great number,
but In the hands of Mr. Mllref, Miss Anglin
and the competent i company with which
they hav urrounded themselves It does
furnish 1 a pleasant evening entertain
ment. It la one of those military plays
1th a Revolutionary background, and with
British' red coats and continental a
leading figures one of the kind not un
familiar to the regular play house at
tendant. There are no especially trong
dramatla situation In It, neither la the
owned by th roads named have been di- coraeiy broad enough to convulse on with
j i V Favor,
'Ha who eat It ' '
In the morning , i -.,..
Find hi dally labor lightened!
' He who eat It ' ; ,
At the noontime - ' -Is
sustained until ' i
': The sunset: ' 4
V H who eat It
At retlrlnr '
., Lies him down ';. ,,
To dreamless .
t... . ,
. t . ' .-.( . - .
For th chemist '
Natura stationed ' " '
.,. In, the bosom ( ' ,'.'' '
' Of th bosom t
Of the human
"' "Laboratory " " ' '
, -Find In READY BITS ' i:
The virtue M- '
That" upbuild"'1'' .,' --
i Th blood and tlssaa '
With tha wheat fleaa
wunioiui,- ;''r . .
ir. Drawn from earth and air '. V":
And eloudland. ' '
criminated against to at least 6 per cent of
th free on board price of anthracite coal
I at tidewater.
. , Beaabllraa Canons to Meet.,
The republican caucus for the nomination
I of speaker and other officers of the house
of representatives for the Fifty-eighth con
gress will be held Saturday afternoon,
November 7.
Flad New Coaaterfelt,
The secret service ha announced th dla-
covery of a new counterfeit 15 silver cer
tificate, series of 1899, check letter A, plat
number 181, Lyon register, Robert trea.
urer. The most noticeable defect In this
counterfeit Is the coarse, blotchy appear-
Ianc of th Indian head. Th paper Is of
good quality, with red Ink lines to Imitate
I th silk thread of th genuine.
Babeale Plasjn at Bio.
Consul General Seeger at Rio cabled ths
I Stats department today that th bubonic
plague ha Increased, and that vessels from
Rio for other Braslllan ports are required
to be disinfected.
Marrlace Lleeaaes.
August O. Llesche, Millard, Neb
Maud Adams, Omaha
George B. Bcheller, South Omaha....
Mary iumy, soum umana .
William F. Rockford, Florenoe, Neb.
Mabel J. Hooker. South Bend, Neb...
, 2)
. n
, 14
. 19
Old and
: .New: Way
Mlsd Delia McDermott left Sunday even
ing on a-visit to Chicago.
. I. O. Trauerman dt Co. of Bloux City, la.,
inlmt rhaxloa W Hvatt of Nebraska is
the title of a case filed In the United States
circuit court. -Suit is brought on a note
for 14.8S0 and cosu of suit.
W. M. . Wllliai.i. clerk in the office of the
western division of the rural free mail
service, has left for Denver, where h en
ters th office of the Dostornoe inspector s
department. ' He win n sucoeeaea m
' clrk frowt
of biu sucoessor
laughter, but there are enough pretty pic
tures sufficiently diversified , to interest. and
amuse tha auditor, . .
It might properly be called & play of
scene, for wmie- mere is a aiory ioiu, il
ls not so well connected but what one finds
plenty of. time to forget -It In their -admiration
of some pretty picture guch ns
for Instance th roystering scene of . the
British officers In act II., wheee a dosen of
them, dressed In their bright red uni
forms, surround a table drinking, smok
ing and singing popular songs of the time,
principal of which was one by no means
forgotten by the present generation, "Sally
In Our Alley." And, by the way. It might
not be out of plaoe to make mention oi
the fact that Mr. Miller In leading the
song display a rich tenor volca of som
musical quality. '
Then ther ar frequent little love scenes
between Miss Anglin and Mr.' Miliar that
would be pleasant to look at, even though
they had little connection with tha comedy.
Summed up as a whole the play is reany
beneath player of Mr. Millelt and Miss
Anglln's caliber attention. Mr. Miller Is a
romantlo actor and one of' recognised
merit, for his portrayal of the part of the
elder Brabaion in "Bowing of the Wind"
made an Impression that will take many
years to' efface;' but there Is little oppor-i
tunlty In "D'ArtV of the Guards" for a dis
play of ability along this line, wnai no
character of Jack D'ArcV Is given, to do
bv the author of the piece la of course ex
ceptionally well handled by Mr.-' Miller,
but It Is really so trivial- inai m names oi
a half dosen actors of much lesser Import
ance or ability than Mr. Miller might be
mentioned who could do the part quit a
well' all of which I to' say that It does not
' - A . .m . V, 1 1 1 a
Minir. iieh a ffrea. amount w ui..i- .
tlyomal tb Latest Scientific Dlscov-
'" cry lor the Cura of Catarrh.
The discovery 'ot, tiyomel 'haa wrought
a wonderful changa iu. the treatment of
Catarrh. '
. Prior to throe yoara ago th medicine
lordlnarlly employed la th cur of , this
:dlaease were nauseating drug and worth
ies' ton lea. In some Instance they bene
fited, but the Improvement was not ' last-
:, With Hyotnefyo tak Into th air, pas
sages of th throat and head a balsamlo
Jr that goes to tha minutest pells, effectu
' ally killing all germ and microbes of ca
, tari-h. It anUrs tha tilood with the oxygen,
killing the germ In th blood, and restores
health to the whole system. Many aston
ishing .testimonials ..hav been received
Xrom those who hav been cured by Jly
mof , t. .,. , r ,,! . . '".
.. A complete outfit cost but $1.00, and In
; tlude an Inhale. dyopper. and sufflcjeh
JrllxaratA tor several week treatment.
; . Perhapa th strongest evidence that can
be given to doubters, 1 th fact that Sher
taan & McConneil hav so muoh faith In
llyomel that they sell every package under
a positlv guarantee to refund th money
If it doe not' cur. -1 .
; Now 1 th time to begin th use of
llyofnel, , ,-t . .
! Quaker Maid Rye
Best Whiskey mad
la ''Onaker Msld." ,
K renr body drinks
. It Kverrwner.
You caa get
ita nnrtraval
i. tnr Miss AngllnV Omaha" people "hav
He will be succeeded here by I rra.nn to remembetf her for'her splettn
which was given at the Boyd two years'
ago by Frohman's Empire stock company.
in.. n i stronir emouonai aciresa.
and ther 1 hut on1 short scene In the
tiiira nlav that gives hef an opportunity
to display her talent along mis line, ii
comes In th econd act and Just last
long enough to mak the pectator wish
they might see her In a play written for
an actress of h,r type. ,
The theater was well flliea. dut ny . no
rrowded. There were a number or
box Dartles.. and a a whole th audience
was a representative one,
Asked to Jot a National AUIaae to
Amicably Suppress Trouble
"" with Labor. '
Senator Dletrioh I In th city,
Wash., Is an Omaha visitor and is quartered
at tha ner urana.
United States Senator F.'IB.' Warren is in
tha city from hi home'in Cheyenne; Wyo.,
on Ala way eaai to waaningion 10 aiiena
the special session of congress.
Colonel W. R. McLaughlin of Beatrice, i
member of Governor i Mickey's military
staff. Is in th city, a guest at th Iier
D. W. Aid rid (te, general agent for'th
Northwetirn at , Denver, - has been" ap
pointed general agent for tha same com
lth heoLdouartera In New York city.
and David H. Hoops, general agent at Chi
cago, 1 to be transferred to th Denver
position. ...
Kate from Army Ueadaaartera
Maine W. j. Turner. U. S. A., retired. wa
a visitor at army neaanunriura.
l.iiitr,iint Colonel J. A. Hull. Judg ad
vocate. DeDartment or in Aiissouri. nas
returned frum Fort Riley.
Ueutscsnt colonel u. . ttrusn, cniei in
spector. Department oi tne Missouri, ao-
narts lor jenenon v.i miu dv. lmuw,
rantaln John G. Workeiaer. commissary
of the Second United States Infantry of
Fort D. A. Ruasell. was a visitor at head-
A board of survey, consisting of Colonel
t R dlrnrd. Ma lor J. J. Muhlenberg and
Captain W. K. uonon, an or. me unueu
States army, has been convened to fix the
The .Omaha Builders' exchange Is in re
ceipt - of a communication- irom.
Craig, secretary of the Building Con
tractors' council of Chicago, unaer aaie or
October 24, calling attention to the pro
posed organtiatlon of a national builder
and contractors" association. The letter
states th purpose of the new organlra.
tion and ask th co-operation or in
Burlington Official" Go West and Prardent
EarrU Declare! it it All in Fun.
i -
rhalrmsa Rosvtell Miller of Milwau
kee Accredited with gtatement
, that Road Will Balld
rarlfle Coast.
Executive officials-of the Chicago Hurlng-
ton & Qulncy spent four hours In the city
yesterday on their way west over the road
on an annual Inspection tour. In the party
were Proaident Oeorge B. Harris, First
Vive President Darin' Miller of Chicago,
former president ' and '"Chairman of the
board of director C hi. Perkins of Burling
ton, Jame N. 11 111. directory son of Jams
J. Hill, and J. F. Harris, aenolr member of
the firm of . Harris, i Gate ft Co.
of New York City, who is a brother of th
president The party was Joined here by
General Manager George W, Holdrege and
General Counsel Char lea F. Manderson.
They occupied a .special train composed
of Mr. . Ferklna'. , private car, "100," Mr.
Harris' car. "90,'.' My. Miller's car, "SI," and
Mr. Holdrege's car, '188.". The train arrived
In the city at t o'clock and left for Kansas
at 1 o'clock. . ... . . . t
"This is Just our annual tour of Inspection
of tha road and the trip ,has no special
significance whatever,", said President Har
ris. "Mr. Perkins owns' a large farm In
Kansas, which he lias, stocked with quail,
and he make a visit to It one every year.
The directors usually try to arrange to
make their trip about the same time, and
we spend from ten days to two weeks In
dulging In this sport..
"W left Chicago, last Monday snd the
following day was .spent at Burlington,
where we- met Mr. Perkins. The entire
trip wll) consume almost two weeks, and
ther Is nothing .but pleasure connected
with It , The board of directors has not
taken any action yet in regard to a suc
cessor to Second Vice President Howard
Elliott, .who recently , became president of
the Northern Paclfle, and I do not think It
will make atjy change for some time to
coma . ..
"There Is nothlng l can say that will In
terest . th public, for it is to busy now
tussling with the election returns. Sev
eral improvement of a minor nature are
under advisement in this territory."
uunng tne. tkne the party was In the
city it visited otily at the Buf-llngton head
quarter, being closeted hntll almost tlm
for th train to leave.
. Milwaukee to the Const.
Roswell MHlor, ohalrman of tha board of
director of the Milwaukee, la credited
with th assertion that construction work
on th proposed extension of the Milwaukee
to th Pacific, coast will begin within two
year. An Increase of a little over $26,000,
000 In the capital stack of the company
was made about one .year ago, and It 1
thought that It Is for this purpose. The
issue of this additional stock has not yet
taken ' -place,' ' and'' this .Is caused by- the
traffic agreement' the road
mak with th Union. Paciflo and th
Southern Paciflp, whlci placed it upon an
equality with the Northwestern from Chi
cago west. That arrangement rave it
through service, jboth nassenirer and
freight, to Califonu,and Northern Paciflo
points, but It ha noticonte no. to tha full
expectation qf th;MiVwauk.;.
Great WeteB's ftW fetation. .
vTh Chicago' GreaV'jesterp wll build a
station and office bunding, at Clarion. Ia.,
... a. -cent or ii3,oro, and thin fact haa .ma
a. i . a. Lm AU'n. J
wo peopie or jrprt JnVidge jealous. They
ir.r mat me neauquoxrs of a new dlvl
sion are to be., established. at. that point
upon the building at the nroooaad ertennlnn
to Sibux Cif,y, The For Dodge, people be
lieve that their -city la (he logical point, but
concede that Clarion i,.at the-parting of
the line between. St. Paul -and Omaha and
Chicago and Omaha, ... Some advantairea
Would be derived on .account of the fact
that thla 'ls the division point, but they
contend that .if the Slqux City extension
la to run from Fort JDodg or southwest of
mat piace, would offer tha best ad
vantage. A meeting ofr the Westeni Passenaer a
delation,' which has been called at Chicago
November 6, will he attended by a number
of th local railroad official. Amoae the
Important matters to be considered I th
election of an executive. committee for th
ensuing year, the application of party rates
to military Dusiness. the suggested with
drawal of all tariftrquoted .party rate west
Of th Missouri river, . homeaeeker and
colonists rate to the territory in the South
western, raseenger association and also to
point In the southwestern states. Re
duced rates and the manner of making
them now1 In effect will oome up for gen
eral discussion, and n number of reduced
rate will be disposed of.,v
f - "y,ll j
For sal at the lead- A
lag bars, cafe and A
drag store. X
W ft
jitJ Iimu titr. i. , o
k- DMiirtar.' avpliinn in tha matter.
responsibility for the damaged condition of " , th .nriatlon Is
pounds i of potatoes Invoiced to th the general purpose of th association Is
commissary at Fort Crook. to mak Joint trad agreements between
The contract for removing the two frame onunnlls and labor unions, with
buildings from th newly acquired govern- I t n-.v.ntina- strikes or lockout
ment property adjacent to the army quar- a view to preventing w
termaater and oommlsaary depot ha been I and to , settle all disputes by arbitration.
awarded to Peter boaerberg. 'ine contracts j,. nroDoeltlon of ths Chicago association
for building tne new army depot at this I . ' . . .... mnir.ii
Mint will be let November U. contemplates tan
The war arpariment ia mucn in want o(
i velnrtnary surgeons ror tne i'muppiuea
Three of them are wanted badly just now.
A salary of 1100 per -month is offered, with
exDenses to and from Manila, the pay dat
ing from the day the veterinarians start
for tha Philippines. Tha contracts are
for three years. Further Information may
be had by addressing or Inquiry at the
office of th chief quartermaster. Captain
W. E. Horton, Department of the Mis
souri, Omaha.
Major Oeneral J. C. Bate, commander,
accompanied by Major IS. J. McClernand,
ueparimem or tne jaisaouri.
Hock Island for Des Motnea
to Inspect the new post there. Ueneral
Bates will proceed from there to Chicago
Chart Le Than All Otbar
Treat al tarsat at
A Medical El port '
M Years essnrtsoes
It Years la (Hash
Near M.000 Cs-' Cared
Vutoeaels. Irlrmk Mooi PsUan. Sulnsin,
OlMt, h DMllir. Us at BtrMia a4 Vlut
II ji ul all turaM at tkroui. winl t v!.. .
Tmiinl t,i pulL C:l or vru. ana. W
oas ow ti a iu at
V La A nl M&rrleii n,e kZj tiiu iulcnaiufl
Suijui Sa bri stl Wat wr fMMmT Si.Wi
kUnrmaa A MoCunaaU Drug Co., Omaha.
and Major Mcciernana win return to
Omaha. Captain W. M. Wright and Lieu
tenant Van Leer Wills, aides-de-camp on
the staff of Major General Bates, departed
fur Chlcaao. Urnerai J. J. uatea win re
turn to Omaha November 20 to turn over
the command of the DeDartment of tha
Missouri to Major Ueneral o. U. Sumner.
How it Was I,! ad 3' and Re-
talned In Omaiia
A good reputation la not easily earned.
and It wu only by hard, consistent work
among our citlaen that Doan's Kidney
Pill won their way to the proud distinction
attained In this locality. The public en
dorsement of score of Omaha residents ha
rendered Invaluable service to th com
munity. Read what thla citlaen says:
Mr. Oeorge McKenxl of 1804 N. 14th
street aaya; "My back ached and symp
tom of some disturbance of th kidney se
cretion oaistsd. Procuring Down's Kidney
Pills at Kuhn A Co-'s drug store, corner
16th and Dougiaa streets, I took a course
of the treatment. - A dose or two rellsved
me and finally the annoyance ceased. Whea
Doan's Kidney Pills helped a man of my
age they certainly can be depended upon to
brpig speedy assistance to those more sus
ceytlbl to the action of medicine.''
' Sold for 50 cents per box by all dealers.
Foster-Milbure Co.. Buffalo. N. T., sole
sgents for th United States.
He member th name, Doau'a, and take no
and builder from various places. Including
Omaha, at Chicago, December 10.,
; Secretary John II. Tale OI in umana
nuildera' exchange,- whe.O asked in refer
ence to what action the Omaha exchange
would take in th matter, said:
"W can do nothing yet until th regular
meeting of th board of director of the
nmaha exchange, next Tueeaay.
Inasmuch a Omaha has had Its share
of trtke and labor disputes, the one last
spring tremendously obstructing building
In th city, it is believed that all It bulld-
ara will favor this amicauie proposition,
.hih m said to involve Jio lemenU
offensive to labor. '
i A Death Blow ta Malaria,
Electric Bitter km and expel malaria
disease germ, will prevani lypnoia anu
our fever and ague, or no pay. Only Wa
For sal by Kuhn tt Co.
Major Earoat Irons Philippines Wll)
Ba Ueonty (tssrtersuuMr Uen
eral of This Departaaeat.
Major Moses 3. Zailnskl, quartermaster
United State army, now anrout home
ward from the Philippine, haa been ordered
to report to headquarter. Department of
th Missouri, a deputy quartermaster
general. It la not known Just when ha will
arrive. There la alao a probability that
Colonel Charle A. H- McCauley, -quartermaster,
also now In the Philippines, may
be appointed chief quartermaster of the
Department of the Missouri upon hi arrival
from Manila. Major W- H. Miller, quarter
master, had been designed as chief quarter
master of this department, but that oder
ha been rescinded. Captain W. K. Horton
acting chief quartermaster, i will continue
In that capacity until' some' definite appoint
ment has been made. Should Major
Zailnskl reach th United State within
a few week-he will probably ask for leave
of absence for three months and that would
natural continue Captain Horton a chief
quartermaster' for several months at all
event. '"
Needlework Guild Member Ar Basy
. Getting; Contributions to Dis
tribute for Charity.
Tb annual collection of garment by th
local .branch Needlework Guild of America
Is,-. In progress ' in - th" Sunday school
rootna' of the- First Presbyterian, church
tha distribution' to be made today. All
the garmonta ar new, the contribution of
two new article constituting th member
ship" fee." " Last year about 2,000. garment
were contributed, and ' this year' collec
tion promise to equal if not exceed that
number. Tb annual ' business meeting
ana election or omcers win tax place, at
11 o'clock today, and between 1 ana i
o'clock a reception will be held at the
church, that all Interested in the work
may see what I being done. Tha clothing
will be distributed various char
itable Institutions of Omaha. ...
' 5 j :
ll 's
Life 6ut of doors and out of the frames which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comea the
greater part of that healthful development which ia so essential to their
happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the "remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its '
component part are known to be wholesome and the remedy Itself free from -every
objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents,
well-informed," approve and recommend and "which the little ones enjoy,
becaudy of Its pleasant flavor, it gentle action and ita beneficial effect, U
Syrup of Fipf and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Figs U the only remedy which acta gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanse the
system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which result
from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against
which the children should be so carefully guarded. If yon would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give
them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needa '
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and
gentle Syrup of Fig.
Its quality i due riot only to the excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrnf and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and. a you vaUi the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
er sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may b
bought anywhere of all reliable druggist at fifty cent per bottle. Pleaaa
to remember, the full name of the Company
CALIFORNIA FIG SYR. VP CO.-ia printed on
the front of every pack
age. In order to get its
beneficial effects it is al
ways necessary to buy
A' '
1 r-.-J . . " I a- .J
S1X?Ky' the front of every pack- ' - -Jj ;.' , '
SW"'k feV'vrV beficial0effectsif U al! ' 0 vxO$?-..
&S.- HIV? V way. necessary to bu, fVX
' ' ' j ; ..
? w ' . n Lif!iiJL'
U 7-' 1 i
VV Tt, U,W, H
If A; t it 'I,
1 Hi 1
homc if ti eosneeoLiTSM ni wmtiitm Binrunv moms, mvixaTen. nw o
The CosmopQiita Magazine
Forceful Original Unafraid In all, Entertaining
Sfhd Cosmopolitan occupies position dtetmctty its1 own: SO short
- - stories, and one or more, complete novels appear r ;
! i in lis fjuyva vukii yvur
i,r. !
Vhik giving great ttcrition to fiction utti entertainment, it fiat a dtfinile pita bt,ond.
It may be likened to a great modern university -with a trillion and a half Vudent :eaden
msv h ! 1 nr ia a o-rear moaera tiiii vermiiv witn a iLauoaina a nau I'uacui mucra n vw iwum vuiwam wut
is most important in the scientific field, what is most interesting in invention and discovery, what is most entertaining In travel
and adventure, what is most valuable in the world of business. . . ... ..
And especially in woman's field is it Indispensable. The most careful selection ft made to tecurc the real thinker of tha
world as contributors to it department of household organization and womanly education and progress. - ' '
A portion of each number is edited with reference to the woman of the world, another to the woman of the home, another
to interest youth, and still another for the man of affairs, covering equally the clerk Just starting in life and the captain of Industry.
H. G. Wells' temi-tchntifio tiory of advtniur and iht marrelout
, will b begun in 1h November . issue of The Cosmopolitan ' ' ""
Edited bv John Bri&ben Valker On All MWfUmnde. Price, 10 cents
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