Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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if: , .
, V- y
Lien's S5 and G6
Riding Boots and
I Booteos
; iootdes' are Congress Shoes
7 With high' top on Just like a
looot made by the Mound
City Co. go at .
Den's High Cuf
v ; Hunting Shoos
Seal leather made for
h untmrmeh, for. tele
jgraph line men, for
j packing house men,
(for stock mcn-- ..-
Wr& cor.3
"Indian Bnreau Will JJiijuMt IoTeitlgatioa
Second A..!.tnt P.ilm.itrr 0aral
MiUin Report on the Operation
' ; of Hie one (or iMt Year, ,
Ihowlaf Expendltorea.
WA8HlNaTON. Nov. 1 The commU
loner of Indian affairs today received the
following- telegram . from Indian Agent
Breiuian, who .li at. Newcastle, Wyo. : .
Report of Indian trouble here txg
raled. From beet Information at hand
thirty-five mllea north of Iuk a fight oc
cur red between ofttoera and irant twenty
1 sTdlans, anrne of thrnn from Fino Ridge
yvn Indiana, Including one aquaw, were
.ieJ; alao ehcrirt and one deputy. About
lira Indian, fumlllea under arrent here, will
i start them for agency tomorrow. In my
J opinion a mlntake wa made In precipitating
I ttie tight. ' Would recommend that United
1 Utaie attorney of thla district be directed
i to act on behair or department, matt a
thorough Investigation. Am amured by
! officer of thia oounly that no further
trouble wtlj occur.
The Indian office gympathUea with the
view i that the whites were the aggreaaora
' and wll recommend to Secretary Hitchcock
that he aak .the attorney general to, have
the affair luvesllatMl.
(Work ( Transporting; Malta.
W. 9- gkallenborger, aecond asatatant
. postmaster general, today submitted his
! annual report to the postmaater general. It
shows that the annual expenditure for all
classes of mall transportation service In
this country Is 163,684,141. and that the rate
of cost per mils traveled la There are
1.40" lines f 'traveling postofflces, railroad,
i steamboat and elect rio cars, covering 189,298
miles In length, with 10,665 employes. It is
estimated that 'the railway postal clerks
i handled during the year 15,999,802.(30 pieces
of mall matter, evcluslve of registered mat
ter, and l.JST.sJl errors were reported In
the distribution, a ratio of 1 to 11,630 correct
1 distributions.
During the yesr there were 171 casualties
to mall cars. In which eighteen clerks and
four other employes were killed and seventy-eight
clerks seriously and S9S slightly
Injured. ' '
' There were 409.T7S.97t pounds of paid seo
I end-class matter received from publishers
I and S8,306,SX4 founds carried within the
' tounty of publlctalo." free of charge, mak
ing an aggregate of S?1.9a tons.
( The department Is considering the ques
BARGAIN j) ft(Th
SQUARE ajy)j
All of thia can be avoided,
however, by the use of Mother'! Friend before baby comes, as this
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it; and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all ths
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from th
use of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all
Vruggista at f t.ooper '
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
thia liniment, will be sent free.
. .. ....
Wc want to call your attention to the facts of (his sale. The Evans Store carried some of tho. finest and best
shoes made in America. If wo were to advertise all the makers' names it would create a sensation. This holds good
for the Women's Fino Shoes just as well as it docs for the Men's Shoes. Tho Mound City Boot and Shoo Company of
St. Louis made the finest Hunting and Sporting Boots in Anierica. And yet in spite of the excellence of these Boots
and Shoes we throw them all on Bargain Squares.
All the men's
for the Evans
makers in" the
Made to retail at four
Made to retail at five
Made to retail at six
All of them on bargain
This includes patent leathers, patent enamels, colt
skins, vici kids, box calf skins, m every weight of, sole
and upper, ancl in all the newest and most up-to-date lasts.
en's Shoes in the Basement
qjI I Between seven and eight hundred. piira men's
DAB6AIK box calf, vici kid, velour calf and patent leathers,
SQUARE wet soles
tlon of Improved construction of postal 1
cars. Owing; to the large increase In the
postal business congress is asked to pro
vide 960 postal cars. .
Statistics of parcels post business Showed
that this country Is not profiting under the
old arrangement and the maximum weight
limit therefore was reduced to four pounds
six ounces. This government received pos
tage on 77,174 pounds sent to Germany,
while the latter received postage on 400,289
pounds sent here and transported long dis
tances. Mr. Shallenberger says he is Inclined to
thing that the contract system of purchas
ing mall equipment should pa abandoned
and the government manufacture its own
equipment. ' . .. ,
A deficiency approximating fifiO.OOO Is an
ticipated In the expenditures for railroad
transportation for the current year and
SIOO.OOO In wagon mails service.
tnr Honte Carriers Deliver Mall.
The feature of delivering mall into boxes
along the lines of star routes will be ex
tended to the entire system of star route
service on more than 10,000 routes, 'aggre
gating over 149,000 miles In length. All the
new contracts for star routes service, in
stead of calling for transportation of mall
pouches between poetofnees, requires the
delivery of mail Into the boxes or of private
mall bags or to mall cranes along Xhs
routes for all persons residing upon or near
the routes who choose to erect boxes or
cranes and reouest that their mall be so
delivered, and also the carrying of private
mall bags from Cranes to the poitoffloe.
The old contracts did not obligate the car
rier to thus deliver and collect malt
The rates paid for the aervlco under the
contracts this year average an Increase of
75 per cent over last year. Attention Is
called to a recommendation of the general
I superintendent of the railway mall service
1 to provide some plan whereby clerks of ths
j railway mall service permanently Injured
in line of duty or worn out by long and
raltful service msy retire on annuity. Mr.
Shallenberger says that if some feasible
plan can be devised for deducting a small
percentage from the salary of every em
ploye of this service, thereby creating a
fund for the retirement of superannuated
and Incapacitate clerks. It would result In
great benefit to tte service,
Kleetlna Flenses President.
President Roosevelt Is greatly pleased
ever the general result of yesterday's elec
tions. Ho Is, of course, disappointed at the
outcome In Greater New York, although
pleased that In the latter state the results
show an improvement over what happened
four years ago and In New York over last
year. The president has sent telegrams ot
congratulation to Senator Hanna and other
Every woman cercta
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore the
lost of heir rirlish form
after marriage. The bearing
of children i often destructive
to the mother's shapeliness.
M r t t .""- -
MWnws sassy
bully Lb$)
i -
fine custom made shoes made
Store by the most famous shoe
United States
dollars J ) I
dollars !
B"-e I I S""1 f
square , at zJ U
leaders In the campaign, and has received
congratulatory messages from Chairman
Dick of Ohio. Chairman Penrose of Penn
sylvania and Senator Lodge of Massa
chusetts over the results In those states.
More Warrants for Ben vera.
The supreme court of the District of Co
lumbia has Issued six, "alias'! bench war
rant for the arrest of George "W. Beavers,
formerly chief of the salary and allowance
division of the Postofrtce department. Ths
action Is based on indictments recently re
turned against Beavers.
Condition of Enocntlon,
The report of the commissioner of educa
cation for the last fiscal year places ths
total number of pupils enrolled In the com
mon schools during the year at 15,926,887, or
over 20 per cent of the entire population.
The average dally attendance for 1W2 was
10,999,27. being 68 per cent of the totsl num.
ber enrolled. This Is the largest average
attendance In tho number enrolled ever re
ported In the United States.
The school term for the first time In the
history of the United States reached 148
days. The average monthly wages of
teachers for 1902 was 149 for males and
about 140 for females. Less than 28 per
cent: of teachers wars males, or 122,393 out
Of a total of 439,69a.
The total number enrolled for the year,
Including public and private, elementary,
secondary and higher elucatlon. was 17,400,
000 pupils, and to this there should be an
addition made for evening schools, state
schools for defectives, orphans and others,
620,840, making a grand total of 18,080,840 in
genera! and special schools.
The average length of time In the north
Atlantic states Is 1,864 days,' and In the
aquth central division C2? days. In 1800 the
average was eighty-two days. The value of
the school property of high schools of the
United States amounts tc nearly 8126.000,000;
that of private schools of the same grade
amounts to about I6S.0O0.OOO. About one-
half Of the private schools ara rrinlrnlM
by religious denominations.
The totsl number of universities, collavea
and technological schools Is 638, of which
131 admit women; only 184 universities and
colleges admit only men to ths Undergrad
uate department, and 830 admit both men
and women. Or the fortv
technology twenty-seven Institutions report
women among their undergraduates.
Considerable Inerenso Is Noted
Marketing of Hogs Darin
Post Week.
CINCINNATI. Nov. l.-ffln.i.i
fram.) The Price Current aays: There It
some Increase in the marketing of hogs, al-
mougn me numoer is largely short of the
liberal movement a year no. Total wm.
ern parking was 386,000. compared with J20,.
000 ths preceding week and 476,000 last year.
Tor tho eight months. March 1 to November
if the preliminary returns and estimates
pomi 10 a total or sbout 12.900.000 hogs
agalnat U.147.OO0 a year no mi .
places compare as follows;
.1,40 06
. 6nO.UK)
. 4-0. Id O
. 2ts.i4
. ! (no
. 167ll
Kaunas Plly ....
PC Inula .,
fit. JOMfph
Imllaua polls
Cedar Hapids ...
1. 257. m0
2 li
? M 0"O
nioux I'Hy
y 27 ii,
i"! i!9(
Ends tienonrho's Tartars.
Lasy livers and siuggtau bowela cause
hvadachus. Pr. King's .New IJfs Pills re
move the cause or uu pay. Only 26c. for
tula by KuLu & C'u
U bo
dollars in
and vici kid
sale at.
Plain kid
qij- In
600 pairs
Tent tip,
weicht soles.'.
Two Delegates to Convention Shot by Man
Who Commits Suicide.
' '' .
Police of London Are nt Loss to
Vnnerstnnd Affair, as They Have
Believed Armenians to Bo
LONDON, Nov. 4. The dramatic murder
of BagounI, president of the Armenian
Revolutionary society in London, on the
nljht ot October 24. was followed this after
noon by the assassination of two more
delegates td the Armenian convention here.
The suicide of the assassin, though he has
not yet been identified, gives good reason to
believe that he also was the slayer of Ba
gounI. . "t
The murders were carried out In the most
daring manner, more bo than was U;e mtf
der of BagounI. They took place In the
early afternoon, close to the Armenian
headquarters at Peckham Rye. The two
victims were shot . down from behind at
close range. The murderer fired twice at a
third member of the group, but missed him,
and then attempted to flee. Seeing that his
escape was cut off, he drew another revol
ver and shot himself with his left hind. It
Is considered a significant fact that this as
sassin of Sagount was also left-handed.
The names of ths murdered Armenians
were A (ram Oregarlan and Slgran Zmlcian.
Their companion, who escaped assassina
tion, was Rouben Orlberllen. It is believed
that the identity of the assassin may re
main unsolved unless he has been pre
viously in the handa of the police, when the
av .
it y
' f., as s rx ft j
iv i-ira itnna u.
m r V M -vajaaj v 1
vagina. It is really decay in the vital organs of womanhood, inis inflammation often dives
women into the direst stages of nervous excitement. At the menstrual period the continual Itching is accompanied by the utmost
agony. The life of the woman who lets this trouble run on as Mrs. Moore did is one of misery. But Mrs. Moore did not
know what medicine to take to cure it. When she had Wine of Cardui brought to her attentioa she took It and continued the
treatment until she was cured. The case was a chronic one and It took presistent effort to bring a permanent cure.
T-vr. i 1 1 ... wnman ,t,r tab-M Wine rf CarduL Mr. Moore tried evervthinff else and continued to
J iUq f,lUC .-fn II Uv JC.L14 VJ UJ lUt we vnini ww w -wj
suffer.' She tried Wine of Cardui and was cured. You
need Know anytning
jbiB uUliU limn
QMS A mm
All the ladies swell shoes for street and dress
wear from the Evans Stock, embracing every
thing that's stylish and up-to-date in footwear
Regular retail price four, five and
enamel patent colt skins
skins -goon
skins and beaded vamps,
paieru jeauiers gu uu baic
Women's Shoes in Basement
fine kid skins, patent leathers, n
BARGAIN I box calf, etc. regular
SQUARE' $2.50 values
ladies' kid skin lace shoes, ; (Q)
lightihd medium' -l X;:, :(TT) (Tl'
yKgy -
scars on his fncs may rendej Meritjflcatlon
easy. '
A member of the Armenian revolutionary
committee ssld tonight to the Associated
Press correspondent: "The murderer Is un
doubtedly an Armenian, but he is not one of
our people. He looks like a man from the
Interior districts."
More Peculiar Clothing.
The costume of the assassin was of a
curious mixture. A new light overcoat and
a pew black derby hat gave him a respjcia
ble exterior,, but his serge suit was ex
tremely ragged and his shoes were much
worn. Ills shirt was shabby, while his
underclothes were new and of fine quality.
In his pocket he carried a cloih cap, appar
ently, that Is said to have been bought by
the slayer of BagounI on the night of the
letter's assassination. ' It was much too
large and its sice had been reduced by sev
eral rough stitches. It Is evident that ths
plan of the assassin In making his es
cape had been to discard his overooat and
the derby hat and to wear the cap, which
would have sven htm the appearance of a
disreputable street loafer, but, his escape
being cut off, he determined to commit sui
cide rather than to submit to -capture.
This series of crimes in a hitherto quiet
suburb has brought terror to the Arme-
nlans, who fear to leave their headquar
j ters except under police protection. The
; police, while believing that the murderer
of BagounI and ths man who killed the
Armenians today are Identical, fear a con-
! ttnuation of the murderous vendetta owing
' to ths apperant ease with which the as
sassin escaped them after the killing of
BagounI. It Indicates, they say. that the
murderer was harbored and given another
set of clothing by accomplices.
A prominent police officer said tonight:
"We . a re utterly in ths dark regarding this
case. Heretofore we have looked upon the
Armenians as an Inoffensive class and have
not coupled them with nihilists or an
archists, with whom we are well ac
"No More Aches and
1 No. 82 Perdido Street.
Niw Oauauas, La., Maoh27, 1903.,
For over nine years I bad been troubled with leuoorrhoea. The discharge was yWWwish at times but after .
ths menstrual period it would become reddish, acrid sad excoriating. This e xhauitad najr system. I was con
tinually tired while my appetite was poor, my digestion very bad and my sleep fltrul and U?mub.
Wins of Cardui was the one remedy which helped me in my distress. I soon found that it relieved the
fsia and imbued me with new strength and after ths use of 22 bottles - -
was well. No mors discharge. No ors achen and pains and h, yn (7 fjtt J
what relief, only those who hare had my eprieacs can appreciate CCMA' CAi-W a"-"
the Talus of such a fins medicine as Wins of Cardui. Vioa-FaaaiDairr, lianas Dos-raae' isacsTBiai Ct.cs.
Docs not this letter convince the most skeptical sufferer that VYJae of Cardui will bring her
health ? -It is difficult to imagine a case where there are more discouraging features than this
before Mrs. Moore began taking Wine of Cardui. Leucorrhoea is n inflammatioa of the
i laorc.
about it. secure a i.w uuiuc hiub
1200 pairs
house slippers,
6 styles . . . . .
secokd floor
six v fr? fr
-J )
! ((
quainted. There Is not a man In Scotland
Yard who is at all familiar with ths Ar
menians lit London. We don't know where
to begin In the work ot unravelling these
well arranged and successfully carried out
Wonld Deport Krlkorlan.
ROBTON. Nov. 4. Vahtran Krlkorlan,
who was .arrested on his arrival here rom
England, as a suspect in connection wun
the murder of Baaouni in London, and who
having been released oh account of a lack
of evidence, was ordered deported by the
immigration authorities on the ground mat
h waa llkelv to become a oublio charge,
has appealed to the authorities at Washing
ton,, Krlkorlan Is now In tl) custody or
the Cunard steamship company and was
scheduled to be taken back to England on
next Saturday's steamer. Friends of ths
Armenian will furnish guarantee against
the latter's becoming a public charge.
Fnllnre of China to IMaanlss Officer
May Cnnao It to Lose .
TOKIO. Nov. 4. Reports say Russia now
threatens to assume sole charge of the gov
ernment of Manchuria unless China
ptomptly dismisses Yuen, the taotai ot
Mukden and decapitates another mandnriri
who recently punished disorderly Chinese
bandits in Russian employ.
This, together with the confirmation of
the reports of ths inoccupation of' Mu'den
by the Russians and ths selsure of Gov
ornnr Tsang, causes Intense feeling hers.
. Agitates Oreyfna Case.
PARIS, Nov. 4. The Presss today says
that War Minister Andre as a result of the
Inquiry which hs has made Into the Drey
fus affair has Informed the cabinet that
In his opinion ths sentence of the Rennas
w - 0
can treat your case successfully In your
v-uu -
3 bargain squares-
boys', misses' and chil
dren's patent leathers
On Second Floor
Ladies' shoes, vici kid
shoes, box calf skating
boots, patent leather
shoes on sale at
On Second Floor
Children's and misses'
school shoes
fl.25, 0.39,
court-martial should be revised. Th war
minister Is also said to haf asked for
the views of his colleagues on the suhject,
but they were unable to come to art agree
ment. .
Worktagmen . of Franco Protest
Against Law a and Denonnoo
floclnllat Leader.'
PARIS, Nov. 4. The difficulties of the
ministry have been further Increased by a
number of worklngmen's meetings held to
protest against the vote In the Chamber of
Deputies continuing the municipal employ
ment agencies, at which a general otrike
was threatened and which broke up with
cries against Premier Combes and M.
JaureS, ths socialist leader.
Work. Reanmed In Spanish Minos.
BILBAO, Spain, Nov. 4. Work was re
sumed today In ths coal mining districts.
Government Powder Maanalno on loan
'Island la Hndaon River
PEEKSKILL N. T.. Nov. 4. fclxteon
men are reported dead and a . number
wounded as a result of a series of explo
slcns today on Iona Island, in the Hudson,
used by the f-ovemment as a store house
for dynamite and powder.
The first explosion- ooourred shortly be
fore 1 o'clock and was followed by others
for more than an hour, the detonations
being heard In this city at 12:80.
A telephone call was sent here for every
physician available and all who could be
found reaponded to ths call. Beyond the
fact that sixteen men were dead and many
wounded no details of the' disaster were
obtainable at 1:30.
mi i
own home and nobody JJ
SWsW -ssjsn-ssjsissfseiinasji.l, - -